# Translation of WordPress.com - Block Patterns in Korean # This file is distributed under the same license as the WordPress.com - Block Patterns package. msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-18 20:28:28+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n" "Language: ko_KR\n" "Project-Id-Version: WordPress.com - Block Patterns\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: msgid " Let us showcase your crafting products through honest and authentic reviews that resonate with our readers." msgstr "독자들과 공감하는 정직하고 진정성 있는 리뷰를 통해 여러분의 제작 제품을 쇼케이스해 보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: msgid "Product Reviews:" msgstr "제품 리뷰:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22: msgid "Gift-giving becomes a truly heartfelt experience when you take the time to create something special with your own two hands. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just a random act of kindness, homemade presents have a unique charm that can't be matched by store-bought items. In this post, we'll explore the art of crafting personalized gifts that are perfect for every occasion." msgstr "선물 주기는 당신이 시간을 내어 특별한 것을 직접 만들 때 진정으로 마음을 담은 경험이 됩니다. 생일, 기념일 또는 그냥 우연한 친절한 행동이든, 집에서 만든 선물은 상점에서 산 아이템으로는 대체할 수 없는 독특한 매력을 가지고 있습니다. 이 글에서는 모든 기회에 완벽한 개인화된 선물을 만드는 예술을 탐구해보겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Our approach is holistic; we view each financial challenge as an opportunity to craft innovative strategies that drive success. Whether you‘re an individual seeking to optimize your tax position or a multinational corporation aiming for streamlined financial operations, Blockstar is your trusted partner in the journey to financial excellence. Embrace the future with clarity and confidence with us by your side." msgstr "우리의 접근 방식은 종합적입니다. 우리는 각각의 금융적인 도전을 성공을 이끄는 혁신적인 전략을 만들기 위한 기회로 여깁니다. 세금 위치를 최적화하려는 개인이든, 효율적인 금융 운영을 목표로 하는 다국적 기업이든, 블록스타는 금융적 우수성을 향한 여정에서 신뢰할 수 있는 파트너입니다. 우리와 함께하면 미래를 명확하고 자신감 있게 받아들일 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "At Blockstar, we believe that true accounting mastery goes beyond mere numbers. With a rich legacy spanning over three decades, our firm has built its reputation on the principles of integrity, precision, and adaptability. Our team of dedicated professionals works tirelessly to understand the unique needs of each client, offering bespoke financial solutions tailored to ensure optimal financial health and sustainable growth." msgstr "블록스타에서는 진정한 회계 전문성이 단순한 숫자를 넘어선다고 믿습니다. 30년 이상의 풍부한 역사를 자랑하는 저희 회사는 무결성, 정확성, 적응력의 원칙에 기반하여 평판을 쌓아왔습니다. 헌신적인 전문가 팀은 각 고객의 독특한 요구를 이해하기 위해 끊임없이 노력하며, 최적의 재무 건강과 지속 가능한 성장을 보장하기 위해 맞춤형 금융 솔루션을 제공합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Through this blog, I shares my insights, experiences, and tips on how to live a more simple and intentional life. I write about a variety of topics, including decluttering, mindfulness, sustainability, and self-care." msgstr "이 블로그를 통해 나는 더 간단하고 의도적인 삶을 살기 위한 인사이트, 경험, 팁을 공유합니다. 저는 정리, 마음의 안정, 지속 가능성, 자기 관리를 포함한 다양한 주제에 대해 글을 씁니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "This blog is meant to be a welcoming and supportive space for anyone looking to simplify their life and find more joy in the present moment." msgstr "이 블로그는 누구나 자신의 삶을 단순화하고 현재의 순간에서 더 많은 기쁨을 찾고자 하는 사람들을 위한 환영하고 지원하는 공간입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "You can find me on:" msgstr "너는 나를 다음에서 찾을 수 있어:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "After years of feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life and the pressure to keep up with the latest trends and possessions, I discovered the joys of minimalism and simplicity. I found that by decluttering my possessions, simplifying my schedule, and focusing on the things that truly mattered, I was able to experience greater peace, fulfillment, and joy in my life." msgstr "현대 생활의 요구와 최신 트렌드와 소유물을 따라가야 하는 압박에 압도되는 것 같았던 여러 해 후, 나는 미니멀리즘과 단순함의 즐거움을 발견했습니다. 소유물을 정리하고 일정을 단순화하며 진정으로 중요한 것에 초점을 맞추는 것을 통해 더 큰 평화와 충족감, 기쁨을 경험할 수 있었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/carnationdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Hello, I'm Jane - the creator and author behind this website. I'm a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things." msgstr "안녕, 나는 제인이야 - 이 웹사이트의 제작자이자 글쓴이야. 나는 덜 가지고 살면서 간단한 삶을 사랑하는 열성적인 사람이야. 나는 적은 것으로 살면서 간단한 것들에서 기쁨을 찾는 삶에 전념하고 있어." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: msgid "Our approach" msgstr "우리의 방식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "Every great journey begins with a story. Ours is no different. Established in 2016, we embarked on a mission to provide high-quality services at reasonable prices. What started as a humble beginning has since grown into a thriving enterprise, thanks to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering support of our team and community." msgstr "모든 훌륭한 여행은 이야기로 시작합니다. 우리의 여정도 예외는 아닙니다. 2016년에 설립된 우리는 합리적인 가격으로 고품질의 서비스를 제공하기 위한 임무에 착수했습니다. 겸손한 시작이었던 것이 현재는 노력과 헌신, 그리고 우리 팀과 지역사회의 변함없는 지원 덕분에 번창하는 기업으로 성장했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "How it all started" msgstr "어떻게 모든 것이 시작되었는지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Our journey began with a simple idea and an unwavering passion. It was a moment of inspiration and determination that gave birth to Acme." msgstr "우리의 여정은 간단한 아이디어와 변함없는 열정으로 시작되었습니다. 그것은 영감과 결심의 순간이었고, Acme의 탄생을 야기했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "“Outstanding service and products at a reasonable price.”" msgstr "“합리적인 가격에 탁월한 서비스와 제품.”" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "— Happy Customer" msgstr "— 행복한 고객" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/reveriedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Reverie is a theme inspired by the work of Mark Rothko. It features four style variations for each season — Spring (default), Summer, Fall, and Winter. Use it to illuminate your prose, poetry, stories, photos, and more." msgstr "Reverie는 Mark Rothko의 작품에서 영감을 받은 테마입니다. 봄(기본), 여름, 가을, 겨울에 대해 네 가지 스타일 변형을 제공합니다. 이를 사용하여 당신의 수필, 시, 이야기, 사진 등을 빛나게 만드세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/reveriedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Reverie is a block theme interpretation of ma.tt's theme, designed by Joen Asmussen and forked from Twenty Thirteen." msgstr "Reverie는 ma.tt의 테마를 블록으로 해석한 것으로, Joen Asmussen이 디자인하고 Twenty Thirteen에서 파생되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "If you’re looking for a copywriter who can take your message from ordinary to extraordinary, let’s chat! Whether you’re launching a new campaign or simply want to infuse some magic into your brand, I’m here to help." msgstr "보통에서 특별한 메시지로 변화시켜줄 수 있는 커피라이터를 찾고 있다면, 얘기해봐요! 새로운 캠페인을 시작하거나 브랜드에 마법을 불어넣고 싶다면, 여기 있어요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "" msgstr "" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Generated creative and persuasive copy for ad campaigns resulting in increased click-through rates and conversions." msgstr "광고 캠페인을 위해 창의적이고 설득력 있는 복사를 작성하여 클릭률과 전환율이 증가되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Fostered client relationships and consistently delivered projects on time and within budget." msgstr "고객 관계를 육성하고 프로젝트를 항상 예산과 시간 내에 완료했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Copywriting Intern | Dot Dot Sot | 2020 – 2022" msgstr "코피라이팅 인턴 | 닷 닷 쏟 | 2020년 - 2022년" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Assisted senior copywriters in creating and refining product descriptions, blog posts, and marketing collateral." msgstr "시니어 커피라이터들이 제품 설명, 블로그 글, 그리고 마케팅 자료를 작성하고 개선하는 데 도움을 주었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Conducted market research to identify target audience preferences and trends." msgstr "시장 조사를 실시하여 대상 고객의 선호도와 트렌드를 파악했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Collaborated with the marketing team to brainstorm and implement creative campaign concepts." msgstr "마케팅 팀과 협력하여 창의적인 캠페인 컨셉을 아이디어를 내고 실행했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Contributed to the development of social media content, enhancing brand visibility and engagement." msgstr "소셜 미디어 콘텐츠 개발에 기여하여 브랜드 가시성과 참여도를 향상시켰습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Bachelor of Arts in English | University of New Mexico" msgstr "영어 학사 | 뉴멕시코 대학교" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Relevant Courses: Copywriting Fundamentals, Psychology of Persuasion, Content Marketing Strategies" msgstr "관련 과목: 광고문 작성 기초, 설득심리학, 콘텐츠 마케팅 전략" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Let’s Connect!" msgstr "연락해요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Writing content that’s not only engaging but also optimized for search engines." msgstr "검색 엔진에 최적화된 것뿐만 아니라 매력적인 콘텐츠를 작성하기." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Storytelling Mastery:" msgstr "스토리텔링 숙련:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Harnessing the art of storytelling to connect with audiences on a deeper level." msgstr "더 깊은 수준에서 관객과 연결하기 위해 이야기하는 예술을 이용하다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Strategic Messaging:" msgstr "전략적 메시징:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Developing copy that aligns with marketing goals and strategies." msgstr "마케팅 목표와 전략과 일치하는 복사를 개발하는 중입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Audience Understanding:" msgstr "관객 이해:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Crafting messages that resonate with diverse target audiences." msgstr "다양한 대상 관객과 공감할 수 있는 메시지 작성하기." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Email Marketing Expertise:" msgstr "이메일 마케팅 전문 지식:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Designing impactful email campaigns that drive engagement and conversions." msgstr "이메일을 통해 참여와 전환을 촉진하는 효과적인 이메일 캠페인을 디자인합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Freelance Copywriter | 2022 – Present" msgstr "프리랜서 광고문 작가 | 2022년 - 현재" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Collaborated with diverse clients to craft copy that encapsulates brand identity and resonates with target audiences." msgstr "다양한 클라이언트와 협력하여 브랜드 아이덴티티를 담고 목표 대상에 공감하는 복사를 작성했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Developed engaging website content, email campaigns, social media posts, and product descriptions." msgstr "매력적인 웹사이트 콘텐츠, 이메일 캠페인, 소셜 미디어 글 및 제품 설명을 개발했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "My journey began with a love for storytelling, and over the years, it evolved into a mastery of creating copy that not only informs but resonates. I believe in the power of crafting messages that build bridges between businesses and their audience, sparking conversations that matter." msgstr "나의 여정은 이야기를 사랑하는 마음으로 시작되었고, 시간이 흐름에 따라 정보를 전달하는 것뿐만 아니라 공감을 일으키는 문구를 만들어내는 기술로 진화했습니다. 나는 비즈니스와 그들의 대상 청중 사이에 다리를 놓는 메시지를 만드는 힘을 믿으며, 의미 있는 대화를 일으키는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Compelling Copywriting:" msgstr "매력적인 글쓰기:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Turning concepts into compelling narratives that engage, persuade, and convert." msgstr "개념을 매력적인 이야기로 전환하여 참여시키고 설득하며 전환시킵니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Brand Voice Development:" msgstr "브랜드 음성 개발:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid " Creating and maintaining consistent brand voices across various platforms." msgstr "다양한 플랫폼에서 일관된 브랜드 음성을 만들고 유지하기." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "SEO Optimization:" msgstr "SEO 최적화:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Hey there! I’m Lucas, a passionate freelance copywriter with a love for words that spark connections and drive action. With a knack for turning ideas into captivating stories and a fascination for the psychology of persuasion, I’ve spent the last 10 years working as a copywriter, helping brands find their voice and leave a lasting impact." msgstr "안녕! 나는 루카스야, 연결을 일으키고 행동을 유도하는 말에 대한 애정을 가진 열정적인 프리랜서 광고 작가야. 아이디어를 매혹적인 이야기로 변환하는 재주와 설득의 심리에 대한 매력에 빠져서, 나는 지난 10년 동안 광고 작가로 일하며 브랜드가 자신의 목소리를 찾고 오랫동안 인상을 남길 수 있도록 도와왔어." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=4: #: block-patterns/barnsbury.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=8: #: block-patterns/puerto.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20: msgid "about-us" msgstr "회사-소개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "Our vision is to stand as the foremost provider of strategic solutions, consistently delivering exceptional and personalized services. Whether you’re starting a new venture, or poised for expansion, our commitment is to collaborate and propel you towards your goals." msgstr "우리의 비전은 최고의 전략 솔루션 제공 업체로서 일관되게 탁월하고 개인화된 서비스를 제공하는 것입니다. 새로운 벤처를 시작하거나 확장을 준비하고 있다면, 우리의 약속은 협력하여 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 도와드리는 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/: msgid "Intro: Left-aligned header and button" msgstr "소개: 왼쪽 정렬된 헤더와 버튼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/header-with-vertical-navigation/: msgid "Header: Logo and vertical navigation" msgstr "헤더: 로고와 수직 탐색" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: msgid "Category name" msgstr "카테고리 이름" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: msgid "View products" msgstr "상품 보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu/: msgid "Chashu, Ei, Wakame, Bambus, Negi, Narutomaki" msgstr "차슈, 계란, 와카메, 대나무, 네기, 나루토마키" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: msgid " CHF" msgstr "CHF" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: msgid "24.50" msgstr "24.50" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu/: msgid "CHF" msgstr "CHF" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu/: msgid "24.50" msgstr "24.50\"을(를) 한국어로 번역하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "About: Data" msgstr "소개: 데이터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "18 years" msgstr "18 살" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "We have been in the market for 18 years and proved our customers our experience matters." msgstr "우리는 시장에 18년 동안 있었고, 우리의 경험이 중요하다는 것을 고객들에게 증명했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "54 countries" msgstr "54 개국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "We are worldwide with market participation in more than 54 countries in 5 continents." msgstr "우리는 5개 대륙에서 54개 이상의 국가에서 시장 참여를 하는 세계적인 기업입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "98K users" msgstr "98K 사용자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "We have almost 100k active users with a high level of engagement and adoption." msgstr "우리는 활발한 참여와 채택 수준을 갖춘 거의 10만 명의 활성 사용자를 보유하고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "$12M revenue" msgstr "$12M 수익" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: msgid "We closed 2023 over $12M dollars in revenue which position us as leader in our industry" msgstr "우리는 2023년에 1200만 달러 이상의 수익을 올려 우리 산업에서 선두 주자로 자리 잡았습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu/: msgid "Restaurant menu" msgstr "레스토랑 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/restaurant-menu-2/: msgid "Shio Ramen" msgstr "시오 라멘" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: msgid "Heading with three images below" msgstr "아래에 세 개의 이미지가 있는 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: msgid "A world filled with boundless opportunities and potential" msgstr "무한한 기회잠재력으로 가득한 세상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark." msgstr "무한한 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여정이 목적지만큼 두근거리는 곳에서, 모든 순간이 당신의 흔적을 남기는 기회입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "$350" msgstr "$350" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-with-heading-and-images/: msgid "About with heading and images" msgstr "제목과 이미지가 있는 소개입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-with-heading-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination." msgstr "어떤 한계도 없는 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여행이 목적지만큼 두근거리는 곳입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "$150" msgstr "$150" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "$250" msgstr "$250" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "Product name" msgstr "상품 이름" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/gallery-three-images-with-description/: msgid "Gallery: Three images with description" msgstr "갤러리: 설명이 있는 세 개의 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: msgid "About: Text and images" msgstr "소개: 텍스트와 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: msgid "Store: Featured products in four columns" msgstr "스토어: 네 개의 열에 특집 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. This is a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the curious mind finds solace, and where the fearless heart discovers uncharted territories." msgstr "무한한 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여기서 여정은 목적지만큼이나 두근거리는 순간이며, 우리는 존재의 복잡한 매듭을 풀어 나감에 따라 매 순간 선택의 기회를 마주하게 됩니다. 각각은 놀라운 무언가로 이어질 수 있는 잠재력을 가진 길입니다. 이곳은 창의력이 한계 없는 세계이며, 호기심 가득한 마음이 안식처를 찾고, 대담한 마음이 미개척된 영역을 발견하는 곳입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Store: Description and product categories" msgstr "스토어: 설명과 제품 카테고리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: msgid "Store: Featured category" msgstr "스토어: 주요 카테고리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: msgid "— Category name" msgstr "— 카테고리 이름" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "Product description " msgstr "제품 설명" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "195 USD — Buy Now" msgstr "$195 — 지금 구매하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "Product title" msgstr "상품명" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "Store: Product list" msgstr "스토어: 제품 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: msgid "Our products" msgstr "우리 제품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "" msgstr "" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "2024" msgstr "2024" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "2023" msgstr "2023" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "2022" msgstr "2022" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: msgid "Store: Product category feature" msgstr "스토어: 제품 카테고리 기능" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: msgid "Explore collection" msgstr "컬렉션 탐색하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Events: Four columns" msgstr "이벤트: 네 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "All events" msgstr "모든 이벤트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Saturday 23, 2024" msgstr "2024년 23일 토요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "10:00pm" msgstr "10시 오후" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Sunday 24, 2024" msgstr "일요일 24일, 2024년" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Thursday 28, 2024" msgstr "목요일 28일, 2024년" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Friday 29, 2024" msgstr "금요일 29일, 2024년" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team/: msgid "We’re a passionate, dynamic, global team." msgstr "우리는 열정적이고 다이내믹하며 글로벌한 팀이에요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: msgid "Sean Robinson" msgstr "숀 로빈슨" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: msgid "CMO" msgstr "CMO" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/review-a-quote-with-scattered-images/: msgid "Review: A quote with scattered images" msgstr "리뷰: 흩어진 이미지와 함께한 인용문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/review-a-quote-with-scattered-images/: msgid "\"The only limit is the extent of your imagination.\"" msgstr "\"유일한 제한은 당신의 상상력의 범위입니다.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "10%" msgstr "10%" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Year" msgstr "연도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "Millions" msgstr "백만" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "170" msgstr "170" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "countries represented" msgstr "나라 대표" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "of market participation" msgstr "시장 참여의" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "$25B" msgstr "25억 달러" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: msgid "industry activity" msgstr "산업 활동" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Project list" msgstr "프로젝트 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Creative Inc." msgstr "크리에이티브 주식회사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Imagine & Co" msgstr "상상해봐 & Co" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Curiosity Inc." msgstr "호기심 주식회사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Creative Partners" msgstr "크리에이티브 파트너" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "Project description" msgstr "프로젝트 설명" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: msgid "The only limit is the extent of your imagination" msgstr "유일한 제한은 당신의 상상력의 범위입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Coffee" msgstr "커피" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu-with-images/: msgid "Opening hours" msgstr "영업 시간" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: msgid "Store: Four products with an offset heading" msgstr "스토어: 오프셋 헤딩을 가진 네 개의 제품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: msgid "Read review" msgstr "리뷰 보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Espresso" msgstr "에스프레소" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Latte" msgstr "라떼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Cortado" msgstr "코르타도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "$4.5" msgstr "4.5달러" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Flat white" msgstr "플랫 화이트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Oatmeal (V) (GF)" msgstr "오트밀 (비건) (글루텐프리)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Avo Toast (v)" msgstr "아보 토스트 (v)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Omelette (GF)" msgstr "오믈렛 (글루텐 프리)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "$11.5" msgstr "11.5달러" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Sourdough with jam (V)" msgstr "사워도우 빵에 잼 (V)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "Banana bread (V)" msgstr "바나나 빵 (V)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "MONTHLY" msgstr "월간" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Basic themes" msgstr "기본 테마" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid " 100gb storage" msgstr "100gb 저장 공간" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Unlimited bandwidth" msgstr "무제한 대역폭" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Unlimited designs" msgstr "무제한 디자인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "ANNUAL" msgstr "연례" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Unlimited designs" msgstr "무제한 디자인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Basic themes" msgstr "기본 테마" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid " 100gb storage" msgstr " 100gb 저장 공간" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Unlimited bandwidth" msgstr "무제한 대역폭" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Menu with images" msgstr "이미지가 있는 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "$0" msgstr "$0" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "Our Team" msgstr "우리 팀" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu-with-images/: msgid "Our menu" msgstr "메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity." msgstr "무한한 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여정이 목적지만큼 두근거리는 곳이며, 모든 순간이 기회입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "Team members" msgstr "팀원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "CEO" msgstr "사장" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "With a keen eye for trends and a knack for problem-solving, she navigates complexities effortlessly, driving our team towards new heights of success." msgstr "트렌드에 대한 예리한 시선과 문제 해결 능력으로, 그녀는 복잡한 상황을 손쉽게 해결하며, 우리 팀을 성공의 새로운 높이로 이끕니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "CFO" msgstr "CFO" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "CTO" msgstr "CTO" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu-with-images/: msgid "Menu with alternating items" msgstr "번갈아가며 아이템이 있는 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: msgid "$23.40" msgstr "$23.40" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "Mel Gibs" msgstr "Mel Gibs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/gallery-three-images-with-description/: msgid "Paula Williams" msgstr "Paula Williams" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: msgid "Andrew Ferguson" msgstr "Andrew Ferguson" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: msgid "Meet our team" msgstr "우리 팀을 만나세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: msgid "Follow us on Twitter * Instagram * Tumblr" msgstr "Twitter * Instagram * Tumblr에서 팔로우해주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: msgid "Store: Three products with an offset heading" msgstr "스토어: 제목에 오프셋이 있는 세 가지 제품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Jan '24" msgstr "1월 '24" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "06 - 15 " msgstr "06 - 15" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Oct '23" msgstr "10월 '23" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "20 - 31 " msgstr "20 - 31" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Jun '23" msgstr "6월 '23" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "19 - 25 " msgstr "19 - 25" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "Header with a pragraph and stats" msgstr "헤더에는 단락과 통계가 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "14M" msgstr "14M" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "Satisfied clients" msgstr "만족한 고객" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "Eco" msgstr "에코" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "We are thinking about the planet" msgstr "우리는 요금제에 대해 생각 중이에요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "New styles" msgstr "새로운 스타일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Maintenance and care" msgstr "유지 보수와 관리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "To ensure your Vintage Bike remains in pristine condition and performs at its best, regular maintenance is key. Follow these tips:" msgstr "비티지 자전거가 최상의 상태를 유지하고 최고의 성능을 발휘할 수 있도록 하려면 정기적인 유지보수가 필수입니다. 다음 팁을 따라주세요:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid " As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary." msgstr "우리가 존재의 복잡한 매듭을 헤쳐 나갈 때마다, 우리는 항상 선택들을 마주하게 되는데, 각각은 놀라운 무언가로의 잠재적인 길이 될 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Key features" msgstr "주요 기능" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Specifications" msgstr "상세 정보" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid " As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. " msgstr "우리가 존재의 복잡한 매듭을 헤쳐나갈 때마다, 우리는 항상 선택의 기회를 마주하게 됩니다. 각 선택은 놀라운 무언가로 이어질 수 있는 잠재력을 지니고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid " Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination." msgstr "무한한 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여정이 목적지만큼 두근거리는 곳에서 시작됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Feature." msgstr "기능." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "Store: Single product with image on the right" msgstr "스토어: 오른쪽에 이미지가 있는 단일 제품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Mardi Gras" msgstr "마디 그라" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Writers Week" msgstr "작가의 주" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Sydney / Festivals" msgstr "시드니 / 페스티벌" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: msgid "$995.00" msgstr "$995.00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark on the canvas of existence. " msgstr "무한한 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이곳에서는 목적지까지 가는 여정이 목적지에 도착하는 순간만큼이나 설레며, 모든 순간이 존재의 캔버스에 자신의 흔적을 남길 기회가 됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Sydney Music" msgstr "시드니 음악" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Sydney / Music Festivals" msgstr "시드니 / 음악 페스티벌" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Event list with images" msgstr "이벤트 목록 이미지와 함께" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Crab pie in casserole" msgstr "카세롤에 든 게 파이" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Chupe de jaiba" msgstr "추페 데 하이바" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Beef stew with one potato, pumpkin, onion, corn on the cob." msgstr "감자 한 개, 호박, 양파, 옥수수를 넣은 소고기 스튜." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Cazuela de vacuno" msgstr "카수엘라 데 바쿠노" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Pastel de choclo" msgstr "파스텔 데 초콜릿" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Diced tomato with cilantro, onion, olive oil and pepper." msgstr "토마토를 코리앤더, 양파, 올리브 오일, 후추와 함께 다져주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Ensalada Chilena" msgstr "엔살라다 칠레나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Basket of six fried pumpkin dough with melted brown sugar and mustard." msgstr "식혜와 겨자로 녹인 호박튀김 6개 담긴 바구니." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Fried potatoes with merken, cilantro and lactonese." msgstr "메르켄, 코리앤더, 라크토니즈와 함께 튀긴 감자." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Papitas fritas" msgstr "파프리카" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Our daily offers" msgstr "우리의 매일 제안" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "Restaurant menu with two columns" msgstr "2열로 구성된 식당 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "Apr 3" msgstr "4월 3일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "20:30" msgstr "20:30" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "18:00" msgstr "18:00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "Apr 2" msgstr "4월 2일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "Event agenda" msgstr "이벤트 일정" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "$ 800 CLP" msgstr "$ 800 CLP" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/restaurant-menu-with-two-columns/: msgid "$ 600 CLP" msgstr "$ 600 CLP" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: msgid "Add to cart" msgstr "장바구니" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: msgid "- Ana From Como" msgstr "- 안나, 코모에서" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "Review: Two columns with an offset" msgstr "리뷰: 오프셋을 가진 두 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "- Keiko, London" msgstr "- 케이코, 런던" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "- Sarah, New York" msgstr "- 사라, 뉴욕" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "- Olivia, Paris" msgstr "- 올리비아, 파리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: msgid "Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making website management a breeze." msgstr "WordPress 관리자 역할을 맡는 것은 즐거웠어요. 직관적인 인터페이스, 미디어 관리, 보안, 플러그인 통합 덕분에 웹사이트 관리가 정말 쉬웠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: msgid "Fantastic experience" msgstr "멋진 경험이었습니다" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: msgid "Watch video" msgstr "비디오 보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: msgid "Full-width cover with heading, paragraph, and button" msgstr "풀 너비 커버와 제목, 단락, 버튼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: msgid "$99.00" msgstr "$99.00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: msgid "Review" msgstr "리뷰" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: msgid "upcoming events" msgstr "예정 이벤트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Sold out" msgstr "예약 마감됨" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Book now" msgstr "지금 예약" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: msgid "Our latest, ready for you to listen" msgstr "저희의 새로운 글을 소개합니다" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Get the best experience for your audience!" msgstr "당신의 관객을 위한 최고의 경험을 받아보세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Do you want to book us?" msgstr "우리를 예약하고 싶어?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: msgid "Melbourne, Australia" msgstr "멜버른, 호주" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: msgid "•" msgstr "•" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: msgid "Sidney Myer Music Bowl" msgstr "시드니 마이어 뮤직 볼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: msgid "Events List" msgstr "이벤트 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: msgid "No episodes yet" msgstr "아직 에피소드가 없어요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "22" msgstr "22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Savory Bay Oysters" msgstr "맛있는 베이 굴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "16" msgstr "16" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Sriracha cauliflower " msgstr "시라차 카리플라워" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "9" msgstr "9" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Salt & vinegar crispy kale " msgstr "소금과 식초로 양념한 바삭한 케일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Venison tartare, aged black garlic" msgstr "사슴 육회, 숙성된 흑마늘" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: msgid "120" msgstr "120" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Exclusive chef's selection" msgstr "독점적인 셰프의 선택" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "60" msgstr "60" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Wine pairings" msgstr "와인 매칭" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "45" msgstr "45" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Tasting menu" msgstr "맛보기 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "18" msgstr "18" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-1/: msgid "Midday tasting selection" msgstr "낮에 맛볼 수 있는 선택" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mexico City - Mexico" msgstr "멕시코시 - 멕시코" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Movistar Arena" msgstr "모비스타 아레나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mar 15, 2024" msgstr "2024년 3월 15일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Toronto - Canada" msgstr "토론토 - 캐나다" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Toronto Music Fest" msgstr "토론토 음악 페스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mar 11, 2024" msgstr "2024년 3월 11일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: msgid "Get tickets" msgstr "티켓 얻기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Las Vegas, NV - United States" msgstr "라스베이거스, NV - 미국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "ULTRA Fest" msgstr "울트라 페스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mar 5, 2024" msgstr "2024년 3월 5일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "New York, NY - United States" msgstr "뉴욕, 뉴욕 - 미국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Spring Auditorium" msgstr "봄 오디토리움" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Mar 1, 2024" msgstr "2024년 3월 1일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Los Angeles, CA - United States" msgstr "로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아 - 미국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "American Music Festival" msgstr "미국 음악 축제" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: msgid "Feb 24, 2024" msgstr "2024년 2월 24일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/intro-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making websites a breeze." msgstr "WordPress 관리자 역할을 맡는 일은 즐거웠습니다. 직관적인 인터페이스, 미디어 관리, 보안, 플러그인 통합 덕분에 웹사이트를 만들기가 정말 쉬웠어요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/intro-1/: msgid "Personal bio with a contact button" msgstr "개인 소개와 연락 버튼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-image-on-right-with-large-border-header-on-right/: msgid "Circular image on right with large border header on right" msgstr "오른쪽에 원형 이미지와 큰 테두리 헤더가 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-avatar-on-left-header-on-right-with-sub-header-and-button/: msgid "Circular avatar on left header on right with sub-header and button" msgstr "왼쪽 헤더에 원형 아바타, 오른쪽에는 서브 헤더와 버튼이 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Our fresh angel hair pasta is nothing short of heavenly, crafted with divine precision to ensure each slender strand is a whisper of perfection. Made with premium ingredients, it cooks in the blink of an eye, promising a celestial dining experience." msgstr "우리의 신선한 천사 머리 파스타는 천국적인 맛을 자랑하며, 각각의 가느다란 끈이 완벽함을 속삭이도록 신성한 정밀함으로 만들어졌습니다. 프리미엄 재료로 만들어져 한 순간에 요리가 완성되며, 천상의 식사 경험을 약속합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Spinach Angel Hair" msgstr "시금치 엔젤 헤어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Order" msgstr "주문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Our fresh linguine will not fall flat, hand-crafted with the finest semolina flour and farm-fresh eggs, embodies the authentic taste of Italy in every delicate strand. Perfectly al dente after just a few minutes of cooking." msgstr "우리의 신선한 리구이네는 평평해지지 않을 것이며, 최상급 세모리나 밀가루와 농장 신선한 달걀로 수제로 만들어져서 매우 섬세한 면마다 이탈리아의 진정한 맛을 담고 있습니다. 조리 후 단 몇 분 만에 완벽하게 알 데떼가 됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "Egg linguine" msgstr "에그 리구이니" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: msgid "$10.99/8oz" msgstr "$10.99/8oz" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-four-columns-with-a-heading/: msgid "Gallery: Four columns" msgstr "갤러리: 네 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: msgid "Mental Health" msgstr "정신 건강" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "Personal Development" msgstr "성장" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "wellness" msgstr "웰빙" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "Wellness" msgstr "건강" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "Mindfulness" msgstr "마음 챙김" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid "$69.00/month" msgstr "$69.00/월" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: msgid "Page: Blog Posts" msgstr "페이지: 블로그 글" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/30/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=60: msgid "seasonal" msgstr "제철 식품을 소개합니다" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-centered-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-left-aligned-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-with-image-on-the-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-subscription-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/offset-gallery-with-captions/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-cover-image-with-overlay/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-four-column/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-large-heading-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-6/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-four-columns-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-slider/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: msgid "A set of high quality curated patterns." msgstr "선별한 고품질 패턴 세트입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=28: msgid "teams" msgstr "팀" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/14/header-with-image-logo-menu-social-and-button-copy/: msgid "Header with image, logo, menu, social and button (Copy)" msgstr "이미지, 로고, 메뉴, 소셜 및 버튼이 있는 헤더 (복사)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/test/: msgid "TEST" msgstr "테스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: msgid "\"Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making websites a breeze.\"" msgstr "WordPress 관리자 역할을 맡는 것은 즐거웠어요. 직관적인 인터페이스, 미디어 관리, 보안, 플러그인 통합 덕분에 웹사이트 운영이 정말 쉬웠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=22: msgid "Cupcakes" msgstr "컵케익" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=163: msgid "cookies" msgstr "쿠키" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=147: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=161: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=163: msgid "Chocolate" msgstr "초콜릿" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: msgid "Map with contact info on left" msgstr "왼쪽에 연락처 정보가 있는 지도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-slider/: msgid "Gallery: Slideshow" msgstr "갤러리: 슬라이드쇼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: msgid "About: Left-aligned Content" msgstr "정보: 왼쪽 정렬된 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: msgid "Intro: Heading with image and two columns above" msgstr "소개: 이미지와 위에 두 개의 열이 있는 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: msgid "The only limit is the extent of your imagination." msgstr "유일한 한계는 여러분의 상상력입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: msgid "Veronica England" msgstr "Veronica England" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: msgid "Brianna Wills" msgstr "Brianna Wills" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/: msgid "Contact: Form and Map" msgstr "연락처: 양식과 지도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/: msgid "hi@mygroovydomain.com
(123)-456-789" msgstr "hi@mygroovydomain.com
(123)-456-789" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: msgid "Contact Page with Map and Contact Form" msgstr "지도와 문의 양식이 있는 문의 페이지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: msgid "Get Started →" msgstr "시작하기 →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: msgid "Store Page 3" msgstr "스토어 페이지 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: msgid "About Page 3" msgstr "정보 페이지 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: msgid "About Page 4" msgstr "정보 페이지 4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: msgid "Our Story" msgstr "우리의 이야기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: msgid "Four image grid, content on left" msgstr "네 개의 이미지 그리드, 왼쪽에 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: msgid "Websites.
Type." msgstr "웹사이트.
