# Translation of WordPress.com - Block Patterns in German # This file is distributed under the same license as the WordPress.com - Block Patterns package. msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-25 11:46:02+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n" "Language: de\n" "Project-Id-Version: WordPress.com - Block Patterns\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: msgid " Let us showcase your crafting products through honest and authentic reviews that resonate with our readers." msgstr "Lassen Sie uns Ihre Bastelprodukte durch ehrliche und authentische Bewertungen präsentieren, die bei unseren Lesern Anklang finden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: msgid "Product Reviews:" msgstr "Produktbewertungen:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22: msgid "Gift-giving becomes a truly heartfelt experience when you take the time to create something special with your own two hands. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just a random act of kindness, homemade presents have a unique charm that can't be matched by store-bought items. In this post, we'll explore the art of crafting personalized gifts that are perfect for every occasion." msgstr "Geschenke zu machen wird zu einem wirklich herzlichen Erlebnis, wenn du dir die Zeit nimmst, etwas Besonderes mit deinen eigenen Händen zu kreieren. Egal ob es sich um einen Geburtstag, ein Jubiläum oder einfach eine zufällige nette Geste handelt, selbstgemachte Geschenke haben einen einzigartigen Charme, der von gekauften Artikeln nicht erreicht werden kann. In diesem Beitrag werden wir die Kunst des Anfertigens von personalisierten Geschenken erkunden, die für jede Gelegenheit perfekt sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Our approach is holistic; we view each financial challenge as an opportunity to craft innovative strategies that drive success. Whether you‘re an individual seeking to optimize your tax position or a multinational corporation aiming for streamlined financial operations, Blockstar is your trusted partner in the journey to financial excellence. Embrace the future with clarity and confidence with us by your side." msgstr "Unser Ansatz ist ganzheitlich; wir betrachten jede finanzielle Herausforderung als Chance, innovative Strategien zu entwickeln, die zum Erfolg führen. Egal, ob Sie als Einzelperson Ihre Steuerposition optimieren möchten oder ein multinationales Unternehmen, das eine effiziente Finanzabwicklung anstrebt, Blockstar ist Ihr vertrauenswürdiger Partner auf dem Weg zur finanziellen Exzellenz. Umarmen Sie die Zukunft mit Klarheit und Vertrauen an unserer Seite." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "At Blockstar, we believe that true accounting mastery goes beyond mere numbers. With a rich legacy spanning over three decades, our firm has built its reputation on the principles of integrity, precision, and adaptability. Our team of dedicated professionals works tirelessly to understand the unique needs of each client, offering bespoke financial solutions tailored to ensure optimal financial health and sustainable growth." msgstr "Bei Blockstar sind wir der Meinung, dass wahre Beherrschung der Buchhaltung über bloße Zahlen hinausgeht. Mit einer reichen Tradition, die sich über drei Jahrzehnte erstreckt, hat unsere Firma ihren Ruf auf den Prinzipien von Integrität, Präzision und Anpassungsfähigkeit aufgebaut. Unser Team engagierter Fachleute arbeitet unermüdlich daran, die individuellen Bedürfnisse jedes Kunden zu verstehen und maßgeschneiderte Finanzlösungen anzubieten, um eine optimale finanzielle Gesundheit und nachhaltiges Wachstum zu gewährleisten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Through this blog, I shares my insights, experiences, and tips on how to live a more simple and intentional life. I write about a variety of topics, including decluttering, mindfulness, sustainability, and self-care." msgstr "Durch diesen Blog teile ich meine Einsichten, Erlebnisse und Tipps darüber, wie man ein einfacheres und bewussteres Leben führen kann. Ich schreibe über verschiedene Themen, wie zum Beispiel Ausmisten, Achtsamkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und Selbstfürsorge." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "This blog is meant to be a welcoming and supportive space for anyone looking to simplify their life and find more joy in the present moment." msgstr "Dieser Blog soll ein einladender und unterstützender Raum für alle sein, die ihr Leben vereinfachen und mehr Freude im gegenwärtigen Moment finden möchten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "You can find me on:" msgstr "Du kannst mich finden auf:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "After years of feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life and the pressure to keep up with the latest trends and possessions, I discovered the joys of minimalism and simplicity. I found that by decluttering my possessions, simplifying my schedule, and focusing on the things that truly mattered, I was able to experience greater peace, fulfillment, and joy in my life." msgstr "Nach Jahren des Gefühls der Überforderung durch die Anforderungen des modernen Lebens und dem Druck, mit den neuesten Trends und Besitztümern Schritt zu halten, entdeckte ich die Freuden des Minimalismus und der Einfachheit. Ich fand heraus, dass ich durch das Ausmisten meiner Besitztümer, das Vereinfachen meines Zeitplans und das Fokussieren auf die Dinge, die wirklich wichtig waren, mehr Frieden, Erfüllung und Freude in meinem Leben erleben konnte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Hello, I'm Jane - the creator and author behind this website. I'm a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things." msgstr "Hallo, ich bin Jane - die Erstellerin und Autorin hinter dieser Website. Ich bin eine Minimalistin und eine Enthusiastin für einfaches Leben, die ihr Leben dem Leben mit weniger gewidmet hat und Freude an den einfachen Dingen findet." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: msgid "Our approach" msgstr "Unser Ansatz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "Every great journey begins with a story. Ours is no different. Established in 2016, we embarked on a mission to provide high-quality services at reasonable prices. What started as a humble beginning has since grown into a thriving enterprise, thanks to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering support of our team and community." msgstr "Jede große Reise beginnt mit einer Story. Unsere ist nicht anders. Gegründet im Jahr 2016, haben wir uns auf eine Mission begeben, hochwertige Dienstleistungen zu vernünftigen Preisen anzubieten. Was als bescheidener Anfang begann, ist dank der harten Arbeit, Hingabe und unerschütterlichen Unterstützung unseres Teams und unserer Gemeinschaft zu einem blühenden Unternehmen gewachsen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "How it all started" msgstr "Wie es alles begann" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Our journey began with a simple idea and an unwavering passion. It was a moment of inspiration and determination that gave birth to Acme." msgstr "Unsere Reise begann mit einer einfachen Idee und einer unbeirrbaren Leidenschaft. Es war ein Moment der Inspiration und Entschlossenheit, der die Geburt von Acme ermöglichte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "“Outstanding service and products at a reasonable price.”" msgstr "Hervorragender Dienst und Produkte zu einem vernünftigen Preis." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "— Happy Customer" msgstr "— Zufriedener Kunde" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/reveriedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Reverie is a theme inspired by the work of Mark Rothko. It features four style variations for each season — Spring (default), Summer, Fall, and Winter. Use it to illuminate your prose, poetry, stories, photos, and more." msgstr "Reverie ist ein Theme, das von der Arbeit von Mark Rothko inspiriert wurde. Es bietet vier Stilvariationen für jede Jahreszeit - Frühling (Standard), Sommer, Herbst und Winter. Verwende es, um deine Prosa, Poesie, Geschichten, Fotos und mehr zu beleuchten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/reveriedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Reverie is a block theme interpretation of ma.tt's theme, designed by Joen Asmussen and forked from Twenty Thirteen." msgstr "Reverie ist eine Block-Theme-Interpretation des Themes von ma.tt, entworfen von Joen Asmussen und abgeleitet von Twenty Thirteen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "If you’re looking for a copywriter who can take your message from ordinary to extraordinary, let’s chat! Whether you’re launching a new campaign or simply want to infuse some magic into your brand, I’m here to help." msgstr "Wenn du nach einem Texter suchst, der deine Botschaft von gewöhnlich zu außergewöhnlich machen kann, lass uns plaudern! Egal, ob du eine neue Kampagne startest oder einfach etwas Magie in deine Marke einfließen lassen möchtest, ich bin hier, um zu helfen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "" msgstr "" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Generated creative and persuasive copy for ad campaigns resulting in increased click-through rates and conversions." msgstr "Erstellte kreative und überzeugende Texte für Werbekampagnen, was zu einer erhöhten Klickrate und Conversion führte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Fostered client relationships and consistently delivered projects on time and within budget." msgstr "Gepflegte Kundenbeziehungen und konstante termingerechte und budgetgerechte Projektabwicklung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Copywriting Intern | Dot Dot Sot | 2020 – 2022" msgstr "Copywriting Praktikant | Dot Dot Sot | 2020 – 2022" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Assisted senior copywriters in creating and refining product descriptions, blog posts, and marketing collateral." msgstr "Unterstützte erfahrene Texter bei der Erstellung und Verbesserung von Produktbeschreibungen, Blogbeiträgen und Marketingmaterialien." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Conducted market research to identify target audience preferences and trends." msgstr "Habe Marktforschung durchgeführt, um die Vorlieben und Trends der Zielgruppe zu identifizieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Collaborated with the marketing team to brainstorm and implement creative campaign concepts." msgstr "Habe mit dem Marketingteam zusammengearbeitet, um kreative Kampagnenkonzepte zu entwickeln und umzusetzen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Contributed to the development of social media content, enhancing brand visibility and engagement." msgstr "Habe zur Entwicklung von Inhalten für soziale Medien beigetragen, um die Sichtbarkeit und Interaktion der Marke zu verbessern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Bachelor of Arts in English | University of New Mexico" msgstr "Bachelor of Arts in Englisch | Universität von New Mexico" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Relevant Courses: Copywriting Fundamentals, Psychology of Persuasion, Content Marketing Strategies" msgstr "Relevante Kurse: Grundlagen des Copywritings, Psychologie der Überzeugung, Content-Marketing-Strategien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Let’s Connect!" msgstr "Lass uns verbinden!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Writing content that’s not only engaging but also optimized for search engines." msgstr "Inhalte schreiben, die nicht nur ansprechend sind, sondern auch für Suchmaschinen optimiert sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Storytelling Mastery:" msgstr "Storytelling-Meisterschaft:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Harnessing the art of storytelling to connect with audiences on a deeper level." msgstr "Die Kunst des Geschichtenerzählens nutzen, um eine tiefere Verbindung mit dem Publikum herzustellen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Strategic Messaging:" msgstr "Strategische Kommunikation:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Developing copy that aligns with marketing goals and strategies." msgstr "Entwickeln von Texten, die mit Marketingzielen und -strategien übereinstimmen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Audience Understanding:" msgstr "Zielgruppenverständnis:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Crafting messages that resonate with diverse target audiences." msgstr "Das Erstellen von Botschaften, die bei unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen Anklang finden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Email Marketing Expertise:" msgstr "E-Mail Marketing Expertise:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Designing impactful email campaigns that drive engagement and conversions." msgstr "Gestaltung wirkungsvoller E-Mail-Kampagnen, die Engagement und Konversionen fördern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Freelance Copywriter | 2022 – Present" msgstr "Freiberuflicher Texter | 2022 – Gegenwart" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Collaborated with diverse clients to craft copy that encapsulates brand identity and resonates with target audiences." msgstr "Habe mit verschiedenen Kunden zusammengearbeitet, um Texte zu erstellen, die die Markenidentität einfangen und bei der Zielgruppe Anklang finden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Developed engaging website content, email campaigns, social media posts, and product descriptions." msgstr "Entwickelte ansprechenden Website-Inhalt, E-Mail-Kampagnen, Beiträge in sozialen Medien und Produktbeschreibungen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "My journey began with a love for storytelling, and over the years, it evolved into a mastery of creating copy that not only informs but resonates. I believe in the power of crafting messages that build bridges between businesses and their audience, sparking conversations that matter." msgstr "Meine Reise begann mit einer Liebe zum Geschichtenerzählen und im Laufe der Jahre entwickelte sie sich zu einer Meisterschaft im Erstellen von Texten, die nicht nur informieren, sondern auch berühren. Ich glaube an die Kraft, Botschaften zu gestalten, die Brücken zwischen Unternehmen und ihrem Publikum schaffen und Gespräche von Bedeutung entfachen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Compelling Copywriting:" msgstr "Überzeugendes Texten:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Turning concepts into compelling narratives that engage, persuade, and convert." msgstr "Konzepte in überzeugende Geschichten verwandeln, die fesseln, überzeugen und umwandeln." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Brand Voice Development:" msgstr "Markenstimme Entwicklung:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Creating and maintaining consistent brand voices across various platforms." msgstr "Erstellen und Aufrechterhalten konsistenter Markenstimmen auf verschiedenen Plattformen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "SEO Optimization:" msgstr "SEO-Optimierung:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Hey there! I’m Lucas, a passionate freelance copywriter with a love for words that spark connections and drive action. With a knack for turning ideas into captivating stories and a fascination for the psychology of persuasion, I’ve spent the last 10 years working as a copywriter, helping brands find their voice and leave a lasting impact." msgstr "Hey! Ich bin Lucas, ein leidenschaftlicher freiberuflicher Texter mit einer Vorliebe für Worte, die Verbindungen herstellen und zum Handeln anregen. Mit einem Talent dafür, Ideen in fesselnde Geschichten zu verwandeln und einer Faszination für die Psychologie der Überzeugungskraft, habe ich die letzten 10 Jahre als Texter gearbeitet und Marken dabei geholfen, ihre Stimme zu finden und einen bleibenden Eindruck zu hinterlassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=4: #: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8: #: block-patterns/puerto.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20: msgid "about-us" msgstr "über-uns" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "Our vision is to stand as the foremost provider of strategic solutions, consistently delivering exceptional and personalized services. Whether you’re starting a new venture, or poised for expansion, our commitment is to collaborate and propel you towards your goals." msgstr "Unsere Vision ist es, als führender Anbieter von strategischen Lösungen zu stehen und konsequent außergewöhnliche und persönliche Dienstleistungen zu liefern. Egal, ob Sie ein neues Unternehmen gründen oder bereit für Expansion sind, unser Engagement besteht darin, mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten und Sie auf dem Weg zu Ihren Zielen voranzubringen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/: msgid "Intro: Left-aligned header and button" msgstr "Intro: Links ausgerichteter Header und Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/header-with-vertical-navigation/: msgid "Header: Logo and vertical navigation" msgstr "Header: Logo und vertikale Navigation" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: msgid "Category name" msgstr "Kategorie-Name" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: msgid "View products" msgstr "Produkte anzeigen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu/: msgid "Chashu, Ei, Wakame, Bambus, Negi, Narutomaki" msgstr "Chashu, Ei, Wakame, Bambus, Negi, Narutomaki" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: msgid " CHF" msgstr "CHF" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: msgid "24.50" msgstr "24,50" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu/: msgid "CHF" msgstr "CHF" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu/: msgid "24.50" msgstr "24,50" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "About: Data" msgstr "Über: Daten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "18 years" msgstr "18 Jahre" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "We have been in the market for 18 years and proved our customers our experience matters." msgstr "Wir sind seit 18 Jahren auf dem Markt und haben unseren Kunden bewiesen, dass unsere Erfahrung zählt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "54 countries" msgstr "54 Länder" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "We are worldwide with market participation in more than 54 countries in 5 continents." msgstr "Wir sind weltweit mit Marktpräsenz in mehr als 54 Ländern auf 5 Kontinenten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "98K users" msgstr "98K Benutzer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "We have almost 100k active users with a high level of engagement and adoption." msgstr "Wir haben fast 100.000 aktive Benutzer mit einem hohen Maß an Engagement und Akzeptanz." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "$12M revenue" msgstr "12 Millionen Dollar Einnahmen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "We closed 2023 over $12M dollars in revenue which position us as leader in our industry" msgstr "Wir haben das Jahr 2023 mit über 12 Millionen Dollar an Einnahmen abgeschlossen, was uns als Marktführer in unserer Branche positioniert." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: msgid "Shio Ramen" msgstr "Shio Ramen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu/: msgid "Restaurant menu" msgstr "Speisekarte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: msgid "Heading with three images below" msgstr "Überschrift mit drei Bildern darunter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: msgid "A world filled with boundless opportunities and potential" msgstr "Eine Welt voller grenzenloser Möglichkeiten und Potenziale" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark." msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt voller unbegrenzter Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel und wo jeder Moment eine Gelegenheit ist, seinen eigenen Weg zu gehen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-with-heading-and-images/: msgid "About with heading and images" msgstr "Über mit Überschrift und Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-with-heading-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination." msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt voller unbegrenzter Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "$350" msgstr "350 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "$150" msgstr "150 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "$250" msgstr "250 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "Product name" msgstr "Produktname" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/gallery-three-images-with-description/: msgid "Gallery: Three images with description" msgstr "Galerie: Drei Bilder mit Beschreibung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: msgid "About: Text and images" msgstr "Über: Text und Bilder" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "Store: Featured products in four columns" msgstr "Shop: Empfohlene Produkte in vier Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. This is a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the curious mind finds solace, and where the fearless heart discovers uncharted territories." msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt grenzenloser Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel und während wir das komplexe Geflecht des Daseins navigieren, werden uns ständig Entscheidungen präsentiert, von denen jede einen potenziellen Weg zu etwas Außergewöhnlichem darstellt. Dies ist eine Welt, in der Kreativität keine Grenzen kennt, wo der neugierige Geist Trost findet und wo das furchtlose Herz unerforschte Gebiete entdeckt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Store: Description and product categories" msgstr "Shop: Beschreibung und Produktkategorien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: msgid "— Category name" msgstr "— Kategoriename" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: msgid "Store: Featured category" msgstr "Shop: Empfohlene Kategorie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "Product description " msgstr "Produktbeschreibung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "195 USD — Buy Now" msgstr "195 € — Jetzt kaufen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "Product title" msgstr "Produkt-Titel" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "Store: Product list" msgstr "Shop: Produktliste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "Our products" msgstr "Unser Produkt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "All events" msgstr "Alle Events" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "2024" msgstr "2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "2023" msgstr "2023" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "2022" msgstr "2022" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: msgid "Explore collection" msgstr "Erkunde Sammlung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Events: Four columns" msgstr "Veranstaltungen: Vier Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Saturday 23, 2024" msgstr "Samstag 23, 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "10:00pm" msgstr "22:00 Uhr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Thursday 28, 2024" msgstr "Donnerstag 28, 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Friday 29, 2024" msgstr "Freitag 29, 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team/: msgid "We’re a passionate, dynamic, global team." msgstr "Wir sind ein leidenschaftliches, dynamisches, globales Team." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: msgid "Sean Robinson" msgstr "Sean Robinson" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: msgid "CMO" msgstr "CMO" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/review-a-quote-with-scattered-images/: msgid "\"The only limit is the extent of your imagination.\"" msgstr "Die einzige Grenze ist das Ausmaß deiner Vorstellungskraft." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "" msgstr "" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Sunday 24, 2024" msgstr "Sonntag, 24, 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/review-a-quote-with-scattered-images/: msgid "Review: A quote with scattered images" msgstr "Bewertung: Ein Zitat mit verstreuten Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: msgid "Store: Product category feature" msgstr "Shop: Empfohlene Produkte einer Kategorie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "10%" msgstr "10 %" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Year" msgstr "Jahr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "Millions" msgstr "Million" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "170" msgstr "170" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "countries represented" msgstr "Länder vertreten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "of market participation" msgstr "der Marktteilnahme" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "industry activity" msgstr "Industrieaktivität" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Project list" msgstr "Projektliste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Creative Inc." msgstr "Creative Inc." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Imagine & Co" msgstr "Stell dir vor & Co" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Curiosity Inc." msgstr "Curiosity Inc." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Creative Partners" msgstr "Kreativer Partner" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Project description" msgstr "Projektbeschreibung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "$25B" msgstr "$25B" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "The only limit is the extent of your imagination" msgstr "Die einzige Grenze ist deine Vorstellungskraft" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Coffee" msgstr "Kaffee" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu-with-images/: msgid "Opening hours" msgstr "Öffnungszeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: msgid "Store: Four products with an offset heading" msgstr "Shop: Vier Produkte mit einer versetzten Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: msgid "Read review" msgstr "Lektüre der Bewertung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Espresso" msgstr "Espresso" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Latte" msgstr "Latte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Cortado" msgstr "Cortado" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Flat white" msgstr "Flat white" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Oatmeal (V) (GF)" msgstr "Haferbrei (V) (GF)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Avo Toast (v)" msgstr "Avo Toast (v)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Omelette (GF)" msgstr "Omelette (GF)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Sourdough with jam (V)" msgstr "Sauerteig mit Marmelade (V)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Banana bread (V)" msgstr "Banana bread (V) - Bananenbrot" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "MONTHLY" msgstr "Monatlich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Basic themes" msgstr "Grundlegende Themes" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid " 100gb storage" msgstr "100gb Speicherplatz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Unlimited bandwidth" msgstr "Unbegrenztes Datenvolumen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Unlimited designs" msgstr "Unbegrenzte Designs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "ANNUAL" msgstr "JÄHRLICH" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Unlimited designs" msgstr "Unbegrenztes Design" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Basic themes" msgstr "Grundlegende Themen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid " 100gb storage" msgstr " 100 GB Speicherplatz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Unlimited bandwidth" msgstr "Unbegrenzte Bandbreite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Menu with images" msgstr "Menü mit Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "$0" msgstr "0 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "$11.5" msgstr "11,5 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "$4.5" msgstr "4,5 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "Our Team" msgstr "Unser Team" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu-with-images/: msgid "Our menu" msgstr "Speisekarte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity." msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt voller grenzenloser Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel und wo jeder Moment eine Gelegenheit ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: msgid "$23.40" msgstr "23,40 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "Mel Gibs" msgstr "Mel Gibs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "CEO" msgstr "CEO" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "With a keen eye for trends and a knack for problem-solving, she navigates complexities effortlessly, driving our team towards new heights of success." msgstr "Mit einem scharfen Blick für Trends und einem Talent für Problemlösungen navigiert sie mühelos durch Komplexitäten und treibt unser Team zu neuen Höhen des Erfolgs." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/gallery-three-images-with-description/: msgid "Paula Williams" msgstr "Paula Williams" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "CFO" msgstr "CFO" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "Andrew Ferguson" msgstr "Andrew Ferguson" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "CTO" msgstr "CTO" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu-with-images/: msgid "Menu with alternating items" msgstr "Speisekarte mit abwechselnden Elementen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "Team members" msgstr "Teammitglieder" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: msgid "Meet our team" msgstr "Triff unser Team." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: msgid "Follow us on Twitter * Instagram * Tumblr" msgstr "Folge uns auf Twitter * Instagram * Tumblr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: msgid "Store: Three products with an offset heading" msgstr "Shop: Drei Produkte mit einer versetzten Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Jan '24" msgstr "Jan '24" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "06 - 15 " msgstr "06 - 15" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Oct '23" msgstr "Okt '23" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "20 - 31 " msgstr "20 - 31" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Jun '23" msgstr "Jun '23" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "19 - 25 " msgstr "19 - 25" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "Header with a pragraph and stats" msgstr "Header mit einem Absatz und Statistiken" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "14M" msgstr "14M" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "Satisfied clients" msgstr "Zufriedener Kunde" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "Eco" msgstr "Öko" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "We are thinking about the planet" msgstr "Wir denken über den Planeten nach." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "New styles" msgstr "Neue Styles" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Maintenance and care" msgstr "Wartung und Pflege" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "To ensure your Vintage Bike remains in pristine condition and performs at its best, regular maintenance is key. Follow these tips:" msgstr "Um sicherzustellen, dass dein Vintage-Fahrrad in einwandfreiem Zustand bleibt und seine beste Leistung erbringt, ist regelmäßige Wartung entscheidend. Folge diesen Tipps:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid " As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary." msgstr "Während wir uns durch das komplexe Geflecht des Daseins bewegen, werden uns ständig Entscheidungen präsentiert, von denen jede ein potenzieller Weg zu etwas Außergewöhnlichem ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Key features" msgstr "Die wichtigsten Funktionen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid " As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. " msgstr "Während wir uns durch das komplexe Geflecht des Daseins bewegen, werden uns ständig Entscheidungen präsentiert, von denen jede einen potenziellen Weg zu etwas Außergewöhnlichem darstellt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Feature." msgstr "Funktion." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Specifications" msgstr "Spezifikation" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "$995.00" msgstr "995,00 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Mardi Gras" msgstr "Mardi Gras" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Writers Week" msgstr "Schreibwoche" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Sydney / Festivals" msgstr "Sydney / Festivals" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid " Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination." msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt voller unbegrenzter Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Store: Single product with image on the right" msgstr "Shop: Einzelnes Produkt mit Bild auf der rechten Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark on the canvas of existence. " msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt grenzenloser Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel und wo jeder Moment eine Gelegenheit ist, deinen Abdruck auf der Leinwand des Daseins zu hinterlassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Sydney Music" msgstr "Sydney Musik" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Sydney / Music Festivals" msgstr "Sydney / Musikfestivals" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Event list with images" msgstr "Veranstaltungsliste mit Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Crab pie in casserole" msgstr "Krabbenkuchen in Auflaufform" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Chupe de jaiba" msgstr "Chupe de jaiba" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Beef stew with one potato, pumpkin, onion, corn on the cob." msgstr "Rindereintopf mit einer Kartoffel, Kürbis, Zwiebel und Maiskolben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Cazuela de vacuno" msgstr "Cazuela de vacuno" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Pastel de choclo" msgstr "Pastel de choclo" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Diced tomato with cilantro, onion, olive oil and pepper." msgstr "Gewürfelte Tomate mit Koriander, Zwiebel, Olivenöl und Pfeffer." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Ensalada Chilena" msgstr "Ensalada Chilena" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Basket of six fried pumpkin dough with melted brown sugar and mustard." msgstr "Korb mit sechs gebratenen Kürbisteigbällchen mit geschmolzenem braunem Zucker und Senf." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "$ 600 CLP" msgstr "600 CLP" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Fried potatoes with merken, cilantro and lactonese." msgstr "Gebratene Kartoffeln mit Merken, Koriander und Lactonese." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "$ 800 CLP" msgstr "800 CLP" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Papitas fritas" msgstr "Papitas fritas" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Our daily offers" msgstr "Unser tägliches Angebot" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "Apr 3" msgstr "3. Apr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "20:30" msgstr "20:30" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "18:00" msgstr "18:00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "Apr 2" msgstr "2. Apr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Restaurant menu with two columns" msgstr "Speisekarte mit zwei Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "Event agenda" msgstr "Veranstaltungskalender" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: msgid "Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making website management a breeze." msgstr "Die Übernahme meiner Rolle als WordPress Administrator hat mir viel Freude bereitet, dank seiner intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche, Medienverwaltung, Sicherheit und Plugin-Integration, was das Verwalten von Websites zum Kinderspiel macht." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: msgid "Add to cart" msgstr "In den Warenkorb" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: msgid "Fantastic experience" msgstr "Fantastisches Erlebnis" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: msgid "- Ana From Como" msgstr "- Ana aus Como" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "- Keiko, London" msgstr "- Keiko, London" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "- Sarah, New York" msgstr "- Sarah, New York" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "- Olivia, Paris" msgstr "- Olivia, Paris" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: msgid "$99.00" msgstr "99,00 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: msgid "Watch video" msgstr "Video ansehen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: msgid "Full-width cover with heading, paragraph, and button" msgstr "Titelbild in voller Breite mit Überschrift, Absatz und Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "Review: Two columns with an offset" msgstr "Bewertung: Zwei Spalten mit versetztem Text" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: msgid "Review" msgstr "Bewertung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: msgid "upcoming events" msgstr "Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Sold out" msgstr "Ausgebucht" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Book now" msgstr "jetzt buchen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Get the best experience for your audience!" msgstr "Hol dir das beste Erlebnis für dein Publikum!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Do you want to book us?" msgstr "Willst du uns buchen?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: msgid "Melbourne, Australia" msgstr "Melbourne, Australien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: msgid "•" msgstr "•" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: msgid "Sidney Myer Music Bowl" msgstr "Sidney Myer Music Bowl" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: msgid "No episodes yet" msgstr "Noch keine Episode." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: msgid "Our latest, ready for you to listen" msgstr "Unsere neuesten Inhalte stehen für dich bereit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Events List" msgstr "Veranstaltungsliste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "22" msgstr "22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Savory Bay Oysters" msgstr "Herzhafte Bucht-Austern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "16" msgstr "16" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Sriracha cauliflower " msgstr "Sriracha Blumenkohl" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "9" msgstr "9" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Salt & vinegar crispy kale " msgstr "Salz & Essig knuspriger Grünkohl " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Venison tartare, aged black garlic" msgstr "Hirsch-Tartar, gereifter schwarzer Knoblauch" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "120" msgstr "120" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "60" msgstr "60" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Wine pairings" msgstr "Weinbegleitungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "45" msgstr "45" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Tasting menu" msgstr "Verkostungsmenü" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "18" msgstr "18" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Midday tasting selection" msgstr "Mittagsverkostungsauswahl" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Movistar Arena" msgstr "Movistar Arena" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mar 15, 2024" msgstr "15. März 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Toronto - Canada" msgstr "Toronto - Kanada" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Toronto Music Fest" msgstr "Toronto Musik Fest" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Exclusive chef's selection" msgstr "Exklusive Chef-Auswahl" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mexico City - Mexico" msgstr "Mexiko-Stadt - Mexiko" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mar 11, 2024" msgstr "11. März 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Las Vegas, NV - United States" msgstr "Las Vegas, NV - Vereinigte Staaten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "ULTRA Fest" msgstr "ULTRA Fest" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mar 5, 2024" msgstr "5. März 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "New York, NY - United States" msgstr "New York, NY - Vereinigte Staaten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Spring Auditorium" msgstr "Frühling Auditorium" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mar 1, 2024" msgstr "1. März 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Los Angeles, CA - United States" msgstr "Los Angeles, CA - Vereinigte Staaten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "American Music Festival" msgstr "Amerikanisches Musikfestival" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Feb 24, 2024" msgstr "24. Feb 2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Get tickets" msgstr "Tickets kaufen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/intro-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making websites a breeze." msgstr "„Die Übernahme meiner Rolle als WordPress Administrator hat mir viel Freude bereitet, dank seiner intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche, Medienverwaltung, Sicherheit und Plugin-Integration, die das Erstellen von Websites zum Kinderspiel machen.“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/intro-1/: msgid "Personal bio with a contact button" msgstr "Persönliche Biografie mit Kontakt-Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Our fresh angel hair pasta is nothing short of heavenly, crafted with divine precision to ensure each slender strand is a whisper of perfection. Made with premium ingredients, it cooks in the blink of an eye, promising a celestial dining experience." msgstr "Unsere frische Engelshaarnudeln sind einfach himmlisch, mit göttlicher Präzision hergestellt, um sicherzustellen, dass jeder schlanke Strang ein Hauch von Perfektion ist. Hergestellt mit Premium-Zutaten, kocht es im Handumdrehen und verspricht ein himmlisches Esserlebnis." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-avatar-on-left-header-on-right-with-sub-header-and-button/: msgid "Circular avatar on left header on right with sub-header and button" msgstr "Kreisförmiger Avatar links, Header rechts mit Untertitel und Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-image-on-right-with-large-border-header-on-right/: msgid "Circular image on right with large border header on right" msgstr "Rundes Bild rechts mit großem Randheader rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Spinach Angel Hair" msgstr "Spinat Engelshaar" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Order" msgstr "Reihenfolge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Our fresh linguine will not fall flat, hand-crafted with the finest semolina flour and farm-fresh eggs, embodies the authentic taste of Italy in every delicate strand. Perfectly al dente after just a few minutes of cooking." msgstr "Unsere frische Linguine werden nicht enttäuschen, handgefertigt mit dem feinsten Hartweizengrieß und frischen Eiern vom Bauernhof, verkörpern sie den authentischen Geschmack Italiens in jeder zarten Strähne. Perfekt al dente nach nur wenigen Minuten Kochzeit." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Egg linguine" msgstr "Ei-Linguine" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "$10.99/8oz" msgstr "10,99 €/8oz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-four-columns-with-a-heading/: msgid "Gallery: Four columns" msgstr "Galerie: Vier Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: msgid "Mental Health" msgstr "Psychische Gesundheit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "Personal Development" msgstr "Persönliche Entwicklung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "wellness" msgstr "Wellness" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "Wellness" msgstr "Wellness" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "Mindfulness" msgstr "Achtsamkeit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: msgid "About The Author" msgstr "Über den Autor" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: msgid "Page: Blog Posts" msgstr "Seite: Blogbeiträge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid "$69.00/month" msgstr "69,00 €/Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/30/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=60: msgid "seasonal" msgstr "Jahreszeitlich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-centered-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-left-aligned-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-with-image-on-the-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-subscription-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/offset-gallery-with-captions/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-cover-image-with-overlay/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-four-column/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-large-heading-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-6/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-four-columns-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-slider/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "A set of high quality curated patterns." msgstr "Eine Reihe von ausgewählten Vorlagen mit einer höheren Qualität." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=28: msgid "teams" msgstr "Teams" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/14/header-with-image-logo-menu-social-and-button-copy/: msgid "Header with image, logo, menu, social and button (Copy)" msgstr "Header mit Bild, Logo, Menü, sozialen Medien und Button (Kopie)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/test/: msgid "TEST" msgstr "Test" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: msgid "\"Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making websites a breeze.\"" msgstr "„Die Übernahme meiner Rolle als WordPress Administrator hat mir viel Freude bereitet, dank seiner intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche, Medienverwaltung, Sicherheit und Plugin-Integration, die das Erstellen von Websites zum Kinderspiel machen.“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=22: msgid "Cupcakes" msgstr "Cupcakes" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=163: msgid "cookies" msgstr "Cookies" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=147: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=161: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=163: msgid "Chocolate" msgstr "Schokolade" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: msgid "Map with contact info on left" msgstr "Karte rechts, Kontaktinformationen links" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: msgid "About: Left-aligned Content" msgstr "Über: Linksbündiger Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-slider/: msgid "Gallery: Slideshow" msgstr "Galerie: Diashow" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: msgid "Intro: Heading with image and two columns above" msgstr "Intro: Überschrift mit Bild und zwei Spalten darüber" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: msgid "The only limit is the extent of your imagination." msgstr "Die einzige Grenze ist deine Vorstellungskraft." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: msgid "Brianna Wills" msgstr "Brianna Wills" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: msgid "Veronica England" msgstr "Veronica England" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/: msgid "hi@mygroovydomain.com
(123)-456-789" msgstr "hi@meinetolledomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/: msgid "Contact: Form and Map" msgstr "Kontakt: Formular und Karte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: msgid "Contact Page with Map and Contact Form" msgstr "Kontaktseite mit Karte und Kontaktformular" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: msgid "About Page 4" msgstr "Seite „Über“ 4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: msgid "Get Started →" msgstr "Los geht's →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: msgid "About Page 3" msgstr "Seite „Über“ 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: msgid "Store Page 3" msgstr "Shop-Seite 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: msgid "Our Story" msgstr "Unsere Geschichte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: msgid "Shop what's new" msgstr "Shoppe, was neu ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: msgid "Websites.
Type." msgstr "Websites.
Typ." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/header-with-image-logo-menu-social-and-button/: msgid "Header with image, logo, menu, social and button" msgstr "Header mit Bild, Logo, Menü, sozialen Medien und Button." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: msgid "Store, set 2" msgstr "Shop, Set 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: msgid "Four image grid, content on left" msgstr "Raster mit vier Bildern, Inhalt links" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: msgid "Store: Fullwidth background image with heading" msgstr "Shop: Hintergrundbild in voller Breite mit Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: msgid "Shop bestsellers" msgstr "Beliebte Artikel im Shop" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-avatar-on-left-header-on-right-with-sub-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-image-on-right-with-large-border-header-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark on the canvas of existence." msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt grenzenloser Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel und wo jeder Moment eine Gelegenheit ist, deinen Abdruck auf der Leinwand des Daseins zu hinterlassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: msgid "Gallery Page: Description and grid" msgstr "Galerie Seite: Beschreibung und Raster" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: msgid "About page" msgstr "Seite „Über“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-social-right/: msgid "Add an announcement to your site." msgstr "Füge eine Ankündigung zu deiner Website hinzu." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-social-right/: msgid "Header: Logo and menu, with social right" msgstr "Header: Logo und Menü, Social-Media-Icons rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: msgid "What makes us the best in business." msgstr "Was uns zum Besten im Geschäft macht." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content/: msgid "About: Left-aligned content" msgstr "Über: Linksbündiger Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: msgid "About: Content left, image right" msgstr "Über: Inhalt links, Bild rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: msgid "About: Content right with image left" msgstr "Über: Inhalt rechts, Bild links" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right/: msgid "About: Fullwidth image, content pull right" msgstr "Über: Bild in voller Breite, Inhalt nach rechts ausgerichtet" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: msgid "About Page" msgstr "Über" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: msgid "About: Heading with button and text" msgstr "Über: Überschrift mit Button und Text" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: msgid "Learn more →" msgstr "Weitere Informationen →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. This is a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the curious mind finds solace, and where the fearless heart discovers uncharted territories. It is a place where the pursuit of knowledge, the embrace of change, and the willingness to take risks are not mere options but essential ingredients for a life well-lived." msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt voller grenzenloser Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel und während wir das komplexe Geflecht des Daseins navigieren, werden uns ständig Entscheidungen präsentiert, von denen jede einen potenziellen Weg zu etwas Außergewöhnlichem darstellt. Dies ist eine Welt, in der Kreativität keine Grenzen kennt, wo der neugierige Geist Trost findet und wo das furchtlose Herz unerforschte Gebiete entdeckt. Es ist ein Ort, an dem das Streben nach Wissen, die Akzeptanz von Veränderungen und die Bereitschaft, Risiken einzugehen, keine bloßen Optionen sind, sondern wesentliche Bestandteile eines erfüllten Lebens." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: msgid "Intro: Tall content with image right" msgstr "Intro: Hoher Inhalt mit Bild rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: msgid "Intro: Spread right, heavy text" msgstr "Intro: Rechts ausgebreitet, fetter Text" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: msgid "About: Content left with image right" msgstr "Über: Inhalt links, Bild rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: msgid "About: Centered heading and button" msgstr "Über: Überschrift und Button zentriert" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: msgid "Navigating life’s intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey." msgstr "Das Leben zu navigieren ist wie ein komplexes Gewebe, bei dem Entscheidungen den Weg zu Außergewöhnlichem eröffnen. Es erfordert Kreativität, Neugierde und Mut für eine wirklich erfüllende Reise." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: msgid "About: Large heading with content on right" msgstr "Über: Große Überschrift, Inhalt auf der rechten Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: msgid "About: Heading left and content right" msgstr "Über: Überschrift links, Inhalt rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: msgid "About: Heading with two media columns" msgstr "Über: Überschrift mit zwei Medienspalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: msgid "About: Fullwidth image with call to action overlaid" msgstr "Über: Bild in voller Breite mit überlagerter Handlungsaufforderung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: msgid "About: Heading and content with large image below" msgstr "Über: Überschrift und Inhalt mit großem Bild unten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: msgid "About: Centered Content" msgstr "Über: Zentrierter Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-right-aligned-content/: msgid "About: Right-aligned Content" msgstr "Über: Rechts ausgerichteter Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: msgid "About: Left-aligned content overlaid on an image" msgstr "Über: Links ausgerichteter Inhalt überlagert auf einem Bild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-pull-left-fullwidth-image/: msgid "About: Pull left, fullwidth image" msgstr "Über: Nach links ziehen, Bild in voller Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: msgid "Tashi Ray is a renowned environmental scientist known for their innovative research in sustainable energy solutions. With a background in both engineering and environmental studies, Taylor has contributed to significant advancements in renewable energy technologies." msgstr "Tashi Ray ist ein renommierter Umweltwissenschaftler, bekannt für ihre innovative Forschung zu nachhaltigen Energielösungen. Mit einem Hintergrund in Ingenieurwesen und Umweltstudien hat Taylor zu bedeutenden Fortschritten in erneuerbaren Energietechnologien beigetragen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: msgid "Scientist
Climate Innovator
Solutions Architect
Clean Energy Proponent
Tech Enthusiast" msgstr "Wissenschaftler
Befürworter sauberer Energie
Technik-Enthusiast" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/: msgid "About: Two column text sections" msgstr "Über: Zwei Spalten mit Text" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: msgid "About: Content with grid of images on right" msgstr "Über: Inhalt links, Raster mit Bildern rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-four-column/: msgid "Posts: Four column" msgstr "Beiträge: Vier Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: msgid "Stay up to date with the latest from our blog." msgstr "Bleib auf dem neuesten Stand mit den neuesten Beiträgen aus unserem Blog." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-cover-image-with-overlay/: msgid "Posts: Cover image with overlay" msgstr "Beiträge: Titelbild mit Überlagerung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: msgid "About: Profile" msgstr "Über: Profil" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: msgid "Tashi
Ray" msgstr "Tashi
Ray" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: msgid "About: Three columns with features" msgstr "Über: Drei Spalten mit Beschreibungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/: msgid "Posts: Heading with post grid below" msgstr "Beiträge: Überschrift, darunter rasterförmig angeordnete Beiträge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-large-heading-posts/: msgid "Posts: List of large heading posts" msgstr "Beiträge: Beitragsliste mit großen Überschriften" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: msgid "Posts: Heading with post grid on the right" msgstr "Beiträge: Überschrift links, rasterförmig angeordnete Beiträge rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: msgid "Posts: Heading with post list on right" msgstr "Beiträge: Überschrift links, Beitragsliste rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Jobs" msgstr "Jobs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-social-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-overlay-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/header-with-image-logo-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/header-with-vertical-navigation/: msgid "Headers" msgstr "Header" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-social-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-overlay-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/header-with-image-logo-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/header-with-vertical-navigation/: msgid "The header pattern sits at the top of your site and typically shows your site logo, title, and navigation." msgstr "Die Header-Vorlage befindet sich oben auf deiner Website und enthält normalerweise dein Website-Logo, den Titel und die Navigation." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-cover-image-with-overlay/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-four-column/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-large-heading-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-6/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: msgid "Blog Posts" msgstr "Blogbeiträge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: msgid "Footer: CTA with three menus" msgstr "Footer: CTA mit drei Menüs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: msgid "Footer: Content with CTA, contact and menu" msgstr "Footer: Inhalt mit CTA, Kontakt und Menü" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-centered-menu-with-social/: msgid "Footer: Centered menu with social" msgstr "Footer: Zentriertes Menü mit sozialen Medien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-left-social-right/: msgid "Footer: Menu left, social right" msgstr "Footer: Menü links, soziale Medien rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu/: msgid "Header: Logo and menu" msgstr "Header: Logo und Menü" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-button-right/: msgid "Header: Logo left, menu centered, button right" msgstr "Header: Logo links, Menü zentriert, Button rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-and-menu/: msgid "Header: Centered logo and menu" msgstr "Header: Zentriertes Logo und Menü" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-social-right/: msgid "Header: Centered logo with menu left and social right" msgstr "Header: Zentriertes Logo mit Menü links und Social-Media-Icons rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-overlay-menu/: msgid "Header: Logo with overlay menu" msgstr "Header: Logo mit Overlay-Menü" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-button-right/: msgid "Header: Centered logo with menu left and button right" msgstr "Header: Zentriertes Logo, Menü links, Button rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-social-right/: msgid "Header: Logo left, menu centered, social right" msgstr "Header: Logo links, Menü zentriert, Social-Media-Icons rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-social-right/: msgid "Header: Logo, with menu and social right" msgstr "Header: Logo links, Menü und Social-Media-Icons rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-button-right/: msgid "Header: Logo, with menu and button right" msgstr "Header: Logo links, Menü und Button rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-button-right/: msgid "Header: Logo and menu, with button right" msgstr "Header: Logo und Menü links, Button rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-social-and-button-right/: msgid "Header: Logo, with menu, social and button right" msgstr "Header: Logo links, Menü, Social-Media-Icons und Button rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-social-and-button/: msgid "Header: Logo left, menu, social and button" msgstr "Header: Logo links, Menü, Social-Media-Icons und Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: msgid "Footer: Hours, Social, Contact" msgstr "Footer: Öffnungszeiten, soziale Medien, Kontakt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: msgid "Footer: Contact information, hours, social" msgstr "Footer: Kontaktinformationen, Öffnungszeiten, soziale Medien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Footer: Large CTA with four columns of menus" msgstr "Footer: Großer CTA mit vier Menüspalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-logo-social/: msgid "Footer: Menu, logo, social" msgstr "Footer: Menü, Logo, soziale Medien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/: msgid "Posts: List of posts" msgstr "Beiträge: Liste mit Beiträgen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Resources" msgstr "Ressourcen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Company" msgstr "Firma" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Help" msgstr "Hilfe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-centered-menu-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-left-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-logo-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "The footer pattern sits at the bottom of your site and typically shows useful links and contact information." msgstr "Die Footer-Vorlage befindet sich unten auf deiner Website und enthält üblicherweise nützliche Links und Kontaktinformationen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "Footer: Three columns, centered" msgstr "Footer: Drei Spalten, zentriert" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "San Francisco, CA 12345" msgstr "San Francisco, CA 12345" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "Monday—Friday" msgstr "Montag—Freitag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "8am — 6pm" msgstr "8 Uhr morgens — 18 Uhr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-centered-menu-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "Designed with WordPress" msgstr "Entworfen mit WordPress" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: msgid "Footer: Four columns of menus with social" msgstr "Footer: Vier Spalten von Menüs mit sozialen Medien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Link one" msgstr "Link eins" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Link two" msgstr "Link zwei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Link three" msgstr "Link drei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Link four" msgstr "Link vier" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "123 Example Street" msgstr "Beispielstraße 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-centered-menu-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-left-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-logo-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "Footers" msgstr "Footer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-wide-image/: msgid "Gallery: Wide image" msgstr "Galerie: Breites Bild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: msgid "Centered heading with contact form" msgstr "Zentrierte Überschrift mit Kontaktformular" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: msgid "Monday—Friday
9am-5pm" msgstr "montag—freitag
9 uhr-17 uhr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: msgid "Contact left, form right" msgstr "Kontakt links, Formular rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-tall-image-with-form/: msgid "Contact: Tall image with form" msgstr "Kontakt: Großes Bild mit Formular" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: msgid "Contact, Alternate 1" msgstr "Kontakt, Alternative 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: msgid "Footer: Simple, contact info left" msgstr "Footer: Einfach, Kontaktinformationen links" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: msgid "Designed with WordPress" msgstr "Entworfen mit WordPress" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: msgid "San Francisco, CA, United States" msgstr "San Francisco, CA, Vereinigte Staaten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: msgid "(123) 456-7890
hi@mygroovydomain.com" msgstr "(012) 345 67 89
hi@meinetolledomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: msgid "hi@mygroovydomain.com" msgstr "hi@meinetolledomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: msgid "123 Example Street,
San Francisco, CA 12345
(123)-456-7890" msgstr "Beispielstraße 1,
10100 Musterstadt
(012) 345 67 89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: msgid "Map with contact info" msgstr "Karte mit Kontaktinformationen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: msgid "Two column of contact information" msgstr "Zwei Spalten mit Kontaktinformationen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-map/: msgid "Contact: Fullwidth map" msgstr "Kontakt: Karte in voller Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: msgid "Contact: Fullwidth contact" msgstr "Kontakt: Kontaktinformationen in voller Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-offset-grid-of-three-images/: msgid "Gallery: Offset grid of three images" msgstr "Galerie: Versetztes Raster mit drei Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: msgid "Gallery Page: Heading with offset grid of images" msgstr "Galerieseite: Überschrift mit versetztem Raster mit Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images/: msgid "Gallery: Fullwidth grid of square images" msgstr "Galerie: Raster in voller Breite mit quadratischen Bildern " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: msgid "Gallery Page: Large intro with masonry grid of images" msgstr "Galerieseite: Großes Intro mit rasterförmig angeordneten Bildern im Mauerwerk-Stil" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-right-aligned-content/: msgid "As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. This is a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the curious mind finds solace, and where the fearless heart discovers uncharted territories. It is a place where the pursuit of knowledge, the embrace of change, and the willingness to take risks are not mere options but essential ingredients for a life well-lived." msgstr "Während wir uns durch das komplexe Geflecht des Daseins bewegen, werden uns ständig Entscheidungen präsentiert, von denen jede einen potenziellen Weg zu etwas Außergewöhnlichem darstellt. Dies ist eine Welt, in der Kreativität keine Grenzen kennt, in der der neugierige Geist Trost findet und in der das furchtlose Herz unerforschte Gebiete entdeckt. Es ist ein Ort, an dem das Streben nach Wissen, die Akzeptanz von Veränderungen und die Bereitschaft, Risiken einzugehen, keine bloßen Optionen sind, sondern wesentliche Bestandteile eines erfüllten Lebens." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/offset-gallery-with-captions/: msgid "Offset gallery with captions" msgstr "Versetzte Galerie mit Bildunterschriften" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: msgid "Gallery Page 3" msgstr "Galerie Seite 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-images-and-content/: msgid "Two images and content" msgstr "Zwei Bilder und Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-gallery-grid-with-content/: msgid "Two column gallery grid with content" msgstr "Zweispaltiges Galerie-Raster mit Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-left/: msgid "Gallery: Large image on left" msgstr "Galerie: Großes Bild links" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-right/: msgid "Gallery: Large image on right" msgstr "Galerie: Großes Bild rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: msgid "Gallery Page 1" msgstr "Galerie Seite 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: msgid "I'm a skilled graphic designer residing in Portland, blending creativity with pragmatism." msgstr "Ich bin ein erfahrener Grafikdesigner, der in Portland lebt und Kreativität mit Pragmatismus verbindet." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "Gallery Page 2" msgstr "Galerie Seite 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-rows-of-images/: msgid "Heading with rows of images" msgstr "Überschrift mit Reihen von Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "08.12.22" msgstr "08.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "07.12.22" msgstr "07.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "06.12.22" msgstr "06.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "05.12.22" msgstr "05.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-three-column-masonry-grid/: msgid "Gallery: Three column masonry grid" msgstr "Galerie: Dreispaltiges Raster im Mauerwerk-Stil" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-gallery-grid-with-content/: msgid "The bathroom is an oasis for daily routines, thanks to a generous vanity, walk-in shower, combination washer and dryer, and space for supplies." msgstr "Das Badezimmer ist eine Oase für die tägliche Körperpflege, dank eines großzügigen Waschtischs, einer begehbaren Dusche, einer Kombination aus Waschmaschine und Trockner sowie Platz für Zubehör." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-image/: msgid "Gallery: Fullwidth image" msgstr "Galerie: Bild in voller Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid " Unlimited designs" msgstr " Unbegrenzte Designs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: msgid "$39.00/month" msgstr "39,00 $/Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: msgid "$99.00/month" msgstr "99,00 €/Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: msgid "Services: Three columns of headings, images and links" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Drei Spalten mit Überschriften, Bildern und Links" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "$99" msgstr "99 Euro" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "$199" msgstr "199 Euro" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: msgid "Services, Alternate" msgstr "Dienstleistungen, Alternativ" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-large-left-aligned-header/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: msgid "A world filled with boundless opportunities and endless potential" msgstr "Eine Welt voller grenzenloser Möglichkeiten und endlosem Potenzial." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: msgid "Services: Heading with six text sections" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Überschrift mit sechs Textabschnitten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: msgid "Services: Headings left, content right" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Überschriften links, Inhalt rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-centered-sign-up-form/: msgid "Newsletter: Centered sign up form" msgstr "Newsletter: Zentriertes Registrierungsformular" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-subscription-with-background-image/: msgid "Newsletter subscription with background image" msgstr "Newsletter-Abonnement mit Hintergrundbild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading/: msgid "Newsletter: Sign up form with a heading" msgstr "Newsletter: Registrierungsformular mit einer Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-with-image-on-the-left/: msgid "Newsletter: Sign up with image on the left" msgstr "Newsletter: Registrieren mit Bild auf der linken Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-left-aligned-sign-up-form/: msgid "Newsletter: Left-aligned sign up form" msgstr "Newsletter: Links ausgerichtetes Registrierungsformular" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-page-with-contact-form/: msgid "Contact page with contact form" msgstr "Kontaktseite mit Kontaktformular" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-page-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "A world of possibilities" msgstr "Eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: msgid "Within life's complex weave, choices guide to the exceptional, where creativity, inquisitiveness, and bravery are vital for a meaningful existence." msgstr "Innerhalb des komplexen Geflechts des Lebens führen Entscheidungen zu Außergewöhnlichem, wo Kreativität, Neugierde und Tapferkeit für ein sinnvolles Dasein von Bedeutung sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-two-columns-with-text-and-images/: msgid "Gallery: Two columns with text and images" msgstr "Galerie: Zwei Spalten mit Text und Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: msgid "Gallery #4" msgstr "Galerie #4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-page-with-contact-form/: msgid "contact@yourgroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" msgstr "kontakt@deinetolledomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Navigating life's intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a fulfilling journey." msgstr "Das Leben ist wie ein komplexes Gewebe, bei dem Entscheidungen den Weg zu Außergewöhnlichem eröffnen. Für eine erfüllende Reise braucht es Kreativität, Neugierde und Mut." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "04.12.22" msgstr "04.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "03.12.22" msgstr "03.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "02.12.22" msgstr "02.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "01.12.22" msgstr "01.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: msgid "Centered heading with grid of images" msgstr "Zentrierte Überschrift mit Raster von Bildern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: msgid "Intro: Heading with image and two columns below" msgstr "Intro: Überschrift mit Bild und darunter zwei Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: msgid "Intro: Centered content with image below" msgstr "Intro: Zentrierter Inhalt mit Bild darunter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: msgid "Intro: Tall content with image left" msgstr "Intro: Hoher Inhalt mit Bild links" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: msgid "Intro: Content with button and fullwidth image" msgstr "Intro: Inhalt mit Button und Bild in voller Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: msgid "Intro: Fullwidth image with content and button" msgstr "Intro: Bild in voller Breite mit Inhalt und Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: msgid "Intro: Two column with content and image" msgstr "Intro: Zwei Spalten mit Inhalt und Bild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: msgid "Intro: Two column with image and content" msgstr "Intro: Zwei Spalten mit Bild und Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-large-left-aligned-header/: msgid "Intro: Large left-aligned header" msgstr "Intro: Großer linksbündiger Header" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: msgid "Intro: Pull right with wide image below" msgstr "Intro: Nach rechts ziehen mit breitem Bild darunter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: msgid "Intro: Fullwidth content with background image" msgstr "Intro: Inhalt über die volle Breite mit Hintergrundbild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: msgid "Centered heading with two column text" msgstr "Zentrierte Überschrift mit zwei Spalten Text" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading-2/: msgid "Get new content delivered directly to your inbox" msgstr "Erhalte neue Inhalte direkt in deinen Posteingang geliefert" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid "Services: Two column pricing table" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Preistabelle mit zwei Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/: msgid "Services: Grid of text features" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Raster mit Texten zu den Angeboten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: msgid "Premium" msgstr "Premium" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: msgid "Services: Three columns with images and content" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Drei Spalten mit Bildern und Inhalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: msgid "Services: Two columns with images" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Zwei Spalten mit Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: msgid "Get started →" msgstr "Loslegen →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: msgid "$99/month" msgstr "99 Euro pro Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: msgid "$199/month" msgstr "199 Euro pro Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: msgid "$0.00/month" msgstr "$0.00/Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid " Basic themes" msgstr " Grundlegende Themen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid " 100gb storage" msgstr " 100 GB Speicherplatz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid " Unlimited bandwidth" msgstr " Unbegrenzte Bandbreite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Services: Three column pricing table" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Preistabelle mit drei Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: msgid "Heading with four text sections" msgstr "Überschrift und vier Textbereiche" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: msgid "Services: Heading with three columns of content" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Überschrift und drei Spalten mit Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: msgid "Services: Two column service offerings" msgstr "Dienstleistungen: Zwei Spalten mit Dienstleistungsangeboten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: msgid "Store: Three product categories with a heading" msgstr "Shop: Drei Produktkategorien mit einer Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Product category" msgstr "Produktkategorie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-pull-left-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-two-columns-with-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-right-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/gallery-three-images-with-description/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark on the canvas of existence. The only limit is the extent of your imagination." msgstr "Willkommen in einer Welt der grenzenlosen Möglichkeiten, wo die Reise genauso aufregend ist wie das Ziel und jeder Moment eine Gelegenheit ist, deinen Abdruck auf der Leinwand des Daseins zu hinterlassen. Die einzige Grenze ist deine Vorstellungskraft." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Page patterns shown on the editor \"Add a page\" modal and also in the inserter." msgstr "Seitenvorlagen werden im Editor \"Seite hinzufügen\" Modal und auch im Einfüger angezeigt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Pages" msgstr "Seiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "page" msgstr "Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-avatar-on-left-header-on-right-with-sub-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-image-on-right-with-large-border-header-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: msgid "Create anything" msgstr "Grenzenlose Möglichkeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-social-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-rows-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/test/: msgid "Get Started" msgstr "Erste Schritte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: msgid "Store: Four products with a heading" msgstr "Shop: Vier Produkte mit einer Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: msgid "Best sellers" msgstr "Bestseller" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: msgid "Store: Three products with image and price" msgstr "Shop: Drei Produkte mit Bild und Preis" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: msgid "Store: Single product with wide image" msgstr "Shop: Einzelnes Produkt mit breitem Bild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-page-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-tall-image-with-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/test/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: msgid "Navigating life's intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey." msgstr "Das Leben ist wie ein komplexes Gewebe, bei dem Entscheidungen den Weg zu Außergewöhnlichem eröffnen. Für eine erfüllende Reise braucht es Kreativität, Neugierde und Mut." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: msgid "\"Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making website management a breeze.\"" msgstr "Die Übernahme meiner Rolle als WordPress Administrator hat mir viel Freude bereitet, dank seiner intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche, Medienverwaltung, Sicherheit und Plugin-Integration, was das Verwalten von Websites zum Kinderspiel macht." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: msgid "Hope D." msgstr "Hoffe D." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall/: msgid "Patterns shown with higher priority than the rest on each category, and for the pages screen on Assembler." msgstr "Vorlagen werden mit höherer Priorität als der Rest in jeder Kategorie angezeigt und für den Seitenbildschirm in Assembler." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: msgid "Tom
NYC" msgstr "Tom
NYC" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: msgid "Tom S." msgstr "Tom S." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: msgid "Liz S." msgstr "Liz S." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: msgid "Mike A." msgstr "Mike A." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: msgid "Software engineer" msgstr "Softwareentwickler" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall/: msgid "Review: Logo wall" msgstr "Bewertung: Logo-Wand" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall-one-row/: msgid "Review: Logo wall, one row" msgstr "Bewertung: Logo-Wand, eine Reihe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/: msgid "About #4" msgstr "Über #4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/: msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Wegbeschreibung bekommen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: msgid "Store: Single product" msgstr "Shop: Einzelnes Produkt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/: msgid "123 Example Street
San Franciso, CA 12345" msgstr "Beispielstraße 1
10100 Musterstadt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: msgid "Heading with three media columns and button" msgstr "Überschrift mit drei Medienspalten und Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: msgid "Shop New Arrivals" msgstr "Neue Ankünfte im Shop" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: msgid "Heading with two media columns and buttons" msgstr "Überschrift mit zwei Medienspalten und Buttons" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: msgid "$40.00" msgstr "40,00 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: msgid "Review: Heading on left, two columns of reviews on right" msgstr "Bewertung: Überschrift links, zwei Spalten mit Bewertungen rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: msgid "Review: Heading with three columns of reviews" msgstr "Bewertung: Überschrift und drei Spalten mit Bewertungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: msgid "Review: Centered testimonial" msgstr "Bewertung: Zentrierte Referenz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/intro-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/review-a-quote-with-scattered-images/: msgid "Jayla H." msgstr "Jayla H." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: msgid "@wordpress" msgstr "@WordPress" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: msgid "Review: Two column centered reviews" msgstr "Bewertung: Zwei zentrierte Spalten mit Bewertungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/halloween-decor-ideas-for-your-porch/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22: msgid "Crafts" msgstr "Handwerk" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/halloween-decor-ideas-for-your-porch/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/my-tips-for-hosting-an-easy-birthday-party/: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22: msgid "DIY" msgstr "Do-It-Yourself" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/halloween-decor-ideas-for-your-porch/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/my-tips-for-hosting-an-easy-birthday-party/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/30/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22: msgid "Holidays" msgstr "Feiertage" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gara.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=33: msgid "x" msgstr "x" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/12/test/: msgid "Test" msgstr "Test" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes." msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Konto auf dieser Website besitzen oder Kommentare geschrieben haben, können Sie einen Export Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten bei uns anfordern, inklusive aller Daten, die Sie uns mitgeteilt haben. Darüber hinaus können Sie die Löschung aller personenbezogenen Daten, die wir von Ihnen gespeichert haben, anfordern. Dies umfasst nicht die Daten, die wir aufgrund administrativer, rechtlicher oder sicherheitsrelevanter Notwendigkeiten aufbewahren müssen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service." msgstr "Besucher-Kommentare könnten von einem automatisierten Dienst zur Spam-Erkennung untersucht werden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email." msgstr "Wenn Sie eine Zurücksetzung des Passworts beantragen, wird Ihre IP-Adresse in der E-Mail zur Zurücksetzung enthalten sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue." msgstr "Wenn Sie einen Kommentar schreiben, wird dieser inklusive Metadaten zeitlich unbegrenzt gespeichert. Auf diese Art können wir Folgekommentare automatisch erkennen und freigeben, anstelle sie in einer Moderations-Warteschlange festzuhalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website." msgstr "Beiträge auf dieser Website können eingebettete Inhalte beinhalten (z. B. Videos, Bilder, Beiträge etc.). Eingebettete Inhalte von anderen Websites verhalten sich exakt so, als ob der Besucher die andere Website besucht hätte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year." msgstr "Wenn Sie einen Kommentar auf unserer Website schreiben, kann das eine Einwilligung sein, Ihren Namen, E-Mail-Adresse und Website in Cookies zu speichern. Dies ist eine Komfortfunktion, damit Sie nicht, wenn Sie einen weiteren Kommentar schreiben, all diese Daten erneut eingeben müssen. Diese Cookies werden ein Jahr lang gespeichert." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website." msgstr "Wenn Sie ein registrierter Benutzer sind und Fotos auf diese Website laden, sollten Sie vermeiden, Fotos mit einem EXIF-GPS-Standort hochzuladen. Besucher dieser Website könnten Fotos, die auf dieser Website gespeichert sind, downloaden und deren Standort-Informationen extrahieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "building" msgstr "Gebäude" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Crafting" msgstr "Handwerk" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44: msgid "Guides" msgstr "Leitfäden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "S" msgstr "S" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "space" msgstr "Leerzeichen," #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid ", " msgstr ", " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Erste Schritte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2023/07/14/post-title/: msgid "Post Title" msgstr "Beitragstitel" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2023/07/14/post-meta/: msgid "Post Meta" msgstr "Beitrags-Meta" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Feature Four" msgstr "Funktion Vier" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Feature Three" msgstr "Funktion Drei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Feature Two" msgstr "Funktion Zwei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Immerse yourself in an unparalleled experience that distinguishes us within a constantly changing environment. Explore the depths of innovation with Acme, where we continuously push the boundaries of what's achievable in our dynamic surroundings." msgstr "Tauche ein in ein einzigartiges Erlebnis, das uns in einer ständig verändernden Umgebung auszeichnet. Erkunde die Tiefen der Innovation mit Acme, wo wir kontinuierlich die Grenzen dessen, was in unserer dynamischen Umgebung möglich ist, erweitern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Feature one" msgstr "Funktion eins" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Features" msgstr "Funktionen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "About #3" msgstr "Über #3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Assembler_v2" msgstr "Assembler_v2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "assembler_v2" msgstr "assembler_v2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "assembler_v2_priority" msgstr "assembler_v2_priority" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Assembler_v2_priority" msgstr "Assembler_v2_priority" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Courses" msgstr "Kurse" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo-high-fashion.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21: msgid "Join the Conversation" msgstr "Beteilige dich an der Unterhaltung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/eventual.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/eventual.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Link" msgstr "Link" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/eventual.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/eventual.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Other:" msgstr "Sonstiges:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: msgid "Bali" msgstr "Bali" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Seychellen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Malediven" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: msgid "Welcome to my blog!" msgstr "Willkommen auf meinem Blog!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "contact@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "contact@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "From the spark of an idea to the realization of a dream, the journey of Acme began with a single moment of inspiration and a fierce determination to succeed." msgstr "Von der Funken einer Idee bis zur Verwirklichung eines Traums begann die Reise von Acme mit einem einzigen Moment der Inspiration und einer wilden Entschlossenheit, erfolgreich zu sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1053: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: msgid "hello@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "hello@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: msgid "contact@yourgroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" msgstr "contact@yourgroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "I'm Amy, a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things. Through this blog, I aim to share my expertise, insights, and experiences. Join me on this journey as we explore the world of slow, purposeful living together!" msgstr "Ich bin Amy, eine Minimalistin und Enthusiastin für einfaches Leben, die ihr Leben dem Leben mit weniger gewidmet hat und Freude an den einfachen Dingen findet. Durch diesen Blog möchte ich mein Fachwissen, meine Einsichten und Erlebnisse teilen. Begleite mich auf dieser Reise, während wir gemeinsam die Welt des langsamen, zielgerichteten Lebens erkunden!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "Welcome to my blog! " msgstr "Willkommen auf meinem Blog!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: msgid "Sports" msgstr "Sport" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: msgid "kindergarten" msgstr "Kindergarten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20: msgid "Pregnancy" msgstr "Schwangerschaft" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: msgid "laundry" msgstr "Wäscherei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: msgid "Laundry" msgstr "Wäscherei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: msgid "park" msgstr "parken" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "family" msgstr "Familie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "Bubbles" msgstr "Blasen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/2023/11/06/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: msgid "audit" msgstr "Prüfung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/2023/11/06/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "All" msgstr "Alle" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/2023/11/06/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "all" msgstr "alle" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "Accounting" msgstr "Buchhaltung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "accounting" msgstr "Rechnungswesen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/foam.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=22: msgid "Speakers" msgstr "Lautsprecher" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Parrot statue" msgstr "Papageienstatue" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Taper candle holder" msgstr "Kerzenhalter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "House plant" msgstr "Zimmerpflanze" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Round glass vase" msgstr "Runde Glasvase" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Ceramic vase set" msgstr "Keramikvasenset" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Ribbed dinner plate" msgstr "Geriffelter Essteller" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Inspired collections that complement your space and style." msgstr "Inspirierende Kollektionen, die deinen Raum und deinen Stil ergänzen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$22.00 USD" msgstr "22,00 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$20.00 USD" msgstr "20,00 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$45.00 USD" msgstr "45,00 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$18.00 USD" msgstr "18,00 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$39.00 USD" msgstr "39,00 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: msgid "Project:
The Surge
" msgstr "Projekt:
The Surge
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: msgid "Project:
Ephemeral Whisper" msgstr "Projekt:
Ephemeral Whisper" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: msgid "We believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our training programs are meticulously designed to elevate skills, boost confidence, and foster innovation." msgstr "Wir glauben an die transformative Kraft des Wissens. Unsere Schulungsprogramme sind sorgfältig darauf ausgerichtet, Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, das Selbstvertrauen zu stärken und Innovationen zu fördern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: msgid "Behind every challenge lies an opportunity for unparalleled assistance. We understand the intricacies of your needs and are committed to providing prompt assistance every step of the way." msgstr "Hinter jeder Herausforderung liegt eine Gelegenheit für unvergleichliche Unterstützung. Wir verstehen die Feinheiten Ihrer Bedürfnisse und sind entschlossen, Schreibanregung bei jedem Schritt des Weges zu bieten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: msgid "Our consultancy services are tailored to unlock your potential and steer you towards success. Partner with us, and together we’ll turn challenges into opportunities." msgstr "Unsere Beratungsdienstleistungen sind darauf ausgerichtet, Ihr Potenzial freizusetzen und Sie auf Erfolgskurs zu bringen. Arbeiten Sie mit uns zusammen und gemeinsam verwandeln wir Herausforderungen in Chancen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: msgid "At Acme, we're more than just a name. We're a team of passionate individuals committed to making a difference. 
