# Translation of WordPress.com - Block Patterns in Indonesian
# This file is distributed under the same license as the WordPress.com - Block Patterns package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-01-10 02:54:08+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n"
"Language: id\n"
"Project-Id-Version: WordPress.com - Block Patterns\n"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/craftfullydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63:
msgid " Let us showcase your crafting products through honest and authentic reviews that resonate with our readers."
msgstr "Mari kita etalase produk kerajinan Anda melalui ulasan yang jujur dan autentik yang beresonansi dengan pembaca kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/craftfullydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "Product Reviews:"
msgstr "Ulasan Produk:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/:
#: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22:
msgid "Gift-giving becomes a truly heartfelt experience when you take the time to create something special with your own two hands. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just a random act of kindness, homemade presents have a unique charm that can't be matched by store-bought items. In this post, we'll explore the art of crafting personalized gifts that are perfect for every occasion."
msgstr "Memberi hadiah menjadi pengalaman yang sangat tulus ketika Anda meluangkan waktu untuk membuat sesuatu yang istimewa dengan kedua tangan Anda sendiri. Baik itu ulang tahun, hari jadi, atau hanya tindakan kebaikan sembarangan, hadiah buatan sendiri memiliki daya tarik yang unik yang tidak bisa ditandingi oleh barang-barang yang dibeli di toko. Dalam pos ini, kita akan menjelajahi seni membuat hadiah yang dipersonalisasi yang sempurna untuk setiap kesempatan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Our approach is holistic; we view each financial challenge as an opportunity to craft innovative strategies that drive success. Whether you‘re an individual seeking to optimize your tax position or a multinational corporation aiming for streamlined financial operations, Blockstar is your trusted partner in the journey to financial excellence. Embrace the future with clarity and confidence with us by your side."
msgstr "Pendekatan kami adalah holistik; kami melihat setiap tantangan keuangan sebagai peluang untuk merancang strategi inovatif yang menghasilkan kesuksesan. Baik Anda seorang individu yang ingin mengoptimalkan posisi pajak Anda atau sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang bertujuan untuk operasi keuangan yang efisien, Blockstar adalah mitra terpercaya Anda dalam perjalanan menuju keunggulan keuangan. Pelajari masa depan dengan jelas dan percaya diri bersama kami di samping Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "At Blockstar, we believe that true accounting mastery goes beyond mere numbers. With a rich legacy spanning over three decades, our firm has built its reputation on the principles of integrity, precision, and adaptability. Our team of dedicated professionals works tirelessly to understand the unique needs of each client, offering bespoke financial solutions tailored to ensure optimal financial health and sustainable growth."
msgstr "Di Blockstar, kami percaya bahwa penguasaan akuntansi sejati melebihi sekadar angka-angka belaka. Dengan warisan yang kaya selama lebih dari tiga dekade, perusahaan kami telah membangun reputasinya berdasarkan prinsip integritas, ketepatan, dan adaptabilitas. Tim profesional kami bekerja tanpa lelah untuk memahami kebutuhan unik setiap klien, menawarkan solusi keuangan khusus yang dirancang untuk memastikan kesehatan keuangan yang optimal dan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "You can find me on:"
msgstr "Kamu bisa menemukan aku di:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "This blog is meant to be a welcoming and supportive space for anyone looking to simplify their life and find more joy in the present moment."
msgstr "Blog ini dimaksudkan sebagai ruang yang ramah dan mendukung bagi siapa pun yang ingin menyederhanakan hidup mereka dan menemukan lebih banyak kebahagiaan dalam momen ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Through this blog, I shares my insights, experiences, and tips on how to live a more simple and intentional life. I write about a variety of topics, including decluttering, mindfulness, sustainability, and self-care."
msgstr "Melalui blog ini, saya membagikan wawasan, pengalaman, dan tips tentang bagaimana menjalani kehidupan yang lebih sederhana dan bermakna. Saya menulis tentang berbagai topik, termasuk merapikan, kesadaran, keberlanjutan, dan perawatan diri."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "After years of feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life and the pressure to keep up with the latest trends and possessions, I discovered the joys of minimalism and simplicity. I found that by decluttering my possessions, simplifying my schedule, and focusing on the things that truly mattered, I was able to experience greater peace, fulfillment, and joy in my life."
msgstr "Setelah bertahun-tahun merasa kewalahan dengan tuntutan kehidupan modern dan tekanan untuk selalu mengikuti tren dan memiliki barang-barang terbaru, saya menemukan kebahagiaan dalam minimalisme dan kesederhanaan. Saya menemukan bahwa dengan mengurangi barang-barang yang tidak perlu, menyederhanakan jadwal saya, dan fokus pada hal-hal yang benar-benar penting, saya dapat merasakan kedamaian, kepuasan, dan kebahagiaan yang lebih besar dalam hidup saya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Hello, I'm Jane - the creator and author behind this website. I'm a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things."
msgstr "Halo, saya Jane - pencipta dan penulis di balik situs ini. Saya seorang penggemar gaya hidup minimalis dan sederhana yang telah mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk hidup dengan lebih sedikit dan menemukan kebahagiaan dalam hal-hal sederhana."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780:
msgid "Our approach"
msgstr "pendekatan kami"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774:
msgid "Every great journey begins with a story. Ours is no different. Established in 2016, we embarked on a mission to provide high-quality services at reasonable prices. What started as a humble beginning has since grown into a thriving enterprise, thanks to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering support of our team and community."
msgstr "Setiap perjalanan hebat dimulai dengan sebuah cerita. Cerita kami tidak berbeda. Berdiri sejak tahun 2016, kami memulai misi untuk menyediakan layanan berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang terjangkau. Apa yang dimulai sebagai awal yang sederhana telah berkembang menjadi sebuah perusahaan yang sukses, berkat kerja keras, dedikasi, dan dukungan tanpa henti dari tim dan komunitas kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Our journey began with a simple idea and an unwavering passion. It was a moment of inspiration and determination that gave birth to Acme."
msgstr "Perjalanan kami dimulai dengan ide sederhana dan semangat yang tak tergoyahkan. Itu adalah momen inspirasi dan tekad yang melahirkan Acme."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774:
msgid "How it all started"
msgstr "Bagaimana semuanya dimulai"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812:
msgid "— Happy Customer"
msgstr "— Pelanggan Bahagia"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812:
msgid "“Outstanding service and products at a reasonable price.”"
msgstr "Pelayanan dan produk yang luar biasa dengan harga yang terjangkau."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/reveriedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Reverie is a block theme interpretation of ma.tt's theme, designed by Joen Asmussen and forked from Twenty Thirteen."
msgstr "Reverie adalah interpretasi tema blok dari tema ma.tt, yang dirancang oleh Joen Asmussen dan diambil dari Twenty Thirteen."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/reveriedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Reverie is a theme inspired by the work of Mark Rothko. It features four style variations for each season — Spring (default), Summer, Fall, and Winter. Use it to illuminate your prose, poetry, stories, photos, and more."
msgstr "Reverie adalah sebuah tema yang terinspirasi dari karya Mark Rothko. Tema ini memiliki empat variasi gaya untuk setiap musim — Musim Semi (asal), Musim Panas, Musim Gugur, dan Musim Dingin. Gunakan tema ini untuk mencerahkan tulisan prosa, puisi, cerita, foto, dan lainnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "If you’re looking for a copywriter who can take your message from ordinary to extraordinary, let’s chat! Whether you’re launching a new campaign or simply want to infuse some magic into your brand, I’m here to help."
msgstr "Jika kamu sedang mencari seorang penulis naskah yang bisa membuat pesanmu menjadi luar biasa, ayo kita ngobrol! Baik kamu sedang meluncurkan kampanye baru atau hanya ingin menambahkan sedikit keajaiban ke merekmu, aku di sini untuk membantu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Let’s Connect!"
msgstr "Ayo Konek!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Relevant Courses: Copywriting Fundamentals, Psychology of Persuasion, Content Marketing Strategies"
msgstr "Mata Kuliah yang Relevan: Dasar-Dasar Copywriting, Psikologi Persuasi, Strategi Pemasaran Konten"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Bachelor of Arts in English | University of New Mexico"
msgstr "Sarjana Seni dalam Bahasa Inggris | Universitas New Mexico"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Contributed to the development of social media content, enhancing brand visibility and engagement."
msgstr "Berkontribusi pada pengembangan konten media sosial, meningkatkan visibilitas dan interaksi merek."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Collaborated with the marketing team to brainstorm and implement creative campaign concepts."
msgstr "Bekerjasama dengan tim pemasaran untuk berpikir dan menerapkan konsep kampanye kreatif."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Conducted market research to identify target audience preferences and trends."
msgstr "Melakukan riset pasar untuk mengidentifikasi preferensi dan tren audiens target."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Assisted senior copywriters in creating and refining product descriptions, blog posts, and marketing collateral."
msgstr "Membantu penulis salinan senior dalam membuat dan menyempurnakan deskripsi produk, pos blog, dan materi pemasaran."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Copywriting Intern | Dot Dot Sot | 2020 – 2022"
msgstr "Magang Penulisan Iklan | Dot Dot Sot | 2020 – 2022"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Fostered client relationships and consistently delivered projects on time and within budget."
msgstr "Membangun hubungan dengan klien dan selalu menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu dan sesuai anggaran."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Generated creative and persuasive copy for ad campaigns resulting in increased click-through rates and conversions."
msgstr "Menghasilkan salinan kreatif dan persuasif untuk kampanye iklan yang menghasilkan peningkatan tingkat klik dan konversi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Developed engaging website content, email campaigns, social media posts, and product descriptions."
msgstr "Mengembangkan konten situs yang menarik, kampanye email, pos media sosial, dan deskripsi produk."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Collaborated with diverse clients to craft copy that encapsulates brand identity and resonates with target audiences."
msgstr "Bekerjasama dengan berbagai klien untuk membuat tulisan yang mencerminkan identitas merek dan menarik perhatian audiens target."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Freelance Copywriter | 2022 – Present"
msgstr "Penulis Lepas | 2022 – Sekarang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid " Designing impactful email campaigns that drive engagement and conversions."
msgstr "Merancang kampanye email yang berdampak untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan dan konversi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Email Marketing Expertise:"
msgstr "Keahlian dalam Pemasaran Melalui Email:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid " Crafting messages that resonate with diverse target audiences."
msgstr "Membuat pesan yang beresonansi dengan berbagai audiens target."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Audience Understanding:"
msgstr "Pemahaman Penonton:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid " Developing copy that aligns with marketing goals and strategies."
msgstr "Mengembangkan salinan yang sejalan dengan tujuan dan strategi pemasaran."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Strategic Messaging:"
msgstr "Pesan Strategis:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid " Harnessing the art of storytelling to connect with audiences on a deeper level."
msgstr "Memanfaatkan seni bercerita untuk terhubung dengan audiens secara lebih dalam."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Storytelling Mastery:"
msgstr "Menguasai Penceritaan:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid " Writing content that’s not only engaging but also optimized for search engines."
msgstr "Menulis konten yang tidak hanya menarik tetapi juga dioptimalkan untuk mesin pencari."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "SEO Optimization:"
msgstr "Optimisasi SEO:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid " Creating and maintaining consistent brand voices across various platforms."
msgstr "Membuat dan menjaga suara merek yang konsisten di berbagai platform."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Brand Voice Development:"
msgstr "Pengembangan Suara Merek:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid " Turning concepts into compelling narratives that engage, persuade, and convert."
msgstr "Mengubah konsep menjadi narasi yang menarik, meyakinkan, dan menghasilkan konversi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Compelling Copywriting:"
msgstr "Menarik Menulis Iklan:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "My journey began with a love for storytelling, and over the years, it evolved into a mastery of creating copy that not only informs but resonates. I believe in the power of crafting messages that build bridges between businesses and their audience, sparking conversations that matter."
msgstr "Perjalanan saya dimulai dengan cinta pada bercerita, dan seiring berjalannya waktu, itu berkembang menjadi penguasaan dalam membuat salinan yang tidak hanya memberi informasi tetapi juga beresonansi. Saya percaya pada kekuatan dalam merancang pesan-pesan yang membangun jembatan antara bisnis dan audiens mereka, memicu percakapan yang penting."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
msgid "Hey there! I’m Lucas, a passionate freelance copywriter with a love for words that spark connections and drive action. With a knack for turning ideas into captivating stories and a fascination for the psychology of persuasion, I’ve spent the last 10 years working as a copywriter, helping brands find their voice and leave a lasting impact."
msgstr "Hai! Aku Lucas, seorang penulis lepas yang penuh semangat dengan cinta pada kata-kata yang membangkitkan hubungan dan mendorong tindakan. Dengan keahlian dalam mengubah ide menjadi cerita yang menarik dan ketertarikan pada psikologi persuasi, aku telah menghabiskan 10 tahun terakhir bekerja sebagai penulis lepas, membantu merek menemukan suara mereka dan meninggalkan dampak yang abadi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
#: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=4:
#: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8:
#: block-patterns/puerto.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "about-us"
msgstr "tentang-kami"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774:
msgid "Our vision is to stand as the foremost provider of strategic solutions, consistently delivering exceptional and personalized services. Whether you’re starting a new venture, or poised for expansion, our commitment is to collaborate and propel you towards your goals."
msgstr "Visi kami adalah menjadi penyedia solusi strategis terdepan, secara konsisten memberikan layanan yang luar biasa dan personal. Apakah Anda sedang memulai usaha baru atau siap untuk ekspansi, komitmen kami adalah untuk bekerja sama dan mendorong Anda menuju tujuan Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
msgid "✓ Unlimited bandwidth"
msgstr "✓ Bandwidth tidak terbatas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/:
msgid "$200/month"
msgstr "$200/bulan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/:
msgid "Unlimited access to a growing library of classes, workshops, and exclusive content"
msgstr "Akses tak terbatas ke perpustakaan kelas, lokakarya, dan konten eksklusif yang terus berkembang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/:
msgid "$100/month"
msgstr "$100/bulan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "Pricing (Page)"
msgstr "Harga (halaman)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "✓ Premium themes"
msgstr "✓ tema premium"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "$300 / month"
msgstr "$300 / bulan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "✓ Live chat support"
msgstr "✓ Dukungan obrolan langsung"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "✓ Free domain"
msgstr "✓ Gratis domain"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "$200 / month"
msgstr "$200 / bulan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "$100 / month"
msgstr "$100 / bulan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "Choose a plan"
msgstr "Pilih paket"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/about-22/:
msgid "About 22"
msgstr "About 22"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
msgid "✓ Unlimited designs"
msgstr "✓ Desain tanpa batas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
msgid "$300"
msgstr "$300"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "Plan Three"
msgstr "Paket Tiga"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "Plan Two"
msgstr " Paket Dua"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "✓ Unlimited designs"
msgstr "✓ Desain tanpa batas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "✓ Unlimited bandwidth"
msgstr "✓ Bandwidth tak terbatas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "✓ 100gb storage"
msgstr "✓ 100gb penyimpanan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
msgid "✓ Basic themes"
msgstr "✓ Tema Dasar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-6/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "Plan One"
msgstr "Paket Satu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "+ Weekly Sync"
msgstr "+ Sinkronisasi Mingguan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "+ Virtual Support"
msgstr "+ Dukungan Virtual"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "$200"
msgstr "$200"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "Online Course Only"
msgstr "Kursus Online Saja"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-2/:
msgid "Plans"
msgstr "Paket"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/:
msgid "Pricing 10"
msgstr "Penetapan Harga 10"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-stars-top-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "— Lila Patel"
msgstr "— Lila Patel"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-stars-top-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "Amazing quality! It’s rare to find something that checks all the boxes, but this did. I’ll be recommending it to everyone I know!"
msgstr "Kualitas yang luar biasa! Jarang banget nemuin sesuatu yang memenuhi semua kriteria, tapi ini berhasil. Aku bakal merekomendasikannya ke semua orang yang aku kenal!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "Five stars!"
msgstr "Lima bintang!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-stars-top-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "— Mateo García"
msgstr "— Mateo García"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-stars-top-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "From start to finish, the process was seamless. It's better than I imagined, and the customer support was incredibly responsive and friendly."
msgstr "Dari awal hingga akhir, prosesnya berjalan lancar. Ini lebih baik dari yang saya bayangkan, dan dukungan pelanggan sangat responsif dan ramah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "Highly recommend!"
msgstr "Sangat merekomendasikan!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-stars-top-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "I couldn’t be happier with my purchase. The quality is outstanding, and the attention to detail is impressive. I’ll definitely be back for more!"
msgstr "Saya tidak bisa lebih bahagia dengan pembelian saya. Kualitasnya luar biasa, dan perhatian terhadap detailnya mengesankan. Saya pasti akan kembali untuk membeli lebih banyak!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "Exceptional!"
msgstr " luar biasa!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
msgid "Reviews 1"
msgstr "Ulasan 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-heading-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/review-stars-top-with-four-columns-of-reviews/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/testimonial-large-centered-text/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "— Aya Nakamura"
msgstr "— Aya Nakamura"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/testimonial-large-centered-text/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/pricing-page/:
msgid "\"The quality is outstanding, and the attention to detail is impressive. I’ll definitely be back for more.\""
msgstr "Kualitasnya luar biasa, dan perhatian terhadap detailnya mengesankan. Saya pasti akan kembali untuk lebih banyak lagi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/testimonial-large-centered-text/:
msgid "Reviews 2"
msgstr "Ulasan 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/:
msgid "9am-5pm"
msgstr "9 pagi - 5 sore"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/:
msgid "San Franciso, CA 12345"
msgstr "San Francisco, CA 12345"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/20/team-6/:
msgid "Team 6"
msgstr "Tim 6"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=7:
msgid "Compare and contrast the photographic techniques of Man Ray and Hannah Höch, two trailblazing Dada artists who revolutionized the medium. Discover how Ray's experimental darkroom processes and Höch's pioneering photomontages pushed the boundaries of photography."
msgstr "Bandingkan dan kontras teknik fotografi Man Ray dan Hannah Höch, dua seniman Dada yang perintis yang merevolusi medium ini. Temukan bagaimana proses gelap eksperimen Ray dan fotomontase perintis Höch mendorong batasan fotografi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=7:
msgid "Breaking Boundaries in Photography with Höch and Ray"
msgstr "Melampaui Batas dalam Fotografi dengan Höch dan Ray"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=10:
msgid "Examine the contrasting approaches of Marcel Duchamp and Hans Arp within the Dada movement. Explore how Duchamp's conceptual art challenged traditional notions of craftsmanship while Arp's organic forms celebrated spontaneity and chance."
msgstr "Periksa pendekatan yang kontras antara Marcel Duchamp dan Hans Arp dalam gerakan Dada. Jelajahi bagaimana seni konseptual Duchamp menantang gagasan tradisional tentang keterampilan, sementara bentuk organik Arp merayakan spontanitas dan kebetulan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=10:
msgid "Duchamp, Arp and A Clash of Dadaist Ideals"
msgstr "Duchamp, Arp dan Bentrokan Idealisme Dada"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=12:
msgid "Dive into the eclectic world of Kurt Schwitters, the pioneering Dadaist known for his innovative use of found objects and unconventional materials. Explore Schwitters' concept of 'Merz' and its influence on contemporary art and design."
msgstr "Selami dunia eklektik Kurt Schwitters, Dadais yang pionir dikenal karena penggunaan inovatifnya terhadap objek-objek yang ditemukan dan bahan-bahan yang tidak konvensional. Jelajahi konsep 'Merz' dari Schwitters dan pengaruhnya terhadap seni dan desain kontemporer."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=12:
msgid "The Invention of Merz and Kurt Schwitters"
msgstr "Penemuan Merz dan Kurt Schwitters"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=14:
msgid "Journey into the surreal landscapes of Max Ernst, a leading figure in both Dadaism and Surrealism. Examine Ernst's innovative collage techniques and his exploration of the subconscious mind, which inspired generations of artists to come. Read more →"
msgstr "Perjalanan ke dalam lanskap surealis Max Ernst, sosok terkemuka dalam Dadaisme dan Surealisme. Periksa teknik kolase inovatif Ernst dan eksplorasinya tentang pikiran bawah sadar, yang menginspirasi generasi seniman yang akan datang. Baca Selengkapnya →"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=14:
msgid "Max Ernst's Dadaist Dreamscapes"
msgstr "Impian Dadais Max Ernst"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=16:
msgid "Explore the life and legacy of Hannah Höch, a pioneering Dada artist whose photomontages challenged gender stereotypes and societal norms. Discover how Höch's subversive works shattered artistic conventions and paved the way for feminist art movements. Read more →"
msgstr "Jelajahi kehidupan dan warisan Hannah Höch, seorang seniman Dada perintis yang fotomontagenya menantang stereotip gender dan norma-norma masyarakat. Temukan bagaimana karya-karya subversif Höch menghancurkan konvensi artistik dan membuka jalan bagi gerakan seni feminis. Baca Selengkapnya →"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=16:
msgid "The Most Radical Feminist of Dada was called Hannah. And We Love Her."
msgstr "Feminis Paling Radikal dari Dada disebut Hannah. Dan Kami Mencintainya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=18:
msgid "Step into the surreal world of Man Ray, the master of avant-garde photography and a key figure in both Dadaism and Surrealism. Uncover the techniques and concepts behind Ray's iconic photographs, which blurred the lines between reality and imagination."
msgstr "Masuklah ke dunia surreal Man Ray, sang maestro fotografi avant-garde dan sosok kunci dalam Dadaisme dan Surealisme. Temukan teknik dan konsep di balik foto-foto ikonik Ray, yang mengaburkan batas antara kenyataan dan imajinasi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=18:
msgid "Capturing the Surreal: The Essence of an Artist"
msgstr "Menangkap yang Surreal: Esensi Seorang Seniman"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=20:
msgid "Explore the artistic philosophy of Hans Arp, a founding member of the Dada movement known for his embrace of randomness and spontaneity in art. Discover how Arp's playful compositions and biomorphic forms challenged traditional notions of beauty and order."
msgstr "Jelajahi filosofi seni Hans Arp, seorang anggota pendiri gerakan Dada yang dikenal karena penerimaannya terhadap kebetulan dan spontanitas dalam seni. Temukan bagaimana komposisi ceria Arp dan bentuk biomorfiknya menantang konsep tradisional tentang keindahan dan keteraturan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=20:
msgid "Embracing Chance and Chaos with Hans Arp"
msgstr "Menerima Kesempatan dan Kekacauan bersama Hans Arp"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=22:
msgid "Delve into the life and groundbreaking works of Marcel Duchamp, the enigmatic figure who challenged the very definition of art. Explore how Duchamp's concept of the 'readymade' revolutionized the art world and paved the way for conceptual art movements. Read more →"
msgstr "Selami kehidupan dan karya-karya inovatif Marcel Duchamp, sosok enigmatik yang menantang definisi seni itu sendiri. Jelajahi bagaimana konsep 'readymade' Duchamp merevolusi dunia seni dan membuka jalan bagi gerakan seni konseptual. Baca Selengkapnya →"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=22:
msgid "The Provocateur Marcel Duchamp"
msgstr "Provokator Marcel Duchamp"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=24:
msgid "Celebrate the contributions of women to the Dada movement, focusing on Hannah Höch and her contemporaries. Explore how Höch and other female Dadaists challenged gender stereotypes and redefined the role of women in the art world."
msgstr "Rayakan kontribusi perempuan terhadap gerakan Dada, dengan fokus pada Hannah Höch dan rekan-rekannya. Jelajahi bagaimana Höch dan Dadais perempuan lainnya menantang stereotip gender dan mendefinisikan ulang peran perempuan di dunia seni."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=24:
msgid "Hannah Höch and The Women of Dada"
msgstr "Hannah Höch dan Wanita Dada"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=10: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=12:
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=14: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=18: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=20:
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=22: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=24:
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=26: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=7:
msgid "articles"
msgstr "artikel"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=26:
msgid "Reflecting on the lasting impact of the movement on contemporary art practices, from Marcel Duchamp's readymades to the digital collages of today. Explore how Dadaist concepts of anti-art and randomness continue to shape artistic expression in the 21st century."
msgstr "Merenungkan dampak yang bertahan dari gerakan ini pada praktik seni kontemporer, dari readymades Marcel Duchamp hingga kolase digital saat ini. Jelajahi bagaimana konsep Dadais tentang anti-seni dan kebetulan terus membentuk ekspresi artistik di abad ke-21."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?p=26:
msgid "Dadaism's Enduring Influence on Digital Art"
msgstr "Pengaruh Abadi Dadaisme pada Seni Digital"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?page_id=48:
msgid "Artists"
msgstr "Seniman"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/adad.local/?page_id=50:
msgid "Movement"
msgstr "Gerakan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Jan 26, 2025"
msgstr "26 Jan 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Jan 24, 2025"
msgstr "24 Jan 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Jan 22, 2025"
msgstr "22 Jan 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Jan 19, 2025"
msgstr "19 Jan 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Jan 16, 2025"
msgstr "16 Jan 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/:
msgid "Events 4"
msgstr "Acara 4"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "Events 1"
msgstr "Acara 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
msgid "Events 3"
msgstr "Acara 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Events 5"
msgstr "Events 5"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/04/community-homepage/:
msgid "Event 1"
msgstr "Acara 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/:
msgid "Our values"
msgstr "Nilai-nilai kami"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/:
msgid "About (Page)"
msgstr "Tentang (Halaman)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/:
msgid "About 11"
msgstr "About 11"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/:
msgid "About 12"
msgstr "About 12"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/:
msgid "Map 3"
msgstr "Peta 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/:
msgid "Map 1"
msgstr "Peta 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/:
msgid "Stop by to explore our offerings, connect with our team, and experience our place firsthand. We can’t wait to welcome you."
msgstr "Datanglah untuk menjelajahi penawaran kami, terhubung dengan tim kami, dan merasakan tempat kami secara langsung. Kami tidak sabar untuk menyambutmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/:
msgid "Map 2"
msgstr "Peta 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/:
msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. This is a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the curious mind finds solace, and where the fearless heart discovers uncharted territories. Navigating life's intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey."
msgstr "Selamat datang di dunia kemungkinan tanpa batas, di mana perjalanan sama mendebarkannya dengan tujuan, dan Saat kita menjelajahi jalinan rumit dari keberadaan, kita terus-menerus dihadapkan pada pilihan, masing-masing adalah jalan potensial menuju sesuatu yang luar biasa. Ini adalah dunia di mana kreativitas tidak mengenal batas, di mana pikiran yang ingin tahu menemukan ketenangan, dan di mana hati yang tak kenal takut menemukan wilayah yang belum dipetakan. Menavigasi kain rumit kehidupan, pilihan membuka jalan menuju yang luar biasa, menuntut kreativitas, rasa ingin tahu, dan keberanian untuk perjalanan yang benar-benar memuaskan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/:
msgid "About 8"
msgstr "About 8"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/:
msgid "About 10"
msgstr "About 10"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/:
msgid "About 6"
msgstr "About 6"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/:
msgid "Our mission is to challenge the status quo and create meaningful, lasting impact through everything we do. Driven by a vision to inspire change, push boundaries, we deliver work that makes a difference."
msgstr "Misi kami adalah untuk menantang status quo dan menciptakan dampak yang berarti dan bertahan lama melalui segala yang kami lakukan. Didorong oleh visi untuk menginspirasi perubahan, mendorong batasan, kami menghasilkan karya yang membuat perbedaan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/:
msgid "A world filled with boundless opportunities and potential"
msgstr "Sebuah dunia yang dipenuhi dengan peluang dan potensi yang tak terbatas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/:
msgid "About 5"
msgstr "About 5"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
msgid "ESTADIO"
msgstr "ESTADIO"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "São Paulo, BR"
msgstr "São Paulo, BR"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Rio De Janeiro, BR"
msgstr "Rio De Janeiro, BR"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Curitiba, BR"
msgstr "Curitiba, BR"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
msgid "Estadio Bicentenario"
msgstr "Estadio Bicentenario"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Santiago, CL"
msgstr "Santiago, CL"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
msgid "31 JAN 2024"
msgstr "31 JAN 2024"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Bogotá, CO"
msgstr "Bogotá, CO"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
msgid "12 DEC 2024"
msgstr "12 DES 2024"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "05 Feb 2025"
msgstr "05 Feb 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "Monterrey, Mexico"
msgstr "Monterrey, Meksiko"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "03 Feb 2025"
msgstr "03 Feb 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "Guadalajara, Mexico"
msgstr "Guadalajara, Meksiko"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "31 Jan 2025"
msgstr "31 Jan 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "Mexico City, Mexico"
msgstr "Mexico City, Meksiko"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "12 Dec 2024"
msgstr "12 Des 2024"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/:
msgid "Austin, Texas"
msgstr "Austin, Texas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/about-22/:
msgid "Our mission is to challenge the status quo, embrace innovation, and create meaningful, lasting impact through everything we do."
msgstr "Misi kami adalah untuk menantang status quo, merangkul inovasi, dan menciptakan dampak yang bermakna dan bertahan lama melalui segala yang kami lakukan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/:
msgid "About 2"
msgstr "About 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/about-four-image-grid-content-on-right/:
msgid "Our mission is to challenge the status quo, embrace innovation, and create meaningful, lasting impact through everything we do. Driven by a vision to inspire change, push boundaries, we deliver work that truly makes a difference."
msgstr "Misi kami adalah untuk menantang status quo, merangkul inovasi, dan menciptakan dampak yang berarti dan bertahan lama melalui segala yang kami lakukan. Didorong oleh visi untuk menginspirasi perubahan, mendorong batasan, kami menghasilkan karya yang benar-benar membuat perbedaan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/about-four-image-grid-content-on-right/:
msgid "About 3"
msgstr "About 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
msgid "24 Jan 2025 — 0800"
msgstr "24 Jan 2025 — 0800"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
msgid "Event 4"
msgstr "Event 4"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
msgid "22 Jan 2025 — 0800"
msgstr "22 Jan 2025 — 0800"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
msgid "19 Jan 2025 — 0800"
msgstr "19 Jan 2025 — 0800"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
msgid "Navigating life's intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity and curiosity."
msgstr "Menavigasi jalinan rumit kehidupan, pilihan membuka jalan menuju yang luar biasa, menuntut kreativitas dan rasa ingin tahu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
msgid "16 Jan 2025 — 0800"
msgstr "16 Jan 2025 — 0800"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Allianz Parque"
msgstr "Allianz Parque"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Farmasi Arena"
msgstr "Farmasi Arena"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Pedreira Paulo Leminski"
msgstr "Pedreira Paulo Leminski"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Estadio Bicentenario La Florida"
msgstr "Estadio Bicentenario La Florida"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-list-with-buttons/:
msgid "Coliseo MedPlus"
msgstr "Coliseo MedPlus"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/04/community-homepage/:
msgid "Wednesday, January 22, 2025"
msgstr "Rabu, 22 Januari 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/04/community-homepage/:
msgid "Event 3"
msgstr "Event 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/04/community-homepage/:
msgid "Sunday, January 19, 2025"
msgstr "Minggu, 19 Januari 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/events-three-columns-with-images/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/04/community-homepage/:
msgid "Event 2"
msgstr "Acara 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/04/community-homepage/:
msgid "Thursday, January 16, 2025"
msgstr "Kamis, 16 Januari 2025"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/04/community-homepage/:
msgid "Events (Page)"
msgstr "Acara (Halaman)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/:
msgid "About 1"
msgstr "About 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/:
msgid "Services 1"
msgstr "Servis 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/:
msgid "Services 2"
msgstr "Servis 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/:
msgid "Posts 8"
msgstr "Pos 8"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/:
msgid "Posts 5"
msgstr "Pos 5"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/:
msgid "Posts 6"
msgstr "Pos 6"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/:
msgid "Posts 3"
msgstr "Pos 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/:
msgid "Services 11"
msgstr "Services 11"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/:
msgid "Services 4"
msgstr "Services 4"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/:
msgid "Services 6"
msgstr "Layanan 6"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/:
msgid "Adding services to your website helps provide value by addressing specific needs or challenges that your clients face. Offer expertise, streamline processes, and create tailored solutions that enhance customer satisfaction."
msgstr "Nambahin layanan ke situs kamu membantu memberikan nilai dengan mengatasi kebutuhan atau tantangan spesifik yang dihadapi klien kamu. Tawarkan keahlian, permudah proses, dan ciptakan solusi yang disesuaikan yang meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/:
msgid "Services 5"
msgstr "Services 5"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/:
msgid "Services (Page)"
msgstr "Layanan (Halaman)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/:
msgid "Posts (Page)"
msgstr "Pos (Halaman)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/:
msgid "Posts 7"
msgstr "Pos 7"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/:
msgid "Posts 4"
msgstr "Pos 4"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/:
msgid "Team 2"
msgstr "Tim 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/30/team-four-columns/:
msgid "Team 3"
msgstr "Tim 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/25/team-3-columns/:
msgid "Team 5"
msgstr "Tim 5"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/25/team-small-grid/:
msgid "Team 4"
msgstr "Tim 4"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/07/25/team-circles/:
msgid "Team 1"
msgstr "Tim 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/09/10/donations/:
msgid "Make a Difference"
msgstr "Buat Perbedaan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/posts-9/:
msgid "Posts 9"
msgstr "Pos 9"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/services-9/:
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "Baca selengkapnya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/services-9/:
msgid "Services 9"
msgstr "Services 9"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/services-3-2/:
msgid "Services 3"
msgstr "Services 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/:
msgid "Posts 2"
msgstr "Pos 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-6/:
msgid "Posts 1"
msgstr "Pos 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-1/:
msgid "Made with WordPress"
msgstr "Dibuat dengan WordPress"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-1/:
msgid "Atlas Vesper"
msgstr "Atlas Vesper"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-1/:
msgid "Link in Bio 1"
msgstr "Link di Bio 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-2/:
msgid "Perspective Shifter"
msgstr "Pengubah Perspektif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-2/:
msgid "Rowan Ellis"
msgstr "Rowan Ellis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-2/:
msgid "Link in Bio 2"
msgstr "Link di Bio 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-3/:
msgid "Made with w.link"
msgstr "Dibuat dengan w.link"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-1/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-3/:
msgid "Join my Discord"
msgstr "Gabung dengan Discord saya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-1/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-3/:
msgid "Listen on Pocket Casts"
msgstr "Dengarkan di Pocket Casts"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-1/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-3/:
msgid "Subscribe to the Abyss"
msgstr "Berlangganan ke Abyss"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-3/:
msgid "Lyra Steel"
msgstr "Lyra Steel"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-1/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-3/:
msgid "Writer—Chaos Architect"
msgstr "Penulis—Arsitek Kekacauan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/12/03/link-in-bio-3/:
msgid "Link in Bio 3"
msgstr "Link di Bio 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1:
msgid "Baking has always been a passion of mine. I spent years perfecting my cookie recipes in my home kitchen, and what started as a fun hobby soon became something much more. My friends and family couldn't get enough of my made-from-scratch treats, so I decided to turn my love for baking into a business. In 2018, I opened Batch, and started sharing my delicious cookies with the community. Every cookie is made with care and the finest ingredients, and I’m so excited to bring a little bit of sweetness into your day!"
msgstr "Memanggang selalu jadi passion saya. Saya menghabiskan bertahun-tahun untuk menyempurnakan resep cookie saya di dapur rumah, dan apa yang dimulai sebagai hobi yang menyenangkan segera menjadi sesuatu yang lebih. Teman-teman dan keluarga saya nggak pernah cukup dengan camilan buatan saya, jadi saya memutuskan untuk mengubah cinta saya terhadap memanggang menjadi sebuah bisnis. Pada tahun 2018, saya membuka Batch, dan mulai berbagi cookie lezat saya dengan komunitas. Setiap cookie dibuat dengan penuh perhatian dan bahan-bahan terbaik, dan saya sangat bersemangat untuk membawa sedikit manis ke dalam hari Anda!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1:
msgid "Batch a small, local bakery with a big love for chocolate chip cookies! Every batch is made with the finest ingredients, a sprinkle of nostalgia, and a whole lot of heart—bringing a little sweetness to our community one cookie at a time."
msgstr "Batch adalah sebuah toko roti kecil lokal dengan cinta besar untuk Cookie cokelat chip! Setiap batch dibuat dengan bahan-bahan terbaik, sedikit sentuhan nostalgia, dan banyak sekali cinta—membawa sedikit manis ke komunitas kita satu Cookie pada satu waktu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Our cookies are best enjoyed fresh! If you need to store them, keep them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days—or freeze for up to a month for a longer-lasting treat."
msgstr "Cookie kami paling enak dinikmati dalam keadaan segar! Jika kamu perlu menyimpannya, simpan di wadah kedap udara pada suhu ruangan selama maksimal 3 hari—atau bekukan selama maksimal sebulan untuk camilan yang lebih tahan lama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "How should I store my cookies?"
msgstr "Bagaimana seharusnya saya menyimpan Cookie saya?"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Absolutely! We offer a selection of gluten-free and vegan cookies, made with the same love and quality as our regular treats. Check out our menu for available options!"
msgstr "Pastinya! Kami menawarkan pilihan Cookie bebas gluten dan vegan, dibuat dengan cinta dan kualitas yang sama seperti camilan kami yang biasa. Cek menu kami untuk pilihan yang tersedia!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Do you have gluten-free or vegan options?"
msgstr "Kamu punya pilihan bebas gluten atau vegan?"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "We bake every batch fresh! Local deliveries typically arrive within 1–2 days of your order. You’ll receive a confirmation email with delivery details once your cookies are on their way."
msgstr "Kami memanggang setiap batch dengan segar! Pengiriman lokal biasanya tiba dalam 1–2 hari setelah pesananmu. Kamu akan menerima email konfirmasi dengan detail pengiriman setelah cookie kamu dalam perjalanan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "How long will my order take to arrive?"
msgstr "Berapa lama pesanan saya akan sampai?"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "We deliver our fresh-baked cookies to neighbourhoods across Sugarplum Cove and surrounding areas!"
msgstr "Kami mengantarkan Cookie yang baru dipanggang ke lingkungan di seluruh Sugarplum Cove dan daerah sekitarnya!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "What areas do you deliver to?"
msgstr "Di area mana aja kamu nganter?"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=18:
msgid "Got a question, a cookie craving, or just want to say hello? We’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch within 1-2 business days."
msgstr "Got a question, a cookie craving, or just want to say hello? We’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch within 1-2 bisnis days."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=23:
msgid "$24/six - Buy now"
msgstr "$24/enam - Beli sekarang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=23:
msgid "Milk, Egg, Wheat"
msgstr "Susu, Telur, Gandum"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=23:
msgid "Allergens"
msgstr "Alergen"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=23:
msgid "Butter, Granulated Sugar, Brown Sugar, Eggs, Vanilla, Flour, Baking Soda, Salt, Dark and Milk Chocolate."
msgstr "Mentega, Gula Pasir, Gula Merah, Telur, Vanili, Tepung, Soda Kue, Garam, Cokelat Hitam dan Cokelat Susu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=23:
msgid "A classic chocolate chip cookie that's crispy on the edges, soft in the center, and packed with rich, melty chocolate in every bite, sprinkled generously with Maldon salt."
msgstr "Cookie cokelat chip klasik yang renyah di pinggirnya, lembut di tengahnya, dan penuh dengan cokelat yang kaya dan meleleh di setiap gigitan, ditaburi dengan murah hati garam Maldon."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=23:
msgid "Chocolate Chip Cookies"
msgstr "Cookie Cokelat Chip"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "So, join Gwyneth Bush on the houseplant adventure of a lifetime. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or a curious beginner, her podcast will enthrall you with delightful anecdotes, valuable insights, and the sheer joy that comes from connecting with the natural world. Prepare to be inspired, educated, and entertained as you embrace the greenery alongside the warm-hearted host of this imaginary podcast. Happy gardening!"
msgstr "Jadi, bergabunglah dengan Gwyneth Bush dalam petualangan tanaman hias seumur hidup. Apakah kamu seorang yang sudah berpengalaman atau pemula yang penasaran, podcast-nya akan memikatmu dengan anekdot yang menyenangkan, wawasan yang berharga, dan kebahagiaan murni yang datang dari terhubung dengan dunia alami. Siap-siap untuk terinspirasi, teredukasi, dan terhibur saat kamu merangkul kehijauan bersama host yang penuh kasih dari podcast imajiner ini. Selamat berkebun!"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "When she's not immersed in the world of houseplants, you can find Gwyneth exploring botanical gardens, scouting for unique plant finds at local nurseries, or simply unwinding in the presence of her green companions. Her passion extends beyond the podcast as she actively engages with her online plant community, exchanging stories and fostering a supportive space for fellow enthusiasts."
msgstr "Ketika dia tidak terbenam dalam dunia tanaman hias, kamu bisa menemukan Gwyneth menjelajahi kebun botani, mencari tanaman unik di pembibitan lokal, atau sekadar bersantai di dekat teman-teman hijau nya. Kecintaannya melampaui podcast karena dia aktif terlibat dengan komunitas tanaman online nya, bertukar cerita dan menciptakan ruang yang mendukung untuk sesama penggemar."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "With a warm and down-to-earth personality, Gwyneth's desire to share her knowledge and experiences is infectious. She understands the challenges that come with being a new plant parent and empathizes with the common pitfalls of caring for houseplants. Through her podcast, Gwyneth aims to provide practical tips, expert insights, and the latest trends to inspire listeners to embark on their own plant journeys with confidence."
msgstr "Dengan kepribadian yang hangat dan bersahaja, keinginan Gwyneth untuk membagikan pengetahuan dan pengalamannya sangat menular. Dia memahami tantangan yang datang dengan menjadi orang tua tanaman baru dan merasakan kesulitan umum dalam merawat tanaman hias. Melalui podcast-nya, Gwyneth bertujuan untuk memberikan tips praktis, wawasan ahli, dan tren terbaru untuk menginspirasi pendengar memulai perjalanan tanaman mereka sendiri dengan percaya diri."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Gwyneth's journey into the realm of houseplants began with a small windowsill garden during her college years. What started as a few humble succulents soon blossomed into a full-fledged passion for nurturing greenery and transforming living spaces into urban jungles. Her genuine curiosity and love for plants have led her to explore various horticultural practices, from propagating her collection to experimenting with creative plant arrangements."
msgstr "Perjalanan Gwyneth ke dunia tanaman hias dimulai dengan taman kecil di ambang jendela selama tahun-tahun kuliahnya. Apa yang dimulai sebagai beberapa sukulen sederhana segera berkembang menjadi hasrat yang sepenuh hati untuk merawat tanaman hijau dan mengubah ruang hidup menjadi hutan kota. Rasa ingin tahunya yang tulus dan cintanya pada tanaman telah membawanya untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai praktik hortikultura, dari memperbanyak koleksinya hingga bereksperimen dengan pengaturan tanaman yang kreatif."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=90:
msgid "Establishing a consistent posting schedule is pivotal in building and retaining your podcast audience. We release new episodes every Wednesday, be our guest, and become part of the community."
msgstr "Membangun jadwal memposkan yang konsisten itu penting banget buat membangun dan mempertahankan audiens podcast kamu. Kami merilis episode baru setiap hari Rabu, jadi silakan bergabung, dan jadi bagian dari komunitas."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "So, whether you're a budding enthusiast or an experienced gardener seeking fuss-free greenery, these top 10 low-maintenance houseplants will make your botanical dreams a reality. Start your green adventure today and let these delightful plants grace your living spaces with their natural charm and beauty! Happy planting!"
msgstr "Jadi, apakah kamu seorang penggemar pemula atau seorang tukang kebun berpengalaman yang mencari tanaman hijau yang mudah dirawat, 10 tanaman hias dengan perawatan rendah ini akan mewujudkan impian botani kamu. Mulailah petualangan hijau kamu hari ini dan biarkan tanaman-tanaman menawan ini menghiasi ruang hidupmu dengan pesona dan keindahan alami mereka! Selamat menanam!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Remember, successful plant care begins with observing and understanding your green companions' needs. With this handpicked selection of low-maintenance houseplants, you can embark on your indoor gardening journey with confidence. From dorm rooms to office spaces, these plants will infuse your environment with vitality, while their forgiving nature gives you room to grow as a plant parent."
msgstr "Ingat, perawatan tanaman yang sukses dimulai dengan mengamati dan memahami kebutuhan teman hijaumu. Dengan pilihan tanaman hias yang dirawat dengan baik ini, kamu bisa memulai perjalanan berkebun dalam ruangan dengan percaya diri. Dari kamar asrama hingga ruang kantor, tanaman-tanaman ini akan menghidupkan lingkunganmu, sementara sifatnya yang mudah dirawat memberi kamu ruang untuk tumbuh sebagai orang tua tanaman."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): Despite its name, Lucky Bamboo is not actually bamboo but a Dracaena species. Its sleek appearance and easy care make it a delightful addition to any home."
msgstr "Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): Meskipun namanya, Lucky Bamboo sebenarnya bukan bambu, melainkan spesies Dracaena. Tampilan yang ramping dan perawatannya yang mudah membuatnya menjadi tambahan yang menyenangkan untuk rumah mana pun."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Heart-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum): A charming trailing plant that thrives in moderate light and is perfect for brightening up shelves or hanging baskets."
msgstr "Heart-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum): Tanaman merambat yang menawan ini tumbuh subur di bawah cahaya moderasi dan sempurna untuk mempercantik rak atau keranjang gantung."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema): Boasting attractive patterned leaves, the Chinese Evergreen is a versatile houseplant that adapts well to various light conditions."
msgstr "Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema): Dengan daun berpola yang menarik, Chinese Evergreen adalah tanaman hias yang serbaguna dan dapat beradaptasi dengan baik di berbagai kondisi cahaya."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica): With its broad, dark-green leaves, the Rubber Plant adds a touch of drama to your indoor space and can tolerate irregular watering."
msgstr "Tanaman Karet (Ficus elastica): Dengan daun lebar berwarna hijau tua, Tanaman Karet menambahkan sentuhan drama ke ruang dalammu dan bisa tahan terhadap penyiraman yang tidak teratur."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): Admired for its elegant white blooms, the Peace Lily purifies the air and can thrive in low-light conditions."
msgstr "Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): Dikagumi karena bunga putihnya yang elegan, Peace Lily membersihkan udara dan bisa tumbuh dengan baik dalam kondisi cahaya rendah."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller): Not only is Aloe Vera a resilient succulent, but its soothing gel also comes in handy for minor burns and skin irritations."
msgstr "Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller): Aloe Vera bukan hanya sukulen yang tahan banting, tapi gelnya yang menenangkan juga sangat berguna untuk luka bakar kecil dan iritasi kulit."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): A classic favorite, the Spider Plant produces \"babies\" or plantlets, making it a joy to watch your plant grow and expand."
msgstr "Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): Favorit klasik, Spider Plant menghasilkan \"bayi\" atau tanaman kecil, membuatnya menyenangkan untuk melihat tanamanmu tumbuh dan berkembang."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): With its glossy, waxy leaves, the ZZ Plant is virtually indestructible. It can handle low light and infrequent watering like a champ!"
msgstr "Tanaman ZZ (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): Dengan daun yang mengkilap dan berlapis lilin, Tanaman ZZ hampir tidak bisa dihancurkan. Ia bisa menangani cahaya rendah dan penyiraman yang jarang seperti juara!"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): A popular choice for beginners, Pothos is a trailing vine that forgives occasional neglect. Its heart-shaped leaves come in various shades, adding a touch of elegance to any room."
msgstr "Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): Pilihan yang populer untuk pemula, Pothos adalah tanaman merambat yang memaafkan jika kadang-kadang diabaikan. Daun berbentuk hati ini hadir dalam berbagai nuansa, menambahkan sentuhan keanggunan ke ruangan mana pun."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata): Renowned for its air-purifying abilities, the Snake Plant tops our list for its hardiness and striking sword-like leaves. Water it sparingly, and it'll flourish!"
msgstr "Tanaman Ular (Sansevieria trifasciata): Terkenal karena kemampuannya dalam memurnikan udara, Tanaman Ular menduduki posisi teratas dalam daftar kami karena ketahanannya dan daun yang menyerupai pedang yang mencolok. Sirami dengan hemat, dan ia akan berkembang!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Are you eager to bring the beauty of nature into your home but unsure where to start? Look no further! Welcome to our curated list of the top 10 low-maintenance houseplants, specially handpicked for beginners. Whether you're a first-time plant parent or a busy individual seeking green companions that thrive with minimal care, these resilient botanical wonders are sure to brighten up your living spaces effortlessly."
msgstr "Kamu pengen bawa keindahan alam ke rumahmu tapi bingung mau mulai dari mana? Gak usah cari lagi! Selamat datang di daftar kami yang sudah disusun dari 10 tanaman hias yang mudah dirawat, khusus dipilih untuk pemula. Baik kamu orang tua tanaman pemula atau orang sibuk yang cari teman hijau yang bisa tumbuh dengan perawatan minimal, keajaiban botani yang tangguh ini pasti bakal bikin ruang hidupmu lebih cerah tanpa usaha yang banyak."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Unlock the Green World: Houseplants Made Easy!"
msgstr "Unlock the Green World: Tanaman Hias Jadi Mudah!"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=308:
msgid "Low-Maintenance Houseplants for Beginners"
msgstr "Tanaman Hias Perawatan Rendah untuk Pemula"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "As you embark on this journey of decoding your plant's health and needs, remember that learning to read the signs is an ongoing process. Patience, observation, and a little trial and error will help you become a more skilled plant parent. So, let's embrace the art of understanding our green companions and watch as our gardens thrive under the guidance of attentive care and a deeper connection with nature."
msgstr "Ketika kamu memulai perjalanan ini untuk memahami kesehatan dan kebutuhan tanamanmu, ingatlah bahwa belajar membaca tanda-tanda adalah proses yang terus berlangsung. Kesabaran, pengamatan, dan sedikit coba-coba akan membantumu menjadi orang tua tanaman yang lebih terampil. Jadi, mari kita peluk seni memahami teman hijau kita dan saksikan taman kita berkembang di bawah bimbingan perawatan yang penuh perhatian dan koneksi yang lebih dalam dengan alam."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "10. Listen and Learn: Above all, develop a nurturing relationship with your plant. Listen to its needs, observe its responses, and learn from the experience. Each plant is unique, and attentive care will help you cultivate a strong bond with your green companion."
msgstr "10. Dengar dan Belajar: Di atas segalanya, kembangkan hubungan yang mendukung dengan tanamanmu. Dengar kebutuhannya, amati responsnya, dan belajar dari pengalaman tersebut. Setiap tanaman itu unik, dan perawatan yang penuh perhatian akan membantumu membangun ikatan yang kuat dengan teman hijaumu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "9. Seasonal Shifts: Your plant's needs may vary with changing seasons. Adapt your care routine accordingly, as seasonal adjustments can ensure your plant's continued well-being."
msgstr "9. Perubahan Musiman: Kebutuhan tanamanmu mungkin berbeda seiring dengan perubahan musim. Sesuaikan rutinitas perawatanmu dengan tepat, karena penyesuaian musiman bisa memastikan kesejahteraan tanamanmu terus berlanjut."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "8. Repotting Rejuvenation: Decipher when your plant needs a larger home. Root-bound plants and lack of growth might indicate the need for repotting to provide fresh nutrients and ample space for your plant to flourish."
msgstr "8. Peremajaan Repotting: Pahami kapan tanamanmu butuh rumah yang lebih besar. Tanaman yang terikat akar dan kurang pertumbuhan mungkin menunjukkan perlunya repotting untuk memberikan nutrisi segar dan ruang yang cukup agar tanamanmu bisa berkembang."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "7. Pruning and Trimming: Regularly prune and trim your plants to maintain their health and appearance. Removing dead or damaged foliage not only enhances aesthetics but also promotes new growth."
msgstr "7. Pemangkasan dan Pemotongan: Secara teratur pangkas dan potong tanamanmu untuk menjaga kesehatan dan tampilan mereka. Menghapus daun yang mati atau rusak tidak hanya meningkatkan estetika tetapi juga mendorong pertumbuhan baru."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "6. Pests and Pathogens: Keep a keen eye out for pests and diseases that may target your plants. Early detection and intervention can save your green companions from distress."
msgstr "6. Hama dan Patogen: Perhatikan dengan seksama hama dan penyakit yang mungkin menyerang tanamanmu. Deteksi dan intervensi dini bisa menyelamatkan teman hijaumu dari stres."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "5. Nutritional Nourishment: Nutrient deficiencies might manifest as discolored or misshapen leaves. Identifying these deficiencies will guide you in providing the right nutrients to support your plant's growth."
msgstr "5. Nutrisi Gizi: Kekurangan nutrisi bisa muncul sebagai daun yang berubah warna atau berbentuk aneh. Mengidentifikasi kekurangan ini akan membantumu dalam memberikan nutrisi yang tepat untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanamanmu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "4. Watering Wisely: Watering your plant is an art. By observing the soil's moisture level and learning to recognize thirst signals from your plant, you can strike the perfect balance between underwatering and overwatering."
msgstr "4. Menyiram dengan Bijak: Menyiram tanamanmu adalah sebuah seni. Dengan mengamati tingkat kelembapan tanah dan belajar mengenali sinyal haus dari tanamanmu, kamu bisa menemukan keseimbangan yang sempurna antara kurang menyiram dan terlalu banyak menyiram."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "3. Light and Shade: Pay attention to your plant's response to light. Leggy growth might suggest insufficient light, while scorched leaves could indicate too much sun. Adjusting the lighting conditions will help your plant thrive in its ideal environment."
msgstr "3. Cahaya dan Bayangan: Perhatikan respons tanamanmu terhadap cahaya. Pertumbuhan yang panjang mungkin menunjukkan cahaya yang tidak cukup, sementara daun yang terbakar bisa mengindikasikan terlalu banyak sinar matahari. Menyesuaikan kondisi pencahayaan akan membantu tanamanmu tumbuh subur di lingkungan idealnya."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "2. Wilting Woes: A drooping plant might just be in need of a drink. However, wilting can also indicate root issues or excessive moisture. Understanding the various reasons behind wilting will help you pinpoint the cause and revive your plant accordingly."
msgstr "2. Masalah Layu: Tanaman yang layu mungkin cuma butuh minum. Namun, layu juga bisa menunjukkan masalah akar atau kelembapan yang berlebihan. Memahami berbagai alasan di balik layu akan membantumu menemukan penyebabnya dan menghidupkan kembali tanamanmu sesuai kebutuhan."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "1. Reading the Leaves: Leaves hold valuable clues to your plant's well-being. Yellowing leaves might signal overwatering, while crispy edges could indicate underwatering. Learning to observe and interpret these leafy messages will enable you to make informed adjustments to your plant's care routine."
msgstr "1. Membaca Daun: Daun menyimpan petunjuk berharga tentang kesehatan tanamanmu. Daun yang menguning bisa jadi tanda terlalu banyak air, sementara tepi yang renyah bisa menunjukkan kurangnya air. Mempelajari cara mengamati dan menginterpretasikan pesan-pesan daun ini akan membantumu membuat penyesuaian yang tepat dalam rutinitas perawatan tanamanmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "As a plant parent, you may have found yourself wondering, \"What is my plant trying to tell me?\" Fear not, for in this blog post, we embark on a journey of deciphering the language of your plant's health and needs. From subtle cues to more apparent signs, we'll explore how your green companions communicate with you, allowing you to provide the best care and ensure their flourishing growth."
msgstr "Sebagai orang tua tanaman, kamu mungkin pernah bertanya-tanya, \"Apa yang ingin disampaikan tanaman saya?\" Jangan khawatir, karena dalam pos blog ini, kita akan memulai perjalanan untuk mengartikan bahasa kesehatan dan kebutuhan tanamanmu. Dari isyarat halus hingga tanda-tanda yang lebih jelas, kita akan menjelajahi bagaimana teman hijaumu berkomunikasi denganmu, memungkinkanmu untuk memberikan perawatan terbaik dan memastikan pertumbuhan mereka yang subur."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "Unraveling the Secrets to Thriving Greenery"
msgstr "Mengungkap Rahasia untuk Tumbuhan yang Subur"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=312:
msgid "Decoding Your Plant's Health and Needs"
msgstr "Menguraikan Kesehatan dan Kebutuhan Tanamanmu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "As you embark on this journey of embracing houseplants for a healthier home, remember that each green companion brings its unique benefits and charm. Whether you're an experienced plant parent or just starting your indoor gardening adventure, the rewards of cultivating a nurturing indoor environment are boundless. So, let's welcome the wonders of houseplants into our lives, celebrating their contributions to our well-being and transforming our homes into vibrant havens of health and happiness."
msgstr "Ketika kamu memulai perjalanan ini untuk merangkul tanaman hias demi rumah yang lebih sehat, ingatlah bahwa setiap teman hijau membawa manfaat dan pesonanya yang unik. Apakah kamu seorang orang tua tanaman yang berpengalaman atau baru memulai petualangan berkebun di dalam ruangan, imbalan dari menciptakan lingkungan dalam ruangan yang mendukung sangatlah tak terbatas. Jadi, mari kita sambut keajaiban tanaman hias ke dalam hidup kita, merayakan kontribusi mereka terhadap kesejahteraan kita dan mengubah rumah kita menjadi tempat yang penuh warna, kesehatan, dan kebahagiaan."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Engage in mindful practices with houseplants as your focal point. Meditation sessions surrounded by greenery can promote a sense of calm and mindfulness, deepening your connection with nature."
msgstr "Terlibat dalam praktik sadar dengan tanaman hias sebagai fokusmu. Sesi meditasi yang dikelilingi oleh kehijauan bisa mempromosikan rasa tenang dan kesadaran, memperdalam koneksimu dengan alam."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Mindful Meditation"
msgstr "Mediasi Sadar"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Studies suggest that incorporating houseplants into indoor spaces can help alleviate symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome, such as headaches, eye irritation, and fatigue."
msgstr "Studi menunjukkan bahwa memasukkan tanaman hias ke dalam ruang dalam bisa membantu mengurangi gejala Sindrom Gedung Sakit, seperti sakit kepala, iritasi mata, dan kelelahan."
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msgid "Combatting Sick Building Syndrome"
msgstr "Melawan Sindrom Bangunan Sakit"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Cultivate a sense of responsibility and connection by caring for your houseplants. This nurturing aspect of indoor gardening can have positive effects on your emotional well-being."
msgstr "Tanamkan rasa tanggung jawab dan koneksi dengan merawat tanaman hiasmu. Aspek perawatan ini dalam berkebun di dalam ruangan bisa memberikan efek positif pada kesejahteraan emosionalmu."
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msgid "Nurturing Connection"
msgstr "Menjaga Koneksi"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Houseplants can act as natural humidifiers, regulating indoor humidity levels and alleviating dryness that may cause respiratory discomfort."
msgstr "Tanaman hias bisa berfungsi sebagai pelembap alami, mengatur tingkat kelembapan di dalam ruangan dan mengurangi kekeringan yang bisa menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan pernapasan."
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msgid "Humidity Balance"
msgstr "Kesimbangan Kelembapan"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Some houseplants release sleep-enhancing scents that promote relaxation and a better night's sleep. Create a soothing bedtime environment with these natural sleep aids."
msgstr "Beberapa tanaman hias mengeluarkan aroma yang meningkatkan tidur yang mendorong relaksasi dan tidur malam yang lebih baik. Ciptakan suasana tidur yang menenangkan dengan bantuan tidur alami ini."
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msgid "Restful Sleep"
msgstr "Tidur Nyenyak"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Introduce houseplants to your workspace, and watch your productivity soar. The invigorating energy of greenery can boost creativity and focus, making workdays more enjoyable and rewarding."
msgstr "Kenalkan tanaman hias ke dalam workspace kamu, dan lihat produktivitasmu meningkat. Energi menyegarkan dari tanaman hijau bisa meningkatkan kreativitas dan fokus, menjadikan hari kerja lebih menyenangkan dan memuaskan."
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msgid "Enhanced Productivity"
msgstr "Produktivitas yang Ditingkatkan"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Witness the positive impact of houseplants on your mental well-being. Their presence can reduce anxiety and depression, providing a natural form of therapy that fosters a sense of positivity and happiness."
msgstr "Saksikan dampak positif tanaman hias terhadap kesehatan mentalmu. Kehadiran mereka bisa mengurangi kecemasan dan depresi, memberikan bentuk terapi alami yang mendorong rasa positif dan kebahagiaan."
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msgid "Improved Mental Health"
msgstr "Kesehatan Mental yang Lebih Baik"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Immerse yourself in the calming presence of houseplants, known for their stress-reducing qualities. Studies have shown that being around greenery can lower cortisol levels and promote a sense of tranquility."
msgstr "Rasakan kehadiran menenangkan dari tanaman hias, yang dikenal karena kualitasnya yang mengurangi stres. Studi menunjukkan bahwa berada di sekitar tanaman hijau dapat menurunkan kadar kortisol dan mempromosikan rasa ketenangan."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Stress-Relieving Sanctuaries"
msgstr "Tempat Perlindungan untuk Mengurangi Stres"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Breathe easy with houseplants that release oxygen during photosynthesis, refreshing the air in your home and creating a more conducive environment for better focus and productivity."
msgstr "Bernapas dengan tenang dengan tanaman hias yang melepaskan oksigen selama fotosintesis, menyegarkan udara di rumahmu dan menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih kondusif untuk fokus dan produktivitas yang lebih baik."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Oxygen Boosters"
msgstr "Penguat Oksigen"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Discover the superheroes of indoor air quality - air-purifying houseplants. These green guardians filter out harmful pollutants, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene, ensuring cleaner and fresher air for you and your loved ones."
msgstr "Temukan pahlawan super kualitas udara dalam ruangan - tanaman hias penyaring udara. Para penjaga hijau ini menyaring polutan berbahaya, seperti formaldehid, benzena, dan trikloroetilena, memastikan udara yang lebih bersih dan segar untuk kamu dan orang-orang terkasihmu."
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msgid "Air-Purifying Allies"
msgstr "Aliansi Pembersih Udara"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Step into a healthier and happier home with the transformative power of houseplants! In this blog post, we explore the remarkable benefits of welcoming green companions into your living spaces and how they contribute to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. From purifying the air to reducing stress, these natural wonders promise to enrich your life and create a nurturing sanctuary within the walls of your abode."
msgstr "Langkahkan kaki ke rumah yang lebih sehat dan bahagia dengan kekuatan transformatif dari tanaman hias! Dalam pos blog ini, kita menjelajahi manfaat luar biasa dari menyambut teman hijau ke dalam ruang hidupmu dan bagaimana mereka berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan fisik, mental, dan emosionalmu. Dari memurnikan udara hingga mengurangi stres, keajaiban alami ini menjanjikan untuk memperkaya hidupmu dan menciptakan tempat perlindungan yang mendukung di dalam dinding tempat tinggalmu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Harnessing the Power of Greenery for Your Well-Being"
msgstr "Memanfaatkan Kekuatan Hijau untuk Kesejahteraanmu"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=310:
msgid "Houseplants for a Healthier Home"
msgstr "Tanaman Hias untuk Rumah yang Lebih Sehat"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "As we journey through this exploration of vibrant foliage and unique leaf patterns, you'll find yourself drawn into the magical world of houseplants. These extraordinary plants showcase the boundless creativity of Mother Nature, transforming your indoor spaces into a canvas of living art. So, let's celebrate the diversity of striking leaves, each with its own story to tell, and elevate our indoor gardening experience to a whole new level. Embrace the beauty of botanical diversity and discover the remarkable allure of houseplants with vibrant foliage and unique patterns. Happy exploring!"
msgstr "Seiring kita menjelajahi dedaunan yang berwarna-warni dan pola daun yang unik, kamu akan merasa tertarik ke dalam dunia ajaib tanaman hias. Tanaman-tanaman luar biasa ini menampilkan kreativitas tanpa batas dari Ibu Pertiwi, mengubah ruang dalammu menjadi kanvas seni hidup. Jadi, mari kita rayakan keberagaman daun yang mencolok, masing-masing dengan cerita yang ingin diceritakan, dan tingkatkan pengalaman berkebun dalam ruangan kita ke level yang baru. Sambutlah keindahan keberagaman botani dan temukan daya tarik luar biasa dari tanaman hias dengan dedaunan yang cerah dan pola yang unik. Selamat menjelajah!"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "8. Leaves with Personality: Witness the magic of houseplants with leaves that seemingly have personalities of their own. Whether they resemble fish, hearts, or even the fabled prayer hands, these extraordinary leaves will bring a smile to your face."
msgstr "8. Daun dengan Kepribadian: Saksikan keajaiban tanaman hias dengan daun yang tampaknya memiliki kepribadian sendiri. Apakah mereka mirip ikan, hati, atau bahkan tangan berdoa yang legendaris, daun-daun luar biasa ini akan membawa senyum di wajahmu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "7. Foliage with a Twist: Delight in the surprises that nature has in store for us, as we encounter houseplants with leaves that curve, twist, or curl, adding a whimsical touch to your green haven."
msgstr "7. Foliage with a Twist: Nikmati kejutan yang disiapkan alam untuk kita, saat kita menemukan tanaman hias dengan daun yang melengkung, berputar, atau melingkar, menambahkan sentuhan unik ke tempat hijau kamu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "6. Tantalizing Textures: As we journey deeper into the world of striking leaves, we'll encounter houseplants with fascinating textures that beg to be touched. From smooth and glossy surfaces to velvety softness, these textures enhance the sensory experience of indoor gardening."
msgstr "6. Tekstur yang Menggoda: Saat kita menjelajahi lebih dalam ke dunia daun yang mencolok, kita akan menemui tanaman hias dengan tekstur yang menarik yang meminta untuk disentuh. Dari permukaan yang halus dan mengkilap hingga kelembutan seperti beludru, tekstur ini meningkatkan pengalaman sensorik berkebun di dalam ruangan."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "5. The Allure of Reds and Pinks: Experience the romantic allure of leaves dressed in shades of red and pink. From soft blush tones to fiery crimson, these houseplants add a dash of passion and drama to your indoor garden."
msgstr "5. Daya Tarik Merah dan Pink: Rasakan daya tarik romantis dari daun yang berpakaian dalam nuansa merah dan pink. Dari nada merah muda yang lembut hingga merah menyala yang berapi-api, tanaman hias ini menambahkan sedikit gairah dan drama ke taman dalam ruanganmu."
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msgid "4. The Elegance of Silver and Gray: Discover a world of sophistication as we encounter houseplants with silver or gray foliage, evoking a sense of serenity and understated beauty. These plants lend a touch of refinement to any room they grace."
msgstr "4. Keanggunan Perak dan Abu-abu: Temukan dunia yang penuh dengan sofistikasi saat kita menjumpai tanaman hias dengan daun perak atau abu-abu, yang membangkitkan rasa ketenangan dan keindahan yang sederhana. Tanaman-tanaman ini memberikan sentuhan kehalusan pada setiap ruangan yang mereka hiasi."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "3. Patterns that Mesmerize: Unravel the mystery of leaves adorned with intricate patterns, from delicate veins and stripes to bold geometric shapes. These patterns often create an arresting display, turning the humble leaf into a mesmerizing work of art."
msgstr "3. Pola yang Memikat: Ungkap misteri daun yang dihiasi dengan pola yang rumit, dari urat halus dan garis hingga bentuk geometris yang berani. Pola-pola ini sering kali menciptakan tampilan yang menawan, mengubah daun yang sederhana menjadi karya seni yang memikat."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "2. Variegation Wonder: Meet the stunners with variegated leaves, showcasing a mesmerizing play of colors, streaks, and patterns. The contrast between light and dark variegations adds a touch of elegance to any space."
msgstr "2. Keajaiban Variegasi: Temui yang menakjubkan dengan daun variegasi, menampilkan permainan warna, garis, dan pola yang mempesona. Kontras antara variegasi terang dan gelap menambah sentuhan keanggunan di setiap ruang."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "1. Kaleidoscope of Colors: Step into a world of hues as we encounter houseplants with foliage that spans the entire color spectrum. From deep velvety purples and rich burgundies to electric blues and fiery oranges, these plants prove that green isn't the only color for leaves to don."
msgstr "1. Kaleidoskop Warna: Masuklah ke dunia nuansa saat kita menjumpai tanaman hias dengan dedaunan yang mencakup seluruh spektrum warna. Dari ungu yang dalam dan beludru serta burgundy yang kaya hingga biru elektrik dan oranye menyala, tanaman-tanaman ini membuktikan bahwa hijau bukanlah satu-satunya warna untuk dedaunan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "Prepare to be dazzled by the captivating beauty of houseplants that go beyond the ordinary! In this blog post, we embark on a journey through the enchanting world of vibrant foliage and unique patterns that grace the leaves of these botanical treasures. From striking colors to mesmerizing patterns, join us as we explore the extraordinary diversity found within the lush greenery of these exceptional plants."
msgstr "Siap-siap terpesona oleh keindahan menawan dari tanaman hias yang melampaui yang biasa! Dalam pos blog ini, kita memulai perjalanan melalui dunia memikat dari dedaunan yang cerah dan pola unik yang menghiasi daun dari harta botani ini. Dari warna-warna mencolok hingga pola yang memukau, bergabunglah dengan kami saat kita menjelajahi keberagaman luar biasa yang ditemukan di dalam hijau subur dari tanaman-tanaman istimewa ini."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "Unveiling the Extraordinary Diversity of Striking Houseplant Leaves"
msgstr "Mengungkap Keanekaragaman Luar Biasa Daun Tanaman Hias yang Menarik"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=317:
msgid "Exploring Vibrant Foliage and Patterns"
msgstr "Menjelajahi Daun yang Berwarna-warni dan Pola"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Growing houseplants from food waste is not only an eco-friendly practice but also a delightful and rewarding journey. Embrace the wonders of sustainability and watch as your kitchen scraps flourish into thriving green wonders that grace your living spaces with natural beauty. So, let's join hands in reducing waste, embracing nature's gift of regeneration, and cultivating a greener and more vibrant world within our homes. Happy gardening!"
msgstr "Menumbuhkan tanaman hias dari limbah makanan bukan hanya praktik ramah lingkungan, tapi juga perjalanan yang menyenangkan dan memuaskan. Sambutlah keajaiban keberlanjutan dan saksikan sisa makananmu berkembang menjadi keajaiban hijau yang subur yang menghiasi ruang hidupmu dengan keindahan alami. Jadi, mari kita bergandeng tangan dalam mengurangi limbah, merangkul hadiah regenerasi dari alam, dan membudidayakan dunia yang lebih hijau dan lebih hidup di dalam rumah kita. Selamat berkebun!"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Sprouting garlic cloves have the potential to become striking garlic greens. Plant them in soil, and you'll soon have a flavorful, edible addition to your indoor garden."
msgstr "Siung bawang putih yang mulai tumbuh punya potensi jadi daun bawang putih yang mencolok. Tanam di tanah, dan kamu akan segera punya tambahan yang lezat dan bisa dimakan untuk kebun dalam ruanganmu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Unleash the Power of Garlic"
msgstr "Raih Kekuatan Bawang Putih"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Before discarding those citrus seeds, consider their potential to grow into thriving citrus plants. Plant them in rich, well-draining soil, and you'll soon have a fresh source of zesty fragrance and lush greenery."
msgstr "Sebelum membuang biji jeruk itu, pertimbangkan potensi mereka untuk tumbuh menjadi tanaman jeruk yang subur. Tanam di tanah yang kaya dan memiliki drainase baik, dan kamu akan segera memiliki sumber aroma segar dan hijauan yang rimbun."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Transforming Citrus Seeds"
msgstr "Mentransformasi Biji Jeruk"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Those forgotten potatoes in your pantry can turn into vibrant and leafy houseplants. Place a sprouting potato in water until it develops roots and shoots, then transfer it to a pot for your potato plant to flourish."
msgstr "Kentang yang terlupakan di pantry kamu bisa jadi tanaman hias yang cerah dan berdaun lebat. Tempatkan kentang yang mulai tumbuh di air sampai dia mengembangkan akar dan tunas, lalu pindahkan ke pot agar tanaman kentang kamu bisa tumbuh subur."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid " Sprouting Potatoes"
msgstr "Kentang yang Berkecambah"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "The crown of a sweet and juicy pineapple holds the secret to growing your very own tropical plant. Replant the crown in well-draining soil, and you'll soon witness the growth of striking foliage, adding a touch of exotic flair to your home."
msgstr "Mahkota nanas yang manis dan juicy menyimpan rahasia untuk menumbuhkan tanaman tropismu sendiri. Tanam kembali mahkotanya di tanah yang memiliki drainase baik, dan kamu akan segera menyaksikan pertumbuhan daun yang mencolok, menambahkan sentuhan eksotis ke rumahmu."
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msgid "Pineapple Top Propagation"
msgstr "Perbanyakan Pucuk Nanas"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Avocado lovers, rejoice! Those large pits can be easily transformed into beautiful Avocado plants. Simply suspend the pit over water, and watch as roots develop, ready to be planted in soil once established. Soon, you'll have a stunning houseplant and the promise of future fruit!"
msgstr "Pecinta alpukat, bersukacitalah! Bijinya yang besar bisa dengan mudah diubah menjadi tanaman Alpukat yang cantik. Cukup gantungkan biji di atas air, dan saksikan akar berkembang, siap untuk ditanam di tanah setelah terbentuk. Segera, kamu akan memiliki tanaman hias yang menakjubkan dan janji buah di masa depan!"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "A Second Life for Avocado Pits"
msgstr " kehidupan kedua untuk biji alpukat"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Don't toss those vegetable and herb scraps! With a little TLC, you can regrow kitchen favorites like green onions, lettuce, and herbs, such as basil, mint, and cilantro. Witness the magic of life sprouting from seemingly discarded ends and add a touch of freshness to your culinary creations."
msgstr "Jangan buang sisa sayuran dan rempah itu! Dengan sedikit perhatian, kamu bisa menumbuhkan kembali favorit dapur seperti bawang hijau, selada, dan rempah-rempah, seperti basil, mint, dan ketumbar. Saksikan keajaiban kehidupan tumbuh dari ujung yang tampaknya terbuang dan tambahkan sentuhan kesegaran pada kreasi kulinermu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Regrowing Veggies and Herbs"
msgstr "Menumbuhkan Sayuran dan Rempah-rempah Kembali"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Did you know that you can transform your kitchen scraps into thriving houseplants? Say hello to the fascinating world of growing houseplants from food waste! In this blog post, we'll unveil the secrets of sustainable gardening and how you can harness the power of leftovers to cultivate a vibrant indoor garden. Join us as we embark on a green journey that not only reduces waste but also brings new life to your living spaces."
msgstr "Apakah kamu tahu bahwa kamu bisa mengubah sisa makanan di dapurmu menjadi tanaman hias yang subur? Sambutlah dunia menarik dari menanam tanaman hias dari limbah makanan! Di pos blog ini, kita akan mengungkap rahasia berkebun berkelanjutan dan bagaimana kamu bisa memanfaatkan sisa makanan untuk menumbuhkan taman dalam ruangan yang cerah. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kita memulai perjalanan hijau yang tidak hanya mengurangi limbah tetapi juga membawa kehidupan baru ke ruang hidupmu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Embrace Sustainability and Cultivate Green Wonders!"
msgstr "Rangkul Keberlanjutan dan Kembangkan Keajaiban Hijau!"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=315:
msgid "Growing Houseplants from Food Waste"
msgstr "Menumbuhkan Tanaman Hias dari Limbah Makanan"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=319:
msgid "By unlocking the secret language of houseplants, you'll not only enhance your gardening skills but also foster a deeper connection with the green world around you. So, let's embark on this enchanting journey together, as we decipher the whispers of our leafy companions and nurture a harmonious relationship with the extraordinary realm of houseplants. Remember, attentive listening and keen observation will unveil the captivating mysteries of plant communication, enriching your botanical journey like never before. Happy decoding!"
msgstr "Dengan membuka bahasa rahasia tanaman hias, kamu nggak cuma akan meningkatkan keterampilan berkebunmu, tapi juga membangun hubungan yang lebih dalam dengan dunia hijau di sekitarmu. Jadi, ayo kita mulai perjalanan menawan ini bersama-sama, saat kita menguraikan bisikan dari teman-teman berdaun kita dan merawat hubungan harmonis dengan dunia luar biasa tanaman hias. Ingat, mendengarkan dengan perhatian dan pengamatan yang tajam akan mengungkap misteri menarik dari komunikasi tanaman, memperkaya perjalanan botanikmu seperti belum pernah sebelumnya. Selamat menguraikan!"
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msgid "7. Time for Transplanting: When your plant's roots begin to outgrow their current home, they'll subtly signal their need for a larger pot. Understanding these signs will ensure you provide the perfect environment for your plant to thrive."
msgstr "7. Waktu untuk Memindahkan: Ketika akar tanamanmu mulai tumbuh lebih besar dari tempatnya sekarang, mereka akan secara halus memberi sinyal kebutuhan akan pot yang lebih besar. Memahami tanda-tanda ini akan memastikan kamu memberikan lingkungan yang sempurna agar tanamanmu berkembang."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=319:
msgid "6. Communication Through Blooms: Blooms are a plant's most expressive form of communication. From attracting pollinators to showcasing their reproductive prowess, flowers have captivating stories to tell. Decode the significance of flower colors, shapes, and scents as we unveil the secret language of blossoms."
msgstr "6. Komunikasi Melalui Bunga: Bunga adalah bentuk komunikasi paling ekspresif dari sebuah tanaman. Dari menarik penyerbuk hingga menunjukkan kemampuan reproduksi mereka, bunga memiliki cerita yang memikat untuk diceritakan. Dekode makna warna, bentuk, dan aroma bunga saat kita mengungkap bahasa rahasia dari mekarnya."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=319:
msgid "5. Root Revelations: Though unseen, a plant's roots convey valuable information about its health. Healthy roots are firm and white, while mushy or discolored roots might indicate overwatering or root rot."
msgstr "5. Pengungkapan Akar: Meskipun tidak terlihat, akar tanaman menyampaikan informasi berharga tentang kesehatannya. Akar yang sehat itu kokoh dan putih, sementara akar yang lembek atau berubah warna bisa jadi menunjukkan kelebihan air atau busuk akar."
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msgid "4. Phototropism and Gravitropism: Witness the extraordinary phenomenon of phototropism, where plants bend and grow towards light sources, ensuring they receive the optimal amount of sunlight for photosynthesis. Gravitropism, on the other hand, explains how roots grow downwards, anchoring the plant firmly to the ground and providing essential nutrients."
msgstr "4. Fototropisme dan Gravitropisme: Saksikan fenomena luar biasa dari fototropisme, di mana tanaman membungkuk dan tumbuh menuju sumber cahaya, memastikan mereka menerima jumlah sinar matahari yang optimal untuk fotosintesis. Gravitropisme, di sisi lain, menjelaskan bagaimana akar tumbuh ke bawah, mengaitkan tanaman dengan kuat ke tanah dan menyediakan nutrisi yang penting."
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msgid "3. Silent S.O.S: Plants can communicate through chemical signals, releasing scents that attract beneficial insects or ward off predators. The aroma of freshly-cut grass or the fragrant blooms of lavender are just a few examples of nature's secret language at work."
msgstr "3. Silent S.O.S: Tanaman bisa berkomunikasi melalui sinyal kimia, melepaskan aroma yang menarik serangga menguntungkan atau mengusir predator. Aroma rumput yang baru dipotong atau bunga lavender yang harum hanyalah beberapa contoh dari bahasa rahasia alam yang sedang beraksi."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=319:
msgid "1. Leaves of Expression: The leaves of your houseplants are like intricate canvases, expressing a variety of emotions and conditions. Yellowing leaves might be a cry for help, signaling overwatering or nutrient deficiencies, while vibrant green foliage signifies optimal health. Learn to read these visual cues to better understand your plant's well-being."
msgstr "1. Daun Ekspresi: Daun tanaman hiasmu itu seperti kanvas rumit, mengekspresikan berbagai emosi dan kondisi. Daun yang menguning mungkin adalah seruan minta tolong, menandakan penyiraman berlebihan atau kekurangan nutrisi, sementara dedaunan hijau cerah menandakan kesehatan yang optimal. Pelajari cara membaca isyarat visual ini untuk lebih memahami kesejahteraan tanamanmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=319:
msgid "Step into the enchanting world of houseplants, where lush foliage and vibrant blooms whisper tales of their well-being, needs, and desires. Welcome to \"The Secret Language of Houseplants,\" a captivating exploration of how these green wonders communicate with us in ways we might not even realize. As we delve into the fascinating realm of botanical signals, you'll discover the hidden messages your plants are trying to convey and learn how to foster a deeper connection with your leafy companions."
msgstr "Masuklah ke dunia menawan tanaman hias, di mana dedaunan subur dan bunga yang cerah membisikkan kisah tentang kesejahteraan, kebutuhan, dan keinginan mereka. Selamat datang di \"Bahasa Rahasia Tanaman Hias,\" sebuah eksplorasi yang menarik tentang bagaimana keajaiban hijau ini berkomunikasi dengan kita dengan cara yang mungkin tidak kita sadari. Saat kita menyelami dunia sinyal botani yang menakjubkan, kamu akan menemukan pesan tersembunyi yang coba disampaikan tanamanmu dan belajar bagaimana membangun koneksi yang lebih dalam dengan teman-teman berdaunmu."