타입." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/header-with-image-logo-menu-social-and-button/: msgid "Header with image, logo, menu, social and button" msgstr "이미지, 로고, 메뉴, 소셜 및 버튼이 있는 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: msgid "Shop what's new" msgstr "신상품을 쇼핑하세요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: msgid "Store, set 2" msgstr "스토어, 세트 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: msgid "Store: Fullwidth background image with heading" msgstr "스토어: 헤딩이 있는 전체 너비 배경 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: msgid "Shop bestsellers" msgstr "베스트셀러 쇼핑하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: msgid "Gallery Page: Description and grid" msgstr "갤러리 페이지: 설명과 그리드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: msgid "About page" msgstr "정보 페이지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-social-right/: msgid "Header: Logo and menu, with social right" msgstr "헤더: 로고와 메뉴, 오른쪽에 소셜 연결" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-social-right/: msgid "Add an announcement to your site." msgstr "사이트에 공지를 추가하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-avatar-on-left-header-on-right-with-sub-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-image-on-right-with-large-border-header-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark on the canvas of existence." msgstr "무한한 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이곳에서는 목적지까지 가는 여정이 목적지에 도착하는 순간만큼이나 설레며, 모든 순간이 존재의 캔버스에 자신의 흔적을 남길 기회가 됩니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: msgid "What makes us the best in business." msgstr "비즈니스에서 우리를 최고로 만드는 것은 무엇인가요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: msgid "About: Content right with image left" msgstr "정보: 내용은 오른쪽에 이미지는 왼쪽에" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: msgid "About: Content left, image right" msgstr "정보: 내용 왼쪽, 이미지 오른쪽" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right/: msgid "About: Fullwidth image, content pull right" msgstr "정보: 전체 너비 이미지, 내용 오른쪽으로 당기기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content/: msgid "About: Left-aligned content" msgstr "정보: 왼쪽 정렬된 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: msgid "Intro: Tall content with image right" msgstr "소개: 오른쪽에 이미지가 있는 긴 콘텐츠" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: msgid "About: Heading with button and text" msgstr "정보: 버튼과 텍스트가 있는 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: msgid "Learn more →" msgstr "더 알아보기 →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: msgid "About: Centered heading and button" msgstr "정보: 가운데 정렬된 제목과 버튼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: msgid "Intro: Spread right, heavy text" msgstr "소개: 오른쪽으로 펼쳐진 무거운 텍스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: msgid "About: Content left with image right" msgstr "정보: 내용은 이미지 오른쪽에 남겨져 있습니다" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. This is a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the curious mind finds solace, and where the fearless heart discovers uncharted territories. It is a place where the pursuit of knowledge, the embrace of change, and the willingness to take risks are not mere options but essential ingredients for a life well-lived." msgstr "무한한 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이곳에서는 목적지까지 가는 여정이 목적지에 도착하는 순간만큼이나 설렙니다. 존재의 복잡한 지도를 탐험하는 동안 우리는 끊임없이 선택을 마주합니다. 각 선택에는 우리를 놀라운 곳으로 이끌 가능성이 도사리고 있습니다. 이 세계는 창의력이 한계를 알지 못하는 곳이고, 호기심 많은 이들이 마음의 위안을 찾는 곳이며, 두려움 없는 이들이 미지의 영역을 발견하는 곳입니다. 이곳에서는 지식을 추구하고, 변화를 받아들이며, 위험을 감수하는 것이 선택이 아닙니다. 이 모든 것이 풍요로운 인생을 위해 반드시 필요한 곳입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: msgid "About Page" msgstr "페이지 정보" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: msgid "About: Heading left and content right" msgstr "정보: 왼쪽에 제목, 오른쪽에 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: msgid "About: Large heading with content on right" msgstr "정보: 오른쪽에 내용이 있는 큰 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: msgid "Navigating life’s intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey." msgstr "인생의 복잡한 구조를 탐색하며, 선택은 특별한 경로를 펼치는데 창의력, 호기심, 용기를 요구합니다. 진정으로 충실한 여정을 위해서는 이러한 것들이 필요합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: msgid "About: Left-aligned content overlaid on an image" msgstr "정보: 이미지 위에 겹쳐진 왼쪽 정렬된 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-right-aligned-content/: msgid "About: Right-aligned Content" msgstr "정보: 오른쪽 정렬된 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-pull-left-fullwidth-image/: msgid "About: Pull left, fullwidth image" msgstr "정보: 왼쪽으로 당기기, 전체 너비 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: msgid "About: Centered Content" msgstr "정보: 가운데 정렬된 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: msgid "About: Heading and content with large image below" msgstr "정보: 큰 이미지가 아래에 있는 제목과 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: msgid "About: Fullwidth image with call to action overlaid" msgstr "정보: 콜 투 액션이 오버레이된 전체 너비 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: msgid "About: Heading with two media columns" msgstr "정보: 두 개의 미디어 열을 가진 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: msgid "Tashi Ray is a renowned environmental scientist known for their innovative research in sustainable energy solutions. With a background in both engineering and environmental studies, Taylor has contributed to significant advancements in renewable energy technologies." msgstr "타시 레이는 지속 가능한 에너지 솔루션에 대한 혁신적인 연구로 유명한 유명한 환경 과학자입니다. 공학과 환경 연구 모두에 대한 배경을 가진 타시는 재생 에너지 기술의 중요한 발전에 기여했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: msgid "Scientist
Climate Innovator
Solutions Architect
Clean Energy Proponent
Tech Enthusiast" msgstr "과학자
기후 혁신가
솔루션 아키텍트
청정 에너지 지지자
기술 애호가" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: msgid "About: Content with grid of images on right" msgstr "정보: 오른쪽에 이미지 그리드가 있는 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/: msgid "About: Two column text sections" msgstr "정보: 두 개의 열로 된 텍스트 섹션" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/: msgid "Posts: Heading with post grid below" msgstr "글: 아래에 글 그리드가 있는 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-large-heading-posts/: msgid "Posts: List of large heading posts" msgstr "글: 큰 제목 글 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-four-column/: msgid "Posts: Four column" msgstr "글: 네 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: msgid "Posts: Heading with post grid on the right" msgstr "글: 오른쪽에 있는 글 그리드로 된 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: msgid "Posts: Heading with post list on right" msgstr "글: 오른쪽에 있는 글 목록이 있는 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-cover-image-with-overlay/: msgid "Posts: Cover image with overlay" msgstr "글: 커버 이미지에 오버레이 추가하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: msgid "About: Profile" msgstr "정보: 프로필" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: msgid "Tashi
Ray" msgstr "Tashi
Ray" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: msgid "About: Three columns with features" msgstr "정보: 특징을 가진 세 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: msgid "Stay up to date with the latest from our blog." msgstr "블로그의 최신 소식을 받아보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Jobs" msgstr "직업" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-social-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-overlay-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/header-with-image-logo-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/header-with-vertical-navigation/: msgid "Headers" msgstr "헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-cover-image-with-overlay/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-four-column/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-large-heading-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-6/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: msgid "Blog Posts" msgstr "블로그 게시물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: msgid "Footer: Hours, Social, Contact" msgstr "푸터: 시간, 소셜, 연락처" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: msgid "Footer: Contact information, hours, social" msgstr "푸터: 연락처 정보, 운영 시간, 소셜 미디어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Footer: Large CTA with four columns of menus" msgstr "푸터: 큰 CTA와 네 개의 메뉴 열입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: msgid "Footer: CTA with three menus" msgstr "푸터: 세 개의 메뉴가 있는 CTA" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: msgid "Footer: Content with CTA, contact and menu" msgstr "푸터: CTA, 연락처 및 메뉴가 있는 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-logo-social/: msgid "Footer: Menu, logo, social" msgstr "푸터: 메뉴, 로고, 소셜" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-centered-menu-with-social/: msgid "Footer: Centered menu with social" msgstr "푸터: 가운데 정렬된 소셜 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-left-social-right/: msgid "Footer: Menu left, social right" msgstr "푸터: 왼쪽에 메뉴, 오른쪽에 소셜" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/: msgid "Posts: List of posts" msgstr "글: 글 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu/: msgid "Header: Logo and menu" msgstr "헤더: 로고와 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-button-right/: msgid "Header: Logo, with menu and button right" msgstr "헤더: 로고, 오른쪽에 메뉴와 버튼이 있는" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-button-right/: msgid "Header: Logo left, menu centered, button right" msgstr "헤더: 로고 왼쪽, 메뉴 가운데, 버튼 오른쪽" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-and-menu/: msgid "Header: Centered logo and menu" msgstr "헤더: 가운데 정렬된 로고와 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-button-right/: msgid "Header: Logo and menu, with button right" msgstr "헤더: 로고와 메뉴, 버튼은 오른쪽에 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-social-and-button-right/: msgid "Header: Logo, with menu, social and button right" msgstr "헤더: 로고, 메뉴, 소셜 및 버튼이 오른쪽에 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-social-right/: msgid "Header: Centered logo with menu left and social right" msgstr "헤더: 가운데 정렬된 로고, 왼쪽에는 메뉴, 오른쪽에는 소셜 네트워크" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-overlay-menu/: msgid "Header: Logo with overlay menu" msgstr "헤더: 오버레이 메뉴가 있는 로고" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-button-right/: msgid "Header: Centered logo with menu left and button right" msgstr "헤더: 가운데 정렬된 로고, 왼쪽에 메뉴, 오른쪽에 버튼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-social-right/: msgid "Header: Logo left, menu centered, social right" msgstr "헤더: 로고 왼쪽, 메뉴 가운데, 소셜 오른쪽" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-social-right/: msgid "Header: Logo, with menu and social right" msgstr "헤더: 로고, 메뉴 및 소셜 오른쪽" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-social-and-button/: msgid "Header: Logo left, menu, social and button" msgstr "헤더: 로고 왼쪽, 메뉴, 소셜 및 버튼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-social-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-overlay-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/header-with-image-logo-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/header-with-vertical-navigation/: msgid "The header pattern sits at the top of your site and typically shows your site logo, title, and navigation." msgstr "헤더 패턴은 사이트의 상단에 위치하며, 일반적으로 사이트 로고, 제목, 탐색 메뉴를 보여줍니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Resources" msgstr "더 알아보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Company" msgstr "회사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Help" msgstr "도움" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-centered-menu-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-left-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-logo-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "The footer pattern sits at the bottom of your site and typically shows useful links and contact information." msgstr "푸터 패턴은 사이트의 하단에 위치하며, 일반적으로 유용한 링크와 연락처 정보를 보여줍니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "Footer: Three columns, centered" msgstr "푸터: 세 개의 열, 가운데 정렬" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "8am — 6pm" msgstr "오전 8시 - 오후 6시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: msgid "Footer: Four columns of menus with social" msgstr "푸터: 소셜을 포함한 4개의 메뉴 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-centered-menu-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "Designed with WordPress" msgstr "WordPress로 디자인되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "San Francisco, CA 12345" msgstr "서울특별시 중구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "Monday—Friday" msgstr "월요일~금요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Link one" msgstr "링크 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Link two" msgstr "링크 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Link four" msgstr "링크 4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: msgid "Link three" msgstr "링크 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "123 Example Street" msgstr "123 마켓 스트리트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-centered-menu-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-left-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-menu-logo-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: msgid "Footers" msgstr "푸터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: msgid "Gallery Page: Heading with offset grid of images" msgstr "갤러리 페이지: 이미지의 오프셋 그리드와 함께한 헤딩" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: msgid "Gallery Page: Large intro with masonry grid of images" msgstr "갤러리 페이지: 이미지들의 메이슨리 그리드와 큰 소개글" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-offset-grid-of-three-images/: msgid "Gallery: Offset grid of three images" msgstr "갤러리: 세 개의 이미지로 구성된 오프셋 그리드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images/: msgid "Gallery: Fullwidth grid of square images" msgstr "갤러리: 정사각형 이미지의 전체 너비 그리드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-wide-image/: msgid "Gallery: Wide image" msgstr "갤러리: 넓은 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: msgid "Centered heading with contact form" msgstr "문의 양식이 있는 가운데 정렬된 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: msgid "San Francisco, CA, United States" msgstr "샌프란시스코, 캘리포니아, 미국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: msgid "Map with contact info" msgstr "연락처 정보가 있는 지도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: msgid "Two column of contact information" msgstr "연락처 정보의 두 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: msgid "Contact left, form right" msgstr "왼쪽으로 연락, 오른쪽으로 양식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-tall-image-with-form/: msgid "Contact: Tall image with form" msgstr "연락처: 폼이 있는 큰 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: msgid "Contact: Fullwidth contact" msgstr "연락처: 전체 너비 연락처" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-map/: msgid "Contact: Fullwidth map" msgstr "연락처: 전체 폭 지도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: msgid "Contact, Alternate 1" msgstr "연락처, 대체 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: msgid "Footer: Simple, contact info left" msgstr "푸터: 간단하게, 연락처 정보는 왼쪽에 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: msgid "hi@mygroovydomain.com" msgstr "hi@mygroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: msgid "(123) 456-7890
hi@mygroovydomain.com" msgstr "(123) 456-7890
hi@mygroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-simple-contact-info-left/: msgid "Designed with WordPress" msgstr "WordPress로 디자인되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: msgid "Monday—Friday
9am-5pm" msgstr "월요일~금요일
오전 9시~오후 5시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: msgid "123 Example Street,
San Francisco, CA 12345
(123)-456-7890" msgstr "123 마켓 스트리트,
샌프란시스코, CA 12345
(123)-456-7890" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/offset-gallery-with-captions/: msgid "Offset gallery with captions" msgstr "캡션을 가진 오프셋 갤러리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: msgid "Gallery Page 3" msgstr "갤러리 페이지 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-right-aligned-content/: msgid "As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, we are constantly presented with choices, each a potential pathway to something extraordinary. This is a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the curious mind finds solace, and where the fearless heart discovers uncharted territories. It is a place where the pursuit of knowledge, the embrace of change, and the willingness to take risks are not mere options but essential ingredients for a life well-lived." msgstr "우리가 존재의 복잡한 매듭을 풀어나갈 때, 우리는 끊임없이 선택의 기회를 마주하게 됩니다. 각 선택은 놀라운 무언가로 이어질 수 있는 잠재적인 길입니다. 이곳은 창의력이 한계를 알지 못하는 세계이며, 호기심 많은 마음이 안식처를 찾고, 대담한 마음이 미개척된 영토를 발견하는 곳입니다. 이곳은 지식의 탐구, 변화의 받아들임, 위험을 감수할 준비가 단순한 옵션이 아닌 삶을 살기 위한 필수 재료입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-images-and-content/: msgid "Two images and content" msgstr "두 개의 이미지와 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-three-column-masonry-grid/: msgid "Gallery: Three column masonry grid" msgstr "갤러리: 세 개의 열로 된 벽돌 격자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-gallery-grid-with-content/: msgid "Two column gallery grid with content" msgstr "컨텐츠가 있는 두 개의 열로 구성된 갤러리 그리드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-image/: msgid "Gallery: Fullwidth image" msgstr "갤러리: 전체 너비 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-left/: msgid "Gallery: Large image on left" msgstr "갤러리: 왼쪽에 큰 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-right/: msgid "Gallery: Large image on right" msgstr "갤러리: 오른쪽에 큰 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: msgid "Gallery Page 1" msgstr "갤러리 페이지 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: msgid "I'm a skilled graphic designer residing in Portland, blending creativity with pragmatism." msgstr "나는 포틀랜드에 거주하는 숙련된 그래픽 디자이너야. 창의성과 실용성을 조화롭게 녹여내고 있어." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "Gallery Page 2" msgstr "갤러리 페이지 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-gallery-grid-with-content/: msgid "The bathroom is an oasis for daily routines, thanks to a generous vanity, walk-in shower, combination washer and dryer, and space for supplies." msgstr "욕실은 데일리 루틴을 위한 오아시스입니다. 널찍한 세면대, 워크인 샤워부스, 세탁기와 건조기, 욕실용품을 보관할 수 있는 넉넉한 공간 덕분입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-rows-of-images/: msgid "Heading with rows of images" msgstr "이미지들이 있는 헤딩" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "08.12.22" msgstr "08.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "07.12.22" msgstr "07.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "06.12.22" msgstr "06.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "05.12.22" msgstr "05.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid " Unlimited designs" msgstr " 무제한 디자인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: msgid "$39.00/month" msgstr "$39.00/월" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: msgid "$99.00/month" msgstr "$99.00/월" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: msgid "Services: Three columns of headings, images and links" msgstr "서비스: 제목, 이미지 및 링크가 있는 세 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid "Services: Two column pricing table" msgstr "서비스: 두 개 열 가격표" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/: msgid "Services: Grid of text features" msgstr "서비스: 텍스트 기능 그리드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: msgid "Services, Alternate" msgstr "서비스, 대체" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-large-left-aligned-header/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: msgid "A world filled with boundless opportunities and endless potential" msgstr "무한한 기회와 끝없는 가능성으로 가득한 세상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: msgid "Services: Heading with six text sections" msgstr "서비스: 텍스트 섹션이 있는 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: msgid "Services: Headings left, content right" msgstr "서비스: 제목은 왼쪽에, 내용은 오른쪽에 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-centered-sign-up-form/: msgid "Newsletter: Centered sign up form" msgstr "뉴스레터: 가운데 정렬된 가입 양식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-subscription-with-background-image/: msgid "Newsletter subscription with background image" msgstr "배경 이미지를 가진 뉴스레터 구독" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading/: msgid "Newsletter: Sign up form with a heading" msgstr "뉴스레터: 제목이 있는 가입 양식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading-2/: msgid "Get new content delivered directly to your inbox" msgstr "새로운 콘텐츠를 이메일로 직접 받아보세요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-with-image-on-the-left/: msgid "Newsletter: Sign up with image on the left" msgstr "뉴스레터: 왼쪽에 이미지와 함께 가입하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-left-aligned-sign-up-form/: msgid "Newsletter: Left-aligned sign up form" msgstr "뉴스레터: 왼쪽 정렬된 가입 양식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-page-with-contact-form/: msgid "Contact page with contact form" msgstr "문의 양식이 있는 문의 페이지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-page-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: msgid "A world of possibilities" msgstr "가능성의 세계" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-page-with-contact-form/: msgid "contact@yourgroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" msgstr "contact@yourgroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: msgid "Within life's complex weave, choices guide to the exceptional, where creativity, inquisitiveness, and bravery are vital for a meaningful existence." msgstr "인생의 복잡한 매듭 안에서, 선택은 특별한 곳으로 안내해줍니다. 거기서 창의력, 탐구심, 용기는 의미 있는 존재를 위해 필수적입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: msgid "Intro: Centered content with image below" msgstr "소개: 이미지 아래에 중앙 정렬된 콘텐츠" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: msgid "Intro: Fullwidth content with background image" msgstr "소개: 배경 이미지가 있는 전체 너비 콘텐츠" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: msgid "Intro: Tall content with image left" msgstr "소개: 왼쪽에 이미지가 있는 긴 콘텐츠" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: msgid "Intro: Content with button and fullwidth image" msgstr "소개: 버튼과 전체 너비 이미지가 있는 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: msgid "Intro: Fullwidth image with content and button" msgstr "소개: 내용과 버튼이 있는 전체 너비 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: msgid "Intro: Two column with content and image" msgstr "소개: 내용과 이미지가 있는 두 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: msgid "Intro: Two column with image and content" msgstr "소개: 이미지와 내용이 있는 두 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-large-left-aligned-header/: msgid "Intro: Large left-aligned header" msgstr "소개: 큰 왼쪽 정렬 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-two-columns-with-text-and-images/: msgid "Gallery: Two columns with text and images" msgstr "갤러리: 텍스트와 이미지가 있는 두 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: msgid "Gallery #4" msgstr "갤러리 #4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: msgid "Intro: Pull right with wide image below" msgstr "소개: 아래에 넓은 이미지로 오른쪽으로 당기세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: msgid "Intro: Heading with image and two columns below" msgstr "소개: 이미지와 아래에 두 개의 열이 있는 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Navigating life's intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a fulfilling journey." msgstr "인생의 복잡한 구조를 탐험하는 동안 선택을 통해 특별한 경로가 펼쳐집니다. 만족스러운 여정을 경험하려는 사람에게는 창의성과 호기심, 용기가 요구됩니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "$199" msgstr "$199" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "$99" msgstr "$99" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "04.12.22" msgstr "04.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "03.12.22" msgstr "03.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "02.12.22" msgstr "02.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: msgid "01.12.22" msgstr "01.12.22" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: msgid "Centered heading with grid of images" msgstr "이미지 그리드와 가운데 정렬된 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: msgid "Centered heading with two column text" msgstr "가운데 정렬된 제목과 두 개의 열 텍스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: msgid "Premium" msgstr "프리미엄" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: msgid "Store: Three product categories with a heading" msgstr "스토어: 제목이 있는 세 가지 제품 카테고리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: msgid "Services: Three columns with images and content" msgstr "서비스: 이미지와 내용이 있는 세 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: msgid "Services: Two columns with images" msgstr "서비스: 이미지가 있는 두 개의 열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: msgid "Services: Heading with three columns of content" msgstr "서비스: 내용이 세 개의 열로 구성된 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: msgid "Get started →" msgstr "시작하기 →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: msgid "Services: Two column service offerings" msgstr "서비스: 두 개의 열로 된 서비스 제공" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: msgid "$99/month" msgstr "$99/월" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: msgid "$199/month" msgstr "$199/월" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "Services: Three column pricing table" msgstr "서비스: 세 개의 열로 된 가격표" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: msgid "$0.00/month" msgstr "$0.00/월" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid " Basic themes" msgstr " 기본 테마" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid " Unlimited bandwidth" msgstr " 대역폭 무제한" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: msgid " 100gb storage" msgstr " 100GB 저장 공간" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: msgid "Heading with four text sections" msgstr "4개의 텍스트 섹션을 가진 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Product category" msgstr "제품 카테고리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-pull-left-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-two-columns-with-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-right-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/gallery-three-images-with-description/: msgid "Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark on the canvas of existence. The only limit is the extent of your imagination." msgstr "무한한 가능성의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이곳에서는 목적지까지 가는 여정이 목적지에 도착하는 순간만큼이나 설레며, 모든 순간이 존재의 캔버스에 자신의 흔적을 남길 기회가 됩니다. 유일한 한계는 여러분의 상상력입니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Page patterns shown on the editor \"Add a page\" modal and also in the inserter." msgstr "편집기 \"페이지 추가\" 모달과 삽입 도구에서 보여지는 페이지 패턴." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "Pages" msgstr "페이지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-profile/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/menu-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: msgid "page" msgstr "페이지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-centered-logo-with-menu-left-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-and-menu-with-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-centered-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-left-menu-social-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-and-social-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/header-logo-with-menu-social-and-button-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-rows-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/test/: msgid "Get Started" msgstr "시작하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: msgid "Store: Single product with wide image" msgstr "스토어: 넓은 이미지가 있는 단일 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: msgid "Store: Three products with image and price" msgstr "스토어: 이미지와 가격이 있는 세 개의 제품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: msgid "Store: Four products with a heading" msgstr "스토어: 제목이 있는 네 개의 제품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: msgid "Best sellers" msgstr "베스트셀러" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-page-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-tall-image-with-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-content-with-cta-contact-and-menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/test/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: msgid "Navigating life's intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey." msgstr "인생의 복잡한 구조를 탐험하는 동안 선택을 통해 특별한 경로가 펼쳐집니다. 진정 만족스러운 여정을 경험하려는 사람에게는 창의성과 호기심, 용기가 요구됩니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-cta-with-three-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-avatar-on-left-header-on-right-with-sub-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-image-on-right-with-large-border-header-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: msgid "Create anything" msgstr "무한한 창의력을 발휘하세요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall/: msgid "Patterns shown with higher priority than the rest on each category, and for the pages screen on Assembler." msgstr "각 카테고리별로 나머지보다 우선적으로 표시되는 패턴 및 어셈블러의 페이지 화면에 대해 표시됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: msgid "Review: Heading on left, two columns of reviews on right" msgstr "리뷰: 왼쪽에 제목, 오른쪽에 리뷰 두 개의 열이 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: msgid "Review: Heading with three columns of reviews" msgstr "리뷰: 리뷰 세 개 열이 있는 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: msgid "Review: Centered testimonial" msgstr "리뷰: 중앙에 위치한 추천사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: msgid "Software engineer" msgstr "소프트웨어 엔지니어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall/: msgid "Review: Logo wall" msgstr "리뷰: 로고 벽" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall-one-row/: msgid "Review: Logo wall, one row" msgstr "리뷰: 로고 벽, 한 줄" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/: msgid "Get directions" msgstr "길 찾기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: msgid "Store: Single product" msgstr "스토어: 단일 제품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: msgid "Mike A." msgstr "Mike A." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: msgid "Liz S." msgstr "Liz S." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: msgid "Tom S." msgstr "Tom S." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: msgid "Hope D." msgstr "Hope D." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: msgid "Tom
NYC" msgstr "Tom
NYC" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: msgid "Shop New Arrivals" msgstr "신상품 쇼핑" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: msgid "\"Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making website management a breeze.\"" msgstr "WordPress 관리자 역할을 맡는 것은 즐거웠어요. 직관적인 인터페이스, 미디어 관리, 보안, 플러그인 통합 덕분에 웹사이트 관리가 정말 쉬웠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/: msgid "123 Example Street
San Franciso, CA 12345" msgstr "123 마켓 스트리트
샌프란시스코, CA 12345" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: msgid "Heading with three media columns and button" msgstr "세 개의 미디어 열과 버튼이 있는 헤딩" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: msgid "Heading with two media columns and buttons" msgstr "두 개의 미디어 열과 버튼이 있는 헤딩" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: msgid "$40.00" msgstr "$40.00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/: msgid "About #4" msgstr "정보 #4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: msgid "Review: Two column centered reviews" msgstr "리뷰: 가운데 정렬된 두 개의 열 리뷰" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: msgid "@wordpress" msgstr "@워드프레스" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/intro-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/review-a-quote-with-scattered-images/: msgid "Jayla H." msgstr "Jayla H." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/halloween-decor-ideas-for-your-porch/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22: msgid "Crafts" msgstr "크래프트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/halloween-decor-ideas-for-your-porch/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/my-tips-for-hosting-an-easy-birthday-party/: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22: msgid "DIY" msgstr "DIY" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/halloween-decor-ideas-for-your-porch/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/homemade-presents-for-every-occasion/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/02/my-tips-for-hosting-an-easy-birthday-party/: #: block-patterns/craftfullystaging.wpcomstaging.com/2023/11/30/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/nestledstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=22: msgid "Holidays" msgstr "휴일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gara.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=31: msgid "Get Your Tickets | Shop Now" msgstr "Get Your Tickets | 지금 쇼핑하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/12/test/: msgid "Test" msgstr "테스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service." msgstr "자동 스팸 감지 서비스를 통해 방문자 댓글을 확인할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes." msgstr "사이트에 계정을 가지고 있거나, 댓글을 남겼다면, 제공한 어떤 자료이든 보유하고 있는 개인정보의 파일 내보내기를 받도록 요청할 수 있습니다. 또한 보유하고 있는 개인정보를 지우는 것도 요청할 수 있습니다. 이는 관리자, 법, 또는 보안 목적으로 보관해야 하는 자료를 포함하지 않습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email." msgstr "비밀번호 재설정을 요청하면, 재설정 이메일에 IP 주소가 포함됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue." msgstr "댓글을 남길 경우 댓글과 해당 메타데이터는 영구히 보존됩니다. 이것은 댓글에 관련 댓글이 있을 경우 검토중으로 있는 것을 방지하기 위해 인지하고 자동으로 승인하기 위해서 입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website." msgstr "이 사이트의 글은 임베드된 콘텐츠(예: 비디오, 이미지, 기사 등)가 포함될 수도 있습니다. 다른 웹사이트로부터 임베드된 콘텐츠는 방문자가 해당 다른 웹사이트를 방문한 것과 동일하게 작동됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year." msgstr "사이트에 댓글을 남기면 이름, 이메일 주소와 웹사이트를 쿠키에 ,저장할 것인지 선택할 수 있습니다. 이들은 여러분의 편의를 위한 것이기에 또 다른 댓글을 남길 때 세부사항을 채울 필요가 없습니다. 이 쿠키는 최근 1년 동안 남습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website." msgstr "웹사이트에 이미지를 업로드하면, 임베드한 위치 자료(EXIF GPS)를 포함하여 이미지 업로드를 지해야 합니다. 웹사이트에 방문하는 사람이 웹사이트에 있는 이미지에서 위치 자료를 다운로드하고 추출할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: msgid "Joining the Community" msgstr "저희와 함께하세요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "building" msgstr "빌딩" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Crafting" msgstr "공예" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44: msgid "Guides" msgstr "가이드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "S" msgstr "S" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "space" msgstr "공백," #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "W" msgstr "너비" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid ", " msgstr ", " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "시작하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2023/07/14/post-title/: msgid "Post Title" msgstr "글 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2023/07/14/post-meta/: msgid "Post Meta" msgstr "글 메타" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Feature Four" msgstr "기능 네" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Feature Three" msgstr "기능 세 개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Feature Two" msgstr "기능 둘" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Immerse yourself in an unparalleled experience that distinguishes us within a constantly changing environment. Explore the depths of innovation with Acme, where we continuously push the boundaries of what's achievable in our dynamic surroundings." msgstr "저희와 함께 끊임없이 변화하는 환경 속에서 차별화된 경험을 체험해 보세요. Acme와 함께 혁신의 깊이를 탐험하며, 우리의 동적인 환경에서 달성 가능한 한계를 계속해서 넓혀 나갑니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Feature one" msgstr "기능 하나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Features" msgstr "기능" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "About #3" msgstr "정보 #3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Assembler_v2" msgstr "어셈블러_v2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "assembler_v2" msgstr "어셈블러_v2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "assembler_v2_priority" msgstr "어셈블러_v2_우선순위" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: msgid "Assembler_v2_priority" msgstr "어셈블러_v2_우선순위" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Courses" msgstr "과정" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/eventual.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/eventual.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Link" msgstr "링크" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/eventual.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/eventual.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Other:" msgstr "기타:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: msgid "Bali" msgstr "발리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "세이셸" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/hevordemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: msgid "Maldives" msgstr "몰디브" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: msgid "Welcome to my blog!" msgstr "내 블로그에 오신 것을 환영합니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "contact@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "contact@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "From the spark of an idea to the realization of a dream, the journey of Acme began with a single moment of inspiration and a fierce determination to succeed." msgstr "아이디어의 불꽃에서 꿈의 실현까지, Acme의 여정은 한 순간의 영감과 성공에 대한 강한 결심으로 시작되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1053: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: msgid "hello@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "hello@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "I'm Amy, a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things. Through this blog, I aim to share my expertise, insights, and experiences. Join me on this journey as we explore the world of slow, purposeful living together!" msgstr "나는 Amy야, 덜 가지고 살고 간단한 삶을 사랑하는 사람이야. 나는 적은 것으로 살면서 단순한 것들에서 기쁨을 찾기 위해 내 삶을 바치고 있어. 이 블로그를 통해 나의 전문 지식, 인사이트, 경험을 공유하고자 해. 함께 천천히 목적을 가진 삶의 세계를 탐험하는 이 여정에 참여해봐!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: msgid "contact@yourgroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" msgstr "contact@yourgroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "Welcome to my blog! " msgstr "내 블로그에 오신 것을 환영합니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: msgid "Sports" msgstr "스포츠" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: msgid "kindergarten" msgstr "유치원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20: msgid "Pregnancy" msgstr "임신" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: msgid "laundry" msgstr "세탁" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: msgid "Laundry" msgstr "세탁물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: msgid "park" msgstr "공원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "family" msgstr "가족" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/2023/11/06/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: msgid "audit" msgstr "심사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/2023/11/06/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "All" msgstr "전체" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/2023/11/06/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "all" msgstr "모두" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "Accounting" msgstr "회계" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "accounting" msgstr "회계" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/foam.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=22: msgid "Speakers" msgstr "스피커" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Parrot statue" msgstr "앵무새 조각상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Taper candle holder" msgstr "테이퍼 촛대" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "House plant" msgstr "식물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Round glass vase" msgstr "둥근 유리 꽃병" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Ceramic vase set" msgstr "도자기 꽃병 세트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Ribbed dinner plate" msgstr "늘어진 저녁 식사용 접시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Inspired collections that complement your space and style." msgstr "너의 공간과 스타일을 보완해주는 영감을 주는 컬렉션들." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$20.00 USD" msgstr "$20.00 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$45.00 USD" msgstr "$45.00 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$18.00 USD" msgstr "$18.00 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$22.00 USD" msgstr "$22.00 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "$39.00 USD" msgstr "$39.00 USD" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: msgid "Project:
The Surge
" msgstr "프로젝트:
더 서지
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: msgid "Project:
Ephemeral Whisper" msgstr "프로젝트:
일시적인 속삭임" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: msgid "We believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our training programs are meticulously designed to elevate skills, boost confidence, and foster innovation." msgstr "저희는 지식의 변혁적인 힘을 믿습니다. 자사 교육 프로그램은 실력을 함양하고 자신감을 높이며 혁신을 촉진하도록 세심하게 설계되었습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: msgid "Behind every challenge lies an opportunity for unparalleled assistance. We understand the intricacies of your needs and are committed to providing prompt assistance every step of the way." msgstr "언제든 비교할 수 없는 지원을 받을 기회를 토대로 도전할 수 있습니다. 저희는 요구 사항이 얼마나 복잡한지 이해하고 모든 단계에서 최선을 다하여 즉각적인 지원을 제공합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: msgid "Our consultancy services are tailored to unlock your potential and steer you towards success. Partner with us, and together we’ll turn challenges into opportunities." msgstr "자사 컨설팅 서비스는 잠재력을 발굴하고 성공으로 이끌도록 맞춤화되어 있습니다. 저희의 파트너가 되어 도전을 기회로 바꿔보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: msgid "At Acme, we're more than just a name. We're a team of passionate individuals committed to making a difference. 
Our mission is to provide innovative solutions and exceptional service, and we're dedicated to serving our community, customers, and partners with integrity, innovation, and a personal touch." msgstr "" "Acme에서는 이름 이상입니다. 차이를 만들기 위해 헌신적인 개인들의 팀입니다. \n" "우리의 미션은 혁신적인 솔루션과 탁월한 서비스를 제공하는 것이며, 우리는 개인적인 접근으로 지역사회, 고객 및 파트너에게 성실함과 혁신을 바탕으로 봉사하기 위해 헌신하고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: msgid "From our products and services to our relationships with customers, partners, and the environment, we uphold a standard of excellence that is unwavering. At Acme, our commitment runs deep, shaping every aspect of our operations. We are steadfast in our dedication to our core principles, which serve as the foundation of our identity." msgstr "우리의 제품과 서비스부터 고객, 파트너, 환경과의 관계까지, 우리는 변함없는 탁월함의 기준을 유지합니다. Acme에서는 우리의 약속이 깊이 뿌리내려 운영의 모든 측면을 형성합니다. 우리는 항상 우리의 핵심 원칙에 헌신적이며, 이는 우리 정체성의 기반이 됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: msgid "Our commitment" msgstr "우리의 약속" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: msgid "At Acme, we're more than just a name. We're a team of passionate individuals committed to making a difference. Our mission is to provide innovative solutions and exceptional service, and we're dedicated to serving our community, customers, and partners with integrity, innovation, and a personal touch." msgstr "Acme에서는 이름 이상의 것을 제공합니다. 우리는 차별을 만들기 위해 헌신하는 열정적인 개인들의 팀입니다. 우리의 미션은 혁신적인 솔루션과 탁월한 서비스를 제공하는 것이며, 우리는 성실함, 혁신 그리고 개인적인 접근으로 지역사회, 고객 및 파트너들에게 헌신하고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "I'd love to work with you." msgstr "너랑 일하고 싶어." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Temporal State" msgstr "일시적인 상태" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "The Climb" msgstr "등반" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "In Motion" msgstr "움직임" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Symmetry" msgstr "대칭" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Nostalgic Ride" msgstr "향수로운 여행" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Serenity" msgstr "평온함" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: msgid "Welcome to my portfolio. Here, you'll find a curated collection of my best work, showcasing my creativity, skills, and dedication to photography. I'm excited to share my journey with you." msgstr "내 포트폴리오에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여기에서는 제가 가장 좋은 작품들을 골라서 소개하고 있으며, 제 창의력, 기술 및 사진에 대한 헌신을 보여드리고 있습니다. 여러분과 함께하는 여정을 공유하게 되어 기쁩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-two-columns-with-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: msgid "Our story" msgstr "우리의 이야기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Driving Efficiency and Savings" msgstr "효율적인 운전과 절약" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Turning Vision into Reality" msgstr "비전을 현실로 만들기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Explore our comprehensive array of services, designed to empower you and your business, and let us be your trusted partner in achieving success." msgstr "당신과 비즈니스를 강화시키기 위해 설계된 포괄적인 서비스 배열을 탐색해보세요. 성공을 달성하는 믿을 수 있는 파트너로서 우리를 선택해주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: msgid "New York, NY, United States" msgstr "뉴욕, 뉴욕, 미국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12892: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "Assembler_page" msgstr "어셈블러_페이지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12892: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: msgid "assembler_page" msgstr "어셈블러_페이지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "→" msgstr "→" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "Stay updated with our latest recipes and other news by joining our newsletter." msgstr "우리의 최신 레시피와 다른 소식을 받아보려면 우리의 뉴스레터에 가입하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "Find us on:" msgstr "우리를 찾아보세요:" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: msgid "Join the fun!\t" msgstr "재미에 참여하세요!→" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/puerto.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18: msgid "Galicia" msgstr "갈리시아" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Benefits of Teamwork" msgstr "팀워크의 이점" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=148: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=239: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-centered-testimonial/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-with-three-columns-of-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall-one-row/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-logo-wall/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review-two-columns-with-an-offset/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/review/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/review-a-quote-with-scattered-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5326: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5340: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5697: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=899: msgid "Share reviews and feedback about your brand/business." msgstr "브랜드/비즈니스에 대한 리뷰와 피드백을 공유합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: msgid "Visit Blog" msgstr "블로그 방문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-large-left-aligned-header/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "intro" msgstr "소개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-with-call-to-action-overlaid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content-overlaid-on-an-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-centered-content-with-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-content-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-large-left-aligned-header/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-pull-right-with-wide-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/about-left-aligned-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/full-width-image-above-header-with-two-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/full-width-cover-with-heading-paragraph-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/intro-left-aligned-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Introduce the website’s main message or purpose." msgstr "웹사이트의 주요 메시지나 목적을 소개하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: msgid "Business websites perform better with a blog" msgstr "비즈니스 웹사이트는 블로그가 있을 때 더 좋은 성과를 내요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: msgid "Blog grid with a heading" msgstr "블로그 그리드와 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5608: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8743: msgid "Display your site logo, title, and navigation." msgstr "사이트 로고, 제목, 그리고 탐색을 표시하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Senior Designer" msgstr "시니어 디자이너" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Design Director" msgstr "디자인 디렉터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Our team" msgstr "우리 팀" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Lucas Perez" msgstr "Lucas Perez" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/poem2.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: msgid "love" msgstr "사랑" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/poem2.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/poem2.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: msgid "poetry" msgstr "詩" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51: msgid "Rugby" msgstr "럭비" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: msgid "Advertisement" msgstr "광고" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=60: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=62: msgid "posters" msgstr "포스터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: msgid "America" msgstr "미국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=37: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=40: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=42: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44: msgid "Graphic Design" msgstr "그래픽 디자인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/negai.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32: msgid "Research" msgstr "조사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mpho.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: msgid "Anthropology" msgstr "인류학" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=49: msgid "Plants" msgstr "식물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=54: msgid "Astronomy" msgstr "천문학" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/luminance.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=45: msgid "animal" msgstr "동물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=136: #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=138: msgid "Productivity" msgstr "생산성" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lineup.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: msgid "Bold" msgstr "굵게" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gradient.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=174: msgid "Devices" msgstr "기기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gradient.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=182: msgid "medicine" msgstr "의약품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-four-columns-of-menus-with-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: #: block-patterns/gradient.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=199: msgid "Product" msgstr "상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/jinjang.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=22: #: block-patterns/organizer.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Info" msgstr "정보" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=30: #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/magalogue.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=30: msgid "Recommendations" msgstr "추천" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/gramming.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=865: msgid "Barcelona" msgstr "바르셀로나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21: msgid "Corporate" msgstr "기업용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "residential" msgstr "주거" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Residential" msgstr "거주지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=23: msgid "Project" msgstr "프로젝트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=195: msgid "Press" msgstr "프레스" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/erma.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: msgid "dark" msgstr "검정" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/erma.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: msgid "garage" msgstr "차고" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=18: msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "화요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "수요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32: msgid "Thursday" msgstr "목요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=34: msgid "Friday" msgstr "금요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "Saturday" msgstr "토요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=29: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Opinions" msgstr "의견" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=29: msgid "pc" msgstr "PC" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-heading-on-left-two-columns-of-reviews-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/review-two-column-centered-reviews/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/issue.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=44: msgid "Reviews" msgstr "리뷰" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/didone.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=129: msgid "Websites" msgstr "웹사이트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/didone.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: msgid "Society" msgstr "사회" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=105: msgid "Personal" msgstr "개인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=65: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=67: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=104: msgid "Commissions" msgstr "커미션" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "personal" msgstr "개인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Building" msgstr "빌딩" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dana.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=25: msgid "Skateboarding" msgstr "스케이트보드 타기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=56: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: msgid "education" msgstr "교육" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=56: #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=14: msgid "Education" msgstr "교육" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=50: msgid "experience" msgstr "이력" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=65: msgid "Language" msgstr "언어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=59: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=63: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=65: #: block-patterns/lucedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "Skills" msgstr "스킬" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=63: msgid "Advocacy" msgstr "옹호" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=68: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=70: #: block-patterns/effigy.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=72: msgid "Interests" msgstr "관심 분야" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=7: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=76: msgid "In an ever-shifting business landscape, adaptability isn't just a trait—it's a competitive advantage. Companies that embrace change, learn from challenges, and pivot when necessary are the ones that not only survive but also thrive in uncertain environments. This agility, rooted in a willingness to evolve and innovate, ensures relevance and resilience. An adaptive approach is not about merely reacting to changes but proactively anticipating them, staying ahead of the curve, and shaping one's own destiny." msgstr "끊임없이 변화하는 비즈니스 환경을 고려할 때 적응력은 단순한 하나의 특징이 아닙니다. 적응력이 있어야만 경쟁 우위를 점할 수 있습니다. 기업은 변화를 받아들이고, 도전 과제로부터 배우며, 필요할 때 변신을 꾀할 줄 알아야만 불확실한 환경에서 생존을 너머 번영할 수 있습니다. 진화하고 혁신하겠다는 의지를 기반으로 하는 이러한 유연성이 있어야 변화하는 현실에 적절히 대응하고 회복할 수 있습니다. 적응적인 접근법은 그저 변화에 반응하는 것에 만족하지 않고 적극적으로 미래를 예측하고 앞서 나가며 자신의 운명을 개척하는 것을 의미합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=7: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=76: msgid "Adaptive Advantage" msgstr "적응력의 이점" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=72: msgid "What fosters effective teamwork? It’s not just about grouping individuals together and hoping for the best. It's about cultivating an environment where trust, open communication, mutual respect, and a shared vision converge. Within this nurturing space, each team member feels valued and understood, allowing for the free exchange of ideas and fostering an atmosphere where collaboration can truly shine. As we dive deeper, we'll explore the building blocks of teams that don't just work but triumph together." msgstr "효과적인 팀워크를 촉진하는 것은 무엇일까요? 그것은 단순히 개인들을 모아서 최선을 바라는 것만으로는 부족하지 않습니다. 신뢰, 개방적인 의사소통, 상호 존중, 그리고 공유된 비전이 어우러지는 환경을 육성하는 것입니다. 이러한 배양 공간 안에서 각 팀원은 가치 있게 여겨지고 이해받는다는 느낌을 갖게 되며, 아이디어의 자유로운 교환을 허용하고 협력이 진정으로 빛나는 분위기를 조성할 수 있습니다. 더 깊이 파고들면, 단순히 일하는 것이 아니라 함께 성공하는 팀의 구성 요소를 탐구해보겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: msgid "The magic that emerges from effective collaboration is undeniable. When diverse minds converge with a shared purpose, the results can be transformative. In this piece, we delve into the essence of teamwork, presenting ways to cultivate a culture of seamless collaboration and synergy. Discover the tools and strategies that can elevate team dynamics and drive collective success." msgstr "효과적인 협업은 마법 같은 힘을 발휘합니다. 다양한 사람들이 공통의 목적을 가지고 모인다면 세상에 변화를 일으킬 수 있습니다. 이 글은 팀워크의 본질을 파고들어서 원활한 협업으로 시너지 효과를 내는 문화를 조성할 방법을 제시합니다. 팀의 역동성을 높이고 집단적 성공을 이끌어낼 도구와 전략을 발견하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: msgid "Collaboration Magic" msgstr "협업의 마법" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=57: msgid "Every business has a unique potential waiting to be tapped. Recognizing the keys to unlock this growth can set an enterprise on the path to unprecedented success. In this exploration, we highlight the subtle levers and strategies that can propel a business forward, offering insights on harnessing untapped opportunities within and beyond the organization." msgstr "모든 비즈니스는 탭되기를 기다리는 독특한 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다. 이 성장을 해제하는 열쇠를 인식하는 것은 기업을 전례없는 성공으로 이끌 수 있습니다. 이 탐색에서는 비즈니스를 전진시킬 수 있는 미묘한 지렛대와 전략을 강조하며, 조직 내외에서 미개척 기회를 활용하는 데 대한 인사이트를 제공합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=57: msgid "Growth Unlocked" msgstr "성장 잠재력 실현" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=60: msgid "Challenges in business are a given, but it’s our response to them that defines our trajectory. Looking beyond the immediate obstacle, there lies a realm of opportunity and learning. Here, we explore the mindset shifts and strategies that can transform hurdles into stepping stones, guiding businesses towards growth and resilience even in the most trying times." msgstr "비즈니스에서의 도전은 불가피하지만, 그에 대한 대응이 우리의 방향을 정의합니다. 당면한 장애물을 넘어서면 기회와 배움의 영역이 펼쳐집니다. 여기에서는 장애물을 발판으로 바꿀 수 있는 마음가짐 변화와 전략을 탐구하며, 가장 어려운 시기에도 성장과 회복력을 이끌어내는 비즈니스를 안내합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: msgid "In the ever-evolving world, the art of forging genuine connections remains timeless. Whether it’s with colleagues, clients, or partners, establishing a genuine rapport paves the way for collaborative success. In this post, we’ll delve into the nuanced intricacies of building and nurturing these essential relationships, shedding light on the soft skills that can set a company apart in a competitive landscape." msgstr "끊임없이 진화하는 세상에서 진정한 관계를 구축하는 기술은 시대를 초월하는 힘을 냅니다. 동료, 고객, 파트너와 진정한 라포를 형성한다면 공동의 성공으로 가는 길이 열립니다. 이 글에서는 이렇게 필수적인 관계를 만들고 양육하는 미묘하고 복잡한 기술을 파고들어서 경쟁적인 환경에서 독보적인 기업으로 거듭나는 소프트 스킬을 알아보겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=60: msgid "Beyond the Obstacle" msgstr "장애물을 넘어서" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: msgid "The Art of Connection" msgstr "소통의 기술" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/cover.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=263: msgid "Austria" msgstr "오스트리아" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/cover.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=260: #: block-patterns/cover.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=9: msgid "Poland" msgstr "폴란드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bsoj.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=4: msgid "Mailchimp" msgstr "Mailchimp" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/shawburnblocks.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=54: msgid "Reach out with the contact information below so we can work together to drive more customers to your products and services." msgstr "아래의 연락처로 연락해주세요. 그래서 함께 일하여 고객들이 더 많이 당신의 제품과 서비스를 이용할 수 있도록 도와드릴 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=43: msgid "Instructions" msgstr "안내" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51: msgid "lunch" msgstr "중식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=22: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=37: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=45: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=49: #: block-patterns/aldente.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=51: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=147: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=154: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=161: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=163: msgid "Ingredients:" msgstr "재료" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldentedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=144: msgid "Terms" msgstr "용어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: msgid "What makes us the best in business " msgstr "비즈니스에서 우리를 최고로 만드는 것은 무엇인가요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=280: msgid "123-456-7890
hello@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "123-456-7890
hello@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: msgid "123 Street, Sydney, NSW | (123) 456-789 | email@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "123번지, 시드니, NSW | (123) 456-789 | email@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "email@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "email@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12850: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3794: msgid "@username
email@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "@username
email@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=30: msgid "contact@mygroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" msgstr "contact@mygroovydomain.com
(012) 345 67 89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "hello@yourgroovydomain.com
+61 000 000 000" msgstr "hello@yourgroovydomain.com
+61 000 000 000" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: msgid "Contact Us
hello@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "문의하기
hello@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: msgid "hello@yourgroovydomain.com
123-456-7890" msgstr "hello@yourgroovydomain.com
123-456-7890" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: msgid "email@yourgroovydomain.com" msgstr "email@yourgroovydomain.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7149: msgid "Case studies" msgstr "사례 연구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Dive into an experience that sets us apart in an ever-evolving landscape. At Acme, we don’t just offer solutions; we redefine possibilities." msgstr "끊임없이 진화하는 업계에서 돋보일 수 있는 환경으로 뛰어들어 보세요. Acme에서는 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 넘어 가능성을 새롭게 정의합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "Cake decorating class" msgstr "케이크 장식 수업" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "Art Print - Layers" msgstr "아트 프린트 - 레이어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "Art Print - Symmetry" msgstr "아트 프린트 - 대칭" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "Art Print - Divide" msgstr "아트 프린트 - 분할" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic." msgstr "깔끔한 선과 미니멀리스트 미학." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Modern design" msgstr "모던한 디자인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Lasting beauty under the warmest glows." msgstr "따스한 빛 아래에 지속되는 아름다움." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: msgid "Dive into an experience that sets us apart in an ever-evolving landscape.