Our mission is to provide innovative solutions and exceptional service, and we're dedicated to serving our community, customers, and partners with integrity, innovation, and a personal touch." msgstr "Bei Acme sind wir mehr als nur ein Name. Wir sind ein Team leidenschaftlicher Einzelpersonen, die sich dafür einsetzen, einen Unterschied zu machen. Unsere Mission ist es, innovative Lösungen und außergewöhnlichen Service anzubieten, und wir sind darauf spezialisiert, unsere Gemeinschaft, Kunden und Partner mit Integrität, Innovation und persönlicher Betreuung zu bedienen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: msgid "From our products and services to our relationships with customers, partners, and the environment, we uphold a standard of excellence that is unwavering. At Acme, our commitment runs deep, shaping every aspect of our operations. We are steadfast in our dedication to our core principles, which serve as the foundation of our identity." msgstr "Von unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen bis hin zu unseren Beziehungen zu Kunden, Partnern und der Umwelt halten wir einen Standard der Exzellenz aufrecht, der unerschütterlich ist. Bei Acme geht unser Engagement tief und prägt jeden Aspekt unserer Aktivitäten. Wir sind standhaft in unserer Hingabe an unsere Kernprinzipien, die als Grundlage unserer Identität dienen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: msgid "Our commitment" msgstr "Unser Engagement" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: msgid "At Acme, we're more than just a name. We're a team of passionate individuals committed to making a difference. Our mission is to provide innovative solutions and exceptional service, and we're dedicated to serving our community, customers, and partners with integrity, innovation, and a personal touch." msgstr "Bei Acme sind wir mehr als nur ein Name. Wir sind ein Team leidenschaftlicher Einzelpersonen, die sich dafür einsetzen, einen Unterschied zu machen. Unsere Mission ist es, innovative Lösungen und außergewöhnlichen Service anzubieten, und wir sind darauf spezialisiert, unsere Gemeinschaft, Kunden und Partner mit Integrität, Innovation und persönlicher Betreuung zu bedienen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "I'd love to work with you." msgstr "Ich würde gerne mit dir arbeiten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Temporal State" msgstr "Zeitlicher Zustand" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "The Climb" msgstr "Der Aufstieg" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "In Motion" msgstr "In Bewegung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Symmetry" msgstr "Symmetrie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Nostalgic Ride" msgstr "Nostalgische Fahrt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Serenity" msgstr "Serenity" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Welcome to my portfolio. Here, you'll find a curated collection of my best work, showcasing my creativity, skills, and dedication to photography. I'm excited to share my journey with you." msgstr "Willkommen in meinem Portfolio. Hier findest du eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Sammlung meiner besten Arbeiten, die meine Kreativität, Fähigkeiten und Hingabe zur Fotografie zeigen. Ich freue mich darauf, meine Reise mit dir zu teilen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-two-columns-with-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "Our story" msgstr "Unsere Geschichte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Driving Efficiency and Savings" msgstr "Effizienz und Einsparungen beim Fahren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Turning Vision into Reality" msgstr "Vision in die Realität umsetzen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: msgid "New York, NY, United States" msgstr "New York, NY, Vereinigte Staaten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "→" msgstr "→" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12892: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Assembler_page" msgstr "Assembler_Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12892: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "assembler_page" msgstr "assembler_Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Explore our comprehensive array of services, designed to empower you and your business, and let us be your trusted partner in achieving success." msgstr "Entdecke unser umfangreiches Angebot an Dienstleistungen, die darauf ausgelegt sind, dich und dein Unternehmen zu stärken, und lass uns dein vertrauenswürdiger Partner sein, um Erfolg zu erzielen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "Stay updated with our latest recipes and other news by joining our newsletter." msgstr "Bleib auf dem Laufenden über unsere neuesten Rezepte und andere Neuigkeiten, indem du unserem Newsletter beitrittst." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "Join the fun!\t" msgstr "Mach mit beim Spaß!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "Find us on:" msgstr "Finde uns auf:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/puerto.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18: msgid "Galicia" msgstr "Galicien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Benefits of Teamwork" msgstr "Vorteile von Teamarbeit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=148: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=239: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall-one-row/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/review-a-quote-with-scattered-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5326: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5340: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5697: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=899: msgid "Share reviews and feedback about your brand/business." msgstr "Teilen Sie Rezensionen und Feedback zu Ihrer Marke/Ihrem Unternehmen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: msgid "Visit Blog" msgstr "Blog besuchen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-large-left-aligned-header/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Introduce the website’s main message or purpose." msgstr "Stelle die Hauptbotschaft oder den Zweck der Website vor." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: msgid "Business websites perform better with a blog" msgstr "Business-Websites performieren besser mit einem Blog." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: msgid "Blog grid with a heading" msgstr "Blog-Raster mit einer Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-large-left-aligned-header/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "intro" msgstr "intro" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5608: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8743: msgid "Display your site logo, title, and navigation." msgstr "Zeige dein Website-Logo, den Titel und die Navigation an." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Senior Designer" msgstr "Senior Designer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Design Director" msgstr "Design-Direktor" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Lucas Perez" msgstr "Lucas Perez" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Our team" msgstr "Unser Team" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/poem2.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: msgid "love" msgstr "Liebe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/poem2.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/poem2.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: msgid "poetry" msgstr "Poesie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51: msgid "Rugby" msgstr "Rugby" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: msgid "Advertisement" msgstr "Werbung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=60: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=62: msgid "posters" msgstr "Poster" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: msgid "America" msgstr "America" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=37: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=40: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=42: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44: msgid "Graphic Design" msgstr "Grafikdesign" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/negai.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32: msgid "Research" msgstr "Untersuchung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mpho.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: msgid "Anthropology" msgstr "Anthropologie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=49: msgid "Plants" msgstr "Pflanzen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=54: msgid "Astronomy" msgstr "Astronomie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=45: msgid "animal" msgstr "Tier" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Purpose" msgstr "Zweck" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=136: #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=138: msgid "Productivity" msgstr "Produktivität" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lineup.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=23: msgid "7 Seconds" msgstr "7 Sekunden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lineup.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: msgid "Bold" msgstr "Fett" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gradient.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=174: msgid "Devices" msgstr "Geräte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gradient.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=182: msgid "medicine" msgstr "Medikament" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: #: block-patterns/gradient.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=199: msgid "Product" msgstr "Produkt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/jinjang.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=22: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=30: #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=30: msgid "Recommendations" msgstr "Empfehlungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gramming.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=865: msgid "Barcelona" msgstr "Barcelona" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21: msgid "Corporate" msgstr "Firma" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "residential" msgstr "Wohnen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Residential" msgstr "Wohnadresse" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=23: msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=195: msgid "Press" msgstr "Presse" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/erma.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: msgid "city" msgstr "Stadt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/erma.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: msgid "dark" msgstr "Dunkel" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/erma.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: msgid "garage" msgstr "Garage" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18: msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Dienstag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mittwoch" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32: msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Donnerstag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=34: msgid "Friday" msgstr "Freitag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samstag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=29: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Opinions" msgstr "Meinungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=29: msgid "pc" msgstr "PC" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44: msgid "Reviews" msgstr "Bewertungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31: msgid "OS" msgstr "Betriebssystem" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44: msgid "reviews" msgstr "Bewertungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/didone.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=129: msgid "Websites" msgstr "Websites" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/didone.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: msgid "Society" msgstr "Gesellschaft" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=105: msgid "Personal" msgstr "Persönlich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=65: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=67: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=104: msgid "Commissions" msgstr "Provisionen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "personal" msgstr "persönlich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Building" msgstr "Gebäude" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: msgid "Skateboarding" msgstr "Skateboarden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=56: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: msgid "education" msgstr "Bildung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=56: #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: msgid "Education" msgstr "Bildung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=50: msgid "experience" msgstr "Erfahren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=65: msgid "Language" msgstr "Sprache" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=59: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=63: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=65: #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Skills" msgstr "Fähigkeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=63: msgid "Advocacy" msgstr "Fürsprache" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=70: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=72: msgid "Interests" msgstr "Interessen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=7: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=76: msgid "In an ever-shifting business landscape, adaptability isn't just a trait—it's a competitive advantage. Companies that embrace change, learn from challenges, and pivot when necessary are the ones that not only survive but also thrive in uncertain environments. This agility, rooted in a willingness to evolve and innovate, ensures relevance and resilience. An adaptive approach is not about merely reacting to changes but proactively anticipating them, staying ahead of the curve, and shaping one's own destiny." msgstr "In einer sich ständig verändernden Geschäftswelt ist Anpassungsfähigkeit nicht nur eine Eigenschaft, sondern auch ein Wettbewerbsvorteil. Unternehmen, die Veränderungen annehmen, aus Herausforderungen lernen und bei Bedarf umsteuern, sind diejenigen, die nicht nur überleben, sondern auch in unsicheren Umgebungen gedeihen. Diese Agilität, die auf einer Bereitschaft zur Weiterentwicklung und Innovation beruht, gewährleistet Relevanz und Widerstandsfähigkeit. Ein anpassungsorientierter Ansatz bedeutet nicht nur auf Veränderungen zu reagieren, sondern sie proaktiv zu antizipieren, einen Schritt voraus zu sein und das eigene Schicksal zu gestalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=7: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=76: msgid "Adaptive Advantage" msgstr "Anpassungsvorteil" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=72: msgid "What fosters effective teamwork? It’s not just about grouping individuals together and hoping for the best. It's about cultivating an environment where trust, open communication, mutual respect, and a shared vision converge. Within this nurturing space, each team member feels valued and understood, allowing for the free exchange of ideas and fostering an atmosphere where collaboration can truly shine. As we dive deeper, we'll explore the building blocks of teams that don't just work but triumph together." msgstr "Was fördert effektive Teamarbeit? Es geht nicht nur darum, Individuen zusammenzuführen und auf das Beste zu hoffen. Es geht darum, eine Umgebung zu schaffen, in der Vertrauen, offene Kommunikation, gegenseitiger Respekt und eine gemeinsame Vision zusammenkommen. In diesem fördernden Raum fühlt sich jedes Teammitglied wertgeschätzt und verstanden, was den freien Austausch von Ideen ermöglicht und eine Atmosphäre fördert, in der Zusammenarbeit wirklich glänzen kann. Wenn wir tiefer eintauchen, werden wir die Bausteine von Teams erkunden, die nicht nur zusammenarbeiten, sondern gemeinsam triumphieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: msgid "The magic that emerges from effective collaboration is undeniable. When diverse minds converge with a shared purpose, the results can be transformative. In this piece, we delve into the essence of teamwork, presenting ways to cultivate a culture of seamless collaboration and synergy. Discover the tools and strategies that can elevate team dynamics and drive collective success." msgstr "Die Magie, die aus effektiver Zusammenarbeit entsteht, ist unbestreitbar. Wenn unterschiedliche Denkweisen mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel zusammenkommen, können die Ergebnisse transformierend sein. In diesem Beitrag gehen wir auf das Wesen von Teamarbeit ein und präsentieren Möglichkeiten, eine Kultur der nahtlosen Zusammenarbeit und Synergie zu fördern. Entdecke die Werkzeuge und Strategien, die das Teamdynamik verbessern und gemeinsamen Erfolg vorantreiben können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: msgid "Collaboration Magic" msgstr "Zusammenarbeitszauber" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=57: msgid "Every business has a unique potential waiting to be tapped. Recognizing the keys to unlock this growth can set an enterprise on the path to unprecedented success. In this exploration, we highlight the subtle levers and strategies that can propel a business forward, offering insights on harnessing untapped opportunities within and beyond the organization." msgstr "Jedes Unternehmen hat ein einzigartiges Potenzial, das darauf wartet, ausgeschöpft zu werden. Das Erkennen der Schlüssel, die dieses Wachstum freisetzen, kann ein Unternehmen auf den Weg zu beispiellosem Erfolg bringen. In dieser Untersuchung beleuchten wir die subtilen Hebel und Strategien, die ein Unternehmen voranbringen können, und geben Einblicke in die Nutzung ungenutzter Chancen innerhalb und außerhalb des Unternehmens." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=60: msgid "Challenges in business are a given, but it’s our response to them that defines our trajectory. Looking beyond the immediate obstacle, there lies a realm of opportunity and learning. Here, we explore the mindset shifts and strategies that can transform hurdles into stepping stones, guiding businesses towards growth and resilience even in the most trying times." msgstr "Herausforderungen im Geschäft sind gegeben, aber unsere Reaktion darauf bestimmt unsere Trajektorie. Wenn wir über das unmittelbare Hindernis hinausblicken, eröffnet sich ein Bereich voller Möglichkeiten und Lernchancen. Hier erforschen wir die Denkweisen und Strategien, die Hürden in Sprungsteine verwandeln können und Unternehmen auch in den schwierigsten Zeiten auf Wachstum und Widerstandsfähigkeit lenken." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=57: msgid "Growth Unlocked" msgstr "Wachstum freigeschaltet" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=60: msgid "Beyond the Obstacle" msgstr "Jenseits des Hindernisses" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: msgid "In the ever-evolving world, the art of forging genuine connections remains timeless. Whether it’s with colleagues, clients, or partners, establishing a genuine rapport paves the way for collaborative success. In this post, we’ll delve into the nuanced intricacies of building and nurturing these essential relationships, shedding light on the soft skills that can set a company apart in a competitive landscape." msgstr "In der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Welt bleibt die Kunst, echte Verbindungen zu schmieden, zeitlos. Egal ob es sich um Kollegen, Kunden oder Partner handelt, eine echte Beziehung legt den Grundstein für gemeinsamen Erfolg. In diesem Beitrag werden wir uns mit den feinen Nuancen des Aufbaus und der Pflege dieser wichtigen Beziehungen befassen und dabei auf die Soft Skills eingehen, die ein Unternehmen in einer wettbewerbsintensiven Landschaft hervorheben können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: msgid "The Art of Connection" msgstr "Die Kunst der Verbindung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/cover.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=263: msgid "Austria" msgstr "Österreich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/cover.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=260: #: block-patterns/cover.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "Poland" msgstr "Polen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bsoj.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=4: msgid "Mailchimp" msgstr "Mailchimp" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/shawburnblocks.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=54: msgid "Reach out with the contact information below so we can work together to drive more customers to your products and services." msgstr "Nimm Kontakt auf mit den unten stehenden Kontaktdaten, damit wir zusammenarbeiten können, um mehr Kunden für deine Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu gewinnen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=43: msgid "Instructions" msgstr "Anweisungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51: msgid "lunch" msgstr "Mittagessen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=37: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=45: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=49: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=147: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=154: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=161: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=163: msgid "Ingredients:" msgstr "Zutaten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldentedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=144: msgid "Terms" msgstr "Begriffe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: msgid "What makes us the best in business " msgstr "Was macht uns zum Besten im Geschäft?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: msgid "123 Street, Sydney, NSW | (123) 456-789 | email@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "Beispielstraße 1, Musterstadt |(012) 345 67 89 | e-mail@meinetolledomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=280: msgid "123-456-7890
hello@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "123-456-7890
hello@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "email@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "email@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3794: msgid "@username
email@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "@username
email@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: msgid "contact@mygroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" msgstr "kontakt@meinetolledomain.de
(012) 345 67 89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: msgid "email@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "email@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: msgid "Contact Us
hello@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "Kontaktiere uns
hello@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: msgid "hello@yourgroovydomain.com
123-456-7890" msgstr "hello@yourgroovydomain.com
123-456-7890" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "hello@yourgroovydomain.com
+61 000 000 000" msgstr "hello@yourgroovydomain.com
+61 000 000 000" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7149: msgid "Case studies" msgstr "Fallstudien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Dive into an experience that sets us apart in an ever-evolving landscape. At Acme, we don’t just offer solutions; we redefine possibilities." msgstr "Tauche ein in ein Erlebnis, das uns hervorhebt in einer Umgebung, die sich in stetigem Wandel befindet. Bei Acme bieten wir nicht nur Lösungen. Wir definieren Möglichkeiten neu." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "Cake decorating class" msgstr "Tortendekorationskurs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "Art Print - Symmetry" msgstr "Kunstdruck - symmetrisch" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "Art Print - Layers" msgstr "Kunstdruck - übereinander" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "Art Print - Divide" msgstr "Kunstdruck – aufgeteilt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic." msgstr "Klare Linien und minimalistisches Ästhetik." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Modern design" msgstr "Modernes Design" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: msgid "Dive into an experience that sets us apart in an ever-evolving landscape.
At Acme, we don’t just offer solutions; we redefine possibilities." msgstr "Tauche ein in ein Erlebnis, das uns hervorhebt in einer Umgebung, die sich in stetigem Wandel befindet.
Bei Acme bieten wir nicht nur Lösungen. Wir definieren Möglichkeiten neu." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Lasting beauty under the warmest glows." msgstr "Beständige Schönheit bei wärmstem Schein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Handcrafted" msgstr "Handarbeit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Blending timeless design artisanal creation." msgstr "Handgefertigte Kreation mit Farbverlauf und zeitlosem Design." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: msgid "Three blog posts" msgstr "Drei Blogbeiträge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: msgid "Two images side by side" msgstr "Zwei Bilder nebeneinander" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: msgid "Square grid gallery" msgstr "Galerie mit quadratischem Gitter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: msgid "Join hundreds of our subscribers and be the first to know about new content and special offers." msgstr "Werde einer unserer Abonnenten und sei der Erste, der über neue Inhalte und Sonderangebote informiert wird." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: msgid "Glazed dinner set" msgstr "Glasiertes Essgeschirr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: msgid "Ceramic tea set" msgstr "Keramik Teeset" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: msgid "Modern image gallery" msgstr "Moderne Bildergalerie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: msgid "Don’t miss out!" msgstr "Nicht verpassen!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: msgid "Four blog posts" msgstr "Vier Blogbeiträge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: msgid "Two blog posts" msgstr "Zwei Blogbeiträge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: msgid "Join the list" msgstr "Auf die Mailing-Liste setzen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: msgid "Newsletter signup with an image" msgstr "Newsletter-Registrierung mit Bild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: msgid "Subscribe to our newsletter for cool tips, articles and offers. " msgstr "Abonniere unseren Newsletter, um tolle Tipps, Artikel und Angebote zu erhalten. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: msgid "Where to find us" msgstr "Wo finde ich dich?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: msgid "Dana Smith is a lifestyle and product photographer based in Australia." msgstr "Dana Smith ist eine Lifestyle- und Produktfotografin aus Australien." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: msgid "We're dedicated to delivering excellence in every endeavor. With a foundation built on trust, innovation, and collaboration, we've been empowering our clients to reach their full potential for over ten years." msgstr "Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, in jedem Vorhaben Exzellenz zu liefern. Mit einer Grundlage aus Vertrauen, Innovation und Zusammenarbeit haben wir unsere Kunden seit über zehn Jahren dabei unterstützt, ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: msgid "Centered headline" msgstr "Zentrierte Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: msgid "Our vision is to stand as the foremost provider of strategic solutions, consistently delivering exceptional and personalized services. Whether you're starting a new venture, or poised for expansion, our commitment is to collaborate and propel you towards your goals." msgstr "Unsere Vision ist es, als führender Anbieter von strategischen Lösungen zu stehen und konsequent außergewöhnliche und persönliche Dienstleistungen zu liefern. Egal, ob Sie ein neues Unternehmen gründen oder bereit sind, sich zu erweitern, unser Engagement besteht darin, mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten und Sie auf dem Weg zu Ihren Zielen voranzubringen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: msgid "Our vision" msgstr "Unsere Vision" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: msgid "Four column gallery" msgstr "Galerie mit vier Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: msgid "Slideshow gallery" msgstr "Galerie mit Diashow" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "In every endeavor, from collaboration to decision-making, we champion transparency, honesty, and sincerity." msgstr "Bei jedem Vorhaben, von Zusammenarbeit bis Entscheidungsfindung, setzen wir uns für Transparenz, Ehrlichkeit und Aufrichtigkeit ein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integrität" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Professionalism" msgstr "Professionalität" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "We create experiences that exceed your expectations with a passion for perfection and attention to detail." msgstr "Wir schaffen Erlebnisse, die deine Erwartungen mit Leidenschaft für Perfektion und Liebe zum Detail übertreffen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Why choose us?" msgstr "Warum uns wählen?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: msgid "Handcrafted ceramic ensemble featuring a rustic bowl, and a dinner plate. Both pieces boast a unique, tactile finish, reminiscent of age-old pottery traditions, bringing warmth and authenticity to your home." msgstr "Handgefertigtes Keramik-Set mit einer rustikalen Schale und einem Essteller. Beide Stücke zeichnen sich durch eine einzigartige, haptische Oberfläche aus, die an jahrhundertealte Töpfereitraditionen erinnert und Ihrem Zuhause Wärme und Authentizität verleiht." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: msgid "Introducing our handcrafted, rustic ceramic set featuring a charming mug and matching saucer. Designed with natural tones and a tactile, earthy texture, this duo evokes a sense of comfort and warmth." msgstr "Hier ist unser handgefertigtes, rustikales Keramikset mit einer bezaubernden Tasse und passender Untertasse. Gestaltet mit natürlichen Tönen und einer taktilen, erdigen Textur, vermittelt dieses Duo ein Gefühl von Gemütlichkeit und Wärme." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "Ceramic dinner set" msgstr "Keramik Essgeschirr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: msgid "Dinner set" msgstr "Essensset" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "Rustic mug set" msgstr "Rustikales Tassen-Set" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: msgid "Ceramic mug" msgstr "Keramikbecher" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: msgid "Project management" msgstr "Projektmanagement" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: msgid "Training programs" msgstr "Trainingsprogramme" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: msgid "$ 120.00" msgstr "120 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: msgid "Single product with image on the right" msgstr "Ein Produkt mit Bild auf der rechten Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "$49.00" msgstr "49 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "$120.00" msgstr "120 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "Two products" msgstr "Zwei Produkte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: msgid "$ 40.00" msgstr "40 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: msgid "Single product" msgstr "Einzelnes Produkt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: msgid "Heading and four images" msgstr "Überschrift und vier Bilder" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: msgid "Discover a world
of possibilities" msgstr "Entdecke eine Welt
voller Möglichkeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: msgid " At Acme, we don't just offer solutions; we redefine possibilities." msgstr "Bei Acme bieten wir nicht nur Lösungen an; wir definieren Möglichkeiten neu." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Behind every challenge lies an opportunity for unparalleled assistance. We understand the intricacies of your needs and are committed to providing prompt assistance every step of the way. " msgstr "Hinter jeder Herausforderung liegt eine Gelegenheit für unvergleichliche Unterstützung. Wir verstehen die Feinheiten Ihrer Bedürfnisse und sind entschlossen, Schreibanregung bei jedem Schritt des Weges zu bieten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "We believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our training programs are meticulously designed to elevate skills, boost confidence, and foster innovation. " msgstr "Wir glauben an die transformative Kraft des Wissens. Unsere Schulungsprogramme sind sorgfältig darauf ausgerichtet, Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, das Selbstvertrauen zu stärken und Innovationen zu fördern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Management" msgstr "Verwaltung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "We prioritize a holistic approach, ensuring every aspect of your operations is optimized for peak performance. With a focus on strategy and adaptability we transform visions into tangible results." msgstr "Wir legen Wert auf einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz und stellen sicher, dass jeder Aspekt Ihrer Operationen für optimale Performance optimiert ist. Mit Fokus auf Strategie und Anpassungsfähigkeit verwandeln wir Visionen in greifbare Ergebnisse." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Our consultancy services are tailored to unlock your potential and steer you towards success. Partner with us, and together we'll turn challenges into opportunities." msgstr "Unsere Beratungsdienstleistungen sind darauf ausgerichtet, Ihr Potenzial freizusetzen und Sie auf Erfolgskurs zu bringen. Arbeiten Sie mit uns zusammen und gemeinsam verwandeln wir Herausforderungen in Chancen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Consultancy" msgstr "Beratung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Consulting" msgstr "Beratung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Training" msgstr "Schulung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Support" msgstr "Support" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Marl is a small pottery studio and gallery based in Byron Bay." msgstr "Marl ist ein kleines Töpferstudio und eine Galerie im wunderschönen Byron Bay." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: msgid "Dive into an experience that sets us apart in an ever-evolving landscape." msgstr "Tauche ein in ein Erlebnis, das uns in einer sich ständig verändernden Landschaft auszeichnet." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: msgid "Get a quote" msgstr "Angebot erhalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: msgid "Let's make something together" msgstr "Schaffen wir etwas gemeinsam" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: msgid "Call to action with background" msgstr "Handlungsaufruf mit Hintergrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: msgid "Wide cover block with left-aligned text" msgstr "Breiter Cover-Block mit linksbündigem Text" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: msgid "Media and text call to action" msgstr "Handlungsaufruf mit Medien und Text" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: msgid "Minimal header with centered site title" msgstr "Minimaler Header mit zentriertem Website-Titel" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Matoki" msgstr "Matoki" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Shanti" msgstr "Shanti" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: msgid "Sign up for updates" msgstr "Melde dich an, um Updates zu erhalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Mistral " msgstr "Mistral " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: msgid "Listen now" msgstr "Jetzt anhören" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: msgid "CEO, Owner" msgstr "CEO, Inhaberin" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: msgid "Estelle Vo" msgstr "Estelle Vo" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: msgid "“From strategy to execution, every step of the way was smooth and transparent. Highly recommended!\"" msgstr "„Von der Strategie bis zur Ausführung war jeder Schritt reibungslos und transparent. Absolut empfehlenswert!“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: msgid "“Working with Acme was a game changer for our business. Their expertise and dedication are unmatched.”" msgstr "„Die Zusammenarbeit mit Acme war ein positiver Wendepunkt für unser Unternehmen. Das Fachwissen und Engagement von Acme ist ohnegleichen.“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Bell Tower" msgstr "Glockenturm" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: msgid "Two quotes and a heading" msgstr "Zwei Zitate und eine Überschrift" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: msgid "Dive into an experience that sets us apart in an ever-evolving landscape.
At Acme, we don't just offer solutions; we redefine possibilities." msgstr "Tauche ein in eine Erfahrung, die uns in einer Umgebung im stetigen Wandel hervorstechen lässt.
Bei Acme bieten wir nicht nur Lösungen. Wir definieren Möglichkeiten neu." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-rows-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/test/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Discover a world of possibilities" msgstr "Entdecke unendliche Möglichkeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: msgid "Call to action with brand logos" msgstr "Handlungsaufruf mit Markenlogos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: msgid "Questions, comments or requests?
Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you." msgstr "Fragen, Kommentare oder Anfragen?
Wir würden uns freuen, von dir zu hören." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: msgid "Let's chat" msgstr "Lass uns chatten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: msgid "Contact with form on the left" msgstr "Kontaktformular auf der linken Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-centered-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: msgid "Enter your email below to receive updates." msgstr "Gib deine E-Mail-Adresse ein, um Updates zu erhalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: msgid "Simple subscription form" msgstr "Einfaches Abonnementformular" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Our intimate knowledge of the industry allows us to craft a service uniquely tailored to your business needs." msgstr "Dank unserer genauen Branchenkenntnis können wir einen Service zusammenstellen, der exakt auf deine Geschäftsanforderungen zugeschnitten ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Expertise" msgstr "Expertise" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "We deliver top-notch service, and handle requests with expertise, ensuring your journey is smooth and hassle-free." msgstr "Wir bieten einen erstklassigen Service und bearbeiten Anfragen kompetent, damit du auf deinem Weg auf keinerlei Hindernisse stößt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: msgid "We create unparalleled experiences that exceed your expectations with a passion for perfection and attention to detail." msgstr "Mit einer Leidenschaft für Perfektion und einem Auge fürs Detail schaffen wir unvergleichliche Erfahrungen, die deine Erwartungen übertreffen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Excellence" msgstr "Exzellenz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: msgid "Why choose us" msgstr "Warum du dich für uns entscheiden solltest" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: msgid "Heading and three features" msgstr "Überschrift und drei Funktionen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: msgid "New arrivals" msgstr "Neu eingetroffen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: msgid "Featured product category" msgstr "Hervorgehobene Produktkategorie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: msgid "Introducing our latest curated ceramics collection, that will bring a touch of artisanal charm to your home. Now available exclusively in our online store." msgstr "Wir präsentieren: Unsere neueste kuratierte Keramikkollektion, die künstlerischen Charme in dein Zuhause bringt. Jetzt exklusiv in unserem Onlineshop erhältlich." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Patterns shown with priority in Pattern Assembler." msgstr "Die Vorlagen werden im Vorlagen-Assembler nach Priorität angezeigt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Assembler_priority" msgstr "Assembler_priority" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "assembler_priority" msgstr "assembler_priority" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: msgid "Minimal footer with dark background and social icons" msgstr "Minimalistischer Footer mit dunklem Hintergrund und Social-Media-Icons" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: msgid "Our Top Destinations" msgstr "Unsere Top-Ziele" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=148: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=181: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=229: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=239: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10398: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1323: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1397: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1565: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1580: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1600: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1647: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1876: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=194: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2990: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3033: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3034: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3227: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=462: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5340: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5608: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5625: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5637: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5663: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5672: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5680: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5697: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5710: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5764: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7135: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7143: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=737: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7597: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=857: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=88: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=94: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "All the patterns available in the Pattern Assembler." msgstr "Alle Vorlagen sind im Vorlagen-Assembler verfügbar." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?page_id=11796: msgid "The query block of this page is in its template." msgstr "Der Abfragenblock dieser Seite befindet sich in seinem Template." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?page_id=11796: msgid "Assembler In Template" msgstr "Assembler im Template" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?page_id=11753: msgid "Curated Patterns In Assembler " msgstr "Ausgewählte Vorlagen im Assembler " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=148: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=181: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=229: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=239: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5340: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5608: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5625: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=857: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=88: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=94: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: #: 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Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=148: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=181: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=229: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=239: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1876: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=194: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2990: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3033: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3034: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3227: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=462: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5637: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5663: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5672: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5680: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5697: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5710: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5764: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7135: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7143: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=737: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7597: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=857: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=88: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=94: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "assembler" msgstr "assembler" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: msgid "Header with navigation and social links" msgstr "Header mit Navigation und Links zu sozialen Netzwerken" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "Upcoming stops" msgstr "Nächste Standplätze" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "Free 15 day trial" msgstr "Kostenlose 15-Tage-Testversion" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "Our pricing" msgstr "Unsere Preise" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: msgid "Questions, comments or requests? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you." msgstr "Fragen, Kommentare oder Anfragen? Wir würden uns freuen, von dir zu hören." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Comprehensive cleaning service focusing on revitalizing carpets and windows, removing dirt, stains, and grime to enhance indoor aesthetics and create a brighter, cleaner atmosphere." msgstr "Umfassender Reinigungsservice mit Schwerpunkt auf der Auffrischung von Teppichen und Fensterreinigung, der Entfernung von Schmutz, Flecken und Dreck, um Innenräume ästhetischer zu gestalten und eine hellere, sauberere Atmosphäre zu schaffen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Carpets & windows" msgstr "Teppiche und Fenster" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Expert cleaning services designed for businesses and offices, encompassing routine cleaning, sanitation of high-traffic areas, and maintaining a professional and inviting workspace." msgstr "Fachmännische Reinigungsdienste für Unternehmen und Büros, die routinemäßige Reinigung, die Säuberung von stark frequentierten Bereichen und die Aufrechterhaltung eines professionellen und einladenden Arbeitsumfelds umfassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Customized cleaning solutions targeting specific requirements, such as post-construction cleanup, deep cleaning for special occasions, or addressing unique cleaning challenges." msgstr "Maßgeschneiderte Reinigungslösungen für spezifische Anforderungen, wie z. B. die Reinigung nach Bauarbeiten, die Tiefenreinigung für besondere Anlässe oder besondere Anforderungen an die Reinigung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Type / to add a hidden block" msgstr "Geben Sie / ein, um einen verborgenen Block hinzuzufügen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Dedicated service aimed at maintaining your house clean and tidy. Service includes dusting, vacuuming, and disinfecting to ensure a comfortable living environment." msgstr "Wir bieten Ihnen einen engagierten Service, damit Ihr Zuhause sauber und aufgeräumt bleibt. Zum Service gehören Staubwischen, Staubsaugen und Desinfizieren, um ein angenehmes Wohnambiente zu schaffen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Popular products" msgstr "Beliebte Produkte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5666: msgid "By the
Numbers" msgstr "
In Zahlen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: msgid "Luna Stationery Set" msgstr "Luna Schreibwaren-Set" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: msgid "Dreaming Stationery Set" msgstr "Dreaming Schreibwaren-Set" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: msgid "Volunteer forum support" msgstr "Unterstützung des Freiwilligenforums" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: msgid "Works with major design software" msgstr "Funktioniert mit gängiger Design-Software" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: msgid "Join thousands of happy subscribers and receive weekly emails with insights and actionable advice. No spam or ads, ever." msgstr "Schließen Sie sich Tausenden von zufriedenen Abonnenten an und erhalten Sie wöchentliche E-Mails mit Einsichten und umsetzbaren Ratschlägen. Niemals Spam oder Werbung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7135: msgid "Our services" msgstr "Unsere Leistungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: msgid "1 Example Street,
San Francisco, CA 10100, USA" msgstr "Beispielstraße 1,
10100 Musterstadt, Deutschland" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: msgid "Estelle Vo, Business owner" msgstr "Estelle Vo, Geschäftsführerin" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/u_O2aRE-UHs\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/u_O2aRE-UHs\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/UMm9FGo8cek\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/UMm9FGo8cek\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Instagram
Twitter" msgstr "Instagram
Twitter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Emma is always available for side collaborations and talks worldwide. If you want to chat about design, books, wine, or anything else, don’t hesitate in reaching out." msgstr "Emma ist immer für die Zusammenarbeit an einem Nebenprojekt zu haben und hält weltweit Vorträge. Wenn du dich über Design, Bücher, Wein oder einfach so unterhalten möchtest, kannst du dich gerne an mich wenden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Impact for Growth, 2021
Building Compatible Teams
San Francisco, CA" msgstr "Wachstumsauswirkungen, 2021
Aufbau kompatibler Teams
San Francisco, Kalifornien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Design x Mental Health, 2020
Speaking Out
San Francisco, CA" msgstr "Design und geistige Gesundheit, 2020
Die Meinung sagen
San Francisco, Kalifornien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Design Conference, 2019
Designing Teams
San Jose, CA" msgstr "Designkonferenz, 2019
San José, Kalifornien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Speaking" msgstr "Vorträge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Co-founded a startup, led the design team, and played a crucial role in the company's acquisition by Parenthesis." msgstr "Hat ein Start-up mitgegründet, das Designteam geleitet und eine wichtige Rolle bei der Übernahme des Unternehmens durch Parenthesis gespielt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Chief Design Officer" msgstr "Chief Design Officer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Managed a diverse team of designers, implementing design thinking methodologies and contributing to successful design projects." msgstr "Hat ein vielseitiges Team aus Designern geleitet und dabei Design-Thinking-Methoden eingeführt und zu erfolgreichen Designprojekten beigetragen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Pfeil" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Currently managing designers, leading design strategy and execution, and collaborating cross-functionally to create high-growth products." msgstr "Derzeit tätig als Manager von Designern und verantwortlich für die Leitung der Designstrategie und -ausführung sowie für die funktionsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit, um Produkte mit hohen Wachstumsraten zu erstellen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Design Team Manager" msgstr "Design Team Manager" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Dot Dot Dot" msgstr "Punkt Punkt Punkt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Emma holds a Master’s in Design from Columbia University and is passionate about building effective teams, and leveraging design to create high growth products.

She currently manages designers at Dot. She has previously managed design teams at Arrow, cofounded a company that was acquired by Parenthesis, and spent a few years as a freelance designer.

Originally from Canada, she studied in Paris and London, worked in Singapore, and is now based in San Francisco. She loves books, yoga, and wine." msgstr "Emma hat einen Master-Abschluss in Design von der Columbia University. Ihre Leidenschaft ist es, für Effektivität in Teams zu sorgen und Design zu nutzen, um hochwertige Produkte zu entwickeln.

Derzeit leitet sie die Designer bei Dot. In den vergangenen Jahren hat sie die Designteams von Arrow geleitet, ein Unternehmen gegründet, das von Parenthesis gekauft wurde und einige Jahre als Freelance Designerin gearbeitet.