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=319:
msgid "Unlocking the Mysteries of Plant Communication"
msgstr "Membongkar Misteri Komunikasi Tanaman"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=319:
msgid "The Secret Language of Houseplants"
msgstr "Bahasa Rahasia Tanaman Hias"
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#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "How to stop killing Succulents"
msgstr "Bagaimana cara berhenti membunuh Sukulen"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Humidity and how to Water houseplants"
msgstr "Kelembapan dan cara menyiram tanaman hias"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Top Houseplants for beginners"
msgstr "Tanaman Hias Terbaik untuk Pemula"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Flowers"
msgstr "Bunga"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "flowers"
msgstr "bunga"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Welcome to THP, your ultimate source for all things indoor gardening! In this episode, Bigger Pots Make Better Plants, we explore the art and science behind choosing the right pot size for your green companions. As plant parents, we often wonder how pot size impacts the growth and health of our plants."
msgstr "Selamat datang di THP, sumber utama kamu untuk semua hal tentang berkebun dalam ruangan! Di episode ini, Bigger Pots Make Better Plants, kita menjelajahi seni dan ilmu di balik memilih ukuran pot yang tepat untuk teman-teman hijau kamu. Sebagai orang tua tanaman, kita sering bertanya-tanya bagaimana ukuran pot memengaruhi pertumbuhan dan kesehatan tanaman kita."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Bigger pots make better plants"
msgstr "Pot yang lebih besar membuat tanaman yang lebih baik"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "
Welcome to a fragrant and captivating episode of The Houseplants Podcast, The Art of Aromatic Garden. In this delightful segment, we immerse ourselves in the world of scents and explore how aromatic plants can transform your indoor and outdoor spaces into enchanting havens of sensory delight. From blooming flowers to aromatic herbs, our expert hosts will guide you through the art of cultivating a garden that tantalizes the senses and uplifts the spirit. Discover the therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy through plants, and learn how to harness their natural fragrances to create a soothing and refreshing ambiance in your home. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a curious novice, this episode will inspire you to cultivate an aromatic oasis that not only pleases the nose but also nurtures the soul. Tune in to The Houseplants Podcast and embark on a scented journey through The Art of Aromatic Garden."
msgstr "
Selamat datang di episode yang wangi dan memikat dari The Houseplants Podcast, The Art of Aromatic Garden. Dalam segmen yang menyenangkan ini, kita akan menyelami dunia aroma dan mengeksplorasi bagaimana tanaman aromatik dapat mengubah ruang dalam dan luar ruanganmu menjadi tempat yang menawan penuh kenikmatan indera. Dari bunga yang mekar hingga herbal aromatik, host ahli kami akan membimbingmu melalui seni menanam taman yang menggoda indera dan mengangkat semangat. Temukan manfaat terapeutik dari aromaterapi melalui tanaman, dan pelajari cara memanfaatkan aroma alami mereka untuk menciptakan suasana yang menenangkan dan menyegarkan di rumahmu. Apakah kamu seorang tukang kebun berpengalaman atau pemula yang penasaran, episode ini akan menginspirasimu untuk menanam oasis aromatik yang tidak hanya menyenangkan hidung tetapi juga merawat jiwa. Dengarkan The Houseplants Podcast dan mulailah perjalanan beraroma melalui The Art of Aromatic Garden."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "The art of aromatic garden"
msgstr "Seni taman aromatik"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Basic Care"
msgstr "Dasar Care"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "basic-care"
msgstr "dasar-perawatan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "When the Winter is Coming"
msgstr "Ketika Musim Dingin Datang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/:
msgid "Intro 7"
msgstr "Intro 7"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/:
msgid "Intro 3"
msgstr "Intro 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/:
msgid "Intro 6"
msgstr "Intro 6"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/:
msgid "Intro 5"
msgstr "Intro 5"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/:
msgid "Intro 8"
msgstr "Intro 8"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/:
msgid "Intro 4"
msgstr "Intro 4"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
msgid "Menu (Page)"
msgstr "Menu (Halaman)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/intro-large-longer-title-center-aligned/:
msgid "Intro 2"
msgstr "Intro 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/06/14/intro-wide-width-image/:
msgid "Intro 1"
msgstr "Intro 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
msgid "Spicy broth, pork, bok choy, chili oil."
msgstr "Kaldu pedas, daging babi, bok choy, minyak cabai."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
msgid "Spicy Tantanmen"
msgstr "Spicy Tantanmen"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
msgid "Miso broth, pork, corn, sprouts, butter."
msgstr "Kaldu miso, daging babi, jagung, kecambah, mentega."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
msgid "Miso Ramen"
msgstr "Miso Ramen"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
msgid "Soy broth, chicken, bamboo, spinach, fish cake."
msgstr "Kaldu kedelai, ayam, bambu, bayam, kue ikan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
msgid "Shoyu Ramen"
msgstr "Shoyu Ramen"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
msgid "Pork broth, pork, egg, green onion, nori."
msgstr "Kaldu babi, daging babi, telur, bawang hijau, nori."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
msgid "Tonkotsu Ramen"
msgstr "Tonkotsu Ramen"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Octopus balls, pickled ginger, green onion, bonito flakes."
msgstr "Bola gurita, jahe acar, bawang hijau, serpihan bonito."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Takoyaki"
msgstr "Takoyaki"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Edamame, soy sauce, sesame seeds, red pepper flakes."
msgstr "Edamame, kecap, biji wijen, serpihan cabai merah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Spicy Edamame"
msgstr "Edamame Pedas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Pan-fried dumplings, ginger, soy dipping sauce"
msgstr "Pelipisan panggang, jahe, saus celup kedelai"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Gyoza Set"
msgstr "Set Gyoza"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Fried chicken, soy marinade, lemon wedge, dipping sauce."
msgstr "Ayam goreng, marinasi kedelai, irisan lemon, saus celup."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Karaage Plate"
msgstr "Piring Karaage"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Rice, pork belly, scallions, soy glaze, pickled ginger."
msgstr "Nasi, perut babi, daun bawang, glasir kedelai, jahe acar."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Chashu Don"
msgstr "Chashu Don"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Veggie broth, tofu, mushroom, spinach, corn."
msgstr "Kaldu sayuran, tahu, jamur, bayam, jagung."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Vegetarian Ramen"
msgstr "Ramen Vegetarian"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-4/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "$11"
msgstr "$11"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Fluffy pancakes, whipped cream, matcha syrup."
msgstr "Pancake empuk, krim kocok, sirup matcha."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Japanese Pancakes"
msgstr "Pancake Jepang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Rice balls (salmon, tuna, or plain), miso soup."
msgstr "Bola nasi (salmon, tuna, atau biasa), sup miso."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Onigiri Set"
msgstr "Set Onigiri"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Steamed rice, scrambled eggs, soy glaze, nori."
msgstr "Nasi kukus, telur orak-arik, saus kedelai, nori."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Tamago Bowl"
msgstr "Tamago Bowl"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Light broth, egg, sausage, green onion, noodles."
msgstr "Kaldu ringan, telur, sosis, bawang hijau, mie."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/menu-5/:
msgid "Rice and Egg Bowl"
msgstr "Mangkuk Nasi dan Telur"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/wooblockpatterns.wpcomstaging.com/2024/06/17/small-discount-banner-with-image/:
msgid "from"
msgstr "dari"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Video Coaching Sessions"
msgstr "Sesi Pelatihan Video"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "The program brings together individuals with similar challenges, and provides a supportive environment for personal and professional development."
msgstr "Program ini mengumpulkan individu dengan tantangan yang sama, dan menyediakan lingkungan yang mendukung untuk pengembangan personal dan profesional."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Group Coaching Sessions"
msgstr "Sesi Pelatihan Kelompok"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Executive Coaching Sessions"
msgstr "Sesi Pelatihan Eksekutif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8:
msgid "Leading & Coaching | Ben Oatts | TEDxNYU"
msgstr "Memimpin & Melatih | Ben Oatts | TEDxNYU"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8:
msgid "Talks"
msgstr "Pembicaraan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8:
msgid "talks"
msgstr "ngobrol"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Coaching Expo 2023"
msgstr "Coaching Expo 2023"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=57:
msgid "[Coach Ava] ABOUT"
msgstr "[Pelatih Ava] TENTANG"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=57:
msgid "Ben's background in coaching and his empathetic and understanding approach make him a trusted resource for clients seeking to excel in various aspects of their lives. He believes in the transformative power of coaching to unlock potential and is committed to helping individuals and organizations thrive. Ben Oatts is a seasoned coach and a driving force behind our mission to inspire positive change and growth."
msgstr "Latar belakang Ben dalam pelatihan dan pendekatannya yang empatik dan penuh pengertian menjadikannya sumber yang terpercaya bagi klien yang ingin unggul dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan mereka. Dia percaya pada kekuatan transformatif dari pelatihan untuk membuka potensi dan berkomitmen untuk membantu individu dan organisasi berkembang. Ben Oatts adalah pelatih berpengalaman dan kekuatan pendorong di balik misi kami untuk menginspirasi perubahan positif dan pertumbuhan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=57:
msgid "Ben Oatts is the passionate and insightful blogger behind our coaching platform. With a deep commitment to personal and professional development, Ben brings experience and expertise to our coaching programs. His journey in coaching began with a genuine desire to empower individuals and teams, and her dedication has since transformed into a platform where people can access tailored guidance and support."
msgstr "Ben Oatts adalah blogger yang penuh semangat dan wawasan di balik platform pelatihan kami. Dengan komitmen yang mendalam terhadap pengembangan Personal dan Profesional, Ben membawa pengalaman dan keahlian ke dalam program pelatihan kami. Perjalanannya dalam pelatihan dimulai dengan keinginan tulus untuk memberdayakan individu dan tim, dan dedikasinya sejak itu telah berubah menjadi platform di mana orang-orang dapat mengakses panduan dan dukungan yang disesuaikan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=57:
msgid "A seasoned coach and a driving force to inspire positive change and growth."
msgstr "Seorang pelatih berpengalaman dan kekuatan pendorong untuk menginspirasi perubahan dan pertumbuhan yang positif."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=57:
msgid "Meet Ben Oatts"
msgstr "Temui Ben Oatts"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=126:
msgid "Brain Food"
msgstr "Otak Makanan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "Stay ahead in your career with our “Life Coaching Business Masterclass” program, designed to provide ongoing learning opportunities and keep your skills relevant in today’s ever-changing job market. Whether you want to refresh your knowledge, explore new trends, or earn professional development credits, our Continued Education courses offer flexible, bite-sized modules that fit your busy schedule."
msgstr "Jadilah yang terdepan dalam kariermu dengan program “Life Coaching Business Masterclass” kami, yang dirancang untuk memberikan kesempatan belajar yang berkelanjutan dan menjaga keterampilanmu tetap relevan di pasar kerja yang selalu berubah. Apakah kamu ingin menyegarkan pengetahuanmu, menjelajahi tren baru, atau mendapatkan kredit pengembangan profesional, kursus Pendidikan Berkelanjutan kami menawarkan modul yang fleksibel dan singkat yang sesuai dengan jadwal sibukmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "Life & Business Coaching"
msgstr "Coaching Kehidupan & Bisnis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "The 'Financial Planning Coaching Certification' is ideal for individuals looking to achieve mastery in their chosen field, whether it’s leadership, entrepreneurship, or a specific professional skill. Our expert instructors will provide you with in-depth insights, hands-on experience, and personalized guidance to help you reach your professional goals."
msgstr "'Sertifikasi Pelatihan Perencanaan Keuangan' sangat cocok untuk individu yang ingin mencapai penguasaan di bidang yang mereka pilih, apakah itu kepemimpinan, kewirausahaan, atau keterampilan profesional tertentu. Instruktur ahli kami akan memberikan Wawasan mendalam, pengalaman praktis, dan panduan Personal untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan profesional Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "Financial Planning Certification"
msgstr "Sertifikasi Perencanaan Keuangan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "Financial Planning Coaching"
msgstr "Pelatihan Perencanaan Keuangan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=396:
msgid "Self-Reflection in Executive Coaching"
msgstr "Refleksi Diri dalam Pelatihan Eksekutif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=889:
msgid "This course is ideal for individuals looking to achieve mastery in their chosen field, whether it’s leadership, entrepreneurship, or a specific professional skill. Our expert instructors will provide you with in-depth insights, hands-on experience, and personalized guidance to help you reach your professional goals."
msgstr "Kursus ini ideal untuk individu yang ingin mencapai penguasaan di bidang yang mereka pilih, apakah itu kepemimpinan, kewirausahaan, atau keterampilan profesional tertentu. Instruktur ahli kami akan memberikan Anda wawasan mendalam, pengalaman praktis, dan bimbingan personal untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan profesional Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=889:
msgid "Stress Management Coaching Certification unlocks your full potential with our intensive, deep-dive course designed to take your skills and knowledge to the next level."
msgstr "Sertifikasi Pelatihan Manajemen Stres membuka potensi penuh kamu dengan kursus intensif dan mendalam kami yang dirancang untuk membawa keterampilan dan pengetahuan kamu ke tingkat selanjutnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=889:
msgid "Stress Management Coaching"
msgstr "Pelatihan Manajemen Stres"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/contact-the-coach/:
msgid "Reach Ben"
msgstr "Hubungi Ben"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/contact-the-coach/:
msgid "Schedule your free consultation and find out how mindset coaching can help you."
msgstr "Jadwalkan konsultasi gratismu dan temukan bagaimana pelatihan pola pikir bisa membantumu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/contact-the-coach/:
msgid "Experience the uniqueness of coaching with Ben Oatts. Start your journey now!"
msgstr "Rasakan keunikan coaching bersama Ben Oatts. Mulai perjalananmu sekarang!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/contact-the-coach/:
msgid "Contact the coach"
msgstr "Hubungi pelatih"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/contact-the-coach/:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/subscribe-horizontal/:
msgid "cta"
msgstr "cta"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/subscribe-horizontal/:
msgid "We know that life's challenges are unique and complex for everyone. Coaching is here to help you find yourself and realize your full potential."
msgstr "Kami tahu bahwa tantangan hidup itu unik dan kompleks bagi setiap orang. Coaching ada di sini untuk membantumu menemukan dirimu dan menyadari potensi penuhm."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/subscribe-horizontal/:
msgid "Sign up for my weekly thoughts on Personal Development"
msgstr "Daftar untuk pemikiran mingguan saya tentang Personal Development"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/09/28/subscribe-horizontal/:
msgid "Subscribe Horizontal"
msgstr "Berlangganan Horizontal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1027:
msgid "Boosting Employee Performance"
msgstr "Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1029:
msgid "Innovation and Creative Problem Solving"
msgstr "Inovasi dan Pemecahan Masalah Kreatif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1031:
msgid "The Effective Communication"
msgstr "Komunikasi yang Efektif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=320:
msgid "Our coaching sessions are designed to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and emotional resilience needed for a smoother transition into this new chapter of life."
msgstr "Sesi pelatihan kami dirancang untuk memberdayakan individu dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan ketahanan emosional yang dibutuhkan untuk transisi yang lebih lancar ke babak baru dalam hidup ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=320:
msgid "Parenthood Coaching"
msgstr "Pelatihan Kewarganegaraan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Our experienced coaches conduct one-on-one sessions via video conferencing, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience."
msgstr "Pelatih kami yang berpengalaman mengadakan sesi satu lawan satu melalui video conferencing, memastikan pengalaman yang lancar dan menarik."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Video Coaching"
msgstr "Video Coaching"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "The group program brings together individuals with similar goals and challenges, providing a supportive and interactive environment for personal and professional development."
msgstr "Program kelompok mengumpulkan individu dengan tujuan dan tantangan yang sama, menyediakan lingkungan yang mendukung dan interaktif untuk pengembangan personal dan profesional."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Group Coaching"
msgstr "Pelatihan Kelompok"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Our program is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, providing one-on-one guidance and support."
msgstr "Program kami dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan unik setiap individu, memberikan bimbingan dan dukungan satu-satu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Executive Coaching"
msgstr "Coaching Eksekutif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8:
msgid "Editor: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Production: Santana Inniss
Song: Fearless First by Kevin MacLeod"
msgstr "Penyunting: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Produksi: Santana Inniss
Lagu: Fearless First oleh Kevin MacLeod"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8:
msgid "On Episode fifty-two of the WordPress Briefing podcast, join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy and special guest Héctor Prieto as they discuss phase three and why it’s more than just collaborative editing!"
msgstr "Di Episode lima puluh dua dari podcast WordPress Briefing, bergabunglah dengan Direktur Eksekutif WordPress Josepha Haden Chomphosy dan tamu spesial Héctor Prieto saat mereka membahas fase tiga dan mengapa itu lebih dari sekadar pengeditan kolaboratif!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "And that, my friends, is your small list of big things. Thank you for tuning in today for the WordPress Briefing. I’m your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, and I’ll see you again in a couple of weeks."
msgstr "Dan itu, teman-teman, adalah daftar kecil dari hal-hal besar. Terima kasih telah menyimak hari ini untuk WordPress Briefing. Saya host kalian, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, dan saya akan bertemu lagi dalam beberapa minggu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "So if you’re wanting a little change of pace, I’d drop by their areas in the Making WordPress Slack to see if they have anything that’s up your alley."
msgstr "Jadi, kalau kamu mau sedikit perubahan suasana, aku sarankan untuk mampir ke area mereka di Making WordPress Slack buat lihat apakah mereka punya sesuatu yang sesuai dengan minatmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "And finally, there are a few working groups that folks can contribute to right now. We don’t always have working groups. We generally just kind of do stuff inside individual teams. But right now, we’ve got like the kids camp group, the sustainability group, and of course, that mentorship working group that I mentioned earlier in our list."
msgstr "Dan akhirnya, ada beberapa kelompok kerja yang bisa diikuti orang-orang saat ini. Kita nggak selalu punya kelompok kerja. Kita biasanya cuma melakukan hal-hal di dalam tim masing-masing. Tapi saat ini, kita punya kelompok kamp anak-anak, kelompok keberlanjutan, dan tentu saja, kelompok kerja mentorship yang saya sebutkan sebelumnya di daftar kita."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:30] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:30] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "That’s why he feels like jazz is such an important part of the DNA of the WordPress project. Like I said, it’s a short read. I’ll put a link to it in the show notes."
msgstr "Makanya dia merasa jazz itu bagian yang sangat penting dari DNA proyek WordPress. Suka yang saya bilang, ini bacaan singkat. Saya akan taruh linknya di catatan acara."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "The third thing on our small list of big things is that Matt put out a nice little post about kind of the history of why jazz has this strong background in the WordPress project. It’s a brief read. I’ll put a link to that in the show notes as well. But suffice it to say that he’s saying that jazz has a little bit of learned processes and rules but that the primary expectation is that you’re able to make of the jazz what you want. Like you get to make your own thing out of it. You get to be extemporaneous. You get to be very measured, whatever it is, that expresses what you are trying to do and what you are trying to say with it."
msgstr "Hal ketiga dalam daftar kecil kami tentang hal-hal besar adalah bahwa Matt memposkan sebuah pos kecil yang bagus tentang sejarah mengapa jazz memiliki latar belakang yang kuat dalam proyek WordPress. Ini adalah bacaan singkat. Saya akan menaruh tautan ke itu di catatan acara juga. Tapi cukup untuk mengatakan bahwa dia mengatakan bahwa jazz memiliki sedikit proses dan aturan yang dipelajari tetapi harapan utamanya adalah bahwa kamu bisa membuat jazz sesuai keinginanmu. Suka kamu bisa membuat sesuatu yang unik darinya. Kamu bisa bersifat spontan. Kamu bisa sangat terukur, apapun itu, yang mengekspresikan apa yang kamu coba lakukan dan apa yang kamu coba katakan dengan itu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:38] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:38] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "And so, creating a mentorship program that is a bit sustainable and looks toward the health of the overall project, I think, is an excellent plan. "
msgstr "Dan jadi, membuat program mentorship yang sedikit berkelanjutan dan memperhatikan kesehatan keseluruhan proyek, saya rasa, adalah paket yang sangat baik. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "It should be debuting for essentially testing any day now, a link to the posts detailing that work, just in case you want to join that important initiative. But it is an important thing for me. I think that mentorship is a key element of many of our successful contributors’ onboarding journeys, a part of their story of coming to us."
msgstr "Itu seharusnya debut untuk uji coba dalam beberapa hari ke depan, sebuah tautan ke memposkan yang merinci pekerjaan itu, jika kamu ingin bergabung dengan inisiatif penting itu. Tapi ini adalah hal yang penting bagi saya. Saya pikir bahwa mentorship adalah elemen kunci dari banyak perjalanan onboarding kontributor sukses kami, bagian dari cerita mereka datang kepada kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "The second thing is that we have an MVP of our new mentorship program that is underway."
msgstr "Hal kedua adalah bahwa kami memiliki MVP dari program mentorship baru kami yang sedang berjalan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:00] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:00] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "So it gives you a bit of like this aspirational overview of stuff that you could do with WordPress and then also gives you an inside look at how you would accomplish it yourself. It’s very cool. I like it a lot. Head on over there, but we’ll have a link to the show notes below."
msgstr "Jadi ini memberi kamu sedikit seperti gambaran aspiratif tentang hal-hal yang bisa kamu lakukan dengan WordPress dan juga memberi kamu pandangan dalam tentang bagaimana kamu bisa mencapainya sendiri. Ini sangat keren. Saya suka banget. Langsung saja ke sana, tapi kami akan punya link ke catatan acara di bawah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "Which brings us now to our small list of big things. First, we just launched the Developer Blog. It’s over at developer.wordpress.org/news. It has a bunch of content on it that not only is geared specifically toward developers that are using WordPress but especially the folks who are extending WordPress. It gives you kind of an in-depth look at various changes and projects, and implementations and what goes into each one of them."
msgstr "Yang membawa kita sekarang ke daftar kecil hal-hal besar. Pertama, kami baru saja meluncurkan Blog Pengembang. Itu ada di developer.wordpress.org/news. Di sana ada banyak konten yang tidak hanya ditujukan khusus untuk pengembang yang menggunakan WordPress tetapi terutama untuk orang-orang yang memperluas WordPress. Ini memberi kamu semacam pandangan mendalam tentang berbagai perubahan dan proyek, serta implementasi dan apa yang terlibat dalam masing-masing dari mereka."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid " [00:04:07]"
msgstr " [00:04:07]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "So those are my three things I think you should know about WordPress right now. As a former WordPress builder who was never really super great with the code, this stuff makes me feel powerful. I just love these changes, and I hope you do too."
msgstr "Jadi itu tiga hal yang menurutku kamu harus tahu tentang WordPress saat ini. Sebagai mantan pembuat WordPress yang nggak pernah benar-benar jago dengan kode, hal-hal ini bikin aku merasa berdaya. Aku suka banget perubahan ini, dan aku harap kamu juga."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:54] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:54] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "Yeah. Style Books. What will we think of next?"
msgstr "Ya. Buku Gaya. Apa yang akan kita pikirkan selanjutnya?"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "Yes. Also, all across the site. And you can edit buttons, separators, and individual blocks. Say it with me — all across the site. That is not a comprehensive list. There is a ton of stuff. You can see the styles that you have applied across the whole site. You can see them in context, and you can make any changes that you need globally, which means all across the site."
msgstr "Ya. Juga, di seluruh situs. Dan kamu bisa mengedit tombol, pemisah, dan blok individu. Ulangi setelahku — di seluruh situs. Itu bukan daftar yang lengkap. Ada banyak hal. Kamu bisa melihat gaya yang sudah kamu terapkan di seluruh situs. Kamu bisa melihatnya dalam konteks, dan kamu bisa membuat perubahan yang kamu butuhkan secara global, yang berarti di seluruh situs."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "But if you click on the little eyeball icon that’s just underneath it, it pulls up a style book where you can also see and edit the styles globally. If that didn’t make sense to you, don’t worry. I’ve got you. I’m about to tell you a bunch of things you can do in here. You can edit the way headings and lists and tables, quotes, and code looks all across the site. You can edit the way images, galleries, files, and videos look using custom CSS."
msgstr "Tapi kalau kamu klik ikon bola mata kecil yang ada di bawahnya, itu bakal muncul buku gaya di mana kamu juga bisa lihat dan edit gaya secara global. Kalau itu nggak masuk akal buat kamu, tenang aja. Aku bakal kasih tahu kamu banyak hal yang bisa kamu lakukan di sini. Kamu bisa edit cara judul, daftar, tabel, kutipan, dan kode terlihat di seluruh situs. Kamu bisa edit cara gambar, galeri, file, dan video terlihat menggunakan CSS Khusus."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "And number three, a Style Book. So this thing is available in the template editing area, specifically, as is appropriate, given what it actually does. So if you’re in the template area, toward the top right of the screen is like a half moon day mode, night mode looking icon. If you click on that, you can make changes to things inside your blocks."
msgstr "Dan yang ketiga, sebuah Buku Gaya. Jadi benda ini tersedia di area pengeditan template, khususnya, sesuai dengan apa yang sebenarnya dilakukannya. Jadi jika kamu berada di area template, di bagian kanan atas layar ada ikon yang terlihat seperti bulan setengah, mode siang, mode malam. Jika kamu mengklik itu, kamu bisa membuat perubahan pada hal-hal di dalam blokmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:35] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:35] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "It lets you look through the images you’ve already added to your site, but it also lets you search for openly licensed images from Openverse. And if you choose one of those images from Openverse, it inserts the proper attribution for you. You still have to add your own alt text, but that’s the fun part anyway, right?"
msgstr "It lets you look through the images you’ve already added to your situs, but it also lets you search for openly licensed images from Openverse. And if you choose one of those images from Openverse, it inserts the proper attribution for you. You still have to add your own alt text, but that’s the fun part anyway, right?"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "That’s also available when you’re working on templates or template parts, so you can make changes everywhere instead of going page by page. The second thing that I think you should know is about the media browser in that same area where you browse your patterns; you can also now browse for media."
msgstr "Itu juga tersedia saat kamu bekerja di template atau bagian template, jadi kamu bisa membuat perubahan di mana saja alih-alih pergi halaman demi halaman. Hal kedua yang menurutku kamu harus tahu adalah tentang media browser di area yang sama di mana kamu menjelajahi polamu; sekarang kamu juga bisa menjelajahi media."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:00] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:00] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "And if you, like me, know what you want your site to look like, but could not in a million years figure out how to build it from scratch out of individual blocks, then this is the area for you. It was like shopping, but you don’t have to go through a checkout process at the end, and you still have what you want. It’s great. "
msgstr "Dan jika kamu, seperti saya, tahu bagaimana kamu ingin situsmu terlihat, tapi tidak bisa dalam sejuta tahun menemukan cara untuk membangunnya dari awal dengan blok-blok individu, maka ini adalah area untukmu. Rasanya seperti berbelanja, tapi kamu tidak perlu melalui proses checkout di akhir, dan kamu tetap mendapatkan apa yang kamu inginkan. Ini luar biasa. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "If you use the main inserter, that’s a blue square in the top left of the screen. If you use that to add a block, you can still add individual blocks as usual. But there’s a new way to browse patterns, and in my opinion, it is so much better. It now brings out this drawer that has like thumbnails of patterns that will work with your theme."
msgstr "Kalau kamu pakai inserter utama, itu kotak biru di pojok kiri atas layar. Kalau kamu pakai itu untuk nambahin blok, kamu masih bisa nambahin blok individu seperti biasa. Tapi ada cara baru buat browsing pola, dan menurutku, ini jauh lebih baik. Sekarang muncul laci ini yang punya thumbnail pola yang bakal cocok dengan tema kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "First, the pattern browser. We’re all aware of the block inserter by now, and a lot of us probably use the quick options, the keyboard shortcuts, or that kind of inline inserter, that little black box that’s in the middle of your post."
msgstr "Pertama, browser pola. Kita semua sudah tahu tentang penyisip blok sekarang, dan banyak dari kita mungkin menggunakan pilihan cepat, pintasan keyboard, atau semacam penyisip inline, kotak hitam kecil yang ada di tengah pos kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:08]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:08]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "It’s a big release that refines a lot of our design tools, but some of the most important changes are actually to the inserter. If you haven’t had a chance to get in there and play with it yet, here are the three things that I think you should know."
msgstr "Ini adalah rilis besar yang menyempurnakan banyak alat desain kami, tapi beberapa perubahan yang paling penting sebenarnya ada pada inserter. Jika kamu belum sempat masuk dan mencoba, berikut adalah tiga hal yang menurutku harus kamu tahu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "The latest version of WordPress has shipped. WordPress 6.2, which was named after Eric Dolphy, was released on March 29th. And as is the way with software, there’s already a minor release underway to catch a few errant issues that folks like you have reported to us."
msgstr "Versi terbaru dari WordPress sudah dirilis. WordPress 6.2, yang dinamai setelah Eric Dolphy, dirilis pada 29 Maret. Dan seperti biasa dengan perangkat lunak, sudah ada rilis minor yang sedang berlangsung untuk menangani beberapa masalah kecil yang dilaporkan oleh orang-orang seperti kamu kepada kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[00:00:28]"
msgstr "[00:00:28]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "Hello everyone, and welcome to the WordPress Briefing, the podcast where you can catch quick explanations of the ideas behind the WordPress Open Source project, some insight into the community that supports it, and get a small list of big things coming up in the next two weeks."
msgstr "Halo semuanya, dan selamat datang di WordPress Briefing, podcast di mana kamu bisa mendapatkan penjelasan cepat tentang ide-ide di balik proyek Open Source WordPress, sedikit wawasan tentang komunitas yang mendukungnya, dan mendapatkan daftar kecil tentang hal-hal besar yang akan datang dalam dua minggu ke depan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:00]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:00]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy”
Introducing the WordPress Developer Blog
WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program
Call for Volunteers: Contributor Working Group
Why Jazz
Make Slack channels #kidscamp and #sustainability"
msgstr "WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy”
Memperkenalkan Blog Pengembang WordPress
Program Mentorship Kontributor WordPress
Panggilan untuk Relawan: Kelompok Kerja Kontributor
Mengapa Jazz
Saluran Slack Make #kidscamp dan #sustainability"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "Named after the multi-instrumentalist Eric Allan Dolphy Jr., WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy”‘s high notes are riffed on by WordPress’s Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, in this 53rd episode of the WordPress Briefing."
msgstr "Dinamai setelah multi-instrumentalis Eric Allan Dolphy Jr., WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy”‘s high notes diriff oleh Direktur Eksekutif WordPress, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, di episode ke-53 dari WordPress Briefing."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
msgid "Productivity Secrets: How Coaching Drives Efficiency"
msgstr "Rahasia Produktivitas: Gimana Coaching Mendorong Efisiensi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "And that, my friends, is your small list of big things. Thanks for tuning in today for the WordPress Briefing. I’m your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, and I’ll see you again in a couple of weeks. "
msgstr "Dan itu, teman-teman, adalah daftar kecil dari hal-hal besar. Terima kasih telah bergabung hari ini untuk WordPress Briefing. Saya adalah host Anda, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, dan saya akan bertemu lagi dengan kalian dalam beberapa minggu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Second thing is that there are many ways to celebrate WordPress’s 20th anniversary on May 27th. But one of the things you can do right now is record a short video or sound clip about a great memory or experience you have had in this community or just generally because of WordPress. Those will be featured on the WP 20 website, and maybe even a lucky few will make it into the second volume of the WordPress history book."
msgstr "Hal kedua adalah ada banyak cara untuk merayakan ulang tahun ke-20 WordPress pada 27 Mei. Tapi salah satu hal yang bisa kamu lakukan sekarang adalah merekam video pendek atau klip suara tentang kenangan atau pengalaman hebat yang kamu miliki di komunitas ini atau hanya secara umum karena WordPress. Itu akan ditampilkan di situs WP 20, dan mungkin beberapa yang beruntung akan masuk ke dalam volume kedua buku sejarah WordPress."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "That brings me now to my small list of big things. It’s a very small list, but it is very big, as always. The first thing is that we are gearing up for the remaining major releases of the year, WP 6.3 and 6.4 in an atypical moment for our project. You can volunteer for both simultaneously if you want, and hopefully, you do want."
msgstr "Itu membawa saya sekarang ke daftar kecil saya tentang hal-hal besar. Ini adalah daftar yang sangat kecil, tapi sangat besar, seperti biasa. Hal pertama adalah bahwa kita sedang bersiap untuk rilis besar yang tersisa tahun ini, WP 6.3 dan 6.4 di momen yang tidak biasa untuk proyek kita. Kamu bisa menjadi sukarelawan untuk keduanya secara bersamaan jika mau, dan semoga, kamu mau."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:33] Small List of Big Things"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:33] Daftar Kecil dari Hal-Hal Besar"
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "But as with all fast-moving technological advances, I encourage you to leap in feet first, not head first. Get in up to your neck in the “why”s and “how”s of that new technology you’ve been worrying about. Be the first to become best at this arcane new thing because that’s why we open source at all so that you have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, and improve your software. "
msgstr "Tapi seperti semua kemajuan teknologi yang bergerak cepat, saya mendorongmu untuk terjun dengan kaki terlebih dahulu, bukan kepala terlebih dahulu. Masuklah sampai lehermu dalam 'mengapa' dan 'bagaimana' dari teknologi baru yang kamu khawatirkan itu. Jadilah yang pertama menjadi yang terbaik dalam hal baru yang rumit ini karena itulah mengapa kita melakukan open source agar kamu memiliki kebebasan untuk menjalankan, menyalin, mendistribusikan, mempelajari, mengubah, dan meningkatkan perangkat lunakmu. "
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "So be an active participant in these new technologies. Learn how GPT works and how it could work for you, even if it’s just writing better prompts. Learn how Gutenberg can support your needs, not subvert your needs, even if it’s just learning how to arrange a series of blocks into a pattern or patterns into a page."
msgstr "Jadi, jadilah peserta aktif dalam teknologi baru ini. Pelajari bagaimana GPT bekerja dan bagaimana itu bisa bekerja untukmu, bahkan jika itu hanya untuk menulis prompt yang lebih baik. Pelajari bagaimana Gutenberg bisa mendukung kebutuhanmu, bukan merusak kebutuhanmu, bahkan jika itu hanya belajar bagaimana mengatur serangkaian blok menjadi pola atau pola menjadi halaman."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:35]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:35]"
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "We hear that in a slightly more routine way from folks around open source communities. Basically, the whole concept of open source software is being built by the folks who show up. You can’t influence the future of anything if you’re not showing up in the spaces where the influence happens."
msgstr "Kami mendengar itu dengan cara yang sedikit lebih rutin dari orang-orang di sekitar komunitas open source. Pada dasarnya, seluruh konsep perangkat lunak open source dibangun oleh orang-orang yang hadir. Kamu tidak bisa mempengaruhi masa depan apapun jika kamu tidak hadir di tempat di mana pengaruh itu terjadi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "And while it’s not quite in the same vein, also things like Gutenberg. Advancements that are coming to technology around us, technology we’re familiar with. And it’s hard to see what’s in them sometimes. It’s hard to see what drives them. It’s hard to know how we can make them work for us. So I have to remind us all, as citizens of an open source community, that what protects us from those things we should be free from is directly connected to how active we are in the things we are free to. "
msgstr "Dan meskipun ini tidak sepenuhnya dalam konteks yang sama, juga hal-hal seperti Gutenberg. Kemajuan yang datang ke teknologi di sekitar kita, teknologi yang kita kenal. Dan kadang-kadang sulit untuk melihat apa yang ada di dalamnya. Sulit untuk melihat apa yang mendorongnya. Sulit untuk tahu bagaimana kita bisa membuatnya bekerja untuk kita. Jadi saya harus mengingatkan kita semua, sebagai warga komunitas open source, bahwa apa yang melindungi kita dari hal-hal yang seharusnya kita bebas darinya terhubung langsung dengan seberapa aktif kita dalam hal-hal yang kita bebas untuk."
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msgid "And honestly, the things that we should be free from just include a lot of fear of loss. Loss of opportunity or relevance or livelihood. And I feel like for our project, and maybe for open source as a whole, we’re encountering a lot of that right now, whether we are aware of it or not. We’re seeing advancements like GPT3 or ChatGPT if that sounds more familiar and co-pilot."
msgstr "Dan jujur, hal-hal yang seharusnya kita bebas dari hanya mencakup banyak ketakutan akan kehilangan. Kehilangan kesempatan atau relevansi atau mata pencaharian. Dan saya merasa untuk proyek kita, dan mungkin untuk open source secara keseluruhan, kita sedang menghadapi banyak hal itu sekarang, apakah kita menyadarinya atau tidak. Kita melihat kemajuan seperti GPT3 atau ChatGPT jika itu terdengar lebih familiar dan co-pilot."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:04:13]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:04:13]"
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "We should have the freedom to know how our tools work, the freedom to know what information they need from us, and also the freedom to have some way to make that software work specifically for us because that’s why we have software because we have humans that need it. But we should also have freedom from having to hide our hacky enhancements or freedom from fear of losing our earned audience, or even the fear of losing access to copious amounts of content that we have created ourselves over the years."
msgstr "Kita seharusnya memiliki kebebasan untuk tahu bagaimana alat kita bekerja, kebebasan untuk tahu informasi apa yang mereka butuhkan dari kita, dan juga kebebasan untuk memiliki cara agar perangkat lunak itu bekerja khusus untuk kita karena itulah mengapa kita memiliki perangkat lunak, karena kita adalah manusia yang membutuhkannya. Tapi kita juga harus memiliki kebebasan dari harus menyembunyikan peningkatan hacky kita atau kebebasan dari rasa takut kehilangan audiens yang telah kita dapatkan, atau bahkan rasa takut kehilangan akses ke banyak konten yang telah kita buat sendiri selama bertahun-tahun."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "When I look at the four freedoms of open source, this Bill of Rights for the Web, I see not only the freedoms that we should have but also the things that we should have freedom from. "
msgstr "Ketika saya melihat empat kebebasan dari open source, Bill of Rights untuk Web ini, saya tidak hanya melihat kebebasan yang seharusnya kita miliki tetapi juga hal-hal yang seharusnya kita bebas dari. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:28]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:28]"
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msgid "A little more access to tools and jobs that weren’t available before. A slightly more open door to networks that undergird the success of entrepreneurs across the globe and a little more equity to the world of democratizing publishing. "
msgstr "Sedikit lebih banyak akses ke alat dan pekerjaan yang sebelumnya tidak tersedia. Pintu yang sedikit lebih terbuka ke jaringan yang mendukung kesuksesan para pengusaha di seluruh dunia dan sedikit lebih banyak ekuitas untuk dunia yang mendemokratisasi penerbitan. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "And while I personally believe that creating software is inherently political or, at a minimum, concerned with the needs of people, that’s not what convinces anyone to participate in open source, and it’s certainly not what convinces people to use WordPress. But here’s the thing, as a leader in a widely used, free, and open source software project, as a leader in WordPress, I also know that every new user to our platform or any other open source platform represents a little more freedom in the world."
msgstr "Dan sementara saya pribadi percaya bahwa menciptakan perangkat lunak itu secara inheren politik atau, setidaknya, berkaitan dengan kebutuhan orang-orang, itu bukanlah yang meyakinkan siapa pun untuk berpartisipasi dalam open source, dan tentu saja bukan yang meyakinkan orang untuk menggunakan WordPress. Tapi begini, sebagai pemimpin dalam proyek perangkat lunak yang banyak digunakan, gratis, dan open source, sebagai pemimpin di WordPress, saya juga tahu bahwa setiap pengguna baru di platform kami atau platform open source lainnya mewakili sedikit lebih banyak kebebasan di dunia."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:40]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:40]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Every once in a while, you might hear me talk about the effects of “open source at scale,” or you might hear Matt say that the four freedoms are essentially the “Bill of Rghts for the open web.” I almost never really dig into either of those topics because it’s just really complicated. But for starters, anytime you talk about what someone is entitled to or deserves or expects, there is a feeling of political bias."
msgstr "Setiap kali, kamu mungkin mendengar aku bicara tentang efek dari “open source at scale,” atau kamu mungkin mendengar Matt bilang bahwa empat kebebasan pada dasarnya adalah “Bill of Rights untuk web terbuka.” Aku hampir tidak pernah benar-benar membahas salah satu dari topik itu karena itu memang sangat rumit. Tapi untuk memulai, setiap kali kamu bicara tentang apa yang berhak diterima seseorang atau apa yang pantas mereka dapatkan atau harapkan, ada perasaan bias politik."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "The TLDR version of these freedoms is, essentially, that users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, and improve the software. Now, normally when I speak about the freedoms of open source, I’m talking about it either from a practical or a philosophical standpoint, but I also spend a lot of time thinking about it from a leadership and organizational perspective."
msgstr "Versi TLDR dari kebebasan ini adalah, pada dasarnya, bahwa pengguna memiliki kebebasan untuk menjalankan, menyalin, mendistribusikan, mempelajari, mengubah, dan meningkatkan perangkat lunak. Sekarang, biasanya ketika saya berbicara tentang kebebasan open source, saya membicarakannya baik dari sudut pandang praktis atau filosofis, tetapi saya juga menghabiskan banyak waktu memikirkan tentangnya dari perspektif kepemimpinan dan organisasi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:47]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:47]"
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "The third freedom is the freedom to redistribute copies so that you can help others. And the fourth freedom is the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this, you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes, and of course, also access to the source code is a precondition for this. "
msgstr "Kebebasan ketiga adalah kebebasan untuk mendistribusikan salinan agar kamu bisa membantu orang lain. Dan kebebasan keempat adalah kebebasan untuk mendistribusikan salinan versi modifikasi kamu kepada orang lain. Dengan melakukan ini, kamu bisa memberi seluruh komunitas kesempatan untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari perubahanmu, dan tentu saja, akses ke kode sumber adalah syarat untuk ini. "
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msgid "So the first thing is the freedom to run the program as you wish for any purpose. The second thing is the freedom to study how the program works and to change it so that it does your computing as you wish. As a side note, access to the source code is a precondition for this. "
msgstr "Jadi hal pertama adalah kebebasan untuk menjalankan program sesuai keinginanmu untuk tujuan apa pun. Hal kedua adalah kebebasan untuk mempelajari bagaimana program itu bekerja dan mengubahnya agar melakukan komputasi sesuai keinginanmu. Sebagai catatan, akses ke kode sumber adalah prasyarat untuk ini. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:12]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:12]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Just over 50 episodes ago, I shared some basic thoughts about the four freedoms of open source. I also talked through the most quoted phrase in open source “free as in free speech, not free as in beer.” And honestly, what podcast about the freedoms of open source would be complete without that? If you haven’t listened to that episode, I suggest you do, but if you don’t have time, I’ll start by reminding us all of the definition of free software, which is most commonly referred to as the four freedoms of open source."
msgstr "Sedikit lebih dari 50 episode yang lalu, saya membagikan beberapa pemikiran dasar tentang empat kebebasan dari open source. Saya juga membahas frasa yang paling sering dikutip dalam open source “gratis seperti dalam kebebasan berbicara, bukan gratis seperti dalam bir.” Dan jujur saja, podcast tentang kebebasan open source mana yang akan lengkap tanpa itu? Jika kamu belum mendengarkan episode itu, saya sarankan kamu melakukannya, tapi jika kamu tidak punya waktu, saya akan mulai dengan mengingatkan kita semua tentang definisi perangkat lunak gratis, yang paling umum disebut sebagai empat kebebasan dari open source."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid " [Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:40] Start of Show"
msgstr " [Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:40] Awal Pertunjukan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "I’m your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Here we go!"
msgstr "Aku hostmu, Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Ayo kita mulai!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Hello, everyone! And welcome to the WordPress Briefing: the podcast where you can catch quick explanations of the ideas behind the WordPress open source project, some insight into the community that supports it, and get a small list of big things coming up in the next two weeks. "
msgstr "Halo, semuanya! Dan selamat datang di WordPress Briefing: podcast di mana kamu bisa mendapatkan penjelasan cepat tentang ide-ide di balik proyek open source WordPress, sedikit wawasan tentang komunitas yang mendukungnya, dan mendapatkan daftar kecil tentang hal-hal besar yang akan datang dalam dua minggu ke depan. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Episode 2: WordPress is Free(dom)
OpenAI ChatGPT and Github Copilot
WordPress 6.3 Planning Proposal & Call for Volunteers
Preparing for the Next Underrepresented Gender-Led Release – WordPress 6.4
WP20 — Celebrating 20 years of WordPress"
msgstr "Episode 2: WordPress adalah Gratis(dom)
OpenAI ChatGPT dan Github Copilot
Proposal Perencanaan WordPress 6.3 & Panggilan untuk Relawan
Mempersiapkan Rilis yang Dipimpin oleh Gender yang Kurang Terwakili Selanjutnya – WordPress 6.4
WP20 — Merayakan 20 tahun WordPress"
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Editor: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Production: Chloé Bringmann
Song: Fearless First by Kevin MacLeod"
msgstr "Penyunting: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Produksi: Chloé Bringmann
Lagu: Fearless First oleh Kevin MacLeod"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy in the 54th episode of the WordPress Briefing as she explores the concept of the four freedoms of open source and likens it to today’s Bill of Rights for the open web."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan Direktur Eksekutif WordPress, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, di episode ke-54 dari WordPress Briefing saat dia menjelajahi konsep empat kebebasan dari open source dan membandingkannya dengan Bill of Rights untuk web terbuka saat ini."
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Change Management and Coaching: Navigating Transitions"
msgstr "Manajemen Perubahan dan Pelatihan: Menavigasi Transisi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "And that, my friends, is your small list of big things. Thank you for tuning in today for the WordPress Briefing. I’m your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, and I’ll see you again in a couple of weeks."
msgstr "Dan itu, teman-teman, adalah daftar kecil dari hal-hal besar. Terima kasih telah menyimak hari ini untuk WordPress Briefing. Saya adalah host Anda, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, dan saya akan melihat kalian lagi dalam beberapa minggu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:11:28]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:11:28]"
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Not impossible, but it’s harder than going 1, 2, 3 In the normal sequential order. And so that’s a whole discussion that’s happening over there. There’s a link to all of these things in the show notes. "
msgstr "Tidak mustahil, tapi ini lebih sulit daripada pergi 1, 2, 3 dalam urutan yang normal. Dan jadi itu adalah diskusi yang sedang terjadi di sana. Ada tautan ke semua hal ini di catatan acara. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:11:17]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:11:17]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "One of the things that we know about almost all contributor ladders is that there’s no time requirement between the steps, but in general, it functions like a ladder. So you do have to have, like, rung one. And then, rung two, if you try to skip from rung one to rung three, you will have a lot of difficulty. "
msgstr "Salah satu hal yang kita tahu tentang hampir semua tangga kontributor adalah bahwa tidak ada persyaratan waktu antara langkah-langkahnya, tapi secara umum, ini berfungsi seperti tangga. Jadi kamu harus punya, suka, langkah satu. Dan kemudian, langkah dua, jika kamu mencoba untuk melompati dari langkah satu ke langkah tiga, kamu akan mengalami banyak kesulitan. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:10:57]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:10:57]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "And the final thing on my small, my big small list of big things is that we have a kind of a review of the currently defined contributor ladder for the Polyglots team. There are a number of posts over the years where we talk about the ways that people move through being a contributor. "
msgstr "Dan hal terakhir di daftar kecil saya, daftar besar saya tentang hal-hal besar adalah bahwa kita punya semacam tinjauan tentang tangga kontributor yang saat ini didefinisikan untuk tim Polyglots. Ada sejumlah pos selama bertahun-tahun di mana kita membahas cara-cara orang bergerak melalui menjadi seorang kontributor. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:10:37]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:10:37]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "There is also a team or two that needs some help with getting leads for the contributor day that happens leading up to WordCamp. Europe, I know that the testing team needs a lead for the table, and so if you enjoy the process of triaging or testing or helping people get their environment set up, that is a great opportunity. "
msgstr "Ada juga satu atau dua tim yang butuh bantuan untuk mendapatkan leads untuk hari kontributor yang terjadi menjelang WordCamp. Eropa, saya tahu bahwa tim pengujian butuh seorang pemimpin untuk meja, jadi jika kamu menikmati proses triaging atau pengujian atau membantu orang-orang menyiapkan lingkungan mereka, itu adalah kesempatan yang bagus. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:10:17]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:10:17]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "However, there is a final call for volunteers for anyone who wants to be able to help at the event. I personally have always enjoyed doing that kind of volunteer work. It helps you get to know your community even a bit better. And I don’t know; I’m just kind of an extroverted people person. So, of course, I always want to volunteer, but that call is still open. And they’re in the last phases of that. "
msgstr "Namun, ada panggilan terakhir untuk relawan bagi siapa saja yang ingin membantu di acara tersebut. Saya pribadi selalu menikmati melakukan pekerjaan relawan seperti itu. Itu membantu kamu mengenal komunitasmu sedikit lebih baik. Dan saya tidak tahu; saya hanya orang yang extrovert. Jadi, tentu saja, saya selalu ingin menjadi relawan, tapi panggilan itu masih terbuka. Dan mereka sudah di fase terakhir itu. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:09:54]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:09:54]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "The third thing is that we have WordCamp Europe coming up, that is June 8 and 10th. So a little bit past the two-week mark. "
msgstr "Hal ketiga adalah kita akan mengadakan WordCamp Europe, yaitu pada tanggal 8 dan 10 Juni. Jadi sedikit lebih dari dua minggu lagi. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:09:48]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:09:48]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "That 6.4 release is specifically going to be made up entirely of diverse genders. People that we historically see are underrepresented in technology, but as always, we accept contributions from everyone for all releases. "
msgstr "Rilis 6.4 itu khususnya akan terdiri sepenuhnya dari berbagai gender. Orang-orang yang secara historis kita lihat kurang terwakili dalam teknologi, tapi seperti biasa, kami menerima kontribusi dari semua orang untuk semua rilis. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:09:32]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:09:32]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "It is an extra heavy release squad because we also are working toward the 6.4 release just at the same time. So there’s the folks who are running the 6.3 release, and they have committed to working openly and in public channels as much as possible so that the 6.4 folks have a chance to really take a look at what goes into a release, the questions that we ask, the philosophies we believe in, and then that 6.4 release oil pick up probably, my guess is August-ish, mid-August or so. "
msgstr "Ini adalah tim rilis yang sangat berat karena kami juga sedang bekerja menuju rilis 6.4 pada saat yang sama. Jadi ada orang-orang yang menjalankan rilis 6.3, dan mereka telah berkomitmen untuk bekerja secara terbuka dan di saluran publik sebanyak mungkin agar orang-orang 6.4 punya kesempatan untuk benar-benar melihat apa yang masuk ke dalam rilis, pertanyaan yang kami ajukan, filosofi yang kami percayai, dan kemudian rilis 6.4 mungkin akan diambil, perkiraanku sekitar bulan Agustus, pertengahan Agustus atau sekitar itu. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:58]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:58]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "So firstly, there is a post out about performance improvements from 6.2. That is just inviting an open discussion so that we can get more of those improvements in better shape to get into the 6.3 release. And speaking of the 6.3 release that is coming, just last week, we announced the release squad that we have. "
msgstr "Jadi pertama-tama, ada sebuah pos tentang perbaikan performa dari 6.2. Itu hanya mengundang diskusi terbuka supaya kita bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak perbaikan itu dalam bentuk yang lebih baik untuk dimasukkan ke dalam rilis 6.3. Dan ngomong-ngomong tentang rilis 6.3 yang akan datang, baru minggu lalu, kami mengumumkan tim rilis yang kami miliki. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:38]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:38]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "So there are a lot of things happening in the WordPress project over the next couple of weeks. There is a lot of testing going on. There are a lot of releases that are getting underway. There are events and things. So here’s my rundown of stuff you should take a look at. "
msgstr "Jadi ada banyak hal yang terjadi di proyek WordPress dalam beberapa minggu ke depan. Ada banyak pengujian yang sedang berlangsung. Ada banyak rilis yang sedang dimulai. Ada acara dan hal-hal lainnya. Jadi ini adalah ringkasan saya tentang hal-hal yang harus kamu perhatikan. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:24]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:24]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Which brings us effervescently to the small list of big things. Yeah, I said effervescently. "
msgstr "Yang membawa kita dengan bersemangat ke daftar kecil hal-hal besar. Ya, aku bilang bersemangat. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:17]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:17]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "So grab a slice of cake, and raise a glass to 20 great years of WordPress, and I am going to raise a glass to 20 more years of continuing our journey together."
msgstr "Jadi ambil sepotong kue, dan angkat gelas untuk 20 tahun hebat WordPress, dan aku akan mengangkat gelas untuk 20 tahun lagi melanjutkan perjalanan kita bersama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:59]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:59]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "And this low-code, no-code movement that we hear about from time to time that has been around since the 1970s, and just because we first became aware of it in the 1970s doesn’t mean that that’s when it actually first was discussed or thought about or used. Which means that you are in this moment, decades deep into projects that changed our entire understanding of the web. "
msgstr "Dan gerakan low-code, no-code yang kita dengar dari waktu ke waktu yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1970-an, dan hanya karena kita pertama kali menyadarinya di tahun 1970-an tidak berarti bahwa itu adalah saat pertama kali dibahas, dipikirkan, atau digunakan. Yang berarti bahwa kamu berada di momen ini, sudah puluhan tahun terlibat dalam proyek-proyek yang mengubah seluruh pemahaman kita tentang web. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:34]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:34]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Gutenberg has been around since 2013. It’s 10 years. I know, don’t get scared, we’re celebrating 20 years. So it’s been around for half of our time as a concept. Open source as a concept was formalized in the 1980s. Though it definitely has been around longer than that as a concept and a way of working. "
msgstr "Gutenberg udah ada sejak 2013. Ini udah 10 tahun. Aku tahu, jangan takut, kita lagi merayakan 20 tahun. Jadi, ini udah ada setengah dari waktu kita sebagai sebuah konsep. Open Source sebagai sebuah konsep diformalkan di tahun 1980-an. Meskipun sebenarnya udah ada lebih lama dari itu sebagai sebuah konsep dan cara kerja."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:14]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:14]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "You’ve been able to just put your thoughts on the internet with almost no effort for as long as you have known the internet existed, but WordPress, at the time, was and honestly remains the low code open source CMS of choice. It has been for years. And so, let me backtrack you through the 10,000-foot milestones of our journey here. "
msgstr "Kamu sudah bisa menaruh pikiranmu di internet dengan hampir tanpa usaha sejak kamu tahu internet itu ada, tapi WordPress, pada saat itu, adalah dan jujur saja tetap menjadi CMS open source low code yang dipilih. Sudah bertahun-tahun. Jadi, biar aku mengingatkanmu melalui tonggak-tonggak perjalanan kita di sini yang setinggi 10.000 kaki. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:51]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:51]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "I really do love the work I do with you all. But I am equally in awe of this open-hearted journey of disruption that WordPress represents as an open source project. WordPress and its community is part of a long line of disruptors; blogs made publishing available to everyone, which maybe doesn’t sound like a big deal right now because you’ve been around blogging forever. "
msgstr "Saya benar-benar mencintai pekerjaan yang saya lakukan dengan kalian semua. Tapi saya juga sangat mengagumi perjalanan terbuka yang penuh gangguan yang diwakili oleh WordPress sebagai proyek open source. WordPress dan komunitasnya adalah bagian dari deretan panjang pengganggu; blog membuat penerbitan tersedia untuk semua orang, yang mungkin tidak terdengar seperti hal besar saat ini karena kalian sudah ada di dunia blogging selamanya. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:29]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:29]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Because WordPress as an organization understands that it is an integral part of an ecosystem of 1000s of global companies and millions of individual people who are building careers, starting businesses, learning new skills, and becoming part of something meaningful. I know that I talk just all the time about the greatness of WordPress as a software and community, which makes sense. "
msgstr "Karena WordPress sebagai sebuah organisasi memahami bahwa itu adalah bagian integral dari ekosistem ribuan perusahaan global dan jutaan individu yang sedang membangun karir, memulai bisnis, belajar keterampilan baru, dan menjadi bagian dari sesuatu yang berarti. Aku tahu bahwa aku selalu berbicara tentang kehebatan WordPress sebagai perangkat lunak dan komunitas, yang masuk akal. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:03]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:06:03]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "We know that our strength is directly tied to the resilience of our contributors. And we know that the software we ship is shaped by the people who are willing to tell us what they love, what they hate, and what they hope to see. When the WordPress project started, we mainly had code contributions as a way to give back, but over time, the project has grown to include contributions to learning, community building, and translations, among other things, but all of that exists alongside the CMS-focused contributions. "
msgstr "Kami tahu bahwa kekuatan kami langsung terkait dengan ketahanan para kontributor kami. Dan kami tahu bahwa perangkat lunak yang kami kirim dibentuk oleh orang-orang yang bersedia memberi tahu kami apa yang mereka cintai, apa yang mereka benci, dan apa yang mereka harapkan untuk dilihat. Ketika proyek WordPress dimulai, kami terutama memiliki kontribusi kode sebagai cara untuk memberi kembali, tetapi seiring waktu, proyek ini telah berkembang untuk mencakup kontribusi dalam pembelajaran, pembangunan komunitas, dan terjemahan, di antara hal-hal lainnya, tetapi semua itu ada di samping kontribusi yang berfokus pada CMS. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:32]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:32]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "WordPress has survived, and I would dare to say thrived through decades of constant economic, cultural, and technological shifts. And I believe that the thing that keeps us innovating fast enough to stay relevant but slow enough to be ethical, is how the community actively engages with the open source project. "
msgstr "WordPress telah bertahan, dan saya berani mengatakan berkembang melalui dekade perubahan ekonomi, budaya, dan teknologi yang konstan. Dan saya percaya bahwa hal yang membuat kita terus berinovasi cukup cepat untuk tetap relevan tetapi cukup lambat untuk bersikap etis, adalah bagaimana komunitas secara aktif terlibat dengan proyek open source. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:12]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:12]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "And as we look forward to the third phase of the Gutenberg Project, collaborative editing inside a WordPress installation will soon be a reality, which if you are like me and you never work on a website alone, you’re probably just dying to have. I say all this not to toot the horn have WordPress or belabor our success but rather to emphasize the importance of what I’m going to say next, which is how this CMS got to where it is, namely through the work of the community. "
msgstr "Dan saat kita menantikan fase ketiga dari Proyek Gutenberg, pengeditan kolaboratif di dalam instalasi WordPress akan segera menjadi kenyataan, yang jika kamu seperti saya dan tidak pernah bekerja di situs web sendirian, kamu pasti sangat menginginkannya. Saya mengatakan semua ini bukan untuk membanggakan WordPress atau membahas kesuksesan kami, tetapi lebih untuk menekankan pentingnya apa yang akan saya katakan selanjutnya, yaitu bagaimana CMS ini sampai di tempatnya sekarang, yaitu melalui kerja komunitas. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:04:42]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:04:42]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "And if you think about the possibility to create media-rich content without having to work with shortcode, without having to know HTML workarounds, it opens the opportunity for many of us in the WordPress community to own our digital presence. In case it wasn’t already clear, this, my friends, is an audacious project, and it’s even more so if you remember that we have this existing and massive ecosystem that is enabled and empowered by our software. "
msgstr "Dan jika kamu memikirkan kemungkinan untuk membuat konten yang kaya media tanpa harus bekerja dengan shortcode, tanpa harus tahu cara-cara HTML, itu membuka kesempatan bagi banyak dari kita di komunitas WordPress untuk memiliki keberadaan digital kita. Jika itu belum jelas, ini, teman-teman, adalah proyek yang berani, dan itu bahkan lebih berani jika kamu ingat bahwa kita memiliki ekosistem besar yang ada dan didukung oleh perangkat lunak kita. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Arguably also very little skill with design. Although if you’ve ever seen me tried to design something with blocks, you will know it takes some skill. But still, the ultimate goal was to make those fundamental user interactions of managing the block and apply them in any place you could manage your site using WordPress. "
msgstr "Arguably juga sangat sedikit keterampilan dalam desain. Meskipun jika kamu pernah melihat saya mencoba mendesain sesuatu dengan blok, kamu akan tahu itu membutuhkan beberapa keterampilan. Tapi tetap saja, tujuan utamanya adalah untuk membuat interaksi pengguna dasar dalam mengelola blok dan menerapkannya di mana saja kamu bisa mengelola situsmu menggunakan WordPress. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:53]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:53]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Firstly, the software right at the end of 2018, the Gutenberg editor was merged into WordPress Core. And it’s subverted the way that people had always managed their content. It brought with it this new concept of site building that focused on blocks as the primary mode of creation. It was modular and required very little code knowledge. "
msgstr "Pertama-tama, perangkat lunak di akhir 2018, penyunting Gutenberg digabungkan ke dalam WordPress Core. Dan itu mengubah cara orang selalu mengelola konten mereka. Itu membawa konsep baru tentang pembangunan situs yang fokus pada blok sebagai mode utama penciptaan. Itu modular dan membutuhkan pengetahuan kode yang sangat sedikit. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid " [Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:31]"
msgstr " [Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:31]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "There are big plans for WordPress future, many of which are grounded in the promise of a new block editor within WordPress that aims to lower the barriers to entry for people at any point in their learning curve. So let’s take a look at what this means for WordPress, the software, and follow up about what it means for the WordPress community. "
msgstr "Ada rencana besar untuk masa depan WordPress, banyak di antaranya berlandaskan pada janji dari editor blok baru di dalam WordPress yang bertujuan untuk menurunkan hambatan bagi orang-orang di mana saja dalam kurva pembelajaran mereka. Jadi, mari kita lihat apa artinya ini untuk WordPress, perangkat lunak, dan ikuti tentang apa artinya bagi komunitas WordPress. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:13]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:13]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "And WordPress could just say pencils down, everybody. Good job, team, and just kind of watch what comes next. But I’ve never met a word processor, emboldened as we are by our belief in open source freedoms, who stepped away from a challenge worth facing the recognition that everyone should have those freedoms whether they know they exist or not. Because I know that no one cares as much about open source freedoms as open source maintainers. But the recognition that everyone has the right to them anyway is built into the foundations of what WordPress is and who WordPress is. "
msgstr "Dan WordPress bisa saja bilang pensil turun, semua orang. Kerja bagus, tim, dan hanya menonton apa yang akan datang selanjutnya. Tapi saya belum pernah bertemu dengan pengolah kata, yang diberdayakan oleh keyakinan kita pada kebebasan open source, yang menghindar dari tantangan yang layak dihadapi dengan pengakuan bahwa setiap orang seharusnya memiliki kebebasan itu, baik mereka tahu itu ada atau tidak. Karena saya tahu bahwa tidak ada yang peduli sebanyak itu tentang kebebasan open source seperti para pemelihara open source. Tapi pengakuan bahwa setiap orang berhak atas kebebasan itu tetap saja terbangun dalam fondasi dari apa itu WordPress dan siapa itu WordPress. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:37] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:37] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "But according to that study, WordPress at the time was powering 82 million websites and enabled an estimated economy of $597 billion. The success of an economy like this and various other alternative economies hinges on the success of invisible open source software that powers the web, just like WordPress, that has a tonne of growth and a lot of wins since that first Cafe Log fork way back in 2003. "
msgstr "Tapi menurut studi itu, WordPress saat itu mendukung 82 juta situs dan memungkinkan ekonomi yang diperkirakan sebesar $597 miliar. Keberhasilan ekonomi seperti ini dan berbagai ekonomi alternatif lainnya bergantung pada keberhasilan perangkat lunak open source yang tidak terlihat yang menggerakkan web, seperti WordPress, yang telah mengalami banyak pertumbuhan dan banyak kemenangan sejak fork Cafe Log pertama kali pada tahun 2003. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "In 2021. The first-ever study on the WordPress ecosystem gave us an idea of just how large our ecosystem is. We already kind of had a sense that millions of people make a living through WordPress because we know that we are supporting small business owners and freelancers all the way out to agencies and content creators. "
msgstr "Pada tahun 2021. Studi pertama tentang ekosistem WordPress memberi kita gambaran seberapa besar ekosistem kita. Kita sudah agak merasakan bahwa jutaan orang mencari nafkah melalui WordPress karena kita tahu bahwa kita mendukung pemilik bisnis kecil dan freelancer hingga agensi dan pembuat konten. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:45] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:45] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Today, WordPress is the leading CMS in the market. And according to W3Tech’s it powers 43% of the web. And that’s like 35% of the top 10,000 sites that are built using this software. And sometimes, that’s as a website, sometimes as a framework, but always as a way for people and businesses to find a space on the web to call their own. "
msgstr "Hari ini, WordPress adalah CMS terkemuka di pasar. Dan menurut W3Tech, itu menggerakkan 43% dari web. Dan itu seperti 35% dari 10.000 situs teratas yang dibangun menggunakan perangkat lunak ini. Dan kadang-kadang, itu sebagai situs web, kadang-kadang sebagai kerangka kerja, tetapi selalu sebagai cara bagi orang-orang dan bisnis untuk menemukan ruang di web yang bisa mereka sebut milik mereka sendiri. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "I’ve got links to everything you need in the show notes. So if you haven’t done it yet, you can do that while you listen to today’s episode."
msgstr "Aku punya tautan ke semua yang kamu butuhin di catatan acara. Jadi, kalau kamu belum melakukannya, kamu bisa melakukannya sambil dengerin episode hari ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:14] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:14] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "But if you’ve not yet joined the celebrations, there’s still time to share your favorite WordPress merch, your favorite WordCamp memory, host a whole dang party if you want to, or share a video to post on wp20.wordpress.net. I’ve got links to everything you need in the show notes. So if you haven’t done it yet, you can do that while you listen to today’s episode."
msgstr "Tapi kalau kamu belum ikut merayakan, masih ada waktu untuk bagikan merchandise WordPress favoritmu, kenangan WordCamp favoritmu, jadi host pesta yang seru kalau mau, atau bagikan video untuk diposkan di wp20.wordpress.net. Aku punya tautan ke semua yang kamu butuhkan di catatan acara. Jadi kalau kamu belum melakukannya, kamu bisa lakukan itu sambil dengerin episode hari ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:59] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:59] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "There are a lot of celebrations and parties happening all across the world, hopefully with cake, because we all know that a party without cake is just a meeting and no one wants a year-long meeting about how old you are."
msgstr "Ada banyak perayaan dan pesta yang terjadi di seluruh dunia, semoga ada kue, karena kita semua tahu bahwa pesta tanpa kue itu cuma rapat dan nggak ada yang mau rapat setahun tentang seberapa tua kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "In case you hadn’t heard yet. WordPress is celebrating its 20th anniversary on May 27th. "
msgstr "Kalau kamu belum dengar. WordPress merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-20 pada 27 Mei. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Hello everyone, and welcome to the WordPress Briefing, the podcast where you can catch quick explanations of the ideas behind the WordPress Open Source project, some insight into the community that supports it, and get a smallest of big things coming up in the next two weeks."
msgstr "Halo semuanya, dan selamat datang di WordPress Briefing, podcast di mana kamu bisa mendapatkan penjelasan cepat tentang ide-ide di balik proyek Open Source WordPress, sedikit wawasan tentang komunitas yang mendukungnya, dan mendapatkan informasi tentang hal-hal kecil yang besar yang akan datang dalam dua minggu ke depan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "WordCamp Europe:
Call for volunteers
Table Leads Needed for WCEU 2023 Contributor Day
Defining the Polyglots contributor ladder"
msgstr "WordCamp Eropa:
Panggilan untuk relawan
Kepala Meja Dibutuhkan untuk Hari Kontributor WCEU 2023
Mendefinisikan tangga kontributor Polyglots"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "The benefits of prioritizing and measuring performance in WordPress 6.2
WordPress 6.3 Planning Proposal & Call for Volunteers
Preparing for the Next Women & Nonbinary Release Squad
msgstr "Manfaat memprioritaskan dan mengukur kinerja di WordPress 6.2
Proposal Paket WordPress 6.3 & Panggilan untuk Relawan
Persiapan untuk Tim Rilis Wanita & Nonbiner Selanjutnya
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy in the 55th episode of the WordPress Briefing as she looks back at the 20 years of WordPress and how the open source community made WordPress what it is today."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan Direktur Eksekutif WordPress, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, di episode ke-55 dari WordPress Briefing saat dia melihat kembali 20 tahun WordPress dan bagaimana komunitas open source menjadikan WordPress seperti sekarang ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Coaching for Innovation and Creative Problem Solving"
msgstr "Pelatihan untuk Inovasi dan Pemecahan Masalah Kreatif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "And that, my friends, is your smallest of big things. Thanks for tuning in today for the WordPress Briefing. I’m your host Josepha Haden Chomposy, and I’ll see you again in a couple of weeks."
msgstr "Dan itu, teman-teman, adalah hal besar terkecil kalian. Terima kasih sudah mendengarkan hari ini di WordPress Briefing. Saya host kalian, Josepha Haden Chomposy, dan saya akan bertemu lagi dengan kalian dalam beberapa minggu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid " [Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:12]"
msgstr " [Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:12]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "And the final thing is the second volume of The WordPress history book called Building Blocks: The Evolution of WordPress is now available for download in several formats as well as on GitHub. Stop buy, give it a read, and relive some of the highlights of the past ten years of the WordPress project. "
msgstr "Dan hal terakhir adalah volume kedua dari buku sejarah WordPress yang berjudul Building Blocks: The Evolution of WordPress sekarang tersedia untuk diunduh dalam beberapa format serta di GitHub. Hentikan beli, bacalah, dan rasakan kembali beberapa momen penting dari sepuluh tahun terakhir proyek WordPress. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:04:54]"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:04:54]"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Second is a call for brainpower! A call for your brainstorms! On the subject of the next generation, we’ve got a discussion going on about the next generation of WordCamps. We’ve been discussing what new types and varieties might be available, and that might make sense for people as we get back to in-person events. So if you’ve got a kind of WordCamp that you’ve been desperately wanting to try, now’s the time to let folks know about it. "
msgstr "Kedua adalah panggilan untuk kekuatan otak! Panggilan untuk ide-ide brilianmu! Mengenai generasi berikutnya, kita sedang mendiskusikan generasi berikutnya dari WordCamp. Kita sudah membahas jenis dan variasi baru apa yang mungkin tersedia, dan yang mungkin masuk akal bagi orang-orang saat kita kembali ke acara tatap muka. Jadi, jika kamu punya jenis WordCamp yang sudah lama ingin kamu coba, sekarang adalah waktunya untuk memberi tahu orang-orang tentang itu. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:04:27] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:04:27] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "First on the list is WordCamp Europe. That’s coming up at the end of the week on June 8 through 10th in Athens, Greece. There will be a major update from Matt and friends, so even if you aren’t there in person, keep an eye out for those recordings. But for those who are there and you’re curious about the mentorship program or anything else to do with WordPress and contributing to the project, you can come find me or Angela Jin, Hari will also be there, Chloé will be there, Héctor will be there, lots of people, and we want to hear your thoughts and answer your questions. "
msgstr "Pertama dalam daftar adalah WordCamp Eropa. Itu akan berlangsung di akhir minggu pada 8 hingga 10 Juni di Athena, Yunani. Akan ada pembaruan besar dari Matt dan teman-teman, jadi meskipun kamu tidak ada di sana secara langsung, tetap perhatikan rekaman-rekaman itu. Tapi bagi yang ada di sana dan penasaran tentang program mentorship atau hal lain yang berkaitan dengan WordPress dan berkontribusi pada proyek, kamu bisa datang cari aku atau Angela Jin, Hari juga akan ada, Chloé akan ada, Héctor akan ada, banyak orang, dan kami ingin mendengar pendapatmu dan menjawab pertanyaanmu. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:56] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:56] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Which brings us now to our small list of big things. "
msgstr "Yang membawa kita sekarang ke daftar kecil kita tentang hal-hal besar. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:53] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:53] "
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "The when and the where are essentially “right now and right here,” so that brings us finally to Why. Why are we doing this mentorship program? Apart from to help people who want to contribute have an easier path to success – which frankly is enough of a reason anyway – the why is wrapped up in our overall philosophies in the project. If we believe that good ideas can come from anywhere and that contributions of any size matter. And that open source is an idea that can change our generation and that we are democratizing publishing, then bringing new people brings new ideas, and beginner contributions can grow over time. We can maintain this idea, this concept of open source, into the next generation and to future generations. And always keep our sights on the open web. To learn more about this and other project-wide initiatives, swing by make.wordpress.org/project or check the links in today’s show notes on wordpress.org/news/podcast."
msgstr "Jadi kapan dan di mana pada dasarnya adalah “sekarang dan di sini,” jadi itu membawa kita akhirnya ke Mengapa. Kenapa kita melakukan program mentorship ini? Selain untuk membantu orang-orang yang ingin berkontribusi memiliki jalan yang lebih mudah menuju kesuksesan – yang jujur saja sudah cukup menjadi alasan – mengapa ini terikat dalam filosofi keseluruhan kami dalam proyek ini. Jika kita percaya bahwa ide-ide baik bisa datang dari mana saja dan bahwa kontribusi dari ukuran berapa pun itu penting. Dan bahwa open source adalah ide yang bisa mengubah generasi kita dan bahwa kita sedang mendemokratisasi penerbitan, maka membawa orang-orang baru membawa ide-ide baru, dan kontribusi pemula bisa berkembang seiring waktu. Kita bisa mempertahankan ide ini, konsep open source ini, ke generasi berikutnya dan ke generasi masa depan. Dan selalu menjaga pandangan kita pada web terbuka. Untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang ini dan inisiatif proyek lainnya, mampir ke make.wordpress.org/project atau cek tautan di catatan acara hari ini di wordpress.org/news/podcast."
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "So next, what is this for? There are a few goals for the program. But the overarching goal is to increase the success of new contributors over time. We can all agree that if we were to have 1000s of new contributors every day, but they couldn’t find their way to impactful contributions or meaningful connections quickly, then we would have done them a disservice. And they probably won’t continue to be part of the community without a bit more effort. "
msgstr "Jadi selanjutnya, ini untuk apa? Ada beberapa tujuan untuk program ini. Tapi tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan kontributor baru seiring waktu. Kita semua bisa setuju bahwa jika kita memiliki ribuan kontributor baru setiap hari, tapi mereka tidak bisa menemukan jalan menuju kontribusi yang berdampak atau koneksi yang berarti dengan cepat, maka kita telah melakukan mereka sebuah kerugian. Dan mereka mungkin tidak akan terus menjadi bagian dari komunitas tanpa sedikit usaha lebih."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:06] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:06] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "First up, who is doing this? This pilot program has been outlined by a community working group. We often have working groups in WordPress, and they almost always have specific projects around events or programs, or code updates. Since this working group is focused on a project-wide program, there is project-wide representation in it. All the names are at the bottom of the post, which you can find in our show notes. But it’s got folks who contribute with code or contribute with time or contribute with design folks who are self-sponsored or corporately sponsored, just a nice mix of people. The program as a whole, though, is being stewarded by Hari Shankar, a longtime supporter of and contributor to WordPress. "
msgstr "Pertama-tama, siapa yang melakukan ini? Program percontohan ini telah digariskan oleh kelompok kerja komunitas. Kami sering memiliki kelompok kerja di WordPress, dan mereka hampir selalu memiliki proyek spesifik seputar acara atau program, atau pembaruan kode. Karena kelompok kerja ini fokus pada program yang mencakup seluruh proyek, ada perwakilan dari seluruh proyek di dalamnya. Semua nama ada di bawah pos, yang bisa kamu temukan di catatan acara kami. Tapi ada orang-orang yang berkontribusi dengan kode atau berkontribusi dengan waktu atau berkontribusi dengan desain, orang-orang yang disponsori sendiri atau disponsori oleh perusahaan, hanya campuran orang yang bagus. Program secara keseluruhan, meskipun, dikelola oleh Hari Shankar, seorang pendukung dan kontributor WordPress yang sudah lama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:22] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:22] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "And now we’ve got a pilot program that’s been defined and is waiting for your feedback. If you’ve not read the post about the contributor mentorship program, for one do it. But if you would rather hear a synopsis from me, don’t worry, I’m about to give you a 10-cent tour. "
msgstr "Dan sekarang kita punya program percontohan yang sudah didefinisikan dan sedang menunggu Feedback kamu. Kalau kamu belum baca pos tentang program mentorship kontributor, sebaiknya lakukan. Tapi kalau kamu lebih suka denger ringkasan dari saya, tenang aja, saya akan kasih kamu tur seharga 10 sen."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Over the course of this year, there has been a lot of research and examination of the contributor funnel in the WordPress community. That research confirms some assumptions about what most contributor stories have in common: the hurdles, the general paths taken, and the way that problem-solving was done. Then in February of this year, Hari Shanker published a proposal for a mentorship program for WordPress. "
msgstr "Sepanjang tahun ini, telah banyak penelitian dan pemeriksaan tentang saluran kontributor di komunitas WordPress. Penelitian itu mengonfirmasi beberapa asumsi tentang apa yang umumnya dimiliki oleh sebagian besar cerita kontributor: rintangan, jalur umum yang diambil, dan cara pemecahan masalah dilakukan. Kemudian pada bulan Februari tahun ini, Hari Shanker menerbitkan proposal untuk program mentorship untuk WordPress. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:40] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:40] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "I’m your host, Joseph Hayden Chomphosy. Here we go!"
msgstr "Saya host kamu, Joseph Hayden Chomphosy. Ayo kita mulai!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Hello everyone, and welcome to the WordPress Briefing, the podcast where you can catch quick explanations of the ideas behind the WordPress open source project, some insight into the community that supports it, and get a small list of big things coming up in the next two weeks. "
msgstr "Halo semuanya, dan selamat datang di WordPress Briefing, podcast di mana kamu bisa mendapatkan penjelasan cepat tentang ide-ide di balik proyek open source WordPress, sedikit wawasan tentang komunitas yang mendukungnya, dan mendapatkan daftar kecil tentang hal-hal besar yang akan datang dalam dua minggu ke depan. "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:00] "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:00] "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Read more: Episode 57: The Power of WordPress Mentorship"
msgstr "Baca Selengkapnya: Episode 57: The Power of WordPress Mentorship"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "WordCamp Europe 2023, Athens, Greece. This event includes a special Keynote from Matt Mullenweg, Josepha Haden Chomposy, and Matías Ventura.
WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program: Pilot Program Proposal
Make WordPress Community: Idea generation: Next Gen WordCamps!
WordPress ‘Milestones’ volume two book Building Blocks: The Evolution of WordPress is available in several formats for download on GitHub."
msgstr "WordCamp Eropa 2023, Athena, Yunani. Acara ini mencakup Keynote spesial dari Matt Mullenweg, Josepha Haden Chomposy, dan Matías Ventura.
Program Mentorship Kontributor WordPress: Proposal Program Pilot
Komunitas WordPress: Generasi ide: WordCamp Generasi Selanjutnya!
Buku volume dua ‘Milestones’ WordPress Building Blocks: The Evolution of WordPress tersedia dalam beberapa format untuk diunduh di GitHub."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Editor: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Production: Brett McSherry
Song: Fearless First by Kevin MacLeod"
msgstr "Penyunting: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Produksi: Brett McSherry
Lagu: Fearless First oleh Kevin MacLeod"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy in the 57th episode of the WordPress Briefing as she discusses the Contributor Mentorship Program to help increase the success of new contributors over time."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan Direktur Eksekutif WordPress, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, di episode ke-57 dari WordPress Briefing saat dia membahas Program Mentorship Kontributor untuk membantu meningkatkan keberhasilan kontributor baru seiring waktu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Resolving Workplace Conflicts Through Coaching"
msgstr "Menyelesaikan Konflik Tempat Kerja Melalui Pelatihan"
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "(Intro music)"
msgstr "(Musik intro)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "WordCamp Europe 2023 Keynote
Establishment of a formal WordPress Sustainability Team
WordPress 6.4 Development Cycle Announced
WCUS – Still looking for volunteers
The Next Generation of WordCamps
Idea generation: Next Gen WordCamps!
Discussion: Next Generation Event Tooling
Twenty Years of WordPress at WCEU
Contributor Handbook"
msgstr "WordCamp Eropa 2023 Keynote
Pendirian Tim Keberlanjutan WordPress secara formal
WordPress 6.4 Siklus Pengembangan Diumumkan
WCUS – Masih mencari relawan
Generasi Berikutnya dari WordCamps
Generasi ide: WordCamps Gen Berikutnya!
Diskusi: Alat Acara Generasi Berikutnya
Dua Puluh Tahun WordPress di WCEU
Buku Panduan Kontributor"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Song: Fearless First by Kevin MacLeod"
msgstr "Lagu: Fearless First oleh Kevin MacLeod"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Brett McSherry"
msgstr "Brett McSherry"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Production: "
msgstr "Produksi: "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Javier Arce"
msgstr "Javier Arce"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Logo: "
msgstr "Logo: "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Dustin Hartzler"
msgstr "Dustin Hartzler"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Editor: "
msgstr "Penyunting: "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Angela Jin"
msgstr "Angela Jin"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Guest: "
msgstr "Tamu: "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Chloé Bringmann"
msgstr "Chloé Bringmann"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Guest Host: "
msgstr "Guest Host: "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Join WordPress guest host, Chief of Staff and Head of Operations, Chloé Bringmann, and special guest Head of Programs and Contributor Experience, Angela Jin, in the 58th episode of the WordPress Briefing as they discuss the next generation of WordCamps."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan host tamu WordPress, Kepala Staf dan Kepala Operasi, Chloé Bringmann, dan tamu spesial Kepala Program dan Pengalaman Kontributor, Angela Jin, di episode ke-58 dari WordPress Briefing saat mereka membahas generasi berikutnya dari WordCamp."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "( Outro music )"
msgstr "( Musik penutup )"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:22:42] Thanks for tuning in today for the WordPress Briefing. I’m your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, and I’ll see you again in a couple of weeks."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:22:42] Terima kasih sudah bergabung hari ini untuk WordPress Briefing. Saya adalah host Anda, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, dan saya akan bertemu lagi dalam beberapa minggu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:22:38] And that, my friends, is your small list of big things."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:22:38] Dan itu, teman-teman, adalah daftar kecil kalian tentang hal-hal besar."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:22:20] A post has since been published on make.WordPress.org/meta calling for additional feedback on that idea, so that we have an understanding of what this could be, how the dashboard can kind of come to be. And so stop by and add your thoughts there in the comments. "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:22:20] Sebuah pos telah dipublikasikan di make.WordPress.org/meta yang meminta umpan balik tambahan tentang ide itu, agar kita bisa memahami apa yang bisa terjadi, bagaimana dasbor bisa terbentuk. Jadi, mampir dan tambahkan pemikiranmu di sana di komentar."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:21:59] And then, finally, Matt mentioned at WordCamp Europe an idea that he had been thinking of for some time a Make team dashboard that would sort of help define team metrics and help identify for individual contributors what should indicate team health and where they can find the most impactful projects to work on."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:21:59] Dan kemudian, akhirnya, Matt menyebutkan di WordCamp Europe sebuah ide yang sudah dia pikirkan selama beberapa waktu, yaitu dasbor tim Make yang akan membantu mendefinisikan metrik tim dan membantu mengidentifikasi bagi kontributor individu apa yang seharusnya menunjukkan kesehatan tim dan di mana mereka bisa menemukan proyek-proyek yang paling berdampak untuk dikerjakan."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:21:39] If you are interested in contributing more to the project but not sure where to begin, take a look at this comprehensive onboarding experience. It’s cohort-based. It has some personalized one-to-one mentorship. There are guided courses, live workshops, all of that. So read more about it in our show notes and sign up for one-on-one team mentorship."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:21:39] Kalau kamu tertarik untuk berkontribusi lebih banyak ke proyek ini tapi nggak tahu harus mulai dari mana, coba deh lihat pengalaman onboarding yang komprehensif ini. Ini berbasis kohort. Ada beberapa mentorship pribadi satu-satu. Ada kursus yang dipandu, workshop langsung, semua itu. Jadi, baca selengkapnya tentang ini di catatan acara kami dan daftar untuk mentorship tim satu-satu."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:21:32] The second thing is that the mentorship program pilot that I have been talking about a little bit over the last few months has been formally launched."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:21:32] Hal kedua adalah bahwa program pilot mentorship yang sudah saya bicarakan sedikit selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini telah diluncurkan secara resmi."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:21:17] It’s a hybrid event. There is an in-person component on the beautiful campus of Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. I’ll add information about that in our show notes for anyone who would like to join in person or online. "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:21:17] Ini adalah acara hibrida. Ada komponen tatap muka di kampus yang indah di Universitas Tulane di New Orleans, Louisiana. Saya akan menambahkan informasi tentang itu di catatan acara kami untuk siapa saja yang ingin bergabung secara langsung atau online."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:20:59] So that brings us now to our small list of big things. First, WP Campus 2023 is taking place July 12th through the 14th. That’s a nonprofit three-day conference with topics that focus on the growth of higher education, accessibility, WordPress, and anyone who works in higher education."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:20:59] Jadi itu membawa kita sekarang ke daftar kecil hal-hal besar kita. Pertama, WP Campus 2023 akan berlangsung dari 12 hingga 14 Juli. Itu adalah konferensi tiga hari nirlaba dengan topik yang fokus pada pertumbuhan pendidikan tinggi, aksesibilitas, WordPress, dan siapa saja yang bekerja di pendidikan tinggi."
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msgid "( Intermission music )"
msgstr "( Musik jeda )"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:20:50] Thank you very much. "
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:20:50] Terima kasih banyak."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:20:45] Perfect. Alex, this has been such a fascinating conversation. Thank you so much for joining me today."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:20:45] Sempurna. Alex, ini adalah percakapan yang sangat menarik. Terima kasih banyak sudah bergabung dengan saya hari ini."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:20:41] At make.WordPress.org/polyglots."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:20:41] Di make.WordPress.org/polyglots."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:20:35] And if folks are not familiar where the Polyglots team works and meets, where would they find you all?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:20:35] Dan jika orang-orang tidak tahu di mana tim Polyglots bekerja dan bertemu, di mana mereka bisa menemukan kalian semua?"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:20:04] So there is, like, in each community, there is like, we’re people based. We talk about what might be a good translation. We talk to each other, try to find rules that maybe prevent common mistranslations, or set the standards for how we want the software to be translated. And this is something where you get a voice as a translator, but as a GTE, you get into a position where you can actually make the changes or find consensus on how the software should be translated in your language."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:20:04] Jadi ada, suka, di setiap komunitas, ada suka, kita berbasis orang. Kita ngobrol tentang apa yang mungkin jadi terjemahan yang baik. Kita saling bicara, coba cari aturan yang mungkin mencegah kesalahan terjemahan yang umum, atau menetapkan standar untuk bagaimana kita mau perangkat lunak ini diterjemahkan. Dan ini adalah sesuatu di mana kamu dapat suara sebagai penerjemah, tapi sebagai GTE, kamu masuk ke posisi di mana kamu bisa benar-benar membuat perubahan atau menemukan konsensus tentang bagaimana perangkat lunak ini harus diterjemahkan dalam bahasamu."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:19:42] And further down the path then is the GTE, where you basically are allowed to approve translations across any project on translate.WordPress.org in your language. And that’s, usually you’ll be in, in that position with other GTEs."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:19:42] Dan lebih jauh di jalur itu adalah GTE, di mana kamu pada dasarnya diizinkan untuk menyetujui terjemahan di seluruh proyek di translate.WordPress.org dalam bahasamu. Dan itu, biasanya kamu akan berada di posisi itu dengan GTE lainnya."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:19:16] So we’re always looking for people who like to help with translations. And you might be then promoted to be a Project Translation Editor. Basically, it means that for a single language in a project, you’ll be able to approve translations. So, you’ll be the one who says, like, this translation is a good one and this conforms to the to the rules that we have stated as a translation community."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:19:16] Jadi kami selalu mencari orang-orang yang suka membantu dengan terjemahan. Dan kamu mungkin kemudian dipromosikan menjadi Penyunting Terjemahan Proyek. Pada dasarnya, itu berarti bahwa untuk satu bahasa dalam sebuah proyek, kamu akan bisa menyetujui terjemahan. Jadi, kamu akan menjadi orang yang mengatakan, suka, terjemahan ini bagus dan ini sesuai dengan aturan yang telah kami nyatakan sebagai komunitas terjemahan."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:18:59] So, we’ve got different levels of translation editors. Basically, you start, you could say you start off as a translator, and this is how you can kind of show that you can do good translations or that you’re very firm in your language. And this might make you be noticed in the community."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:18:59] Jadi, kita punya berbagai tingkat penyunting terjemahan. Pada dasarnya, kamu mulai, bisa dibilang kamu mulai sebagai penerjemah, dan ini adalah cara kamu bisa menunjukkan bahwa kamu bisa melakukan terjemahan yang baik atau bahwa kamu sangat mahir dalam bahasamu. Dan ini mungkin membuatmu diperhatikan di komunitas."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:18:54] So the path to GTE is a PTE. ( laughs )"
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:18:54] Jadi jalannya ke GTE adalah PTE. ( tertawa )"
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:18:22] So there were a couple of different things that you mentioned over the course of our conversation. We’re gonna put some links to the show notes for all of those. But one thing that you mentioned that just kind of went by, and we never really had an opportunity to talk about it. You talked about the, I think it was GTEs, Global Translation Editors, the folks that are like approved as final approvers of translations. If there is someone who’s listening to this podcast who wants to become a GTE someday, where would they go to do that?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:18:22] Jadi ada beberapa hal berbeda yang kamu sebutkan selama percakapan kita. Kita bakal kasih beberapa tautan ke catatan acara untuk semua itu. Tapi satu hal yang kamu sebutkan yang kayaknya terlewat, dan kita nggak pernah bener-bener punya kesempatan buat ngomongin itu. Kamu ngomong tentang, aku rasa itu GTEs, Penyunting Terjemahan Global, orang-orang yang disetujui sebagai penyetuju akhir terjemahan. Kalau ada seseorang yang dengerin podcast ini yang pengen jadi GTE suatu hari nanti, mereka harus kemana untuk melakukannya?"
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:18:00] Like, I think that that is a big step forward for all of us and certainly for anyone who is having to use WordPress as not a native English speaker. And so you say it’s not related, but it still is a big, a big benefit for WordPress overall, I think, to have this kind of work happening so that we can have those benefits to the folks who are using our software. "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:18:00] Suka, saya pikir itu adalah langkah besar ke depan untuk kita semua dan tentu saja bagi siapa saja yang harus menggunakan WordPress sebagai penutur non-Inggris. Dan jadi kamu bilang itu tidak terkait, tapi tetap saja itu adalah keuntungan besar, keuntungan besar untuk WordPress secara keseluruhan, saya pikir, untuk memiliki jenis pekerjaan seperti ini terjadi sehingga kita bisa mendapatkan manfaat itu untuk orang-orang yang menggunakan perangkat lunak kita."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:17:27] And even if like that specific use case that you’re talking about isn’t related directly to what it is that you are working on for Polyglots and inside GlotPress and all of that, I do see that having more streamlined, more easy to see and access opportunities to like test the way that our software looks across varying environments, especially those that change it substantially from what we typically work in day-to-day for any individual developer or any individual WordPress site implementer."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:17:27] Dan bahkan jika seperti kasus penggunaan spesifik yang kamu bicarakan tidak terkait langsung dengan apa yang kamu kerjakan untuk Polyglots dan di dalam GlotPress dan semua itu, saya melihat bahwa memiliki lebih banyak kesempatan yang lebih terstruktur, lebih mudah dilihat dan diakses untuk suka menguji cara perangkat lunak kita terlihat di berbagai lingkungan, terutama yang mengubahnya secara substansial dari apa yang biasanya kita kerjakan sehari-hari untuk setiap pengembang individu atau setiap pelaksana situs WordPress individu."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:17:06] I mean, it’s not specifically related to, to Translations Live, but also, I think that if we’re saying that WordPress not necessarily is going to lead the way with translations and native multilingual support in our CMS because, of course, it’s still a little bit far out on our roadmap. We certainly have an opportunity to have the best implementation of that."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:17:06] Maksudku, ini nggak secara spesifik terkait dengan Translations Live, tapi juga, aku pikir kalau kita bilang bahwa WordPress belum tentu akan memimpin jalan dengan terjemahan dan dukungan multibahasa asli di CMS kita karena, tentu saja, itu masih agak jauh di peta jalan kita. Kita pasti punya kesempatan untuk mendapatkan implementasi terbaik dari itu."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:16:30] That, and also like for plug-in authors, it can be really good to see, you know, you can switch the languages in the Playground to another language, and you can quickly see like what’s the state of the translation in this language or in that language. And even things like, you know, Arabic as an RTL language rights to left language. The sidebar will change to the right, and you can also just switch language and see like, what’s my plugin like in this environment. I mean, this is not technically something that’s related to local GlotPress, but in this translation live ui, it’s very easy to change languages and see your plugin in another language."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:16:30] Itu, dan juga seperti untuk penulis plugin, bisa sangat bagus untuk melihat, kamu tahu, kamu bisa mengganti bahasa di Playground ke bahasa lain, dan kamu bisa dengan cepat melihat seperti apa keadaan terjemahan dalam bahasa ini atau bahasa itu. Dan bahkan hal-hal seperti, kamu tahu, bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa RTL, bahasa dari kanan ke kiri. Bilah sisi akan berubah ke kanan, dan kamu juga bisa langsung mengganti bahasa dan melihat seperti apa plugin saya di lingkungan ini. Maksudku, ini bukan secara teknis sesuatu yang terkait dengan GlotPress lokal, tapi dalam antarmuka pengguna terjemahan langsung ini, sangat mudah untuk mengganti bahasa dan melihat pluginmu dalam bahasa lain."
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msgid "Yeah?"
msgstr "Ya?"
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:16:02] Yeah. So, moving translations away from table-based translations where you kind of have to know what you’re looking for. So the Translate Live, along with local GlotPress, along with WP Playground, is going to make it so that it’s easier to see visually what needs to be translated, where, what’s most valuable to translate for your mid users and your end users, basically."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:16:02] Iya. Jadi, memindahkan terjemahan dari terjemahan berbasis tabel di mana kamu harus tahu apa yang kamu cari. Jadi, Translate Live, bersama dengan GlotPress lokal, bersama dengan WP Playground, akan membuatnya lebih mudah untuk melihat secara visual apa yang perlu diterjemahkan, di mana, apa yang paling berharga untuk diterjemahkan bagi pengguna menengahmu dan pengguna akhir, pada dasarnya."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:15:33] And still, you can see what the translations will look like. You can see the strings next to each other, and what I think is most important, you will start with the strings that you see first, which are the most important ones. When you’re in the table view, those strings might be somewhere buried in the middle, and yeah, it’s really hard to see progress if you start with kind of obscure error messages, for example, versus just starting with the things that you see first."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:15:33] Dan tetap saja, kamu bisa lihat seperti apa terjemahannya. Kamu bisa lihat string di samping satu sama lain, dan yang menurutku paling penting, kamu akan mulai dengan string yang kamu lihat pertama, yang merupakan yang paling penting. Ketika kamu di tampilan tabel, string-string itu mungkin terpendam di tengah, dan ya, sangat sulit untuk melihat kemajuan jika kamu mulai dengan pesan error yang agak tidak jelas, misalnya, dibandingkan dengan langsung mulai dengan hal-hal yang kamu lihat pertama."
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msgid "And now, with WordPress Playground, you can put up a WordPress and run this plugin inside that Playground. And now, if you add local GlotPress to the picture, you can also do the inline translation of that plugin inside the WordPress Playground. So you’ve got inline translation. We add the glossary so they do make sure that you translate things the same way that they’re expected, and you don’t have to install the plugin."
msgstr "Dan sekarang, dengan WordPress Playground, kamu bisa membuat WordPress dan menjalankan plugin ini di dalam Playground itu. Dan sekarang, jika kamu menambahkan GlotPress lokal ke dalam gambar, kamu juga bisa melakukan terjemahan inline dari plugin itu di dalam WordPress Playground. Jadi, kamu punya terjemahan inline. Kami menambahkan glosarium supaya mereka memastikan bahwa kamu menerjemahkan hal-hal dengan cara yang sama seperti yang diharapkan, dan kamu tidak perlu menginstal plugin."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:15:07]"
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:15:07]"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:14:12] Right. So, Translate Live is kind of the next step after local GlotPress. It’s like this happy marriage between the WordPress Playground and local GlotPress. So the WordPress Playground is also something that has come up a lot. It’s basically a way for you to run WordPress inside a browser window, so in JavaScript. And at first, it seems like mildly interesting, I would say. But when you combine it with other things like local GlotPress, it can lead to really interesting opportunities. So with inline translation, for example, on WordPress.org, you would typically find for every plugin, the UI would look the same. You would have a table of strings, and all that makes you realize you’re translating this certain plugin is that in the header of the page, it says this name of the plugin, but other than that, it can look really all the same. "
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:14:12] Benar. Jadi, Translate Live adalah semacam langkah berikutnya setelah GlotPress lokal. Ini seperti pernikahan bahagia antara WordPress Playground dan GlotPress lokal. Jadi, WordPress Playground juga merupakan sesuatu yang sering muncul. Ini pada dasarnya adalah cara untuk menjalankan WordPress di dalam jendela browser, jadi dalam JavaScript. Dan pada awalnya, ini terlihat agak menarik, saya akan bilang. Tapi ketika kamu menggabungkannya dengan hal-hal lain seperti GlotPress lokal, itu bisa mengarah pada peluang yang sangat menarik. Jadi dengan terjemahan inline, misalnya, di WordPress.org, kamu biasanya akan menemukan untuk setiap plugin, UI-nya akan terlihat sama. Kamu akan memiliki tabel string, dan semua itu membuatmu menyadari bahwa kamu menerjemahkan plugin tertentu ini adalah bahwa di header halaman, tertulis nama plugin ini, tapi selain itu, semuanya bisa terlihat sangat sama."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:14:01] Is that the same or different as the live translations, Translate Live, that we talked about at the WordCamp Europe a couple weeks back?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:14:01] Apakah itu sama atau berbeda dengan terjemahan langsung, Translate Live, yang kita bicarakan di WordCamp Europe beberapa minggu yang lalu?"