At Acme, we don’t just offer solutions; we redefine possibilities." msgstr "끊임없이 진화하는 업계에서 돋보일 수 있는 환경으로 뛰어들어 보세요.
Acme에서는 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 넘어 가능성을 새롭게 정의합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Blending timeless design artisanal creation." msgstr "유행을 타지 않는 디자인과 장인의 솜씨 접목." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Handcrafted" msgstr "핸드메이드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: msgid "Two images side by side" msgstr "이미지 2개를 나란히" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: msgid "Three blog posts" msgstr "블로그 글 3개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: msgid "Square grid gallery" msgstr "정사각형 그리드 갤러리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: msgid "Subscribe to our newsletter for cool tips, articles and offers. " msgstr "훌륭한 팁, 블로그 글 및 혜택을 안내하는 뉴스레터를 팔로우하세요. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: msgid "Don’t miss out!" msgstr "놓치지 마세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: msgid "Four blog posts" msgstr "블로그 글 4개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: msgid "Two blog posts" msgstr "블로그 글 2개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: msgid "Join hundreds of our subscribers and be the first to know about new content and special offers." msgstr "수백 명이 팔로우 중인 블로그를 팔로우하여 새로운 콘텐츠와 특별 혜택에 대해 가장 먼저 알아보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: msgid "Join the list" msgstr "목록에 등록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: msgid "Newsletter signup with an image" msgstr "이미지와 뉴스레터 등록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: msgid "Glazed dinner set" msgstr "유약 처리된 정찬용 접시 세트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: msgid "Ceramic tea set" msgstr "세라믹 다기 세트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: msgid "Modern image gallery" msgstr "현대적인 이미지 갤러리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: msgid "Dana Smith is a lifestyle and product photographer based in Australia." msgstr "Dana Smith는 호주에서 활동하는 라이프스타일 및 상품 사진작가입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: msgid "Centered headline" msgstr "가운데 맞춤 헤드라인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: msgid "We're dedicated to delivering excellence in every endeavor. With a foundation built on trust, innovation, and collaboration, we've been empowering our clients to reach their full potential for over ten years." msgstr "저희는 모든 노력에서 탁월한 결과를 낼 수 있도록 최선을 다합니다. 신뢰, 혁신, 협업을 토대로 저희는 10년 넘게 고객이 잠재력을 최대한 발휘할 수 있도록 지원해 왔습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: msgid "Where to find us" msgstr "주소" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: msgid "Our vision is to stand as the foremost provider of strategic solutions, consistently delivering exceptional and personalized services. Whether you're starting a new venture, or poised for expansion, our commitment is to collaborate and propel you towards your goals." msgstr "저희의 비전은 탁월한 맞춤형 서비스를 지속적으로 제공하면서 최고의 전략적 솔루션 제공업체로 우뚝 서는 것입니다. 새로운 사업을 시작하거나 확장을 준비하는 여러분과 협력하면서 여러분이 목표를 향해 나아가도록 지원합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: msgid "Our vision" msgstr "비전" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: msgid "Four column gallery" msgstr "4열 갤러리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: msgid "Slideshow gallery" msgstr "슬라이드쇼 갤러리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "In every endeavor, from collaboration to decision-making, we champion transparency, honesty, and sincerity." msgstr "협업부터 의사결정까지 모든 노력에서 저희는 투명성, 정직성, 성실성을 지킵니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Integrity" msgstr "진실성" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Professionalism" msgstr "전문성" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "We create experiences that exceed your expectations with a passion for perfection and attention to detail." msgstr "완벽을 향한 열정과 함께 사소한 부분까지도 놓치지 않으며 기대를 뛰어넘는 경험을 창조합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Why choose us?" msgstr "선택을 받는 이유" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: msgid "Handcrafted ceramic ensemble featuring a rustic bowl, and a dinner plate. Both pieces boast a unique, tactile finish, reminiscent of age-old pottery traditions, bringing warmth and authenticity to your home." msgstr "소박한 그릇과 정찬용 접시가 조화를 이루는 수제 세라믹 상품을 제공합니다. 고유한 촉감으로 마감 처리된 두 제품 모두 오래된 도자기 전통을 연상시켜 집에 온기와 진정성을 선사합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: msgid "$ 120.00" msgstr "$120.00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: msgid "Dinner set" msgstr "정찬용 그릇 세트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: msgid "Single product with image on the right" msgstr "오른쪽에 이미지가 있는 단일 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "$49.00" msgstr "$49.00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "Rustic mug set" msgstr "소박한 머그잔 세트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "$120.00" msgstr "$120.00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "Ceramic dinner set" msgstr "세라믹 디너 세트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: msgid "Two products" msgstr "상품 2개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: msgid "Introducing our handcrafted, rustic ceramic set featuring a charming mug and matching saucer. Designed with natural tones and a tactile, earthy texture, this duo evokes a sense of comfort and warmth." msgstr "매력적인 머그잔과 어울리는 접시가 포함된 소박한 수제 세라믹 세트를 소개합니다. 자연스러운 색조와 촉감이 좋은 흙빛 질감으로 디자인된 이 세트는 편안함과 따뜻한 분위기를 자아냅니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: msgid "$ 40.00" msgstr "$40.00" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: msgid "Ceramic mug" msgstr "세라믹 머그잔" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: msgid "Single product" msgstr "단일 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: msgid "Project management" msgstr "프로젝트 관리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: msgid "Training programs" msgstr "교육 프로그램" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: msgid "Heading and four images" msgstr "헤더와 이미지 4개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: msgid "Discover a world
of possibilities" msgstr "가능성의
세계 발견" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: msgid " At Acme, we don't just offer solutions; we redefine possibilities." msgstr " Acme에서는 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 넘어 가능성을 새롭게 정의합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Behind every challenge lies an opportunity for unparalleled assistance. We understand the intricacies of your needs and are committed to providing prompt assistance every step of the way. " msgstr "언제든 비교할 수 없는 지원을 받을 기회를 토대로 도전할 수 있습니다. 저희는 요구 사항이 얼마나 복잡한지 이해하고 모든 단계에서 최선을 다하여 즉각적인 지원을 제공합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "We believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our training programs are meticulously designed to elevate skills, boost confidence, and foster innovation. " msgstr "저희는 지식의 변혁적인 힘을 믿습니다. 자사 교육 프로그램은 실력을 함양하고 자신감을 높이며 혁신을 촉진하도록 세심하게 설계되었습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Management" msgstr "관리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "We prioritize a holistic approach, ensuring every aspect of your operations is optimized for peak performance. With a focus on strategy and adaptability we transform visions into tangible results." msgstr "저희는 전체적인 접근 방식을 우선시하여 최고의 성과가 발휘되도록 운영의 모든 측면을 최적화합니다. 전략과 적응성에 중점을 두고 비전을 구체적인 결과로 변모시킵니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Our consultancy services are tailored to unlock your potential and steer you towards success. Partner with us, and together we'll turn challenges into opportunities." msgstr "자사 컨설팅 서비스는 잠재력을 발굴하고 성공으로 이끌도록 맞춤화되어 있습니다. 저희의 파트너가 되어 도전을 기회로 바꿔보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: msgid "Consultancy" msgstr "컨설팅" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Consulting" msgstr "컨설팅" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Training" msgstr "교육" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Support" msgstr "고객지원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Marl is a small pottery studio and gallery based in Byron Bay." msgstr "Marl은 바이런 베이에 있는 작은 도자기 스튜디오 겸 갤러리입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: msgid "Get a quote" msgstr "견적 받기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: msgid "Let's make something together" msgstr "함께 결과물을 만들어 보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: msgid "Call to action with background" msgstr "배경이 있는 행동 유도 문구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: msgid "Wide cover block with left-aligned text" msgstr "텍스트가 왼쪽에 정렬된 넓은 커버 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: msgid "Dive into an experience that sets us apart in an ever-evolving landscape." msgstr "끊임없이 진화하는 환경 속에서 스스로를 차별화하는 경험에 뛰어들어 보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: msgid "Media and text call to action" msgstr "미디어 및 텍스트 행동 유도 문구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: msgid "Minimal header with centered site title" msgstr "사이트 제목이 가운데 정렬된 최소 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Matoki" msgstr "Matoki" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Shanti" msgstr "Shanti" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: msgid "Sign up for updates" msgstr "업데이트 신청" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Mistral " msgstr "Mistral " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Bell Tower" msgstr "Bell Tower" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: msgid "Listen now" msgstr "지금 듣기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: msgid "CEO, Owner" msgstr "CEO, 소유자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: msgid "Estelle Vo" msgstr "Estelle Vo" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: msgid "“From strategy to execution, every step of the way was smooth and transparent. Highly recommended!\"" msgstr "\"전략 수립부터 실행까지 모든 단계가 원활하고 투명하게 진행되었습니다. 강력히 추천합니다!\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: msgid "“Working with Acme was a game changer for our business. Their expertise and dedication are unmatched.”" msgstr "“Acme와 협력하면서 우리 비즈니스의 판도가 바뀌었습니다. Acme가 보유한 전문성과 헌신은 타의 추종을 불허합니다.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: msgid "Two quotes and a heading" msgstr "인용문 2개와 헤딩 1개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: msgid "Dive into an experience that sets us apart in an ever-evolving landscape.
At Acme, we don't just offer solutions; we redefine possibilities." msgstr "끊임없이 진화하는 환경 속에서 스스로를 차별화하는 경험에 뛰어들어 보세요.
Acme는 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 넘어 가능성을 새롭게 정의합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: msgid "Call to action with brand logos" msgstr "브랜드 로고로 행동 유도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: msgid "Questions, comments or requests?
Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you." msgstr "질문, 의견 또는 요청 사항이 있으신가요?
언제든지 연락해 주세요. 말씀을 경청하겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-two-column-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-large-cta-with-four-columns-of-menus/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-rows-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-content-with-button-and-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-fullwidth-image-with-content-and-button-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-heading-with-image-and-two-columns-above/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/intro-two-column-with-image-and-content-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/test/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Discover a world of possibilities" msgstr "가능성의 세계를 탐험하세요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: msgid "Let's chat" msgstr "채팅하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: msgid "Contact with form on the left" msgstr "왼쪽에 양식이 있는 연락처" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: msgid "Simple subscription form" msgstr "간단한 구독 양식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Our intimate knowledge of the industry allows us to craft a service uniquely tailored to your business needs." msgstr "산업에 대한 상세한 지식을 통해 비즈니스 필요성에 따라 고유하게 맞춤화한 서비스를 정교하게 만들 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Expertise" msgstr "전문 지식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "We deliver top-notch service, and handle requests with expertise, ensuring your journey is smooth and hassle-free." msgstr "여정이 수고스럽지 않고 원활하도록 최고의 서비스를 제공하고 전문적으로 요청을 처리합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-centered-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: msgid "Enter your email below to receive updates." msgstr "새 소식을 받으려면 아래에 이메일을 입력하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: msgid "We create unparalleled experiences that exceed your expectations with a passion for perfection and attention to detail." msgstr "완벽을 향한 열정과 함께 사소한 부분까지도 놓치지 않으며 기대를 뛰어넘는 비교할 수 없는 경험을 창조합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: msgid "Excellence" msgstr "탁월함" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: msgid "Why choose us" msgstr "우리를 선택하는 이유" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: msgid "Heading and three features" msgstr "헤딩과 세 가지 특성" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: msgid "Introducing our latest curated ceramics collection, that will bring a touch of artisanal charm to your home. Now available exclusively in our online store." msgstr "집에 장인의 손길이 더해지도록 엄선한 최신 도자기 컬렉션을 소개합니다. 지금 당사 온라인 스토어에서만 구매할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: msgid "New arrivals" msgstr "신제품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: msgid "Featured product category" msgstr "추천 상품 카테고리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Patterns shown with priority in Pattern Assembler." msgstr "패턴 어셈블러에 우선순위와 함께 패턴이 표시됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Assembler_priority" msgstr "Assembler_priority" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12847: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "assembler_priority" msgstr "assembler_priority" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: msgid "Minimal footer with dark background and social icons" msgstr "소셜 아이콘이 있는 어두운 배경의 최소 푸터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: msgid "Our Top Destinations" msgstr "최고의 목적지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=148: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=181: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=229: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=239: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10398: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12055: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1323: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1397: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1565: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1580: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1600: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1647: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5340: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5608: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5625: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: 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Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?page_id=11796: msgid "The query block of this page is in its template." msgstr "이 페이지의 쿼리 블록은 자체 템플리에 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?page_id=11796: msgid "Assembler In Template" msgstr "템플릿의 어셈블러" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?page_id=11753: msgid "Curated Patterns In Assembler " msgstr "어셈블러의 엄선된 패턴 " #. 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1323: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1397: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1565: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1580: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1585: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1600: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1647: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5340: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5579: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5582: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5588: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5590: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5595: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5601: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5605: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5608: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5625: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5637: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5663: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5672: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5680: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5697: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5710: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5764: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?page_id=11753: msgid "Assembler" msgstr "어셈블러" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=148: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=181: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=229: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=239: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10398: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1876: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=194: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2990: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3033: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3034: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3227: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=462: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: 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block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=857: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=88: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=94: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "assembler" msgstr "어셈블러" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11740: msgid "Header with navigation and social links" msgstr "탐색 링크와 소셜 링크가 있는 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "Upcoming stops" msgstr "예정된 경유지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "Free 15 day trial" msgstr "15일 무료 평가판" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "Our pricing" msgstr "당사의 가격" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: msgid "Questions, comments or requests? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you." msgstr "질문, 의견 또는 요청 사항이 있으신가요? 언제든지 연락해 주세요. 말씀을 경청하겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Comprehensive cleaning service focusing on revitalizing carpets and windows, removing dirt, stains, and grime to enhance indoor aesthetics and create a brighter, cleaner atmosphere." msgstr "카펫과 창문을 상쾌하게 되살리고 먼지, 얼룩, 때를 제거하여 실내 미관을 개선하고 더 밝고 깨끗한 분위기를 만드는 데 중점을 두는 종합 청소 서비스입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Carpets & windows" msgstr "카펫 및 창문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Customized cleaning solutions targeting specific requirements, such as post-construction cleanup, deep cleaning for special occasions, or addressing unique cleaning challenges." msgstr "공사 후 청소, 특별한 행사를 위한 대청소 또는 특이한 청소 문제 해결과 같은 특정 요구 사항을 대상으로 하는 맞춤형 청소 솔루션입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Expert cleaning services designed for businesses and offices, encompassing routine cleaning, sanitation of high-traffic areas, and maintaining a professional and inviting workspace." msgstr "일상적인 청소, 통행이 많은 구역의 위생 처리, 전문적이고 매력적인 작업 공간 유지를 망라하는 기업 및 사무실 전문 청소 서비스입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Type / to add a hidden block" msgstr "숨겨진 블록을 추가하려면 /를 입력하십시오." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Dedicated service aimed at maintaining your house clean and tidy. Service includes dusting, vacuuming, and disinfecting to ensure a comfortable living environment." msgstr "깨끗하고 깔끔한 집을 헌신적으로 추구하는 서비스입니다. 쾌적한 생활 환경을 위한 먼지 제거, 진공 청소, 소독이 서비스에 포함됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: msgid "Popular products" msgstr "인기 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5666: msgid "By the
Numbers" msgstr "숫자
기준" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: msgid "Luna Stationery Set" msgstr "루나 문방구 세트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: msgid "Dreaming Stationery Set" msgstr "몽상적인 문방구 세트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: msgid "Volunteer forum support" msgstr "자원봉사자 포럼 지원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: msgid "Works with major design software" msgstr "주요 디자인 소프트웨어로 작업" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: msgid "Join thousands of happy subscribers and receive weekly emails with insights and actionable advice. No spam or ads, ever." msgstr "수천 명의 행복한 구독자와 함께 인사이트와 실행 가능한 조언이 담긴 주간 이메일을 받아보세요, 스팸이나 광고는 없습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: msgid "Estelle Vo, Business owner" msgstr "Estelle Vo, 기업 소유자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/u_O2aRE-UHs\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/u_O2aRE-UHs\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/UMm9FGo8cek\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/UMm9FGo8cek\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7135: msgid "Our services" msgstr "저희가 제공하는 서비스" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: msgid "1 Example Street,
San Francisco, CA 10100, USA" msgstr "1 마켓 스트리트,
샌프란시스코, CA 10100, 미국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Instagram
Twitter" msgstr "Instagram
Twitter" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Emma is always available for side collaborations and talks worldwide. If you want to chat about design, books, wine, or anything else, don’t hesitate in reaching out." msgstr "Emma는 항상 전 세계 팀 협업과 대화에 참여할 준비가 되어 있습니다. 디자인, 책, 와인 등에 대해 대화하기를 원하시면 언제든지 연락해 주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Impact for Growth, 2021
Building Compatible Teams
San Francisco, CA" msgstr "성장을 위한 영향, 2021
화합하는 팀 구축
San Francisco, CA" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Design x Mental Health, 2020
Speaking Out
San Francisco, CA" msgstr "디자인 X 정신 건강, 2020
입 밖으로 말하기
San Francisco, CA" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Design Conference, 2019
Designing Teams
San Jose, CA" msgstr "디자인 콘퍼런스, 2019
팀 디자인하기
San Jose, CA" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Speaking" msgstr "말하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Co-founded a startup, led the design team, and played a crucial role in the company's acquisition by Parenthesis." msgstr "스타트업을 공동 설립하고 디자인 팀을 이끌었으며 Parenthesis의 회사 인수에서 중요한 역할을 수행했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Chief Design Officer" msgstr "최고 디자인 책임자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Managed a diverse team of designers, implementing design thinking methodologies and contributing to successful design projects." msgstr "다양한 디자이너 팀을 관리하고 디자인 사고 방법론을 구현하며 성공적인 디자인 프로젝트에 기여했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Arrow" msgstr "화살표" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Currently managing designers, leading design strategy and execution, and collaborating cross-functionally to create high-growth products." msgstr "현재 디자이너들을 관리하고 디자인 전략과 실행을 주도하며 여러 부문의 팀과 협업하여 성장률 높은 제품을 만들고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Design Team Manager" msgstr "디자인 팀 관리자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Dot Dot Dot" msgstr "Dot Dot Dot" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Emma holds a Master’s in Design from Columbia University and is passionate about building effective teams, and leveraging design to create high growth products.

She currently manages designers at Dot. She has previously managed design teams at Arrow, cofounded a company that was acquired by Parenthesis, and spent a few years as a freelance designer.

Originally from Canada, she studied in Paris and London, worked in Singapore, and is now based in San Francisco. She loves books, yoga, and wine." msgstr "Emma는 컬럼비아대학교에서 디자인 석사 학위를 받았으며 효과적인 팀을 구축하고 디자인을 활용하여 성장률 높은 제품을 만드는 데 열정적입니다.

현재 Dot에서 디자이너 관리를 맡고 있습니다. 이전에는 Arrow에서 디자인팀을 관리했고, Parenthesis에 인수된 회사를 공동 창업했으며, 프리랜서 디자이너로 몇 년을 보냈습니다.

캐나다에서 태어나서 파리와 런던에서 공부했고, 싱가포르에서 일했으며, 지금은 샌프란시스코에서 활동하고 있습니다. 책, 요가, 와인을 사랑합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Resume" msgstr "복구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: msgid "Emma Walker" msgstr "Emma Walker" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11263: msgid "Stacked Header with Social Icons and Search" msgstr "소셜 아이콘과 검색이 있는 스택형 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11290: msgid "Minimal Header with Navigation and Social Icons" msgstr "탐색 아이콘과 소셜 아이콘이 있는 최소 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11293: msgid "Header with Navigation and Buttons" msgstr "탐색과 버튼이 있는 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: msgid "Header with Button and Background" msgstr "버튼과 배경이 있는 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11277: msgid "Header with Two Rows" msgstr "행이 2개인 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "$67" msgstr "$67" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3862: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4348: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4393: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4670: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4675: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4677: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4688: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5716: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: msgid "Store" msgstr "스토어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3862: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4348: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4393: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4670: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4675: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4677: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4688: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5716: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: msgid "store" msgstr "스토어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7814: msgid "The earth,
one shot at a time." msgstr "세상을 향해
한 번에 한 장면씩." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "I was hesitant to switch to a new software platform, but I'm so glad I did. This software has exceeded all my expectations. It's easy to use, even for someone who isn't tech-savvy." msgstr "새로운 소프트웨어 플랫폼으로 전환하는 것을 주저했는데 해내서 매우 기쁩니다. 이 소프트웨어는 저의 모든 기대치를 넘어섰습니다. 기술을 잘 모르는 사람도 사용하기 쉽습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=125: msgid "Salainis" msgstr "Salainis" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: msgid "Kay Buford" msgstr "Kay Buford" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: msgid "Terrell George" msgstr "Terrell George" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: msgid "Blue Jean Jacket" msgstr "Blue Jean Jacket" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: msgid "Subscribe to newsletter" msgstr "뉴스레터 구독" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Mini tartes flambées" msgstr "미니 타르트 플랑베" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Salmon canapés" msgstr "연어 카나페" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Vegetable tart" msgstr "야채 타르트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Pork rillettes" msgstr "돼지고기 리예트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "Customers love our products" msgstr "고객이 사랑하는 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Heat-resistant" msgstr "내열" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=162: msgid "Get it delivered" msgstr "배달 주문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: msgid "A curated collection of cameras & accessories" msgstr "엄선한 카메라 및 액세서리 컬렉션" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: msgid "Brush up on cooking skills" msgstr "요리 실력 연마" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: msgid "Join hundreds of happy subscribers!" msgstr "수백 명의 행복한 구독자와 함께하세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: msgid "Latest episodes" msgstr "최신 에피소드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1213: msgid "What our customers are saying" msgstr "고객 의견" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1184: msgid "What Our Critics Are Saying" msgstr "비평가 의견" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "— Ray Cordova" msgstr "— Ray Cordova" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "If you're looking for a podcast that goes beyond surface-level conversations and dives deep into the heart of what it means to be human, this is it. It's a transformative experience that will broaden your horizons, challenge your perspectives, and remind you of the power of empathy. Prepare to be captivated, enlightened, and inspired." msgstr "표면적인 대화를 넘어 인간이 된다는 것이 무엇을 의미하는지 핵심을 파고드는 팟캐스트를 찾고 있다면 바로 이 팟캐스트입니다. 시야를 넓히고 관점에 도전하며 공감의 힘을 일깨워 주는 혁신적인 경험입니다. 마음을 사로잡고 깨달음을 얻고 영감을 받을 준비를 하십시오." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "— Tony Stork" msgstr "— Tony Stork" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "I cannot begin to express the positive impact this podcast has had on me. It has empowered me to step out of my comfort zone, pursue my dreams, and cultivate a mindset of growth and resilience. Through the stories shared on the show, I've learned that failure is not the end but rather a stepping stone to success." msgstr "이 팟캐스트가 저에게 끼친 긍정적인 영향은 말로 표현할 수 없을 정도입니다. 제가 안주하지 않고 꿈을 추구하며 성장과 회복력에 대한 사고방식을 함양하도록 힘을 실어주었습니다. 프로그램에서 공유한 이야기를 통해 실패는 끝이 아니라 성공의 디딤돌이라는 것을 알았습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6730: msgid "Contemporary ceramics, handmade in Australia." msgstr "호주의 수제 현대 도자기입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/artlydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/awburndemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/barnsbury23demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/bsojdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/cortadodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/covrdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/curriculumdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fewerdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fotogramademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/freddiedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/grammeronedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/issuedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/jinjangdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/kigendemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/lineupthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/loicdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/luminancedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/mphodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/negaidemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/nesteddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/optimismodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/organizerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/outlanddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/overlaiddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/peiraodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/pieriademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/podcastydemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/ronthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "." msgstr "." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/artlydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/awburndemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/barnsbury23demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/bsojdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/cortadodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/covrdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/curriculumdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fewerdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fotogramademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/freddiedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/grammeronedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/issuedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/jinjangdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/kigendemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/lineupthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/loicdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/luminancedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/mphodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/negaidemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/nesteddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/optimismodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/organizerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/outlanddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/overlaiddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/peiraodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/pieriademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/podcastydemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/ronthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "add another page" msgstr "다른 페이지 추가" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/artlydemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/assemblerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/awburndemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/barnsbury23demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/bsojdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/cortadodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/covrdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/creatiodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/curriculumdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fewerdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/fotogramademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/freddiedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/grammeronedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/issuedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/jinjangdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/kigendemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/lineupthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/loicdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: #: block-patterns/luminancedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/mphodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/negaidemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/nesteddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/optimismodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/organizerdemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/outlanddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/overlaiddemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/peiraodemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/pieriademo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/podcastydemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: #: block-patterns/ronthemedemo.wordpress.com/about-2/: msgid "This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your About or Contact information. Click the Edit link to make changes to this page or " msgstr "페이지 예시입니다. 발행되는 순서로 블로그의 전면 페이지에 표시되는 글과 달리 페이지는 내 정보 또는 연락처 정보처럼 시간과 관계없이 쉽게 액세스할 수 있게 하려는 더 영원한 콘텐츠에 더 적합합니다. 편집 링크를 클릭하여 이 페이지에 변경 사항을 적용하거나 " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/creatio2demo.wordpress.com/?page_id=63: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3681: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "No results found." msgstr "결과 없음." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "George Lois's legacy as a visual communicator is unmatched. His ability to create designs that resonate with audiences on a visceral level is a testament to his mastery of the craft. As we draw inspiration from his work, let us remember the importance of visual impact in our own creative endeavors, striving to create designs that not only catch the eye but also leave a lasting impression." msgstr "시각 전달자로서의 George Lois의 유산은 타의 추종을 불허합니다. 본능적인 수준에서 청중과 공감할 수 있는 디자인을 만드는 그의 능력은 공예에 대한 그의 숙련도를 입증합니다. 그의 작품에서 영감을 얻으면서, 우리 자신의 창의적인 노력에서 시각적 영향의 중요성을 기억하고, 시선을 사로잡을 뿐만 아니라 지속적인 인상을 남기는 디자인을 만들기 위해 노력합시다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "The Intersection of Art and Advertising: Lois blurred the lines between art and advertising, infusing his designs with artistic sensibilities. In this blog post, we delve into Lois's unique ability to bridge the gap between commercial work and artistic expression. We discuss how his fusion of art and advertising not only made his work visually appealing but also elevated the impact and significance of his designs." msgstr "예술과 광고의 교차점: 로이스는 예술과 광고의 경계를 허물고 자신의 디자인에 예술적 감성을 불어넣었습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 상업적 작업과 예술적 표현 사이의 격차를 해소하는 Lois의 고유한 능력을 살펴봅니다. 우리는 그의 예술과 광고의 융합이 어떻게 그의 작품을 시각적으로 매력적으로 만들었을 뿐만 아니라 디자인의 영향과 중요성을 높였는지 논의합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "Visual Metaphors: Communicating Beyond Words: One of Lois's greatest strengths was his ability to communicate complex ideas through visual metaphors. In this blog post, we explore how Lois used symbolism and metaphor to convey powerful messages in his designs. From his politically charged Esquire covers to his groundbreaking advertising campaigns, we uncover the deeper meanings behind Lois's visually captivating creations." msgstr "시각적 은유: 단어 이상의 의사소통: 로이스의 가장 큰 강점 중 하나는 시각적 은유를 통해 복잡한 아이디어를 전달하는 능력이었습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 Lois가 상징과 은유를 사용하여 디자인에 강력한 메시지를 전달하는 방법을 살펴봅니다. 그의 정치적인 책임이 있는 에스콰이어 커버부터 획기적인 광고 캠페인에 이르기까지, 우리는 로이스의 시각적으로 매혹적인 작품 뒤에 숨겨진 더 깊은 의미를 밝힙니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "Less is More: The Power of Simplicity: Lois believed in the power of simplicity, often stripping his designs down to their essential elements. In this blog post, we examine how Lois's minimalist approach allowed his work to cut through the clutter and capture attention. From his iconic MTV logo to his Esquire covers, we discover how Lois harnessed the power of simplicity to create lasting visual impact." msgstr "Less is More: 단순함의 힘: 로이스는 단순함의 힘을 믿었으며, 종종 자신의 디자인을 필수 요소로 빼앗았습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 Lois의 미니멀리즘 접근 방식이 어떻게 그의 작업이 혼란을 극복하고 시선을 사로잡을 수 있었는지 살펴봅니다. 상징적인 MTV 로고부터 에스콰이어 커버까지, 우리는 로이스가 단순함의 힘을 활용하여 지속적인 시각적 효과를 창출한 방법을 발견합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "George Lois was a visual genius who understood the power of impactful design. His ability to create visually striking and thought-provoking work set him apart as a true master of his craft. In this blog post, we delve into Lois's unique approach to visual communication and explore the lessons we can learn from his iconic designs." msgstr "George Lois는 임팩트 있는 디자인의 힘을 이해하는 시각적 천재였습니다. 시각적으로 눈에 띄고 생각을 자극하는 작품을 만드는 그의 능력은 그를 그의 기술의 진정한 마스터로 차별화했습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 시각적 커뮤니케이션에 대한 로이스의 독특한 접근 방식을 살펴보고 로이스의 상징적인 디자인에서 배울 수 있는 교훈을 살펴봅니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "George Lois's ability to create designs that resonate with audiences on a visceral level is a testament to his mastery of the craft." msgstr "George Lois가 본능적인 수준에서 청중과 공감할 수 있는 디자인을 만드는 능력은 그가 공예에 능숙하다는 증거입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "The Art of Visual Impact" msgstr "시각적 영향의 예술" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "As a Creative, your mission is not to sedate, but to awaken, to disturb, to communicate, to provoke." msgstr "크리에이티브로서 여러분의 임무는 진정시키는 것이 아니라 각성하고, 방해하고, 소통하고, 자극하는 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "Creating great work warms the heart and enriches the soul." msgstr "위대한 일을 창조하는 것은 마음을 따뜻하게 하고 영혼을 풍요롭게 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "George Lois's maverick mindset serves as an inspiration to all creatives. By embracing failure, fostering collaboration, and staying true to our authentic selves, we can unlock our creative potential and make a meaningful impact. As we reflect on Lois's legacy, let us strive to adopt his mindset of fearlessness, innovation, and purpose in our own creative journeys." msgstr "George Lois의 매버릭 마인드는 모든 크리에이티브에게 영감을 줍니다. 실패를 받아들이고, 협업을 촉진하고, 진정한 자아에 충실함으로써 우리는 창의적인 잠재력을 발휘하고 의미 있는 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 로이스의 유산을 되돌아보면서, 우리 자신의 창조적 여정에서 두려움, 혁신 및 목적에 대한 그의 사고 방식을 채택하기 위해 노력합시다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Authenticity and Purpose: One of the hallmarks of George Lois's work was its authenticity and sense of purpose. In this blog post, we delve into how Lois infused his designs with a strong sense of purpose, aligning his work with his personal values and beliefs. We explore how authenticity can drive creative endeavors and resonate with audiences on a deeper level, inspiring them to take action." msgstr "진정성과 목적: George Lois의 작품의 특징 중 하나는 진정성과 목적의식이었습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 Lois가 자신의 개인적 가치와 신념에 맞춰 자신의 디자인에 강한 목적 의식을 불어 넣은 방법을 탐구합니다. 우리는 진정성이 어떻게 창의적인 노력을 유도하고 더 깊은 수준에서 청중과 공감하며 행동을 취하도록 영감을 줄 수 있는지 탐구합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Unleashing the Power of Collaboration: Lois recognized the power of collaboration and the magic that can unfold when different creative minds come together. In this blog post, we explore how Lois fostered a culture of collaboration, working with talented writers, artists, and photographers to bring his ideas to life. We discuss the benefits of collaborative thinking and how it can lead to innovative and groundbreaking work." msgstr "협업의 힘 발산: 로이스는 서로 다른 창의적인 마음이 모였을 때 협업의 힘과 펼쳐질 수 있는 마법을 알아차렸습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 Lois가 어떻게 자신의 아이디어를 실현하기 위해 재능 있는 작가, 예술가 및 사진작가와 협력하여 협업 문화를 육성했는지 알아봅니다. 우리는 협업적 사고의 이점과 그것이 혁신적이고 획기적인 작업으로 이어질 수 있는 방법에 대해 논의합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success: Lois understood that failure is an integral part of the creative process. In this blog post, we discuss how Lois embraced failure as an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine his ideas. We explore how he encouraged risk-taking and the importance of adopting a mindset that sees failures as valuable stepping stones on the path to success." msgstr "실패를 성공의 디딤돌로 받아들이기: Lois는 실패가 창작 과정의 필수적인 부분임을 이해했습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 Lois가 실패를 어떻게 자신의 아이디어를 배우고, 성장하고, 다듬을 수 있는 기회로 받아들였는지에 대해 논의합니다. 우리는 그가 어떻게 위험을 감수하도록 장려했는지, 실패를 성공의 길에서 가치 있는 디딤돌로 여기는 사고 방식을 채택하는 것의 중요성을 탐구합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "George Lois was a true maverick, defying conventions and embracing a mindset that pushed the boundaries of creativity. In this blog post, we delve into the mindset that made Lois such a revolutionary figure, exploring the key principles and attitudes that fueled his success." msgstr "George Lois는 관습을 무시하고 창의성의 한계를 뛰어넘는 사고 방식을 수용하는 진정한 매버릭이었습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 로이스의 성공을 이끈 핵심 원칙과 태도를 탐구하면서 로이스를 혁명적인 인물로 만든 마음가짐에 대해 알아봅니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/lineup.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/pieria.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=174: msgid "Biography" msgstr "인물 소개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "the key principles and attitudes that fueled George Lois' success" msgstr "George Lois의 성공을 이끈 핵심 원칙과 태도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "The Maverick Mindset" msgstr "매버릭 마인드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "Better to have your work
seen and remembered, or you've struck out." msgstr "작품을 보고 기억하는 것이 더 낫습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "Better to be bold than safe. Reckless than careful." msgstr "안전한 것보다 대담한 것이 낫습니다. 조심스럽기는커녕 무모하다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "biography" msgstr "일대기 " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "Conclusion: George Lois's influence on the creative industry is immeasurable. His boldness, fearlessness, and unconventional thinking continue to inspire and challenge us to this day. As we reflect on his incredible legacy, let us embrace his spirit of creativity and innovation, remembering that true greatness lies in being daring, unconventional, and unapologetically creative." msgstr "결론: 창조 산업에 대한 George Lois의 영향력은 헤아릴 수 없습니다. 그의 대담함, 대담함, 독창적인 사고는 오늘날까지도 우리에게 영감을 주고 도전하고 있습니다. 그의 놀라운 유산을 되돌아보면서, 그의 창의성과 혁신 정신을 포용하고, 진정한 위대함은 대담하고, 독창적이며, 변함없이 창의적이라는 것을 기억합시다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "Fearlessness and Creative Courage: One of the most remarkable aspects of George Lois's career was his fearlessness and unwavering creative courage. He famously stated, \"I don't give a damn about rules.\" In this blog post, we delve into Lois's audacious approach to creativity, discussing how his willingness to take risks and embrace the unknown led to some of his most groundbreaking work. We explore the importance of stepping outside our comfort zones and embracing the unknown in order to unlock our true creative potential." msgstr "두려움 없는 창의적인 용기: George Lois의 커리어에서 가장 놀라운 측면 중 하나는 두려움 없는 창의적인 용기였습니다. 그는 \"나는 규칙에 대해 망설이지 않는다.\" 이 블로그 게시물에서는 Lois의 창의성에 대한 대담한 접근 방식을 살펴보고 위험을 감수하고 알려지지 않은 것을 포용하려는 의지가 어떻게 그의 가장 획기적인 작업으로 이어졌는지에 대해 논의합니다. 우리는 진정한 창조적 잠재력을 발휘하기 위해 편안함을 벗어나 미지의 세계를 포용하는 것의 중요성을 탐구합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "The Art of Storytelling: Lois was a master storyteller, using his creativity to craft compelling narratives that resonated with people on a deep level. In this blog post, we examine Lois's storytelling techniques and how he effectively conveyed messages through his work. From his iconic Esquire magazine covers to his unforgettable ad campaigns, Lois demonstrated the power of storytelling in capturing attention and inspiring action." msgstr "스토리텔링의 기술: 로이스는 뛰어난 스토리텔러였으며, 창의력을 발휘하여 깊은 차원에서 사람들의 공감을 불러일으키는 설득력 있는 이야기를 만들어 냈습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 Lois의 스토리텔링 기법과 그가 작업을 통해 메시지를 효과적으로 전달하는 방법을 살펴봅니다. 그의 상징적인 에스콰이어 잡지 표지부터 잊을 수 없는 광고 캠페인에 이르기까지, 로이스는 관심과 영감을 주는 행동을 포착하는 데 있어 스토리텔링의 힘을 보여주었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "The Power of Unconventional Thinking: George Lois was never one to shy away from pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking. He believed that true innovation comes from breaking free from the chains of conformity. In this blog post, we explore how Lois challenged the status quo in the advertising industry, introducing bold and disruptive campaigns that captivated audiences and revolutionized the way we perceive marketing." msgstr "비전통적 사고의 힘: George Lois는 결코 전통적인 사고의 한계를 뛰어넘는 것을 피할 수 없었습니다. 그는 진정한 혁신은 순응의 사슬에서 벗어나는 데서 온다고 믿었습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 Lois가 광고 업계의 현상 유지에 어떻게 도전했는지 살펴보고, 대담하고 파괴적인 캠페인을 도입하여 시청자를 사로잡고 마케팅을 인식하는 방식에 혁명을 일으켰습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "George Lois, a name that echoes throughout the advertising industry, is celebrated as one of the most influential creative figures of our time. With a career spanning several decades, Lois has left an indelible mark on the world of advertising, design, and creative thinking. In this blog post, we delve into the life and legacy of this incredible figure, exploring his groundbreaking ideas and fearless approach to creativity." msgstr "광고 업계 전반에 울려 퍼지는 이름인 George Lois (George Lois) 는 우리 시대 가장 영향력 있는 창조적 인물 중 한 명으로 유명합니다. 수십 년에 걸친 경력으로 Lois는 광고, 디자인 및 창의적 사고의 세계에 지울 수 없는 흔적을 남겼습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 그의 획기적인 아이디어와 창의성에 대한 두려움 없는 접근 방식을 탐구하면서 이 놀라운 인물의 삶과 유산을 탐구합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "George Lois, is celebrated as one of the most influential creative figures of our time." msgstr "George Lois는 우리 시대의 가장 영향력 있는 창조적 인물 중 한 명으로 유명합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "A Mastermind of Advertising and Innovation" msgstr "광고와 혁신의 주모자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "Creativity" msgstr "창의성" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: #: block-patterns/mehr.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "creativity" msgstr "창 의 력" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "My concern has always been with creating images that catch people's eyes, penetrate their minds, warm their hearts, and cause them to act. And additionally, I have always understood that truly great graphic
and verbal communication reflects and adapts to the culture,
anticipates the culture, criticizes changes in the culture, and helps to change the culture." msgstr "|||UNTRANSLATED_CONTENT_START|||My concern has always been with creating images that catch people's eyes, penetrate their minds, warm their hearts, and cause them to act. And additionally, I have always understood that truly great graphic
and verbal communication reflects and adapts to the culture,