Sie kommt ursprünglich aus Kanada, studierte in Paris und London und arbeitete in Singapur. Heute lebt und arbeitet sie in San Francisco. Sie liebt Bücher, Yoga und Wein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Resume" msgstr "Fortsetzen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Emma Walker" msgstr "Emma Walker" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: msgid "Minimal Header with Navigation and Social Icons" msgstr "Minimaler Header mit Navigation und Social-Icons" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: msgid "Stacked Header with Social Icons and Search" msgstr "Gestapelte Header mit Social-Icons und Suche" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: msgid "Header with Navigation and Buttons" msgstr "Header mit Navigation und Buttons" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: msgid "Header with Button and Background" msgstr "Header mit Button und Hintergrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: msgid "Header with Two Rows" msgstr "Header mit zwei Reihen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "$67" msgstr "67 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3862: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4348: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4393: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4670: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4675: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4677: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4688: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5716: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: msgid "Store" msgstr "Shop" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3862: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4348: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4393: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4670: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4675: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4677: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4688: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5716: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: msgid "store" msgstr "Store" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7814: msgid "The earth,
one shot at a time." msgstr "Die Erde
in Einzelaufnahmen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "I was hesitant to switch to a new software platform, but I'm so glad I did. This software has exceeded all my expectations. It's easy to use, even for someone who isn't tech-savvy." msgstr "Ich habe erst gezögert, zu einer neuen Softwareplattform zu wechseln. Aber es war eine gute Entscheidung. Diese Software hat all meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Sie ist benutzerfreundlich, auch für diejenigen, die sich mit Technik schwertun." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=125: msgid "Salainis" msgstr "Salainis" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: msgid "Kay Buford" msgstr "Kay Buford" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: msgid "Terrell George" msgstr "Terrell George" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: msgid "Blue Jean Jacket" msgstr "Blaue Jeansjacke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: msgid "Subscribe to newsletter" msgstr "Newsletter abonnieren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Mini tartes flambées" msgstr "Kleine Tartes Flambées" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Salmon canapés" msgstr "Lachshäppchen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Vegetable tart" msgstr "Vegetarische Tarte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Pork rillettes" msgstr "Schweine-Rillettes" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "Customers love our products" msgstr "Kunden lieben unsere Produkte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Heat-resistant" msgstr "Hitzebeständiges" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=162: msgid "Get it delivered" msgstr "Liefern lassen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: msgid "A curated collection of cameras & accessories" msgstr "Eine kuratierte Sammlung von Kameras und Zubehör" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: msgid "Brush up on cooking skills" msgstr "Verbessere deine Kochkünste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: msgid "Join hundreds of happy subscribers!" msgstr "Werde einer von Hunderten zufriedenen Abonnenten!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: msgid "Latest episodes" msgstr "Neueste Folgen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: msgid "What our customers are saying" msgstr "Das sagen unsere Kunden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1184: msgid "What Our Critics Are Saying" msgstr "Das sagen unsere Kritiker" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "— Ray Cordova" msgstr "— Ray Cordova" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "If you're looking for a podcast that goes beyond surface-level conversations and dives deep into the heart of what it means to be human, this is it. It's a transformative experience that will broaden your horizons, challenge your perspectives, and remind you of the power of empathy. Prepare to be captivated, enlightened, and inspired." msgstr "Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem Podcast bist, der über oberflächliche Gespräche hinausgeht und tief in den Kern des Menschseins eintaucht, bist du hier genau richtig. Diese Erfahrung wird dich verändern, deinen Horizont erweitern, deine Vorstellungen auf den Kopf stellen und dich an die Kraft der Empathie erinnern. Sei bereit, dich fesseln, begeistern und inspirieren zu lassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "— Tony Stork" msgstr "— Tony Stork" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "I cannot begin to express the positive impact this podcast has had on me. It has empowered me to step out of my comfort zone, pursue my dreams, and cultivate a mindset of growth and resilience. Through the stories shared on the show, I've learned that failure is not the end but rather a stepping stone to success." msgstr "Ich kann gar nicht in Worte fassen, wie positiv dieser Podcast für mich ist. Er hilft mir, meine Komfortzone zu verlassen, meine Träume zu verfolgen und ein Bewusstsein für Wachstum und Belastbarkeit zu entwickeln. Durch die Beiträge in der Sendung habe ich gelernt, dass Scheitern nicht das Ende bedeutet, sondern eher ein Sprungbrett zum Erfolg ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6730: msgid "Contemporary ceramics, handmade in Australia." msgstr "Zeitgenössische Keramik, handgefertigt in Australien." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/artlydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/awburndemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/barnsbury23demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/bsojdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/cortadodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/covrdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/curriculumdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fewerdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fotogramademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/freddiedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/grammeronedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/issuedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/jinjangdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/kigendemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/lineupthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/loicdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/luminancedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/mphodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/negaidemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/nesteddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/optimismodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/organizerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/outlanddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/overlaiddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/peiraodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/pieriademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/podcastydemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/ronthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "." msgstr ". " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/artlydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/awburndemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/barnsbury23demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/bsojdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/cortadodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/covrdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/curriculumdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fewerdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fotogramademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/freddiedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/grammeronedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/issuedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/jinjangdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/kigendemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/lineupthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/loicdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/luminancedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/mphodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/negaidemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/nesteddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/optimismodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/organizerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/outlanddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/overlaiddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/peiraodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/pieriademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/podcastydemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/ronthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "add another page" msgstr "füge eine weitere Seite hinzu" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/artlydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/awburndemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/barnsbury23demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/bsojdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/cortadodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/covrdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/curriculumdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fewerdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fotogramademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/freddiedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/grammeronedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/issuedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/jinjangdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/kigendemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/lineupthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/loicdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/luminancedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/mphodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/negaidemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/nesteddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/optimismodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/organizerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/outlanddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/overlaiddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/peiraodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/pieriademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/podcastydemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/ronthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your About or Contact information. Click the Edit link to make changes to this page or " msgstr "Dies ist eine Beispielseite. Im Unterschied zu Beiträgen, die auf der Startseite deines Blogs in der Reihenfolge angezeigt werden, in der sie veröffentlicht wurden, eignen sich Seiten besser für Inhalte, die länger aktuell bleiben und leicht abrufbar sein sollen, wie deine Angaben auf den Seiten „Über“ und „Kontakt“. Klicke auf den Link „Bearbeiten“, um Änderungen an dieser Seite vorzunehmen, oder " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3681: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "No results found." msgstr "Es wurden keine Ergebnisse gefunden, die Ihren Suchkriterien entsprechen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "George Lois's legacy as a visual communicator is unmatched. His ability to create designs that resonate with audiences on a visceral level is a testament to his mastery of the craft. As we draw inspiration from his work, let us remember the importance of visual impact in our own creative endeavors, striving to create designs that not only catch the eye but also leave a lasting impression." msgstr "Das Vermächtnis von George Lois als visueller Kommunikator ist unübertroffen. Seine Fähigkeit, Designs zu entwerfen, die den Betrachter auf einer visuellen Ebene ansprechen, zeugt von seiner Meisterschaft. Wenn wir uns von seiner Arbeit inspirieren lassen, sollten wir uns auch bei unseren eigenen kreativen Bemühungen an die Bedeutung der visuellen Wirkung erinnern und danach streben, Designs zu entwerfen, die nicht nur ins Auge fallen, sondern auch einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "The Intersection of Art and Advertising: Lois blurred the lines between art and advertising, infusing his designs with artistic sensibilities. In this blog post, we delve into Lois's unique ability to bridge the gap between commercial work and artistic expression. We discuss how his fusion of art and advertising not only made his work visually appealing but also elevated the impact and significance of his designs." msgstr "Der Schnittpunkt von Kunst und Werbung: Lois lässt die Grenzen zwischen Kunst und Werbung verschwimmen, indem er seine Entwürfe mit künstlerischer Sensibilität durchsetzt. In diesem Blogbeitrag befassen wir uns mit Lois' einzigartiger Fähigkeit, die Kluft zwischen kommerzieller Arbeit und künstlerischem Ausdruck zu überbrücken. Wir erörtern, wie seine Verschmelzung von Kunst und Werbung seine Arbeit nicht nur visuell ansprechend machte, sondern auch die Wirkung und Bedeutung seiner Entwürfe steigerte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "Visual Metaphors: Communicating Beyond Words: One of Lois's greatest strengths was his ability to communicate complex ideas through visual metaphors. In this blog post, we explore how Lois used symbolism and metaphor to convey powerful messages in his designs. From his politically charged Esquire covers to his groundbreaking advertising campaigns, we uncover the deeper meanings behind Lois's visually captivating creations." msgstr "Visuelle Metaphern: Kommunizieren jenseits von Worten: Eine von Lois' größten Stärken war seine Fähigkeit, komplexe Ideen durch visuelle Metaphern zu vermitteln. In diesem Blogbeitrag gehen wir der Frage nach, wie Lois Symbolik und Metaphern nutzte, um in seinen Designs kraftvolle Botschaften zu vermitteln. Von seinen politisch aufgeladenen Esquire-Covern bis hin zu seinen bahnbrechenden Werbekampagnen - wir decken die tieferen Bedeutungen hinter Lois' visuell fesselnden Kreationen auf." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "Less is More: The Power of Simplicity: Lois believed in the power of simplicity, often stripping his designs down to their essential elements. In this blog post, we examine how Lois's minimalist approach allowed his work to cut through the clutter and capture attention. From his iconic MTV logo to his Esquire covers, we discover how Lois harnessed the power of simplicity to create lasting visual impact." msgstr "Weniger ist mehr: Die Macht der Schlichtheit: Lois glaubte an die Kraft der Einfachheit und reduzierte seine Entwürfe oft auf ihre wesentlichen Elemente. In diesem Blogbeitrag gehen wir der Frage nach, wie Lois' minimalistische Herangehensweise es seinen Arbeiten ermöglichte, sich von der Masse abzuheben und die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zu ziehen. Von seinem ikonischen MTV-Logo bis hin zu seinen Esquire-Covern - wir entdecken, wie Lois die Kraft der Einfachheit nutzte, um einen bleibenden visuellen Eindruck zu hinterlassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "George Lois was a visual genius who understood the power of impactful design. His ability to create visually striking and thought-provoking work set him apart as a true master of his craft. In this blog post, we delve into Lois's unique approach to visual communication and explore the lessons we can learn from his iconic designs." msgstr "George Lois war ein visuelles Genie, das die Kraft des wirkungsvollen Designs verstand. Seine Fähigkeit, visuell auffällige und zum Nachdenken anregende Arbeiten zu schaffen, zeichnet ihn als wahren Meister seines Handwerks aus. In diesem Blogbeitrag beschäftigen wir uns mit Lois 'einzigartigem Ansatz zur visuellen Kommunikation und erkunden die Lehren, die wir aus seinen ikonischen Designs ziehen können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "George Lois's ability to create designs that resonate with audiences on a visceral level is a testament to his mastery of the craft." msgstr "George Lois 'Fähigkeit, Designs zu kreieren, die das Publikum auf einer viszeralen Ebene ansprechen, ist ein Beweis für seine Beherrschung des Handwerks." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "The Art of Visual Impact" msgstr "Die Kunst der visuellen Wirkung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "As a Creative, your mission is not to sedate, but to awaken, to disturb, to communicate, to provoke." msgstr "Als Kreativer besteht Ihre Mission nicht darin, sich zu beruhigen, sondern aufzuwachen, zu stören, zu kommunizieren, zu provozieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "Creating great work warms the heart and enriches the soul." msgstr "Großes Werk zu schaffen, wärmt das Herz und bereichert die Seele." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "George Lois's maverick mindset serves as an inspiration to all creatives. By embracing failure, fostering collaboration, and staying true to our authentic selves, we can unlock our creative potential and make a meaningful impact. As we reflect on Lois's legacy, let us strive to adopt his mindset of fearlessness, innovation, and purpose in our own creative journeys." msgstr "George Lois 'eigenwillige Denkweise dient als Inspiration für alle Kreativen. Indem wir uns auf Misserfolge einlassen, die Zusammenarbeit fördern und unserem authentischen Selbst treu bleiben, können wir unser kreatives Potenzial freisetzen und eine sinnvolle Wirkung erzielen. Wenn wir über Lois' Vermächtnis nachdenken, sollten wir uns bemühen, seine Denkweise der Furchtlosigkeit, Innovation und Zielstrebigkeit auf unseren eigenen kreativen Reisen zu übernehmen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Authenticity and Purpose: One of the hallmarks of George Lois's work was its authenticity and sense of purpose. In this blog post, we delve into how Lois infused his designs with a strong sense of purpose, aligning his work with his personal values and beliefs. We explore how authenticity can drive creative endeavors and resonate with audiences on a deeper level, inspiring them to take action." msgstr "Authentizität und Zweck: Eines der Kennzeichen von George Lois 'Werk war seine Authentizität und Zielstrebigkeit. In diesem Blogbeitrag beschäftigen wir uns damit, wie Lois seine Entwürfe mit einem starken Sinn für Zweck erfüllt und seine Arbeit mit seinen persönlichen Werten und Überzeugungen in Einklang gebracht hat. Wir untersuchen, wie Authentizität kreative Bestrebungen vorantreiben und das Publikum auf einer tieferen Ebene anregen kann, um es zum Handeln zu inspirieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Unleashing the Power of Collaboration: Lois recognized the power of collaboration and the magic that can unfold when different creative minds come together. In this blog post, we explore how Lois fostered a culture of collaboration, working with talented writers, artists, and photographers to bring his ideas to life. We discuss the benefits of collaborative thinking and how it can lead to innovative and groundbreaking work." msgstr "Entfesseln der Kraft der Zusammenarbeit: Lois erkannte die Kraft der Zusammenarbeit und die Magie, die sich entfalten kann, wenn verschiedene kreative Köpfe zusammenkommen. In diesem Blogbeitrag untersuchen wir, wie Lois eine Kultur der Zusammenarbeit förderte, indem er mit talentierten Schriftstellern, Künstlern und Fotografen zusammenarbeitete, um seine Ideen zum Leben zu erwecken. Wir diskutieren die Vorteile des kollaborativen Denkens und wie es zu innovativer und bahnbrechender Arbeit führen kann." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success: Lois understood that failure is an integral part of the creative process. In this blog post, we discuss how Lois embraced failure as an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine his ideas. We explore how he encouraged risk-taking and the importance of adopting a mindset that sees failures as valuable stepping stones on the path to success." msgstr "Misserfolg als Sprungbrett zum Erfolg begreifen: Lois verstand, dass Misserfolg ein integraler Bestandteil des kreativen Prozesses ist. In diesem Blogbeitrag diskutieren wir, wie Lois das Scheitern als Gelegenheit nutzte, um zu lernen, zu wachsen und seine Ideen zu verfeinern. Wir untersuchen, wie er die Risikobereitschaft gefördert hat und wie wichtig es ist, eine Denkweise anzunehmen, die Misserfolge als wertvolle Sprungbretter auf dem Weg zum Erfolg ansieht." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "George Lois was a true maverick, defying conventions and embracing a mindset that pushed the boundaries of creativity. In this blog post, we delve into the mindset that made Lois such a revolutionary figure, exploring the key principles and attitudes that fueled his success." msgstr "George Lois war ein wahrer Außenseiter, der sich den Konventionen widersetzte und eine Denkweise verfolgte, die die Grenzen der Kreativität sprengte. In diesem Blogbeitrag beschäftigen wir uns mit der Denkweise, die Lois zu einer so revolutionären Figur gemacht hat, und erforschen die wichtigsten Prinzipien und Einstellungen, die seinen Erfolg befeuert haben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/lineup.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/pieria.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=174: msgid "Biography" msgstr "Biografie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "the key principles and attitudes that fueled George Lois' success" msgstr "die wichtigsten Prinzipien und Einstellungen, die den Erfolg von George Lois befeuert haben" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "The Maverick Mindset" msgstr "The Maverick Mindset" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "Better to have your work
seen and remembered, or you've struck out." msgstr "Es ist besser, Ihre Arbeit
zu sehen und sich daran zu erinnern, oder Sie haben gestrichen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "Better to be bold than safe. Reckless than careful." msgstr "Lieber mutig als sicher. Leichtsinnig als vorsichtig." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "biography" msgstr "biographie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "Conclusion: George Lois's influence on the creative industry is immeasurable. His boldness, fearlessness, and unconventional thinking continue to inspire and challenge us to this day. As we reflect on his incredible legacy, let us embrace his spirit of creativity and innovation, remembering that true greatness lies in being daring, unconventional, and unapologetically creative." msgstr "Fazit: George Lois 'Einfluss auf die Kreativwirtschaft ist unermesslich. Seine Kühnheit, Furchtlosigkeit und sein unkonventionelles Denken inspirieren und fordern uns bis heute. Wenn wir über sein unglaubliches Vermächtnis nachdenken, lassen Sie uns seinen Geist der Kreativität und Innovation annehmen und uns daran erinnern, dass wahre Größe darin besteht, mutig, unkonventionell und unapologetisch kreativ zu sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "Fearlessness and Creative Courage: One of the most remarkable aspects of George Lois's career was his fearlessness and unwavering creative courage. He famously stated, \"I don't give a damn about rules.\" In this blog post, we delve into Lois's audacious approach to creativity, discussing how his willingness to take risks and embrace the unknown led to some of his most groundbreaking work. We explore the importance of stepping outside our comfort zones and embracing the unknown in order to unlock our true creative potential." msgstr "Furchtlosigkeit und kreativer Mut: Einer der bemerkenswertesten Aspekte von George Lois 'Karriere war seine Furchtlosigkeit und sein unerschütterlicher kreativer Mut. Er sagte berühmt: \"Ich kümmere mich einen Dreck um Regeln.„ In diesem Blogbeitrag beschäftigen wir uns mit Lois' kühnem Kreativitätsansatz und diskutieren, wie seine Bereitschaft, Risiken einzugehen und das Unbekannte anzunehmen, zu einigen seiner bahnbrechendsten Arbeiten geführt hat. Wir erforschen, wie wichtig es ist, unsere Komfortzonen zu verlassen und das Unbekannte anzunehmen, um unser wahres kreatives Potenzial freizusetzen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "The Art of Storytelling: Lois was a master storyteller, using his creativity to craft compelling narratives that resonated with people on a deep level. In this blog post, we examine Lois's storytelling techniques and how he effectively conveyed messages through his work. From his iconic Esquire magazine covers to his unforgettable ad campaigns, Lois demonstrated the power of storytelling in capturing attention and inspiring action." msgstr "Die Kunst des Geschichtenerzählens: Lois war ein meisterhafter Geschichtenerzähler, der seine Kreativität nutzte, um überzeugende Erzählungen zu schaffen, die bei den Menschen auf einer tiefen Ebene Anklang fanden. In diesem Blogbeitrag untersuchen wir Lois 'Storytelling-Techniken und wie er durch seine Arbeit effektiv Botschaften vermittelt. Von seinen ikonischen Esquire-Covern bis hin zu seinen unvergesslichen Werbekampagnen demonstrierte Lois die Kraft des Geschichtenerzählens, um Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen und Aktionen zu inspirieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "The Power of Unconventional Thinking: George Lois was never one to shy away from pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking. He believed that true innovation comes from breaking free from the chains of conformity. In this blog post, we explore how Lois challenged the status quo in the advertising industry, introducing bold and disruptive campaigns that captivated audiences and revolutionized the way we perceive marketing." msgstr "Die Macht des unkonventionellen Denkens: George Lois scheute sich nie davor, die Grenzen des konventionellen Denkens zu überschreiten. Er glaubte, dass wahre Innovation entsteht, wenn man sich von den Konformitätsketten befreit. In diesem Blogbeitrag untersuchen wir, wie Lois den Status quo in der Werbebranche in Frage gestellt hat, indem sie mutige und disruptive Kampagnen eingeführt hat, die das Publikum gefesselt und die Art und Weise, wie wir Marketing wahrnehmen, revolutioniert haben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "George Lois, a name that echoes throughout the advertising industry, is celebrated as one of the most influential creative figures of our time. With a career spanning several decades, Lois has left an indelible mark on the world of advertising, design, and creative thinking. In this blog post, we delve into the life and legacy of this incredible figure, exploring his groundbreaking ideas and fearless approach to creativity." msgstr "George Lois, ein Name, der sich in der gesamten Werbebranche widerspiegelt, wird als eine der einflussreichsten kreativen Figuren unserer Zeit gefeiert. Mit einer jahrzehntelangen Karriere hat Lois unauslöschliche Spuren in der Welt der Werbung, des Designs und des kreativen Denkens hinterlassen. In diesem Blogbeitrag tauchen wir in das Leben und Vermächtnis dieser unglaublichen Figur ein und erkunden seine bahnbrechenden Ideen und seinen furchtlosen Ansatz zur Kreativität." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "George Lois, is celebrated as one of the most influential creative figures of our time." msgstr "George Lois wird als eine der einflussreichsten kreativen Figuren unserer Zeit gefeiert." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "A Mastermind of Advertising and Innovation" msgstr "Ein Genie aus Werbung und Innovation" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "Creativity" msgstr "Kreativität" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "creativity" msgstr "Kreativität" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "My concern has always been with creating images that catch people's eyes, penetrate their minds, warm their hearts, and cause them to act. And additionally, I have always understood that truly great graphic
and verbal communication reflects and adapts to the culture,
anticipates the culture, criticizes changes in the culture, and helps to change the culture." msgstr "Mein Anliegen war es immer, Bilder zu schaffen, die die Blicke der Menschen auf sich ziehen, ihren Geist durchdringen, ihre Herzen erwärmen und sie zum Handeln bringen. Und außerdem habe ich immer verstanden, dass wirklich großartige
grafischeund verbale Kommunikation die Kultur widerspiegelt und sich an sie anpasst
, die Kulturantizipiert, Veränderungen in der Kultur kritisiert und dazu beiträgt, die Kultur zu verändern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "When that idea is dramatized by a unique image in synergy with words that memorably communicate in a nanosecond, there is always an immediate intellectual and visceral human response." msgstr "Wenn diese Idee durch ein einzigartiges Bild in Synergie mit Worten dramatisiert wird, die in einer Nanosekunde einprägsam kommunizieren, gibt es immer eine unmittelbare intellektuelle und viszerale menschliche Reaktion." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "I have always understood that when an original idea springs out of a communicator's head and intuitions, the mystical blending, or even juxtaposition of concept, copy, and art, can lead to magic where one and one can indeed be three." msgstr "Ich habe immer verstanden, dass, wenn eine ursprüngliche Idee aus dem Kopf und den Intuitionen eines Kommunikators entspringt, die mystische Vermischung oder sogar die Gegenüberstellung von Konzept, Kopie und Kunst zu Magie führen kann, wo eins und eins tatsächlich drei sein können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "When I was 15 years old Paul Rand showed me that with talent, conviction, and courage you can change the World. I never regarded myself as a designer. I am a graphic communicator because I create big ideas, not designs." msgstr "Als ich 15 Jahre alt war, zeigte mir Paul Rand, dass man mit Talent, Überzeugung und Mut die Welt verändern kann. Ich habe mich nie als Designer gesehen. Ich bin ein grafischer Kommunikator, weil ich große Ideen kreiere, keine Designs." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: msgid "In the act of creativity being careful guarantees sameness and mediocrity." msgstr "Im Akt der Kreativität garantiert Sorgfalt Gleichheit und Mittelmäßigkeit." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: msgid "You can be cautious or be creative. There's no Cautious Creative." msgstr "Sie können vorsichtig oder kreativ sein. Es gibt keine vorsichtige Kreativität." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1323: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1565: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3237: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "Display a list of recordings so your visitors can find them all in one place." msgstr "Zeige eine Liste der Aufzeichnungen an, damit deine Besucher sie alle an einer Stelle finden können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1104: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7161: msgid "Highlight important quotations." msgstr "Hebe wichtige Zitate hervor." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7161: msgid "Share reviews and feedback about your brand or business." msgstr "Teile Bewertungen und Feedback zu deiner Marke oder deinem Unternehmen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Add essential patterns to start building your site." msgstr "Füge wichtige Vorlagen hinzu, um mit der Erstellung deiner Website zu beginnen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3287: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3296: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3305: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4180: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5805: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5811: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5816: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5820: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5822: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5833: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5837: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5842: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5844: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5851: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5856: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5869: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8367: msgid "Share curated links to all your sites and social media profiles." msgstr "Teile kuratierte Links zu all deinen Websites und Social-Media-Profilen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: msgid "Display important links and contact information." msgstr "Zeige wichtige Links und Kontaktinformationen an." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=193: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-pull-left-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-right-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-avatar-on-left-header-on-right-with-sub-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-image-on-right-with-large-border-header-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/intro-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-with-heading-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1123: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2085: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=285: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3282: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3342: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3353: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3369: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3658: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=484: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5158: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5330: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5663: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5680: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5764: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=778: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7814: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=817: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=938: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=948: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Introduce yourself or your brand to visitors." msgstr "Stelle den Besuchern dich oder deine Marke vor." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=183: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=195: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=207: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=231: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=39: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-offset-grid-of-three-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-three-column-masonry-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-two-columns-with-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-rows-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/offset-gallery-with-captions/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-gallery-grid-with-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-four-columns-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-slider/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/gallery-three-images-with-description/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=104: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1349: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1352: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1355: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1361: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1368: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1647: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1949: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=285: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3099: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3810: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3819: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3835: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3856: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3867: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3928: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=395: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=40: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5158: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5294: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5306: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5637: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5697: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5710: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=678: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7143: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=737: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=857: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=88: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=948: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=94: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=967: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9757: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9766: msgid "Display photography, design, illustration, and other visual media." msgstr "Zeige Fotografien, Designs, Illustrationen und andere visuelle Medien an." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-tall-image-with-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10398: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1053: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1397: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1580: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=194: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2990: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3033: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3034: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3227: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: msgid "Display your personal or business details so your visitors can get in touch." msgstr "Zeige deine persönlichen oder geschäftlichen Daten an, damit dich deine Besucher kontaktieren können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-centered-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-left-aligned-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-with-image-on-the-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-subscription-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10314: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1046: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5672: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6034: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6044: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7584: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7587: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7597: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7600: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7608: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7612: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7616: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7619: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7710: msgid "Add a subscription block to your profile so your visitors can get your latest posts in their inboxes." msgstr "Füge deinem Profil einen Abonnement-Block hinzu, damit deine Besucher deine neuesten Beiträge in ihrem Posteingang erhalten können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=195: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10429: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3392: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4133: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5330: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Briefly describe what your business does." msgstr "Beschreibe kurz, was dein Unternehmen tut." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=181: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=183: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=104: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1323: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1460: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1580: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1647: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1719: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1876: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3237: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5625: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5672: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6730: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Add a section to encourage your visitors to take some action." msgstr "Füge einen Abschnitt hinzu, um deine Besucher zum Handeln zu animieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3862: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4348: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4393: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4670: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4675: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4677: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4688: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5716: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: msgid "Sell products or services directly from your site." msgstr "Verkaufe Produkte oder Dienste direkt auf deiner Website." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=193: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=225: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=229: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=39: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10429: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=125: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1597: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1600: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1660: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=462: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6739: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7135: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=931: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=938: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: msgid "Create, format, and style your writing." msgstr "Erstelle, formatiere und gestalte deine Texte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3755: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3759: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3768: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=824: msgid "Build anticipation for an upcoming product or service." msgstr "Wecke Interesse an einem bevorstehenden Produkt oder Dienst." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-cover-image-with-overlay/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-four-column/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-large-heading-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-6/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12892: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3395: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3681: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3685: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4255: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "Highlight your updates and latest articles." msgstr "Mache auf deine Neuigkeiten und aktuellen Artikel aufmerksam." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1358: msgid "Tiled Gallery" msgstr "Gekachelte Galerie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=285: msgid "Side-by-side" msgstr "Nebeneinander" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3287: msgid "Link in Bio: Mono" msgstr "Bio-Link: Mono" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3819: msgid "Grid Gallery" msgstr "Rastergalerie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3832: msgid "Side-by-Side" msgstr "Nebeneinander" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3835: msgid "Image Portfolio" msgstr "Bildportfolio" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3923: msgid "Artfolio Detail" msgstr "Artfolio-Detail" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3928: msgid "Sketchbook" msgstr "Skizzenblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3851: msgid "Project Detail" msgstr "Projektdetail" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5805: msgid "Link in Bio: Pastels" msgstr "Bio-Link: Pastellfarben" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5864: msgid "Link in Bio: Cloud" msgstr "Bio-Link: Wolke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5851: msgid "Link in Bio: Big Picture" msgstr "Bio-Link: großes Bild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5844: msgid "Link in Bio: Mesh" msgstr "Bio-Link: Gitter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5842: msgid "Link in Bio: Bold Purple" msgstr "Bio-Link: fett gedruckt, violett" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5837: msgid "Link in Bio: Dark" msgstr "Bio-Link: dunkel" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5822: msgid "Link in Bio: Contours" msgstr "Bio-Link: Konturen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5820: msgid "Link in Bio: Backdrop" msgstr "Bio-Link: Hintergrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5811: msgid "Link in Bio: Subtle Patterns" msgstr "Bio-Link: dezente Muster" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5816: msgid "Link in Bio: Gradients" msgstr "Bio-Link: Verläufe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5833: msgid "Link in Bio: Audio Embed" msgstr "Bio-Link: eingebettete Audiodatei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "Link in Bio: Synthwave" msgstr "Bio-Link: Synthwave" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "Link in Bio: Retro Pink" msgstr "Bio-Link: Retro Pink" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "Link in Bio: Floral" msgstr "Bio-Link: Blumen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Link in Bio: Painting" msgstr "Bio-Link: Gemälde" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8367: msgid "Link in Bio: Anime" msgstr "Bio-Link: Anime" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "$100" msgstr "100 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "FREE" msgstr "Kostenlos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "" msgstr "" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: msgid "Brand logos" msgstr "Markenlogos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid " $75" msgstr " 75 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "Teams" msgstr "Mannschaften" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "Solo (Recommended)" msgstr "Solo (empfohlen)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: msgid "Good for trying out, or the occasional design project." msgstr "Gut zum Ausprobieren oder gelegentlichen Designprojekt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "Advanced support" msgstr "Erweiterter Support" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "One project per month" msgstr "Ein Projekt pro Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "Regular updates" msgstr "Regelmäßige Updates" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "Pricing with three options and background" msgstr "Preisgestaltung mit drei Optionen und Hintergrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "Do you offer free returns?" msgstr "Bieten Sie kostenlose Rücksendungen an?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "We gathered the answers to some popular questions below. If you can't find your question below feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to help." msgstr "Im Folgenden haben wir die Antworten auf einige häufig gestellte Fragen zusammengestellt. Wenn Sie Ihre Frage unten nicht finden können, können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden, und wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "FAQ with three columns" msgstr "FAQ mit drei Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "$97 - Book now!" msgstr "$97 - Jetzt buchen!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "✓ Leveling, filling and stacking your cake." msgstr "✓ Nivellieren, Füllen und Stapeln Ihres Kuchens." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: msgid "Testimonial" msgstr "Referenz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Product Designer" msgstr "Produktdesigner" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "✓ Delicious icing recipe." msgstr "✓ Leckeres Zuckerguss-Rezept." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "✓ Tips for baking a perfect cake." msgstr "✓ Tipps zum Backen eines perfekten Kuchens." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "In this live online class, you'll learn:" msgstr "In diesem Live-Online-Kurs lernen Sie:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "Impress your friends and family with a delicious homemade creation at your next special occasion!" msgstr "Beeindrucken Sie Ihre Freunde und Familie mit einer köstlichen hausgemachten Kreation bei Ihrem nächsten besonderen Anlass!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "Payment block" msgstr "Zahlungssperre" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "$29 - Buy now" msgstr "$29 - Jetzt kaufen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "Three products with buy buttons" msgstr "Drei Produkte mit Kaufen-Buttons" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: msgid "Two products with buy button" msgstr "Zwei Produkte mit Kaufen-Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: msgid "- Tony Stork, CEO & Founder" msgstr "- Tony Stork, CEO und Gründer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: msgid "\"This software has completely transformed the way I work.\"" msgstr "\"Diese Software hat meine Arbeitsweise komplett verändert.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: msgid "- Tony Stork, Business Owner" msgstr "- Tony Stork, Geschäftsinhaber" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: msgid "\"Easily the best newsletter in my inbox! The insights and advice from the experts have been invaluable in helping me navigate the challenges of running an online business.\"" msgstr "\"Mit Abstand der beste Newsletter in meinem Posteingang! Die Erkenntnisse und Ratschläge der Experten waren von unschätzbarem Wert, um mir bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen eines Online-Geschäfts zu helfen.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Tea" msgstr "Tee" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: msgid "A newsletter for savvy business owners " msgstr "Ein Newsletter für versierte Geschäftsinhaber " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Home-smoked bacon and onions." msgstr "Hausgeräucherter Speck und Zwiebeln." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Smoked Salmon, fresh dill and capers." msgstr "Geräucherter Lachs, frischer Dill und Kapern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "With seasonal vegetables." msgstr "Mit saisonalem Gemüse." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "With quick pickle of dried apricots." msgstr "Mit schneller Gurke aus getrockneten Aprikosen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Banana, strawberry, mango." msgstr "Banane, Erdbeere, Mango." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Fruit smoothie" msgstr "Frucht-Smoothie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry." msgstr "Vanille, Schokolade oder Erdbeere." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Milkshakes" msgstr "Milchshakes" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "English, earl grey, green." msgstr "Englisch, Earl Grey, Grün." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Matcha Latte" msgstr "Matcha Latte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Add soy, almond, or oat milk." msgstr "Fügen Sie Soja-, Mandel- oder Hafermilch hinzu." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Cappuccino" msgstr "Cappuccino" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "With feta, tomatoes, basil and garlic." msgstr "Mit Feta, Tomaten, Basilikum und Knoblauch." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Bruschetta" msgstr "Bruschetta" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "With side of spicy buffalo sauce." msgstr "Mit würziger Büffelsauce." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Fried calamari" msgstr "Gebratene Calamari" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Bread salad with basil and tomatoes." msgstr "Brotsalat mit Basilikum und Tomaten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Panzanella" msgstr "Panzanella (Begriffsklärung)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Salami, cheese, olives, crackers." msgstr "Salami, Käse, Oliven, Cracker." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Charcuterie board" msgstr "Charcuterie-Brett" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Appetizers" msgstr "Vorspeisen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Spray tan" msgstr "Sprühbräune" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Sauna" msgstr "Sauna" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Massage" msgstr "Massage" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Body scrub" msgstr "Körperpeeling" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Hair removal" msgstr "Haarentfernung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Pedicure" msgstr "Pediküre" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Manicure" msgstr "Maniküre" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Facial" msgstr "Gesichtsbehandlung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Full price list" msgstr "Vollständige Preisliste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Specialized cleaning" msgstr "Spezialisierte Reinigung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Commercial cleaning" msgstr "Gewerbliche Reinigung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Residential cleaning" msgstr "Reinigung von Wohngebäuden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Services - two columns" msgstr "Dienstleistungen - zwei Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389: msgid "Contact with image on the right" msgstr "Kontakt mit Bild rechts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10398: msgid "Contact with image on the left" msgstr "Kontakt mit Bild auf der linken Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: msgid "We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a line below and we'll do our best to get back to you within one business day." msgstr "Wir würden uns freuen, von Ihnen zu hören! Schreiben Sie uns unten eine Nachricht und wir werden unser Bestes tun, um uns innerhalb eines Werktages bei Ihnen zu melden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: msgid "Monday - Friday
10am - 6pm" msgstr "Montag - Freitag
10 - 18 Uhr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: msgid "Visit our store" msgstr "Besuchen Sie unseren Shop" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: msgid "Contact with map on the left" msgstr "Kontakt mit Karte auf der linken Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: msgid "\"This software has completely transformed the way we work.\"" msgstr "\"Diese Software hat die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, komplett verändert.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10429: msgid "FAQ - two columns" msgstr "FAQ - zwei Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10429: msgid "Frequenty Asked Questions" msgstr "Häufig gestellte Fragen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: msgid "Testimonial with image on the left" msgstr "Referenz mit Bild auf der linken Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: msgid "Latest news, trends, and insights on entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, and more, straight to your inbox." msgstr "Aktuelle Nachrichten, Trends und Einblicke in die Bereiche Unternehmertum, Marketing, Finanzen und mehr direkt in Ihren Posteingang." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: msgid "A weekly newsletter for business owners " msgstr "Ein wöchentlicher Newsletter für Geschäftsinhaber " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: msgid "Newsletter signup" msgstr "Newsletter abonnieren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Various seasonal flavors of Italy’s answer to ice cream." msgstr "Verschiedene saisonale Geschmacksrichtungen von Italiens Antwort auf Eiscreme." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Gelato" msgstr "Gelato" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "$18" msgstr "$18" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Chocolate cake, toasted almonds, and espresso custard." msgstr "Schokoladenkuchen, geröstete Mandeln und Espressopudding." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Torta Caprese" msgstr "Torta Caprese" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Ladyfingers dipped in coffee, layered with custard and mascarpone." msgstr "Löffelbiskuits in Kaffee getaucht, mit Vanillepudding und Mascarpone überzogen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Tiramisu" msgstr "Tiramisu" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: msgid "Can I return an item free of charge?" msgstr "Kann ich einen Artikel kostenlos zurücksenden?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "Where do you ship from?" msgstr "Von wo aus versenden Sie?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "Do you ship internationally?" msgstr "Versenden Sie international?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: msgid "We gathered the answers to some popular questions below.
If you can't find your question below feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to help." msgstr "Im Folgenden haben wir die Antworten auf einige häufig gestellte Fragen zusammengestellt.
Wenn Sie Ihre Frage unten nicht finden können, können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden, und wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: msgid "FAQ with two columns" msgstr "FAQ mit zwei Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Product features with two images" msgstr "Produktmerkmale mit zwei Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: msgid "Learn more" msgstr "Weitere Informationen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: msgid "Learn more" msgstr "Weitere Informationen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: msgid "Product features" msgstr "Produktmerkmale" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Connect with your favorite apps and services for optimized workflow." msgstr "Verbinden Sie sich mit Ihren bevorzugten Apps und Diensten, um den Workflow zu optimieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: msgid "Join hundreds of happy subscribers!" msgstr "Werde einer von Hunderten zufriedenen Abonnenten!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Gain valuable insights into your data and make informed decisions." msgstr "Gewinnen Sie wertvolle Einblicke in Ihre Daten und treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Analytik" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Easily keep track of projects and tasks with customizable dashboards." msgstr "Behalten Sie ganz einfach den Überblick über Projekte und Aufgaben mit anpassbaren Dashboards." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Intuitive UI" msgstr "Intuitive Benutzeroberfläche" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Streamline your business operations effortlessly with our software." msgstr "Optimieren Sie Ihre Geschäftsabläufe mühelos mit unserer Software." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Automation" msgstr "Automatisierung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Create custom dashboards with your key metrics." msgstr "Erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Dashboards mit Ihren wichtigsten Metriken." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Customizable dashboard" msgstr "Anpassbares Dashboard" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Adjust your strategies on the fly with informed decisions." msgstr "Passen Sie Ihre Strategien im Handumdrehen an und treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Real-time analytics" msgstr "Echtzeit-Analysen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Free up your team's time by automating tasks." msgstr "Gewinnen Sie Zeit für Ihr Team, indem Sie Aufgaben automatisieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Automated workflow" msgstr "Automatisierter Workflow" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Product features with image on the right" msgstr "Produktmerkmale mit Bild auf der rechten Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: msgid "Header with video background" msgstr "Header mit Videohintergrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: msgid "Success requires a strong will and unwavering commitment to putting in the required effort." msgstr "Erfolg erfordert einen starken Willen und unerschütterliches Engagement, um die erforderlichen Anstrengungen zu unternehmen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: msgid "Make your mark" msgstr "Setzen Sie ein Zeichen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: msgid "Heading and video" msgstr "Überschrift und Video" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "Check out my latest videos" msgstr "Schauen Sie sich meine neuesten Videos an" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "Three videos" msgstr "Drei Videos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: msgid "Adding video to your website can significantly improve engagement, increase conversions, and leave a lasting impression on your audience." msgstr "Das Hinzufügen von Videos zu Ihrer Website kann das Engagement erheblich verbessern, die Conversions steigern und einen bleibenden Eindruck bei Ihrem Publikum hinterlassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: msgid "Stand out from the crowd" msgstr "Heben Sie sich von der Masse ab" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: msgid "Heading and video on the right" msgstr "Überschrift und Video auf der rechten Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Refund policy: Free to cancel up to 24h before the class." msgstr "Rückerstattungsrichtlinie: Kostenlose Stornierung bis zu 24 Stunden vor dem Kurs." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Reserve your spot!" msgstr "Reservieren Sie Ihren Platz!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Discover your inner artist and have a blast with our fun and relaxing paint and sip class!" msgstr "Entdecken Sie Ihren inneren Künstler und haben Sie viel Spaß mit unserem lustigen und entspannenden Mal- und Schluckkurs!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Paint and sip class" msgstr "Mal- und Schluckkurs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/nGYGC6cxRlQ\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/nGYGC6cxRlQ\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "Consultant" msgstr "Berater" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Product with price and buy button" msgstr "Produkt mit Preis- und Kaufbutton" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Leo Wood" msgstr "Leo Holz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "CEO, Founder" msgstr "CEO, Gründer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Tony Stork" msgstr "Tony Stork" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "UX Manager" msgstr "UX-Manager" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Ray Cordova" msgstr "Ray Cordova" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "I've been using this software for several months now and it has completely transformed the way I work. It's user-friendly and has all the features I need to manage my business efficiently." msgstr "Ich benutze diese Software jetzt seit einigen Monaten und sie hat meine Arbeitsweise komplett verändert. Es ist benutzerfreundlich und verfügt über alle Funktionen, die ich benötige, um mein Unternehmen effizient zu verwalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "★★★★★" msgstr "★★★★★" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "Great customer service is the heart of our business. Hear from our happy customers who kindly shared their opinion." msgstr "Hervorragender Kundenservice ist das Herzstück unseres Geschäfts. Hören Sie von unseren zufriedenen Kunden, die freundlicherweise ihre Meinung geteilt haben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Our customers love our products" msgstr "Unsere Kunden lieben unsere Produkte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: msgid "I was hesitant to switch to a new software platform, but I'm so glad I did. This software has exceeded all my expectations. It's intuitive and easy to use, even for someone who isn't tech-savvy." msgstr "Ich habe erst gezögert, zu einer neuen Softwareplattform zu wechseln. Aber es war eine gute Entscheidung. Diese Software hat all meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Sie ist intuitiv und benutzerfreundlich, auch für diejenigen, die sich mit Technik schwertun." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "✓ Advanced support" msgstr "✓ Erweiterter Support" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "✗ Advanced support" msgstr "✗ Erweiterter Support" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "✓ One project per month" msgstr "✓ Ein Projekt pro Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "✓ Regular updates" msgstr "✓ Regelmäßige Updates" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "/month" msgstr "/Monat" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "Pricing with two options" msgstr "Preisgestaltung mit zwei Optionen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Three testimonials side by side" msgstr "Drei Referenzen nebeneinander" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Where your data is sent" msgstr "Wohin Ihre Daten gesendet werden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Besucher-Kommentare können von einem automatisierten Dienst zur Spam-Erkennung untersucht werden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Wenn Sie ein Konto auf dieser Website haben oder Kommentare hinterlassen haben, können Sie einen Export der personenbezogenen Daten anfordern, die wir über Sie gespeichert haben, einschließlich aller Daten, die Sie uns zur Verfügung gestellt haben. Sie können auch verlangen, dass wir alle personenbezogenen Daten, die wir über Sie gespeichert haben, löschen. Dies gilt nicht für Daten, die wir aus administrativen, rechtlichen oder sicherheitstechnischen Gründen aufbewahren müssen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "What rights you have over your data" msgstr "Welche Rechte Sie an Ihren Daten haben" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information." msgstr "Für Benutzer, die sich auf unserer Website registrieren, speichern wir zusätzlich die persönlichen Informationen, die sie in ihren Benutzerprofilen angeben. Alle Benutzer können jederzeit ihre persönlichen Informationen einsehen, verändern oder löschen (der Benutzername kann nicht verändert werden). Administratoren der Website können diese Informationen ebenfalls einsehen und verändern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Wenn Sie einen Kommentar hinterlassen, bleiben der Kommentar und seine Metadaten auf unbestimmte Zeit erhalten. Auf diese Weise können wir Folgekommentare automatisch erkennen und genehmigen, anstatt sie in einer Moderationswarteschlange zu halten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Who we share your data with" msgstr "Mit wem wir Ihre Daten teilen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "How long we retain your data" msgstr "Wie lange wir deine Daten speichern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website." msgstr "Diese Websites können Daten über Sie sammeln, Cookies benutzen, zusätzliche Tracking-Dienste von Dritten einbetten und Ihre Interaktion mit diesem eingebetteten Inhalt aufzeichnen, inklusive Ihrer Interaktion mit dem eingebetteten Inhalt, falls Sie ein Konto haben und auf dieser Website angemeldet sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Wenn Sie ein Zurücksetzen des Passworts anfordern, wird Ihre IP-Adresse in die E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen aufgenommen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Artikel auf dieser Website können eingebettete Inhalte (z. B. Videos, Bilder, Artikel usw.) enthalten. Eingebettete Inhalte von anderen Websites verhalten sich genau so, als ob der Besucher die andere Website besucht hätte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Embedded content from other websites" msgstr "Eingebettete Inhalte von anderen Websites" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day." msgstr "Wenn Sie einen Artikel bearbeiten oder veröffentlichen, wird ein zusätzlicher Cookie in Ihrem Browser gespeichert. Dieser Cookie enthält keine personenbezogenen Daten und verweist nur auf die Beitrags-ID des Artikels, den Sie gerade bearbeitet haben. Der Cookie verfällt nach einem Tag." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select \"Remember Me\", your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed." msgstr "Wenn Sie sich anmelden, werden wir auch mehrere Cookies einrichten, um Ihre Anmeldeinformationen und Ihre Bildschirmanzeigeoptionen zu speichern. Login-Cookies haben eine Laufzeit von zwei Tagen, und Cookies für Bildschirmoptionen haben eine Laufzeit von einem Jahr. Wenn Sie \"Angemeldet bleiben\" auswählen, bleibt Ihr Login zwei Wochen lang bestehen. Wenn Sie sich von Ihrem Konto abmelden, werden die Login-Cookies entfernt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser." msgstr "Falls Sie ein Konto haben und Sie sich auf dieser Website anmelden, werden wir ein temporäres Cookie setzen, um festzustellen, ob Ihr Browser Cookies akzeptiert. Dieses Cookie enthält keine personenbezogenen Daten und wird verworfen, wenn Sie Ihren Browser schließen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Wenn Sie einen Kommentar auf unserer Website hinterlassen, können Sie sich dafür entscheiden, Ihren Namen, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Ihre Website in Cookies zu speichern. Diese dienen Ihrer Bequemlichkeit, damit Sie Ihre Daten nicht erneut eingeben müssen, wenn Sie einen weiteren Kommentar hinterlassen. Diese Cookies haben eine Laufzeit von einem Jahr." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=163: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookies" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Wenn Sie Bilder auf die Website hochladen, sollten Sie das Hochladen von Bildern mit eingebetteten Standortdaten (EXIF-GPS) vermeiden. Besucher der Website können beliebige Standortdaten aus Bildern auf der Website herunterladen und extrahieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment." msgstr "Aus Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse kann eine anonymisierte Zeichenfolge erstellt (auch Hash genannt) und dem Gravatar-Dienst übergeben werden, um zu prüfen, ob Sie diesen benutzt. Die Datenschutzerklärung des Gravatar-Dienstes finden Sie hier: https://automattic.com/privacy/. Nachdem Ihr Kommentar freigegeben wurde, ist Ihr Profilbild öffentlich im Kontext Ihres Kommentars sichtbar." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Wenn Besucher Kommentare auf der Website schreiben, sammeln wir die Daten, die im Kommentar-Formular angezeigt werden, außerdem die IP-Adresse des Besuchers und den User-Agent-String (damit wird der Browser identifiziert), um die Erkennung von Spam zu unterstützen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Comments" msgstr "Kommentare" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: Our website address is: https://startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com." msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text: Unsere Website-Adresse lautet: https://startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldentedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=142: #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Privacy Policy" msgstr "Datenschutzerklärung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "Als neuer WordPress-Benutzer sollten Sie zu Ihrem Dashboard gehen, um diese Seite zu löschen und neue Seiten für Ihre Inhalte zu erstellen. Viel Spass!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Terms & Conditions" msgstr "Geschäftsbedingungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=146: msgid "When Catrina and Denzel first dreamed of Desaign, they were working for a WordPress theme company, producing elite designs. However, one issue plagued them: writing real demo content and finding CC0 imagery to use in mockups." msgstr "Als Catrina und Denzel zum ersten Mal von Desaign träumten, arbeiteten sie für eine WordPress-Theme-Firma und produzierten Elite-Designs. Ein Problem plagte sie jedoch: das Schreiben echter Demo-Inhalte und das Finden von CC0-Bildern, die in Mockups verwendet werden konnten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=146: msgid "Meet our founders" msgstr "Lernen Sie unsere Gründer kennen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "Lorem ipsum isn’t a great approach to design, since it doesn’t mirror modern cadence or sentence structure. Our ai generates realistic content to make your designs easier to flesh out in a similar context that they’ll appear in live." msgstr "Lorem ipsum ist kein guter Designansatz, da es nicht die moderne Kadenz oder Satzstruktur widerspiegelt. Unsere KI generiert realistische Inhalte, damit Ihre Entwürfe in einem ähnlichen Kontext, in dem sie live erscheinen, leichter ausgearbeitet werden können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "Why use Desaign?" msgstr "Warum Desaign verwenden?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "We use the GPT-3 AI framework to generate realistic content and images to fit your mockup needs. We’ve written about this in depth on our blog, if you’re interested in the details." msgstr "Wir verwenden das GPT-3 KI-Framework, um realistische Inhalte und Bilder zu generieren, die Ihren Mockup-Anforderungen entsprechen. Wir haben in unserem Blog ausführlich darüber geschrieben, wenn Sie an den Details interessiert sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "How does Desaign work?" msgstr "Wie funktioniert Desaign?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "Our pricing structure is built to be affordable for everyone from individual designers to teams. You can check out our pricing here." msgstr "Unsere Preisstruktur ist so aufgebaut, dass sie für jeden erschwinglich ist, vom einzelnen Designer bis zum Team. Unsere Preise können Sie hier einsehen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "How much does Desaign cost?" msgstr "Wie viel kostet Desaign?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "If these don’t answer your questions, drop us an email." msgstr "Wenn diese Ihre Fragen nicht beantworten, schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "$25" msgstr "25 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Engineering" msgstr "Maschinenbau" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Junior JavaScript Developer" msgstr "Junior-JavaScript-Entwickler" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Junior Data Engineer" msgstr "Junior Data Engineer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Technical Project Manager" msgstr "Technischer Projektleiter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Mobile Support Engineer" msgstr "Mobiler Support-Techniker" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Senior Software Engineer" msgstr "Leitender Software-Ingenieur" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "If you want to make the web a better place for more than a 1B people each month, working from anywhere, see our open positions." msgstr "Wenn Sie das Web zu einem besseren Ort für mehr als 1 Milliarde Menschen pro Monat machen möchten, die von überall aus arbeiten, sehen Sie sich unsere offenen Stellen an." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "We're Hiring" msgstr "Wir stellen ein" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Visit forums" msgstr "Foren besuchen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "A caring designer community to share knowledge with." msgstr "Eine fürsorgliche Designer-Community, mit der man Wissen teilen kann." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Join the community" msgstr "Treten Sie der Community bei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Perfect for agencies and product teams." msgstr "Perfekt für Agenturen und Produktteams." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "$50" msgstr "$50" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Teams" msgstr "Teams" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Free 15 Day Trial" msgstr "Kostenlose 15-Tage-Testversion" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Great for the professional web or product designer." msgstr "Ideal für den professionellen Web- oder Produktdesigner." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Solo (Recommended)" msgstr "Solo (empfohlen)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "— Works with major design software