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:13:37] That’s certainly a thing in the US, the distinct dialects across our country. And so I imagine that that’s gonna be a really beneficial sort of implementation for countries that have a lot of different regional variations and certainly smaller countries that have technically the same language as somebody else, but a lot of regional differences, regional specific things."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:13:37] Itu pasti ada di AS, dialek yang berbeda di seluruh negara kita. Jadi saya membayangkan bahwa itu akan menjadi implementasi yang sangat bermanfaat untuk negara-negara yang memiliki banyak variasi regional yang berbeda dan tentu saja negara-negara kecil yang secara teknis memiliki bahasa yang sama dengan orang lain, tetapi banyak perbedaan regional, hal-hal yang spesifik untuk daerah."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:13:11] That seems awfully beneficial, especially as dialects. I’ve been having these conversations. I have, in my extended family, many children, and they are all learning languages and one of them has been having kind of thoughts about, like, dialects and how dialects are almost another language. And if so, like how do you know what everybody’s saying when you’re speaking all the same thing, but it’s kind of a little bit it sounds a little bit different."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:13:11] Itu sepertinya sangat menguntungkan, terutama sebagai dialek. Saya sudah melakukan percakapan ini. Saya memiliki banyak anak di keluarga besar saya, dan mereka semua sedang belajar bahasa dan salah satu dari mereka telah memikirkan tentang, suka, dialek dan bagaimana dialek hampir seperti bahasa lain. Dan jika iya, suka, bagaimana kamu tahu apa yang semua orang katakan ketika kamu berbicara tentang hal yang sama, tapi itu terdengar sedikit berbeda."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:12:26] Basically, it’s completely independent of WordPress.org. We would ask you to contribute the translations back when you have them, but being independent also allows you to translate like premium plugins, which could not be hosted on WordPress.org or doing something like that we call like hyper-local translation. So, for example, I speak Austrian German natively, but even inside Austria, we’ve got different dialects or like special words that we use. And if I wanted to create a website that’s targeted at the Viennese market, for example, I might want to use those specific terms. And this is something I would have to argue for those translations to be accepted on WordPress.org because it’s a, it’s like a very targeted market. But if I have a local GlotPress, I can do those translations there."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:12:26] Pada dasarnya, ini sepenuhnya independen dari WordPress.org. Kami akan meminta Anda untuk menyumbangkan terjemahan kembali ketika Anda sudah memilikinya, tetapi menjadi independen juga memungkinkan Anda untuk menerjemahkan seperti plugin premium, yang tidak bisa dihosting di WordPress.org atau melakukan sesuatu yang kami sebut sebagai terjemahan hiper-lokal. Jadi, misalnya, saya berbicara bahasa Jerman Austria secara alami, tetapi bahkan di dalam Austria, kami memiliki dialek yang berbeda atau seperti kata-kata khusus yang kami gunakan. Dan jika saya ingin membuat situs web yang ditargetkan pada pasar Wina, misalnya, saya mungkin ingin menggunakan istilah-istilah spesifik tersebut. Dan ini adalah sesuatu yang harus saya perjuangkan agar terjemahan tersebut diterima di WordPress.org karena ini adalah, ini seperti pasar yang sangat terarah. Tapi jika saya memiliki GlotPress lokal, saya bisa melakukan terjemahan tersebut di sana."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:12:20] Yeah. Yeah. So that’s something now that you can do in your local WordPress installation. "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:12:20] Iya. Iya. Jadi itu adalah sesuatu yang sekarang bisa kamu lakukan di instalasi WordPress lokalmu."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:11:56] So we can do things like inline translation. So, on your own WordPress and wp-admin, for example, we can highlight all the strings that can be translated, and those strings just have to right-click them and enter your translation, and that way, you can basically go about and translate the whole ui, seeing your progress, as you’re making, basically turning the screen from red to green."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:11:56] Jadi kita bisa melakukan hal-hal seperti terjemahan inline. Jadi, di WordPress dan wp-admin kamu sendiri, misalnya, kita bisa menyoroti semua string yang bisa diterjemahkan, dan string-string itu tinggal di-klik kanan dan masukkan terjemahanmu, dan dengan cara itu, kamu pada dasarnya bisa menerjemahkan seluruh antarmuka, melihat kemajuanmu, saat kamu melakukannya, pada dasarnya mengubah layar dari merah menjadi hijau."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:11:37] That’s something that we call local GlotPress. And you know, since we then have all these translations in the local database, it means we can do even more with those translations. So typically, language packs would be delivered to WordPress, but with local GlotPress, you’ve got like all the GlotPress software there."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:11:37] Itu adalah sesuatu yang kita sebut GlotPress lokal. Dan kamu tahu, karena kita sekarang punya semua terjemahan ini di database lokal, itu berarti kita bisa melakukan lebih banyak dengan terjemahan-terjemahan itu. Jadi biasanya, paket bahasa akan dikirim ke WordPress, tapi dengan GlotPress lokal, kamu punya semua perangkat lunak GlotPress di sana."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:11:35] So that’s with local GlotPress?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:11:35] Jadi itu dengan GlotPress lokal?"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:11:07] So you might have a non-English website that you want to use certain plugins with, and they might not be fully translated at this point, so obviously, you could go to WordPress.org and help translate them, and that’s the way to, that’s preferred. But you could also now go install GlotPress on your own website and translate there. And then you have the translations there right when you enter them. And you can then contribute those translations back to WordPress.org."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:11:07] Jadi, kamu mungkin punya situs yang bukan berbahasa Inggris yang ingin kamu gunakan dengan plugin tertentu, dan mungkin plugin-plugin itu belum sepenuhnya diterjemahkan saat ini, jadi jelas, kamu bisa pergi ke WordPress.org dan membantu menerjemahkannya, dan itu adalah cara yang diutamakan. Tapi kamu juga bisa sekarang menginstal GlotPress di situsmu sendiri dan menerjemahkan di sana. Dan kemudian kamu punya terjemahan itu di sana tepat saat kamu memasukkannya. Dan kamu bisa kemudian menyumbangkan terjemahan itu kembali ke WordPress.org."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:10:27] So one direction that we’ve been taking GlotPress is basically making use of the fact that GlotPress is WordPress plugin now. And you know, typically, you would just use a GlotPress install. So on WordPress.Org, there’s like GlotPress installed, there’s translation projects created, something that we call “translation sets”. So for languages, you want to translate it to, it’s all pre-configured, and if you would install GlotPress to plugin on your own WordPress, it would be empty and not very useful. So what we’ve added is a way for you to basically be able to translate the plugins and themes that you’ve got installed in your WordPress into the language that you’re interested in."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:10:27] Jadi satu arah yang kami ambil untuk GlotPress adalah pada dasarnya memanfaatkan fakta bahwa GlotPress sekarang adalah plugin WordPress. Dan kamu tahu, biasanya, kamu hanya akan menggunakan instalasi GlotPress. Jadi di WordPress.Org, ada seperti GlotPress yang terpasang, ada proyek terjemahan yang dibuat, sesuatu yang kami sebut “set terjemahan”. Jadi untuk bahasa yang ingin kamu terjemahkan, semuanya sudah dikonfigurasi sebelumnya, dan jika kamu menginstal GlotPress sebagai plugin di WordPress kamu sendiri, itu akan kosong dan tidak terlalu berguna. Jadi apa yang kami tambahkan adalah cara agar kamu pada dasarnya bisa menerjemahkan plugin dan tema yang sudah kamu pasang di WordPress kamu ke dalam bahasa yang kamu minati."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:10:16]That’s wonderful. So is that the major sort of next step that is coming for GlotPress, or are there other things that we should keep an eye out for in that software?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:10:16]Itu luar biasa. Jadi, apakah itu langkah besar berikutnya yang akan datang untuk GlotPress, atau ada hal lain yang harus kita perhatikan dalam perangkat lunak itu?"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:09:59]That’s exactly it. So basically, we give suggestions to the translators, and then they can modify a translation before they press save. It’s more of a, like supporting them in getting the translations, like looking up words more quickly and all of that."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:09:59]Itu tepat sekali. Jadi pada dasarnya, kita memberikan saran kepada para penerjemah, dan kemudian mereka bisa memodifikasi terjemahan sebelum mereka menekan simpan. Ini lebih seperti, suka mendukung mereka dalam mendapatkan terjemahan, seperti mencari kata-kata dengan lebih cepat dan semua itu."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:09:25]That is great. That’s one of those things I know that AI has been like a really popular thing to talk about. And AI, specifically for translations, I think has caused some concern that maybe we’ll just like translate it all and hope that computers get it right when we know pretty certainly that computers don’t always get the translations right. But that’s not what you’re talking about, right? What you’re suggesting is that AI would suggest what could be translated and what it could be translated to, and then human beings have to confirm that that’s correct, right?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:09:25]Itu hebat. Itu salah satu hal yang aku tahu bahwa AI udah jadi topik yang sangat populer untuk dibicarakan. Dan AI, khususnya untuk terjemahan, aku rasa udah menimbulkan beberapa kekhawatiran bahwa mungkin kita cuma akan menerjemahkan semuanya dan berharap komputer bisa melakukannya dengan benar padahal kita tahu dengan cukup pasti bahwa komputer nggak selalu bisa menerjemahkan dengan benar. Tapi itu bukan yang kamu bicarakan, kan? Apa yang kamu sarankan adalah bahwa AI akan menyarankan apa yang bisa diterjemahkan dan kemana itu bisa diterjemahkan, dan kemudian manusia harus mengonfirmasi bahwa itu benar, kan?"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:08:45]And other things that we’ve worked on is, like, with the recent search of AI, like getting help from AI on translation and also on reviews. So, there’s some interesting things that you can do with AI in that regard; that one important aspect of translations, it’s also that we’ve got glossaries for each language where people, basically the translation community, identifies certain words they want to translate them the same way every time. And with the AI, you can basically add to the prompt, like, please translate those words to those translations when you give me a translation for that. And as it can change over time, you can always adapt this to the prompt, and that has been proven quite helpful."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:08:45]Dan hal-hal lain yang kami kerjakan adalah, seperti, dengan pencarian AI terbaru, seperti mendapatkan bantuan dari AI untuk terjemahan dan juga untuk ulasan. Jadi, ada beberapa hal menarik yang bisa kamu lakukan dengan AI dalam hal itu; salah satu aspek penting dari terjemahan adalah bahwa kami juga memiliki glosarium untuk setiap bahasa di mana orang, pada dasarnya komunitas terjemahan, mengidentifikasi kata-kata tertentu yang ingin mereka terjemahkan dengan cara yang sama setiap kali. Dan dengan AI, kamu pada dasarnya bisa menambahkan ke prompt, seperti, tolong terjemahkan kata-kata itu ke terjemahan tersebut ketika kamu memberi saya terjemahan untuk itu. Dan karena itu bisa berubah seiring waktu, kamu selalu bisa menyesuaikan ini dengan prompt, dan itu terbukti cukup membantu."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:38]Yeah. Sort of a “No, but…” as opposed to a, just refusal to receive it."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:08:38]Ya. Semacam “Tidak, tapi…” dibandingkan dengan, hanya penolakan untuk menerimanya."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:08:16]And that has been something that we felt wasn’t a very good and enticing way of telling people like, we appreciate your work. It wasn’t just quite right, but it’s more of a rejection. So this is how we came up with this like, let’s give people the option to say what was wrong and give them a chance to try again without making them feel rejected."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:08:16]Dan itu adalah sesuatu yang kami rasa bukan cara yang sangat baik dan menarik untuk memberi tahu orang-orang suka, kami menghargai pekerjaanmu. Itu tidak benar-benar tepat, tapi lebih terasa seperti penolakan. Jadi inilah bagaimana kami datang dengan ini suka, mari beri orang-orang pilihan untuk mengatakan apa yang salah dan memberi mereka kesempatan untuk mencoba lagi tanpa membuat mereka merasa ditolak."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:07:40]Well, it can be like there was when GlotPress was created there, there is like the, a big part of GlotPress are these states, like the waiting state when you enter translation, and then there’s approved state, which basically a translation we say it’s set to current, and there’s all sorts of process around it. So if the software is updated or translation might get fuzzy. But also like, if somebody submits a translation that doesn’t fully conform to what’s the translation editors, or like what the standards of the translation community have been set to, then you would have to need to reject it."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:07:40]Yah, bisa dibilang seperti saat GlotPress dibuat, ada seperti, bagian besar dari GlotPress adalah status-status ini, seperti status menunggu ketika kamu masuk ke terjemahan, dan kemudian ada status disetujui, yang pada dasarnya adalah terjemahan yang kita katakan sudah diset ke saat ini, dan ada berbagai proses di sekitarnya. Jadi jika perangkat lunak diperbarui atau terjemahan mungkin menjadi kabur. Tapi juga, jika seseorang mengirimkan terjemahan yang tidak sepenuhnya sesuai dengan apa yang ditetapkan oleh penyunting terjemahan, atau seperti apa standar komunitas terjemahan yang telah ditetapkan, maka kamu harus menolaknya."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:35]Super helpful. Shocked it wasn’t there before. Sorry, translators. Sorry, all of our polyglots."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:35]Super membantu. Kaget itu nggak ada sebelumnya. Maaf, para penerjemah. Maaf, semua poliglot kami."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:07:19]Yeah, so I think for GlotPress there’s been a bit of an up and down over time in terms of engagement and progress on the software. But in, in the recent year, I think we’ve added a couple of things that have been very helpful for translators. So one of them was adding the commenting functionality, so yeah."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:07:19]Ya, jadi saya pikir untuk GlotPress ada sedikit naik turun seiring waktu dalam hal keterlibatan dan kemajuan pada perangkat lunak. Tapi dalam tahun terakhir, saya rasa kita telah menambahkan beberapa hal yang sangat membantu untuk para penerjemah. Jadi salah satunya adalah menambahkan fungsi komentar, jadi ya."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:02]Gotcha. I see, I see. Okay. Well, we talked a bit earlier about GlotPress’s timeline. It has been around for a bit, I know. But with that kind of in mind, have there been any notable changes to GlotPress recently? "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:07:02]Gotcha. Saya mengerti, saya mengerti. Oke. Nah, kita sudah sedikit membahas tentang timeline GlotPress. Saya tahu itu sudah ada sejak lama. Tapi dengan itu dalam pikiran, apakah ada perubahan signifikan pada GlotPress baru-baru ini?"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:05:48]And, 90% more of a motivational point. To be actually honest, I’m not sure if the threshold is 90% for every project or even if it’s actually 90%. It’s different between different GlotPress installations and it’s basically something that is made as a setting that can be changed. There’s, it’s an arbitrary number. Typically you’d actually want to make sure that the most important strings are translated first. So the ones like, if you look at the whole picture, software usually consists of many parts, many of whom are not encountered by people on a regular basis. For example, error messages that could be like obscure error messages, and you could argue that those might be not as important. Or even sometimes you could even say like, do they need to be translated? Because if you encounter an error message and you search the internet, wouldn’t you probably want everybody to search for the English one to find the solution? But that set-aside, it’s important to have like the headline of the plugin or like the most important strings translated, and typically translating those most important strings will take you to a pretty high percentage so that we can then say it’s good enough to be shipped."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:05:48]Dan, 90% lebih sebagai poin motivasi. Jujur aja, saya nggak yakin apakah ambang batasnya 90% untuk setiap proyek atau bahkan apakah itu benar-benar 90%. Itu berbeda antara instalasi GlotPress yang berbeda dan pada dasarnya itu adalah sesuatu yang dibuat sebagai pengaturan yang bisa diubah. Itu, itu adalah angka yang sewenang-wenang. Biasanya, kamu sebenarnya ingin memastikan bahwa string yang paling penting diterjemahkan terlebih dahulu. Jadi yang seperti, jika kamu melihat gambaran keseluruhan, perangkat lunak biasanya terdiri dari banyak bagian, banyak di antaranya tidak ditemui oleh orang-orang secara teratur. Misalnya, pesan error yang bisa jadi seperti pesan error yang tidak jelas, dan kamu bisa berargumen bahwa itu mungkin tidak begitu penting. Atau bahkan kadang-kadang kamu bisa bilang, apakah mereka perlu diterjemahkan? Karena jika kamu menemui pesan error dan kamu mencari di internet, bukankah kamu mungkin ingin semua orang mencari yang dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menemukan solusinya? Tapi itu di samping, penting untuk memiliki seperti judul plugin atau seperti string yang paling penting diterjemahkan, dan biasanya menerjemahkan string yang paling penting itu akan membawamu ke persentase yang cukup tinggi sehingga kita bisa bilang itu sudah cukup baik untuk dikirim."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:47]Good. ( laughs )"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:47]Bagus. ( tertawa )"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:05:34]Well. We strive for 100%, I would say. "
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:05:34]Ya. Kami berusaha untuk 100%, saya akan bilang."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:35]And is 90% the threshold for plugins only, or is that also the threshold for like themes and the CMS itself?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:05:35]Apakah 90% itu adalah ambang batas hanya untuk plugin, atau apakah itu juga ambang batas untuk tema suka dan CMS itu sendiri?"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:05:20]So, for example, for a plugin, you would reach 90% of translated strings. Those translations will then be basically packed up into zip file, a language pack and delivered to each WordPress so that you can have the translations available there."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:05:20]Jadi, misalnya, untuk sebuah plugin, kamu akan mencapai 90% dari string yang diterjemahkan. Terjemahan tersebut kemudian akan dikemas ke dalam file zip, sebuah paket bahasa, dan disampaikan ke setiap WordPress sehingga kamu bisa memiliki terjemahan yang tersedia di sana."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:05:03]You know, when you have like a small thing that’s just not right, like a missing full stop or something like that. They might just add it for you. And well, as soon as the plugin or software is translated to a certain level of translations those translations will be shipped out to the WordPress installs."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:05:03]Kamu tahu, ketika kamu punya sesuatu yang kecil yang nggak bener, kayak tanda titik yang hilang atau semacamnya. Mereka mungkin cuma nambahin itu untukmu. Dan ya, begitu plugin atau software diterjemahkan ke tingkat tertentu, terjemahan-terjemahan itu akan dikirim ke instalasi WordPress."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:03:32]So, we’ve got people who have lots of experience in translation. And specifically in translating WordPress or WordPress plugins. And they’re kind of the, the people who help ensure good quality of translation. So anybody who’s working the WordPress project, so basically who has a WordPress.org account, can come in and address the translation. And that translation enters the system, so to speak, in a waiting state. And then somebody who we promoted to be a Translation Editor will come along and take a look at your translation and will approve it or will give you suggestions how to do the translation in a better way, or come up with maybe even a better translation."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:03:32]Jadi, kita punya orang-orang yang punya banyak pengalaman dalam penerjemahan. Dan khususnya dalam menerjemahkan WordPress atau plugin WordPress. Dan mereka ini adalah orang-orang yang membantu memastikan kualitas penerjemahan yang baik. Jadi siapa pun yang bekerja di proyek WordPress, jadi pada dasarnya siapa pun yang punya akun WordPress.org, bisa masuk dan mengatasi penerjemahan. Dan penerjemahan itu masuk ke dalam sistem, bisa dibilang, dalam keadaan menunggu. Lalu seseorang yang kita promosikan menjadi Penyunting Penerjemahan akan datang dan melihat penerjemahanmu dan akan menyetujuinya atau akan memberimu saran bagaimana melakukan penerjemahan dengan cara yang lebih baik, atau mungkin bahkan menghasilkan penerjemahan yang lebih baik."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:03:32]All right, so typically the WordPress software and plugins and themes are primarily created in English. And for it to be available in other languages, it needs to be translated. And for that to be able to happen, the programmers need to make the software translatable. Basically, they’re providing each English string for the translation software to be available to be transformed, so to speak, into another language and to what it’s being transformed to. This is what the translators do. So they go into the GlotPress software and see the list of texts that need to be translated and translate it to their language that they speak. Typically there is a process around this."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:03:32]Oke, jadi biasanya perangkat lunak WordPress dan plugin serta tema dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris. Dan agar bisa tersedia dalam bahasa lain, perlu diterjemahkan. Dan agar itu bisa terjadi, para programmer perlu membuat perangkat lunak tersebut dapat diterjemahkan. Pada dasarnya, mereka menyediakan setiap string bahasa Inggris untuk perangkat lunak penerjemahan agar bisa diubah, bisa dibilang, ke dalam bahasa lain dan ke apa yang diubah. Inilah yang dilakukan oleh para penerjemah. Jadi mereka masuk ke perangkat lunak GlotPress dan melihat daftar teks yang perlu diterjemahkan dan menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa yang mereka gunakan. Biasanya ada proses di sekitar ini."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:10]So Alex, tell me a little bit about what it takes to ship translated WordPress software. So, I mean, for people who don’t need translated WordPress, like obviously we don’t have a good idea of what it takes to make sure that WordPress is available in so many languages. So what goes into the work of making sure that that happens?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:03:10]Jadi Alex, ceritakan sedikit tentang apa yang diperlukan untuk mengirim perangkat lunak WordPress yang diterjemahkan. Jadi, maksudku, bagi orang-orang yang tidak membutuhkan WordPress yang diterjemahkan, seperti jelas kita tidak punya gambaran yang baik tentang apa yang diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa WordPress tersedia dalam begitu banyak bahasa. Jadi, apa saja yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan untuk memastikan itu terjadi?"
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:55]Probably, WordPress.org is pretty, pretty massive. Also, I think it’s great that you said that GlotPress was created a couple of years ago, like that, that indicates to me that you’re working on a really different timescale than a lot of folks are in WordPress. "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:55]Kayaknya, WordPress.org itu cukup, cukup besar. Juga, aku rasa itu keren banget kamu bilang bahwa GlotPress dibuat beberapa tahun yang lalu, suka itu, itu menunjukkan padaku bahwa kamu bekerja dengan skala waktu yang benar-benar berbeda dibanding banyak orang di WordPress."
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:02:16]Right. So the translation system that powers WordPress.org is called GlotPress. It used to be a standalone software that was developed a couple of years ago, and it was transformed into a WordPress plugin at some point, and now powers the translation that happens on WordPress.org. So we translate WordPress core there from English to other languages, plugins, themes, block patterns, and it all happens through this software called GlotPress. There are a couple GlotPress installations around the world, but I think the WordPress.org one is one of the bigger ones."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:02:16]Oke. Jadi sistem terjemahan yang mendukung WordPress.org disebut GlotPress. Dulu itu adalah perangkat lunak mandiri yang dikembangkan beberapa tahun yang lalu, dan kemudian diubah menjadi plugin WordPress pada suatu waktu, dan sekarang mendukung terjemahan yang terjadi di WordPress.org. Jadi kita menerjemahkan inti WordPress di sana dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa lain, plugin, tema, pola blok, dan semuanya terjadi melalui perangkat lunak ini yang disebut GlotPress. Ada beberapa instalasi GlotPress di seluruh dunia, tapi saya rasa yang di WordPress.org adalah salah satu yang lebih besar."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:05]Cool. So for folks who don’t know too much about the Polyglots team or generally translating WordPress, the software, can you let us know a bit about what GlotPress is?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:02:05]Bagus. Jadi untuk teman-teman yang tidak tahu banyak tentang tim Polyglots atau secara umum menerjemahkan WordPress, perangkat lunak, bisa kasih tahu kami sedikit tentang apa itu GlotPress?"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:01:56]Yeah, there’s no clear path, but it’s our mission to find it. So that’s part of what makes things interesting."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:01:56]Ya, nggak ada jalan yang jelas, tapi itu misi kita untuk menemukannya. Jadi itu bagian dari yang membuat segalanya menarik."
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msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:46]So a lot of really big projects that you work on, all of that kind of stuff that has no easy solutions anymore, is where you are right now. Huh?"
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:46]Jadi banyak proyek besar yang kamu kerjakan, semua hal itu yang nggak ada solusi mudahnya lagi, adalah tempat kamu sekarang. Hah?"
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msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:01:19]All right. So, Automattic sponsors me to work in the WordPress project on the Meta team and on the Polyglots team. So I spent time on improving or helping improve the software that powers the translation on WordPress.org. But I also work on the meta team on things like Matrix and evaluating if it would be a good fit for WordPress to switch to Matrix for their chat system."
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:01:19]Oke. Jadi, Automattic mensponsori saya untuk bekerja di proyek WordPress di tim meta dan di tim Polyglots. Jadi saya menghabiskan waktu untuk meningkatkan atau membantu meningkatkan perangkat lunak yang mendukung terjemahan di WordPress.org. Tapi saya juga bekerja di tim meta pada hal-hal seperti Matrix dan mengevaluasi apakah itu akan menjadi pilihan yang baik bagi WordPress untuk beralih ke Matrix untuk sistem obrolan mereka."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:05]I’m good. I’m good. Can you, let’s, because I bet that not a lot of people know who you are, can you first start by just telling me a bit about your work with WordPress, and then let us know what GlotPress is, for those of us who don’t know yet? "
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:01:05]Saya baik-baik saja. Saya baik-baik saja. Bisa nggak, ayo, karena saya yakin tidak banyak orang yang tahu siapa kamu, bisa kamu mulai dengan memberi tahu sedikit tentang pekerjaanmu dengan WordPress, dan kemudian beri tahu kami apa itu GlotPress, untuk kita yang belum tahu?"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "[Alex Kirk 00:01:03]Hello, how are you doing? "
msgstr "[Alex Kirk 00:01:03]Halo, apa kabar?"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:59] So without further ado, Alex Kirk, welcome to the WordPress Briefing."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:59] Jadi tanpa basa-basi lagi, Alex Kirk, selamat datang di WordPress Briefing."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:39] I have with me Alex Kirk, who is a longtime WordPress contributor and who has been instrumental in recent innovations in the Polyglots’ work. Phase four of the Gutenberg project is native multilingual support, and so I see this work that is being done as instrumental, not only for our global community but in support of what’s to come in that specific roadmap."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:39] Saya bersama Alex Kirk, yang merupakan kontributor WordPress lama dan telah berperan penting dalam inovasi terbaru dalam pekerjaan Polyglots. Fase empat dari proyek Gutenberg adalah dukungan multibahasa asli, dan saya melihat pekerjaan yang dilakukan ini sebagai sangat penting, tidak hanya untuk komunitas global kita tetapi juga untuk mendukung apa yang akan datang dalam peta jalan spesifik itu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:10] Hello everyone, and welcome to the WordPress Briefing, the podcast where you can catch quick explanations of the ideas behind the WordPress open source project, some insight into the community that supports it, and get a small list of big things coming up in the next two weeks. I’m your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Here we go."
msgstr "[Josepha Haden Chomphosy 00:00:10] Halo semuanya, dan selamat datang di WordPress Briefing, podcast di mana kamu bisa mendapatkan penjelasan cepat tentang ide-ide di balik proyek open source WordPress, sedikit wawasan tentang komunitas yang mendukungnya, dan mendapatkan daftar kecil tentang hal-hal besar yang akan datang dalam dua minggu ke depan. Saya adalah host kamu, Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Ayo kita mulai."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Make Team Dashboards"
msgstr "Buat Dasbor Tim"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Polyglots team
Gutenberg Project roadmap
GlotPress plugin
Translating WordPress – Contribute to WordPress core, themes, and plugins by translating them into your language.
WordPress Playground – WordPress that runs entirely in your browser.
Translate Live: Updates to the Translation Playground
Polyglots Roles and Capabilities – Including the GTE and PTE roles.
WPCampus 2023 – A hybrid event, July 12th through the 14th, at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Topics focus on the growth of higher education, accessibility, WordPress, and anyone who works in higher education.
Launch your WordPress Contributor Journey through the Mentorship Program Pilot – A cohort-based onboarding experience with guided courses and live workshops for those interested in contributing to the project but unsure where to begin."
msgstr "Tim Polyglots
Peta jalan Proyek Gutenberg
Plugin GlotPress
Menerjemahkan WordPress – Berkontribusi pada inti WordPress, tema, dan plugin dengan menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa kamu.
WordPress Playground – WordPress yang berjalan sepenuhnya di browser kamu.
Translate Live: Pembaruan untuk Translation Playground
Peran dan Kemampuan Polyglots – Termasuk GTE dan PTE peran.
WPCampus 2023 – Sebuah acara hibrida, dari 12 hingga 14 Juli, di Universitas Tulane di New Orleans, Louisiana. Topik berfokus pada pertumbuhan pendidikan tinggi, aksesibilitas, WordPress, dan siapa saja yang bekerja di pendidikan tinggi.
Luncurkan Perjalanan Kontributor WordPress kamu melalui Program Mentorship Pilot – Pengalaman onboarding berbasis kohort dengan kursus terarah dan lokakarya langsung bagi mereka yang tertarik untuk berkontribusi pada proyek tetapi tidak yakin harus mulai dari mana."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Host: Josepha Haden Chomphosy
Guests: Alex Kirk
Editor: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Production: Brett McSherry and Nicholas Garofalo
Song: Fearless First by Kevin MacLeod"
msgstr "Host: Josepha Haden Chomphosy
Guests: Alex Kirk
Penyunting: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Produksi: Brett McSherry dan Nicholas Garofalo
Lagu: Fearless First oleh Kevin MacLeod"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy in the 59th episode of the WordPress Briefing. Today she invites guest speaker Alex Kirk to discuss Polyglots’ work to continue to help bring translation to WordPress."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan Direktur Eksekutif WordPress, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, di episode ke-59 dari WordPress Briefing. Hari ini, dia mengundang pembicara tamu Alex Kirk untuk membahas pekerjaan Polyglots dalam terus membantu membawa terjemahan ke WordPress."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Boosting Employee Performance with Coaching"
msgstr "Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan dengan Coaching"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "I’m your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Here we go."
msgstr "Aku hostmu, Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Ayo kita mulai."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "( Intro music )"
msgstr "( Musik intro )"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Host: Josepha Haden Chomphosy
Guests: Mike Schroder
Editor: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Production: Nicholas Garofalo
Song: Fearless First by Kevin MacLeod"
msgstr "Host: Josepha Haden Chomphosy
Tamu: Mike Schroder
Penyunting: Dustin Hartzler
Logo: Javier Arce
Produksi: Nicholas Garofalo
Lagu: Fearless First oleh Kevin MacLeod"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
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#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8:
msgid "Have a question you’d like answered? You can submit them to wpbriefing@wordpress.org, either written or as a voice recording."
msgstr "Punya pertanyaan yang ingin kamu tanyakan? Kamu bisa mengirimkannya ke wpbriefing@wordpress.org, baik tertulis atau sebagai rekaman suara."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy and Core Tech Lead Mike Schroder as they discuss their favorite new features and enhancements coming in WordPress 6.3."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan Direktur Eksekutif WordPress Josepha Haden Chomphosy dan Pemimpin Teknologi Inti Mike Schroder saat mereka membahas fitur-fitur baru dan peningkatan favorit mereka yang akan datang di WordPress 6.3."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=126:
msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords."
msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada yang cocok dengan kata yang kamu cari. Silahkan coba lagi dengan kata kunci yang lain"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=126:
msgid "Podcasts"
msgstr "Podcast"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=889:
msgid "You can enroll in the Master Class with Solo, Partner, or Group subscriptions, depending on your learning preferences. Solo subscriptions are for individual learners, Partner subscriptions allow you and a colleague to join together, and Group subscriptions are designed for teams or organizations seeking a shared learning experience."
msgstr "Kamu bisa mendaftar di Master Class dengan langganan Solo, Partner, atau Group, tergantung pada preferensi belajarmu. Langganan Solo untuk pembelajar individu, langganan Partner memungkinkan kamu dan rekan untuk bergabung bersama, dan langganan Group dirancang untuk tim atau organisasi yang mencari pengalaman belajar bersama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=889:
msgid "This course is offered twice a year, in the spring and fall."
msgstr "Kursus ini ditawarkan dua kali setahun, di musim semi dan musim gugur."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=889:
msgid "The Master Class is an intensive 8-week program."
msgstr "Master Class adalah program intensif selama 8 minggu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "Unlock your full potential with our \"Master Class\" – an intensive, deep-dive course designed to take your skills and knowledge to the next level. This course is ideal for individuals looking to achieve mastery in their chosen field, whether it's leadership, entrepreneurship, or a specific professional skill. Our expert instructors will provide you with in-depth insights, hands-on experience, and personalized guidance to help you reach your professional goals."
msgstr "Buka potensi penuhnya dengan \"Master Class\" kami – kursus intensif yang dirancang untuk membawa keterampilan dan pengetahuanmu ke tingkat selanjutnya. Kursus ini ideal untuk individu yang ingin mencapai penguasaan di bidang yang mereka pilih, apakah itu kepemimpinan, kewirausahaan, atau keterampilan profesional tertentu. Instruktur ahli kami akan memberikan wawasan mendalam, pengalaman praktis, dan bimbingan personal untuk membantumu mencapai tujuan profesionalmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "Master Class"
msgstr "Master Class"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "The Continued Education program is available with Solo, allowing individual learners to pick and choose courses, ensuring flexibility."
msgstr "Program Pendidikan Berkelanjutan tersedia dengan Solo, memungkinkan pembelajar individu untuk memilih dan memilih kursus, memastikan fleksibilitas."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "We offer multiple Continued Education courses throughout the year, allowing you to choose the ones that align with your goals and interests."
msgstr "Kami menawarkan berbagai kursus Pendidikan Berkelanjutan sepanjang tahun, memungkinkan kamu untuk memilih yang sesuai dengan tujuan dan minatmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
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#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=889:
msgid "Availability"
msgstr "Ketersediaan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "Continued Education courses are short modules, typically ranging from 2 to 4 weeks each."
msgstr "Kursus Pendidikan Lanjutan adalah modul pendek, biasanya berkisar antara 2 hingga 4 minggu setiap modulnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=128:
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#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=889:
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Durasi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "Stay ahead in your career with our \"Continued Education\" program, designed to provide ongoing learning opportunities and keep your skills relevant in today's ever-changing job market. Whether you want to refresh your knowledge, explore new trends, or earn professional development credits, our Continued Education courses offer flexible, bite-sized modules that fit into your busy schedule."
msgstr "Jadilah yang terdepan dalam kariermu dengan program \"Pendidikan Berkelanjutan\" kami, yang dirancang untuk memberikan kesempatan belajar yang terus-menerus dan menjaga keterampilanmu tetap relevan di pasar kerja yang selalu berubah saat ini. Apakah kamu ingin menyegarkan pengetahuanmu, menjelajahi tren baru, atau mendapatkan kredit pengembangan profesional, kursus Pendidikan Berkelanjutan kami menawarkan modul yang fleksibel dan mudah yang cocok dengan jadwal sibukmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "Decision Taking"
msgstr "Pengambilan Keputusan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=380:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=380:
msgid "Empowering Women in Leadership"
msgstr "Memberdayakan Perempuan dalam Kepemimpinan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=388:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=388:
msgid "Harnessing the Collective Genius"
msgstr "Menggali Kecerdasan Kolektif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=390:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=390:
msgid "The Evolution of Leadership: Trends to Watch in 2023"
msgstr "Evolusi Kepemimpinan: Tren yang Harus Diperhatikan di 2023"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=392:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=392:
msgid "Balancing Parenthood and Career"
msgstr "Menyelaraskan Kewajiban Sebagai Orang Tua dan Karier"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=394:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=394:
msgid "Mastering Virtual Leadership: Tips from Video Coaching"
msgstr "Menguasai Kepemimpinan Virtual: Tips dari Video Coaching"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=380:
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=388:
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#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=394:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=396:
msgid "Invest in your virtual leadership journey today and watch as your ability to inspire and lead in the digital realm flourishes."
msgstr "Investasikan dalam perjalanan kepemimpinan virtualmu hari ini dan saksikan bagaimana kemampuanmu untuk menginspirasi dan memimpin di ranah digital berkembang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coach-a.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=380:
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#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=394:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=396:
msgid "Mastering virtual leadership is essential for success in today's dynamic work environment. Video Coaching Sessions offer a valuable avenue for leaders to enhance their virtual leadership skills. By embracing personalized guidance, flexibility, and the tips mentioned above, you can become a confident and effective virtual leader, leading your team to success no matter where they are located."
msgstr "Menguasai kepemimpinan virtual itu penting untuk sukses di lingkungan kerja yang dinamis saat ini. Sesi Pelatihan Video menawarkan cara berharga bagi para pemimpin untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kepemimpinan virtual mereka. Dengan menerima bimbingan yang dipersonalisasi, fleksibilitas, dan tips yang disebutkan di atas, kamu bisa menjadi pemimpin virtual yang percaya diri dan efektif, memimpin timmu menuju kesuksesan di mana pun mereka berada."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=396:
msgid "Self-Care: Don't forget to take care of yourself. Virtual leadership can be demanding, so make time for self-care to maintain your well-being and effectiveness as a leader."
msgstr "Self-Care: Jangan lupa untuk merawat dirimu sendiri. Kepemimpinan virtual bisa sangat menuntut, jadi luangkan waktu untuk merawat diri agar tetap sehat dan efektif sebagai pemimpin."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=396:
msgid "Invest in Team Development: Prioritize team-building activities and professional development. These efforts can help create a cohesive and motivated virtual team."
msgstr "Investasikan dalam Pengembangan Tim: Prioritaskan aktivitas membangun tim dan pengembangan profesional. Upaya ini dapat membantu menciptakan tim virtual yang kohesif dan termotivasi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Embrace Flexibility: Recognize that flexibility is a strength in virtual leadership. Adapt to the unique needs and preferences of your team members while still meeting project goals."
msgstr "Rangkul Fleksibilitas: Sadari bahwa fleksibilitas adalah kekuatan dalam kepemimpinan virtual. Sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi unik anggota timmu sambil tetap memenuhi tujuan proyek."
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msgid "Build Trust: Building trust in a virtual setting requires transparency and consistency. Be reliable in your commitments, and encourage open and honest communication among team members."
msgstr "Membangun Kepercayaan: Membangun kepercayaan dalam pengaturan virtual memerlukan transparansi dan konsistensi. Jadilah dapat diandalkan dalam komitmenmu, dan dorong komunikasi yang terbuka dan jujur di antara anggota tim."
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msgid "Leverage Technology: Familiarize yourself with the latest collaboration and communication tools. Use them to streamline workflows, foster engagement, and maintain a sense of connection among team members."
msgstr "Manfaatkan Teknologi: Kenali alat kolaborasi dan komunikasi terbaru. Gunakan mereka untuk memperlancar alur kerja, meningkatkan keterlibatan, dan menjaga rasa koneksi di antara anggota tim."
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msgid "Establish Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations and objectives to your team. Define roles, responsibilities, and project timelines to ensure everyone is on the same page."
msgstr "Tetapkan Harapan yang Jelas: Jelaskan harapan dan tujuan Anda kepada tim Anda. Definisikan peran, tanggung jawab, dan jadwal proyek untuk memastikan semua orang berada di halaman yang sama."
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msgid "Here are some key tips and strategies from Video Coaching Sessions to help you master virtual leadership:"
msgstr "Berikut adalah beberapa tips dan strategi kunci dari Sesi Pelatihan Video untuk membantu kamu menguasai kepemimpinan virtual:"
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msgid "Key Tips from Video Coaching"
msgstr "Tips Kunci dari Video Coaching"
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msgid "Enhanced Communication Skills: In the virtual world, effective communication is key. Video Coaching equips you with the tools to convey your message with clarity, empathy, and impact, even through a screen."
msgstr "Keterampilan Komunikasi yang Ditingkatkan: Di dunia virtual, komunikasi yang efektif adalah kunci. Video Coaching memberi kamu alat untuk menyampaikan pesanmu dengan jelas, empati, dan dampak, bahkan melalui layar."
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msgid "Real-time Feedback: Through video conferencing, you receive real-time feedback on your communication, presence, and leadership techniques. This immediate feedback helps you make adjustments and improvements quickly."
msgstr "Feedback Real-time: Melalui konferensi video, kamu menerima feedback real-time tentang komunikasi, kehadiran, dan teknik kepemimpinanmu. Feedback yang langsung ini membantumu membuat penyesuaian dan perbaikan dengan cepat."
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msgid "Flexibility: Virtual coaching eliminates geographical barriers, making it accessible to leaders around the world. It fits seamlessly into busy schedules, allowing you to learn and grow at your own pace."
msgstr "Fleksibilitas: Pelatihan virtual menghilangkan batasan geografis, membuatnya dapat diakses oleh para pemimpin di seluruh dunia. Ini cocok dengan jadwal yang padat, memungkinkan kamu untuk belajar dan berkembang dengan kecepatanmu sendiri."
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msgid "Personalized Guidance: In Video Coaching, you have the opportunity to work one-on-one with an experienced coach who tailors their guidance to your specific needs and challenges. This personalized approach allows you to address your unique leadership style and goals."
msgstr "Panduan yang Dipersonalisasi: Dalam Video Coaching, kamu punya kesempatan untuk bekerja satu-satu dengan pelatih berpengalaman yang menyesuaikan panduannya dengan kebutuhan dan tantangan spesifikmu. Pendekatan yang dipersonalisasi ini memungkinkanmu untuk mengatasi gaya kepemimpinan dan tujuan unikmu."
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msgid "Video Coaching Sessions provide an ideal platform for honing virtual leadership skills. Here are some of the benefits that make it an invaluable resource:"
msgstr "Sesi Pelatihan Video memberikan platform yang ideal untuk mengasah keterampilan kepemimpinan virtual. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat yang menjadikannya sumber daya yang tak ternilai:"
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msgid "The Benefits of Video Coaching"
msgstr "Manfaat dari Video Coaching"
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msgid "Virtual leadership involves guiding and inspiring a team, not just through physical proximity and face-to-face interactions, but also through screens and digital platforms. It requires a unique set of skills to build trust, foster collaboration, and maintain productivity in a virtual setting. Leaders who can master these skills have a distinct advantage in today's global and remote work environment."
msgstr "Virtual leadership melibatkan membimbing dan menginspirasi tim, bukan hanya melalui kedekatan fisik dan interaksi tatap muka, tetapi juga melalui layar dan platform digital. Ini memerlukan seperangkat keterampilan unik untuk membangun kepercayaan, mendorong kolaborasi, dan mempertahankan produktivitas dalam pengaturan virtual. Pemimpin yang bisa menguasai keterampilan ini memiliki keuntungan yang jelas di lingkungan kerja global dan jarak jauh saat ini."
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msgid "Why Virtual Leadership Matters"
msgstr "Kenapa Kepemimpinan Virtual Itu Penting"
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msgid "In today's rapidly evolving work landscape, virtual leadership has become more than just a buzzword; it's a necessity. With teams often spread across different locations or working remotely, the ability to lead effectively in a virtual environment is paramount. This is where Video Coaching Sessions can be a game-changer, offering valuable insights and strategies to help leaders excel in the digital realm."
msgstr "Dalam lanskap kerja yang berkembang pesat saat ini, kepemimpinan virtual telah menjadi lebih dari sekadar kata kunci; itu adalah suatu keharusan. Dengan tim yang sering tersebar di berbagai lokasi atau bekerja secara jarak jauh, kemampuan untuk memimpin secara efektif dalam lingkungan virtual sangat penting. Di sinilah Sesi Pelatihan Video bisa menjadi pengubah permainan, menawarkan wawasan dan strategi berharga untuk membantu para pemimpin unggul di dunia digital."
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msgid "The Power of Self-Reflection in Executive Coaching"
msgstr "Kekuatan Refleksi Diri dalam Pelatihan Eksekutif"
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msgid "Let’s connect to explore the best options for your needs. Our team will lead this conversation to help you make the right decision on a commitment-free basis."
msgstr "Yuk, kita terhubung untuk menjelajahi pilihan terbaik untuk kebutuhanmu. Tim kami akan memimpin percakapan ini untuk membantumu membuat keputusan yang tepat tanpa komitmen."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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#: block-patterns/coachava.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=735:
msgid "Talk to the coach"
msgstr "Ngobrol sama pelatih"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coachava.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=735:
msgid "Ava's background in coaching, coupled with her empathetic and understanding approach, makes her a trusted resource for clients seeking to excel in various aspects of their lives. She believes in the transformative power of coaching to unlock potential and is committed to helping individuals and organizations thrive. Ava Reed is not only a seasoned coach but also a driving force behind our mission to inspire positive change and growth."
msgstr "Latar belakang Ava dalam pelatihan, ditambah dengan pendekatannya yang empatik dan pengertian, menjadikannya sumber yang terpercaya bagi klien yang ingin unggul dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan mereka. Dia percaya pada kekuatan transformatif dari pelatihan untuk membuka potensi dan berkomitmen untuk membantu individu dan organisasi berkembang. Ava Reed bukan hanya pelatih berpengalaman tetapi juga kekuatan pendorong di balik misi kami untuk menginspirasi perubahan positif dan pertumbuhan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coachava.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=735:
msgid "Ava Reed is the passionate and insightful blogger behind our coaching platform. With a deep commitment to personal and professional development, Ava brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our coaching programs. Her journey in coaching began with a genuine desire to empower individuals and teams, and her dedication has since transformed into a platform where people can access tailored guidance and support."
msgstr "Ava Reed adalah blogger yang penuh semangat dan wawasan di balik platform pelatihan kami. Dengan komitmen yang mendalam terhadap pengembangan Personal dan Profesional, Ava membawa banyak pengalaman dan keahlian ke dalam program pelatihan kami. Perjalanannya dalam pelatihan dimulai dengan keinginan tulus untuk memberdayakan individu dan tim, dan dedikasinya sejak saat itu telah berubah menjadi platform di mana orang dapat mengakses panduan dan dukungan yang disesuaikan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/coachava.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=735:
msgid "Meet coach Ava"
msgstr "Kenalan sama pelatih Ava"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Ava’s background in coaching, coupled with her empathetic and understanding approach, makes her a trusted resource for clients seeking to excel in various aspects of their lives. She believes in the transformative power of coaching to unlock potential and is committed to helping individuals and organizations thrive. Ava Reed is not only a seasoned coach but also a driving force behind our mission to inspire positive change and growth."
msgstr "Latar belakang Ava dalam pelatihan, ditambah dengan pendekatannya yang empatik dan pengertian, menjadikannya sumber yang terpercaya bagi klien yang ingin unggul dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan mereka. Dia percaya pada kekuatan transformatif dari pelatihan untuk membuka potensi dan berkomitmen untuk membantu individu dan organisasi berkembang. Ava Reed bukan hanya pelatih berpengalaman tetapi juga kekuatan pendorong di balik misi kami untuk menginspirasi perubahan positif dan pertumbuhan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Unlocking Leadership Excellence Through Coaching"
msgstr "Membuka Keunggulan Kepemimpinan Melalui Pelatihan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "When she’s not in the recording studio, Naomi enjoys volunteering at local schools, organizing community events, and finding fresh stories to share in her ever-growing collection of books."
msgstr "Ketika dia tidak di studio rekaman, Naomi suka menjadi relawan di sekolah-sekolah lokal, mengorganisir acara komunitas, dan mencari cerita-cerita segar untuk dibagikan dalam koleksi bukunya yang terus berkembang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Drawing from her own diverse background and life experiences as a Black woman navigating academia and storytelling, Naomi infuses Of Human Lives with insights that go beyond the usual biographies. She explores not only what these individuals accomplished, but why they matter today. Through each episode, Naomi brings her own thoughtful, compassionate lens to the people who dared to dream big and defy the odds."
msgstr "Menarik dari latar belakang dan pengalaman hidupnya yang beragam sebagai seorang wanita kulit hitam yang menjelajahi dunia akademis dan bercerita, Naomi menyuntikkan Of Human Lives dengan Wawasan yang melampaui biografi biasa. Dia mengeksplorasi tidak hanya apa yang dicapai oleh individu-individu ini, tetapi juga mengapa mereka penting hari ini. Melalui setiap episode, Naomi membawa lensa yang penuh pemikiran dan kasih sayang kepada orang-orang yang berani bermimpi besar dan menantang segala rintangan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Naomi Ellis is a seasoned storyteller and historian with a passion for exploring the lives that have shaped our world. A lifelong learner with a degree in history and a love for the written word, Naomi spent over two decades working as an educator before finding her true calling in sharing stories with a global audience. Her warm, engaging narration brings history to life, making complex figures feel relatable, and encouraging listeners to find their own connections with the past."
msgstr "Naomi Ellis adalah seorang pendongeng dan sejarawan berpengalaman yang punya semangat untuk menjelajahi kehidupan yang telah membentuk dunia kita. Seorang pembelajar seumur hidup dengan gelar di bidang sejarah dan cinta terhadap kata-kata tertulis, Naomi menghabiskan lebih dari dua dekade bekerja sebagai pendidik sebelum menemukan panggilan sejatinya dalam berbagi cerita dengan audiens global. Narasinya yang hangat dan menarik menghidupkan sejarah, membuat tokoh-tokoh kompleks terasa dekat, dan mendorong pendengar untuk menemukan koneksi mereka sendiri dengan masa lalu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Meet Naomi Ellis, Voice of Of Human Lives"
msgstr "Kenalan sama Naomi Ellis, Suara Of Human Lives"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=90:
msgid "
Of Human Lives is a captivating podcast dedicated to uncovering the extraordinary lives that have left a lasting impact on our world. Hosted by storyteller Naomi Ellis, each episode brings to life the powerful stories of individuals who defied the odds, reshaped history, and inspired generations. From artists and scientists to activists and leaders, Of Human Lives explores the legacies that continue to influence our world, weaving a rich tapestry of human resilience, vision, and courage."
msgstr "
Of Human Lives adalah podcast yang menarik yang didedikasikan untuk mengungkap kehidupan luar biasa yang telah meninggalkan dampak yang langgeng di dunia kita. Dipandu oleh pendongeng Naomi Ellis, setiap episode menghidupkan cerita-cerita kuat dari individu yang melawan segala rintangan, membentuk kembali sejarah, dan menginspirasi generasi. Dari seniman dan ilmuwan hingga aktivis dan pemimpin, Of Human Lives mengeksplorasi warisan yang terus mempengaruhi dunia kita, menjalin kisah kaya tentang ketahanan, visi, dan keberanian manusia."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
#: block-patterns/casthub-simple.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8:
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Kredit"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/greenseeddemo.wordpress.com/2024/06/05/hello-world/:
msgid "We are open! We are farmhouse®, a small grocery shop nestled in the heart of Musselburgh. Our ethos is simple: to connect our community with the freshest produce from local farmers. Discover a selection of vibrant fruits, crisp vegetables, and creamy dairy sourced directly from nearby fields and pastures. We are a celebration of our area’s rich agricultural heritage and a testament to the beauty of sustainable, locally sourced food."
msgstr "Kami buka! Kami adalah farmhouse®, sebuah toko grosir kecil yang terletak di jantung Musselburgh. Etos kami sederhana: menghubungkan komunitas kami dengan hasil pertanian segar dari petani lokal. Temukan pilihan buah-buahan yang berwarna-warni, sayuran yang renyah, dan produk susu yang creamy yang langsung diambil dari ladang dan padang rumput terdekat. Kami adalah perayaan warisan pertanian yang kaya di daerah kami dan bukti keindahan makanan yang berkelanjutan dan bersumber lokal."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/greenseeddemo.wordpress.com/2024/06/05/hello-world/:
msgid "We’re open, come visit!"
msgstr "Kami buka, ayo datang!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/greenseeddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1:
msgid "We are farmhouse®, a small grocery shop nestled in the heart of Musselburgh. Our ethos is simple: to connect our community with the freshest produce from local farmers. Discover a selection of vibrant fruits, crisp vegetables, and creamy dairy sourced directly from nearby fields and pastures. We are a celebration of our area’s rich agricultural heritage and a testament to the beauty of sustainable, locally sourced food."
msgstr "Kami adalah farmhouse®, sebuah toko kelontong kecil yang terletak di jantung Musselburgh. Etos kami sederhana: menghubungkan komunitas kami dengan produk segar dari petani lokal. Temukan pilihan buah-buahan yang berwarna-warni, sayuran yang renyah, dan produk susu yang creamy yang diambil langsung dari ladang dan padang rumput terdekat. Kami adalah perayaan warisan pertanian yang kaya di daerah kami dan bukti keindahan makanan yang berkelanjutan dan bersumber lokal."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aetherdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1:
msgid "@aethereal"
msgstr "@aethereal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aetherdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1:
msgid "Inspired by the ethereal beauty of the skies and grounded in the resilience of the Earth, our birthstone pieces are designed to be as light and delicate as air, yet crafted with materials that stand the test of time. Each piece carries the essence of nature—unique, timeless, and enduring—so you can celebrate life's moments with jewelry that lasts a lifetime."
msgstr "Dipengaruhi oleh keindahan langit yang ethereal dan berakar pada ketahanan Bumi, karya batu kelahiran kami dirancang untuk se ringan dan sehalus udara, namun dibuat dengan bahan yang tahan uji waktu. Setiap karya membawa esensi alam—unik, abadi, dan tahan lama—sehingga kamu bisa merayakan momen hidup dengan perhiasan yang bertahan seumur hidup."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aetherdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1:
msgid "Our philosophy"
msgstr "Filosofi kami"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aetherdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1:
msgid "Aether was born from a love of both the natural world and the power of personal expression. We started with the idea of blending delicate, celestial-inspired designs with durable, high-quality materials. Every piece we craft tells a story—whether it’s celebrating a milestone, a birth month, or a meaningful connection. Our jewelry is made to last, honouring life’s moments with elegance and strength."
msgstr "Aether lahir dari cinta terhadap dunia alami dan kekuatan ekspresi pribadi. Kami mulai dengan ide menggabungkan desain yang halus dan terinspirasi oleh langit dengan bahan yang tahan lama dan berkualitas tinggi. Setiap karya yang kami buat menceritakan sebuah cerita—apakah itu merayakan pencapaian, bulan kelahiran, atau hubungan yang bermakna. Perhiasan kami dibuat untuk bertahan lama, menghormati momen-momen kehidupan dengan keanggunan dan kekuatan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aetherdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8:
msgid "Questions, feedback, requests? You can contact us using the form below. We typically answer within 3-5 days."
msgstr "Pertanyaan, feedback, permintaan? Kamu bisa menghubungi kami menggunakan formulir di bawah ini. Kami biasanya menjawab dalam 3-5 hari."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41:
msgid "Nunc eu ligula vitae diam eleifend iaculis. Vivamus tristique varius pellentesque. "
msgstr "Nunc eu ligula vitae diam eleifend iaculis. Vivamus tristique varius pellentesque."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41:
msgid "Everything You Need to Know for Contributor Day"
msgstr "Semua yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui untuk Hari Kontributor"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "It can also be used in this theme, but please remember that it doesn't have responsiveness. In the future, it will be reviewed and will become the perfect choice for conference schedules."
msgstr "Itu juga bisa digunakan di tema ini, tapi tolong ingat bahwa itu tidak memiliki responsif. Di masa depan, itu akan ditinjau dan akan menjadi pilihan yang sempurna untuk jadwal konferensi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "The Table Block component"
msgstr "Komponen Table Block"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Tuesday Mar 21"
msgstr "Selasa 21 Mar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "17:00"
msgstr "17:00"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "14:50"
msgstr "14:50"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Blogging"
msgstr "Penulisan Blog"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "14:00"
msgstr "14:00"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Lunch Break"
msgstr "Jeda Makan Siang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "12:30"
msgstr "12:30"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "The One-sentence Secret to Marketing, Influence, and Getting a Yes"
msgstr "Rahasia Satu Kalimat untuk Pemasaran, Pengaruh, dan Mendapatkan 'Ya'"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "11:50"
msgstr "11:50"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Track 3: Getting the most out of the REST API"
msgstr "Track 3: Memanfaatkan REST API sebaik-baiknya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Track 2: Advanced Performance & Scalability for PHP Developers"
msgstr "Track 2: Kinerja Lanjutan & Skalabilitas untuk Pengembang PHP"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Track 1: How Neuroscience Can Make You a Better Writer"
msgstr "Track 1: Bagaimana Neurosains Dapat Membuatmu Menjadi Penulis yang Lebih Baik"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "10:50"
msgstr "10:50"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Track 3: WordPress Through The Terminal"
msgstr "Track 3: WordPress Melalui Terminal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Track 2: How To Create A Content Machine"
msgstr "Track 2: Cara Membuat Mesin Konten"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Marketing"
msgstr "Pemasaran"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Track 1: Starting your WordPress blog – the first 6 months"
msgstr "Track 1: Memulai blog WordPress kamu – 6 bulan pertama"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Development"
msgstr "Development"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "10:00"
msgstr "10:00"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Registration and Welcoming Breakfast"
msgstr "Registrasi dan Sarapan Selamat Datang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "08:30"
msgstr "08:30"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Monday Mar 20"
msgstr "Senin 20 Mar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=9:
msgid "Explore their profiles and offerings here, and consider how your organization can become a part of our design journey. Together, we can continue to push the boundaries of design innovation and shape the future of creativity. Thank you to all our sponsors for your invaluable support!\""
msgstr "Jelajahi profil dan penawaran mereka di sini, dan pertimbangkan bagaimana organisasi Anda bisa menjadi bagian dari perjalanan desain kami. Bersama-sama, kita bisa terus mendorong batasan inovasi desain dan membentuk masa depan kreativitas. Terima kasih kepada semua sponsor kami atas dukungan Anda yang tak ternilai!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=9:
msgid "We're delighted to showcase and express our heartfelt gratitude to the partners and sponsors who make this design extravaganza possible. Our sponsors play a pivotal role in supporting innovation, creativity, and knowledge sharing within the design community. "
msgstr "Kami senang untuk menampilkan dan mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih yang tulus kepada mitra dan sponsor yang membuat extravaganza desain ini mungkin terjadi. Sponsor kami memainkan peran penting dalam mendukung inovasi, kreativitas, dan berbagi pengetahuan di dalam komunitas desain."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Hallarmúli 1, 108
Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavik, IS"
msgstr "Hallarmúli 1, 108
Reykjavík, Islandia, Reykjavik, IS"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "The International Conference Centre"
msgstr "Pusat Konferensi Internasional"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Add to your Calendar"
msgstr "Tambahkan ke Kalender Anda"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Get Directions"
msgstr "Dapatkan Petunjuk Arah"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your design journey, this conference promises an abundance of learning opportunities, unforgettable experiences, and the chance to be part of a global design community. Join us in Reykjavík, and let's shape the future of design together amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes and creative spirit of Iceland!"
msgstr "Apakah kamu seorang profesional berpengalaman atau baru memulai perjalanan desainmu, konferensi ini menjanjikan banyak kesempatan untuk belajar, pengalaman yang tak terlupakan, dan kesempatan untuk menjadi bagian dari komunitas desain global. Bergabunglah dengan kami di Reykjavík, dan mari kita bentuk masa depan desain bersama di tengah pemandangan yang menakjubkan dan semangat kreatif Islandia!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Reykjavík, with its captivating blend of natural wonders, artistic energy, and dynamic design community, provides an unparalleled setting for our global gathering of designers, thinkers, and visionaries. As we come together to explore the latest trends, share insights, and forge new connections, we aim to inspire and empower each other to reach new heights in the realm of design."
msgstr "Reykjavík, dengan perpaduan menawannya antara keajaiban alam, energi artistik, dan komunitas desain yang dinamis, menyediakan latar yang tak tertandingi untuk pertemuan global kami para desainer, pemikir, dan visioner. Saat kita berkumpul untuk mengeksplorasi tren terbaru, bagikan wawasan, dan menjalin koneksi baru, kami bertujuan untuk menginspirasi dan memberdayakan satu sama lain untuk mencapai ketinggian baru di bidang desain."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "The Acme Corp Design Summit 2024 will be held at the stunning backdrop of Reykjavík, Iceland! We are thrilled to invite you to a week-long journey into the world of design innovation and creativity in this extraordinary Nordic capital."
msgstr "Acme Corp Design Summit 2024 akan diadakan di latar belakang yang menakjubkan di Reykjavík, Islandia! Kami sangat senang mengundangmu untuk perjalanan selama seminggu ke dunia inovasi desain dan kreativitas di ibu kota Nordik yang luar biasa ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "We are thrilled to invite you to a week-long journey into the world of design innovation and creativity. Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland, with its enchanting blend of natural wonders and artistic vibrancy, serves as the perfect canvas for this global gathering of designers, thinkers, and visionaries."
msgstr "Kami sangat senang mengundangmu untuk perjalanan selama seminggu ke dunia inovasi desain dan kreativitas. Reykjavík, ibu kota Islandia, dengan perpaduan menawannya antara keajaiban alam dan vibrasi artistik, menjadi kanvas yang sempurna untuk pertemuan global para desainer, pemikir, dan visioner ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Lineup"
msgstr "Lineup"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
msgid "David Lewis"
msgstr "David Lewis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
msgid "Lewis Ryan"
msgstr "Lewis Ryan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
msgid "David Wislon"
msgstr "David Wislon"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
msgid "Ryan Wilson"
msgstr "Ryan Wilson"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
msgid "Wilson David"
msgstr "Wilson David"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
msgid "Social link | Site | Dotorg Handle"
msgstr "Tautan sosial | Situs | Dotorg Handle"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
msgid "Attendees"
msgstr "Peserta"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
msgid "This post introduces the organizer named Surename from a given country, providing social media handles. The text offers a detailed character description without discussing specific activities or events."
msgstr "Memposkan ini memperkenalkan penyelenggara bernama Surename dari negara tertentu, memberikan akun media sosial. Teks ini menawarkan deskripsi karakter yang detail tanpa membahas aktivitas atau acara tertentu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Jessica Turner"
msgstr "Jessica Turner"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
msgid "The post shares information about the organizer, named Surename, from an unspecified country. It includes an extensive, general description and a note about an upcoming session."
msgstr "Pos ini membagikan informasi tentang penyelenggara, bernama Surename, dari negara yang tidak disebutkan. Ini mencakup deskripsi umum yang luas dan catatan tentang sesi yang akan datang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "David Wilson"
msgstr "David Wilson"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
msgid "The post provides information on an unnamed individual's background, social media handles, and professional expertise. It also mentions a linked session, though specifics aren't provided."
msgstr "Pos ini memberikan informasi tentang latar belakang individu yang tidak disebutkan namanya, akun media sosial, dan keahlian profesional. Ini juga menyebutkan sesi yang terhubung, meskipun rincian tidak disediakan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Chloe Bennett"
msgstr "Chloe Bennett"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
msgid "The post introduces an organizer, 'Name Surename' from a country, highlighting their skill in arranging engaging sessions. It further delves into the details of one such session."
msgstr "Pos ini memperkenalkan seorang penyelenggara, 'Name Surename' dari sebuah negara, yang menyoroti keterampilannya dalam mengatur sesi yang menarik. Ini juga membahas rincian dari salah satu sesi tersebut."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Alex Murphy"
msgstr "Alex Murphy"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
msgid "The post provides a detailed account about the event's organizer, Name Surename from a certain country, and outlines information about a session, including an active link to its title."
msgstr "Pos ini memberikan penjelasan rinci tentang penyelenggara acara, Nama Surename dari negara tertentu, dan menguraikan informasi tentang sesi, termasuk tautan aktif ke judulnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Megan Foster"
msgstr "Megan Foster"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
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#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=19:
msgid "Organizers"
msgstr "Pengorganisir"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "organizers"
msgstr "penyelenggara"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "About the organizer"
msgstr "Tentang penyelenggara"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "The post provides details about an event organizer named Surename from a specific country. It also mentions their social handles and includes a session with an active link."
msgstr "Pos ini memberikan rincian tentang penyelenggara acara bernama Surename dari negara tertentu. Ini juga menyebutkan akun sosial mereka dan menyertakan sesi dengan tautan aktif."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Ryan Lewis"
msgstr "Ryan Lewis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
msgid "The post introduces the speaker, \"Name Surename\" from a specified country, and provides their social handles. A description, as well as the title of their session is provided."
msgstr "Pos ini memperkenalkan pembicara, \"Name Surename\" dari negara tertentu, dan memberikan akun sosial mereka. Sebuah deskripsi, serta judul sesi mereka disediakan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
msgid "Liam Carter"
msgstr "Liam Carter"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
msgid "Olivia Parker"
msgstr "Olivia Parker"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
msgid "Daniel Hughes"
msgstr "Daniel Hughes"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
msgid "This is about a speaker, Name Surename from Country, known for his eloquence. The text contains his social media handles and a description of his impactful speaking sessions."
msgstr "Ini tentang seorang pembicara, Nama Surename dari Negara, yang dikenal karena kefasihannya. Teks ini berisi akun media sosialnya dan deskripsi sesi berbicara yang berdampak."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
msgid "Emily Roberts"
msgstr "Emily Roberts"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
msgid "The content introduces a speaker, Name Surename from a certain country, with some details that are lorem ipsum text. The session with the title is also mentioned."
msgstr "Konten ini memperkenalkan seorang pembicara, Nama Surename dari suatu negara, dengan beberapa detail yang merupakan teks lorem ipsum. Sesi dengan judul juga disebutkan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
msgid "James Anderson"
msgstr "James Anderson"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
msgid "speakers"
msgstr "Para pembicara"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "Title of the Session with an active link"
msgstr "Judul Sesi dengan tautan aktif"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "Session"
msgstr "Sesi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "Praesent vitae ante id libero pharetra egestas. Aliquam luctus, ante ac lacinia fermentum, ligula neque rhoncus neque, ut bibendum mauris nulla vel mauris. Aenean porta nunc ligula, a porttitor dolor fermentum non. Curabitur suscipit aliquet commodo. Aenean at nulla vitae lacus vestibulum eleifend at ac sapien. Donec pellentesque orci et leo ultricies commodo. Nam blandit, purus at aliquet sagittis, tellus ligula vestibulum tellus, in vulputate erat nibh ut sapien."
msgstr "Praesent vitae ante id libero pharetra egestas. Aliquam luctus, ante ac lacinia fermentum, ligula neque rhoncus neque, ut bibendum mauris nulla vel mauris. Aenean porta nunc ligula, a porttitor dolor fermentum non. Curabitur suscipit aliquet commodo. Aenean at nulla vitae lacus vestibulum eleifend at ac sapien. Donec pellentesque orci et leo ultricies commodo. Nam blandit, purus at aliquet sagittis, tellus ligula vestibulum tellus, in vulputate erat nibh ut sapien."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "Fusce molestie consequat congue. Integer diam turpis, faucibus sit amet urna a, rutrum dapibus velit. Phasellus consectetur nulla dui, quis placerat nunc lobortis at. In metus turpis, vehicula eu tempor vitae, placerat vitae tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam vel sagittis leo. In posuere justo sed dolor dapibus facilisis. Nulla feugiat metus diam, nec gravida enim imperdiet sit amet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque non congue justo. Sed aliquam facilisis augue sit amet commodo. Aliquam sed dui est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;"
msgstr "Fusce molestie consequat congue. Integer diam turpis, faucibus sit amet urna a, rutrum dapibus velit. Phasellus consectetur nulla dui, quis placerat nunc lobortis at. In metus turpis, vehicula eu tempor vitae, placerat vitae tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam vel sagittis leo. In posuere justo sed dolor dapibus facilisis. Nulla feugiat metus diam, nec gravida enim imperdiet sit amet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque non congue justo. Sed aliquam facilisis augue sit amet commodo. Aliquam sed dui est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices elementum rutrum. Proin sit amet metus vitae urna pharetra dignissim et maximus quam. Sed vel faucibus dui. Aliquam nec erat vestibulum, rutrum diam ut, tincidunt velit. Cras vitae mauris sit amet lacus bibendum lacinia. Ut laoreet mauris eget orci bibendum, quis lobortis sapien mollis. Maecenas tincidunt vulputate felis in imperdiet. Curabitur ac fringilla risus, et interdum tellus. Donec non pulvinar nulla. Nunc ac purus dictum, dignissim mi eget, malesuada purus."
msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices elementum rutrum. Proin sit amet metus vitae urna pharetra dignissim et maximus quam. Sed vel faucibus dui. Aliquam nec erat vestibulum, rutrum diam ut, tincidunt velit. Cras vitae mauris sit amet lacus bibendum lacinia. Ut laoreet mauris eget orci bibendum, quis lobortis sapien mollis. Maecenas tincidunt vulputate felis in imperdiet. Curabitur ac fringilla risus, et interdum tellus. Donec non pulvinar nulla. Nunc ac purus dictum, dignissim mi eget, malesuada purus."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=409:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=411:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=413:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=415:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=417:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=419:
msgid "Name Surename, Country | @socialhandle1 @socialhandle2"
msgstr "Nama Surename, Negara | @socialhandle1 @socialhandle2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=287:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=289:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=299:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=301:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=303:
msgid "About the Speaker"
msgstr "Tentang Pembicara"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
msgid "The provided content introduces a speaker named Name Surname from a particular country with social handles but lacks definable details of the person or an upcoming session."
msgstr "Konten yang disediakan memperkenalkan seorang pembicara bernama Name Surname dari negara tertentu dengan akun sosial, tetapi tidak memiliki detail yang dapat didefinisikan tentang orang tersebut atau sesi yang akan datang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=292:
msgid "Sarah Mitchell"
msgstr "Sarah Mitchell"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=43:
msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vehicula porta arcu, id rhoncus nisl malesuada nec."
msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vehicula porta arcu, id rhoncus nisl malesuada nec."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=43:
msgid "Your Guide to the WordCamp US Sponsor Hall"
msgstr "Panduan Anda ke Hall Sponsor WordCamp US"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=48:
msgid "Vivamus tristique varius pellentesque. Nunc eu ligula vitae diam eleifend iaculis."
msgstr "Vivamus tristique varius pellentesque. Nunc eu ligula vitae diam eleifend iaculis."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=48:
msgid "WordCamp US Talks Available on YouTube Channel"
msgstr "WordCamp US Talks Tersedia di Saluran YouTube"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=484:
msgid "Registering is your first step toward becoming a part of our global design community and unlocking access to a world of innovative ideas and creative exploration. Secure your spot today and get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant world of design amidst the breathtaking landscapes and artistic spirit of Reykjavík. Let's create unforgettable design experiences together – register now and be a part of something extraordinary!"
msgstr "Daftar adalah langkah pertama kamu untuk menjadi bagian dari komunitas desain global kami dan membuka akses ke dunia ide-ide inovatif dan eksplorasi kreatif. Amankan tempatmu hari ini dan siapkan dirimu untuk terjun ke dalam dunia desain yang penuh warna di tengah pemandangan yang menakjubkan dan semangat seni Reykjavík. Mari kita ciptakan pengalaman desain yang tak terlupakan bersama – daftar sekarang dan jadi bagian dari sesuatu yang luar biasa!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=484:
msgid "Welcome to the registration for the ADS2024 in Reykjavík, Iceland! We're excited to have you join us for this exceptional design event that promises to be a week filled with inspiration, knowledge sharing, and networking."
msgstr "Selamat datang di pendaftaran untuk ADS2024 di Reykjavík, Islandia! Kami sangat senang kamu bergabung dengan kami untuk acara desain luar biasa ini yang menjanjikan minggu yang penuh dengan inspirasi, berbagi pengetahuan, dan jaringan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=265:
msgid "What to Expect: Things to do in Iceland, Reykjavík"
msgstr "Apa yang Diharapkan: Hal-hal yang Bisa Dilakukan di Islandia, Reykjavík"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=536:
msgid "In this blog post, provide a detailed overview of what attendees can expect at the conference, including highlights, keynote speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities."
msgstr "Dalam pos blog ini, berikan gambaran rinci tentang apa yang bisa diharapkan peserta di konferensi, termasuk sorotan, pembicara kunci, lokakarya, dan kesempatan untuk berjejaring."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=536:
msgid "Designing a Unique Experience: At the ADS24"
msgstr "Mendesain Pengalaman yang Unik: Di ADS24"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=538:
msgid "Offer a sneak peek of Reykjavík's unique charm, discussing must-visit places, local cuisine, and cultural attractions to inspire attendees to explore the host city."
msgstr "Tawarkan sekilas pesona unik Reykjavík, bahas tempat-tempat yang wajib dikunjungi, masakan lokal, dan atraksi budaya untuk menginspirasi peserta menjelajahi kota tuan rumah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=538:
msgid "Reykjavík Unveiled: Exploring the Host City of the Summit"
msgstr "Reykjavík Terungkap: Menjelajahi Kota Host dari KTT"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=540:
msgid "Introduce the lineup of keynote speakers and provide insights into their backgrounds, expertise, and the topics they will be addressing during the conference."
msgstr "Perkenalkan jajaran pembicara kunci dan berikan wawasan tentang latar belakang, keahlian, dan topik yang akan mereka bahas selama konferensi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=540:
msgid "Speaker Spotlight: Unveiling Our Design Gurus"
msgstr "Sorotan Pembicara: Mengungkap Guru Desain Kami"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=542:
msgid "Highlight some of the workshops and interactive sessions planned for the event, sharing the skills and knowledge that attendees can gain."
msgstr "Soroti beberapa workshop dan sesi interaktif yang direncanakan untuk acara tersebut, berbagi keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang bisa didapatkan oleh peserta."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=542:
msgid "Workshop Wonders: A Glimpse into Hands-On Sessions"
msgstr "Keajaiban Workshop: Sekilas tentang Sesi Praktis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=265:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=43:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=48:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=536:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=538:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=540:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=542:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=544:
msgid "Curabitur et mauris ut mi vehicula molestie. Aenean posuere, lacus eu placerat aliquet, massa augue accumsan augue, quis volutpat lectus tellus eget metus. Proin ut justo sed est tempus mollis vel ac mauris. Integer vulputate ante sed sollicitudin pulvinar. Ut pellentesque nibh sed consequat congue. Integer ac tempus magna. Sed eget porttitor est. Pellentesque commodo volutpat dolor eget condimentum. Quisque pellentesque odio lacus, id vulputate elit volutpat quis. Fusce gravida imperdiet nisi, non tristique nisl ornare quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus."
msgstr "Curabitur et mauris ut mi vehicula molestie. Aenean posuere, lacus eu placerat aliquet, massa augue accumsan augue, quis volutpat lectus tellus eget metus. Proin ut justo sed est tempus mollis vel ac mauris. Integer vulputate ante sed sollicitudin pulvinar. Ut pellentesque nibh sed consequat congue. Integer ac tempus magna. Sed eget porttitor est. Pellentesque commodo volutpat dolor eget condimentum. Quisque pellentesque odio lacus, id vulputate elit volutpat quis. Fusce gravida imperdiet nisi, non tristique nisl ornare quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=265:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=43:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=48:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=536:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=538:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=540:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=542:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=544:
msgid "Nulla odio massa, tincidunt vel lacus sed, imperdiet ultricies justo. Integer venenatis nulla aliquam massa tincidunt, in vehicula justo vehicula. Fusce nec elementum enim. Donec nisi nisl, laoreet vel maximus quis, aliquam sit amet orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec luctus augue et blandit viverra. Maecenas a commodo lectus, ultrices efficitur massa. Nam ligula lorem, mattis non euismod vel, facilisis vel odio. Sed fermentum erat at sodales iaculis. Vivamus viverra mi vitae commodo pellentesque. Curabitur in vestibulum justo. Quisque laoreet bibendum facilisis. Mauris efficitur sapien ut rutrum mattis. Proin in neque dolor. Aliquam sed dolor a enim rutrum venenatis nec sit amet purus."
msgstr "Nulla odio massa, tincidunt vel lacus sed, imperdiet ultricies justo. Integer venenatis nulla aliquam massa tincidunt, in vehicula justo vehicula. Fusce nec elementum enim. Donec nisi nisl, laoreet vel maximus quis, aliquam sit amet orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec luctus augue et blandit viverra. Maecenas a commodo lectus, ultrices efficitur massa. Nam ligula lorem, mattis non euismod vel, facilisis vel odio. Sed fermentum erat at sodales iaculis. Vivamus viverra mi vitae commodo pellentesque. Curabitur in vestibulum justo. Quisque laoreet bibendum facilisis. Mauris efficitur sapien ut rutrum mattis. Proin in neque dolor. Aliquam sed dolor a enim rutrum venenatis nec sit amet purus."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=265:
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#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=536:
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msgid "Vivamus sit amet venenatis justo, a dapibus sem. Nulla sit amet molestie risus, non volutpat metus. Fusce nec nisi suscipit, euismod velit ut, ultrices ipsum. Nunc semper mi nec porttitor venenatis. Donec a massa vitae dolor imperdiet commodo. Praesent vitae tincidunt augue. Mauris non vestibulum magna. Nam aliquet convallis orci, in blandit risus."
msgstr "Vivamus sit amet venenatis justo, a dapibus sem. Nulla sit amet molestie risus, non volutpat metus. Fusce nec nisi suscipit, euismod velit ut, ultrices ipsum. Nunc semper mi nec porttitor venenatis. Donec a massa vitae dolor imperdiet commodo. Praesent vitae tincidunt augue. Mauris non vestibulum magna. Nam aliquet convallis orci, in blandit risus."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=544:
msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vehicula porta arcu, id rhoncus nisl malesuada nec. Mauris ultricies scelerisque massa vitae congue. Duis non justo id nisi euismod auctor. Nunc eu ligula vitae diam eleifend iaculis. Vivamus tristique varius pellentesque. Quisque placerat odio quis velit vestibulum suscipit. Nullam quis sagittis leo. Nunc condimentum, ligula ac malesuada aliquet, risus ante interdum nisl, quis venenatis libero sem non magna. Nam vehicula ut urna eu faucibus. Fusce elit libero, fringilla non iaculis vel, dignissim et orci."
msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vehicula porta arcu, id rhoncus nisl malesuada nec. Mauris ultricies scelerisque massa vitae congue. Duis non justo id nisi euismod auctor. Nunc eu ligula vitae diam eleifend iaculis. Vivamus tristique varius pellentesque. Quisque placerat odio quis velit vestibulum suscipit. Nullam quis sagittis leo. Nunc condimentum, ligula ac malesuada aliquet, risus ante interdum nisl, quis venenatis libero sem non magna. Nam vehicula ut urna eu faucibus. Fusce elit libero, fringilla non iaculis vel, dignissim et orci."