anticipates the culture, criticizes changes in the culture, and helps to change the culture.|||UNTRANSLATED_CONTENT_END|||" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "When that idea is dramatized by a unique image in synergy with words that memorably communicate in a nanosecond, there is always an immediate intellectual and visceral human response." msgstr "그 아이디어가 나노 초 단위로 기억에 남을 정도로 소통하는 단어와 시너지 효과를 내는 독특한 이미지로 극화될 때, 항상 즉각적인 지적, 내장적 인간의 반응이 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "I have always understood that when an original idea springs out of a communicator's head and intuitions, the mystical blending, or even juxtaposition of concept, copy, and art, can lead to magic where one and one can indeed be three." msgstr "나는 의사소통자의 머리와 직관에서 독창적인 아이디어가 솟아날 때, 신비로운 혼합 또는 개념, 사본 및 예술의 병치로 인해 실제로 하나와 하나가 세 개가 될 수 있는 마법으로 이어질 수 있다는 것을 항상 이해해 왔습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "When I was 15 years old Paul Rand showed me that with talent, conviction, and courage you can change the World. I never regarded myself as a designer. I am a graphic communicator because I create big ideas, not designs." msgstr "제가 15살 때 폴 랜드는 재능과 신념, 용기로 세상을 바꿀 수 있다는 것을 보여주었습니다. 나는 스스로를 디자이너라고 생각해본 적이 없다. 저는 디자인이 아닌 큰 아이디어를 만들기 때문에 그래픽 커뮤니케이터입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: msgid "In the act of creativity being careful guarantees sameness and mediocrity." msgstr "창의력을 발휘하여 신중하게 행동하는 것은 동일성과 평범함을 보장합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/?p=5: msgid "You can be cautious or be creative. There's no Cautious Creative." msgstr "신중하거나 창의적일 수 있습니다. 신중한 크리에이티브는 없습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=171: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1323: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1565: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3237: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: msgid "Display a list of recordings so your visitors can find them all in one place." msgstr "기록 목록을 방문자가 모두 한곳에서 찾을 수 있도록 표시합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1104: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7161: msgid "Highlight important quotations." msgstr "중요한 인용문을 강조 표시합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7161: msgid "Share reviews and feedback about your brand or business." msgstr "브랜드 또는 비즈니스에 대한 리뷰와 피드백을 공유합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Add essential patterns to start building your site." msgstr "사이트 구축을 시작할 필수 패턴을 추가합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3287: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3296: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3305: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4180: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5805: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5811: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5816: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5820: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5822: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5833: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5837: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5842: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5844: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5851: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5856: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5869: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8367: msgid "Share curated links to all your sites and social media profiles." msgstr "선별한 링크를 모든 사이트와 소셜 미디어 프로필에 공유합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5873: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5877: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5883: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5888: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7485: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: msgid "Display important links and contact information." msgstr "중요한 링크와 연락처 정보를 표시합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=181: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=183: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=55: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=104: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1100: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11964: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1323: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1460: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1580: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1638: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1647: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1719: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1876: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3237: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5274: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5625: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5672: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6730: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7159: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Add a section to encourage your visitors to take some action." msgstr "방문자에게 조처를 장려하는 섹션을 추가합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=193: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=225: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=229: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=39: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10429: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12042: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=125: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1597: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1600: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1660: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=462: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5666: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6739: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7135: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=789: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=931: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=938: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: msgid "Create, format, and style your writing." msgstr "작품을 생성하고, 형식과 스타일을 지정합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-centered-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-left-aligned-sign-up-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-form-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-sign-up-with-image-on-the-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/newsletter-subscription-with-background-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10314: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1046: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11987: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12231: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1779: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5672: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5966: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6034: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6044: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7584: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7587: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7597: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7600: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7608: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7612: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7616: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7619: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7710: msgid "Add a subscription block to your profile so your visitors can get your latest posts in their inboxes." msgstr "프로필에 구독 블록을 추가하여 방문자들이 최신 글을 이메일로 받아볼 수 있게 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=193: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-15/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-centered-heading-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-left-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-right-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-content-with-grid-of-images-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-fullwidth-image-content-pull-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-and-content-with-large-image-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-button-and-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-heading-with-two-media-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-large-heading-with-content-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-left-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-page/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-pull-left-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-three-columns-with-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-two-column-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-four-image-grid-content-on-the-right-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-image-right-and-content-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-right-aligned-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-spread-right-heavy-text/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/intro-tall-content-with-image-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/about-page-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-avatar-on-left-header-on-right-with-sub-header-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/circular-image-on-right-with-large-border-header-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/intro-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/header-with-a-pragraph-and-stats/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/about-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/our-team/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/project-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team-members/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/team/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/about-with-heading-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/about-data/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1123: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12004: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12762: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12774: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12780: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=13218: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2085: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=285: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3255: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3282: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3342: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3353: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3369: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3658: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=484: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5158: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5330: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5663: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5680: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5764: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=778: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7814: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=817: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=938: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=948: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Introduce yourself or your brand to visitors." msgstr "자신이나 자신의 브랜드를 방문자에게 소개합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=195: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=237: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=30: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-four-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-alternate/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-grid-of-text-features/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-six-text-sections/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-heading-with-three-columns-of-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-headings-left-content-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-of-headings-images-and-links/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-columns-with-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-columns-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/services-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10429: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12795: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12812: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1381: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1464: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3392: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4133: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5330: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7146: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Briefly describe what your business does." msgstr "어떤 일을 하는 비즈니스인지 간략히 설명합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/about-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-alternate-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-fullwidth-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-info-with-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-left-form-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact-tall-image-with-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-of-contact-information/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/30/contact-page-with-map-and-contact-form/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/31/contact-form-and-map/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10398: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1053: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11983: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12064: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12865: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12870: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12874: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1394: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1397: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1400: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1448: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1580: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=194: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2990: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3033: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3034: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3227: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5634: msgid "Display your personal or business details so your visitors can get in touch." msgstr "방문자가 연락할 수 있도록 자신이나 비즈니스의 연락처 정보를 표시합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-three-media-columns-and-button/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-two-media-columns-and-buttons/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-four-products-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-fullwidth-background-image-with-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product-with-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-single-product/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-product-categories-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store-three-products-with-image-and-price/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/store/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/store-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/store-single-product-with-image-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-four-products-with-a-heading-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-product-cateogry-feature/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/store-three-products-with-an-offset-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/store-product-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-description-and-product-categories/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/stre-featured-category/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12028: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12126: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12132: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12140: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12946: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3862: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4348: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4393: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4670: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4675: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4677: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4686: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4688: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4691: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5286: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5716: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: msgid "Sell products or services directly from your site." msgstr "상품이나 서비스를 사이트에서 직접 판매합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=183: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=195: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=207: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=227: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=231: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=39: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=58: #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=64: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/centered-heading-with-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-grid-of-square-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-fullwidth-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-left/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-large-image-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-offset-grid-of-three-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-description-and-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-heading-with-offset-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-page-large-intro-with-masonry-grid-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-three-column-masonry-grid/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-two-columns-with-text-and-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/gallery-wide-image/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/heading-with-rows-of-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/offset-gallery-with-captions/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-column-gallery-grid-with-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/two-images-and-content/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/26/gallery-page-3-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-four-columns-with-a-heading/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery-slider/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/gallery/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/gallery-three-images-with-description/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=104: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1138: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12190: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12221: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12276: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12301: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1349: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1352: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1355: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1361: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1368: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1593: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1603: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1647: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1826: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1949: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=285: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3099: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3157: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3810: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3819: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3835: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3856: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3867: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3928: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=395: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=40: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5158: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5280: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5294: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5306: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5637: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5697: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5710: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=678: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7143: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7149: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=737: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=857: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=88: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=948: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=94: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=967: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9757: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9766: msgid "Display photography, design, illustration, and other visual media." msgstr "사진, 디자인, 일러스트를 비롯한 시각적 미디어를 표시합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3755: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3759: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3763: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3768: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=824: msgid "Build anticipation for an upcoming product or service." msgstr "예정된 상품 또는 서비스에 대한 기대를 형성합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/blog-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-cover-image-with-overlay/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-four-column/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-below/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-grid-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-heading-with-post-list-on-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-large-heading-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/posts-list-of-posts/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/blog-posts-3/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-4/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/blog-posts-heading-and-list-of-posts-on-the-right/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-5/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/blog-posts-6/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/blog-posts-7/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12216: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12224: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12226: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12346: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12879: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12886: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12892: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1784: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3213: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3395: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3681: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3685: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4255: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5645: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "Highlight your updates and latest articles." msgstr "업데이트와 최신 글을 강조 표시합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1358: msgid "Tiled Gallery" msgstr "바둑판식 갤러리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=285: msgid "Side-by-side" msgstr "나란히" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3287: msgid "Link in Bio: Mono" msgstr "프로필 링크: 모노" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3819: msgid "Grid Gallery" msgstr "그리드 갤러리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3832: msgid "Side-by-Side" msgstr "나란히" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3835: msgid "Image Portfolio" msgstr "이미지 포트폴리오" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3923: msgid "Artfolio Detail" msgstr "아트폴리오 상세 정보" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3928: msgid "Sketchbook" msgstr "스케치북" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3803: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3851: msgid "Project Detail" msgstr "프로젝트 상세 정보" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5805: msgid "Link in Bio: Pastels" msgstr "프로필 링크: 파스텔 색조" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5864: msgid "Link in Bio: Cloud" msgstr "프로필 링크: 구름" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5851: msgid "Link in Bio: Big Picture" msgstr "프로필 링크: 큰 사진" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5844: msgid "Link in Bio: Mesh" msgstr "프로필 링크: 그물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5842: msgid "Link in Bio: Bold Purple" msgstr "프로필 링크: 선명한 자주색" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5837: msgid "Link in Bio: Dark" msgstr "프로필 링크: 어둡게" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5822: msgid "Link in Bio: Contours" msgstr "프로필 링크: 윤곽선" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5820: msgid "Link in Bio: Backdrop" msgstr "프로필 링크: 배경" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5811: msgid "Link in Bio: Subtle Patterns" msgstr "프로필 링크: 미묘한 패턴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5816: msgid "Link in Bio: Gradients" msgstr "프로필 링크: 그라디언트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5833: msgid "Link in Bio: Audio Embed" msgstr "프로필 링크: 오디오 임베드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "Link in Bio: Synthwave" msgstr "프로필 링크: 신스웨이브" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "Link in Bio: Retro Pink" msgstr "프로필 링크: 레트로 핑크" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "Link in Bio: Floral" msgstr "프로필 링크: 꽃무늬" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Link in Bio: Painting" msgstr "프로필 링크: 그림" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8367: msgid "Link in Bio: Anime" msgstr "프로필 링크: 애니메이션" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "$100" msgstr "$100" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "FREE" msgstr "무료" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "" msgstr "" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10502: msgid "Brand logos" msgstr "브랜드 로고" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid " $75" msgstr " $75" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "Teams" msgstr "" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "Solo (Recommended)" msgstr "Solo(권장)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: msgid "Good for trying out, or the occasional design project." msgstr "체험 또는 특별한 경우의 디자인 프로젝트에 좋습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "Advanced support" msgstr "고급 지원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "One project per month" msgstr "한 달에 하나의 프로젝트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "Regular updates" msgstr "정기 업데이트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: msgid "Pricing with three options and background" msgstr "세 가지 옵션과 배경으로 가격 책정" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "Do you offer free returns?" msgstr "무료 반품을 제공하시나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "We gathered the answers to some popular questions below. If you can't find your question below feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to help." msgstr "아래에 일부 일반적인 질문을 모아놓았습니다. 아래에서 질문을 찾을 수 없으면 언제든지 문의해 주세요. 기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "FAQ with three columns" msgstr "열 3개의 FAQ" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "$97 - Book now!" msgstr "$97 - 지금 예약하세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "✓ Leveling, filling and stacking your cake." msgstr "✓ 케이크의 수평을 맞추고, 채우고, 쌓으세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: msgid "Testimonial" msgstr "추천 글" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12484: msgid "Product Designer" msgstr "프로덕트 디자이너" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "✓ Delicious icing recipe." msgstr "✓ 맛있는 당의 레시피입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "✓ Tips for baking a perfect cake." msgstr "✓ 완벽한 케이크를 만드는 팁입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "In this live online class, you'll learn:" msgstr "이 라이브 온라인 수업 과목은 다음과 같습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "Impress your friends and family with a delicious homemade creation at your next special occasion!" msgstr "다음 특별한 날에 집에서 만든 맛있는 요리로 친구와 가족에게 깊은 인상을 남기세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10215: msgid "Payment block" msgstr "결제 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "$29 - Buy now" msgstr "$29 - 지금 구매" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10228: msgid "Three products with buy buttons" msgstr "구매 버튼이 있는 세 가지 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: msgid "Two products with buy button" msgstr "구매 버튼이 있는 두 가지 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: msgid "- Tony Stork, CEO & Founder" msgstr "- Tony Stork, CEO 겸 설립자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10262: msgid "\"This software has completely transformed the way I work.\"" msgstr "\"이 소프트웨어는 제가 작업하는 방식을 완전히 바꾸어 놓았습니다.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: msgid "- Tony Stork, Business Owner" msgstr "- Tony Stork, 비즈니스 소유자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: msgid "\"Easily the best newsletter in my inbox! The insights and advice from the experts have been invaluable in helping me navigate the challenges of running an online business.\"" msgstr "\"쉽게 내 받은 편지함으로 들어오는 최고의 뉴스레터입니다! 전문가의 인사이트와 조언은 제가 온라인 비즈니스 운영의 어려움을 헤쳐나가는 데 매우 중요했습니다.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Tea" msgstr "차" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: msgid "A newsletter for savvy business owners " msgstr "경험이 풍부한 비즈니스 소유자를 위한 뉴스레터 " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Home-smoked bacon and onions." msgstr "집에서 훈제한 베이컨과 양파입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "Smoked Salmon, fresh dill and capers." msgstr "훈제 연어, 신선한 딜과 케이퍼입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "With seasonal vegetables." msgstr "제철 야채를 곁들입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "With quick pickle of dried apricots." msgstr "말린 살구의 속성 피클을 곁들입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Banana, strawberry, mango." msgstr "바나나, 딸기, 망고입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Fruit smoothie" msgstr "과일 스무디" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry." msgstr "바닐라, 초콜릿 또는 딸기입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Milkshakes" msgstr "밀크쉐이크" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "English, earl grey, green." msgstr "잉글리시, 얼그레이, 그린입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Matcha Latte" msgstr "말차 라테" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Add soy, almond, or oat milk." msgstr "콩, 아몬드 또는 귀리 우유를 추가합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Cappuccino" msgstr "카푸치노" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "With feta, tomatoes, basil and garlic." msgstr "페타, 토마토, 바질 및 마늘을 곁들입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Bruschetta" msgstr "브루스케타" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "With side of spicy buffalo sauce." msgstr "매콤한 버팔로 소스를 곁들입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Fried calamari" msgstr "튀긴 오징어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Bread salad with basil and tomatoes." msgstr "바질과 토마토를 곁들인 빵 샐러드입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Panzanella" msgstr "판자넬라" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Salami, cheese, olives, crackers." msgstr "살라미 소시지, 치즈, 올리브, 크래커입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Charcuterie board" msgstr "샤퀴테리 보드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "Appetizers" msgstr "애피타이저" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Spray tan" msgstr "스프레이 태닝" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Sauna" msgstr "사우나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Massage" msgstr "마사지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Body scrub" msgstr "바디 스크럽" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Hair removal" msgstr "제모" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Pedicure" msgstr "페디큐어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Manicure" msgstr "매니큐어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Facial" msgstr "얼굴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10375: msgid "Full price list" msgstr "전체 가격 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Specialized cleaning" msgstr "전문 청소" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Commercial cleaning" msgstr "상가 청소" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Residential cleaning" msgstr "주거 청소" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10381: msgid "Services - two columns" msgstr "서비스 - 열 2개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10389: msgid "Contact with image on the right" msgstr "오른쪽에 이미지가 있는 연락처" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10398: msgid "Contact with image on the left" msgstr "왼쪽에 이미지가 있는 연락처" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10403: msgid "We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a line below and we'll do our best to get back to you within one business day." msgstr "자유롭게 의견을 보내주세요! 아래에 한 줄을 남겨주시면 영업일 기준 1일 이내에 연락드리도록 최선을 다하겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: msgid "Visit our store" msgstr "스토어 방문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: msgid "Contact with map on the left" msgstr "왼쪽에 지도가 있는 연락처" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10425: msgid "\"This software has completely transformed the way we work.\"" msgstr "\"이 소프트웨어는 저희가 작업하는 방식을 완전히 바꾸어 놓았습니다.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10429: msgid "FAQ - two columns" msgstr "FAQ - 열 2개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10429: msgid "Frequenty Asked Questions" msgstr "FAQ" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10413: msgid "Monday - Friday
10am - 6pm" msgstr "월요일~금요일
오전 10시~오후 6시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10419: msgid "Testimonial with image on the left" msgstr "왼쪽에 이미지가 있는 추천사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: msgid "Latest news, trends, and insights on entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, and more, straight to your inbox." msgstr "기업가 정신, 마케팅, 재무 등에 대한 최신 뉴스, 트렌드 및 인사이트를 받은 편지함으로 바로 받아보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: msgid "A weekly newsletter for business owners " msgstr "비즈니스 소유자를 위한 주간 뉴스레터 " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10273: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10278: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11998: msgid "Newsletter signup" msgstr "뉴스레터 신청" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Various seasonal flavors of Italy’s answer to ice cream." msgstr "아이스크림에 대응하는 이탈리아의 다양한 제철 맛입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Gelato" msgstr "젤라또" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "$18" msgstr "$18" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Chocolate cake, toasted almonds, and espresso custard." msgstr "초콜릿 케이크, 구운 아몬드, 에스프레소 커스터드입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Torta Caprese" msgstr "토르타 카프레제" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Ladyfingers dipped in coffee, layered with custard and mascarpone." msgstr "커스터드와 마스카르포네를 얹고 커피에 담근 레이디핑거입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: msgid "Tiramisu" msgstr "티라미수" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: msgid "Can I return an item free of charge?" msgstr "아이템을 무료로 반품할 수 있나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "Where do you ship from?" msgstr "어디에서 배송하나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10175: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10198: msgid "Do you ship internationally?" msgstr "해외로 배송되나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: msgid "We gathered the answers to some popular questions below.
If you can't find your question below feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to help." msgstr "아래에 일부 일반적인 질문을 모아놓았습니다.
아래에서 질문을 찾을 수 없으면 언제든지 문의해 주세요. 기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10195: msgid "FAQ with two columns" msgstr "열 2개의 FAQ" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10437: msgid "Product features with two images" msgstr "두 개의 이미지가 있는 상품 특징" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12076: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7153: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7156: msgid "Learn more" msgstr "더 알아보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=12103: msgid "Learn more" msgstr "더 알아보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: msgid "Product features" msgstr "상품 특징" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Connect with your favorite apps and services for optimized workflow." msgstr "최적화된 워크플로우를 위해 즐겨 찾는 앱 및 서비스와 연결하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10265: msgid "Join hundreds of happy subscribers!" msgstr "수백 명의 행복한 구독자와 함께하세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Gain valuable insights into your data and make informed decisions." msgstr "데이터에 대한 귀중한 인사이트를 얻고 정보에 따라 결정하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Analytics" msgstr "분석" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Easily keep track of projects and tasks with customizable dashboards." msgstr "사용자 정의 가능한 알림판을 통해 프로젝트와 작업을 쉽게 추적하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Intuitive UI" msgstr "직관적인 UI" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Streamline your business operations effortlessly with our software." msgstr "당사의 소프트웨어로 손쉽게 비즈니스 운영을 간소화하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10449: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Automation" msgstr "자동화" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Create custom dashboards with your key metrics." msgstr "주요 지표로 사용자 정의 알림판을 생성하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Customizable dashboard" msgstr "사용자 정의 가능한 알림판" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Adjust your strategies on the fly with informed decisions." msgstr "정보에 입각한 의사결정을 통해 즉석에서 전략을 조정하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Real-time analytics" msgstr "실시간 분석" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Free up your team's time by automating tasks." msgstr "작업을 자동화하여 팀의 여유 시간을 확보하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: msgid "Automated workflow" msgstr "자동화된 워크플로우" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10443: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10453: msgid "Product features with image on the right" msgstr "오른쪽에 이미지가 있는 상품 특징" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10465: msgid "Header with video background" msgstr "비디오 배경이 있는 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: msgid "Success requires a strong will and unwavering commitment to putting in the required effort." msgstr "성공하려면 필요한 노력을 기울이려는 강한 의지와 굳건한 헌신이 필요합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: msgid "Make your mark" msgstr "성공하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10469: msgid "Heading and video" msgstr "헤딩요소와 비디오" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "Check out my latest videos" msgstr "내 최신 비디오 확인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "Three videos" msgstr "세 가지 비디오" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10476: msgid "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/nGYGC6cxRlQ\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://youtu.be/nGYGC6cxRlQ\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: msgid "Adding video to your website can significantly improve engagement, increase conversions, and leave a lasting impression on your audience." msgstr "웹사이트에 비디오를 추가하면 참여도를 현저히 개선하고 전환율을 높이며 잠재 고객에게 깊은 인상을 남길 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: msgid "Stand out from the crowd" msgstr "군중 속에서 돋보이기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10473: msgid "Heading and video on the right" msgstr "오른쪽의 헤딩요소와 비디오" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Refund policy: Free to cancel up to 24h before the class." msgstr "환불 정책: 수업 24시간 전까지 무료로 취소할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Reserve your spot!" msgstr "자리를 예약하세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Discover your inner artist and have a blast with our fun and relaxing paint and sip class!" msgstr "내면의 예술가를 발견하고 재미있고 편안한 채색 및 음미 수업을 즐기세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Paint and sip class" msgstr "채색 및 음미 수업" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "Consultant" msgstr "컨설턴트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10236: msgid "Product with price and buy button" msgstr "가격 및 구매 버튼이 있는 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Leo Wood" msgstr "Leo Wood" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "CEO, Founder" msgstr "CEO, 설립자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Tony Stork" msgstr "Tony Stork" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "UX Manager" msgstr "UX 관리자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Ray Cordova" msgstr "Ray Cordova" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "I've been using this software for several months now and it has completely transformed the way I work. It's user-friendly and has all the features I need to manage my business efficiently." msgstr "저는 몇 달 동안 이 소프트웨어를 사용했으며 이 소프트웨어는 제가 작업하는 방식을 완전히 바꾸어 놓았습니다. 사용자 친화적이고 비즈니스를 효율적으로 관리하는 데 필요한 모든 기능이 제공됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10238: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "★★★★★" msgstr "★★★★★" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: msgid "Great customer service is the heart of our business. Hear from our happy customers who kindly shared their opinion." msgstr "훌륭한 고객 서비스는 저희 비즈니스의 핵심입니다. 친절하게 의견을 공유한 행복한 고객들의 이야기를 들어보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Our customers love our products" msgstr "고객이 사랑하는 상품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10246: msgid "I was hesitant to switch to a new software platform, but I'm so glad I did. This software has exceeded all my expectations. It's intuitive and easy to use, even for someone who isn't tech-savvy." msgstr "새로운 소프트웨어 플랫폼으로 전환하는 것을 주저했는데 해내서 매우 기쁩니다. 이 소프트웨어는 저의 모든 기대치를 넘어섰습니다. 직관적이며 기술을 잘 모르는 사람도 사용하기 쉽습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "✓ Advanced support" msgstr "✓ 고급 지원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "✗ Advanced support" msgstr "✗ 고급 지원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "✓ One project per month" msgstr "✓ 한 달에 하나의 프로젝트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "✓ Regular updates" msgstr "✓ 정기 업데이트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "/month" msgstr "/월" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: msgid "Pricing with two options" msgstr "두 가지 옵션으로 가격 책정" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10250: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10258: msgid "Three testimonials side by side" msgstr "나란히 배치된 추천 글 3개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Where your data is sent" msgstr "데이터가 보내지는 곳" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 자동화된 스팸 감지 서비스를 통해 방문자 댓글을 점검할 수도 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 이 사이트에 계정이 있거나 댓글을 남긴 경우 회원님이 당사에 제공한 모든 데이터를 포함하여 당사가 보유하는 회원님에 대한 개인 데이터의 내보낸 파일을 요청하여 받으실 수 있습니다. 당사가 보유하는 회원님에 대한 개인 데이터를 삭제하도록 요청하실 수도 있습니다. 관리, 법률 또는 보안 목적으로 보관해야 하는 데이터는 포함되지 않습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "What rights you have over your data" msgstr "데이터에 관해 갖는 권리의 종류" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information." msgstr "웹사이트에 등록한 사용자에 대해, 사용자 프로필에 제공한 개인정보도 저장합니다. 모든 사용자는 언제든 자신의 개인정보를 보고, 편집하거나, 지울 수 있습니다(사용자명은 바꿀 수 없습니다). 웹사이트 관리자는 그 정보를 보고 편집할 수도 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 댓글을 남기면 댓글과 해당 메타데이터가 무기한 보존됩니다. 그러면 후속 댓글을 중재 대기열에 보관하지 않고 자동으로 인식하고 승인할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Who we share your data with" msgstr "누구와 함께 자료를 공유하나요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "How long we retain your data" msgstr "데이터를 보존하는 기간" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website." msgstr "이 웹사이트는 계정을 가지고 있고 그 웹사이트에 로그인했다면 자신에 대한 자료를 수집하고, 쿠키를 사용하며, 추가 타사 추적을 임베드하고, 임베드한 콘텐츠와 상호작용하는 추적을 포함하는 임베드 콘텐츠와 상호작용을 모니터할 수도 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 비밀번호 초기화를 요청하면 초기화 이메일에 IP 주소가 포함됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 이 사이트의 글에는 임베드한 콘텐츠(예: 비디오, 이미지, 글 등)가 포함될 수 있습니다. 임베드한 다른 웹사이트의 콘텐츠는 방문자가 다른 웹사이트를 방문한 것처럼 똑같은 방식으로 작동합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Embedded content from other websites" msgstr "다른 웹사이트에서 임베드한 콘텐츠" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day." msgstr "게시물을 편집하거나 발행하면, 추가 쿠키를 브라우저에 저장할 것입니다. 이 쿠키는 개인정보를 포함하지 않고 단순히 방금 편집한 게시물의 글 ID만 지시합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select \"Remember Me\", your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed." msgstr "로그인하면 로그인 정보와 화면 표시 선택 사항을 저장하는 여러 가지 쿠키도 설정됩니다. 로그인 쿠키는 이틀 동안 지속되고, 화면 옵션 쿠키는 1년 동안 지속됩니다. \"기억하기\"를 선택하면 로그인이 2주 동안 유지됩니다. 계정에서 로그아웃하면 로그인 쿠키가 제거됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser." msgstr "로그인 페이지를 방문하면, 브라우저가 쿠키를 수용하는지 임시 쿠키를 만들 것입니다. 이 쿠키는 개인정보를 포함하지 않고 브라우저를 닫으면 취소합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 당사 사이트에서 댓글을 남기면 회원님의 이름, 이메일 주소 및 웹사이트를 쿠키에 저장하도록 선택할 수 있습니다. 이는 다른 댓글을 남길 때 다시 상세 정보를 입력하지 않아도 되는 편의를 위한 조처입니다. 이러한 쿠키는 1년 동안 지속됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=163: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Cookies" msgstr "쿠키" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 웹사이트에 이미지를 업로드하는 경우 임베드한 위치 데이터(EXIF GPS)가 포함된 이미지는 업로드하지 말아야 합니다. 웹사이트 방문자가 웹사이트의 이미지에서 위치 데이터를 다운로드하고 추출할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment." msgstr "이메일에서 생성된 익명화된 문자열(해시로 불리기도 함)이 그라바타 서비스에 제공될 수도 있습니다. 사용하고 있는지 확인하기 위해서 입니다. 그라바타 서비스의 개인정보 처리방침은 다음에서 볼 수 있습니다: https://automattic.com/privacy/. 댓글 승인 후 프로필 사진이 댓글 문맥에 공개로 보이게 됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/gateau.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 방문자가 사이트에서 댓글을 남기면 스팸 감지에 도움이 되도록 댓글 양식에 표시되는 데이터는 물론, 방문자의 IP 주소와 브라우저 사용자 에이전트 문자열도 수집됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/dos.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=18: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Comments" msgstr "댓글" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Suggested text: Our website address is: https://startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com." msgstr "제안된 텍스트: 당사의 웹사이트 주소는 https://startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/aldentedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=142: #: block-patterns/annalee.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/minare.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=3: msgid "Privacy Policy" msgstr "개인 정보 보호 정책" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "신규 워드프레스 사용자는 알림판으로 이동하여 이 페이지를 삭제하고 콘텐츠의 새 페이지를 만들어야 합니다. 즐기세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Terms & Conditions" msgstr "이용 약관" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=146: msgid "When Catrina and Denzel first dreamed of Desaign, they were working for a WordPress theme company, producing elite designs. However, one issue plagued them: writing real demo content and finding CC0 imagery to use in mockups." msgstr "Catrina와 Denzel이 Desaign을 처음 꿈꿨을 때 그들은 워드프레스 테마 회사에서 엘리트 디자인 제작을 담당하고 있었습니다. 그러나 실제 데모 콘텐츠를 작성하고 모형에 사용할 CC0 이미지를 찾는 한 가지 문제가 그들을 괴롭혔습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=146: msgid "Meet our founders" msgstr "설립자 만나기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "Lorem ipsum isn’t a great approach to design, since it doesn’t mirror modern cadence or sentence structure. Our ai generates realistic content to make your designs easier to flesh out in a similar context that they’ll appear in live." msgstr "Lorem ipsum은 현대적인 운율 또는 문장 구조가 반영되지 않기 때문에 훌륭한 디자인 접근 방식이 아닙니다. 당사의 AI에서는 디자인이 실시간으로 표시될 유사한 맥락에서 더 쉽게 구체화되도록 사실적인 콘텐츠를 생성합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "Why use Desaign?" msgstr "왜 Desaign을 이용하나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "We use the GPT-3 AI framework to generate realistic content and images to fit your mockup needs. We’ve written about this in depth on our blog, if you’re interested in the details." msgstr "당사에서는 GPT-3 AI 프레임워크를 사용하여 모형 필요성에 알맞은 사실적인 콘텐츠와 이미지를 생성합니다. 블로그에 상세 정보가 자세히 설명되어 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "How does Desaign work?" msgstr "Desaign에서는 어떻게 작업하나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "Our pricing structure is built to be affordable for everyone from individual designers to teams. You can check out our pricing here." msgstr "당사의 가격 책정 구조는 개인 디자이너부터 팀까지 모든 사람에게 알맞게 구성되어 있습니다. 여기에서 가격을 확인할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "How much does Desaign cost?" msgstr "Desaign에서 청구하는 비용은 얼마인가요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=149: msgid "If these don’t answer your questions, drop us an email." msgstr "질문에 대한 답변이 없으면 이메일을 남겨주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "$25" msgstr "$25" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Engineering" msgstr "엔지니어링" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Junior JavaScript Developer" msgstr "실무 JavaScript 개발자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Junior Data Engineer" msgstr "실무 데이터 엔지니어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Technical Project Manager" msgstr "기술 프로젝트 관리자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Mobile Support Engineer" msgstr "모바일 지원 엔지니어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "Senior Software Engineer" msgstr "선임 소프트웨어 엔지니어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "If you want to make the web a better place for more than a 1B people each month, working from anywhere, see our open positions." msgstr "매달 10억 명 이상의 사람들이 어디서든 일할 수 있도록 웹을 더 나은 곳으로 만들고 싶다면, 모집 내용을 확인해 주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=189: msgid "We're Hiring" msgstr "채용 중" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Visit forums" msgstr "포럼 방문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "A caring designer community to share knowledge with." msgstr "지식을 공유하는 배려심 많은 디자이너 커뮤니티입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Join the community" msgstr "커뮤니티 참여" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Perfect for agencies and product teams." msgstr "대행사 및 상품 팀에 적합" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/store-featured-products-in-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "$50" msgstr "$50" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=25: #: block-patterns/infieldstaging.wpcomstaging.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Teams" msgstr "팀" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Free 15 Day Trial" msgstr "15일 무료 평가판" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Great for the professional web or product designer." msgstr "전문 웹 또는 상품 디자이너에게 적합합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Solo (Recommended)" msgstr "Solo(권장)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "— Works with major design software
— One project per month
— Volunteer forum support" msgstr "— 주요 디자인 소프트웨어
로 작업 — 한 달에 하나의 프로젝트