— One project per month
— Volunteer forum support" msgstr "— Funktioniert mit gängiger Design-Software
— Ein Projekt pro Monat
— Unterstützung des Freiwilligenforums" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Good for trying out, or the occassional design project." msgstr "Gut zum Ausprobieren oder für das gelegentliche Designprojekt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Free" msgstr "Kostenlos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Our pricing structure is built to be affordable for everyone from individual designers to teams." msgstr "Unsere Preisstruktur ist so aufgebaut, dass sie für jeden erschwinglich ist, vom einzelnen Designer bis zum Team." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Our Pricing" msgstr "Unsere Preise" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Read Our Blog" msgstr "Lesen Sie unseren Blog" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Want to be first in line to learn tips and tricks for supercharging your mockups with Desaign? There are many helpful resources in our blog." msgstr "Möchten Sie als Erster Tipps und Tricks zum Aufladen Ihrer Mockups mit Desailn erfahren? Es gibt viele hilfreiche Ressourcen in unserem Blog." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Keep learning as you go." msgstr "Lerne weiter, während du gehst." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "See support programs →" msgstr "Support-Programme →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Compatible with all of your favourite design programs." msgstr "Kompatibel mit all Ihren Lieblings-Designprogrammen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Software Support" msgstr "Software-Support" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Try a demo →" msgstr "Probieren Sie eine Demo →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Not a programmer? Use our intuitive, designer-first UI." msgstr "Sie sind kein Programmierer? Nutzen Sie unsere intuitive, Designer-First-Benutzeroberfläche." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "No Code Necessary" msgstr "Kein Code nötig" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Over 700 teams worldwide rely on Desaign" msgstr "Über 700 Teams weltweit vertrauen auf Desaign" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=392: msgid "How to easily generate demo content with Desaign" msgstr "So generieren Sie ganz einfach Demo-Inhalte mit Desaign" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=434: msgid "stock photos" msgstr "Stockfotos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=434: msgid "stock-photos" msgstr "Stock-Fotos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=434: msgid "How to find the perfect stock images for your next project" msgstr "So finden Sie die perfekten Stockbilder für Ihr nächstes Projekt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3305: msgid "About me card" msgstr "„Über mich“-Karte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Basic" msgstr "Basis" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "basic" msgstr "Basic" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "Als neuer WordPress-Benutzer sollten Sie zu Ihrem Dashboard gehen, um diese Seite zu löschen und neue Seiten für Ihre Inhalte zu erstellen. Viel Spass!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=127: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=129: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=133: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=143: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=145: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: msgid "Lighting" msgstr "Beleuchtung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=127: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=129: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=133: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=143: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=145: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: msgid "lighting" msgstr "Beleuchtung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=154: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=156: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=164: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "Architecture" msgstr "Architektur" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=182: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=186: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=192: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=91: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=154: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=156: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=164: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "architecture" msgstr "Architektur" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166: msgid "Cosentino" msgstr "Cosentino" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=107: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=109: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=139: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "Homeware" msgstr "Haushaltswaren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=107: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=109: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=139: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "homeware" msgstr "Haushaltswaren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=103: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=109: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=123: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=125: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=131: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=139: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=145: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=42: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "Furniture" msgstr "Möbel" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=103: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=109: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=123: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=125: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=131: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=139: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=145: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=42: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "furniture" msgstr "Möbel" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=147: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=149: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=152: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "Decoration" msgstr "Dekoration" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=147: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=149: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=152: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "decoration" msgstr "Dekoration" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "gandiablasco.com" msgstr "gandiablasco.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "Gandia Blasco is a Spanish furniture and home decor brand founded in 1941. It is known for its modern designs and use of materials such as high-quality textiles and natural fibers. The company's product range includes outdoor furniture, rugs, textiles, and accessories for the home. Gandia Blasco has received recognition for its contributions to the design world and is widely considered to be a leader in the Spanish design industry." msgstr "Gandia Blasco ist eine spanische Möbel- und Wohnkulturmarke, die 1941 gegründet wurde. Es ist bekannt für seine modernen Designs und die Verwendung von Materialien wie hochwertigen Textilien und Naturfasern. Die Produktpalette des Unternehmens umfasst Gartenmöbel, Teppiche, Textilien und Wohnaccessoires. Gandia Blasco hat Anerkennung für seine Beiträge zur Designwelt erhalten und gilt weithin als führend in der spanischen Designbranche." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "Gandia Blasco" msgstr "Gandia Blasco" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: msgid "Blog Post Title and Date" msgstr "Titel und Datum des Blogbeitrags" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: msgid "Blog Posts with Section Title and Post Title" msgstr "Blogbeiträge mit Abschnittstitel und Beitragstitel" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: msgid "Blog Post Titles" msgstr "Titel der Blogbeiträge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: msgid "Blog Posts with Title and Date" msgstr "Blogbeiträge mit Titel und Datum" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: msgid "Blog Post List in Column" msgstr "Blogbeitragsliste in Spalte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: msgid "Blog Post List in Column with Large Post Title, Date, Author Name, Category, and Tag" msgstr "Blogbeitragsliste in Spalte mit großem Beitragstitel, Datum, Name des Autors, Kategorie und Schlagwort" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: msgid "Blog Posts with Date, Title, Excerpt, and Category" msgstr "Blogbeiträge mit Datum, Titel, Auszug und Kategorie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "Blog Posts with Title, Excerpt, Category, Author Name, Date, and Tag" msgstr "Blogbeiträge mit Titel, Auszug, Kategorie, Name des Autors, Datum und Schlagwort" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "Als neuer WordPress-Benutzer sollten Sie zu Ihrem Dashboard gehen, um diese Seite zu löschen und neue Seiten für Ihre Inhalte zu erstellen. Viel Spass!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=4: msgid "Sep. 1975: Young woman in a banana t-shirt, Cincinnati" msgstr "September 1975: Junge Frau in einem Bananen-T-Shirt, Cincinnati" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=17: msgid "Pollution" msgstr "Verschmutzung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=17: msgid "pollution" msgstr "Verschmutzung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: msgid "Buildings" msgstr "Gebäuden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=186: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=91: msgid "buildings" msgstr "Gebäude" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32: msgid "Portraits" msgstr "Porträts" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32: msgid "portraits" msgstr "portraits" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "coconuts" msgstr "kokosnüsse" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "beach" msgstr "strand" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Finally, make your way to the beaches of Manuel Antonio National Park. Spend your days lounging on the beach, snorkeling, or taking a sunset cruise. No matter where you go during your 30 days in Costa Rica, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience." msgstr "Schließlich geht es weiter zu den Stränden des Nationalparks Manuel Antonio. Verbringen Sie Ihre Tage entspannt am Strand, beim Schnorcheln oder bei einer Bootsfahrt bei Sonnenuntergang. Egal, wohin Sie während Ihrer 30 Tage in Costa Rica reisen, Sie werden mit Sicherheit ein unvergessliches Erlebnis haben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "3. The Beach" msgstr "3. The Beach" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Then, head to the Arenal Volcano, where you can take a hike to the top or go white water rafting. Continue your journey to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. Here you can explore the lush green forest and spot some of the unique wildlife, such as the resplendent quetzal." msgstr "Danach geht es zum Vulkan Arenal, wo Sie eine Wanderung zum Gipfel unternehmen oder Wildwasser-Rafting machen können. Setzen Sie Ihre Reise zum Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve fort. Hier können Sie den üppig grünen Wald erkunden und einige der einzigartigen Tierarten wie den prächtigen Quetzal beobachten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "2. Arenal Volcano" msgstr "2. Vulkan Arenal" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Next, head to the Caribbean coast and visit Puerto Viejo. This village is full of colorful buildings, local restaurants, and lively bars. Spend your days relaxing on the beach, surfing, or taking part in a guided jungle tour. From Puerto Viejo, drive to Tortuguero and take a boat ride through the canals to see the wildlife. " msgstr "Anschließend fahren Sie an die karibische Küste und besuchen Puerto Viejo. Dieses Dorf ist voll von bunten Gebäuden, lokalen Restaurants und lebhaften Bars. Verbringen Sie Ihre Tage entspannt am Strand, surfen Sie oder nehmen Sie an einer geführten Dschungeltour teil. Fahren Sie von Puerto Viejo nach Tortuguero und machen Sie eine Bootsfahrt durch die Kanäle, um die Tierwelt zu beobachten. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "1. Puerto Viejo" msgstr "1. Puerto Viejo" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "The first part of your trip should be spent in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. Here you can visit the National Theater, wander around the historic city center, and explore the vibrant markets. " msgstr "Der erste Teil Ihrer Reise sollte in San Jose, der Hauptstadt von Costa Rica, verbracht werden. Hier können Sie das Nationaltheater besuchen, durch das historische Stadtzentrum schlendern und die pulsierenden Märkte erkunden. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Spending 30 days in Costa Rica is a great way to explore a beautiful country and experience the best that it has to offer. " msgstr "Ein Aufenthalt von 30 Tagen in Costa Rica ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, ein wunderschönes Land zu erkunden und das Beste zu erleben, was es zu bieten hat. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "30 Days Spent at the Beach" msgstr "30 Tage am Strand" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: msgid "The historic cities of Rome, Florence and Venice are filled with magnificent art, inspiring architecture and an array of cultural attractions. Italy also boasts excellent cuisine, with a vast range of local dishes made from fresh, locally produced ingredients. " msgstr "Die historischen Städte Rom, Florenz und Venedig sind voller großartiger Kunst, inspirierender Architektur und einer Reihe kultureller Attraktionen. Italien bietet auch eine ausgezeichnete Küche mit einer großen Auswahl an lokalen Gerichten aus frischen, lokal produzierten Zutaten. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: msgid "Italy is my favourite retreat because of its breathtaking beauty, ancient culture, and exquisite cuisine. The country’s romantic landscapes of rolling hills, olive groves and majestic mountains offer a peaceful and calming atmosphere. " msgstr "Italien ist mein Lieblingsort wegen seiner atemberaubenden Schönheit, alten Kultur und exquisiten Küche. Die romantischen Landschaften des Landes mit sanften Hügeln, Olivenhainen und majestätischen Bergen bieten eine ruhige und beruhigende Atmosphäre. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: msgid "Italian Charms" msgstr "Italienische Charms" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "italy" msgstr "italien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "Italy’s people are friendly and welcoming, creating an atmosphere of hospitality and relaxation." msgstr "Die Menschen in Italien sind freundlich und einladend und schaffen eine Atmosphäre der Gastfreundschaft und Entspannung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "The country’s fine wine and delicious cuisine make it an inviting destination for any traveler. On top of all that, Italy’s people are friendly and welcoming, creating an atmosphere of hospitality and relaxation." msgstr "Der erlesene Wein und die köstliche Küche des Landes machen es zu einem einladenden Reiseziel für jeden Reisenden. Darüber hinaus sind die Menschen in Italien freundlich und einladend und schaffen eine Atmosphäre der Gastfreundschaft und Entspannung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "The historic cities of Rome, Florence and Venice are filled with magnificent art, inspiring architecture and an array of cultural attractions. Italy also boasts excellent cuisine, with a vast range of local dishes made from fresh, locally produced ingredients. " msgstr "Die historischen Städte Rom, Florenz und Venedig sind voller großartiger Kunst, inspirierender Architektur und einer Reihe kultureller Attraktionen. Italien bietet auch eine ausgezeichnete Küche mit einer großen Auswahl an lokalen Gerichten aus frischen, lokal produzierten Zutaten. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "Italy is my favourite retreat because of its breathtaking beauty, ancient culture, and exquisite cuisine. The country’s romantic landscapes of rolling hills, olive groves and majestic mountains offer a peaceful and calming atmosphere. " msgstr "Italien ist mein Lieblingsort wegen seiner atemberaubenden Schönheit, alten Kultur und exquisiten Küche. Die romantischen Landschaften des Landes mit sanften Hügeln, Olivenhainen und majestätischen Bergen bieten eine ruhige und beruhigende Atmosphäre. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "Why Italy is my Favorite Retreat" msgstr "Warum Italien mein Lieblingsparadies ist" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "forest" msgstr "wald" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "canada" msgstr "kanada" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "I also had the chance to explore the Canadian wilderness by canoe and was able to see some of the majestic lakes and rivers that make up Canada's vast wilderness. All in all, it was a wonderful experience that I will never forget." msgstr "Ich hatte auch die Gelegenheit, die kanadische Wildnis mit dem Kanu zu erkunden und konnte einige der majestätischen Seen und Flüsse sehen, die Kanadas weite Wildnis ausmachen. Alles in allem war es eine wunderbare Erfahrung, die ich nie vergessen werde." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "I was able to hike to some of the tallest waterfalls and take in some of the most breathtaking views. The wildlife was abundant, and I was able to witness some of Canada's iconic species of birds and mammals. " msgstr "Ich konnte zu einigen der höchsten Wasserfälle wandern und einige der atemberaubendsten Aussichten genießen. Die Tierwelt war reichlich vorhanden und ich konnte einige von Kanadas ikonischen Vogel- und Säugetierarten beobachten. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "My trip to Canada's forests was a great experience. I had the opportunity to explore some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. The forests of Canada are so vast and full of life, it was truly awe-inspiring. " msgstr "Meine Reise in die Wälder Kanadas war eine großartige Erfahrung. Ich hatte die Gelegenheit, einige der schönsten Landschaften der Welt zu erkunden. Die Wälder Kanadas sind so weit und voller Leben, dass es wirklich beeindruckend war. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "Out in Canada’s Forests" msgstr "Draußen in Kanadas Wäldern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=190: msgid "Don't find what you're looking for? Search posts here." msgstr "Sie finden nicht, wonach Sie suchen? Beiträge hier durchsuchen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=190: msgid "ITALY
TURKEI" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "istanbul" msgstr "istanbul" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "End your trip with a visit to the Chora Church, a stunning Byzantine masterpiece. Admire the beautiful frescoes, mosaics, and architecture, and soak in the peaceful atmosphere. As you leave, you’ll be filled with a deep appreciation for the city’s long and fascinating history." msgstr "Beenden Sie Ihren Ausflug mit einem Besuch der Chora-Kirche, einem beeindruckenden byzantinischen Meisterwerk. Bewundern Sie die wunderschönen Fresken, Mosaike und Architektur und tauchen Sie in die friedliche Atmosphäre ein. Wenn Sie die Stadt verlassen, werden Sie von einer tiefen Wertschätzung für die lange und faszinierende Geschichte der Stadt erfüllt sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 5" msgstr "Tag 5" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Head to the Blue Mosque, one of the most famous landmarks in Istanbul. Admire the mosque’s majestic blue tiles, and then proceed to the Hippodrome of Constantinople, where you can witness the remains of some of the city’s earliest monuments." msgstr "Besuchen Sie die Blaue Moschee, eines der berühmtesten Wahrzeichen Istanbuls. Bewundern Sie die majestätischen blauen Kacheln der Moschee und fahren Sie dann zum Hippodrom von Konstantinopel, wo Sie die Überreste einiger der frühesten Denkmäler der Stadt sehen können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 4" msgstr "Tag 4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Spend the day at the Topkapı Palace, the imperial residence of the Ottoman sultans. Admire the ornate collections of jewelry, porcelain, and artwork, and explore the palace’s extensive gardens." msgstr "Verbringen Sie den Tag im Topkapı-Palast, der kaiserlichen Residenz der osmanischen Sultane. Bewundern Sie die kunstvollen Sammlungen von Schmuck, Porzellan und Kunstwerken und erkunden Sie die weitläufigen Gärten des Palastes." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 3" msgstr "Tag 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Take a ferry over to the Asian side of Istanbul to explore Kadıköy and Moda. Visit the lively waterfront, lined with restaurants and cafés, and take a walk through the bustling streets of Moda. Don’t forget to try some traditional Turkish street food, like simit and köfte." msgstr "Nehmen Sie eine Fähre auf die asiatische Seite von Istanbul, um Kadıköy und Moda zu erkunden. Besuchen Sie die belebte Uferpromenade, die von Restaurants und Cafés gesäumt ist, und machen Sie einen Spaziergang durch die belebten Straßen von Moda. Vergessen Sie nicht, traditionelles türkisches Streetfood wie Simit und Köfte zu probieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 2" msgstr "Tag 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Start your 5-day journey in Istanbul with a visit to the iconic Hagia Sophia, a Byzantine-era basilica turned mosque, and now a museum. Enjoy the remarkable architecture and art, and catch a glimpse of the city’s long and complex history. After that, take a stroll through the Grand Bazaar, one of the oldest and largest covered markets in the world. You’ll find everything from exotic spices to handmade carpets and jewelry." msgstr "Beginnen Sie Ihre 5-tägige Reise in Istanbul mit einem Besuch der legendären Hagia Sophia, einer Basilika aus der byzantinischen Ära, die zur Moschee wurde und jetzt ein Museum ist. Genießen Sie die bemerkenswerte Architektur und Kunst und werfen Sie einen Blick auf die lange und komplexe Geschichte der Stadt. Danach machen Sie einen Spaziergang durch den Großen Basar, einen der ältesten und größten überdachten Märkte der Welt. Hier finden Sie alles von exotischen Gewürzen bis hin zu handgefertigten Teppichen und Schmuck." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 1" msgstr "Tag 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "After a break around Malta and Albania, we'll be taking a boat to the beautiful city of Istanbul. Our trip around Turkey will be a long one: we'll stay in Istanbul for five days, then travel to Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Izmir with other smaller stops on the way. For now, here's our plan for the city:" msgstr "Nach einer Pause rund um Malta und Albanien fahren wir mit dem Boot in die wunderschöne Stadt Istanbul. Unsere Reise durch die Türkei wird lang: Wir werden fünf Tage in Istanbul bleiben, dann reisen wir nach Kappadokien, Pamukkale und Izmir mit anderen kleineren Stationen auf dem Weg. Vorerst ist hier unser Plan für die Stadt:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Istanbul and other turkish delights" msgstr "Istanbul und andere türkische Köstlichkeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "laos" msgstr "laos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "journals" msgstr "zeitschriften" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "No matter where you go during your 10-day trip to Laos, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience." msgstr "Egal, wohin Sie während Ihrer 10-tägigen Reise nach Laos reisen, Sie werden mit Sicherheit ein unvergessliches Erlebnis haben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "Finally, make your way to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Luang Namtha. Here you can visit the many villages, learn about the local culture, and take part in a homestay. " msgstr "Schließlich geht es weiter zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Luang Namtha. Hier können Sie die vielen Dörfer besuchen, mehr über die lokale Kultur erfahren und an einer Gastfamilie teilnehmen. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "3. Luang Namtha" msgstr "3. Luang Namtha" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "Next, take a drive to the picturesque Nong Khiaw. This small village is surrounded by stunning limestone cliffs, waterfalls, and lush green forest. You can kayak on the Nam Ou River or take a trek through the jungle. Continue your journey to Vang Vieng, where you can explore caves, go tubing, or simply relax on the banks of the Nam Song River. " msgstr "Anschließend fahren Sie zum malerischen Nong Khiaw. Dieses kleine Dorf ist von atemberaubenden Kalksteinklippen, Wasserfällen und üppig grünen Wäldern umgeben. Sie können auf dem Nam Ou-Fluss Kajak fahren oder eine Wanderung durch den Dschungel unternehmen. Fahren Sie weiter nach Vang Vieng, wo Sie Höhlen erkunden, Tubing betreiben oder sich einfach am Ufer des Nam Song Flusses entspannen können. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "2. Nong Khiaw" msgstr "2. Nong Khiaw" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "The first stop on the trip should be the capital city of Vientiane. This city is full of history, heritage, and culture. Here you can explore the temples and pagodas, visit the Pha That Luang stupa, and learn more about the history of Laos. From Vientiane, you should head north to Luang Prabang. Here you will find a mix of modern and traditional Lao culture. Take a walk through the old town and explore the many temples, markets, and museums. " msgstr "Die erste Station der Reise sollte die Hauptstadt Vientiane sein. Diese Stadt ist voller Geschichte, Erbe und Kultur. Hier können Sie die Tempel und Pagoden erkunden, den Pha That Luang Stupa besuchen und mehr über die Geschichte von Laos erfahren. Von Vientiane aus sollten Sie Richtung Norden nach Luang Prabang fahren. Hier finden Sie eine Mischung aus moderner und traditioneller laotischer Kultur. Machen Sie einen Spaziergang durch die Altstadt und erkunden Sie die vielen Tempel, Märkte und Museen. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "1. Vientiane" msgstr "1. Vientiane" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "Laos is a beautiful country located in Southeast Asia, with a rich history and culture. A 10-day trip to Laos can be an amazing experience, filled with adventure and relaxation." msgstr "Laos ist ein wunderschönes Land in Südostasien mit einer reichen Geschichte und Kultur. Eine 10-tägige Reise nach Laos kann eine erstaunliche Erfahrung sein, voller Abenteuer und Entspannung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "The Natural Beauty of Laos" msgstr "Die natürliche Schönheit von Laos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurerdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page/: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page/: #: block-patterns/iotixdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page/: msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "Als neuer WordPress-Benutzer solltest du zu deinem Dashboard gehen, um diese Seite zu löschen und neue Seiten für deinen Inhalt zu erstellen. Viel Spaß!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Light Design" msgstr "Lichtdesign" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "light-design" msgstr "lichtdesign" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The vulcanic ashes, so-called Pozzolana" msgstr "Die Vulkanasche, die sogenannte Pozzolana" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Therefore, where the mountains are not earthy but consist of soft stone, the force of the fire, passing through the fissures in the stone, sets it afire. The soft and delicate part is burned out, while the hard part is left. Consequently, while in Campania the burning of the earth makes ashes, in Tuscany the combustion of the stone makes carbuncular sand. Both are excellent in walls, but one is better to use for buildings on land, the other for piers under salt water. The Tuscan stone is softer in quality than tufa but harder than earth, and being thoroughly kindled by the violent heat from below, the result is the production in some places of the kind of sand called carbuncular." msgstr "Daher, wo die Berge nicht erdig sind, sondern aus weichem Stein bestehen, setzt die Kraft des Feuers, die durch die Spalten im Stein geht, ihn in Brand. Der weiche und empfindliche Teil wird ausgebrannt, während der harte Teil übrig bleibt. Während in Kampanien durch die Verbrennung der Erde Asche entsteht, entsteht in der Toskana durch die Verbrennung des Steins karbunkularer Sand. Beide sind ausgezeichnet in den Wänden, aber eines ist besser, für die Gebäude auf dem Land, das andere für die Pfeiler unter dem Salzwasser zu verwenden. Der toskanische Stein ist weicher in der Qualität als Tuff, aber härter als die Erde, und durch die heftige Hitze von unten gründlich entzündet, ist das Ergebnis die Produktion an einigen Stellen der Art von Sand genannt karbunkulär." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The same kinds of soil are not found in all places and countries alike, nor is stone found everywhere. Some soils are earthy; others gravelly, and again pebbly; in other places the material is sandy; in a word, the properties of the soil are as different and unlike as are the various countries. In particular, it may be observed that sandpits are hardly ever lacking in any place within the districts of Italy and Tuscany which are bounded by the Apennines ; whereas across the Apennines toward the Adriatic none are found, and in Achaea and Asia Minor or, in short, across the sea, the very term is unknown. Hence it is not in all the places where boiling springs of hot water abound, that there is the same combination of favorable circumstances which has been described above. For things are produced in accordance with the will of nature; not to suit man’s pleasure, but as it were by a chance distribution." msgstr "Die gleichen Arten von Boden sind nicht an allen Orten und Ländern gleichermaßen zu finden, noch ist Stein überall zu finden. Einige Böden sind erdig, andere kiesig und wieder kiesig; an anderen Stellen ist das Material sandig; mit einem Wort, die Eigenschaften des Bodens sind so unterschiedlich und anders als die verschiedenen Länder. Insbesondere kann beobachtet werden, dass Sandgruben fast nie an irgendeinem Ort in den Bezirken Italiens und der Toskana fehlen, die vom Apennin begrenzt werden; während auf der anderen Seite des Apennins in Richtung Adria keine gefunden werden, und in Achaea und Kleinasien oder kurz gesagt, über das Meer, ist der Begriff unbekannt. Es gibt also nicht an allen Orten, an denen kochende Heißwasserquellen im Überfluß vorhanden sind, die gleiche Kombination günstiger Umstände, die oben beschrieben wurde. Denn die Dinge werden nach dem Willen der Natur hervorgebracht, nicht nach menschlichem Wohlgefallen, sondern gleichsam durch zufällige Verteilung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "There will still be the question why Tuscany, although it abounds in hot springs, does not furnish a powder out of which, on the same principle, a wall can be made which will set fast under water. I have therefore thought best to explain how this seems to be, before the question should be raised." msgstr "Es wird sich immer noch die Frage stellen, warum die Toskana, obwohl sie reich an heißen Quellen ist, kein Pulver liefert, aus dem nach dem gleichen Prinzip eine Wand hergestellt werden kann, die unter Wasser fest wird. Daher hielt ich es für das Beste zu erklären, wie dies zu sein scheint, bevor die Frage gestellt werden sollte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Therefore, when different and unlike things have been subjected to the action of fire and thus reduced to the same condition, if after this, while in a warm, dry state, they are suddenly saturated with water, there is an effervescence of the heat latent in the bodies of them all, and this makes them firmly unite and quickly assume the property of one solid mass." msgstr "Wenn also verschiedene und unterschiedliche Dinge der Einwirkung von Feuer ausgesetzt und damit auf den gleichen Zustand reduziert worden sind, wenn sie danach, während sie sich in einem warmen, trockenen Zustand befinden, plötzlich mit Wasser gesättigt sind, kommt es zu einem Aufschäumen der in den Körpern von ihnen allen latenten Wärme, was sie fest vereinen und schnell die Eigenschaft einer festen Masse annehmen lässt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The kind of sponge-stone taken from this region is not produced everywhere else, but only about Aetna and among the hills of Mysia which the Greeks call the “Burnt District,” and in other places of the same peculiar nature. Seeing that in such places there are found hot springs and warm vapor in excavations on the mountains, and that the ancients tell us that there were once fires spreading over the fields in those very regions, it seems to be certain that moisture has been extracted from the tufa and earth, by the force of fire, just as it is from limestone in kilns." msgstr "Die Art des Schwammsteins, der von dieser Region genommen wird, wird nicht überall sonst produziert, aber nur über Aetna und unter den Hügeln von Mysia, das die Griechen den „verbrannten Bezirk“ nennen, und in anderen Plätzen der gleichen eigenartigen Natur. Nachdem sie sehen, daß in solchen Plätzen heiße Quellen und warmer Dampf in den Ausgrabungen auf den Bergen gefunden werden, und daß travel alten uns erklären, daß es einmal Feuer gab, travel über den Feldern in jenen genauen Regionen ausbreiten, scheint es sicher zu sein, daß Feuchtigkeit vom tufa und von Masse, durch travel Kraft des Feuers extrahiert worden ist, gerade wie es vom Kalkstein in den Öfen ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "That there is burning heat in these regions may be proved by the further fact that in the mountains near Baiae, which belongs to the Cumaeans, there are places excavated to serve as sweating-baths, where the intense heat that comes from far below bores its way through the earth, owing to the force of the fire, and passing up appears in these regions, thus making remarkably good sweating-baths. Likewise also it is related that in ancient times the tides of heat, swelling and overflowing from under Mt. Vesuvius, vomited forth fire from the mountain upon the neighboring country. Hence, what is called “sponge-stone” or “Pompeian pumice” appears to have been reduced by burning from another kind of stone to the condition of the kind which we see." msgstr "Dass es brennende Hitze in diesen Regionen gibt, kann durch die weitere Tatsache bewiesen werden, dass es in den Bergen nahe Baiae, das zu den Cumäern gehört, Orte gibt, die ausgegraben wurden, um als Schwitzbäder zu dienen, wo sich die intensive Hitze, die von weit unten kommt, aufgrund der Kraft des Feuers ihren Weg durch die Erde bohrt und in diesen Regionen vorbeizieht, wodurch bemerkenswert gute Schwitzbäder entstehen. Ebenso ist es auch verwandt, dass in alten Zeiten die Gezeiten der Hitze, Schwellung und Überlaufen unter Mt. Vesuv, hat Feuer aus dem Berg auf das Nachbarland ausgespuckt. Daher scheint das, was als „Schwammstein“ oder „Pompejanischer Bimsstein“ bezeichnet wird, durch das Verbrennen von einer anderen Art von Stein auf den Zustand reduziert worden zu sein, den wir sehen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "There is also a kind of powder which from natural causes produces astonishing results. It is found in the neighborhood of Baiae and in the country belonging to the towns round about Mt. Vesuvius. This substance, when mixed with lime and rubble, not only lends strength to buildings of other kinds, but even when piers of it are constructed in the sea, they set hard under water. The reason for this seems to be that the soil on the slopes of the mountains in these neighborhoods is hot and full of hot springs. This would not be so unless the mountains had beneath them huge fires of burning sulphur or alum or asphalt. So the fire and the heat of the flames, coming up hot from far within through the fissures, make the soil there light, and the tufa found there is spongy and free from moisture. Hence, when the three substances, all formed on a similar principle by the force of fire, are mixed together, the water suddenly taken in makes them cohere, and the moisture quickly hardens them so that they set into a mass which neither the waves nor the force of the water can dissolve." msgstr "Es gibt auch eine Art Pulver, das aus natürlichen Gründen erstaunliche Ergebnisse liefert. Es befindet sich in der Nachbarschaft von Baiae und in dem Land, das zu den Städten rund um den Mt. Vesuv. Diese Substanz verleiht, wenn sie mit Kalk und Schutt vermischt wird, nicht nur Gebäuden anderer Art Festigkeit, sondern selbst wenn die Pfeiler im Meer gebaut werden, setzen sie sich hart unter Wasser. Der Grund dafür scheint zu sein, dass der Boden an den Hängen der Berge in diesen Vierteln heiß und voller heißer Quellen ist. Dies wäre nicht der Fall, wenn die Berge unter ihnen riesige Feuer aus brennendem Schwefel oder Alaun oder Asphalt hätten. Das Feuer und die Hitze der Flammen, die von weit innen durch die Spalten heiß werden, machen den Boden dort hell, und das dort gefundene Büschel ist schwammig und frei von Feuchtigkeit. Wenn also die drei Substanzen, die alle auf einem ähnlichen Prinzip durch die Kraft des Feuers gebildet werden, miteinander vermischt werden, bewirkt das plötzlich aufgenommene Wasser, daß sie zusammenkleben, und die Feuchtigkeit härtet sie schnell aus, so daß sie zu einer Masse erstarren, die weder die Wellen noch die Kraft des Wassers auflösen können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The vulcanic ashes, so called Pozzolana" msgstr "Die vulkanische Asche, so genannte Pozzolana" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Roman brick arch Amphitheater, Verona, Italy" msgstr "Römischer Backsteinbogen Amphitheater, Verona, Italien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "In the states of Maxilua and Callet, in Further Spain, as well as in Pitane in Asia Minor, there are bricks which, when finished and dried, will float on being thrown into water. The reason why they can float seems to be that the clay of which they are made is like pumice-stone. So it is light, and also it does not, after being hardened by exposure to the air, take up or absorb liquid. So these bricks, being of this light and porous quality, and admitting no moisture into their texture, must by the laws of nature float in water, like pumice, no matter what their weight may be. They have therefore great advantages; for they are not heavy to use in building and, once made, they are not spoiled by bad weather." msgstr "In den Bundesstaaten Maxilua und Callet, in Weiterem Spanien sowie in Pitane in Kleinasien gibt es Ziegel, die, wenn sie fertig und getrocknet sind, schwimmen, wenn sie ins Wasser geworfen werden. Der Grund, warum sie schwimmen können, scheint zu sein, dass der Ton, aus dem sie bestehen, wie Bimsstein ist. Es ist also leicht, und es nimmt auch keine Flüssigkeit auf oder absorbiert sie nicht, nachdem sie durch Einwirkung der Luft ausgehärtet wurde. Diese Ziegel, die von dieser leichten und porösen Qualität sind und keine Feuchtigkeit in ihre Textur eindringen lassen, müssen nach den Gesetzen der Natur im Wasser schweben, wie Bimsstein, unabhängig von ihrem Gewicht. Sie haben daher große Vorteile; denn sie sind nicht schwer im Bauwesen zu gebrauchen und werden, wenn sie einmal hergestellt sind, nicht durch schlechtes Wetter verdorben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "With these bricks there are also half-bricks. When these are used in a wall, a course of bricks is laid on one face and a course of half-bricks on the other, and they are bedded to the line on each face. The walls are bonded by alternate courses of the two different kinds, and as the bricks are always laid so as to break joints, this lends To greater strength and a not unattractive appearance to both sides of such walls." msgstr "Bei diesen Steinen gibt es auch Halbsteine. Wenn diese in einer Wand verwendet werden, wird auf einer Seite eine Reihe von Ziegeln und auf der anderen Seite eine Reihe von Halbziegeln verlegt, und sie werden auf jeder Seite in die Linie eingebettet. Die Wände werden durch abwechselnde Reihen der zwei unterschiedlichen Arten verbunden, und da die Ziegel immer gelegt werden, um Verbindungen zu brechen, verleiht dies Zu grösserer Festigkeit und einem nicht unattraktiven Aussehen zu beiden Seiten solcher Wände." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "There are three kinds of bricks. First, the kind called in Greek Lydian, being that which our people use, a foot and a half long and one foot wide. The other two kinds are used by the Greeks in their buildings. Of these, one is called irevrdScopov, the other TerpdSwpov. ASpov is the Greek for “palm,” for in Greek Bwpov means the giving of gifts, and the gift is always presented in the palm of the hand. A brick five palms square is called “pentadoron “; one four palms square “tetradoron.” Public buildings are constructed of TreirrdSoopa, private of rerpaBcapa." msgstr "Es gibt drei Arten von Ziegeln. Erstens, die Art, die auf griechisch lydisch genannt wird, ist die, die unser Volk benutzt, anderthalb Fuß lang und einen Fuß breit. Die anderen beiden Arten werden von den Griechen in ihren Gebäuden verwendet. Der eine heißt irevrdScopov, der andere TerpdSwpov. ASpov ist der Grieche für \"Palme\", denn im Griechischen bedeutet Bwpov das Geben von Geschenken, und das Geschenk wird immer in der Handfläche präsentiert. Ein Ziegel-Fünf-Palmen-Quadrat wird „Pentadoron“ genannt; ein Vier-Palmen-Quadrat „Tetradoron“. \"werden die öffentlichen Gebäude von TreirrdSoopa gebaut, privat von rerpaBcapa." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Bricks should be made in Spring or Autumn, so that they may dry uniformly. Those made in Summer are defective, because the fierce heat of the sun bakes their surface and makes the brick seem dry while inside it is not dry. And so the shrinking, which follows as they dry, causes cracks in the parts which were dried before, and these cracks make the bricks weak. Bricks will be most serviceable if made two years before using; for they cannot dry thoroughly in less time. When fresh undried bricks are used in a wall, the stucco covering stiffens and hardens into a permanent mass, but the bricks settle and cannot keep the same height as the stucco; the motion caused by their shrinking prevents them from adhering to it, and they are separated from their union with it. Hence the stucco, no longer joined to the core of the wall, cannot stand by itself because it is so thin; it breaks off, and the walls themselves may perhaps be ruined by their settling. This is so true that at Utica in constructing walls they use brick only if it is dry and made five years previously, and approved as such by the authority of a magistrate." msgstr "Die Ziegel sollten im Frühling oder Herbst hergestellt werden, damit sie gleichmäßig trocknen können. Die im Sommer hergestellten sind defekt, weil die starke Hitze der Sonne ihre Oberfläche bäckt und den Ziegel trocken erscheinen lässt, während er im Inneren nicht trocken ist. Und so verursacht das Schrumpfen, das folgt, während sie trocknen, Risse in den Teilen, die vorher getrocknet wurden, und diese Risse machen die Ziegel schwach. Ziegel sind am nützlichsten, wenn sie zwei Jahre vor dem Gebrauch hergestellt werden; denn sie können nicht in kürzerer Zeit gründlich trocknen. Wenn frische ungetrocknete Ziegel in einer Wand verwendet werden, versteift und härtet die Stuckdecke zu einer permanenten Masse aus, aber die Ziegel setzen sich ab und können nicht die gleiche Höhe wie der Stuck behalten; die durch ihr Schrumpfen verursachte Bewegung verhindert, dass sie daran haften bleiben, und sie werden von ihrer Vereinigung mit ihm getrennt. Daher kann der Stuck, der nicht mehr mit dem Kern der Mauer verbunden ist, nicht allein stehen, weil er so dünn ist; er bricht ab, und die Mauern selbst können vielleicht durch ihre Besiedlung ruiniert werden. Dies ist so wahr, dass sie bei Utica beim Bau von Mauern nur Ziegel verwenden, wenn es trocken und fünf Jahre zuvor hergestellt und als solches von der Autorität eines Magistrats genehmigt wurde." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Beginning with bricks, I shall state of what kind of clay they ought to be made. They should not be made of sandy or pebbly clay, or of fine gravel, because when made of these kinds they are in the first place heavy; and, secondly, when washed by the rain as they stand in walls, they go to pieces and break up, and the straw in them does not hold together on account of the roughness of the material. They should rather be made of white and chalky or of red clay, or even of a coarse grained gravelly clay. These materials are smooth and therefore durable; they are not heavy to work with, and are readily laid." msgstr "Angefangen bei den Ziegeln, werde ich erklären, aus welcher Art von Ton sie hergestellt werden sollten. Sie sollten nicht aus sandigem oder kieseligem Ton oder aus feinem Kies sein, denn wenn sie von dieser Art gemacht sind, sind sie in erster Linie schwer; und zweitens, wenn sie vom Regen gewaschen werden, während sie in Wänden stehen, gehen sie in Stücke und brechen auf, und das Stroh in ihnen hält wegen der Rauhigkeit des Materials nicht zusammen. Sie sollten eher aus weißem und kalkigem oder rotem Ton oder sogar aus grobkörnigem kiesigem Ton bestehen. Diese Materialien sind glatt und daher langlebig; sie sind nicht schwer zu verarbeiten und lassen sich leicht verlegen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The Brick" msgstr "The Brick" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "An essay about methods of building Walls: The bricks, sand, lime, pozzolana or volcanic ashes, and stones." msgstr "Ein Essay über Methoden des Mauerbaus: Die Ziegel, der Sand, der Kalk, die Puzzolan- oder Vulkanasche und die Steine." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Sustainable Light Design, is it real thing?" msgstr "Nachhaltiges Lichtdesign, ist es real?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "All things therefore appear to be made up and produced by the coming together of these elements, so that they have been distributed by nature among an infinite number of kinds of things. Hence I believed it right to treat of the diversity and practical peculiarities of these things as well as of the qualities which they exhibit in buildings, so that persons who are intending to build may understand them and so make no mistake, but may gather materials which are suitable to use in their buildings." msgstr "Alle Dinge scheinen also durch das Zusammenkommen dieser Elemente erfunden und produziert worden zu sein, so dass sie von der Natur auf eine unendliche Anzahl von Dingen verteilt worden sind. Daher hielt ich es für richtig, die Vielfalt und praktischen Besonderheiten dieser Dinge sowie die Qualitäten, die sie in Gebäuden aufweisen, zu behandeln, damit die Menschen, die bauen wollen, sie verstehen und so keinen Fehler machen, sondern Materialien sammeln können, die für die Verwendung in ihren Gebäuden geeignet sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "The school of the Pythagoreans added air and the earthy to the water and fire." msgstr "Die Schule der Pythagoräer fügte dem Wasser und dem Feuer Luft und das Erdige hinzu." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "First of all Thales thought that water was the primordial substance of all things. Heraclitus of Ephesus, surnamed by the Greeks o-Koretw on account of the obscurity of his writings, thought that it was fire. Democritus and his follower Epicurus thought that it was the atoms, termed by our writers “bodies that cannot be cut up,” or, by some, “indivisibles.” The school of the Pythagoreans added air and the earthy to the water and fire. Hence, although Democritus did not in a strict sense name them, but spoke only of indivisible bodies, yet he seems to have meant these same elements, because when taken by themselves they cannot be harmed, nor are they susceptible of dissolution, nor can they be cut up into parts, but throughout time eternal they forever retain an infinite solidity." msgstr "Zunächst dachte Thales, dass Wasser die Ursubstanz aller Dinge sei. Heraklit von Ephesus, von den Griechen o-Koretw genannt wegen der Unklarheit seiner Schriften, dachte, dass es Feuer war. Democritus und sein Nachfolger Epicurus dachten, dass es die Atome waren, die von unseren Schriftstellern als „Körper, die nicht zerschnitten werden können“ oder, von einigen, als „unteilbar“ bezeichnet wurden. \"Die Schule der Pythagoräer fügte dem Wasser und Feuer Luft und das Erdige hinzu. Obwohl Demokrit sie also nicht in einem strengen Sinne nannte, sondern nur von unteilbaren Körpern sprach, scheint er doch dieselben Elemente gemeint zu haben, denn wenn sie für sich genommen werden, können sie weder geschädigt werden, noch sind sie anfällig für die Auflösung, noch können sie in Teile zerschnitten werden, aber im Laufe der Zeit ewig behalten sie eine unendliche Festigkeit." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "On the primordial substance according to the Physicists" msgstr "Zur Ursubstanz nach den Physikern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "First of all Thales thought that water was the primordial substance of all things. Heraclitus of Ephesus, surnamed by the Greeks o-Koretw on account of the obscurity of his writings, thought that it was fire. Democritus and his follower Epicurus thought that it was the atoms, termed by our writers “bodies that cannot be cut up,” or, by some, “indivisibles.”" msgstr "Zunächst dachte Thales, dass Wasser die Ursubstanz aller Dinge sei. Heraklit von Ephesus, von den Griechen o-Koretw genannt wegen der Unklarheit seiner Schriften, dachte, dass es Feuer war. Democritus und sein Nachfolger Epicurus dachten, dass es die Atome waren, die von unseren Schriftstellern als „Körper, die nicht zerschnitten werden können“ oder von einigen als „unteilbar“ bezeichnet wurden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "Are we prepared for the Architecture we need?" msgstr "Sind wir auf die Architektur vorbereitet, die wir brauchen?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Parks" msgstr "Parks" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "parks" msgstr "parks" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "This book is, therefore, in its proper order and place. I will now return to my subject, and with regard to the materials suited to the construction of buildings will consider their natural formation and in what proportions their elementary constituents were combined, making it all clear and not obscure to my readers. For there is no kind of material, no body, and no thing that can be produced or conceived of, which is not made up of elementary particles; and nature does not admit of a tmthful exploration in accordance with the doctrines of the physicists without an accurate demonstration of the primary causes of things, showing how and why they are as they are." msgstr "Dieses Buch befindet sich daher in seiner richtigen Reihenfolge und seinem richtigen Platz. Ich komme nun auf mein Thema zurück und werde im Hinblick auf die Materialien, die für den Bau von Gebäuden geeignet sind, deren natürliche Entstehung betrachten und in welchen Verhältnissen ihre elementaren Bestandteile kombiniert wurden, um es für meine Leser klar und nicht unklar zu machen. Denn es gibt kein Material, keinen Körper und kein Ding, das produziert oder erdacht werden kann, das nicht aus Elementarteilchen besteht; und die Natur lässt keine tausendfünfzigste Erforschung in Übereinstimmung mit den Lehren der Physiker zu, ohne eine genaue Demonstration der primären Ursachen der Dinge, die zeigen, wie und warum sie so sind, wie sie sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Nine" msgstr "Neun" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Some persons, however, may find fault with the position of this book, thinking that it should have been placed first. I will therefore explain the matter, lest it be thought that I have made a mistake. Being engaged in writing a complete treatise on architecture, I resolved to set forth in the first book the branches of learning and studies of which it consists, to define its departments, and to show of what it is composed. Hence I have there declared what the qualities of an architect should be. In the first book, therefore, I have spoken of the function of the art, but in this I shall discuss the use of the building materials which nature provides. For this book does not show of what architecture is composed, but treats of the origin of the building art, how it was fostered, and how it made progress, step by step, until it reached its present perfection." msgstr "Manche Menschen mögen jedoch an der Position dieses Buches Fehler finden, weil sie denken, dass es an erster Stelle hätte stehen sollen. Ich werde daher die Angelegenheit erläutern, damit man nicht denkt, ich hätte einen Fehler gemacht. Da ich mich damit beschäftigte, eine vollständige Abhandlung über Architektur zu schreiben, beschloss ich, im ersten Buch die Zweige des Lernens und der Studien darzulegen, aus denen es besteht, seine Abteilungen zu definieren und zu zeigen, was es ist. Daher habe ich dort erklärt, was die Qualitäten eines Architekten sein sollten. Im ersten Buch habe ich daher von der Funktion der Kunst gesprochen, aber in diesem werde ich auf die Verwendung der Baumaterialien, die die Natur zur Verfügung stellt, eingehen. Denn dieses Buch zeigt nicht, welche Architektur komponiert wird, sondern behandelt den Ursprung der Baukunst, wie sie gefördert wurde und wie sie Schritt für Schritt Fortschritte machte, bis sie ihre gegenwärtige Vollkommenheit erreichte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Eight" msgstr "Acht" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Then, taking courage and looking forward from the standpoint of higher ideas born of the multiplication of the arts, they gave up huts and began to build houses with foundations, having brick or stone walls, and roofs of timber and tiles; next, observation and application led them from fluctuating and indefinite conceptions to definite rules of symmetry. Perceiving that nature had been lavish in the bestowal of timber and bountiful in stores of building material, they treated this like careful nurses, and thus developing the refinements of life, embellished them with luxuries. Therefore I shall now treat, to the best of my ability, of the things which are suitable to be used in buildings, showing their qualities and their excellencies." msgstr "Dann nahmen sie Mut und blickten vom Standpunkt der höheren Ideen, die aus der Vermehrung der Künste entstanden, nach vorne, gaben Hütten auf und begannen, Häuser mit Fundamenten zu bauen, mit Ziegel- oder Steinmauern und Dächern aus Holz und Fliesen; als nächstes führten Beobachtung und Anwendung sie von schwankenden und unbestimmten Vorstellungen zu bestimmten Regeln der Symmetrie. Als sie erkannten, dass die Natur üppig in der Verleihung von Holz und reichlich in den Lagern von Baumaterialien gewesen war, behandelten sie dies wie sorgfältige Krankenschwestern und entwickelten so die Verfeinerungen des Lebens, verschönerten sie mit Luxus. Deshalb werde ich jetzt, nach besten Kräften, die Dinge behandeln, die geeignet sind, in Gebäuden verwendet zu werden, und ihre Qualitäten und ihre Vorzüglichkeiten zeigen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Seven" msgstr "Sieben" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "From such specimens we can draw our inferences with regard to the devices used in the buildings of antiquity, and conclude that they were similar. Furthermore, as men made progress by becoming daily more expert in building, and as their ingenuity was increased by their dexterity so that from habit they attained to considerable skill, their intelligence was enlarged by their industry until the more proficient adopted the trade of carpenters. From these early beginnings, and from the fact that nature had not only endowed the human race with senses like the rest of the animals, but had also equipped their minds with the powers of thought and understanding, thus putting all other animals under their sway, they next gradually advanced from the construction of buildings to the other arts and sciences, and so passed from a rude and barbarous mode of life to civilization and refinement." msgstr "Von solchen Exemplaren können wir unsere Rückschlüsse in Bezug auf die in den Gebäuden der Antike verwendeten Geräte ziehen und daraus schließen, dass sie ähnlich waren. Darüber hinaus wurde ihre Intelligenz durch ihre Industrie erweitert, bis die kompetenteren den Handel mit Schreinerhandwerk annahmen, als die Menschen Fortschritte machten, indem sie täglich mehr Experten im Bauen wurden, und als ihr Einfallsreichtum durch ihre Geschicklichkeit zunahm, so dass sie aus Gewohnheit beträchtliche Fähigkeiten erlangten. Von diesen frühen Anfängen und von der Tatsache, dass die Natur nicht nur die menschliche Rasse mit Sinnen ausgestattet hatte, wie der Rest der Tiere, sondern auch ihren Verstand mit den Kräften des Denkens und des Verstehens ausgestattet hatte, wodurch sie alle anderen Tiere unter ihrem Einfluss setzte, rückten sie als nächstes allmählich vom Bau von Gebäuden zu den anderen Künsten und Wissenschaften vor und gingen so von einer unhöflichen und barbarischen Lebensweise zu Zivilisation und Verfeinerung über." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Six" msgstr "Sechs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "On the other hand, the Phrygians, who live in an open country, have no forests and consequently lack timber. They therefore select a natural hillock, run a trench through the middle of it, dig passages, and extend the interior space as widely as the site admits. Over it they build a pyramidal roof of logs fastened together, and this they cover with reeds and brushwood, heaping up very high mounds of earth above their dwellings. Thus their fashion in houses makes their winters very warm and their summers very cool. Some construct hovels with roofs of rushes from the swamps. Among other nations, also, in some places there are huts of the same or a similar method of construction. Likewise at Marseilles we can see roofs without tiles, made of earth mixed with straw. In Athens on the Areopagus there is to this day a relic of antiquity with a mud roof. The hut of Romulus on the Capitol is a significant reminder of the fashions of old times, and likewise the thatched roofs of temples on the Citadel." msgstr "Auf der anderen Seite haben die Phrygier, die in einem offenen Land leben, keine Wälder und folglich fehlt Holz. Sie wählen daher einen natürlichen Hügel aus, führen einen Graben durch die Mitte, graben Passagen und erweitern den Innenraum so weit, wie es der Standort zulässt. Über ihr bauen sie ein pyramidenförmiges Dach aus Holzstämmen, die aneinander befestigt sind, und dies bedecken sie mit Schilf und Reisig, wobei sie sehr hohe Erdhügel über ihren Wohnungen aufhäufen. So macht ihre Mode in Häusern ihre Winter sehr warm und ihre Sommer sehr kühl. Einige bauen Hütten mit Dächern aus den Sümpfen. Unter anderen Nationen gibt es auch an einigen Orten Hütten der gleichen oder einer ähnlichen Bauweise. Ebenso können wir in Marseille Dächer ohne Ziegel sehen, die aus Erde mit Stroh vermischt sind. In Athen auf dem Areopag gibt es bis heute eine Reliquie der Antike mit einem Schlammdach. Die Hütte von Romulus auf dem Kapitol ist eine bedeutende Erinnerung an die Mode der alten Zeiten, und ebenso die strohgedeckten Dächer der Tempel auf der Zitadelle." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Five" msgstr "Fünf" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "That houses originated as I have written above, we can see for ourselves from the buildings that are to this day constructed of like materials by foreign tribes: for instance, in Gaul, Spain, Portugal, and Aquitaine, roofed with oak shingles or thatched. Among the Colchians in Pontus, where there are forests in plenty, they lay down entire trees flat on the ground to the right and the left, leaving between them a space to suit the length of the trees, and then place above these another pair of trees, resting on the ends of the former and at right angles with them. These four trees enclose the space for the dwelling. Then upon these they place sticks of timber, one after the other on the four sides, crossing each other at the angles, and so, proceeding with their walls of trees laid perpendicularly above the lowest, they build up high towers. The interstices, which are left on account of the thickness of the building material, are stopped up with chips and mud. As for the roofs, by cutting away the ends of the crossbeams and making them converge gradually as they lay them across, they bring them up to the top from the four sides in the shape of a pyramid. They cover it with leaves and mud, and thus construct the roofs of their towers in a rude form of the “tortoise” style." msgstr "Dass Häuser entstanden sind, wie ich oben geschrieben habe, können wir selbst an den Gebäuden sehen, die bis heute aus ähnlichen Materialien von ausländischen Stämmen gebaut sind: zum Beispiel in Gallien, Spanien, Portugal und Aquitanien, mit Eichenschindeln oder Stroh bedeckt. Unter den Kolchiern in Pontus, wo es reichlich Wälder gibt, legen sie ganze Bäume flach auf den Boden rechts und links, lassen zwischen ihnen einen Raum, der der Länge der Bäume entspricht, und legen dann über diese ein weiteres Paar Bäume, das auf den Enden des ersteren ruht und im rechten Winkel zu ihnen steht. Diese vier Bäume umschließen den Raum für die Wohnung. Dann legen sie darauf Holzstöcke, eine nach der anderen auf den vier Seiten, die sich in den Winkeln kreuzen, und so bauen sie, indem sie mit ihren Wänden von Bäumen fortfahren, die senkrecht über dem untersten gelegt sind, hohe Türme auf. Die aufgrund der Dicke des Baumaterials verbleibenden Zwischenräume sind mit Spänen und Schlamm verstopft. Was die Dächer betrifft, indem sie die Enden der Querträger wegschneiden und sie allmählich zusammenführen lassen, während sie sie überlegen, bringen sie sie von den vier Seiten in Form einer Pyramide nach oben. Sie bedecken es mit Blättern und Schlamm und bauen so die Dächer ihrer Türme in einer unhöflichen Form des „Schildkrötenstils“." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Four" msgstr "Vier" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "And since they were of an imitative and teachable nature, they would daily point out to each other the results of their building, boasting of the novelties in ft; and thus, with their natural gifts sharpened by emulation, their standards improved daily. At first they set up forked stakes connected by twigs and covered these walls with mud. Others made walls of lumps of dried mud, covering them with reeds and leaves to keep out the rain and the heat. Finding that such roofs could not stand the rain during the storms of winter, they built them with peaks daubed with mud, the roofs sloping and projecting so as to carry off the rain water." msgstr "Und da sie imitierender und lehrreicher Natur waren, zeigten sie einander täglich die Ergebnisse ihres Baus auf und rühmten sich der Neuheiten in ft; und so verbesserten sich ihre Standards mit ihren natürlichen Gaben, die durch Nachahmung geschärft wurden, täglich. Zuerst stellten sie gegabelte Pfähle auf, die durch Zweige verbunden waren, und bedeckten diese Wände mit Schlamm. Andere machten Wände aus Klumpen von getrocknetem Schlamm und bedeckten sie mit Schilf und Blättern, um Regen und Hitze fernzuhalten. Als sie feststellten, dass solche Dächer den Regen während der Stürme des Winters nicht aushalten konnten, bauten sie sie mit Gipfeln, die mit Schlamm getupft waren, wobei die Dächer schräg und vorspringend waren, um das Regenwasser abzuführen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Three" msgstr "Drei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Therefore it was the discovery of fire that originally gave rise to the coming together of men, to the deliberative assembly, and to social intercourse. And so, as they kept coming together in greater numbers into one place, finding themselves naturally gifted beyond the other animals in not being obliged to walk with faces to the ground, but upright and gazing upon the splendor of the starry firmament, and also in being able to do with ease whatever they chose with their hands and fingers, they began in that first assembly to construct shelters. Some made them of green boughs, others dug caves on mountain sides, and some, in imitation of the nests of swallows and the way they built, made places of refuge out of mud and twigs. Next, by observing the shelters of others and adding new details to their own inceptions, they constructed better and better kinds of huts as time went on." msgstr "Daher war es die Entdeckung des Feuers, die ursprünglich das Zusammenkommen der Menschen, die beratende Versammlung und den gesellschaftlichen Verkehr hervorbrachte. Und so, als sie in immer größerer Zahl an einem Ort zusammenkamen und sich von Natur aus über die anderen Tiere hinaus begabt fanden, nicht gezwungen zu sein, mit dem Gesicht zur Erde zu gehen, sondern aufrecht zu stehen und auf die Pracht des sternenklaren Firmaments zu blicken, und auch in der Lage zu sein, mit Leichtigkeit zu tun, was immer sie mit ihren Händen und Fingern wählten, begannen sie in dieser ersten Versammlung, Schutzräume zu bauen. Einige machten sie aus grünen Zweigen, andere gruben Höhlen an Berghängen, und einige machten in Nachahmung der Schwalbennester und der Art, wie sie bauten, Zufluchtsorte aus Schlamm und Zweigen. Als nächstes, indem sie die Unterkünfte anderer beobachteten und neue Details zu ihren eigenen Vorstellungen hinzufügten, bauten sie im Laufe der Zeit immer bessere Arten von Hütten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Two" msgstr "Zwei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "The men of old were born like the wild beasts, in woods, caves, and groves, and lived on savage fare. As time went on, the thickly crowded trees in a certain place, tossed by storms and winds, and rubbing their branches against one another, caught fire, and so the inhabitants of the place were put to flight, being terrified by the furious flame. After it subsided, they drew near, and observing that they were very comfortable standing before the warm fire, they put on logs and, while thus keeping it alive, brought up other people to it, showing them by signs how much comfort they got from it. In that gathering of men, at a time when utterance of sound was purely individual, from daily habits they fixed upon articulate words just as these had happened to come; then, from indicating by name things in common use, the result was that in this chance way they began to talk, and thus originated conversation with one another." msgstr "Die Männer von alters her wurden geboren wie die wilden Tiere in den Wäldern, Höhlen und Hainen und lebten von wilder Kost. Im Laufe der Zeit fingen die dicht gedrängten Bäume an einem bestimmten Ort, die von Stürmen und Winden hin- und hergeworfen wurden und ihre Zweige aneinander rieben, Feuer, und so wurden die Bewohner des Ortes in die Flucht geschlagen, erschrocken vor der wütenden Flamme. Nachdem es abgeklungen war, näherten sie sich und beobachteten, dass sie sich sehr wohl fühlten, vor dem warmen Feuer zu stehen, legten sie Holz auf und brachten, während sie es so am Leben hielten, andere Menschen zu ihm herauf, indem sie ihnen durch Zeichen zeigten, wie viel Trost sie daraus erhielten. In dieser Versammlung der Menschen, in einer Zeit, in der die Äußerung des Klangs rein individuell war, fixierten sie sich aus täglichen Gewohnheiten heraus auf artikulierte Worte, so wie diese zufällig gekommen waren; dann, indem sie Dinge mit Namen angaben, die allgemein gebräuchlich waren, führte dies dazu, dass sie auf diese zufällige Weise zu sprechen begannen und so ein Gespräch miteinander begannen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "One" msgstr "Eins" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "The origin of the dwelling house" msgstr "Der Ursprung des Wohnhauses" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "The men of old were born like the wild beasts, in woods, caves, and groves, and lived on savage fare. As time went on, the thickly crowded trees in a certain place, tossed by storms and winds, and rubbing their branches against one another, caught fire, and so the inhabitants of the place were put to flight, being terrified by the furious flame." msgstr "Die Männer von alters her wurden geboren wie die wilden Tiere in den Wäldern, Höhlen und Hainen und lebten von wilder Kost. Im Laufe der Zeit fingen die dicht gedrängten Bäume an einem bestimmten Ort, die von Stürmen und Winden hin- und hergeworfen wurden und ihre Zweige aneinander rieben, Feuer, und so wurden die Bewohner des Ortes in die Flucht geschlagen, erschrocken vor der wütenden Flamme." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Green smart cities: are we late or lost?" msgstr "Grüne intelligente Städte: Sind wir zu spät oder verloren?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Ceres also should be outside the city in a place to which people need never go except for the purpose of sacrifice. That place should be under the protection of religion, purity, and good morals. Proper sites should be set apart for the precincts of the other gods according to the nature of the sacrifices offered to them.