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#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=544:
msgid "Vivamus sodales est vel efficitur egestas. Ut commodo dolor id mi ultricies, id auctor turpis tristique. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris rhoncus urna sit amet nisi tempor feugiat. Ut luctus leo ut eros ultricies gravida. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis sollicitudin ornare vulputate. Sed blandit, mauris eu vestibulum tempus, libero diam finibus sem, eu ullamcorper risus diam ac lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus non dolor non leo varius commodo. Proin vestibulum eleifend magna nec scelerisque. Nam ut quam et lectus elementum fermentum in in dolor. Phasellus id blandit arcu. Proin venenatis ornare pulvinar."
msgstr "Vivamus sodales est vel efficitur egestas. Ut commodo dolor id mi ultricies, id auctor turpis tristique. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris rhoncus urna sit amet nisi tempor feugiat. Ut luctus leo ut eros ultricies gravida. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis sollicitudin ornare vulputate. Sed blandit, mauris eu vestibulum tempus, libero diam finibus sem, eu ullamcorper risus diam ac lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus non dolor non leo varius commodo. Proin vestibulum eleifend magna nec scelerisque. Nam ut quam et lectus elementum fermentum in in dolor. Phasellus id blandit arcu. Proin venenatis ornare pulvinar."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=544:
msgid "Spotlight the event's sponsors, showcasing their commitment to design and how their contributions will enhance the attendee experience."
msgstr "Soroti sponsor acara, tunjukkan komitmen mereka terhadap desain dan bagaimana kontribusi mereka akan meningkatkan pengalaman peserta."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=544:
msgid "Sponsorship Stories: The Brands Behind the Summit"
msgstr " cerita Sponsorship: Merek di Balik Summit"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "In sum, \"Danube\" is more than just a restaurant; it's a culinary journey through the heart of Europe, where every dish tells a story and every bite is a revelation. Whether you're a seasoned epicurean or simply seeking an unforgettable dining experience, \"Danube\" is sure to leave you craving for more."
msgstr "Singkatnya, \"Danube\" lebih dari sekadar restoran; ini adalah perjalanan kuliner melalui jantung Eropa, di mana setiap hidangan menceritakan sebuah cerita dan setiap gigitan adalah sebuah wahyu. Apakah kamu seorang pencinta kuliner yang berpengalaman atau sekadar mencari pengalaman bersantap yang tak terlupakan, \"Danube\" pasti akan membuatmu ingin lebih."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "Complementing the exceptional cuisine is an extensive wine list featuring varietals from renowned vineyards across Europe, expertly curated to pair harmoniously with each dish. The knowledgeable staff is on hand to offer recommendations and ensure that every aspect of your dining experience exceeds expectations."
msgstr "Melengkapi masakan yang luar biasa adalah daftar anggur yang luas yang menampilkan varietas dari kebun anggur terkenal di seluruh Eropa, yang disusun dengan ahli untuk dipadukan secara harmonis dengan setiap hidangan. Staf yang berpengetahuan siap memberikan rekomendasi dan memastikan bahwa setiap aspek pengalaman bersantapmu melebihi harapan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "No meal at \"Danube\" would be complete without sampling from their exquisite dessert selection. Treat yourself to the decadent chocolate soufflé, a rich and indulgent finale that leaves a lasting impression."
msgstr "Tidak ada makanan di \"Danube\" yang lengkap tanpa mencicipi pilihan makanan penutup mereka yang luar biasa. Manjakan diri kamu dengan soufflé cokelat yang dekaden, sebuah penutup yang kaya dan memanjakan yang meninggalkan kesan mendalam."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "For the main course, indulge in the succulent beef tenderloin, cooked to perfection and served with a velvety red wine reduction and buttery mashed potatoes. Vegetarian options abound as well, with standouts like the wild mushroom risotto, bursting with earthy flavors and finished with a hint of truffle oil."
msgstr "Untuk hidangan utama, nikmati tenderloin sapi yang juicy, dimasak dengan sempurna dan disajikan dengan pengurangan anggur merah yang lembut dan kentang tumbuk yang buttery. Pilihan vegetarian juga melimpah, dengan yang menonjol seperti risotto jamur liar, penuh dengan rasa earthy dan diselesaikan dengan sedikit minyak truffle."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "Start your culinary journey with the house-made charcuterie board, featuring an assortment of artisanal meats and cheeses sourced from local producers. Follow it up with the signature Danube salad, a refreshing blend of mixed greens, roasted beets, and goat cheese, drizzled with a tangy balsamic vinaigrette."
msgstr "Mulai perjalanan kuliner kamu dengan papan charcuterie buatan rumah, yang menampilkan berbagai daging dan keju artisanal yang diambil dari produsen lokal. Ikuti dengan salad Danube khas, campuran segar dari sayuran hijau, bit panggang, dan keju kambing, disiram dengan vinaigrette balsamik yang asam."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "But it's the menu that truly steals the spotlight. Drawing inspiration from the rich culinary traditions of the Danube region, each dish is a work of artistry, meticulously crafted to tantalize the taste buds and ignite the senses. From hearty Hungarian goulash to delicate Austrian schnitzel, the menu showcases a diverse array of flavors and textures, expertly curated to cater to every palate."
msgstr "Tapi menu-nya yang benar-benar mencuri perhatian. Mengambil inspirasi dari tradisi kuliner kaya di daerah Danube, setiap hidangan adalah karya seni, dibuat dengan teliti untuk menggugah selera dan membangkitkan indera. Dari goulash Hungaria yang mengenyangkan hingga schnitzel Austria yang halus, menu ini menampilkan etalase beragam rasa dan tekstur, yang disusun dengan ahli untuk memenuhi setiap selera."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "The restaurant's décor exudes understated sophistication, with soft lighting, sleek furniture, and subtle nods to its European inspiration. Whether you're seeking an intimate dinner for two or celebrating a special occasion with friends and family, \"Danube\" provides the perfect backdrop for any occasion."
msgstr "Dekorasi restoran ini memancarkan sofistikasi yang sederhana, dengan pencahayaan lembut, furnitur yang ramping, dan sentuhan halus yang mengacu pada inspirasi Eropa. Apakah kamu mencari makan malam intim untuk berdua atau merayakan momen spesial dengan teman dan keluarga, 'Danube' menyediakan latar yang sempurna untuk setiap kesempatan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "Danube is a culinary gem nestled in the heart of the city, offering a delightful fusion of traditional European flavors with a modern twist. From the moment you step inside, you're enveloped in an ambiance that effortlessly blends elegance with warmth, setting the stage for a memorable dining experience."
msgstr "Danube adalah permata kuliner yang terletak di jantung kota, menawarkan perpaduan yang menyenangkan antara cita rasa Eropa tradisional dengan sentuhan modern. Sejak saat kamu melangkah masuk, kamu akan diselimuti suasana yang dengan mudah memadukan keanggunan dengan kehangatan, menciptakan suasana untuk pengalaman bersantap yang tak terlupakan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "From the moment you step inside, you're enveloped in an ambiance that effortlessly blends elegance with warmth, setting the stage for a memorable dining experience."
msgstr "Dari saat kamu melangkah masuk, kamu dikelilingi oleh suasana yang dengan mudah memadukan keanggunan dengan kehangatan, menciptakan suasana untuk pengalaman bersantap yang tak terlupakan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1:
msgid "Visiting \"Danube\"—European flavors with a twist"
msgstr "Menjenguk \"Danube\"—rasa Eropa dengan sentuhan berbeda"
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#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "nuts"
msgstr "kacang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "healthy"
msgstr "sehat"
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#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "fruit"
msgstr "buah"
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#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "coconut"
msgstr "kelapa"
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msgid "bowls"
msgstr "mangkuk"
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msgid "Image Source"
msgstr "Sumber Gambar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Feel free to customize these fruit bowls with your favorite fruits and nuts. Kiwi slices, mango chunks, or pineapple tidbits would make excellent additions. To make this recipe vegan-friendly, omit the Greek yogurt or use a dairy-free alternative such as coconut yogurt. For added protein and fiber, consider sprinkling chia seeds or flaxseeds over the fruit bowls."
msgstr "Silakan lakukan penyesuaian pada mangkuk buah ini dengan buah dan kacang favoritmu. Irisan kiwi, potongan mangga, atau potongan nanas akan menjadi tambahan yang sangat baik. Untuk membuat resep ini ramah vegan, hilangkan yogurt Yunani atau gunakan alternatif bebas susu seperti yogurt kelapa. Untuk menambah protein dan serat, pertimbangkan untuk menaburkan biji chia atau biji rami di atas mangkuk buah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Recipe Video"
msgstr "Video Resep"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "10 mins"
msgstr "10 menit"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "2 servings"
msgstr "2 porsi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "These healthy fruit bowls make a nutritious breakfast, snack, or even a light dessert option. You can prepare the fruit bowls in advance and store them covered in the refrigerator for up to a day."
msgstr "Semangkuk buah sehat ini bikin sarapan, camilan, atau bahkan pilihan pencuci mulut yang ringan. Kamu bisa menyiapkan semangkuk buah ini sebelumnya dan menyimpannya tertutup di dalam kulkas selama sehari."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Healthy Fruit Bowls with Coconut, Berries, and Nuts"
msgstr "Semangkuk Buah Sehat dengan Kelapa, Berry, dan Kacang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Make sure to use ripe avocados for the best texture and flavor. They should yield slightly to gentle pressure when pressed."
msgstr "Pastikan untuk menggunakan alpukat yang matang untuk tekstur dan rasa terbaik. Mereka harus sedikit memberikan saat ditekan dengan lembut."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Customize your avocado toast with additional toppings such as sliced cherry tomatoes, crumbled feta cheese, or arugula for added flavor and texture."
msgstr "Penyesuaian roti panggang alpukatmu dengan tambahan topping seperti tomat ceri yang diiris, keju feta yang dihancurkan, atau arugula untuk rasa dan tekstur yang lebih."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "For a creamier avocado spread, you can add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice or a splash of apple cider vinegar to the mashed avocado mixture."
msgstr "Untuk olesan alpukat yang lebih krimi, kamu bisa menambahkan perasan lemon segar atau sedikit cuka apel ke dalam campuran alpukat yang sudah dihaluskan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid " Finish the avocado toast with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of additional chopped rosemary for garnish. Serve immediately and enjoy!"
msgstr "Selesein roti bakar alpukat dengan sedikit minyak zaitun dan taburan rosemary cincang tambahan sebagai hiasan. Sajikan segera dan nikmati!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid " Slice the boiled eggs and place them on top of the mashed avocado layer. Season the eggs with a sprinkle of salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes if desired."
msgstr " Iris telur rebus dan letakkan di atas lapisan alpukat yang dihaluskan. Bumbui telur dengan sedikit garam, merica, dan serpihan cabai merah jika diinginkan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Top with Boiled Eggs:"
msgstr "Atas dengan Telur Rebus:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid " Spread a generous amount of the seasoned mashed avocado evenly onto each slice of toasted bread."
msgstr "Sebarkan jumlah yang banyak dari alpukat tumbuk yang dibumbui secara merata di setiap irisan roti panggang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Assemble the Avocado Toast:"
msgstr "Rakit Roti Alpukat:"
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#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid " Toast the slices of whole grain bread until golden brown and crispy. You can use a toaster or toast them in a skillet with a drizzle of olive oil for extra flavor."
msgstr "Roti panggang irisan roti gandum utuh sampai berwarna cokelat keemasan dan renyah. Kamu bisa menggunakan pemanggang roti atau memanggangnya di wajan dengan sedikit minyak zaitun untuk rasa ekstra."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Toast the Bread:"
msgstr "Roti Panggang:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid " Cut the ripe avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop the flesh into a bowl and mash it with a fork until smooth. Season the mashed avocado with salt, pepper, and chopped rosemary. Mix well to combine."
msgstr "Potong alpukat yang sudah matang menjadi dua dan buang bijinya. Ambil dagingnya ke dalam mangkuk dan haluskan dengan garpu sampai halus. Bumbui alpukat yang sudah dihaluskan dengan garam, merica, dan rosemary cincang. Aduk rata untuk menggabungkan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Prepare the Avocado:"
msgstr "Siapkan Alpukat:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid " Place the eggs in a small saucepan and cover them with cold water. Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and let the eggs simmer for 8-10 minutes for hard-boiled eggs. Remove the eggs from the heat, drain the hot water, and rinse them under cold water. Peel the eggs and set them aside."
msgstr "Tempatkan telur dalam panci kecil dan tutupi dengan air dingin. Didihkan air dengan api sedang-tinggi. Setelah mendidih, kecilkan api menjadi rendah dan biarkan telur mendidih selama 8-10 menit untuk telur rebus keras. Angkat telur dari api, tiriskan air panas, dan bilas di bawah air dingin. Kupas telur dan letakkan di samping."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Boil the Eggs:"
msgstr "Rebus Telur:"
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#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Instructions:"
msgstr "Instruksi:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Olive oil (for drizzling)"
msgstr "Minyak zaitun (untuk dituang)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Red pepper flakes (optional, for extra spice)"
msgstr "Serpihan cabai merah (pilihan, untuk ekstra pedas)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, finely chopped"
msgstr "1 sendok teh rosemary segar, cincang halus"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "2 eggs"
msgstr "2 telur"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "1 ripe avocado"
msgstr "1 alpukat matang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "2 slices whole grain bread"
msgstr "2 iris roti gandum utuh"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Ingredients:"
msgstr "Bahan:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Calories per serving: Approximately 300-350 calories (depending on portion sizes and specific ingredients used)"
msgstr "Kalori per porsi: Sekitar 300-350 kalori (tergantung pada ukuran porsi dan bahan spesifik yang digunakan)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Total Time: 15 minutes"
msgstr "Total Waktu: 15 menit"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Cooking Time: 10 minutes"
msgstr "Waktu Memasak: 10 menit"
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#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Prep Time: 5 minutes"
msgstr "Waktu Persiapan: 5 menit"
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#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Servings: 2"
msgstr "Porsi: 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "This avocado toast recipe is versatile and can be enjoyed for breakfast, brunch, or a light meal any time of day. Pair it with a side salad or fresh fruit for a complete and satisfying meal. Feel free to experiment with different herbs and spices to suit your taste preferences. Basil, thyme, or cilantro would also complement the flavors of avocado and eggs beautifully. Enjoy!"
msgstr "Resep roti bakar alpukat ini serbaguna dan bisa dinikmati untuk sarapan, brunch, atau makanan ringan kapan saja. Padukan dengan salad sampingan atau buah segar untuk makanan yang lengkap dan memuaskan. Jangan ragu untuk bereksperimen dengan berbagai herba dan rempah sesuai dengan selera kamu. Basil, thyme, atau ketumbar juga akan melengkapi rasa alpukat dan telur dengan indah. Selamat menikmati!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Image Source"
msgstr "Sumber Gambar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "This avocado toast recipe is versatile and can be enjoyed for breakfast, brunch, or a light meal any time of day. Pair it with a side salad or fresh fruit for a complete and satisfying meal."
msgstr "Resep roti panggang alpukat ini serbaguna dan bisa dinikmati untuk sarapan, brunch, atau makanan ringan kapan saja. Pasangkan dengan salad sampingan atau buah segar untuk makanan yang lengkap dan memuaskan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166:
msgid "Easy Avocado Toast with Boiled Eggs and Rosemary"
msgstr "Roti Panggang Alpukat Mudah dengan Telur Rebus dan Rosemary"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=170:
msgid "I'm passionate about sharing mouthwatering recipes that reflect my love for wholesome and delicious food. Every recipe you find on my blog is a reflection of what I genuinely enjoy eating in my everyday life. If it doesn't pass the \"real-life\" test, it won't make it onto my blog. My mission is to ignite your culinary creativity and inspire you to embark on flavorful culinary adventures, whether you're cooking for yourself, your loved ones, or hosting a gathering with friends. My ultimate goal? To have you eagerly anticipating the end of your workday, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to dive into one of my recipes as soon as you step foot in your kitchen at 5 pm."
msgstr "Aku sangat bersemangat untuk berbagi resep yang menggugah selera yang mencerminkan cintaku pada makanan yang sehat dan lezat. Setiap resep yang kamu temukan di blogku adalah cerminan dari apa yang benar-benar aku nikmati dalam kehidupan sehari-hariku. Jika itu tidak lolos uji \"kehidupan nyata\", itu tidak akan masuk ke blogku. Misiniku adalah untuk membangkitkan kreativitas kulinermu dan menginspirasimu untuk memulai petualangan kuliner yang penuh rasa, baik kamu memasak untuk diri sendiri, orang-orang terkasih, atau mengadakan pertemuan dengan teman-teman. Tujuan utamaku? Agar kamu dengan antusias menantikan akhir hari kerjamu, dengan sabar menunggu kesempatan untuk menyelami salah satu resepku begitu kamu menginjakkan kaki di dapurmu pada pukul 5 sore."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=170:
msgid "I love food."
msgstr "Saya suka makanan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=170:
msgid "Sign up for email updates"
msgstr "Daftar untuk pembaruan email"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=170:
msgid "What began as a simple passion project over a decade ago in 2008, during my time as a marketing executive, has blossomed into a thriving culinary empire, captivating audiences worldwide with delectable recipes every month. My work has been celebrated by leading publications such as Bon Appétit, Food & Wine and Martha Stewart Living."
msgstr "Apa yang dimulai sebagai proyek passion sederhana lebih dari satu dekade yang lalu pada tahun 2008, selama saya bekerja sebagai eksekutif pemasaran, telah berkembang menjadi sebuah kerajaan kuliner yang sukses, memikat audiens di seluruh dunia dengan resep-resep lezat setiap bulan. Karya saya telah dirayakan oleh publikasi terkemuka seperti Bon Appétit, Food & Wine dan Martha Stewart Living."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=170:
msgid "Hello dear foodies! My name is Jodie and I'm the author and creator behind Bain Marie."
msgstr "Halo para pecinta makanan! Nama saya Jodie dan saya adalah penulis dan pencipta di balik Bain Marie."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "sandwich"
msgstr "roti lapis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "quick"
msgstr "cepat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "snacks"
msgstr "Camilan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "For a vegetarian option, simply omit the prosciutto or replace it with sliced roasted vegetables or a vegetarian alternative."
msgstr "Untuk pilihan vegetarian, cukup hilangkan prosciutto atau ganti dengan sayuran panggang yang diiris atau alternatif vegetarian."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid " Use a sharp knife to cut the sandwich in half, if desired. Serve immediately and enjoy!"
msgstr "Gunakan pisau tajam untuk memotong sandwich menjadi dua, jika diinginkan. Sajikan segera dan nikmati!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "Slice and Serve:"
msgstr "Potong dan Sajikan:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid " Place the second slice of bread on top of the lettuce to form a sandwich."
msgstr "Letakkan irisan roti kedua di atas selada untuk membentuk sandwich."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "Assemble the Sandwich:"
msgstr "Rakit Sandwich:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid " Layer one slice of bread with the prosciutto, followed by the cheese slices and fresh lettuce leaves."
msgstr "Lapisi satu irisan roti dengan prosciutto, diikuti dengan irisan keju dan daun selada segar."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "Layer the Ingredients:"
msgstr "Susun Bahan-bahannya:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid " Place the slices of bread on a clean surface. If desired, spread mustard, mayonnaise, or your preferred condiment on one or both slices of bread."
msgstr "Letakkan irisan roti di permukaan yang bersih. Jika diinginkan, oleskan mustard, mayones, atau saus favoritmu di satu atau kedua irisan roti."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "Prepare the Bread:"
msgstr "Siapkan Roti:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "Optional: mustard, mayonnaise, or other condiments of your choice"
msgstr "Pilihan: mustard, mayonnaise, atau bumbu lain sesuai pilihanmu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "A handful of fresh lettuce leaves"
msgstr "Segenggam daun selada segar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "2 slices of cheese (such as provolone, mozzarella, or Swiss)"
msgstr "2 irisan keju (seperti provolone, mozzarella, atau Swiss)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "2 slices of prosciutto"
msgstr "2 irisan prosciutto"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "2 slices of your favorite bread (such as ciabatta, sourdough, or whole grain)"
msgstr "2 irisan roti favoritmu (seperti ciabatta, sourdough, atau gandum utuh)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "This sandwich is perfect for a quick and satisfying lunch or dinner option. Pair it with your favorite side salad or soup for a complete meal."
msgstr "Sandwich ini sempurna untuk pilihan makan siang atau makan malam yang cepat dan memuaskan. Padukan dengan salad sampingan atau sup favoritmu untuk makan yang lengkap."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "300/350 kcal"
msgstr "300/350 kkal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "5 mins"
msgstr "5 menit"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "1 serving"
msgstr "1 porsi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "Image Source"
msgstr "Sumber Gambar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "Savor the simple pleasures of a classic sandwich with our Prosciutto, Cheese, and Lettuce creation! This easy-to-make recipe combines savory prosciutto, creamy cheese, and crisp lettuce between two slices of your favorite bread for a deliciously satisfying meal in minutes. Whether you're packing a lunch, enjoying a picnic, or craving a light dinner, this sandwich is sure to hit the spot. With just a handful of ingredients and minimal prep time, it's the perfect option for busy days when you need a quick and tasty meal on the go."
msgstr "Nikmati kesenangan sederhana dari sandwich klasik dengan kreasi Prosciutto, Keju, dan Selada kami! Resep yang mudah dibuat ini menggabungkan prosciutto yang gurih, keju yang creamy, dan selada yang renyah di antara dua irisan roti favoritmu untuk makanan yang memuaskan dalam beberapa menit. Baik kamu sedang menyiapkan makan siang, menikmati piknik, atau mengidamkan makan malam ringan, sandwich ini pasti akan memuaskan. Dengan hanya beberapa bahan dan waktu persiapan yang minimal, ini adalah pilihan yang sempurna untuk hari-hari sibuk ketika kamu butuh makanan cepat dan lezat saat bepergian."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "This easy-to-make recipe combines savory prosciutto, creamy cheese, and crisp lettuce between two slices of your favorite bread for a deliciously satisfying meal in minutes."
msgstr "Resep yang mudah dibuat ini menggabungkan prosciutto yang gurih, keju krim, dan selada renyah di antara dua irisan roti favoritmu untuk makanan yang memuaskan dan lezat dalam beberapa menit."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
msgid "Prosciutto, Cheese and Lettuce Sandwich"
msgstr "Sandwich Prosciutto, Keju, dan Selada"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "granola"
msgstr "granola"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "blueberry"
msgstr "blueberry"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Share this recipe:"
msgstr "Bagikan resep ini:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "You can use fresh or frozen blueberries for this recipe. If using frozen blueberries, do not thaw them before adding to the batter. Feel free to customize the granola topping with your favorite mix-ins, such as chopped nuts, seeds, or dried fruit."
msgstr "Kamu bisa pakai blueberry segar atau beku untuk resep ini. Kalau pakai blueberry beku, jangan dicairkan sebelum ditambahkan ke adonan. Silakan lakukan penyesuaian pada topping granola dengan campuran favoritmu, seperti kacang cincang, biji-bijian, atau buah kering."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " Once baked, remove the cake from the oven and allow it to cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes. Then, transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool completely before slicing and serving."
msgstr " Setelah dipanggang, keluarkan kue dari oven dan biarkan dingin di dalam loyang selama 10-15 menit. Kemudian, pindahkan kue ke rak kawat untuk mendinginkan sepenuhnya sebelum dipotong dan disajikan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Cool and Serve:"
msgstr "Cool and Serve:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " Place the cake pan in the preheated oven and bake for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean."
msgstr "Tempatkan loyang kue di oven yang sudah dipanaskan dan panggang selama 40-45 menit, atau sampai tusuk gigi yang dimasukkan ke tengah kue keluar bersih."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Bake the Cake:"
msgstr "Memanggang Kue:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " Sprinkle the granola evenly over the top of the cake batter, pressing it lightly into the surface."
msgstr "Taburkan granola secara merata di atas adonan kue, tekan sedikit ke permukaan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Add Granola Topping:"
msgstr "Tambahkan Topping Granola:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan, spreading it out evenly with a spatula."
msgstr "Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang kue yang sudah disiapkan, ratakan dengan spatula."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Transfer to Cake Pan:"
msgstr "Transfer ke Loyang Kue:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " Gently fold in the fresh blueberries until evenly distributed throughout the batter."
msgstr "Secara perlahan lipat blueberry segar ke dalam adonan hingga merata."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Fold in Blueberries:"
msgstr "Campurkan Blueberry:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients. Stir gently until just combined, being careful not to overmix."
msgstr "Tuang bahan basah ke dalam mangkuk berisi bahan kering. Aduk perlahan sampai tercampur, hati-hati jangan sampai terlalu mengaduk."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients:"
msgstr "Campurkan Bahan Basah dan Kering:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " In a separate bowl, beat together the melted butter, Greek yogurt, eggs, and vanilla extract until smooth and creamy."
msgstr "Di mangkuk terpisah, kocok bersama mentega leleh, yogurt Yunani, telur, dan ekstrak vanila hingga halus dan krimi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt until well combined."
msgstr "Di dalam mangkuk besar, kocok bersama tepung serbaguna, gula pasir, baking powder, baking soda, dan garam hingga tercampur rata."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Prepare the Dry Ingredients:"
msgstr "Siapkan Bahan Kering:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid " Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour a 9-inch round cake pan or line it with parchment paper for easy removal."
msgstr "Panaskan ovenmu hingga 350°F (175°C). Olesi dan taburi tepung pada loyang kue bulat berukuran 9 inci atau lapisi dengan kertas roti agar mudah dikeluarkan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Preheat the Oven:"
msgstr "Panaskan Oven:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "1/2 cup granola (choose your favorite variety)"
msgstr "1/2 cangkir granola (pilih varian favoritmu)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "1 cup fresh blueberries"
msgstr "1 cangkir blueberry segar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "1 cup plain Greek yogurt"
msgstr "1 cangkir yogurt Yunani biasa"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "This granola blueberry cake makes a delicious breakfast treat or dessert. Serve it warm with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra indulgent treat. Enjoy!"
msgstr "Kue granola blueberry ini jadi camilan sarapan yang enak atau pencuci mulut. Sajikan hangat dengan satu sendok krim kocok atau satu bola es krim vanila untuk camilan yang lebih mewah. Selamat menikmati!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "250/300 kcal"
msgstr "250/300 kkal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Calories"
msgstr "Kalori"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "45 minutes"
msgstr "45 menit"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Cooking time"
msgstr "Waktu memasak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "15 minutes"
msgstr "15 menit"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Prep time"
msgstr "Waktu persiapan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "8-10 slices"
msgstr "8-10 irisan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Servings"
msgstr "Sajian"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Beginner"
msgstr "Pemula"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Recipe by"
msgstr "Resep oleh"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Image Source"
msgstr "Sumber Gambar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Share Recipe"
msgstr "Bagikan Resep"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Feel free to customize these fruit bowls with your favorite fruits and nuts. Kiwi slices, mango chunks, or pineapple tidbits would make excellent additions. To make this recipe vegan-friendly, omit the Greek yogurt or use a dairy-free alternative such as coconut yogurt. For added protein and fiber, consider sprinkling chia seeds or flaxseeds over the fruit bowls."
msgstr "Jangan ragu untuk melakukan penyesuaian pada mangkuk buah ini dengan buah dan kacang favoritmu. Irisan kiwi, potongan mangga, atau potongan nanas akan menjadi tambahan yang sangat baik. Untuk membuat resep ini ramah vegan, hilangkan yogurt Yunani atau gunakan alternatif bebas susu seperti yogurt kelapa. Untuk menambah protein dan serat, pertimbangkan untuk menaburkan biji chia atau biji rami di atas mangkuk buah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid " Garnish the fruit bowls with fresh mint leaves for a burst of freshness and color. Serve immediately and enjoy!"
msgstr " Hiasi mangkuk buah dengan daun mint segar untuk sentuhan kesegaran dan warna. Sajikan segera dan nikmati!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid " If desired, add a dollop of Greek yogurt on top of each fruit bowl. Drizzle with honey or maple syrup for a touch of sweetness."
msgstr "Jika diinginkan, tambahkan satu sendok yogurt Yunani di atas setiap mangkuk buah. Siram dengan madu atau sirup maple untuk sentuhan manis."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Optional Yogurt Drizzle:"
msgstr "Pilihan Saus Yogurt:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid " Sprinkle the unsweetened coconut flakes and chopped mixed nuts over the fruit in each bowl, distributing them evenly."
msgstr "Taburkan serpihan kelapa tanpa gula dan kacang campur yang dicincang di atas buah di setiap mangkuk, sebarkan secara merata."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Add Coconut and Nuts:"
msgstr "Tambahkan Kelapa dan Kacang:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid " Divide the mixed berries evenly between two serving bowls. Arrange the sliced banana on top of the berries."
msgstr "Bagilah campuran beri secara merata antara dua mangkuk saji. Atur irisan pisang di atas beri."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Assemble the Bowls:"
msgstr "Rakit Mangkuknya:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid " Wash the berries thoroughly under cold water and pat them dry with a paper towel. If using strawberries, remove the stems and slice them into halves or quarters."
msgstr "Cuci beri dengan bersih di bawah air dingin dan keringkan dengan handuk kertas. Jika menggunakan stroberi, buang batangnya dan potong menjadi dua atau empat bagian."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Prepare the Fruit:"
msgstr "Siapkan Buah:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Directions"
msgstr "Petunjuk"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Fresh mint leaves for garnish (optional)"
msgstr "Daun mint segar untuk hiasan (pilihan)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (optional)"
msgstr "1 sendok makan madu atau sirup maple (pilihan)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "1/4 cup Greek yogurt (optional)"
msgstr "1/4 cangkir yogurt Yunani (pilihan)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "1 ripe banana, sliced"
msgstr "1 pisang matang, diiris"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "1/4 cup mixed nuts (such as almonds, walnuts, pecans), chopped"
msgstr "1/4 cangkir campuran kacang (seperti almond, kenari, pecan), cincang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes"
msgstr "1/2 cangkir serpihan kelapa tanpa gula"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "1 cup mixed berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)"
msgstr "1 cangkir campuran beri (seperti stroberi, blueberry, raspberry)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "These healthy fruit bowls make a nutritious breakfast, snack, or even a light dessert option. You can prepare the fruit bowls in advance and store them covered in the refrigerator for up to a day. However, it's best to add the banana slices just before serving to prevent them from browning. Experiment with different toppings such as granola, dried fruits, or a drizzle of almond butter for added variety and flavor. Enjoy them any time of day for a refreshing and satisfying treat!"
msgstr "Semangkuk buah sehat ini bikin sarapan, camilan, atau bahkan pilihan pencuci mulut yang ringan. Kamu bisa menyiapkan semangkuk buah ini sebelumnya dan menyimpannya tertutup di dalam kulkas selama sehari. Namun, sebaiknya tambahkan irisan pisang tepat sebelum disajikan agar tidak berubah warna. Coba berbagai topping seperti granola, buah kering, atau sedikit selai almond untuk variasi dan rasa yang lebih. Nikmati kapan saja sepanjang hari untuk camilan yang menyegarkan dan memuaskan!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "
Indulge in a delightful fusion of wholesome goodness and fruity sweetness with our Granola Blueberry Cake recipe! This moist and tender cake combines the nutty crunch of granola with bursts of juicy blueberries for a truly irresistible treat. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, or dessert, each bite is a symphony of flavors and textures that will leave you craving more. Easy to make and even easier to devour, this cake is sure to become a staple in your baking repertoire. Get ready to impress your family and friends with this delectable creation!"
msgstr "
Nikmati perpaduan menyenangkan antara kebaikan yang sehat dan manisnya buah dengan resep Kue Granola Blueberry kami! Kue yang lembap dan empuk ini menggabungkan kerenyahan kacang granola dengan ledakan blueberry yang juicy untuk camilan yang benar-benar tak bisa ditolak. Sempurna untuk sarapan, brunch, atau pencuci mulut, setiap gigitan adalah simfoni rasa dan tekstur yang akan membuatmu ingin lagi. Mudah dibuat dan bahkan lebih mudah untuk disantap, kue ini pasti akan menjadi andalan dalam repertoar bakingmu. Siap-siap untuk mengesankan keluarga dan teman-temanmu dengan kreasi lezat ini!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "This granola blueberry cake makes a delicious breakfast treat or dessert. Serve it warm with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra indulgent treat."
msgstr "Kue granola blueberry ini jadi camilan sarapan yang enak atau pencuci mulut. Sajikan hangat dengan sesendok krim kocok atau satu skop es krim vanila untuk camilan yang lebih memanjakan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=460:
msgid "Granola Blueberry Cake"
msgstr "Kue Granola Blueberry"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "spaghetti"
msgstr "spaghetti"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "meatballs"
msgstr "bakso"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "leftover"
msgstr "sisa"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "italian"
msgstr "italian"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Pasta"
msgstr "Pasta"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "pasta"
msgstr "pasta"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Meat"
msgstr "Daging"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=455:
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "meat"
msgstr "daging"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Hummus with Bread Image Source"
msgstr "Sumber Gambar Hummus dengan Roti"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Fresh Grilled Fish Image Source"
msgstr "Sumber Gambar Ikan Panggang Segar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Carrots Image Source"
msgstr "Sumber Gambar Wortel"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Image Source"
msgstr "Sumber Gambar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Salt"
msgstr "Garam"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Sugar"
msgstr "Gula"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Lime juice"
msgstr "Jus jeruk nipis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Ingredient 3"
msgstr "Bahan 3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Ingredient 2"
msgstr "Bahan 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Ingredient 1"
msgstr "Bahan 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "With just a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time, it's the perfect recipe to add to your weeknight dinner rotation. Get ready to twirl your fork and savor every bite of this classic Italian-inspired dish!"
msgstr "Dengan hanya beberapa bahan sederhana dan waktu persiapan yang minimal, ini adalah resep yang sempurna untuk ditambahkan ke rotasi makan malammu di malam hari. Siap-siap untuk memutar garpu dan menikmati setiap gigitan dari hidangan klasik yang terinspirasi Italia ini!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Served atop a bed of al dente spaghetti and garnished with grated Parmesan cheese and more parsley, this dish is a comforting and satisfying meal the whole family will love. With just a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time, it's the perfect recipe to add to your weeknight dinner rotation."
msgstr "Dihidangkan di atas spaghetti al dente dan dihiasi dengan keju Parmesan parut serta lebih banyak peterseli, hidangan ini adalah makanan yang nyaman dan memuaskan yang akan disukai seluruh keluarga. Dengan hanya beberapa bahan sederhana dan waktu persiapan yang minimal, ini adalah resep yang sempurna untuk ditambahkan ke rotasi makan malam malam minggu kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Tender meatballs infused with fresh parsley, garlic, and Parmesan cheese are simmered in a rich tomato sauce until they're bursting with flavor. Served atop a bed of al dente spaghetti and garnished with grated Parmesan cheese and more parsley, this dish is a comforting and satisfying meal the whole family will love."
msgstr "Bakso yang empuk dengan infusi peterseli segar, bawang putih, dan keju Parmesan dimasak dalam saus tomat yang kaya hingga penuh rasa. Disajikan di atas spaghetti al dente dan dihiasi dengan keju Parmesan parut serta lebih banyak peterseli, hidangan ini adalah makanan yang menenangkan dan memuaskan yang akan disukai seluruh keluarga."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Elevate your spaghetti game with our Parsley Meatballs Spaghetti recipe! Tender meatballs infused with fresh parsley, garlic, and Parmesan cheese are simmered in a rich tomato sauce until they're bursting with flavor. Served atop a bed of al dente spaghetti and garnished with grated Parmesan cheese and more parsley, this dish is a comforting and satisfying meal the whole family will love. With just a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time, it's the perfect recipe to add to your weeknight dinner rotation. Get ready to twirl your fork and savor every bite of this classic Italian-inspired dish!"
msgstr "Tingkatkan permainan spaghetti kamu dengan resep Spaghetti Bakso Peterseli kami! Bakso yang lembut dipadukan dengan peterseli segar, bawang putih, dan keju Parmesan dimasak dalam saus tomat yang kaya hingga penuh rasa. Disajikan di atas spaghetti al dente dan dihias dengan keju Parmesan parut serta lebih banyak peterseli, hidangan ini adalah makanan yang nyaman dan memuaskan yang akan disukai seluruh keluarga. Dengan hanya beberapa bahan sederhana dan waktu persiapan yang minimal, ini adalah resep sempurna untuk ditambahkan ke rotasi makan malam malam minggu kamu. Siap-siap untuk memutar garpu kamu dan menikmati setiap gigitan dari hidangan klasik yang terinspirasi Italia ini!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Tender meatballs infused with fresh parsley, garlic, and Parmesan cheese are simmered in a rich tomato sauce until they're bursting with flavor."
msgstr "Daging bola-bola yang lembut dipenuhi dengan peterseli segar, bawang putih, dan keju Parmesan dimasak dalam saus tomat yang kaya sampai mereka penuh dengan rasa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/y2kblog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=465:
msgid "Parsley Meatballs Spaghetti"
msgstr "Spaghetti Bakso Peterseli"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=28:
msgid "[Hevor] Contact"
msgstr "[Hevor] Kontak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=88:
msgid "[Al Dente] Contact"
msgstr "[Al Dente] Kontak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/cultivatedemo.wordpress.com/contact/:
msgid "[Cultivate] Contact"
msgstr "[Cultivate] Kontak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/cultivatedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108:
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Nomor Telepon"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
msgid "Date For Cake Delivery"
msgstr "Tanggal Pengiriman Kue"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
msgid "Cake Name"
msgstr "Nama Kue"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
msgid "Postcode"
msgstr "Kode pos"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
msgid "City/Town"
msgstr "Kota/Desa"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
msgid "Address Line 2"
msgstr "Alamat Baris 2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
msgid "Address Line 1"
msgstr "Baris Alamat 1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
msgid "[Gateau] Contact"
msgstr "[Gateau] Kontak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/bsoj.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=4:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=484:
#: block-patterns/cultivatedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108:
msgid "Other Details"
msgstr "Detail Lain"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=27:
msgid "[Blockstar Demo] Contact"
msgstr "[Blockstar Demo] Kontak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/blisseddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7:
msgid "Dietary requirements"
msgstr "Persyaratan diet"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/blisseddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7:
msgid "A new RSVP from your website"
msgstr "RSVP baru dari situs web Anda"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/barkstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?page_id=177:
msgid "Tell us about your pet (name, breed, age)"
msgstr "Ceritakan tentang hewan peliharaanmu (nama, ras, usia)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/barkstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?page_id=177:
msgid "Phone number"
msgstr "Nomor telepon"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26:
msgid "Chan tsiib"
msgstr "Chan tsiib"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26:
msgid "K’aaba"
msgstr "K’aaba"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26:
msgid "[Archeo] Contact"
msgstr "[Archeo] Kontak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=12:
msgid "[Annalee Washington] Work with Me"
msgstr "[Annalee Washington] Bekerja Bersama Saya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/contact/:
msgid "[Blockbase] Contact"
msgstr "[Blockbase] Kontak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=493:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=503:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=518:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=521:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=526:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=532:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=542:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=552:
msgid "[Pattern Boilerplates] Form"
msgstr "[Pola Boilerplates] Form"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/gilbertstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=6:
#: block-patterns/rileystarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "[At the Fork] Home"
msgstr "[At the Fork] Beranda"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/ibisstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=8:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/contact/:
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/maywoodstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=11:
msgid "[Maywood] Home"
msgstr "[Maywood] Rumah"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/maywoodstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/rockfieldstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=6:
msgid "Special requests"
msgstr "Permintaan khusus"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/bsoj.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=4:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=484:
#: block-patterns/cultivatedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448:
msgid "A new registration from your website"
msgstr "Pendaftaran baru dari situs web Anda"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389:
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Nama Belakang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389:
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Nama Depan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=27:
#: block-patterns/bsoj.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=4:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=484:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448:
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
#: block-patterns/maywoodstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=526:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=532:
#: block-patterns/rockfieldstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=6:
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telepon"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=518:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=521:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=526:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=532:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=542:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=552:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=636:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=655:
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Nama belakang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=518:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=521:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=526:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=532:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=542:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=552:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=636:
#: block-patterns/patternboilerplates.wordpress.com/?p=655:
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Nama depan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aetherdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403:
msgid "Contact form submission"
msgstr "Pengiriman formulir kontak"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aetherdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8:
#: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=88:
#: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=12:
#: block-patterns/barkstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?page_id=177:
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=18:
#: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=27:
#: block-patterns/coach-b.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=57:
#: block-patterns/coachava.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=735:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-tall-image-with-form/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/contact-5/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1397:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3227:
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
#: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=28:
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Pesan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/aetherdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8:
#: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=88:
#: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=12:
#: block-patterns/barkstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?page_id=177:
#: block-patterns/batchthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=18:
#: block-patterns/blisseddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7:
#: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=27:
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#: block-patterns/coachava.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=735:
#: block-patterns/conference.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=484:
#: block-patterns/cultivatedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108:
#: block-patterns/cultivatedemo.wordpress.com/contact/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-tall-image-with-form/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2025/01/09/contact-5/:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1397:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448:
#: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3227:
#: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=77:
#: block-patterns/geologistbluedemo.wordpress.com/contact/:
#: block-patterns/geologistcreamdemo.wordpress.com/contact/:
#: block-patterns/geologistdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=2:
#: block-patterns/geologistslatedemo.wordpress.com/contact/:
#: block-patterns/geologistyellowdemo.wordpress.com/contact/:
#: block-patterns/gilbertstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=6:
#: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=28:
#: block-patterns/ibisstarter.wordpress.com/?page_id=8:
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msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nama"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "In conclusion, styling hype-worthy street outfits is all about embracing individuality, mastering proportions, and focusing on the details. Whether you're rocking a casual hoodie and joggers combo or experimenting with high-fashion streetwear looks, these tips will help you take your style game to the next level. So go ahead, mix and match with confidence, and let your personality shine through your streetwear aesthetic. After all, fashion is not just about what you wear, but how you wear it."
msgstr "Sebagai kesimpulan, menata outfit jalanan yang hype-worthy itu semua tentang merangkul individualitas, menguasai proporsi, dan fokus pada detail. Apakah kamu mengenakan kombinasi hoodie santai dan jogger atau bereksperimen dengan tampilan streetwear high-fashion, tips ini akan membantumu membawa permainan gayamu ke level berikutnya. Jadi, silakan, campur dan padukan dengan percaya diri, dan biarkan kepribadianmu bersinar melalui estetika streetwear-mu. Lagipula, fashion bukan hanya tentang apa yang kamu pakai, tapi bagaimana kamu memakainya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "It's often the little details that set apart an average outfit from a truly exceptional one. Pay attention to the details when styling your streetwear ensemble, whether it's the stitching on your jeans, the hardware on your accessories, or the print on your t-shirt. Elevate your look with carefully curated accessories like statement sunglasses, chains, hats, or socks that add an extra layer of interest. Remember, it's the small touches that make a big difference."
msgstr "Seringkali, detail kecil yang membedakan outfit biasa dari yang benar-benar luar biasa. Perhatikan detail saat menata ensemble streetwear kamu, apakah itu jahitan di jeans kamu, perangkat keras di aksesori kamu, atau cetakan di kaos kamu. Tingkatkan penampilan kamu dengan aksesori yang dipilih dengan cermat seperti kacamata statement, rantai, topi, atau kaus kaki yang menambah lapisan minat ekstra. Ingat, sentuhan kecil yang membuat perbedaan besar."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "Focus on Details"
msgstr "Fokus pada Detail"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "One of the fundamental principles of styling street outfits is mastering proportions. Balance oversized pieces with more fitted ones to create visual interest and prevent your look from appearing sloppy. For example, pair a baggy graphic tee with slim-fit jeans or layer an oversized denim jacket over a fitted hoodie. Playing with proportions adds dimension to your outfit and keeps it looking polished."
msgstr "Salah satu prinsip dasar dalam menata outfit jalanan adalah menguasai proporsi. Seimbangkan potongan yang oversized dengan yang lebih pas untuk menciptakan minat visual dan mencegah penampilanmu terlihat acak-acakan. Misalnya, padukan kaos grafis yang longgar dengan celana jeans slim-fit atau lapisi jaket denim oversized di atas hoodie yang pas. Bermain dengan proporsi menambah dimensi pada outfitmu dan membuatnya terlihat rapi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "Pay Attention to Proportions"
msgstr "Perhatikan Proporsi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "At the heart of streetwear is the celebration of individuality. Don't be afraid to mix and match different pieces to create a look that reflects your unique personality. Experiment with bold colors, unconventional silhouettes, and statement accessories to make your outfit stand out from the crowd. Remember, the key to pulling off a killer street look is confidence, so own your style with pride."
msgstr "Di jantung streetwear adalah perayaan individualitas. Jangan takut untuk mencampur dan mencocokkan berbagai potongan untuk menciptakan tampilan yang mencerminkan kepribadian unikmu. Eksperimen dengan warna-warna berani, siluet yang tidak konvensional, dan aksesori yang mencolok untuk membuat outfitmu menonjol dari keramaian. Ingat, kunci untuk tampil dengan gaya street yang keren adalah percaya diri, jadi miliki gayamu dengan bangga."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "Embrace Individuality"
msgstr "Peluk Individualitas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "In today's fashion landscape, streetwear has evolved from being a subculture to a mainstream phenomenon. The allure of streetwear lies in its ability to blend comfort, style, and self-expression effortlessly. From oversized hoodies to chunky sneakers, there's a myriad of elements to play with when crafting a standout street outfit. However, mastering the art of styling hype-worthy street outfits requires more than just throwing on trendy pieces. Here are some tips to help you elevate your streetwear game:"
msgstr "Dalam lanskap fashion saat ini, streetwear telah berkembang dari subkultur menjadi fenomena arus utama. Daya tarik streetwear terletak pada kemampuannya untuk menggabungkan kenyamanan, gaya, dan ekspresi diri dengan mudah. Dari hoodie oversized hingga sneakers chunky, ada banyak elemen yang bisa dimainkan saat merancang outfit street yang mencolok. Namun, menguasai seni menata outfit street yang hype-worthy memerlukan lebih dari sekadar mengenakan potongan yang sedang tren. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk membantu kamu meningkatkan permainan streetwear-mu:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "Tips for Styling Hype-Worthy Street Outfits"
msgstr "Tips untuk Menata Outfit Jalanan yang Layak Hype"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=112:
msgid "We also have an online store where we sell second hand and limited edition pieces from our streetwear community."
msgstr "Kami juga punya toko online di mana kami menjual barang-barang bekas dan edisi terbatas dari komunitas streetwear kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=112:
msgid "Our mission is to provide a platform where individuals can immerse themselves in the dynamic world of street culture, whether they're seeking fashion inspiration, staying updated on the latest drops, or simply indulging in the vibrant community that surrounds it. From exclusive interviews with industry insiders to in-depth analysis of emerging brands, Dropp is the go-to destination for those who live and breathe streetwear."
msgstr "Misi kami adalah menyediakan platform di mana individu dapat terjun ke dalam dunia budaya jalanan yang dinamis, baik mereka mencari inspirasi fashion, tetap update dengan rilis terbaru, atau sekadar menikmati komunitas yang hidup di sekitarnya. Dari wawancara eksklusif dengan orang dalam industri hingga analisis mendalam tentang merek-merek yang sedang naik daun, Dropp adalah tujuan utama bagi mereka yang hidup dan bernapas streetwear."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=112:
msgid "Dropp is a digital hub for streetwear enthusiasts, lifestyle aficionados, and trendsetters alike. Founded with a passion for urban culture and a keen eye for style, Dropp curates the latest in streetwear fashion, lifestyle and breaking news from the scene."
msgstr "Dropp adalah pusat digital untuk para penggemar streetwear, pecinta gaya hidup, dan penentu tren. Didirikan dengan semangat untuk budaya urban dan mata yang tajam untuk gaya, Dropp mengkurasi yang terbaru dalam fashion streetwear, gaya hidup, dan berita terkini dari scene."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "As fashion icon Iris Apfel once said, \"More is more and less is a bore.\" This sentiment rings especially true when it comes to mastering the art of layering in streetwear outfits. Whether you're channeling your inner urban explorer or seeking to make a bold fashion statement, layering allows you to express your creativity and individuality in unparalleled ways. So go ahead, experiment with different combinations, and let your personal style shine through your layered streetwear ensembles. After all, fashion is not about following trends but about expressing yourself authentically through your clothing choices."
msgstr "Seperti yang pernah dikatakan oleh ikon mode Iris Apfel, \"More is more and less is a bore.\" Sentimen ini terasa sangat benar ketika datang untuk menguasai seni layering dalam outfit streetwear. Apakah kamu sedang menyalurkan eksplorator urban dalam dirimu atau berusaha membuat pernyataan mode yang berani, layering memungkinkan kamu untuk mengekspresikan kreativitas dan individualitasmu dengan cara yang tak tertandingi. Jadi, silakan bereksperimen dengan berbagai kombinasi, dan biarkan gaya personalmu bersinar melalui ensemble streetwear berlapis. Lagipula, mode bukan tentang mengikuti tren tetapi tentang mengekspresikan dirimu secara otentik melalui pilihan pakaianmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Accessories are the finishing touches that can elevate your layered streetwear look to new heights. Incorporate statement pieces like scarves, beanies, and hats to add personality and flair to your outfit. Layering accessories not only adds visual interest but also provides additional warmth and functionality. Don't be afraid to experiment with bold prints, oversized silhouettes, and unexpected combinations to make a statement with your accessories."
msgstr "Aksesoris adalah sentuhan akhir yang bisa mengangkat tampilan streetwear berlapis kamu ke level yang baru. Gabungkan potongan yang mencolok seperti scarf, beanie, dan topi untuk menambahkan kepribadian dan gaya pada outfit kamu. Menggunakan aksesoris berlapis tidak hanya menambah daya tarik visual tetapi juga memberikan kehangatan dan fungsionalitas tambahan. Jangan takut untuk bereksperimen dengan cetakan yang berani, siluet oversized, dan kombinasi yang tidak terduga untuk membuat pernyataan dengan aksesoris kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Accessorizing with Layers"
msgstr "Menambahkan Aksesori dengan Lapisan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Iris Apfel"
msgstr "Iris Apfel"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "More is more and less is a bore."
msgstr "Lebih banyak itu lebih baik dan kurang itu membosankan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "The beauty of layering lies in its versatility and ability to mix and match different pieces seamlessly. Don't be afraid to play with contrasting colors, patterns, and textures to create a dynamic look. For example, pair a graphic tee with a plaid flannel shirt and top it off with a denim jacket for a casual yet stylish ensemble. Experiment with layering different lengths, such as a longer shirt under a shorter jacket, to add depth to your outfit."
msgstr "Kecantikan dari layering terletak pada versatilitasnya dan kemampuannya untuk mencampur dan mencocokkan berbagai potongan dengan mulus. Jangan takut untuk bermain dengan warna, pola, dan tekstur yang kontras untuk menciptakan tampilan yang dinamis. Misalnya, padukan kaos grafis dengan kemeja flanel kotak-kotak dan tambahkan jaket denim di atasnya untuk ensemble yang kasual namun stylish. Eksperimen dengan layering berbagai panjang, seperti kemeja yang lebih panjang di bawah jaket yang lebih pendek, untuk menambah kedalaman pada outfit kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Mixing and Matching"
msgstr "Mixing and Matching"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Before you start piling on the layers, it's crucial to understand the basic principles of layering. Start with lightweight, breathable fabrics as your base layer to ensure comfort and mobility. From there, gradually add heavier pieces like hoodies, jackets, and coats to provide warmth and texture. Experiment with different lengths, colors, and textures to create visual interest and balance in your outfit."
msgstr "Sebelum kamu mulai menumpuk lapisan, penting untuk memahami prinsip dasar dari layering. Mulailah dengan kain yang ringan dan bernapas sebagai lapisan dasar untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan mobilitas. Dari situ, secara bertahap tambahkan potongan yang lebih berat seperti hoodie, jaket, dan mantel untuk memberikan kehangatan dan tekstur. Bereksperimenlah dengan berbagai panjang, warna, dan tekstur untuk menciptakan minat visual dan keseimbangan dalam pakaianmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Layering is an essential technique in streetwear fashion that not only adds depth and dimension to your outfit but also allows you to showcase your creativity and personal style. Whether you're braving the chill of winter or looking to make a fashion statement in milder weather, mastering the art of layering can take your streetwear game to the next level."
msgstr "Layering adalah teknik penting dalam fashion streetwear yang nggak cuma nambah kedalaman dan dimensi ke outfit kamu, tapi juga memungkinkan kamu untuk memamerkan kreativitas dan gaya personal kamu. Baik kamu berani menghadapi dinginnya musim dingin atau pengen bikin pernyataan fashion di cuaca yang lebih hangat, menguasai seni layering bisa bawa permainan streetwear kamu ke level selanjutnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "The Ultimate Guide To Layering in Streetwear Outfits"
msgstr "Panduan Utama untuk Layering dalam Outfit Streetwear"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=201:
msgid "Fashion enthusiasts are encouraged to mark their calendars and secure their spot at the House of Elves pop-up event in New York City. With limited edition pieces and exclusive merchandise available, this is one fashion event not to be missed."
msgstr "Para penggemar fashion disarankan untuk menandai kalender mereka dan mengamankan tempat mereka di acara pop-up House of Elves di New York City. Dengan koleksi edisi terbatas dan merchandise eksklusif yang tersedia, ini adalah salah satu acara fashion yang tidak boleh dilewatkan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=201:
msgid "The pop-up event, set against the iconic backdrop of New York City, offers attendees the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of House of Elves. From interactive installations to live performances by emerging artists, the pop-up promises an unforgettable experience for all who attend."
msgstr "Acara pop-up, yang berlatar belakang ikonik Kota New York, menawarkan kesempatan bagi para peserta untuk terjun ke dunia House of Elves. Dari instalasi interaktif hingga pertunjukan langsung oleh artis-artis baru, pop-up ini menjanjikan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan bagi semua yang hadir."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=201:
msgid "The exclusive collection, curated by House of Elves' visionary designers, showcases a fusion of streetwear staples with futuristic elements, promising to redefine urban fashion. From statement hoodies adorned with intricate embroidery to oversized jackets featuring bold graphics, each piece exudes the brand's signature blend of innovation and style."
msgstr "Koleksi eksklusif ini, yang dikurasi oleh desainer visioner House of Elves, menampilkan perpaduan antara staple streetwear dengan elemen futuristik, menjanjikan untuk mendefinisikan ulang mode urban. Dari hoodie statement yang dihiasi bordir rumit hingga jaket oversized yang menampilkan grafis berani, setiap potongan memancarkan perpaduan inovasi dan gaya yang menjadi ciri khas merek ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=201:
msgid "Excitement fills the air as streetwear enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the launch of House of Elves' latest collection and pop-up event in New York City. Known for its avant-garde designs and commitment to pushing the boundaries of fashion, House of Elves promises a one-of-a-kind experience for fans and fashion aficionados alike."
msgstr "Kegembiraan memenuhi udara saat para penggemar streetwear dengan antusias menantikan peluncuran koleksi terbaru dan acara pop-up House of Elves di New York City. Dikenal karena desain avant-garde dan komitmennya untuk mendorong batasan fashion, House of Elves menjanjikan pengalaman yang unik bagi para penggemar dan pecinta fashion."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=201:
msgid "House of Elves Launches Exclusive Collection and Pop-Up in New York City"
msgstr "House of Elves Meluncurkan Koleksi Eksklusif dan Pop-Up di New York City"
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#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=201:
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=203:
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "Streetwear"
msgstr "Streetwear"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=201:
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=203:
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68:
msgid "streetwear"
msgstr "streetwear"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=203:
msgid "With its innovative designs and commitment to inclusivity, AIRS®'s genderless collection marks a significant step forward in the fashion industry. By challenging conventional notions of gender in clothing, AIRS® continues to push the boundaries and pave the way for a more inclusive future in fashion."
msgstr "Dengan desain inovatif dan komitmennya terhadap inklusivitas, koleksi tanpa gender dari AIRS® menandai langkah signifikan dalam industri fashion. Dengan menantang pandangan konvensional tentang gender dalam pakaian, AIRS® terus mendorong batasan dan membuka jalan untuk masa depan fashion yang lebih inklusif."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=203:
msgid "Designed with versatility in mind, each piece in the genderless collection is crafted to transcend gender boundaries, allowing individuals to express themselves authentically without limitations. From oversized hoodies to tailored trousers, the collection offers a range of silhouettes and styles to suit every wearer."
msgstr "Didesain dengan mempertimbangkan fleksibilitas, setiap item dalam koleksi tanpa gender dibuat untuk melampaui batasan gender, memungkinkan individu untuk mengekspresikan diri mereka secara autentik tanpa batasan. Dari hoodie oversized hingga celana yang disesuaikan, koleksi ini menawarkan berbagai siluet dan gaya yang cocok untuk setiap pengguna."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=203:
msgid "AIRS®, the renowned streetwear brand celebrated for its bold designs and forward-thinking approach to fashion, has unveiled its latest venture: a groundbreaking genderless collection. Breaking away from traditional norms, the collection aims to redefine streetwear by embracing inclusivity and diversity."
msgstr "AIRS®, merek streetwear terkenal yang dikenal karena desainnya yang berani dan pendekatan inovatif terhadap mode, telah meluncurkan usaha terbarunya: koleksi tanpa gender yang revolusioner. Menghentikan norma-norma tradisional, koleksi ini bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan ulang streetwear dengan merangkul inklusivitas dan keberagaman."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=203:
msgid "AIRS® Launches New Genderless Collection"
msgstr "AIRS® Meluncurkan Koleksi Tanpa Gender yang Baru"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=206:
msgid "Footwear"
msgstr "Alas Kaki"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=206:
msgid "footwear"
msgstr "sepatu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=206:
msgid "With its bold design and cutting-edge technology, the Ghask Mountain Hi EK50 collaboration promises to be a game-changer in the world of streetwear. Stay tuned for the official release date and get ready to elevate your sneaker game to new heights with Ghask and Techwear+."
msgstr "Dengan desainnya yang berani dan teknologi mutakhir, kolaborasi Ghask Mountain Hi EK50 menjanjikan untuk menjadi pengubah permainan di dunia streetwear. Tetap ikuti untuk tanggal rilis resmi dan bersiaplah untuk meningkatkan permainan sneaker kamu ke level yang baru dengan Ghask dan Techwear+."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=206:
msgid "The Ghask Mountain Hi EK50 features a sleek, futuristic design with elements inspired by outdoor exploration and urban utility. Constructed with premium materials and advanced technical features, these sneakers are not only stylish but also built to withstand the demands of modern city life."
msgstr "Sepatu Ghask Mountain Hi EK50 memiliki desain yang ramping dan futuristik dengan elemen yang terinspirasi oleh eksplorasi luar ruangan dan utilitas perkotaan. Dibuat dengan bahan premium dan fitur teknis canggih, sepatu sneaker ini tidak hanya stylish tetapi juga dirancang untuk tahan terhadap tuntutan kehidupan kota modern."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=206:
msgid "Ghask unveils its highly anticipated collaboration with Techwear+ - the Ghask Mountain Hi EK50. This groundbreaking collaboration merges Ghask's edgy aesthetic with Techwear+'s innovative technology, resulting in a collection that pushes the boundaries of urban fashion."
msgstr "Ghask memperkenalkan kolaborasi yang sangat dinantikan dengan Techwear+ - Ghask Mountain Hi EK50. Kolaborasi yang revolusioner ini menggabungkan estetika tajam Ghask dengan teknologi inovatif Techwear+, menghasilkan koleksi yang mendorong batasan fashion urban."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=206:
msgid "First Look at the Ghask Mountain Hi EK50 Collab with Techwear+"
msgstr "Pandangan Pertama pada Kolaborasi Ghask Mountain Hi EK50 dengan Techwear+"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=210:
msgid "Buy"
msgstr "Beli"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/streetwear.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=210:
msgid "Welcome to Dropp Online Shop where we sell second hand and limited edition pieces from our streetwear community."
msgstr "Selamat datang di Dropp Online Shop di mana kami menjual barang-barang bekas dan edisi terbatas dari komunitas streetwear kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/cultivatedemo.wordpress.com/contact/:
msgid "70 Corwin Street, San Francisco, California 94114, United States"
msgstr "70 Corwin Street, San Francisco, California 94114, Amerika Serikat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=16:
msgid "Join me on a journey to unleash your inner artist and spread happiness."
msgstr "Bergabunglah denganku dalam perjalanan untuk melepaskan seniman dalam dirimu dan menyebarkan kebahagiaan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=16:
msgid "Embracing Creativity and Joy"
msgstr "Menyambut Kreativitas dan Keceriaan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=12:
msgid "Step into my world of cute outfits and endless smiles."
msgstr "Masuklah ke dunia saya yang penuh dengan outfit lucu dan senyuman tanpa henti."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=12:
msgid "Sakura's Style Diary: Kawaii Looks of the Week"
msgstr "Diari Gaya Sakura: Tampilan Kawaii Minggu Ini"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=14:
msgid "Find joy in the little things and embrace the Kawaii spirit."
msgstr "Temukan kebahagiaan dalam hal-hal kecil dan rangkul semangat Kawaii."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=14:
msgid "Spreading Positivity"
msgstr "Menyebarkan Positivitas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=21:
msgid "Dive into the world of manga with these captivating reads."
msgstr "Selami dunia manga dengan bacaan yang memikat ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=21:
msgid "Manga Madness: Must-Read Recommendations"
msgstr "Madness Manga: Rekomendasi yang Wajib Dibaca"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=19:
msgid "Embark on a magical journey through Kyoto's picturesque streets!"
msgstr "Mulailah perjalanan ajaib melalui jalan-jalan indah Kyoto!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=19:
msgid "Kawaii Travel Diaries: Exploring Kyoto's Charm"
msgstr "Diari Perjalanan Kawaii: Menjelajahi Pesona Kyoto"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=7:
msgid "Whip up some smiles with these irresistibly cute recipes."
msgstr "Buat senyuman dengan resep-resep yang super imut ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=7:
msgid "Cute Cuisine: Kawaii Cooking Adventures"
msgstr "Masakan Imut: Petualangan Memasak Kawaii"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?page_id=2:
msgid "Arigatou for being a part of the KawaiiChic community!"
msgstr "Arigatou telah menjadi bagian dari komunitas KawaiiChic!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?page_id=2:
msgid "So, whether you're looking for Kawaii fashion inspiration, travel tips for your next Tokyo adventure, or simply a dose of cuteness to brighten your day, you've come to the right place. Join Sakura on this enchanting journey, and let's make the world a little bit sweeter, one Kawaii moment at a time!"
msgstr "Jadi, apakah kamu mencari inspirasi fashion Kawaii, tips perjalanan untuk petualangan Tokyo berikutnya, atau sekadar dosis keimutan untuk mencerahkan harimu, kamu sudah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Bergabunglah dengan Sakura dalam perjalanan yang mempesona ini, dan mari kita membuat dunia sedikit lebih manis, satu momen Kawaii pada satu waktu!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?page_id=2:
msgid "KawaiiChic is more than just a blog—it's a celebration of creativity, positivity, and the joy of embracing your unique style. Through her vibrant posts and charming illustrations, Sakura aims to inspire her readers to find happiness in the little things and spread love wherever they go."
msgstr "KawaiiChic lebih dari sekadar blog—ini adalah perayaan kreativitas, positifitas, dan kebahagiaan dalam merangkul gaya unikmu. Melalui memposkan yang berwarna-warni dan ilustrasi yang menawan, Sakura bertujuan untuk menginspirasi Pembacanya untuk menemukan kebahagiaan dalam hal-hal kecil dan menyebarkan cinta ke mana pun mereka pergi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?page_id=2:
msgid "Sakura invites you to join her on a magical adventure through the world of Kawaii culture."
msgstr "Sakura mengundangmu untuk bergabung dengannya dalam petualangan ajaib melalui dunia budaya Kawaii."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?page_id=2:
msgid "Meet Sakura, your bubbly host and the creative mind behind KawaiiChic. Hailing from the vibrant streets of Tokyo, Sakura is a true Kawaii enthusiast with a passion for all things cute and charming. From her love for adorable fashion to her knack for finding the cutest cafes in town, Sakura's journey is a delightful blend of creativity, whimsy, and endless smiles."
msgstr "Kenalan sama Sakura, host ceria kamu dan otak kreatif di balik KawaiiChic. Berasal dari jalanan Tokyo yang penuh warna, Sakura adalah penggemar Kawaii sejati dengan hasrat untuk segala hal yang imut dan menawan. Dari cintanya pada fashion yang menggemaskan sampai kemampuannya menemukan kafe-kafe paling lucu di kota, perjalanan Sakura adalah perpaduan yang menyenangkan antara kreativitas, keunikan, dan senyuman tanpa henti."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?page_id=2:
msgid "Welcome to KawaiiChic"
msgstr "Selamat datang di KawaiiChic"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=12:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=14:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=19:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=21:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=23: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=7:
msgid "Integer rhoncus sapien in leo gravida vulputate. Praesent tellus lectus, sollicitudin sed elit ac, facilisis maximus ipsum. Vivamus condimentum urna lacus, ac pharetra ex ultrices ut. Donec finibus augue a eros porta, mollis varius est placerat. Etiam pretium auctor erat, ut facilisis elit tincidunt eget. Aliquam tempor faucibus neque ac gravida. Mauris et magna augue. Donec convallis nulla ut ligula porta euismod. Cras odio sem, suscipit in ultrices ut, interdum quis felis. Aliquam mi arcu, auctor ac lorem id, aliquam tempus elit. Vivamus turpis tortor, sagittis ut fringilla et, fringilla sed erat. Nam ut commodo arcu. Etiam luctus tincidunt dictum. Aliquam sit amet placerat metus. Morbi lacus odio, ullamcorper sit amet elit ac, aliquam rhoncus sem."
msgstr "Integer rhoncus sapien in leo gravida vulputate. Praesent tellus lectus, sollicitudin sed elit ac, facilisis maximus ipsum. Vivamus condimentum urna lacus, ac pharetra ex ultrices ut. Donec finibus augue a eros porta, mollis varius est placerat. Etiam pretium auctor erat, ut facilisis elit tincidunt eget. Aliquam tempor faucibus neque ac gravida. Mauris et magna augue. Donec convallis nulla ut ligula porta euismod. Cras odio sem, suscipit in ultrices ut, interdum quis felis. Aliquam mi arcu, auctor ac lorem id, aliquam tempus elit. Vivamus turpis tortor, sagittis ut fringilla et, fringilla sed erat. Nam ut commodo arcu. Etiam luctus tincidunt dictum. Aliquam sit amet placerat metus. Morbi lacus odio, ullamcorper sit amet elit ac, aliquam rhoncus sem."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=12:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=14:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=19:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=21:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=23: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=7:
msgid "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean est arcu, rutrum a elementum eget, mollis a velit. Fusce sem quam, lacinia id erat non, mollis sagittis ex. In vel dolor ac sem porttitor pellentesque vitae vitae justo. Pellentesque sit amet nulla nec sem viverra imperdiet accumsan dictum nibh. Nam tincidunt eu sem ac eleifend. Donec elementum ultrices est, nec dignissim est egestas nec. Phasellus sodales ex ligula, non facilisis turpis consequat et. Sed tincidunt sapien ut lacinia accumsan. Cras a metus tellus. In lacinia placerat ligula, a congue quam imperdiet et."
msgstr "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean est arcu, rutrum a elementum eget, mollis a velit. Fusce sem quam, lacinia id erat non, mollis sagittis ex. In vel dolor ac sem porttitor pellentesque vitae vitae justo. Pellentesque sit amet nulla nec sem viverra imperdiet accumsan dictum nibh. Nam tincidunt eu sem ac eleifend. Donec elementum ultrices est, nec dignissim est egestas nec. Phasellus sodales ex ligula, non facilisis turpis consequat et. Sed tincidunt sapien ut lacinia accumsan. Cras a metus tellus. In lacinia placerat ligula, a congue quam imperdiet et."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=12:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=14:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=19:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=21:
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=23: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=7:
msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer suscipit nisi nunc, vitae dignissim mi posuere sed. Sed ac ex quis nisl cursus fermentum. In et erat sit amet diam auctor malesuada eu sit amet elit. Suspendisse suscipit erat eu felis sagittis, at vestibulum lectus luctus. Integer molestie ac lectus ut bibendum. Phasellus euismod arcu nec augue gravida porta. Phasellus ut pretium elit, vel mollis libero. Etiam egestas leo non odio venenatis, vitae finibus tellus vulputate. Vestibulum accumsan efficitur diam eget sagittis. Quisque vel mauris non sem dictum suscipit. Etiam id malesuada erat. In sit amet tortor facilisis, pulvinar orci in, rutrum velit. Mauris augue massa, vulputate varius massa at, eleifend porttitor purus."
msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer suscipit nisi nunc, vitae dignissim mi posuere sed. Sed ac ex quis nisl cursus fermentum. In et erat sit amet diam auctor malesuada eu sit amet elit. Suspendisse suscipit erat eu felis sagittis, at vestibulum lectus luctus. Integer molestie ac lectus ut bibendum. Phasellus euismod arcu nec augue gravida porta. Phasellus ut pretium elit, vel mollis libero. Etiam egestas leo non odio venenatis, vitae finibus tellus vulputate. Vestibulum accumsan efficitur diam eget sagittis. Quisque vel mauris non sem dictum suscipit. Etiam id malesuada erat. In sit amet tortor facilisis, pulvinar orci in, rutrum velit. Mauris augue massa, vulputate varius massa at, eleifend porttitor purus."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=23:
msgid "Discover the latest adorable trends to elevate your style game."
msgstr "Temukan tren lucu terbaru untuk meningkatkan gaya kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.local/?p=23:
msgid "Whimsical Wardrobe: My Fashion Finds in April"
msgstr "Wardrobe yang Unik: Temuan Fashionku di Bulan April"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=306:
msgid "$12.99"
msgstr "$12.99"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=306:
msgid "Store Article XPTO "
msgstr "Toko Artikel XPTO"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=306:
msgid "Get ready to be charmed! Follow me into the world of Kawaii, where the cutest items are waiting to amuse you at the Sakura-chan Store."
msgstr "Siap-siap untuk terpesona! Ikuti aku ke dunia Kawaii, di mana barang-barang paling imut menunggu untuk menghiburmu di Toko Sakura-chan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kawaiichic.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=306:
msgid "K-Store"
msgstr "K-Toko"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=48:
msgid "This blog started with my yoga journey. Since then, I've become a certified yoga instructor and have recently begun organizing small group lessons and retreats. Nowadays, I find joy in practicing yoga at a small studio in LA. My blog serves as a public diary of my yoga journey, chronicling the triumphs and challenges."
msgstr "Blog ini dimulai dengan perjalanan yoga saya. Sejak saat itu, saya telah menjadi instruktur yoga bersertifikat dan baru-baru ini mulai mengorganisir pelajaran kelompok kecil dan retret. Saat ini, saya menemukan kebahagiaan dalam berlatih yoga di sebuah studio kecil di LA. Blog saya berfungsi sebagai buku harian publik dari perjalanan yoga saya, mencatat kemenangan dan tantangan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=48:
msgid "In 2010, I stumbled upon Power yoga, and it immediately became my go-to practice. Its dynamic and energetic nature perfectly aligns with my energy level. The vigorous flow and strength-building aspects of this style resonate deeply with me. The discipline of Bikram yoga, with its heated room and specific sequence, has also contributed significantly to my yoga journey."
msgstr "Pada tahun 2010, saya menemukan Power yoga, dan itu langsung jadi praktik favorit saya. Sifatnya yang dinamis dan energik sangat cocok dengan level energi saya. Aliran yang kuat dan aspek penguatan dari gaya ini sangat beresonansi dengan saya. Disiplin Bikram yoga, dengan ruangan yang dipanaskan dan urutan tertentu, juga telah berkontribusi secara signifikan pada perjalanan yoga saya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=48:
msgid "Yoga has been my constant companion since I embraced it in my twenties. Over the last five decades, I've had the privilege of immersing myself in various yoga styles: Kundalini yoga, Power yoga, and Bikram yoga. Each style has left a lasting imprint on my practice. A Kundalini yoga instructor once guided me into a challenging pose within 30 minutes. Every session, irrespective of the style, commences or concludes with mindful breathing exercises."
msgstr "Yoga telah menjadi teman konstanta saya sejak saya mengadopsinya di usia dua puluhan. Selama lima dekade terakhir, saya telah memiliki privilese untuk terlibat dalam berbagai gaya yoga: yoga Kundalini, yoga Power, dan yoga Bikram. Setiap gaya telah meninggalkan jejak yang mendalam dalam praktik saya. Seorang instruktur yoga Kundalini pernah membimbing saya ke dalam pose yang menantang dalam waktu 30 menit. Setiap sesi, terlepas dari gaya, dimulai atau diakhiri dengan latihan pernapasan yang penuh kesadaran."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=48:
msgid "Hello, I'm Jenn."
msgstr "Halo, saya Jenn."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=48:
msgid "About Jenn"
msgstr "Tentang Jenn"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "Contact Me"
msgstr "Hubungi Saya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "If you would like to have a more personalized practice completely adapted to you, your needs and your pace then this modality is for you."
msgstr "Jika kamu ingin memiliki praktik yang lebih Personal yang sepenuhnya disesuaikan denganmu, kebutuhanmu, dan kecepatanmu, maka modifikasi ini cocok untukmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "60 minutes
Minimum 2 pax
At LA Yoga Studio or your home"
msgstr "60 menit
Minimal 2 orang
Di LA Yoga Studio atau rumahmu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "Private Lessons"
msgstr "Les Privat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "60 minutes
Minimum 1 pax/can be individual
Tue, Thu, Fri and Sat, 8 AM"
msgstr "60 menit
Minimal 1 orang/bisa individu
Sel, Kam, Jum, dan Sab, 8 Pagi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "In Person Yoga"
msgstr "Yoga Tatap Muka"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "Book Class"
msgstr "Pesan Kelas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "Accessible to everyone lasting 1 hour, where we practice and build a conscious practice around different themes related to yoga and life."
msgstr "Terjangkau untuk semua orang selama 1 jam, di mana kita berlatih dan membangun praktik yang sadar di sekitar tema-tema berbeda yang terkait dengan yoga dan kehidupan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "60 minutes
Minimum 2 pax
Mon and Wed, 7 AM and 8PM"
msgstr "60 menit
Minimal 2 orang
Sen dan Rab, 7 Pagi dan 8 Malam"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "Online Yoga"
msgstr "Yoga Online"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "My classes are adaptable and welcome to both beginner and seasoned yogis. I also teach individual classes for more individualized support."
msgstr "Kelas-kelas saya dapat disesuaikan dan terbuka untuk pemula maupun yogis yang berpengalaman. Saya juga mengajar kelas individu untuk dukungan yang lebih personal."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=115:
msgid "Do you want to start or resume your yoga practice?
Then come and practice with me!"
msgstr "Kamu mau mulai atau melanjutkan praktik yoga kamu?
Yuk, datang dan berlatih bareng aku!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "kundalini"
msgstr "kundalini"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "In conclusion, Kundalini Yoga is a sacred journey, a pathway to self-discovery, and a transformative odyssey that aligns body, mind, and spirit. As we navigate the nuances of this ancient practice, may the awakening Kundalini energy illuminate our paths and lead us towards profound spiritual insights."
msgstr "Sebagai kesimpulan, Kundalini Yoga adalah perjalanan suci, jalur untuk penemuan diri, dan odyssey transformatif yang menyelaraskan tubuh, pikiran, dan jiwa. Saat kita menjelajahi nuansa praktik kuno ini, semoga energi Kundalini yang terbangkit menerangi jalan kita dan membawa kita menuju wawasan spiritual yang mendalam."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "This holistic approach to life has been a beacon on my journey. Kundalini Yoga not only unlocks the potential within but also encourages a mindful and awakened existence. It's a practice that goes beyond the physical, inviting practitioners to embrace the spiritual essence woven into the fabric of every moment."
msgstr "Pendekatan holistik ini terhadap kehidupan telah menjadi mercusuar dalam perjalanan saya. Kundalini Yoga tidak hanya membuka potensi di dalam diri tetapi juga mendorong keberadaan yang sadar dan terbangun. Ini adalah praktik yang melampaui fisik, mengundang para praktisi untuk merangkul esensi spiritual yang terjalin dalam setiap momen."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "Kundalini Yoga extends beyond the confines of a yoga mat; it's a way of life. The transformative effects of this practice seep into everyday existence, influencing thought patterns, actions, and perceptions. As I integrated Kundalini wisdom into my daily life, I found a renewed sense of purpose and connection."
msgstr "Kundalini Yoga melampaui batasan matras yoga; ini adalah cara hidup. Efek transformasional dari praktik ini meresap ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, memengaruhi pola pikir, tindakan, dan persepsi. Saat saya mengintegrasikan kebijaksanaan Kundalini ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari saya, saya menemukan rasa tujuan dan koneksi yang diperpanjang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "Integrating Kundalini Wisdom into Daily Life"
msgstr "Mengintegrasikan Kebijaksanaan Kundalini ke dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "My journey through different yoga styles led me to appreciate the significance of pranayama in Kundalini Yoga. It serves as a bridge between the physical and the spiritual, preparing the practitioner for the deeper dimensions of the practice. The synchronicity of breath and movement creates a meditative flow that transcends the boundaries of conventional yoga."
msgstr "Perjalanan saya melalui berbagai gaya yoga membuat saya menghargai pentingnya pranayama dalam Kundalini Yoga. Ini berfungsi sebagai jembatan antara fisik dan spiritual, mempersiapkan praktisi untuk dimensi yang lebih dalam dari praktik. Sinkronisasi antara napas dan gerakan menciptakan aliran meditatif yang melampaui batasan yoga konvensional."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "Every Kundalini Yoga session commences or concludes with pranayama, the practice of controlled breath. The breathwork in Kundalini Yoga, often intense and rhythmic, plays a pivotal role in elevating consciousness. The emphasis on specific breathing techniques, such as Breath of Fire, not only oxygenates the body but also activates the Kundalini energy, propelling it upwards."
msgstr "Setiap sesi Yoga Kundalini dimulai atau diakhiri dengan pranayama, praktik pernapasan yang terkontrol. Latihan pernapasan dalam Yoga Kundalini, yang seringkali intens dan ritmis, memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan kesadaran. Penekanan pada teknik pernapasan tertentu, seperti Napas Api, tidak hanya mengoksigenasi tubuh tetapi juga mengaktifkan energi Kundalini, mendorongnya ke atas."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "Pranayama in Kundalini Yoga"
msgstr "Pranayama dalam Yoga Kundalini"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "In my early years of exploration, a Kundalini yoga instructor guided me into a challenging pose within a mere 30 minutes. The experience was profound, sparking my curiosity and setting the stage for a lifelong journey. The unique blend of physical postures, breath control, and mantra chanting creates an alchemical process that stirs the dormant energy within."
msgstr "Di tahun-tahun awal eksplorasi saya, seorang instruktur yoga Kundalini membimbing saya ke dalam pose yang menantang hanya dalam 30 menit. Pengalaman itu sangat mendalam, memicu rasa ingin tahu saya dan mempersiapkan panggung untuk perjalanan seumur hidup. Campuran unik dari postur fisik, kontrol napas, dan nyanyian mantra menciptakan proses alkimia yang membangkitkan energi yang terpendam di dalam."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "Kundalini Yoga stands apart with its emphasis on awakening the dormant energy at the base of the spine, often depicted as a coiled serpent. This potent force, known as Kundalini energy, is believed to ascend through the chakras, bringing about spiritual enlightenment. The practice involves dynamic movements, breathwork, and chanting, creating a symphony that harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit."
msgstr "Yoga Kundalini berdiri terpisah dengan penekanan pada membangkitkan energi yang terpendam di dasar tulang belakang, yang sering digambarkan sebagai ular yang melingkar. Kekuatan yang kuat ini, yang dikenal sebagai energi Kundalini, diyakini naik melalui chakra, membawa pencerahan spiritual. Praktik ini melibatkan gerakan dinamis, kerja napas, dan nyanyian, menciptakan simfoni yang mengharmoniskan tubuh, pikiran, dan jiwa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "The Spiritual Symphony of Kundalini Energy"
msgstr "Simfoni Spiritual Energi Kundalini"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "Embracing Kundalini Yoga has been a transformative journey, one that transcends the boundaries of mere physical exercise. As I share insights into this profound practice, let's delve into the essence of Kundalini Yoga, its unique aspects, and the subtle energy it awakens."
msgstr "Menerima Kundalini Yoga telah menjadi perjalanan yang transformatif, yang melampaui batasan sekadar latihan fisik. Saat saya bagikan wawasan tentang praktik yang mendalam ini, mari kita selami esensi Kundalini Yoga, aspek-aspek uniknya, dan energi halus yang dihidupkannya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "Kundalini Yoga stands apart with its emphasis on awakening the dormant energy at the base of the spine, often depicted as a coiled serpent."
msgstr "Yoga Kundalini berdiri terpisah dengan penekanan pada membangkitkan energi yang terpendam di dasar tulang belakang, yang sering digambarkan sebagai ular yang melingkar."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
msgid "Kundalini Yoga 101"
msgstr "Kundalini Yoga 101"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137:
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "yoga"
msgstr "yoga"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Reflecting on the past six years, I realize that Yoga with Jenn is not just a blog – it's a living testament to the transformative power of yoga. It's a mosaic of stories, experiences, and shared moments of vulnerability and triumph. As I continue to unravel the threads of my yoga journey, I am grateful for the digital canvas that is Yoga with Jenn, capturing the essence of a practice that goes beyond the asanas – a practice that is, at its core, a journey back to the self."
msgstr "Refleksi tentang enam tahun terakhir, aku sadar bahwa Yoga with Jenn bukan hanya sebuah blog – ini adalah bukti hidup dari kekuatan transformatif yoga. Ini adalah mozaik cerita, pengalaman, dan momen-momen kerentanan dan kemenangan yang dibagikan. Saat aku terus mengurai benang-benang perjalanan yogaku, aku bersyukur untuk kanvas digital yang merupakan Yoga with Jenn, menangkap esensi dari praktik yang melampaui asana – sebuah praktik yang, pada intinya, adalah perjalanan kembali ke diri sendiri."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Fast forward to the present, and Yoga with Jenn stands as a chronicle of growth. It witnessed my journey from a devoted practitioner to a certified instructor organizing small group lessons and retreats. The community that burgeoned around the blog became a source of inspiration, a reminder that we're all fellow travelers on this yoga journey."
msgstr "Fast forward ke masa sekarang, dan Yoga with Jenn berdiri sebagai sebuah kronik pertumbuhan. Itu menyaksikan perjalanan saya dari seorang praktisi yang berdedikasi menjadi instruktur bersertifikat yang mengorganisir pelajaran kelompok kecil dan retret. Komunitas yang berkembang di sekitar blog menjadi sumber inspirasi, pengingat bahwa kita semua adalah sesama pelancong dalam perjalanan yoga ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "The turning point arrived when I decided to pursue formal certification as a yoga instructor. The blog, initially a personal refuge, now transformed into a space to share not just my reflections but also the knowledge gained through teaching. The transition was organic, a seamless blend of personal anecdotes and the wisdom I gathered on the mat."
msgstr "Titik balik datang ketika saya memutuskan untuk mengejar sertifikasi formal sebagai instruktur yoga. Blog, yang awalnya merupakan tempat perlindungan pribadi, sekarang berubah menjadi ruang untuk bagikan tidak hanya refleksi saya tetapi juga pengetahuan yang didapat melalui mengajar. Transisi itu organik, perpaduan yang mulus antara anekdot pribadi dan kebijaksanaan yang saya kumpulkan di atas mat."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "As Yoga with Jenn unfolded, so did my journey as a yogi. The blog mirrored the evolution of my practice – from the discovery of new styles to the nuances of solo home practice. Each post became a snapshot of my experiences, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit through the lens of yoga."
msgstr "Seiring dengan berkembangnya Yoga with Jenn, begitu juga perjalanan saya sebagai seorang yogi. Blog ini mencerminkan evolusi praktik saya – dari penemuan gaya baru hingga nuansa praktik di rumah sendirian. Setiap pos menjadi gambaran pengalaman saya, sebuah bukti ketahanan semangat manusia melalui lensa yoga."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "I vividly recall the impetus behind that first post. It was a crisp autumn morning, and I found myself on my yoga mat, reflecting on the profound impact this practice had on my life. In a world that seemed to move at an unrelenting pace, my mat became a haven of stillness. The words flowed effortlessly as I penned my initial post, a love letter to yoga and its transformative magic."
msgstr "Saya dengan jelas ingat dorongan di balik pos pertama itu. Itu adalah pagi musim gugur yang cerah, dan saya menemukan diri saya di atas mat yoga saya, merenungkan dampak mendalam yang dimiliki praktik ini dalam hidup saya. Di dunia yang tampaknya bergerak dengan kecepatan yang tak henti-hentinya, mat saya menjadi tempat perlindungan dari ketenangan. Kata-kata mengalir dengan mudah saat saya menulis pos awal saya, sebuah surat cinta untuk yoga dan keajaiban transformasinya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "At that time, yoga had been my sanctuary for over two decades. I had traversed the diverse landscapes of Sivananda, Jivamukti, Iyengar, and Ashtanga yoga, each style leaving its indelible mark on my practice. The idea of chronicling this odyssey seemed like a natural progression, a way to document the ebbs and flows, the triumphs and the stumbles."
msgstr "Pada saat itu, yoga telah menjadi tempat perlindungan saya selama lebih dari dua dekade. Saya telah menjelajahi berbagai aliran Sivananda, Jivamukti, Iyengar, dan Ashtanga yoga, masing-masing gaya meninggalkan jejak yang tak terhapuskan pada praktik saya. Ide untuk mendokumentasikan odyssey ini terasa seperti perkembangan yang alami, cara untuk mencatat pasang surut, kemenangan dan kesalahan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Six years ago, in the quiet corners of the internet, I embarked on a journey that would shape the course of my life – the inception of my blog, Yoga with Jenn. It wasn't just a platform to share poses and techniques; it became a canvas for me to paint the evolving portrait of my relationship with yoga."
msgstr "Enam tahun yang lalu, di sudut-sudut tenang internet, aku memulai perjalanan yang akan membentuk arah hidupku – awal mula blogku, Yoga with Jenn. Itu bukan hanya platform untuk membagikan pose dan teknik; itu menjadi kanvas bagiku untuk melukis potret yang terus berkembang dari hubunganku dengan yoga."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "Reflecting on the past six years, I realize that Yoga with Jenn is not just a blog – it's a living testament to the transformative power of yoga."
msgstr "Merenungkan enam tahun terakhir, saya menyadari bahwa Yoga with Jenn bukan hanya sebuah blog – ini adalah bukti hidup dari kekuatan transformatif yoga."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=140:
msgid "How my blog Yoga with Jenn started 6 years ago"
msgstr "Bagaimana blog saya Yoga with Jenn dimulai 6 tahun yang lalu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=152:
msgid "3 Day Private Silence Yoga Retreat"
msgstr "Retreat Yoga Diam Pribadi 3 Hari"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=152:
msgid "More Info"
msgstr "informasi lebih lanjut"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=152:
msgid "Feb 14, 2024"
msgstr "Feb 14, 2024"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=152:
msgid "5 Day Saṃsāra Yoga Retreat "
msgstr "Retreat Yoga Saṃsāra 5 Hari "
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=152:
msgid "Retreats are adaptable and welcome to both beginner and seasoned yogis. I will be there during all the retreat for guidance and individualized support."
msgstr "Retreats itu fleksibel dan terbuka untuk yogis pemula maupun yang sudah berpengalaman. Aku akan ada di sana selama semua retreat untuk memberikan bimbingan dan dukungan yang dipersonalisasi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=152:
msgid "Join me and other yogis in one of my retreats to deepen your practice and unleash spiritual awakenings. Join me in this incredible journey."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan saya dan yogis lainnya di salah satu retret saya untuk memperdalam praktikmu dan melepaskan kebangkitan spiritual. Bergabunglah dengan saya dalam perjalanan luar biasa ini."