— 자원봉사자 포럼 지원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Good for trying out, or the occassional design project." msgstr "체험 또는 특별한 경우의 디자인 프로젝트에 좋습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Free" msgstr "무료" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10183: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10189: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10192: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=151: #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Our pricing structure is built to be affordable for everyone from individual designers to teams." msgstr "당사의 가격 책정 구조는 개인 디자이너부터 팀까지 모든 사람에게 알맞게 구성되어 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Our Pricing" msgstr "당사의 가격" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Read Our Blog" msgstr "당사 블로그 읽기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Want to be first in line to learn tips and tricks for supercharging your mockups with Desaign? There are many helpful resources in our blog." msgstr "Desaign으로 모형을 강화하는 팁과 요령을 가장 먼저 배우고 싶으신가요? 도움이 되는 리소스가 당사 블로그에 많이 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Keep learning as you go." msgstr "앞으로 나아가면서 계속 배우세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "See support programs →" msgstr "지원 프로그램 참조 →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Compatible with all of your favourite design programs." msgstr "즐겨 찾는 모든 디자인 프로그램과 호환됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Software Support" msgstr "소프트웨어 지원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Try a demo →" msgstr "데모 체험 →" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Not a programmer? Use our intuitive, designer-first UI." msgstr "프로그래머가 아니신가요? 당사의 직관적이고 디자이너 중심적인 UI를 사용하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "No Code Necessary" msgstr "코드 필요 없음" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=285: msgid "Over 700 teams worldwide rely on Desaign" msgstr "전 세계의 700개가 넘는 팀에서 Desaign 이용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=392: msgid "How to easily generate demo content with Desaign" msgstr "Desaign으로 데모 콘텐츠를 쉽게 생성하는 방법" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=434: msgid "stock photos" msgstr "재고 사진" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=434: msgid "stock-photos" msgstr "stock-photos" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/startuptheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=434: msgid "How to find the perfect stock images for your next project" msgstr "다음 프로젝트에 적합한 재고 이미지를 찾는 방법" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3305: msgid "About me card" msgstr "내 소개 카드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-three-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-pricing-table/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/services-two-column-service-offerings/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "Basic" msgstr "기본" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockpatterns.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "basic" msgstr "기본" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "신규 워드프레스 사용자는 알림판으로 이동하여 이 페이지를 삭제하고 콘텐츠의 새 페이지를 만들어야 합니다. 즐기세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=127: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=129: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=133: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=143: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=145: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: msgid "Lighting" msgstr "조명" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=127: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=129: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=133: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=143: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=145: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: msgid "lighting" msgstr "조명" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=154: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=156: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=164: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "Architecture" msgstr "건축" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=182: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=186: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=192: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=91: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=154: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=156: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=164: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "architecture" msgstr "건축" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=166: msgid "Cosentino" msgstr "Cosentino" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=107: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=109: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=139: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "Homeware" msgstr "가정용품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=107: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=109: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=139: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "homeware" msgstr "가정용품" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=103: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=109: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=123: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=125: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=131: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=139: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=145: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=42: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "Furniture" msgstr "가구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=103: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=109: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=119: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=121: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=123: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=125: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=131: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=135: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=137: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=139: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=141: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=145: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=158: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=42: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=61: msgid "furniture" msgstr "가구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=147: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=149: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=152: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "Decoration" msgstr "장식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=147: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=149: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=152: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=160: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=162: #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "decoration" msgstr "장식" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "gandiablasco.com" msgstr "gandiablasco.com" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "Gandia Blasco is a Spanish furniture and home decor brand founded in 1941. It is known for its modern designs and use of materials such as high-quality textiles and natural fibers. The company's product range includes outdoor furniture, rugs, textiles, and accessories for the home. Gandia Blasco has received recognition for its contributions to the design world and is widely considered to be a leader in the Spanish design industry." msgstr "Gandia Blasco는 1941년에 설립된 스페인 가구 및 집 장식 브랜드입니다. 모던한 디자인과 고품질 직물 및 천연 섬유와 같은 재료 사용으로 유명합니다. 회사의 상품 범위에는 야외용 가구, 러그, 직물 및 가정용 장신구가 포함됩니다. Gandia Blasco는 디자인 세계에 기여했다는 인정을 받았으며 스페인 디자인 산업의 선두주자로 널리 알려져 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lista.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=168: msgid "Gandia Blasco" msgstr "Gandia Blasco" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9899: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9902: msgid "Blog Post Title and Date" msgstr "블로그 글 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9908: msgid "Blog Posts with Section Title and Post Title" msgstr "섹션 제목 및 글 제목이 있는 블로그 글" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9912: msgid "Blog Post Titles" msgstr "블로그 글 제목" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9916: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9919: msgid "Blog Posts with Title and Date" msgstr "제목과 날짜가 있는 블로그 글" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9922: msgid "Blog Post List in Column" msgstr "열의 블로그 글 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9929: msgid "Blog Post List in Column with Large Post Title, Date, Author Name, Category, and Tag" msgstr "큰 글 제목, 날짜, 글쓴이 이름, 카테고리 및 태그가 있는 열의 블로그 글 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9932: msgid "Blog Posts with Date, Title, Excerpt, and Category" msgstr "날짜, 제목, 요약문 및 카테고리가 있는 블로그 글" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9935: msgid "Blog Posts with Title, Excerpt, Category, Author Name, Date, and Tag" msgstr "제목, 인용문, 카테고리, 글쓴이 이름, 날짜 및 태그가 있는 블로그 글" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "신규 워드프레스 사용자는 알림판으로 이동하여 이 페이지를 삭제하고 콘텐츠의 새 페이지를 만들어야 합니다. 즐기세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=4: msgid "Sep. 1975: Young woman in a banana t-shirt, Cincinnati" msgstr "1975년 9월: 바나나 티셔츠를 입은 젊은 여성, 신시내티" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=17: msgid "Pollution" msgstr "오염" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=17: msgid "pollution" msgstr "오염" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: msgid "Buildings" msgstr "건물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=186: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=91: msgid "buildings" msgstr "건물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32: msgid "Portraits" msgstr "초상화" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=32: msgid "portraits" msgstr "초상화" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "coconuts" msgstr "코코넛" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "beach" msgstr "해변" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Finally, make your way to the beaches of Manuel Antonio National Park. Spend your days lounging on the beach, snorkeling, or taking a sunset cruise. No matter where you go during your 30 days in Costa Rica, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience." msgstr "마지막으로 마누엘 안토니오 국립공원의 해변으로 가세요. 해변에서 휴식을 취하거나, 스노클링을 하거나, 석양의 크루즈를 타며 하루를 보내보세요. 코스타리카에서 30일 동안 어디를 가든 잊지 못할 경험을 할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "3. The Beach" msgstr "3. 더 비치 (The Beach)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Then, head to the Arenal Volcano, where you can take a hike to the top or go white water rafting. Continue your journey to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. Here you can explore the lush green forest and spot some of the unique wildlife, such as the resplendent quetzal." msgstr "그런 다음 아레날 화산으로 가서 정상까지 하이킹을 하거나 급류 래프팅을 즐길 수 있습니다. 몬테베르데 클라우드 숲 보호구역으로 여행을 계속하세요. 여기에서 울창한 녹색 숲을 탐험하고 빛나는 케찰과 같은 독특한 야생동물을 발견할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "2. Arenal Volcano" msgstr "2. 아레날 화산" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Next, head to the Caribbean coast and visit Puerto Viejo. This village is full of colorful buildings, local restaurants, and lively bars. Spend your days relaxing on the beach, surfing, or taking part in a guided jungle tour. From Puerto Viejo, drive to Tortuguero and take a boat ride through the canals to see the wildlife. " msgstr "다음으로 카리브해 연안으로 가서 푸에르토 비에호를 방문하세요. 화려한 건물, 현지 레스토랑, 활기찬 바가 즐비한 마을입니다. 해변에서 휴식을 취하거나, 서핑을 하거나, 가이드와 함께하는 정글 투어에 참여하며 하루를 보내보세요. 푸에르토 비에호에서 토르투구에로로 운전해 보트를 타고 운하를 따라 야생동물을 구경해보세요. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "1. Puerto Viejo" msgstr "1. 푸에르토리코 비에호 (Puerto Viejo)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "The first part of your trip should be spent in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. Here you can visit the National Theater, wander around the historic city center, and explore the vibrant markets. " msgstr "여행의 첫 번째 비용은 코스타리카의 수도 산호세에서 지출해야 합니다. 이곳에서 국립극장을 방문하고, 유서 깊은 도심을 돌아다니며 활기찬 시장을 둘러볼 수 있습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Spending 30 days in Costa Rica is a great way to explore a beautiful country and experience the best that it has to offer. " msgstr "코스타리카에서 30일간 머무는 것은 아름다운 나라를 탐험하고 최고의 경험을 할 수 있는 좋은 방법입니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "30 Days Spent at the Beach" msgstr "해변에서 보내는 30일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: msgid "The historic cities of Rome, Florence and Venice are filled with magnificent art, inspiring architecture and an array of cultural attractions. Italy also boasts excellent cuisine, with a vast range of local dishes made from fresh, locally produced ingredients. " msgstr "로마, 피렌체, 베네치아의 유서 깊은 도시는 웅장한 예술, 영감을 주는 건축물, 다양한 문화 명소로 가득합니다. 이탈리아는 또한 신선하고 현지에서 생산된 재료로 만든 다양한 현지 요리를 자랑합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: msgid "Italy is my favourite retreat because of its breathtaking beauty, ancient culture, and exquisite cuisine. The country’s romantic landscapes of rolling hills, olive groves and majestic mountains offer a peaceful and calming atmosphere. " msgstr "숨막히는 아름다움, 고대 문화, 절묘한 요리로 인해 이탈리아에서 가장 좋아하는 휴양지입니다. 굴러가는 언덕, 올리브 숲, 장엄한 산의 로맨틱한 풍경은 평화롭고 차분한 분위기를 선사합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: msgid "Italian Charms" msgstr "이탈리아의 매력" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "italy" msgstr "이탤리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "Italy’s people are friendly and welcoming, creating an atmosphere of hospitality and relaxation." msgstr "이탈리아의 사람들은 친절하고 따뜻하여 환대 및 휴식 분위기를 조성합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "The country’s fine wine and delicious cuisine make it an inviting destination for any traveler. On top of all that, Italy’s people are friendly and welcoming, creating an atmosphere of hospitality and relaxation." msgstr "이 나라의 고급 와인과 맛있는 요리는 모든 여행객에게 매력적인 여행지가 됩니다. 무엇보다도, 이탈리아 사람들은 친절하고 따뜻하여 환대와 휴식 분위기를 조성합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "The historic cities of Rome, Florence and Venice are filled with magnificent art, inspiring architecture and an array of cultural attractions. Italy also boasts excellent cuisine, with a vast range of local dishes made from fresh, locally produced ingredients. " msgstr "로마, 피렌체, 베네치아의 유서 깊은 도시는 웅장한 예술, 영감을 주는 건축물, 다양한 문화 명소로 가득합니다. 이탈리아는 또한 신선하고 현지에서 생산된 재료로 만든 다양한 현지 요리를 자랑합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "Italy is my favourite retreat because of its breathtaking beauty, ancient culture, and exquisite cuisine. The country’s romantic landscapes of rolling hills, olive groves and majestic mountains offer a peaceful and calming atmosphere. " msgstr "숨막히는 아름다움, 고대 문화, 절묘한 요리로 인해 이탈리아에서 가장 좋아하는 휴양지입니다. 굴러가는 언덕, 올리브 숲, 장엄한 산의 로맨틱한 풍경은 평화롭고 차분한 분위기를 선사합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: msgid "Why Italy is my Favorite Retreat" msgstr "이탈리아가 제가 가장 좋아하는 휴양지인 이유는 무엇인가요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "forest" msgstr "숲" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "canada" msgstr "캐나다" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "I also had the chance to explore the Canadian wilderness by canoe and was able to see some of the majestic lakes and rivers that make up Canada's vast wilderness. All in all, it was a wonderful experience that I will never forget." msgstr "저는 또한 카누를 타고 캐나다의 광활한 광야를 탐험할 기회가 있었고 캐나다의 광활한 광야를 이루는 장엄한 호수와 강을 볼 수 있었습니다. 무엇보다 잊지 못할 멋진 경험이었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "I was able to hike to some of the tallest waterfalls and take in some of the most breathtaking views. The wildlife was abundant, and I was able to witness some of Canada's iconic species of birds and mammals. " msgstr "가장 높은 폭포로 올라가 가장 숨막히는 전망을 감상할 수 있었습니다. 야생 동물이 풍부했고, 캐나다의 대표적인 조류와 포유류의 종을 볼 수 있었습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "My trip to Canada's forests was a great experience. I had the opportunity to explore some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. The forests of Canada are so vast and full of life, it was truly awe-inspiring. " msgstr "캐나다의 숲을 여행하는 것은 좋은 경험이었습니다. 저는 세계에서 가장 아름다운 풍경을 탐험할 기회를 가졌습니다. 캐나다의 숲은 너무나 광대하고 생명으로 가득 차 있으며, 정말 경외심을 불러 일으켰습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: msgid "Out in Canada’s Forests" msgstr "캐나다의 숲" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=190: msgid "Don't find what you're looking for? Search posts here." msgstr "원하는 것을 찾지 못하셨나요? 여기에서 글을 검색하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=190: msgid "ITALY
TURKEY" msgstr "이탈리아
튀르키예" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "istanbul" msgstr "이스탄불" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "End your trip with a visit to the Chora Church, a stunning Byzantine masterpiece. Admire the beautiful frescoes, mosaics, and architecture, and soak in the peaceful atmosphere. As you leave, you’ll be filled with a deep appreciation for the city’s long and fascinating history." msgstr "멋진 비잔틴 명작인 초라 교회 방문으로 여행을 마무리하세요. 아름다운 프레스코화, 모자이크, 건축물을 감상하고 평화로운 분위기에 흠뻑 빠져보세요. 떠나면서 도시의 길고 매혹적인 역사에 대한 깊은 감사를 느끼게 될 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 5" msgstr "5일차" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Head to the Blue Mosque, one of the most famous landmarks in Istanbul. Admire the mosque’s majestic blue tiles, and then proceed to the Hippodrome of Constantinople, where you can witness the remains of some of the city’s earliest monuments." msgstr "이스탄불에서 가장 유명한 명소 중 하나인 블루 모스크로 가보세요. 모스크의 장엄한 파란색 타일을 감상한 다음, 콘스탄티노플의 히포드롬으로 이동하면 도시의 가장 오래된 기념물들의 유해를 볼 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 4" msgstr "4일차" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Spend the day at the Topkapı Palace, the imperial residence of the Ottoman sultans. Admire the ornate collections of jewelry, porcelain, and artwork, and explore the palace’s extensive gardens." msgstr "오스만 술탄의 황궁인 탑카프 궁전에서 하루를 보내십시오. 보석, 도자기, 예술 작품의 화려한 컬렉션을 감상하고, 궁전의 넓은 정원을 둘러보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 3" msgstr "3일차" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Take a ferry over to the Asian side of Istanbul to explore Kadıköy and Moda. Visit the lively waterfront, lined with restaurants and cafés, and take a walk through the bustling streets of Moda. Don’t forget to try some traditional Turkish street food, like simit and köfte." msgstr "아시아 쪽 이스탄불로 가는 페리를 타고 카디쾨이와 모다를 둘러보세요. 레스토랑과 카페가 즐비한 활기찬 물가를 방문하고 모다의 번잡한 거리를 산책해보세요. 시미트나 쾨프테 등 터키 전통 길거리 음식을 맛보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 2" msgstr "2일차" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Start your 5-day journey in Istanbul with a visit to the iconic Hagia Sophia, a Byzantine-era basilica turned mosque, and now a museum. Enjoy the remarkable architecture and art, and catch a glimpse of the city’s long and complex history. After that, take a stroll through the Grand Bazaar, one of the oldest and largest covered markets in the world. You’ll find everything from exotic spices to handmade carpets and jewelry." msgstr "비잔틴 시대의 바실리카를 모스크로 탈바꿈시킨 유명한 하기아 소피아를 방문하는 것으로 5일간의 이스탄불 여행을 시작해 보세요. 놀라운 건축과 예술을 즐기고, 도시의 길고 복잡한 역사를 엿볼 수 있습니다. 그 후, 세계에서 가장 오래되고 큰 시장 중 하나인 그랜드 바자르 (Grand Bazaar) 를 거닐어 보세요. 이국적인 향신료부터 수제 카펫과 보석에 이르기까지 모든 것을 만나보실 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Day 1" msgstr "1일차" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "After a break around Malta and Albania, we'll be taking a boat to the beautiful city of Istanbul. Our trip around Turkey will be a long one: we'll stay in Istanbul for five days, then travel to Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Izmir with other smaller stops on the way. For now, here's our plan for the city:" msgstr "몰타와 알바니아를 둘러본 후, 우리는 아름다운 도시 이스탄불로 보트를 타고 갈 것입니다. 터키를 여행하는 것은 긴 여정이 될 것입니다. 이스탄불에서 5일 동안 머무른 다음 카파도키아, 파묵칼레, 이즈미르로 가는 길에 다른 작은 정류장을 이용합니다. 현재 도시 계획은 다음과 같습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: msgid "Istanbul and other turkish delights" msgstr "이스탄불과 터키의 맛집 투어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "laos" msgstr "라오스 (동음이의)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=35: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=371: #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "journals" msgstr "저널" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "No matter where you go during your 10-day trip to Laos, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience." msgstr "10일간의 라오스 여행 중 어디로 가시든 잊지 못할 경험을 하실 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "Finally, make your way to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Luang Namtha. Here you can visit the many villages, learn about the local culture, and take part in a homestay. " msgstr "마지막으로 루앙남타의 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 가보세요. 많은 마을을 방문하고, 현지 문화에 대해 배우고, 홈스테이에 참여할 수 있습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "3. Luang Namtha" msgstr "3. 루앙남타 (Luang Namtha)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "Next, take a drive to the picturesque Nong Khiaw. This small village is surrounded by stunning limestone cliffs, waterfalls, and lush green forest. You can kayak on the Nam Ou River or take a trek through the jungle. Continue your journey to Vang Vieng, where you can explore caves, go tubing, or simply relax on the banks of the Nam Song River. " msgstr "다음으로 그림 같은 농 키아우 (Nong Khiaw) 로 드라이브를 떠나보세요. 이 작은 마을은 아름다운 석회암 절벽, 폭포, 울창한 녹색 숲으로 둘러싸여 있습니다. 남오우 강에서 카약을 타거나 정글을 산책할 수 있습니다. 동굴을 탐험하거나, 튜브를 타거나, 남송 강변에서 휴식을 취할 수 있는 방비엥으로 여행을 계속하세요. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "2. Nong Khiaw" msgstr "2. 농 키아우 (Nong Khiaw)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "The first stop on the trip should be the capital city of Vientiane. This city is full of history, heritage, and culture. Here you can explore the temples and pagodas, visit the Pha That Luang stupa, and learn more about the history of Laos. From Vientiane, you should head north to Luang Prabang. Here you will find a mix of modern and traditional Lao culture. Take a walk through the old town and explore the many temples, markets, and museums. " msgstr "여행의 첫 번째 경유지는 수도인 비엔티안이어야 합니다. 역사, 유산, 문화가 가득한 도시입니다. 여기서 사원과 파고다를 둘러보고, 루앙프라방 스투파를 방문하고, 라오스의 역사에 대해 자세히 알아볼 수 있습니다. 비엔티안에서 북쪽으로 루앙프라방으로 가셔야 합니다. 현대와 전통 라오스 문화가 혼합되어 있습니다. 올드 타운을 거닐며 많은 사원, 시장, 박물관을 둘러보세요. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "1. Vientiane" msgstr "1. 비엔티안 (Vientiane)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "Laos is a beautiful country located in Southeast Asia, with a rich history and culture. A 10-day trip to Laos can be an amazing experience, filled with adventure and relaxation." msgstr "라오스는 동남아시아에 위치한 아름다운 나라로 풍부한 역사와 문화를 자랑합니다. 10일간의 라오스 여행은 모험과 휴식으로 가득한 놀라운 경험이 될 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=375: msgid "The Natural Beauty of Laos" msgstr "라오스의 자연과 아름다움" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/adventurerdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page/: #: block-patterns/georgeloisdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page/: #: block-patterns/iotixdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page/: msgid "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "새로운 워드프레스 사용자는 대시보드로 이동하여 이 페이지를 삭제하고 콘텐츠에 대한 새 페이지를 만들어야 합니다. 즐거운 시간 보내세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Light Design" msgstr "라이트 디자인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "light-design" msgstr "라이트 디자인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The vulcanic ashes, so-called Pozzolana" msgstr "가황재, 이른바 포졸라나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Therefore, where the mountains are not earthy but consist of soft stone, the force of the fire, passing through the fissures in the stone, sets it afire. The soft and delicate part is burned out, while the hard part is left. Consequently, while in Campania the burning of the earth makes ashes, in Tuscany the combustion of the stone makes carbuncular sand. Both are excellent in walls, but one is better to use for buildings on land, the other for piers under salt water. The Tuscan stone is softer in quality than tufa but harder than earth, and being thoroughly kindled by the violent heat from below, the result is the production in some places of the kind of sand called carbuncular." msgstr "그러므로 산이 흙이 아니고 연한 돌로 된 곳에는 불의 세력이 돌 틈 사이로 지나가서 불붙게 하느니라 부드럽고 섬세한 부분은 타버렸고, 단단한 부분은 남아 있습니다. 따라서 캄파니아에서는 대지를 태우면 재가 되고, 토스카나에서는 돌을 태우면 탄탄한 모래가 된다. 둘 다 벽이 우수하지만, 하나는 육지의 건물에 사용하는 것이 더 좋고, 다른 하나는 소금물 밑의 부두에 사용하는 것이 더 좋습니다. 토스카나 석재는 투파보다 질이 더 부드럽지만 지구보다 더 단단합니다. 그리고 아래로부터의 격렬한 열에 의해 완전히 타버립니다. 그 결과로 탄산가스라고 불리는 모래가 만들어집니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The same kinds of soil are not found in all places and countries alike, nor is stone found everywhere. Some soils are earthy; others gravelly, and again pebbly; in other places the material is sandy; in a word, the properties of the soil are as different and unlike as are the various countries. In particular, it may be observed that sandpits are hardly ever lacking in any place within the districts of Italy and Tuscany which are bounded by the Apennines ; whereas across the Apennines toward the Adriatic none are found, and in Achaea and Asia Minor or, in short, across the sea, the very term is unknown. Hence it is not in all the places where boiling springs of hot water abound, that there is the same combination of favorable circumstances which has been described above. For things are produced in accordance with the will of nature; not to suit man’s pleasure, but as it were by a chance distribution." msgstr "같은 종류의 토양은 모든 지역과 나라에서 발견되지 않으며, 돌은 사방에서 발견되지 않는다. 어떤 토양은 흙투성이이고, 또 어떤 토양은 무덤덤하고, 또다시 자갈투성이입니다. 다른 지역에서는 재료가 모래투성이입니다. 한 마디로, 토양의 특성이 다르고 다른 여러 나라와 다릅니다. 특히, 아펜니노 산맥을 경계로 하는 이탈리아 와 토스카나 지역 내에서 모래언덕은 어느 곳에서도 거의 발견되지 않는 반면, 아드리아 해를 향해 있는 아펜니노 산맥과 아케아 및 아시아 사소한 곳에서는 발견되지 않으며, 한마디로 바다 건너에서는 그 용어를 알 수 없습니다. 그러므로, 온수의 끓는 샘이 있는 모든 곳에는 위에서 설명한 것과 같은 유리한 환경의 조합이 있는 것은 아니다. 만물은 본성의 뜻대로 생산되니 사람의 뜻에 합치지 아니하고 우연히 분배되는 것과 같으니라" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "There will still be the question why Tuscany, although it abounds in hot springs, does not furnish a powder out of which, on the same principle, a wall can be made which will set fast under water. I have therefore thought best to explain how this seems to be, before the question should be raised." msgstr "토스카나는 온천이 풍부하지만 왜 동일한 원리로 물 밑에서 빠르게 성벽을 만들 수 있는지에 대한 의문이 여전히 남아 있을 것이다. 따라서 질문이 제기되기 전에 이것이 어떻게 보이는지 설명하는 것이 가장 좋다고 생각합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Therefore, when different and unlike things have been subjected to the action of fire and thus reduced to the same condition, if after this, while in a warm, dry state, they are suddenly saturated with water, there is an effervescence of the heat latent in the bodies of them all, and this makes them firmly unite and quickly assume the property of one solid mass." msgstr "따라서, 다른 것과 다른 것들이 화재의 작용을 받았을 때, 따라서 동일한 조건으로 감소하면, 따뜻하고 건조한 상태에서, 그것들이 갑자기 물로 포화될 때, 그것들의 몸 안에 잠재된 열의 발산이 있고, 이것은 그것들이 단단히 일체화되고 하나의 고체 질량의 성질을 빠르게 가정하게 만든다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The kind of sponge-stone taken from this region is not produced everywhere else, but only about Aetna and among the hills of Mysia which the Greeks call the “Burnt District,” and in other places of the same peculiar nature. Seeing that in such places there are found hot springs and warm vapor in excavations on the mountains, and that the ancients tell us that there were once fires spreading over the fields in those very regions, it seems to be certain that moisture has been extracted from the tufa and earth, by the force of fire, just as it is from limestone in kilns." msgstr "이 지역에서 가져온 스펀지 스톤의 종류는 다른 곳에서는 생산되지 않고, 아에트나, 미시아의 언덕에서만 생산되는데, 그리스인들은 이를 \"번트 구역\" 이라고 부르며, 같은 특이한 성질을 가진 다른 장소에서도 생산됩니다. 산에 있는 발굴에서 온천과 따뜻한 수증기가 발견되는 것을 보면서, 그리고 옛날에 그 지역 들판에 화재가 번졌다고 하는 것을 보면서, 마치 가마 안의 석회석에서 수분이 나오는 것처럼, 투파와 지구에서 수분이 추출된 것이 확실해 보입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "That there is burning heat in these regions may be proved by the further fact that in the mountains near Baiae, which belongs to the Cumaeans, there are places excavated to serve as sweating-baths, where the intense heat that comes from far below bores its way through the earth, owing to the force of the fire, and passing up appears in these regions, thus making remarkably good sweating-baths. Likewise also it is related that in ancient times the tides of heat, swelling and overflowing from under Mt. Vesuvius, vomited forth fire from the mountain upon the neighboring country. Hence, what is called “sponge-stone” or “Pompeian pumice” appears to have been reduced by burning from another kind of stone to the condition of the kind which we see." msgstr "이 지역에는 불타는 열기가 있다는 것은 쿠마에족에 속하는 바이아이에 인근의 산에서 발굴된 장소가 있어 땀을 흘리는 목욕탕 역할을 한다는 사실로 증명될 수 있습니다. 여기서 멀리 떨어진 곳에서 나오는 강한 열기가 땅을 뚫고 지나가는데, 이는 불의 힘에 기인한 것이며, 위를 지나가는 불길이 이 지역에 나타나서 땀을 흘리는 목욕탕이 현저하게 좋다는 것을 의미합니다. 마찬가지로, 고대에는 산 아래로부터 열, 부풀어 넘쳐흐르는 조류와도 관련이 있다. 베수비우스는 산에서 불을 뿜어 이웃 나라에 토해냈다. 따라서 \"스펀지 스톤\" 또는 \"폼페이아 웅덩이\" 라고 불리는 것은 다른 종류의 돌에서 우리가 보는 종류의 상태로 연소하여 줄어든 것으로 보입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "There is also a kind of powder which from natural causes produces astonishing results. It is found in the neighborhood of Baiae and in the country belonging to the towns round about Mt. Vesuvius. This substance, when mixed with lime and rubble, not only lends strength to buildings of other kinds, but even when piers of it are constructed in the sea, they set hard under water. The reason for this seems to be that the soil on the slopes of the mountains in these neighborhoods is hot and full of hot springs. This would not be so unless the mountains had beneath them huge fires of burning sulphur or alum or asphalt. So the fire and the heat of the flames, coming up hot from far within through the fissures, make the soil there light, and the tufa found there is spongy and free from moisture. Hence, when the three substances, all formed on a similar principle by the force of fire, are mixed together, the water suddenly taken in makes them cohere, and the moisture quickly hardens them so that they set into a mass which neither the waves nor the force of the water can dissolve." msgstr "또한 자연적인 원인으로 놀라운 결과를 만들어내는 일종의 분말이 있습니다. 바이에의 인근 지역과 산 주변의 소도시에서 발견된다. 베수비오. 석회와 돌무더기를 섞어 만든 이 물질은 다른 종류의 건물에 힘을 불어넣을 뿐만 아니라 바다에 부두를 건설할 때도 물 밑에서 단단하게 만듭니다. 그 이유는 이 동네 산비탈의 토양이 온천으로 가득 차 있기 때문인 것 같습니다. 산이 그 아래에 유황이나 초목이나 아스팔트 따위의 큰 불이 있지 아니하면 이 일이 없으리라 불과 화염의 열기가 틈새를 통해 멀리서 뜨거워지면서 토양을 밝게 만듭니다. 거기에서 발견되는 투파는 해면이 있고 습기가 없습니다. 따라서 불의 힘에 의해 비슷한 원리로 형성된 세 물질이 모두 섞이게 되면 갑자기 취한 물이 응고되어 수분이 빠르게 굳어져 파동이나 물의 힘이 녹지 않는 덩어리가 된다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The vulcanic ashes, so called Pozzolana" msgstr "가황재는 포졸라나 (Pozzolana) 라고 불린다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Roman brick arch Amphitheater, Verona, Italy" msgstr "로마 벽돌 아치 원형극장, 이탈리아 베로나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "In the states of Maxilua and Callet, in Further Spain, as well as in Pitane in Asia Minor, there are bricks which, when finished and dried, will float on being thrown into water. The reason why they can float seems to be that the clay of which they are made is like pumice-stone. So it is light, and also it does not, after being hardened by exposure to the air, take up or absorb liquid. So these bricks, being of this light and porous quality, and admitting no moisture into their texture, must by the laws of nature float in water, like pumice, no matter what their weight may be. They have therefore great advantages; for they are not heavy to use in building and, once made, they are not spoiled by bad weather." msgstr "스페인의 맥실루아와 칼레 주와 아시아의 피타네 주에는 마르고 건조된 벽돌이 있는데, 이 벽돌은 물에 던져질 때 떠다닐 것입니다. 그들이 부유할 수 있는 이유는 그들이 만든 진흙이 석회석과 같기 때문인 것 같습니다. 그래서 그것은 가볍고, 또한 공기에 노출되어 굳어진 후, 액체를 흡수하거나 흡수하지 않습니다. 이 벽돌들은, 이 가볍고 다공성 품질이고, 질감에 수분이 들어가지 않습니다. 자연의 법칙에 따라야 합니다. 그러므로 그들은 큰 이점이 있습니다. 그들은 건물에 사용하기에 무겁지 않으며, 일단 만들어지면 악천후로 인해 손상되지 않습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "With these bricks there are also half-bricks. When these are used in a wall, a course of bricks is laid on one face and a course of half-bricks on the other, and they are bedded to the line on each face. The walls are bonded by alternate courses of the two different kinds, and as the bricks are always laid so as to break joints, this lends To greater strength and a not unattractive appearance to both sides of such walls." msgstr "이 벽돌들에는 반벽돌도 있습니다. 벽에는 벽돌 한 코스를 놓고 다른 한 코스는 반 벽돌을 깔고 각 면에 선을 그어 놓는다. 벽은 서로 다른 두 종류의 다른 코스로 결합되며, 벽돌은 관절을 부러뜨리기 위해 항상 놓여 있기 때문에, 이것은 더 큰 힘을 주며 이러한 벽의 양쪽에 매력적이지 않은 외관을 제공한다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "There are three kinds of bricks. First, the kind called in Greek Lydian, being that which our people use, a foot and a half long and one foot wide. The other two kinds are used by the Greeks in their buildings. Of these, one is called irevrdScopov, the other TerpdSwpov. ASpov is the Greek for “palm,” for in Greek Bwpov means the giving of gifts, and the gift is always presented in the palm of the hand. A brick five palms square is called “pentadoron “; one four palms square “tetradoron.” Public buildings are constructed of TreirrdSoopa, private of rerpaBcapa." msgstr "벽돌에는 세 가지 종류가 있다. 첫째, 그리스 리디아어로 불리는 것인데, 우리 민족이 사용하는 것입니다. 한 발은 길고, 한 발은 넓습니다. 다른 두 종류는 그리스인들이 그들의 건물에서 사용한다. 이 중 하나는 irevrdScopov, 다른 하나는 TerpdSwpov로 불린다. ASpov는 그리스어로 \"야자\" 를 뜻하는 그리스어이며, Bwpov는 선물을 주는 것을 의미하며, 선물은 항상 손바닥 안에 있습니다. 벽돌로 된 다섯 개의 손바닥 사각형을 “펜타도론” 이라고 부른다. 네 개의 손바닥 사각형을 “테트라도론” 이라고 부른다. ”공공건물은 RerpaBcapa 사옥인 TreirrdSoopa로 지어진다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Bricks should be made in Spring or Autumn, so that they may dry uniformly. Those made in Summer are defective, because the fierce heat of the sun bakes their surface and makes the brick seem dry while inside it is not dry. And so the shrinking, which follows as they dry, causes cracks in the parts which were dried before, and these cracks make the bricks weak. Bricks will be most serviceable if made two years before using; for they cannot dry thoroughly in less time. When fresh undried bricks are used in a wall, the stucco covering stiffens and hardens into a permanent mass, but the bricks settle and cannot keep the same height as the stucco; the motion caused by their shrinking prevents them from adhering to it, and they are separated from their union with it. Hence the stucco, no longer joined to the core of the wall, cannot stand by itself because it is so thin; it breaks off, and the walls themselves may perhaps be ruined by their settling. This is so true that at Utica in constructing walls they use brick only if it is dry and made five years previously, and approved as such by the authority of a magistrate." msgstr "봄이나 가을에 벽돌을 만들어 균일하게 말려야 합니다. 여름에 만든 것은 결함이 있습니다. 태양의 맹렬한 열로 인해 표면이 굽고 벽돌이 마르지 않는 것처럼 보이게하기 때문입니다. 그래서 말리면서 이어지는 수축은 이전에 말린 부품에 균열을 일으키고, 이러한 균열은 벽돌을 약하게 만듭니다. 벽돌은 사용 전 2년 동안 완전히 건조할 수 없기 때문에 가장 효과적으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 새로 건조되지 않은 벽돌이 벽에 사용될 때, 스투코 덮개는 굳어지고 영구적인 덩어리로 굳어지지만, 벽돌은 정착되어 스투코와 같은 높이를 유지할 수 없다. 그러므로 더 이상 벽의 코어에 결합되지 않은 스투코는 너무 얇기 때문에 스스로 견딜 수 없습니다. 이것은 벽을 지을 때 유티카에서 벽돌을 사용하는 것은 매우 사실입니다. 5년 전에 건조되어 법관의 승인을 받은 경우에만 벽돌을 사용할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Beginning with bricks, I shall state of what kind of clay they ought to be made. They should not be made of sandy or pebbly clay, or of fine gravel, because when made of these kinds they are in the first place heavy; and, secondly, when washed by the rain as they stand in walls, they go to pieces and break up, and the straw in them does not hold together on account of the roughness of the material. They should rather be made of white and chalky or of red clay, or even of a coarse grained gravelly clay. These materials are smooth and therefore durable; they are not heavy to work with, and are readily laid." msgstr "벽돌로 시작해서, 어떤 진흙을 만들어야 하는지 말씀드리겠습니다. 그것들은 모래나 자갈이나 자갈로 만들어서는 안 된다. 왜냐하면 이런 것들을 만들 때 처음에는 무겁기 때문이다. 그리고 둘째, 그들이 벽에 서 있을 때 비에 씻겨 나갈 때, 그들은 산산조각이 나고 부서진다. 차라리 흰색과 백옥색, 또는 붉은 진흙, 또는 거친 곡식의 진흙으로 만들어야 한다. 이러한 재료는 부드럽고 내구성이 있으므로 작업하기에 무겁지 않으며 쉽게 놓일 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "The Brick" msgstr "더 브릭" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "An essay about methods of building Walls: The bricks, sand, lime, pozzolana or volcanic ashes, and stones." msgstr "벽돌, 모래, 석회, 포졸라나 화산재, 돌을 쌓는 방법에 대한 에세이." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Sustainable Light Design, is it real thing?" msgstr "지속가능한 조명 디자인, 진짜일까?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "All things therefore appear to be made up and produced by the coming together of these elements, so that they have been distributed by nature among an infinite number of kinds of things. Hence I believed it right to treat of the diversity and practical peculiarities of these things as well as of the qualities which they exhibit in buildings, so that persons who are intending to build may understand them and so make no mistake, but may gather materials which are suitable to use in their buildings." msgstr "그러므로 만물은 이 요소들이 모여서 이루어지고 생성되는 것으로 보이고, 따라서 그것들은 무한히 많은 것들 사이에 자연적으로 분포되어 있다. 따라서 저는 건물에 전시되는 자질뿐만 아니라 이러한 것들의 다양성과 실제적인 특이점도 취급하는 것이 옳다고 믿었습니다. 그래서 건축하려는 사람은 그것들을 이해하고 실수하지 않을 수 있지만 건물에 사용하기에 적합한 재료를 수집할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "The school of the Pythagoreans added air and the earthy to the water and fire." msgstr "피타고라스 학파는 물과 불에 공기와 흙을 더했다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "First of all Thales thought that water was the primordial substance of all things. Heraclitus of Ephesus, surnamed by the Greeks o-Koretw on account of the obscurity of his writings, thought that it was fire. Democritus and his follower Epicurus thought that it was the atoms, termed by our writers “bodies that cannot be cut up,” or, by some, “indivisibles.” The school of the Pythagoreans added air and the earthy to the water and fire. Hence, although Democritus did not in a strict sense name them, but spoke only of indivisible bodies, yet he seems to have meant these same elements, because when taken by themselves they cannot be harmed, nor are they susceptible of dissolution, nor can they be cut up into parts, but throughout time eternal they forever retain an infinite solidity." msgstr "우선 탈레스는 물이 만물의 원시적 실체라고 생각했다. 에베소의 헤라클리토스는 그의 글이 모호하기 때문에 그리스인들이 오코레트 (o-Koretw) 라고 불렀는데, 그는 그것이 불이라고 생각했다. 데모크리토스와 그의 추종자 에피쿠로스는 원자들이라고 생각했고, 우리 작가들은 \"잘라낼 수 없는 몸\", 또는 \"인디비지블\" 이라고 불렀다. ”피타고라스의 학교는 물과 불에 공기와 흙을 더했다. 그러므로 데모크리토스는 엄밀한 의미에서 그들에게 이름을 붙이지 않고 나눌 수 없는 육체만을 말하였지만, 그는 이 같은 요소들을 의미한 것으로 보인다. 왜냐하면 그들은 혼자서 가져갈 때 해를 입을 수 없고, 해산할 수 없으며, 절단될 수도 없기 때문이다. 그러나 영원한 시간 동안 그들은 무한한 견고함을 유지한다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "On the primordial substance according to the Physicists" msgstr "물리학자에 따르면 원시 물질에 대해" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "First of all Thales thought that water was the primordial substance of all things. Heraclitus of Ephesus, surnamed by the Greeks o-Koretw on account of the obscurity of his writings, thought that it was fire. Democritus and his follower Epicurus thought that it was the atoms, termed by our writers “bodies that cannot be cut up,” or, by some, “indivisibles.”" msgstr "우선 탈레스는 물이 만물의 원시적 실체라고 생각했다. 에베소의 헤라클리토스는 그의 글이 모호하기 때문에 그리스인들이 오코레트 (o-Koretw) 라고 불렀는데, 그는 그것이 불이라고 생각했다. 데모크리토스와 그의 추종자 에피쿠로스는 우리의 작가들에 의해 \"절단할 수 없는 몸\" 또는 \"인디비지블\" 이라고 불리는 원자들이라고 생각했다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "Are we prepared for the Architecture we need?" msgstr "필요한 아키텍처에 대한 준비가 되어 있습니까?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Parks" msgstr "공원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "parks" msgstr "공원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "This book is, therefore, in its proper order and place. I will now return to my subject, and with regard to the materials suited to the construction of buildings will consider their natural formation and in what proportions their elementary constituents were combined, making it all clear and not obscure to my readers. For there is no kind of material, no body, and no thing that can be produced or conceived of, which is not made up of elementary particles; and nature does not admit of a tmthful exploration in accordance with the doctrines of the physicists without an accurate demonstration of the primary causes of things, showing how and why they are as they are." msgstr "따라서 이 책은 적절한 순서와 장소에 있다. 이제 저는 제 주제로 돌아가 건물 건축에 적합한 재료에 대해 자연적인 형성과 그 구성 요소의 비율이 어떻게 결합되었는지에 대해 생각해 보도록 하겠습니다. 왜냐하면 어떤 종류의 물질도, 어떤 육체도, 기본 입자로 이루어져 있지 않은, 생성되거나 잉태될 수 있는 어떤 것도 없기 때문이다. 그리고 자연은 그것들이 어떻게 그리고 왜 그것들이 있는 그대로인지를 보여주는, 사물의 주요 원인에 대한 정확한 입증 없이 물리학자들의 교리에 따른 일시적인 탐구의 결과를 인정하지 않는다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Some persons, however, may find fault with the position of this book, thinking that it should have been placed first. I will therefore explain the matter, lest it be thought that I have made a mistake. Being engaged in writing a complete treatise on architecture, I resolved to set forth in the first book the branches of learning and studies of which it consists, to define its departments, and to show of what it is composed. Hence I have there declared what the qualities of an architect should be. In the first book, therefore, I have spoken of the function of the art, but in this I shall discuss the use of the building materials which nature provides. For this book does not show of what architecture is composed, but treats of the origin of the building art, how it was fostered, and how it made progress, step by step, until it reached its present perfection." msgstr "그러나 일부 사람들은 이 책이 먼저 배치되어야 한다고 생각하면서 이 책의 위치에 대해 잘못을 발견할 수 있습니다. 그 러 므 로 내 가 실 로 말 미 암 아 그 일 을 설명 하 리 건축에 관한 완전한 합의서를 작성하는 일에 종사하면서, 저는 첫 번째 책에서 그것이 구성하는 학습과 연구의 분과를 정하고, 그 부서들을 정의하고, 그것이 무엇을 구성하는지를 보여주기로 결의했습니다. 그러므로 저는 건축가의 자질이 어떠해야 하는지를 선언합니다. 그러므로 첫 번째 책에서, 나는 예술의 기능에 대해 이야기했지만, 이번에는 자연이 제공하는 건축 자재의 사용에 대해 논의 할 것입니다. 이 책은 건축이 어떻게 구성되어 있는지 보여주지 않지만, 건축 예술의 기원과 어떻게 육성되었는지, 그리고 그것이 현재 완벽에 이를 때까지 어떻게 차근차근 발전해왔는지를 다룬다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Nine" msgstr "나인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Eight" msgstr "여덟" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Then, taking courage and looking forward from the standpoint of higher ideas born of the multiplication of the arts, they gave up huts and began to build houses with foundations, having brick or stone walls, and roofs of timber and tiles; next, observation and application led them from fluctuating and indefinite conceptions to definite rules of symmetry. Perceiving that nature had been lavish in the bestowal of timber and bountiful in stores of building material, they treated this like careful nurses, and thus developing the refinements of life, embellished them with luxuries. Therefore I shall now treat, to the best of my ability, of the things which are suitable to be used in buildings, showing their qualities and their excellencies." msgstr "그런 다음 용기를 내어 예술의 곱셈에서 탄생한 더 높은 아이디어의 관점에서 앞을 바라보며 오두막을 포기하고 기반을 갖춘 집을 짓기 시작했습니다. 벽돌이나 돌 벽, 그리고 목재와 타일의 지붕을 가지고 있었죠. 그 다음, 관찰과 적용은 그들을 변동적이고 불확정적인 개념에서 확실한 대칭 규칙으로 이끌었습니다. 자연이 목재의 선물로 호화로웠고 건축 자재의 상점에서 풍족했다는 것을 인식하여, 그들은 이것을 신중한 간호사처럼 취급했고, 따라서 삶의 세련미를 발전시켰고, 사치품으로 장식했습니다. 그러므로 이제 내가 성중에 쓸 만한 것을 마음껏 행하여 그 성품과 그 아름다움을 나타내리라" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Seven" msgstr "세븐" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "From such specimens we can draw our inferences with regard to the devices used in the buildings of antiquity, and conclude that they were similar. Furthermore, as men made progress by becoming daily more expert in building, and as their ingenuity was increased by their dexterity so that from habit they attained to considerable skill, their intelligence was enlarged by their industry until the more proficient adopted the trade of carpenters. From these early beginnings, and from the fact that nature had not only endowed the human race with senses like the rest of the animals, but had also equipped their minds with the powers of thought and understanding, thus putting all other animals under their sway, they next gradually advanced from the construction of buildings to the other arts and sciences, and so passed from a rude and barbarous mode of life to civilization and refinement." msgstr "이러한 표본을 통해 고대 건물에 사용된 장치에 대한 추론을 도출하고 유사하다고 결론지을 수 있습니다. 더욱이, 남성이 건축에 대한 전문가가 됨으로써 매일 진보를 이루었고, 그들의 독창성이 그들의 숙련도에 의해 증가하여 그들이 습관적으로 상당한 기술을 습득했을 때, 그들의 지능은 더욱 능숙한 목공 무역을 채택할 때까지 그들의 산업에 의해 확대되었습니다. 이러한 초기 시작부터, 그리고 자연이 다른 동물들과 같은 감각을 인간에게 부여했을 뿐만 아니라 사고와 이해의 힘을 그들의 정신에 장착하여 다른 모든 동물들을 그들의 휘하에 두었다는 사실로부터, 그들은 점차적으로 건물 건설에서 다른 예술과 과학으로 진보했고, 그래서 무례하고 야만적인 삶의 방식에서 문명과 세련미로 넘어갔다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Six" msgstr "육" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "On the other hand, the Phrygians, who live in an open country, have no forests and consequently lack timber. They therefore select a natural hillock, run a trench through the middle of it, dig passages, and extend the interior space as widely as the site admits. Over it they build a pyramidal roof of logs fastened together, and this they cover with reeds and brushwood, heaping up very high mounds of earth above their dwellings. Thus their fashion in houses makes their winters very warm and their summers very cool. Some construct hovels with roofs of rushes from the swamps. Among other nations, also, in some places there are huts of the same or a similar method of construction. Likewise at Marseilles we can see roofs without tiles, made of earth mixed with straw. In Athens on the Areopagus there is to this day a relic of antiquity with a mud roof. The hut of Romulus on the Capitol is a significant reminder of the fashions of old times, and likewise the thatched roofs of temples on the Citadel." msgstr "반면에, 개방된 나라에 사는 프라이아인들은 숲이 없고, 결과적으로 목재가 부족하다. 따라서 자연 힐록을 선택하고, 그 중간을 관통하는 참호를 운영하고, 통로를 파고, 부지가 인정하는 만큼 내부 공간을 넓힙니다. 그 위에 통나무로 피라미드 지붕을 짓고 그 위에 갈대와 솔나무로 덮고 그 위에 지극히 높은 산들을 쌓고 따라서 주택의 패션은 겨울을 매우 따뜻하고 여름은 매우 서늘하게 만듭니다. 일부는 늪에서 급류 지붕이있는 호벨을 건설합니다. 다른 국가들 사이에서도, 어떤 곳에서는 같은 오두막이나 비슷한 건설 방법이 있습니다. 마찬가지로 마르세유에서도 짚과 흙을 섞어 만든 타일 없이 지붕을 볼 수 있습니다. 아레오파고스에 있는 아테네에는 오늘날까지 진흙 지붕이 있는 고대 유물이 있습니다. 국회의사당에 있는 로물루스의 오두막은 옛 시대의 유행과 마찬가지로 성채에 있는 사원의 초가지붕을 떠올리게 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "That houses originated as I have written above, we can see for ourselves from the buildings that are to this day constructed of like materials by foreign tribes: for instance, in Gaul, Spain, Portugal, and Aquitaine, roofed with oak shingles or thatched. Among the Colchians in Pontus, where there are forests in plenty, they lay down entire trees flat on the ground to the right and the left, leaving between them a space to suit the length of the trees, and then place above these another pair of trees, resting on the ends of the former and at right angles with them. These four trees enclose the space for the dwelling. Then upon these they place sticks of timber, one after the other on the four sides, crossing each other at the angles, and so, proceeding with their walls of trees laid perpendicularly above the lowest, they build up high towers. The interstices, which are left on account of the thickness of the building material, are stopped up with chips and mud. As for the roofs, by cutting away the ends of the crossbeams and making them converge gradually as they lay them across, they bring them up to the top from the four sides in the shape of a pyramid. They cover it with leaves and mud, and thus construct the roofs of their towers in a rude form of the “tortoise” style." msgstr "제가 위에서 썼듯이 그 집들은 오늘날까지 외국인 부족들이 지은 것과 같은 재료로 지은 건물들에서 유래했습니다. 예를 들어, 스페인, 포르투갈, 아퀴텐의 골 (Gaul) 은 참나무로 지붕을 만들거나 초를 쳤습니다. 숲이 많은 본토의 콜키스인들 사이에서, 그들은 나무 전체를 평평하게 바닥에 눕혔습니다. 오른쪽과 왼쪽으로, 나무의 길이에 알맞은 공간을 남기고, 그리고 이 나무들 위에 또 다른 한 쌍의 나무를 놓았습니다. 이 4개의 나무는 주거 공간을 둘러싸고 있습니다. 그 위에 나무 막대기를 놓고 그 네 면을 서로 직각으로 가로지르며 가장 낮은 곳 위에 수직으로 놓인 나무 벽을 따라 높은 망대를 세우고 건축 재료의 두께를 고려하여 남겨지는 간극들은 칩들 및 진흙들로 정지된다. 지붕은 교차 빔의 끝을 잘라서 교차 빔을 가로질러 서서히 모이게 함으로써 피라미드 모양으로 사방에서 위로 끌어 올립니다. 그들은 잎과 진흙으로 지붕을 덮고 따라서 타워의 지붕을 \"거북이\" 스타일의 무례한 형태로 구성합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Five" msgstr "다섯" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "And since they were of an imitative and teachable nature, they would daily point out to each other the results of their building, boasting of the novelties in ft; and thus, with their natural gifts sharpened by emulation, their standards improved daily. At first they set up forked stakes connected by twigs and covered these walls with mud. Others made walls of lumps of dried mud, covering them with reeds and leaves to keep out the rain and the heat. Finding that such roofs could not stand the rain during the storms of winter, they built them with peaks daubed with mud, the roofs sloping and projecting so as to carry off the rain water." msgstr "그리고 그들은 모방하고 가르칠 수 있는 성격을 가지고 있었기 때문에, 그들은 매일 그들의 건축의 결과를 가리키며, 신기함을 자랑하고, 따라서 그들의 자연적인 선물이 유화로 날카로워지면서, 그들의 기준은 날마다 향상되었습니다. 처음에는 나뭇가지로 연결된 말뚝을 세우고 이 벽을 진흙으로 덮었다. 더러는 진흙으로 벽을 만들고 갈대와 잎사귀로 덮어서 비와 더위를 막았더라 겨울의 폭풍 동안 그러한 지붕이 비를 견딜 수 없다는 것을 발견하고, 그들은 진흙으로 뒤덮인 봉우리로 지붕을 쌓았습니다. 지붕은 빗물을 운반하기 위해 경사지고 돌출되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Four" msgstr "네" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Therefore it was the discovery of fire that originally gave rise to the coming together of men, to the deliberative assembly, and to social intercourse. And so, as they kept coming together in greater numbers into one place, finding themselves naturally gifted beyond the other animals in not being obliged to walk with faces to the ground, but upright and gazing upon the splendor of the starry firmament, and also in being able to do with ease whatever they chose with their hands and fingers, they began in that first assembly to construct shelters. Some made them of green boughs, others dug caves on mountain sides, and some, in imitation of the nests of swallows and the way they built, made places of refuge out of mud and twigs. Next, by observing the shelters of others and adding new details to their own inceptions, they constructed better and better kinds of huts as time went on." msgstr "그러므로 불의 발견은 본래 사람들의 모임과 회중과 사회적 성교를 일으켰습니다. 그래서, 그들이 계속해서 많은 수의 동물들을 한곳에 모으고, 다른 동물들을 뛰어넘어 자연스럽게 재능을 발견하게 되면서, 그들은 땅에 얼굴을 대고 걸을 의무가 없었지만, 똑바로 서서 별의 궁창의 찬란함을 바라보며, 또한 손과 손가락으로 원하는 것을 마음껏 할 수 있게 되자, 그들은 피난처를 건설하기 위해 첫 번째 모임에서 시작하게 되었습니다. 어떤 것은 푸른 가지로 만들었고, 어떤 것은 산가에 굴을 파고, 어떤 것은 제비의 둥지와 그들이 지은 길을 본받아 진흙과 나뭇가지로 피난처를 만들었습니다. 다음으로, 다른 사람의 쉼터를 관찰하고 자신의 감상에 새로운 세부 사항을 추가하여 시간이 지남에 따라 더 좋고 더 나은 종류의 오두막을 건설했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Three" msgstr "세" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "The men of old were born like the wild beasts, in woods, caves, and groves, and lived on savage fare. As time went on, the thickly crowded trees in a certain place, tossed by storms and winds, and rubbing their branches against one another, caught fire, and so the inhabitants of the place were put to flight, being terrified by the furious flame. After it subsided, they drew near, and observing that they were very comfortable standing before the warm fire, they put on logs and, while thus keeping it alive, brought up other people to it, showing them by signs how much comfort they got from it. In that gathering of men, at a time when utterance of sound was purely individual, from daily habits they fixed upon articulate words just as these had happened to come; then, from indicating by name things in common use, the result was that in this chance way they began to talk, and thus originated conversation with one another." msgstr "옛 사람들은 들짐승이 수풀과 굴과 삼림에서 나음과 같이 생육하며 들짐승을 먹으며 살았었느니라 날이 저물매 한 곳에 무성한 나무들이 폭풍과 바람에 흔들리고 그 가지를 서로 문질러 불길을 잡으니 그 곳 거민들이 맹렬한 불꽃을 무서워하여 도망하는지라 침몰 후, 그들은 가까이 와서 그들이 따뜻한 불 앞에 서 매우 편안하다는 것을 관찰, 그들은 통나무를 입고, 그래서 그것을 살아있는 동안, 다른 사람들을 데리고 거기에 와서, 그들이 얼마나 많은 편안함을 얻었는지 표시. 그 사람들의 모임에서, 소리의 발언이 순수하게 개인적이었던 때, 일상적인 습관에서 그들은 이러한 일이 일어난 것처럼 단어에 고정했다; 그 다음, 공통 사용의 것을 나타내는 이름에서, 결과는 그들이이 기회에 이야기하기 시작했고, 따라서 서로 대화를 시작했다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Two" msgstr "둘" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "The origin of the dwelling house" msgstr "주택의 기원." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "The men of old were born like the wild beasts, in woods, caves, and groves, and lived on savage fare. As time went on, the thickly crowded trees in a certain place, tossed by storms and winds, and rubbing their branches against one another, caught fire, and so the inhabitants of the place were put to flight, being terrified by the furious flame." msgstr "옛 사람들은 들짐승이 수풀과 굴과 삼림에서 나음과 같이 생육하며 들짐승을 먹으며 살았었느니라 날이 저물매 한 곳에 무성한 나무들이 폭풍과 바람에 흔들리고 그 가지를 서로 문질러 불길을 잡으니 그 곳 거민들이 맹렬한 불꽃을 무서워하여 도망하는지라" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "One" msgstr "하나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Green smart cities: are we late or lost?" msgstr "녹색 스마트 도시: 우리는 늦거나 길을 잃었습니까?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Ceres also should be outside the city in a place to which people need never go except for the purpose of sacrifice. That place should be under the protection of religion, purity, and good morals. Proper sites should be set apart for the precincts of the other gods according to the nature of the sacrifices offered to them.