The principle governing the actual construction of temples and their symmetry I shall explain in my third and fourth books. In the second I have thought it best to give an account of the materials used in buildings with their good qualities and advantages, and then in the succeeding books to describe and explain the proportions of buildings, their arrangements, and the different forms of symmetry." msgstr "Ceres sollte auch außerhalb der Stadt an einem Ort sein, an den die Menschen nie gehen müssen, außer zum Zwecke des Opfers. Dieser Ort sollte unter dem Schutz von Religion, Reinheit und guter Moral stehen. Die richtigen Orte sollten für die Bezirke der anderen Götter entsprechend der Art der ihnen dargebotenen Opfer festgelegt werden.​
Das Prinzip, das den tatsächlichen Bau von Tempeln und ihre Symmetrie regelt, werde ich in meinen dritten und vierten Büchern erläutern. In der zweiten habe ich es für am besten gehalten, einen Bericht über die in Gebäuden verwendeten Materialien mit ihren guten Qualitäten und Vorteilen zu geben, und dann in den folgenden Büchern die Proportionen der Gebäude, ihre Anordnungen und die verschiedenen Formen der Symmetrie zu beschreiben und zu erklären." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "For the temples, the sites for those of the gods under whose particular protection the state is thought to rest and for Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, should be on the very highest point commanding a view of the greater part of the city." msgstr "Für die Tempel, die Standorte für diejenigen der Götter, unter deren besonderen Schutz der Staat vermutlich ruhen und für Jupiter, Juno und Minerva, sollte auf dem höchsten Punkt mit einem Blick auf den größeren Teil der Stadt sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Apollo and Father Bacchus near the theatre: Hercules at the circus in communities which have no gymnasia nor amphitheatres; Mars outside the city but at the training ground, and so Venus, but at the harbor. It is moreover shown by the Etruscan diviners in treatises on their science that the fanes of Venus, Vulcan, and Mars should be situated outside the walls, in order that the young men and married women may not become habituated in the city to the temptations incident to the worship of Venus, and that buildings may be free from the terror of fires through the religious rites and sacrifices which call the power of Vulcan beyond the walls. As for Mars, when that divinity is enshrined outside the walls, the citizens will never take up arms against each other, and he will defend the city from its enemies and save it from danger in war." msgstr "Apollo und Pater Bacchus in der Nähe des Theaters: Herkules im Zirkus in Gemeinden, die weder Gymnasien noch Amphitheater haben; Mars außerhalb der Stadt, aber auf dem Trainingsgelände, und so Venus, aber am Hafen. Darüber hinaus wird von den etruskischen Wahrsagern in Abhandlungen über ihre Wissenschaft gezeigt, dass die Fenster von Venus, Vulkan und Mars außerhalb der Mauern liegen sollten, damit sich die jungen Männer und verheirateten Frauen nicht in der Stadt an die Versuchungen der Venusverehrung gewöhnen und die Gebäude durch die religiösen Riten und Opfer, die die Macht Vulkans jenseits der Mauern hervorrufen, frei vom Schrecken der Brände sind. Was den Mars betrifft, wenn diese Gottheit außerhalb der Mauern verankert ist, werden die Bürger niemals zu den Waffen gegeneinander greifen, und er wird die Stadt vor ihren Feinden verteidigen und sie im Krieg vor Gefahren retten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "For the temples, the sites for those of the gods under whose particular protection the state is thought to rest and for Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, should be on the very highest point commanding a view of the greater part of the city. Mercury should be in the forum, or, like Isis and Serapis, in the emporium:" msgstr "Für die Tempel, die Standorte für diejenigen der Götter, unter deren besonderen Schutz der Staat vermutlich ruhen und für Jupiter, Juno und Minerva, sollte auf dem höchsten Punkt mit einem Blick auf den größeren Teil der Stadt sein. Quecksilber sollte im Forum oder, wie Isis und Serapis, im Emporium sein:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Having laid out the alleys and determined the streets, we have next to treat of the choice of building sites for temples, the forum, and all other public places, with a view to general convenience and utility. If the city is on the sea, we should choose ground close to the harbor as the place where the forum is to be built; but if inland, in the middle of the town." msgstr "Die Gassen gelegt und die Straßen bestimmt, haben wir als nächstes von der Auswahl der Baustellen für die Tempel, das Forum und alle anderen öffentlichen Plätze, mit Blick auf allgemeine Bequemlichkeit und Nutzen zu behandeln. Wenn die Stadt auf dem Meer ist, sollten wir Boden nahe dem Hafen als der Platz wählen, in dem das Forum errichtet werden soll; aber wenn inland, in der Mitte der Stadt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "The sites for public building" msgstr "Die Standorte für öffentliche Gebäude" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Having laid out the alleys and determined the streets, we have next to treat of the choice of building sites for temples, the forum, and all other public places, with a view to general convenience and utility." msgstr "Die Gassen gelegt und die Straßen bestimmt, haben wir als nächstes von der Auswahl der Baustellen für die Tempel, das Forum und alle anderen öffentlichen Plätze, mit Blick auf allgemeine Bequemlichkeit und Nutzen zu behandeln." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Escalators, vicious wasters?" msgstr "Rolltreppen, bösartige Verschwendungssüchtige?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Finally, intersecting lines are to be drawn from M to O and from L to N. Thus we shall have the circumference divided into eight equal spaces for the winds. The figure being finished, we shall have at the eight different divisions, beginning at the south, the letter G between Eurus and Auster, H between Auster and Africus, N between Africus and Favonius, O between Favonius and Caurus, K between Caurus and Septentrio, I between Septentrio and Aquilo, L between Aquilo and Solanus, and M between Solanus and Eurus. This done, apply a gnomon to these eight divisions and thus fix the directions of the different alleys." msgstr "Schließlich sollen sich kreuzende Linien von M nach O und von L nach N gezogen werden. Wenn die Figur fertig ist, werden wir in den acht verschiedenen Abteilungen, beginnend im Süden, den Buchstaben G zwischen Eurus und Auster, H zwischen Auster und Africus, N zwischen Africus und Favonius, O zwischen Favonius und Caurus, K zwischen Caurus und Septentrio, I zwischen Septentrio und Aquilo, L zwischen Aquilo und Solanus und M zwischen Solanus und Eurus haben. Dies getan, legen Sie einen Gnomon auf diese acht Divisionen und damit die Richtungen der verschiedenen Gassen zu fixieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Then find with the compasses a sixteenth part of the entire circumference; then centre the compasses on the point E where the line to the south touches the circumference, and set off the points G and H to the right and left of E. Likewise on the north side, centre the compasses on the circumference at the point F on the line to the north, and set off the points I and K to the right and left; then draw lines through the centre from G to K and from H to I. Thus the space from G to H will belong to Auster and the south, and the space from I to K will be that of Septentrio. The rest of the circumference is to be divided equally into three parts on the right and three on the left, those to the east at the points L and M, those to the west at the points N and O. " msgstr "Dann finden Sie mit den Zirkeln einen sechzehnten Teil des gesamten Umfangs; dann zentrieren Sie die Zirkel auf dem Punkt E, wo die Linie nach Süden den Umfang berührt, und setzen Sie die Punkte G und H rechts und links von E. Ebenso auf der Nordseite zentrieren Sie die Zirkel auf dem Umfang auf dem Punkt F auf der Linie nach Norden, und setzen Sie die Punkte I und K nach rechts und links; dann zeichnen Sie Linien durch das Zentrum von G nach K und von H nach I. So wird der Raum von G nach H zu Auster und dem Süden gehören, und der Raum von I nach K wird der von Septentrio sein. Der Rest des Umfangs ist gleichermaßen in drei Teile rechts und drei Teile links, die östlich an den Punkten L und M, die westlich an den Punkten N und O aufzuteilen. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "which the shadow of the gnomon reaches in the morning. Taking A as the centre, open the compasses to the point B, which marks the shadow, and describe a circle. Put the gnomon back where it was before and wait for the shadow to lessen and grow again until in the afternoon it is equal to its length in the morning, touching the circumference at the point C. Then from the points B and C describe with the compasses two arcs intersecting at D. Next draw a line from the point of intersection D through the centre of the circle to the circumference and call it E F. This line will show where the south and north lie." msgstr "den der Schatten des Gnomon am Morgen erreicht. Wenn Sie A als Zentrum nehmen, öffnen Sie den Kompass zum Punkt B, der den Schatten markiert, und beschreiben Sie einen Kreis. Bringen Sie den Gnomon dorthin zurück, wo er vorher war, und warten Sie, bis der Schatten abnimmt und wieder wächst, bis er am Nachmittag morgens seiner Länge entspricht und den Umfang am Punkt C berührt. Dann beschreiben die Punkte B und C mit den Zirkeln zwei Bögen, die sich bei D schneiden. Zeichnen Sie als nächstes eine Linie vom Schnittpunkt D durch den Mittelpunkt des Kreises zum Umfang und nennen Sie sie E F. Diese Linie zeigt an, wo der Süden und Norden liegen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "If he was wrong, the only result will be that the individual winds may blow, not with the scope expected from his measurement, but with powers either more or less widely extended. For the readier understanding of these topics, since I have treated them with brevity, it has seemed best to me to give two figures, or, as the Greeks say, o^^ara, at the end of this book: one designed to show the precise quarters from which the winds arise; the other, how by turning the directions of the rows of houses and the streets away from their full force, we may avoid unhealthy blasts. Let A be the centre of a plane surface, and B the point to" msgstr "Wenn er falsch lag, wird das einzige Ergebnis sein, dass die einzelnen Winde wehen können, nicht mit dem Umfang, der von seiner Messung erwartet wird, sondern mit mehr oder weniger ausgedehnten Kräften. Für das leichtere Verständnis dieser Themen, da ich sie mit Kürze behandelt habe, schien es mir am besten, zwei Figuren zu geben, oder, wie die Griechen sagen, o^^ara, am Ende dieses Buches: eine, die entworfen wurde, um die genauen Viertel zu zeigen, aus denen die Winde entstehen; die andere, wie wir, indem wir die Richtungen der Häuserreihen und der Straßen von ihrer vollen Kraft wegdrehen, ungesunde Explosionen vermeiden können. Sei A die Mitte einer ebenen Fläche und B der Punkt zu" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Then, too, there are the breezes of early morning; for the sun on emerging from beneath the earth strikes humid air as he returns, and as he goes climbing up the sky he spreads it out before him, extracting breezes from the vapour that was there before the dawn. Those that still blow on after sunrise are classed with Eurus, and hence appears to come the Greek name evpos as the child of the breezes, and the word for \"to-morrow,\" avpiov, named from the early morning breezes. Some people do indeed say that Eratosthenes could not have inferred the true measure of the earth. Whether true or untrue, it cannot affect the truth of what I have written on the fixing of the quarters from which the different winds blow." msgstr "Dann gibt es auch die Brisen des frühen Morgens; denn die Sonne, die unter der Erde auftaucht, schlägt feuchte Luft, als er zurückkehrt, und als er den Himmel hinaufklettert, breitet er ihn vor sich aus und extrahiert Brisen aus dem Dampf, der vor der Morgendämmerung da war. Die, travel noch auf nach Sonnenaufgang blasen, werden mit Eurus klassifiziert, und folglich erscheint, den griechischen Namen evpos als das Kind der Brisen zu kommen, und das Wort für \"morgen,\" avpiov, benannt von den frühen Morgenbrisen. Einige Leute sagen tatsächlich, dass Eratosthenes das wahre Maß der Erde nicht hätte ableiten können. Ob wahr oder unwahr, es kann nicht die Wahrheit dessen beeinflussen, was ich über die Festlegung der Quartiere geschrieben habe, aus denen die verschiedenen Winde wehen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "So we often have Leuconotus and Altanus blowing respectively to the right and left of Auster; Libonotus and Subvesperus to the right and left of Africus; Argestes, and at certain periods the Etesiae, on either side of Favonius; Circias and Corus on the sides of Caurus; Thracias and Gallicus on either side of Sep tentrio; Supernas and Caecias to the right and left of Aquilo; Carbas, and at a certain period the Ornithiae, on either side of Solanus; while Eurocircias and Volturnus blow on the flanks of Eurus which is between them. There are also many other names for winds derived from localities or from the squalls which sweep from rivers or down mountains." msgstr "So haben wir oft Leuconotus und Altanus, die jeweils rechts und links von Auster blasen; Libonotus und Subvesperus rechts und links von Africus; Argestes und zu bestimmten Zeiten die Etesiae, auf beiden Seiten von Favonius; Circias und Corus auf den Seiten von Caurus; Thracias und Gallicus auf beiden Seiten von Sep tentrio; Supernas und Caecias rechts und links von Aquilo; Carbas und zu einer bestimmten Zeit die Ornithiae, auf beiden Seiten von Solanus; während Eurocircias und Volturnus auf die Flanken von Eurus blasen, die zwischen ihnen liegen. Es gibt auch viele andere Namen für Winde, die von Orten oder von Böen abgeleitet sind, die von Flüssen oder Bergen fegen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Those who know names for very many winds will perhaps be surprised at our setting forth that there are only eight. Remembering, however, that Eratosthenes of Cyrene, employing mathematical theories and geometrical methods, discovered from the course of the sun, the shadows cast by an equinoctial gnomon, and the inclination of the heaven that the circumference of the earth is two hundred and fifty-two thousand stadia, that is, thirtyone million five hundred thousand paces, and observing that an eighth part of this, occupied by a wind, is three million nine hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred paces, they should not be surprised to find that a single wind, ranging over so wide a field, is subject to shifts this way and that, leading to a variety of breezes." msgstr "Diejenigen, die Namen für sehr viele Winde kennen, werden vielleicht überrascht sein, dass wir uns auf den Weg gemacht haben, dass es nur acht sind. Erinnert man sich jedoch daran, dass Eratosthenes von Kyrene, unter Verwendung mathematischer Theorien und geometrischer Methoden, vom Verlauf der Sonne, den Schatten, die von einem äquinoktialen Gnomon geworfen werden, und der Neigung des Himmels entdeckt wurde, dass der Umfang der Erde zweihundertzweiundfünfzigtausend Stadien beträgt, das heißt, dreißig Millionen fünfhunderttausend Schritte, und beobachtet, dass ein Achtel davon, besetzt von einem Wind, drei Millionen neunhundertsiebenunddreißigtausendfünfhundert Schritte beträgt, sollten sie nicht überrascht sein, zu finden, dass ein einziger Wind, der sich über ein so breites Feld erstreckt, auf diese und jene Weise verschoben wird, was zu einer Vielzahl von Brise führt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "On this principle of arrangement the disagreeable force of the winds will be shut out from dwellings and lines of houses. For if the streets run full in the face of the winds, their constant blasts rushing in from the open country, and then confined by narrow alleys, will sweep through them with great violence. The lines of houses must therefore be directed away from the quarters from which the winds blow, so that as they come in they may strike against the angles of the blocks and their force thus be broken and dispersed." msgstr "Nach diesem Prinzip der Anordnung wird die unangenehme Kraft der Winde von den Behausungen und den Reihen der Häuser abgesperrt werden. Denn wenn die Straßen den Winden volllaufen, werden ihre ständigen Blasen, die aus dem offenen Land hereinstürmen und dann von engen Gassen eingeengt werden, sie mit großer Gewalt durchdringen. Die Reihen von Häusern müssen daher von den Vierteln, aus denen die Winde wehen, weggerichtet werden, damit sie beim Eintreten gegen die Winkel der Blöcke stoßen können und so ihre Kraft gebrochen und zerstreut wird." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "From these two points describe with your compasses intersecting arcs, and through their intersection and the centre let a line be drawn to the circumference of the circle to give us the quarters of south and north. Then, using a sixteenth part of the entire circumference of the circle as a diameter, describe a circle with its centre on the line to the south, at the point where it crosses the circumference, and put points to the right and left on the circumference on the south side, repeating the process on the north side. From the four points thus obtained draw lines intersecting the centre from one side of the circumference to the other. Thus we shall have an eighth part of the circumference set out for Auster and another for Septentrio. The rest of the entire circumference is then to be divided into three equal parts on each side, and thus we have designed a figure equally apportioned among the eight winds. Then let the directions of your streets and alleys be laid down on the lines of division between the quarters of two winds." msgstr "Von diesen beiden Punkten aus beschreiben Sie mit Ihren Kompassen sich kreuzende Bögen, und durch ihren Schnittpunkt und das Zentrum lassen Sie eine Linie zum Umfang des Kreises ziehen, um uns die Viertel von Süden und Norden zu geben. Verwenden Sie dann einen sechzehnten Teil des gesamten Umfangs des Kreises als Durchmesser, beschreiben Sie einen Kreis mit seinem Mittelpunkt auf der Linie nach Süden, an dem Punkt, an dem er den Umfang kreuzt, und legen Sie Punkte nach rechts und links auf den Umfang auf der Südseite, wobei Sie den Vorgang auf der Nordseite wiederholen. Von den so erhaltenen vier Punkten ziehen Linien, die das Zentrum von einer Seite des Umfangs zur anderen schneiden. So haben wir einen achten Teil des Umfangs für Auster und einen weiteren für Septentrio. Der Rest des gesamten Umfangs ist dann auf jeder Seite in drei gleiche Teile aufzuteilen, und so haben wir eine Figur entworfen, die gleichmäßig auf die acht Winde aufgeteilt ist. Dann lasst die Richtungen eurer Straßen und Gassen auf den Trennlinien zwischen den Vierteln zweier Winde liegen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "In the middle of the city place a marble amussium, laying it true by the level, or else let the spot be made so true by means of rule and level that no amussium is necessary. In the very centre of that spot set up a bronze gnomon or \"shadow tracker\" (in Greek wuaMjpat). At about the fifth hour in the morning, take the end of the shadow cast by this gnomon, and mark it with a point. Then, opening your compasses to this point which marks the length of the gnomon's shadow, describe a circle from the centre. In the afternoon watch the shadow of your gnomon as it lengthens, and when it once more touches the circumference of this circle and the shadow in the afternoon is equal in length to that of the morning, mark it with a point." msgstr "In der Mitte der Stadt legen ein Marmor amussium, das Legen es zutreffend durch das Niveau, oder lassen Sie den Punkt so zutreffend mittels der Richtlinie und des Niveaus gebildet werden, daß kein amussium notwendig ist. In der Mitte dieses Flecks wurde ein bronzener Gnomon oder \"Schattenspürer\" (auf griechisch wuaMjpat) aufgestellt. Ungefähr um die fünfte Stunde des Morgens, nimm das Ende des von diesem Gnomon geworfenen Schattens und markiere es mit einem Punkt. Wenn Sie dann Ihren Kompass zu diesem Punkt öffnen, der die Länge des Schattens des Gnomons markiert, beschreiben Sie einen Kreis vom Zentrum aus. Am Nachmittag beobachten Sie den Schatten Ihres Gnomon, wie er sich verlängert, und wenn er wieder den Umfang dieses Kreises berührt und der Schatten am Nachmittag in der Länge gleich dem des Morgens ist, markieren Sie ihn mit einem Punkt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Thus Eurus is placed to the southeast between Solanus and Auster: Africus to the southwest between Auster and Favonius; Caurus, or, as many call it, Corus, between Favonius and Septentrio; and Aquilo between Septentrio and Solanus. Such, then, appears to have been his device, including the numbers and names of the wind and indicating the directions from which particular winds blow. These facts being thus determined, to find the directions and quarters of the winds your method of procedure should be as follows." msgstr "So wird Eurus im Südosten zwischen Solanus und Auster platziert: Africus im Südwesten zwischen Auster und Favonius; Caurus, oder, wie viele es nennen, Corus, zwischen Favonius und Septentrio; und Aquilo zwischen Septentrio und Solanus. Das scheint dann sein Gerät gewesen zu sein, einschließlich der Nummern und Namen des Windes und der Angabe der Richtungen, aus denen bestimmte Winde wehen. Diese Tatsachen werden so bestimmt, um die Richtungen und die Viertel der Winde zu finden Ihre Vorgehensweise sollte wie folgt sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Some have held that there are only four winds : Solanus from due east; Auster from the south; Favonius from due west; Septentrio from the north. But more careful investigators tell us that there are eight. Chief among such was Andronicus of Cyrrhus who in proof built the marble octagonal tower in Athens. On the several sides of the octagon he executed reliefs representing the several winds, each facing the point from which it blows; and on top of the tower he set a conical shaped piece of marble and on this a bronze Triton with a rod outstretched in its right hand. It was so contrived as to go round with the wind, always stopping to face the breeze and holding its rod as a pointer directly over the representation of the wind that was blowing." msgstr "Einige haben angenommen, dass es nur vier Winde gibt: Solanus von genau Osten; Auster von Süden; Favonius von genau Westen; Septentrio von Norden. Aber vorsichtigere Ermittler sagen uns, dass es acht sind. Haupt unter solchen war Andronicus von Cyrrhus, der im Beweis den Marmor achteckigen Turm in Athen baute. Auf den mehreren Seiten des Achtecks führte er Reliefs aus, die die verschiedenen Winde darstellten, von denen jeder dem Punkt gegenüberstand, von dem er bläst; und oben auf dem Turm setzte er ein konisch geformtes Stück Marmor und auf diesem ein Bronze-Triton mit einer Stange, die in seiner rechten Hand ausgestreckt wurde. Sie war so konstruiert, dass sie mit dem Wind umherging, immer anhielt, um der Brise gegenüberzustehen, und ihre Stange als Zeiger direkt über die Darstellung des Windes hielt, der wehte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "By shutting out the winds from our dwellings, therefore, we shall not only make the place healthful for people who are well, but also in the case of diseases due perhaps to unfavourable situations elsewhere, the patients, who in other healthy places might be cured by a different form of treatment, will here be more quickly cured by the mildness that comes from the shutting out of the winds. The diseases which are hard to cure in neighbourhoods such as those to which I have referred above are catarrh, hoarseness, coughs, pleurisy, consumption, spitting of blood, and all others that are cured not by lowering the system but by building it up. They are hard to cure, first, because they are originally due to chills; secondly, because the patient's system being already exhausted by disease, the air there, which is in constant agitation owing to winds and therefore deteriorated, takes all the sap of life out of their diseased bodies and leaves them more meagre every day. On the other hand, a mild, thick air, without draughts and not constantly blowing back and forth, builds up their frames by its unwavering steadiness, and so strengthens and restores people who are afflicted with these diseases." msgstr "Indem wir also die Winde aus unseren Wohnungen ausschließen, werden wir den Ort nicht nur für Menschen gesund machen, denen es gut geht, sondern auch im Falle von Krankheiten, die möglicherweise auf ungünstige Situationen an anderer Stelle zurückzuführen sind, werden die Patienten, die an anderen gesunden Orten durch eine andere Behandlung geheilt werden könnten, hier schneller durch die Milde geheilt werden, die durch das Ausschließen der Winde entsteht. Die Krankheiten, die in Nachbarschaften wie den oben genannten schwer zu heilen sind, sind Katarrh, Heiserkeit, Husten, Pleuritis, Konsum, Blutspucken und alle anderen, die nicht durch Senkung des Systems, sondern durch Aufbau geheilt werden. Sie sind schwer zu heilen, erstens, weil sie ursprünglich auf Schüttelfrost zurückzuführen sind; zweitens, weil das System des Patienten bereits durch Krankheiten erschöpft ist, nimmt die Luft dort, die aufgrund der Winde ständig aufgewühlt und daher verschlechtert ist, all den Saft des Lebens aus ihren erkrankten Körpern und lässt sie jeden Tag karger zurück. Auf der anderen Seite baut eine milde, dicke Luft, ohne Zugluft und ohne ständig hin- und herzublasen, durch ihre unerschütterliche Festigkeit ihre Rahmen auf und stärkt und restauriert so Menschen, die von diesen Krankheiten betroffen sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Wind is a flowing wave of air, moving hither and thither indefinitely. It is produced when heat meets moisture, the rush of heat generating a mighty current of air. That this is the fact we may learn from bronze eolipiles, and thus by means of a scientific invention discover a divine truth lurking in the laws of the heavens. Eolipiles are hollow bronze balls, with a very small opening through which water is poured into them. Set before a fire, not a breath issues from them before they get warm ; but as soon as they begin to boil, out comes a strong blast due to the fire. Thus from this slight and very short experiment we may understand and judge of the mighty and wonderful laws of the heavens and the nature of winds." msgstr "Wind ist eine strömende Luftwelle, die sich auf unbestimmte Zeit hierhin und dorthin bewegt. Es entsteht, wenn Wärme auf Feuchtigkeit trifft, wobei der Hitzestoß einen mächtigen Luftstrom erzeugt. Dass dies die Tatsache ist, die wir von bronzenen Eolipilen lernen können, und so durch eine wissenschaftliche Erfindung eine göttliche Wahrheit entdecken, die in den Gesetzen des Himmels lauert. Eolipile sind hohle Bronzekugeln mit einer sehr kleinen Öffnung, durch die Wasser in sie gegossen wird. Es wird kein Odem von ihnen kommen, bevor sie erwärmen ; und wenn sie zu kochen beginnen, dann wird der Schrei des Feuers aus ihnen herauskommen. So können wir aus diesem leichten und sehr kurzen Experiment die mächtigen und wunderbaren Gesetze des Himmels und die Natur der Winde verstehen und beurteilen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "The town being fortified, the next step is the apportionment of house lots within the wall and the laying out of streets and alleys with regard to climatic conditions. They will be properly laid out if foresight is employed to exclude the winds from the alleys. Cold winds are disagreeable, hot winds enervating, moist winds unhealthy. We must, therefore, avoid mistakes in this matter and beware of the common experience of many communities. For example, MytlTene in the island of Lesbos is a town built with magnificence and good taste, but its position shows a lack of foresight. In that community when the wind is south, the people fall ill; when it is northwest, it sets them coughing; with a north wind they do indeed recover but cannot stand about in the alleys and streets, owing to the severe cold." msgstr "Da die Stadt befestigt ist, ist der nächste Schritt die Aufteilung der Hausgrundstücke innerhalb der Mauer und die Verlegung von Straßen und Gassen in Bezug auf die klimatischen Bedingungen. Sie werden ordnungsgemäß ausgelegt, wenn vorausschauend vorgegangen wird, um die Winde von den Gassen auszuschließen. Kalte Winde sind unangenehm, heiße Winde enervierend, feuchte Winde ungesund. Wir müssen daher Fehler in dieser Angelegenheit vermeiden und uns vor den gemeinsamen Erfahrungen vieler Gemeinschaften hüten. Zum Beispiel ist MytlTene auf der Insel Lesbos eine Stadt, die mit Pracht und gutem Geschmack erbaut wurde, aber ihre Lage zeigt einen Mangel an Weitsicht. In dieser Gemeinde erkranken die Menschen, wenn der Wind südlich ist; wenn er nordwestlich ist, lässt er sie husten; mit einem Nordwind erholen sie sich zwar, können aber wegen der starken Kälte nicht in den Gassen und Straßen stehen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "The directions of the streets; with remarks on the winds" msgstr "Die Richtungen der Straßen; mit Bemerkungen über die Winde" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Wind is a flowing wave of air, moving hither and thither indefinitely. It is produced when heat meets moisture, the rush of heat generating a mighty current of air." msgstr "Wind ist eine strömende Luftwelle, die sich auf unbestimmte Zeit hierhin und dorthin bewegt. Es entsteht, wenn Wärme auf Feuchtigkeit trifft, wobei der Hitzestoß einen mächtigen Luftstrom erzeugt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Smart thinking and design for continuity" msgstr "Intelligentes Denken und Design für Kontinuität" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Public Spaces" msgstr "Öffentliche Räume" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "public-spaces" msgstr "öffentliche Räume" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "With regard to the material of which the actual wall should be constructed or finished, there can be no definite prescription, because we cannot obtain in all places the supplies that we desire. Dimension stone, flint, rubble, burnt or unburnt brick, use them as you find them. For it is not every neighborhood or particular locality that can have a wall built of burnt brick like that at Babylon, where there was plenty of asphalt to take the place of lime and sand, and yet possibly each may be provided with materials of equal usefulness so that out of them a faultless wall may be built to last forever." msgstr "Hinsichtlich des Materials, aus dem die eigentliche Wand gebaut oder fertiggestellt werden soll, kann es keine definitive Verordnung geben, da wir nicht an allen Orten die Vorräte erhalten können, die wir uns wünschen. Dimension Stein, Feuerstein, Schutt, verbrannter oder unverbrannter Ziegel, verwenden Sie sie, wie Sie sie finden. Denn es ist nicht jede Nachbarschaft oder besondere Lokalität, die eine Mauer aus gebranntem Ziegel haben kann, wie die in Babylon, wo es viel Asphalt gab, um Kalk und Sand zu ersetzen, und doch kann möglicherweise jede mit Materialien von gleichem Nutzen versehen werden, so dass aus ihnen eine fehlerfreie Mauer gebaut werden kann, die ewig hält." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Then within this substructure lay a second foundation, far enough inside the first to leave ample room for cohorts in line of battle to take position on the broad top of the rampart for its defense. Having laid these two foundations at this distance from one another, build cross walls between them, uniting the outer and inner foundation, in a comb-like arrangement, set like the teeth of a saw. With this form of construction, the enormous burden of earth will be distributed into small bodies, and will not lie with all its weight in one crushing mass so as to thrust out the substructures." msgstr "Dann legte innerhalb dieses Unterbaus ein zweites Fundament, weit genug innerhalb des ersten, um genügend Platz für Kohorten in der Schlachtlinie zu lassen, um Position auf der breiten Spitze des Walles für seine Verteidigung einzunehmen. Wenn man diese beiden Fundamente in diesem Abstand voneinander gelegt hat, baut man zwischen ihnen Querwände, die das äußere und das innere Fundament in kammartiger Anordnung, wie Sägezähne gesetzt, vereinigen. Bei dieser Bauweise wird sich die enorme Erdlast auf kleine Körper verteilen und nicht mit ihrem ganzen Gewicht in einer zerkleinernden Masse liegen, um die Unterkonstruktionen auszustoßen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The rampart form of defense, however, is not required in all places, but only where outside the wall there is high ground from which an assault on the fortifications may be made over a level space lying between. In places of this kind we must first make very wide, deep ditches; next sink foundations for a wall in the bed of the ditch and build them thick enough to support an earthwork with ease." msgstr "Die Wallform der Verteidigung ist jedoch nicht überall erforderlich, sondern nur dort, wo sich außerhalb der Mauer Hochgrund befindet, von dem aus ein Angriff auf die Befestigungen über einen dazwischen liegenden ebenen Raum erfolgen kann. An Stellen dieser Art müssen wir zuerst sehr breite, tiefe Gräben machen; dann sinken Fundamente für eine Wand in das Bett des Grabens und bauen sie dick genug, um ein Erdwerk mit Leichtigkeit zu stützen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The towers themselves must be either round or polygonal. Square towers are sooner shattered by military engines, for the battering rams pound their angles to pieces; but in the case of round towers they can do no harm, being engaged, as it were, in driving wedges to their centre. The system of fortification by wall and towers may be made safest by the addition of earthen ramparts, for neither rams, nor mining, nor other engineering devices can do them any harm." msgstr "Die Türme selbst müssen entweder rund oder mehreckig sein. Quadratische Türme werden früher durch militärische Maschinen zertrümmert, denn die Rammböcke schlagen ihre Winkel in Stücke; aber im Falle von runden Türmen können sie keinen Schaden anrichten, indem sie sozusagen Keile in ihre Mitte treiben. Das System der Befestigung durch Mauern und Türme kann am sichersten durch den Zusatz von Erdwällen gemacht werden, denn weder Widder, noch Bergbau, noch andere technische Geräte können ihnen Schaden zufügen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The towers should be set at intervals of not more than a bowshot apart, so that in case of an assault upon any one of them, the enemy may be repulsed with scorpiones and other means of hurling missiles from the towers to the right and left. Opposite the inner side of every tower the wall should be interrupted for a space the width of the tower, and have only a wooden flooring across, leading to the interior of the tower but not firmly nailed. This is to be cut away by the defenders in case the enemy gets possession of any portion of the wall; and if the work is quickly done, the enemy will not be able to make his way to the other towers and the rest of the wall unless he is ready to face a fall." msgstr "Die Türme sollten in Abständen von nicht mehr als einem Bogenschuss voneinander entfernt sein, damit im Falle eines Angriffs auf einen von ihnen der Feind mit Skorpionen und anderen Mitteln zum Schleudern von Raketen aus den Türmen rechts und links abgestoßen werden kann. Gegenüber der Innenseite jedes Turms sollte die Wand für einen Raum in der Breite des Turms unterbrochen sein und nur einen Holzboden haben, der zum Inneren des Turms führt, aber nicht fest genagelt ist. Dies soll von den Verteidigern abgeschnitten werden, falls der Feind einen Teil der Mauer in Besitz nimmt; und wenn die Arbeit schnell erledigt ist, wird der Feind nicht in der Lage sein, seinen Weg zu den anderen Türmen und dem Rest der Mauer zu finden, es sei denn, er ist bereit, einem Sturz entgegenzutreten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The thickness of the wall should, in my opinion, be such that armed men meeting on top of it may pass one another without interference. In the thickness there should be set a very close succession of ties made of charred olive wood, binding the two faces of the wall together like pins, to give it lasting endurance. For that is a material which neither decay, nor the weather, nor time can harm, but even though buried in the earth or set in the water it keeps sound and useful forever. And so not only city walls but substructures in general and all walls that require a thickness like that of a city wall, will be long in falling to decay if tied in this manner." msgstr "Die Dicke der Mauer sollte meiner Meinung nach so groß sein, dass sich bewaffnete Männer, die sich darauf treffen, ungestört aneinander vorbeiziehen können. In der Dicke sollte eine sehr enge Abfolge von Krawatten aus verkohltem Olivenholz gesetzt werden, die die beiden Seiten der Wand wie Stifte zusammenbinden, um ihr eine dauerhafte Ausdauer zu verleihen. Denn das ist ein Material, das weder verderben kann, noch das Wetter, noch die Zeit Schaden anrichten kann; sondern auch wenn es in der Erde begraben oder in das Wasser gelegt ist, hält es gesund und nützlich in Ewigkeit. Und so werden nicht nur die Stadtmauern, sondern auch die Unterkonstruktionen im Allgemeinen und alle Mauern, die eine Dicke wie die einer Stadtmauer erfordern, lange verfallen, wenn sie auf diese Weise gebunden werden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The towers must be projected beyond the line of wall, so that an enemy wishing to approach the wall to carry it by assault may be exposed to the fire of missiles on his open flank from the towers on his right and left. Special pains should be taken that there be no easy avenue by which to storm the wall. The roads should be encompassed at steep points, and planned so as to approach the gates, not in a straight line, but from the right to the left; for as a result of this, the right hand side of the assailants, unprotected by their shields, will be next the wall. Towns should be laid out not as an exact square nor with salient angles, but in circular form, to give a view of the enemy from many points. Defense is difficult where there are salient angles, because the angle protects the enemy rather than the inhabitants." msgstr "Die Türme müssen über die Mauerlinie hinausragen, damit ein Feind, der sich der Mauer nähern möchte, um sie durch Angriff zu tragen, dem Feuer von Raketen auf seiner offenen Flanke von den Türmen zu seiner Rechten und Linken ausgesetzt werden kann. Besondere Anstrengungen sollten unternommen werden, damit es keine einfache Möglichkeit gibt, die Mauer zu stürmen. Die Straßen sollten an steilen Punkten eingefasst und so geplant werden, dass sie sich den Toren nähern, nicht in einer geraden Linie, sondern von rechts nach links; denn infolgedessen wird die rechte Seite der Angreifer, ungeschützt durch ihre Schilde, die nächste sein. Städte sollten nicht als exaktes Quadrat oder mit ausgeprägten Winkeln angelegt werden, sondern in Kreisform, um einen Blick auf den Feind von vielen Punkten zu geben. Die Verteidigung ist schwierig, wenn es herausragende Winkel gibt, weil der Winkel eher den Feind als die Bewohner schützt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "After insuring on these principles the healthfulness of the future city, and selecting a neighborhood that can supply plenty of food stuffs to maintain the community, with good roads or else convenient rivers or seaports affording easy means of transport to the city, the next thing to do is to lay the foundations for the towers and walls. Dig down to solid bottom, if it can be found, and lay them therein, going as deep as the magnitude of the proposed work seems to require. They should be much thicker than the part of the walls that will appear above ground, and their structure should be as solid as it can possibly be laid." msgstr "Nach der Absicherung auf diesen Prinzipien die Gesundheit der zukünftigen Stadt, und die Auswahl einer Nachbarschaft, die viele Lebensmittel liefern kann, um die Gemeinschaft zu erhalten, mit guten Straßen oder auch bequemen Flüssen oder Seehäfen bietet einfache Transportmittel in die Stadt, ist das nächste, was zu tun ist, um die Grundlagen für die Türme und Mauern zu legen. Graben Sie bis zum festen Boden, wenn es gefunden werden kann, und legen Sie sie hinein, so tief, wie die Größe der vorgeschlagenen Arbeit zu erfordern scheint. Sie sollten viel dicker sein als der Teil der Mauern, der über dem Boden erscheinen wird, und ihre Struktur sollte so solide sein, wie es möglich ist, verlegt zu werden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The city walls" msgstr "Die Stadtmauern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "After insuring on these principles the healthfulness of the future city, and selecting a neighborhood that can supply plenty of food stuffs to maintain the community, with good roads or else convenient rivers or seaports affording easy means of transport to the city, the next thing to do is to lay the foundations for the towers and walls." msgstr "Nach der Absicherung auf diesen Prinzipien die Gesundheit der zukünftigen Stadt, und die Auswahl einer Nachbarschaft, die viele Lebensmittel liefern kann, um die Gemeinschaft zu erhalten, mit guten Straßen oder auch bequemen Flüssen oder Seehäfen bietet einfache Transportmittel in die Stadt, ist das nächste, was zu tun ist, um die Grundlagen für die Türme und Mauern zu legen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Building massive public spaces" msgstr "Bau massiver öffentlicher Räume" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "But marshes that are stagnant and have no outlets either by rivers or ditches, like the Pomptine marshes, merely putrefy as they stand, emitting heavy, unhealthy vapours. A case of a town built in such a spot was Old Salpia in Apulia, founded by Diomede on his way back from Troy, or, according to some writers, by Elpias of Rhodes. Year after year there was sickness, until finally the suffering inhabitants came with a public petition to Marcus Hostilius and got him to agree to seek and find them a proper place to which to remove their city. Without delay he made the most skillful investigations, and at once purchased an estate near the sea in a healthy place, and asked the Senate and Roman people for permission to remove the town. He constructed the walls and laid out the house lots, granting one to each citizen for a mere trifle. This done, he cut an opening from a lake into the sea, and thus made of the lake a harbor for the town. The result is that now the people of Salpia live on a healthy site and at a distance of only four miles from the old town." msgstr "Aber Sumpfgebiete, die stagnieren und weder an Flüssen noch an Gräben Auslässe haben, wie die Pomptiner Sumpfgebiete, verrotten einfach, während sie stehen, und emittieren schwere, ungesunde Dämpfe. Ein Fall einer Stadt, die an einem solchen Ort erbaut wurde, war das alte Salpia in Apulien, das von Diomede auf seinem Rückweg von Troja gegründet wurde, oder, nach einigen Schriftstellern, von Elpias von Rhodos. Jahr für Jahr gab es Krankheit, bis schließlich die leidenden Bewohner mit einer öffentlichen Petition an Marcus Hostilius kamen und ihn dazu brachten, ihnen zuzustimmen, einen geeigneten Ort zu suchen und zu finden, um ihre Stadt zu entfernen. Unverzüglich machte er die geschicktesten Nachforschungen und kaufte sofort ein Anwesen in der Nähe des Meeres an einem gesunden Ort und bat den Senat und das römische Volk um Erlaubnis, die Stadt zu entfernen. Er baute die Mauern und legte die Grundstücke des Hauses aus und gewährte jedem Bürger für eine Kleinigkeit eine. Dies tat er, schnitt eine Öffnung von einem See in das Meer und machte so aus dem See einen Hafen für die Stadt. Das Ergebnis ist, dass die Menschen von Salpia nun auf einem gesunden Gelände und in einer Entfernung von nur vier Meilen von der Altstadt leben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "If the walled town is built among the marshes themselves, provided they are by the sea, with a northern or north-eastern exposure, and are above the level of the seashore, the site will be reasonable enough. For ditches can be dug to let out the water to the shore, and also in times of storms the sea swells and comes backing up into the marshes, where its bitter blend prevents the reproductions of the usual marsh creatures, while any that swim down from the higher levels to the shore are killed at once by the saltness to which they are unused. An instance of this may be found in the Gallic marshes surrounding Altino, Ravenna, Aquileia, and other towns in places of the kind, close by marshes. They are marvelously healthy, for the reasons which I have given." msgstr "Wenn die ummauerte Stadt zwischen den Sümpfen selbst gebaut wird, vorausgesetzt, sie sind durch das Meer, mit einer Nord- oder Nordostbelichtung und sind über dem Niveau der Meeresküste, wird der Aufstellungsort angemessen genug sein. Denn Gräben können gegraben werden, um das Wasser an die Küste herauszulassen, und auch in Zeiten von Stürmen schwillt das Meer an und kommt zurück in die Sümpfe, wo seine bittere Mischung die Reproduktionen der üblichen Sumpfkreaturen verhindert, während alle, die von den höheren Ebenen zum Ufer hinunterschwimmen, sofort durch die Salzigkeit getötet werden, zu der sie ungenutzt sind. Ein Beispiel dafür kann in den gallischen Sümpfen um Altino, Ravenna, Aquileia und anderen Städten in der Nähe von Sümpfen gefunden werden. Sie sind wunderbar gesund, aus den Gründen, die ich genannt habe." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "That pasturage and food may indicate the healthful qualities of a site is a fact which can be observed and investigated in the case of certain pastures in Crete, on each side of the river Pothereus, which separates the two Cretan states of Gnosus and Gortyna. There are cattle at pasture on the right and left banks of that river, but while the cattle that feed near Gnosus have the usual spleen, those on the other side near Gortyna have no perceptible spleen. On investigating the subject, physicians discovered on this side a kind of herb which the cattle chew and thus make their spleen small. The herb is therefore gathered and used as a medicine for the cure of splenetic people. From food and water, then, we may learn whether sites are naturally unhealthy or healthy." msgstr "Dass Weideland und Nahrung auf die gesunden Eigenschaften einer Stätte hinweisen können, ist eine Tatsache, die bei bestimmten Weiden auf Kreta auf beiden Seiten des Flusses Pothereus, der die beiden kretischen Staaten Gnosus und Gortyna trennt, beobachtet und untersucht werden kann. Es gibt Rinder auf der Weide am rechten und linken Ufer dieses Flusses, aber während die Rinder, die sich in der Nähe von Gnosus ernähren, die übliche Milz haben, haben die auf der anderen Seite in der Nähe von Gortyna keine wahrnehmbare Milz. Bei der Untersuchung des Themas entdeckten die Ärzte auf dieser Seite eine Art Kraut, das die Rinder kauen und so ihre Milz klein machen. Das Kraut wird daher gesammelt und als Heilmittel für die Heilung von Milzbewohnern verwendet. Von Nahrung und Wasser können wir dann erfahren, ob Standorte von Natur aus ungesund oder gesund sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "I cannot too strongly insist upon the need of a return to the method of old times. Our ancestors, when about to build a town or an army post, sacrificed some of the cattle that were wont to feed on the site proposed and examined their livers. If the livers of the first victims were dark-colored or abnormal, they sacrificed others, to see whether the fault was due to disease or their food. They never began to build defensive works in a place until after they had made many such trials and satisfied themselves that good water and food had made the liver sound and firm. If they continued to find it abnormal, they argued from this that the food and water supply found in such a place would be just as unhealthy for man, and so they moved away and changed to another neighborhood, healthfulness being their chief object." msgstr "Ich kann nicht allzu sehr auf der Notwendigkeit einer Rückkehr zur Methode der alten Zeiten bestehen. Unsere Vorfahren, als sie im Begriff waren, eine Stadt oder einen Armeeposten zu bauen, opferten einige der Rinder, die gewöhnlich auf der vorgeschlagenen Stätte gefüttert wurden, und untersuchten ihre Lebern. Wenn die Leber der ersten Opfer dunkel gefärbt oder abnormal war, opferten sie andere, um zu sehen, ob der Fehler auf Krankheit oder ihre Nahrung zurückzuführen war. Sie fingen nie an, an einem Ort Verteidigungswerke zu bauen, bis sie viele solcher Versuche gemacht und sich davon überzeugt hatten, dass gutes Wasser und Essen die Leber gesund und fest gemacht hatte. Wenn sie es weiterhin abnormal fanden, argumentierten sie daraus, dass die Nahrungs- und Wasserversorgung an einem solchen Ort für den Menschen genauso ungesund sein würde, und so zogen sie weg und wechselten in eine andere Nachbarschaft, wobei Gesundheit ihr Hauptgegenstand war." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "8. Therefore, if all this is as we have explained, our reason showing us that the bodies of animals are made up of the elements, and these bodies, as we believe, giving way and breaking up as a result of excess or deficiency in this or that element, we cannot but believe that we must take great care to select a very temperate climate for the site of our city, since healthfulness is, as we have said, the first requisite." msgstr "8. Wenn das alles, wie wir erklärt haben, unsere Vernunft ist, die uns zeigt, dass die Körper der Tiere aus den Elementen bestehen, und diese Körper, wie wir glauben, nachgeben und sich infolge von Übermaß oder Mangel an diesem oder jenem Element auflösen, können wir daher nicht umhin zu glauben, dass wir große Sorgfalt darauf verwenden müssen, ein sehr gemäßigtes Klima für den Standort unserer Stadt auszuwählen, da Gesundheit, wie wir gesagt haben, die erste Voraussetzung ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "If one wishes a more accurate understanding of all this, he need only consider and observe the natures of birds, fishes, and land animals, and he will thus come to reflect upon distinctions of temperament. One form of mixture is proper to birds, another to fishes, and a far different form to land animals. Winged creatures have less of the earthy, less moisture, heat in moderation, air in large amount. Being made up, therefore, of the lighter elements, they can more readily soar away into the air. Fish, with their aquatic nature, being moderately supplied with heat and made up in great part of air and the earthy, with as little of moisture as possible, can more easily exist in moisture for the very reason that they have less of it than of the other elements in their bodies; and so, when they are drawn to land, they leave life and water at the same moment. Similarly, the land animals, being moderately supplied with the elements of air and heat, and having less of the earthy and a great deal of moisture, cannot long continue alive in the water, because their portion of moisture is already abundant." msgstr "Wünscht man sich ein genaueres Verständnis all dessen, so braucht man nur die Natur von Vögeln, Fischen und Landtieren zu betrachten und zu beobachten, und so wird man über Unterscheidungen des Temperaments nachdenken. Eine Form der Mischung ist für Vögel, eine andere für Fische und eine ganz andere Form für Landtiere geeignet. Geflügelte Kreaturen haben weniger von den erdigen, weniger Feuchtigkeit, Hitze in Maßen, Luft in großer Menge. Da sie also aus den leichteren Elementen bestehen, können sie leichter in die Luft aufsteigen. Fische mit ihrer aquatischen Natur, die mäßig mit Wärme versorgt werden und sich in einem großen Teil aus Luft und Erdreich zusammensetzen, mit so wenig Feuchtigkeit wie möglich, können leichter in Feuchtigkeit existieren, aus dem Grund, dass sie weniger davon als von den anderen Elementen in ihren Körpern haben; und so, wenn sie an Land gezogen werden, verlassen sie Leben und Wasser im gleichen Moment. In ähnlicher Weise können die Landtiere, die mäßig mit den Elementen Luft und Wärme versorgt werden und weniger von dem Erdigen und viel Feuchtigkeit haben, nicht lange im Wasser leben bleiben, weil ihr Feuchtigkeitsanteil bereits reichlich vorhanden ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Therefore, if one of these elements, heat, becomes predominant in any body whatsoever, it destroys and dissolves all the others with its violence. This defect may be due to violent heat from certain quarters of the sky, pouring into the open pores in too great proportion to admit of a mixture suited to the natural temperament of the body in question. Again, if too much moisture enters the channels of a body, and thus introduces disproportion, the other elements, adulterated by the liquid, are impaired, and the virtues of the mixture dissolved. This defect, in turn, may arise from the cooling properties of moist winds and breezes blowing upon the body. In the same way, increase or diminution of the proportion of air or of the earthy which is natural to the body may enfeeble the other elements; the predominance of the earthy being due to overmuch food, that of air to a heavy atmosphere." msgstr "Wenn daher eines dieser Elemente, die Hitze, in irgendeinem Körper vorherrscht, zerstört und löst sie alle anderen mit ihrer Gewalt auf. Dieser Defekt kann auf heftige Hitze aus bestimmten Vierteln des Himmels zurückzuführen sein, die sich in die offenen Poren in zu großem Verhältnis ergießt, um eine Mischung zuzulassen, die dem natürlichen Temperament des betreffenden Körpers entspricht. Wenn wiederum zu viel Feuchtigkeit in die Kanäle eines Körpers eindringt und somit Unverhältnismäßigkeiten einbringt, werden die anderen, durch die Flüssigkeit verfälschten Elemente beeinträchtigt und die Tugenden der Mischung aufgelöst. Dieser Fehler kann wiederum durch die Kühleigenschaften von feuchten Winden und Brise, die auf den Körper wehen, entstehen. In gleicher Weise kann die Erhöhung oder Verringerung des Anteils der Luft oder des Erdigen, der für den Körper natürlich ist, die anderen Elemente schwächen; die Vorherrschaft des Erdigen ist auf übermäßige Nahrung zurückzuführen, die der Luft auf eine schwere Atmosphäre." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "It appears, then, that in founding towns we must beware of districts from which hot winds can spread abroad over the inhabitants. For while all bodies are composed of the four elements (in Greek o-rot^eta), that is, of heat, moisture, the earthy, and air, yet there are mixtures according to natural temperament which make up the natures of all the different animals of the world, each after its kind." msgstr "Es scheint also, dass wir uns in Gründungsstädten vor Bezirken hüten müssen, aus denen sich heiße Winde über die Bewohner ausbreiten können. Denn während alle Körper aus den vier Elementen (im Griechischen o-rot^eta) zusammengesetzt sind, d.h. aus Wärme, Feuchtigkeit, dem Erdigen und Luft, gibt es doch Mischungen gemäß dem natürlichen Temperament, die die Natur aller verschiedenen Tiere der Welt ausmachen, jedes nach seiner Art." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "We may also recognize the truth of this from the fact that in summer the heat makes everybody weak, not only in unhealthy but even in healthy places, and that in winter even the most unhealthy districts are much healthier because they are given a solidity by the cooling off. Similarly, persons removed from cold countries to hot cannot endure it but waste away; whereas those who pass from hot places to the cold regions of the north, not only do not suffer in health from the change of residence but even gain by it." msgstr "Wir können die Wahrheit auch daran erkennen, dass im Sommer die Hitze jeden schwach macht, nicht nur an ungesunden, sondern sogar an gesunden Orten, und dass im Winter sogar die ungesündesten Bezirke viel gesünder sind, weil sie durch die Abkühlung eine Festigkeit erhalten. In ähnlicher Weise können Personen, die aus kalten Ländern in heiße Länder gebracht werden, diese nicht ertragen, sondern verschwenden; während diejenigen, die von heißen Orten in die kalten Regionen des Nordens gelangen, nicht nur nicht an Gesundheit durch den Wohnortwechsel leiden, sondern sogar davon profitieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "For heat is a universal solvent, melting out of things their power of resistance, and sucking away and removing their natural strength with its fiery exhalations so that they grow soft, and hence weak, under its glow. We see this in the case of iron which, however hard it may naturally be, yet when heated thoroughly in a furnace fire can be easily worked into any kind of shape, and still, if cooled while it is soft and white hot, it hardens again with a mere dip into cold water and takes on its former quality." msgstr "Denn Hitze ist ein universelles Lösungsmittel, das aus den Dingen ihre Widerstandskraft herausschmilzt und mit seinen feurigen Ausatmungen ihre natürliche Kraft wegsaugt und entfernt, so dass sie unter ihrem Glanz weich und daher schwach werden. Wir sehen dies bei Eisen, das, so hart es auch sein mag, doch bei gründlicher Erhitzung in einem Ofenfeuer leicht in jede Form gebracht werden kann, und dennoch, wenn es abgekühlt wird, während es weich und weiß heiß ist, härtet es durch bloßes Eintauchen in kaltes Wasser wieder aus und nimmt seine frühere Qualität an." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "These variations in heat and the subsequent cooling off are harmful to the people living on such sites. The same conclusion may be reached in the case of inanimate things. For instance, nobody draws the light for covered wine rooms from the south or west, but rather from the north, since that quarter is never subject to change but is always constant and unshifting. So it is with granaries: grain exposed to the sun's course soon loses its good quality, and provisions and fruit, unless stored in a place unexposed to the sun's course, do not keep long." msgstr "Diese Schwankungen der Wärme und die anschließende Abkühlung sind schädlich für die an solchen Standorten lebenden Menschen. Die gleiche Schlussfolgerung kann im Falle unbelebter Dinge gezogen werden. Zum Beispiel zieht niemand das Licht für überdachte Weinstuben aus dem Süden oder Westen, sondern eher aus dem Norden, da sich dieses Viertel nie ändert, sondern immer konstant und unverschieblich ist. So ist es bei den Getreidespeichern: Korn, das dem Lauf der Sonne ausgesetzt ist, verliert bald seine gute Qualität, und Vorräte und Früchte halten sich nicht lange, es sei denn, sie werden an einem Ort gelagert, der nicht dem Lauf der Sonne ausgesetzt ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "For fortified towns the following general principles are to be observed. First comes the choice of a very healthy site. Such a site will be high, neither misty nor frosty, and in a climate neither hot nor cold, but temperate; further, without marshes in the neighborhood. For when the morning breezes blow to ward the town at sunrise, if they bring with them mists from marshes and, mingled with the mist, the poisonous breath of the creatures of the marshes to be wafted into the bodies of the inhabitants, they will make the site unhealthy. Again, if the town is on the coast with a southern or western exposure, it will not be healthy, because in summer the southern sky grows hot at sunrise and is fiery at noon, while a western exposure grows warm after sunrise, is hot at noon, and at evening all aglow." msgstr "Für befestigte Städte sind die folgenden allgemeinen Grundsätze zu beachten. Zuerst kommt die Wahl einer sehr gesunden Website. Solch ein Aufstellungsort wird hoch sein, weder neblig noch frostig, und in einem Klima weder heiß noch kalt, aber gemäßigt; außerdem ohne Sümpfe in der Nachbarschaft. Denn wenn die Morgenbrise weht, um die Stadt bei Sonnenaufgang zu bewachen, wenn sie Nebel aus Sümpfen mit sich bringen und, vermischt mit dem Nebel, den giftigen Atem der Geschöpfe der Sümpfe, um in die Körper der Bewohner gewellt zu werden, werden sie die Stätte ungesund machen. Nochmals, wenn die Stadt an der Küste mit einer südlichen oder westlichen Exposition ist, wird sie nicht gesund sein, weil im Sommer der südliche Himmel am Sonnenaufgang heiß wird und am Mittag feurig ist, während eine westliche Exposition nach Sonnenaufgang warm wird, am Mittag heiß ist und am Abend alle glühen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "The sine of a city" msgstr "Der Sinus einer Stadt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "" "This is the Post Excerpt block, it will display the excerpt from single posts. If there are any Custom Post Types with support for excerpts, the Post Excerpt block can display the excerpts of those entries as\n" "well. Morbi nec augue vestibulum, sagittis nisi ac, commodo mauris." msgstr "" "Dies ist der Beitragsauszugsblock, der einen Auszug von Einzelbeiträgen anzeigt. Wenn es individuelle Inhaltstypen gibt, die Auszüge unterstützen, kann der Beitragsauszugsblock auch die Auszüge dieser Einträge\n" "anzeigen. Morbi nec augue vestibulum, sagittis nisi ac, commodo mauris." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Developing sustainable projects" msgstr "Entwicklung nachhaltiger Projekte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "projects" msgstr "Projekte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Durability will be assured when foundations are carried down to the solid ground and materials wisely and liberally selected; convenience, when the arrangement of the apartments is faultless and presents no hindrance to use, and when each class of building is assigned to its suitable and appropriate exposure; and beauty, when the appearance of the work is pleasing and in good taste, and when its members are in due proportion according to correct principles of symmetry." msgstr "Die Haltbarkeit wird gewährleistet, wenn die Fundamente auf den festen Boden und die Materialien klug und großzügig ausgewählt werden; Bequemlichkeit, wenn die Anordnung der Wohnungen einwandfrei ist und kein Hindernis für die Nutzung darstellt und wenn jede Klasse von Gebäuden ihrer geeigneten und angemessenen Exposition zugeordnet ist; und Schönheit, wenn das Aussehen der Arbeit angenehm und geschmackvoll ist und wenn ihre Mitglieder in angemessenem Verhältnis nach den korrekten Prinzipien der Symmetrie stehen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "All these must be built with due reference to durability, convenience, and beauty." msgstr "All dies muss unter gebührender Berücksichtigung von Haltbarkeit, Bequemlichkeit und Schönheit gebaut werden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "There are three departments of architecture: the art of building, the making of time-pieces, and the construction of machinery. Building is, in its turn, divided into two parts, of which the first is the construction of fortified towns and of works for general use in public places, and the second is the putting up of structures for private individuals. There are three classes of public buildings : the first for defensive, the second for religious, and the third for utilitarian purposes. Under defense comes the planning of walls, towers, and gates, permanent devices for resistance against hostile attacks; under religion, the erection of fanes and temples to the immortal gods; under utility, the provision of meeting places for public use, such as harbors, markets, colonnades, baths, theaters, promenades, and all other similar arrangements in public places." msgstr "Es gibt drei Abteilungen der Architektur: die Baukunst, die Herstellung von Uhren und den Bau von Maschinen. Das Gebäude ist seinerseits in zwei Teile unterteilt, von denen der erste der Bau von befestigten Städten und von Werken für den allgemeinen Gebrauch an öffentlichen Orten und der zweite der Bau von Strukturen für Privatpersonen ist. Es gibt drei Klassen von öffentlichen Gebäuden : die erste für die Verteidigung, die zweite für religiöse und die dritte für nützliche Zwecke. Unter Verteidigung kommt die Planung von Mauern, Türmen und Toren, permanente Vorrichtungen zum Widerstand gegen feindliche Angriffe; unter Religion die Errichtung von Fenstern und Tempeln für die unsterblichen Götter; unter Nützlichkeit die Bereitstellung von Treffpunkten für die öffentliche Nutzung, wie Häfen, Märkte, Kolonnaden, Bäder, Theater, Promenaden und alle anderen ähnlichen Einrichtungen an öffentlichen Orten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "The fundamental principles of architecture" msgstr "Die Grundprinzipien der Architektur" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Water structures and greenhouses" msgstr "Wasserbauwerke und Gewächshäuser" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=67: msgid "Meet our collaborative work" msgstr "Lernen Sie unsere Zusammenarbeit kennen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "The United Architects Collab at work" msgstr "Die United Architects Collab bei der Arbeit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "The United Architects Collab helps individuals, businesses and organisations turn architectural projects into opportunity." msgstr "Die United Architects Collab United Architects Collab" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "We believe the future is circular. Having worked all over the world and understanding the damage single-use materials are causing, we are working to find more innovative ways to tackle this problem. We want to empower people to make changes to the way they create and encourage new businesses to run in a sustainable way." msgstr "Wir glauben, dass die Zukunft zirkulär ist. Nachdem wir auf der ganzen Welt gearbeitet und die Schäden, die Einwegmaterialien verursachen, verstanden haben, arbeiten wir daran, innovativere Wege zu finden, um dieses Problem anzugehen. Wir wollen die Menschen befähigen, Änderungen an der Art und Weise vorzunehmen, wie sie neue Unternehmen gründen, und sie ermutigen, diese nachhaltig zu führen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "Founded by Dietrich Lubs, United Architects Collab is an international architecture firm with offices in London, S. Louis, S. Paulo, and Torino. Specializing in sustainable design, interiors and landscape design projects, Lubs' team bring a contemporary new approach to every commission." msgstr "United Architects Collab wurde von Dietrich Lubs gegründetundist ein internationales Architekturbüro mit Büros in London, S. Louis, S. Paulo und Turin. Das Team von Lubs ist auf nachhaltiges Design, Innenarchitektur und Landschaftsgestaltungsprojekte spezialisiert und bietet jedem Auftrag einen zeitgemäßen neuen Ansatz." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "We the people who builds the Studio" msgstr "Wir, die Leute, die das Studio bauen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "Our global design team" msgstr "Unser globales Designteam" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "A second stage in Economy is reached when we have to plan the different kinds of dwellings suitable for ordinary householders, for great wealth, or for the high position of the statesman. A house in town obviously calls for one form of construction; that into which stream the products of country estates requires another; this will not be the same in the case of money-lenders and still different for the opulent and luxurious; for the powers under whose deliberations the commonwealth is guided dwellings are to be provided according to then 1 special needs: and, in a word, the proper form of economy must be observed in building houses for each and every class." msgstr "Eine zweite Stufe in der Wirtschaft ist erreicht, wenn wir die verschiedenen Arten von Wohnungen, die für gewöhnliche Haushalte, für großen Reichtum oder für die hohe Position des Staatsmannes geeignet sind, planen müssen. Ein Haus in der Stadt verlangt offensichtlich eine Form des Aufbaus; die, in die die Produkte der Landgüter eine andere erfordern; dieses wird nicht das gleiche im Fall der Geldverleiher und noch unterschiedlich für das opulente und luxuriöse sein; für die Energien, unter deren Überlegungen das Commonwealth geführt wird, sind Wohnungen entsprechend dann 1 spezielle Notwendigkeiten vorzusehen: und, in einem Wort, muß die korrekte Form der Wirtschaft im Bauen Häuser für jede und jede Kategorie beachtet werden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Economy denotes the proper management of materials and of site, as well as a thrifty balancing of cost and common sense in the construction of works. This will be observed if, in the first place, the architect does not demand things which cannot be found or made ready without great expense. For example: it is not everywhere that there is plenty of pit sand, rubble, fir, clear fir, and marble, since they are produced in different places and to assemble them is difficult and costly. Where there is no pit sand, we must use the kinds washed up by rivers or by the sea; the lack of fir and clear fir may be evaded by using cypress, poplar, elm, or pine; and other problems we must solve in similar ways." msgstr "Wirtschaftlichkeit bedeutet die sachgerechte Bewirtschaftung der Materialien und des Geländes sowie einen sparsamen Ausgleich von Kosten und gesundem Menschenverstand beim Bau von Bauwerken. Dies ist zu beachten, wenn der Architekt zunächst einmal keine Dinge verlangt, die nicht ohne großen Aufwand gefunden oder fertig gestellt werden können. Zum Beispiel: Nicht überall gibt es viel Grubensand, Schutt, Tanne, klare Tanne und Marmor, da sie an verschiedenen Orten hergestellt werden und ihre Montage schwierig und teuer ist. Wo es keinen Grubensand gibt, müssen wir die Arten verwenden, die von Flüssen oder vom Meer angespült werden; das Fehlen von Tanne und klarer Tanne kann durch die Verwendung von Zypresse, Pappel, Ulme oder Kiefer umgangen werden; und andere Probleme, die wir auf ähnliche Weise lösen müssen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Finally, propriety will be due to natural causes if, for example, in the case of all sacred precincts we select very healthy neighborhoods with suitable springs of water in the places where the fanes are to be built, particularly in the case of those to Aesculapius and to Health, gods by whose healing powers great numbers of the sick are apparently cured. For when their diseased bodies are transferred from an unhealthy to a healthy spot, and treated with waters from health-giving springs, they will the more speedily grow well. The result will be that the divinity will stand in higher esteem and find his dignity increased, all owing to the nature of his site. There will also be natural propriety in using an eastern light for bedrooms and libraries, a western light in winter for baths and winter apartments, and a northern light for picture galleries and other places in which a steady light is needed; for that quarter of the sky grows neither light nor dark with the course of the sun, but remains steady and unshifting all day long." msgstr "Schließlich wird Anstand natürlichen Ursachen geschuldet sein, wenn wir zum Beispiel bei allen heiligen Bezirken sehr gesunde Stadtteile mit geeigneten Wasserquellen an den Stellen auswählen, wo die Fane gebaut werden sollen, besonders bei denen zu Äskulap und zu Gesundheit, Götter, durch deren Heilkräfte offenbar große Zahlen der Kranken geheilt werden. Denn wenn ihre erkrankten Körper von einem ungesunden zu einem gesunden Ort gebracht und mit Wasser aus gesundheitsfördernden Quellen behandelt werden, werden sie umso schneller gut wachsen. Das Ergebnis wird sein, dass die Göttlichkeit in höherer Wertschätzung stehen und finden seine Würde erhöht, alles aufgrund der Art seiner Website. Es gibt auch natürliche Angemessenheit, wenn man ein östliches Licht für Schlafzimmer und Bibliotheken, ein westliches Licht im Winter für Bäder und Winterapartments und ein nördliches Licht für Bildergalerien und andere Orte verwendet, in denen ein beständiges Licht benötigt wird; denn dieses Viertel des Himmels wächst weder hell noch dunkel mit dem Verlauf der Sonne, sondern bleibt den ganzen Tag lang beständig und unveränderlich." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Propriety arises from usage when buildings having magnificent interiors are provided with elegant entrance-courts to correspond; for there will be no propriety in the spectacle of an elegant interior approached by a low, mean entrance. Or, if dentils be carved in the cornice of the Doric entablature or triglyphs represented in the Ionic entablature over the cushion-shaped capitals of the columns, the effect will be spoilt by the transfer of the peculiarities of the one order of building to the other, the usage in each class having been fixed long ago." msgstr "Angemessenheit entsteht aus dem Gebrauch, wenn Gebäude, die großartige Innenräume haben, mit eleganten Eingangshöfen versehen werden, um zu entsprechen; denn es wird keine Angemessenheit im Spektakel eines eleganten Innenraums geben, der durch einen niedrigen, mittleren Eingang angenähert wird. Oder, wenn Dentils in das Gesims der Doric Entablature oder Triglyphen geschnitzt werden, die in der Ionischen Entablature über den kissenförmigen Kapitalien der Spalten dargestellt werden, wird der Effekt durch die Übertragung der Besonderheiten der einen Ordnung des Gebäudes zur anderen verdorben werden, wobei der Gebrauch in jeder Klasse vor langer Zeit festgelegt worden ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Propriety is that perfection of style which comes when a work is authoritatively constructed on approved principles. It arises from prescription, from usage, or from nature. From prescription, in the case of hypaethral edifices, open to the sky, in honor of Jupiter Lightning, the Heaven, the Sun, or the Moon: for these are gods whose semblances and manifestations we behold before our very eyes in the sky when it is cloudless and bright. The temples of Minerva, Mars, and Hercules, will be Doric, since the virile strength of these gods makes daintiness entirely inappropriate to their houses. In temples to Venus, Flora, Proserpine, Spring- Water, and the Nymphs, the Corinthian order will be found to have peculiar significance, because these are delicate divinities and so its rather slender outlines, its flowers, leaves, and ornamental volutes will lend propriety where it is due. The construction of temples of the Ionic order to Juno, Diana, Father Bacchus, and the other gods of that kind, will be in keeping with the middle position which they hold; for the building of such will be an appropriate combination of the severity of the Doric and the delicacy of the Corinthian." msgstr "Angemessenheit ist die Perfektion des Stils, die entsteht, wenn ein Werk autoritativ nach anerkannten Prinzipien konstruiert wird. Es entsteht durch Verschreibung, durch Gebrauch oder durch die Natur. Von der Verordnung, im Falle von hypaethralen Gebäuden, die zum Himmel hin offen sind, zu Ehren des Jupiterblitzes, des Himmels, der Sonne oder des Mondes: denn dies sind Götter, deren Ähnlichkeiten und Manifestationen wir vor unseren eigenen Augen am Himmel sehen, wenn er wolkenlos und hell ist. Die Bügel von Minerva, von Mars und von Hercules, werden Doric sein, da travel virile Stärke dieser Götter Anmut völlig unangemessen zu ihren Häusern bildet. In Tempeln für Venus, Flora, Proserpine, Quellwasser und die Nymphen wird der korinthische Orden eine besondere Bedeutung haben, da es sich um zarte Gottheiten handelt und so seine eher schlanken Konturen, seine Blumen, Blätter und Ziervoluten Anstand verleihen, wo es angebracht ist. Der Bau von Tempeln der ionischen Ordnung zu Juno, Diana, Pater Bacchus und den anderen Göttern dieser Art, wird im Einklang mit der mittleren Position sein, die sie halten; denn der Bau von solchen wird eine angemessene Kombination der Schwere der Doric und der Delikatesse der Korinthian sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Symmetry is a proper agreement between the members of the work itself, and relation between the different parts and the whole general scheme, in accordance with a certain part selected as standard. Thus in the human body there is a kind of symmetrical harmony between forearm, foot, palm, finger, and other small parts; and so it is with perfect buildings. In the case of temples, symmetry may be calculated from the thickness of a column, from a triglyph, or even from a module; in the ballista, from the hole in a ship, from the space between the hole pins; and in other things, from various members." msgstr "Symmetrie ist eine richtige Übereinstimmung zwischen den Mitgliedern des Werkes selbst und Beziehung zwischen den verschiedenen Teilen und das gesamte allgemeine Schema, in Übereinstimmung mit einem bestimmten Teil als Standard ausgewählt. So gibt es im menschlichen Körper eine Art symmetrische Harmonie zwischen Unterarm, Fuß, Handfläche, Finger und anderen kleinen Teilen; und so ist es mit perfekten Gebäuden. Im Falle von Tempeln kann Symmetrie aus der Dicke einer Säule, aus einem Triglyphen oder sogar aus einem Modul berechnet werden; in der Ballista, aus dem Loch in einem Schiff, aus dem Raum zwischen den Lochstiften; und in anderen Dingen aus verschiedenen Elementen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=182: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=186: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=192: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=195: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=23: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=91: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Eurythmy is beauty and fitness in the adjustments of the members. This is found when the members of a work are of a height suited to their breadth, of a breadth suited to their length, and, in a word, when they all correspond symmetrically." msgstr "Eurythmie ist Schönheit und Fitness in der Anpassung der Mitglieder. Dies ist der Fall, wenn die Glieder eines Werkes eine ihrer Breite angepaßte Höhe, eine ihrer Länge angepaßte Breite haben, und mit einem Wort, wenn sie alle symmetrisch übereinstimmen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "15BCE" msgstr "15BCE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Vitruvius — Book 1, The Architect and City Planning" msgstr "Vitruvius — Buch 1, Der Architekt und Stadtplanung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Architecture depends on Order, Arrangement, Eurythmy, Symmetry, Propriety, and Economy. Order gives due measure to the members of a work considered separately, and symmetrical agreement to the proportions of the whole. It is an adjustment according to quantity. By this I mean the selection of modules from the members of the work itself and, starting from these individual parts of members, constructing the whole work to correspond. Arrangement includes the putting of things in their proper places and the elegance of effect which is due to adjustments appropriate to the character of the work. Its forms of expression are these: ground plan, elevation, and perspective. A ground plan is made by the proper successive use of compasses and rule, through which we get outlines for the plane surfaces of buildings. An elevation is a picture of the front of a building, set upright and properly drawn in the proportions of the contemplated work. Perspective is the method of sketching a front with the sides withdrawing into the background, the lines all meeting in the centre of a circle. All three come of reflexion and invention. Reflexion is careful and laborious thought, and watchful attention directed to the agreeable effect of one's plan. Invention, on the other hand, is the solving of intricate problems and the discovery of new principles by means of brilliancy and versatility. These are the departments belonging under Arrangement." msgstr "Architektur hängt von Ordnung, Arrangement, Eurythmie, Symmetrie, Anstand und Wirtschaft ab. Die Ordnung gibt den Mitgliedern eines Werkes, die getrennt betrachtet werden, ein angemessenes Maß und eine symmetrische Übereinstimmung mit den Proportionen des Ganzen. Es handelt sich um eine mengenmäßige Anpassung. Damit meine ich die Auswahl von Modulen aus den Mitgliedern des Werkes selbst und, ausgehend von diesen einzelnen Teilen von Mitgliedern, die Konstruktion des gesamten Werkes entsprechend. Das Arrangement beinhaltet das Platzieren der Dinge an ihren richtigen Stellen und die Eleganz der Wirkung, die auf Anpassungen zurückzuführen ist, die dem Charakter des Werkes angemessen sind. Seine Ausdrucksformen sind diese: Grundriss, Höhe und Perspektive. Ein Grundriss wird durch die richtige sukzessive Verwendung von Kompassen und Regeln erstellt, durch die wir Umrisse für die ebenen Oberflächen von Gebäuden erhalten. Eine Erhebung ist ein Bild der Vorderseite eines Gebäudes, aufrecht gesetzt und in den Proportionen der betrachteten Arbeit richtig gezeichnet. Perspektive ist die Methode, eine Front zu skizzieren, bei der sich die Seiten in den Hintergrund zurückziehen, wobei sich die Linien alle im Zentrum eines Kreises treffen. Alle drei sind Reflexion und Erfindung. Reflexion ist sorgfältiges und mühsames Denken und aufmerksame Aufmerksamkeit, die auf die angenehme Wirkung des eigenen Plans gerichtet ist. Erfindungen hingegen sind die Lösung komplizierter Probleme und die Entdeckung neuer Prinzipien durch Brillanz und Vielseitigkeit. Dies sind die Abteilungen, die unter Arrangement gehören." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "The departments of architect" msgstr "Die Abteilungen des Architekten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "" "Architecture depends on Order, Arrangement, Eurythmy, Symmetry, Propriety, and Economy.\n" "Order gives due measure to the members of a work considered separately, and symmetrical agreement to the proportions of the whole. It is an adjustment according to quantity." msgstr "" "Die Architektur hängt von der Ordnung, der Anordnung, der Eurythmie, der Symmetrie, dem Anstand und der Wirtschaft ab. \n" "Die Ordnung gibt den Mitgliedern eines Werkes, die getrennt betrachtet werden, das angemessene Maß und die symmetrische Übereinstimmung mit den Proportionen des Ganzen. Es handelt sich um eine mengenmäßige Anpassung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "The beauty of sustainable materials" msgstr "Die Schönheit nachhaltiger Materialien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Smart Solutions" msgstr "Intelligente Lösungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "smart-solutions" msgstr "smart-solutions" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Donec rhoncus, lectus eu imperdiet luctus, erat nibh tempor quam, bibendum accumsan sapien arcu quis dui. Ut tincidunt accumsan commodo." msgstr "Donec rhoncus, lectus eu imperdiet luctus, erat nibh tempor quam, bibendum accumsan sapien arcu quis dui. Ut tincidunt accumsan commodo." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The author" msgstr "Der Autor" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Since, therefore, the possession of such talents due to natural capacity is not vouchsafed at random to entire nations, but only to a few great men; since, moreover, the function of the architect requires a training in all the departments of learning; and finally, since reason, on account of the wide extent of the subject, concedes that he may possess not the highest but not even necessarily a moderate knowledge of the subjects of study, I request, Caesar, both of you and of those who may read the said books, that if anything is set forth with too little regard for grammatical rule, it may be pardoned. For it is not as a very great philosopher, nor as an eloquent rhetorician, nor as a grammarian trained in the highest principles of his art, that I have striven to write this work, but as an architect who has had only a dip into those studies. Still, as regards the efficacy of the art and the theories of it, I promise and expect that in these volumes I shall undoubtedly show myself of very considerable importance not only to builders but also to all scholars." msgstr "Da daher der Besitz solcher Talente aufgrund natürlicher Fähigkeiten nicht zufällig ganzen Nationen, sondern nur einigen wenigen großen Männern gewährt wird; da darüber hinaus die Funktion des Architekten eine Ausbildung in allen Abteilungen des Lernens erfordert; und schließlich, da die Vernunft aufgrund der weiten Ausdehnung des Faches zugibt, dass er nicht die höchsten, aber nicht einmal notwendigerweise mäßigen Kenntnisse der Studienfächer besitzen möge, bitte ich, Cäsar, sowohl Sie als auch diejenigen, die die genannten Bücher lesen dürfen, dass, wenn etwas mit zu wenig Rücksicht auf die grammatische Regel dargelegt wird, es verziehen werden kann. Denn nicht als sehr großer Philosoph, nicht als beredter Rhetoriker, nicht als Grammatiker, der in den höchsten Prinzipien seiner Kunst ausgebildet ist, habe ich mich bemüht, dieses Werk zu schreiben, sondern als Architekt, der sich nur in diese Studien vertieft hat. Hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit der Kunst und ihrer Theorien verspreche und erwarte ich jedoch, dass ich mich in diesen Bänden zweifellos nicht nur für die Erbauer, sondern auch für alle Gelehrten von ganz erheblicher Bedeutung zeigen werde." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Astronomers likewise have a common ground for discussion with musicians in the harmony of the stars and musical concords in tetrads and triads of the fourth and the fifth, and with geometricians in the subject of vision; and in all other sciences many points, perhaps all, are common so far as the discussion of them is concerned. But the actual undertaking of works which are brought to perfection by the hand and its manipulation is the function of those who have been specially trained to deal with a single art. It appears, therefore, that he has done enough and to spare who in each subject possesses a fairly good knowledge of those parts, with their principles, which are indispensable for architecture, so that if he is required to pass judgement and to express approval in the case of those things or arts, he may not be found wanting. As for men upon whom nature has bestowed so much ingenuity, acuteness, and memory that they are able to have a thorough knowledge of geometry, astronomy, music, and the other arts, they go beyond the functions of architects and become pure mathematicians. Hence they can readily take up positions against those arts because many are the artistic weapons with which they are armed. Such men, however, are rarely found, but there have been such at times; for example, Aristarchus of Samos, Philolaus and Archytas of Tarentum, Apollonius of Perga, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, and among Syracusans Archimedes and Scopinas, who through mathematics and natural philosophy discovered, expounded, and left to posterity many things in connexion with mechanics and with sundials." msgstr "Astronomen haben ebenfalls eine gemeinsame Diskussionsgrundlage mit Musikern in der Harmonie der Sterne und musikalischen Konkorde in Tetrads und Triaden des vierten und fünften, und mit Geometrikern im Thema Vision; und in allen anderen Wissenschaften sind viele Punkte, vielleicht alle, gemeinsam, soweit es die Diskussion über sie betrifft. Aber das eigentliche Unterfangen von Werken, die von der Hand zur Vollkommenheit gebracht werden, und ihre Manipulation ist die Funktion derer, die speziell für den Umgang mit einer einzigen Kunst ausgebildet wurden. Es scheint daher, dass er genug getan hat, und um zu ersparen, wer in jedem Subjekt eine ziemlich gute Kenntnis dieser Teile besitzt, mit ihren Prinzipien, die für die Architektur unverzichtbar sind, so dass, wenn er verpflichtet ist, ein Urteil zu fällen und seine Zustimmung zu diesen Dingen oder Künsten auszudrücken, er möglicherweise nicht als mangelhaft empfunden wird. Was Männer betrifft, denen die Natur so viel Einfallsreichtum, Scharfsinn und Gedächtnis verliehen hat, dass sie in der Lage sind, ein gründliches Wissen über Geometrie, Astronomie, Musik und die anderen Künste zu haben, gehen sie über die Funktionen von Architekten hinaus und werden reine Mathematiker. Daher können sie leicht Positionen gegen diese Künste einnehmen, weil viele die künstlerischen Waffen sind, mit denen sie bewaffnet sind. Solche Männer werden jedoch selten gefunden, aber es gab solche manchmal; zum Beispiel Aristarchus von Samos, Philolaus und Archytas von Tarentum, Apollonius von Perga, Eratosthenes von Kyrene und unter den Syrakusanern Archimedes und Scopinas, die durch Mathematik und Naturphilosophie viele Dinge in Verbindung mit der Mechanik und mit Sonnenuhren entdeckten, erklärten und der Nachwelt überließen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "It appears, then, that Pytheos made a mistake by not observing that the arts are each composed of two things, the actual work and the theory of it. One of these, the doing of the work, is proper to men trained in the individual subject, while the other, the theory, is common to all scholars: for example, to physicians and musicians the rhythmical beat of the pulse and its metrical movement. But if there is a wound to be healed or a sick man to be saved from danger, the musician will not call, for the business will be appropriate to the physician. So in the case of a musical instrument, not the physician but the musician will be the man to tune it so that the ears may find their due pleasure in its strains." msgstr "Es scheint also, dass Pytheos einen Fehler machte, indem er nicht beobachtete, dass die Künste jeweils aus zwei Dingen bestehen, dem eigentlichen Werk und der Theorie davon. Eine davon, die Ausführung der Arbeit, ist Männern eigen, die im einzelnen Fach ausgebildet sind, während die andere, die Theorie, allen Gelehrten gemeinsam ist: zum Beispiel den Ärzten und Musikern den rhythmischen Takt des Pulses und seine metrische Bewegung. Aber wenn es eine Wunde gibt, die geheilt werden soll, oder einen kranken Mann, der aus der Gefahr gerettet werden soll, wird der Musiker nicht rufen, denn das Geschäft wird dem Arzt angemessen sein. Im Falle eines Musikinstruments wird also nicht der Arzt, sondern der Musiker der Mann sein, der es so stimmt, dass die Ohren ihr Vergnügen an seinen Belastungen finden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Still, it is not architects alone that cannot in all matters reach perfection, but even men who individually practise specialties in the arts do not all attain to the highest point of merit. Therefore, if among artists working each in a single field not all, but only a few in an entire generation acquire fame, and that with difficulty, how can an architect, who has to be skilful in many arts, accomplish not merely the feat in itself a great marvel of being deficient in none of them, but also that of surpassing all those artists who have devoted themselves with unremitting industry to single fields?" msgstr "Doch nicht nur Architekten können in allen Dingen nicht zur Vollkommenheit gelangen, sondern auch Männer, die sich in den Künsten individuell spezialisieren, erreichen nicht alle den höchsten Verdienstpunkt. Wenn also unter den Künstlern, die jeweils in einem einzigen Feld arbeiten, nicht alle, sondern nur wenige in einer ganzen Generation Ruhm erlangen, und das mit Mühe, wie kann ein Architekt, der in vielen Künsten geschickt sein muss, nicht nur das Kunststück an sich vollbringen, ein großes Wunder, in keinem von ihnen einen Mangel zu haben, sondern auch das, all jene Künstler zu übertreffen, die sich mit unermüdlicher Industrie einzelnen Feldern verschrieben haben?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "For an architect ought not to be and cannot be such a philologian as was Aristarchus, although not illiterate; nor a musician like Aristoxenus, though not absolutely ignorant of music; nor a painter like Apelles, though not unskilful in drawing; nor a sculptor such as was Myron or Polyclitus, though not unacquainted with the plastic art; nor again a physician like Hippocrates, though not ignorant of medicine; nor in the other sciences need he excel in each, though he should not be unskilful in them. For, in the midst of all this great variety of subjects, an individual cannot attain to perfection in each, because it is scarcely in his power to take in and comprehend the general theories of them." msgstr "Für einen Architekten sollte nicht und kann nicht ein solcher Philologe sein, wie Aristarchus, obgleich nicht Analphabet; noch ein Musiker wie Aristoxenus, obgleich nicht absolut unwissend der Musik; noch ein Maler wie Apelles, obgleich nicht ungeschickt in der Zeichnung; noch ein Bildhauer wie war Myron oder Polyclitus, obgleich nicht unwissend mit der Plastikkunst; noch wieder ein Arzt wie Hippokrates, obgleich nicht unwissend der Medizin; noch in den anderen Wissenschaften muß er in jedem übertreffen, obgleich er nicht ungeschickt in ihnen sein sollte. Denn inmitten all dieser Vielfalt von Themen kann ein Individuum nicht in jedem zur Vollkommenheit gelangen, weil es kaum in seiner Macht steht, die allgemeinen Theorien von ihnen aufzunehmen und zu begreifen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "But perhaps to the inexperienced it will seem a marvel that human nature can comprehend such a great number of studies and keep them in the memory. Still, the observation that all studies have a common bond of union and intercourse with one another, will lead to the belief that this can easily be realized. For a liberal education forms, as it were, a single body made up of these members. Those, therefore, who from tender years receive instruction in the various forms of learning, recognize the same stamp on all the arts, and an intercourse between all studies, and so they more readily comprehend them all. This is what led one of the ancient architects, Pytheos, the celebrated builder of the temple of Minerva at Priene, to say in his Commentaries that an architect ought to be able to accomplish much more in all the arts and sciences than the men who, by their own particular kinds of work and the practice of it, have brought each a single subject to the highest perfection. But this is in point of fact not realized." msgstr "Aber vielleicht erscheint es den Unerfahrenen verwunderlich, dass die menschliche Natur so viele Studien verstehen und im Gedächtnis behalten kann. Dennoch wird die Beobachtung, dass alle Studien ein gemeinsames Band der Vereinigung und des Geschlechtsverkehrs miteinander haben, zu der Überzeugung führen, dass dies leicht realisiert werden kann. Für eine liberale Bildung bildet sich sozusagen ein einziges Gremium aus diesen Mitgliedern. Diejenigen also, die von zarten Jahren an Unterricht in den verschiedenen Formen des Lernens erhalten, erkennen den gleichen Stempel auf allen Künsten und einen Verkehr zwischen allen Studien, und so begreifen sie sie alle leichter. Das ist es, was einen der antiken Architekten, Pytheos, den berühmten Erbauer des Minervatempels in Priene, dazu veranlasste, in seinen Kommentaren zu sagen, dass ein Architekt in der Lage sein sollte, viel mehr in allen Künsten und Wissenschaften zu erreichen als die Männer, die durch ihre eigene besondere Art der Arbeit und die Praxis von ihr, jedes ein einzelnes Thema zur höchsten Perfektion gebracht haben. Aber das ist in der Tat nicht realisiert." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Consequently, since this study is so vast in extent, embellished and enriched as it is with many different kinds of learning, I think that men have no right to profess themselves architects hastily, without having climbed from boyhood the steps of these studies and thus, nursed by the knowledge of many arts and sciences, having reached the heights of the holy ground of architecture." msgstr "Da diese Studie so umfangreich, verschönert und bereichert ist, wie sie es mit vielen verschiedenen Arten des Lernens ist, denke ich, dass Männer kein Recht haben, sich als Architekten hastig zu bekennen, ohne von Kindheit an die Schritte dieser Studien bestiegen zu haben und so, durch das Wissen vieler Künste und Wissenschaften gepflegt, die Höhen des heiligen Bodens der Architektur erreicht zu haben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "10. The architect should also have a knowledge of the study of medicine on account of the questions of climates, air, the healthiness and unhealthiness of sites, and the use of different waters. For without these considerations, the healthiness of a dwelling cannot be assured. And as for principles of law, he should know those which are necessary in the case of buildings having party walls, with regard to water dripping from the eaves, and also the laws about drains, windows, and water supply. And other things of this sort should be known to architects, so that, before they begin upon buildings, they may be careful not to leave disputed points for the householders to settle after the works are finished, and so that in drawing up contracts the interests of both employer and contractor may be wisely safe-guarded. For if a contract is skilfully drawn, each may obtain a release from the other without disadvantage. From astronomy we find the east, west, south, and north, as well as the theory of the heavens, the equinox, solstice, and courses of the stars. If one has no knowledge of these matters, he will not be able to have any comprehension of the theory of sundials." msgstr "10. Der Architekt sollte auch Kenntnisse über das Studium der Medizin aufgrund der Fragen des Klimas, der Luft, der Gesundheit und Ungesundheit der Standorte und der Verwendung verschiedener Gewässer haben. Denn ohne diese Überlegungen kann die Gesundheit einer Wohnung nicht gewährleistet werden. Und was die Rechtsgrundsätze betrifft, so sollte er wissen, was bei Gebäuden mit Parteimauern notwendig ist, was das aus der Traufe tropfende Wasser betrifft, und auch die Gesetze über Kanalisation, Fenster und Wasserversorgung. Und andere Dinge dieser Art sollten den Architekten bekannt sein, damit sie, bevor sie mit den Gebäuden beginnen, darauf achten können, umstrittene Punkte nicht den Hausbesitzern zu überlassen, um sie nach Abschluss der Arbeiten beizulegen, und damit bei der Ausarbeitung von Verträgen die Interessen sowohl des Arbeitgebers als auch des Auftragnehmers weise geschützt werden können. Denn wenn ein Vertrag geschickt gezogen wird, kann jeder eine Freistellung vom anderen ohne Nachteil erhalten. Aus der Astronomie finden wir den Osten, Westen, Süden und Norden, sowie die Theorie des Himmels, der Tagundnachtgleiche, der Sonnenwende und des Kurses der Sterne. Wenn man keine Kenntnis von diesen Dingen hat, kann man die Theorie der Sonnenuhren nicht verstehen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "In theaters, likewise, there are the bronze vessels which are placed in niches under the seats in accordance with the musical intervals on mathematical principles. These vessels are arranged with a view to musical concords or harmony, and apportioned in the compass of the fourth, the fifth, and the octave, and so on up to the double octave, in such a way that when the voice of an actor falls in unison with any of them its power is increased, and it reaches the ears of the audience with greater clearness and sweetness. Water organs, too, and the other instruments which resemble them cannot be made by one who is without the principles of music." msgstr "In Theatern gibt es ebenfalls die Bronzegefäße, die entsprechend den musikalischen Intervallen nach mathematischen Prinzipien in Nischen unter den Sitzen platziert werden. Diese Gefäße sind im Hinblick auf musikalische Akkorde oder Harmonie so angeordnet und im Kompass der vierten, der fünften und der Oktave und so weiter bis zur Doppeloktave so aufgeteilt, dass, wenn die Stimme eines Schauspielers im Einklang mit einem von ihnen fällt, seine Kraft erhöht wird und sie mit größerer Klarheit und Süße die Ohren des Publikums erreicht. Auch Wasserorgeln und die anderen Instrumente, die ihnen ähneln, können nicht von jemandem gemacht werden, der ohne die Prinzipien der Musik ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Music, also, the architect ought to understand so that he may have knowledge of the canonical and mathematical theory, and besides be able to tune ballistae, catapultae, and scorpiones to the proper key. For to the right and left in the beams are the holes in the frames through which the strings of twisted sinew are stretched by means of windlasses and bars, and these strings must not be clamped and made fast until they give the same correct note to the ear of the skilled workman. For the arms thrust through those stretched strings must, on being let go, strike their blow together at the same moment; but if they are not in unison, they will prevent the course of projectiles from being straight." msgstr "Musik, auch sollte der Architekt zu verstehen, so dass er Kenntnisse der kanonischen und mathematischen Theorie haben, und darüber hinaus in der Lage, Ballistae, Katapultae und Skorpione auf den richtigen Schlüssel stimmen. Denn rechts und links in den Balken sind die Löcher in den Rahmen, durch die die Sehnenschnüre mittels Winde und Bügel gespannt werden, und diese Schnüre dürfen erst festgeklemmt und festgeklemmt werden, wenn sie dem Fachmann die gleiche richtige Note geben. Denn die Arme, die durch diese gespannten Fäden geschoben werden, müssen, wenn sie losgelassen werden, im gleichen Moment ihren Schlag zusammenschlagen; aber wenn sie nicht im Einklang sind, werden sie verhindern, dass der Lauf der Geschosse gerade ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "As for philosophy, it makes an architect high-minded and not self-assuming, but rather renders him courteous, just, and honest without avariciousness. This is very important, for no work can berightly done without honesty and incorruptibility. Let him not be grasping nor have his mind preoccupied with the idea of receiving perquisites, but let him with dignity keep up his position by cherishing a good reputation. These are among the precepts of philosophy. Furthermore philosophy treats of physics where a more careful knowledge is required because the problems which come under this head are numerous and of very different kinds; as, for example, in the case of the conducting of water. For at points of intake and at curves, and at places where it is raised to a level, currents of air naturally form in one way or another; and nobody who has not learned the fundamental principles of physics from philosophy will be able to provide against the damage which they do. So the reader of Ctesibius or Archimedes and the other writers of treatises of the same class will not be able to appreciate them unless he has been trained in these subjects by the philosophers. " msgstr "Was die Philosophie angeht, so macht sie einen Architekten hochtrabend und nicht selbstgefällig, sondern eher höflich, gerecht und ehrlich ohne Habgier. Das ist sehr wichtig, denn ohne Ehrlichkeit und Unverderblichkeit kann keine Arbeit berightly erledigt werden. Möge er weder fassen noch seinen Verstand mit der Idee beschäftigen, Nebenleistungen zu erhalten, sondern möge er mit Würde seine Position aufrechterhalten, indem er einen guten Ruf pflegt. Diese gehören zu den Grundsätzen der Philosophie. Darüber hinaus behandelt die Philosophie die Physik, wo ein sorgfältigeres Wissen erforderlich ist, weil die Probleme, die unter diesen Kopf fallen, zahlreich und von sehr unterschiedlicher Art sind, wie zum Beispiel bei der Leitung von Wasser. Denn an den Stellen der Aufnahme und an den Kurven und an den Stellen, wo sie auf ein Niveau angehoben wird, bilden sich natürlich Luftströme auf die eine oder andere Weise; und niemand, der die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Physik nicht aus der Philosophie gelernt hat, wird in der Lage sein, gegen den Schaden, den sie anrichten, vorzugehen. Der Leser von Ctesibius oder Archimedes und die anderen Autoren von Abhandlungen derselben Klasse werden sie daher nicht schätzen können, es sei denn, er wurde von den Philosophen in diesen Themen geschult. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Likewise the Lacedaemonians under the leadership of Pausanias, son of Agesipolis, after conquering the Persian armies, infinite in number, with a small force at the battle of Plataea, celebrated a glorious triumph with the spoils and booty, and with the money obtained from the sale thereof built the Persian Porch, to be a monument to the renown and valor of the people and a trophy of victory for posterity. And there they set effigies of the prisoners arrayed in barbarian costume and holding up the roof, their pride punished by this deserved affront, that enemies might tremble for fear of the effects of their courage, and that their own people, looking upon this example of their valor and encouraged by the glory of it, might be ready to defend their independence. So from that time on, many have put up statues of Persians supporting entablatures and their ornaments, and thus from that motive have greatly enriched the diversity of their works. There are other stories of the same kind which architects ought to know." msgstr "Ebenso feierten travel Lacedaemonians unter der Führung von Pausanias, Sohn von Agesipolis, nach der Eroberung der persischen Armeen, unendlich in der Zahl, mit einer kleinen Kraft an der Schlacht von Plataea, einen herrlichen Triumph mit den Beute und der Beute, und mit dem Geld, das von dem Verkauf von ihm erhalten wurde, baute travel persische Veranda, um ein Denkmal zum Ruhm und zur Tapferkeit des Volkes und eine Trophäe des Sieges für Nachwelt zu sein. Und dort stellten sie Statuen der Gefangenen auf, die in barbarische Kostüme gekleidet waren und das Dach hochhielten, ihren Stolz, bestraft durch diesen verdienten Affront, dass Feinde aus Angst vor den Auswirkungen ihres Mutes zittern könnten, und dass ihr eigenes Volk, wenn es dieses Beispiel ihrer Tapferkeit anschaut und durch den Ruhm der Macht ermutigt wird, bereit sein könnte, ihre Unabhängigkeit zu verteidigen. So haben viele von dieser Zeit an Statuen von Persern aufgestellt, die Entablaturen und ihre Ornamente tragen, und haben so von diesem Motiv aus die Vielfalt ihrer Werke stark bereichert. Es gibt andere Geschichten der gleichen Art, die Architekten kennen sollten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "A wide knowledge of history is requisite because, among the ornamental parts of an architect's design for a work, there are many the underlying idea of whose employment he should be able to explain to inquirers. For instance, suppose him to set up the marble statues of women in long robes, called Caryatides, to take the place of columns, with the mutules and coronas placed directly above their heads, he will give the following explanation to his questioners. Caryae, a state in Peloponnesus, sided with the Persian enemies against Greece; later the Greeks, having gloriously won their freedom by victory in the war, made common cause and declared war against the people of Caryae. They took the town, killed the men, abandoned the State to desolation, and carried off their wives into slavery, without permitting them, however, to lay aside the long robes and other marks of their rank as married women, so that they might be obliged not only to march in the triumph but to appear forever after as a type of slavery, burdened with the weight of their shame and so making atonement for their State. Hence, the architects of the time designed for public buildings statues of these women, placed so as to carry a load, in order that the sin and the punishment of the people of Caryae might be known and handed down even to posterity." msgstr "Ein breites Geschichtswissen ist erforderlich, denn unter den ornamentalen Teilen eines Architektenentwurfs für ein Werk gibt es viele der zugrundeliegenden Idee, wessen Beschäftigung er den Fragestellern erklären können sollte. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel an, er würde die Marmorstatuen von Frauen in langen Gewändern aufstellen, die Karyatiden genannt werden, um die Säulen zu ersetzen, mit den Mutulen und Koronen, die direkt über ihren Köpfen platziert sind, wird er seinen Fragestellern die folgende Erklärung geben. Caryae, ein Staat in Peloponnes, stellte sich auf die Seite der persischen Feinde gegen Griechenland; später machten die Griechen, die ihre Freiheit durch den Sieg im Krieg glorreich erlangt hatten, gemeinsame Sache und erklärten den Krieg gegen das Volk von Caryae. Sie nahmen die Stadt ein, töteten die Männer, verließen den Staat in die Verwüstung und brachten ihre Frauen in die Sklaverei, ohne ihnen jedoch zu gestatten, die langen Gewänder und andere Merkmale ihres Ranges als verheiratete Frauen beiseite zu legen, damit sie nicht nur gezwungen sein könnten, im Triumph zu marschieren, sondern für immer als eine Art von Sklaverei zu erscheinen, die mit dem Gewicht ihrer Schande belastet ist und so Sühnung für ihren Staat macht. Daher die Architekten der Zeit entworfen für öffentliche Gebäude Statuen dieser Frauen, so platziert, um eine Last zu tragen, damit die Sünde und die Strafe des Volkes von Caryae erkannt und sogar an die Nachwelt weitergegeben werden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The reasons for all this are as follows. An architect ought to be an educated man so as to leave a more lasting remembrance in his treatises. Secondly, he must have a knowledge of drawing so that he can readily make sketches to show the appearance of the work which he proposes. Geometry, also, is of much assistance in architecture, and in particular it teaches us the use of the rule and compasses, by which especially we acquire readiness in making plans for buildings in their grounds, and rightly apply the square, the level, and the plummet. By means of optics, again, the light in buildings can be drawn from fixed quarters of the sky. It is true that it is by arithmetic that the total cost of buildings is calculated and measurements are computed, but difficult questions involving symmetry are solved by means of geometrical theories and methods." msgstr "Die Gründe dafür sind folgende. Ein Architekt sollte ein gebildeter Mann sein, um eine dauerhaftere Erinnerung in seinen Traktaten zu hinterlassen. Zweitens muss er Zeichnungskenntnisse besitzen, damit er ohne weiteres Skizzen anfertigen kann, die das Erscheinungsbild des von ihm vorgeschlagenen Werkes zeigen. Auch die Geometrie ist in der Architektur von großer Hilfe, und sie lehrt uns insbesondere die Verwendung der Regel und der Kompasse, durch die wir vor allem die Bereitschaft erwerben, Pläne für Gebäude auf ihrem Gelände zu erstellen und den Platz, die Ebene und das Sinken richtig anzuwenden. Mit Hilfe einer Optik kann wiederum das Licht in Gebäuden aus festen Himmelsquartieren gezogen werden. Zwar werden rechnerisch die Gesamtkosten von Gebäuden und Messungen berechnet, schwierige Fragen der Symmetrie werden aber mit Hilfe geometrischer Theorien und Methoden gelöst." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "In all matters, but particularly in architecture, there are these two points: the thing signified, and that which gives it its significance. That which is signified is the subject of which we may be speaking; and that which gives significance is a demonstration on scientific principles. It appears, then, that one who
in both directions. He ought, therefore, to be both naturally gifted and amenable to instruction. Neither natural ability without instruction nor instruction without natural ability can make the perfect artist. Let him be educated, skillful with the pencil, instructed in geometry, know much history, have followed the philosophers with attention, understand music, have some knowledge of medicine, know the opinions of the jurists, and be acquainted with astronomy and the theory of the heavens." msgstr "In allen Dingen, aber vor allem in der Architektur, gibt es diese zwei Punkte: das, was bedeutet, und das, was ihm seine Bedeutung gibt. Was bedeutet wird, ist das Thema, über das wir sprechen können, und was Bedeutung verleiht, ist eine Demonstration wissenschaftlicher Prinzipien. Es scheint also,
dass ein beide Richtungen geht. Er sollte daher sowohl von Natur aus begabt als auch der Unterweisung zugänglich sein. Weder natürliche Fähigkeit ohne Unterweisung noch Unterweisung ohne natürliche Fähigkeit können den perfekten Künstler ausmachen. Lassen Sie ihn gebildet werden, geschickt mit dem Bleistift, in der Geometrie unterrichtet, wissen viel Geschichte, haben die Philosophen mit Aufmerksamkeit verfolgt, verstehen Musik, haben einige Kenntnisse der Medizin, kennen die Meinungen der Juristen, und mit der Astronomie und der Theorie des Himmels vertraut sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "It follows, therefore, that architects who have aimed at acquiring manual skill without scholarship have never been able to reach a position of authority to correspond to their pains, while those who relied only upon theories and scholarship were obviously hunting the shadow, not the substance. But those who have a thorough knowledge of both, like men armed at all points, have the sooner attained their object and carried authority with them." msgstr "Daraus folgt, dass Architekten, die auf den Erwerb manueller Fertigkeiten ohne Gelehrsamkeit abzielten, nie in der Lage waren, eine Autoritätsposition zu erreichen, um ihren Schmerzen zu entsprechen, während diejenigen, die sich nur auf Theorien und Gelehrsamkeit verließen, offensichtlich den Schatten jagten, nicht die Substanz. Aber diejenigen, die eine gründliche Kenntnis von beiden haben, wie Männer an allen Punkten bewaffnet sind, haben je eher ihr Ziel erreicht und die Autorität mit ihnen getragen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The architect should be equipped with knowledge of many branches of study and varied kinds of learning, for it is by his judgement that all work done by the other arts is put to test. This knowledge is the child of practice and theory. Practice is the continuous and regular exercise of employment where manual work is done with any necessary material according to the design of a drawing. Theory, on the other hand, is the ability to demonstrate and explain the productions of dexterity on the principles of proportion." msgstr "Der Architekt soll mit dem Wissen vieler Studienzweige und der vielfältigen Arten des Lernens ausgestattet sein, denn es ist nach seinem Urteil, dass alle Arbeiten, die von den anderen Künsten gemacht werden, auf die Probe gestellt werden. Dieses Wissen ist das Kind der Praxis und der Theorie. Praxis ist die kontinuierliche und regelmäßige Ausübung der Beschäftigung, wo manuelle Arbeit mit jedem notwendigen Material nach der Konstruktion einer Zeichnung durchgeführt wird. Die Theorie hingegen ist die Fähigkeit, die Produktionen der Geschicklichkeit auf den Prinzipien der Proportion zu demonstrieren und zu erklären." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The education of the architect" msgstr "Die Ausbildung des Architekten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The architect should be equipped with knowledge of many branches of study and varied kinds of learning, for it is by his judgement that all work done by the other arts is put to test. This knowledge is the child of practice and theory." msgstr "Der Architekt soll mit dem Wissen vieler Studienzweige und der vielfältigen Arten des Lernens ausgestattet sein, denn es ist nach seinem Urteil, dass alle Arbeiten, die von den anderen Künsten gemacht werden, auf die Probe gestellt werden. Dieses Wissen ist das Kind der Praxis und der Theorie." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Modern city planning and sustainability" msgstr "Moderne Stadtplanung und Nachhaltigkeit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: msgid "Call to action with image on the right" msgstr "Handlungsaufruf mit Bild auf der rechten Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: msgid "Call to action with image on the left" msgstr "Handlungsaufruf mit Bild auf der linken Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Full-width media and text with background" msgstr "Medien in voller Breite und Text mit Hintergrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9757: msgid "A heading, paragraph and two images" msgstr "Eine Überschrift, ein Absatz und zwei Bilder" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: msgid "Three columns with heading, text, and image" msgstr "Drei Spalten mit Überschrift, Text und Bild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Three columns with images" msgstr "Drei Spalten mit Bildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9766: msgid "Heading and three images with rounded borders" msgstr "Überschrift und drei Bilder mit abgerundeten Rändern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Centered call to action" msgstr "Mittig ausgerichteter Handlungsaufruf" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9757: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9766: msgid "Getting started is the hardest part" msgstr "Aller Anfang ist schwer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Secrets of success" msgstr "Erfolgsgeheimnisse." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Get inspired, get started" msgstr "Lass dich inspirieren und starte jetzt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=29: msgid "Brilliant" msgstr "Brillant." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=27: msgid "Work hard, work smart" msgstr "Hart arbeiten, klug agieren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Closed" msgstr "Geschlossen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "11AM - 12AM" msgstr "11–12 Uhr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Friday-Sunday" msgstr "Freitag–Sonntag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "11AM - 10PM" msgstr "11–22 Uhr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Tuesday-Thursday" msgstr "Dienstag–Donnerstag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10: msgid "Monday" msgstr "Montag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "2240 Cambridge Street,
Cambridge MA 02443

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Cambridge MA 02443

" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "CONTACT" msgstr "KONTAKT" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "MINT GREEN TEA" msgstr "GRÜNER TEE MIT MINZE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "GREEN TEA" msgstr "GRÜNER TEE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "$1.50" msgstr "1,50 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "SPARKLING WATER" msgstr "MINERALWASSER" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "$2" msgstr "2 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "DRINKS" msgstr "GETRÄNKE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "CRISPY SHRIMP" msgstr "KNUSPRIGE GARNELEN" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "BULGOGI PORK" msgstr "BULGOGI AUS SCHWEINEFLEISCH" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "SPICY PORK" msgstr "WÜRZIGES SCHWEINEFLEISCH" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "BEEF" msgstr "RINDFLEISCH" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "CRISPY TOFU" msgstr "KNUSPRIGES TOFU" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "$6" msgstr "6 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "BULGOGI CHICKEN" msgstr "BULGOGI AUS HÜHNERFLEISCH" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "SPICY CHICKEN" msgstr "WÜRZIGES HÜHNERFLEISCH" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "FRIED EGG" msgstr "SPIEGELEI" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "EXTRA TOPPINGS" msgstr "ZUSÄTZLICHE BELÄGE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "GOCHUJANG SALMON" msgstr "LACHS MIT GOCHUJANG" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "$15" msgstr "15 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "DELUXE BIBIMBAP" msgstr "BIBIMBAP DELUXE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "HOUSE BIBIMBAP" msgstr "BIBIMBAP NACH ART DES HAUSES" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "MANDU" msgstr "MANDU" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "GIMBAP" msgstr "GIMBAP" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "Our signature dish. Thinly sliced shoyu chicken, ajitama egg, white kimchi, black mushshrooms, fresh cabbage and scallions in a subtly flavored pork broth." msgstr "Unsere Spezialität. Dünn geschnittenes Shoyu-Huhn, Ajitama-Ei, weißer Kimchi, schwarze Pilze, frischer Kohl und Frühlingszwiebeln in einer dezent aromatisierten Schweinefleischbrühe." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "FERMENTED KIMCHI" msgstr "FERMENTIERTER KIMCHI" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "main dishes" msgstr "Hauptgerichte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "MENU" msgstr "SPEISEKARTE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "SODA (Coke, Sprite, Ginger Ale)" msgstr "LIMONADE (Coke, Sprite, Ginger Ale)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: msgid "Hours" msgstr "Öffnungszeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "$4" msgstr "4 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "$5" msgstr "5 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "$3" msgstr "3 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "$12" msgstr "12 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "$9" msgstr "9 €" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1349: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3287: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3755: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3768: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3851: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3928: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4180: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5805: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5811: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5816: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5820: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5822: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5833: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5837: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5842: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5844: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5851: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7710: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8367: msgid "virtual-theme" msgstr "virtuelles-Theme" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: msgid "Proudly Powered by WordPress" msgstr "Präsentiert von WordPress" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/coursethemedemo.wordpress.com/home/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2085: msgid "Born and raised in New York, Wang Cheung was exposed to a myriad of cultures and design expressions. She developed an interest in graphic and audiovisual design from a young age but it was Fashion Design the one that stole her heart and took her to Parsons as soon as she finished school. She has since then worked with many renowned brands and artists and has very recently created her own label, “Stillness”." msgstr "Wang Cheung ist in New York geboren und aufgewachsen, wo sie mit unzähligen Kulturen und Design-Ausdrucksformen in Kontakt kam. Sie interessierte sich schon in jungen Jahren für Grafik- und audiovisuelles Design, aber letztendlich war es Modedesign, für das sie sich begeisterte und das sie nach ihrem Schulabschluss zu Parsons führte. Seitdem hat sie mit vielen renommierten Marken und Künstlern zusammengearbeitet und vor Kurzem ihr eigenes Label „Stillness“ gegründet." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "Conspiracy" msgstr "Verschwörung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "conspiracy" msgstr "Verschwörung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "A Busy Day of Preparation" msgstr "Ein arbeitsreicher Tag der Vorbereitung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=14: msgid "A Day Out with the Wife" msgstr "Ein Tagesausflug mit der Ehefrau" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "Duke of York" msgstr "Herzog von York" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "duke-of-york" msgstr "herzog-von-york" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "A Visit to the Archbishop of Canterbury" msgstr "Ein Besuch beim Erzbischof von Canterbury" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "Tensions" msgstr "Spannungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "tensions" msgstr "Spannungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "A Fine Day at the Park" msgstr "Ein schöner Tag im Park" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "A Sermon and Career Discussions at Lambeth" msgstr "Eine Predigt und Karrieregespräche in Lambeth Palace" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/2022/12/07/hello-world/: msgid "Political intrigue" msgstr "Politische Intrige" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/2022/12/07/hello-world/: msgid "political-intrigue" msgstr "politische-intrige" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/2022/12/07/hello-world/: msgid "A Day at White Hall" msgstr "Ein Tag in Whitehall" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Success is earned, one step at a time. One of the most invaluable skills a person can have is being able to clearly express what they want. You have the courage that leads to success. As long as you’re learning, you’ll never fail. " msgstr "Erfolg muss man sich Schritt für Schritt verdienen. Eine der wertvollsten Fähigkeiten, die eine Person haben kann, ist es, ihren Willen klar auszudrücken. Du hast den Mut, der zum Erfolg führt. Solange du lernst, wirst du nie scheitern. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Full bio available on Wikipedia" msgstr "Vollständige Biografie auf Wikipedia verfügbar" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "This last interest is reflected in the notable story El perseguidor (“The Pursuer”), which Cortázar based on the life of the bebop saxophonist Charlie Parker." msgstr "Letzteres Interesse spiegelt sich in der bemerkenswerten Geschichte El perseguidor („Der Verfolger“) wider, für die Cortázar das Leben des Bebop-Saxofonisten Charlie Parker als Grundlage gewählt hat." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Cortázar’s use of interior monologue and stream of consciousness owes much to James Joyce and other modernists, but his main influences were Surrealism, and the improvisatory aesthetic of jazz." msgstr "Cortázars Gebrauch des inneren Monologs und des „Stream of consciousness“ lehnt sich stark an James Joyce und andere Modernisten an, aber seine stärksten Einflüsse waren der Surrealismus und die improvisatorische Ästhetik des Jazz." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "The open-ended structure of Hopscotch, which invites the reader to choose between a linear and a non-linear mode of reading, has been praised by other Latin American writers, including José Lezama Lima, Giannina Braschi, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa." msgstr "Die offene Struktur von Rayuela, die den Leser einlädt, zwischen einer linearen und einer nicht-linearen Leseweise zu wählen, wurde von anderen lateinamerikanischen Schriftstellern, darunter José Lezama Lima, Giannina Braschi, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez und Mario Vargas Llosa, hoch gelobt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Cortázar wrote numerous short stories, collected in such volumes as Bestiario (1951), Final del juego (1956), and Las armas secretas (1959). Cortázar published four novels during his lifetime: Los premios (The Winners, 1960), Rayuela (Hopscotch, 1963), 62 Modelo para Armar (62: A Model kit, 1968), and Libro de Manuel (A Manual for Manuel, 1973). Two other novels, El examen and Divertimento, though written before 1960, only appeared posthumously." msgstr "Cortázar schrieb zahlreiche Kurzgeschichten, die in Sammlungen wie Bestiario (1951), Final de Juego (1956) und Las armas secretas (1959) erschienen sind. Cortázar veröffentlichte zu Lebzeiten vier Romane: Los premios (Die Gewinner, 1960), Rayuela (Rayuela. Himmel und Hölle, 1963), 62 Modelo para Armar (62/Modellbaukasten, 1968) und Libro de Manuel (Album für Manuel, 1973). Zwei weitere Romane, El Examen und Divertimento, erschienen, obwohl sie vor 1960 geschrieben wurden, erst posthum." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "He lived his childhood and adolescence and incipient maturity in Argentina and, after the 1950s, in Europe. He lived in Italy, Spain, and in Switzerland. In 1951, he settled in France for more than three decades and composed some of his works there." msgstr "Seine Kindheit und Jugend und sein frühes Erwachsenenalter verbrachte er in Argentinien. Anfang der 1950er Jahre emigrierte er nach Europa, wo er anfangs in Italien, Spanien und der Schweiz lebte. 1951 ließ er sich in Frankreich nieder, wo er mehr als drei Jahrzehnte blieb und einige seiner Werke verfasste." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "He is considered one of the most innovative and original authors of his time, a master of history, poetic prose and short story in general and a creator of important novels that inaugurated a new way of making literature in the Hispanic world by breaking the classical moulds through narratives that escaped temporal linearity." msgstr "Er gilt als einer der innovativsten und originellsten Autoren seiner Zeit, als Meister der Geschichte, der poetischen Prosa und der Kurzgeschichte im Allgemeinen. Seine Romane leiteten in der hispanischen Welt eine neue Art des literarischen Schaffens ein, indem sie durch Erzählungen ohne zeitliche Linearität mit den klassischen Formen brachen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Julio Florencio Cortázar (26 August 1914 – 12 February 1984; American Spanish) was an Argentine, nationalized French novelist, short story writer, essayist, and translator. Known as one of the founders of the Latin American Boom, Cortázar influenced an entire generation of Spanish-speaking readers and writers in America and Europe." msgstr "Julio Florencio Cortázar (26. August 1914 bis 12. Februar 1984; amerikanisches Spanisch) war ein in Argentinien geborener Schriftsteller, Kurzgeschichtenautor, Essayist und Übersetzer, der 1981 die französische Staatsbürgerschaft verliehen bekam. Als einer der Begründer der literarischen Bewegung „Boom latinoamericano“ beeinflusste Cortázar eine ganze Generation spanischsprachiger Leser und Schriftsteller in Amerika und Europa." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Hopscotch is a stream-of-consciousness novel which can be read according to two different sequences of chapters. This novel is often referred to as a counter-novel, as it was by Cortázar himself. It meant an exploration with multiple endings, a neverending search through unanswerable questions." msgstr "Rayuela ist ein Stream-of-Consciousness-Roman, der in zwei unterschiedlichen Kapitelfolgen gelesen werden kann. Dieser Roman wird oft als Gegenroman bezeichnet, auch von Cortázar selbst. Der Inhalt stellt praktisch eine Entdeckungstour mit mehreren Enden dar, eine nie endende Suche im Dickicht unbeantwortbarer Fragen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Many people think about Netflix’s Stranger Things show when they read the term ‘upside down’. But there are many other art pieces that dialog with that idea. And Rayuela (Hopscotch), a novel by Argentine Julio Cortázar, is a great example. Written in Paris, it was published in Spanish in 1963 and in English in 1966. For the first U.S. edition, translator Gregory Rabassa split the inaugural National Book Award in the translation category." msgstr "Viele Leute denken, wenn sie im Zusammenhang mit populären Werken den Begriff „auf den Kopf gestellt“ lesen, an die Netflix-Serie „Stranger Things“. Aber es gibt viele andere Kunstwerke, die sich mit diesem Konzept auseinandersetzen. Und Rayuela (Himmel und Hölle), ein Roman des argentinischen Schriftstellers Julio Cortázar, ist ein großartiges Beispiel. Der in Paris verfasste Roman wurde 1963 in spanischer und 1966 in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Für die erste US-amerikanische Fassung erhielt der Übersetzer Gregory Rabassa den gerade ins Leben gerufenen National Book Award für Übersetzungen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Manifesto" msgstr "Manifest" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Paris" msgstr "Paris" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "paris" msgstr "Paris" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Novel" msgstr "Roman" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "novel" msgstr "Roman" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Julio Cortázar" msgstr "Julio Cortázar" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "julio-cortazar" msgstr "julio-cortazar" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "France" msgstr "Frankreich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "france" msgstr "Frankreich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Excerpt from ‘Rayuela’ (Hopscotch) — Novel by Julio Cortázar" msgstr "Auszug aus „Rayuela“ (Rayuela. Himmel und Hölle) – Roman von Julio Cortázar" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3681: msgid "Hello, World." msgstr "Hallo Welt!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8743: msgid "Centre Aligned Header" msgstr "Zentriert ausgerichteter Header" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: msgid "Footer with Social Links and WordPress Link" msgstr "Footer mit Links zu sozialen Netzwerken und Link zu WordPress" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: msgid "" "\n" "\t\t\tDesigned with WordPress\t\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\t\tEntwickelt mit WordPress\t\t" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "mission" msgstr "Mission" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "We are Stratford, a place of educational excellence. " msgstr "In Stratford findet Unterricht auf höchstem Niveau statt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "Values" msgstr "Werte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "It makes sense for us to formalise and codify what we believe into 2 distinct descriptions;" msgstr "Aus dieser Überzeugung können wir zwei feste Aussagen ableiten:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "Ever since Stratford first opened its doors, our mission has been to provide the absolute best learning environment, coupled with educators who care and who are amongst the most highlight qualified in their field!" msgstr "In Stratford haben wir uns seit dem ersten Tag zum Ziel gesetzt, die absolut beste Lernumgebung zu schaffen, in der die bestqualifiziertesten Lehrer unterrichten, die sich ihrer Aufgabe verschrieben haben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "values" msgstr "Werte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "Vereinigtes Königreich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "GXVM+89" msgstr "GXVM+89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "London" msgstr "London" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "99 Education Way" msgstr "99 Education Way" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=28: msgid "Welcome to my new Business blog" msgstr "Willkommen zu meinem Business-Blog" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "Let's talk 👋 Your child's education and future is important to us! Don't hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form." msgstr "Sprechen wir gemeinsam darüber 👋 Die Bildung und Zukunft Ihres Kindes ist uns wichtig! Sie erreichen uns einfach über die Kontaktangaben weiter unten. Über das Formular können Sie uns auch eine Nachricht senden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: msgid "The classroom environment at Stratford allows your child's educators to give them the time and attention that they need in order to succeed. We believe in keeping class numbers low to maximum learning potential." msgstr "In der Lernumgebung von Stratford können unsere Lehrer Ihrem Kind die Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit widmen, die es benötigt, um erfolgreich zu sein. Wir begrenzen die Zahl der Schüler pro Klasse, um ihr maximales Lernpotenzial auszuschöpfen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: msgid "Each student has access to the best possible learning technologies, as well having guest classes from industry professionals. We believe this better prepares your child for their careers or own businesses.