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#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=152:
msgid "Retreats"
msgstr "Retreats"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=622:
msgid "Kirsten provides a collection of vibrant salad recipes that prove healthy eating can be both delicious and satisfying. These salads incorporate Mediterranean flavors and fresh ingredients for a nutritious and flavorful meal."
msgstr "Kirsten menyediakan kumpulan resep salad yang berwarna-warni yang membuktikan bahwa makan sehat bisa enak dan memuaskan. Salad-salad ini menggabungkan rasa Mediterania dan bahan-bahan segar untuk makanan yang bergizi dan penuh rasa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=622:
msgid "Satisfying Salads with a Mediterranean Twist"
msgstr "Salad Memuaskan dengan Sentuhan Mediterania"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=630:
msgid "Tips and Techniques: Explore the nuances of cooking with olive oil in Mediterranean cuisine. Kirsten provides insights into when and how to use extra virgin olive oil, including temperature considerations and flavor enhancements in various dishes."
msgstr "Tips dan Teknik: Jelajahi nuansa memasak dengan minyak zaitun dalam masakan Mediterania. Kirsten memberikan wawasan tentang kapan dan bagaimana menggunakan minyak zaitun extra virgin, termasuk pertimbangan suhu dan peningkatan rasa dalam berbagai hidangan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=630:
msgid "Cooking with Olive Oil"
msgstr "Memasak dengan Minyak Zaitun"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=610:
msgid "Kirsten reveals how to create flavorful infusions and reductions, whether for dressings, sauces, or beverages. Learn how to intensify the taste of your dishes through techniques employed by chefs in Mediterranean cuisine."
msgstr "Kirsten mengungkapkan cara membuat infusi dan reduksi yang penuh rasa, baik untuk dressing, saus, atau minuman. Pelajari cara mengintensifkan rasa hidanganmu melalui teknik yang digunakan oleh koki dalam masakan Mediterania."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=610:
msgid "The Art of Flavor Enhancement: Infusions and Reductions"
msgstr "Seni Peningkatan Rasa: Infusi dan Reduksi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=620:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=622:
msgid "Healthy Eating"
msgstr "Pola Makan Sehat"
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#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=620:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=622:
msgid "healthy-eating"
msgstr "makan-sehat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=620:
msgid "Kirsten delves into the principles of the Mediterranean diet, offering insights into how to create healthy, flavorful meals inspired by this heart-healthy tradition. Discover recipes and tips for adopting this lifestyle."
msgstr "Kirsten menyelami prinsip-prinsip diet Mediterania, menawarkan Wawasan tentang cara membuat makanan sehat dan penuh rasa yang terinspirasi oleh tradisi yang baik untuk jantung ini. Temukan resep dan tips untuk mengadopsi gaya hidup ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=620:
msgid "The Mediterranean Diet Demystified"
msgstr "Diet Mediterania yang Didemystifikasi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=624:
msgid "A Guide to Local and Sustainable Sourcing: Explore Kirsten's tips for sourcing local and sustainable ingredients for your Mediterranean-inspired dishes. She discusses the importance of supporting local farmers and reducing the carbon footprint of your meals."
msgstr "Panduan untuk Sumber Lokal dan Berkelanjutan: Jelajahi tips Kirsten untuk mendapatkan bahan lokal dan berkelanjutan untuk hidangan yang terinspirasi Mediterania. Dia membahas pentingnya mendukung petani lokal dan mengurangi jejak karbon dari makananmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=624:
msgid "From Farm to Table"
msgstr "Dari Pertanian ke Meja"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=632:
msgid "Citrus"
msgstr "Jeruk"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=632:
msgid "citrus"
msgstr "jeruk"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=632:
msgid "The Citrus Essentials: Kirsten explores the versatility of citrus fruits in Mediterranean cooking. Learn about using lemon zest, juice, and other citrus elements to add brightness and flavor to a wide range of dishes, from savory to sweet."
msgstr "Esensial Citrus: Kirsten menjelajahi variasi buah citrus dalam masakan Mediterania. Pelajari cara menggunakan kulit lemon, jus, dan elemen citrus lainnya untuk menambah kecerahan dan rasa pada berbagai hidangan, dari yang gurih hingga manis."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=632:
msgid "Zest, Juice, and Tang"
msgstr "Zest, Juice, dan Tang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=616:
msgid "Kirsten curates a comprehensive guide to pairing Mediterranean seafood dishes with the perfect wines. Whether you're serving grilled octopus or a seafood paella, this post offers expert recommendations to elevate your dining experience."
msgstr "Kirsten mengkurasi panduan lengkap untuk memadukan hidangan seafood Mediterania dengan anggur yang sempurna. Apakah kamu menyajikan gurita bakar atau paella seafood, memposkan ini menawarkan rekomendasi ahli untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bersantapmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=616:
msgid "Mediterranean Seafood and Wine Pairing Guide"
msgstr "Panduan Pasangan Makanan Laut dan Anggur Mediterania"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=634:
msgid "Citrus in Mediterranean Sweets: Delve into the use of citrus fruits in Mediterranean dessert recipes. Kirsten shares delectable recipes, such as lemon-infused olive oil cake and orange-scented baklava, to satisfy your sweet tooth with a touch of Mediterranean zest."
msgstr "Buah Citrus dalam Makanan Penutup Mediterania: Selami penggunaan buah citrus dalam resep makanan penutup Mediterania. Kirsten membagikan resep-resep lezat, seperti kue minyak zaitun yang diinfus dengan lemon dan baklava beraroma jeruk, untuk memuaskan hasrat manismu dengan sentuhan semangat Mediterania."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=634:
msgid "Sunkissed Desserts"
msgstr "Desert yang Terkena Sinar Matahari"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "Join Kirsten on a culinary adventure that promises to transport you to the sun and sea with every bite. Explore her delectable recipes, expert tips, and culinary stories that share a glimpse into the heart of Mediterranean cuisine. Whether you're an aspiring home cook or a seasoned food enthusiast, you're invited to savor the rich tapestry of Mediterranean flavors, traditions, and the innovative twists that make Kirsten's culinary creations a unique experience. Come, let's embark on this gastronomic journey together."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan Kirsten dalam petualangan kuliner yang menjanjikan untuk membawamu ke matahari dan laut dengan setiap gigitan. Jelajahi resep-resep lezatnya, tips ahli, dan cerita kuliner yang memberikan sekilas ke dalam hati masakan Mediterania. Apakah kamu seorang koki rumahan yang bercita-cita atau penggemar makanan yang berpengalaman, kamu diundang untuk menikmati kekayaan rasa, tradisi, dan sentuhan inovatif yang membuat kreasi kuliner Kirsten menjadi pengalaman yang unik. Ayo, mari kita mulai perjalanan gastronomi ini bersama-sama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "Kirsten's work is more than just cooking; it's a manifestation of her passion for celebrating life through food. Her dishes are a testament to the warmth, vibrancy, and bold flavors of the Mediterranean. They're a reflection of the love she carries for her homeland, her respect for the environment, and her dedication to crafting delicious, healthy, and sustainable meals."
msgstr "Kerja Kirsten lebih dari sekadar memasak; itu adalah manifestasi dari hasratnya untuk merayakan kehidupan melalui makanan. Hidangannya adalah bukti dari kehangatan, keceriaan, dan rasa berani dari Mediterania. Mereka mencerminkan cinta yang dia bawa untuk tanah airnya, rasa hormatnya terhadap lingkungan, dan dedikasinya untuk menciptakan makanan yang lezat, sehat, dan berkelanjutan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "Global Inspiration Meets a Delicious Legacy"
msgstr "Inspirasi Global Bertemu Warisan Lezat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "Throughout her career, Kirsten has had the opportunity to travel the world, exploring diverse culinary traditions and gathering inspiration from the global food scene. She has worked in renowned restaurants and kitchens, collaborating with talented chefs and artisans, and sharing her own Mediterranean expertise with culinary enthusiasts from all walks of life. Her culinary adventures have taken her to the bustling markets of Istanbul, the vineyards of Provence, and the vibrant food festivals of Barcelona. Each journey has enriched her culinary perspective and added unique layers to her repertoire."
msgstr "Sepanjang kariernya, Kirsten telah memiliki kesempatan untuk menjelajahi dunia, mengeksplorasi berbagai tradisi kuliner dan mengumpulkan inspirasi dari dunia makanan global. Dia telah bekerja di restoran dan dapur terkenal, berkolaborasi dengan koki dan pengrajin berbakat, dan berbagi keahlian Mediterania-nya dengan para penggemar kuliner dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Petualangan kulinernya membawanya ke pasar yang ramai di Istanbul, kebun anggur di Provence, dan festival makanan yang meriah di Barcelona. Setiap perjalanan telah memperkaya perspektif kulinernya dan menambahkan lapisan unik pada repertoarnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "Kirsten's culinary education began at the renowned Culinary Institute of Athens, where she honed her skills and deepened her understanding of the rich tapestry of Mediterranean cuisine. Here, she delved into the art of combining the freshest, locally sourced ingredients with centuries-old cooking techniques, all while infusing each dish with her own creative touch. Kirsten's devotion to this culinary heritage became evident as she continued to master the delicate balance of flavors, the finesse of plating, and the alchemy of transforming simple ingredients into extraordinary meals."
msgstr "Pendidikan kuliner Kirsten dimulai di Culinary Institute of Athens yang terkenal, di mana dia mengasah keterampilannya dan memperdalam pemahamannya tentang kekayaan masakan Mediterania. Di sini, dia menyelami seni menggabungkan bahan-bahan segar yang bersumber dari lokal dengan teknik memasak yang sudah ada selama berabad-abad, sambil menyuntikkan sentuhan kreatifnya ke dalam setiap hidangan. Pengabdian Kirsten terhadap warisan kuliner ini menjadi jelas saat dia terus menguasai keseimbangan rasa yang halus, keindahan penyajian, dan alkimia mengubah bahan-bahan sederhana menjadi hidangan yang luar biasa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "From the sun-soaked landscapes of Crete to the bustling kitchen of her family home, Kirsten's culinary story is one of immersion and passion. Her earliest memories are intertwined with the intoxicating aromas of Mediterranean herbs, the sizzle of fresh fish on a grill, and the laughter of family gatherings around the dinner table. It was here that she first felt the magic of food—how it can bring people together, tell stories, and create unforgettable memories."
msgstr "Dari pemandangan yang disinari matahari di Kreta hingga dapur yang ramai di rumah keluarganya, cerita kuliner Kirsten adalah tentang keterlibatan dan hasrat. Kenangan terawal yang ia miliki terjalin dengan aroma menggoda dari rempah-rempah Mediterania, desisan ikan segar di atas panggangan, dan tawa pertemuan keluarga di sekitar meja makan. Di sinilah ia pertama kali merasakan keajaiban makanan—betapa makanan bisa menyatukan orang, menceritakan kisah, dan menciptakan kenangan yang tak terlupakan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "The Culinary Odyssey Begins"
msgstr "Odise Kuliner Dimulai"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "Welcome to the culinary world of Kirsten Suavis, a passionate chef hailing from the captivating island of Crete, Greece. Kirsten's journey in the world of food is an odyssey deeply rooted in her Mediterranean heritage, where the love for flavors, fresh ingredients, and time-honored traditions has been passed down through generations."
msgstr "Selamat datang di dunia kuliner Kirsten Suavis, seorang koki yang penuh semangat berasal dari pulau Crete yang menawan, Yunani. Perjalanan Kirsten di dunia makanan adalah sebuah odyssey yang sangat terikat dengan warisan Mediterania-nya, di mana cinta terhadap rasa, bahan-bahan segar, dan tradisi yang telah teruji oleh waktu telah diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "About Kirsten Suavis"
msgstr "Tentang Kirsten Suavis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=38:
msgid "About the Chef"
msgstr "Tentang Koki"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=616:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=618:
msgid "Wine Pairing"
msgstr "Paduan Anggur"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=616:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=618:
msgid "wine-pairing"
msgstr "pasangan anggur"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=618:
msgid "Discover the art of pairing wine with Mediterranean meze and tapas. Kirsten shares tips on selecting the right wines for various small plates, creating harmonious flavor combinations that will impress your guests."
msgstr "Temukan seni memadukan anggur dengan meze dan tapas Mediterania. Kirsten membagikan tips tentang cara memilih anggur yang tepat untuk berbagai piring kecil, menciptakan kombinasi rasa yang harmonis yang akan mengesankan tamu-tamu Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=618:
msgid "Wine Pairing for Mediterranean Meze"
msgstr "Paduan Anggur untuk Meze Mediterania"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=614:
msgid "Explore the exciting world of Mediterranean food festivals. Kirsten provides a guide to some of the most vibrant events across the region, from the Tomato Festival in Spain to the Olive Festival in Greece, offering an insight into the culinary traditions and celebrations of each."
msgstr "Jelajahi dunia menarik festival makanan Mediterania. Kirsten memberikan panduan tentang beberapa acara paling meriah di seluruh wilayah, dari Festival Tomat di Spanyol hingga Festival Zaitun di Yunani, menawarkan wawasan tentang tradisi kuliner dan perayaan masing-masing."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=614:
msgid "Mediterranean Food Festivals: A Gastronomic Odyssey"
msgstr "Festival Makanan Mediterania: Sebuah Odise Gastronomi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=628:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=630:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=634:
msgid "olive-oil"
msgstr "minyak zaitun"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=628:
msgid "In this post, Kirsten takes readers on a journey through different olive varieties found in the Mediterranean region. Learn about the distinct flavors and characteristics of olives and how to choose the right type for your recipes."
msgstr "Dalam pos ini, Kirsten membawa Pembaca dalam perjalanan melalui berbagai jenis zaitun yang ditemukan di wilayah Mediterania. Pelajari tentang rasa dan karakteristik unik dari zaitun serta cara memilih jenis yang tepat untuk resep Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=628:
msgid "A Journey Through Mediterranean Olive Varieties"
msgstr "Perjalanan Melalui Varietas Zaitun Mediterania"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=626:
msgid "Making the Most of Your Ingredients: Kirsten shares practical strategies for reducing food waste in the kitchen. Learn how to repurpose ingredients and make use of every part of your produce, creating sustainable and flavorful dishes while reducing environmental impact."
msgstr "Mengoptimalkan Bahan-Bahan Anda: Kirsten membagikan strategi praktis untuk mengurangi limbah makanan di dapur. Pelajari cara memanfaatkan kembali bahan-bahan dan menggunakan setiap bagian dari produk Anda, menciptakan hidangan yang berkelanjutan dan penuh rasa sambil mengurangi dampak lingkungan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=626:
msgid "Zero-Waste Cooking"
msgstr "Memasak Tanpa Limbah"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=608:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=610:
msgid "Kitchen Hacks"
msgstr "Trik Dapur"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=608:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=610:
msgid "kitchen-hacks"
msgstr "trik-dapur"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=608:
msgid "Explore essential knife techniques and tricks that every home cook can use. Kirsten shares her professional insights on knife selection, cutting styles, and knife maintenance, making prep work in the kitchen a breeze."
msgstr "Jelajahi teknik dan trik pisau yang penting yang bisa digunakan oleh setiap koki rumahan. Kirsten membagikan wawasan profesionalnya tentang pemilihan pisau, gaya memotong, dan perawatan pisau, membuat pekerjaan persiapan di dapur jadi mudah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=608:
msgid "Mastering Knife Skills: A Chef's Guide"
msgstr "Menguasai Keterampilan Memotong: Panduan Seorang Koki"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=614:
msgid "Travel Adventures"
msgstr "Petualangan Perjalanan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=614:
msgid "travel-adventures"
msgstr "petualangan-perjalanan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Join me in celebrating the flavors, aromas, and stories that make Catania a captivating destination for food enthusiasts. Until we can explore this charming city together, I hope this virtual journey inspires you to recreate a piece of Sicily in your own kitchen and savor the magic of Catania's culinary delights. Buon viaggio e buon appetito!"
msgstr "Bergabunglah denganku merayakan rasa, aroma, dan cerita yang membuat Catania menjadi tujuan yang menawan bagi para penggemar makanan. Sampai kita bisa menjelajahi kota yang menawan ini bersama-sama, aku harap perjalanan virtual ini menginspirasimu untuk menciptakan sepotong Sisilia di dapurmu sendiri dan menikmati keajaiban dari kelezatan kuliner Catania. Buon viaggio e buon appetito!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Our virtual journey through Catania is a mere taste of the Sicilian wonders awaiting you. As you explore the markets, savor street food, dine in traditional trattorias, and indulge in Sicilian sweets, you'll discover that the heart of Catania beats to the rhythm of its culinary traditions."
msgstr "Perjalanan virtual kita melalui Catania hanyalah secuil rasa dari keajaiban Sisilia yang menunggu kamu. Saat kamu menjelajahi pasar, menikmati makanan jalanan, makan di trattoria tradisional, dan memanjakan diri dengan manisan Sisilia, kamu akan menemukan bahwa jantung Catania berdetak sesuai irama tradisi kulinernya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Beyond the culinary delights, Catania offers a cultural tapestry to explore. The historic city center is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the Baroque architecture, ancient ruins, and vibrant piazzas are a testament to its rich heritage."
msgstr "Selain kelezatan kuliner, Catania menawarkan sebuah jalinan budaya untuk dijelajahi. Pusat kota yang bersejarah adalah situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO, dan arsitektur Barok, reruntuhan kuno, serta piazza yang hidup adalah bukti dari warisan kaya yang dimilikinya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Immerse Yourself in Sicilian Culture"
msgstr "Selami Budaya Sisilia"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Sicily is not only famous for its food but also for its wine. The Etna region, with its volcanic soil, produces exceptional wines that perfectly complement the local cuisine. Enjoy a glass of Etna Rosso or Carricante while watching the sunset over Mount Etna, the island's iconic volcano. Don't forget to partake in the local aperitivo culture – a leisurely evening ritual of sipping vermouth, Aperol, or Campari, often accompanied by light bites and good company."
msgstr "Sicily bukan hanya terkenal dengan makanannya tetapi juga dengan anggurnya. Wilayah Etna, dengan tanah vulkaniknya, memproduksi anggur yang luar biasa yang sempurna melengkapi masakan lokal. Nikmati segelas Etna Rosso atau Carricante sambil menonton matahari terbenam di atas Gunung Etna, gunung berapi ikonik pulau ini. Jangan lupa untuk ikut serta dalam budaya aperitivo lokal – ritual santai di malam hari dengan menyeruput vermouth, Aperol, atau Campari, sering disertai dengan makanan ringan dan teman yang baik."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Wine and Aperitivo Culture"
msgstr "Budaya Anggur dan Aperitivo"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "In Catania, the sweet tooth is well catered to with a range of delectable desserts. From the beloved cassata, a colorful cake adorned with marzipan and candied fruit, to granita, a refreshing, semi-frozen dessert served with a brioche, you'll find an array of sweet indulgences to satisfy your cravings."
msgstr "Di Catania, para pecinta manis akan dimanjakan dengan berbagai macam makanan penutup yang lezat. Dari cassata yang dicintai, kue berwarna-warni yang dihiasi dengan marzipan dan buah manisan, hingga granita, makanan penutup semi-beku yang menyegarkan disajikan dengan brioche, kamu akan menemukan array kesenangan manis untuk memuaskan keinginanmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Sicilian Sweets and Desserts"
msgstr "Permen dan Puding Sisilia"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "When it comes to dining in Catania, the traditional trattorias offer an authentic taste of Sicilian home cooking. Fresh pasta dishes, often featuring the beloved local specialty, pasta alla Norma, are lovingly prepared with sun-ripened tomatoes, fragrant basil, and the saltiness of grated ricotta salata. These cozy family-run establishments capture the essence of Sicilian hospitality."
msgstr "Ketika berbicara tentang makan di Catania, trattoria tradisional menawarkan cita rasa otentik masakan rumah Sicilia. Hidangan pasta segar, yang sering menampilkan spesialisasi lokal yang dicintai, pasta alla Norma, disiapkan dengan penuh kasih menggunakan tomat yang matang di bawah sinar matahari, basil yang harum, dan rasa asin dari ricotta salata yang diparut. Tempat-tempat yang dikelola keluarga ini menangkap esensi keramahan Sicilia."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Traditional Sicilian Trattorias"
msgstr "Trattoria Tradisional Sisilia"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Catania is renowned for its vibrant street food culture, and no visit is complete without savoring some of its delicious street-side treats. Arancini, those golden rice balls stuffed with ragù, cheese, and peas, are a must-try. And don't miss the quintessential Sicilian snack, the humble but heavenly \"cannoli.\" The contrast of crispy shells and creamy ricotta filling is a true Sicilian delight."
msgstr "Catania terkenal dengan budaya makanan jalanannya yang hidup, dan tidak ada kunjungan yang lengkap tanpa mencicipi beberapa camilan lezat di pinggir jalan. Arancini, bola nasi emas yang diisi dengan ragù, keju, dan kacang polong, adalah yang harus dicoba. Dan jangan lewatkan camilan khas Sisilia, \"cannoli\" yang sederhana tapi surgawi. Kontras antara kulit yang renyah dan isian ricotta yang krimi adalah kenikmatan sejati Sisilia."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "The Aromas of Street Food"
msgstr "Aroma Makanan Jalanan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Our culinary adventure begins in the bustling heart of Catania, where the local markets are a sensory feast. The Pescheria, the city's famous fish market, comes to life in the early hours with the daily catch glistening on ice. Here, you'll find an abundance of seafood, from fresh sardines and swordfish to the prized red prawns of Sicily. It's a testament to the Sicilian love affair with the sea, and the perfect place to discover the soul of Mediterranean seafood."
msgstr "Petualangan kuliner kita dimulai di jantung Catania yang ramai, di mana pasar lokal adalah pesta indra. Pescheria, pasar ikan terkenal di kota ini, hidup di pagi hari dengan tangkapan harian yang berkilau di atas es. Di sini, kamu akan menemukan banyak seafood, dari sarden segar dan ikan pedang hingga udang merah yang sangat dihargai dari Sisilia. Ini adalah bukti cinta Sisilia terhadap laut, dan tempat yang sempurna untuk menemukan jiwa seafood Mediterania."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "The Vibrant Markets of Catania"
msgstr "Pasar Berwarna-warni di Catania"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "The enchanting island of Sicily, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and, of course, its remarkable cuisine, has always held a special place in my heart. This time, I invite you to join me on a virtual journey as we explore the culinary treasures of Catania, one of Sicily's most vibrant and culturally rich cities."
msgstr "Pulau Sicily yang mempesona, dengan sejarahnya yang kaya, pemandangan yang menakjubkan, dan, tentu saja, masakannya yang luar biasa, selalu memiliki tempat istimewa di hatiku. Kali ini, aku mengajakmu untuk bergabung denganku dalam perjalanan virtual saat kita menjelajahi harta kuliner Catania, salah satu kota paling hidup dan kaya budaya di Sicily."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/dossier.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=612:
msgid "Sicilian Delights: A Culinary Journey through Catania"
msgstr "Keajaiban Sisilia: Perjalanan Kuliner Melalui Catania"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=58:
msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius. Mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu. Egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique magna. Egestas diam in arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh. Odio ut sem nulla pharetra diam. Tincidunt dui ut ornare lectus sit amet est placerat. Ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut. Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus. Scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque. Est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Proin libero nunc consequat interdum. Nascetur ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies."
msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius. Mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu. Egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique magna. Egestas diam in arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh. Odio ut sem nulla pharetra diam. Tincidunt dui ut ornare lectus sit amet est placerat. Ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut. Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus. Scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque. Est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Proin libero nunc consequat interdum. Nascetur ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=58:
msgid "An option for those looking to expand and teach their yoga practice."
msgstr "Pilihan bagi mereka yang ingin mengembangkan dan mengajarkan praktik yoga mereka."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=58:
msgid "Teacher Training"
msgstr "Pelatihan Guru"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "360$/month"
msgstr "360$/bulan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "Open, Intermediate & Advanced — Full Studio Access"
msgstr "Buka, Menengah & Lanjutan — Akses Penuh Studio"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "240$/month"
msgstr "240$/bulan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "Open, Intermediate & Advanced —4 lessons per week"
msgstr "Buka, Menengah & Lanjutan —4 pelajaran per minggu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "The city’s most beautiful and friendly yoga studio, where the most talented teachers are ready to help you discover, explore and develop your yoga practice."
msgstr "Studio yoga terindah dan ramah di kota, di mana para guru paling berbakat siap membantumu menemukan, menjelajahi, dan mengembangkan praktik yogamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "120$/month"
msgstr "120$/bulan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "Open, Intermediate & Advanced — 2 lessons per week"
msgstr "Buka, Menengah & Lanjutan — 2 pelajaran per minggu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "Our flexible rates for those looking to maintain a consistent yoga practice."
msgstr "Kami menawarkan tarif fleksibel bagi mereka yang ingin menjaga praktik yoga yang konsisten."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=63:
msgid "Prices"
msgstr "Harga"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "Thurday, August 6"
msgstr "Kam, 6 Agustus"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "See All"
msgstr "Lihat Semua"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "Leon London"
msgstr "Leon London"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "06:30 PM – 08:00 PM Rocket Yoga - Open Level"
msgstr "06:30 PM – 08:00 PM Rocket Yoga - Tingkat Terbuka"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "Hortense Suleyman"
msgstr "Hortense Suleyman"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "12:30 PM – 01:30 PM Power Hour - Open Level"
msgstr "12:30 PM – 01:30 PM Power Hour - Tingkat Terbuka"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jenn.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=152:
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Buku"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "Pamela Jahn (substitute)"
msgstr "Pamela Jahn (pengganti)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Mandala Vinyasa - Open Level"
msgstr "10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Mandala Vinyasa - Tingkat Terbuka"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "Wednesday, August 5"
msgstr "Rabu, 5 Agustus"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/yogabusiness.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=65:
msgid "In-Studio Timetables"
msgstr "Jadwal Dalam Studio"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "This workshop is suitable for practitioners of all levels, whether you are a yoga enthusiast or a seasoned yogi. Stewart's inclusive and engaging teaching style creates a space for open dialogue and self-reflection, fostering a sense of community among participants."
msgstr "Workshop ini cocok untuk praktisi dari semua level, apakah kamu seorang penggemar yoga atau yogi berpengalaman. Gaya pengajaran Stewart yang inklusif dan menarik menciptakan ruang untuk dialog terbuka dan refleksi diri, memupuk rasa komunitas di antara peserta."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "As a seasoned yoga teacher and spiritual guide, Stewart brings a unique blend of wisdom, humor, and authenticity to his teachings. The workshop will blend theory and practice, offering a holistic approach to understanding and transcending the Kleshas. Participants will explore how these afflictions manifest in daily life and, more importantly, learn practical techniques to navigate through them on the mat and beyond."
msgstr "Sebagai guru yoga berpengalaman dan pemandu spiritual, Stewart membawa perpaduan unik antara kebijaksanaan, humor, dan keaslian dalam ajarannya. Lokakarya ini akan menggabungkan teori dan praktik, menawarkan pendekatan holistik untuk memahami dan melampaui Kleshas. Peserta akan menjelajahi bagaimana penderitaan ini muncul dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan, yang lebih penting, mempelajari teknik praktis untuk menavigasi melalui mereka di atas mat dan di luar itu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "Dive deep into the philosophy of yoga as Stewart Gilchrist unravels the wisdom behind \"The Kleshas.\" These are the mental and emotional afflictions that can cloud our consciousness and hinder our path to true self-discovery. In this immersive online workshop, Stewart will guide participants through a journey of self-awareness, helping unravel the layers of these hindrances and providing tools to overcome them."
msgstr "Selami dalam-dalam filosofi yoga saat Stewart Gilchrist mengungkapkan kebijaksanaan di balik \"The Kleshas.\" Ini adalah penderitaan mental dan emosional yang bisa mengaburkan kesadaran kita dan menghalangi jalan kita menuju penemuan diri yang sejati. Dalam lokakarya online yang mendalam ini, Stewart akan membimbing peserta melalui perjalanan kesadaran diri, membantu mengurai lapisan-lapisan hambatan ini dan menyediakan alat untuk mengatasinya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "Date: August 5, 2024
Location: Online – Kamala Studio, LA
Level: All levels"
msgstr "Tanggal: 5 Agustus 2024
Lokasi: Online – Kamala Studio, LA
Tingkat: Semua tingkat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "Embark on a profound exploration of the mind and spirit with the renowned yoga instructor, Stewart Gilchrist, in the upcoming online workshop hosted by Kamala Studio in LA. Join us for an enlightening experience on August 5, 2024, as we delve into the transformative realm of \"The Kleshas.\""
msgstr "Mulailah eksplorasi mendalam tentang pikiran dan jiwa bersama instruktur yoga terkenal, Stewart Gilchrist, di workshop online yang akan datang yang diselenggarakan oleh Kamala Studio di LA. Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk pengalaman yang mencerahkan pada 5 Agustus 2024, saat kita menyelami dunia transformatif dari \"The Kleshas."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=128:
msgid "The Kleshas with Stewart Gilchrist"
msgstr "Kleshas dengan Stewart Gilchrist"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "As we gather in the virtual space, participants will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and ask questions in real-time. Kamala Studio is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community, making this workshop a perfect environment for growth and learning. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced yogi, this Headstand Workshop with Sainaa Janchivdorj promises to be a enriching experience that deepens your yoga journey."
msgstr "Ketika kita berkumpul di ruang virtual, peserta akan memiliki kesempatan untuk terhubung dengan orang-orang yang sejalan, bagikan pengalaman, dan bertanya dalam real-time. Kamala Studio berkomitmen untuk menciptakan komunitas yang mendukung dan inklusif, menjadikan workshop ini sebagai lingkungan yang sempurna untuk pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Apakah kamu seorang pemula atau yogi yang sudah mahir, Headstand Workshop dengan Sainaa Janchivdorj ini menjanjikan pengalaman yang memperkaya yang akan memperdalam perjalanan yogamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "In this immersive online session, Sainaa will break down the headstand, offering step-by-step instructions and personalized tips to cater to individual needs. Discover the physical and mental benefits of this empowering pose, including improved strength, balance, and focus."
msgstr "Dalam sesi online yang imersif ini, Sainaa akan menjelaskan tentang sikap kepala, memberikan instruksi langkah demi langkah dan tips pribadi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan individu. Temukan manfaat fisik dan mental dari pose yang memberdayakan ini, termasuk peningkatan kekuatan, keseimbangan, dan fokus."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "This workshop is designed for yogis of all levels, from beginners looking to conquer their first headstand to seasoned practitioners aiming to refine their technique. Sainaa Janchivdorj brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to guide you through the intricacies of the headstand, also known as Sirsasana. Learn the foundations, proper alignment, and techniques to safely and confidently incorporate this powerful inversion into your practice."
msgstr "Workshop ini dirancang untuk yogi dari semua tingkat, mulai dari pemula yang ingin menguasai headstand pertama mereka hingga praktisi berpengalaman yang bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan teknik mereka. Sainaa Janchivdorj membawa banyak pengetahuan dan keahlian untuk membimbingmu melalui seluk-beluk headstand, yang juga dikenal sebagai Sirsasana. Pelajari dasar-dasar, penyelarasan yang tepat, dan teknik untuk dengan aman dan percaya diri menggabungkan inversi yang kuat ini ke dalam praktikmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=128:
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "About the Workshop"
msgstr "Tentang Lokakarya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=128:
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "Enroll in Workshop"
msgstr "Daftar di Workshop"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "Date: June 5, 2024
Location: Online
Level: Intermediate/Advanced"
msgstr "Tanggal: 5 Juni 2024
Lokasi: Online
Tingkat: Menengah/Lanjut"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "Join us for a transformative online yoga workshop hosted by Kamala Studio in LA, featuring the talented and experienced yoga instructor, Sainaa Janchivdorj. Get ready to turn your world upside down with the Headstand Workshop on June 5, 2024."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk workshop yoga online yang transformatif yang dihost oleh Kamala Studio di LA, menampilkan instruktur yoga yang berbakat dan berpengalaman, Sainaa Janchivdorj. Siap-siap untuk membalikkan duniamu dengan Workshop Headstand pada 5 Juni 2024."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/kamalademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=130:
msgid "Headstand with Sainaa Janchivdorj (Online)"
msgstr "Headstand dengan Sainaa Janchivdorj (Online)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Highlight songs and music that feature rainbows and discuss how they have become anthems of happiness and celebration."
msgstr "Soroti lagu-lagu dan musik yang menampilkan pelangi dan bahas bagaimana mereka telah menjadi lagu kebahagiaan dan perayaan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "\"Rainbows and Music: Songs That Celebrate Color and Joy\""
msgstr "Pelangi dan Musik: Lagu-Lagu yang Merayakan Warna dan Kegembiraan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "by Felicia Dorothea Hemans"
msgstr "oleh Felicia Dorothea Hemans"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Singing Colors and Joy"
msgstr "Warna dan Kebahagiaan yang Bernyanyi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=143:
msgid "From medieval depictions of heavenly judgment to contemporary installations celebrating diversity, the rainbow’s journey through art history is as varied and colorful as the phenomenon itself. It serves as a reminder of both nature’s beauty and humanity’s enduring fascination with light, color, and the mysteries of the world around us."
msgstr "Dari penggambaran abad pertengahan tentang penghakiman surgawi hingga instalasi kontemporer yang merayakan keberagaman, perjalanan pelangi melalui sejarah seni sama beragam dan berwarnanya dengan fenomena itu sendiri. Ini menjadi pengingat akan keindahan alam dan ketertarikan manusia yang abadi terhadap cahaya, warna, dan misteri dunia di sekitar kita."
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msgid "Throughout history, the rainbow has remained a powerful symbol and visual motif in art. Whether seen as a divine sign, a scientific curiosity, or a symbol of human emotion, its allure has transcended time and artistic movements. As we continue into the 21st century, artists will no doubt continue to explore the rainbow’s ever-evolving meanings, keeping it as a vibrant and enduring subject of creative expression."
msgstr "Sepanjang sejarah, pelangi telah menjadi simbol yang kuat dan motif visual dalam seni. Baik dilihat sebagai tanda ilahi, keingintahuan ilmiah, atau simbol emosi manusia, daya tariknya telah melampaui waktu dan gerakan seni. Saat kita melanjutkan ke abad ke-21, para seniman pasti akan terus mengeksplorasi makna pelangi yang terus berkembang, menjadikannya sebagai subjek ekspresi kreatif yang hidup dan abadi."
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msgid "The Timeless Appeal of the Rainbow"
msgstr "Daya Tarik Abadi Pelangi"
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msgid "Contemporary artists continue to reimagine the rainbow in innovative ways. Yayoi Kusama’s immersive installations often feature bright, rainbow-like colors, evoking a sense of wonder and surrealism. Meanwhile, Olafur Eliasson’s installations, such as Your Rainbow Panorama (2011), offer viewers the chance to experience the world through the colors of a rainbow in a three-dimensional space. His work highlights the relationship between natural phenomena and human perception, inviting us to reconsider the rainbow as more than just an optical event."
msgstr "Seniman kontemporer terus membayangkan kembali pelangi dengan cara yang inovatif. Instalasi imersif Yayoi Kusama sering menampilkan warna-warna cerah yang mirip pelangi, membangkitkan rasa kagum dan surealisme. Sementara itu, instalasi Olafur Eliasson, seperti Your Rainbow Panorama (2011), menawarkan kepada penonton kesempatan untuk melihat dunia melalui warna-warna pelangi dalam ruang tiga dimensi. Karyanya menyoroti hubungan antara fenomena alam dan persepsi manusia, mengundang kita untuk mempertimbangkan pelangi sebagai lebih dari sekadar peristiwa optik."
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msgid "In modern and contemporary art, the rainbow has become a powerful symbol of identity, politics, and personal expression. The 20th century saw rainbows transformed into representations of hope, diversity, and the universal pursuit of peace. In the 1960s and 70s, the rainbow flag emerged as a symbol of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and it has since been used in various forms of artistic expression."
msgstr "Dalam seni modern dan kontemporer, pelangi telah menjadi simbol yang kuat untuk identitas, politik, dan ekspresi Personal. Abad ke-20 melihat pelangi diubah menjadi representasi harapan, keberagaman, dan pencarian perdamaian yang universal. Pada tahun 1960-an dan 70-an, bendera pelangi muncul sebagai simbol gerakan hak-hak LGBTQ+, dan sejak saat itu telah digunakan dalam berbagai bentuk ekspresi artistik."
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msgid "Modern and Contemporary Art: New Meanings and Explorations"
msgstr "Seni Modern dan Kontemporer: Makna dan Eksplorasi Baru"
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msgid "Meanwhile, post-Impressionist artists like Vincent van Gogh and Paul Signac took the rainbow’s essence—its vibrant colors—and infused them into their bold, expressive works. Van Gogh’s Starry Night (1889), with its swirling skies, might be seen as an abstraction of the same natural forces that produce rainbows, though not in a literal sense."
msgstr "Sementara itu, seniman pasca-Impresionis seperti Vincent van Gogh dan Paul Signac mengambil esensi pelangi—warna-warnanya yang cerah—dan menginfuskan mereka ke dalam karya-karya mereka yang berani dan ekspresif. Starry Night (1889) karya Van Gogh, dengan langitnya yang berputar, bisa dilihat sebagai sebuah abstraksi dari kekuatan alam yang sama yang menghasilkan pelangi, meskipun tidak dalam arti harfiah."
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msgid "By the time the Impressionists arrived in the late 19th century, the rainbow had taken on new life as a subject for celebrating light and color itself. Artists like Claude Monet, who were fascinated by the play of light, found inspiration in the rainbow’s prismatic spectrum. Though Monet didn’t focus heavily on the rainbow specifically, his approach to painting light and color reflected the same principles that made the rainbow so captivating."
msgstr "Pada saat para Impresionis tiba di akhir abad ke-19, pelangi telah mendapatkan kehidupan baru sebagai subjek untuk merayakan cahaya dan warna itu sendiri. Seniman seperti Claude Monet, yang terpesona oleh permainan cahaya, menemukan inspirasi dalam spektrum prisma pelangi. Meskipun Monet tidak terlalu fokus pada pelangi secara spesifik, pendekatannya dalam melukis cahaya dan warna mencerminkan prinsip yang sama yang membuat pelangi begitu memikat."
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msgid "Impressionism and Beyond: Celebrating Light and Color"
msgstr "Impresionisme dan Seterusnya: Merayakan Cahaya dan Warna"
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msgid "Moving into the Romantic era, the rainbow became a symbol of human emotion, the sublime, and the natural world. Artists like J.M.W. Turner, a master of capturing nature’s fury and beauty, often incorporated rainbows into his atmospheric landscapes. In his painting Rain, Steam, and Speed (1844), a faint rainbow can be seen through the mist of a train speeding across a bridge. For Turner, the rainbow served as a subtle reminder of nature’s presence amid the encroaching industrialization of the world."
msgstr "Memasuki era Romantis, pelangi menjadi simbol emosi manusia, yang sublime, dan dunia alami. Seniman seperti J.M.W. Turner, seorang master dalam menangkap kemarahan dan keindahan alam, sering memasukkan pelangi ke dalam lanskap atmosferiknya. Dalam lukisannya Rain, Steam, and Speed (1844), sebuah pelangi samar dapat dilihat melalui kabut kereta yang melaju di atas jembatan. Bagi Turner, pelangi berfungsi sebagai pengingat halus akan keberadaan alam di tengah-tengah industrialisasi yang semakin mendekat di dunia."
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msgid "The Baroque era brought with it a sense of grandeur and emotional intensity, and rainbows were no exception. Artists like Peter Paul Rubens used the rainbow to create contrast and heighten drama in their works. In his painting Landscape with a Rainbow (c. 1636), Rubens showcases the rainbow as both a hopeful symbol and a dramatic compositional tool, guiding the viewer’s eye across a turbulent sky."
msgstr "Zaman Barok membawa serta rasa kemewahan dan intensitas emosional, dan pelangi tidak terkecuali. Seniman seperti Peter Paul Rubens menggunakan pelangi untuk menciptakan kontras dan meningkatkan drama dalam karya-karya mereka. Dalam lukisannya Landscape with a Rainbow (c. 1636), Rubens menampilkan pelangi sebagai simbol harapan dan alat komposisi dramatis, memandu mata penonton melintasi langit yang bergolak."
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msgid "Baroque and Romantic Eras: Drama and Emotion"
msgstr "Era Barok dan Romantis: Drama dan Emosi"
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msgid "A notable example is Raphael’s The Triumph of Galatea (1514), where the nymph Galatea is surrounded by mythological creatures beneath a vivid rainbow. Here, the rainbow is not only a natural phenomenon but also a celebration of harmony and divine beauty in nature. Artists like Raphael were beginning to blend mythological references with a more detailed observation of the world around them."
msgstr "Salah satu contoh yang mencolok adalah The Triumph of Galatea karya Raphael (1514), di mana nimfa Galatea dikelilingi oleh makhluk-makhluk mitologis di bawah pelangi yang cerah. Di sini, pelangi bukan hanya fenomena alam tetapi juga perayaan harmoni dan keindahan ilahi dalam alam. Seniman seperti Raphael mulai menggabungkan referensi mitologis dengan pengamatan yang lebih detail terhadap dunia di sekitar mereka."
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msgid "With the dawn of the Renaissance, art embraced a more naturalistic and scientific approach to the world, and this extended to rainbows. The period marked an increased curiosity about nature’s phenomena. Figures like Leonardo da Vinci studied the physics of light and color, and artists began to depict rainbows with greater accuracy, though still rich with symbolism."
msgstr "Dengan datangnya Renaisans, seni mengadopsi pendekatan yang lebih naturalistik dan ilmiah terhadap dunia, dan ini juga berlaku untuk pelangi. Periode ini menandai meningkatnya rasa ingin tahu tentang fenomena alam. Tokoh-tokoh seperti Leonardo da Vinci mempelajari fisika cahaya dan warna, dan para seniman mulai menggambarkan pelangi dengan lebih akurat, meskipun masih kaya dengan simbolisme."
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msgid "The Renaissance: Scientific Curiosity Meets Symbolism"
msgstr "Renaissance: Rasa Ingin Tahu Ilmiah Bertemu Simbolisme"
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msgid "In medieval Christian art, the rainbow took on new theological meanings, especially as a symbol of hope and divine promise. In biblical stories, such as Noah’s Ark, the rainbow signified God’s covenant to never again flood the earth. Illuminated manuscripts and stained-glass windows from this era often depicted Christ seated on a rainbow during scenes of the Last Judgment, signifying divine authority and judgment."
msgstr "Dalam seni Kristen abad pertengahan, pelangi mengambil makna teologis baru, terutama sebagai simbol harapan dan janji ilahi. Dalam cerita-cerita alkitab, seperti Bahtera Nuh, pelangi menandakan perjanjian Tuhan untuk tidak lagi membanjiri bumi. Naskah iluminasi dan jendela kaca patri dari era ini sering menggambarkan Kristus duduk di atas pelangi selama adegan Penghakiman Terakhir, menandakan otoritas dan penghakiman ilahi."
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msgid "The earliest depictions of rainbows can be traced back to ancient cultures, where they were seen as divine symbols. In Greek and Roman mythology, the rainbow was personified by Iris, the messenger of the gods, often shown with her colorful bridge connecting heaven and earth. Similarly, in Norse mythology, the Bifröst was a shimmering, rainbow-like bridge connecting the realm of humans (Midgard) to the realm of gods (Asgard)."
msgstr "Penggambaran pelangi yang paling awal dapat ditelusuri kembali ke budaya kuno, di mana mereka dianggap sebagai simbol ilahi. Dalam mitologi Yunani dan Romawi, pelangi dipersonifikasikan oleh Iris, utusan para dewa, yang sering ditampilkan dengan jembatan berwarna-warni yang menghubungkan surga dan bumi. Demikian pula, dalam mitologi Norse, Bifröst adalah jembatan berkilau yang mirip pelangi yang menghubungkan dunia manusia (Midgard) ke dunia para dewa (Asgard)."
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msgid "Ancient and Medieval Rainbows: Signs from the Divine"
msgstr "Pelangi Kuno dan Abad Pertengahan: Tanda dari Ilahi"
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msgid "Rainbows have always held a special place in human imagination. As nature’s most fleeting and awe-inspiring phenomenon, they’ve appeared in myths, religious symbolism, and art throughout history. From ancient cave paintings to contemporary masterpieces, the rainbow has taken on various meanings, shapes, and forms. Join me on this colorful journey through the ages as we explore how artists across time have depicted rainbows in their works and how these representations have evolved."
msgstr "Pelangi selalu memiliki tempat istimewa dalam imajinasi manusia. Sebagai fenomena alam yang paling cepat berlalu dan mengagumkan, mereka telah muncul dalam mitos, simbolisme agama, dan seni sepanjang sejarah. Dari lukisan gua kuno hingga karya-karya kontemporer, pelangi telah mengambil berbagai makna, bentuk, dan wujud. Bergabunglah dengan saya dalam perjalanan berwarna ini melalui zaman saat kita menjelajahi bagaimana para seniman dari berbagai waktu menggambarkan pelangi dalam karya-karya mereka dan bagaimana representasi ini telah berkembang."
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msgid "by Joseph Addison"
msgstr "oleh Joseph Addison"
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msgid "A Colorful Journey Through the Ages"
msgstr "Perjalanan Berwarna Melalui Zaman"
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msgid "Showcase public art installations that use rainbows as a medium to transform and beautify city landscapes, fostering a sense of community."
msgstr "Etalase instalasi seni publik yang menggunakan pelangi sebagai media untuk mengubah dan mempercantik lanskap kota, mendorong rasa komunitas."
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msgid "\"Public Art Installations: How Rainbows Transform Urban Spaces\""
msgstr "Instalasi Seni Publik: Bagaimana Pelangi Mengubah Ruang Perkotaan"
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msgid " by W. H. Davies"
msgstr "oleh W. H. Davies"
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msgid "How Rainbows Transform Urban Spaces"
msgstr "Bagaimana Pelangi Mengubah Ruang Perkotaan"
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msgid "Discuss the history and significance of the rainbow flag as a symbol of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as its impact on society."
msgstr "Diskusikan sejarah dan signifikansi bendera pelangi sebagai simbol komunitas LGBTQ+, serta dampaknya terhadap masyarakat."
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msgid "\"The Rainbow Flag: Symbol of LGBTQ+ Pride and Inclusion\""
msgstr "Bendera Pelangi: Simbol Kebanggaan dan Inklusi LGBTQ+"
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msgid "by Charles Lamb"
msgstr "oleh Charles Lamb"
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msgid "LGBTQ+ Pride and Inclusion"
msgstr "Pride dan Inklusi LGBTQ+"
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#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Rainbows in children's literature serve as powerful symbols of hope, diversity, and imagination. They inspire young readers to dream, to embrace differences, and to believe in a world full of possibilities. As children flip through the pages of these books, they not only learn to appreciate the beauty of rainbows but also the beauty of diversity and the endless wonders of their own imaginations. So the next time you read a children's book featuring a rainbow, remember that it's not just a spectrum of colors in the sky; it's a bridge to a world of dreams and lessons waiting to be discovered by young hearts and curious minds."
msgstr "Pelangi dalam sastra anak berfungsi sebagai simbol yang kuat dari harapan, keberagaman, dan imajinasi. Mereka menginspirasi Pembaca muda untuk bermimpi, menerima perbedaan, dan percaya pada dunia yang penuh kemungkinan. Saat anak-anak membolak-balik halaman-halaman buku ini, mereka tidak hanya belajar menghargai keindahan pelangi tetapi juga keindahan keberagaman dan keajaiban tanpa akhir dari imajinasi mereka sendiri. Jadi, lain kali kamu membaca buku anak yang menampilkan pelangi, ingatlah bahwa itu bukan hanya spektrum warna di langit; itu adalah jembatan menuju dunia mimpi dan pelajaran yang menunggu untuk ditemukan oleh hati muda dan pikiran yang penasaran."
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msgid "Example 6: \"Elmer\" by David McKee follows the story of a patchwork elephant who discovers that being different is what makes him special. His bright and colorful personality shines like a rainbow."
msgstr "Contoh 6: \"Elmer\" oleh David McKee mengikuti cerita tentang seekor gajah perca yang menemukan bahwa menjadi berbeda adalah apa yang membuatnya istimewa. Kepribadiannya yang cerah dan berwarna-warni bersinar seperti pelangi."
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msgid "Example 5: \"The Day the Crayons Quit\" by Drew Daywalt tells the tale of a box of crayons going on strike, leading to a world devoid of color until a young boy uses them to create a colorful masterpiece."
msgstr "Contoh 5: \"The Day the Crayons Quit\" oleh Drew Daywalt menceritakan kisah sekotak krayon yang mogok, yang mengakibatkan dunia tanpa warna sampai seorang bocah laki-laki menggunakannya untuk menciptakan sebuah mahakarya yang penuh warna."
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msgid "The enchanting and vibrant colors of rainbows often spark a child's creativity and imagination. In children's literature, rainbows frequently lead to fantastical worlds where the ordinary becomes extraordinary."
msgstr "Warna pelangi yang menawan dan cerah sering kali memicu kreativitas dan imajinasi anak-anak. Dalam sastra anak-anak, pelangi sering kali mengarah ke dunia fantastis di mana yang biasa menjadi luar biasa."
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msgid "Rainbows Fostering Imagination"
msgstr "Pelangi Mendorong Imajinasi"
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msgid "Example 4: \"Strictly No Elephants\" by Lisa Mantchev explores themes of inclusivity and friendship as a young boy and his pet elephant are excluded from a pet club for not being \"traditional\" pets. A colorful parade, complete with a rainbow, shows that differences should be celebrated."
msgstr "Contoh 4: \"Strictly No Elephants\" oleh Lisa Mantchev mengeksplorasi tema inklusivitas dan persahabatan saat seorang bocah laki-laki dan gajah peliharaannya dikeluarkan dari klub hewan peliharaan karena tidak dianggap sebagai hewan peliharaan yang \"tradisional\". Sebuah parade berwarna-warni, lengkap dengan pelangi, menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan harus dirayakan."
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msgid "Example 3: \"The Crayon Box That Talked\" by Shane DeRolf tells the story of a box of crayons, each of a different color, learning to appreciate their unique qualities and work together to create beautiful art."
msgstr "Contoh 3: \"Kotak Krayon yang Bisa Bicara\" oleh Shane DeRolf menceritakan kisah sebuah kotak krayon, masing-masing dengan warna yang berbeda, yang belajar untuk menghargai kualitas unik mereka dan bekerja sama untuk menciptakan seni yang indah."
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msgid "Rainbows are also powerful symbols of diversity and inclusivity. They represent a wide spectrum of colors coming together harmoniously, just as diverse individuals can come together in unity. Children's literature often uses rainbows to encourage acceptance and celebrate differences."
msgstr "Pelangi juga merupakan simbol yang kuat dari keberagaman dan inklusivitas. Mereka mewakili spektrum warna yang luas yang bersatu secara harmonis, sama seperti individu yang beragam dapat bersatu dalam kesatuan. Sastra anak sering menggunakan pelangi untuk mendorong penerimaan dan merayakan perbedaan."
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msgid "Rainbows Celebrating Diversity"
msgstr "Pelangi Merayakan Keragaman"
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msgid "Example 2: \"The Rainbow Fish\" by Marcus Pfister teaches children about the joy of sharing and friendship, using the rainbow-hued scales of the fish as a symbol of the value of giving."
msgstr "Contoh 2: \"The Rainbow Fish\" oleh Marcus Pfister mengajarkan anak-anak tentang kebahagiaan berbagi dan persahabatan, menggunakan sisik ikan yang berwarna pelangi sebagai simbol dari nilai memberi."
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msgid "Example 1: \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\" by L. Frank Baum features the famous \"Land of Oz,\" where a rainbow serves as the gateway to a world of enchantment and adventure."
msgstr "Contoh 1: \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\" oleh L. Frank Baum menampilkan \"Tanah Oz\" yang terkenal, di mana pelangi berfungsi sebagai gerbang menuju dunia pesona dan petualangan."
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msgid "Rainbows have long been recognized as universal symbols of hope. In children's literature, they often serve as beacons of optimism and possibilities. Whether it's the protagonist searching for a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or simply the appearance of a rainbow after a storm, these vibrant arcs in the sky evoke a sense of wonder and anticipation."
msgstr "Pelangi telah lama diakui sebagai simbol harapan yang universal. Dalam sastra anak-anak, mereka sering berfungsi sebagai suar optimisme dan kemungkinan. Apakah itu protagonis yang mencari panci emas di ujung pelangi atau sekadar tampilan pelangi setelah badai, lengkungan cerah di langit ini membangkitkan rasa kagum dan antisipasi."
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msgid "Rainbows as Symbols of Hope"
msgstr "Pelangi sebagai Simbol Harapan"
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msgid "Children's literature is a magical realm where imagination knows no bounds, and where vivid stories help young minds grow. Among the many elements that capture a child's imagination, rainbows stand out as symbols of hope, diversity, and boundless creativity. In this blog post, we'll embark on a colorful journey through the world of children's literature, exploring how rainbows are used as powerful symbols and motifs to inspire and teach young readers."
msgstr "Sastra anak adalah dunia ajaib di mana imajinasi tidak mengenal batas, dan di mana cerita yang hidup membantu pikiran muda tumbuh. Di antara banyak elemen yang menangkap imajinasi anak, pelangi menonjol sebagai simbol harapan, keberagaman, dan kreativitas tanpa batas. Dalam pos blog ini, kita akan memulai perjalanan berwarna melalui dunia sastra anak, menjelajahi bagaimana pelangi digunakan sebagai simbol dan motif yang kuat untuk menginspirasi dan mengajarkan Pembaca muda."
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msgid "Diversity and imagination on Literature"
msgstr "Keberagaman dan imajinasi dalam Sastra"
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msgid "Take a journey around the world to explore how different cultures interpret and celebrate rainbows, each with its own unique perspective."
msgstr "Ambil perjalanan keliling dunia untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana berbagai budaya menginterpretasikan dan merayakan pelangi, masing-masing dengan perspektif uniknya sendiri."
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msgid "Rainbow Phenomena Around the World: Unique Cultural Perspectives"
msgstr "Fenomena Pelangi di Seluruh Dunia: Perspektif Budaya yang Unik"
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msgid "by Thomas Campbell"
msgstr "oleh Thomas Campbell"
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#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Rainbow Phenomena Around the World"
msgstr "Fenomena Pelangi di Seluruh Dunia"
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#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Arts"
msgstr "Seni"
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msgid "arts"
msgstr "sen seni"
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msgid "Discover how artists and photographers draw inspiration from rainbows, and how you can use them to add a touch of magic to your own creations."
msgstr "Temukan bagaimana seniman dan fotografer mendapatkan inspirasi dari pelangi, dan bagaimana kamu bisa menggunakannya untuk menambahkan sentuhan magis pada kreasi kamu sendiri."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "The Artistic Beauty of Rainbows: Inspiring Creativity"
msgstr "Keindahan Artistik Pelangi: Menginspirasi Kreativitas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "by Emily Dickinson"
msgstr "oleh Emily Dickinson"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Inspiring Creativity"
msgstr "Menginspirasi Kreativitas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Explore how meteorologists use rainbows as indicators of atmospheric conditions and what these colorful phenomena reveal about the weather."
msgstr "Jelajahi bagaimana ahli meteorologi menggunakan pelangi sebagai indikator kondisi atmosfer dan apa yang diungkapkan fenomena berwarna-warni ini tentang cuaca."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Reading the Rainbow: A Guide to Understanding Meteorological Significance"
msgstr "Membaca Pelangi: Panduan untuk Memahami Signifikansi Meteorologis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "by William Wordsworth"
msgstr "oleh William Wordsworth"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Recognizing Meteorological Significance"
msgstr "Mengenali Signifikansi Meteorologis"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Culture"
msgstr "Budaya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "culture"
msgstr "budaya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Delve into the cultural and mythological significance of rainbows across different societies and the messages they convey."
msgstr "Selami makna budaya dan mitologis pelangi di berbagai masyarakat dan pesan yang mereka sampaikan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Rainbows in Mythology and Culture: Symbols of Hope and Promise"
msgstr "Pelangi dalam Mitologi dan Budaya: Simbol Harapan dan Janji"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "by James Thomson"
msgstr "oleh James Thomson"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Symbols of Hope and Promise"
msgstr "Simbol Harapan dan Janji"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Science"
msgstr "Sains"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "science"
msgstr "ilmu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Dive into the physics of rainbows and learn how sunlight and water droplets create this stunning natural phenomenon."
msgstr "Selami fisika pelangi dan pelajari bagaimana sinar matahari dan tetesan air menciptakan fenomena alam yang menakjubkan ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "The Science Behind Rainbows: Exploring the Spectrum of Light"
msgstr "Ilmu di Balik Pelangi: Menjelajahi Spektrum Cahaya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "A poem by Les Murray"
msgstr "Puisi oleh Les Murray"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclass.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "The Science Behind Rainbows"
msgstr "Ilmu di Balik Pelangi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclassic.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=194:
msgid "Duis diam lacus, lacinia rhoncus sollicitudin condimentum, laoreet eget felis. Pellentesque ante orci, varius id velit ut, bibendum tempus odio. Morbi a leo eget odio cursus blandit ut id massa. Nam aliquam convallis posuere. Praesent eget orci eget leo semper commodo dignissim id velit. Sed vel nisl vestibulum, volutpat lorem vitae, pellentesque orci. Suspendisse tempor justo sed dui lacinia finibus vitae at dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla dignissim nibh vitae quam tempus, eu tincidunt quam congue. Quisque hendrerit eros a massa facilisis, eget laoreet nibh fermentum. Aenean et hendrerit ligula, ac tempus arcu. Ut eu fermentum dolor. In egestas posuere massa in congue. Integer cursus nisl arcu, at suscipit tortor ornare nec. Vivamus elementum facilisis risus, ut vestibulum mi vulputate eget."
msgstr "Duis diam lacus, lacinia rhoncus sollicitudin condimentum, laoreet eget felis. Pellentesque ante orci, varius id velit ut, bibendum tempus odio. Morbi a leo eget odio cursus blandit ut id massa. Nam aliquam convallis posuere. Praesent eget orci eget leo semper commodo dignissim id velit. Sed vel nisl vestibulum, volutpat lorem vitae, pellentesque orci. Suspendisse tempor justo sed dui lacinia finibus vitae at dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla dignissim nibh vitae quam tempus, eu tincidunt quam congue. Quisque hendrerit eros a massa facilisis, eget laoreet nibh fermentum. Aenean et hendrerit ligula, ac tempus arcu. Ut eu fermentum dolor. In egestas posuere massa in congue. Integer cursus nisl arcu, at suscipit tortor ornare nec. Vivamus elementum facilisis risus, ut vestibulum mi vulputate eget."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclassic.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=194:
msgid "Sed molestie ipsum nec eros sagittis dignissim. Donec elit nibh, laoreet et hendrerit sit amet, dapibus sed nibh. Etiam blandit mauris ac lacinia viverra. Quisque molestie interdum ante id tincidunt. Aenean nec dictum massa, id semper leo. Aenean faucibus at purus non sagittis. Morbi egestas tincidunt metus, at malesuada magna imperdiet et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam semper condimentum euismod. Nam ut mauris finibus, venenatis lacus vel, tempus arcu. Vestibulum porttitor vulputate quam, sed condimentum est elementum vel."
msgstr "Sed molestie ipsum nec eros sagittis dignissim. Donec elit nibh, laoreet et hendrerit sit amet, dapibus sed nibh. Etiam blandit mauris ac lacinia viverra. Quisque molestie interdum ante id tincidunt. Aenean nec dictum massa, id semper leo. Aenean faucibus at purus non sagittis. Morbi egestas tincidunt metus, at malesuada magna imperdiet et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam semper condimentum euismod. Nam ut mauris finibus, venenatis lacus vel, tempus arcu. Vestibulum porttitor vulputate quam, sed condimentum est elementum vel."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorclassic.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=194:
msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eu enim eu magna convallis accumsan sodales et metus. Quisque at metus id purus luctus aliquet. Proin venenatis arcu nec dolor dapibus, vitae ornare sapien volutpat. Nam magna leo, sollicitudin tincidunt imperdiet at, gravida eu massa. Vestibulum ex ligula, convallis at ante sit amet, tristique vehicula lectus. Donec consequat congue orci, ac cursus erat volutpat id. Duis fringilla tincidunt mauris, quis consequat neque egestas sit amet. Nam vitae ultricies nisi, a dictum urna. Quisque nunc dolor, vulputate a mollis quis, rutrum ut mi. Suspendisse sed lobortis nunc."
msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eu enim eu magna convallis accumsan sodales et metus. Quisque at metus id purus luctus aliquet. Proin venenatis arcu nec dolor dapibus, vitae ornare sapien volutpat. Nam magna leo, sollicitudin tincidunt imperdiet at, gravida eu massa. Vestibulum ex ligula, convallis at ante sit amet, tristique vehicula lectus. Donec consequat congue orci, ac cursus erat volutpat id. Duis fringilla tincidunt mauris, quis consequat neque egestas sit amet. Nam vitae ultricies nisi, a dictum urna. Quisque nunc dolor, vulputate a mollis quis, rutrum ut mi. Suspendisse sed lobortis nunc."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "This exploration is an ode to the brilliance that emerges from the Earth's core, encapsulated in the radiant shades of cobalt blue. Whether you're an art enthusiast or a science aficionado, join us as we delve into the captivating history and enduring significance of cobalt—a color that bridges the realms of artistic expression and scientific marvel."
msgstr "Penjelajahan ini adalah sebuah ode untuk kecemerlangan yang muncul dari inti Bumi, terbungkus dalam nuansa cerah biru kobalt. Apakah kamu seorang penggemar seni atau pecinta sains, bergabunglah dengan kami saat kita menyelami sejarah yang memikat dan signifikansi yang abadi dari kobalt—sebuah warna yang menjembatani ranah ekspresi artistik dan keajaiban ilmiah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "In \"Cobalt: Blue Brilliance from the Earth's Core,\" join us in unraveling this remarkable color's captivating history and enduring significance. Explore the artistic brilliance that cobalt has brought to cultures across the globe, from ancient civilizations to modern innovations. Dive into the scientific wonders unlocked by this elemental blue, revealing the intersections between art and technology."
msgstr "Dalam 'Cobalt: Blue Brilliance from the Earth's Core,' bergabunglah dengan kami dalam mengungkap sejarah menakjubkan dan makna abadi dari warna yang luar biasa ini. Jelajahi kecemerlangan artistik yang dibawa kobalt ke berbagai budaya di seluruh dunia, dari peradaban kuno hingga inovasi modern. Selami keajaiban ilmiah yang dibuka oleh biru elemental ini, mengungkap persimpangan antara seni dan teknologi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Unraveling the Enduring Significance:"
msgstr "Mengungkap Signifikansi yang Abadi:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Beyond its role in art, cobalt is a scientific wonder. With its magnetic properties and applications in technology, cobalt has become a key player in various industries, from electronics to medicine. The same element that provides the radiant blue hues in art also contributes to the development of cutting-edge technologies, showcasing the multifaceted nature of this remarkable element."
msgstr "Selain perannya dalam seni, kobalt adalah keajaiban ilmiah. Dengan sifat magnetiknya dan aplikasi dalam teknologi, kobalt telah menjadi pemain kunci di berbagai industri, dari elektronik hingga medis. Unsur yang sama yang memberikan nuansa biru yang cemerlang dalam seni juga berkontribusi pada pengembangan teknologi mutakhir, menunjukkan sifat multifaset dari unsur luar biasa ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Scientific Wonder:"
msgstr "Keajaiban Ilmiah:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Cobalt blue, known for its intense and enduring color, has left an indelible mark on the world of art. From traditional Chinese porcelain to the masterpieces of European painters, cobalt blue has been a medium of choice for artists seeking a color that captures the essence of the sky and sea. Its brilliance, depth, and stability make it a beloved pigment that has stood the test of time."
msgstr "Biru kobalt, yang dikenal karena warnanya yang intens dan tahan lama, telah meninggalkan jejak yang tak terhapuskan di dunia seni. Dari porselen Cina tradisional hingga karya agung pelukis Eropa, biru kobalt telah menjadi medium pilihan bagi para seniman yang mencari warna yang menangkap esensi langit dan laut. Kecemerlangan, kedalaman, dan stabilitasnya menjadikannya pigmen yang dicintai yang telah teruji oleh waktu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Artistic Brilliance:"
msgstr "Kecemerlangan Artistik:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Cobalt, a metallic element with a distinctive deep blue color, holds within it the secrets of the Earth's core. Extracted from cobalt ores, this radiant hue has been prized for centuries for its ability to infuse art and industry with a brilliance that transcends the ordinary. The natural beauty of cobalt blue is a testament to the geological processes that give rise to this captivating color."
msgstr "Cobalt, elemen logam dengan warna biru tua yang khas, menyimpan rahasia inti Bumi di dalamnya. Diekstraksi dari bijih kobalt, warna yang bercahaya ini telah dihargai selama berabad-abad karena kemampuannya untuk memberikan seni dan industri kilau yang melampaui yang biasa. Keindahan alami biru kobalt adalah bukti dari proses geologis yang melahirkan warna yang memikat ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "The Earth's Blue Essence:"
msgstr "Esensi Biru Bumi:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "In the diverse realm of Rocks, Minerals, Twigs, and Bugs, there exists a color that emanates brilliance from the very heart of the Earth – Cobalt. Unveil the captivating history and enduring significance of this striking hue, a color steeped in both artistic brilliance and scientific wonder, as we journey into the realms where earth's secrets converge with vibrant shades of blue."
msgstr "Dalam dunia yang beragam dari Batu, Mineral, Dahan, dan Serangga, ada sebuah warna yang memancarkan keindahan dari jantung Bumi – Kobalt. Ungkap sejarah yang menawan dan makna abadi dari warna mencolok ini, sebuah warna yang terbenam dalam keindahan artistik dan keajaiban ilmiah, saat kita menjelajahi alam di mana rahasia bumi bertemu dengan nuansa biru yang cerah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Unveil the captivating history and enduring significance of cobalt, a color steeped in both artistic brilliance and scientific wonder."
msgstr "Ungkap sejarah yang memikat dan signifikansi yang abadi dari kobalt, sebuah warna yang terbenam dalam keindahan artistik dan keajaiban ilmiah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Cobalt or the Blue Brilliance from the Earth's
msgstr "Kobalt atau Keberanian Biru dari Inti Bumi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "This exploration is an invitation to step back in time, to the banks of the Nile, where artisans blended earth and fire to create a hue that transcended the material world. Join us as we unveil the sacred significance and enduring allure of Egyptian Blue—a journey into the heart of ancient artistry and the mystical connection between color, culture, and the divine."
msgstr "Penjelajahan ini adalah undangan untuk melangkah mundur dalam waktu, ke tepi Sungai Nil, di mana para pengrajin menggabungkan tanah dan api untuk menciptakan warna yang melampaui dunia material. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami mengungkap makna sakral dan daya tarik abadi dari Biru Mesir—sebuah perjalanan ke jantung seni kuno dan hubungan mistis antara warna, budaya, dan yang ilahi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "In \"Egyptian Blue: A Journey through Ancient Artistry,\" join us in unraveling the historical odyssey of this mesmerizing pigment. Explore the sacred context in which Egyptian Blue was employed, understanding its role in religious ceremonies, burial practices, and daily life. Witness the artistic expressions it adorned, from the serene faces of deities to the vibrant scenes of everyday existence."
msgstr "Dalam 'Egyptian Blue: A Journey through Ancient Artistry,' bergabunglah dengan kami dalam mengungkap odyssey sejarah dari pigmen yang mempesona ini. Jelajahi konteks sakral di mana Egyptian Blue digunakan, memahami perannya dalam upacara keagamaan, praktik pemakaman, dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Saksikan ekspresi artistik yang dihiasinya, dari wajah dewa yang tenang hingga adegan hidup sehari-hari yang penuh warna."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "Unveiling the Odyssey:"
msgstr "Mengungkap Odisei:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "The creation of Egyptian Blue was an artistic feat that showcased the advanced knowledge of ancient Egyptian artisans. Its synthesis required a deep understanding of chemistry and alchemy, making it not just a pigment but a symbol of the intertwined mastery of art and science. As the vibrant blue pigment emerged from the kilns, it transformed ordinary materials into objects of profound beauty and cultural significance."
msgstr "Penciptaan Biru Mesir adalah prestasi artistik yang menunjukkan pengetahuan maju para pengrajin Mesir kuno. Sintesisnya memerlukan pemahaman mendalam tentang kimia dan alkimia, menjadikannya bukan hanya pigmen tetapi simbol dari penguasaan seni dan sains yang saling terkait. Saat pigmen biru yang cerah muncul dari tungku, ia mengubah bahan-bahan biasa menjadi objek yang memiliki keindahan mendalam dan signifikansi budaya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "Artistic Mastery:"
msgstr "Penguasaan Artistik:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "Despite the passage of millennia, the allure of Egyptian Blue has not dimmed. Its radiant and captivating hue has retained its vibrancy, echoing through time as a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of ancient Egyptian artists. The longevity of Egyptian Blue-painted artifacts, from pottery to frescoes, attests to the enduring quality of this pigment."
msgstr "Meski sudah ribuan tahun berlalu, daya tarik Biru Mesir tidak pudar. Warna yang bercahaya dan memikat ini tetap mempertahankan kecerahannya, bergema sepanjang waktu sebagai bukti keterampilan dan kerajinan seniman Mesir kuno. Ketahanan artefak yang dicat dengan Biru Mesir, dari tembikar hingga fresco, membuktikan kualitas abadi dari pigmen ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "Enduring Allure:"
msgstr "Pesona yang Abadi:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "Egyptian Blue is not merely a color; it is a symbol of divine connection in the ancient world. Created by heating a mixture of quartz sand, copper, and alkaline compounds, this striking blue pigment adorned the tombs of pharaohs and sacred objects. Its use was not just artistic; it held a spiritual significance, representing the heavens and the eternal cycle of life and death."
msgstr "Egyptian Blue bukan sekadar warna; itu adalah simbol koneksi ilahi di dunia kuno. Diciptakan dengan memanaskan campuran pasir kuarsa, tembaga, dan senyawa alkali, pigmen biru yang mencolok ini menghiasi makam para firaun dan objek-objek suci. Penggunaannya bukan hanya bersifat artistik; itu memiliki makna spiritual, mewakili langit dan siklus abadi kehidupan dan kematian."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "The Sacred Significance:"
msgstr "Makna Suci:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "In the expansive canvas of Earth and Fire, one pigment stands as a testament to the mastery of ancient artistry – Egyptian Blue. Embark on a historical odyssey as we unveil the sacred significance and enduring allure of this mesmerizing pigment that graced the artworks of ancient Egypt, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of human creativity."
msgstr "Dalam kanvas luas Bumi dan Api, satu pigmen berdiri sebagai bukti keahlian seni kuno – Biru Mesir. Mulailah odyssey sejarah saat kita mengungkap makna sakral dan daya tarik abadi dari pigmen mempesona ini yang menghiasi karya seni Mesir kuno, meninggalkan jejak yang tak terhapuskan pada permadani kreativitas manusia."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "Embark on a historical odyssey, unveiling the sacred significance and enduring allure of the mesmerizing Egyptian Blue pigment."
msgstr "Mulailah odyssey sejarah, mengungkapkan makna suci dan daya tarik abadi dari pigmen Biru Mesir yang mempesona."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
msgid "Egyptian Blue: A Journey through
Ancient Artistry"
msgstr "Biru Mesir: Sebuah Perjalanan Melalui Seni Kuno"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "This exploration is a celebration of the unexpected beauty found in nature's smallest inhabitants—a reminder that even the tiniest creatures can leave a profound impact on the world of color and art. Join us as we uncover the secrets of Cochineal, Nature's Scarlet Secret, and embark on a journey through the surprising and colorful tapestry woven by these small, unassuming insects."
msgstr "Penjelajahan ini adalah perayaan keindahan tak terduga yang ditemukan di penghuni terkecil alam—sebuah pengingat bahwa bahkan makhluk terkecil pun bisa meninggalkan dampak yang mendalam pada dunia warna dan seni. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami mengungkap rahasia Cochineal, Rahasia Merah Alam, dan memulai perjalanan melalui permadani mengejutkan dan berwarna yang ditenun oleh serangga kecil yang tidak mencolok ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "In \"Cochineal: Nature's Scarlet Secret,\" we invite you to explore the surprising world of this vivid colorant. Delve into the historical and cultural significance of Cochineal, understanding its role in trade, art, and even as a symbol of status. Witness the captivating process that transforms a tiny insect into a source of vibrant and enduring color."
msgstr "Dalam \"Cochineal: Rahasia Merah Alam,\" kami mengundangmu untuk menjelajahi dunia mengejutkan dari pewarna cerah ini. Selami makna sejarah dan budaya dari Cochineal, memahami perannya dalam perdagangan, seni, dan bahkan sebagai simbol status. Saksikan proses menawan yang mengubah serangga kecil menjadi sumber warna yang cerah dan tahan lama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Exploring Nature's Scarlet Secret:"
msgstr "Menjelajahi Rahasia Merah Alam:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Cochineal's journey from bug to brilliant scarlet involves a unique alchemical process. By carefully harvesting, drying, and crushing the insects, artists and dyers can extract a pigment that ranges from soft pinks to deep reds. The versatility of Cochineal as a dye has made it a sought-after material for textiles, paintings, and various artistic endeavors."
msgstr "Perjalanan Cochineal dari serangga menjadi merah cerah melibatkan proses alkimia yang unik. Dengan hati-hati memanen, mengeringkan, dan menghancurkan serangga, para seniman dan pengrajin dapat mengekstrak pigmen yang berkisar dari merah muda lembut hingga merah tua. Fleksibilitas Cochineal sebagai pewarna telah menjadikannya bahan yang dicari untuk tekstil, lukisan, dan berbagai usaha seni."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Artistic Alchemy:"
msgstr "Alkimia Artistik:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Journey with us as we unravel the intriguing tales hidden within the vibrant depths of Cochineal. From its ancient use by indigenous cultures to its introduction to European markets, Cochineal carries a narrative that spans continents and centuries. The insect's transformation into a colorant reveals the delicate dance between nature's creations and human ingenuity."
msgstr "Perjalanan bersama kami saat kami mengungkap kisah menarik yang tersembunyi di dalam kedalaman cerah Cochineal. Dari penggunaannya yang kuno oleh budaya pribumi hingga perkenalannya di pasar Eropa, Cochineal membawa narasi yang melintasi benua dan abad. Transformasi serangga ini menjadi pewarna mengungkapkan tarian halus antara ciptaan alam dan kecerdikan manusia."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Revealing Intriguing Tales:"
msgstr "Mengungkap Kisah Menarik:"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Cochineal, a color derived from tiny-scale insects, challenges preconceptions and unveils the unexpected beauty that nature can provide. Harvested from the cochineal bug native to South America and Mexico, this scarlet pigment has been a well-kept secret in the world of natural dyes, surprising artists and enthusiasts with its vivid and captivating hue."
msgstr "Cochineal, warna yang berasal dari serangga bersisik kecil, menantang prasangka dan mengungkapkan keindahan tak terduga yang bisa diberikan oleh alam. Dipanen dari bug cochineal yang berasal dari Amerika Selatan dan Meksiko, pigmen merah ini telah menjadi rahasia yang terjaga dengan baik di dunia pewarna alami, mengejutkan seniman dan penggemar dengan nuansanya yang cerah dan memikat."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "The Unlikely Source:"
msgstr "Sumber yang Tidak Terduga:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "In the captivating realm of Rocks, Minerals, Twigs, and Bugs, a surprising world of color exists, concealed within an unexpected source – Cochineal. Nature's Scarlet Secret, this vibrant hue holds within it intriguing tales hidden within its depths. Join us on a journey into the surprising world of Cochineal, where the unexpected becomes a source of rich, vibrant color and stories waiting to be unveiled."
msgstr "Dalam dunia yang memikat dari Batu, Mineral, Dahan, dan Serangga, ada dunia warna yang mengejutkan, tersembunyi dalam sumber yang tak terduga – Kermes. Rahasia Merah Alam, warna cerah ini menyimpan kisah-kisah menarik yang tersembunyi di dalam kedalamannya. Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam perjalanan ke dunia mengejutkan Kermes, di mana yang tak terduga menjadi sumber warna yang kaya dan cerah serta cerita yang menunggu untuk diungkap."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Journey into the surprising world of Cochineal, a color derived from an unexpected source, revealing the intriguing tales hidden within its vibrant depths."
msgstr "Perjalanan ke dunia mengejutkan Cochineal, warna yang berasal dari sumber yang tak terduga, mengungkapkan kisah-kisah menarik yang tersembunyi di dalam kedalaman yang berwarna-warni."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
msgid "Cochineal and the Nature's Scarlet Secret"
msgstr "Cochineal dan Rahasia Merah Alam"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Join us on a journey through the annals of history, where Tyrian Purple draped the shoulders of rulers and dignitaries, leaving an indelible mark on the pages of time. This exploration is an ode to the royal elegance encapsulated within the depths of a simple marine shell—a hue that transcends its humble origins to embody the grandeur of a bygone era."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam perjalanan melalui catatan sejarah, di mana Ungu Tyrian menyelimuti bahu para penguasa dan pejabat, meninggalkan jejak yang tak terhapuskan di halaman waktu. Penjelajahan ini adalah sebuah ode untuk keanggunan kerajaan yang terkurung dalam kedalaman cangkang laut yang sederhana—sebuah warna yang melampaui asal-usulnya yang sederhana untuk mewujudkan kemegahan era yang telah berlalu."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "In \"Tyrian Purple: Royal Elegance in a Shell,\" we invite you to uncover the luxurious tales woven into this captivating hue. Explore the historical significance of Tyrian Purple as a marker of nobility and divine favor. Delve into the fascinating process that transforms humble marine snails into purveyors of a color that has stood the test of time."
msgstr "Dalam 'Tyrian Purple: Royal Elegance in a Shell,' kami mengundangmu untuk mengungkap kisah-kisah mewah yang terjalin dalam warna yang memikat ini. Jelajahi signifikansi historis dari Tyrian Purple sebagai penanda kebangsawanan dan restu ilahi. Selami proses menarik yang mengubah siput laut yang sederhana menjadi penyedia warna yang telah teruji oleh waktu."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Luxurious Tales Unveiled:"
msgstr "Pengantar Kisah Mewah:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Creating Tyrian Purple is a laborious and intricate process that involves harvesting the elusive Murex snails, extracting their glandular secretions, and subjecting them to sunlight to produce the vibrant purple hue. This meticulous and time-consuming process contributed to the rarity and exclusivity of Tyrian Purple, enhancing its allure and elevating its status to that of a luxury reserved for the elite."
msgstr "Menciptakan Tyrian Purple adalah proses yang melelahkan dan rumit yang melibatkan pengumpulan siput Murex yang sulit ditemukan, mengekstrak sekresi kelenjar mereka, dan menghadapkannya ke sinar matahari untuk menghasilkan warna ungu yang cerah. Proses yang teliti dan memakan waktu ini berkontribusi pada kelangkaan dan eksklusivitas Tyrian Purple, meningkatkan daya tariknya dan mengangkat statusnya menjadi barang mewah yang diperuntukkan bagi kalangan elit."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "The Captivating Process:"
msgstr "Proses yang Menarik:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Tyrian Purple, often called \"purple gold,\" owes its regal status to its rich history as a symbol of prestige and luxury. Derived from the secretions of marine snails, particularly the Murex shell, this majestic hue became synonymous with royalty in ancient civilizations. From the Phoenicians to the Romans, Tyrian Purple adorned the robes of kings and emperors, symbolizing power, wealth, and sophistication."
msgstr "Tyrian Purple, yang sering disebut \"emas ungu,\" berutang status kerajaannya pada sejarahnya yang kaya sebagai simbol prestise dan kemewahan. Diambil dari sekresi siput laut, khususnya cangkang Murex, warna megah ini menjadi identik dengan kerajaan di peradaban kuno. Dari orang Fenisia hingga Romawi, Tyrian Purple menghiasi jubah raja dan kaisar, melambangkan kekuasaan, kekayaan, dan kecanggihan."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "The Essence of Royal Splendor:"
msgstr "Inti dari Kemewahan Kerajaan:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "In the eclectic realm of Rocks, Minerals, Twigs, and Bugs, one hue emerges as a symbol of opulence and regal elegance – Tyrian Purple. Historically reserved for nobility, this luxurious color is steeped in captivating tales of its creation, encapsulating a regal history that transcends the realms of rocks, minerals, and the tiny creatures that contribute to its creation. Join us as we uncover the regal history and captivating process behind Tyrian Purple, a hue that whispers tales of royalty and timeless sophistication."
msgstr "Dalam dunia eklektik Batu, Mineral, Dahan, dan Serangga, satu warna muncul sebagai simbol kemewahan dan keanggunan kerajaan – Ungu Tyrian. Secara historis diperuntukkan bagi bangsawan, warna mewah ini dipenuhi dengan kisah-kisah menarik tentang penciptaannya, merangkum sejarah kerajaan yang melampaui dunia batu, mineral, dan makhluk kecil yang berkontribusi pada penciptaannya. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami mengungkap sejarah kerajaan dan proses menarik di balik Ungu Tyrian, sebuah warna yang membisikkan kisah-kisah tentang kerajaan dan kecanggihan yang abadi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Uncover the regal history and captivating process behind Tyrian Purple, a hue historically reserved for nobility, steeped in luxurious tales of its creation."
msgstr "Ungkap sejarah megah dan proses menawan di balik Tyrian Purple, sebuah warna yang secara historis diperuntukkan bagi bangsawan, yang dipenuhi dengan kisah-kisah mewah tentang penciptaannya."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
msgid "Tyrian Purple — Royal Elegance in a Shell"
msgstr "Tyrian Purple — Keanggunan Kerajaan dalam Cangkang"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "This exploration is an ode to the enduring legacy of Red Ocher—a color that connects us to our primal roots, reminding us of the boundless creativity that has flowed through humanity since time immemorial. Join us as we navigate the depths of Earth's crimson canvas, discovering the stories told by Red Ocher and the echoes of our earliest creative expressions."
msgstr "Penjelajahan ini adalah sebuah ode untuk warisan abadi Oker Merah—sebuah warna yang menghubungkan kita dengan akar primitif kita, mengingatkan kita akan kreativitas tanpa batas yang telah mengalir melalui umat manusia sejak zaman purba. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami menjelajahi kedalaman kanvas merah bumi, menemukan cerita yang diceritakan oleh Oker Merah dan gema dari ekspresi kreatif awal kita."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "In \"Red Ocher: Earth's Crimson Canvas,\" we invite you to dive into the rich history and artistic significance of this elemental color. Explore the geological processes that give rise to Red Ocher, unravel its symbolic power in ancient rituals, and witness its enduring impact on modern artistic expressions."
msgstr "Dalam 'Red Ocher: Earth's Crimson Canvas,' kami mengundangmu untuk menyelami sejarah yang kaya dan makna artistik dari warna elemental ini. Jelajahi proses geologis yang melahirkan Red Ocher, ungkap kekuatan simboliknya dalam ritual kuno, dan saksikan dampak abadi pada ekspresi artistik modern."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Diving into the Crimson Canvas:"
msgstr "Menyelam ke dalam Kanvas Merah:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Beyond its primal roots, Red Ocher has maintained its artistic significance through the ages. It has been utilized by ancient civilizations, revered by indigenous cultures, and embraced by contemporary artists seeking a connection to our artistic origins. Its warm, earthy tones evoke a sense of grounding and authenticity, making it a timeless choice for those seeking to infuse their creations with a touch of primal energy."
msgstr "Di luar akar primitifnya, Red Ocher telah mempertahankan signifikansi artistiknya sepanjang zaman. Ini telah digunakan oleh peradaban kuno, dihormati oleh budaya pribumi, dan diterima oleh seniman kontemporer yang mencari koneksi dengan asal-usul artistik kita. Nuansa hangat dan alami ini membangkitkan rasa ketenangan dan keaslian, menjadikannya pilihan yang abadi bagi mereka yang ingin menyuntikkan sentuhan energi primitif ke dalam kreasi mereka."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Artistic Significance:"
msgstr "Signifikansi Artistik:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "The use of Red Ocher predates written history, taking us back to a time when early humans expressed themselves through the raw materials provided by the Earth. Used in cave paintings dating thousands of years, Red Ocher was a medium for storytelling, a tool for communication, and a conduit for expressing the human experience in its rawest form."
msgstr "Penggunaan Oker Merah sudah ada sebelum sejarah tertulis, membawa kita kembali ke zaman ketika manusia purba mengekspresikan diri mereka melalui bahan mentah yang disediakan oleh Bumi. Digunakan dalam lukisan gua yang berusia ribuan tahun, Oker Merah adalah medium untuk bercerita, alat untuk komunikasi, dan saluran untuk mengekspresikan pengalaman manusia dalam bentuknya yang paling mentah."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Primal Roots:"
msgstr "Primal Roots:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Red Ocher, born from the earth's mineral-rich soils, holds within it the very essence of our planet's palette. Its deep red hues, ranging from earthy terracotta to fiery crimson, have adorned the earliest canvases of human existence. Cave paintings, pottery, and ceremonial artifacts bear witness to Red Ocher's foundational role in our artistic evolution."
msgstr "Merah Oker, yang lahir dari tanah yang kaya mineral, menyimpan dalam dirinya esensi dari palet planet kita. Nuansa merahnya yang dalam, mulai dari terracotta yang earthy hingga crimson yang membara, telah menghiasi kanvas awal keberadaan manusia. Lukisan gua, tembikar, dan artefak upacara menjadi saksi peran dasar Merah Oker dalam evolusi artistik kita."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "The Essence of Earth's Palette:"
msgstr "Esensi Palet Bumi:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "In the vast tapestry of Earth and Fire, Red Ocher is one color that is a testament to our primal creativity. A hue that echoes the essence of our earliest expressions paints Earth's canvas with a deep, resonant crimson. Join us as we dive into Red Ocher's primal roots and artistic significance, exploring the captivating story woven within its earthly tones."
msgstr "Dalam permadani luas Bumi dan Api, Oker Merah adalah satu warna yang menjadi bukti kreativitas primitif kita. Sebuah nuansa yang menggema esensi dari ekspresi awal kita melukis kanvas Bumi dengan merah tua yang dalam dan bergema. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kita menyelami akar primitif Oker Merah dan signifikansi artistiknya, menjelajahi kisah menawan yang terjalin dalam nada-nada bumi ini."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Dive into the primal roots and artistic significance of Red Ocher, a color that embodies the essence of our earliest creative expressions."
msgstr "Selami akar primitif dan signifikansi artistik dari Oker Merah, sebuah warna yang mewakili esensi dari ekspresi kreatif kita yang paling awal."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16:
msgid "Red Ocher: Earth's Crimson Canvas"
msgstr "Merah Oker: Kanvas Merah Bumi"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Discover the myriad facets of orange, from its visual warmth to its deep cultural roots. Uncover its allure in art, its impact on culture, and its dynamic presence in the world of design. \"Vibrant Visions\" awaits, promising an exploration into the captivating essence of orange – a color that transcends the ordinary and paints the world with its vivid, energetic strokes."
msgstr "Temukan berbagai aspek dari oranye, dari kehangatan visualnya hingga akar budayanya yang dalam. Ungkap daya tariknya dalam seni, dampaknya pada budaya, dan kehadirannya yang dinamis di dunia desain. \"Vibrant Visions\" menanti, menjanjikan eksplorasi ke dalam esensi oranye yang memikat – sebuah warna yang melampaui yang biasa dan melukis dunia dengan goresan yang cerah dan energik."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "In \"Vibrant Visions: Exploring the Essence of Orange,\" we invite you to unravel the secrets behind this dynamic hue. Delve into the psychological effects of orange on the human mind, its historical significance in various cultures, and its transformative power in design. Witness how this color has become a canvas for expression, a bridge between tradition and innovation."
msgstr "Dalam 'Visi Berwarna: Menjelajahi Esensi Oranye,' kami mengundangmu untuk mengungkap rahasia di balik warna dinamis ini. Selami efek psikologis oranye pada pikiran manusia, signifikansi historisnya dalam berbagai budaya, dan kekuatan transformasinya dalam desain. Saksikan bagaimana warna ini telah menjadi kanvas untuk ekspresi, jembatan antara tradisi dan inovasi."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Unveiling the Secrets:"
msgstr "Mengungkap Rahasia:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Artists, designers, and creators alike have harnessed the power of orange to evoke emotion and create bold statements. From the canvases of master painters to the sleek designs of modern interiors, orange has played a pivotal role in shaping aesthetics. Explore the impact of this color on various artistic movements, from the avant-garde to the contemporary."
msgstr "Seniman, desainer, dan kreator sama-sama telah memanfaatkan kekuatan oranye untuk membangkitkan emosi dan menciptakan pernyataan yang berani. Dari kanvas pelukis master hingga desain ramping interior modern, oranye telah memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk estetika. Jelajahi dampak warna ini pada berbagai gerakan seni, dari avant-garde hingga kontemporer."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Impact on Art, Culture, and Design:"
msgstr "Dampak pada Seni, Budaya, dan Desain:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Beyond its visual appeal, orange is a color steeped in symbolism. It represents energy, enthusiasm, and creativity. The vibrant hue symbolizes change and transition, capturing the dynamic spirit that propels us forward. From cultural festivities to artistic expression, orange weaves a narrative transcending geographical and cultural boundaries."
msgstr "Selain daya tarik visualnya, oranye adalah warna yang kaya akan simbolisme. Itu melambangkan energi, antusiasme, dan kreativitas. Nuansa cerah ini melambangkan perubahan dan transisi, menangkap semangat dinamis yang mendorong kita maju. Dari perayaan budaya hingga ekspresi artistik, oranye menjalin narasi yang melampaui batas geografis dan budaya."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Symbolism Woven in Hues:"
msgstr "Simbolisme yang Dijahit dalam Warna:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Orange, with its radiant glow, immediately invokes a sense of warmth. It's the color of sunsets, autumn leaves, and the cozy embrace of a crackling fire. As a visual experience, orange captures the essence of heat and radiance, infusing spaces with a vitality that transcends the visual spectrum."
msgstr "Jingga, dengan cahaya cemerlangnya, langsung membangkitkan rasa hangat. Ini adalah warna matahari terbenam, daun musim gugur, dan pelukan nyaman dari api yang berderak. Sebagai pengalaman visual, jingga menangkap esensi panas dan cahaya, mengisi ruang dengan vitalitas yang melampaui spektrum visual."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "The Warmth of Orange:"
msgstr "Kehangatan Oranye:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "In the kaleidoscope of Modern Colors, one hue bursts forth with unparalleled energy and vibrancy – Orange. A color that radiates warmth, carries profound symbolism and leaves an indelible mark on art, culture, and design. Join us as we embark on a journey to discover the captivating allure of orange, unveiling the secrets behind this dynamic hue."
msgstr "Dalam kaleidoskop Warna Modern, satu warna muncul dengan energi dan kecerahan yang tak tertandingi – Oranye. Sebuah warna yang memancarkan kehangatan, membawa simbolisme yang mendalam, dan meninggalkan jejak yang tak terhapuskan pada seni, budaya, dan desain. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami memulai perjalanan untuk menemukan daya tarik menawan dari oranye, mengungkap rahasia di balik warna dinamis ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Discover the captivating allure of orange - its warmth, symbolism, and impact on art, culture, and design. Unveil the secrets behind this dynamic hue."
msgstr "Temukan daya tarik menawan dari oranye - kehangatannya, simbolismenya, dan dampaknya pada seni, budaya, dan desain. Ungkap rahasia di balik warna dinamis ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
msgid "Vibrant Visions: Exploring
the Essence of Orange"
msgstr "Visi Berwarna: Menjelajahi Esensi Oranye"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "\"Yellow Ocher: Harnessing the Sun's Glow in Art\" invites you to embrace the luminosity of this golden pigment. Whether you're an artist seeking inspiration, a history enthusiast tracing the roots of creativity, or simply captivated by the brilliance of earth's golden treasure, join us on this exploration of Yellow Ocher—a radiant chapter in the ever-evolving story of color."
msgstr "Yellow Ocher: Harnessing the Sun's Glow in Art\" mengajakmu untuk merangkul luminositas pigmen emas ini. Apakah kamu seorang seniman yang mencari inspirasi, seorang penggemar sejarah yang menelusuri akar kreativitas, atau sekadar terpesona oleh keindahan harta emas bumi, bergabunglah dengan kami dalam eksplorasi Yellow Ocher—sebuah bab yang bersinar dalam kisah warna yang terus berkembang."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Join us as we delve into the world of Yellow Ocher, exploring the artistic mastery and historical significance of this earthy pigment. From the ochre mines to the artist's palette, each step in the journey reveals the magical transformation of earth into art, capturing the sun's warmth in every stroke."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami menyelami dunia Kuning Oker, menjelajahi keahlian artistik dan signifikansi historis dari pigmen bumi ini. Dari tambang oker hingga palet seniman, setiap langkah dalam perjalanan ini mengungkapkan transformasi ajaib dari bumi menjadi seni, menangkap kehangatan matahari di setiap goresan."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Exploring the Golden Threads:"
msgstr "Mengeksplorasi Benang Emas:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "What sets Yellow Ocher apart is its timeless utilization across diverse artistic movements. Whether used by ancient civilizations to adorn ceremonial artifacts or by modern artists experimenting with avant-garde techniques, Yellow Ocher remains a symbol of creativity and a bridge between the ancient and contemporary worlds."
msgstr "Apa yang membedakan Yellow Ocher adalah pemanfaatannya yang abadi di berbagai gerakan seni. Baik digunakan oleh peradaban kuno untuk menghias artefak upacara atau oleh seniman modern yang bereksperimen dengan teknik avant-garde, Yellow Ocher tetap menjadi simbol kreativitas dan jembatan antara dunia kuno dan kontemporer."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Timeless Utilization:"
msgstr "Pemanfaatan Abadi:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "The history of Yellow Ocher in art is as rich as its color. From the cave paintings of prehistoric times to the masterpieces of the Renaissance, Yellow Ocher has graced the palettes of artists throughout the ages. Its warm, golden tones bring vibrancy to landscapes, depth to portraiture, and a sense of warmth to the works of those who seek to harness the sun's glow in their creations."
msgstr "Sejarah Oker Kuning dalam seni sekuat warnanya. Dari lukisan gua zaman prasejarah hingga karya-karya agung Renaisans, Oker Kuning telah menghiasi palet para seniman sepanjang zaman. Nuansa hangat dan keemasan ini membawa keceriaan pada pemandangan, kedalaman pada potret, dan rasa kehangatan pada karya-karya mereka yang berusaha menangkap cahaya matahari dalam kreasi mereka."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Artistic Prowess:"
msgstr "Keahlian Artistik:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Yellow Ocher is more than just a pigment; it's a testament to the alchemy of nature. Extracted from ochre clay, artists have used this golden-hued earth pigment for centuries, its warm tones reflecting the beauty of sunlight captured in the very substance of the earth."
msgstr "Yellow Ocher lebih dari sekadar pigmen; itu adalah bukti alkimia alam. Diekstrak dari tanah ochre, para seniman telah menggunakan pigmen tanah berwarna emas ini selama berabad-abad, nuansa hangatnya mencerminkan keindahan sinar matahari yang terperangkap dalam substansi bumi itu sendiri."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Earth's Golden Treasure:"
msgstr "Harta Karun Emas Bumi:"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "In the vast palette of Earth and Fire, one color stands out like the sun itself—Yellow Ocher. This radiant hue, derived from the very earth beneath our feet, holds within it the essence of the sun's glow. Join us on a journey as we unravel the golden threads of Yellow Ocher, exploring its artistic prowess and timeless utilization in the realm of colors."
msgstr "Dalam palet luas Bumi dan Api, satu warna menonjol seperti matahari itu sendiri—Kuning Oker. Nuansa bercahaya ini, yang berasal dari tanah di bawah kaki kita, menyimpan dalamnya esensi cahaya matahari. Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam perjalanan saat kami mengungkap benang emas Kuning Oker, menjelajahi keahlian artistiknya dan pemanfaatan abadi di dunia warna."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Unravel the golden threads of Yellow Ocher, exploring its artistic prowess and timeless utilization in the realm of colors."
msgstr "Jelajahi benang emas dari Yellow Ocher, mengeksplorasi keahlian artistiknya dan pemanfaatan abadi di dunia warna."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20:
msgid "Harnessing the Sun's Glow in Art
with Yellow Ocher"
msgstr "Menggunakan Cahaya Matahari dalam Seni dengan Oker Kuning"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Earth and Fire"
msgstr "Earth and Fire"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10:
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "earth-and-fire"
msgstr "bumi-dan-api"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "\"Greek White: Radiance from the Aegean Shores\" beckons you to immerse yourself in the luminous world of this timeless color. Whether you're an art enthusiast, a history buff, or someone captivated by the enduring allure of classical aesthetics, join us as we unravel the layers of meaning woven into Greek White, a radiant legacy from the shores of the Aegean."
msgstr "Greek White: Radiance from the Aegean Shores\" mengajak kamu untuk terjun ke dalam dunia bercahaya dari warna abadi ini. Apakah kamu seorang penggemar seni, penggila sejarah, atau seseorang yang terpesona oleh daya tarik abadi dari estetika klasik, bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami mengungkap lapisan makna yang terjalin dalam Greek White, sebuah warisan bercahaya dari pantai Aegean."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "In this exploration, we invite you to discover Greek White's cultural and artistic significance. Journey through the sunlit landscapes of ancient Greece, where marble quarries yielded the raw materials for masterpieces. Explore the symbolism embedded in every stroke of white paint, reflecting the ideals of a civilization that celebrated beauty, balance, and the pursuit of the sublime."
msgstr "Dalam eksplorasi ini, kami mengundangmu untuk menemukan makna budaya dan artistik dari Greek White. Berjalanlah melalui lanskap bercahaya matahari di Yunani kuno, di mana tambang marmer menghasilkan bahan mentah untuk karya-karya agung. Jelajahi simbolisme yang tertanam dalam setiap goresan cat putih, mencerminkan cita-cita sebuah peradaban yang merayakan keindahan, keseimbangan, dan pencarian yang luhur."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Discovering the Legacy"
msgstr "Menemukan Warisan"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "The elegance of Greek White extends beyond the ancient world, leaving a lasting imprint on the collective memory of art and design. Its timeless appeal has inspired artists throughout the ages, from the Renaissance to neoclassical movements, each era adding its own layer to the narrative of this enduring color."
msgstr "Keanggunan Putih Yunani melampaui dunia kuno, meninggalkan jejak yang abadi dalam ingatan kolektif seni dan desain. Daya tariknya yang tak lekang oleh waktu telah menginspirasi para seniman sepanjang zaman, dari Renaisans hingga gerakan neoklasik, setiap era menambahkan lapisan tersendiri pada narasi warna yang bertahan lama ini."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Echoes of Elegance"
msgstr "Gemuruh Keanggunan"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "At the heart of Greek art and architecture, Greek White played a pivotal role. It adorned iconic structures such as the Parthenon, highlighting the architectural mastery of the time. The statues of gods and goddesses, carved with meticulous detail, were brought to life by the radiant white marble, infusing them with a sense of ethereal beauty and divine presence."
msgstr "Di jantung seni dan arsitektur Yunani, Greek White memainkan peran yang sangat penting. Itu menghiasi struktur ikonik seperti Parthenon, menyoroti keahlian arsitektur pada masa itu. Patung-patung dewa dan dewi, yang diukir dengan detail yang teliti, dihidupkan oleh marmer putih yang bersinar, memberikan mereka rasa keindahan yang ethereal dan kehadiran ilahi."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Artistic Significance"
msgstr "Signifikansi Artistik"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Greek White is not merely a color; it is a reflection of the cultural brilliance that emanated from the ancient Aegean shores. In the world of ancient Greece, this radiant white hue adorned temples, sculptures, and pottery, creating a visual language that spoke of purity, divinity, and the pursuit of aesthetic perfection."
msgstr "Putih Yunani bukan sekadar warna; itu adalah refleksi dari kecemerlangan budaya yang berasal dari pantai Aegea kuno. Di dunia Yunani kuno, nuansa putih yang bersinar ini menghiasi kuil, patung, dan tembikar, menciptakan bahasa visual yang berbicara tentang kemurnian, keilahian, dan pencarian kesempurnaan estetika."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "The Cultural Tapestry"
msgstr "Jalinan Budaya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "In the realm of Earth and Fire, a color transcends time, echoing the elegance and purity of ancient Grecian art and architecture – Greek White. This pristine hue, born from the sun-drenched landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of Greece, holds within it a profound significance in both the artistic and historical realms."
msgstr "Dalam ranah Bumi dan Api, sebuah warna melampaui waktu, menggema keanggunan dan kemurnian seni dan arsitektur Yunani kuno – Putih Yunani. Nuansa murni ini, lahir dari lanskap yang disinari matahari dan kekayaan budaya Yunani, menyimpan makna yang mendalam baik dalam ranah seni maupun sejarah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Discover the cultural and artistic significance of Greek White, a color that echoes the elegance and purity of ancient Grecian art and architecture."
msgstr "Temukan makna budaya dan artistik dari Greek White, sebuah warna yang menggema keanggunan dan kemurnian seni dan arsitektur Yunani kuno."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22:
msgid "Greek White and the radiance from the
Aegean Shores"
msgstr "Putih Yunani dan cahaya dari Pantai Aegean"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Modern Colors"
msgstr "Warna Modern"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18:
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "modern-colors"
msgstr "warna-modern"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "In this exploration, we invite you to uncover emerald's mesmerizing history and rich symbolism. Journey through the annals of time to understand how this captivating green hue has woven itself into the fabric of human culture and creativity. Delve into the world of gemology, exploring the geological processes that give rise to these precious stones and their vibrant, envy-inducing color."
msgstr "Dalam eksplorasi ini, kami mengundang kamu untuk mengungkap sejarah zamrud yang mempesona dan simbolismenya yang kaya. Berjalanlah melalui catatan waktu untuk memahami bagaimana warna hijau yang menawan ini telah terjalin dalam kain budaya dan kreativitas manusia. Selami dunia gemologi, menjelajahi proses geologis yang melahirkan batu-batu berharga ini dan warna mereka yang cerah, yang memicu rasa iri."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Uncovering the Secrets"
msgstr "Mengungkap Rahasia"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "What sets emerald apart is its ability to transcend trends and remain a symbol of timeless sophistication. From the regal robes of historical figures to the sleek lines of modern fashion, emerald continues to make a statement, effortlessly blending into both classic and contemporary aesthetics."
msgstr "Yang membedakan zamrud adalah kemampuannya untuk melampaui tren dan tetap menjadi simbol dari kecanggihan yang abadi. Dari jubah kerajaan tokoh-tokoh sejarah hingga garis ramping mode modern, zamrud terus membuat pernyataan, dengan mudah berpadu dalam estetika klasik maupun kontemporer."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Timeless Sophistication"
msgstr "Keanggunan Abadi"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "With its deep green hue, Emerald has come to symbolize both opulence and the beauty of the natural world. The color's association with precious gemstones has elevated it to a status of luxury, often adorning the crowns and jewelry of royalty. Simultaneously, emerald's connection to nature evokes visions of lush landscapes and vibrant flora, creating a harmonious blend of man-made luxury and the untouched beauty of the earth."
msgstr "Dengan nuansa hijau yang dalam, Emerald telah menjadi simbol kemewahan dan keindahan dunia alami. Asosiasi warna ini dengan batu permata berharga telah mengangkatnya ke status kemewahan, sering menghiasi mahkota dan perhiasan kerajaan. Secara bersamaan, hubungan emerald dengan alam membangkitkan visi lanskap subur dan flora yang hidup, menciptakan perpaduan harmonis antara kemewahan buatan manusia dan keindahan bumi yang belum tersentuh."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Symbolism of Luxury and Nature's Beauty"
msgstr "Simbolisme Kemewahan dan Keindahan Alam"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Emerald has a storied past, with its origins dating back to ancient civilizations. Revered by the Egyptians for its association with rebirth and fertility and cherished by the Incas as a symbol of power, the emerald has long been a coveted gemstone. As a color, emerald became particularly prominent during the Art Deco era, where it adorned the glamorous creations of iconic designers and artists."
msgstr "Emerald punya sejarah yang kaya, dengan asal-usulnya yang kembali ke peradaban kuno. Dihormati oleh orang Mesir karena hubungannya dengan kelahiran kembali dan kesuburan, serta dihargai oleh orang Inca sebagai simbol kekuatan, emerald sudah lama jadi batu permata yang diidam-idamkan. Sebagai warna, emerald jadi sangat menonjol selama era Art Deco, di mana ia menghiasi kreasi glamor dari para desainer dan seniman ikonik."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "The Mesmerizing History"
msgstr "Sejarah yang Memikat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "In the realm of modern colors, one hue stands out as a beacon of sophistication and allure – Emerald. With its rich history and symbolic resonance, this captivating shade of green has redefined opulence and become a timeless symbol of luxury and natural beauty."
msgstr "Dalam dunia warna modern, satu nuansa menonjol sebagai mercusuar kecanggihan dan daya tarik – Emerald. Dengan sejarahnya yang kaya dan resonansi simbolis, warna hijau yang memikat ini telah mendefinisikan kembali kemewahan dan menjadi simbol abadi dari kemewahan dan keindahan alami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Uncover the mesmerizing history and rich symbolism of emerald, a hue that embodies luxury, nature's beauty, and timeless sophistication."
msgstr "Ungkap sejarah yang mempesona dan simbolisme kaya dari zamrud, sebuah warna yang mewakili kemewahan, keindahan alam, dan sofistikasi yang abadi."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24:
msgid "Emerald: Green with Envy,
Redefining Opulence"
msgstr "Emerald: Hijau dengan Iri,
Mendefinisikan Kemewahan"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12:
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14:
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "Rocks, Minerals and Bugs"
msgstr "Batu, Mineral, dan Serangga"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=7:
msgid "rocks-minerals-and-bugs"
msgstr "batu-mineral-dan-kutu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Embark on a visual journey as we uncover the pigmented treasures hidden within the Green Earth spectrum. Each shade tells a story of geological processes and artistic ingenuity, from subtle olive undertones to bold emerald strokes. Discover the harmony between the raw, untamed beauty of the Earth and the meticulous strokes of human creativity."
msgstr "Mulailah perjalanan visual saat kita mengungkap harta pigmen yang tersembunyi dalam spektrum Green Earth. Setiap nuansa menceritakan kisah proses geologis dan kecerdikan artistik, dari nada zaitun yang halus hingga goresan zamrud yang berani. Temukan harmoni antara keindahan bumi yang mentah dan liar serta goresan teliti dari kreativitas manusia."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Exploring Pigmented Treasures"
msgstr "Menjelajahi Harta Berpigmen"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "In the contemporary art scene, Green Earth continues to inspire. Its connection to nature, coupled with a nuanced ability to convey depth and emotion, makes it a favorite among modern artists. Whether used in traditional paintings or innovative mixed-media installations, the allure of Green Earth persists, adapting to and shaping the ever-evolving art landscape."
msgstr "Dalam dunia seni kontemporer, Green Earth terus menginspirasi. Keterhubungannya dengan alam, ditambah dengan kemampuan yang nuansa untuk menyampaikan kedalaman dan emosi, menjadikannya favorit di antara seniman modern. Baik digunakan dalam lukisan tradisional atau instalasi media campuran yang inovatif, daya tarik Green Earth tetap ada, beradaptasi dan membentuk lanskap seni yang terus berkembang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "The Evolution Continues"
msgstr "Evolusi Terus Berlanjut"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Beyond mere pigments, green earth tones have proven to be a versatile medium for artistic expression. Over centuries, artists have harnessed these colors' vibrancy to breathe life into their creations. From ancient cave paintings to Renaissance masterpieces, Green Earth pigments have left an indelible mark on the world's artistic legacy."
msgstr "Selain sekadar pigmen, warna bumi hijau telah terbukti menjadi medium yang serbaguna untuk ekspresi artistik. Selama berabad-abad, para seniman telah memanfaatkan kecerahan warna ini untuk menghidupkan karya-karya mereka. Dari lukisan gua kuno hingga mahakarya Renaisans, pigmen Bumi Hijau telah meninggalkan jejak yang tak terhapuskan dalam warisan artistik dunia."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Artistic Versatility"
msgstr "Versatilitas Artistik"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Green Earth pigments trace their origins to the rich, verdant landscapes that have adorned our planet for millennia. Derived from minerals like celadonite and glauconite, these pigments embody the lushness of nature's greenery, capturing the essence of forests, meadows, and valleys."
msgstr "Pigmen Green Earth berasal dari lanskap yang kaya dan hijau yang telah menghiasi planet kita selama ribuan tahun. Diambil dari mineral seperti celadonite dan glauconite, pigmen ini mencerminkan kesuburan kehijauan alam, menangkap esensi hutan, padang rumput, dan lembah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "The Roots of Green Earth"
msgstr "Akar Bumi Hijau"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "In the vast canvas of our planet, nature has generously shared its palette, offering hues that captivate the human eye and spark the imagination. The earthy greens stand out as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between art and nature. In this exploration, we delve into the enchanting world of \"Green Earth\" tones, uncovering pigments and the essence of artistic evolution."
msgstr "Dalam kanvas luas planet kita, alam telah dengan murah hati membagikan paletnya, menawarkan nuansa yang memikat mata manusia dan memicu imajinasi. Hijau bumi menonjol sebagai bukti hubungan simbiotik antara seni dan alam. Dalam eksplorasi ini, kita menyelami dunia menawan dari nada \"Green Earth\", mengungkap pigmen dan esensi evolusi artistik."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Explore the natural beauty and artistic versatility of green earth tones, revealing the earth's pigmented treasures and their artistic evolution."
msgstr "Jelajahi keindahan alam dan variasi artistik dari nada bumi hijau, mengungkapkan harta pigmen bumi dan evolusi artistiknya."