The principle governing the actual construction of temples and their symmetry I shall explain in my third and fourth books. In the second I have thought it best to give an account of the materials used in buildings with their good qualities and advantages, and then in the succeeding books to describe and explain the proportions of buildings, their arrangements, and the different forms of symmetry." msgstr "세레스는 또한 희생의 목적을 제외하고는 사람들이 결코 갈 필요가없는 장소에서 도시 외부에 있어야합니다. 그곳은 종교, 순결, 선한 도덕의 보호 아래 있어야 합니다. 다른 신들의 구역을 제물의 성격에 따라 구분해야 한다.
신전의 실제 건축과 그 대칭에 관한원칙은 세 번째와 네 번째 책에서 설명하겠다. 두 번째 단계에서는 좋은 품질과 장점을 가진 건물에 사용되는 재료에 대해 설명하고 그 다음에는 건물의 비율, 배치 및 다른 형태의 대칭을 설명하고 설명하는 데 사용되는 책에 대해 설명하는 것이 가장 좋다고 생각했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "For the temples, the sites for those of the gods under whose particular protection the state is thought to rest and for Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, should be on the very highest point commanding a view of the greater part of the city." msgstr "신전들의 경우, 국가가 특별히 보호하고 있는 것으로 여겨지는 신들의 유적지와 주피터, 주노, 미네르바는 도시의 가장 높은 곳에 위치하여 도시의 더 큰 부분을 볼 수 있다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Apollo and Father Bacchus near the theatre: Hercules at the circus in communities which have no gymnasia nor amphitheatres; Mars outside the city but at the training ground, and so Venus, but at the harbor. It is moreover shown by the Etruscan diviners in treatises on their science that the fanes of Venus, Vulcan, and Mars should be situated outside the walls, in order that the young men and married women may not become habituated in the city to the temptations incident to the worship of Venus, and that buildings may be free from the terror of fires through the religious rites and sacrifices which call the power of Vulcan beyond the walls. As for Mars, when that divinity is enshrined outside the walls, the citizens will never take up arms against each other, and he will defend the city from its enemies and save it from danger in war." msgstr "아폴로와 바커스 신부는 극장 근처에 있습니다. 체육관이나 원형극장이 없는 공동체에서 헤라클레스는 서커스단에서, 화성은 도시 밖 훈련장에서, 금성은 항구에서. 또한 에트루리아 점성가들은 금성, 벌컨, 화성의 우화가 성벽 바깥에 위치해야 한다는 과학에 대한 조약에 서명하여, 젊은 남녀가 금성 숭배에 대한 유혹으로 인해 도시에서 습관화되지 않도록 하고, 성벽 너머에서 벌컨의 힘을 부르는 종교 의식과 희생을 통해 건물이 화재의 공포에서 벗어날 수 있음을 보여주었다. 화성의 경우, 그 신성함이 성벽 바깥에 자리잡을 때, 시민들은 절대 서로 무기를 들지 않을 것이며, 그는 도시를 적으로부터 보호하고 전쟁의 위험에서 구할 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "For the temples, the sites for those of the gods under whose particular protection the state is thought to rest and for Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, should be on the very highest point commanding a view of the greater part of the city. Mercury should be in the forum, or, like Isis and Serapis, in the emporium:" msgstr "신전들의 경우, 국가가 특별히 보호하고 있는 것으로 여겨지는 신들의 유적지와 주피터, 주노, 미네르바는 도시의 가장 높은 곳에 위치하여 도시의 더 큰 부분을 볼 수 있다. 머큐리는 포럼에, 또는 Isis와 Serapis와 같이 엠포리움에 있어야 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Having laid out the alleys and determined the streets, we have next to treat of the choice of building sites for temples, the forum, and all other public places, with a view to general convenience and utility. If the city is on the sea, we should choose ground close to the harbor as the place where the forum is to be built; but if inland, in the middle of the town." msgstr "골목을 배치하고 거리를 결정한 다음에는 사원, 포럼 및 기타 모든 공공 장소의 건물 부지를 일반적인 편리함과 유용성을 고려하여 처리해야 합니다. 도시가 바다에 있다면 항구와 가까운 곳을 포럼을 건설할 장소로 선택해야 합니다. 그러나 내륙인 경우 도시 한가운데에 있어야 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "The sites for public building" msgstr "공공건축물 부지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Having laid out the alleys and determined the streets, we have next to treat of the choice of building sites for temples, the forum, and all other public places, with a view to general convenience and utility." msgstr "골목을 배치하고 거리를 결정한 다음에는 사원, 포럼 및 기타 모든 공공 장소의 건물 부지를 일반적인 편리함과 유용성을 고려하여 처리해야 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: msgid "Escalators, vicious wasters?" msgstr "에스컬레이터, 악랄한 쓰레기?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Finally, intersecting lines are to be drawn from M to O and from L to N. Thus we shall have the circumference divided into eight equal spaces for the winds. The figure being finished, we shall have at the eight different divisions, beginning at the south, the letter G between Eurus and Auster, H between Auster and Africus, N between Africus and Favonius, O between Favonius and Caurus, K between Caurus and Septentrio, I between Septentrio and Aquilo, L between Aquilo and Solanus, and M between Solanus and Eurus. This done, apply a gnomon to these eight divisions and thus fix the directions of the different alleys." msgstr "마지막으로, 교차하는 선들은 M에서 O로 그리고 L에서 N으로 그려질 것이다. 따라서 우리는 둘레를 8개의 동일한 공간으로 나누어야 한다. 그림은 남쪽에서 시작하여 여덟 개의 다른 분할, 글자 G는 Eurus와 Auster 사이에, H는 Augustus와 Africaus 사이에, N은 Africaus와 Favonius 사이에, O는 Favonius와 Caurus 사이에, K는 Caurus와 Septentrio 사이에, I는 Septentrio와 Aquilo 사이에, L은 Aquilo와 Solanus 사이에, M은 Solanus와 Eurus 사이에 있습니다. 이렇게 해서, 이 8개의 분할에 그노몬을 적용하고, 따라서 다른 골목의 방향을 고친다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Then find with the compasses a sixteenth part of the entire circumference; then centre the compasses on the point E where the line to the south touches the circumference, and set off the points G and H to the right and left of E. Likewise on the north side, centre the compasses on the circumference at the point F on the line to the north, and set off the points I and K to the right and left; then draw lines through the centre from G to K and from H to I. Thus the space from G to H will belong to Auster and the south, and the space from I to K will be that of Septentrio. The rest of the circumference is to be divided equally into three parts on the right and three on the left, those to the east at the points L and M, those to the west at the points N and O. " msgstr "그런 다음 전체 원주의 16분의 1 부분을 나침반으로 찾은 다음, 남쪽으로 가는 선이 원주에 닿는 지점 E의 중심에 나침반을 놓습니다. 그리고 점 G와 H를 E의 오른쪽과 왼쪽에 놓습니다. 마찬가지로 북쪽으로 가는 선의 왼쪽에 있는 점 F의 원주의 중심에 나침반을 놓습니다. 그리고 점 I과 K를 오른쪽과 왼쪽에 놓습니다. 그리고 G에서 K와 H에서 I의 중심을 통해 선을 그립니다. 따라서 G에서 H의 공간은 아우스터스트리아와 남쪽으로 갈 것이고, I에서 K의 공간은 셉텐트리오의 공간이 될 것입니다. 나머지 둘레는 동일하게 오른쪽 세 부분과 왼쪽 세 부분으로 나누되 동쪽은 L과 M 지점에서, 서쪽은 N과 O 지점에서 하라. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "which the shadow of the gnomon reaches in the morning. Taking A as the centre, open the compasses to the point B, which marks the shadow, and describe a circle. Put the gnomon back where it was before and wait for the shadow to lessen and grow again until in the afternoon it is equal to its length in the morning, touching the circumference at the point C. Then from the points B and C describe with the compasses two arcs intersecting at D. Next draw a line from the point of intersection D through the centre of the circle to the circumference and call it E F. This line will show where the south and north lie." msgstr "아침에 그노몬의 그림자가 다가옵니다. A를 중심으로 삼고, 나침반을 점 B로 열어 그림자를 표시하고, 원을 묘사합니다. 그노몬을 다시 원래의 위치에 놓고 그림자가 줄어들 때까지 기다린 다음 오후에 다시 자라서 C 지점에서 원주와 닿을 때까지 기다립니다. 그 다음 점 B와 C 지점에서 D에서 교차하는 두 개의 나침반으로 두 호를 묘사한 다음 D 지점에서 원의 중심을 지나 원주에 이르는 선을 그어 E F라고 합니다. 이 선은 남쪽과 북쪽이 어디 있는지 보여줍니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "If he was wrong, the only result will be that the individual winds may blow, not with the scope expected from his measurement, but with powers either more or less widely extended. For the readier understanding of these topics, since I have treated them with brevity, it has seemed best to me to give two figures, or, as the Greeks say, o^^ara, at the end of this book: one designed to show the precise quarters from which the winds arise; the other, how by turning the directions of the rows of houses and the streets away from their full force, we may avoid unhealthy blasts. Let A be the centre of a plane surface, and B the point to" msgstr "그가 틀렸다면, 유일한 결과는 개별 바람이 불 수 있다는 것입니다. 그의 측정에서 예상되는 범위가 아니라 이 주제에 대해 더 잘 이해하기 위해, 제가 간결하게 처리했기 때문에, 그리스인들이 이 책의 마지막에 \"o ^ ^ ara\" 라고 말하는 두 개의 수치를 주는 것이 최선인 것 같았습니다. 하나는 바람이 발생하는 정확한 분기를 보여주기 위해 고안된 것이고, 다른 하나는 집들의 행과 거리의 방향을 그들의 전체 힘에서 멀어지게 함으로써, 우리는 건강하지 못한 폭발을 피할 수 있습니다. A가 평면 표면의 중심이 되고, B가" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Then, too, there are the breezes of early morning; for the sun on emerging from beneath the earth strikes humid air as he returns, and as he goes climbing up the sky he spreads it out before him, extracting breezes from the vapour that was there before the dawn. Those that still blow on after sunrise are classed with Eurus, and hence appears to come the Greek name evpos as the child of the breezes, and the word for \"to-morrow,\" avpiov, named from the early morning breezes. Some people do indeed say that Eratosthenes could not have inferred the true measure of the earth. Whether true or untrue, it cannot affect the truth of what I have written on the fixing of the quarters from which the different winds blow." msgstr "그 때에 새벽 바람이 일어나나니 이는 땅 아래서 솟아오르는 해가 찬 공기를 부딪치며 그가 하늘로 올라갈 때에 그 앞에 펴고 새벽 전에 있던 증기로부터 바람을 뽑음이라 해 뜨고 난 후에도 여전히 바람을 부는 사람들은 유로스로 분류되며, 따라서 바람의 아이라는 그리스어 이름인 evpos와 이른 아침 바람에서 이름을 딴 \"내일로\" 라는 단어인 avpiov에서 유래한 것으로 보인다. 어떤 사람들은 에라토스테네스가 지구의 진가를 추론할 수 없었다고 말한다. 사실이든 아니든, 그것은 제가 다른 바람이 부는 구역을 고치는 것에 대해 쓴 진실에 영향을 줄 수 없습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "So we often have Leuconotus and Altanus blowing respectively to the right and left of Auster; Libonotus and Subvesperus to the right and left of Africus; Argestes, and at certain periods the Etesiae, on either side of Favonius; Circias and Corus on the sides of Caurus; Thracias and Gallicus on either side of Sep tentrio; Supernas and Caecias to the right and left of Aquilo; Carbas, and at a certain period the Ornithiae, on either side of Solanus; while Eurocircias and Volturnus blow on the flanks of Eurus which is between them. There are also many other names for winds derived from localities or from the squalls which sweep from rivers or down mountains." msgstr "그래서 우리는 종종 아우구스투스의 오른편과 왼편으로 각각 레우코노투스와 알타누스, 아프리카의 오른편과 왼편으로 리보노투스와 서브베스페루스, 아르게스테스, 그리고 특정 시기에 파보니우스의 양쪽에 있는 에테시아에, 카우루스의 양쪽에 있는 서키아스와 코루스, 셉 텐트리오의 양쪽에 있는 트라키아스와 갈리쿠스, 아퀼로의 오른편과 왼편에 있는 수페르나스와 케시아, 카르바스, 그리고 오르니티아의 양쪽에 있는 특정 기간에, 솔라누스와 볼투르누스는 그들 사이에 있는 유루스의 양쪽에 있는 에테시아를 날립니다. 또한 지역이나 강이나 산을 휩쓸고 지나가는 스콜에서 파생된 바람에 대한 다른 이름도 많다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Those who know names for very many winds will perhaps be surprised at our setting forth that there are only eight. Remembering, however, that Eratosthenes of Cyrene, employing mathematical theories and geometrical methods, discovered from the course of the sun, the shadows cast by an equinoctial gnomon, and the inclination of the heaven that the circumference of the earth is two hundred and fifty-two thousand stadia, that is, thirtyone million five hundred thousand paces, and observing that an eighth part of this, occupied by a wind, is three million nine hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred paces, they should not be surprised to find that a single wind, ranging over so wide a field, is subject to shifts this way and that, leading to a variety of breezes." msgstr "아주 많은 바람에 대한 이름을 아는 사람들은 아마 여덟 가지 밖에 없다는 우리의 태도에 놀랄 것입니다. 그러나, 기억하십시오, 키레네의 에라토스테네스는, 수학적 이론과 기하학적 방법을 사용하여, 태양의 경로에서 발견, 등각 그노몬에 의해 주조된 그림자, 그리고 지구의 둘레가 이십오만 이천오천장, 즉 삼십만 오천장이라는 하늘의 기울기를 기억하고," #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "On this principle of arrangement the disagreeable force of the winds will be shut out from dwellings and lines of houses. For if the streets run full in the face of the winds, their constant blasts rushing in from the open country, and then confined by narrow alleys, will sweep through them with great violence. The lines of houses must therefore be directed away from the quarters from which the winds blow, so that as they come in they may strike against the angles of the blocks and their force thus be broken and dispersed." msgstr "이 배열의 원칙에서 바람의 반대 세력은 주택과 주택 라인에서 차단됩니다. 대저 거리가 바람 앞에 가득하면 그 광풍이 들에서 몰려 들어오고 좁은 골목에 매여 큰 폭포로 휘몰아치리라 그러므로 집의 선들은 바람이 부는 사방으로부터 멀어지게 하여 그들이 들어오면서 블록들의 각도를 치게 하고 그들의 힘은 부러져 흩어지게 해야 한다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "From these two points describe with your compasses intersecting arcs, and through their intersection and the centre let a line be drawn to the circumference of the circle to give us the quarters of south and north. Then, using a sixteenth part of the entire circumference of the circle as a diameter, describe a circle with its centre on the line to the south, at the point where it crosses the circumference, and put points to the right and left on the circumference on the south side, repeating the process on the north side. From the four points thus obtained draw lines intersecting the centre from one side of the circumference to the other. Thus we shall have an eighth part of the circumference set out for Auster and another for Septentrio. The rest of the entire circumference is then to be divided into three equal parts on each side, and thus we have designed a figure equally apportioned among the eight winds. Then let the directions of your streets and alleys be laid down on the lines of division between the quarters of two winds." msgstr "이 두 점에서 나침반이 교차하는 원을 그리고 그 교차점과 중심을 통해 원의 둘레에 선을 그어 남과 북의 둘레를 알 수 있습니다. 그런 다음 원의 전체 둘레의 16분의 1을 지름으로 사용하여 원의 중심이 원을 지나는 지점에 있는 원을 그립니다. 원을 지나는 지점에서 원을 그립니다. 이렇게 얻은 네 점으로부터 원의 한 변에서 다른 변으로 중심을 가로지르는 선들을 그린다. 따라서 우리는 아우구스트를 위한 원주 8분의 1과 셉텐트리오를 위한 다른 하나를 가질 것이다. 전체 둘레의 나머지는 각 면에서 세 부분으로 나뉘게 되므로 여덟 개의 바람에 똑같이 분배된 모양을 디자인했습니다. 그 때에 너희 거리와 골목의 행로로 두 사방 사방 사면에 나뉘게 하라" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "In the middle of the city place a marble amussium, laying it true by the level, or else let the spot be made so true by means of rule and level that no amussium is necessary. In the very centre of that spot set up a bronze gnomon or \"shadow tracker\" (in Greek wuaMjpat). At about the fifth hour in the morning, take the end of the shadow cast by this gnomon, and mark it with a point. Then, opening your compasses to this point which marks the length of the gnomon's shadow, describe a circle from the centre. In the afternoon watch the shadow of your gnomon as it lengthens, and when it once more touches the circumference of this circle and the shadow in the afternoon is equal in length to that of the morning, mark it with a point." msgstr "도시 한가운데에 대리석으로 만든 무순을 평평한 곳에 얹고, 그렇지 않으면 무순이 필요 없는 규칙과 평평한 곳에 얹는다. 그 지점의 중앙에는 청동 그노몬 또는 \"그림자 추적기\" (그리스어 wuaMjpat) 가 세워져 있다. 새벽 다섯 시쯤에 이 그노몬이 던진 그림자의 끝을 찍어 한 점으로 표시하라 그런 다음 그노몬의 그림자 길이를 표시하는 이 지점에 나침반을 열고 중심에서 원을 그려보세요. 오후에는 그노몬의 그림자가 길어질 때를 지켜보세요. 그리고 또다시 이 원의 둘레에 닿을 때, 그리고 오후의 그림자는 아침의 그림자와 길이가 같을 때, 점으로 표시합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Thus Eurus is placed to the southeast between Solanus and Auster: Africus to the southwest between Auster and Favonius; Caurus, or, as many call it, Corus, between Favonius and Septentrio; and Aquilo between Septentrio and Solanus. Such, then, appears to have been his device, including the numbers and names of the wind and indicating the directions from which particular winds blow. These facts being thus determined, to find the directions and quarters of the winds your method of procedure should be as follows." msgstr "따라서 유루스는 솔라누스와 아우스터 사이의 남동쪽에 위치한다: 아우스터와 파보니우스 사이의 남서쪽에 있는 아프리카누스; 카우루스, 또는 파보니우스와 셉텐트리오 사이의 코루스, 그리고 셉텐트리오와 솔라누스 사이의 아퀼로. 그런 다음, 바람의 번호와 이름, 특정 바람이 부는 방향을 나타내는 등 그의 장치였던 것으로 보인다. 따라서 바람의 방향과 사분면을 찾기 위해 이러한 사실이 결정되는 경우, 귀하의 절차 방법은 다음과 같습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Some have held that there are only four winds : Solanus from due east; Auster from the south; Favonius from due west; Septentrio from the north. But more careful investigators tell us that there are eight. Chief among such was Andronicus of Cyrrhus who in proof built the marble octagonal tower in Athens. On the several sides of the octagon he executed reliefs representing the several winds, each facing the point from which it blows; and on top of the tower he set a conical shaped piece of marble and on this a bronze Triton with a rod outstretched in its right hand. It was so contrived as to go round with the wind, always stopping to face the breeze and holding its rod as a pointer directly over the representation of the wind that was blowing." msgstr "어떤 이들은 솔라누스는 동쪽에서, 아우구스투스는 남쪽에서, 파보니우스는 서쪽에서, 셉텐트리오는 북쪽에서, 네 가지 바람만 있을 뿐이라고 주장했다. 하지만 좀 더 신중한 조사에 의하면 8명이 있다고 합니다. 그러한 사람 중 으뜸은 키루스의 안드로니쿠스였는데, 그는 아테네에 있는 팔각형 대리석 탑에 증명을 건설했다. 팔각형의 여러 면에서 그는 바람이 부는 지점을 향한 여러 바람을 나타내는 구호를 실행했고, 탑의 꼭대기에는 원뿔 모양의 대리석 조각을 세웠고, 그 위에 오른손에 지팡이를 든 놋 트리톤을 세웠다. 그것은 바람과 함께 둥글게 가고, 항상 바람을 마주보고 멈추고 바람의 표현 바로 위에 포인터로 낚싯대를 들고 있었다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "By shutting out the winds from our dwellings, therefore, we shall not only make the place healthful for people who are well, but also in the case of diseases due perhaps to unfavourable situations elsewhere, the patients, who in other healthy places might be cured by a different form of treatment, will here be more quickly cured by the mildness that comes from the shutting out of the winds. The diseases which are hard to cure in neighbourhoods such as those to which I have referred above are catarrh, hoarseness, coughs, pleurisy, consumption, spitting of blood, and all others that are cured not by lowering the system but by building it up. They are hard to cure, first, because they are originally due to chills; secondly, because the patient's system being already exhausted by disease, the air there, which is in constant agitation owing to winds and therefore deteriorated, takes all the sap of life out of their diseased bodies and leaves them more meagre every day. On the other hand, a mild, thick air, without draughts and not constantly blowing back and forth, builds up their frames by its unwavering steadiness, and so strengthens and restores people who are afflicted with these diseases." msgstr "따라서 숙소에서 바람을 차단하여 건강에 좋은 사람들을 위해 장소를 건강하게 할뿐만 아니라 다른 곳의 불리한 상황으로 인한 질병의 경우 다른 건강한 장소에서 다른 치료로 완치 될 수있는 환자는 바람을 차단함으로써 오는 온화함에 의해 더 빨리 완치됩니다. 제가 언급한 카타르시스, 흥분, 기침, 늑막염, 소비, 침 뱉기, 그리고 첫째로, 그것들은 치유하기가 어렵습니다. 왜냐하면 그들은 원래 오한 때문에; 둘째로, 환자 시스템이 이미 질병에 의해 지쳐가고 있기 때문에, 그곳의 공기는 바람으로 인해 끊임없이 동요하고 있고, 따라서 악화되었기 때문에, 질병에 걸린 몸에서 생명의 수액을 꺼내어 매일 더 심하게 만듭니다. 반면에, 끊임없이 앞뒤로 불지 않고 가볍고 두꺼운 공기는 흔들리지 않는 꾸준함으로 프레임을 쌓아 올립니다. 그래서 이 질병으로 고통받는 사람들을 강화하고 복원합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Wind is a flowing wave of air, moving hither and thither indefinitely. It is produced when heat meets moisture, the rush of heat generating a mighty current of air. That this is the fact we may learn from bronze eolipiles, and thus by means of a scientific invention discover a divine truth lurking in the laws of the heavens. Eolipiles are hollow bronze balls, with a very small opening through which water is poured into them. Set before a fire, not a breath issues from them before they get warm ; but as soon as they begin to boil, out comes a strong blast due to the fire. Thus from this slight and very short experiment we may understand and judge of the mighty and wonderful laws of the heavens and the nature of winds." msgstr "바람 (風) 은 공기의 물결로, 이곳저곳에서 무한히 움직인다. 이것은 열이 수분을 만나면 생성됩니다. 열의 돌진은 강력한 공기의 전류를 생성합니다. 이것이 우리가 청동 황도대에서 배울 수 있는 사실입니다. 따라서 과학적인 발명을 통해 하늘의 법칙에 잠복해 있는 신성한 진실을 발견할 수 있습니다. 에올리필은 텅 빈 놋쇠 공이며, 아주 작은 구멍이 있고 그 구멍으로 물이 쏟아집니다. 불을 피우라 그들이 따뜻해지기 전에 호흡이 문제가 아니라 그들이 끓기 시작하면 불길이 치솟으니 그러므로 이 짧고 작은 실험을 통하여 우리는 하늘의 위대하고 기이한 법과 바람의 성질을 이해하고 판단할 수 있다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "The town being fortified, the next step is the apportionment of house lots within the wall and the laying out of streets and alleys with regard to climatic conditions. They will be properly laid out if foresight is employed to exclude the winds from the alleys. Cold winds are disagreeable, hot winds enervating, moist winds unhealthy. We must, therefore, avoid mistakes in this matter and beware of the common experience of many communities. For example, MytlTene in the island of Lesbos is a town built with magnificence and good taste, but its position shows a lack of foresight. In that community when the wind is south, the people fall ill; when it is northwest, it sets them coughing; with a north wind they do indeed recover but cannot stand about in the alleys and streets, owing to the severe cold." msgstr "도시가 강화되고 있습니다. 다음 단계는 벽 안에 주택을 많이 배치하고 기후 조건에 따라 거리와 골목을 배치하는 것입니다. 예지력이 뒷골목에서 바람을 배제하는 데 사용되면 제대로 배치됩니다. 찬바람은 이견이 없고, 더운바람은 질기며, 습한바람은 건강에 좋지 않다. 따라서 이 문제에 대한 실수를 피하고 많은 커뮤니티의 공통된 경험을 주의해야 합니다. 예를 들어, 레스보스 섬의 미틀텐은 웅장함과 좋은 맛으로 지어진 마을이지만 그 위치는 선견지명이 부족합니다. 그 회중 가운데에서 바람이 남쪽에 불면 백성은 병에 걸리고 북서쪽에 불면 기침이 나고 북풍이 불면 회복되나 골목과 거리에는 서지 못하며 혹독한 추위가 있느니라" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "The directions of the streets; with remarks on the winds" msgstr "거리의 길, 바람에 대한 발언" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Wind is a flowing wave of air, moving hither and thither indefinitely. It is produced when heat meets moisture, the rush of heat generating a mighty current of air." msgstr "바람 (風) 은 공기의 물결로, 이곳저곳에서 무한히 움직인다. 이것은 열이 수분을 만나면 생성됩니다. 열의 돌진은 강력한 공기의 전류를 생성합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: msgid "Smart thinking and design for continuity" msgstr "연속성을 위한 스마트한 사고와 디자인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Public Spaces" msgstr "공공장소" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "public-spaces" msgstr "공용 공간" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "With regard to the material of which the actual wall should be constructed or finished, there can be no definite prescription, because we cannot obtain in all places the supplies that we desire. Dimension stone, flint, rubble, burnt or unburnt brick, use them as you find them. For it is not every neighborhood or particular locality that can have a wall built of burnt brick like that at Babylon, where there was plenty of asphalt to take the place of lime and sand, and yet possibly each may be provided with materials of equal usefulness so that out of them a faultless wall may be built to last forever." msgstr "실제 벽을 구성하거나 완료해야 하는 재료에 대해, 우리가 원하는 모든 곳에서 공급을 얻을 수 없기 때문에 확실한 처방은 있을 수 없습니다. 차원 돌, 부싯돌, 돌무더기, 타거나 타지 않은 벽돌을 찾을 때 사용하세요. 바빌론에 석회와 모래를 담을 만한 아스팔트가 많았던 것처럼 불탄 벽돌로 성벽을 쌓을 수 있는 것은 모든 동네나 특정 지역이 아니기 때문이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Then within this substructure lay a second foundation, far enough inside the first to leave ample room for cohorts in line of battle to take position on the broad top of the rampart for its defense. Having laid these two foundations at this distance from one another, build cross walls between them, uniting the outer and inner foundation, in a comb-like arrangement, set like the teeth of a saw. With this form of construction, the enormous burden of earth will be distributed into small bodies, and will not lie with all its weight in one crushing mass so as to thrust out the substructures." msgstr "그 다음 이 하부 구조 내에서 두 번째 기초를 놓습니다. 첫 번째 내부에서 충분히 떨어져서 전투가 진행되는 동안 넓은 경사로의 꼭대기에서 방어할 수 있는 충분한 공간을 확보합니다. 이 두 기초를 서로 이격하여 쌓고 그 사이에 벽을 쌓아 빗살 모양으로 외벽과 내벽을 일체화하라 이는 톱니 같으니라 이러한 형태의 건축을 통해, 지구의 거대한 짐은 작은 몸체로 분산될 것이며, 그 모든 무게를 한 덩어리로 뭉개어 놓지 않을 것이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The rampart form of defense, however, is not required in all places, but only where outside the wall there is high ground from which an assault on the fortifications may be made over a level space lying between. In places of this kind we must first make very wide, deep ditches; next sink foundations for a wall in the bed of the ditch and build them thick enough to support an earthwork with ease." msgstr "그러나 모든 장소에서 경사로의 방어 형태가 요구되는 것은 아니며, 성벽 외부에 높은 지대가 있을 때에만 요새에 대한 공격은 그 사이에 있는 평평한 공간을 통해 이루어질 수 있다. 이런 곳에서 우리는 먼저 매우 넓고 깊은 도랑을 만들어야 한다. 그 다음에는 도랑의 침상에서 벽을 세울 수 있는 싱크대 기초를 만들어야 한다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The towers themselves must be either round or polygonal. Square towers are sooner shattered by military engines, for the battering rams pound their angles to pieces; but in the case of round towers they can do no harm, being engaged, as it were, in driving wedges to their centre. The system of fortification by wall and towers may be made safest by the addition of earthen ramparts, for neither rams, nor mining, nor other engineering devices can do them any harm." msgstr "타워 자체는 둥글거나 다각형이어야 합니다. 네모난 탑은 군용 엔진에 의해 더 빨리 산산조각 나지만, 둥근 탑의 경우에 그들은 해를 끼칠 수 없습니다, 마치 약혼, 중앙으로 쐐기 드라이브. 벽과 탑에 의한 요새화 시스템은, 램들, 광업, 또는 다른 엔지니어링 디바이스들이 그것들을 해치지 않을 수 있기 때문에, 토사구팽의 추가에 의해 가장 안전하게 만들어질 수 있다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The towers should be set at intervals of not more than a bowshot apart, so that in case of an assault upon any one of them, the enemy may be repulsed with scorpiones and other means of hurling missiles from the towers to the right and left. Opposite the inner side of every tower the wall should be interrupted for a space the width of the tower, and have only a wooden flooring across, leading to the interior of the tower but not firmly nailed. This is to be cut away by the defenders in case the enemy gets possession of any portion of the wall; and if the work is quickly done, the enemy will not be able to make his way to the other towers and the rest of the wall unless he is ready to face a fall." msgstr "타워는 활을 쏘는 것 이상의 간격으로 설치되어야 하며, 그 중 하나에 대한 공격의 경우, 적은 전갈과 다른 방법으로 타워에서 좌우로 미사일을 던지는 것을 거부당할 수 있다. 모든 탑의 안쪽 면에 대향하여, 벽은 탑의 너비를 위한 공간을 위해 중단되어야 하며, 탑의 내부로 이어지는 나무 마루만 있지만 단단히 못박히지 않아야 한다. 이는 적이 성벽의 일부를 차지할 경우를 대비하여 수비병이 끊어 버릴 것이며 일이 빨리 끝나면 적이 다른 망대와 성벽의 나머지 부분으로 갈 수 없을 것이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The thickness of the wall should, in my opinion, be such that armed men meeting on top of it may pass one another without interference. In the thickness there should be set a very close succession of ties made of charred olive wood, binding the two faces of the wall together like pins, to give it lasting endurance. For that is a material which neither decay, nor the weather, nor time can harm, but even though buried in the earth or set in the water it keeps sound and useful forever. And so not only city walls but substructures in general and all walls that require a thickness like that of a city wall, will be long in falling to decay if tied in this manner." msgstr "제 생각에 벽의 두께는 그 위에서 만나는 무장한 사람들이 서로 간섭하지 않고 지나갈 수 있도록 해야 합니다. 그 두께로 올리브 나무를 빻아 만든 넥타이를 아주 가깝게 이어 붙여서 벽의 두 면을 핀처럼 서로 묶어서 내구성을 유지하게 하라. 이는 썩지 아니할 재료요 날씨도 때도 해롭지 아니함이라 땅에 묻히거나 물에 세울지라도 소리와 쓸 것을 영영히 지킬지니라 그래서 도시 성벽뿐만 아니라 일반적으로 하부 구조와 도시 성벽의 두께와 같은 두께를 필요로 하는 모든 성벽은 이런 식으로 묶이면 붕괴하기까지 오래 걸릴 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The towers must be projected beyond the line of wall, so that an enemy wishing to approach the wall to carry it by assault may be exposed to the fire of missiles on his open flank from the towers on his right and left. Special pains should be taken that there be no easy avenue by which to storm the wall. The roads should be encompassed at steep points, and planned so as to approach the gates, not in a straight line, but from the right to the left; for as a result of this, the right hand side of the assailants, unprotected by their shields, will be next the wall. Towns should be laid out not as an exact square nor with salient angles, but in circular form, to give a view of the enemy from many points. Defense is difficult where there are salient angles, because the angle protects the enemy rather than the inhabitants." msgstr "타워는 벽의 선 너머로 투영되어야 하며, 따라서 공격으로 벽으로 접근하고자 하는 적은 그의 오른쪽과 왼쪽의 타워에서 열린 측면의 미사일의 불에 노출될 수 있다. 벽을 치는 쉬운 방법이 없도록 특별한 고통을 감수해야 한다. 도로는 가파른 지점에 포함되어야하며, 직선으로가 아니라 오른쪽에서 왼쪽으로 게이트에 접근하도록 계획해야합니다. 이 결과로 공격자의 오른쪽은 방어막으로 보호되지 않고 성벽 옆에있을 것입니다. 마을은 정확한 사각형이나 두드러진 각도로 배치되지 않고 원형으로 배치되어 많은 지점에서 적을 볼 수 있어야 합니다. 두드러진 각도가 있는 곳에서는 방어가 어려운데, 그 이유는 각도가 주민보다는 적을 보호하기 때문이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "After insuring on these principles the healthfulness of the future city, and selecting a neighborhood that can supply plenty of food stuffs to maintain the community, with good roads or else convenient rivers or seaports affording easy means of transport to the city, the next thing to do is to lay the foundations for the towers and walls. Dig down to solid bottom, if it can be found, and lay them therein, going as deep as the magnitude of the proposed work seems to require. They should be much thicker than the part of the walls that will appear above ground, and their structure should be as solid as it can possibly be laid." msgstr "미래의 도시의 건강성에 대한 이러한 원칙을 보장하고, 지역 사회를 유지하기 위해 많은 식량을 공급할 수 있는 동네를 선택한 후, 좋은 도로 또는 기타 편리한 강이나 항구로 도시로 쉽게 이동할 수 있는 교통 수단을 제공하는 다음 할 일은 탑과 성벽의 기초를 마련하는 것입니다. 발견된 경우 단단한 바닥으로 파내어 그 안에 놓으십시오. 제안 된 작업의 크기만큼 깊숙이 들어가야합니다. 그들은 지면 위에 나타날 벽의 부분보다 훨씬 두꺼워야하며, 그들의 구조는 가능한 한 단단해야합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "The city walls" msgstr "도시 성벽" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "After insuring on these principles the healthfulness of the future city, and selecting a neighborhood that can supply plenty of food stuffs to maintain the community, with good roads or else convenient rivers or seaports affording easy means of transport to the city, the next thing to do is to lay the foundations for the towers and walls." msgstr "미래의 도시의 건강성에 대한 이러한 원칙을 보장하고, 지역 사회를 유지하기 위해 많은 식량을 공급할 수 있는 동네를 선택한 후, 좋은 도로 또는 기타 편리한 강이나 항구로 도시로 쉽게 이동할 수 있는 교통 수단을 제공하는 다음 할 일은 탑과 성벽의 기초를 마련하는 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Building massive public spaces" msgstr "대규모 공공장소 짓기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "But marshes that are stagnant and have no outlets either by rivers or ditches, like the Pomptine marshes, merely putrefy as they stand, emitting heavy, unhealthy vapours. A case of a town built in such a spot was Old Salpia in Apulia, founded by Diomede on his way back from Troy, or, according to some writers, by Elpias of Rhodes. Year after year there was sickness, until finally the suffering inhabitants came with a public petition to Marcus Hostilius and got him to agree to seek and find them a proper place to which to remove their city. Without delay he made the most skillful investigations, and at once purchased an estate near the sea in a healthy place, and asked the Senate and Roman people for permission to remove the town. He constructed the walls and laid out the house lots, granting one to each citizen for a mere trifle. This done, he cut an opening from a lake into the sea, and thus made of the lake a harbor for the town. The result is that now the people of Salpia live on a healthy site and at a distance of only four miles from the old town." msgstr "그러나 침체되어 있고 강이나 도랑에 의해 배출구가 없는 습지는, 폼파인 습지와 같이, 단지 서 있는 그대로의 모습으로, 무겁고, 건강하지 못한 증기를 내뿜습니다. 그런 곳에 세워진 마을은 아풀리아의 올드 살피아로, 디오메데스가 트로이에서 돌아오는 길에 세웠거나, 로도스의 엘피아스가 세웠다고 한다. 해마다 병이 들었는데, 마침내 고통받는 주민들이 마르쿠스 호스틸리우스에게 공개 탄원서를 제출하고, 지체 없이 그는 가장 능숙한 조사를 했고, 바다 근처의 사유지를 건강하게 매입하고, 원로원과 로마인들에게 마을을 철거할 수 있는 허가를 요청했다. 성벽을 쌓고 제비를 뽑아 모든 국민에게 공평한 대우를 베풀었다. 이 일 을 행 하 시 되 호숫 가 에 서 바 다 로 열 리 기 를 자 르 시 고 이 와 같 이 호숫 가 로 고을 의 항구가 되게 하 셨 으 그 결과 살피아 주민들은 구시가지에서 불과 4마일 거리에 있는 건강한 지역에 살고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "If the walled town is built among the marshes themselves, provided they are by the sea, with a northern or north-eastern exposure, and are above the level of the seashore, the site will be reasonable enough. For ditches can be dug to let out the water to the shore, and also in times of storms the sea swells and comes backing up into the marshes, where its bitter blend prevents the reproductions of the usual marsh creatures, while any that swim down from the higher levels to the shore are killed at once by the saltness to which they are unused. An instance of this may be found in the Gallic marshes surrounding Altino, Ravenna, Aquileia, and other towns in places of the kind, close by marshes. They are marvelously healthy, for the reasons which I have given." msgstr "습지 사이에 벽으로 둘러싸인 마을이 북쪽 또는 북동쪽에 노출된 채 바닷가에 있고 바닷가 해수면보다 높은 곳에 건설된다면, 그 장소는 충분히 합리적일 것입니다. 도랑을 파서 해안으로 물을 내보낼 수 있고, 폭풍이 불 때 바다가 부풀어 올라 늪으로 다시 들어올 수 있습니다. 씁쓸한 혼합물은 일반적인 습지 생물의 번식을 방지하는 반면, 더 높은 곳에서 해안으로 헤엄쳐 내려가는 사람은 사용하지 않는 소금에 의해 한꺼번에 살해됩니다. 이러한 사례는 알티노, 라벤나, 아퀼레이아, 그리고 습지에서 가까운 지역의 다른 마을을 둘러싼 갈릭 습지에서 발견될 수 있다. 그들은 놀랍도록 건강합니다. 제가 그 이유를 제시했기 때문입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "That pasturage and food may indicate the healthful qualities of a site is a fact which can be observed and investigated in the case of certain pastures in Crete, on each side of the river Pothereus, which separates the two Cretan states of Gnosus and Gortyna. There are cattle at pasture on the right and left banks of that river, but while the cattle that feed near Gnosus have the usual spleen, those on the other side near Gortyna have no perceptible spleen. On investigating the subject, physicians discovered on this side a kind of herb which the cattle chew and thus make their spleen small. The herb is therefore gathered and used as a medicine for the cure of splenetic people. From food and water, then, we may learn whether sites are naturally unhealthy or healthy." msgstr "이 목초지와 음식은 크레타 섬의 어떤 목초지의 경우 관찰되고 조사될 수 있는 사실로, 그노수스와 고르티나의 두 크레타 주를 분리하는 포테리우스 강 양쪽에 있다. 강 좌우 둑에는 목장의 가축들이 있지만 그노수스 근처에서 먹는 가축들은 보통의 비장을 가지고 있지만, 고르티나 근처 반대편에는 지각할 수 있는 비장이 없습니다. 이 사건을 조사하던 중, 의사들은 이 쪽에서 소가 씹어서 비장을 작게 만드는 일종의 약초를 발견했습니다. 따라서 약초를 채취하여 비장 (脾 臟) 의 치료약으로 쓴다. 음식과 물에서, 우리는 자연적으로 건강하지 않은지 또는 건강하지 않은지 배울 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "I cannot too strongly insist upon the need of a return to the method of old times. Our ancestors, when about to build a town or an army post, sacrificed some of the cattle that were wont to feed on the site proposed and examined their livers. If the livers of the first victims were dark-colored or abnormal, they sacrificed others, to see whether the fault was due to disease or their food. They never began to build defensive works in a place until after they had made many such trials and satisfied themselves that good water and food had made the liver sound and firm. If they continued to find it abnormal, they argued from this that the food and water supply found in such a place would be just as unhealthy for man, and so they moved away and changed to another neighborhood, healthfulness being their chief object." msgstr "옛날 방식으로 돌아가야 한다고 강하게 주장할 수는 없다. 우리 조상들은 마을이나 군대 주둔지를 만들려고 할 때, 그 장소에서 먹이가 되지 않는 가축을 희생시키고 간을 검사했습니다. 첫 희생자의 간이 어두운 색이거나 비정상적인 경우, 질병 때문인지 음식 때문인지 확인하기 위해 다른 사람을 희생했습니다. 그들은 그런 많은 시련을 겪고 좋은 물과 음식이 간을 튼튼하게 했다는 것에 만족하기 전까지는 한곳에 방어시설을 짓기 시작하지 않았다. 만약 그들이 계속 이상함을 발견한다면, 그들은 이런 장소에서 발견되는 음식과 물 공급이 사람들에게 건강에 좋지 않을 것이라고 주장했고, 그래서 그들은 다른 지역으로 이주했습니다. 건강은 그들의 주요 목표가 되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "8. Therefore, if all this is as we have explained, our reason showing us that the bodies of animals are made up of the elements, and these bodies, as we believe, giving way and breaking up as a result of excess or deficiency in this or that element, we cannot but believe that we must take great care to select a very temperate climate for the site of our city, since healthfulness is, as we have said, the first requisite." msgstr "8. 그러므로 이 모든 것이 우리가 설명한 바와 같다면, 동물들의 몸이 요소들로 이루어져 있다는 것을 보여주는 이유이며, 이 요소 또는 그 요소의 과잉 또는 결핍의 결과로 이 몸들이 길을 내고 깨진다는 것을 보여주는 이유입니다. 