" msgstr "Jeder Schüler kann die bestmöglichen Lerntechnologien nutzen und an Gastkursen von Branchenexperten teilnehmen. Damit ist Ihr Kind noch besser auf seine berufliche Laufbahn oder seinen eigenen Geschäftsbetrieb vorbereitet.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: msgid "Stratford can only succeed in its mission of providing teaching excellence to fulfil your child's potential by offering the best possible learning environment, with the most effective learning tools and facilities." msgstr "Stratford bietet die bestmögliche Lernumgebung und die effektivsten Lernmittel und -einrichtungen. Nur so können wir unsere Vision umsetzen und durch hervorragende Unterrichtsqualität das Potenzial Ihres Kindes ausschöpfen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo-high-fashion.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: msgid "What We Offer" msgstr "Unser Angebot" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Want these educators to secure your child's future?" msgstr "Sollen diese Lehrer die erfolgreiche Zukunft Ihres Kindes unterstützen?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "No learning institution would be complete without a mascot for its teams and societies! Samuel the Dog exemplifies excellence during his mascot duties and we love having him around!" msgstr "Ein Maskottchen darf in keiner Schule fehlen! Hund Sammy leistet hervorragende Dienste als Maskottchen und wir sind froh, ihn an unserer Seite zu haben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "School Mascot" msgstr "Schulmaskottchen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Juan has been an integral part of our educators since Stratford opened its doors. His wealth of experience is paramount in administering the learning curriculum, and advising fellow educators." msgstr "James Peters ist seit unserer Gründung ein wichtiger Teil unseres Kollegiums in Stratford. Sein breiter Erfahrungsschatz ist beim Verwalten der Lernpläne und Beraten von Kollegen von großem Wert." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Head of Department" msgstr "Abteilungsleiter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Having spent several years in the classroom prior to Stratford, Sally not only runs Stratford administration, but she guides the overall vision and strategy as well. She cares deeply for your children and leads the drive for excellence by example!" msgstr "Sally Smith kam mit mehrjähriger Lehrerfahrung nach Stratford und ist hier nicht nur für die Verwaltung zuständig, sondern leitet auch unsere allgemeine Vision und Strategie. Unsere Schüler liegen Ihr am Herzen und sie fördert auf vorbildliche Weise unsere hervorragende Unterrichtsqualität." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Headmistress" msgstr "Rektorin" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "At Stratford we have some of the most highly sought after educators in the nation! Your child's future will be moulded and shaped by these thoughtful and highly skilled individuals. " msgstr "In Stratford unterrichten die begehrtesten Lehrer des Landes. Dieses aufmerksame und hochqualifizierte Lehrpersonal prägt die Zukunft Ihres Kindes. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Our Staff" msgstr "Unser Personal" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Let’s build your child's future together." msgstr "Gemeinsam fördern wir die Zukunft Ihres Kindes." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "My daughter has loved being at Stratford for the last 5 yeras. The learning environment makes the difference and I’m so proud that she has been accepted into University next year!" msgstr "Meine Tochter hat die letzten fünf Jahre in Stratford sehr genossen. Die Lernumgebung macht den entscheidenden Unterschied. Ich bin sehr stolz darauf, dass sie nächstes Jahr ihr Studium beginnen kann." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "- Megan, Grade 12 parent" msgstr "– Miriam, Mutter einer Schülerin der 12. Klasse" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "- Anthony, Grade 8 parent" msgstr "– Anton, Vater eines Schülers der 8. Klasse" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "My son struggled with mathematics during his school years – until we enrolled him at Stratford. That has been the best decision we made, and his educators have worked hard to get his mathematics to a level we never thought possible!" msgstr "Mein Sohn hatte in der Schule Schwierigkeiten in Mathematik – bis wir ihn in Stratford angemeldet haben. Das war die beste Entscheidung, die wir treffen konnten. Seine Lehrer haben sich sehr bemüht, seine Mathematikkenntnisse auf einen Stand zu bringen, den wir nicht für möglich gehalten hätten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "What other parents Say" msgstr "Meinungen von Eltern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Meet our staff" msgstr "Unser Personal kennenlernen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Our staff are excellent, and we think you'll love them too! Come and meet them!" msgstr "Unser Personal ist hervorragend und wird auch Sie begeistern. Lernen Sie es persönlich kennen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Our Excellent Staff" msgstr "Unser hervorragendes Personal" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "See Our Facilities" msgstr "Zu unseren Lerneinrichtungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "We have some of the best possible learning technologies and facilities in the country. " msgstr "Wir verfügen über die bestmöglichen Lerntechnologien und -einrichtungen des Landes. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Wonderful Facilities" msgstr "Exzellente Lerneinrichtungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "Events" msgstr "Events" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Stratford is a place of teaching excellence, where your children can feel at home while learning the skills that will help them thrive after their school years are over. As a parent, what more can you ask for?" msgstr "In Stratford findet Unterricht auf höchstem Niveau statt. Hier können sich Ihre Kinder wie zu Hause fühlen und jene Fähigkeiten erlernen, die nach Abschluss ihrer Schullaufbahn für ihren Erfolg sorgen. Was wollen Eltern mehr?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "fun day" msgstr "lustiger Tag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "fun-day" msgstr "lustiger-Tag" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "events" msgstr "Veranstaltungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "In keeping with our annual tradition, we've add a gallery of images from the events of the day below - enjoy!" msgstr "Wie jedes Jahr haben wir diesen großartigen Tag in Bildern festgehalten. Werfen Sie einen Blick in die Galerie!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "We hosted our fifth annual School Fun Day last week Wednesday, and it was such a fun time with our student's families and friends. " msgstr "Letzten Mittwoch fand unser fünfter Mottotag „Schule macht Spaß“ statt, der uns und auch den Familien und Freunden unserer Schüler viel Freude bereitet hat. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Book an assessment" msgstr "Schnuppertag buchen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "We will spend a day with your child in one of our classroom, where they will get to see what a day in the life of a Stratford student is like. Get in touch with us and we can help your child fulfil their potential by enrolling at Stratford!" msgstr "Wir begleiten Ihr Kind einen Tag im Unterricht, damit es einen Eindruck vom Alltag in Stratford gewinnen kann. Kontaktieren Sie uns und melden Sie Ihr Kind in Stratford an. Wir unterstützen Ihr Kind dabei, sein volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "5" msgstr "5" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Why not set up an assessment for your child where they will interact in a real classroom environment?" msgstr "Gerne kann Ihr Kind in eine echte Lernumgebung hineinschnuppern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Still not Satisfied?" msgstr "Noch nicht überzeugt?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Year on year we have consistently produced the results you are looking for for 5 consecutive years." msgstr "In fünf aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren haben wir durchweg jedes Jahr die Ergebnisse erzielt, die Sie sich wünschen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "If our students don't succeed, then we haven't done our job. Our students have a 100% University acceptance rate!" msgstr "Der Erfolg unserer Schüler ist unsere verpflichtende Aufgabe. 100 % unserer Schüler werden zum Hochschulstudium zugelassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "100%" msgstr "100%" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Since we opened in 2017 we've seen the lives changed of over 1000 students. " msgstr "Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 2017 haben wir das Leben von mehr als 1.000 Schülern verändert. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "1500+" msgstr "Über 1.500" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Our Success" msgstr "Unsere Erfolge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "My son struggled with mathematics during his school years - until we enrolled him at Stratford. That has been the best decision we made, and his educators have worked hard to get his mathematics to a level we never thought possible!" msgstr "Mein Sohn hatte in der Schule Schwierigkeiten in Mathematik – bis wir ihn in Stratford angemeldet haben. Das war die beste Entscheidung, die wir treffen konnten. Seine Lehrer haben sich sehr bemüht, seine Mathematikkenntnisse auf einen Stand zu bringen, den wir nicht für möglich gehalten hätten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "My daughter has loved being at Stratford for the last 5 yeras. The learning environment makes the difference and I'm so proud that she has been accepted into University next year!" msgstr "Meine Tochter hat die letzten fünf Jahre in Stratford sehr genossen. Die Lernumgebung macht den entscheidenden Unterschied. Ich bin sehr stolz darauf, dass sie nächstes Jahr ihr Studium beginnen kann." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Individual Special Attention" msgstr "Individuelle, besondere Aufmerksamkeit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "“The audio quality is noticably more amazing than everything else in my studio!” " msgstr "„Die Audioqualität ist merklich besser als alles andere in meinem Studio!“ " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Top-notch Quality Control" msgstr "Erstklassige Qualitätskontrolle" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "All Gear is Thoroughly Tested" msgstr "Die gesamte Ausrüstung wurde gründlich getestet" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Electrical Wiring Repair" msgstr "Reparatur elektrischer Verdrahtungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Rare Part Replacement" msgstr "Seltene Ersatzteile" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Stellar Camera + Macro Lens" msgstr "Stellar Kamera und Makroobjektiv" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid " " msgstr "  " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "An introductory area of a page accompanied by a small amount of text and a call to action." msgstr "Der einführende Teil einer Seite mit einem kleinen Text und einem Handlungsaufruf." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: msgid "Visitors will want to know who is on the other side of the page. Use this space to write about yourself, your site, your business, or anything you want. Use the testimonials below to quote others, talking about the same thing – in their own words." msgstr "Besucher möchten wissen, wer hinter der Seite steckt. Hier kannst du etwas über dich, deine Website, dein Unternehmen und all das schreiben, was du sonst noch mitteilen willst. In den Referenzen weiter unten kannst du andere zitieren, die in ihren eigenen Worten darüber berichten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Turn Off Subscriptions" msgstr "Abonnements beenden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Get Buckets" msgstr "Im Schwitzkasten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Heading First" msgstr "Überschrift zuerst" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph text Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi. Ab nostrud, consequuntur accumsan ratione fusce? Cillum consequat, magni fugit morbi rem nullam tempor interdum repellendus." msgstr "Absatztext Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi. Ab nostrud, consequuntur accumsan ratione fusce? Cillum consequat, magni fugit morbi rem nullam tempor interdum repellendus." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Drop Cap" msgstr "Initialbuchstabe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Block Background, Paragraph Text & Paragraph Background Color" msgstr "Block-Hintergrund, Absatztext & Hintergrund des Absatzes in Farbe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text & Paragraph Background Color" msgstr "Absatztext & Hintergrund des Absatzes in Farbe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Color Only" msgstr "Nur Absatztext in Farbe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Block Background-color Only" msgstr "Nur Hintergrund des Blocks in Farbe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Color Options" msgstr "Farboptionen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Center-aligned" msgstr "Zentriert ausgerichtet" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Right-aligned" msgstr "Rechts ausgerichtet" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Left-aligned" msgstr "Links ausgerichtet" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Text Alignments" msgstr "Textausrichtungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Huge" msgstr "Absatztext sehr groß" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Large" msgstr "Absatztext groß" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Normal" msgstr "Absatztext normal" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Small" msgstr "Absatztext klein" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Commodi arcu egestas quia, dignissimos velit! Libero conubia! Exercitation dignissimos orci pellentesque, lacus ligula totam! Nostrum tempus nostrud ullamco natus elit condimentum vulputate ac sed ligula earum eaque erat maecenas! Hymenaeos sit fames enim tincidunt." msgstr "Commodi arcu egestas quia, dignissimos velit! Libero conubia! Exercitation dignissimos orci pellentesque, lacus ligula totam! Nostrum tempus nostrud ullamco natus elit condimentum vulputate ac sed ligula earum eaque erat maecenas! Hymenaeos sit fames enim tincidunt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Font Sizes" msgstr "Schriftgröße" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Disable “Stack on Mobile”" msgstr "„Auf Mobilgeräten stapeln“ deaktivieren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Enable “Stack on Mobile”" msgstr "„Auf Mobilgeräten stapeln“ aktivieren" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Stack on Mobile?" msgstr "Auf Mobilgeräten stapeln?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Left Content Full" msgstr "Linker Inhalt volle Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Right Content Full" msgstr "Rechter Inhalt volle Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Left Content Wide" msgstr "Linker Inhalt breit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Right Content Wide" msgstr "Rechter Inhalt breit" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Wide Width" msgstr "Weite Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph text Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi?" msgstr "Absatztext Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Left Content" msgstr "Linker Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph text Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi." msgstr "Absatztext Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Right Content" msgstr "Rechter Inhalt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Normal Width" msgstr "Normale Breite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Media & Text Blocks" msgstr "Blöcke „Medien und Text“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "And that’s a wrap, yo! You survived the tumultuous waters of alignment. Image alignment achievement unlocked!" msgstr "Wir haben's geschafft! Du bist erfolgreich durch die turbulenten Gewässer der Ausrichtung navigiert. Die Auszeichnung für die Bildausrichtung gehört dir!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "This wide cover image background is fixed.
" msgstr "Der Hintergrund dieses breiten Titelbilds wurde repariert.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from it's forehead. In European folklore, the unicorn is often depicted as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a long horn and clove hooves.

In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could be captured only by a virgin.
" msgstr "Das Einhorn ist ein sagenumwobenes Wesen, das seit der Antike als Tier beschrieben wird, aus dessen Stirn ein großes, spitzes, gewundenes Horn herausragt. In Europa wird das Einhorn häufig als weißes, pferde- oder ziegenähnliches Tier mit einem Horn und gespaltenen Hufen dargestellt.

Im Mittelalter und der Renaissance wurde es im Allgemeinen als äußerst wildes Waldwesen beschrieben, ein Symbol für Reinheit und Anmut, das nur von einer Jungfrau gefangen werden konnte.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "In just a bit here, you should see the text start to wrap below the right aligned image and settle in nicely. There should still be plenty of room and everything should be sitting pretty. Yeah… Just like that. It never felt so good to be right." msgstr "Schon bald solltest du hier sehen, wie sich der Text unter dem rechts ausgerichteten Bild wunderschön einfügt. Es sollte viel Platz sein und alles sollte hübsch aussehen. Ja, genau so. Eine rechte Textausrichtung hat sich noch nie so gut angefühlt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "We're gonna take one more trip down cover image lane." msgstr "Und weil es so schön war, widmen wir uns noch einmal den Titelbildern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "And just when you thought we were done, we’re going to do them all over again with captions!" msgstr "Und wenn du glaubst, dass du fertig bist, beginnen wir noch einmal von vorne – und zwar mit Bildunterschriften!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "This is a full-width cover image." msgstr "Dies ist ein Titelbild in voller Breite." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "This is a wide cover image." msgstr "Dies ist ein breites Titelbild." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "This is a regular cover image." msgstr "Dies ist ein normales Titelbild." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "There's something missing! But don't worry, we've got the cover image blocks... covered." msgstr "Da fehlt etwas! Aber keine Sorge: Auch um die Titelbild-Blöcke werden wir uns kümmern." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "What's that? You wanted to see a full-width image block? Well then feast your eyes on the following." msgstr "Was ist das? Du möchtest einen Bildblock in voller Breite sehen? Dann erfreue dich an folgendem Anblick." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The following image is wide (if the theme supports it, that is). If not, who knows what will happen!
" msgstr "Das folgende Bild ist breit (wenn das Theme dies unterstützt). Falls nicht, weiß niemand, was passiert!
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "" "In just a bit here, you should see the text start to wrap below the \n" "right aligned image and settle in nicely. There should still be plenty \n" "of room and everything should be sitting pretty. Yeah… Just like that. \n" "It never felt so good to be right." msgstr "" "Schon bald solltest du hier sehen, wie sich der Text unter dem \n" "rechts ausgerichteten Bild wunderschön einfügt. Es sollte viel Platz sein \n" "und alles sollte hübsch aussehen. Ja, genau so. \n" "Eine rechte Textausrichtung hat sich noch nie so gut angefühlt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The image above happens to be centered. The caption also has a link in it, just to see if it does anything funky." msgstr "Das oben angezeigte Bild ist zufällig zentriert. In der Bildunterschrift ist außerdem ein Link integriert – wir wollen nur mal sehen, ob er irgendetwas Besonderes macht." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "And now we’re going to shift things to the right align. Again, there should be plenty of room above, below, and to the left of the image. Just look at him there… Hey guy! Way to rock that right side. I don’t care what the left aligned image says, you look great. Don’t let anyone else tell you differently." msgstr "Und jetzt kümmern wir uns um die rechte Textausrichtung. Wie bereits erwähnt, sollte über, unter und links neben dem Bild viel Platz sein. Wirf einfach einen Blick darauf … Hey du! Du rockst die rechte Seite ja total. Ist mir egal, was das links ausgerichtete Bild sagt: Du siehst toll aus. Lass dir von niemandem etwas anderes einreden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The image above, though 1200px wide, should not overflow the content area. It should remain contained with no visible disruption to the flow of content." msgstr "Das oben angezeigte Bild sollte trotz einer Breite von 1.200 px den Inhaltsbereich nicht überlaufen. Es sollte begrenzt bleiben, ohne sichtbare Unterbrechung des Inhaltsflusses." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "And now for a massively large image. It also has no alignment." msgstr "Kommen wir nun zu einem sehr großen Bild. Es hat außerdem keine Ausrichtung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "As you can see the should be some space above, below, and to the right of the image. The text should not be creeping on the image. Creeping is just not right. Images need breathing room too. Let them speak like you words. Let them do their jobs without any hassle from the text. In about one more sentence here, we’ll see that the text moves from the right of the image down below the image in seamless transition. Again, letting the do it’s thang. Mission accomplished!" msgstr "Wie du siehst, sollte etwas Platz über, unter und rechts neben dem Bild sein. Der Text sollte sich nicht ins Bild schleichen. Hereinschleichen ist einfach nicht in Ordnung. Auch Bilder brauchen Platz zum Atmen. Lass sie wie Worte sprechen. Lass sie ihren Job erledigen, ohne vom Text bedrängt zu werden. Schon gleich sehen wir, wie sich der Text von der rechten Seite des Bildes in einem nahtlosem Übergang unter das Bild bewegt. Nochmal: Lass ihn nur. Auftrag ausgeführt!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The rest of this paragraph is filler for the sake of seeing the text wrap around the 150×150 image, which is left aligned." msgstr "Der Rest dieses Absatzes ist Fülltext, damit wir sehen, wie sich der Text um das Bild im Format 150 × 150 schmiegt, das links ausgerichtet ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The image above happens to be centered." msgstr "Das oben angezeigte Bild ist zufällig zentriert." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "On the topic of alignment, it should be noted that users can choose from the options of NoneLeftRight, and Center. In addition, they also get the options of ThumbnailMediumLarge & Fullsize." msgstr "Beim Thema Ausrichtung sollte erwähnt werden, dass Benutzer zwischen den Optionen OhneLinksRechts und Mitte auswählen können. Außerdem stehen ihnen die Optionen VorschaubildMittelGroß & Volle Größe zur Verfügung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "Welcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab a paddle and let’s get started." msgstr "Willkommen bei der Bildausrichtung! Am besten demonstriert man Ebbe und Flut der unterschiedlichen Bildpositionierungs-Optionen, indem man sie kuschelig und gemütlich in einen Ozean aus Wörtern einbettet. Also schnapp dir ein Paddel und los geht's." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "Image Alignment" msgstr "Bildausrichtung" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Video Block" msgstr "Videoblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "This is a cover image block." msgstr "Dies ist ein Titelbild-Block." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Cover Image Block" msgstr "Titelbild-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Tom Raftery interviews Matt Mullenweg and Donncha Ó Caoimh" msgstr "Tom Raftery interviewt Matt Mullenweg und Donncha Ó Caoimh" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Audio Block" msgstr "Audioblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Obi-Wan Kenobi" msgstr "Obi-Wan Kenobi" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Use the force, Luke." msgstr "Nutze die Macht, Luke." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Large Quote Block" msgstr "Großer Zitat-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "This is a quote block. It's aligned to the side at least in the default styles. Pretty darn amazing." msgstr "Dies ist ein Zitat-Block. Zumindest in den Standard-Stylen ist er an der Seite ausgerichtet. Wirklich beeindruckend." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Quote Block" msgstr "Zitat-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "List Block" msgstr "Listenblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Image Block" msgstr "Bildblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Header 6" msgstr "Header 6" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Header 5" msgstr "Header 5" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Header 4" msgstr "Header 4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Now that's a fun animation!" msgstr "Das ist eine lustige Animation!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "List Item Three" msgstr "Listenelement drei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "List Item Two" msgstr "Listenelement zwei" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "List Item One" msgstr "Listenelement eins" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Paragraph Block" msgstr "Absatzblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Common Blocks" msgstr "Allgemeine Blöcke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "It apparently has no styles? " msgstr "Er hat anscheinend keine Stile? " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "This is a verse." msgstr "Dies ist ein Vers." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Verse Block" msgstr "Versblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "34" msgstr "34" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Smithers" msgstr "Smithers" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Susan" msgstr "Susan" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "25" msgstr "25" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Doe" msgstr "Doe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Jane" msgstr "Jane" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "36" msgstr "36" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Smith" msgstr "Smith" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Bob" msgstr "Bob" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Header 3" msgstr "Header 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Header 2" msgstr "Header 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Header 1" msgstr "Header 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Table Block" msgstr "Tabellenblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Laurel Fulford" msgstr "Laurel Fulford" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "This is a pullquote. It's pretty awesome." msgstr "Dies ist ein Zitat. Es ist ziemlich beeindruckend." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Pullquote Block" msgstr "Pullquote-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Amazing." msgstr "Fantastisch." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "It is the best block." msgstr "Es ist der beste Block." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "This is a preformatted block." msgstr "Dies ist ein vorformatierter Block." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Preformatted Block" msgstr "Vorformatierter Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "" "\n" "\tMy HTML block.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "\tMein HTML-Block.\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "HTML Block" msgstr "HTML-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "It's using the regular editor." msgstr "Er verwendet den Standard-Editor." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "This is the classic block." msgstr "Dies ist der Classic-Block." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Classic Block" msgstr "Classic-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "" ".codeblock {\n" " right: 100% !important;\n" " position: absolute;\n" "}" msgstr "" ".codeblock {\n" " right: 100% !important;\n" " position: absolute;\n" "}" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Code Block" msgstr "Code-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Formatting Blocks" msgstr "Formatierungs-Blöcke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Read More Block" msgstr "Weiterlesen-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Page Break" msgstr "Seitenumbruch" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "The following separators should be a short line, a long line, and some dots." msgstr "Die folgenden Trenner sollten eine kurze Linie, eine lange Linie und einige Punkte sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Separator Block" msgstr "Trenner-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Spacer Block" msgstr "Abstandshalter-Block" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "I will never stop learning. I won’t just work on things that are assigned to me. I know there’s no such thing as a status quo. I will build our business sustainably through passionate and loyal customers. I will never pass up an opportunity to help out a colleague, and I’ll remember the days before I knew everything. I am more motivated by impact than money, and I know that Open Source is one of the most powerful ideas of our generation. I will communicate as much as possible, because it’s the oxygen of a distributed company. I am in a marathon, not a sprint, and no matter how far away the goal is, the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of another every day. Given time, there is no problem that’s insurmountable.
" msgstr "Ich werde niemals aufhören zu lernen. Ich möchte einfach an Dingen arbeiten, die mir zugeteilt sind. Ich weiß, dass es so etwas wie den Status quo nicht gibt. Ich werde unser Unternehmen nachhaltig aufbauen, durch passionierte und loyale Kunden. Ich werde mir niemals die Gelegenheit entgehen lassen, einem Kollegen zu helfen, und ich erinnere mich an die Tage, bevor ich alles wusste. Ich werde mehr von Eindruck als von Geld motiviert und ich weiß, dass Open Source eine der bedeutendsten Ideen unserer Generation ist. Ich werde so viel wie möglich kommunizieren, weil dies der Sauerstoff eines verteilten Unternehmens ist. Ich laufe einen Marathon, keinen Sprint, und egal, wie weit das Ziel entfernt ist: Ich erreiche es nur, indem ich jeden Tag einen Fuß vor den anderen setzen. Mit genügend Zeit gibt es kein Problem, das nicht überwunden werden kann.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Our Creed" msgstr "Unser Credo" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Come work with us.
" msgstr "Komm und arbeite mit uns.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "We strive to live by the Automattic Creed." msgstr "Wir leben nach unserem Automattic-Credo." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "We believe in Open Source and the vast majority of our work is available under the GPL." msgstr "Wir glauben an Open Source. Daher ist die Mehrheit unserer Arbeit unter der GPL (General Public License) verfügbar." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "" "We’re a distributed company with 807 Automatticians in 69 countries \n" "speaking 84 different languages. Our common goal is to democratize \n" "publishing so that anyone with a story can tell it, regardless of \n" "income, gender, politics, language, or where they live in the world." msgstr "" "Wir sind ein verteiltes Unternehmen mit 807 Automattic-Mitarbeitern in 69 Ländern \n" "und wir sprechen 84 unterschiedliche Sprachen. Unser gemeinsames Ziel besteht darin, jedem das Veröffentlichen von Inhalten zu ermöglichen, \n" "damit jeder seine Geschichte erzählen kann, unabhängig von \n" "Einkommen, Geschlecht, politischer Einstellung, Sprache oder Herkunft." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "We are the people behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Polldaddy, Cloudup, and more. We believe in making the web a better place." msgstr "Wir sind die Menschen hinter WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Polldaddy, Cloudup und vielen anderen Produkten. Wir glauben daran, dass wir das Internet zu einem besseren Ort machen können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Download" msgstr "Download" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "About Automattic" msgstr "Über Automattic" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Columns Block
" msgstr "Spaltenblock
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "WordPress-logotype-standard" msgstr "WordPress-logotype-standard" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "File Block" msgstr "Dateiblock" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "This is a left button" msgstr "Dies ist ein Button auf der linken Seite" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "This is a centered button" msgstr "Dies ist ein zentrierter Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "This is a button" msgstr "Dies ist ein Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Button Blocks" msgstr "Button-Blöcke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Layout Element Blocks" msgstr "Layout-Element-Blöcke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Six columns." msgstr "Sechs Spalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Five columns." msgstr "Fünf Spalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Four columns." msgstr "Vier Spalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Three columns." msgstr "Drei Spalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Two columns." msgstr "Zwei Spalten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "One column." msgstr "Eine Spalte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "6 columns" msgstr "6 Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "1 column of text in the post, 1 column of text. Take one down, move it around, no columns of text in the post." msgstr "1 Spalte mit Text im Beitrag, 1 Spalte mit Text. Entferne eine, schiebe sie umher, keine Spalten mit Text im Beitrag." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "2 columns of text in the post, 2 columns of text. Take one down, move it around, 1 columns of text in the post." msgstr "2 Spalten mit Text im Beitrag, 2 Spalten mit Text. Entferne eine, schiebe sie umher, 1 Spalte mit Text im Beitrag." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "3 columns of text in the post, 3 columns of text. Take one down, move it around, 2 columns of text in the post." msgstr "3 Spalten mit Text im Beitrag, 3 Spalten mit Text. Entferne eine, schiebe sie umher, 2 Spalten mit Text im Beitrag." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "4 columns of text in the post, 4 columns of text. Take one down, move it around, 3 columns of text in the post." msgstr "4 Spalten mit Text im Beitrag, 4 Spalten mit Text. Entferne eine, schiebe sie umher, 3 Spalten mit Text im Beitrag." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "5 columns of text in the post, 5 columns of text. Take one down, move it around, 4 columns of text in the post." msgstr "5 Spalten mit Text im Beitrag, 5 Spalten mit Text. Entferne eine, schiebe sie umher, 4 Spalten mit Text im Beitrag." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "5 columns" msgstr "5 Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is the fourth column, and it's possibly the best." msgstr "Dies ist die vierte Spalte und es ist wahrscheinlich die beste." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "The third column, as they say, is like a charm." msgstr "Von der dritten Spalte sagt man, sie gleiche einem Zauber." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is the second column, and it's also amazing." msgstr "Dies ist die zweite Spalte und sie ist auch beeindruckend." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is the first column, and it's amazing. " msgstr "Dies ist die erste Spalte und sie ist beeindruckend. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "4 columns" msgstr "4 Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Gutenberg makes this kind of layout easy to build. The future is now!" msgstr "Dank Gutenberg ist die Erstellung dieses Layouts kinderleicht. Die Zukunft beginnt jetzt!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "You'll find this layout on web sites all over the internet." msgstr "Du findest dieses Layout auf Websites überall im Internet." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is a typical 3-column layout with images on top and some text below. " msgstr "Dies ist ein typisches Layout mit drei Spalten, mit Bildern oben und etwas Text darunter. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "3 columns
" msgstr "3 Spalten
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Project Style (Wide Width)" msgstr "Projektstil (weite Breite)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is a 2-column layout, just trying some things out to see how it goes. Each column should have enough padding to breathe a little bit. Don't forget to consider how columns will look on smaller screens. #mobilefirst" msgstr "Dies ist ein Layout mit zwei Spalten. Wir probieren nur einige Sachen aus, um zu sehen, wie es läuft. Jede Spalte sollte genügend Abstand haben, um etwas zu atmen. Vergiss nicht, wie Spalten auf kleineren Bildschirmen aussehen. #mobilefirst" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "2 columns" msgstr "2 Spalten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Column Blocks" msgstr "Spalten-Blöcke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=57: msgid "See Live Project" msgstr "Live-Projekt ansehen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=57: msgid "A basketball player dunking illustration from Icons8. Eum non sunt, eu, quos nulla doloribus vel voluptas nesciunt necessitatibus fuga aute mi, nunc, officiis iste? Vulputate atque deserunt cras sit accusamus. Fringilla velit modi. Sociis cupiditate repellendus ac pulvinar wisi, iure veritatis consequatur fringilla fermen tum taciti a quas sociis." msgstr "Abbildung eines Basketballspieler beim Korbwurf; von Icons8. Eum non sunt, eu, quos nulla doloribus vel voluptas nesciunt necessitatibus fuga aute mi, nunc, officiis iste? Vulputate atque deserunt cras sit accusamus. Fringilla velit modi. Sociis cupiditate repellendus ac pulvinar wisi, iure veritatis consequatur fringilla fermen tum taciti a quas sociis." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=60: msgid "Visit Live Project" msgstr "Live-Projekt aufrufen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=60: msgid "A astronaut illustration from Icons8. Iaculis occaecat reiciendis aperiam voluptas quo natus. Quae excepteur expedita perferendis hymenaeos purus scelerisque! Ullamcorper, quibusdam, luctus ultrices ultrices erat justo vestibulum nostrud duis! Congue velit pellentesque nulla, distinctio quas dicta ratione cras sequi rerum integer, facilis odit diamlorem possimus." msgstr "Abbildung eines Astronauten; von Icons8 . Iaculis occaecat reiciendis aperiam voluptas quo natus. Quae excepteur expedita perferendis hymenaeos purus scelerisque! Ullamcorper, quibusdam, luctus ultrices ultrices erat justo vestibulum nostrud duis! Congue velit pellentesque nulla, distinctio quas dicta ratione cras sequi rerum integer, facilis odit diamlorem possimus." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=62: msgid "See Full Ad" msgstr "Ganze Werbung ansehen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=62: msgid "A cloud storage illustration from Icons8. Iaculis occaecat reiciendis aperiam voluptas quo natus. Quae excepteur expedita perferendis hymenaeos purus scelerisque! Ullamcorper, quibusdam, luctus ultrices ultrices erat justo vestibulum nostrud duis! Congue velit pellentesque nulla, distinctio quas dicta ratione cras sequi rerum integer, facilis odit diamlorem possimus." msgstr "Abbildung eines Cloud-Speicherplatzes; von Icons8. Iaculis occaecat reiciendis aperiam voluptas quo natus. Quae excepteur expedita perferendis hymenaeos purus scelerisque! Ullamcorper, quibusdam, luctus ultrices ultrices erat justo vestibulum nostrud duis! Congue velit pellentesque nulla, distinctio quas dicta ratione cras sequi rerum integer, facilis odit diamlorem possimus." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Hipped Beasts, 2018 —" msgstr "– Szene-News, 2018 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Time Slippin’ Into The Future" msgstr "Höchste Zeit für die Zukunft" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Hipped Beasts, 2018 —" msgstr "– Szene-News, 2018 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Checks Over Stripes" msgstr "Karos statt Streifen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Sofa Bed Examiner, 2018 —" msgstr "– Sofas im Check, 2018 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Don’t Get Unsubscribed" msgstr "Abonnement nicht beenden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Whistler Views Magazine, 2016 —" msgstr "– Stadtmagazin, 2016 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Bike On, Bike Off" msgstr "Mit dem Rad unterwegs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Sofa Bed Examiner, 2018 —" msgstr "– Sofas im Check, 2018 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Put it All in The Clouds" msgstr "Wie auf Wolken schweben" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Halseytowne Chronicles, 2019 —" msgstr "– Kleinstädter Nachrichten, 2019 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "The Musuem Of Social Media" msgstr "Museum für soziale Medien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Whistler Views Magazine, 2016 —" msgstr "– Stadtmagazin, 2016 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Headless Astronaut Finds Their Head" msgstr "Kopfloser Astronaut findet Kopf wieder" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— The Daily Emailer, 2019 —" msgstr "– Die Tagespost, 2019 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: msgid "Turn Off Subs" msgstr "Abonnements beenden" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Sports Minimalist, 2019 —" msgstr "– Sport auf einen Blick, 2019 –" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: msgid "Get more Buckets" msgstr "Mehr Körbe werfen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: msgid "Home Test" msgstr "Test für zu Hause" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: msgid "Meditation" msgstr "Meditation" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: msgid "meditation" msgstr "Meditation" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "We run a mindful meditation class every Tuesdays at 9:00 am." msgstr "Jeden Dienstag um 9 Uhr findet eine Aufmerksamkeitsmeditation statt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "Candle glazing meditation" msgstr "Kerzenlichtmeditation" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "Mindful meditation" msgstr "Achtsamkeitsmeditation" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "Deep breathing exercises" msgstr "Übungen zu tiefem Atmen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "There are a few exercises to help you (re)connect with your body and mind." msgstr "Mit verschiedenen Übungen kannst du (wieder) mit deinem Körper und deiner Seele in Verbindung kommen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "Find your center" msgstr "Finde dein Zentrum" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/2023/11/06/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/shawburnblocks.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=151: msgid "news" msgstr "Neuigkeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: msgid "Get new content delivered directly to your inbox." msgstr "Erhalte Benachrichtigungen über neue Inhalte direkt per E-Mail." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: msgid "Make sure to follow our blog!" msgstr "Folge also unbedingt unserem Blog!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: msgid "We will organize a yoga retreat in Bali later on this year, most likely in December. We're still at an early stage but we will announce it by the end of next month." msgstr "Wir organisieren dieses Jahr ein Yoga Retreat auf Bali, wahrscheinlich im Dezember. Noch sind wir in der frühen Planungsphase, aber wir werden gegen Ende dieses Monats Genaueres bekanntgeben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: msgid "Yoga retreat in Bali" msgstr "Yoga Retreat auf Bali" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=79: msgid "11249" msgstr "11249" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=79: msgid "Brooklyn" msgstr "Brooklyn" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=79: msgid "99 Wythe Avenue" msgstr "99 Wythe Avenue" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=79: msgid "We’re always happy to answer your questions or receive your comments about how we can improve our service." msgstr "Gerne helfen wir dir weiter. Wir freuen uns auch über deine Kommentare, um unser Angebot noch besser zu machen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=89: msgid "Founded by Joan Smith, Bālāsana opened in January 2015 with a simple goal: to inspire and help people lead healthier lives, in whatever way they want." msgstr "Bālāsana wurde im Januar 2015 von Joan Smith mit einem einfachen Ziel gegründet: Menschen zu einem gesünderen Leben nach ihren eigenen Vorstellungen zu inspirieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Yoga" msgstr "Yoga" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Pilates" msgstr "Pilates" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Robert is a former professional gymnast. After an injury he discovered the joy of yoga and now teaches in our studio." msgstr "Robert war früher Profiturner. Nach einer Verletzung entdeckte er seine Begeisterung für Yoga und unterrichtet nun in unserem Studio." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Yoga and Pilates Teacher" msgstr "Yoga- und Pilateslehrer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Robert Pearce" msgstr "Robert Pearce" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "James grew up in a family of yoga aficionados so it's only natural that he's now a yoga teacher. He is specialized in acro yoga." msgstr "James wuchs in einer Familie Yogabegeisterter auf, sodass er ganz selbstverständlich Yogalehrer wurde. Sein Spezialgebiet ist Acroyoga." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Yoga Teacher" msgstr "Yogalehrer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Noah Fraser" msgstr "Noah Fraser" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "With a dancer background, Joan always had a passion for yoga and meditation. After a trip in India, she decided to open her own studio." msgstr "Joan hat einen tänzerischen Hintergrund und schon immer eine Leidenschaft für Yoga und Meditation. Nach einer Indienreise beschloss sie, ihr eigenes Studio zu eröffnen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Founder / Yoga and Barre Teacher" msgstr "Gründerin / Yoga- und Ballettstangenlehrerin" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Teachers" msgstr "Lehrer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Want to be part of it?" msgstr "Möchtest du teilnehmen?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "This is a 4-week course only ($90). This course consist of a 1-hour class per day dedicated to the practice of the barre." msgstr "Nur als 4-Wochen-Kurs verfügbar (90 USD). Dieser Kurs beinhaltet eine Stunde Übungen an der Ballettstange pro Tag." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Barre" msgstr "Ballettstange" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "We run a pilates class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. The drop-in price is $15. You can also subscribe to a monthly membership for $120." msgstr "Wir bieten jeden Montag-, Mittwoch- und Freitagmorgen eine Pilatesstunde an. Eine einzelne Stunde kostet 15 USD. Du kannst aber auch eine Monatsmitgliedschaft für 120 USD erwerben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "We offer many different classes, from beginner to advanced. Our best value package, \"Discovery Pass\" allows you to attend 4 classes (3 weeks validity). " msgstr "Wir bieten viele verschiedene Kurse für jedes Niveau an – vom Anfänger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen. Mit unserem Spezialangebot „Schnupperkarte“ kannst du 4 Kursstunden besuchen (3 Wochen gültig). " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Classes" msgstr "Klassen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lettredemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=62: #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15: msgid "Archive" msgstr "Archiv" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lettredemo.wordpress.com/home/: msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=590: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/OwK19j2k?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/OwK19j2k?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=590: msgid "Fire and Ice: The Volcanoes of Iceland" msgstr "Feuer und Eis: die Vulkane von Island" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=595: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/Rk9Ax14O?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/Rk9Ax14O?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=595: msgid "Altai: The Wild Heart of Asia" msgstr "Altai: das wilde Herz Asiens" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=599: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/XCph69Qq?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/XCph69Qq?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=599: msgid "The Vanishing Rainforest" msgstr "Das Verschwinden des Regenwalds" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=601: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/CFE9lHgW?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/CFE9lHgW?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=601: msgid "Fishing at the Top of the World" msgstr "Fischen auf dem Gipfel der Welt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=590: #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=599: #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=618: msgid "Nature" msgstr "Natur" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=590: #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=599: #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=618: msgid "nature" msgstr "Natur" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=618: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/MahneysU?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/MahneysU?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=618: msgid "Following the Water" msgstr "Dem Wasser folgen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8750: msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "Seitenleiste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8750: msgid "sidebar" msgstr "Seitenleiste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8750: msgid "An English diarist and naval administrator. I served as administrator of the Royal Navy and Member of Parliament. I had no maritime experience, but I rose to be the Chief Secretary to the Admiralty under both King Charles II and King James II through patronage, diligence, and my talent for administration." msgstr "Ein englischer Tagebuchschreiber und Flottenbeamter. Ich war Beamter in der königlichen Marine und Mitglied des Parlaments. Ich hatte keine Erfahrung in der Schifffahrt, aber ich stieg sowohl unter König Charles II. als auch unter König James II. durch wohlwollende Unterstützung, Fleiß und mein Verwaltungstalent zum Chefsekretär im englischen Marineamt auf." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8750: msgid "Sidebar with About me text, Recent Posts Links, and Subscription Form" msgstr "Seitenleiste mit Infotext, Link zu aktuellen Beiträgen und Abonnementformular" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/tuthemedemo.wordpress.com/2022/11/18/hello-world/: msgid "Up betimes. Called up by my tailor, and there first put on a summer suit this year; but it was not my fine one of flowered tabby vest, and coloured camelott tunique, because it was too fine with the gold lace at the hands, that I was afeard to be seen in it; but put on the stuff suit I made the last year, which is now repaired; and so did go to the Office in it, and sat all the morning, the day looking as if it would be fowle. At noon home to dinner, and there find my wife extraordinary fine, with her flowered tabby gown that she made two years ago, now laced exceeding pretty; and, indeed, was fine all over; and mighty earnest to go, though the day was very lowering; and she would have me put on my fine suit, which I did. And so anon we went alone through the town with our new liveries of serge, and the horses’ manes and tails tied with red ribbons, and the standards there gilt with varnish, and all clean, and green refines, that people did mightily look upon us; and, the truth is, I did not see any coach more pretty, though more gay, than ours, all the day. But we set out, out of humour—I because Betty, whom I expected, was not come to go with us; and my wife that I would sit on the same seat with her, which she likes not, being so fine: and she then expected to meet Sheres, which we did in the Pell Mell, and, against my will, I was forced to take him into the coach, but was sullen all day almost, and little complaisant: the day also being unpleasing, though the Park full of coaches, but dusty and windy, and cold, and now and then a little dribbling rain; and, what made it worst, there were so many hackney-coaches as spoiled the sight of the gentlemen’s; and so we had little pleasure. But here was W. Batelier and his sister in a borrowed coach by themselves, and I took them and we to the lodge; and at the door did give them a syllabub, and other things, cost me 12s., and pretty merry. And so back to the coaches, and there till the evening, and then home, leaving Mr. Sheres at St. James’s Gate, where he took leave of us for altogether, he; being this night to set out for Portsmouth post, in his way to Tangier, which troubled my wife mightily, who is mighty, though not, I think, too fond of him. But she was out of humour all the evening, and I vexed at her for it, and she did not rest almost all the night, so as in the night I was forced; to take her and hug her to put her to rest. So home, and after a little supper, to bed." msgstr "Zeitig aufgestanden. Habe meinen Schneider aufgesucht, und dort zuerst einen Sommeranzug für dieses Jahr angezogen. Es war aber nicht mein feiner Anzug mit geblümter Weste und bunter Kamelhaar-Tunika. Denn er war zu fein mit der goldenen Spitze an den Händen, dass ich mich fürchtete, darin gesehen zu werden. Aber ich habe den Stoffanzug angezogen, den ich letztes Jahr gemacht habe, und der jetzt repariert ist; und bin damit zum Büro gegangen, und saß den ganzen Vormittag, und der Tag sah aus, als würde er glühend heiß werden. Mittags nach Hause zum Essen, und da fand ich meine Frau außerordentlich hübsch vor, mit ihrem geblümten Kleid, das sie vor zwei Jahren gemacht hatte, und das jetzt fein geschnürt war. Und in der Tat war sie rundum schick. Und sie wollte unbedingt gehen, obwohl der Tag sehr trüb war, und sie wollte, dass ich meinen schönen Anzug anziehe, was ich auch tat. Und so fuhren wir bald darauf allein durch die Stadt mit unseren neuen Livreen aus Serge, und die Mähnen und Schweife der Pferde mit roten Bändern gebunden, und die Standarten mit Lack vergoldet, und alles sauber und grün verziert, dass die Leute uns mächtig ansahen; und, die Wahrheit ist: Ich habe den ganzen Tag keine schönere, obgleich vergnüglichere Kutsche als unsere gesehen. Aber wir brachen auf, aus der Laune heraus – ich, weil Betty, die ich erwartet hatte, nicht gekommen war, um mit uns zu fahren; und meine Frau, weil ich mit ihr auf demselben Platz sitzen würde, was sie nicht mag. Und sie erwartete dann, Sheres zu treffen, was wir in der Pell Mell taten, und gegen meinen Willen war ich gezwungen, ihn in der Kutsche mitzunehmen, aber ich war fast den ganzen Tag mürrisch und wenig entgegenkommend: Der Tag war auch misslich, obwohl der Park voller Kutschen war, aber staubig und windig und kalt, und ab und zu ein paar Tröpfchen Regen; und, was es noch schlimmer machte, es gab so viele Droschkenkutschen, dass sie den Blick auf die Kutschen der Herren verstellten; und so war es für uns wenig vergnüglich. Aber hier waren W. Batelier und seine Schwester in einer geliehenen Kutsche allein, und ich nahm sie und uns zur Herberge mit; und an der Tür gab ich ihnen einen Syllabub und andere Dinge, die mich 12s. kosteten. Also zurück zu den Kutschen und dort bis zum Abend, dann nach Hause, wobei ich Mr. Sheres am St. James's Gate zurückließ, wo er sich endgültig von uns verabschiedete, da er in dieser Nacht zur Post nach Portsmouth aufbrach, auf dem Weg nach Tanger, was meine Frau sehr beunruhigte, die aber, wie ich glaube, nicht sehr angetan von ihm ist. Aber sie war den ganzen Abend übel gelaunt, und ich ärgerte mich über sie, und sie kam fast die ganze Nacht nicht zur Ruhe, sodass ich in der Nacht gezwungen war, sie zu nehmen und zu umarmen, um sie zur Ruhe zu bringen. Also nach Hause, und nach einem kleinen Abendessen ins Bett." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/tuthemedemo.wordpress.com/2022/11/18/hello-world/: msgid "A Little Dribbling Rain" msgstr "Ein bisschen Tröpfelregen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "You’ll need access to a DAW — a digital audio workstation — like Ableton Live, Pro Tools, or Garageband. There are also several free DAWs out there, if you don’t currently one own." msgstr "Du brauchst Zugang zu einer DAW – einer digitalen Audio-Workstation – wie Ableton Live, Pro Tools oder Garageband. Es gibt auch mehrere kostenlose DAWs, falls du noch keine eigene hast." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Do I need to use specific software?" msgstr "Brauche ich eine bestimmte Software?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "While the workshop is geared towards artists looking to go digital, anyone can attend." msgstr "Der Workshop richtet sich zwar an Künstler, die in die Digitaltechnologie einsteigen wollen, aber grundsätzlich kann jeder teilnehmen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Who can attend?" msgstr "Wer kann teilnehmen?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "There are three ticket tiers for the workshop, ranging from $25 to $250. You can find out more information on Eventbrite, where you’ll sign up and buy your ticket." msgstr "Für den Workshop gibt es drei Ticketstufen, die von 25 bis 250 $ reichen. Auf Eventbrite findest du weitere Informationen. Dort kannst du dich auch registrieren und dein Ticket kaufen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "How much does it cost?" msgstr "Was kostet der Workshop?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Yes, sessions will be recorded. There will be about a week of time in between the workshop and posting the videos so that we can edit and caption them." msgstr "Ja, die Sitzungen werden aufgezeichnet. Zwischen dem Workshop und der Veröffentlichung der Videos wird etwa eine Woche liegen, damit wir sie bearbeiten und mit Untertiteln versehen können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Will sessions be recorded for later?" msgstr "Werden die Sitzungen aufgezeichnet?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "When is the workshop?" msgstr "Wann findest der Workshop statt?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget purus auctor, pharetra est non, bibendum massa. Vestibulum eros felis, pretium gravida pharetra quis, vulputate nec risus. Sed lacus odio, vehicula nec ipsum sit amet, posuere posuere sem. Ut sed sapien non urna ullamcorper vulputate. Vivamus ullamcorper vel ligula a tempor. Duis pharetra facilisis venenatis. Aenean vitae tortor et justo iaculis interdum." msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget purus auctor, pharetra est non, bibendum massa. Vestibulum eros felis, pretium gravida pharetra quis, vulputate nec risus. Sed lacus odio, vehicula nec ipsum sit amet, posuere posuere sem. Ut sed sapien non urna ullamcorper vulputate. Vivamus ullamcorper vel ligula a tempor. Duis pharetra facilisis venenatis. Aenean vitae tortor et justo iaculis interdum." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "February 13, 2021, from 9am until 7:30pm Eastern time." msgstr "13. Februar 2021, 9:00 bis 19:30 Uhr Eastern Time." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=87: msgid "Introduction to Electronic Music" msgstr "Einführung in elektronische Musik" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=95: msgid "Learn the basics of reverb, delay, and compression with professional artist and producer Dani Searle." msgstr "Erlerne mit dem professionellen Künstler und Produzenten Dani Searle die Grundlagen von Reverb, Delay und Compression." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=95: msgid "Intro to Fix" msgstr "Einführung in Fix" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=97: msgid "How to record your own unique samples using whatever microphone you have available, and edit them with pitch changes and FX to fit in with your electronic music compositions." msgstr "So nimmst du deine eigenen, einzigartigen Samples mit einem beliebigen Mikrofon auf und bearbeitest sie mit Tonhöhenänderungen und Effekten, um sie in deine elektronischen Musikkompositionen einzupassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=97: msgid "Creating Your Own Samples" msgstr "Erstellen deiner eigenen Samples" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=87: #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=99: msgid "Learn the basics of electronic music history, what it is, and what tools we can use to start making it. This crash course will get you everything you know to start approaching your own electronic music." msgstr "Erlerne die Grundlagen der Geschichte der elektronischen Musik. Erfahre, was elektronische Musik ist und was man zur Produktion benötigt. In diesem Crashkurs lernst du alles, was du brauchst, um deine eigene elektronische Musik zu machen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=99: msgid "Opening Notes" msgstr "Einführende Hinweise" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "SchedulE" msgstr "SchedulE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: msgid "A WordPress.com site" msgstr "Eine WordPress.com-Website" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: msgid "Three columns with contact info and social icons" msgstr "Drei Spalten mit Kontaktinformationen und Social-Icons" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "A WordPress.com website" msgstr "Eine WordPress.com-Website" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "Sat - Sun: Closed" msgstr "Sa-So: Geschlossen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm​" msgstr "Mo-Fr: 9-17 Uhr​" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "CA 12345-6789" msgstr "CA 12345-6789" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "123 Example St, San Francisco," msgstr "123 Example St, San Francisco," #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "Three columns with address and open times" msgstr "Drei Spalten mit Adresse und Öffnungszeiten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: msgid "(123) 456-789" msgstr "(123) 456-789" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: msgid "Center-aligned minimal footer" msgstr "Zentrierter minimalistischer Footer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: msgid "Center-aligned minimal footer with dark background" msgstr "Zentrierter minimalistischer Footer mit dunklem Hintergrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: msgid "Left-aligned minimal footer" msgstr "Links ausgerichteter minimalistischer Footer" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?page_id=2: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page-2/: msgid "You can find me online in the links below or just send me a message to say hi." msgstr "Du findest mich online unter den folgenden Links. Oder sende mir einfach eine Nachricht, um Hallo zu sagen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?page_id=2: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page-2/: msgid "Hello! My name is Adrian DeCarlo and this is Mindblown, my personal blog about philosophy with book summaries and reviews. I like to immerse myself in books and learn what others have to say about life. " msgstr "Hallo! Mein Name ist Adrian DeCarlo und dies ist Mindblown, mein persönliches Philosophie-Blog mit Buchzusammenfassungen und Rezensionen. Ich vertiefe mich gerne in Bücher, um zu erfahren, was andere über das Leben zu sagen haben. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "saul-kripke" msgstr "saul-kripke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Proper names are rigid designators." msgstr "Eigennamen sind starre Bezeichner." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Saul Kripke" msgstr "Saul Kripke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Kripke’s most important philosophical publication, Naming and Necessity (1980), based on transcripts of three lectures he delivered at Princeton in 1970, changed the course of analytic philosophy. It provided the first cogent account of necessity and possibility as metaphysical concepts, and it distinguished both concepts from the epistemological notions of a posteriori knowledge and a priori knowledge (knowledge acquired through experience and knowledge independent of experience, respectively) and from the linguistic notions of analytic truth and synthetic truth, or truth by virtue of meaning and truth by virtue of fact (see analytic proposition). In the course of making these distinctions, Kripke revived the ancient doctrine of essentialism, according to which objects possess certain properties necessarily—without them the objects would not exist at all." msgstr "Kripkes wichtigste philosophische Veröffentlichung, Naming and Necessity (1980), basierend auf Abschriften von drei Vorlesungen, die er 1970 in Princeton hielt, lenkte die analytische Philosophie in neue Bahnen. Es lieferte die erste überzeugende Darstellung von Notwendigkeit und Möglichkeit als metaphysische Konzepte und unterschied beide Konzepte von den erkenntnistheoretischen Begriffen des a-posteriori-Wissens (durch Erfahrung erworbenes Wissen) und des a-priori-Wissens (erfahrungsunabhängiges Wissen) und von den sprachlichen Begriffen der analytischen Wahrheit und synthetischen Wahrheit, oder Wahrheit kraft Bedeutung und Wahrheit kraft Erfahrung (siehe analytische Proposition). Im Zuge dieser Unterscheidungen belebte Kripke die antike Lehre des Essentialismus, wonach Objekte zwangsläufig bestimmte Eigenschaften besitzen – ohne sie würden die Objekte gar nicht existieren." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Inspirited by this wind of promise, my daydreams become more fervent and vivid. " msgstr "Beflügelt von diesem verheißungsvollen Wind werden meine Tagträume immer intensiver und lebendiger. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Naming and Necessity by Saul Kripke" msgstr "Naming and Necessity von Saul Kripke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "simone-de-beauvoir" msgstr "simone-de-beauvoir" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." msgstr "Man kommt nicht als Frau zur Welt, man wird es." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "Simone de Beauvoir" msgstr "Simone de Beauvoir" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "\"The Second Sex\" is a 1949 book by the French existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir. It is a hymn to human freedom and a classic of the existentialist movement. It also has claims to be the most important book in the history of feminism." msgstr "„Das andere Geschlecht“ ist ein Buch der französischen Existentialistin und Philosophin Simone de Beauvoir aus dem Jahr 1949. Es ist eine Hymne an die menschliche Freiheit und ein Klassiker der existentialistischen Bewegung. Außerdem hat es den Anspruch, das wichtigste Buch in der Geschichte des Feminismus zu sein." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "A hymn to human freedom and a classic of the existentialist movement." msgstr "Eine Hymne an die menschliche Freiheit und ein Klassiker der existentialistischen Bewegung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir" msgstr "Das andere Geschlecht von Simone de Beauvoir" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "Fred Lee Hord" msgstr "Fred Lee Hord" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "fred-lee-hord" msgstr "fred-lee-hord" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "Rene Descartes is often called the first modern philosopher, and his famous saying, “I think, therefore I am,” laid the groundwork for how we conceptualize our sense of self. But what if there’s an entirely different way to think about personal identity — a non-Western philosophy that rejects this emphasis on individuality?" msgstr "Rene Descartes wird oft als der erste moderne Philosoph bezeichnet und sein berühmter Ausspruch „Ich denke, also bin ich“ legte den Grundstein dafür, wie wir unser Selbstgefühl konzeptualisieren. Aber was wäre, wenn es eine ganz andere Art gäbe, über persönliche Identität nachzudenken – eine nicht-westliche Philosophie, die diese Betonung der Individualität ablehnt?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "Steve Paulson" msgstr "Steve Paulson" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "I Am Because We Are has been recognized as a major, canon-defining anthology and adopted as a text in a wide variety of college and university courses." msgstr "„I Am Because We Are“ gilt als große, kanondefinierende Anthologie und wurde als Text in einer Vielzahl von College- und Universitätskursen übernommen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "A major, canon-defining anthology and adopted as a text in college and university courses." msgstr "Eine große, kanondefinierende Anthologie, die als Text in College- und Universitätskursen übernommen wurde." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "I Am Because We Are by Fred L. Hord" msgstr "I Am Because We Are von Fred L. Hord" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: msgid "Laozi" msgstr "Laozi" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: msgid "laozi" msgstr "laozi" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: msgid "lao-tzu" msgstr "lao-tzu" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "When people see things as beautiful, ugliness is created.
When people see things as good, evil is created." msgstr "Wenn Menschen Dinge als schön ansehen, entsteht Hässlichkeit.