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Green Earth and Nature's Palette from Unearthed"
msgstr "Green Earth dan Palet Alam dari Unearthed"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "Elena Azure"
msgstr "Elena Azure"
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#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "Warm regards,"
msgstr "Salam hangat,"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "Thank you for being a part of this colorful journey. Here's to a kaleidoscopic adventure through the fascinating realms of fashion and color!"
msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dari perjalanan berwarna-warni ini. Mari kita nikmati petualangan kaleidoskopik melalui dunia mode dan warna yang menarik!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "Let's connect over our shared love for colors, textiles, and the stories they whisper. Feel free to dive into the blog posts, share your thoughts, and join the conversation. After all, the world is a more beautiful place when we paint it with the colors of our shared enthusiasm."
msgstr "Yuk, kita terhubung lewat cinta kita yang sama untuk warna, tekstil, dan cerita yang mereka bisikkan. Jangan ragu untuk menjelajahi pos blog, bagikan pemikiranmu, dan ikut dalam percakapan. Lagipula, dunia ini jadi tempat yang lebih indah saat kita melukisnya dengan warna semangat kita yang sama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "Why a Blog? Why a blog, you might ask? Because I believe that the joy of colors and the tales they tell should be shared. Through written words and visual delights, I aspire to ignite your passion for the hues that surround us and invite you to see the world through the eyes of a fashion alchemist."
msgstr "Kenapa Blog? Kenapa blog, kamu mungkin bertanya? Karena aku percaya bahwa kebahagiaan warna dan cerita yang mereka sampaikan harus dibagikan. Melalui kata-kata tertulis dan keindahan visual, aku berharap bisa membangkitkan semangatmu untuk warna-warna yang mengelilingi kita dan mengundangmu untuk melihat dunia melalui mata seorang alkemis mode."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "The Blog Journey: In this corner of the internet, I invite you to join me on a journey where fashion meets history, and color becomes the protagonist. From the striking red ochers to the captivating cobalt blues, we'll unravel the stories behind each pigment, exploring their impact on art, culture, and, of course, fashion."
msgstr "The Blog Journey: Di sudut internet ini, aku mengajakmu untuk bergabung denganku dalam perjalanan di mana fashion bertemu sejarah, dan warna menjadi protagonis. Dari oker merah yang mencolok hingga biru kobalt yang memikat, kita akan mengungkap cerita di balik setiap pigmen, menjelajahi dampaknya pada seni, budaya, dan, tentu saja, fashion."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "A Fashionable Alchemist: Beyond the atelier, I am an enthusiastic explorer of the history of art and color alchemy. I delve into the pigments that adorned ancient civilizations, seeking inspiration from the cobalt blues, Egyptian blues, and the regal purples of Tyrian Purple. My designs are a reflection of the stories told by these hues—each garment, a wearable piece of history and a celebration of the enduring beauty of colors."
msgstr "A Fashionable Alchemist: Di luar atelier, saya adalah seorang penjelajah antusias tentang sejarah seni dan alkimia warna. Saya menyelami pigmen yang menghiasi peradaban kuno, mencari inspirasi dari biru kobalt, biru Mesir, dan ungu megah dari Tyrian Purple. Desain saya adalah cerminan dari cerita yang diceritakan oleh warna-warna ini—setiap pakaian, sebuah potongan sejarah yang bisa dikenakan dan perayaan keindahan warna yang abadi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "The Palette of My Creativity: With a paintbrush in one hand and a sewing needle in the other, I embark on a creative journey where fashion becomes a canvas, and colors become my words. Each stitch, each hue, is an expression of my love for the rich tapestry of life and the artistry that resides in the world around us."
msgstr "Palet Kreativitas Saya: Dengan kuas di satu tangan dan jarum jahit di tangan lainnya, saya memulai perjalanan kreatif di mana fashion menjadi kanvas, dan warna menjadi kata-kata saya. Setiap jahitan, setiap nuansa, adalah ungkapan cinta saya untuk permadani kehidupan yang kaya dan seni yang ada di dunia di sekitar kita."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloops.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=61:
msgid "Greetings, color enthusiasts and art aficionados! I'm Elena Azure, your guide through the vibrant realms of fashion, history, and the alchemy of color. As a passionate fashion designer, I've always believed that the language of color has the power to weave stories, evoke emotions, and transcend the boundaries of time."
msgstr "Halo, para penggemar warna dan pecinta seni! Saya Elena Azure, pemandu kalian melalui dunia fashion yang penuh warna, sejarah, dan alkimia warna. Sebagai seorang desainer fashion yang penuh semangat, saya selalu percaya bahwa bahasa warna memiliki kekuatan untuk merajut cerita, membangkitkan emosi, dan melampaui batasan waktu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/colorloopsdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1:
msgid "This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your About or Contact information. Click the Edit link to make changes to this page or add another page."
msgstr "Ini adalah contoh sebuah halaman. Berbeda dengan pos, yang ditampilkan di halaman depan blog kamu sesuai dengan urutan publikasinya, halaman lebih cocok untuk konten yang lebih abadi yang ingin kamu buat mudah diakses, seperti informasi Tentang atau Kontak kamu. Klik tautan Edit untuk membuat perubahan pada halaman ini atau tambahkan halaman lain."
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msgid "Beyond the written word, I find inspiration in the everyday – a sunset painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, the laughter shared among friends, or the quiet moments of introspection. These snippets of life find their way into my stories, adding layers of authenticity to the fictional worlds I craft."
msgstr "Di luar kata-kata tertulis, aku menemukan inspirasi dalam keseharian – matahari terbenam yang melukis langit dengan nuansa oranye dan merah muda, tawa yang dibagikan di antara teman-teman, atau momen-momen tenang untuk merenung. Cuplikan hidup ini menemukan jalannya ke dalam ceritaku, menambahkan lapisan keaslian pada dunia fiksi yang aku ciptakan."
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msgid "After studying literature at a quaint university, I embarked on a journey to explore the nuances of storytelling. From ancient myths to contemporary novels, I immersed myself in the vast tapestry of fiction, unraveling the threads that wove tales together. It was during this exploration that the idea of curating my own collection of stories blossomed into reality. From whimsical fantasies to poignant dramas, my pen dances across genres, reflecting the kaleidoscope of emotions and experiences that make us human. Through \"Fictionary,\" I invite readers to join me in a journey of escapism, where the constraints of reality momentarily fade, and the extraordinary unfolds in the ordinary."
msgstr "Setelah belajar sastra di sebuah universitas yang unik, aku memulai perjalanan untuk mengeksplorasi nuansa bercerita. Dari mitos kuno hingga novel kontemporer, aku membenamkan diri dalam kain fiksi yang luas, mengurai benang-benang yang menyatukan cerita. Saat eksplorasi ini, ide untuk mengkurasi koleksi ceritaku sendiri mekar menjadi kenyataan. Dari fantasi yang whimsical hingga drama yang menyentuh, penaku menari di berbagai genre, mencerminkan kaleidoskop emosi dan pengalaman yang membuat kita manusia. Melalui \"Fictionary,\" aku mengundang Pembaca untuk bergabung denganku dalam perjalanan pelarian, di mana batasan kenyataan sementara memudar, dan yang luar biasa terungkap dalam yang biasa."
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msgid "Hello! I'm Ruth, the dreamweaver behind \"Fictionary,\" a little corner of the internet where stories come to life. As a storyteller by heart and a chronic daydreamer, I've always found solace in the realm of fiction. My journey with words began when I discovered the magic of storytelling tucked away in the pages of worn-out books and the whispered tales of the wind. Born and raised in a small town, I quickly learned that stories have the power to transcend the ordinary. I found myself enraptured by the ability of words to paint vivid landscapes, evoke emotions, and transport readers to far-off places. It was in these literary adventures that the seed of \"Fictionary\" was planted."
msgstr "Halo! Aku Ruth, si pembuat mimpi di balik \"Fictionary,\" sebuah sudut kecil di internet di mana cerita-cerita hidup. Sebagai seorang pendongeng sejati dan pemimpi yang kronis, aku selalu menemukan ketenangan di dunia fiksi. Perjalananku dengan kata-kata dimulai ketika aku menemukan keajaiban bercerita yang tersembunyi di halaman-halaman buku yang sudah usang dan kisah-kisah yang dibisikkan oleh angin. Lahir dan dibesarkan di sebuah kota kecil, aku dengan cepat belajar bahwa cerita memiliki kekuatan untuk melampaui yang biasa. Aku terpesona oleh kemampuan kata-kata untuk melukiskan lanskap yang hidup, membangkitkan emosi, dan mengangkut Pembaca ke tempat-tempat yang jauh. Di sinilah petualangan sastra ini, benih \"Fictionary\" ditanam."
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msgid "new york"
msgstr "new york"
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msgid "new-york"
msgstr "new-york"
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msgid "argentinian"
msgstr "argentinian"
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msgid "With a sense of gratitude and anticipation, Mateo embraced the journey that lay ahead. The guidance, once secretive, had become an integral part of his artistic narrative. As he navigated the world of filmmaking, bridging the essence of Argentina with the vibrancy of New York, Mateo Garcia realized that the path to greatness was often illuminated by unexpected sources—whether hidden in the shadows or standing boldly in the light of creative expression."
msgstr "Dengan rasa syukur dan antisipasi, Mateo menyambut perjalanan yang ada di depan. Panduan, yang dulunya rahasia, telah menjadi bagian integral dari narasi artistiknya. Saat dia menjelajahi dunia perfilman, menghubungkan esensi Argentina dengan keceriaan New York, Mateo Garcia menyadari bahwa jalan menuju kebesaran sering kali diterangi oleh sumber-sumber yang tak terduga—baik yang tersembunyi dalam bayang-bayang atau berdiri dengan berani di bawah cahaya ekspresi kreatif."
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msgid "One day, as Mateo stood on the rooftop of his apartment building, overlooking the sprawling cityscape, he received an email with a subject line that simply read, \"The Next Chapter.\" The message contained an invitation to a prestigious film festival where his latest project had been selected for screening."
msgstr "Suatu hari, saat Mateo berdiri di atap gedung apartemennya, memandang pemandangan kota yang luas, dia menerima email dengan subjek yang hanya bertuliskan, \"The Next Chapter.\" Pesan itu berisi undangan ke festival film bergengsi di mana proyek terbarunya telah terpilih untuk ditayangkan."
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msgid "As the months unfolded, Mateo's films gained recognition on the global stage. His unique perspective, shaped by the rich tapestry of Argentinian culture and the dynamic energy of New York, resonated with audiences worldwide. The guidance, once mysterious, became a silent partner in his artistic endeavors, a force that nudged him toward stories that transcended borders and spoke to the shared human experience."
msgstr "Seiring berjalannya bulan, film-film Mateo mendapatkan pengakuan di panggung global. Perspektif uniknya, yang dibentuk oleh kekayaan budaya Argentina dan energi dinamis New York, bergema di hati penonton di seluruh dunia. Bimbingan, yang dulunya misterius, menjadi mitra diam dalam upaya artistiknya, sebuah kekuatan yang mendorongnya menuju cerita-cerita yang melampaui batas dan berbicara tentang pengalaman manusia yang sama."
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msgid "In a moment of clarity, Mateo made a decision. He would embrace the guidance, not as a constraint, but as a catalyst for his creative journey. The clandestine society, shrouded in mystery, had become an unexpected ally in his pursuit of artistic excellence."
msgstr "Dalam momen kejelasan, Mateo membuat keputusan. Dia akan menerima bimbingan itu, bukan sebagai batasan, tetapi sebagai katalis untuk perjalanan kreatifnya. Masyarakat rahasia, yang diselimuti misteri, telah menjadi sekutu yang tak terduga dalam pencariannya akan keunggulan artistik."
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msgid "One evening, as Mateo filmed the sunset over the Hudson River, he found himself at a crossroads. The emails, once a source of paranoia, now served as signposts on the path of his artistic evolution. He reflected on the words of Emma and the purpose that had brought him to New York—the desire to bridge worlds through storytelling."
msgstr "Suatu malam, saat Mateo merekam matahari terbenam di atas Sungai Hudson, dia mendapati dirinya di persimpangan. Email, yang dulu menjadi sumber paranoia, kini berfungsi sebagai petunjuk arah di jalur evolusi artistiknya. Dia merenungkan kata-kata Emma dan tujuan yang membawanya ke New York—keinginan untuk menghubungkan dunia melalui cerita."
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msgid "In the weeks that followed, Mateo navigated the duality of his existence. The mysterious guidance continued, subtle nudges that steered him toward collaborations, projects, and opportunities that expanded the reach of his art. Yet, an undercurrent of defiance simmered within him, a longing for artistic independence that transcended the unseen influence."
msgstr "Di minggu-minggu yang berikutnya, Mateo menavigasi dualitas keberadaannya. Panduan misterius itu berlanjut, dorongan halus yang mengarahkannya menuju kolaborasi, proyek, dan peluang yang memperluas jangkauan seninya. Namun, ada arus bawah perlawanan yang mendidih di dalam dirinya, kerinduan akan independensi artistik yang melampaui pengaruh yang tak terlihat."
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msgid "As Mateo grappled with the revelations, he realized the weight of responsibility that accompanied his artistic endeavors. The clandestine guidance, though unconventional, had nudged him toward moments of creative brilliance. Yet, the desire for autonomy tugged at his spirit, urging him to define his journey on his own terms."
msgstr "Saat Mateo bergumul dengan pengungkapan itu, dia menyadari beban tanggung jawab yang menyertai usaha artistiknya. Panduan rahasia, meskipun tidak konvensional, telah mendorongnya menuju momen-momen kej brilliance kreatif. Namun, keinginan untuk otonomi menarik-narik jiwanya, mendorongnya untuk mendefinisikan perjalanannya dengan caranya sendiri."
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msgid "Emma's expression softened. \"It's always been your choice, Mateo. The society exists to support, not control. If you choose to walk your path independently, the guidance will cease. But remember, the journey you undertake has far-reaching consequences. Your art has the power to shape perceptions, to bridge divides, and to inspire change.\""
msgstr "Ekspresi Emma melunak. \"Selalu menjadi pilihanmu, Mateo. Masyarakat ada untuk mendukung, bukan mengendalikan. Jika kamu memilih untuk berjalan di jalurmu sendiri, bimbingan akan berhenti. Tapi ingat, perjalanan yang kamu ambil memiliki konsekuensi yang jauh. Karyamu memiliki kekuatan untuk membentuk persepsi, menjembatani perpecahan, dan menginspirasi perubahan."
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msgid "Mateo, conflicted and overwhelmed, sought clarity. \"And what if I choose to reject this guidance? What if I want to navigate my journey on my own terms?\""
msgstr "Mateo, yang bingung dan tertekan, mencari kejelasan. \"Dan bagaimana jika saya memilih untuk menolak bimbingan ini? Bagaimana jika saya ingin menjalani perjalanan saya dengan cara saya sendiri?"
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msgid "\"The society operates in the shadows for a reason,\" Emma replied. \"The artistic journey is a delicate dance between inspiration and distraction. Sometimes, knowing too much can hinder the creative spirit. You needed to be guided without the burden of conscious influence.\""
msgstr "Masyarakat ini beroperasi dalam bayang-bayang dengan alasan,\" jawab Emma. \"Perjalanan seni adalah tarian yang rumit antara inspirasi dan gangguan. Terkadang, mengetahui terlalu banyak bisa menghambat semangat kreatif. Kamu perlu dibimbing tanpa beban pengaruh yang sadar."
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msgid "Skepticism wrestled with curiosity in Mateo's mind. \"Why the secrecy? Why not just tell me directly?\""
msgstr "Skeptisisme bergumul dengan rasa ingin tahu di pikiran Mateo. \"Kenapa harus dirahasiakan? Kenapa tidak langsung bilang saja?"
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msgid "As Mateo absorbed the revelation, Emma continued, \"I've been tasked with guiding you, ensuring that your artistic journey remains untainted. The emails were a way to keep you on course, to remind you of the purpose that brought you here.\""
msgstr "Saat Mateo menyerap wahyu itu, Emma melanjutkan, 'Aku ditugaskan untuk membimbingmu, memastikan bahwa perjalanan artistikmu tetap tidak ternoda. Email-email itu adalah cara untuk menjaga agar kamu tetap pada jalurnya, untuk mengingatkanmu tentang tujuan yang membawamu ke sini.'"
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msgid "\"Mateo, you are a bridge between worlds—the Argentinian storyteller in the heart of New York. The society has been monitoring your progress, ensuring that you stay true to your vision and resist the distractions that could lead you astray,\" Emma explained."
msgstr "Mateo, kamu adalah jembatan antara dunia—seorang pendongeng Argentina di jantung New York. Masyarakat telah memantau kemajuanmu, memastikan bahwa kamu tetap setia pada visimu dan menahan diri dari gangguan yang bisa menyesatkanmu,\" jelas Emma."
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msgid "Mateo, torn between skepticism and a strange sense of curiosity, listened as Emma unveiled a narrative that transcended the realms of art and reality. She spoke of a secret society of artists, a clandestine collective that operated behind the scenes, shaping the destinies of those deemed to be torchbearers of cultural change."
msgstr "Mateo, terjebak antara skeptisisme dan rasa ingin tahu yang aneh, mendengarkan saat Emma mengungkapkan sebuah narasi yang melampaui ranah seni dan kenyataan. Dia berbicara tentang sebuah masyarakat rahasia para seniman, sebuah kolektif tersembunyi yang beroperasi di balik layar, membentuk takdir mereka yang dianggap sebagai pembawa obor perubahan budaya."
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msgid "Emma leaned forward, her eyes intense. \"I've been following your every move because I believe in your potential, Mateo. You're destined for greatness, but there are forces at play that could derail your journey. I'm here to help you navigate the path ahead.\""
msgstr "Emma membungkuk ke depan, matanya tajam. \"Aku sudah mengikuti setiap gerakanmu karena aku percaya pada potensimu, Mateo. Kamu ditakdirkan untuk menjadi hebat, tapi ada kekuatan yang berperan yang bisa mengganggu perjalananmu. Aku di sini untuk membantumu menavigasi jalan di depan."
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msgid "Mateo, his mind a whirlwind of confusion, demanded an explanation. \"Guide me? What do you mean, Emma? Why have you been sending me those emails?\""
msgstr "Mateo, pikirannya berputar-putar dalam kebingungan, meminta penjelasan. \"Bimbing aku? Apa maksudmu, Emma? Kenapa kamu mengirimkan aku email-email itu?"
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msgid "\"I've been watching you, Mateo,\" Emma began, her voice carrying a tone of calculated revelation. \"Your journey, your art, your dreams—I know them intimately. But I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to guide you.\""
msgstr "Aku sudah mengawasi kamu, Mateo,\" Emma mulai, suaranya membawa nada pengungkapan yang terencana. \"Perjalananmu, senimu, mimpimu—aku mengenalnya dengan baik. Tapi aku tidak di sini untuk menyakitimu. Aku di sini untuk membimbingmu."
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msgid "It was Emma. The playwright, once a friend and confidante, now wore a mysterious expression that belied the warmth of their previous interactions."
msgstr "Itu adalah Emma. Sang penulis drama, yang dulunya teman dan sahabat, sekarang mengenakan ekspresi misterius yang menyembunyikan kehangatan dari interaksi mereka sebelumnya."
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msgid "\"Sit, Mateo,\" the figure said, gesturing to the empty chair across the table."
msgstr "Duduk, Mateo,\" kata sosok itu, sambil menunjuk ke kursi kosong di seberang meja."
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msgid "Intrigued and wary, Mateo decided to investigate. He arrived at the café, his senses heightened, and scanned the room for any sign of the mysterious sender. A figure seated in the shadows caught his eye, and as their gazes met, Mateo recognized the enigmatic presence."
msgstr "Terpikat dan waspada, Mateo memutuskan untuk menyelidiki. Dia tiba di kafe, dengan indra yang tajam, dan memindai ruangan untuk mencari tanda-tanda dari pengirim misterius. Sebuah sosok yang duduk di bayangan menarik perhatiannya, dan saat tatapan mereka bertemu, Mateo mengenali keberadaan yang penuh teka-teki itu."
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msgid "One evening, as Mateo grappled with the dilemma, he received an email that struck a different chord. The subject line simply read, \"Meet Me at the Café.\" The message contained an address and a time—his favorite corner café in Greenwich Village."
msgstr "Suatu malam, saat Mateo bergumul dengan dilema, dia menerima email yang menyentuh nada yang berbeda. Baris subjeknya hanya bertuliskan, \"Meet Me at the Café.\" Pesan itu berisi sebuah alamat dan waktu—kafe sudut favoritnya di Greenwich Village."
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msgid "Disturbed by the intrusion, Mateo confided in Emma and his artistic comrades. Concerned for his well-being, they urged him to report the matter to the authorities. Mateo, however, hesitated. The cryptic nature of the emails made it difficult to discern whether he was a victim of harassment or an unwitting participant in an elaborate performance art piece."
msgstr "Terganggu oleh gangguan itu, Mateo curhat kepada Emma dan rekan-rekan seninya. Khawatir akan kesejahteraannya, mereka mendesaknya untuk melaporkan masalah itu kepada pihak berwenang. Namun, Mateo ragu. Sifat email yang samar membuatnya sulit untuk menentukan apakah dia adalah korban pelecehan atau peserta yang tidak sadar dalam sebuah karya seni pertunjukan yang rumit."
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msgid "Days turned into weeks, and the mysterious emails continued. Each message delved deeper into Mateo's life, referencing specific locations, people he had met, and even his innermost thoughts as expressed in private conversations. The sender's knowledge extended beyond the realm of coincidence, creating a sense of paranoia that cast a shadow over Mateo's otherwise vibrant existence."
msgstr "Hari-hari berubah menjadi minggu, dan email-email misterius terus berdatangan. Setiap pesan menyelami lebih dalam ke dalam kehidupan Mateo, merujuk pada lokasi-lokasi tertentu, orang-orang yang pernah dia temui, dan bahkan pikiran terdalamnya yang diungkapkan dalam percakapan pribadi. Pengetahuan pengirim melampaui ranah kebetulan, menciptakan rasa paranoia yang membayangi kehidupan Mateo yang seharusnya cerah."
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msgid "Mateo, initially dismissive, felt a ripple of unease. The sender seemed to know things that weren't public knowledge, raising questions about the source of this information. Was it a prank, a random act of mischief, or something more sinister?"
msgstr "Mateo, yang awalnya meremehkan, merasakan gelombang ketidaknyamanan. Pengirimnya tampaknya tahu hal-hal yang bukan pengetahuan umum, menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang sumber informasi ini. Apakah ini sebuah lelucon, tindakan iseng yang acak, atau sesuatu yang lebih jahat?"
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msgid "One evening, as Mateo edited footage in his apartment, he received an anonymous email. The subject line read, \"I Know What You're Secretly Up To.\" Intrigued and slightly unnerved, Mateo opened the message. The body of the email was cryptic, hinting at an awareness of his every move, his aspirations, and even the intricacies of his personal life."
msgstr "Suatu malam, saat Mateo mengedit rekaman di apartemennya, dia menerima sebuah email anonim. Judulnya berbunyi, \"Aku Tahu Apa yang Kamu Sembunyikan.\" Tertarik dan sedikit cemas, Mateo membuka pesan tersebut. Isi emailnya sangat misterius, mengisyaratkan bahwa pengirim tahu setiap langkahnya, aspirasinya, dan bahkan seluk-beluk kehidupan pribadinya."
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msgid "Amidst his artistic pursuits, Mateo found solace in the routine of his daily life—a cup of coffee from the corner café, the clatter of the subway as it whisked him from one borough to another, and the camaraderie of his newfound friends in the artistic collective. Yet, beneath the surface, a mysterious force seemed to be at play."
msgstr "Di tengah pencarian artistiknya, Mateo menemukan ketenangan dalam rutinitas kehidupannya sehari-hari—secangkir kopi dari kafe sudut, suara gaduh kereta bawah tanah saat membawanya dari satu wilayah ke wilayah lain, dan persahabatan dengan teman-teman barunya di kolektif seni. Namun, di balik permukaan, sepertinya ada kekuatan misterius yang sedang berperan."
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msgid "As the film gained recognition in local festivals, Mateo's reputation as a storyteller grew. His unique perspective, shaped by his Argentinian roots and his experiences in the melting pot of New York, set him apart in the competitive world of filmmaking."
msgstr "Seiring film itu mendapatkan pengakuan di festival lokal, reputasi Mateo sebagai seorang pendongeng semakin berkembang. Perspektif uniknya, yang dibentuk oleh akar Argentinanya dan pengalamannya di tempat yang beragam seperti New York, membedakannya di dunia perfilman yang kompetitif."
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msgid "Their collaboration, titled \"Harmony in Diversity,\" became a poignant exploration of cultural fusion and shared humanity. The short film, shot against the backdrop of Harlem's eclectic streets, captured the essence of a community that thrived on diversity. Mateo's lens painted a canvas of faces, each telling a story that resonated with the heartbeat of the city."
msgstr "Kolaborasi mereka, berjudul 'Harmony in Diversity,' menjadi eksplorasi yang menyentuh tentang perpaduan budaya dan kemanusiaan yang sama. Film pendek ini, yang diambil di latar belakang jalan-jalan eklektik Harlem, menangkap esensi dari sebuah komunitas yang berkembang berkat keberagaman. Lensa Mateo melukis kanvas wajah-wajah, masing-masing menceritakan kisah yang bergema dengan detak jantung kota."
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msgid "Mateo was captivated. After the performance, he approached the poet, named Malik, expressing his admiration for the artistry. Malik, with a warm smile, invited Mateo to collaborate on a project that would blend visual storytelling with spoken word."
msgstr "Mateo terpesona. Setelah pertunjukan, dia mendekati penyair, bernama Malik, mengungkapkan kekagumannya terhadap seni tersebut. Malik, dengan senyuman hangat, mengundang Mateo untuk berkolaborasi dalam sebuah proyek yang akan menggabungkan cerita visual dengan kata-kata yang diucapkan."
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msgid "One day, as Mateo roamed the vibrant streets of Harlem, his camera capturing the rhythm of life, he stumbled upon a small theater tucked away in a corner. Intrigued, he ventured inside and found himself immersed in the world of spoken word poetry. The poet on stage, a magnetic presence with roots in the Caribbean, spoke of resilience, identity, and the universal desire for belonging."
msgstr "Suatu hari, saat Mateo menjelajahi jalanan berwarna-warni di Harlem, kameranya menangkap ritme kehidupan, dia menemukan sebuah teater kecil yang tersembunyi di sudut. Tertarik, dia melangkah masuk dan mendapati dirinya terbenam dalam dunia puisi lisan. Penyair di atas panggung, sosok yang magnetis dengan akar dari Karibia, berbicara tentang ketahanan, identitas, dan keinginan universal untuk memiliki tempat."
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msgid "As Mateo delved deeper into the New York artistic scene, he discovered a filmmaker's collective that welcomed him with open arms. The members, hailing from different corners of the world, shared a common passion for storytelling. Together, they embarked on collaborative projects that celebrated the mosaic of cultures that made up the city."
msgstr "Ketika Mateo menyelami lebih dalam ke dalam dunia seni New York, dia menemukan sebuah kolektif pembuat film yang menyambutnya dengan tangan terbuka. Anggota-anggotanya, yang berasal dari berbagai penjuru dunia, memiliki hasrat yang sama untuk bercerita. Bersama-sama, mereka memulai proyek kolaboratif yang merayakan mosaik budaya yang membentuk kota itu."
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msgid "The conversation flowed effortlessly, and soon Mateo found himself embraced by this eclectic group of artists. They became his comrades in creativity, exploring the city together, exchanging ideas, and inspiring each other to push the boundaries of their art."
msgstr "Percakapan mengalir dengan mudah, dan segera Mateo mendapati dirinya dikelilingi oleh kelompok seniman eklektik ini. Mereka menjadi rekan-rekannya dalam kreativitas, menjelajahi kota bersama, bertukar ide, dan saling menginspirasi untuk mendorong batasan seni mereka."
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msgid "\"I've always been fascinated by the dynamic energy of this city,\" Mateo explained. \"And I believe that there are stories here that resonate with people across the globe. I want to capture the beauty of cultural diversity, the dreams that bring us together.\""
msgstr "Aku selalu terpesona oleh energi dinamis kota ini,\" jelas Mateo. \"Dan aku percaya ada cerita-cerita di sini yang beresonansi dengan orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Aku ingin menangkap keindahan keragaman budaya, mimpi-mimpi yang menyatukan kita."
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msgid "Emma's interest piqued. \"A filmmaker from Argentina in the heart of New York—now that's a story waiting to be told. What brings you here, Mateo?\""
msgstr "Minat Emma terpicu. \"Seorang pembuat film dari Argentina di jantung New York—sekarang itu adalah cerita yang menunggu untuk diceritakan. Apa yang membawamu ke sini, Mateo?"
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msgid "\"I'm from Buenos Aires,\" Mateo replied, a smile playing on his lips. \"I came here to tell stories, to capture the essence of life through my lens.\""
msgstr "Saya dari Buenos Aires,\" jawab Mateo, dengan senyum di bibirnya. \"Saya datang ke sini untuk bercerita, untuk menangkap esensi kehidupan melalui lensa saya."
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msgid "\"Where are you from?\" Emma asked, her eyes bright with curiosity."
msgstr "Dari mana kamu?\" tanya Emma, matanya bersinar penuh rasa ingin tahu."
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msgid "As Mateo sipped his espresso, he noticed a group of artists huddled at a nearby table. Their animated discussion about the intersection of art and culture drew him in, and soon, he found himself engaged in a conversation with them. Among the group was Emma, a spirited playwright with a penchant for weaving tales of human connection."
msgstr "Ketika Mateo menyeruput espresonya, dia melihat sekelompok seniman berkumpul di meja dekat. Diskusi mereka yang penuh semangat tentang persimpangan seni dan budaya menarik perhatiannya, dan tak lama kemudian, dia mendapati dirinya terlibat dalam percakapan dengan mereka. Di antara kelompok itu ada Emma, seorang penulis drama yang bersemangat dengan kecenderungan untuk merangkai kisah tentang koneksi manusia."
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msgid "One sunny afternoon, Mateo found himself in a small café in Greenwich Village. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the murmur of conversations, creating an atmosphere that felt both familiar and foreign. He settled into a corner, his camera at his side, ready to capture the nuances of the city that never slept."
msgstr "Suatu sore yang cerah, Mateo menemukan dirinya di sebuah kafe kecil di Greenwich Village. Aroma kopi yang baru diseduh bercampur dengan bisikan percakapan, menciptakan suasana yang terasa akrab dan asing. Dia duduk di sudut, kameranya di samping, siap untuk menangkap nuansa kota yang tak pernah tidur."
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msgid "His first few weeks in the city were a whirlwind of discovery. The towering skyscrapers, the diverse neighborhoods, and the kaleidoscope of faces on the subway—all of it fueled his creative spirit. Mateo's camera became an extension of his eye, capturing moments that spoke of the universal human experience, transcending borders and backgrounds."
msgstr "Minggu-minggu pertamanya di kota itu adalah badai penemuan. Gedung pencakar langit yang menjulang tinggi, lingkungan yang beragam, dan kaleidoskop wajah di kereta bawah tanah—semuanya itu memicu semangat kreatifnya. Kamera Mateo menjadi perpanjangan dari matanya, menangkap momen-momen yang berbicara tentang pengalaman manusia yang universal, melampaui batas dan latar belakang."
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msgid "Mateo had come to New York with a singular purpose—to pursue his passion for filmmaking. Back in Buenos Aires, he had studied at the prestigious National Film Institute, honing his skills in storytelling and cinematography. Now, in the heart of the cinematic world, he aimed to carve his niche and tell stories that bridged the gap between his Argentinian roots and the vibrancy of New York."
msgstr "Mateo datang ke New York dengan satu tujuan—untuk mengejar hasratnya dalam pembuatan film. Kembali di Buenos Aires, dia telah belajar di National Film Institute yang bergengsi, mengasah keterampilannya dalam bercerita dan sinematografi. Sekarang, di jantung dunia sinematik, dia bertujuan untuk menemukan tempatnya dan menceritakan kisah-kisah yang menjembatani kesenjangan antara akar Argentina-nya dan kehidupan New York yang penuh warna."
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msgid "Armed with a suitcase filled with dreams and a heart full of ambition, Mateo Garcia, a young Argentinian who had recently landed in the United States, embarked on a journey that would weave the threads of his past with the tapestry of his future."
msgstr "Bersenjatakan koper yang penuh dengan impian dan hati yang penuh ambisi, Mateo Garcia, seorang pemuda Argentina yang baru saja tiba di Amerika Serikat, memulai perjalanan yang akan menganyam benang-benang masa lalunya dengan permadani masa depannya."
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msgid "I Know What You’re Secretly Up To"
msgstr "Aku Tahu Apa yang Sebenarnya Kamu Rencanakan"
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msgid "1988"
msgstr "1988"
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msgid "And so, in the heart of Buenos Aires, where the tango met the pulse of rock and folk, \"Esperanza Rebelde\" became a beacon of hope for Argentina. Their story, interwoven with the spirit of '1988 AC,' echoed through the cobblestone streets, the bustling neighborhoods, and the collective heart of a nation that dared to dream of a brighter future."
msgstr "Dan jadi, di jantung Buenos Aires, di mana tango bertemu dengan denyut nadi rock dan folk, \"Esperanza Rebelde\" menjadi mercusuar harapan bagi Argentina. Kisah mereka, yang terjalin dengan semangat '1988 AC,' menggema melalui jalanan berbatu, lingkungan yang ramai, dan hati kolektif sebuah bangsa yang berani bermimpi tentang masa depan yang lebih cerah."
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msgid "As the night unfolded, \"Esperanza Rebelde\" took the stage in the café that had witnessed their evolution. The music, a fusion of passion and rebellion, filled the air. The familiar faces of the patrons, now joined by a new generation of dreamers, swayed to the rhythm of change."
msgstr "Seiring malam berlalu, \"Esperanza Rebelde\" naik ke panggung di kafe yang telah menyaksikan evolusi mereka. Musiknya, perpaduan antara hasrat dan pemberontakan, memenuhi udara. Wajah-wajah akrab para pengunjung, kini bergabung dengan generasi baru para pemimpi, bergoyang mengikuti irama perubahan."
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msgid "Santiago, his leather-bound notebook now filled with verses inspired by the journey, spoke with a quiet reverence. \"We are a living testament to the power of art and the resilience of a generation that refused to be silenced.\""
msgstr "Santiago, buku catatannya yang terikat kulit kini penuh dengan bait-bait yang terinspirasi oleh perjalanan, berbicara dengan hormat yang tenang. \"Kami adalah bukti hidup akan kekuatan seni dan ketahanan generasi yang menolak untuk dibungkam."
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msgid "Mateo, strumming a few chords on his guitar, grinned. \"We dared to dream, and look where it took us. '1988 AC' wasn't just an album; it was a catalyst for our own story.\""
msgstr "Mateo, sambil memetik beberapa akor di gitarnya, tersenyum. 'Kita berani bermimpi, dan lihat ke mana itu membawa kita. '1988 AC' bukan sekadar album; itu adalah katalis untuk cerita kita sendiri.'"
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msgid "\"I still can't believe we did it,\" Martina said, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and disbelief."
msgstr "Aku masih nggak percaya kita berhasil,\" kata Martina, matanya mencerminkan campuran kebanggaan dan ketidakpercayaan."
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msgid "One evening, in the very café where their dreams took flight, the friends gathered once more. The air buzzed with nostalgia as they reminisced about the journey from the record store in San Telmo to the stages that now echoed with their music."
msgstr "Suatu malam, di kafe yang sama tempat mimpi mereka terbang, teman-teman berkumpul sekali lagi. Udara bergetar dengan nostalgia saat mereka mengenang perjalanan dari toko rekaman di San Telmo ke panggung-panggung yang sekarang bergema dengan musik mereka."
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msgid "The café that had witnessed their humble beginnings became a symbol of resilience, a testament to the transformative power of art and camaraderie. The walls, adorned with graffiti and posters, told the story of \"Esperanza Rebelde\" and the community that rallied behind them."
msgstr "Kafe yang telah menyaksikan awal sederhana mereka menjadi simbol ketahanan, sebuah bukti kekuatan transformatif seni dan persahabatan. Dinding-dindingnya, dihiasi dengan grafiti dan poster, menceritakan kisah \"Esperanza Rebelde\" dan komunitas yang mendukung mereka."
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msgid "As the years passed, \"Esperanza Rebelde\" evolved into more than just a band; it became a movement. The friends, once bound by the magic of a record titled \"1988 AC,\" now stood at the forefront of a cultural revolution. Their music resonated with a generation that sought to redefine Argentina, to carve a path forward while acknowledging the echoes of the past."
msgstr "Seiring berjalannya tahun, \"Esperanza Rebelde\" berkembang menjadi lebih dari sekadar sebuah band; itu menjadi sebuah gerakan. Teman-teman, yang dulunya terikat oleh keajaiban sebuah album berjudul \"1988 AC,\" kini berdiri di garis depan revolusi budaya. Musik mereka bergema dengan generasi yang berusaha untuk mendefinisikan ulang Argentina, untuk membuka jalan ke depan sambil mengakui gema masa lalu."
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msgid "Their band, named \"Esperanza Rebelde,\" captured the essence of hope and rebellion that pulsed through the veins of their beloved Argentina. Mateo's guitar became a rallying cry, Martina's vocals a fearless proclamation, and Santiago's poetry a testament to resilience. Their performances, infused with the spirit of '1988 AC,' drew a growing audience hungry for the authenticity and rawness of their art."
msgstr "Band mereka, yang bernama \"Esperanza Rebelde,\" menangkap esensi harapan dan pemberontakan yang mengalir dalam nadi Argentina tercinta mereka. Gitar Mateo menjadi seruan perjuangan, vokal Martina sebuah proklamasi tanpa rasa takut, dan puisi Santiago sebuah bukti ketahanan. Penampilan mereka, yang dipenuhi dengan semangat '1988 AC,' menarik penonton yang semakin banyak yang haus akan keaslian dan kekuatan seni mereka."
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msgid "And so, fueled by the energy of their shared dreams, the friends embarked on a journey of creative exploration. Mateo, Martina, and Santiago poured their hearts into crafting music that echoed the rhythms of their generation. The streets of Buenos Aires became their stage, the walls of the café their canvas."
msgstr "Dan jadi, didorong oleh energi dari mimpi-mimpi yang mereka bagikan, para teman memulai perjalanan eksplorasi kreatif. Mateo, Martina, dan Santiago menuangkan hati mereka ke dalam menciptakan musik yang menggema dengan ritme generasi mereka. Jalanan Buenos Aires menjadi panggung mereka, dinding kafe menjadi kanvas mereka."
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msgid "Santiago, usually reserved, spoke with a quiet intensity. \"Art has the power to shape the narrative. Let's tell our story through music, poetry, and whatever else our hearts desire.\""
msgstr "Santiago, yang biasanya pendiam, berbicara dengan intensitas yang tenang. \"Seni memiliki kekuatan untuk membentuk narasi. Mari kita ceritakan kisah kita melalui musik, puisi, dan apa pun yang diinginkan hati kita."
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msgid "Martina's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. \"Yes! Let's channel the spirit of '1988 AC' into something tangible, something that speaks for us and those who can't speak.\""
msgstr "Mata Martina berkilau dengan semangat. \"Ya! Ayo kita salurkan semangat '1988 AC' ke dalam sesuatu yang nyata, sesuatu yang berbicara untuk kita dan mereka yang tidak bisa berbicara."
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msgid "Mateo, his fingers absentmindedly tapping a rhythm on the table, broke the silence. \"What if we create something of our own? A band, a movement, a reflection of our generation.\""
msgstr "Mateo, jari-jarinya mengetuk ritme secara tidak sadar di meja, memecah keheningan. \"Bagaimana kalau kita menciptakan sesuatu yang milik kita sendiri? Sebuah band, sebuah gerakan, sebuah refleksi dari generasi kita."
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msgid "One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the Buenos Aires skyline with hues of orange and pink, the friends gathered in their favorite café. The conversation shifted from music to life, and the question of their individual paths lingered in the air."
msgstr "Suatu malam, saat matahari terbenam di bawah cakrawala, melukis langit Buenos Aires dengan nuansa oranye dan pink, teman-teman berkumpul di kafe favorit mereka. Percakapan beralih dari musik ke kehidupan, dan pertanyaan tentang jalur individu mereka menggantung di udara."
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msgid "Excitement bubbled within the group as they huddled around the record player in Mateo's cramped apartment. The needle crackled as it met the vinyl, and the room was filled with the rich, warm sound of Argentine music. From the haunting melodies of Mercedes Sosa to the rebellious beats of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, \"1988 AC\" became the soundtrack of their lives. In the weeks that followed, the friends immersed themselves in the music, dissecting lyrics, debating meanings, and allowing the melodies to seep into the very fabric of their existence. Each song became a conversation, a piece of the collective consciousness that echoed through the café, the streets of San Telmo, and the hidden corners of their hearts."
msgstr "Kegembiraan menggelegak di dalam kelompok saat mereka berkumpul di sekitar pemutar rekaman di apartemen Mateo yang sempit. Jarum berderak saat menyentuh vinil, dan ruangan itu dipenuhi dengan suara kaya dan hangat dari musik Argentina. Dari melodi yang menghantui Mercedes Sosa hingga irama pemberontak Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, '1988 AC' menjadi soundtrack kehidupan mereka. Dalam minggu-minggu berikutnya, teman-teman itu terbenam dalam musik, menganalisis lirik, mendebat makna, dan membiarkan melodi meresap ke dalam inti keberadaan mereka. Setiap lagu menjadi sebuah percakapan, sepotong kesadaran kolektif yang bergema melalui kafe, jalanan San Telmo, dan sudut-sudut tersembunyi di hati mereka."
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msgid "In that record store, the friends stumbled upon a vinyl album that would come to symbolize the spirit of their friendship and the times they lived in. It was titled \"1988 AC,\" a compilation of songs by emerging Argentine artists, each contributing a piece of their soul to the tapestry of a changing nation."
msgstr "Di toko rekaman itu, teman-teman menemukan sebuah album vinyl yang akan menjadi simbol semangat persahabatan mereka dan zaman yang mereka jalani. Album itu berjudul \"1988 AC,\" sebuah kompilasi lagu-lagu oleh artis Argentina yang sedang naik daun, masing-masing menyumbangkan sepotong jiwa mereka ke dalam kain sebuah negara yang sedang berubah."
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msgid "One day, as they strolled through the bohemian streets of San Telmo, they stumbled upon an old record store tucked away in a corner. The store, a treasure trove of vinyl records and faded concert posters, drew them in like a magnetic force. Mateo's eyes lit up as he browsed through the records, his fingers tracing the grooves of classic rock albums. Martina, drawn to the eclectic collection of Argentine folk music, marveled at the diversity of sounds encapsulated in those dusty sleeves. Santiago, immersed in the poetry section, discovered the verses of writers who had found refuge in the power of words."
msgstr "Suatu hari, saat mereka berjalan-jalan di jalanan bohemian San Telmo, mereka menemukan sebuah toko rekaman tua yang tersembunyi di sudut. Toko itu, sebuah harta karun dari piringan hitam dan poster konser yang pudar, menarik mereka seperti gaya magnet. Mata Mateo bersinar saat dia melihat-lihat rekaman, jarinya menyentuh alur album rock klasik. Martina, tertarik pada koleksi eklektik musik rakyat Argentina, mengagumi keragaman suara yang terbungkus dalam sampul berdebu itu. Santiago, terbenam dalam bagian puisi, menemukan bait-bait dari penulis yang telah menemukan perlindungan dalam kekuatan kata-kata."
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msgid "As the night unfolded, the friends delved into their dreams, fears, and aspirations. The café, with its flickering neon sign and the distant strains of a tango wafting through the air, became a haven for their discussions, a sanctuary where they could be themselves in a world that often demanded conformity. The year 1988 carried the weight of history for Argentina. The military junta had crumbled, but the scars of the past lingered, casting shadows on the present. The friends, like many others in their generation, found solace in their gatherings, using music and camaraderie as a form of resistance against a society still finding its footing."
msgstr "Seiring malam berlalu, teman-teman itu menyelami mimpi, ketakutan, dan aspirasi mereka. Kafe, dengan tanda neon yang berkedip dan alunan tango yang jauh mengalun di udara, menjadi tempat perlindungan untuk diskusi mereka, sebuah suaka di mana mereka bisa menjadi diri mereka sendiri di dunia yang sering kali menuntut keseragaman. Tahun 1988 membawa beban sejarah bagi Argentina. Junta militer telah runtuh, tetapi bekas luka masa lalu masih ada, membayangi masa kini. Teman-teman itu, seperti banyak orang lain di generasi mereka, menemukan ketenangan dalam pertemuan mereka, menggunakan musik dan persahabatan sebagai bentuk perlawanan terhadap masyarakat yang masih mencari pijakannya."
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msgid "Santiago, always thoughtful, added, \"Music has a way of capturing the spirit of the times. It becomes a voice for those who can't speak openly.\""
msgstr "Santiago, yang selalu berpikir, menambahkan, 'Musik punya cara untuk menangkap semangat zaman. Itu menjadi suara bagi mereka yang tidak bisa berbicara secara terbuka.'"
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msgid "Martina nodded enthusiastically. \"Their new album is a rebellion in itself. It's like they're singing for all of us, daring to challenge the status quo.\""
msgstr "Martina mengangguk dengan antusias. \"Album baru mereka adalah sebuah pemberontakan itu sendiri. Rasanya seperti mereka bernyanyi untuk kita semua, berani menantang status quo."
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msgid "\"Have you heard the latest from Los Fabulosos Cadillacs?\" asked Mateo, strumming a few chords on his guitar."
msgstr "Kamu udah denger kabar terbaru dari Los Fabulosos Cadillacs?\" tanya Mateo, sambil memainkan beberapa akor di gitarnya."
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msgid "As they sipped on their café cortado, the conversation shifted from the latest rock albums to the political climate of Argentina. The scars of the Dirty War were still fresh, and the country was grappling with the aftermath of a tumultuous period."
msgstr "Saat mereka menyeruput café cortado mereka, percakapan beralih dari album rock terbaru ke iklim politik Argentina. Luka-luka dari Perang Kotor masih terasa segar, dan negara itu sedang bergulat dengan dampak dari periode yang penuh gejolak."
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msgid "The air was filled with a heady mix of cigarette smoke and animated chatter as the friends, a diverse bunch brought together by their love for music and rebellion, settled into their usual corner booth. Mateo, with his unruly curls and a perpetually disheveled air, was the group's unofficial leader. His guitar, adorned with stickers of iconic bands, was never far from his side. Next to him sat Martina, a fiery redhead with a penchant for bold fashion and an insatiable curiosity about the world. Closest to the window was Santiago, a quiet poet with a mop of jet-black hair, often lost in the words flowing from his leather-bound notebook."
msgstr "Udara dipenuhi dengan campuran berat asap rokok dan obrolan yang penuh semangat saat teman-teman, sekelompok beragam yang disatukan oleh cinta mereka terhadap musik dan pemberontakan, duduk di sudut booth mereka yang biasa. Mateo, dengan rambut keritingnya yang liar dan aura yang selalu acak-acakan, adalah pemimpin tidak resmi kelompok itu. Gitarnya, yang dihiasi dengan stiker band-band ikonik, tidak pernah jauh dari sisinya. Di sampingnya duduk Martina, seorang wanita berambut merah menyala dengan kecenderungan untuk fashion yang berani dan rasa ingin tahu yang tak terpuaskan tentang dunia. Terdekat dengan jendela adalah Santiago, seorang penyair pendiam dengan rambut hitam legam, sering kali tenggelam dalam kata-kata yang mengalir dari buku catatannya yang terikat kulit."
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msgid "1988 AC"
msgstr "1988 M"
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msgid "Esperanza"
msgstr "Esperanza"
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msgid "esperanza"
msgstr "harapan"
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msgid "argentina"
msgstr "argentina"
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msgid "andes"
msgstr "andes"
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msgid "In the heart of Argentina, where the Andes met the Pampas and the village of Esperanza bloomed with culture, Juan and Isabella's story became a testament to the power of chance encounters, shared passions, and the beautiful fusion of two worlds that once seemed twelve miles away."
msgstr "Di jantung Argentina, di mana Andes bertemu dengan Pampas dan desa Esperanza mekar dengan budaya, kisah Juan dan Isabella menjadi bukti kekuatan pertemuan kebetulan, hasrat yang dibagikan, dan perpaduan indah dari dua dunia yang dulunya tampak dua belas mil jauhnya."
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msgid "The collaboration between Juan and Isabella became an annual tradition in Esperanza, a celebration that brought the community together in a symphony of wine and music. The Martinez estate and Isabella's accordion continued to weave stories beneath the Argentine sky, creating a legacy that resonated through the hills and vineyards."
msgstr "Kolaborasi antara Juan dan Isabella menjadi tradisi tahunan di Esperanza, sebuah perayaan yang menyatukan komunitas dalam simfoni anggur dan musik. Kebun anggur Martinez dan akordeon Isabella terus menjalin cerita di bawah langit Argentina, menciptakan warisan yang bergema melalui bukit dan kebun anggur."
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msgid "Isabella smiled, her accordion still cradled in her arms. \"The pleasure is mine, Juan. Our worlds may have been twelve miles apart, but tonight, they danced as one.\""
msgstr "Isabella tersenyum, akordeonnya masih dipeluk di pelukannya. \"Kesenangan ini milikku, Juan. Dunia kita mungkin terpisah sejauh dua belas mil, tapi malam ini, mereka menari sebagai satu."
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msgid "\"Tonight has been more magical than I could have imagined,\" he confessed. \"Your music has breathed new life into these vineyards, and I am grateful for the connection we've forged.\""
msgstr "Malam ini lebih ajaib daripada yang bisa saya bayangkan,\" dia mengaku. \"Musikmu telah menghidupkan kembali kebun anggur ini, dan saya bersyukur atas hubungan yang telah kita jalin."
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msgid "As the event drew to a close, the villagers applauded the seamless collaboration between the Martinez vineyard and La Musa de Esperanza. Juan, his eyes reflecting a newfound joy, approached Isabella amidst the applause."
msgstr "Ketika acara mendekati akhir, para penduduk desa memberi aplaus untuk kolaborasi yang mulus antara kebun anggur Martinez dan La Musa de Esperanza. Juan, dengan matanya yang memantulkan kebahagiaan baru, mendekati Isabella di tengah-tengah aplaus."
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msgid "As the night unfolded, Juan and Isabella found themselves caught in the dance of life, twirling under the argent moonlight. The twelve miles that once separated them now seemed inconsequential, for their worlds had merged into a harmonious blend of music, wine, and shared dreams."
msgstr "Seiring malam berlalu, Juan dan Isabella mendapati diri mereka terjebak dalam tarian kehidupan, berputar di bawah cahaya bulan perak. Dua belas mil yang dulunya memisahkan mereka kini terasa tidak berarti, karena dunia mereka telah menyatu dalam perpaduan harmonis musik, anggur, dan mimpi yang dibagikan."
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msgid "The night of the event arrived, and the Martinez estate transformed into a haven of lights and music. The aroma of freshly uncorked wine mingled with the notes of the accordion, creating an atmosphere that seemed to transcend the boundaries of time. The people of Esperanza gathered, their hearts synchronized with the rhythm of the tango, as Isabella's accordion and the Martinez wines painted a masterpiece beneath the starlit sky."
msgstr "Malam acara tiba, dan perkebunan Martinez berubah menjadi surga cahaya dan musik. Aroma anggur yang baru dibuka bercampur dengan nada akordeon, menciptakan suasana yang seolah melampaui batasan waktu. Orang-orang Esperanza berkumpul, hati mereka terkoordinasi dengan ritme tango, saat akordeon Isabella dan anggur Martinez melukis sebuah mahakarya di bawah langit berbintang."
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msgid "Juan, intrigued by the idea, agreed wholeheartedly. The fusion of Isabella's music and the Martinez vineyard became the talk of Esperanza. The village buzzed with anticipation for the upcoming event, which promised to be a celebration of art, culture, and the rich tapestry of Argentine life."
msgstr "Juan, yang tertarik dengan ide itu, setuju sepenuh hati. Perpaduan musik Isabella dan kebun anggur Martinez jadi bahan pembicaraan di Esperanza. Desa itu bergetar dengan antisipasi untuk acara yang akan datang, yang menjanjikan menjadi perayaan seni, budaya, dan kekayaan kehidupan Argentina."
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msgid "Isabella, inspired by the passion woven into Juan's words, proposed a collaboration. \"What if we bring the magic of music to your vineyard? A night of tango and folk songs under the stars, with your wines as the backdrop.\""
msgstr "Isabella, terinspirasi oleh semangat yang terjalin dalam kata-kata Juan, mengusulkan sebuah kolaborasi. \"Bagaimana jika kita membawa keajaiban musik ke kebun anggurmu? Malam tango dan lagu-lagu rakyat di bawah bintang-bintang, dengan anggurmu sebagai latar belakang."
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msgid "\"This land has been in my family for generations,\" Juan shared, his gaze lingering on the vine-covered hills. \"The Martinez wines are not just a product; they are a piece of our history, a testament to the love we pour into every bottle.\""
msgstr "Tanah ini telah menjadi milik keluarga saya selama beberapa generasi,\" Juan berbagi, tatapannya tertuju pada bukit-bukit yang ditutupi anggur. \"Anggur Martinez bukan hanya produk; mereka adalah bagian dari sejarah kami, sebuah bukti cinta yang kami tuangkan ke dalam setiap botol."
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msgid "In the days that followed, Juan invited Isabella to visit his vineyard. The Martinez estate, with its rows of grapevines stretching toward the horizon, unfolded like a patchwork quilt under the Argentine sun. Isabella, her eyes wide with admiration, listened intently as Juan spoke of the family's legacy in winemaking."
msgstr "Pada hari-hari berikutnya, Juan mengundang Isabella untuk mengunjungi kebun anggurnya. Perkebunan Martinez, dengan barisan tanaman anggur yang membentang menuju cakrawala, terbentang seperti selimut perca di bawah sinar matahari Argentina. Isabella, dengan mata yang lebar penuh kekaguman, mendengarkan dengan saksama saat Juan berbicara tentang warisan keluarga dalam pembuatan anggur."
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msgid "As the festival continued, Juan and Isabella found themselves drawn to each other's company. They explored the colorful stalls, shared stories of their families and dreams, and danced beneath the starlit sky. The twelve miles that once stood as a distance between them seemed to dissolve in the magic of the moment."
msgstr "Seiring festival berlanjut, Juan dan Isabella merasa tertarik satu sama lain. Mereka menjelajahi stan-stan berwarna-warni, bagikan cerita tentang keluarga dan impian mereka, dan menari di bawah langit yang dipenuhi bintang. Dua belas mil yang dulunya menjadi jarak di antara mereka tampak larut dalam keajaiban momen itu."
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msgid "Juan nodded, a subtle smile playing on his lips. Little did they know that this chance encounter would set in motion a series of events that would weave their lives together."
msgstr "Juan mengangguk, senyum tipis bermain di bibirnya. Sedikit pun mereka tidak tahu bahwa pertemuan kebetulan ini akan memicu serangkaian peristiwa yang akan mengikat hidup mereka bersama."
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msgid "Isabella, her eyes twinkling with gratitude, responded, \"Thank you, señor. Music has a way of connecting souls, don't you think?\""
msgstr "Isabella, matanya berkilau dengan rasa syukur, menjawab, \"Terima kasih, señor. Musik punya cara untuk menghubungkan jiwa, tidak menurutmu?"
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msgid "\"Bravo, señorita! Your music is like a breath of fresh air,\" Juan complimented, his voice gruff but sincere."
msgstr "Bravo, señorita! Musikmu itu Suka napas segar,\" puji Juan, suaranya kasar tapi tulus."
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msgid "The last notes of the accordion resonated, and the crowd erupted in applause. Isabella, with a radiant smile, acknowledged the cheers and descended from the stage. As she navigated the bustling plaza, her path collided with Juan, who had been quietly watching from the shadows."
msgstr "Notasi terakhir dari akordeon bergema, dan kerumunan meledak dalam tepuk tangan. Isabella, dengan senyum yang bersinar, mengakui sorakan dan turun dari panggung. Saat dia menavigasi plaza yang ramai, jalannya bertabrakan dengan Juan, yang telah diam-diam mengamati dari bayangan."
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msgid "As she began to play, her fingers dancing over the keys with finesse, the audience fell into a trance. Among the captivated onlookers was Juan Martinez, who found himself drawn to the enchanting melodies drifting through the warm summer night."
msgstr "Ketika dia mulai bermain, jarinya menari di atas tuts dengan keanggunan, penonton terjebak dalam trance. Di antara para penonton yang terpesona ada Juan Martinez, yang merasa tertarik pada melodi memikat yang mengalun di malam musim panas yang hangat."
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msgid "Esperanza's Plaza Mayor buzzed with energy as the festival unfolded. The scent of grilled empanadas wafted through the air, and the vibrant colors of traditional costumes blended with the hues of the setting sun. Isabella, dressed in a flowing skirt adorned with intricate embroidery, took the stage with her accordion."
msgstr "Plaza Mayor Esperanza bergetar dengan energi saat festival berlangsung. Aroma empanada panggang tercium di udara, dan warna-warna cerah dari kostum tradisional berpadu dengan nuansa matahari terbenam. Isabella, yang mengenakan rok mengalir dihiasi bordir rumit, naik ke panggung dengan akordeonnya."
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msgid "The two lived just twelve miles away from each other, yet their worlds had yet to collide. Fate, however, had its own plans, and it all began one sultry summer evening at the village's annual festival."
msgstr "Yang dua tinggal hanya dua belas mil satu sama lain, tapi dunia mereka belum pernah bertemu. Takdir, bagaimanapun, punya rencananya sendiri, dan semuanya dimulai pada suatu malam musim panas yang lembap di festival tahunan desa."
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msgid "Isabella Ramirez, on the other hand, was a spirited young woman who filled the air with the melodies of her accordion. She was known for her enchanting renditions of traditional Argentine folk songs, performed at the local café. Her free-spirited nature and music resonated through the village, earning her the affectionate nickname \"La Musa de Esperanza.\""
msgstr "Isabella Ramirez, di sisi lain, adalah seorang wanita muda yang penuh semangat yang mengisi udara dengan melodi akordeonnya. Dia dikenal karena penampilannya yang memikat dari lagu-lagu rakyat Argentina tradisional, yang dibawakan di kafe lokal. Sifatnya yang bebas dan musiknya bergema di seluruh desa, memberinya julukan sayang \"La Musa de Esperanza."
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msgid "Juan Martinez, a stoic man with sun-kissed skin weathered by years working the fields, owned a vineyard on the outskirts of Esperanza. His days were spent cultivating Malbec grapes, a labor of love passed down through generations. The Martinez estate, with its sprawling vineyards and adobe farmhouse, was a testament to the Martinez family's commitment to the art of winemaking."
msgstr "Juan Martinez, seorang pria stoik dengan kulit kecokelatan yang terpapar sinar matahari akibat bertahun-tahun bekerja di ladang, memiliki kebun anggur di pinggiran Esperanza. Hari-harinya dihabiskan untuk menanam anggur Malbec, sebuah kerja cinta yang diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi. Kebun milik Martinez, dengan kebun anggurnya yang luas dan rumah pertanian dari adobe, adalah bukti komitmen keluarga Martinez terhadap seni pembuatan anggur."
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msgid "Where the Andes kissed the sky and the Pampas stretched endlessly, there was a small village named Esperanza. It was a place of warm-hearted people, vibrant colors, and the rhythmic dance of tango that echoed through its cobblestone streets. In this picturesque village lived two souls whose stories were destined to intertwine—Juan and Isabella."
msgstr "Di mana Andes mencium langit dan Pampas membentang tanpa akhir, ada sebuah desa kecil bernama Esperanza. Itu adalah tempat orang-orang yang hangat, warna-warna cerah, dan tarian tango yang berirama yang bergema di jalan-jalan berbatu. Di desa yang indah ini tinggal dua jiwa yang ceritanya ditakdirkan untuk saling terkait—Juan dan Isabella."
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msgid "Twelve Miles Away"
msgstr "Duabelas Mil Jauh"
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msgid "lake"
msgstr "danau"
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msgid "house"
msgstr "rumah"
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msgid "anderson"
msgstr "anderson"
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msgid "And so, under the vast expanse of the evening sky, the house by the lake stood as a beacon of continuity, a testament to the enduring power of family, love, and the unbroken thread that wove through the generations."
msgstr "Dan jadi, di bawah hamparan luas langit malam, rumah di tepi danau berdiri sebagai mercusuar kontinuitas, sebuah bukti kekuatan abadi keluarga, cinta, dan benang tak terputus yang menjalin melalui generasi."
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msgid "The family listened, their hearts stirred by Sarah's words. The porch, witness to countless tales, embraced the present moment with open arms. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the lake shimmered in agreement, carrying forth the legacy of the Anderson family into the tapestry of time."
msgstr "Keluarga itu mendengarkan, hati mereka tergerak oleh kata-kata Sarah. Teras, yang menjadi saksi dari banyak cerita, menyambut momen saat ini dengan tangan terbuka. Saat matahari tenggelam di bawah cakrawala, danau berkilau seolah setuju, membawa warisan keluarga Anderson ke dalam jalinan waktu."
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msgid "\"Listen, everyone,\" Sarah began, her eyes shining with a mix of nostalgia and hope. \"This house, this lake – they are more than just a backdrop to our lives. They are the keepers of our stories, the guardians of our shared history. As we navigate the currents of life, let us never forget the roots that anchor us. Let us cherish the legacy of the house by the lake, and may its magic endure in our hearts, no matter where life takes us.\""
msgstr "Dengar, semua,\" Sarah mulai, matanya bersinar dengan campuran nostalgia dan harapan. \"Rumah ini, danau ini – mereka lebih dari sekadar latar belakang kehidupan kita. Mereka adalah penjaga cerita kita, pelindung sejarah bersama kita. Saat kita menavigasi arus kehidupan, jangan pernah kita lupakan akar yang mengikat kita. Mari kita hargai warisan rumah di tepi danau, dan semoga keajaibannya bertahan di hati kita, tidak peduli ke mana hidup membawa kita."
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msgid "One summer evening, with the porch bathed in the glow of a setting sun, Sarah gathered her family around. The air buzzed with anticipation, and the lake reflected the hues of a vibrant sky. It was time for her to pass on the tales of the house, just as her grandfather had done for her."
msgstr "Suatu malam musim panas, dengan teras yang disinari cahaya matahari terbenam, Sarah mengumpulkan keluarganya di sekelilingnya. Udara bergetar dengan antisipasi, dan danau memantulkan warna-warna langit yang cerah. Saatnya baginya untuk meneruskan cerita-cerita tentang rumah itu, sama seperti yang dilakukan kakeknya untuknya."
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msgid "Days turned into nights, and Sarah found herself rekindling the magic of the house by the lake. She gathered her family for impromptu reunions, shared stories around the fireplace, and introduced her own children to the art of fishing by the pier. The echoes of laughter returned, not as a mere memory but as a living, breathing testament to the enduring spirit of the Anderson family."
msgstr "Hari-hari berubah menjadi malam, dan Sarah mendapati dirinya menghidupkan kembali keajaiban rumah di tepi danau. Dia mengumpulkan keluarganya untuk reuni dadakan, membagikan cerita di sekitar perapian, dan memperkenalkan anak-anaknya pada seni memancing di dermaga. Gema tawa kembali, bukan sekadar kenangan tetapi sebagai bukti hidup yang bernafas akan semangat abadi keluarga Anderson."
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msgid "As Sarah rowed across the lake, the gentle rhythm of the oars became a melody of reflection. She felt a renewed connection to the house, to the lake, and to the legacy of the Anderson family. In that moment, the simplicity of life by the water's edge embraced her like a comforting embrace."
msgstr "Saat Sarah mendayung melintasi danau, ritme lembut dari dayung menjadi melodi refleksi. Dia merasakan koneksi yang diperpanjang dengan rumah, dengan danau, dan dengan warisan keluarga Anderson. Di momen itu, kesederhanaan hidup di tepi air memeluknya seperti pelukan yang menenangkan."
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msgid "The following day, Sarah decided to take a stroll along the familiar paths that led to the lake's edge. As she walked, lost in her thoughts, she stumbled upon an old rowboat tucked away beneath the willow trees. Memories of childhood adventures flooded back, and a smile crept across her face."
msgstr "Pada hari berikutnya, Sarah memutuskan untuk berjalan-jalan di sepanjang jalan yang familiar yang mengarah ke tepi danau. Saat dia berjalan, terlarut dalam pikirannya, dia tersandung pada sebuah perahu dayung tua yang tersembunyi di bawah pohon willow. Kenangan petualangan masa kecil kembali membanjiri pikirannya, dan senyum muncul di wajahnya."
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msgid "As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow on the lake, Sarah pondered her mother's words. The house, once a bustling haven, now stood as a quiet witness to the ebb and flow of life. The lake, always constant, seemed to echo the sentiment that change was as natural as the ripples on its surface."
msgstr "Ketika matahari terbenam di bawah cakrawala, memancarkan cahaya emas di danau, Sarah merenungkan kata-kata ibunya. Rumah itu, yang dulunya merupakan tempat yang ramai, kini berdiri sebagai saksi bisu terhadap pasang surut kehidupan. Danau itu, yang selalu konstanta, seolah menggema perasaan bahwa perubahan adalah sesuatu yang alami seperti riak di permukaannya."
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msgid "Emily sighed, her eyes reflecting a mix of melancholy and wisdom. \"Change is inevitable, sweetheart. The house stands as a testament to our shared history, but we can't freeze time. Life moves forward, and so must we. What matters is that we carry the essence of this place with us, no matter where life takes us.\""
msgstr "Emily menghela napas, matanya mencerminkan campuran melankolis dan kebijaksanaan. \"Perubahan itu tak terhindarkan, sayang. Rumah ini berdiri sebagai bukti sejarah yang kita bagi, tapi kita tidak bisa membekukan waktu. Hidup terus bergerak maju, dan kita pun harus begitu. Yang penting adalah kita membawa esensi tempat ini bersama kita, tidak peduli ke mana hidup membawa kita."
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msgid "\"Mom,\" Sarah finally spoke, breaking the quietude, \"I miss the way things used to be. The laughter, the stories, the feeling of all of us being together. It's different now.\""
msgstr "Ibu,\" Sarah akhirnya berbicara, memecah keheningan, \"Aku merindukan cara semuanya dulu. Tawa, cerita, perasaan kita semua bersama. Sekarang berbeda."
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msgid "Sarah's thoughts were interrupted by her mother, Emily, joining her on the porch. The two women sat in silence, the lake stretching out before them like a canvas of memories."
msgstr "Pikiran Sarah terputus ketika ibunya, Emily, bergabung dengannya di teras. Kedua wanita itu duduk dalam keheningan, danau membentang di depan mereka seperti kanvas kenangan."
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msgid "One summer, Sarah returned to the house by the lake, the familiar creak of the porch floorboards welcoming her back like an old friend. She found herself sitting on the porch, gazing at the lake, lost in contemplation. The once vibrant echoes of family gatherings were replaced by a subtle quiet, a reflection of the passage of time."
msgstr "Suatu musim panas, Sarah kembali ke rumah di tepi danau, suara berdecit yang akrab dari papan lantai teras menyambutnya kembali seperti teman lama. Dia mendapati dirinya duduk di teras, menatap danau, terjebak dalam renungan. Gema pertemuan keluarga yang dulunya ceria kini digantikan oleh keheningan yang halus, sebuah refleksi dari perjalanan waktu."
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msgid "Years passed, and the Anderson children, now grown with families of their own, scattered across the country. The old house by the lake became a nexus, a place of reunion for weddings, holidays, and the occasional quiet weekend getaway. Yet, as the family expanded, so did the complexities of life."
msgstr "Tahun-tahun berlalu, dan anak-anak Anderson, yang sekarang sudah dewasa dengan keluarga mereka sendiri, menyebar ke seluruh negeri. Rumah tua di tepi danau menjadi sebuah nexus, tempat pertemuan untuk pernikahan, liburan, dan kadang-kadang akhir pekan yang tenang. Namun, seiring dengan berkembangnya keluarga, begitu juga dengan kompleksitas kehidupan."
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msgid "As George painted a vivid picture of the family's history, the porch became a vessel of nostalgia. The family, with each member wrapped in the warmth of shared memories, felt the invisible threads of their connection tightening. The lake, shimmering in the moonlight, seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the tales of generations."
msgstr "Ketika George melukis gambaran yang jelas tentang sejarah keluarga, teras menjadi wadah nostalgia. Keluarga, dengan setiap anggotanya dibalut kehangatan kenangan yang dibagikan, merasakan benang tak terlihat dari hubungan mereka semakin mengencang. Danau, yang berkilau di bawah sinar bulan, seolah menahan napas, terpesona oleh kisah-kisah dari generasi ke generasi."
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msgid "A hearty laugh escaped George's lips as he leaned back in his rocking chair. \"Ah, the giant fish! That's a story for another time, Jake. Tonight, I want to share a different tale – the story of us, right here in this house.\""
msgstr "Sebuah tawa yang hangat keluar dari bibir George saat dia bersandar di kursi goyangnya. \"Ah, ikan raksasa! Itu cerita untuk lain waktu, Jake. Malam ini, aku mau bagikan cerita yang berbeda – cerita tentang kita, di sini di rumah ini."
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msgid "\"Tell us about the time you caught the giant fish, Grandpa!\" exclaimed Jake, Sarah's older brother."
msgstr "Ceritakan tentang saat kamu menangkap ikan raksasa, Kakek!\" seru Jake, kakak perempuan Sarah."
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msgid "\"Sarah,\" George began, his eyes sparkling with memories, \"this house has seen it all. Your grandma and I raised our children here, right where you're sitting now. There's something magical about a house by the lake – it cradles the echoes of laughter, the whispers of the wind, and the passage of time.\""
msgstr "Sarah,\" George mulai, matanya berkilau dengan kenangan, \"rumah ini telah melihat segalanya. Nenekmu dan aku membesarkan anak-anak kami di sini, tepat di tempat kamu duduk sekarang. Ada sesuatu yang magis tentang rumah di tepi danau – ia mengayunkan gema tawa, bisikan angin, dan perjalanan waktu."
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msgid "One summer evening, the Anderson family gathered on the porch. Sarah, the youngest granddaughter, her eyes filled with wonder, listened intently to her grandfather's tales."
msgstr "Suatu malam musim panas, keluarga Anderson berkumpul di teras. Sarah, cucu perempuan termuda, dengan matanya yang penuh rasa ingin tahu, mendengarkan dengan saksama cerita kakeknya."
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msgid "George Anderson, a rugged man with calloused hands and a heart as vast as the lake, had built the house with his own two hands. It was a testament to his dreams of a quiet, idyllic life by the water's edge. As the patriarch of the Anderson family, he instilled values of love, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life in his children and grandchildren."
msgstr "George Anderson, seorang pria tangguh dengan tangan yang kasar dan hati seluas danau, telah membangun rumah itu dengan kedua tangannya sendiri. Itu adalah bukti dari mimpinya akan kehidupan yang tenang dan idilis di tepi air. Sebagai kepala keluarga Anderson, dia menanamkan nilai-nilai cinta, ketahanan, dan penghargaan yang mendalam terhadap kebahagiaan sederhana dalam hidup kepada anak-anak dan cucunya."
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msgid "In the heart of a tranquil forest, surrounded by towering pines and weeping willows, stood a weathered house overlooking a serene lake. Its timeworn shutters whispered tales of generations past, of laughter that had once echoed through the halls and the rhythmic rocking of chairs on the porch. This was the Anderson family home, a place where memories clung to the walls like shadows, and the roots of love ran deep."
msgstr "Di tengah hutan yang tenang, dikelilingi oleh pinus yang menjulang tinggi dan willow yang menangis, berdiri sebuah rumah tua yang menghadap ke danau yang tenang. Jendela-jendela yang sudah usang itu membisikkan kisah generasi yang lalu, tentang tawa yang pernah bergema di sepanjang lorong dan ayunan kursi yang ritmis di beranda. Ini adalah rumah keluarga Anderson, sebuah tempat di mana kenangan melekat pada dinding seperti bayangan, dan akar cinta tumbuh dalam-dalam."
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msgid "A House by the Lake"
msgstr "Sebuah Rumah di Danau"
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#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44:
msgid "spaceship"
msgstr "pesawat luar angkasa"
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msgid "ants"
msgstr "semut"
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msgid "As the spaceship continued its interstellar journey, the astronauts and ants navigated the cosmic expanse side by side, two species separated by size but bound together by the shared adventure of exploration. The ants, unwitting pioneers of a minuscule civilization in the vastness of space, became a testament to the unpredictable nature of cosmic encounters."
msgstr "Ketika pesawat luar angkasa melanjutkan perjalanan antarbintang, para astronot dan semut menavigasi ruang kosmik berdampingan, dua spesies yang terpisah oleh ukuran tetapi terikat bersama oleh petualangan bersama dalam eksplorasi. Semut, pelopor tak sadar dari sebuah peradaban kecil di luasnya ruang angkasa, menjadi bukti sifat tak terduga dari pertemuan kosmik."
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msgid "In a surprising turn of events, the astronauts chose the path of coexistence. Recognizing the remarkable resilience and adaptability of the ants, they sealed the breach in the spaceship's exterior, preventing further incursions. The crew, now aware of their tiny cohabitants, modified their mission parameters to accommodate the unexpected presence of the industrious ants."
msgstr "Dalam sebuah kejadian yang mengejutkan, para astronot memilih jalur koeksistensi. Menyadari ketahanan dan kemampuan beradaptasi yang luar biasa dari semut-semut itu, mereka menutup celah di bagian luar pesawat luar angkasa, mencegah masuknya lebih lanjut. Kru, yang sekarang menyadari keberadaan rekan-rekan kecil mereka, memodifikasi parameter misi mereka untuk mengakomodasi kehadiran tak terduga dari semut-semut pekerja yang giat."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44:
msgid "A dilemma unfolded within the confines of the spaceship – a clash between the aspirations of human explorers and the innate survival instincts of the humble ants. The crew, faced with the unexpected challenge of an interspecies encounter, grappled with ethical considerations. Should they exterminate the tiny intruders, risking damage to their delicate systems, or coexist with the unintended passengers?"
msgstr "Sebuah dilema muncul di dalam batasan pesawat luar angkasa – bentrokan antara aspirasi penjelajah manusia dan insting bertahan hidup alami dari semut-semut kecil. Kru, yang dihadapkan pada tantangan tak terduga dari pertemuan antar spesies, bergulat dengan pertimbangan etis. Haruskah mereka memusnahkan para penyusup kecil itu, yang berisiko merusak sistem mereka yang rapuh, atau hidup berdampingan dengan penumpang yang tidak diinginkan?"
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msgid "Tensions escalated when the crew started finding microscopic tunnels etched into vital electronic components. The once-covert ant society now posed a threat to the spacecraft's functionality. Alarmed by the potential consequences, the astronauts initiated a meticulous search, tracing the source of the mysterious markings and uncovering the tiny architects behind the disruptions."
msgstr "Tensi meningkat ketika kru mulai menemukan terowongan mikroskopis yang terukir di komponen elektronik vital. Masyarakat semut yang dulunya tersembunyi kini menjadi ancaman bagi fungsionalitas pesawat luar angkasa. Terkejut oleh konsekuensi yang mungkin terjadi, para astronot memulai pencarian yang teliti, melacak sumber tanda misterius dan mengungkap arsitek kecil di balik gangguan tersebut."
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msgid "Yet, as the spaceship ventured deeper into uncharted space, the harmony between the astronauts and their tiny cohabitants began to unravel. The ants, driven by instinct, sought sustenance in the spacecraft's food supplies. The crew, discovering their rations dwindling faster than anticipated, were perplexed by the apparent discrepancy. Little did they know that the resourceful ants had formed alliances, transporting crumbs and morsels to hidden chambers within the ship."
msgstr "Namun, saat pesawat luar angkasa menjelajah lebih dalam ke ruang angkasa yang belum dipetakan, harmoni antara para astronot dan penghuni kecil mereka mulai terurai. Semut-semut, yang didorong oleh insting, mencari makanan di persediaan makanan pesawat. Kru, yang menemukan ransum mereka menyusut lebih cepat dari yang diperkirakan, merasa bingung dengan ketidaksesuaian yang tampak. Sedikit yang mereka tahu bahwa semut-semut yang cerdik telah membentuk aliansi, mengangkut remah-remah dan potongan makanan ke ruang tersembunyi di dalam kapal."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44:
msgid "Days turned into weeks, and the ants, adapting to their newfound habitat, became unwitting accomplices in the crew's scientific pursuits. They inadvertently assisted in data collection, their tiny footprints tracing patterns on control panels. The astronauts, puzzled by the mysterious markings, attributed them to cosmic radiation or technical glitches, unaware that the real architects were the industrious ants."
msgstr "Hari-hari berubah menjadi minggu, dan semut-semut, yang beradaptasi dengan habitat baru mereka, menjadi rekan yang tidak sadar dalam pencarian ilmiah kru. Mereka tanpa sengaja membantu dalam pengumpulan data, jejak-jejak kecil mereka membentuk pola di panel kontrol. Para astronot, yang bingung oleh tanda-tanda misterius itu, mengaitkannya dengan radiasi kosmik atau kesalahan teknis, tanpa menyadari bahwa arsitek sebenarnya adalah semut-semut yang rajin."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44:
msgid "As the astronauts conducted experiments and monitored systems, the ants forged their own miniature society within the metallic confines. They tirelessly constructed tunnels along the walls, utilizing the spaceship's infrastructure as a sprawling canvas for their industrious endeavors. The astronauts, preoccupied with their mission, remained oblivious to the miniature metropolis flourishing under their very noses."
msgstr "Ketika para astronot melakukan eksperimen dan memantau sistem, semut-semut membangun masyarakat miniatur mereka sendiri di dalam batasan logam. Mereka tanpa lelah membangun terowongan di sepanjang dinding, memanfaatkan infrastruktur pesawat luar angkasa sebagai kanvas luas untuk usaha mereka yang giat. Para astronot, yang terfokus pada misi mereka, tetap tidak menyadari metropolis miniatur yang berkembang pesat di bawah hidung mereka."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "The journey began smoothly, the hum of the spacecraft's engines resonating through its metallic corridors. As the astronauts marveled at the celestial wonders beyond their windows, a subtle rustling emanated from the walls. Unbeknownst to the crew, a small crack in the exterior had allowed a determined group of ants to infiltrate the spaceship. These tiny stowaways, survivors of an inadvertent launch from Earth, now navigated the intricate labyrinth of the spacecraft."
msgstr "Perjalanan dimulai dengan lancar, dengungan mesin pesawat luar angkasa bergema melalui koridor metaliknya. Saat para astronot mengagumi keajaiban langit di luar jendela mereka, suara gemerisik halus terdengar dari dinding. Tanpa sepengetahuan kru, sebuah retakan kecil di bagian luar telah memungkinkan sekelompok semut yang gigih untuk menyusup ke pesawat luar angkasa. Para penyusup kecil ini, yang selamat dari peluncuran yang tidak sengaja dari Bumi, kini menjelajahi labirin rumit pesawat luar angkasa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44:
msgid "A group of intrepid astronauts embarked on an interstellar voyage, leaving behind the familiar bounds of Earth for the vastness of space. The spaceship, a marvel of technological innovation, brimmed with life support systems, advanced navigation controls, and a diverse crew eager to explore the cosmic unknown. Among the many creatures on board, there were uninvited guests of minuscule proportions – a colony of ants."
msgstr "Sekelompok astronaut yang berani memulai perjalanan antarbintang, meninggalkan batas-batas familiar Bumi untuk luasnya ruang angkasa. Pesawat luar angkasa, sebuah keajaiban inovasi teknologi, dipenuhi dengan sistem pendukung kehidupan, kontrol navigasi canggih, dan kru yang beragam yang bersemangat untuk menjelajahi yang tidak diketahui di kosmos. Di antara banyak makhluk di dalam pesawat, ada tamu tak diundang yang berukuran sangat kecil – sebuah koloni semut."