그러나 우리는 도시의 현장을 위해 매우 온화한 기후를 선택하는 데 큰 주의를 기울여야 한다고 믿을 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 건강은, 우리가 말한 바와 같이, 첫 번째 필수 요소이기 때문입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "If one wishes a more accurate understanding of all this, he need only consider and observe the natures of birds, fishes, and land animals, and he will thus come to reflect upon distinctions of temperament. One form of mixture is proper to birds, another to fishes, and a far different form to land animals. Winged creatures have less of the earthy, less moisture, heat in moderation, air in large amount. Being made up, therefore, of the lighter elements, they can more readily soar away into the air. Fish, with their aquatic nature, being moderately supplied with heat and made up in great part of air and the earthy, with as little of moisture as possible, can more easily exist in moisture for the very reason that they have less of it than of the other elements in their bodies; and so, when they are drawn to land, they leave life and water at the same moment. Similarly, the land animals, being moderately supplied with the elements of air and heat, and having less of the earthy and a great deal of moisture, cannot long continue alive in the water, because their portion of moisture is already abundant." msgstr "이 모든 것에 대해 좀 더 정확한 이해를 원한다면, 새, 물고기, 육상 동물의 본성을 고려하고 관찰하기만 하면 됩니다. 따라서 그는 기질의 차이에 대해 성찰하게 될 것입니다. 한 가지 형태의 혼합물은 새에게, 또 다른 하나는 물고기에게, 그리고 육상 동물에게는 훨씬 다른 형태이다. 날개 달린 생물은 흙이 적고, 습기가 적으며, 적당히 열을 내고, 많은 양의 공기를 가지고 있습니다. 따라서, 더 가벼운 원소로 이루어져 있기 때문에, 그것들은 더 쉽게 공기 중으로 치솟을 수 있다. 물고기들은 수생의 특성을 가지고 있습니다. 적당히 열이 공급되고 공기의 많은 부분으로 이루어져 있습니다. 그리고 토양은 가능한 한 적은 양의 수분으로도 수분이 쉽게 존재할 수 있습니다. 왜냐하면 수분이 몸의 다른 요소들보다 적기 때문입니다. 그래서 육지로 끌려갈 때, 그들은 동시에 생명과 물을 남깁니다. 마찬가지로, 땅 동물은 공기나 열의 원소를 적당히 공급받고 토양과 수분의 양을 적게 공급받아도 물에서 살아 남을 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 그 수분의 부분은 이미 풍부하기 때문입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Therefore, if one of these elements, heat, becomes predominant in any body whatsoever, it destroys and dissolves all the others with its violence. This defect may be due to violent heat from certain quarters of the sky, pouring into the open pores in too great proportion to admit of a mixture suited to the natural temperament of the body in question. Again, if too much moisture enters the channels of a body, and thus introduces disproportion, the other elements, adulterated by the liquid, are impaired, and the virtues of the mixture dissolved. This defect, in turn, may arise from the cooling properties of moist winds and breezes blowing upon the body. In the same way, increase or diminution of the proportion of air or of the earthy which is natural to the body may enfeeble the other elements; the predominance of the earthy being due to overmuch food, that of air to a heavy atmosphere." msgstr "따라서 이러한 요소들 중 하나인 열이 어떤 몸에서든 지배적이게 되면 다른 모든 것을 파괴하고 폭력으로 분해합니다. 이 결함은 하늘의 특정 쿼터에서 발생한 격렬한 열로 인해 문제의 신체의 자연스러운 기질에 적합한 혼합물의 비율이 너무 커서 개방 개구로 쏟아질 수 있습니다. 다시, 너무 많은 수분이 신체의 채널에 유입되고, 따라서 불균형을 도입하면, 액체에 의해 간음된 다른 요소들이 손상되고, 혼합물의 미덕들이 용해된다. 이 결함은 몸에 부는 습한 바람과 바람의 냉각 특성으로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다. 이와 같이 몸에 자연적인 공기 또는 토양의 비율의 증가 또는 감소는 다른 요소들을 약화시킬 수 있습니다. 토양의 우세는 과도한 음식, 대기 중 공기로 인한 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "It appears, then, that in founding towns we must beware of districts from which hot winds can spread abroad over the inhabitants. For while all bodies are composed of the four elements (in Greek o-rot^eta), that is, of heat, moisture, the earthy, and air, yet there are mixtures according to natural temperament which make up the natures of all the different animals of the world, each after its kind." msgstr "창립 타운에서 우리는 뜨거운 바람이 주민 위에 퍼질 수있는 지구를 조심해야하는 것으로 보입니다. 모든 육체는 네 가지 요소 (그리스어 o-rot ^ eta), 즉 열, 습기, 흙, 공기로 구성되어 있지만, 자연적 기질에 따라 세상의 모든 다른 동물의 본성을 구성하는 혼합물이 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "We may also recognize the truth of this from the fact that in summer the heat makes everybody weak, not only in unhealthy but even in healthy places, and that in winter even the most unhealthy districts are much healthier because they are given a solidity by the cooling off. Similarly, persons removed from cold countries to hot cannot endure it but waste away; whereas those who pass from hot places to the cold regions of the north, not only do not suffer in health from the change of residence but even gain by it." msgstr "우리는 또한 여름에는 더위가 건강에 좋지 않은 곳 뿐만 아니라 건강하지 않은 곳에서도 모두를 약하게 만든다는 사실로부터, 그리고 겨울에는 가장 건강하지 않은 지역도 더 건강하다는 사실로부터, 마찬가지로 추운 나라에서 더운 나라로 이주한 사람들은 그것을 견딜 수 없지만, 추운 나라에서 추운 북쪽 지역으로 이주한 사람들은 거주지의 변화로 건강을 잃을 뿐만 아니라, 심지어 그것으로도 건강을 잃는다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "For heat is a universal solvent, melting out of things their power of resistance, and sucking away and removing their natural strength with its fiery exhalations so that they grow soft, and hence weak, under its glow. We see this in the case of iron which, however hard it may naturally be, yet when heated thoroughly in a furnace fire can be easily worked into any kind of shape, and still, if cooled while it is soft and white hot, it hardens again with a mere dip into cold water and takes on its former quality." msgstr "대저 열은 만능의 용매라 그 내력이 사물에서 녹아 없어지고 그 내력이 맹렬하여 그 광채 아래서 연하여지고 약하여지며 그러나 이것은 자연적으로 단단할 수 있지만, 난로에서 완전히 가열될 때 어떤 모양으로든 쉽게 가공될 수 있으며, 부드러우면서도 흰색으로 뜨겁게 냉각되면, 차가운 물에 한 번만 담그면 다시 굳어지고 이전의 품질을 유지하게 됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "These variations in heat and the subsequent cooling off are harmful to the people living on such sites. The same conclusion may be reached in the case of inanimate things. For instance, nobody draws the light for covered wine rooms from the south or west, but rather from the north, since that quarter is never subject to change but is always constant and unshifting. So it is with granaries: grain exposed to the sun's course soon loses its good quality, and provisions and fruit, unless stored in a place unexposed to the sun's course, do not keep long." msgstr "이러한 열의 변화와 그 이후의 냉각은 이러한 장소에 사는 사람들에게 해롭다. 무생물의 경우에도 같은 결론에 도달할 수 있다. 예를 들어, 남쪽이나 서쪽에서 지붕이 있는 와인룸에 빛을 비추는 사람은 없습니다. 북쪽보다는 남쪽에서 빛을 비추기 때문입니다. 왜냐하면 그 분기는 결코 변화의 대상이 아니지만 항상 일정하고 변하지 않기 때문입니다. 그래서 이 곳에는 과립이 있습니다. 태양열에 노출된 곡물은 곧 좋은 품질을 잃게 되고, 태양열에 노출되지 않은 곳에 저장되지 않는 한 식량과 과일은 오랫동안 보관되지 않습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "For fortified towns the following general principles are to be observed. First comes the choice of a very healthy site. Such a site will be high, neither misty nor frosty, and in a climate neither hot nor cold, but temperate; further, without marshes in the neighborhood. For when the morning breezes blow to ward the town at sunrise, if they bring with them mists from marshes and, mingled with the mist, the poisonous breath of the creatures of the marshes to be wafted into the bodies of the inhabitants, they will make the site unhealthy. Again, if the town is on the coast with a southern or western exposure, it will not be healthy, because in summer the southern sky grows hot at sunrise and is fiery at noon, while a western exposure grows warm after sunrise, is hot at noon, and at evening all aglow." msgstr "강화읍의 경우 다음과 같은 일반적인 원칙을 지켜야 한다. 첫째, 매우 건강한 사이트를 선택하는 것입니다. 이러한 장소는 높거나 안개도 서리도, 덥지도 춥지도 않은 기후에서, 온난할 것이다; 더 나아가, 이웃의 습지없이. 새벽 바람이 불면 늪에서 안개를 데리고 와서 안개와 섞이면 늪의 짐승의 독한 기운이 그 거민의 몸에 스며들어서 그 곳을 더럽히리라 다시 말하지만, 만약 마을이 남쪽 또는 서쪽 노출 해안이라면, 그것은 건강하지 않을 것입니다. 여름에 남쪽 하늘은 일출에 뜨거워지고 정오에 불타고, 반면 서쪽 노출은 일출 후 따뜻해지고, 정오에 뜨거워지고, 저녁에는 어글로우되기 때문입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "The sine of a city" msgstr "도시의 사인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "" "This is the Post Excerpt block, it will display the excerpt from single posts. If there are any Custom Post Types with support for excerpts, the Post Excerpt block can display the excerpts of those entries as\n" "well. Morbi nec augue vestibulum, sagittis nisi ac, commodo mauris." msgstr "" "글 요약 블록입니다. 글 하나의 요약문이 표시됩니다. 요약문이 지원되는 사용자 정의 글 타입이 있으면 해당 항목의 요약문도 글 요약 블록에 표시될 수\n" "있습니다. Morbi nec augue vestibulum, sagittis nisi ac, commodo mauris." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Developing sustainable projects" msgstr "지속가능한 프로젝트 개발" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "projects" msgstr "프로젝트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Durability will be assured when foundations are carried down to the solid ground and materials wisely and liberally selected; convenience, when the arrangement of the apartments is faultless and presents no hindrance to use, and when each class of building is assigned to its suitable and appropriate exposure; and beauty, when the appearance of the work is pleasing and in good taste, and when its members are in due proportion according to correct principles of symmetry." msgstr "파운데이션을 단단한 지면으로 운반하고 재료를 현명하고 자유롭게 선택할 때, 아파트 배치에 결함이 없고 사용에 아무런 지장이 없을 때, 각 건물 등급이 적절하고 적절한 노출에 할당될 때, 및 작품의 외관이 즐겁고 좋은 취향일 때, 대칭의 올바른 원칙에 따라 구성원이 비례 할 때 내구성이 보장됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "All these must be built with due reference to durability, convenience, and beauty." msgstr "이 모든 것은 내구성, 편의성 및 아름다움을 고려하여 제작되어야 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "There are three departments of architecture: the art of building, the making of time-pieces, and the construction of machinery. Building is, in its turn, divided into two parts, of which the first is the construction of fortified towns and of works for general use in public places, and the second is the putting up of structures for private individuals. There are three classes of public buildings : the first for defensive, the second for religious, and the third for utilitarian purposes. Under defense comes the planning of walls, towers, and gates, permanent devices for resistance against hostile attacks; under religion, the erection of fanes and temples to the immortal gods; under utility, the provision of meeting places for public use, such as harbors, markets, colonnades, baths, theaters, promenades, and all other similar arrangements in public places." msgstr "건축에는 세 가지 부서가 있다: 건축 예술, 시계 제작, 기계 제작. 건물은 차례로 두 부분으로 나뉘는데, 그 중 첫 번째는 공공 장소에서 일반적인 용도로 강화 마을과 공사를 짓는 것이고, 두 번째는 개인을 위한 구조물을 세우는 것입니다. 공공건물에는 세 가지 부류가 있는데, 첫째는 방어용, 둘째는 종교용, 셋째는 공리주의적 목적이다. 적대적인 공격에 대한 저항을 위한 영구적인 장치인 벽, 타워, 대문의 계획 아래; 종교 아래, 불멸의 신들에 대한 우상과 신전의 설립; 항구, 시장, 식민지, 목욕탕, 극장, 산책로 및 공공 장소에서 공공 용도로 회의 장소를 제공하는 유틸리티 아래." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "The fundamental principles of architecture" msgstr "건축의 기본 원리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Water structures and greenhouses" msgstr "물 구조 및 온실" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=67: msgid "Meet our collaborative work" msgstr "협업 업무 소개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "The United Architects Collab at work" msgstr "영국 건축가협회 (United Architects Collab at work)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "The United Architects Collab helps individuals, businesses and organisations turn architectural projects into opportunity." msgstr "United Architects Collab은 개인, 기업 및 조직이 건축 프로젝트를 기회로 바꿀 수 있도록 지원합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "We believe the future is circular. Having worked all over the world and understanding the damage single-use materials are causing, we are working to find more innovative ways to tackle this problem. We want to empower people to make changes to the way they create and encourage new businesses to run in a sustainable way." msgstr "우리는 미래가 원형이라고 믿습니다. 전 세계에서 일하며 일회용 소재로 인한 피해를 이해한 우리는 이 문제를 해결하기 위한 보다 혁신적인 방법을 찾기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 우리는 사람들이 새로운 비즈니스를 지속 가능한 방식으로 운영하도록 장려하고 그들이 만드는 방식에 변화를 줄 수 있도록 힘을 실어주고자 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "Founded by Dietrich Lubs, United Architects Collab is an international architecture firm with offices in London, S. Louis, S. Paulo, and Torino. Specializing in sustainable design, interiors and landscape design projects, Lubs' team bring a contemporary new approach to every commission." msgstr "Dietrich Lubs가 설립한United Architects Collab은 런던, S. Louis, S. Paulo, Torino에 사무실을 둔 국제 건축 회사입니다. 지속 가능한 디자인, 인테리어 및 조경 디자인 프로젝트에 특화된 Lubs의 팀은 모든 커미션에 현대적인 새로운 접근 방식을 제공합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "We the people who builds the Studio" msgstr "우리는 스튜디오를 짓는 사람들이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=70: msgid "Our global design team" msgstr "글로벌 디자인 팀" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "A second stage in Economy is reached when we have to plan the different kinds of dwellings suitable for ordinary householders, for great wealth, or for the high position of the statesman. A house in town obviously calls for one form of construction; that into which stream the products of country estates requires another; this will not be the same in the case of money-lenders and still different for the opulent and luxurious; for the powers under whose deliberations the commonwealth is guided dwellings are to be provided according to then 1 special needs: and, in a word, the proper form of economy must be observed in building houses for each and every class." msgstr "경제에서 두 번째 단계는 일반 가정주부, 큰 부를 위해 또는 국가 관리의 높은 지위에 적합한 다양한 종류의 주거지를 계획해야 할 때입니다. 마을의 집은 분명히 한 가지 형태의 건축을 요구합니다. 그 안으로 시골 소유물의 생산물이 다른 것을 요구합니다. 이것은 화폐 대출자의 경우와 같지 않을 것이며 여전히 부유하고 사치스러운 사람들에게는 다를 것입니다. 심의 하에 영연방이 지도되는 권력자들에게는 1가지 특별한 요구에 따라 주거가 제공되어야 합니다: 그리고 한 마디로, 각 계층마다 집을 짓는 데 있어서 적절한 형태의 경제를 지켜야 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Economy denotes the proper management of materials and of site, as well as a thrifty balancing of cost and common sense in the construction of works. This will be observed if, in the first place, the architect does not demand things which cannot be found or made ready without great expense. For example: it is not everywhere that there is plenty of pit sand, rubble, fir, clear fir, and marble, since they are produced in different places and to assemble them is difficult and costly. Where there is no pit sand, we must use the kinds washed up by rivers or by the sea; the lack of fir and clear fir may be evaded by using cypress, poplar, elm, or pine; and other problems we must solve in similar ways." msgstr "경제는 자재와 현장의 적절한 관리뿐만 아니라 공사의 건설에서 비용과 상식의 조화를 의미합니다. 이것은 애초에 건축가가 큰 비용 없이 발견하거나 준비할 수 없는 것을 요구하지 않는 경우 관찰됩니다. 예를 들어: 구덩이 모래, 돌무더기, 전나무, 맑은 전나무, 대리석이 많은 곳은 어디에도 없습니다. 왜냐하면 그것들은 서로 다른 곳에서 생산되며 조립하는 것은 어렵고 비용이 많이 듭니다. 구덩이 모래가 없는 경우, 우리는 강이나 바닷가에서 씻긴 종이를 사용해야 합니다. 전나무와 맑은 전나무의 부족은 사이프러스, 포플러, 느릅나무 또는 소나무를 사용하여 피할 수 있습니다. 다른 문제도 유사한 방법으로 해결해야 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Finally, propriety will be due to natural causes if, for example, in the case of all sacred precincts we select very healthy neighborhoods with suitable springs of water in the places where the fanes are to be built, particularly in the case of those to Aesculapius and to Health, gods by whose healing powers great numbers of the sick are apparently cured. For when their diseased bodies are transferred from an unhealthy to a healthy spot, and treated with waters from health-giving springs, they will the more speedily grow well. The result will be that the divinity will stand in higher esteem and find his dignity increased, all owing to the nature of his site. There will also be natural propriety in using an eastern light for bedrooms and libraries, a western light in winter for baths and winter apartments, and a northern light for picture galleries and other places in which a steady light is needed; for that quarter of the sky grows neither light nor dark with the course of the sun, but remains steady and unshifting all day long." msgstr "마지막으로, 모든 신성한 구역의 경우, 예를 들어 페인트를 지을 장소, 특히 에이쿨라피우스와 헬스 신들의 경우, 페인트를 지을 장소에서 적절한 물의 샘을 가진 매우 건강한 지역을 선택한다면, 자연적인 원인에 의한 독자성이 있을 것입니다. 그 병든 몸이 건강하지 못한 곳에서 건강한 곳으로 옮겨지고, 건강을 주는 샘에서 물로 치료되면, 그들은 더 빨리 잘 자랄 것이다. 그 결과는 신성이 더 높은 존경에 서서 그의 존엄성이 높아진 것을 발견하게 될 것이며, 이는 모두 그의 현장의 특성에서 기인합니다. 침실과 서재를 위한 동쪽 조명, 목욕탕과 겨울 아파트를 위한 겨울의 서쪽 조명, 그림 갤러리와 꾸준한 빛이 필요한 다른 장소의 북쪽 빛을 사용하는 데에도 자연스러운 독자성이 있을 것입니다. 하늘의 1/4은 해가 지는 동안 빛도 어두워지지 않고 하루 종일 흔들리지 않고 꾸준히 유지되기 때문입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Propriety arises from usage when buildings having magnificent interiors are provided with elegant entrance-courts to correspond; for there will be no propriety in the spectacle of an elegant interior approached by a low, mean entrance. Or, if dentils be carved in the cornice of the Doric entablature or triglyphs represented in the Ionic entablature over the cushion-shaped capitals of the columns, the effect will be spoilt by the transfer of the peculiarities of the one order of building to the other, the usage in each class having been fixed long ago." msgstr "독창성은 웅장한 내부를 가진 건물에 우아한 입구 코트를 제공 할 때 사용에서 발생합니다. 낮은 평균 입구로 접근하는 우아한 내부의 광경에 독창성이 없기 때문입니다. 또는, 기둥의 쿠션 형상의 수도 위에 도릭 앙상블의 옥수수 또는 이온 앙상블에 표현된 트리글리프에서 덴틸이 조각되면, 그 효과는 건물의 한 순서의 특이점을 다른 순서로 이전함으로써 변질될 것이고, 각 클래스의 사용량은 오래전에 고정되었다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Propriety is that perfection of style which comes when a work is authoritatively constructed on approved principles. It arises from prescription, from usage, or from nature. From prescription, in the case of hypaethral edifices, open to the sky, in honor of Jupiter Lightning, the Heaven, the Sun, or the Moon: for these are gods whose semblances and manifestations we behold before our very eyes in the sky when it is cloudless and bright. The temples of Minerva, Mars, and Hercules, will be Doric, since the virile strength of these gods makes daintiness entirely inappropriate to their houses. In temples to Venus, Flora, Proserpine, Spring- Water, and the Nymphs, the Corinthian order will be found to have peculiar significance, because these are delicate divinities and so its rather slender outlines, its flowers, leaves, and ornamental volutes will lend propriety where it is due. The construction of temples of the Ionic order to Juno, Diana, Father Bacchus, and the other gods of that kind, will be in keeping with the middle position which they hold; for the building of such will be an appropriate combination of the severity of the Doric and the delicacy of the Corinthian." msgstr "독창성은 승인된 원칙에 따라 작품이 권위적으로 구성될 때 나타나는 스타일의 완벽함입니다. 그것은 처방, 사용 또는 자연에서 발생합니다. 허공에 찍힌 형상이 하늘에 펴진 것은 쥬피터 번개와 하늘과 태양과 달을 기념함이라 이 신들은 우리가 구름이 없고 밝을 때에 우리 눈앞에 보이는 반상과 표징이 있는 신들이라 미네르바, 화성, 헤라클레스의 신전은 도릭이 될 것이다. 왜냐하면 이 신들의 비루한 힘은 집안에서 완전히 고결함을 부적절하게 만들기 때문이다. 금성, 동식물, 프로서파인, 샘물, 요정들과 관련된 신전들에서, 코린토스 질서는 특이한 의미가 있는 것으로 밝혀질 것입니다. 왜냐하면 그것들은 섬세한 신성이며, 그것의 다소 날씬한 윤곽, 그것의 꽃, 잎, 그리고 장식적인 볼륨들은 기한이 있는 곳에서 독점권을 부여하기 때문입니다. 주노, 다이애나, 바쿠스 신부 및 다른 신들에게 명령된 아이오닉 신전의 건축은 그들이 보유한 중간 위치에 부합할 것이며, 그러한 건축은 도릭의 심각성과 코린토스의 섬세함을 적절히 조합할 것이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Symmetry is a proper agreement between the members of the work itself, and relation between the different parts and the whole general scheme, in accordance with a certain part selected as standard. Thus in the human body there is a kind of symmetrical harmony between forearm, foot, palm, finger, and other small parts; and so it is with perfect buildings. In the case of temples, symmetry may be calculated from the thickness of a column, from a triglyph, or even from a module; in the ballista, from the hole in a ship, from the space between the hole pins; and in other things, from various members." msgstr "대칭은 표준으로 선택된 특정 부분에 따라 작업 자체의 구성원과 다른 부분과 전체 일반 계획 사이의 적절한 합의입니다. 따라서 인간의 몸에는 팔뚝, 발, 손바닥, 손가락, 다른 작은 부분들 사이에 일종의 대칭적인 조화가 있으며, 완벽한 건물들이 있다. 사원의 경우에, 대칭은 기둥의 두께로부터, 트라이글리프로부터, 또는 심지어 모듈로부터; 발리스타에서, 배의 구멍으로부터, 구멍 핀들 사이의 공간으로부터; 및 다른 것들 중에서도, 다양한 부재로부터 계산될 수 있다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=182: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=186: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=189: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=192: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=195: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=19: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=21: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=23: #: block-patterns/fewertheme.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=91: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Eurythmy is beauty and fitness in the adjustments of the members. This is found when the members of a work are of a height suited to their breadth, of a breadth suited to their length, and, in a word, when they all correspond symmetrically." msgstr "Eurythmy는 멤버의 조정에서 아름다움과 체력입니다. 이것은 작품의 구성원이 그들의 너비에 적합한 높이, 그들의 길이에 적합한 너비, 그리고 한 마디로 그들이 모두 대칭으로 대응할 때 발견됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "15BCE" msgstr "15BCE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=28: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Vitruvius — Book 1, The Architect and City Planning" msgstr "비트루비우스 — The Architect and City Planning 1권" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "Architecture depends on Order, Arrangement, Eurythmy, Symmetry, Propriety, and Economy. Order gives due measure to the members of a work considered separately, and symmetrical agreement to the proportions of the whole. It is an adjustment according to quantity. By this I mean the selection of modules from the members of the work itself and, starting from these individual parts of members, constructing the whole work to correspond. Arrangement includes the putting of things in their proper places and the elegance of effect which is due to adjustments appropriate to the character of the work. Its forms of expression are these: ground plan, elevation, and perspective. A ground plan is made by the proper successive use of compasses and rule, through which we get outlines for the plane surfaces of buildings. An elevation is a picture of the front of a building, set upright and properly drawn in the proportions of the contemplated work. Perspective is the method of sketching a front with the sides withdrawing into the background, the lines all meeting in the centre of a circle. All three come of reflexion and invention. Reflexion is careful and laborious thought, and watchful attention directed to the agreeable effect of one's plan. Invention, on the other hand, is the solving of intricate problems and the discovery of new principles by means of brilliancy and versatility. These are the departments belonging under Arrangement." msgstr "건축은 순서, 배열, 유리스미, 대칭, 소유 및 경제에 따라 달라집니다. 질서는 작업의 구성원이 별도로 고려하고 전체의 비율에 대한 대칭적 합의에 따라 척도를 제공합니다. 수량에 따른 조정이다. 이를 통해 나는 작업 구성원의 개별 부분에서 시작하여 전체 작업을 구성함으로써 작업 구성원의 모듈 선택 자체를 의미합니다. 배치에는 적절한 장소에 물건을 배치하는 것 및 작업 특성에 적합한 조정으로 인한 효과의 우아함이 포함됩니다. 그 표현의 형태는 지상 계획, 고도 및 관점입니다. 지상 계획은 나침반과 규칙의 적절한 연속적 사용에 의해 이루어지며, 이를 통해 건물의 평면 표면에 대한 윤곽을 얻을 수 있다. 고도 (高 度) 는 건물 앞면의 그림으로, 고려시대 작품의 비례에 맞추어 직립하여 적절히 그린 것이다. 원근법 (圓 近 法, Perspective) 은 원의 중심에서 만나는 모든 선을 중심으로 양변이 뒤로 물러나는 전면을 스케치하는 방법이다. 이 세 가지는 모두 반사와 발명에서 나온다. 반사 신경은 신중하고 진통이 심한 생각이며, 주의 집중은 자신의 계획의 합당한 효과로 이어진다. 반면, 발명이란 복잡한 문제를 해결하는 것이며, 뛰어난 능력과 다재다능함을 통해 새로운 원칙을 발견하는 것이다. 다음은 주선 (周 宣) 에 속한 부서들이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "The departments of architect" msgstr "건축가의 부서" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "" "Architecture depends on Order, Arrangement, Eurythmy, Symmetry, Propriety, and Economy.\n" "Order gives due measure to the members of a work considered separately, and symmetrical agreement to the proportions of the whole. It is an adjustment according to quantity." msgstr "" "건축은 순서, 배열, 유리스미, 대칭, 적합성 및경제에 따라 달라집니다. \n" "각 작업의 구성원에게 적절한 척도를 제공하고 전체의 비율에 대한 대칭적 합의를 제공합니다. 수량에 따른 조정이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=51: msgid "The beauty of sustainable materials" msgstr "지속 가능한 재료의 아름다움" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Smart Solutions" msgstr "스마트 솔루션" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=33: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=38: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "smart-solutions" msgstr "스마트 솔루션" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Donec rhoncus, lectus eu imperdiet luctus, erat nibh tempor quam, bibendum accumsan sapien arcu quis dui. Ut tincidunt accumsan commodo." msgstr "도네크 론쿠스 (Donec rhoncus), 렉투스 유 임페르디에트 락투스 (lectus eu imperdiet luctus), 에라트 닙 (erat nibh tempor quam), 비벤둠 누산 사피엔 아쿠아 퀴스 두이 (bibendum accumsan sapien arcu quis dui). 우트 틴시둔트 축산 상품." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The author" msgstr "저자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Since, therefore, the possession of such talents due to natural capacity is not vouchsafed at random to entire nations, but only to a few great men; since, moreover, the function of the architect requires a training in all the departments of learning; and finally, since reason, on account of the wide extent of the subject, concedes that he may possess not the highest but not even necessarily a moderate knowledge of the subjects of study, I request, Caesar, both of you and of those who may read the said books, that if anything is set forth with too little regard for grammatical rule, it may be pardoned. For it is not as a very great philosopher, nor as an eloquent rhetorician, nor as a grammarian trained in the highest principles of his art, that I have striven to write this work, but as an architect who has had only a dip into those studies. Still, as regards the efficacy of the art and the theories of it, I promise and expect that in these volumes I shall undoubtedly show myself of very considerable importance not only to builders but also to all scholars." msgstr "그러므로 자연 능력에 기인한 그러한 재능의 소유는 전체 국가에 무작위로 부여되는 것이 아니라 몇 명의 위인들에게만 주어지는 것이 아니라, 건축가의 기능은 모든 학습 부서에서 훈련을 필요로 하기 때문에, 그리고 마지막으로, 주제의 폭이 넓기 때문에, 그는 연구 주제에 대한 적당한 지식을 가지고 있지 않을 수 있음을 인정하기 때문에, 나는 카이사르, 당신과 상기 책을 읽을 수있는 사람들 모두에게 요청합니다. 문법 규칙에 대해 너무 적게 고려하면, 그것은 사면 될 수 있습니다. 왜냐하면 제가 이 작품을 쓰기 위해 노력한 것은 위대한 철학자나 뛰어난 수사학자, 또는 그의 예술의 최고 원칙을 훈련받은 문법가 뿐만 아니라, 단지 그러한 연구에만 몰두해온 건축가로서도 마찬가지이기 때문입니다. 예술의 효능과 예술의 이론과 관련하여, 나는 이 책에서 건축가뿐만 아니라 모든 학자에게도 분명히 상당한 중요성을 보여 줄 것이라고 약속하고 기대합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Astronomers likewise have a common ground for discussion with musicians in the harmony of the stars and musical concords in tetrads and triads of the fourth and the fifth, and with geometricians in the subject of vision; and in all other sciences many points, perhaps all, are common so far as the discussion of them is concerned. But the actual undertaking of works which are brought to perfection by the hand and its manipulation is the function of those who have been specially trained to deal with a single art. It appears, therefore, that he has done enough and to spare who in each subject possesses a fairly good knowledge of those parts, with their principles, which are indispensable for architecture, so that if he is required to pass judgement and to express approval in the case of those things or arts, he may not be found wanting. As for men upon whom nature has bestowed so much ingenuity, acuteness, and memory that they are able to have a thorough knowledge of geometry, astronomy, music, and the other arts, they go beyond the functions of architects and become pure mathematicians. Hence they can readily take up positions against those arts because many are the artistic weapons with which they are armed. Such men, however, are rarely found, but there have been such at times; for example, Aristarchus of Samos, Philolaus and Archytas of Tarentum, Apollonius of Perga, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, and among Syracusans Archimedes and Scopinas, who through mathematics and natural philosophy discovered, expounded, and left to posterity many things in connexion with mechanics and with sundials." msgstr "천문학자들은 또한 4중주와 5중주에서의 별과 악보의 조화, 그리고 시각의 주제에 대한 기하학자들과의 논의에 대한 공통점을 가지고 있다. 하지만 손으로 완벽하게 만들어지는 작업의 실제 수행과 조작은 단일 예술을 다루도록 특별히 훈련된 사람들의 기능입니다. 그러므로 그는 각 주제에 대해 건축에 필수 불가결한 그들의 원칙과 함께 그러한 부분에 대한 상당히 좋은 지식을 가지고 있는 사람을 충분히 그리고 아끼지 않은 것으로 보입니다. 그래서 그가 판결을 통과하고 그러한 일이나 예술의 경우에 승인을 표현해야하는 경우, 그는 원하지 않을 수 있습니다. 자연이 지리, 천문학, 음악, 다른 예술에 대한 철저한 지식을 가질 수 있도록 독창성, 정확성, 기억력을 많이 부여한 사람들은 건축가의 기능을 넘어 순수한 수학자가 됩니다. 따라서 그들은 무장한 많은 예술 무기들이기 때문에 이러한 예술에 반대하는 입장을 쉽게 취할 수 있다. 그러나 그러한 사람들은 거의 발견되지 않았는데, 예를 들어, 사모스의 아리스타르코스, 타렌툼의 필롤라우스와 아르키타스, 페르가의 아폴로니우스, 키레네의 에라토스테네스, 그리고 수학과 자연 철학을 통해 발견되고, 설명되고, 역학과 해시계와 합쳐진 많은 것들을 후세에 남긴 시라쿠사인 아르키메데스와 스코피나스 등이 있다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "It appears, then, that Pytheos made a mistake by not observing that the arts are each composed of two things, the actual work and the theory of it. One of these, the doing of the work, is proper to men trained in the individual subject, while the other, the theory, is common to all scholars: for example, to physicians and musicians the rhythmical beat of the pulse and its metrical movement. But if there is a wound to be healed or a sick man to be saved from danger, the musician will not call, for the business will be appropriate to the physician. So in the case of a musical instrument, not the physician but the musician will be the man to tune it so that the ears may find their due pleasure in its strains." msgstr "그렇다면, 파이테오스는 예술이 각각 두 가지로 구성되어 있다는 것을 관찰하지 않고 실수를 한 것으로 보입니다. 이 중 하나, 이 작업을 수행하는 것은 개별 주제에 대해 훈련된 남성에게 적합한 반면, 다른 이론은 모든 학자들에게 공통적입니다. 예를 들어, 의사와 음악가에게 맥박의 리듬 박동과 그 측정 운동. 만일 상처가 나거나 병든 사람이 위험에서 구원을 받을지라도 음악가는 부르지 아니하리니 이는 장사가 의사에게 합당함이라 그래서 악기의 경우, 의사는 아니지만 음악가는 악기를 연주할 수 있는 사람이 될 것입니다. 그러면 귀가 그 변주에서 즐거움을 찾을 수 있을 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Still, it is not architects alone that cannot in all matters reach perfection, but even men who individually practise specialties in the arts do not all attain to the highest point of merit. Therefore, if among artists working each in a single field not all, but only a few in an entire generation acquire fame, and that with difficulty, how can an architect, who has to be skilful in many arts, accomplish not merely the feat in itself a great marvel of being deficient in none of them, but also that of surpassing all those artists who have devoted themselves with unremitting industry to single fields?" msgstr "그래도 모든 사안에서 완벽에 이르지 못하는 것은 건축가만이 아니다. 그러나 예술 분야에서 개별적으로 전공을 실천하는 사람들도 모두 최고 수준의 공로를 달성하지는 못한다. 그러므로, 한 분야에서 일하는 예술가들 모두가 아니라 한 세대에 걸쳐 명성을 얻는 소수에 불과하다면, 많은 예술을 능숙하게 다루어야 하는 건축가가 어떻게 그들 중 누구도 결핍되지 않은 위대한 업적을 성취할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 한 분야에서 끊임없이 산업에 헌신한 모든 예술가를 능가할 수 있을까요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "For an architect ought not to be and cannot be such a philologian as was Aristarchus, although not illiterate; nor a musician like Aristoxenus, though not absolutely ignorant of music; nor a painter like Apelles, though not unskilful in drawing; nor a sculptor such as was Myron or Polyclitus, though not unacquainted with the plastic art; nor again a physician like Hippocrates, though not ignorant of medicine; nor in the other sciences need he excel in each, though he should not be unskilful in them. For, in the midst of all this great variety of subjects, an individual cannot attain to perfection in each, because it is scarcely in his power to take in and comprehend the general theories of them." msgstr "건축가는 아리스토파네스처럼 문맹은 아니지만 아리스토파네스와 같은 철학자가 되어서는 안 되고, 아리스토파네스와 같은 음악가가 되어서는 안 되며, 아리스토파네스와 같은 음악가가 되어서는 안 되며, 아펠레스와 같은 화가가 되어서도 안 되며, 그림을 그리는 데 능숙해서는 안 되며, 마이론이나 폴리클리토스와 같은 조각가가 되어서는 안 되며, 플라스틱 예술을 익혀서는 안 되며, 또 히포크라테스와 같은 의사가 되어서는 안 되며, 의학에 무지해서는 안 되며, 다른 과학에도 능숙해야 한다. 왜냐하면 이 모든 다양한 주제들 가운데에서, 개인은 각자 완전한 상태에 도달할 수 없기 때문입니다. 왜냐하면 개인은 그들의 일반적인 이론들을 받아들이고 이해하는 능력이 거의 없기 때문입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "But perhaps to the inexperienced it will seem a marvel that human nature can comprehend such a great number of studies and keep them in the memory. Still, the observation that all studies have a common bond of union and intercourse with one another, will lead to the belief that this can easily be realized. For a liberal education forms, as it were, a single body made up of these members. Those, therefore, who from tender years receive instruction in the various forms of learning, recognize the same stamp on all the arts, and an intercourse between all studies, and so they more readily comprehend them all. This is what led one of the ancient architects, Pytheos, the celebrated builder of the temple of Minerva at Priene, to say in his Commentaries that an architect ought to be able to accomplish much more in all the arts and sciences than the men who, by their own particular kinds of work and the practice of it, have brought each a single subject to the highest perfection. But this is in point of fact not realized." msgstr "그러나 아마도 경험하지 못한 사람들에게는, 인간의 본성이 수많은 연구를 이해하고 기억 속에 간직할 수 있다는 것이 경이로워 보일 것입니다. 그러나 모든 연구가 서로의 결합과 성교의 공통적인 유대를 가지고 있다는 관측은 쉽게 실현될 수 있다는 믿음으로 이어질 것이다. 자유주의적 교육 형태에 대해 말하자면, 이 구성원들로 구성된 하나의 기관입니다. 그러므로 부드러운 해를 보낸 사람들은 다양한 형태의 학습을 받고, 모든 예술에 동일한 도장과 모든 연구들 사이의 교제를 인식하고, 따라서 그것들을 더 쉽게 이해할 수 있다. 고대 건축가 중 한 명인 프리에네의 미네르바 신전의 건축가 파이테오스가 그의 논평에서 건축가가 자신의 특별한 작업과 실천을 통해 각각 한 명의 주제를 최고로 완성한 사람보다 모든 예술과 과학에서 훨씬 더 많은 것을 성취할 수 있어야 한다고 말한 것은 바로 이 때문입니다. 하지만 이는 사실 실현되지 않았다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Consequently, since this study is so vast in extent, embellished and enriched as it is with many different kinds of learning, I think that men have no right to profess themselves architects hastily, without having climbed from boyhood the steps of these studies and thus, nursed by the knowledge of many arts and sciences, having reached the heights of the holy ground of architecture." msgstr "결과적으로, 이 연구는 매우 방대하고, 많은 다른 종류의 학습으로 장식되고 풍부하기 때문에, 저는 사람들이 이러한 연구의 단계를 소년기부터 거치지 않고 성급하게 건축가라고 고백할 권리가 없다고 생각합니다. 따라서 많은 예술과 과학의 지식에 의해 양육되고, 건축의 거룩한 지상에 도달했다고 생각합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "10. The architect should also have a knowledge of the study of medicine on account of the questions of climates, air, the healthiness and unhealthiness of sites, and the use of different waters. For without these considerations, the healthiness of a dwelling cannot be assured. And as for principles of law, he should know those which are necessary in the case of buildings having party walls, with regard to water dripping from the eaves, and also the laws about drains, windows, and water supply. And other things of this sort should be known to architects, so that, before they begin upon buildings, they may be careful not to leave disputed points for the householders to settle after the works are finished, and so that in drawing up contracts the interests of both employer and contractor may be wisely safe-guarded. For if a contract is skilfully drawn, each may obtain a release from the other without disadvantage. From astronomy we find the east, west, south, and north, as well as the theory of the heavens, the equinox, solstice, and courses of the stars. If one has no knowledge of these matters, he will not be able to have any comprehension of the theory of sundials." msgstr "10. 건축가는 또한 기후, 공기, 부지의 건강과 건강, 다른 물의 사용에 대한 질문을 고려하여 의학 연구에 대한 지식을 가져야합니다. 이러한 고려가 없다면 거주지의 건강을 보장할 수 없습니다. 그리고 법의 원칙에 관해서는, 그는 청사에서 물이 떨어지는 것과 관련하여 파티 벽이있는 건물의 경우에 필요한 것을 알아야합니다. 또한 배수구, 창문 및 수도 공급에 관한 법률. 그리고 이러한 종류의 다른 것들은 건축가에게 알려야합니다. 따라서 건축을 시작하기 전에 작업 완료 후 분쟁 지점을 떠나지 않도록 조심해야하며 계약서를 작성 할 때 고용주와 계약자의 이익을 현명하게 보호 할 수 있습니다. 계약서를 능숙하게 작성하면 각자는 불이익 없이 상대방으로부터 해제를 받을 수 있다. 천문학에서 우리는 동쪽, 서쪽, 남쪽, 북쪽뿐만 아니라 천문학의 이론, 점성술, 그리고 별자리의 과정을 발견한다. 이러한 사안에 대해 아는 것이 없다면, 그는 일설에 대한 어떤 이해도 가질 수 없을 것이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "In theaters, likewise, there are the bronze vessels which are placed in niches under the seats in accordance with the musical intervals on mathematical principles. These vessels are arranged with a view to musical concords or harmony, and apportioned in the compass of the fourth, the fifth, and the octave, and so on up to the double octave, in such a way that when the voice of an actor falls in unison with any of them its power is increased, and it reaches the ears of the audience with greater clearness and sweetness. Water organs, too, and the other instruments which resemble them cannot be made by one who is without the principles of music." msgstr "마찬가지로, 극장 안에는 청동 그릇들이 수학 원리의 음악적 간격에 따라 좌석 아래 틈새에 배치되어 있습니다. 