Wenn Menschen Dinge als gut ansehen, entsteht Böses." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "Lao Tzu" msgstr "Lao Tzu" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "It is a fundamental text for both philosophical and religious Taoism and strongly influenced other schools of Chinese philosophy and religion, including Legalism, Confucianism, and Chinese Buddhism, which was largely interpreted through the use of Taoist words and concepts." msgstr "Es ist ein grundlegender Text sowohl für den philosophischen als auch für den religiösen Taoismus und hat andere Schulen der chinesischen Philosophie und Religion stark beeinflusst, darunter Legalismus, Konfuzianismus und chinesischen Buddhismus, der weitgehend durch die Verwendung taoistischer Worte und Konzepte interpretiert wurde." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "The \"Tao Te Ching\", roughly translated into The Book of the Way and of Virtue, is a Chinese classic text written around 400 BC and traditionally credited to the sage Laozi. The text's authorship, date of composition and date of compilation are still debated. " msgstr "Das „Tao Te Ching“, grob übersetzt in Das Buch des Weges und dessen Tugend, ist ein klassischer chinesischer Text, der um 400 v. Chr. verfasst wurde und traditionell dem Weisen Laozi zugeschrieben wird. Die Urheberschaft des Textes, das Datum der Komposition und das Datum der Zusammenstellung sind immer noch umstritten. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "A fundamental text for both philosophical and religious Taoism." msgstr "Ein grundlegender Text sowohl für den philosophischen als auch für den religiösen Taoismus." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Lao Tzu" msgstr "Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) von Lao Tzu" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: msgid "Aristotle" msgstr "Aristoteles" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: msgid "aristotle" msgstr "aristoteles" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle/: msgid "The Nicomachean Ethics is Aristotle's best-known work on ethics, the science of the good for human life, which is the goal or end at which all our actions aim." msgstr "Die Nikomachische Ethik ist Aristoteles' bekanntestes Werk über Ethik, die Wissenschaft vom Guten für das menschliche Leben, welches das Endziel ist, auf das all unser Handeln gerichtet ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle/: #: block-patterns/paimiodemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/21/nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle/: msgid "Aristotle's take on ethics and the science of the good for human life." msgstr "Aristoteles' Auffassung von Ethik und der Wissenschaft vom Guten für das menschliche Leben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle/: msgid "Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle" msgstr "Nikomachische Ethik von Aristoteles" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: msgid "Philosophy Books" msgstr "Philosophiebücher" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: msgid "philosophy-books" msgstr "philosophiebücher" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: #: block-patterns/negai.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=29: msgid "philosophy" msgstr "Philosophie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: msgid "hannah-arendt" msgstr "hannah-arendt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "Men in plural can experience meaningfulness only because they can talk with and make sense to each other and themselves." msgstr "Menschen können Bedeutsamkeit nur im Plural erfahren, weil sie dann miteinander und mit sich selbst sprechen und durch diese Interaktion Sinn stiften können." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "Hannah Arendt" msgstr "Hannah Arendt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "She distinguishes three sorts of activity (labor, work, and action) and discusses how they have been affected by changes in Western history." msgstr "Sie unterscheidet drei Arten von Aktivität („Labor“, „Work“ und „Action“) und diskutiert, wie diese von Veränderungen in der westlichen Geschichte beeinflusst wurden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "Arendt is interested in the vita activa (active life) as contrasted with the vita contemplativa (contemplative life) and concerned that the debate over the relative status of the two has blinded us to important insights about the vita activa and the way in which it has changed since ancient times. " msgstr "Arendt interessiert sich für das vita activa (aktives Leben) im Gegensatz zum vita contemplativa (kontemplatives Leben) und ist besorgt, dass die Debatte über den relativen Status der beiden uns blind gemacht hat für wichtige Erkenntnisse über das vita activa und die Art und Weise, wie es sich seit der Antike verändert hat. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "Published in 1958, \"The Human Condition\" is Hannah Arendt's take on how \"human activities\" should be and have been understood throughout Western history. " msgstr "Das 1958 veröffentlichte Buch „The Human Condition“ ist Hannah Arendts Sichtweise darauf, wie „menschliche Aktivitäten“ im Laufe der westlichen Geschichte verstanden werden sollten und verstanden wurden. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: #: block-patterns/paimiodemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/21/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "How \"human activities\" should be and have been understood throughout Western history. " msgstr "Wie „menschliche Aktivitäten“ im Laufe der westlichen Geschichte verstanden werden sollten und verstanden wurden. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt" msgstr "The Human Condition von Hannah Arendt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "TABLE HEADER 3" msgstr "TABELLENÜBERSCHRIFT 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "TABLE HEADER 2" msgstr "TABELLENÜBERSCHRIFT 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "TABLE HEADER 1" msgstr "TABELLENÜBERSCHRIFT 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "If you want, you can also add tables, which will look like this:" msgstr "Wenn du möchtest, kannst du auch Tabellen hinzufügen, dies sieht dann so aus:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Gutenberg also includes a pullquote block with a different formatting." msgstr "Gutenberg enthält auch einen Pullquote-Block mit einer anderen Formatierung." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas." msgstr "Tagsüber bin ich Fahrradkurier, nachts aufstrebender Schauspieler und das hier ist meine Website. Ich lebe in Los Angeles, habe einen tollen Hund namens Jack und mag Piña Coladas." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Lists" msgstr "Listen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "The quote block can be used to display a quote from a person or from another site. It can be as long or as short as you like, and it is displayed like this:" msgstr "Der Zitat-Block kann verwendet werden, um ein Zitat von einer Person oder von einer anderen Website anzuzeigen. Er kann so lang oder kurz sein wie du möchtest und wird so angezeigt:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Sed elementum porttitor, pulvinar, ultricies lacus sociis auctor." msgstr "Sed elementum porttitor, pulvinar, ultricies lacus sociis auctor." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Magna platea habitasse mid turpis dis montes eros diam." msgstr "Magna platea habitasse mid turpis dis montes eros diam." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "You can add lists to your content. This is what they'll look like." msgstr "Du kannst deinen Inhalten Listen hinzufügen. Sie sehen dann so aus." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Extra Large — This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place." msgstr "Absatz Extragroß – Dies ist eine Beispielseite. Sie unterscheidet sich von einem Blogbeitrag, denn sie bleibt an einer Stelle." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Large — This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes)." msgstr "Absatz Groß – Dies ist eine Beispielseite. Sie unterscheidet sich von einem Blogbeitrag, denn sie bleibt an einer Stelle und wird (in den meisten Themes) in deiner Website-Navigation angezeigt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Medium — This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors." msgstr "Absatz Mittelgroß – Dies ist eine Beispielseite. Sie unterscheidet sich von einem Blogbeitrag, denn sie bleibt an einer Stelle und wird (in den meisten Themes) in deiner Website-Navigation angezeigt. Die meisten Leute beginnen mit einer Über-Seite, auf der sie sich potenziellen Website-Besuchern vorstellen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Small — This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors." msgstr "Absatz Klein – Dies ist eine Beispielseite. Sie unterscheidet sich von einem Blogbeitrag, denn sie bleibt an einer Stelle und wird (in den meisten Themes) in deiner Website-Navigation angezeigt. Die meisten Leute beginnen mit einer Über-Seite, auf der sie sich potenziellen Website-Besuchern vorstellen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "This is the default paragraph size, but there are a few paragraph size presets in Gutenberg, which will scale down automatically across devices so your content looks good in any device." msgstr "Dies ist die Standard-Absatzgröße, aber es gibt einige Voreinstellungen für die Absatzgröße in Gutenberg, die automatisch geräteübergreifend verkleinert werden, sodass deine Inhalte auf jedem Gerät gut aussehen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Styles" msgstr "Absatzstile" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "HEADING 6" msgstr "ÜBERSCHRIFT 6" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "This page contains the text styles of the theme. The following blocks are headings, commonly used as titles, they define which parts of your content are important, and show how they’re interconnected." msgstr "Diese Seite enthält die Textstile des Themes. Die folgenden Blöcke sind Überschriften, die normalerweise als Titel verwendet werden. Sie definieren, welche Teile deines Inhalts wichtig sind, und zeigen, wie sie miteinander verknüpft sind." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Text Styles" msgstr "Textstile" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Get In touch" msgstr "In Kontakt treten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "I'm always looking for collaborators, so feel free to submit an article to be featured on the site." msgstr "Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach Mitarbeitern, du kannst also gerne einen Artikel einreichen, der auf der Website vorgestellt werden soll." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "My name is Aine Walsh and I'm a writer and curator of the ITN? digital publication." msgstr "Mein Name ist Aine Walsh und ich bin Autorin und Kuratorin der digitalen Publikation „Is This Nice?“." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "With second hand markets on a rise, Lana believes much work has been done to make this a more mainstream practice." msgstr "Angesichts der wachsenden Bedeutung von Second-Hand-Märkten glaubt Lana, dass viel Arbeit geleistet wurde, um diesen Industriezweig salonfähiger zu machen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Lana's work discusses the oft-overlooked ability of the fashion industry to shape and change societal norms, adjust societal perspective on accepted cultural practices and shift attitudes. It takes a lot to make a garment. Not just the bits we hear about but also the farmers, the ginners, spinners, weavers, sewers, artisans. It takes water, soil, seeds, land, forests, animals, electricity, oil, chemicals, metals and other precious natural resources to clothe us." msgstr "Lanas Arbeit befasst sich mit der oft übersehenen Fähigkeit der Modeindustrie, gesellschaftliche Normen zu formen und zu verändern, den Blick der Gesellschaft auf akzeptierte kulturelle Praktiken anzupassen und Einstellungen zu verändern. Es braucht viel, um ein Kleidungsstück herzustellen. Nicht nur die uns bekannten Zutaten, sondern auch die Bauern, die Entkörnungsmaschinen, die Spinner, Weber, Näher und Handwerker. Es braucht Wasser, Erde, Samen, Land, Wälder, Tiere, Strom, Öl, Chemikalien, Metalle und andere wertvolle natürliche Ressourcen, um uns zu kleiden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "As far as industries are concerned, fashion is one of those that pollute the most, mostly fast-fashion and its massive overproduction of clothing made with cheap materials. These clothes are usually worn a few times and then thrown away. The process that follows after we throw them away is the worst part. Many of these garments are made of materials that aren't decomposed easily, such as polyester, for instance, which takes approximately 200 years to degrade." msgstr "Die Mode ist eine der Industrien, die am meisten Verschmutzung verursachen, hauptsächlich durch Fast Fashion und die damit verbundene massive Überproduktion von Kleidung aus billigen Materialien. Diese Kleidung wird normalerweise ein paar Mal getragen und dann einfach weggeworfen. Der Prozess, der auf das Wegwerfen folgt, ist der schlimmste Teil. Viele dieser Kleidungsstücke bestehen aus Materialien, die sich nicht leicht zersetzen lassen, wie zum Beispiel Polyester, dessen Abbau etwa 200 Jahre dauert." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "The intricate work of Lana Lam has been broadly acclaimed as a testament to identity, and sustainable production. Made completely of repurposed fabric, her garments tell a sartorial story of joyful liberation. Each piece is totally handmade, a labor of love carrying the wisdom of a generationally passed down craft." msgstr "Die aufwändigen Arbeiten von Lana Lam werden allgemein als Beleg für Identität und nachhaltige Produktion anerkannt. Ihre Kleidungsstücke bestehen vollständig aus wiederverwerteten Textilien und erzählen eine Geschichte der freudvollen Befreiung durch die Schneiderkunst. Jedes Stück ist komplett handgefertigt, eine liebevolle Arbeit, die die Weisheit eines von Generation zu Generation weitergegebenen Handwerks in sich trägt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Lana Lam is Using Fashion as a Tool for Change" msgstr "Lana Lam nutzt Mode als Werkzeug für Veränderungen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "Groundbreaking" msgstr "Bahnbrechend" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "groundbreaking" msgstr "bahnbrechend" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "This formula for object handmaking has been continued in the development of the Eve by Paloma Loma line. Campbell presents a luxury take on the Ephemera and Beatrice models, slowing down their design and production processes to elevate classic shapes. Made with raw undyed leather uppers and replaceable straps, the handbags create an experience of timelessness and durability. By applying traditional methods to Eve, Paloma Loma perpetuates the wearer of the craft of handbagmaking." msgstr "Diese Formel der Handfertigung von Objekten wurde bei der Entwicklung der Linie Eve von Paloma Loma fortgesetzt. Campbell präsentiert eine luxuriöse Version der Ephemera- und Beatrice-Modelle und verlangsamt ihre Design- und Produktionsprozesse, um klassische Formen hervorzuheben. Die Handtaschen aus rohem, ungefärbtem Leder mit austauschbaren Riemen schaffen ein Erlebnis von Zeitlosigkeit und Langlebigkeit. Durch die Anwendung traditioneller Methoden auf Eve setzt Paloma Loma dem alten Handwerk der Handtaschenherstellung ein modernes Denkmal." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "Founded by Eve Campbell in 2010, the British label is renowned for artisanal craftsmanship in leather objects. Paloma Loma evolved through Campbell’s fusion of psychological study with her training as a handbagmaker, manually producing handbags and belts in a London workshop, with meticulous attention to detail." msgstr "Das britische Label wurde 2010 von Eve Campbell gegründet und ist bekannt für die handwerkliche Verarbeitung von Lederobjekten. Campbell verschmolz für Paloma Loma ihre psychologischen Studien mit ihrer Ausbildung als Handtaschenmacherin, während der sie Handtaschen und Gürtel in einer Londoner Werkstatt mit akribischer Liebe zum Detail manuell herstellte." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Tools" msgstr "Werkzeuge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "A Return to Craftsmanship with Eve" msgstr "Eve – die Wiederbelebung der Handwerkskunst" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "tools" msgstr "werkzeuge" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Objects" msgstr "Objekte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "objects" msgstr "objekte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Each design is intended as an anchor of utility. Complementing the studio’s range of handmade designs are also objets trouvés collected over the years, from furniture by iconic designers to unique vintage pieces. Together, they celebrate the story and history of several generations, while providing durable solutions for the ones to come." msgstr "Jedes Design dient als Aufhänger für die Nützlichkeit. Ergänzt wird das Angebot des Studios an handgefertigten Designs durch im Laufe der Jahre gesammelte Objets trouvés, von Möbeln ikonischer Designer bis hin zu einzigartigen Vintage-Stücken. Gemeinsam feiern sie die Geschichte und Geschichten mehrerer Generationen und bieten gleichzeitig dauerhafte Lösungen für die Zukunft." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Finnery never fails displaying his furniture in the right places. Pale timbers are used for floors, furniture, and sliding barn doors, set within a timber grid. The practice has embraced a rustic and industrial DNA and playful urban mantra." msgstr "Finnery hat es zur Kunst gemacht, seine Möbel an den richtigen Stellen auszustellen. Helle Hölzer werden für Fußböden, Möbel und Schiebetüren verwendet, die in einer Gitterkonstruktion angeordnet sind. Diese Praxis weist eine ebenso rustikale wie industrielle DNA auf und verströmt ein verspieltes urbanes Mantra." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Marcel Finnery's timeless and minimalist pieces toe the line between design and art. From sofas, tables, stools and decorative objects, these quintessential products are brought to life by a team of expert designers and craftsmen; each putting their cultural mark and their own contribution to the identity of the furniture collections." msgstr "Die zeitlosen und minimalistischen Stücke von Marcel Finnery bewegen sich auf der Grenze zwischen Design und Kunst. Diese typischen Produkte, von Sofas, Tischen und Hockern bis hin zu Dekorationsobjekten, werden von einem Team erfahrener Designer und Handwerker zum Leben erweckt; jeder setzt sein kulturelles Zeichen und leistet seinen eigenen Beitrag zur Identität der Möbelkollektionen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Navigating Through Objects with Marcel Finnery" msgstr "Durch Objekte Navigieren mit Marcel Finnery" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=49: msgid "Is this nice? is a weekly digital publication that features artists, craftmakers and artisans." msgstr "„Is This Nice?“ ist eine wöchentliche digitale Publikation, die Künstler, Handwerker und Kunsthandwerker vorstellt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1053: msgid "Tumblr / WordPress / Instagram" msgstr "Tumblr/WordPress/Instagram" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: msgid "Alan had started from his grandfather's laboratory, near Riverside Drive in mid-town New York." msgstr "Alan hatte im Labor seines Großvaters in der Nähe des Riverside Drive in Mid-Town New York begonnen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "Three years of his life had passed since that night when he had promised his grandfather he would carry on the experiments—three years in which he had lost his grandfather, but gained a wife and son. Ruth Vincent had married him and together they had worked on the fragile thing that he bore now on his back—fragile, but more potent in a strange, incredible way than any other device." msgstr "Seit jener Nacht, in der er seinem Großvater versprochen hatte, die Experimente fortzusetzen, waren drei Jahre seines Lebens vergangen – drei Jahre, in denen er zwar seinen Großvater verloren, aber eine Frau und einen Sohn gewonnen hatte. Ruth Vincent hatte ihn geheiratet, und gemeinsam hatten sie an dem zerbrechlichen Ding gearbeitet, das er jetzt auf dem Rücken trug – zerbrechlich, aber auf eine seltsame, unglaubliche Weise stärker als jedes andere Gerät." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "Then the house had abruptly dwindled, thinned out, and disappeared from around him! He had reached a time-era before its construction. Still with greater speed, the shadowy shifting outlines of the great city were in motion, shrinking into smaller and smaller buildings, narrower, shorter roads. It was a strange transition indeed. And yet to Alan Dane, the strangeness of his own emotions seemed not the least of it. Three years of his life had passed since that night when he had promised his grandfather he would carry on the experiments—three years in which he had lost his grandfather, but gained a wife and son. Ruth Vincent had married him and together they had worked on the fragile thing that he bore now on his back—fragile, but more potent in a strange, incredible way than any other device." msgstr "Dann wurde das Haus plötzlich kleiner, schwächer und verschwand um ihn herum! Er hatte eine Zeit vor dem Bau des Hauses erreicht. Noch schneller bewegten sich die schemenhaften Umrisse der großen Stadt, schrumpften zu immer kleineren Gebäuden, engeren und kürzeren Straßen. Es war in der Tat eine merkwürdige Verwandlung. Und doch schien Alan Dane die Seltsamkeit seiner eigenen Gefühle nicht das Geringste auszumachen. Seit jener Nacht, in der er seinem Großvater versprochen hatte, die Experimente fortzusetzen, waren drei Jahre seines Lebens vergangen – drei Jahre, in denen er zwar seinen Großvater verloren, aber eine Frau und einen Sohn gewonnen hatte. Ruth Vincent hatte ihn geheiratet, und gemeinsam hatten sie an dem zerbrechlichen Ding gearbeitet, das er jetzt auf dem Rücken trug – zerbrechlich, aber auf eine seltsame, unglaubliche Weise stärker als jedes andere Gerät." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "“His watch, set above the other time-recording instrument on his wrist, told him that his start had been made only a scant half hour before.”" msgstr "„Seine Uhr, die sich über dem anderen Zeitmessinstrument an seinem Handgelenk befand, verriet ihm, dass der Start erst eine knappe halbe Stunde zurücklag.“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "Later or earlier the rain-laden wind may drift up the water gate." msgstr "Früher oder später kann der regenschwere Wind das Wassertor hinauftreiben." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Then the house had abruptly dwindled, thinned out, and disappeared from around him! He had reached a time-era before its construction. Still with greater speed, the shadowy shifting outlines of the great city were in motion, shrinking into smaller and smaller buildings, narrower, shorter roads.
It was a strange transition indeed. And yet to Alan Dane, the strangeness of his own emotions seemed not the least of it. Three years of his life had passed since that night when he had promised his grandfather he would carry on the experiments—three years in which he had lost his grandfather, but gained a wife and son. Ruth Vincent had married him and together they had worked on the fragile thing that he bore now on his back—fragile, but more potent in a strange, incredible way than any other device." msgstr "Dann wurde das Haus plötzlich kleiner, schwächer und verschwand um ihn herum! Er hatte eine Zeit vor dem Bau des Hauses erreicht. Noch schneller bewegten sich die schemenhaften Umrisse der großen Stadt, schrumpften zu immer kleineren Gebäuden, engeren und kürzeren Straßen.
Es war in der Tat eine merkwürdige Verwandlung. Und doch schien Alan Dane die Seltsamkeit seiner eigenen Gefühle nicht das Geringste auszumachen. Seit jener Nacht, in der er seinem Großvater versprochen hatte, die Experimente fortzusetzen, waren drei Jahre seines Lebens vergangen – drei Jahre, in denen er zwar seinen Großvater verloren, aber eine Frau und einen Sohn gewonnen hatte. Ruth Vincent hatte ihn geheiratet, und gemeinsam hatten sie an dem zerbrechlichen Ding gearbeitet, das er jetzt auf dem Rücken trug – zerbrechlich, aber auf eine seltsame, unglaubliche Weise stärker als jedes andere Gerät." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Alan had started from his grandfather's laboratory, near Riverside Drive in mid-town New York. The date had been May of 1942. His watch, set above the other time-recording instrument on his wrist, told him that his start had been made only a scant half hour before, by his personal consciousness of time. How long ago—how far away that seemed now! There had been a reeling of his senses, the soundless clapping of swiftly alternating light and darkness at the shadowy laboratory windows. Then as his rate of change accelerated, the days and nights had merged into this flat, dead emptiness of gray." msgstr "Alan hatte im Labor seines Großvaters in der Nähe des Riverside Drive in Mid-Town New York begonnen. Es war Mai 1942. Seine Uhr, die sich über dem anderen Zeitmessinstrument an seinem Handgelenk befand, verriet ihm, dass der Start erst eine knappe halbe Stunde zurücklag, was seinem persönlichen Zeitbewusstsein entsprach. Wie lange her, wie weit weg schien das jetzt! Er spürte ein Taumeln seiner Sinne, das lautlose Klirren von schnell wechselndem Licht und Dunkelheit an den schattigen Laborfenstern. Dann, als sich seine Veränderung beschleunigte, verschmolzen die Tage und Nächte zu dieser flachen, toten Grauzone." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: msgid "Symbolism. Music finds its highest and most universal expression in symbolism. Music is primarily a way of expressing moods, attitudes, feelings, and longings in generalized form. The listener tends to live himself concretely into the feeling suggested. In the esthetic mood he is not aware of the mechanics of the symbolic suggestion, for which the art has many resources, and he may not be aware of the music as such; but he lives realistically within his own personal realm of interests. Thus, music sounds the keynote on great festive occasions in the powerful forms of festive music, as in the great sacred oratorios and simpler but beautiful forms of church music or in triumphant marches and other festive celebrations in major form. But minor forms, as in tone poems and haunting melodies, work on the same principle and perhaps fully as effectively. From the grandeur suggested by the sonata to the serenity arising from the simplest bit of improvization in voice or instrument, music has unlimited power to seize the individual for some form of dreamlike realization of the subjects of his longings." msgstr "Symbolik. Musik findet ihren höchsten und universellsten Ausdruck in der Symbolik. Musik ist in erster Linie ein Mittel, um Stimmungen, Einstellungen, Gefühle und Sehnsüchte in allgemeiner Form auszudrücken. Der Zuhörer neigt dazu, sich ganz konkret in das suggerierte Gefühl hineinzuversetzen. In der ästhetischen Stimmung ist er sich der Funktionsweise der symbolischen Suggestion, für die die Kunst viele Mittel bereithält, nicht bewusst, und er mag sich der Musik als solcher nicht bewusst sein; aber er lebt realistisch innerhalb seines eigenen persönlichen Interessenbereichs. So erklingt Musik zu großen festlichen Anlässen in den kraftvollen Formen der Festmusik, wie in den großen sakralen Oratorien und einfacheren, aber schönen Formen der Kirchenmusik oder in Triumphmärschen und anderen festlichen Anlässen in Dur-Form. Moll-Formate wie Tondichtungen und eindringliche Melodien funktionieren jedoch nach demselben Prinzip und sind vielleicht genauso wirkungsvoll. Von der Erhabenheit, die eine Sonate vermittelt, bis hin zur Heiterkeit, die sich aus der einfachsten Improvisation von Stimme oder Instrument ergibt, hat die Musik eine unbegrenzte Macht, den Menschen in irgendeiner Form zu ergreifen, um die Objekte seiner Sehnsüchte traumähnlich zu verwirklichen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=68: msgid "Symbolism. Music finds its highest and most universal expression in symbolism. Music is primarily a way of expressing moods, attitudes, feelings, and longings in generalized form. The listener tends to live himself concretely into the feeling suggested. In the esthetic mood he is not aware of the mechanics of the symbolic suggestion, for which the art has many resources, and he may not be aware of the music as such; but he lives realistically within his own personal realm of interests. Thus, music sounds the keynote on great festive occasions in the powerful forms of festive music, as in the great sacred oratorios and simpler but beautiful forms of church music or in triumphant marches and other festive celebrations in major form. But minor forms, as in tone poems and haunting melodies, work on the same principle and perhaps fully as effectively. From the grandeur suggested by the sonata to the serenity arising from the simplest bit of improvization in voice or instrument, music has unlimited power to seize the individual for some form of dreamlike realization of the subjects of his longings." msgstr "Symbolik. Musik findet ihren höchsten und universellsten Ausdruck in der Symbolik. Musik ist in erster Linie ein Mittel, um Stimmungen, Einstellungen, Gefühle und Sehnsüchte in allgemeiner Form auszudrücken. Der Zuhörer neigt dazu, sich ganz konkret in das suggerierte Gefühl hineinzuversetzen. In der ästhetischen Stimmung ist er sich der Funktionsweise der symbolischen Suggestion, für die die Kunst viele Mittel bereithält, nicht bewusst, und er mag sich der Musik als solcher nicht bewusst sein; aber er lebt realistisch innerhalb seines eigenen persönlichen Interessenbereichs. So erklingt Musik zu großen festlichen Anlässen in den kraftvollen Formen der Festmusik, wie in den großen sakralen Oratorien und einfacheren, aber schönen Formen der Kirchenmusik oder in Triumphmärschen und anderen festlichen Anlässen in Dur-Form. Moll-Formate wie Tondichtungen und eindringliche Melodien funktionieren jedoch nach demselben Prinzip und sind vielleicht genauso wirkungsvoll. Von der Erhabenheit, die eine Sonate vermittelt, bis hin zur Heiterkeit, die sich aus der einfachsten Improvisation von Stimme oder Instrument ergibt, hat die Musik eine unbegrenzte Macht, den Menschen in irgendeiner Form zu ergreifen, um die Objekte seiner Sehnsüchte traumähnlich zu verwirklichen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=103: msgid "Likewise, much of the charm of music lies in its association with overt action as in dances, work songs, marches, and games, where action is rhythmic." msgstr "Ebenso liegt ein großer Teil des Reizes von Musik in ihrer Verbindung mit offenkundiger Bewegung, wie bei Tänzen, Volksliedern, Märschen und Spielen, wo Bewegung rhythmisch ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=101: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=103: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=105: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=68: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=72: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=74: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=97: msgid "This added power of the music lies not only in the dance steps but more conspicuously in the suggestive rhythms divided into intricate patterns often far surpassing the score or the physical performance. That is what we mean when we say music carries. In such situations the musical appeal may lie for one person in the verbal message or the overt action and for another, purely in the musical appeal. Yet both words and action on the one hand and music on the other are enriched through the association." msgstr "Diese besondere Kraft der Musik liegt nicht nur in den Tanzschritten, sondern vor allem in den eindrucksvollen Rhythmen, die in komplexe Schemata gegliedert sind, die oft weit über die Partitur oder die körperliche Darbietung hinausgehen. Das ist es, was wir meinen, wenn wir sagen, dass Musik trägt. In solchen Situationen kann der musikalische Reiz für den einen in der verbalen Botschaft oder der offensichtlichen Bewegung liegen und für den anderen allein im musikalischen Reiz. Doch sowohl Worte und Bewegung auf der einen Seite als auch die Musik auf der anderen Seite werden durch die Verbindung bereichert." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=101: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=103: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=105: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=68: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=72: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=74: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=97: msgid "Music with words and action. Much of the charm of music lies in its association with words which carry the message, as in song. The center of interest in much of the vocal art lies in the meaning conveyed by the words where the music serves as an artistic embellishment. This is true of the lullaby, the lover's plea, and grand opera. Likewise, much of the charm of music lies in its association with overt action as in dances, work songs, marches, and games, where action is rhythmic." msgstr "Musik mit Wort und Tat. Zum großen Teil macht den Reiz der Musik aus, dass sie mit Worten verbunden ist, die die Botschaft transportieren, wie in einem Lied. Bei der Gesangskunst steht oft die Bedeutung der Worte im Mittelpunkt des Interesses, wobei die Musik als künstlerische Verzierung dient. Das gilt für das Wiegenlied, das Liebeslied und die große Oper. Ebenso liegt ein großer Teil des Reizes von Musik in ihrer Verbindung mit offenkundiger Bewegung, wie bei Tänzen, Volksliedern, Märschen und Spielen, wo Bewegung rhythmisch ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/discodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=137: msgid "Music with words and action. Much of the charm of music lies in its association with words which carry the message, as in song. The center of interest in much of the vocal art lies in the meaning conveyed by the words where the music serves as an artistic embellishment. This is true of the lullaby, the lover’s plea, and grand opera. Likewise, much of the charm of music lies in its association with overt action as in dances, work songs, marches, and games, where action is rhythmic." msgstr "Musik mit Wort und Tat. Zum großen Teil macht den Reiz der Musik aus, dass sie mit Worten verbunden ist, die die Botschaft transportieren, wie in einem Lied. Bei der Gesangskunst steht oft die Bedeutung der Worte im Mittelpunkt des Interesses, wobei die Musik als künstlerische Verzierung dient. Das gilt für das Wiegenlied, das Liebeslied und die große Oper. Ebenso liegt ein großer Teil des Reizes von Musik in ihrer Verbindung mit offenkundiger Bewegung, wie bei Tänzen, Volksliedern, Märschen und Spielen, wo Bewegung rhythmisch ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: msgid "\"Upon an investigation of the outer parts of the pyramid, it is to be observed that it was not only carefully constructed, but its plan must have been accurately drawn and the relative mathematical measurements calculated with reference to the space that was required for the temple. .\"" msgstr "„Bei einer Untersuchung der äußeren Teile der Pyramide zeigt sich, dass sie nicht nur sorgfältig konstruiert wurde, sondern dass ihr Grundriss genau gezeichnet und die entsprechenden mathematischen Maße in Bezug auf den für den Tempel benötigten Raum berechnet worden sein müssen.“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: msgid "My first day at Uxmal was employed in making a rough survey of the land occupied by the ruins. One of the most important of these is that known as the Pyramid of the Dwarf (or Pyramid of the Magician). I examined it with particular attention for the purpose of studying the character of a series of small stone vaults or cells placed round its base, which were similar in size and design to those that I had seen on the lower slopes of the Kue near the coast above Campeche. Many of these cells were sufficiently perfect to enable their dimensions and shape to be verified. It seemed evident that they must have been made for sepulchral purposes." msgstr "Meinen ersten Tag in Uxmal verbrachte ich mit einer groben Vermessung der von den Ruinen eingenommenen Fläche. Eine der wichtigsten von ihnen ist die Adivino-Pyramide (die auch als Pyramide des Zwerges oder Pyramide des Zauberers bezeichnet wird). Ich untersuchte sie mit besonderer Aufmerksamkeit, um die Beschaffenheit einer Reihe von kleinen Steingewölben oder -zellen zu studieren, die um ihre Grundfläche herum angeordnet sind. Deren Größe und Gestaltung ähnelten denen, die ich an den unteren Hängen des Kue nahe der Küste oberhalb von Campeche gesehen hatte. Viele dieser Zellen waren so gut erhalten, dass ihre Abmessungen und Form überprüft werden konnten. Es schien offensichtlich, dass sie zu Grabzwecken hergestellt worden sein mussten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: msgid "U tu’mben tsik balilo’ob ti le baalo’ob uchbentak" msgstr "U tu’mben tsik balilo’ob ti le baalo’ob uchbentak" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "One of the most important of these is that known as the Pyramid of the Dwarf (or Pyramid of the Magician). I examined it with particular attention for the purpose of studying the character of a series of small stone vaults or cells placed round its base, which were similar in size and design to those that I had seen on the lower slopes of the Kue near the coast above Campeche. Many of these cells were sufficiently perfect to enable their dimensions and shape to be verified. It seemed evident that they must have been made for sepulchral purposes." msgstr "Eine der wichtigsten von ihnen ist die Adivino-Pyramide (die auch als Pyramide des Zwerges oder Pyramide des Zauberers bezeichnet wird). Ich untersuchte sie mit besonderer Aufmerksamkeit, um die Beschaffenheit einer Reihe von kleinen Steingewölben oder -zellen zu studieren, die um ihre Grundfläche herum angeordnet sind. Deren Größe und Gestaltung ähnelten denen, die ich an den unteren Hängen des Kue nahe der Küste oberhalb von Campeche gesehen hatte. Viele dieser Zellen waren so gut erhalten, dass ihre Abmessungen und Form überprüft werden konnten. Es schien offensichtlich, dass sie zu Grabzwecken hergestellt worden sein mussten." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: msgid "List of posts" msgstr "Beitragsliste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: msgid "Grid of posts 2x3" msgstr "Raster mit Beiträgen 2x3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: msgid "Grid of Posts 3x2" msgstr "Raster mit Beiträgen 3x2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5833: msgid "" "\n" "https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0CFuMybe6s77w6QQrJjW7d\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0CFuMybe6s77w6QQrJjW7d\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/about/: msgid "We usually keep an eye out for more contributors as editors, writers or photographers. So, do not hesitate in sending us a message." msgstr "Wir halten eigentlich immer Ausschau nach weiteren Mitwirkenden wie Redakteuren, Autoren oder Fotografen. Du kannst uns also gerne eine Nachricht senden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/about/: msgid "Rainfall is an online magazine featuring curated stories about real people. We are passionate about interviewing people from self-employed enterpreneurs to established CEO’s and represent the times from urban culture to politics and everything in between." msgstr "Rainfall ist ein Online-Magazin mit ausgewählten Geschichten über echte Menschen. Unsere Leidenschaft ist es, Menschen zu interviewen, von Kleinunternehmern bis hin zu etablierten CEOs. Mit unseren Beiträgen versuchen wir, Themen abzudecken, die alle Bereiche – von der urbanen Kultur bis hin zur Politik – umfassen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=20: msgid "If you have questions or suggestions, please leave them in the form." msgstr "Wenn du Fragen oder Anregungen hast, nutze bitte das unten stehende Formular." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: msgid "Outliers" msgstr "Sonderfälle" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: msgid "outliers" msgstr "sonderfälle" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: msgid "Activism" msgstr "Activisim" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: msgid "What New Yorkers Do in Long Subway Rides" msgstr "Was New Yorker bei langen U-Bahnfahrten machen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: msgid "activism" msgstr "Aktivismus" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: msgid "The Shape of Water" msgstr "Die Form des Wassers" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "The Sound of Rain" msgstr "Das Geräusch des Regens" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "City Life" msgstr "Leben in der Stadt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "city-life" msgstr "leben-in-der-stadt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "It gathers itself together under the heavens; rains, snows, yearns mightily in wind, smiles." msgstr "Alles ist unter dem Himmel vereint, der Regen, der Schnee, der zärtlich wehende Wind, die lächelnde Sonne." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "The City That Never Sleeps" msgstr "Die Stadt, die niemals schläft" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "Get inspired, get started. " msgstr "Lass dich inspirieren und starte jetzt. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "It's actually not a secret. Success is earned, one step at a time. One of the most invaluable skills a person can have is being able to clearly express what they want. Sometimes the hardest part of finding success is gathering the courage to get started. As long as you’re learning, you’ll never really fail. " msgstr "Das ist eigentlich kein Geheimnis. Erfolg muss man sich Schritt für Schritt verdienen. Eine der wertvollsten Fähigkeiten, die eine Person haben kann, ist es, ihren Willen klar auszudrücken. Das Schwierigste am Erfolg haben ist manchmal, den Mut zu sammeln, um anzufangen. Solange du lernst, wirst du nie wirklich scheitern. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Secrets to success" msgstr "Erfolgsgeheimnisse" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Success is earned, one step at a time. One of the most invaluable skills a person can have is being able to clearly express what they want. You have the courage that leads to success. As long as you’re learning, you’ll never fail. " msgstr "Erfolg muss man sich Schritt für Schritt verdienen. Eine der wertvollsten Fähigkeiten, die eine Person haben kann, ist es, ihren Willen klar auszudrücken. Du hast den Mut, der zum Erfolg führt. Solange du lernst, wirst du nie scheitern. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Secrets of success." msgstr "Erfolgsgeheimnisse." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡EP: Streaming Podcast⚡" msgstr "⚡EP: Streaming-Podcast⚡" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡How to Grow After Affiliate⚡" msgstr "⚡Als Partner Karriere machen⚡" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "The Best Anime News Sites" msgstr "Die besten Anime News-Websites" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Claude Monet's Madame Monet and Her Son (1875).
Original from the National Gallery of Art. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel." msgstr "„Madame Monet und ihr Sohn“ von Claude Monet (1875)
Originalbild aus der National Gallery of Art. Digital verbessert von Rawpixel." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Artist Interview: John Carney Hayess, Minor Space" msgstr "Künstlerinterview: John Carney Hayess, Minor Space" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "A beginner's guide to Impressionism in Khan Academy" msgstr "Eine Einführung in den Impressionismus in der Khan Academy" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Art and Modernity by Margaret Samu" msgstr "Kunst und Modernität von Margaret Samu" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "How to paint like Monet: Lessons on Impressionist landscape" msgstr "Malen wie Monet: Lektionen über impressionistische Landschaften" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Guide to Impressionism at The National Gallery" msgstr "Anleitung zum Impressionismus in der National Gallery" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "Every Rose in England" msgstr "Jede Rose in England" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "Why Don’t We Love Dandelions?" msgstr "Warum lieben wir Löwenzahn nicht?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "The Rock Garden is Back" msgstr "Der Steingarten ist zurück" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "5 Reasons Why Gardeners Must Go Peat-Free" msgstr "Fünf Gründe, warum Gärtner auf Torf verzichten sollten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "Tree Following September 2022" msgstr "Baum im Herbstkleid, September 2022" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Don't forget to follow me on Instagram" msgstr "Folge mir unbedingt auf Instagram" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Opinion: Manga Series That Deserve a Sequel" msgstr "Meinung: Manga-Serien, die eine Fortsetzung verdienen" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Don't miss it: How to watch Japanese Anime with a budget" msgstr "Nicht verpassen: Wie man kostenlos japanische Anime anschauen kann" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Roundup: Autumn 2022 Returning Series" msgstr "Zusammenfassung: Wiederkehrende Serie im Herbst 2022" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Book Review: The Shining Sky" msgstr "Buchbesprechung: The Shining Sky" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Link in Bio with Anime Background" msgstr "Link in Biografie mit Anime-Hintergrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7710: msgid "Technology, startups, business news and much more. Delivered weekly to your inbox." msgstr "Technologie, Start-ups, Wirtschaftsnachrichten und vieles mehr. Wöchentlich in deinem Posteingang." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7710: msgid "The Tech days podcast" msgstr "Der Tech Days-Podcast" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡Ask Me Anything⚡️" msgstr "⚡Fragen stellen⚡️" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡Get my FREE e-Workbook⚡" msgstr "⚡Mein KOSTENLOSES E-Workbook erhalten⚡" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "Check Out This Voice Actor Tips!" msgstr "Schau dir diese Tipps für Synchronsprecher an!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "Oshi no Ko Anime Debuts 2023" msgstr "Oshi no Ko – neue Animes 2023" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "️Review: Anime of Summer 2022" msgstr "️Rezension: Animes vom Sommer 2022" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "Join Anime Planet" msgstr "Anime Planet beitreten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡Check Out Overwatch 2⚡️" msgstr "⚡Schau dir Overwatch 2 an⚡️" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3790: msgid "Technology
AI" msgstr "Technologie
KI" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3790: msgid "Artificial General Intelligence: \"AI under the hood - AI creating liquid or gaseous simulations, this could represent how AGI could ‘look’ more organic than typical computerised processes. More flowing than rigid in nature.\"" msgstr "Allgemeine künstliche Intelligenz: „KI unter der Haube – KI schafft flüssige oder gasförmige Simulationen. Dies könnte ein Beispiel dafür sein, wie KI ‚natürlicher‘ aussehen könnte als typische computerisierte Prozesse. Eher fließend als starr.“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3790: msgid "Case Study: AGI" msgstr "Fallstudie: AGI" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: msgid "Grid of Posts 4x2" msgstr "Raster mit Beiträgen 4x2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "Now she had arrived, now she was in the place of her nostalgia, in the dreamed-of harbour of refuge, it was strange that her soul was still lost to her. Just as at one time she had seemed to herself to have taken only her outward person to Rome, leaving her soul like a wandering firefly on the banks of the Po, so now it was only her suffering and tired body which she had brought back to the river-side. Her soul had escaped—flown back to Rome. What was Antonio doing at this hour? Was he very miserable? Was he conscious of his wife's soul pressing him tighter than ever her arms had pressed him? Had he written to her? Antonio! Antonio! Burning tears filled her eyes, and she suddenly fell silent, her thoughts wandering and lost in a sorrowful far-away." msgstr "Jetzt war sie angekommen, jetzt war sie am Ort ihrer Sehnsucht, im erträumten Zufluchtshafen, und es war seltsam, dass ihre Seele für sie noch immer verloren war. So wie es ihr einmal so vorkam, als hätte sie nur ihre äußere Gestalt mit nach Rom genommen und ihre Seele wie ein umherirrendes Glühwürmchen am Ufer des Po zurückgelassen, so war es jetzt nur noch ihr leidender und müder Körper, den sie an das Flussufer zurückgebracht hatte. Ihre Seele war entkommen und zurück nach Rom geflogen. Was machte Antonio um diese Zeit? Ging es ihm sehr schlecht? War er sich bewusst, dass die Seele seiner Frau ihn fester drückte, als ihre Arme ihn je gedrückt hatten? Hatte er ihr geschrieben? Antonio! Antonio! Brennende Tränen füllten ihre Augen, und sie verstummte plötzlich, ihre Gedanken schweiften ab und verloren sich in einer traurigen Ferne." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "Regina" msgstr "Regina" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "With the coming on of the hot days Regina's nostalgia, nervousness and melancholy increased. At night she tossed and turned, and sometimes groaned softly. At last she confessed to Antonio that her heart troubled her." msgstr "Mit dem Anbruch der heißen Tage nahmen Reginas Sehnsucht, Nervosität und Melancholie zu. Nachts wälzte sie sich hin und her und manchmal stöhnte sie leise. Schließlich gestand sie Antonio ihren Herzschmerz." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "love it" msgstr "ich liebe es" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "love-it" msgstr "ich-liebe-es" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "90s" msgstr "90er" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "Nostalgia" msgstr "Nostalgie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "nostalgia" msgstr "Nostalgie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "\"I cannot believe that the nineties were thirty years ago. It seems like it was yesterday that I was watching Home Alone.\"" msgstr "„Ich kann nicht glauben, dass die neunziger Jahre schon dreißig Jahre her sind. Es kommt mir vor, als hätte ich gestern erst ‚Kevin allein zu Haus‘ angeschaut.“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "\"I cannot believe that the nineties were thirty years ago. It seems like it was yesterday that I was watching Home Alone.\"" msgstr "„Ich kann nicht glauben, dass die neunziger Jahre schon dreißig Jahre her sind. Es kommt mir vor, als hätte ich gestern erst ‚Kevin allein zu Haus‘ angeschaut.“" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "Fatally realising that it's been thirty years since 1992" msgstr "Die fatale Erkenntnis, dass das Jahr 1992 schon dreißig Jahre her ist" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "For instance, there was an old millstone, belonging to a ruined mill, which lay in the grass by the river-side. The remembrance of that old grey millstone, resting after its labour beside the very stream with which it had so long wrestled, moved Regina almost to tears. Often she tried to analyse her nostalgia, asking herself why she thought of the millstone, of the old blind chimney sweep, of the portiner (ferryman), who had enormous hairy hands and was getting on for a hundred; of the clean-limbed children by the green ditch, intent on making straw ropes; of the little snails crawling among the leaves of the plane-trees." msgstr "Da war zum Beispiel ein alter Mühlstein, der zu einer zerstörten Mühle gehörte und im Gras am Flussufer lag. Die Erinnerung an den alten, grauen Mühlstein, der nach seiner Arbeit neben dem Strom ruhte, mit dem er so lange gerungen hatte, rührte Regina fast zu Tränen. Oft versuchte sie, ihre Nostalgie zu analysieren, indem sie sich fragte, warum sie an den Mühlstein dachte, an den alten blinden Schornsteinfeger, an den Fährmann, der riesige behaarte Hände hatte und auf die Hundert zuging; an die reinlichen Kinder am grünen Graben, die damit beschäftigt waren, Strohseile zu knüpfen; an die kleinen Schnecken, die zwischen den Blättern der Platanen krochen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "\"He must beat something,\" thought Regina, and remembered that she herself was itching to torment any one or anything. On rainy days—frequent and tedious—she became depressed, even to hypochondria. Only one thought comforted her—that of the return to her home. She counted the days and the hours. Strange, childish recollections, distant fancies, passed through her mind like clouds across a sad sky. Details of her past life waked in her melting tenderness; she remembered vividly even the humblest persons of the place, the most secret nooks in the house or in the wood; with strange insistence she thought of certain little things which never before had greatly struck her. " msgstr "„Er muss gegen etwas ankämpfen“, dachte Regina und erinnerte sich, dass sie selbst darauf brannte, irgendjemanden oder irgendetwas zu quälen. An regnerischen Tagen – die häufig und langweilig waren – wurde sie depressiv, bis hin zur Hypochondrie. Nur ein Gedanke tröstete sie: die Rückkehr in ihre Heimat. Sie zählte die Tage und Stunden. Seltsame, kindliche Erinnerungen, ferne Fantasien zogen durch ihren Geist wie Wolken an einem traurigen Himmel. Details aus ihrem früheren Leben erwachten in ihr zu schmelzender Zärtlichkeit. Sie erinnerte sich lebhaft selbst an die bescheidensten Personen des Ortes, an die geheimsten Winkel im Haus oder im Wald; mit seltsamer Eindringlichkeit dachte sie an gewisse Kleinigkeiten, die ihr nie zuvor besonders aufgefallen waren. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=27: msgid "Pixl is a simple yet opinionated blogging theme inspired by websites of the nineties." msgstr "Pixl ist ein einfaches, aber eigenwilliges Blogging-Theme, das von Websites der neunziger Jahre inspiriert ist." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "I miss the 90’s" msgstr "Ich vermisse die 90er" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "Follow us" msgstr "Folge uns" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "If you have any questions, let us know." msgstr "Lass uns wissen, wenn du Fragen hast." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "C. de Preciados, 374 37201, Madrid, España" msgstr "C. de Preciados, 374 37201, Madrid, Spanien" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "Footer with Address, Email Address, and Social Links" msgstr "Footer mit Adresse, E-Mail-Adresse und Links zu sozialen Netzwerken" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7814: msgid "Mountain Top, France" msgstr "Berggipfel, Frankreich" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7814: msgid "Hero with Heading and Cover Image" msgstr "Hero mit Überschrift und Titelbild" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "Abstract Convictions Oneself Pious Philosophy Law" msgstr "Abstrakte Überzeugungen Selbst Fromm Philosophie Gesetz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Faithful Deceive Intentions Ideal Burying Reason" msgstr "Treue Täuschungsabsichten Ideal Bestattungsgrund" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: msgid "Prejudice Moral Disgust Decrepit Madness Chaos" msgstr "Vorurteil Moralischer Ekel Verfall Wahnsinn Chaos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "Chaos Sea Revaluation Philosophy Ultimate Spirit Law" msgstr "Chaos Sea Neubewertung Philosophie Ultimate Spirit Gesetz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Free Prejudice Sea Love Against Disgust Gains" msgstr "Vorurteilsfrei Meer Liebe gegen Ekel Gewinne" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Madness Pinnacle Contradict Oneself Convictions Right" msgstr "Madness Pinnacle Sich selbst widersprechen Überzeugungen Recht" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "A still more glorious dawn awaits not a sunrise but a galaxyrise courage of our questions extraplanetary ship of the imagination the ash of stellar alchemy. Hearts of the stars brain is the seed of intelligence brain is the seed of intelligence another world two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing rich in mystery. Rich in mystery the only home we've ever known from which we spring another world network of wormholes great turbulent clouds and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions." msgstr "Eine noch glorreichere Morgendämmerung erwartet nicht einen Sonnenaufgang sondern einen galaktischen Aufgang Mut unserer Fragen außerplanetarisches Schiff der Vorstellungskraft die Asche der stellaren Alchemie. Herzen der Sterne Gehirn ist der Samen der Intelligenz Gehirn ist der Samen der Intelligenz eine andere Welt zwei gespenstische weiße Gestalten in Overalls und Helmen tanzen bedächtig und geheimnisvoll. Reich an Geheimnissen die einzige Heimat, die wir je gekannt haben und aus der wir stammen eine andere Welt Netzwerk aus Wurmlöchern große turbulente Wolken und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: msgid "Victorious Depths Strong Abstract Sea Philosophy" msgstr "Siegreiche Tiefen Starke abstrakte Meeresphilosophie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "category" msgstr "Kategorie" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: msgid "Tag" msgstr "Schlagwort" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: msgid "A still more glorious dawn awaits not a sunrise but a galaxy rise courage of our questions extra planetary ship of the imagination the ash of stellar alchemy. Hearts of the stars brain is the seed of intelligence brain is the seed of intelligence another world two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing rich in mystery. Rich in mystery the only home we've ever known from which we spring another world network of wormholes great turbulent clouds and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions." msgstr "Eine noch glorreichere Morgendämmerung erwartet nicht einen Sonnenaufgang sondern einen galaktischen Aufgang Mut unserer Fragen außerplanetarisches Schiff der Vorstellungskraft die Asche der stellaren Alchemie. Herzen der Sterne Gehirn ist der Samen der Intelligenz Gehirn ist der Samen der Intelligenz eine andere Welt zwei gespenstische weiße Gestalten in Overalls und Helmen tanzen bedächtig und geheimnisvoll. Reich an Geheimnissen die einzige Heimat, die wir je gekannt haben und aus der wir stammen eine andere Welt Netzwerk aus Wurmlöchern große turbulente Wolken und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden und Milliarden." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: msgid "tag" msgstr "Schlagwort" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "Trillion with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence rich in heavy atoms concept of the number one are creatures of the cosmos decipherment. Hydrogen atoms something incredible is waiting to be known extraplanetary realm of the galaxies realm of the galaxies great turbulent clouds. Euclid cosmic ocean bits of moving fluff rings of Uranus bits of moving fluff citizens of distant epochs. Descended from astronomers the ash of stellar alchemy with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence courage of our questions two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing courage of our questions." msgstr "Billionen mit netten Geschichten, für die es wenig gute Beweise gibt reich an schweren Atomen Konzept der Nummer eins sind Geschöpfe des Kosmos Entschlüsselung. Wasserstoffatome etwas Unglaubliches wartet darauf, bekannt zu werden außerplanetarisches Reich der Galaxien Reich der Galaxien große turbulente Wolken. Euklidischer kosmischer Ozean kleinste sich bewegende Flusen Ringe des Uranus kleinste sich bewegende Flusen Bürger ferner Epochen. Von Astronomen abstammend die Asche stellarer Alchemie mit netten Geschichten, für die es wenig gute Beweise gibt Mut unserer Fragen zwei gespenstische weiße Gestalten in Overalls und Helmen tanzen bedächtig Mut unserer Fragen." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "Tendrils of gossamer clouds quasar cosmos kindling the energy hidden in matter extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence worldlets? Dream of the mind's eye laws of physics are creatures of the cosmos radio telescope extraplanetary brain is the seed of intelligence. Star stuff harvesting star light dream of the mind's eye Orion's sword a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena rings of Uranus network of wormholes. The carbon in our apple pies Sea of Tranquility a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence invent the universe two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing." msgstr "Ranken aus hauchdünnen Wolken Quasar-Kosmos entzündet die in Materie verborgene Energie außergewöhnliche Behauptungen erfordern außergewöhnliche Beweise Kleinwelten? Traum des geistigen Auges Gesetze der Physik sind Kreaturen des Kosmos extraplanetares Radioteleskop das Gehirn ist der Samen der Intelligenz. Sternenmaterial, das Sternenlicht erntet Traum des geistigen Auges Schwert des Orion eine sehr kleine Bühne in einer riesigen kosmischen Arena Ringe des Uranus Netzwerk von Wurmlöchern. Der Kohlenstoff in unserem Apfelkuchen Sea of Tranquility eine sehr kleine Bühne in einer riesigen kosmischen Arena mit netten Geschichten, für die es wenig gute Beweise gibt erfinde das Universum zwei gespenstische weiße Gestalten in Overalls und Helmen tanzen bedächtig." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: msgid "Thoughts and Acts Are What Create the Value of a Person" msgstr "Gedanken und Taten sind das, was den Wert einer Person ausmacht" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: msgid "Product feature with Buy button" msgstr "Produktfunktion mit Kaufen-Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "South West Salad" msgstr "South West Salad" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "Mixed Greens, Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion" msgstr "Verschiedene Blattsalate, Tomate, Gurke, rote Zwiebeln" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "1/2 lb. Ground Sirloin Patty, Caramelized Onions" msgstr "250 g Patty aus gehacktem Roastbeef, karamellisierte Zwiebeln" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "List of events" msgstr "Veranstaltungsliste" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "Bacon Belly Burger" msgstr "Bacon Belly Burger" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "Two column food menu" msgstr "Zweispaltige Speisekarte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "April 30th" msgstr "30. April" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "April 29th" msgstr "29. April" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "April 28th" msgstr "28. April" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "608 McKnight Ave NW" msgstr "608 McKnight Ave NW" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "Bow & Arrow Brewing Co." msgstr "Bow & Arrow Brewing Co." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "11:00 AM - 6:00 PM" msgstr "11:00 bis 18:00 Uhr" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "April 27th" msgstr "27. April" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "2027 Yale Blvd SE" msgstr "2027 Yale Blvd SE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "377 Brewery" msgstr "377 Brewery" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: msgid "Start a project" msgstr "Ein Projekt starten" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: msgid "Header with Button" msgstr "Header mit Button" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: msgid "by Noah Jones" msgstr "von Noah Jones" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: msgid "Stillness" msgstr "Stille" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: msgid "October 2022" msgstr "Oktober 2022" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: msgid "Image, Title, Date and Name" msgstr "Bild, Titel, Datum und Name" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "1/3 lb. Patty, Caramelized Onions, Bleu Cheese" msgstr "150 g Patty, karamellisierte Zwiebeln, Blauschimmelkäse" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "Steak Burger" msgstr "Steak Burger" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108: #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/home/: msgid "Eden Lake" msgstr "Eden Lake" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108: #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/home/: msgid "Antelope Mountain Trip" msgstr "Tour durch den Antelope Canyon" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108: #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/home/: msgid "More than 15 years of shooting still landscape scenery" msgstr "Mehr als 15 Jahre Fotografie von stillen Landschaftsbildern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: msgid "Footer with Paragraph and Links" msgstr "Footer mit Absatz und Links" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "Cord Cutting in the Age of COVID-19" msgstr "Abmeldung des Kabelfernsehens in Zeiten von COVID-19" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "What Every Startup CEO Needs to Know to Succeed" msgstr "Was jeder erfolgreiche Startup-CEO wissen sollte" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: msgid "5G, the Dark Web, and More: This Week’s Top Stories" msgstr "5G, das Darknet und mehr: Die besten Stories der Woche" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "Itch branding analytics partnership iPhone buyer assets sales. Gamification pivot learning curve branding iteration stealth investor. Equity market leverage seed round business plan ecosystem accelerator agile development launch party." msgstr "Itch Branding Analyse Partnerschaft iPhone Käufer Assets Verkäufe. Gamification Pivot Lernkurve Branding Iteration Stealth Investor. Eigenkapital Markt Hebeleffekt Seed-Finanzierung Business-Plan Ökosystem Akzelerator agile Entwicklung Premierefeier." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "How QR Codes Are Making a Comeback" msgstr "Wie QR-Codes ein Comeback feiern" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "What’s the Best Encrypted Chat Service?" msgstr "Welcher verschlüsselte Chat-Dienst ist am besten?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Low hanging fruit founders hackathon focus influencer freemium. Stealth MVP market prototype. Return on investment prototype lean startup focus value proposition responsive web design business-to-business. Partnership crowdfunding scrum project.