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msgid "Ants In a Spaceship"
msgstr "Semut di Dalam Pesawat Luar Angkasa"
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#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=46:
msgid "willowbrook"
msgstr "willowbrook"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=46:
msgid "whirlwind"
msgstr "putaran angin"
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msgid "hills"
msgstr "bukit"
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msgid "Short Stories"
msgstr "Cerita pendek"
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msgid "short-stories"
msgstr "cerita pendek"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=46:
msgid "As the whirlwind dissipated into the ether, leaving the town in a state of calm, the chosen ones stood together, their hearts intertwined with the fate of Willowbrook. The legend, though born of mystery, had imparted a timeless lesson – that true magic lies not in the extraordinary, but in the bonds that connect ordinary lives."
msgstr "Ketika angin puyuh menghilang ke dalam eter, meninggalkan kota dalam keadaan tenang, yang terpilih berdiri bersama, hati mereka terjalin dengan nasib Willowbrook. Legenda, meskipun lahir dari misteri, telah memberikan pelajaran yang abadi – bahwa sihir sejati tidak terletak pada yang luar biasa, tetapi pada ikatan yang menghubungkan kehidupan biasa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "The once-unified town now faced internal discord and external threats. The townspeople, blinded by the allure of the extraordinary, had neglected the bonds that held them together. It fell upon the chosen ones to confront the shadows that lurked in the wake of the whirlwind. United by a newfound purpose, Amelia, Samuel, and Elara embarked on a journey to restore balance to Willowbrook. Through trials and tribulations, they discovered the true meaning of their gifts – not as a source of personal glory, but as tools to strengthen the community."
msgstr "Kota yang dulunya bersatu kini menghadapi perselisihan internal dan ancaman eksternal. Penduduk kota, yang buta oleh daya tarik yang luar biasa, telah mengabaikan ikatan yang menyatukan mereka. Tugas ini jatuh kepada yang terpilih untuk menghadapi bayangan yang mengintai di balik badai. Dipersatukan oleh tujuan baru, Amelia, Samuel, dan Elara memulai perjalanan untuk mengembalikan keseimbangan di Willowbrook. Melalui ujian dan kesulitan, mereka menemukan arti sebenarnya dari hadiah mereka – bukan sebagai sumber kemuliaan pribadi, tetapi sebagai alat untuk memperkuat komunitas."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Amelia, now the renowned pastry chef, found herself grappling with the weight of expectations and the envy of rivals. Samuel's artistic prowess brought him acclaim, but it also attracted the attention of those who sought to exploit his talents. Elara, while admired for her mesmerizing paintings, became a recluse, haunted by visions that only she could see."
msgstr "Amelia, sekarang koki pastry terkenal, mendapati dirinya bergumul dengan beban harapan dan rasa iri dari saingan. Kecakapan artistik Samuel membawanya pada pujian, tapi itu juga menarik perhatian mereka yang ingin memanfaatkan bakatnya. Elara, meski dikagumi karena lukisan memukaunya, menjadi penyendiri, dihantui oleh visi yang hanya bisa dia lihat."
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msgid "However, as with all legends, there was a twist to the tale. The whirlwind, having bestowed its gifts, began to wane, and with its departure, a shadowy force emerged. A darkness that sought to balance the scales of fate."
msgstr "Namun, seperti semua legenda, ada sebuah twist dalam cerita ini. Angin puyuh, setelah memberikan hadiahnya, mulai memudar, dan dengan kepergiannya, sebuah kekuatan bayangan muncul. Sebuah kegelapan yang berusaha menyeimbangkan timbangan takdir."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=46:
msgid "The townspeople marveled at the transformations, their skepticism replaced by awe. Willowbrook flourished under the influence of the chosen ones, who, in turn, embraced their newfound abilities with humility and gratitude. The once-sleepy town became a haven for artists, craftsmen, and those seeking the extraordinary."
msgstr "Warga kota terkagum-kagum dengan transformasi itu, skeptisisme mereka digantikan oleh kekaguman. Willowbrook berkembang pesat di bawah pengaruh orang-orang terpilih, yang, pada gilirannya, menerima kemampuan baru mereka dengan kerendahan hati dan rasa syukur. Kota yang dulunya sepi itu menjadi surga bagi para seniman, pengrajin, dan mereka yang mencari yang luar biasa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "The whirlwind, now a gentle breeze, encircled the trio, imparting them with gifts beyond their wildest imaginations. Amelia discovered an ancient recipe that transformed her humble pastries into delicacies that enchanted the taste buds of all who sampled them. Samuel's hands, once calloused from forging tools, now possessed the magic to shape metal into exquisite works of art. Elara's paintings took on a life of their own, captivating anyone who gazed upon them."
msgstr "Angin puyuh, yang kini menjadi angin sepoi-sepoi, mengelilingi trio itu, memberikan mereka hadiah yang melampaui imajinasi liar mereka. Amelia menemukan resep kuno yang mengubah kue-kue sederhana miliknya menjadi delicacy yang memikat selera semua orang yang mencicipinya. Tangan Samuel, yang dulunya kasar karena membuat alat, kini memiliki sihir untuk membentuk logam menjadi karya seni yang indah. Lukisan Elara hidup dengan sendirinya, memikat siapa saja yang memandangnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=46:
msgid "From within the heart of the whirlwind emerged three figures, each bathed in a radiant glow. The townspeople gasped, recognizing them as the chosen ones – individuals destined to be touched by the whims of fate. There was Amelia, the kind-hearted baker with a secret longing for adventure; Samuel, the skilled blacksmith burdened by unfulfilled dreams; and Elara, the enigmatic artist who saw the world through a different lens."
msgstr "Dari dalam jantung pusaran angin muncul tiga sosok, masing-masing diselimuti cahaya yang bersinar. Penduduk kota ternganga, mengenali mereka sebagai orang-orang terpilih – individu yang ditakdirkan untuk disentuh oleh kehendak takdir. Ada Amelia, pembuat roti yang baik hati dengan kerinduan rahasia untuk petualangan; Samuel, pandai besi terampil yang terbebani oleh mimpi yang belum terwujud; dan Elara, seniman misterius yang melihat dunia melalui lensa yang berbeda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "As the appointed day arrived, the townspeople gathered in the town square, eyes fixed on the horizon. The atmosphere crackled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, for no one knew what the whirlwind would bring. Suddenly, a gentle breeze stirred, and the air shimmered with an otherworldly energy. The whirlwind materialized, a swirling maelstrom of colors that seemed to defy the laws of nature."
msgstr "Ketika hari yang ditentukan tiba, penduduk kota berkumpul di alun-alun kota, mata tertuju pada cakrawala. Suasana bergetar dengan campuran kegembiraan dan ketakutan, karena tidak ada yang tahu apa yang akan dibawa oleh pusaran angin itu. Tiba-tiba, angin sepoi-sepoi berhembus, dan udara berkilau dengan energi dari dunia lain. Pusaran angin itu muncul, sebuah pusaran warna yang tampak menentang hukum alam."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "As the years passed, the legend faded into the background of everyday life. The townspeople went about their routines, tending to their fields, raising families, and exchanging pleasantries in the local market. Yet, as the centennial anniversary approached, an air of anticipation enveloped Willowbrook."
msgstr "Seiring berjalannya tahun, legenda itu memudar ke latar belakang kehidupan sehari-hari. Penduduk kota menjalani rutinitas mereka, mengurus ladang, membesarkan keluarga, dan bertukar sapaan di pasar lokal. Namun, saat peringatan seratus tahun mendekat, suasana antisipasi menyelimuti Willowbrook."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/fictionary.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=46:
msgid "In the quaint town of Willowbrook, nestled between rolling hills and meandering streams, there existed an ancient legend whispered among the townsfolk. They spoke of a mystical whirlwind that swept through the town once every century, bringing with it both blessings and curses. The elders claimed it was a force beyond human comprehension, a celestial dance of fate that left its mark on the chosen few."
msgstr "Di kota kecil Willowbrook, yang terletak di antara bukit-bukit bergelombang dan aliran sungai yang berkelok-kelok, ada sebuah legenda kuno yang dibisikkan di antara penduduk kota. Mereka berbicara tentang pusaran mistis yang melintasi kota itu sekali setiap abad, membawa bersamanya baik berkah maupun kutukan. Para tetua mengklaim bahwa itu adalah kekuatan yang melampaui pemahaman manusia, sebuah tarian surgawi dari takdir yang meninggalkan jejaknya pada beberapa yang terpilih."
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msgid "The Whirlwind"
msgstr "Angin Puting Beliung"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=8:
msgid "Over the last decades of the 20th century, the museum opened its doors to the great exponents of modern art on an international level. Thus, works by geniuses such as Pablo Picasso, Amedeo Modigliani, Marc Chagall, Vassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Lucio Fontana, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Henry Moore were added to its collection."
msgstr "Selama beberapa dekade terakhir abad ke-20, museum membuka pintunya untuk para eksponen besar seni modern di tingkat internasional. Dengan demikian, karya-karya jenius seperti Pablo Picasso, Amedeo Modigliani, Marc Chagall, Vassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Lucio Fontana, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, dan Henry Moore ditambahkan ke koleksinya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=8:
msgid "latest on the collection"
msgstr "terbaru tentang koleksi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=8:
msgid "In 1933, the museum found its current home in the remodeled Recoleta Pump House, a work of art in itself designed by architect Alejandro Bustillo. This relocation saw the addition of valuable pieces, including 'Woman by the sea' by Paul Gauguin, 'Le Moulin de la Galette' by Vincent van Gogh, and 'Christ in the Garden of Olives' by El Greco."
msgstr "Pada tahun 1933, museum menemukan rumahnya yang sekarang di Recoleta Pump House yang telah direnovasi, sebuah karya seni itu sendiri yang dirancang oleh arsitek Alejandro Bustillo. Relokasi ini melihat penambahan karya-karya berharga, termasuk 'Woman by the sea' oleh Paul Gauguin, 'Le Moulin de la Galette' oleh Vincent van Gogh, dan 'Christ in the Garden of Olives' oleh El Greco."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=8:
msgid "A new era dawned in 1911 with the opening of the Argentine Pavilion, a monumental structure from the 1889 Paris Universal Exhibition, situated in Plaza San Martín. This marked the incorporation of notable new acquisitions, such as Édouard Manet's 'The surprised nymph' and Claude Monet's 'Banks of the Seine.'"
msgstr "Era baru dimulai pada tahun 1911 dengan dibukanya Paviliun Argentina, sebuah struktur monumental dari Pameran Universal Paris 1889, yang terletak di Plaza San Martín. Ini menandai penggabungan akuisisi baru yang penting, seperti 'Nymfa yang Terkejut' karya Édouard Manet dan 'Tepi Sungai Seine' karya Claude Monet."
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msgid "In its first decade, during the commemoration of the Centennial of the May Revolution, the museum already exhibited masterpieces by renowned artists such as Francisco de Goya, Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida, Edgar Degas, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir."
msgstr "Di dekade pertamanya, selama peringatan Seratus Tahun Revolusi Mei, museum sudah memamerkan karya-karya agung oleh seniman terkenal seperti Francisco de Goya, Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida, Edgar Degas, dan Pierre-Auguste Renoir."
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msgid "Foundation"
msgstr "Yayasan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=8:
msgid "Founded in the heart of Buenos Aires in 1896, the International Art Museum has, from its inception, housed a rich diversity of works spanning different periods and artistic movements globally. It emerged with the mission not only to safeguard the richness of international art but also to foster the flourishing of Argentine art within a context of cultural renewal."
msgstr "Didirikan di jantung Buenos Aires pada tahun 1896, Museum Seni Internasional telah, sejak awal, menyimpan keragaman karya yang kaya yang mencakup berbagai periode dan gerakan seni di seluruh dunia. Museum ini muncul dengan misi tidak hanya untuk melindungi kekayaan seni internasional tetapi juga untuk mendorong berkembangnya seni Argentina dalam konteks perpanjangan budaya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=13:
msgid "Collection"
msgstr "Koleksi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Integer ultrices congue neque, at blandit est elementum ut. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed eros ante, pharetra a cursus quis, iaculis in tortor. Proin ut velit ut augue molestie lacinia et vitae mi. Proin elementum diam urna, ut fringilla leo lobortis id. Phasellus malesuada ullamcorper arcu in hendrerit. Curabitur id sapien consectetur, auctor sapien sit amet, hendrerit mi. Mauris viverra tellus ex, eu consectetur nisi pharetra vitae. Maecenas cursus mauris ut felis fermentum egestas. Mauris fermentum accumsan rutrum."
msgstr "Integer ultrices congue neque, at blandit est elementum ut. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed eros ante, pharetra a cursus quis, iaculis in tortor. Proin ut velit ut augue molestie lacinia et vitae mi. Proin elementum diam urna, ut fringilla leo lobortis id. Phasellus malesuada ullamcorper arcu in hendrerit. Curabitur id sapien consectetur, auctor sapien sit amet, hendrerit mi. Mauris viverra tellus ex, eu consectetur nisi pharetra vitae. Maecenas cursus mauris ut felis fermentum egestas. Mauris fermentum accumsan rutrum."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Donec imperdiet"
msgstr "Donec imperdiet"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Donec pretium, sapien vel congue condimentum, nunc erat commodo tellus, sit amet scelerisque lacus urna sit amet nisl. Nam pharetra mi et purus ornare pulvinar. Sed sagittis eros at eros molestie, tempus imperdiet nibh efficitur. Proin sem eros, lacinia eu justo a, imperdiet sagittis augue. Aenean non sollicitudin velit, dignissim tincidunt nibh. Donec elementum nisl non dui faucibus suscipit. Donec rhoncus mauris ac odio aliquet euismod. Nullam fringilla ipsum enim, eget hendrerit leo suscipit a."
msgstr "Donec pretium, sapien vel congue condimentum, nunc erat commodo tellus, sit amet scelerisque lacus urna sit amet nisl. Nam pharetra mi et purus ornare pulvinar. Sed sagittis eros at eros molestie, tempus imperdiet nibh efficitur. Proin sem eros, lacinia eu justo a, imperdiet sagittis augue. Aenean non sollicitudin velit, dignissim tincidunt nibh. Donec elementum nisl non dui faucibus suscipit. Donec rhoncus mauris ac odio aliquet euismod. Nullam fringilla ipsum enim, eget hendrerit leo suscipit a."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Duis malesuada malesuada aliquam. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices iaculis. Fusce a purus dui. Nulla vel diam ultrices erat fringilla scelerisque. Vestibulum tincidunt sit amet libero in ornare. Nulla facilisi. Quisque varius ex mauris, sed interdum arcu rutrum vitae. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque eget turpis lectus. Etiam vestibulum dapibus tincidunt. Sed faucibus velit eu venenatis lacinia. Phasellus eu gravida urna. Cras in hendrerit leo, non placerat ipsum. Curabitur efficitur rhoncus mi et imperdiet."
msgstr "Duis malesuada malesuada aliquam. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices iaculis. Fusce a purus dui. Nulla vel diam ultrices erat fringilla scelerisque. Vestibulum tincidunt sit amet libero in ornare. Nulla facilisi. Quisque varius ex mauris, sed interdum arcu rutrum vitae. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque eget turpis lectus. Etiam vestibulum dapibus tincidunt. Sed faucibus velit eu venenatis lacinia. Phasellus eu gravida urna. Cras in hendrerit leo, non placerat ipsum. Curabitur efficitur rhoncus mi et imperdiet."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Integer faucibus placerat"
msgstr "Integer faucibus placerat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "In ac neque varius, malesuada diam quis, pretium eros. Cras posuere justo lacus, non auctor mi scelerisque ornare. Pellentesque euismod dignissim augue sed aliquet. In ut condimentum sapien. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean ante neque, dapibus a cursus vitae, aliquam at ipsum. Mauris rhoncus rhoncus ipsum id egestas. Donec a condimentum purus, ac pharetra nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi feugiat eget neque sit amet elementum. Maecenas varius, nisl sed consectetur fringilla, augue odio malesuada dolor, a venenatis nisl nibh a purus. Sed aliquet porta ante nec facilisis. Vivamus quis consectetur mauris, ut tincidunt lacus. In ac luctus odio."
msgstr "Dalam ac neque varius, malesuada diam quis, pretium eros. Cras posuere justo lacus, non auctor mi scelerisque ornare. Pellentesque euismod dignissim augue sed aliquet. In ut condimentum sapien. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean ante neque, dapibus a cursus vitae, aliquam at ipsum. Mauris rhoncus rhoncus ipsum id egestas. Donec a condimentum purus, ac pharetra nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi feugiat eget neque sit amet elementum. Maecenas varius, nisl sed consectetur fringilla, augue odio malesuada dolor, a venenatis nisl nibh a purus. Sed aliquet porta ante nec facilisis. Vivamus quis consectetur mauris, ut tincidunt lacus. In ac luctus odio."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15:
msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus massa id sem sagittis, ac venenatis lectus interdum. Nam elementum sem dignissim, cursus quam at, egestas magna. Donec a diam laoreet, sodales mauris ut, faucibus nunc. Sed a gravida ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pulvinar sollicitudin lorem id auctor. Donec at tristique nibh. Nullam dignissim velit libero, vel finibus lorem elementum id. Mauris et massa eget metus gravida tempus. Sed porttitor cursus arcu, sed accumsan ipsum."
msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus massa id sem sagittis, ac venenatis lectus interdum. Nam elementum sem dignissim, cursus quam at, egestas magna. Donec a diam laoreet, sodales mauris ut, faucibus nunc. Sed a gravida ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pulvinar sollicitudin lorem id auctor. Donec at tristique nibh. Nullam dignissim velit libero, vel finibus lorem elementum id. Mauris et massa eget metus gravida tempus. Sed porttitor cursus arcu, sed accumsan ipsum."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Dic"
msgstr "Dic"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Okt"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Sep"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Agu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Jul"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Jun"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Apr"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Dibujos Italianos, Navegantes, El Gaúcho y el Sur, Renacimiento Al Romaticismo, and Archaeological Treasures of Taranto."
msgstr "Dibujos Italianos, Navegantes, El Gaúcho y el Sur, Renacimiento Al Romantisisme, dan Archaeological Treasures of Taranto."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Dibujos Italianos, Navegantes, El Gaúcho y el Sur, Renacimiento Al Romaticismo."
msgstr "Dibujos Italianos, Navegantes, El Gaúcho y el Sur, Renacimiento Al Romantisisme."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=17:
msgid "Agenda 2023"
msgstr "Agenda 2023"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=77:
msgid "Ancient and Asia Art"
msgstr "Seni Kuno dan Asia"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=77:
msgid "ancient-and-asia-art"
msgstr "ancient-and-asia-art"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=77:
msgid "There is also a commercial and collecting concept of ancient art, understood as antiques; that is, as the term used to encompass all types of artistic objects that are not considered Modern Art, whether they belong to the Middle Ages or later periods (medieval art, early modern art, and even a good part of contemporary art if this is not understood. not only as the most current but as all the art of the Contemporary Age - since the middle of the 18th century -). This is how ancient art passed to the art we have now."
msgstr "Ada juga konsep komersial dan pengumpulan seni kuno, yang dipahami sebagai barang antik; yaitu, sebagai istilah yang digunakan untuk mencakup semua jenis objek seni yang tidak dianggap Seni Modern, apakah itu berasal dari Abad Pertengahan atau periode setelahnya (seni abad pertengahan, seni modern awal, dan bahkan sebagian besar seni kontemporer jika ini tidak dipahami. tidak hanya sebagai yang paling terkini tetapi sebagai semua seni dari Zaman Kontemporer - sejak pertengahan abad ke-18 -). Inilah bagaimana seni kuno beralih ke seni yang kita miliki sekarang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=77:
msgid "Unlike Western civilization, African, Far Eastern, and American civilizations did not experience the marked discontinuity that Western art presents between ancient art and medieval art; Therefore, this last concept does not usually apply to these civilizations."
msgstr "Tidak seperti peradaban Barat, peradaban Afrika, Timur Jauh, dan Amerika tidak mengalami ketidakberlanjutan yang jelas yang ditunjukkan oleh seni Barat antara seni kuno dan seni abad pertengahan; Oleh karena itu, konsep terakhir ini biasanya tidak berlaku untuk peradaban-peradaban ini."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=77:
msgid "Its chronological delimitation goes from the beginning of History (approximately the 4th millennium BC in the Near East and Egypt) to the fall of the Western Roman Empire (5th century). The geographical extension of the development of the first civilizations – defined by the appearance of writing and political and religious power – dictates where they can be located (Mediterranean civilizations, of India, of the Far East, of Pre-Columbian America and of the rest of Europe and Africa) and when each one can speak of a historical period (History) or a prehistoric period (Prehistory), which would determine that their artistic production was the object of the history of prehistoric art; Although the methodology for its study is largely common, there is a fundamental difference, and that is the possibility of using written sources for historical periods. This resource is irreplaceable, since it not only allows the identification, where appropriate, of the authors or sponsors of the artistic work and the reconstruction of the context in which it was produced, but also enables the interpretation of Art in its relationship with intellectual production in other countries. areas of thought, especially religion and philosophy. In this way, a reading of art can be carried out that understands it through the worldview (Weltanschauung) or dominant ideology in times and places as far away from us as the civilizations of Ancient Age, and of which Art is the material embodiment. and visual."
msgstr "Pembatasan kronologisnya dimulai dari awal Sejarah (sekitar milenium ke-4 SM di Timur Dekat dan Mesir) hingga jatuhnya Kekaisaran Romawi Barat (abad ke-5). Perluasan geografis dari perkembangan peradaban pertama – yang didefinisikan oleh tampilan tulisan dan kekuasaan politik serta religius – menentukan di mana mereka dapat ditempatkan (peradaban Mediterania, India, Timur Jauh, Amerika Pra-Columbus, dan sisa Eropa serta Afrika) dan kapan masing-masing dapat berbicara tentang periode sejarah (Sejarah) atau periode prasejarah (Prasejarah), yang akan menentukan bahwa produksi artistik mereka adalah objek dari sejarah seni prasejarah; Meskipun metodologi untuk studinya sebagian besar sama, ada perbedaan mendasar, yaitu kemungkinan menggunakan sumber tertulis untuk periode sejarah. Sumber daya ini tidak tergantikan, karena tidak hanya memungkinkan identifikasi, jika perlu, dari penulis atau penyusun karya seni dan rekonstruksi konteks di mana itu diproduksi, tetapi juga memungkinkan interpretasi Seni dalam hubungannya dengan produksi intelektual di bidang pemikiran lainnya, terutama agama dan filsafat. Dengan cara ini, pembacaan seni dapat dilakukan yang memahaminya melalui pandangan dunia (Weltanschauung) atau ideologi dominan di zaman dan tempat yang jauh dari kita seperti peradaban Zaman Kuno, dan di mana Seni adalah perwujudan material dan visual."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=77:
msgid "Ancient Art or Art of Antiquity is the art of the Ancient Age. The history of ancient art is the division of art history that focuses on its formal, technical, structural, and ideological (iconographic, iconological) study and interpretation and on its historical explanation; although archeology is the historical science whose object is the material culture of which works of art are the most valuable manifestation, and is responsible for its discovery and contextual analysis."
msgstr "Seni Kuno atau Seni Antik adalah seni dari Zaman Kuno. Sejarah seni kuno adalah pembagian dari sejarah seni yang fokus pada studi dan interpretasi formal, teknis, struktural, dan ideologis (ikonografis, ikonologis) serta penjelasan historisnya; meskipun arkeologi adalah ilmu sejarah yang objeknya adalah budaya material di mana karya seni adalah manifestasi yang paling berharga, dan bertanggung jawab atas penemuan dan analisis kontekstualnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=77:
msgid "Arte antiguo su delimitación cronológica va desde el comienzo de la Historia hasta la caída del Imperio romano de Occidente (siglo V)."
msgstr "Arte kuno batasan kronologisnya mulai dari awal Sejarah hingga jatuhnya Kekaisaran Romawi Barat (abad ke-V)."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=77:
msgid "Ancient Art"
msgstr "Keseniannya Kuno"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Art"
msgstr "Seni Pra-Hispanik dan Kolonial"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "pre-hispanic-and-colonial-art"
msgstr "seniman-pra-hispanik-dan-kolonial"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "The harquebusier angels make up a strictly American pictorial style that was developed in the Marquisate of Yavi in the puna of Jujuy, then belonging to the province of Tucumán, with their teacher being Mateo Pisarro. These are asexual angels dressed in soldier's clothes and armed with a harquebus. Today there are only two collections: in Uquía (Cuzco school) and in Casabindo (CTC teacher)."
msgstr "Para malaikat harquebusier membentuk gaya piktorial yang sangat Amerika yang dikembangkan di Marquisate of Yavi di puna Jujuy, yang saat itu milik provinsi Tucumán, dengan guru mereka adalah Mateo Pisarro. Ini adalah malaikat aseksual yang mengenakan pakaian tentara dan bersenjata harquebus. Saat ini hanya ada dua koleksi: di Uquía (sekolah Cuzco) dan di Casabindo (guru CTC)."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "In the current northwest of Argentina and especially in Jujuy, the Cuzco school developed in the churches, with its images of harquebusier angels (related to the conquistadors) and triangular virgins (syncretism of the cult of the Virgin Mary and the Pachamama)."
msgstr "Di barat laut Argentina saat ini dan terutama di Jujuy, sekolah Cuzco berkembang di gereja-gereja, dengan gambar-gambar malaikat harquebusier (terkait dengan para penakluk) dan perawan segitiga (sinkretisme dari kultus Perawan Maria dan Pachamama)."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Another source of colonial painting is the books and manuscripts made by colonizers, priests, scientists and visitors. Among these, the drawings and watercolors of the German Jesuit Florián Paucke (1719-1789) stand out."
msgstr "Sumber lain dari lukisan kolonial adalah buku dan manuskrip yang dibuat oleh penjajah, pendeta, ilmuwan, dan pengunjung. Di antara ini, gambar dan cat air dari Jesuit Jerman Florián Paucke (1719-1789) menonjol."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "During Spanish colonial rule, painting was developed mainly as religious art in churches, intended to Christianize indigenous peoples. Colonial religious painting was often carried out by entrusted or reduced indigenous people and African American slaves, under the power of religious orders."
msgstr "Selama pemerintahan kolonial Spanyol, seni lukis berkembang terutama sebagai seni religius di gereja-gereja, yang bertujuan untuk mengkristenkan masyarakat adat. Lukisan religius kolonial sering dilakukan oleh orang-orang pribumi yang dipercayakan atau yang dikurangi dan budak Afrika-Amerika, di bawah kekuasaan ordo religius."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Painting during the colony"
msgstr "Melukis selama koloni"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Various pictorial records are recorded among the pre-Hispanic cultures that inhabited the current Argentine territory, in the northwest Andean the agro-pottery civilizations that developed there, from the Condorhuasi Culture (400 BC-700 AD) to that of La Aguada (650-950) and Santa María (1200-1470), present a broad development of painting on ceramics and stone pieces, among which the feline image stood out. This painting was specially studied by the Argentine painter Enrique Sobisch, during two years of stay, study and improvement in Mexico."
msgstr "Berbagai catatan bergambar tercatat di antara budaya pra-Hispanik yang menghuni wilayah Argentina saat ini, di Andean barat laut, peradaban agro-poteri yang berkembang di sana, dari Budaya Condorhuasi (400 SM-700 M) hingga La Aguada (650-950) dan Santa María (1200-1470), menunjukkan perkembangan luas lukisan pada keramik dan benda batu, di mana gambar kucing menonjol. Lukisan ini khususnya dipelajari oleh pelukis Argentina Enrique Sobisch, selama dua tahun tinggal, belajar, dan memperbaiki di Meksiko."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "Pre-Columbian painting"
msgstr "Melukis Pra-Kolumbus"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=80:
msgid "American pre-Hispanic and colonial art"
msgstr "Seni pra-Hispanik dan kolonial Amerika"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=83:
msgid "The abuse of the ornamental, the overloading in art, is also known as baroqueism."
msgstr "Penyalahgunaan ornamen, kelebihan dalam seni, juga dikenal sebagai barokisme."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=83:
msgid "Art became more refined and ornate, with the survival of a certain classicist rationalism but adopting more dynamic and effective forms and a taste for the surprising and anecdotal, for optical illusions and effects. A preponderance of realistic representation is observed: in a time of economic hardship, man faces reality more crudely. On the other hand, this crude reality is often subjected to the mentality of a troubled and disillusioned era, which manifests itself in a certain distortion of forms, in forced and violent effects, strong contrasts of lights and shadows and a certain tendency towards imbalance. and the exaggeration."
msgstr "Seni menjadi lebih halus dan rumit, dengan bertahannya suatu rasionalisme klasik tertentu tetapi mengadopsi bentuk yang lebih dinamis dan efektif serta selera untuk yang mengejutkan dan anekdot, untuk ilusi optik dan efek. Sebuah dominasi representasi realistis terlihat: di masa kesulitan ekonomi, manusia menghadapi kenyataan dengan lebih kasar. Di sisi lain, kenyataan kasar ini sering kali dikenakan pada mentalitas era yang bermasalah dan kecewa, yang terwujud dalam distorsi bentuk tertentu, dalam efek yang dipaksakan dan kekerasan, kontras yang kuat antara cahaya dan bayangan, serta kecenderungan tertentu menuju ketidakseimbangan dan eksagerasi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=83:
msgid "Although it is usually understood as a specific artistic period, aesthetically the term \"baroque\" also indicates any artistic style opposed to classicism, a concept introduced by Heinrich Wölfflin in 1915. Thus, the term \"baroque\" can be used both as a noun and as an adjective. According to this approach, any artistic style goes through three phases: archaic, classical and baroque. Examples of baroque phases would be Hellenistic art, Gothic art, romanticism or modernism."
msgstr "Meskipun biasanya dipahami sebagai periode seni tertentu, secara estetis istilah \"baroque\" juga menunjukkan gaya seni apa pun yang bertentangan dengan klasikisme, sebuah konsep yang diperkenalkan oleh Heinrich Wölfflin pada tahun 1915. Dengan demikian, istilah \"baroque\" dapat digunakan baik sebagai kata benda maupun sebagai kata sifat. Menurut pendekatan ini, setiap gaya seni melewati tiga fase: arkais, klasik, dan baroque. Contoh fase baroque adalah seni Helenistik, seni Gotik, romantisisme, atau modernisme."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=83:
msgid "As an artistic style, the Baroque emerged at the beginning of the 17th century (according to other authors at the end of the 16th century) in Italy - a period also known in this country as Seicento -, from where it spread to most of Europe. For a long time (18th and 19th centuries) the term \"baroque\" had a pejorative meaning, meaning overloaded, deceptive, capricious, until it was later revalued at the end of the 19th century by Jacob Burckhardt and, in the 20th, by Benedetto. Croce and Eugenio d'Ors. Some historians divide the Baroque into three periods: \"early\" (1580-1630), \"mature\" or \"full\" (1630-1680) and \"late\" (1680-1750)."
msgstr "Sebagai gaya seni, Baroque muncul pada awal abad ke-17 (menurut penulis lain pada akhir abad ke-16) di Italia - periode yang juga dikenal di negara ini sebagai Seicento -, dari mana ia menyebar ke sebagian besar Eropa. Untuk waktu yang lama (abad ke-18 dan ke-19) istilah \"baroque\" memiliki makna pejoratif, yang berarti berlebihan, menipu, dan berubah-ubah, sampai akhirnya dihargai kembali pada akhir abad ke-19 oleh Jacob Burckhardt dan, di abad ke-20, oleh Benedetto Croce dan Eugenio d'Ors. Beberapa sejarawan membagi Baroque menjadi tiga periode: \"awal\" (1580-1630), \"matang\" atau \"penuh\" (1630-1680) dan \"akhir\" (1680-1750)."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=83:
msgid "The Baroque was a period of history in Western culture originated by a new way of conceiving art (the \"baroque style\") and which, starting from different historical-cultural contexts, produced works in numerous artistic fields: literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, opera, dance, theater, etc. It manifested itself mainly in Western Europe, although due to colonialism it also occurred in numerous colonies of European powers, mainly in Latin America. Chronologically, it covered the entire 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, with a greater or lesser extension in time depending on each country. It is usually placed between Mannerism and Rococo, in an era characterized by strong religious disputes between Catholic and Protestant countries, as well as marked political differences between absolutist and parliamentary states, where an incipient bourgeoisie began to lay the foundations of capitalism."
msgstr "Baroque adalah periode sejarah dalam budaya Barat yang berasal dari cara baru dalam memandang seni (gaya \"baroque\") dan yang, dimulai dari berbagai konteks sejarah-budaya, menghasilkan karya-karya di berbagai bidang seni: sastra, arsitektur, patung, lukisan, musik, opera, tari, teater, dll. Ini terutama terwujud di Eropa Barat, meskipun karena kolonialisme juga terjadi di banyak koloni kekuatan Eropa, terutama di Amerika Latin. Secara kronologis, itu mencakup seluruh abad ke-17 dan awal abad ke-18, dengan perpanjangan waktu yang lebih besar atau lebih kecil tergantung pada masing-masing negara. Ini biasanya ditempatkan antara Mannerisme dan Rococo, dalam era yang ditandai oleh perselisihan agama yang kuat antara negara-negara Katolik dan Protestan, serta perbedaan politik yang mencolok antara negara-negara absolutis dan parlementer, di mana sebuah borjuasi yang mulai muncul mulai meletakkan dasar-dasar kapitalisme."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=83:
msgid "Un período de la historia en la cultura occidental originado por una nueva forma de concebir el arte (el «estilo barroco») y que, partiendo desde diferentes contextos histórico-culturales, produjo obras en numerosos campos artísticos."
msgstr "Periode dalam sejarah di budaya Barat yang berasal dari cara baru dalam memandang seni («gaya barok») dan yang, dimulai dari berbagai konteks sejarah-budaya, menghasilkan karya-karya di banyak bidang seni."
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msgid "Art from the XII to XVIII century"
msgstr "Seni dari abad XII hingga XVIII"
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msgid "Since the mid-19th century, the first artistic institutions in the country began to be organized: fundamentally the Sociedad Estímulo de Bellas Artes and the National Museum of Fine Arts, whose first director was the painter Eduardo Schiaffino. The great wave of European immigration (1870-1930) established a strong relationship with European painting, mainly through Italian painters or children of Italians. Eduardo Sívori (1847-1918), introduced naturalism, with classic works such as The Awakening of the Maid, followed by painters such as Reynaldo Giudici (1853-1927) and Ernesto de la Cárcova (1866-1927), the latter notable with Sin pan and without work. Ángel della Valle (1852-1903) developed a movement of country manners painting, with works such as The Return of the Malón."
msgstr "Sejak pertengahan abad ke-19, institusi seni pertama di negara ini mulai diorganisir: pada dasarnya Sociedad Estímulo de Bellas Artes dan Museum Nasional Seni Rupa, yang direktur pertamanya adalah pelukis Eduardo Schiaffino. Gelombang besar imigrasi Eropa (1870-1930) menjalin hubungan yang kuat dengan lukisan Eropa, terutama melalui pelukis Italia atau anak-anak Italia. Eduardo Sívori (1847-1918) memperkenalkan naturalisme, dengan karya klasik seperti The Awakening of the Maid, diikuti oleh pelukis seperti Reynaldo Giudici (1853-1927) dan Ernesto de la Cárcova (1866-1927), yang terakhir terkenal dengan Sin pan dan tanpa kerja. Ángel della Valle (1852-1903) mengembangkan gerakan lukisan cara berpakaian pedesaan, dengan karya seperti The Return of the Malón."
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msgid "In the third decade, Carlos Morel (1813-1894) appears, who has been considered the first strictly Argentine painter. Shortly after, Prilidiano Pueyrredón (1823-1870) and Cándido López (1840-1902) followed, recording in painting the life of the gauchos and the wars of pre-modern Argentina. The first female painters were Luisa Sánchez de Arteaga (1823-1883) and Procesa del Carmen Sarmiento (1819-1899)."
msgstr "Pada dekade ketiga, Carlos Morel (1813-1894) muncul, yang dianggap sebagai pelukis Argentina yang pertama secara ketat. Tak lama setelah itu, Prilidiano Pueyrredón (1823-1870) dan Cándido López (1840-1902) mengikuti, merekam dalam lukisan kehidupan gaucho dan perang-perang Argentina pra-modern. Pelukis wanita pertama adalah Luisa Sánchez de Arteaga (1823-1883) dan Procesa del Carmen Sarmiento (1819-1899)."
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msgid "In the first years of the 19th century, already at the time of independence and the opening of the country, several foreign artists visited and resided, and left their works. Among them the English sailor Emeric Essex Vidal (1791-1861), a watercolorist who has left important graphic testimonies of the Argentine past; Carlos E. Pellegrini (1800-1875), French engineer who dedicated himself to painting out of necessity and who would be the father of President Carlos Pellegrini; the sailor Adolfo D'Hastrel (1805-1875), who published his drawings and watercolors in the book Collection of views and customs of the Río de la Plata (1875); the lithographers Andrea (1796 - 1855) and César Hipólito Bacle (1790-1838); among others."
msgstr "Pada tahun-tahun awal abad ke-19, sudah pada saat kemerdekaan dan pembukaan negara, beberapa seniman asing mengunjungi dan tinggal, serta meninggalkan karya-karya mereka. Di antara mereka adalah pelaut Inggris Emeric Essex Vidal (1791-1861), seorang pelukis cat air yang telah meninggalkan kesaksian grafis penting tentang masa lalu Argentina; Carlos E. Pellegrini (1800-1875), insinyur Prancis yang mengabdikan diri pada seni lukis karena kebutuhan dan yang akan menjadi ayah Presiden Carlos Pellegrini; pelaut Adolfo D'Hastrel (1805-1875), yang menerbitkan gambar dan cat airnya dalam buku Koleksi lihat dan kebiasaan Río de la Plata (1875); para litografer Andrea (1796 - 1855) dan César Hipólito Bacle (1790-1838); di antara yang lainnya."
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msgid "Art from the XIX century (1800-1910)"
msgstr "Seni dari abad XIX (1800-1910)"
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msgid "XX to XXI (1945-Present)"
msgstr "XX ke XXI (1945-Sekarang)"
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msgid "xx-to-xxi-1945-present"
msgstr "xx-ke-xxi-1945-sekarang"
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msgid "The La Boca Group, with painters such as Víctor Cúnsolo, Samuel Mallo López, Fortunato Lacámera, Alfredo Lazzari, Tito Gando, Benito Quinquela Martín and Miguel Carlos Victorica. Strongly influenced by Italian immigration, he developed a peculiar style, focused on work and immigrant neighborhoods."
msgstr "Grup La Boca, dengan pelukis seperti Víctor Cúnsolo, Samuel Mallo López, Fortunato Lacámera, Alfredo Lazzari, Tito Gando, Benito Quinquela Martín dan Miguel Carlos Victorica. Sangat dipengaruhi oleh imigrasi Italia, ia mengembangkan gaya yang khas, yang berfokus pada pekerjaan dan lingkungan imigran."
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msgid "The Boedo Group, Around 1920 the People's Artists emerged, a plastic correlate of the Boedo literary group. Far from the folklorism or nostalgia for the past fostered by the previous generation, this nucleus formed in leftist libraries in the heat of Tolstoy's works, placed emphasis on social problems. José Arato, Adolfo Bellocq, Guillermo Facio Hebequer, Abraham Vigo and the sculptor Agustín Riganelli exhibited in factories and neighborhoods and created a Salon of Independents. Its central theme was social issues and struggles. They gathered around the Claridad publishing house, with a socialist tendency, which had its workshops on Boedo Street, in the working-class suburbs of the city, and they met at the neighboring Café El Japonés a few meters from the aforementioned Claridad Editorial."
msgstr "Grup Boedo, Sekitar tahun 1920, Seniman Rakyat muncul, sebuah korelasi plastik dari grup sastra Boedo. Jauh dari folklorisme atau nostalgia untuk masa lalu yang dipupuk oleh generasi sebelumnya, inti ini terbentuk di perpustakaan kiri dalam semangat karya-karya Tolstoy, menekankan pada masalah sosial. José Arato, Adolfo Bellocq, Guillermo Facio Hebequer, Abraham Vigo dan pematung Agustín Riganelli memamerkan karya mereka di pabrik-pabrik dan lingkungan sekitar dan menciptakan Salon Independents. Tema sentralnya adalah isu-isu sosial dan perjuangan. Mereka berkumpul di sekitar penerbit Claridad, dengan kecenderungan sosialis, yang memiliki bengkel di Jalan Boedo, di pinggiran kota kelas pekerja, dan mereka bertemu di Café El Japonés yang berdekatan, beberapa meter dari Claridad Editorial yang disebutkan sebelumnya."
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msgid "The Florida Group or Paris Group, with painters such as Aquiles Badi, Héctor Basaldúa, Antonio Berni, Norah Borges, Horacio Butler, Emilio Centurión, Juan del Prete, Raquel Forner, Ramón Gómez Cornet, Alfredo Guttero, Emilio Pettoruti, Xul Solar and Lino Aeneas Spilimbergo. It was characterized by paying maximum attention to aesthetic issues. Under the slogan of seeking “the eminently structural aspects of plastic values.” Its members belonged mostly to middle or upper classes, and met at the \"Richmond\" candy store on the central and elegant Florida Street, from which the group takes its name."
msgstr "Grup Florida atau Grup Paris, dengan pelukis seperti Aquiles Badi, Héctor Basaldúa, Antonio Berni, Norah Borges, Horacio Butler, Emilio Centurión, Juan del Prete, Raquel Forner, Ramón Gómez Cornet, Alfredo Guttero, Emilio Pettoruti, Xul Solar dan Lino Aeneas Spilimbergo. Grup ini ditandai dengan perhatian maksimum terhadap isu-isu estetika. Di bawah slogan mencari “aspek-aspek struktural yang sangat penting dari nilai-nilai plastik.” Anggotanya sebagian besar berasal dari kelas menengah atau atas, dan berkumpul di toko permen \"Richmond\" di Jalan Florida yang pusat dan elegan, dari mana grup ini mengambil namanya."
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msgid "In this context, registering more or less influence from the School of Paris (Modigliani, Chagall, Soutine, Klee), three large groups develop:"
msgstr "Dalam konteks ini, mendaftarkan lebih atau kurang pengaruh dari Sekolah Paris (Modigliani, Chagall, Soutine, Klee), tiga kelompok besar berkembang:"
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msgid "The first great pictorial movements in Argentina, with characteristics typical of Latin American painting that was beginning to develop throughout the continent, coincide with the first manifestations of political freedom in the country, with the sanction of the secret and universal vote for men in 1912 and the arrival to the government of the first president elected by popular vote, Hipólito Yrigoyen in 1916 and the cultural revolution that implied the University Reform of 1918."
msgstr "Gerakan gambar besar pertama di Argentina, dengan karakteristik khas lukisan Amerika Latin yang mulai berkembang di seluruh benua, bertepatan dengan manifestasi pertama kebebasan politik di negara itu, dengan disahkannya suara rahasia dan universal untuk pria pada tahun 1912 dan kedatangan presiden pertama yang dipilih melalui suara rakyat, Hipólito Yrigoyen pada tahun 1916 serta revolusi budaya yang diimplikasikan oleh Reformasi Universitas tahun 1918."
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msgid "First vanguard"
msgstr "Vanguard pertama"
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msgid "Shortly after, Fernando Fader (1882-1935) and the artists of the Nexus group began to press for the development of artistic currents that, without ignoring or ignoring the painting that was fashionable in Paris, were capable of expressing autonomous visions of painting."
msgstr "Tak lama setelah itu, Fernando Fader (1882-1935) dan para seniman dari kelompok Nexus mulai mendesak untuk pengembangan arus seni yang, tanpa mengabaikan atau mengesampingkan lukisan yang sedang tren di Paris, mampu mengekspresikan visi otonom tentang lukisan."
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msgid "At the beginning of the 20th century, Martín Malharro (1865-1911) introduced impressionism with an exhibition held in 1902. He was followed by painters such as Faustino Brughetti (1877-1956), Walter de Navazio (1887-1919) and Ramón Silva (1890-1919)."
msgstr "Pada awal abad ke-20, Martín Malharro (1865-1911) memperkenalkan impresionisme dengan sebuah pameran yang diadakan pada tahun 1902. Dia diikuti oleh pelukis-pelukis seperti Faustino Brughetti (1877-1956), Walter de Navazio (1887-1919) dan Ramón Silva (1890-1919)."
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msgid "At the beginning of the 20th century, Martín Malharro introduced impressionism with an exhibition held in 1902. He was followed by painters such as Faustino Brughetti, Walter de Navazio and Ramón Silva."
msgstr "Pada awal abad ke-20, Martín Malharro memperkenalkan impresionisme dengan sebuah pameran yang diadakan pada tahun 1902. Dia diikuti oleh pelukis-pelukis seperti Faustino Brughetti, Walter de Navazio, dan Ramón Silva."
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msgid "Art from the XX to XXI century (1945-Present)"
msgstr "Seni dari abad XX ke XXI (1945-Sekarang)"
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msgid "In Córdoba, artists such as Lino Eneas Spilimbergo, José Américo Malanca, Mariana Accornero, Roger Mantegani, Angela Alonso, Carlos Alonso, Marcela Argañaraz, Pedro Pont Vergés, Olga Argañaraz, Tito Miravet, Patricia Ávila, Sergio Fonseca, María Teresa Belloni, Eduardo stand out Bendersky, Niní Bernardello, Ernesto Fariña, Natalia Bernardi, Fernando Fader, Vanesa Di Giacomo, Fernando Fraenza, Liliana Di Negro, Nicasio Alberto, Zulema Di Siena, Diego Cuquejo, Alejandra Escribano, Martiniano Scieppaquercia, Alejandra Espinosa, Eduardo Giusiano, Clara Ferrer Serrano , Antonio Seguí, Cristina Figueroa, Arando Sica, Susana Funes and José Aguilera among others."
msgstr "Di Córdoba, seniman-seniman seperti Lino Eneas Spilimbergo, José Américo Malanca, Mariana Accornero, Roger Mantegani, Angela Alonso, Carlos Alonso, Marcela Argañaraz, Pedro Pont Vergés, Olga Argañaraz, Tito Miravet, Patricia Ávila, Sergio Fonseca, María Teresa Belloni, Eduardo Bendersky, Niní Bernardello, Ernesto Fariña, Natalia Bernardi, Fernando Fader, Vanesa Di Giacomo, Fernando Fraenza, Liliana Di Negro, Nicasio Alberto, Zulema Di Siena, Diego Cuquejo, Alejandra Escribano, Martiniano Scieppaquercia, Alejandra Espinosa, Eduardo Giusiano, Clara Ferrer Serrano, Antonio Seguí, Cristina Figueroa, Arando Sica, Susana Funes dan José Aguilera di antara yang lainnya."
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msgid "During the 20th century, there was a great development of the plastic arts in the province of Córdoba, from realism and hyperrealism, moderate expressionism to symbolic languages of dream origin. The Córdoba Biennials consisted of important international competitions."
msgstr "Selama abad ke-20, ada perkembangan besar seni plastik di provinsi Córdoba, dari realisme dan hiperrealisme, ekspresionisme moderasi hingga bahasa simbolis yang berasal dari mimpi. Biennale Córdoba terdiri dari kompetisi internasional yang penting."
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msgid "Plastic arts in Córdoba"
msgstr "Seni plastik di Córdoba"
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msgid "Starting in 1946, there was a shift in the academic policy of the Fine Arts schools of Argentina, to the sound of the political departures of Argentine teachers expelled from other fine arts schools such as Mendoza or Buenos Aires. In 1948, the Painting Workshop of the Higher Institute of Arts of the National University of Tucumán was organized under the leadership of Lino Enés Spilimbergo and the direction of Guido Parpagnoli, where a pole of Argentine plastic arts of great interest was formed with the most outstanding artists. : the School of Tucumán Muralists, inspired by the teachings of Lothe and the harmonic principles of Matyla Ghyka. The project of the Higher Institute of Arts was joined in different disciplines by: Lorenzo Domínguez for the sculpture section, Víctor Rebuffo and Pompeyo Audivert in engraving and Pedro Zurro de la Fuente in metalwork. Ramón Gómez Cornet and the cartoonists Lajos Szalay and Aurelio Salas also participated in this venture together with Carlos Alonso, Juan Carlos de la Motta, Eduardo Audivert, Leonor Vassena, Alfredo Portillos, Medardo Pantoja, Luis Lobo de la Vega, Mercedes Romero, Nieto Palacios and others."
msgstr "Mulai tahun 1946, ada pergeseran dalam kebijakan akademik sekolah Seni Rupa di Argentina, seiring dengan pengunduran politik para guru Argentina yang diusir dari sekolah seni rupa lain seperti Mendoza atau Buenos Aires. Pada tahun 1948, Workshop Melukis dari Institut Tinggi Seni Universitas Nasional Tucumán diselenggarakan di bawah kepemimpinan Lino Enés Spilimbergo dan arahan Guido Parpagnoli, di mana sebuah pusat seni plastik Argentina yang sangat menarik terbentuk dengan para seniman paling menonjol: Sekolah Muralis Tucumán, yang terinspirasi oleh ajaran Lothe dan prinsip harmonis Matyla Ghyka. Proyek Institut Tinggi Seni ini diikuti dalam berbagai disiplin oleh: Lorenzo Domínguez untuk bagian patung, Víctor Rebuffo dan Pompeyo Audivert dalam seni grafis dan Pedro Zurro de la Fuente dalam kerajinan logam. Ramón Gómez Cornet dan para kartunis Lajos Szalay dan Aurelio Salas juga berpartisipasi dalam usaha ini bersama dengan Carlos Alonso, Juan Carlos de la Motta, Eduardo Audivert, Leonor Vassena, Alfredo Portillos, Medardo Pantoja, Luis Lobo de la Vega, Mercedes Romero, Nieto Palacios dan lainnya."
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msgid "School of Tucumán Muralists"
msgstr "Sekolah Muralis Tucumán"
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msgid "Florencio Molina Campos can also be located in this sector, in a type of social painting with naive elements, caricature and the \"sensitive\" use of color; and Medardo Pantoja from Tilcar, an expression of Andean painting with an indigenous and Latin American projection."
msgstr "Florencio Molina Campos juga bisa ditemukan di sektor ini, dalam jenis lukisan sosial dengan elemen naif, karikatur, dan penggunaan warna yang 'sensitif'; dan Medardo Pantoja dari Tilcar, sebuah ekspresi lukisan Andean dengan proyeksi pribumi dan Amerika Latin."
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msgid "The neorealists, critical realism of the 30s, which in some way continue the line of the Boedo Group, but with rigorous and avant-garde pictorial elements, where Pompeyo Audivert, Carlos Alonso, Lino Enea Spilimbergo, Antonio Berni, Juan Carlos Castagnino, Demetrio Urruchúa, Enrique Policastro, who appealed to the mural, to techniques and procedures such as collage, photography and montage and developed an important educational task in artistic teaching centers."
msgstr "Neorealis, realisme kritis tahun 30-an, yang dalam beberapa cara melanjutkan garis Grup Boedo, tetapi dengan elemen piktorial yang ketat dan avant-garde, di mana Pompeyo Audivert, Carlos Alonso, Lino Enea Spilimbergo, Antonio Berni, Juan Carlos Castagnino, Demetrio Urruchúa, Enrique Policastro, yang mengandalkan mural, teknik dan prosedur seperti kolase, fotografi, dan montase serta mengembangkan tugas pendidikan yang penting di pusat-pusat pengajaran seni."
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msgid "The naive painters, with a painting without human or social conflicts, like Luis Centurión and Norah Borges."
msgstr "Pelukis naif, dengan lukisan tanpa konflik manusia atau sosial, seperti Luis Centurión dan Norah Borges."
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msgid "Sensitive painters cultivated the expression of delicate nuances with a strong charge of subjectivity, characterized by the use of color as an emotional tool, mainly Raúl Soldi, but also Fortunato Lacámera, Miguel Carlos Victorica, Raúl Russo, Eugenio Daneri, Esteban Semino and Miguel Diomede."
msgstr "Pelukis sensitif mengembangkan ekspresi nuansa halus dengan muatan subyektivitas yang kuat, yang ditandai dengan penggunaan warna sebagai alat emosional, terutama Raúl Soldi, tetapi juga Fortunato Lacámera, Miguel Carlos Victorica, Raúl Russo, Eugenio Daneri, Esteban Semino, dan Miguel Diomede."
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msgid "The Orión Group, with surrealist proposals, made up of Luis Barragán, Vicente Forte, Orlando Pierri and Leopoldo Presas, however, these artists identified with the postulates of social change adopted some avant-garde traits such as Berni or Spilimbergo, who experienced almost surreal moments. Others, however, such as Pompeyo Audivert, José Planas Casas and Juan Batlle Planas were “pure” exponents of this trend."
msgstr "Grup Orión, dengan proposal surealis, terdiri dari Luis Barragán, Vicente Forte, Orlando Pierri, dan Leopoldo Presas, namun, para seniman ini yang mengidentifikasi dengan postulat perubahan sosial mengadopsi beberapa ciri avant-garde seperti Berni atau Spilimbergo, yang mengalami momen-momen hampir surealis. Lainnya, seperti Pompeyo Audivert, José Planas Casas, dan Juan Batlle Planas adalah eksponen “murni” dari tren ini."
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msgid "The second avant-garde, in Argentine painting, developed in the 1930s, in which many of the painters of the first avant-garde evolved and changed their artistic location. Among the main pictorial groupings are:"
msgstr "Avant-garde kedua, dalam lukisan Argentina, berkembang pada tahun 1930-an, di mana banyak pelukis avant-garde pertama berevolusi dan mengubah lokasi artistik mereka. Di antara pengelompokan piktorial utama adalah:"
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msgid "A new vanguard"
msgstr "Vanguard baru"
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msgid "La segunda vanguardia, en la pintura argentina desarrolladas de la década del 30, en la que muchos de los pintores de la primera vanguardia evolucionaron y cambiaron de ubicación artística."
msgstr "Vanguard kedua, dalam seni lukis Argentina yang berkembang pada dekade 30, di mana banyak pelukis dari vanguard pertama berevolusi dan berubah lokasi artistiknya."
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msgid "Art from the XX century (1910-1945)"
msgstr "Seni dari abad XX (1910-1945)"
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msgid "He died in poverty in 1870 at Boulogne-sur-Mer."
msgstr "Dia meninggal dalam kemiskinan pada tahun 1870 di Boulogne-sur-Mer."
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msgid "He dedicated his efforts to many different activities during his stay in Chile. He traveled through the country, invested in mines, and created a ranching estate. His first years as a drawing professor in Paris helped in forming notable artists of the time like Francisco Mandiola and Procesa Sarmiento. Along with French painter Clara Filleul, he mobilized the pictorial art in Chile and Argentina. He was elevated to a Knight of the Legion of Honor in 1857,[1] and returned to France in 1858, but his fame had vanished."
msgstr "Dia mengabdikan usahanya untuk banyak kegiatan berbeda selama tinggal di Chili. Dia berkeliling negara itu, berinvestasi di tambang, dan menciptakan sebuah perkebunan peternakan. Tahun-tahun pertamanya sebagai profesor menggambar di Paris membantu membentuk seniman-seniman terkenal pada waktu itu seperti Francisco Mandiola dan Procesa Sarmiento. Bersama pelukis Prancis Clara Filleul, dia memobilisasi seni lukis di Chili dan Argentina. Dia diangkat menjadi Kesatria Legiun Kehormatan pada tahun 1857,[1] dan kembali ke Prancis pada tahun 1858, tetapi ketenarannya telah menghilang."
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msgid "Interested in the opportunities in the newly independent Americas, Monvoisin travelled to Argentina and from there to Chile. He received an official invitation from the Chilean government to direct the Academy of Painting which was officially created on March 17, 1848. With almost no funds, he arrived at Santiago. Preceded by his fame, he was introduced to the high-class families of the capital and, in turn, to work as a successful portrait painter. His works had a decisive influence in the new Chilean society, which acquired the inclinations of European fashion, especially French."
msgstr "Tertarik dengan peluang di Amerika yang baru merdeka, Monvoisin melakukan perjalanan ke Argentina dan dari sana ke Chili. Dia menerima undangan resmi dari pemerintah Chili untuk memimpin Akademi Melukis yang secara resmi dibentuk pada 17 Maret 1848. Dengan hampir tanpa dana, dia tiba di Santiago. Dikenal karena ketenarannya, dia diperkenalkan kepada keluarga-keluarga kelas atas di ibu kota dan, sebagai hasilnya, bekerja sebagai pelukis potret yang sukses. Karya-karyanya memiliki pengaruh yang menentukan dalam masyarakat Chili yang baru, yang mengadopsi kecenderungan mode Eropa, terutama Prancis."
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msgid "Monvoisin was born in Bordeaux. Although he initiated a career in the military by indication of his father, at the age of eighteen Monvoisin fully dedicated himself to painting. He moved from Bordeaux to Paris and was employed at the workshop of Pierre Guérin, with whom he worked in the neoclassic and mythologic themes that were center of attention by artists and scholars at the time. He studied in the Académie des Beaux-Arts of France, and his work soon earned him the support of the critics. His works achieved commercial success. He was hired by merchants, bankers and other members of the newly emerging middle-class. In 1819 he carried out his first exposition in the Museum of the Louvre. The fame he achieved in his own country earned him the Legion of Honor. After obtaining recognition in Paris, he travelled to Italy where he obtained a scholarship to study in Villa Medici in Rome."
msgstr "Monvoisin lahir di Bordeaux. Meskipun dia memulai karir di militer atas saran ayahnya, pada usia delapan belas Monvoisin sepenuhnya mendedikasikan dirinya untuk melukis. Dia pindah dari Bordeaux ke Paris dan bekerja di bengkel Pierre Guérin, di mana dia bekerja dengan tema neoklasik dan mitologis yang menjadi pusat perhatian para seniman dan cendekiawan pada waktu itu. Dia belajar di Académie des Beaux-Arts di Prancis, dan karyanya segera mendapatkan dukungan dari para kritikus. Karyanya mencapai kesuksesan komersial. Dia dipekerjakan oleh pedagang, bankir, dan anggota kelas menengah yang baru muncul. Pada tahun 1819, dia mengadakan eksposisi pertamanya di Museum Louvre. Keternaran yang dia capai di negaranya sendiri memberinya Legion of Honor. Setelah mendapatkan pengakuan di Paris, dia melakukan perjalanan ke Italia di mana dia mendapatkan beasiswa untuk belajar di Villa Medici di Roma."
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msgid "Raymond Auguste Quinsac Monvoisin (May 31, 1790 – March 26, 1870)"
msgstr "Raymond Auguste Quinsac Monvoisin (31 Mei 1790 – 26 Maret 1870)"
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msgid "Self portrait"
msgstr "Potret diri"
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msgid "XIX century (1800-1910)"
msgstr "Abad XIX (1800-1910)"
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msgid "xix-century-1800-1910"
msgstr "xix-century-1800-1910"
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msgid "In 1844 he accompanied Louis Philippe on his official trip to England, a country that he visited repeatedly. His connection with power was lasting, he made several equestrian portraits of the royal family and the circle of Emperor Napoleon III (2).
Horses in the Wild shows a landscape of fenced hills with three Arabian horses. The main specimen, a splendid chestnut, exhibits all the characteristic qualities of its breed: small head, large eyes and nostrils, long, arched neck and high tail. The detail is striking, to the point that the fur on the back is worn, evidencing a frequently mounted animal. The treatment of the sunlit grass and the cloudy sky with yellow reflections on the horizon show the impact of English romantic landscaping whose elements allow Dedreux to give more character to this scene.
The Madariaga-Anchorena collection had three works by the artist, a predilection not at all coincidental if we keep in mind that among the Buenos Aires upper class in the 1900s there was a manifest love for turf and the refinement of equine livestock (3)."
msgstr "Pada tahun 1844, dia menemani Louis Philippe dalam perjalanan resminya ke Inggris, sebuah negara yang dia kunjungi berulang kali. Hubungannya dengan kekuasaan bertahan lama, dia membuat beberapa potret berkuda keluarga kerajaan dan lingkaran Kaisar Napoleon III (2).
Horses in the Wild menunjukkan lanskap bukit berpagar dengan tiga kuda Arab. Spesimen utama, seekor kuda chestnut yang megah, menunjukkan semua kualitas khas dari rasnya: kepala kecil, mata besar dan lubang hidung, leher panjang yang melengkung, dan ekor tinggi. Detailnya mencolok, sampai-sampai bulu di punggungnya terlihat aus, membuktikan bahwa hewan tersebut sering ditunggangi. Perlakuan terhadap rumput yang terkena sinar matahari dan langit berawan dengan refleksi kuning di cakrawala menunjukkan dampak dari lanskap romantis Inggris yang elemennya memungkinkan Dedreux memberikan lebih banyak karakter pada adegan ini.
Koleksi Madariaga-Anchorena memiliki tiga karya oleh seniman tersebut, sebuah predileksi yang sama sekali tidak kebetulan jika kita ingat bahwa di antara kelas atas Buenos Aires pada tahun 1900-an ada cinta yang nyata terhadap turf dan penyempurnaan ternak kuda (3)."
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msgid "His painting enjoyed great acceptance throughout his life since he specialized in one genre: horse scenes. This was a favorite among the nobility who also liked to have their portraits taken on his favorite steeds. The great reference of the genre, and fundamental in Dedreux's career, was the British George Stubbs (1724-1806) whose equine portraits immersed in the landscape were central to English art in the second half of the 18th century. After the Napoleonic wars, the passion for horse racing spread from England to France, and Dedreux was located there to satisfy this demand that added to the taste for horses in their traditional aspects: hunting and riding."
msgstr "Pelukisannya menikmati penerimaan yang besar sepanjang hidupnya karena dia mengkhususkan diri dalam satu genre: adegan kuda. Ini adalah favorit di kalangan bangsawan yang juga suka berpose untuk potret mereka di atas kuda kesayangan. Referensi besar dari genre ini, dan fundamental dalam karir Dedreux, adalah George Stubbs dari Inggris (1724-1806) yang potret equine-nya yang terbenam dalam lanskap menjadi pusat seni Inggris di paruh kedua abad ke-18. Setelah perang Napoleon, gairah untuk balap kuda menyebar dari Inggris ke Prancis, dan Dedreux berada di sana untuk memenuhi permintaan ini yang menambah selera untuk kuda dalam aspek tradisional mereka: berburu dan berkuda."
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msgid "“Who doesn't know him? Who has not seen one of those countless paintings; always variants and always the same, from Horses by Alfred de Dreux?” Charles Blanc asked himself in 1860 from the pages of the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, giving an account of the fame of the recently deceased painter (1). A member of a family of artists, he was the son of an architect and nephew of Joseph Dedreux-Dorcy (1789-1874), a painter and close friend of Géricault, whose paintings of horses had a lasting impact on the young artist."
msgstr "“Siapa yang nggak kenal dia? Siapa yang belum pernah lihat salah satu dari banyak lukisan itu; selalu variasi dan selalu sama, dari Kuda oleh Alfred de Dreux?” Charles Blanc bertanya pada dirinya sendiri di tahun 1860 dari halaman Gazette des Beaux-Arts, memberikan laporan tentang ketenaran pelukis yang baru saja meninggal (1). Seorang anggota keluarga seniman, dia adalah anak seorang arsitek dan keponakan Joseph Dedreux-Dorcy (1789-1874), seorang pelukis dan teman dekat Géricault, yang lukisan kuda-kudanya memberikan dampak yang mendalam pada seniman muda itu."
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msgid "Horses in Freedom"
msgstr "Kuda dalam Kebebasan"
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=83:
msgid "XII to XVIII century"
msgstr "XII hingga XVIII abad"
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=83:
msgid "xii-to-xviii-century"
msgstr "xii-to-xviii-century"
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msgid "Pierre Restany's prologue to the Paris exhibition stated: “Nicolás Uriburu is the latest conquest of this always young queen who entered the myth, they say, because she knew how to perfectly adapt her life to her whims. […] This painting is not pop: it clearly announces the advent of yeyé preciousness, the kindly sublimated quintessence of rock-art and roll-painting.” The iconography of the series, in fact, does not coincide with that which characterizes pop art: we do not see icons of cinema or music, nor products linked to the cultural industry or mass consumption. These paintings represent, through pronounced curves and a strident palette, courtesans surrounded by sheep, cats and flowers full of sensuality. However, the intense use of color (deployed earlier in the collective series) recalls the visual power of the most striking comics or advertisements. The reds, greens and yellows with almost no value modulations are cut into planes of sinuous contours and vibrant contrasts. On the other hand, if we take into account the link with the designer Pierre Cardin de García Uriburu and his wife –the then model Blanca Isabel Álvarez de Toledo–, it is feasible to think that the display of hats, headdresses and dresses refers to the glamor of the world of The couture."
msgstr "Prolog Pierre Restany untuk pameran Paris menyatakan: “Nicolás Uriburu adalah penaklukan terbaru dari ratu yang selalu muda ini yang masuk ke dalam mitos, mereka bilang, karena dia tahu bagaimana mengadaptasi hidupnya dengan sempurna sesuai keinginannya. […] Lukisan ini bukan pop: ini jelas mengumumkan kedatangan keindahan yeyé, esensi yang baik hati dan disublimasi dari seni rock dan lukisan roll.” Ikonografi dari seri ini, sebenarnya, tidak sesuai dengan yang menjadi ciri khas seni pop: kita tidak melihat ikon sinema atau musik, juga tidak ada produk yang terkait dengan industri budaya atau konsumsi massal. Lukisan-lukisan ini mewakili, melalui kurva yang mencolok dan palet yang mencolok, courtesans yang dikelilingi oleh domba, kucing, dan bunga yang penuh dengan sensualitas. Namun, penggunaan warna yang intens (yang diterapkan sebelumnya dalam seri kolektif) mengingatkan pada kekuatan visual dari komik atau iklan yang paling mencolok. Merah, hijau, dan kuning dengan hampir tidak ada modifikasi nilai dipotong menjadi bidang dengan kontur yang melengkung dan kontras yang hidup. Di sisi lain, jika kita mempertimbangkan hubungan dengan desainer Pierre Cardin de García Uriburu dan istrinya –model saat itu Blanca Isabel Álvarez de Toledo–, adalah mungkin untuk berpikir bahwa tampilan topi, hiasan kepala, dan gaun merujuk pada glamor dunia The couture."
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msgid "In 1965, García Uriburu had been awarded in the drawing section of the Braque Prize. The reward for this contest organized by the French Embassy consisted of a scholarship that took the artist to Paris towards the end of that year. The Three Graces is part of the series about Marie Antoinette and the favorites of the court of Louis XV, painted in France and exhibited at the Iris Clert gallery in February 1967. In Greek mythology, the Graces are associated with the Muses and the god of music, Apollo. Since ancient times they have been represented, usually in threes, naked and dancing hand in hand. The three Graces constitute a theme dear to the history of art, from imperial Rome to Botticelli, Rubens and Boucher, since these deities of charm and beauty had been given the gift of exquisite appearance. García Uriburu claims to have been inspired by the three De Mailly-Nesle sisters, favorites of the king and, from that background, influential on the political scene. The artist remembers having made, also in 1967, another version of this same painting with a blue background instead of green, which was acquired by a family from Ostend, Belgium."
msgstr "Pada tahun 1965, García Uriburu telah dianugerahi di bagian gambar dari Penghargaan Braque. Hadiah untuk kontes yang diselenggarakan oleh Kedutaan Prancis ini terdiri dari beasiswa yang membawa sang seniman ke Paris menjelang akhir tahun itu. The Three Graces adalah bagian dari seri tentang Marie Antoinette dan para favorit istana Louis XV, yang dilukis di Prancis dan dipamerkan di galeri Iris Clert pada Februari 1967. Dalam mitologi Yunani, Graces diasosiasikan dengan Muses dan dewa musik, Apollo. Sejak zaman kuno mereka telah digambarkan, biasanya bertiga, telanjang dan menari bergandeng tangan. Tiga Graces merupakan tema yang dekat dengan sejarah seni, dari Roma imperial hingga Botticelli, Rubens, dan Boucher, karena dewa-dewi pesona dan kecantikan ini telah diberikan karunia penampilan yang sangat indah. García Uriburu mengklaim terinspirasi oleh tiga saudari De Mailly-Nesle, favorit raja dan, dari latar belakang itu, berpengaruh di panggung politik. Sang seniman ingat pernah membuat, juga pada tahun 1967, versi lain dari lukisan yang sama ini dengan latar belakang biru alih-alih hijau, yang diakuisisi oleh sebuah keluarga dari Ostend, Belgia."
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msgid "It is not possible to pass in front of the Three Graces without it attracting our gaze. The press of the time expressed it this way: “García Uriburu's work is an explosion of joy. With something of the frivolous and gallant spirit of the painters of the 18th century, his contemporary satire could be said, his large panels develop graceful bucolic scenes, in which images of favorites and sheep are intermingled. The columnist was referring to the Buenos Aires exhibition that in October 1968 brought together some 50 paintings by Nicolás García Uriburu at the Rubbers gallery. It was a colorful return after a two-year stay in Paris. The exhibition was sponsored by the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires and the artist had just received the Unique Prize for Painting at the National Salon in 1968 with the oil painting The Three Graces."
msgstr "Tidak mungkin untuk melewati di depan Tiga Graces tanpa menarik perhatian kita. Pers pada waktu itu mengungkapkannya seperti ini: “Karya García Uriburu adalah ledakan kebahagiaan. Dengan sedikit semangat yang remeh dan gagah dari pelukis abad ke-18, satir kontemporernya bisa dibilang, panel besarnya mengembangkan adegan bucolic yang anggun, di mana gambar-gambar favorit dan domba saling bercampur. Kolumnis itu merujuk pada pameran di Buenos Aires yang pada bulan Oktober 1968 mengumpulkan sekitar 50 lukisan oleh Nicolás García Uriburu di galeri Rubbers. Itu adalah kembalinya yang berwarna-warni setelah tinggal dua tahun di Paris. Pameran itu disponsori oleh Museum Seni Modern Buenos Aires dan sang seniman baru saja menerima Penghargaan Unik untuk Melukis di Salon Nasional pada tahun 1968 dengan lukisan minyak Tiga Graces."
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msgid "Las tres gracias"
msgstr "Tiga Gracia"
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msgid "It is difficult to place her work within a certain trend. From a first position referring to social issues, she created her own imaginary, until leading to a symbolic expressionism centered on an original mythology of space."
msgstr "Sulit untuk menempatkan karyanya dalam tren tertentu. Dari posisi pertama yang merujuk pada isu sosial, dia menciptakan imajinasinya sendiri, hingga mengarah pada ekspresionisme simbolis yang berpusat pada mitologi ruang yang orisinal."
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msgid "In 1982 she created the Forner-Bigatti Foundation."
msgstr "Pada tahun 1982, dia mendirikan Yayasan Forner-Bigatti."
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msgid "A member of the Royal Society of Arts of England, she received important awards including the Gold Medal at the International Exhibition, Paris 1937; the First National Prize for Painting at the National Hall, Buenos Aires, 1942; the Palanza Prize, Buenos Aires 1947; the Grand Prize of Honor at the National Hall, Buenos Aires, 1956; the Grand Prize of Honor at the IKA American Art Biennial, Córdoba, 1962; the Juan B. Castagnino Foundation Award, Rosario, 1979 and she was awarded by the National Fund for the Arts in 1987."
msgstr "Seorang anggota Royal Society of Arts di Inggris, dia menerima penghargaan penting termasuk Medali Emas di Pameran Internasional, Paris 1937; Hadiah Nasional Pertama untuk Melukis di National Hall, Buenos Aires, 1942; Hadiah Palanza, Buenos Aires 1947; Hadiah Utama Kehormatan di National Hall, Buenos Aires, 1956; Hadiah Utama Kehormatan di IKA American Art Biennial, Córdoba, 1962; Penghargaan Yayasan Juan B. Castagnino, Rosario, 1979 dan dia dianugerahi oleh National Fund for the Arts pada tahun 1987."
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msgid "In her extensive career, she held numerous personal and collective exhibitions both in our country and abroad. Her works appear in the most important museums in Argentina and abroad (USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Uruguay, etc.)."
msgstr "Dalam karirnya yang luas, dia mengadakan banyak pameran personal dan kolektif baik di negara kita maupun di luar negeri. Karyanya muncul di museum-museum terpenting di Argentina dan di luar negeri (AS, Kanada, Meksiko, Brasil, Portugal, Uruguay, dll.)."
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msgid "In 1936 she married Alfredo Bigatti, whom she had met in Buenos Aires and frequented in Europe."
msgstr "Pada tahun 1936, dia menikah dengan Alfredo Bigatti, yang dia temui di Buenos Aires dan sering dia temui di Eropa."
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msgid "She was born in Buenos Aires on April 22, 1902 and died in the same city on June 10, 1988. She graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts as a drawing teacher in 1922.
She comes into contact with the group of painters and sculptors based in Paris, later known as The Paris Group."
msgstr "Dia lahir di Buenos Aires pada 22 April 1902 dan meninggal di kota yang sama pada 10 Juni 1988. Dia lulus dari Akademi Seni Rupa Nasional sebagai guru menggambar pada tahun 1922.
Dia berhubungan dengan kelompok pelukis dan pematung yang berbasis di Paris, yang kemudian dikenal sebagai The Paris Group."
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msgid "Raquel Forner (1902 – 1988)"
msgstr "Raquel Forner (1902 – 1988)"
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msgid "XX century (1910-1945)"
msgstr "XX abad (1910-1945)"
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msgid "xx-century-1910-1945"
msgstr "xx-century-1910-1945"
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msgid "In 2006, the Municipal Council of Rosario honored her by naming her \"Outstanding Post Mortem Artist\", and the Rosario Municipal Publishing House launched a book about her, which includes \"Mirror in Shadow\" (1927), the only book by the artist published during her lifetime. , a selection of the rest of his poetry, and a gallery of portraits that make up the heritage of museums in El Trébol, Rosario, Santa Fe, Paraná and Buenos Aires, and private collections."
msgstr "Pada tahun 2006, Dewan Kota Rosario menghormatinya dengan menyebutnya sebagai \"Seniman Post Mortem Unggulan\", dan Penerbitan Kota Rosario meluncurkan sebuah buku tentang dirinya, yang mencakup \"Cermin dalam Bayangan\" (1927), satu-satunya buku oleh seniman tersebut yang diterbitkan selama hidupnya, sebuah pilihan dari puisi-puisinya yang lain, dan sebuah galeri potret yang menjadi warisan museum di El Trébol, Rosario, Santa Fe, Paraná, dan Buenos Aires, serta koleksi pribadi."
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msgid "Emilia Bertolé as an artist is a symbol for the culture of Rosario. Her art represents the powerful attack of a woman who lived linked to a world of men. She was admired as a painter, but also for the sensuality of her hands, her sweetness and her striking beauty."
msgstr "Emilia Bertolé sebagai seorang seniman adalah simbol untuk budaya Rosario. Karya seninya mewakili serangan kuat dari seorang wanita yang hidup terhubung dengan dunia pria. Dia dikagumi sebagai pelukis, tetapi juga karena sensualitas tangannya, kelembutannya, dan kecantikannya yang mencolok."
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msgid "Among them, those ordered by President Hipólito Irigoyen in 1923 stand out, one of which today is part of the collection of the National Historical Museum. Along with her work as a painter, she developed her vocation for writing, publishing in 1927 her first book of poetry titled \"Mirror in Shadows.\" She was a member of both the literary elite that met at the Café Tortoni in Buenos Aires and the Anaconda group, chaired by Horacio Quiroga. With the Revolution of 1930, her career was affected as her commissions decreased. Therefore, she had to carry out other types of activities. She collaborated with illustrations for the newspaper La Capital and the magazine El Hogar. In addition, she made the drawings for a series of notebooks titled Women of America. In 1937 she resumed her participation in the Rosario Salon, exhibiting Nude and Self-Portrait. Among other activities she carried out, in 1925 she participated as a jury at the Salon d'Automne along with Alfredo Guido and Emilio Ortiz Grognet, a member of the CMBA. She obtained recognitions such as: Gold Medal, Mateo Casella Academy 1904, and Second Prize Municipality of Buenos Aires 1921. In 1944 she returned to her hometown to care for her mother until 1949, the year of her death. Emilia Bertolé died two months later, on July 25, 1949, at 53 years of age."
msgstr "Di antara mereka, yang diperintahkan oleh Presiden Hipólito Irigoyen pada tahun 1923 menonjol, salah satunya kini menjadi bagian dari koleksi Museum Sejarah Nasional. Bersamaan dengan karyanya sebagai pelukis, dia mengembangkan bakatnya dalam menulis, menerbitkan buku puisi pertamanya yang berjudul \"Cermin dalam Bayangan\" pada tahun 1927. Dia adalah anggota dari elit sastra yang berkumpul di Café Tortoni di Buenos Aires dan kelompok Anaconda, yang dipimpin oleh Horacio Quiroga. Dengan Revolusi 1930, kariernya terpengaruh karena komisi yang didapatnya menurun. Oleh karena itu, dia harus melakukan jenis kegiatan lain. Dia berkolaborasi dengan ilustrasi untuk surat kabar La Capital dan majalah El Hogar. Selain itu, dia membuat gambar untuk serangkaian buku catatan berjudul Wanita Amerika. Pada tahun 1937, dia melanjutkan partisipasinya di Salon Rosario, memamerkan Nude dan Self-Portrait. Di antara kegiatan lain yang dilakukannya, pada tahun 1925 dia berpartisipasi sebagai juri di Salon d'Automne bersama Alfredo Guido dan Emilio Ortiz Grognet, anggota CMBA. Dia mendapatkan pengakuan seperti: Medali Emas, Akademi Mateo Casella 1904, dan Hadiah Kedua dari Pemerintah Kota Buenos Aires 1921. Pada tahun 1944, dia kembali ke kota kelahirannya untuk merawat ibunya hingga tahun 1949, tahun kematiannya. Emilia Bertolé meninggal dua bulan kemudian, pada 25 Juli 1949, pada usia 53 tahun."
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msgid "Initially, her painting was characterized by a certain affiliation with symbolism, especially with the style of Eugene Carriere. This symbolist conception of art constituted a derivation of Romanticism, which can be seen in a contemplative and melancholic attitude on the part of the artists. In those years, Bertolé created dense atmospheres, especially in pastels, where she fused the contours of the figures into the backgrounds often decorated with modernist motifs. She dedicated herself primarily to painting portraits, of which she was commissioned in abundance while she resided in Buenos Aires."
msgstr "Awalnya, lukisannya ditandai oleh afiliasi tertentu dengan simbolisme, terutama dengan gaya Eugene Carriere. Konsepsi seni simbolis ini merupakan turunan dari Romantisisme, yang dapat dilihat dalam sikap kontemplatif dan melankolis dari para seniman. Pada tahun-tahun itu, Bertolé menciptakan suasana yang padat, terutama dalam pastel, di mana dia menggabungkan kontur figura ke dalam latar belakang yang sering dihiasi dengan motif modernis. Dia mengabdikan dirinya terutama untuk melukis potret, yang banyak dipesan saat dia tinggal di Buenos Aires."
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msgid "Argentine plastic artist, portraitist and poet. Friend of Alfonsina Storni and Horacio Quiroga, a prominent figure of Buenos Aires bohemia in the 1920s. She was born in El Trébol, province of Santa Fe, in 1898. Then her family moved to Rosario, where she received a scholarship from the newspaper Patria degli Italiani to study drawing and painting at the Domético Morelli Academy, together with Alfredo Guido and Augusto Schiavoni. During the 1920s she settled in Buenos Aires."
msgstr "Seniman plastik Argentina, pelukis potret, dan penyair. Teman Alfonsina Storni dan Horacio Quiroga, sosok terkemuka dari bohemia Buenos Aires di tahun 1920-an. Dia lahir di El Trébol, provinsi Santa Fe, pada tahun 1898. Kemudian keluarganya pindah ke Rosario, di mana dia menerima beasiswa dari surat kabar Patria degli Italiani untuk belajar menggambar dan melukis di Akademi Domético Morelli, bersama dengan Alfredo Guido dan Augusto Schiavoni. Selama tahun 1920-an, dia menetap di Buenos Aires."
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msgid "Retrato de mi madre"
msgstr "Potret ibuku"
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=547:
msgid "The exhibition, curated by the director of the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto (MArTA), Eva Degl'Innocenti, and the researcher Lorenzo Mancini, will bring together ceramic vessels, statuettes, helmets, coins, gold jewelry, goldsmith's pieces and objects linked to the cult of the dead, war and the ritual of theater, belonging to the collections of this Italian institution, one of the most important museums of its kind in the world."
msgstr "Pameran ini, yang dikuratori oleh direktur Museum Arkeologi Nasional Taranto (MArTA), Eva Degl'Innocenti, dan peneliti Lorenzo Mancini, akan mengumpulkan wadah keramik, patung kecil, helm, koin, perhiasan emas, karya perak, dan objek yang terkait dengan pemujaan orang mati, perang, dan ritual teater, yang merupakan bagian dari koleksi institusi Italia ini, salah satu museum terpenting di dunia dalam jenisnya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "The National Museum of Fine Arts, together with the Italian Embassy in Argentina and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Buenos Aires, opens to the public on Wednesday, December 7, the exhibition “Treasures of the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto. Greeks and other ancient civilizations of Southern Italy”, which will present 60 pieces exhibited for the first time in our country in room 33 on the first floor."
msgstr "Museum Nasional Seni Rupa, bersama dengan Kedutaan Italia di Argentina dan Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Buenos Aires, akan dibuka untuk umum pada hari Rabu, 7 Desember, pameran “Harta Karun Museum Arkeologi Nasional Taranto. Bangsa Yunani dan peradaban kuno lainnya di Italia Selatan”, yang akan menampilkan 60 karya yang dipamerkan untuk pertama kalinya di negara kita di ruang 33 di lantai satu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=547:
msgid "60 pieces from the Italian collection are on display, telling the story of the only Greek colony in the Apulia region, founded in 701 BC. C, and the ancient civilizations that inhabited it."
msgstr "60 buah dari koleksi Italia dipamerkan, menceritakan kisah satu-satunya koloni Yunani di wilayah Apulia, yang didirikan pada tahun 701 SM, dan peradaban kuno yang menghuninya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Archaeological treasures of Taranto"
msgstr "Harta karun arkeologi Taranto"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "Some of the most scathing and serious images of him, the result of a visit to London, appeared in L'Illustration. He also illustrated the novels of Honoré de Balzac and The Wandering Jew by Eugène Sue."
msgstr "Beberapa gambar yang paling tajam dan serius tentang dia, hasil kunjungan ke London, muncul di L'Illustration. Dia juga mengilustrasikan novel-novel karya Honoré de Balzac dan The Wandering Jew oleh Eugène Sue."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Most of his best work appeared in Le Charivari. He had been invited by the editor François Caboche to draw for the magazine. Gavarni had never drawn caricatures and was reluctant to accept the request, but was persuaded to submit some drawings for his approval. He did so and they were accepted, but he did not care about the subtitles that the magazine's editors had added. From then on, he began writing his own. This was the beginning of the Boites aux lettres series."
msgstr "Kebanyakan karya terbaiknya muncul di Le Charivari. Dia telah diundang oleh penyunting François Caboche untuk menggambar untuk majalah tersebut. Gavarni belum pernah menggambar karikatur dan enggan menerima permintaan itu, tetapi akhirnya dibujuk untuk mengirimkan beberapa gambar untuk persetujuannya. Dia melakukannya dan gambar-gambarnya diterima, tetapi dia tidak peduli dengan subtitle yang ditambahkan oleh penyunting majalah. Sejak saat itu, dia mulai menulis sendiri. Ini adalah awal dari seri Boites aux lettres."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Gavarni followed his interests and began a series of lithographed sketches in which he portrayed the most striking characteristics, weaknesses and vices of the various classes of French society. The typographical explanations attached to his drawings were brief, but energetic and humorous, if sometimes trivial, and suited to the particular themes. At first he limited himself to the study of Parisian customs, more especially those of Parisian youth."
msgstr "Gavarni mengikuti minatnya dan memulai serangkaian sketsa litograf di mana ia menggambarkan karakteristik paling mencolok, kelemahan, dan kebiasaan buruk dari berbagai kelas masyarakat Prancis. Penjelasan tipografis yang dilampirkan pada gambar-gambarnya singkat, tetapi energik dan humoris, meskipun kadang-kadang sepele, dan sesuai dengan tema tertentu. Pada awalnya, ia membatasi dirinya pada studi tentang kebiasaan Paris, terutama kebiasaan pemuda Paris."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "At that time, Gavarni was barely thirty years old. His sharp and ingenious drawings gave these generally ordinary and unartistic figures a lifelike appearance and expression that soon earned him a name in fashion circles. He gradually gave more attention to this more enjoyable work and eventually gave up working as an engineer to become the editor of the magazine Les Gens du monde."
msgstr "Pada saat itu, Gavarni baru berusia hampir tiga puluh tahun. Gambarannya yang tajam dan cerdik memberikan tampilan dan ekspresi yang hidup pada sosok-sosok yang umumnya biasa dan tidak artistik ini, yang segera memberinya nama di kalangan mode. Dia secara bertahap memberikan lebih banyak perhatian pada pekerjaan yang lebih menyenangkan ini dan akhirnya menyerahkan pekerjaannya sebagai insinyur untuk menjadi penyunting majalah Les Gens du monde."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "His first published drawings of him were for the Journal des Modes magazine."
msgstr "Sketsa pertamanya yang dipublikasikan adalah untuk majalah Journal des Modes."
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msgid "Gavarni's father, Sulpice Chevalier, was from a family line of Burgundian coopers. Paul began working as a mechanical worker in a machine factory, but realized that to progress in his profession, he had to know how to draw; Consequently, in his free time in the afternoons, he took drawing classes. He devoted his special attention to architectural and mechanical drawing and worked in surveying and cartography, which led to him obtaining a position in the Government Ordnance Department as a draftsman. It was not until he was thirty that he turned his attention to his own vocation as an artist."
msgstr "Ayah Gavarni, Sulpice Chevalier, berasal dari garis keturunan pembuat tong Burgundia. Paul mulai bekerja sebagai pekerja mekanik di sebuah pabrik mesin, tetapi menyadari bahwa untuk maju dalam profesinya, dia harus tahu cara menggambar; Oleh karena itu, di waktu senggangnya di sore hari, dia mengambil kelas menggambar. Dia memberikan perhatian khusus pada menggambar arsitektur dan mekanik serta bekerja di survei dan kartografi, yang membawanya mendapatkan posisi di Departemen Ordnance Pemerintah sebagai seorang perancang. Baru pada usia tiga puluh dia mengalihkan perhatiannya pada panggilannya sendiri sebagai seorang seniman."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Au Mont de piété, Paul Gavarni. Paul Gavarni was the pseudonym of Sulpice Guillaume Chevalier, a French illustrator born in Paris."
msgstr "Au Mont de piété, Paul Gavarni. Paul Gavarni adalah nama samaran dari Sulpice Guillaume Chevalier, seorang ilustrator Prancis yang lahir di Paris."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=26:
msgid "From March 29 to June 18, 2023"
msgstr "Dari 29 Maret sampai 18 Juni 2023"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Dibujos italianos"
msgstr "Dibujos italianos"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28:
msgid "Navigators
From March 29, 2023 to June 18, 2023"
msgstr "Navigator
Dari 29 Maret 2023 sampai 18 Juni 2023"
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28:
msgid "In August 2013, an exhibition by the Association of merchants of the Casale di Meta (NA) in Naples displayed many of his sketches and works."
msgstr "Pada Agustus 2013, sebuah pameran oleh Asosiasi pedagang Casale di Meta (NA) di Napoli menampilkan banyak sketsa dan karyanya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Edoardo De Martino died in London in 1912."
msgstr "Edoardo De Martino meninggal di London pada tahun 1912."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "He was a Marine painter in Ordinary to King Edward VII, often accompanying him on his naval tours, and was appointed an Honorary Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO) in the 1902 Birthday Honours, receiving the decoration from the King at Sandringham House on November 9, 1902."
msgstr "Dia adalah pelukis laut biasa untuk Raja Edward VII, sering menemaninya dalam tur angkatan lautnya, dan diangkat sebagai Komandan Kehormatan Orde Victoria Kerajaan (CVO) dalam Penghargaan Ulang Tahun 1902, menerima penghargaan tersebut dari Raja di Sandringham House pada 9 November 1902."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Since 1905 onward, he has also painted many Italian naval ships. He made a number of paintings during his travels, including of the Brazilian coast."
msgstr "Sejak 1905 dan seterusnya, dia juga telah melukis banyak kapal angkatan laut Italia. Dia membuat sejumlah lukisan selama perjalanannya, termasuk tentang pantai Brasil."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28:
msgid "He was born in Meta di Sorrento. He served as an officer in the Italian Navy, but by age thirty, influenced by members of the School of Resina, he turned to painting, first in Naples. He gained fame in London, where his depictions of famous British naval victories and ships were highly prized, including by Queen Victoria. He has painted depictions of the naval battles of Trafalgar, of the Nile, and of Cape San Vincenzo."
msgstr "Dia lahir di Meta di Sorrento. Dia menjabat sebagai perwira di Angkatan Laut Italia, tetapi pada usia tiga puluh, dipengaruhi oleh anggota Sekolah Resina, dia beralih ke melukis, pertama di Naples. Dia mendapatkan ketenaran di London, di mana gambaran-gambarannya tentang kemenangan angkatan laut Inggris yang terkenal dan kapal-kapal sangat dihargai, termasuk oleh Ratu Victoria. Dia telah melukis gambaran pertempuran angkatan laut Trafalgar, Sungai Nil, dan Cape San Vincenzo."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28:
msgid "Edoardo Federico De Martino (March 29, 1838 – May 12, 1912) was an Italian painter, active in South America and London as a painter of warships and naval battles."
msgstr "Edoardo Federico De Martino (29 Maret 1838 – 12 Mei 1912) adalah seorang pelukis Italia, yang aktif di Amerika Selatan dan London sebagai pelukis kapal perang dan pertempuran laut."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Admiral Brown arriving in port by Eduardo de Martino (Italian, 1838-1912)"
msgstr "Admiral Brown tiba di pelabuhan oleh Eduardo de Martino (Italia, 1838-1912)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=547:
msgid "From October 25, 2022 to February 25, 2023"
msgstr "Dari 25 Oktober 2022 sampai 25 Februari 2023"
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msgid "Navegantes"
msgstr "Navegantes"
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30:
msgid "Italian drawings
From March 29, 2023 to June 18, 2023"
msgstr "Sketsa Italia
Dari 29 Maret 2023 sampai 18 Juni 2023"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Most of his works were signed."
msgstr "Sebagian besar karyanya ditandatangani."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "His works were equally successful in England, where he exhibited them since 1878. Likewise, his works achieved high prices in the United States."
msgstr "Karya-karyanya juga sukses di Inggris, di mana dia memamerkannya sejak 1878. Begitu juga, karya-karyanya mencapai harga tinggi di Amerika Serikat."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "He was a founding member of the Society of French Artists."
msgstr "Dia adalah anggota pendiri Masyarakat Seniman Prancis."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Van Marcke's first exhibition at the Paris Salon was in 1857 and he was quickly ranked as the greatest animal painter. He won awards in 1857, 1869 and 1870. He was distinguished with the Legion of Honor in 1872.1"
msgstr "Pameran pertama Van Marcke di Paris Salon adalah pada tahun 1857 dan dia dengan cepat diakui sebagai pelukis hewan terbesar. Dia memenangkan penghargaan pada tahun 1857, 1869, dan 1870. Dia dianugerahi Legion of Honor pada tahun 1872.1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Vaches dans Paysage National Museum of Fine Arts (Argentina)."
msgstr "Vaches dans Paysage National Museum of Fine Arts (Argentina)."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Van Marcke left Sèvres and began his animal studies at the imperial farm of Villeneuve de Etand and Grignon. Then, after having worked in Brittany, he settled in Normandy, at Bouttencourt in the valley of the river Bresle. The landscape characteristics of this land were of utmost importance for the development of his talent. In his works, the cows and the landscape were worked with great knowledge, through compositions of great harmony."
msgstr "Van Marcke meninggalkan Sèvres dan memulai studi hewannya di peternakan imperial Villeneuve de Etand dan Grignon. Kemudian, setelah bekerja di Brittany, dia menetap di Normandy, di Bouttencourt di lembah sungai Bresle. Karakteristik lanskap tanah ini sangat penting untuk pengembangan bakatnya. Dalam karyanya, sapi dan lanskap dikerjakan dengan pengetahuan yang mendalam, melalui komposisi yang sangat harmonis."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "It was at Sèvres that Van Marcke, who was also a painter-decorator of porcelain work, formed an association with Troyon, the great animalist painter. Troyon discovered Van Marcke's talent and advised him on his career, in such a way that the young painter ended up following in his footsteps."
msgstr "Di Sèvres, Van Marcke, yang juga seorang pelukis-dekorator karya porselen, membentuk asosiasi dengan Troyon, pelukis hewan besar. Troyon menemukan bakat Van Marcke dan memberinya saran tentang kariernya, sehingga pelukis muda itu akhirnya mengikuti jejaknya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Emile van Marcke De Lummen (Sèvres, August 20, 1827 - Hyères, December 24, 1890) was a French painter and engraver of the Barbizon School of the 19th century."
msgstr "Emile van Marcke De Lummen (Sèvres, 20 Agustus 1827 - Hyères, 24 Desember 1890) adalah seorang pelukis dan pengukir Prancis dari Sekolah Barbizon abad ke-19."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Cows in a landscape by Emile van Marcke (1827–1890)"
msgstr "Sapi di sebuah lanskap oleh Emile van Marcke (1827–1890)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30:
msgid "From October 12, 2022 to February 1, 2023"
msgstr "Dari 12 Oktober 2022 sampai 1 Februari 2023"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "El gaúcho y el Sur"
msgstr "El gaúcho y el Sur"
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=547:
msgid "exhibitions"
msgstr "Pameran"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32:
msgid "Renaissance to Romanticism
From March 29, 2023 to June 18, 2023"
msgstr "Renaissance to Romanticism
Dari 29 Maret 2023 hingga 18 Juni 2023"
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msgid "Exhibition"
msgstr "Pameran"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Towards the summer of 1884, Tomás García Sampedro invited him to visit the Asturian town of Muros del Nalón. On successive summer trips, both painters, in the company of other students and friends, dedicated themselves to natural painting around the municipality, giving rise to the \"colony of Muros\", a plenary collective, among whose participants, in addition to García Sampedro, There were Heliodoro Guillén Pedemonti, Campuzano, Perea, Lhardy, Francisco Alcántara, Maximino Peña Muñoz, Vicente Bas, Tomás Muñoz Lucena, Luis Romea, Luis Bertodano, Antonio Cordero, Ángel Andrade, Marcelina Poncela, Rafael de la Torre, Adolfo Marín, in addition to other more veteran painters such as Manuel Domínguez and José Robles."
msgstr "Menuju musim panas tahun 1884, Tomás García Sampedro mengundangnya untuk mengunjungi kota Asturian Muros del Nalón. Dalam perjalanan musim panas yang berturut-turut, kedua pelukis, bersama dengan siswa dan teman-teman lainnya, mendedikasikan diri untuk melukis alam di sekitar kotamadya, yang melahirkan \"koloni Muros\", sebuah kolektif plenari, di antara para pesertanya, selain García Sampedro, ada Heliodoro Guillén Pedemonti, Campuzano, Perea, Lhardy, Francisco Alcántara, Maximino Peña Muñoz, Vicente Bas, Tomás Muñoz Lucena, Luis Romea, Luis Bertodano, Antonio Cordero, Ángel Andrade, Marcelina Poncela, Rafael de la Torre, Adolfo Marín, selain pelukis veteran lainnya seperti Manuel Domínguez dan José Robles."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Established in Madrid, Plasencia would become the portrait painter of Kings Alfonso XII and María de las Mercedes. He also excelled in religious painting. As deputy director of the artistic work of San Francisco the Great, in addition to participating in the decoration of the main dome of the temple, he was in charge of the paintings of the chapel called the Order of Charles III, whose sketches are preserved in the Museum of the Meadow. Also in Madrid, he participated in the decoration of the Café de Fornos, the palace of the Marquis of Linares and was a founding member and president of the Círculo de Bellas Artes."
msgstr "Didirikan di Madrid, Plasencia akan menjadi pelukis potret Raja Alfonso XII dan María de las Mercedes. Dia juga unggul dalam lukisan religius. Sebagai wakil direktur karya seni San Francisco yang Agung, selain berpartisipasi dalam dekorasi kubah utama kuil, dia bertanggung jawab atas lukisan kapel yang disebut Ordo Charles III, yang sketsanya disimpan di Museum Meadow. Juga di Madrid, dia berpartisipasi dalam dekorasi Café de Fornos, istana Marquess of Linares dan merupakan anggota pendiri serta presiden Círculo de Bellas Artes."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "He was born on July 17, 1846 in the Guadalajara town of Cañizar. Son of a rural doctor, he was orphaned in his adolescence. Under the protection of successive heroes, he noted 1 he traveled to Madrid and entered the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, being part of the first class of pensioners for the Spanish Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. His definitive accolade in academic circles was achieved with Origin of the Roman Republic, with which he obtained a first medal at the National Exhibition of 1878 and a third medal and grand cross of the Legion of Honor at the Universal Exhibition in Paris that same year."
msgstr "Dia lahir pada 17 Juli 1846 di kota Cañizar, Guadalajara. Anak seorang dokter pedesaan, dia menjadi yatim piatu di masa remajanya. Di bawah perlindungan pahlawan-pahlawan yang berturut-turut, dia mencatat 1 dia melakukan perjalanan ke Madrid dan masuk ke Akademi Seni Rupa San Fernando, menjadi bagian dari kelas pertama penerima beasiswa untuk Akademi Seni Rupa Spanyol di Roma. Penghargaan definitifnya di kalangan akademis dicapai dengan Origin of the Roman Republic, dengan mana dia memperoleh medali pertama di Pameran Nasional 1878 dan medali ketiga serta salib besar Legion of Honor di Pameran Universal di Paris pada tahun yang sama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Casto Plasencia y Maestro (Cañizar, July 17, 1846-Madrid, May 18, 1890) was a Spanish painter. He practiced historical painting, portraiture, painting of customs, decorative painting and large murals, with a later evolution towards painting from life that would lead him to create the artistic colony of Muros dedicated to plenary landscaping."
msgstr "Casto Plasencia y Maestro (Cañizar, 17 Juli 1846-Madrid, 18 Mei 1890) adalah seorang pelukis Spanyol. Dia mempraktikkan lukisan sejarah, potret, lukisan adat, lukisan dekoratif, dan mural besar, dengan evolusi selanjutnya menuju lukisan dari kehidupan yang membawanya untuk menciptakan koloni seni Muros yang didedikasikan untuk lanskap plenari."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "The milkmaid of Casto Plasencia (1846–1890)"
msgstr "Pembawa susu dari Casto Plasencia (1846–1890)"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32:
msgid "From March 27 to July 29, 2023"
msgstr "Dari 27 Maret sampai 29 Juli 2023"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "Renacimiento al Romanticismo"
msgstr "Renacimiento al Romanticismo"
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=71:
msgid "Arte Argentino"
msgstr "Arte Argentino"
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=71:
msgid "arte-argentino"
msgstr "arte-argentino"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=71:
msgid "Another important pictorial record of prehistory is located in the north of Córdoba and constitutes one of the pictographic testimonies with the highest density of images in the world, with more than 35,000 pictographs located in the Colorado, Veladero, Intihuasi and Desmonte hills."
msgstr "Rekaman gambar penting lainnya dari prasejarah terletak di utara Córdoba dan merupakan salah satu kesaksian piktografis dengan kepadatan gambar tertinggi di dunia, dengan lebih dari 35.000 piktograf yang terletak di bukit Colorado, Veladero, Intihuasi, dan Desmonte."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=71:
msgid "In Argentina, there is the Cueva de las Manos, one of the masterpieces of Paleolithic painting in the Pinturas River, in the Province of Santa Cruz. They have been declared by UNESCO as part of the World Heritage Site.1"
msgstr "Di Argentina, ada Cueva de las Manos, salah satu mahakarya lukisan Paleolitik di Sungai Pinturas, di Provinsi Santa Cruz. Mereka telah dinyatakan oleh UNESCO sebagai bagian dari Situs Warisan Dunia.1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
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msgid "The third decade of the 20th century represented a fundamental stage for the development of painting, with great events related to new aesthetic orientations taking place. It is for this reason that the period between 1920 and 1930 is considered the period of formation of modern Argentine painting, having exponents such as Antonio Berni, Gyula Kosice - founder of the Madí Movement, the New Argentine Figuration movement -, Raúl Soldi and Leon Ferrari; and exponents of popular painting such as Florencio Molina Campos and Benito Quinquela Martín."
msgstr "Dasawarsa ketiga abad ke-20 merupakan tahap fundamental bagi perkembangan lukisan, dengan peristiwa besar terkait orientasi estetika baru yang terjadi. Oleh karena itu, periode antara 1920 dan 1930 dianggap sebagai periode pembentukan lukisan modern Argentina, dengan tokoh-tokoh seperti Antonio Berni, Gyula Kosice - pendiri Gerakan Madí, gerakan Figurasi Baru Argentina -, Raúl Soldi dan Leon Ferrari; serta tokoh-tokoh lukisan populer seperti Florencio Molina Campos dan Benito Quinquela Martín."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=71:
msgid "The painting of Argentina is all the pictorial production carried out in the territory of Argentina during all the centuries. Like its sculpture, Argentine painting draws on innovative styles with European and Amerindian influences."
msgstr "Melukis Argentina adalah semua produksi piktorial yang dilakukan di wilayah Argentina selama semua abad. Suka patungnya, lukisan Argentina mengambil gaya inovatif dengan pengaruh Eropa dan Amerindian."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=71:
msgid "Vast panorama, with works by its greatest representatives"
msgstr "Panorama yang luas, dengan karya-karya dari perwakilan terbesarnya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=71:
msgid "Argentinian Art"
msgstr "Seni Argentina"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=324:
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#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=92:
msgid "collection"
msgstr "koleksi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "masterpieces"
msgstr "masterpieces"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "Instead of Venus this figure seems to be one of those “women in distress” noted by Gloria Groom in Redon's late work, such as Andromeda and Angelica, both saved from a dragon by Perseus and Roger respectively. The indeterminate background of this painting, with its cloud of white, gray and blue in the upper area, corresponds perfectly with those compositions, for example with Roger and Angelica, ca. 1910 (The Museum of Modern Art, New York) exhibited at the Armory Show in 1913."
msgstr "Alih-alih Venus, sosok ini tampaknya adalah salah satu dari “wanita dalam kesulitan” yang dicatat oleh Gloria Groom dalam karya akhir Redon, seperti Andromeda dan Angelica, yang keduanya diselamatkan dari naga oleh Perseus dan Roger masing-masing. Latar belakang yang tidak terdefinisi dari lukisan ini, dengan awan putih, abu-abu, dan biru di area atas, sangat cocok dengan komposisi tersebut, misalnya dengan Roger dan Angelica, ca. 1910 (The Museum of Modern Art, New York) yang dipamerkan di Armory Show pada tahun 1913."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "The origin of his fear or resistance seems to be the circular shape on the right (half the size of the figure) that resembles more an insect or one of the underwater monsters painted by Redon than the recognizable flowers and leaves on the left. This interpretation is based on the use of black to outline and fill part of this shape, a color associated by Redon with the fantastic world of his first charcoals and lithographs."
msgstr "Asal usul ketakutan atau perlawanan dia sepertinya berasal dari bentuk melingkar di sebelah kanan (setengah ukuran figur) yang lebih mirip dengan serangga atau salah satu monster bawah laut yang dilukis oleh Redon daripada bunga dan daun yang dapat dikenali di sebelah kiri. Interpretasi ini didasarkan pada penggunaan hitam untuk menggambar garis dan mengisi bagian dari bentuk ini, warna yang diasosiasikan oleh Redon dengan dunia fantastis dari arang dan litografi pertamanya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "These aspects, however, are the only ones that would justify the title of The Bath of Venus. The figure is not naked, it appears (barely) clothed and lacks another attribute inherent to the goddess of love. Her movement does not correspond to a bathing scene and the character demonstrates a hesitation unworthy of someone born from the sea. With both arms extended forward and her head back, she appears to move from right to left as if she were running away from something – in a position relatively similar to that of the drawing Female Nude (Bridgestone Museum, Tokyo)."
msgstr "Aspek-aspek ini, bagaimanapun, adalah satu-satunya yang akan membenarkan judul The Bath of Venus. Figur tersebut tidak telanjang, ia tampak (hampir) berpakaian dan kurang memiliki atribut lain yang melekat pada dewi cinta. Gerakannya tidak sesuai dengan adegan mandi dan karakter tersebut menunjukkan keraguan yang tidak pantas bagi seseorang yang lahir dari laut. Dengan kedua lengan terentang ke depan dan kepalanya tertunduk, ia tampak bergerak dari kanan ke kiri seolah-olah ia melarikan diri dari sesuatu – dalam posisi yang relatif mirip dengan gambar Female Nude (Bridgestone Museum, Tokyo)."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "The original title of this painting may have been given by Redon, since the work was apparently purchased from the artist without intermediaries. The touches of blue and green in the lower right area of the cloth can be considered a representation of water, and the figure's headdress can evoke a mythological character."
msgstr "Judul asli dari lukisan ini mungkin diberikan oleh Redon, karena karya ini tampaknya dibeli langsung dari seniman tanpa perantara. Sentuhan biru dan hijau di area kanan bawah kain bisa dianggap sebagai representasi air, dan hiasan kepala sosok tersebut bisa membangkitkan karakter mitologis."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "Commentary on 'Le bain de Vénus'"
msgstr "Komentar tentang 'Le bain de Vénus'"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "El baño de Venus"
msgstr "El baño de Venus\" translates to \"Mandi Venus\" in Indonesian."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "Explore the masterpieces of all time on display"
msgstr "Jelajahi karya-karya agung sepanjang masa yang dipamerkan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/hall.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=74:
msgid "Masterpieces"
msgstr "Karya Agung"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/jazzygrid.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!"
msgstr "Sebagai pengguna WordPress yang baru, kamu harus pergi ke dasbor kamu untuk menghapus halaman ini dan membuat halaman baru untuk kontenmu. Selamat bersenang-senang!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=47:
msgid "Paul Marvin Rudolph (October 23, 1918 – August 8, 1997) was an American architect and the chair of Yale University's Department of Architecture for six years, known for his use of reinforced concrete and highly complex floor plans. His most famous work is the Yale Art and Architecture Building (A&A Building), a spatially-complex Brutalist concrete structure. He is one of the modernist architects considered an early practitioner of the Sarasota School of Architecture."
msgstr "Paul Marvin Rudolph (23 Oktober 1918 – 8 Agustus 1997) adalah seorang arsitek Amerika dan ketua Departemen Arsitektur Universitas Yale selama enam tahun, dikenal karena penggunaan beton bertulang dan rencana lantai yang sangat kompleks. Karya terkenalnya adalah Gedung Seni dan Arsitektur Yale (Gedung A&A), sebuah struktur beton Brutalis yang kompleks secara spasial. Dia adalah salah satu arsitek modernis yang dianggap sebagai praktisi awal dari Sekolah Arsitektur Sarasota."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=47:
msgid "Paul Marvin Rudolph was an American architect and the chair of Yale University's Department of Architecture for six years, known for his use of reinforced concrete and highly complex floor plans."
msgstr "Paul Marvin Rudolph adalah seorang arsitek Amerika dan ketua Departemen Arsitektur Universitas Yale selama enam tahun, dikenal karena penggunaan beton bertulang dan rencana lantai yang sangat kompleks."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=47:
msgid "Paul Rudolph"
msgstr "Paul Rudolph"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=49:
msgid "Kahn created a style that was monumental and monolithic; his heavy buildings for the most part do not hide their weight, their materials, or the way they are assembled. He was awarded the AIA Gold Medal and the RIBA Gold Medal. At the time of his death he was considered by some as \"America's foremost living architect.\""
msgstr "Kahn menciptakan gaya yang monumental dan monolitik; bangunan-bangunannya yang berat sebagian besar tidak menyembunyikan beratnya, bahan-bahannya, atau cara mereka dirakit. Dia dianugerahi AIA Gold Medal dan RIBA Gold Medal. Pada saat kematiannya, dia dianggap oleh beberapa orang sebagai 'arsitek hidup terkemuka di Amerika'."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=49:
msgid "Louis Isadore Kahn (born Itze-Leib Schmuilowsky; March 5 [O.S. February 20] 1901 – March 17, 1974) was an Estonian-born American architect based in Philadelphia. After working in various capacities for several firms in Philadelphia, he founded his own atelier in 1935. While continuing his private practice, he served as a design critic and professor of architecture at Yale School of Architecture from 1947 to 1957. From 1957 until his death, he was a professor of architecture at the School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania."
msgstr "Louis Isadore Kahn (lahir Itze-Leib Schmuilowsky; 5 Maret [O.S. 20 Februari] 1901 – 17 Maret 1974) adalah seorang arsitek Amerika yang lahir di Estonia dan berbasis di Philadelphia. Setelah bekerja dalam berbagai kapasitas di beberapa firma di Philadelphia, ia mendirikan atelier miliknya sendiri pada tahun 1935. Sambil melanjutkan praktik pribadinya, ia menjabat sebagai kritikus desain dan profesor arsitektur di Yale School of Architecture dari tahun 1947 hingga 1957. Dari tahun 1957 hingga kematiannya, ia adalah profesor arsitektur di School of Design di University of Pennsylvania."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=49:
msgid "Louis Isadore Kahn was an Estonian-born American architect based in Philadelphia. After working in various capacities for several firms in Philadelphia, he founded his own atelier in 1935."
msgstr "Louis Isadore Kahn adalah seorang arsitek Amerika yang lahir di Estonia dan berbasis di Philadelphia. Setelah bekerja dalam berbagai kapasitas untuk beberapa firma di Philadelphia, ia mendirikan ateliernya sendiri pada tahun 1935."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=49:
msgid "Louis Kahn"
msgstr "Louis Kahn"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Alison Smithson published a novel A Portrait of the Female Mind as a Young Girl in 1966."
msgstr "Alison Smithson menerbitkan sebuah novel A Portrait of the Female Mind as a Young Girl pada tahun 1966."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Of their three children, Simon, Samantha and Soraya, one, Simon, is an architect."
msgstr "Dari tiga anak mereka, Simon, Samantha, dan Soraya, satu, Simon, adalah seorang arsitek."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Peter and Alison had met at Durham, and they married in 1949. In the same year they both joined the architecture department of the London County Council as Temporary Technical Assistants before establishing their own partnership in 1950."
msgstr "Peter dan Alison bertemu di Durham, dan mereka menikah pada tahun 1949. Di tahun yang sama, mereka berdua bergabung dengan departemen arsitektur di London County Council sebagai Asisten Teknis Sementara sebelum mendirikan kemitraan mereka sendiri pada tahun 1950."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Alison studied architecture at King's College, Durham in Newcastle (later the Newcastle University School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape), then part of the University of Durham, between 1944 and 1949. Peter studied architecture at the same university between 1939 and 1948, along with a programme in the Department of Town Planning, also at King's, between 1946 and 1948. His studies were interrupted by war, and from 1942 he served in the Madras Sappers and Miners in India and Burma."
msgstr "Alison belajar arsitektur di King's College, Durham di Newcastle (kemudian menjadi Newcastle University School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape), yang saat itu bagian dari University of Durham, antara tahun 1944 dan 1949. Peter belajar arsitektur di universitas yang sama antara tahun 1939 dan 1948, bersama dengan program di Departemen Perencanaan Kota, juga di King's, antara tahun 1946 dan 1948. Studi-studinya terputus karena perang, dan mulai tahun 1942 ia bertugas di Madras Sappers and Miners di India dan Burma."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Peter was born in Stockton-on-Tees in County Durham, north-east England, and Alison Margaret Gill was born in Sheffield, West Riding of Yorkshire."
msgstr "Peter lahir di Stockton-on-Tees di County Durham, Inggris timur laut, dan Alison Margaret Gill lahir di Sheffield, West Riding of Yorkshire."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Education and personal lives"
msgstr "Pendidikan dan kehidupan personal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Alison Margaret Smithson (22 June 1928 – 14 August 1993) and Peter Denham Smithson (18 September 1923 – 3 March 2003) were English architects who together formed an architectural partnership, and are often associated with the New Brutalism, especially in architectural and urban theory."
msgstr "Alison Margaret Smithson (22 Juni 1928 – 14 Agustus 1993) dan Peter Denham Smithson (18 September 1923 – 3 Maret 2003) adalah arsitek Inggris yang bersama-sama membentuk kemitraan arsitektur, dan sering dikaitkan dengan New Brutalism, terutama dalam arsitektur dan teori perkotaan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Alison M. Smithson and Peter D. Smithson were English architects who together formed an architectural partnership, and are associated with the Brutalism, especially in architectural and urban theory."
msgstr "Alison M. Smithson dan Peter D. Smithson adalah arsitek Inggris yang bersama-sama membentuk kemitraan arsitektur, dan terkait dengan Brutalisme, terutama dalam teori arsitektur dan perkotaan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51:
msgid "Alison and Peter Smithson"
msgstr "Alison dan Peter Smithson"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=47:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=53:
msgid "architects"
msgstr "arsitek"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=53:
msgid "Le Corbusier also designed well-known furniture such as the LC4 Chaise Lounge Chair, and the ALC-3001 chair. Both made with leather with metal framing. They are all simple, modern, and functional."
msgstr "Le Corbusier juga merancang furnitur terkenal seperti Kursi Santai LC4, dan kursi ALC-3001. Keduanya terbuat dari kulit dengan rangka metal. Mereka semua sederhana, modern, dan fungsional."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=53:
msgid "Le Corbusier remains a controversial figure. Some of his urban planning ideas have been criticized for their indifference to pre-existing cultural sites, societal expression, and equality, and his alleged ties with fascism, antisemitism, and eugenics, and the dictator Benito Mussolini have resulted in some continuing contention."
msgstr "Le Corbusier tetap jadi sosok yang kontroversial. Beberapa ide perencanaan kota yang dia ajukan telah dikritik karena ketidakpeduliannya terhadap situs budaya yang sudah ada, ekspresi masyarakat, dan kesetaraan, serta dugaan keterikatannya dengan fasisme, antisemitisme, dan eugenika, serta diktator Benito Mussolini yang telah menyebabkan beberapa perdebatan yang terus berlanjut."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=53:
msgid "On 17 July 2016, seventeen projects by Le Corbusier in seven countries were inscribed in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites as The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement."
msgstr "Pada 17 Juli 2016, tujuh belas proyek oleh Le Corbusier di tujuh negara dicatat dalam daftar Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO sebagai The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=53:
msgid "Dedicated to providing better living conditions for the residents of crowded cities, Le Corbusier was influential in urban planning, and was a founding member of the Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM). Le Corbusier prepared the master plan for the city of Chandigarh in India, and contributed specific designs for several buildings there, especially the government buildings."
msgstr "Didedikasikan untuk menyediakan kondisi hidup yang lebih baik bagi penduduk kota-kota padat, Le Corbusier berpengaruh dalam perencanaan kota, dan merupakan anggota pendiri Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM). Le Corbusier menyiapkan paket master untuk kota Chandigarh di India, dan berkontribusi dengan desain spesifik untuk beberapa bangunan di sana, terutama bangunan pemerintah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=53:
msgid "Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (6 October 1887 – 27 August 1965), known as Le Corbusier (UK: /lə kɔːrˈbjuːzieɪ/ lə kor-BEW-zee-ay, US: /lə ˌkɔːrbuːˈzjeɪ, -ˈsjeɪ/ lə KOR-boo-ZYAY, -SYAY, French: [lə kɔʁbyzje]), was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now regarded as modern architecture. He was born in Switzerland and became a French citizen in 1930. His career spanned five decades, and he designed buildings in Europe, Japan, India, and North and South America. He considered that \"the roots of modern architecture are to be found in Viollet-le-Duc\"."
msgstr "Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (6 Oktober 1887 – 27 Agustus 1965), dikenal sebagai Le Corbusier (UK: /lə kɔːrˈbjuːzieɪ/ lə kor-BEW-zee-ay, US: /lə ˌkɔːrbuːˈzjeɪ, -ˈsjeɪ/ lə KOR-boo-ZYAY, -SYAY, Prancis: [lə kɔʁbyzje]), adalah seorang arsitek, desainer, pelukis, perencana kota, penulis, dan salah satu pelopor dari apa yang sekarang dianggap sebagai arsitektur modern. Ia lahir di Swiss dan menjadi warga negara Prancis pada tahun 1930. Kariernya berlangsung selama lima dekade, dan ia merancang bangunan di Eropa, Jepang, India, serta Amerika Utara dan Selatan. Ia menganggap bahwa \"akar arsitektur modern dapat ditemukan di Viollet-le-Duc\"."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=53:
msgid "Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, known as Le Corbusier, was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now regarded as modern architecture."
msgstr "Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, yang dikenal sebagai Le Corbusier, adalah seorang arsitek, desainer, pelukis, perencana kota, penulis, dan salah satu pelopor dari apa yang sekarang dianggap sebagai arsitektur modern."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=53:
msgid "Le Corbusier"
msgstr "Le Corbusier"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "At our blog, we aim to provide insightful and engaging content for our readers on a variety of topics. We strive to cover everything from lifestyle and travel to technology and business. Our team of writers is passionate about their craft and dedicated to providing readers with the latest and most informative news and trends."
msgstr "Di blog kami, kami bertujuan untuk memberikan konten yang menarik dan bermanfaat bagi Pembaca kami tentang berbagai topik. Kami berusaha untuk mencakup segala hal mulai dari gaya hidup dan perjalanan hingga teknologi dan Bisnis. Tim penulis kami sangat mencintai pekerjaan mereka dan berdedikasi untuk memberikan Pembaca dengan berita dan tren terbaru dan paling informatif."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Welcome to our blog's \"About Page\"! We believe that every website should have a well-written \"About Page\" to introduce the team behind it, share its mission, and provide a glimpse into what readers can expect from its content."
msgstr "Selamat datang di \"Halaman Tentang\" blog kami! Kami percaya bahwa setiap situs harus memiliki \"Halaman Tentang\" yang ditulis dengan baik untuk memperkenalkan tim di baliknya, membagikan misinya, dan memberikan gambaran tentang apa yang bisa diharapkan Pembaca dari kontennya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=6:
msgid "A paragraph about the author's preferences and the blog directions and programs. RAW is a WordPress blog theme design inspired by the Brutalist concepts from the homonymous Architectural movement."
msgstr "Sebuah paragraf tentang preferensi penulis dan arah serta program blog. RAW adalah desain tema blog WordPress yang terinspirasi oleh konsep Brutalis dari gerakan Arsitektur yang bernama sama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
msgid "By Denys Lasdun"
msgstr "Oleh Denys Lasdun"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
msgid "National Theatre in London"
msgstr "Teater Nasional di London"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=23:
msgid "by Kallmann Mckinnell & Knowles"
msgstr "oleh Kallmann Mckinnell & Knowles"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=23:
msgid "Boston City Hall in US"
msgstr "Balai Kota Boston di AS"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25:
msgid "by Alison and Peter Smithson"
msgstr "oleh Alison dan Peter Smithson"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25:
msgid "Robin Hood Gardens in London"
msgstr "Robin Hood Gardens di London"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27:
msgid "by Moshe Safdie"
msgstr "oleh Moshe Safdie"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27:
msgid "Habitat 67 in Montreal"
msgstr "Habitat 67 di Montreal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/04/06/basic-query_thumb/:
msgid "query_thumb"
msgstr "permintaan informasi_thumb"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/04/06/cover-query_cover/:
msgid "query_cover"
msgstr "permintaan informasi_cover"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=324:
msgid "Query_basic"
msgstr "Permintaan informasi_dasar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "Coordinates: 42°21 '37.16\"N 71°3'28.68\"W"
msgstr "Koordinat: 42°21 '37.16\"N 71°3'28.68\"W"
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msgid "The architects designed City Hall as divided into three sections, aesthetically and also by use. The lowest portion of the building, the brick-faced base, which is partially built into a hillside, consists of four levels of the departments of city government, where the public has wide access. The brick largely transfers over to the exterior of this section, and it is joined by materials such as quarry tile inside. The use of these terra cotta products relates to the building's location on one of the original slopes of Boston, expressed in the open, brick-paved plaza, and also to historic Boston's brick architecture, seen in the adjoining Sears Crescent block and the Blackstone Block buildings across Congress Street."
msgstr "Arsitek merancang Balai Kota terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, secara estetika dan juga berdasarkan penggunaan. Bagian terendah dari bangunan, dasar yang dilapisi bata, yang sebagian dibangun ke dalam lereng, terdiri dari empat tingkat departemen pemerintahan kota, di mana publik memiliki akses yang luas. Bata sebagian besar berpindah ke eksterior bagian ini, dan bergabung dengan bahan seperti ubin tambang di dalamnya. Penggunaan produk terra cotta ini berkaitan dengan lokasi bangunan di salah satu lereng asli Boston, yang diekspresikan dalam plaza terbuka yang dipaving bata, dan juga dengan arsitektur bata Boston yang bersejarah, terlihat di blok Sears Crescent yang berdekatan dan bangunan Blackstone Block di seberang Congress Street."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=23:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "Many of the elements in the design have been seen as abstractions of classical design elements, such as the coffers and the architrave above the concrete columns. Kallmann, McKinnell, and Knowles collaborated with two other Boston architectural firms and one engineering firm to form the \"Architects and Engineers for the Boston City Hall\" as the entity responsible for construction, which took place from 1963 to 1968."
msgstr "Banyak elemen dalam desain ini telah dilihat sebagai abstraksi dari elemen desain klasik, seperti kotak-kotak dan arkitrave di atas kolom beton. Kallmann, McKinnell, dan Knowles bekerja sama dengan dua firma arsitektur Boston lainnya dan satu firma teknik untuk membentuk \"Arsitek dan Insinyur untuk Balai Kota Boston\" sebagai entitas yang bertanggung jawab atas konstruksi, yang berlangsung dari 1963 hingga 1968."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "At a time when monumentality was typically considered an appropriate attribute for governmental architecture, the architects sought to create a bold statement of modern civic democracy, placed within the historic city of Boston. While the architects looked to precedents by Le Corbusier, especially the monastery of Sainte Marie de La Tourette, with its cantilevered upper floors, exposed concrete structure, and a similar interpretation of public and private spaces, they also drew from the example of Medieval and Renaissance Italian town halls and public spaces, as well as from the bold granite structures of 19th-century Boston (including Alexander Parris' Quincy Market immediately to the east)."
msgstr "Pada saat ketika monumentalitas biasanya dianggap sebagai atribut yang tepat untuk arsitektur pemerintahan, para arsitek berusaha untuk menciptakan pernyataan berani tentang demokrasi sipil modern, yang ditempatkan di dalam kota bersejarah Boston. Sementara para arsitek melihat pada preseden oleh Le Corbusier, terutama biara Sainte Marie de La Tourette, dengan lantai atas yang terjulur, struktur beton yang terekspos, dan interpretasi serupa tentang ruang publik dan privat, mereka juga mengambil contoh dari balai kota dan ruang publik Italia pada Abad Pertengahan dan Renaisans, serta dari struktur granit berani di Boston abad ke-19 (termasuk Quincy Market karya Alexander Parris yang terletak tepat di sebelah timur)."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "Boston City Hall was designed by Gerhard Kallmann, a Columbia University professor, and Michael McKinnell, a Columbia graduate student, (who co-founded Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles). In 1962 they won an international, two-stage design competition for the building. Their design, selected from 256 entries by a jury of prominent architects and businessmen, departed from the more conventional designs of most of the other entries (typified by pure geometrical forms clad with sleek curtain walls) to introduce an articulated structure that expressed the internal functions of the buildings in rugged, cantilevered concrete forms. While hovering over the broad brick plaza, the City Hall was designed to create an open and accessible place for the city's government, with the most heavily used public activities all located on the lower levels directly connected to the plaza. The major civic spaces, including the Council chamber, library, and Mayor's office, were one level up, and the administrative offices were housed above these, behind the repetitive brackets of the top floors."
msgstr "Boston City Hall dirancang oleh Gerhard Kallmann, seorang profesor di Universitas Columbia, dan Michael McKinnell, seorang mahasiswa pascasarjana Columbia, (yang ikut mendirikan Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles). Pada tahun 1962 mereka memenangkan kompetisi desain internasional dua tahap untuk bangunan tersebut. Desain mereka, yang dipilih dari 256 entri oleh juri yang terdiri dari arsitek dan pebisnis terkemuka, berbeda dari desain konvensional kebanyakan entri lainnya (yang ditandai dengan bentuk geometris murni yang dilapisi dinding tirai yang ramping) untuk memperkenalkan struktur yang terartikulasikan yang mengekspresikan fungsi internal bangunan dalam bentuk beton yang kokoh dan terjulur. Sambil hover di atas plaza bata yang luas, City Hall dirancang untuk menciptakan tempat yang terbuka dan dapat diakses untuk pemerintah kota, dengan aktivitas publik yang paling banyak digunakan semua terletak di tingkat bawah yang langsung terhubung ke plaza. Ruang publik utama, termasuk ruang Dewan, perpustakaan, dan kantor Walikota, berada satu tingkat lebih tinggi, dan kantor administrasi ditempatkan di atas ini, di belakang braket berulang dari lantai atas."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "About the Design"
msgstr "Tentang Desain"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "The building has been subject to widespread public condemnation, and is sometimes called one of the world's ugliest buildings. Calls for the structure to be demolished have been regularly made even before construction was finished. Architects and critics considered it to be excellent work, with one poll finding that professional architects describe Boston City Hall as one of the ten proudest achievements of American architecture."
msgstr "Bangunan ini telah menjadi sasaran kecaman publik yang luas, dan kadang-kadang disebut sebagai salah satu bangunan terjelek di dunia. Seruan untuk merobohkan struktur ini telah secara teratur disampaikan bahkan sebelum konstruksi selesai. Arsitek dan kritikus menganggapnya sebagai karya yang sangat baik, dengan satu polling menemukan bahwa arsitek profesional menggambarkan Balai Kota Boston sebagai salah satu dari sepuluh pencapaian paling membanggakan dalam arsitektur Amerika."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
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msgid "Together with the surrounding plaza, City Hall is part of the Government Center complex. This project constituted a major urban redesign effort in the 1960s, as Boston demolished an area of substandard housing and businesses."
msgstr "Bersama dengan plaza di sekitarnya, Balai Kota adalah bagian dari kompleks Pusat Pemerintahan. Proyek ini merupakan upaya desain ulang perkotaan yang besar pada tahun 1960-an, saat Boston menghancurkan area perumahan dan bisnis yang tidak layak."
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "It is a controversial and prominent example of Brutalist architecture, part of the modernist movement. It was designed by the architecture firms Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and Campbell, Aldrich & Nulty, with LeMessurier Consultants as engineers."
msgstr "Itu adalah contoh arsitektur Brutalis yang kontroversial dan menonjol, bagian dari gerakan modernis. Itu dirancang oleh firma arsitektur Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles dan Campbell, Aldrich & Nulty, dengan LeMessurier Consultants sebagai insinyur."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21:
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#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27:
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "Boston City Hall is the seat of city government of Boston, Massachusetts. It includes the offices of the mayor of Boston and the Boston City Council. The current hall was built in 1968 to assume the functions of the Old City Hall."
msgstr "Balai Kota Boston adalah tempat pemerintahan kota Boston, Massachusetts. Ini termasuk kantor walikota Boston dan Dewan Kota Boston. Balai yang sekarang dibangun pada tahun 1968 untuk mengambil alih fungsi Balai Kota Lama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "by J. Lynn and I. Smith"
msgstr "oleh J. Lynn dan I. Smith"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/brute.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31:
msgid "Park Hill, Sheffield, UK"
msgstr "Park Hill, Sheffield, Inggris"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/happening.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "For 24 hours around September 20th, there will be at least one A12 somewhere around the world running in a virtual relay."
msgstr "Selama 24 jam sekitar tanggal 20 September, akan ada setidaknya satu A12 di suatu tempat di dunia yang berjalan dalam estafet virtual."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/happening.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "Join!"
msgstr "Bergabung!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/eventual.local/?page_id=816:
msgid "Latest"
msgstr "Terbaru"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2:
msgid "This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this. As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!"
msgstr "Ini adalah halaman contoh. Ini berbeda dari pos blog karena akan tetap di satu tempat dan akan muncul di navigasi situsmu (di sebagian besar tema). Kebanyakan orang mulai dengan Halaman Tentang yang memperkenalkan mereka kepada pengunjung situs yang potensial. Ini mungkin mengatakan sesuatu seperti ini. Sebagai pengguna WordPress yang baru, kamu harus pergi ke dasbormu untuk menghapus halaman ini dan membuat halaman baru untuk kontenmu. Selamat bersenang-senang!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=50:
msgid "That I lived under the government of my lord and father, who would take away from me all pride and vainglory, and reduce me to that conceit and opinion that it was not impossible for a prince to live in the court without a troop of guards and followers, extraordinary apparel, such and such torches and statues, and other like particulars of state and magnificence; but that a man may reduce and contract himself almost to the state of a private man, and yet for all that not to become the more base and remiss in those public matters and affairs, wherein power and authority is requisite."
msgstr "Bahwa aku hidup di bawah pemerintahan tuanku dan ayahku, yang akan menghilangkan semua kebanggaan dan kesombongan dariku, dan merendahkan aku pada anggapan dan pendapat bahwa tidaklah mustahil bagi seorang pangeran untuk hidup di istana tanpa sekelompok pengawal dan pengikut, pakaian yang luar biasa, obor dan patung seperti itu, dan hal-hal lain yang serupa dengan keadaan dan kemewahan; tetapi bahwa seorang pria dapat mereduksi dan mengontraksikan dirinya hampir ke keadaan seorang pria biasa, dan meskipun begitu tidak menjadi lebih rendah dan lalai dalam urusan dan perkara publik, di mana kekuasaan dan otoritas diperlukan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=50:
msgid "Hello, this is my new website"
msgstr "Halo, ini adalah situs baru saya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage/:
msgid "I’m a photographer and art director based in Manchester, United Kingdom. When I’m not shooting weddings and portraits, you can find me posting on Instagram. Currently available for hire."
msgstr "Aku seorang fotografer dan direktur seni yang berbasis di Manchester, Inggris. Ketika aku tidak memotret pernikahan dan potret, kamu bisa menemukan aku memposkan di Instagram. Saat ini tersedia untuk disewa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage/:
msgid "Homepage with a small, rounded image"
msgstr "Beranda dengan gambar kecil yang bulat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage-with-a-full-height-image/:
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage/:
msgid "pages"
msgstr "Laman"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage-with-a-full-height-image/:
msgid "Designed with WordPress"
msgstr "Didesain dengan WordPress"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage-with-a-full-height-image/:
msgid "Youtube"
msgstr "Youtube"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage-with-a-full-height-image/:
msgid "X"
msgstr "X"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage-with-a-full-height-image/:
msgid "Get in Touch"
msgstr "Hubungi Kami"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage-with-a-full-height-image/:
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=50:
msgid "I’m a photographer and art director based in Manchester, United Kingdom. When I’m not shooting weddings and portraits, you can find me posting on Instagram. Currently available for hire."
msgstr "Aku seorang fotografer dan direktur seni yang berbasis di Manchester, Inggris. Ketika aku nggak memotret pernikahan dan potret, kamu bisa nemuin aku memposkan di Instagram. Saat ini tersedia untuk disewa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/linkinbioone.mystagingwebsite.com/2023/11/15/homepage-with-a-full-height-image/:
msgid "Homepage with a full height image"
msgstr "Beranda dengan gambar penuh tinggi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation at Handy. Our commitment to providing top-notch services and staying at the forefront of technological advancements remains unwavering. Join us in shaping the future of home improvement, where innovation meets craftsmanship."
msgstr "Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation at Handy. Our commitment to providing top-notch services and staying at the forefront of technological advancements remains unwavering. Join us in shaping the future of home improvement, where innovation meets craftsmanship."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "At the core of our innovations is a commitment to our customers. This section will highlight how Handy is shaping its services based on customer feedback and evolving needs. We believe in being not just a service provider but a true partner in your home improvement journey."
msgstr "Di inti inovasi kami adalah komitmen kepada pelanggan kami. Bagian ini akan menyoroti bagaimana Handy membentuk layanannya berdasarkan umpan balik pelanggan dan kebutuhan yang terus berkembang. Kami percaya dalam menjadi bukan hanya penyedia layanan tetapi juga mitra sejati dalam perjalanan perbaikan rumah Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Customer-Centric Approach: Shaping Services Around Your Needs"
msgstr "Pendekatan Berfokus pada Pelanggan: Membentuk Layanan Sesuai Kebutuhanmu"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "In this section, we'll shine a spotlight on the improved processes that streamline our services. From the moment you book online to the final task completion, Handy has refined its workflows to ensure a seamless and efficient experience for our customers. Learn how these enhancements are making home improvement projects more accessible and hassle-free."
msgstr "Di bagian ini, kita akan menyoroti proses yang ditingkatkan yang memperlancar layanan kami. Dari saat kamu memesan secara online hingga penyelesaian tugas terakhir, Handy telah menyempurnakan alur kerjanya untuk memastikan pengalaman yang mulus dan efisien bagi pelanggan kami. Pelajari bagaimana peningkatan ini membuat proyek perbaikan rumah menjadi lebih mudah diakses dan tanpa repot."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Enhanced Processes: Efficiency Redefined"
msgstr "Proses yang Ditingkatkan: Efisiensi yang Didefinisikan Ulang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Discover how Handy is integrating smart home technology into our services. From automated solutions to smart security features, we're committed to making your home not just functional but also technologically advanced. Learn how these innovations are transforming the way we approach repairs and renovations, offering you a more connected and convenient living experience."
msgstr "Temukan bagaimana Handy mengintegrasikan teknologi rumah pintar ke dalam layanan kami. Dari solusi otomatis hingga fitur keamanan pintar, kami berkomitmen untuk membuat rumah Anda tidak hanya fungsional tetapi juga canggih secara teknologi. Pelajari bagaimana inovasi ini mengubah cara kami mendekati perbaikan dan renovasi, menawarkan Anda pengalaman hidup yang lebih terhubung dan nyaman."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Smart Home Integration: Seamlessly Connecting Your Living Space"
msgstr "Integrasi Rumah Pintar: Menghubungkan Ruang Hidup Anda dengan Mulus"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Explore the state-of-the-art tools that are now at the forefront of our service delivery. We'll delve into how these technological advancements enhance efficiency, precision, and overall service quality. Handy is investing in the latest tools to ensure that every project is executed with the highest level of craftsmanship."
msgstr "Jelajahi alat-alat canggih yang sekarang menjadi ujung tombak dalam penyampaian layanan kami. Kami akan membahas bagaimana kemajuan teknologi ini meningkatkan efisiensi, presisi, dan kualitas layanan secara keseluruhan. Handy sedang berinvestasi dalam alat-alat terbaru untuk memastikan bahwa setiap proyek dilaksanakan dengan tingkat kerajinan tertinggi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Technological Breakthroughs: Tools of Tomorrow"
msgstr "Terobosan Teknologi: Alat Masa Depan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "At Handy, we believe in constant evolution to meet the dynamic needs of our customers. This section will showcase the introduction of new services aimed at providing more comprehensive solutions for your home. From specialized renovations to advanced repair techniques, Handy is committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of home improvement."
msgstr "Di Handy, kami percaya pada evolusi yang konstan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dinamis pelanggan kami. Bagian ini akan menampilkan pengenalan layanan baru yang bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi yang lebih komprehensif untuk rumah Anda. Dari renovasi khusus hingga teknik perbaikan yang canggih, Handy berkomitmen untuk mendorong batasan dari apa yang mungkin dalam dunia perbaikan rumah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Revolutionizing Services: A Glimpse into the Future of Home Improvement"
msgstr "Revolusi Layanan: Sekilas tentang Masa Depan Perbaikan Rumah"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Embark on a journey of discovery as we unveil the latest innovations at Handy, designed to elevate your home improvement experience. From groundbreaking services to cutting-edge technological advancements, we're excited to share how Handy is shaping the future of the handyman industry."
msgstr "Mulailah perjalanan penemuan saat kami mengungkap inovasi terbaru di Handy, yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan pengalaman perbaikan rumah Anda. Dari layanan yang revolusioner hingga kemajuan teknologi terkini, kami sangat senang untuk bagikan bagaimana Handy membentuk masa depan industri tukang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Explore the cutting-edge services and technological updates Handy has introduced. From new tools to improved processes, this post will keep your audience informed about the latest innovations shaping the handyman industry."
msgstr "Jelajahi layanan mutakhir dan pembaruan teknologi yang telah diperkenalkan Handy. Dari alat baru hingga proses yang ditingkatkan, memposkan ini akan menjaga audiensmu tetap terinformasi tentang inovasi terbaru yang membentuk industri tukang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Handy's Latest Service Offerings and Technological Advancements"
msgstr "Penawaran Layanan dan Kemajuan Teknologi Terbaru dari Handy"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Elevate your living space with Handy's tips for creating a home sanctuary. Let our experts guide you in transforming your surroundings into a haven of peace and relaxation. Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration on enhancing your living experience."
msgstr "Tingkatkan ruang hidupmu dengan tips dari Handy untuk menciptakan tempat perlindungan di rumah. Biarkan para ahli kami membimbingmu dalam mengubah lingkunganmu menjadi tempat yang damai dan santai. Tetap disini untuk lebih banyak wawasan dan inspirasi dalam meningkatkan pengalaman hidupmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Create personalized retreats within your home that cater to your specific relaxation needs. Whether it's a cozy reading nook, a meditation corner, or a spa-inspired bathroom, Handy's expertise can help you design spaces tailored to your preferences. Transform your home into a haven that caters to your well-being."
msgstr "Buat retret pribadi di dalam rumahmu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan relaksasi spesifikmu. Apakah itu sudut baca yang nyaman, pojok meditasi, atau kamar mandi yang terinspirasi spa, keahlian Handy bisa membantumu merancang ruang yang disesuaikan dengan preferensimu. Ubah rumahmu menjadi tempat perlindungan yang mendukung kesejahteraanmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Personalized Retreats"
msgstr "Retreat Pribadi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Your furniture plays a significant role in creating a comfortable living space. Explore Handy's recommendations for choosing and arranging furnishings that prioritize both style and comfort. A well-furnished space invites relaxation, making it easy to unwind after a long day."
msgstr "Perabotanmu memainkan peran yang signifikan dalam menciptakan ruang hidup yang nyaman. Jelajahi rekomendasi Handy untuk memilih dan mengatur furnitur yang memprioritaskan gaya dan kenyamanan. Ruang yang teratur dengan baik mengundang relaksasi, membuatnya mudah untuk bersantai setelah hari yang panjang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Comfortable Furnishings"
msgstr "Perabotan yang Nyaman"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "The right lighting can transform the mood of your home. Explore Handy's tips for incorporating ambient lighting that promotes relaxation. From soft, warm hues to strategically placed fixtures, our experts can guide you in creating a soothing atmosphere that adapts to different times of the day."
msgstr "Pencahayaan yang tepat bisa mengubah suasana rumahmu. Jelajahi tips Handy untuk menggabungkan pencahayaan ambient yang mendukung relaksasi. Dari nuansa lembut dan hangat hingga lampu yang ditempatkan secara strategis, para ahli kami bisa membantumu menciptakan suasana yang menenangkan yang bisa beradaptasi dengan berbagai waktu dalam sehari."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Lighting for Ambiance"
msgstr "Pencahayaan untuk Suasana"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Introduce nature into your living space to enhance relaxation. Handy can assist in incorporating greenery, whether it's through indoor plants or creating an outdoor oasis. Plants not only add a touch of nature but also contribute to improved air quality, creating a healthier and more serene environment."
msgstr "Perkenalkan alam ke dalam ruang hidupmu untuk meningkatkan relaksasi. Handy bisa membantu dalam memasukkan unsur hijau, baik itu melalui tanaman indoor atau menciptakan oasis outdoor. Tanaman tidak hanya menambah sentuhan alam tetapi juga berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas udara, menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih sehat dan tenang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Incorporating Greenery"
msgstr "Menggabungkan Tanaman Hijau"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "A cluttered space can clutter the mind. Explore Handy's organizational tips to streamline your living area. From smart storage solutions to decluttering strategies, our experts can guide you in creating an organized and harmonious environment. A well-organized space not only looks better but also fosters a sense of calmness."
msgstr "Ruang yang berantakan bisa membuat pikiran jadi berantakan. Jelajahi tips organisasi dari Handy untuk merapikan area tempat tinggalmu. Dari solusi penyimpanan yang cerdas hingga strategi decluttering, para ahli kami bisa membimbingmu dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang teratur dan harmonis. Ruang yang terorganisir dengan baik tidak hanya terlihat lebih baik tetapi juga menumbuhkan rasa ketenangan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Organization and Decluttering"
msgstr "Organisasi dan Pembersihan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Begin your journey towards a more relaxing home by considering the design elements that promote tranquility. Opt for calming color schemes, soft textures, and clutter-free spaces. Handy's expert touch can help transform your living space into a haven of peace, ensuring every corner contributes to a sense of serenity."
msgstr "Mulailah perjalananmu menuju rumah yang lebih santai dengan mempertimbangkan elemen desain yang mempromosikan ketenangan. Pilih skema warna yang menenangkan, tekstur lembut, dan ruang yang bebas dari kekacauan. Sentuhan ahli Handy dapat membantu mengubah ruang tamumu menjadi tempat yang damai, memastikan setiap sudut berkontribusi pada rasa tenang."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Designing Tranquility"
msgstr "Merancang Ketentraman"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Discover how home improvements and repairs can contribute to creating a serene and comfortable living environment. Delve into tips on decor, organization, and incorporating relaxation into your daily life."
msgstr "Temukan bagaimana perbaikan dan renovasi rumah dapat berkontribusi untuk menciptakan lingkungan hidup yang tenang dan nyaman. Selami tips tentang dekorasi, organisasi, dan menggabungkan relaksasi ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Share insights on how home improvements and repairs can contribute to creating a serene and comfortable living environment. Offer tips on decor, organization, and incorporating relaxation into daily life."
msgstr "Bagikan wawasan tentang bagaimana perbaikan dan peningkatan rumah dapat berkontribusi untuk menciptakan lingkungan hidup yang tenang dan nyaman. Tawarkan tips tentang dekorasi, organisasi, dan menggabungkan relaksasi ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=94:
msgid "Creating a Home Sanctuary: Tips for a Relaxing Living Space"
msgstr "Menciptakan Suaka Rumah: Tips untuk Ruang Hidup yang Santai"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Prepare your home for the colder months with these essential maintenance tips. By addressing insulation, plumbing, and other key areas, you can fortify your home against winter's challenges. Handy is here to support you with expert guidance and professional services. Stay tuned for more insights on home maintenance and improvement."
msgstr "Siapkan rumahmu untuk bulan-bulan yang lebih dingin dengan tips pemeliharaan penting ini. Dengan menangani isolasi, pipa, dan area kunci lainnya, kamu bisa memperkuat rumahmu menghadapi tantangan musim dingin. Handy ada di sini untuk mendukungmu dengan panduan ahli dan layanan profesional. Nantikan lebih banyak wawasan tentang pemeliharaan dan perbaikan rumah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Check the sealant around windows and doors for signs of wear and tear. Well-sealed openings prevent drafts and keep your home warm. If you notice any deterioration, consider resealing or caulking. Handy's team can handle this task efficiently, ensuring your home remains cozy and energy-efficient."
msgstr "Periksa sealant di sekitar jendela dan pintu untuk tanda-tanda keausan. Bukaan yang terseal dengan baik mencegah konsep dan menjaga rumahmu tetap hangat. Jika kamu melihat ada kerusakan, pertimbangkan untuk menyegel ulang atau mengisi celah. Tim Handy bisa menangani tugas ini dengan efisien, memastikan rumahmu tetap nyaman dan hemat energi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Exterior Sealant Inspection"
msgstr "Pemeriksaan Sealant Eksterior"
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#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Inspect your roof for any damaged or missing shingles. Winter weather can exacerbate existing issues, leading to leaks and water damage. Handy's professionals can conduct a thorough roof inspection, addressing any concerns and fortifying your home against the elements."
msgstr "Periksa atapmu untuk melihat apakah ada genteng yang rusak atau hilang. Cuaca musim dingin bisa memperburuk masalah yang ada, menyebabkan kebocoran dan kerusakan air. Profesional Handy bisa melakukan inspeksi atap yang menyeluruh, menangani segala kekhawatiran dan memperkuat rumahmu terhadap elemen."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Roof Integrity"
msgstr "Integritas Atap"
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#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Keep your gutters clear of debris to avoid ice dams and water damage. Handy can assist in gutter cleaning and maintenance, ensuring proper drainage and preventing potential issues caused by clogged gutters during winter storms."
msgstr "Jaga selokanmu tetap bersih dari kotoran untuk menghindari penumpukan es dan kerusakan air. Handy bisa membantu dalam pembersihan dan pemeliharaan selokan, memastikan saluran air yang baik dan mencegah masalah potensial yang disebabkan oleh selokan yang tersumbat selama badai musim dingin."
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#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Gutter Maintenance"
msgstr "Pemeliharaan Saluran Air"
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#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Frozen pipes are a common winter woe. Safeguard your plumbing by insulating exposed pipes, especially those in unheated areas. Disconnect garden hoses and turn off exterior water sources. If you're unsure about winterizing your plumbing, Handy's experts can guide you through the process, preventing costly damage due to frozen pipes."
msgstr "Pipa beku adalah masalah umum di musim dingin. Lindungi pipa Anda dengan mengisolasi pipa yang terpapar, terutama yang berada di area yang tidak dipanaskan. Lepaskan selang taman dan matikan sumber air luar. Jika Anda tidak yakin tentang cara mempersiapkan pipa Anda untuk musim dingin, para ahli Handy bisa membimbing Anda melalui prosesnya, mencegah kerusakan mahal akibat pipa beku."
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#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Plumbing Precautions"
msgstr "Langkah-langkah Pencegahan Pipa"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Before the winter chill sets in, schedule a maintenance check for your heating system. Change filters regularly, ensuring efficient airflow. If you have a fireplace, have it inspected and cleaned by a professional. Handy's technicians are well-versed in heating system maintenance, providing peace of mind that your home will stay warm throughout the winter months."
msgstr "Sebelum dinginnya musim dingin datang, jadwalkan pemeriksaan pemeliharaan untuk sistem pemanasmu. Ganti penyaring secara teratur, memastikan aliran udara yang efisien. Jika kamu punya perapian, periksakan dan bersihkan oleh seorang Profesional. Teknisi Handy sangat paham dalam pemeliharaan sistem pemanas, memberikan ketenangan pikiran bahwa rumahmu akan tetap hangat sepanjang bulan-bulan musim dingin."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Heating System Checkup"
msgstr "Pemeriksaan Sistem Pemanas"
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#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "As temperatures drop, proper insulation becomes paramount in keeping your home warm and energy-efficient. Conduct a thorough inspection of your windows and doors, sealing any gaps or cracks. Consider adding weatherstripping and draft stoppers to prevent heat loss. Handy's professionals can assist in assessing your home's insulation needs, ensuring a cozy and energy-efficient winter."
msgstr "Seiring suhu turun, isolasi yang tepat menjadi sangat penting untuk menjaga rumahmu tetap hangat dan efisien energi. Lakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh pada jendela dan pintumu, menutup setiap celah atau retakan. Pertimbangkan untuk menambahkan weatherstripping dan penahan konsep untuk mencegah kehilangan panas. Profesional Handy dapat membantu menilai kebutuhan isolasi rumahmu, memastikan musim dingin yang nyaman dan efisien energi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Insulation Insights"
msgstr "Wawasan Isolasi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Prepare your home for winter with a comprehensive guide, including tips on insulation, plumbing, and other essential maintenance tasks. Learn how to avoid common issues associated with the colder seasons."
msgstr "Siapkan rumahmu untuk musim dingin dengan panduan lengkap, termasuk tips tentang isolasi, pipa, dan tugas pemeliharaan penting lainnya. Pelajari cara menghindari masalah umum yang terkait dengan musim yang lebih dingin."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Offer a comprehensive guide on preparing homes for winter, including tips on insulation, plumbing, and other essential maintenance tasks. Help readers avoid common issues associated with the colder seasons."
msgstr "Tawarkan panduan lengkap tentang mempersiapkan rumah untuk musim dingin, termasuk tips tentang isolasi, pipa, dan tugas pemeliharaan penting lainnya. Bantu Pembaca menghindari masalah umum yang terkait dengan musim yang lebih dingin."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=97:
msgid "Winter Ready: Essential Home Maintenance for the Colder Months"
msgstr "Siap Musim Dingin: Pemeliharaan Rumah yang Penting untuk Bulan-Bulan Dingin"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "As we celebrate these achievements, Handy continues to be your partner in turning dreams into reality. Stay tuned for more inspiring transformations and let us be a part of your home's success story!"
msgstr "Ketika kita merayakan pencapaian ini, Handy terus menjadi mitra Anda dalam mewujudkan impian menjadi kenyataan. Tetap disini untuk lebih banyak transformasi yang menginspirasi dan biarkan kami menjadi bagian dari kisah sukses rumah Anda!"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Join us on this journey through our recent success stories, where homes are not just spaces but a canvas waiting to be transformed. The before-and-after photos tell tales of craftsmanship, dedication, and the joy of witnessing a vision come to life."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam perjalanan ini melalui kisah sukses terbaru kami, di mana rumah bukan hanya sekadar ruang tetapi kanvas yang menunggu untuk diubah. Foto sebelum dan sesudah menceritakan kisah tentang kerajinan, dedikasi, dan kebahagiaan menyaksikan visi menjadi kenyataan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Explore how Handy tackled a project involving the integration of smart home technology. Our experts seamlessly incorporated cutting-edge solutions, enhancing the convenience and efficiency of the entire household. From automated lighting to smart thermostats, the transformation not only modernized the home but also elevated the overall living experience."
msgstr "Jelajahi bagaimana Handy menangani proyek yang melibatkan integrasi teknologi rumah pintar. Para ahli kami dengan mulus menggabungkan solusi mutakhir, meningkatkan kenyamanan dan efisiensi seluruh rumah. Dari pencahayaan otomatis hingga thermostat pintar, transformasi ini tidak hanya memodernisasi rumah tetapi juga meningkatkan pengalaman tinggal secara keseluruhan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Innovative Solutions for Modern Living"
msgstr "Solusi Inovatif untuk Kehidupan Modern"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "In another notable project, we encountered a unique set of challenges in a kitchen renovation. Limited space and outdated appliances posed hurdles, but our team thrived on turning challenges into opportunities. The end result was a modern, functional kitchen that exceeded our client's expectations. Through creative problem-solving and collaboration, we showcase how every obstacle became a stepping stone towards a more beautiful and efficient living space."
msgstr "Dalam proyek lain yang mencolok, kami menghadapi serangkaian tantangan unik dalam renovasi dapur. Ruang yang terbatas dan peralatan yang ketinggalan zaman menjadi hambatan, tetapi tim kami berhasil mengubah tantangan menjadi peluang. Hasil akhirnya adalah dapur yang modern dan fungsional yang melebihi harapan klien kami. Melalui pemecahan masalah yang kreatif dan kolaborasi, kami menunjukkan bagaimana setiap rintangan menjadi batu loncatan menuju ruang hidup yang lebih indah dan efisien."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Challenges Turned Opportunities"
msgstr "Tantangan Menjadi Peluang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Our team of skilled technicians recently undertook a project to revitalize a dated living room. Faced with worn-out furnishings and an outdated design, our experts implemented a meticulous plan. Through a combination of skillful craftsmanship and a keen eye for design, the living room underwent a stunning metamorphosis. Witness the dramatic transformation in our side-by-side comparison photos, showcasing the astonishing difference from drab to fab."
msgstr "Tim teknisi terampil kami baru-baru ini mengambil proyek untuk menghidupkan kembali ruang tamu yang sudah ketinggalan zaman. Menghadapi furnitur yang sudah usang dan desain yang ketinggalan zaman, para ahli kami menerapkan paket yang teliti. Melalui kombinasi keterampilan kerajinan dan mata yang tajam untuk desain, ruang tamu mengalami metamorfosis yang menakjubkan. Saksikan transformasi dramatis dalam foto perbandingan sisi-demi-sisi kami, yang menunjukkan perbedaan mencolok dari membosankan menjadi luar biasa."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Revitalizing Living Spaces"
msgstr "Merevitalisasi Ruang Hidup"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "At Handy, we believe in the power of home transformations, turning visions into reality and redefining living spaces. Our recent projects stand testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and our clients' satisfaction."
msgstr "Di Handy, kami percaya pada kekuatan transformasi rumah, mengubah visi menjadi kenyataan dan mendefinisikan ulang ruang hidup. Proyek-proyek terbaru kami menjadi bukti komitmen kami yang tak tergoyahkan terhadap keunggulan dan kepuasan klien kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Embark on a journey of transformation as we delve into the success stories that define Handy's commitment to elevating homes. In this exclusive showcase, witness the remarkable before-and-after tales that encapsulate the essence of our dedication to excellence. From overcoming challenges to implementing innovative solutions, each project tells a unique story of revitalization."
msgstr "Mulailah perjalanan transformasi saat kita menyelami kisah sukses yang mendefinisikan komitmen Handy untuk meningkatkan rumah. Dalam etalase eksklusif ini, saksikan kisah luar biasa sebelum dan sesudah yang mencerminkan esensi dedikasi kami terhadap keunggulan. Dari mengatasi tantangan hingga menerapkan solusi inovatif, setiap proyek menceritakan kisah unik revitalisasi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Explore recent success stories and showcase before-and-after photos of Handy's most noteworthy projects. Highlight the challenges faced and the innovative solutions provided."
msgstr "Jelajahi cerita sukses terbaru dan etalase foto sebelum-dan-setelah dari proyek-proyek paling menonjol Handy. Soroti tantangan yang dihadapi dan solusi inovatif yang diberikan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
msgid "Spotlight on Success: Projects that Transform Homes"
msgstr "Sorotan pada Kesuksesan: Proyek yang Mengubah Rumah"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "Handy News"
msgstr "Handy News"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?p=89:
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=664:
msgid "handy-news"
msgstr "handy-news"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Step into the shoes of a Handy technician and discover the heartbeat behind the brand. These are not just professionals; they are individuals dedicated to making your living spaces better, one project at a time. Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes glimpses, because at Handy, we believe in transparency, accountability, and the human connection that transforms houses into homes."
msgstr "Masuklah ke dalam sepatu seorang teknisi Handy dan temukan denyut nadi di balik merek ini. Mereka bukan hanya profesional; mereka adalah individu yang berdedikasi untuk membuat ruang hidupmu lebih baik, satu proyek pada satu waktu. Tetap disini untuk lebih banyak cuplikan di balik layar, karena di Handy, kami percaya pada transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan koneksi manusia yang mengubah rumah menjadi tempat tinggal."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "As the day winds down, our technicians reflect on the accomplishments and challenges faced. It's not just a job; it's a passion for making a difference in the homes of our clients. The satisfaction of a job well done is not just a cliché – it's the reality our technicians experience daily."
msgstr "Seiring hari beranjak malam, teknisi kami merenungkan pencapaian dan tantangan yang dihadapi. Ini bukan sekadar pekerjaan; ini adalah hasrat untuk membuat perbedaan di rumah klien kami. Kepuasan dari pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan baik bukan hanya klise – ini adalah kenyataan yang dialami teknisi kami setiap hari."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Reflections at Sunset"
msgstr "Refleksi di Senja"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Beyond the tools and technical expertise, our technicians bring a personal touch to every job. Share in their experiences as they connect with clients, forming relationships that go beyond the service call. From sharing a laugh to offering advice, it's these personal moments that make Handy more than just a service – it's a partnership."
msgstr "Selain alat dan keahlian teknis, teknisi kami membawa sentuhan personal di setiap pekerjaan. Bagikan pengalaman mereka saat mereka terhubung dengan klien, membentuk hubungan yang lebih dari sekadar panggilan layanan. Dari berbagi tawa hingga memberikan saran, momen-momen personal inilah yang membuat Handy lebih dari sekadar layanan – ini adalah kemitraan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Personal Touch"
msgstr "Sentuhan Personal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Every technician at Handy is adept at turning challenges into opportunities. Whether it's navigating unforeseen obstacles or solving complex repair issues, their problem-solving skills are put to the test daily. Hear firsthand about the moments that define their resilience and the satisfaction that comes from conquering challenges."
msgstr "Setiap teknisi di Handy mahir dalam mengubah tantangan menjadi peluang. Baik itu menghadapi rintangan yang tidak terduga atau menyelesaikan masalah perbaikan yang kompleks, keterampilan memecahkan masalah mereka diuji setiap hari. Dengar langsung tentang momen-momen yang mendefinisikan ketahanan mereka dan kepuasan yang datang dari mengatasi tantangan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Challenges as Opportunities"
msgstr "Tantangan sebagai Peluang"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "From suburban neighborhoods to bustling city streets, our technicians traverse the landscape, ready to tackle diverse challenges. Whether it's a routine maintenance call or a complex renovation project, each destination presents a unique puzzle waiting to be solved. The road is not just a commute; it's a journey towards making a difference in the homes and lives of our clients."
msgstr "Dari lingkungan pinggiran kota hingga jalanan kota yang ramai, teknisi kami menjelajahi lanskap, siap menghadapi berbagai tantangan. Baik itu panggilan pemeliharaan rutin atau proyek renovasi yang kompleks, setiap tujuan menyajikan teka-teki unik yang menunggu untuk dipecahkan. Jalan bukan hanya sekadar perjalanan; ini adalah perjalanan menuju membuat perbedaan di rumah dan kehidupan klien kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "On the Road"
msgstr "Di Jalan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "A typical day for a Handy technician kicks off with the essentials – a hearty breakfast and a steaming cup of coffee. As they gear up for the day, their vans are loaded with tools, each meticulously organized for efficiency. It's not just about the tasks at hand; it's about the preparation that goes into delivering top-notch service."
msgstr "Hari biasa untuk teknisi Handy dimulai dengan hal-hal penting – sarapan yang mengenyangkan dan secangkir kopi panas. Saat mereka bersiap untuk hari itu, van mereka dimuat dengan alat, masing-masing diorganisir dengan teliti untuk efisiensi. Ini bukan hanya tentang tugas yang ada; ini tentang persiapan yang dilakukan untuk memberikan layanan terbaik."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "The Morning Routine"
msgstr "Rutinitas Pagi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Explore the daily routines, challenges, and personal anecdotes that make Handy technicians more than just professionals – they're the heartbeat of Handy, connecting with you on a personal level."
msgstr "Jelajahi rutinitas harian, tantangan, dan anekdot pribadi yang membuat teknisi Handy lebih dari sekadar profesional – mereka adalah jantung dari Handy, terhubung denganmu secara pribadi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Provide readers with an inside look into the daily routines and challenges faced by Handy technicians. Share personal stories and anecdotes to humanize the team and connect with your audience."
msgstr "Berikan Pembaca pandangan dalam tentang rutinitas harian dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh teknisi Handy. Bagikan cerita pribadi dan anekdot untuk memanusiakan tim dan terhubung dengan audiensmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=428:
msgid "Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Handy Technician"
msgstr "Di Balik Layar: Sehari dalam Kehidupan Teknisi Handal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Committed to responsible practices, we offer affordable solutions without compromising on quality."
msgstr "Dengan komitmen pada praktik yang bertanggung jawab, kami menawarkan solusi terjangkau tanpa mengorbankan kualitas."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Responsibility with Affordable Prices"
msgstr "Tanggung jawab dengan Harga Terjangkau"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "We understand that issues can arise at any time. Count on us around the clock for reliable and professional services."
msgstr "Kami mengerti bahwa masalah bisa muncul kapan saja. Andalkan kami 24 jam untuk layanan yang dapat diandalkan dan profesional."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "24/7 Professional Services"
msgstr "24/7 Profesional Services"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Our team members are more than technicians; they are your trusted partners in home improvement."
msgstr "Anggota tim kami lebih dari sekadar teknisi; mereka adalah mitra terpercaya Anda dalam perbaikan rumah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Trustworthy and Reliable Team"
msgstr "Tim yang Dapat Dipercaya dan Andal"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Discover the ease of getting your home improvements done with Handy. Our proven processes ensure a hassle-free experience from start to finish."
msgstr "Temukan kemudahan dalam menyelesaikan perbaikan rumahmu dengan Handy. Proses kami yang terbukti memastikan pengalaman tanpa repot dari awal hingga akhir."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Seamless Process, Superior Results"
msgstr "Proses Tanpa Hambatan, Hasil Unggul"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "At Handy, we take pride in being certified experts committed to saving you time and money. Our approach ensures the most cost-effective solutions without compromising quality. We value responsibility and discretion, requiring no tools on your end."
msgstr "Di Handy, kami bangga menjadi ahli bersertifikat yang berkomitmen untuk menghemat waktu dan uang Anda. Pendekatan kami memastikan solusi yang paling hemat biaya tanpa mengorbankan kualitas. Kami menghargai tanggung jawab dan kebijaksanaan, tidak memerlukan alat di pihak Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Certified experts"
msgstr "Ahli bersertifikat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Ensure the safety and functionality of your electrical systems with our expertise."
msgstr "Pastikan keamanan dan fungsionalitas sistem listrik Anda dengan keahlian kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Electrical engineering"
msgstr "Rekayasa listrik"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Resolve plumbing issues efficiently with our skilled technicians."
msgstr "Atasi masalah pipa dengan efisien bersama teknisi kami yang terampil."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Plumbing
& pipe repair"
msgstr "Perbaikan Pipa
& Saluran"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Elevate your space with our expert renovation services."
msgstr "Tingkatkan ruangmu dengan layanan renovasi ahli kami."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Professional renovation"
msgstr "Renovasi Profesional"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "From minor repairs to major overhauls, we've got you covered."
msgstr "Dari perbaikan kecil hingga perbaikan besar, kami siap membantu kamu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "All types of
home fixing"
msgstr "Semua jenis perbaikan rumah"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Trust us to transform your home with skilled craftsmanship"
msgstr "Percayakan kepada kami untuk mengubah rumah Anda dengan kerajinan yang terampil"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
msgid "Explore Our Services"
msgstr "Jelajahi Layanan Kami"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Our team will do the assigned task while you relax and get your improvements done."
msgstr "Tim kami akan mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan sementara kamu bersantai dan menyelesaikan perbaikanmu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Task Completion"
msgstr "Penyelesaian Tugas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "4"
msgstr "4"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "We send you details and a cost estimate of your project needs."
msgstr "Kami mengirimkan detail dan perkiraan biaya kebutuhan proyek Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Detail Estimate"
msgstr "Detail Estimasi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "3"
msgstr "3"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "We contact your for details on your project, and schedule an onsite estimate if necessary."
msgstr "Kami menghubungi Anda untuk detail tentang proyek Anda, dan menjadwalkan estimasi di lokasi jika perlu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Phone Confirmation"
msgstr "Konfirmasi Telepon"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "You share your needs with us and we will book a visit to the selected workplace."
msgstr "Kamu bagikan kebutuhanmu dengan kami dan kami akan memesan kunjungan ke tempat kerja yang dipilih."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=11:
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Embark on a journey of home transformation with Handy. Whether you're looking for professional renovation, efficient plumbing and pipe repair, or the latest in smart home upgrades, we're here to elevate your home to new heights."
msgstr "Mulailah perjalanan transformasi rumah dengan Handy. Apakah kamu mencari renovasi profesional, perbaikan pipa dan plumbing yang efisien, atau yang terbaru dalam upgrade rumah pintar, kami di sini untuk mengangkat rumahmu ke tingkat yang baru."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Get Started with Handy Today →"
msgstr "Mulai dengan Handy Hari Ini →"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Your Partner in Home Transformation"
msgstr "Partner Anda dalam Transformasi Rumah"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "We take pride in being an integral part of the communities we serve. Responsibility is not just a buzzword for us; it's a guiding principle. From advocating for eco-friendly practices to contributing to community initiatives, we are committed to making a positive impact beyond the services we provide."
msgstr "Kami bangga menjadi bagian integral dari komunitas yang kami layani. Tanggung jawab bukan sekadar kata kunci bagi kami; itu adalah prinsip panduan. Dari mendukung praktik ramah lingkungan hingga berkontribusi pada inisiatif komunitas, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan dampak positif di luar layanan yang kami sediakan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "More Than Just a Service Provider"
msgstr "Lebih Dari Sekadar Penyedia Layanan"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "At Handy, we follow successful processes that ensure your projects are completed with precision and care. From booking your service online to receiving detailed estimates and witnessing task completion, our commitment to quality, convenience, and transparency is unwavering."
msgstr "Di Handy, kami mengikuti proses yang sukses yang memastikan proyek Anda diselesaikan dengan presisi dan perhatian. Dari memesan layanan Anda secara online hingga menerima estimasi terperinci dan menyaksikan penyelesaian tugas, komitmen kami terhadap kualitas, kenyamanan, dan transparansi tidak tergoyahkan."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Quality, Convenience, and Transparency"
msgstr " kualitas, kenyamanan, dan transparansi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Every member of the team is a certified professional, fully insured and equipped with the skills to handle a diverse range of home improvement projects. From minor fixes to major renovations, our technicians arrive on time, clad in uniform, and travel in marked vans, ensuring a seamless and trustworthy service experience."
msgstr "Setiap anggota tim adalah profesional bersertifikat, sepenuhnya diasuransikan dan dilengkapi dengan keterampilan untuk menangani berbagai proyek perbaikan rumah. Dari perbaikan kecil hingga renovasi besar, teknisi kami tiba tepat waktu, mengenakan seragam, dan bepergian dengan van yang tertera, memastikan pengalaman layanan yang mulus dan dapat dipercaya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Certified Professionals"
msgstr "Profesional Bersertifikat"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Every home we attend tells a unique story of transformation."
msgstr "Setiap rumah yang kami kunjungi menceritakan kisah unik tentang transformasi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Founded with a vision to provide top-notch handyman services, Handy has evolved into a trusted partner for homeowners seeking quality, reliability, and innovation. Our journey is defined by a legacy of excellence backed by a team of certified experts committed to enhancing your living experience."
msgstr "Didirikan dengan visi untuk menyediakan layanan handyman berkualitas tinggi, Handy telah berkembang menjadi mitra terpercaya bagi pemilik rumah yang mencari kualitas, keandalan, dan inovasi. Perjalanan kami ditandai oleh warisan keunggulan yang didukung oleh tim ahli bersertifikat yang berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan pengalaman hidup Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "At Handy, we understand that your home is more than just a space; it's a canvas where memories are made, and lives unfold. With over 25 years of dedicated service, Handy has been at the forefront of the home improvement and repair industry, passionately transforming houses into personalized sanctuaries."
msgstr "Di Handy, kami memahami bahwa rumahmu lebih dari sekadar ruang; itu adalah kanvas tempat kenangan dibuat, dan kehidupan terungkap. Dengan lebih dari 25 tahun layanan yang berdedikasi, Handy telah berada di garis depan industri perbaikan dan peningkatan rumah, dengan penuh semangat mengubah rumah menjadi tempat perlindungan yang Personal."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.local/?page_id=15:
msgid "Welcome to Fixmate Services"
msgstr "Selamat datang di Layanan Fixmate"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Make informed decisions about your home repairs by weighing the pros and cons of DIY versus professional services. Handy is here to assist you in achieving optimal results and ensuring your home remains a safe, functional, and enjoyable space. Stay tuned for more insights on home maintenance and improvement."
msgstr "Buat keputusan yang tepat tentang perbaikan rumahmu dengan mempertimbangkan pro dan kontra antara DIY dan layanan profesional. Handy ada di sini untuk membantumu mencapai hasil yang optimal dan memastikan rumahmu tetap menjadi ruang yang aman, fungsional, dan menyenangkan. Nantikan lebih banyak wawasan tentang pemeliharaan dan perbaikan rumah."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Enlist the services of Handy when faced with complex repairs, time constraints, or a desire for professional workmanship. Whether it's a plumbing issue, electrical concern, or intricate home improvement project, our team is equipped to handle a diverse range of tasks. By calling Handy, you invest in peace of mind, knowing that your home repairs are in capable hands."
msgstr "Daftarkan layanan Handy saat menghadapi perbaikan yang kompleks, batasan waktu, atau keinginan untuk pekerjaan yang Profesional. Apakah itu masalah pipa, kekhawatiran listrik, atau proyek perbaikan rumah yang rumit, tim kami siap menangani berbagai macam tugas. Dengan menghubungi Handy, kamu berinvestasi dalam ketenangan pikiran, mengetahui bahwa perbaikan rumahmu ada di tangan yang mampu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "When to Call Handy"
msgstr "Kapan Menghubungi Handy"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "While DIY projects may seem cost-effective initially, the hidden costs of potential mistakes and the need for specialized tools can add up. Handy provides transparent pricing, ensuring that you receive an accurate estimate upfront. This allows you to make an informed decision based on both financial considerations and the assurance of professional results."
msgstr "Sementara proyek DIY mungkin terlihat hemat biaya pada awalnya, biaya tersembunyi dari kesalahan potensial dan kebutuhan akan alat khusus bisa bertambah. Handy menyediakan harga yang transparan, memastikan bahwa kamu menerima estimasi yang akurat di awal. Ini memungkinkan kamu untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan pertimbangan finansial dan jaminan hasil profesional."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Cost Considerations"
msgstr "Pertimbangan Biaya"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "One of the significant advantages of hiring Handy for home repairs lies in the quality of workmanship. Our professionals are trained, certified, and experienced, guaranteeing a level of expertise that DIY endeavors may not achieve. From precision in execution to adherence to safety standards, the quality of our work ensures long-lasting solutions."
msgstr "Salah satu keuntungan signifikan dari menyewa Handy untuk perbaikan rumah terletak pada kualitas pengerjaan. Profesional kami terlatih, bersertifikat, dan berpengalaman, menjamin tingkat keahlian yang mungkin tidak dicapai oleh usaha DIY. Dari presisi dalam pelaksanaan hingga kepatuhan terhadap standar keselamatan, kualitas pekerjaan kami memastikan solusi yang tahan lama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Quality of Workmanship"
msgstr "Quality of Workmanship\" in Indonesian is \"Kualitas Pekerjaan\"."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "While DIY projects may seem like a cost-effective solution, the time and effort invested can outweigh the benefits. Handy's professionals understand the value of your time. By enlisting our services, you can rest assured that repairs will be completed efficiently, allowing you to focus on what matters most to you."
msgstr "Sementara proyek DIY mungkin terlihat seperti solusi yang hemat biaya, waktu dan usaha yang diinvestasikan bisa melebihi manfaatnya. Profesional Handy memahami nilai waktu Anda. Dengan menggunakan layanan kami, Anda bisa yakin bahwa perbaikan akan diselesaikan dengan efisien, memungkinkan Anda untuk fokus pada apa yang paling penting bagi Anda."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Time and Efficiency"
msgstr "Waktu dan Efisiensi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "When faced with intricate or specialized tasks, it's prudent to assess whether your skills match the complexity of the repair. Professional technicians from Handy bring a wealth of expertise, ensuring that even the most intricate tasks are handled with precision. From electrical work to plumbing repairs, our professionals are equipped to navigate complexities safely and efficiently."
msgstr "Ketika dihadapkan dengan tugas yang rumit atau khusus, bijaksana untuk menilai apakah keterampilanmu sesuai dengan kompleksitas perbaikan. Teknisi Profesional dari Handy membawa banyak keahlian, memastikan bahwa bahkan tugas yang paling rumit ditangani dengan presisi. Dari pekerjaan listrik hingga perbaikan pipa, para profesional kami dilengkapi untuk menghadapi kompleksitas dengan aman dan efisien."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Complexity and Expertise"
msgstr "Kompleksitas dan Keahlian"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Embarking on do-it-yourself home repairs can be empowering, providing a sense of accomplishment and potentially saving money. From minor fixes to small improvements, many tasks can be tackled with the right tools and a DIY spirit. However, it's essential to recognize the limitations of DIY, as not all repairs are suitable for the novice homeowner."
msgstr "Memulai perbaikan rumah sendiri bisa memberi rasa percaya diri, memberikan rasa pencapaian dan berpotensi menghemat uang. Dari perbaikan kecil hingga peningkatan kecil, banyak tugas yang bisa dikerjakan dengan alat yang tepat dan semangat DIY. Namun, penting untuk menyadari batasan DIY, karena tidak semua perbaikan cocok untuk pemilik rumah pemula."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "The Allure of DIY"
msgstr "Pesona DIY"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Explore the pros and cons of DIY home repairs versus hiring professionals. Gain guidance on when it's best to enlist Handy's services for optimal results and long-lasting solutions."
msgstr "Jelajahi pro dan kontra dari perbaikan rumah DIY dibandingkan dengan menyewa Profesional. Dapatkan panduan tentang kapan sebaiknya menggunakan layanan Handy untuk hasil yang optimal dan solusi yang tahan lama."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "Discuss the pros and cons of DIY home repairs versus hiring professionals. Provide guidance on when it's best to enlist Handy's services for optimal results and lon"
msgstr "Diskusikan pro dan kontra dari perbaikan rumah DIY dibandingkan dengan menyewa Profesional. Berikan panduan tentang kapan sebaiknya menggunakan layanan Handy untuk hasil yang optimal dan lon"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=430:
msgid "DIY vs. Professional: When to Call Handy for Home Repairs"
msgstr "DIY vs. Profesional: Kapan Harus Menghubungi Handy untuk Perbaikan Rumah"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "As smart home technology continues to evolve, Handy remains at the forefront, bringing you the latest advancements to enhance your living experience. Stay tuned for more insights into the future of smart living, and let Handy be your partner in creating a home that's not just smart but also seamlessly integrated for unparalleled convenience and efficiency."
msgstr "Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi rumah pintar, Handy tetap berada di garis depan, membawakanmu kemajuan terbaru untuk meningkatkan pengalaman hidupmu. Tetap ikuti untuk lebih banyak wawasan tentang masa depan kehidupan pintar, dan biarkan Handy menjadi partnermu dalam menciptakan rumah yang bukan hanya pintar tetapi juga terintegrasi dengan mulus untuk kenyamanan dan efisiensi yang tiada tara."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "The Future of Smart Living"
msgstr "Masa Depan Kehidupan Cerdas"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Smart home security systems provide an additional layer of protection for your home and loved ones. Learn about the latest advancements in smart security, from video doorbells to smart locks. Handy can assist in the installation and configuration of these devices, offering you enhanced security and peace of mind."
msgstr "Sistem keamanan rumah pintar memberikan lapisan perlindungan tambahan untuk rumah dan orang-orang tercinta. Pelajari tentang kemajuan terbaru dalam keamanan pintar, dari bel pintu video hingga kunci pintar. Handy dapat membantu dalam pemasangan dan konfigurasi perangkat ini, menawarkan Anda keamanan yang lebih baik dan ketenangan pikiran."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Enhanced Security and Peace of Mind"
msgstr "Keamanan yang Ditingkatkan dan Ketentraman Pikiran"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Tailor your smart home to meet your unique needs with customized automation. Handy's experts can help design and implement automation solutions that align with your lifestyle. From setting up smart routines to coordinating devices for maximum efficiency, we ensure that your smart home works seamlessly to enhance your daily life."
msgstr "Sesuaikan rumah pintar kamu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan unikmu dengan penyesuaian otomatisasi. Para ahli Handy bisa membantu merancang dan menerapkan solusi otomatisasi yang sesuai dengan gaya hidupmu. Dari mengatur rutinitas pintar hingga mengoordinasikan perangkat untuk efisiensi maksimal, kami memastikan bahwa rumah pintarmu berfungsi dengan lancar untuk meningkatkan kehidupan sehari-harimu."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Customized Automation"
msgstr "Penyesuaian Otomatisasi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Smart home technology goes beyond convenience; it can also contribute to energy efficiency. Explore how Handy can assist in the installation of energy-efficient devices, such as smart thermostats that optimize heating and cooling based on your preferences and occupancy patterns. Discover how these upgrades not only enhance comfort but also contribute to a more sustainable and cost-effective home."
msgstr "Teknologi rumah pintar lebih dari sekadar kenyamanan; itu juga bisa berkontribusi pada efisiensi energi. Jelajahi bagaimana Handy dapat membantu dalam pemasangan perangkat hemat energi, seperti thermostat pintar yang mengoptimalkan pemanasan dan pendinginan berdasarkan preferensi dan pola keberadaan Anda. Temukan bagaimana upgrade ini tidak hanya meningkatkan kenyamanan tetapi juga berkontribusi pada rumah yang lebih berkelanjutan dan hemat biaya."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Energy-Efficient Solutions"
msgstr "Solusi Hemat Energi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Integrating smart home upgrades seamlessly requires expertise and precision. Handy's team of professionals is well-versed in the installation and configuration of various smart devices. Whether you're looking to set up a smart home hub, install smart locks, or optimize your home's lighting system, our experts can ensure a smooth and efficient integration."
msgstr "Mengintegrasikan upgrade rumah pintar dengan mulus memerlukan keahlian dan ketelitian. Tim profesional Handy sangat paham dalam pemasangan dan konfigurasi berbagai perangkat pintar. Apakah kamu ingin mengatur pusat rumah pintar, memasang kunci pintar, atau mengoptimalkan sistem pencahayaan rumahmu, para ahli kami dapat memastikan integrasi yang lancar dan efisien."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Seamless Integration with Handy"
msgstr "Integrasi Tanpa Hambatan dengan Handy"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Smart home technology has become synonymous with modern living, offering unprecedented convenience and efficiency. Explore the latest trends, from smart thermostats and lighting to security systems and connected appliances. The possibilities are vast, and Handy is here to guide you through the process of making your home smarter and more connected."
msgstr "Teknologi rumah pintar telah menjadi sinonim dengan kehidupan modern, menawarkan kenyamanan dan efisiensi yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. Jelajahi tren terbaru, dari thermostat pintar dan pencahayaan hingga sistem keamanan dan peralatan yang terhubung. Kemungkinannya sangat luas, dan Handy ada di sini untuk membimbingmu melalui proses membuat rumahmu lebih pintar dan lebih terhubung."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "The Rise of Smart Home Technology"
msgstr "Bangkitnya Teknologi Rumah Pintar"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Embark on a journey through the latest trends and innovations in smart home technology. Gain insights into how Handy can assist in seamlessly integrating these upgrades into homes, enhancing both convenience and energy efficiency."
msgstr "Mulailah perjalanan melalui tren dan inovasi terbaru dalam teknologi rumah pintar. Dapatkan Wawasan tentang bagaimana Handy dapat membantu dalam mengintegrasikan upgrade ini ke dalam rumah dengan mulus, meningkatkan kenyamanan dan efisiensi energi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Explore the latest trends and innovations in smart home technology. Provide insights into how Handy can integrate these upgrades seamlessly into homes, enhancing convenience and energy efficiency."
msgstr "Jelajahi tren dan inovasi terbaru dalam teknologi rumah pintar. Berikan wawasan tentang bagaimana Handy dapat mengintegrasikan upgrade ini dengan mulus ke dalam rumah, meningkatkan kenyamanan dan efisiensi energi."
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=432:
msgid "Smart Home Upgrades with Efficiency"
msgstr "Upgrade Smart Home dengan Efisiensi"
#. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok
#: block-patterns/handy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=662:
msgid "Embark on the journey to home wellness with Handy's expert tips. Transform your living space into a sanctuary that not only looks beautiful but also contributes to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Stay tuned for more insights on creating homes that prioritize well-being in every aspect."
msgstr "Mulailah perjalanan menuju kesejahteraan rumah dengan tips ahli dari Handy. Ubah ruang hidupmu menjadi tempat perlindungan yang