이 그릇들은 음악 콩코드나 하모니를 볼 수 있도록 배열되어 있습니다. 그리고 제4, 제5, 옥타브 등의 나침반에 배당되어 이중 옥타브까지 올라갑니다. 배우의 목소리가 그들 중 어느 하나와 일체감 있게 떨어지면 그 힘이 커지고, 그것은 더 맑고 달콤한 목소리로 청중의 귀에 닿습니다. 물장기도 그렇고, 물장기를 닮은 다른 악기는 음악의 원리가 없이는 만들 수 없습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Music, also, the architect ought to understand so that he may have knowledge of the canonical and mathematical theory, and besides be able to tune ballistae, catapultae, and scorpiones to the proper key. For to the right and left in the beams are the holes in the frames through which the strings of twisted sinew are stretched by means of windlasses and bars, and these strings must not be clamped and made fast until they give the same correct note to the ear of the skilled workman. For the arms thrust through those stretched strings must, on being let go, strike their blow together at the same moment; but if they are not in unison, they will prevent the course of projectiles from being straight." msgstr "또한 음악은 건축가가 정규적이고 수학적인 이론에 대한 지식을 가질 수 있도록 이해해야 하며, 탄도학, 투석학, 전갈자리를 적절한 키로 조정할 수 있어야 한다. 대들보 가운데 좌우로 비틀린 사인줄을 감는 틀의 구멍이 있어 공교한 자의 귀에 들릴 때까지 꽉 잡아 당기지 말며 그 스트레치 스트링의 추력 무기, 놓아, 같은 순간에 함께 타격해야하지만, 일제히하지 않으면, 그들은 발사체의 경로를 방지 할 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "As for philosophy, it makes an architect high-minded and not self-assuming, but rather renders him courteous, just, and honest without avariciousness. This is very important, for no work can berightly done without honesty and incorruptibility. Let him not be grasping nor have his mind preoccupied with the idea of receiving perquisites, but let him with dignity keep up his position by cherishing a good reputation. These are among the precepts of philosophy. Furthermore philosophy treats of physics where a more careful knowledge is required because the problems which come under this head are numerous and of very different kinds; as, for example, in the case of the conducting of water. For at points of intake and at curves, and at places where it is raised to a level, currents of air naturally form in one way or another; and nobody who has not learned the fundamental principles of physics from philosophy will be able to provide against the damage which they do. So the reader of Ctesibius or Archimedes and the other writers of treatises of the same class will not be able to appreciate them unless he has been trained in these subjects by the philosophers. " msgstr "철학에 관해서는, 그것은 건축가를 높게 평가하고 자화자찬하는 것이 아니라 오히려 그를 예의바르고 정의롭고 정직하게 만듭니다. 이것은 매우 중요한데, 정직성과 타당성 없이는 어떤 작업도 엄격하게 수행할 수 없기 때문이다. 저로 해를 받는 생각에 사로잡히지 말며 그 마음을 사로잡지 말고 오직 품위를 가지고 좋은 평판을 소중히 하여 그 직분을 지키게 하라 이것들은 철학의 계율들 가운데 하나이다. 또한 철학은 물리학에 대해 더 신중한 지식이 필요한데, 그 이유는 이 머리 아래에 있는 문제들이 매우 많고 매우 다른 종류이기 때문이다; 예를 들어, 물의 전도 같은 경우이다. 섭취 지점과 곡선, 그리고 공기의 흐름이 어느 방향으로든 자연스럽게 형성되기 때문입니다. 그리고 철학에서 물리학의 기본 원리를 배우지 않은 사람은 그래서 크테시비우스나 아르키메데스의 독자나 같은 부류의 다른 저술가들은 그가 철학자들에 의해 이러한 주제에 대한 훈련을 받지 않았다면 그들을 알아볼 수 없을 것이다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Likewise the Lacedaemonians under the leadership of Pausanias, son of Agesipolis, after conquering the Persian armies, infinite in number, with a small force at the battle of Plataea, celebrated a glorious triumph with the spoils and booty, and with the money obtained from the sale thereof built the Persian Porch, to be a monument to the renown and valor of the people and a trophy of victory for posterity. And there they set effigies of the prisoners arrayed in barbarian costume and holding up the roof, their pride punished by this deserved affront, that enemies might tremble for fear of the effects of their courage, and that their own people, looking upon this example of their valor and encouraged by the glory of it, might be ready to defend their independence. So from that time on, many have put up statues of Persians supporting entablatures and their ornaments, and thus from that motive have greatly enriched the diversity of their works. There are other stories of the same kind which architects ought to know." msgstr "마찬가지로, 아게시폴리스의 아들 파우사니아스 (Pausanias) 의 지휘하에 있는 라케시몬인들은 플라타이아 (Plataea) 전투에서 적은 병력으로 페르시아 군대를 정복한 후 전리품과 전리품으로 영광스러운 승리를 축하했고, 페르시아 포치를 건설하여 페르시아 군의 유명하고 용감한 승리의 기념비이자 후세에 승리의 트로피가 될 수 있도록 했다. 그리고 그들은 야만인 의상을 입고 지붕을 들고 있는 포로들의 위패를 세웠습니다. 그들의 자존심은 이런 불경스러움으로 인해 처벌받아야 했습니다. 그래서 그때부터 많은 사람들이 페르시아의 조각상과 장식품을 지지하기 시작했고, 그 동기는 작품의 다양성을 크게 증가시켰습니다. 건축가들이 알아야 할 다른 종류의 이야기들이 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "A wide knowledge of history is requisite because, among the ornamental parts of an architect's design for a work, there are many the underlying idea of whose employment he should be able to explain to inquirers. For instance, suppose him to set up the marble statues of women in long robes, called Caryatides, to take the place of columns, with the mutules and coronas placed directly above their heads, he will give the following explanation to his questioners. Caryae, a state in Peloponnesus, sided with the Persian enemies against Greece; later the Greeks, having gloriously won their freedom by victory in the war, made common cause and declared war against the people of Caryae. They took the town, killed the men, abandoned the State to desolation, and carried off their wives into slavery, without permitting them, however, to lay aside the long robes and other marks of their rank as married women, so that they might be obliged not only to march in the triumph but to appear forever after as a type of slavery, burdened with the weight of their shame and so making atonement for their State. Hence, the architects of the time designed for public buildings statues of these women, placed so as to carry a load, in order that the sin and the punishment of the people of Caryae might be known and handed down even to posterity." msgstr "역사에 대한 광범위한 지식은 필수적입니다. 왜냐하면 건축가의 작품 설계의 장식적인 부분들 중에서, 그가 문의자들에게 설명할 수 있어야 하는 고용에 대한 많은 기초적인 아이디어가 있기 때문입니다. 예를 들어, 그가 카랴타이데스라고 불리는 긴 가운을 입은 여성의 대리석상을 기둥의 자리를 대신하기 위해 머리 바로 위에 뮤툴과 코마를 놓는다고 가정하면, 그는 질문자들에게 다음과 같은 설명을 할 것입니다. 펠로폰네소스의 국가인 카리아에 (Caryae) 는 그리스에 대항하는 페르시아의 적들을 편들었고, 나중에 그리스인들은 전쟁에서 승리를 거두며 자신들의 자유를 영광스럽게 누렸고, 공통된 명분을 내세워 카리아에 사람들을 상대로 전쟁을 선포했다. 그들은 마을을 점령하고, 사람들을 죽이고, 국가를 황폐하게 만들고, 그들의 아내들을 노예로 끌고 갔습니다. 그러나 그들은 긴 겉옷과 다른 표식을 버리는 것을 허락하지 않았습니다. 이 때문에 당시의 건축가들은 공공건물들을 위해 이 여성들의 동상을 세워서 짐을 지게 하였는데, 이는 가랴에 주민들의 죄와 형벌을 알리고 후세에 넘겨주기 위함이었다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The reasons for all this are as follows. An architect ought to be an educated man so as to leave a more lasting remembrance in his treatises. Secondly, he must have a knowledge of drawing so that he can readily make sketches to show the appearance of the work which he proposes. Geometry, also, is of much assistance in architecture, and in particular it teaches us the use of the rule and compasses, by which especially we acquire readiness in making plans for buildings in their grounds, and rightly apply the square, the level, and the plummet. By means of optics, again, the light in buildings can be drawn from fixed quarters of the sky. It is true that it is by arithmetic that the total cost of buildings is calculated and measurements are computed, but difficult questions involving symmetry are solved by means of geometrical theories and methods." msgstr "이 모든 것에 대한 이유는 다음과 같다. 건축가는 더 오래 기억할 수 있도록 교육받은 사람이 되어야 합니다. 둘째, 그는 자신이 제안하는 작품의 모양을 보여주기 위해 스케치를 쉽게 만들 수 있도록 그림에 대한 지식이 있어야 합니다. 기하학은 또한 건축에 많은 도움을 주며, 특히 규칙과 나침반의 사용을 가르쳐 줍니다. 광학을 통해, 다시 말하지만, 건물의 빛은 하늘의 고정된 쿼터에서 그려질 수 있습니다. 총 건축비가 계산되고 측정이 계산되는 것은 산술적인 것이 사실이지만, 대칭성을 수반하는 어려운 질문은 기하학적 이론과 방법에 의해 해결된다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "In all matters, but particularly in architecture, there are these two points: the thing signified, and that which gives it its significance. That which is signified is the subject of which we may be speaking; and that which gives significance is a demonstration on scientific principles. It appears, then, that one who
in both directions. He ought, therefore, to be both naturally gifted and amenable to instruction. Neither natural ability without instruction nor instruction without natural ability can make the perfect artist. Let him be educated, skillful with the pencil, instructed in geometry, know much history, have followed the philosophers with attention, understand music, have some knowledge of medicine, know the opinions of the jurists, and be acquainted with astronomy and the theory of the heavens." msgstr "모든 문제에서, 특히 건축에서, 두 가지 요점이 있습니다. 상징되는 것, 그리고 그것이 의미를 부여하는 것. 표징은 우리가 말할 수 있는 주제이며 의미는 과학적 원리에 대한 입증입니다. 그럼 양쪽 방향 모두에 있는 사람인 것 같군요.
그러므로 그는 타고난 재능과 훈계에 순응해야 합니다. 지시나 지시가 없는 자연적 능력도 자연적 능력이 없는 자연적 능력은 완벽한 예술가를 만들 수 없다. 그는 연필을 잘 다루고, 기하학에서 가르치고, 역사를 많이 알고, 철학자들을 주의깊게 따르고, 음악을 이해하고, 의학에 대한 지식을 가지고, 법관들의 의견을 알고, 천문학과 천문학 이론을 익히도록 교육받습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "It follows, therefore, that architects who have aimed at acquiring manual skill without scholarship have never been able to reach a position of authority to correspond to their pains, while those who relied only upon theories and scholarship were obviously hunting the shadow, not the substance. But those who have a thorough knowledge of both, like men armed at all points, have the sooner attained their object and carried authority with them." msgstr "따라서, 장학금 없이 수동 기술을 습득하는 것을 목표로 한 건축가들은 자신들의 고통에 대응할 수 있는 권위에 도달할 수 없었던 반면, 이론과 장학금에만 의존했던 건축가들은 분명히 실체가 아닌 그림자를 쫓고 있었다. 그러나 모든 지식이 무장한 사람처럼 두 사람에 대한 지식이 풍부한 사람은 더 빨리 그들의 목적지에 다다르고 그들과 함께 권세를 누리게 됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The architect should be equipped with knowledge of many branches of study and varied kinds of learning, for it is by his judgement that all work done by the other arts is put to test. This knowledge is the child of practice and theory. Practice is the continuous and regular exercise of employment where manual work is done with any necessary material according to the design of a drawing. Theory, on the other hand, is the ability to demonstrate and explain the productions of dexterity on the principles of proportion." msgstr "건축가는 많은 연구 분과와 다양한 종류의 학습에 대한 지식을 갖추어야 합니다. 왜냐하면 다른 예술이 하는 모든 작업이 시험되기 때문입니다. 이 지식은 실천과 이론의 자식이다. 실습은 도면의 설계에 따라 필요한 모든 자료를 가지고 수동 작업을 수행하는 지속적인 정기적인 고용 연습입니다. 반면에, 이론은 비례의 원리에 대한 손재주의 생산을 입증하고 설명할 수 있는 능력입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The education of the architect" msgstr "건축가의 교육" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "The architect should be equipped with knowledge of many branches of study and varied kinds of learning, for it is by his judgement that all work done by the other arts is put to test. This knowledge is the child of practice and theory." msgstr "건축가는 많은 연구 분과와 다양한 종류의 학습에 대한 지식을 갖추어야 합니다. 왜냐하면 다른 예술이 하는 모든 작업이 시험되기 때문입니다. 이 지식은 실천과 이론의 자식이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/vetrodemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Modern city planning and sustainability" msgstr "현대 도시 계획 및 지속 가능성" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9745: msgid "Call to action with image on the right" msgstr "오른쪽에 이미지가 있는 행동 유도 문구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9748: msgid "Call to action with image on the left" msgstr "왼쪽에 이미지가 있는 행동 유도 문구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9751: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9754: msgid "Full-width media and text with background" msgstr "배경이 있는 전체 폭 미디어와 텍스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9757: msgid "A heading, paragraph and two images" msgstr "헤딩요소, 문단 및 2개의 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9760: msgid "Three columns with heading, text, and image" msgstr "헤딩요소, 텍스트 및 이미지가 있는 열 3개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9763: msgid "Three columns with images" msgstr "이미지가 있는 열 3개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9766: msgid "Heading and three images with rounded borders" msgstr "테두리가 둥근 헤딩요소와 3개의 이미지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9768: msgid "Centered call to action" msgstr "가운데 맞춤 행동 유도 버튼" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9757: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=9766: msgid "Getting started is the hardest part" msgstr "시작하기가 가장 어려운 부분입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Secrets of success" msgstr "성공 비결" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Get inspired, get started" msgstr "영감을 받고 시작하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=29: msgid "Brilliant" msgstr "훌륭합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=27: msgid "Work hard, work smart" msgstr "열심히 일하고 현명하게 일하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Closed" msgstr "닫힘" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Friday-Sunday" msgstr "금요일-토요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "11AM - 10PM" msgstr "오전 11시~오후 10시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Tuesday-Thursday" msgstr "화요일-목요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "11AM - 12AM" msgstr "오전 11시~오전 12시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: #: block-patterns/entry.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=10: msgid "Monday" msgstr "월요일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-contact-information-hours-social/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-hours-social-contact/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/footer-three-columns-centered/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/map-with-contact-info-copy/: msgid "Hours" msgstr "시간" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "2240 Cambridge Street,
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" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "CONTACT" msgstr "연락처" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "MINT GREEN TEA" msgstr "박하 녹차" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "GREEN TEA" msgstr "녹차" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "$1.50" msgstr "$1.50" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "SPARKLING WATER" msgstr "소다수" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "$2" msgstr "$2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "SODA (Coke, Sprite, Ginger Ale)" msgstr "탄산(콜라, 스프라이트, 진저에일)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "DRINKS" msgstr "음료" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "CRISPY SHRIMP" msgstr "새우튀김" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "SPICY PORK" msgstr "돼지고기 두루치기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "BEEF" msgstr "소고기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "$4" msgstr "$4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "CRISPY TOFU" msgstr "두부튀김" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/services-three-column-pricing-table-2/: msgid "$6" msgstr "$6" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10364: msgid "$5" msgstr "$5" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "SPICY CHICKEN" msgstr "닭볶음" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "$3" msgstr "$3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "FRIED EGG" msgstr "계란프라이" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "EXTRA TOPPINGS" msgstr "추가 토핑" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "GOCHUJANG SALMON" msgstr "고추장연어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: msgid "$15" msgstr "$15" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "DELUXE BIBIMBAP" msgstr "영양비빔밥" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10356: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10359: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=10369: msgid "$12" msgstr "$12" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "HOUSE BIBIMBAP" msgstr "가정식 비빔밥" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "MANDU" msgstr "만두" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "GIMBAP" msgstr "김밥" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "Our signature dish. Thinly sliced shoyu chicken, ajitama egg, white kimchi, black mushshrooms, fresh cabbage and scallions in a subtly flavored pork broth." msgstr "대표 요리. 은은한 돼지고기 육수의 얇게 자른 일본식 간장닭, 반숙계란, 백김치, 흑표고버섯, 생배추, 쪽파." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/menu/: msgid "$9" msgstr "$9" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "main dishes" msgstr "기본 요리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "MENU" msgstr "메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "BULGOGI PORK" msgstr "돼지 불고기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "BULGOGI CHICKEN" msgstr "불고기 치킨" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bibimbapdemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=17: msgid "FERMENTED KIMCHI" msgstr "김장 김치" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11312: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1349: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1403: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3287: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3755: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3768: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3851: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3880: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3928: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4180: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=4184: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5805: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5811: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5816: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5820: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5822: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5833: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5837: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5842: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5844: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5851: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5864: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7710: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8367: msgid "virtual-theme" msgstr "가상 테마" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5316: msgid "Proudly Powered by WordPress" msgstr "워드프레스에서 자랑스럽게 제공" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/coursethemedemo.wordpress.com/home/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=2085: msgid "Born and raised in New York, Wang Cheung was exposed to a myriad of cultures and design expressions. She developed an interest in graphic and audiovisual design from a young age but it was Fashion Design the one that stole her heart and took her to Parsons as soon as she finished school. She has since then worked with many renowned brands and artists and has very recently created her own label, “Stillness”." msgstr "뉴욕에서 태어나고 자란 Wang Cheung은 수많은 문화와 디자인 표현에 노출되었습니다. 그녀는 어릴 때부터 그래픽 및 시청각 디자인에 대한 관심을 키웠지만, 그녀의 마음을 훔쳐 학교를 마치자마자 그녀를 Parsons로 데려간 것은 패션 디자인이었습니다. 그 이후로 그녀는 많은 유명 브랜드 및 아티스트와 함께 작업했으며 최근에는 \"Stillness\"라는 자신의 레이블을 만들었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "Conspiracy" msgstr "음모" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "conspiracy" msgstr "음모" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=12: msgid "A Busy Day of Preparation" msgstr "준비로 바쁜 날" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=14: msgid "A Day Out with the Wife" msgstr "아내와 외출한 날" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "Duke of York" msgstr "요크 공작" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "duke-of-york" msgstr "duke-of-york" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "A Visit to the Archbishop of Canterbury" msgstr "캔터베리 대주교 방문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "Tensions" msgstr "긴장" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "tensions" msgstr "긴장" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "A Fine Day at the Park" msgstr "공원에서의 멋진 하루" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "A Sermon and Career Discussions at Lambeth" msgstr "Lambeth에서의 설교 및 경력 토론" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/2022/12/07/hello-world/: msgid "Political intrigue" msgstr "정치적 음모" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/2022/12/07/hello-world/: msgid "political-intrigue" msgstr "political-intrigue" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/2022/12/07/hello-world/: msgid "A Day at White Hall" msgstr "화이트홀에서의 하루" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/blankcanvas3demo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Success is earned, one step at a time. One of the most invaluable skills a person can have is being able to clearly express what they want. You have the courage that leads to success. As long as you’re learning, you’ll never fail. " msgstr "성공은 한 번에 한 단계씩 적립됩니다. 인간이 지닌 가장 귀중한 능력은 무엇을 원하는지 명확하게 표현할 수 있다는 것입니다. 여러분은 성공을 주도할 용기가 있습니다. 배우고 있는 한 실패하지 않을 것입니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Full bio available on Wikipedia" msgstr "위키피디아에서 전체 프로필 이용 가능" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "This last interest is reflected in the notable story El perseguidor (“The Pursuer”), which Cortázar based on the life of the bebop saxophonist Charlie Parker." msgstr "이 마지막 관심은 비밥 색소폰 연주자 Charlie Parker의 삶을 기반으로 한 Cortázar의 주목할 만한 스토리인 El perseguidor(\"수행자\")에 반영되어 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Cortázar’s use of interior monologue and stream of consciousness owes much to James Joyce and other modernists, but his main influences were Surrealism, and the improvisatory aesthetic of jazz." msgstr "Cortázar의 내부 독백과 의식의 흐름 사용은 James Joyce와 다른 모더니스트들의 영향을 많이 받았지만, 그의 기본 영향은 초현실주의와 재즈의 즉흥적 미학이었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "The open-ended structure of Hopscotch, which invites the reader to choose between a linear and a non-linear mode of reading, has been praised by other Latin American writers, including José Lezama Lima, Giannina Braschi, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa." msgstr "선형 읽기 모드와 비선형 읽기 모드 중에서 선택하도록 독자를 초대하는 Hopscotch(사방치기)의 개방형 구조는 José Lezama Lima, Giannina Braschi, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez 및 Mario Vargas Llosa를 포함한 다른 남미 작가의 찬사를 받았습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Cortázar wrote numerous short stories, collected in such volumes as Bestiario (1951), Final del juego (1956), and Las armas secretas (1959). Cortázar published four novels during his lifetime: Los premios (The Winners, 1960), Rayuela (Hopscotch, 1963), 62 Modelo para Armar (62: A Model kit, 1968), and Libro de Manuel (A Manual for Manuel, 1973). Two other novels, El examen and Divertimento, though written before 1960, only appeared posthumously." msgstr "Cortázar는 Bestiario(1951), Final del juego(1956) 및 Las armas secretas(1959)와 같은 책으로 묶인 수많은 단편 소설을 썼습니다. Cortázar는 평생 네 편의 장편 소설 Los premios(The Winners, 1960), Rayuela(Hopscotch, 1963), 62 Modelo para Armar(62: A Model kit, 1968) 및 Libro de Manuel(A Manual for Manuel, 1973)을 발표했습니다. 다른 두 편의 소설 El ExamenDivertimento는 1960년 이전에 썼지만, 사후에 공개되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "He lived his childhood and adolescence and incipient maturity in Argentina and, after the 1950s, in Europe. He lived in Italy, Spain, and in Switzerland. In 1951, he settled in France for more than three decades and composed some of his works there." msgstr "그는 아르헨티나와 1950년대 이후 유럽에서 어린 시절과 청소년기, 장년기 초반 동안 살았습니다. 그는 이탈리아, 스페인, 스위스에서 살았습니다. 1951년에 그는 30년 이상 넘게 프랑스에 정착했고, 그곳에서 그의 작품 중 일부를 썼습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "He is considered one of the most innovative and original authors of his time, a master of history, poetic prose and short story in general and a creator of important novels that inaugurated a new way of making literature in the Hispanic world by breaking the classical moulds through narratives that escaped temporal linearity." msgstr "그는 당대 가장 혁신적이고 독창적인 작가 중 한 명으로 평가되며 대체로 역사, 시적 산문 및 일반 단편 소설의 대가이자 시간적 선형성을 벗어나는 이야기를 통해 고전적 틀을 깨고 히스패닉계 세계의 문학을 만드는 새로운 방식을 열었던 중요한 장편 소설의 창작자입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Julio Florencio Cortázar (26 August 1914 – 12 February 1984; American Spanish) was an Argentine, nationalized French novelist, short story writer, essayist, and translator. Known as one of the founders of the Latin American Boom, Cortázar influenced an entire generation of Spanish-speaking readers and writers in America and Europe." msgstr "Julio Florencio Cortázar(1914년 8월 26일~1984년 2월 12일, 미국 스페인어)는 아르헨티나인이었으며, 귀화한 프랑스 소설가, 단편 작가, 수필가 및 번역가였습니다. 라틴아메리카 붐의 창시자 중 한 명으로 알려진 Cortázar는 미국과 유럽에서 스페인어를 사용하는 전 세대의 독자와 작가에게 영향을 미쳤습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Hopscotch is a stream-of-consciousness novel which can be read according to two different sequences of chapters. This novel is often referred to as a counter-novel, as it was by Cortázar himself. It meant an exploration with multiple endings, a neverending search through unanswerable questions." msgstr "Hopscotch는 두 가지 장 순서에 따라 읽을 수 있는 의식의 흐름 장편 소설입니다. 이 소설은 Cortázar 자신이 그랬던 것처럼 종종 카운터 노벨로 불립니다. 그것은 여러 결말이 있는 탐험, 대답할 수 없는 질문을 통한 끝없는 탐색을 의미했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Many people think about Netflix’s Stranger Things show when they read the term ‘upside down’. But there are many other art pieces that dialog with that idea. And Rayuela (Hopscotch), a novel by Argentine Julio Cortázar, is a great example. Written in Paris, it was published in Spanish in 1963 and in English in 1966. For the first U.S. edition, translator Gregory Rabassa split the inaugural National Book Award in the translation category." msgstr "많은 사람이 '거꾸로'라는 용어를 읽으면 넷플릭스의 기묘한 이야기 프로그램을 떠올립니다. 그러나 그 아이디어와 대화하는 다른 많은 예술 작품이 있습니다. 그리고 아르헨티나 Julio Cortázar의 장편 소설 Rayuela(Hopscotch)가 좋은 예입니다. 파리에서 쓴 이 책은 1963년에 스페인어로, 1966년에 영어로 발행되었습니다. 첫 번째 미국판의 경우 번역가 Gregory Rabassa가 제1회 National Book Award 번역 부문을 공동 수상했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=14: msgid "Manifesto" msgstr "선언문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Paris" msgstr "파리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "paris" msgstr "파리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Novel" msgstr "장편 소설" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "novel" msgstr "장편 소설" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "Julio Cortázar" msgstr "Julio Cortázar" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=44: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=46: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=48: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "julio-cortazar" msgstr "julio-cortazar" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "France" msgstr "프랑스" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=50: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=52: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=54: #: block-patterns/upsidedowndemo.wordpress.com/?p=56: msgid "france" msgstr "프랑스" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3681: msgid "Hello, World." msgstr "여러분, 안녕하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8743: msgid "Centre Aligned Header" msgstr "가운데 정렬 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: msgid "Footer with Social Links and WordPress Link" msgstr "소셜 링크와 워드프레스 링크가 있는 푸터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8756: msgid "" "\n" "\t\t\tDesigned with WordPress\t\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\t\t워드프레스로 디자인됨\t\t" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "mission" msgstr "임무" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "We are Stratford, a place of educational excellence. " msgstr "스트랫퍼드는 우수한 교육 환경을 제공합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "Values" msgstr "값" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "values" msgstr "값" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "It makes sense for us to formalise and codify what we believe into 2 distinct descriptions;" msgstr "우리의 신념을 2가지 명확한 설명으로 공식화하고 성문화합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=155: msgid "Ever since Stratford first opened its doors, our mission has been to provide the absolute best learning environment, coupled with educators who care and who are amongst the most highlight qualified in their field!" msgstr "스트랫퍼드 개교 이래 우리의 임무는 자신의 분야에서 최고의 자격을 갖춘 선생님과 함께 최고의 학습 환경을 제공하는 것입니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "영국" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "GXVM+89" msgstr "GXVM+89" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "London" msgstr "런던" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "99 Education Way" msgstr "99 Education Way" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=26: msgid "Let's talk 👋 Your child's education and future is important to us! Don't hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form." msgstr "상담하기 👋 스트랫퍼드는 자녀의 교육과 미래를 중요하게 생각합니다! 언제든지 다음의 연락처로 문의하거나 문의 양식을 통해 메시지를 보내세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=28: msgid "Welcome to my new Business blog" msgstr "새 비즈니스 블로그에 오신 것을 환영합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: msgid "The classroom environment at Stratford allows your child's educators to give them the time and attention that they need in order to succeed. We believe in keeping class numbers low to maximum learning potential." msgstr "스트랫퍼드는 선생님이 학생 개개인에게 충분한 시간과 관심을 쏟을 수 있는 훌륭한 교실 환경을 갖추고 있습니다. 학생들의 학습 잠재력을 최대로 끌어올릴 수 있게 수업별 정원을 낮게 유지합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: msgid "Each student has access to the best possible learning technologies, as well having guest classes from industry professionals. We believe this better prepares your child for their careers or own businesses.
" msgstr "모든 학생은 최고의 학습 방법을 학습할 수 있으며 업계 전문가의 초청 강의도 들을 수 있습니다. 이러한 교육 시스템을 통해 자녀가 원하는 직무 또는 창업을 위해 효과적으로 준비할 수 있다고 생각합니다.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: msgid "Stratford can only succeed in its mission of providing teaching excellence to fulfil your child's potential by offering the best possible learning environment, with the most effective learning tools and facilities." msgstr "스트랫퍼드는 가장 효과적인 학습 도구와 시설을 통해 최상의 학습 환경을 제공함으로써 자녀의 잠재력을 충족시킬 수 있는 우수한 교육을 제공한다는 임무를 달성할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archivo-high-fashion.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=21: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: msgid "What We Offer" msgstr "스트랫퍼드의 자랑" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Want these educators to secure your child's future?" msgstr "지금까지 만난 선생님들에게 자녀의 미래를 맡기고 싶으신가요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "No learning institution would be complete without a mascot for its teams and societies! Samuel the Dog exemplifies excellence during his mascot duties and we love having him around!" msgstr "구성원을 대표하는 마스코트가 있어야 완벽한 교육 기관이라고 할 수 있죠! 강아지 Samuel은 마스코트의 의무를 다하며 훌륭한 본보기가 되고 있으며, 우리 모두 Samuel을 아끼고 사랑한답니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "School Mascot" msgstr "학교 마스코트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Juan has been an integral part of our educators since Stratford opened its doors. His wealth of experience is paramount in administering the learning curriculum, and advising fellow educators." msgstr "Juan 선생님은 스트랫퍼드 개교 이래 선생님들 사이에서 핵심적인 역할을 맡고 있습니다. 풍부한 경험을 바탕으로 학습 커리큘럼을 관리하고 동료 선생님들에게 조언을 제공하는 데 아주 중요한 역할을 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Head of Department" msgstr "학과장" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Having spent several years in the classroom prior to Stratford, Sally not only runs Stratford administration, but she guides the overall vision and strategy as well. She cares deeply for your children and leads the drive for excellence by example!" msgstr "스트랫퍼드에 오기 전 여러 해 동안 선생님으로 근무한 Sally 교장 선생님은 스트랫퍼드의 행정 부문을 이끌 뿐만 아니라 학교의 전체적인 비전과 전략을 지도합니다. 교장 선생님은 학생들을 진심으로 생각하며 직접 본보기가 되어 훌륭한 사람이 되기 위한 길을 이끌어 줍니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Headmistress" msgstr "교장" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "At Stratford we have some of the most highly sought after educators in the nation! Your child's future will be moulded and shaped by these thoughtful and highly skilled individuals. " msgstr "스트랫퍼드에는 영국 내 명망 높은 선생님들이 상주하고 있습니다. 사려 깊고 능력 있는 선생님들이 자녀의 미래를 설계하고 방향을 잡는 것을 도와줍니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=112: msgid "Our Staff" msgstr "스트랫퍼드 교직원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=100: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Let’s build your child's future together." msgstr "자녀의 미래를 함께 만들어보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "My daughter has loved being at Stratford for the last 5 yeras. The learning environment makes the difference and I’m so proud that she has been accepted into University next year!" msgstr "우리 딸은 5년간 스트랫퍼드를 다니며 매우 만족했습니다. 스트랫퍼드의 학습 환경을 경험하며 차별점을 갖추게 되었고, 내년에 대학에 들어가게 되어 매우 자랑스럽습니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "- Megan, Grade 12 parent" msgstr "- Megan, 12학년 학부모" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "- Anthony, Grade 8 parent" msgstr "- Anthony, 8학년 학부모" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "My son struggled with mathematics during his school years – until we enrolled him at Stratford. That has been the best decision we made, and his educators have worked hard to get his mathematics to a level we never thought possible!" msgstr "우리 아들은 스트랫퍼드에 등록하기 전까지 학교에서 수학 공부에 어려움을 겪었습니다. 스트랫퍼드 등록은 지금까지 가장 잘한 결정이었고, 선생님들은 저희가 상상하지 못했던 수준까지 아이의 수학 실력을 끌어올리기 위해 열심히 가르쳐주셨습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "What other parents Say" msgstr "학부모 후기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Meet our staff" msgstr "직원 만나기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Our staff are excellent, and we think you'll love them too! Come and meet them!" msgstr "모두가 만족할 만한 훌륭한 교직원이 함께합니다. 와서 만나보세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Our Excellent Staff" msgstr "우수한 직원" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "See Our Facilities" msgstr "시설 보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "We have some of the best possible learning technologies and facilities in the country. " msgstr "영국 최고의 학습 기술과 시설을 갖추고 있습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Wonderful Facilities" msgstr "훌륭한 시설" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "Events" msgstr "이벤트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "Stratford is a place of teaching excellence, where your children can feel at home while learning the skills that will help them thrive after their school years are over. As a parent, what more can you ask for?" msgstr "스트랫퍼드에서는 우수한 교육을 제공합니다. 집처럼 편안한 환경에서 졸업 후 성공 가도를 달리는 데 도움이 될 기술을 배울 수 있다면 부모로서 그 이상 바랄 것이 있을까요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "fun day" msgstr "펀데이" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "fun-day" msgstr "fun-day" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/events-1/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list-2/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/events-list/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-agenda/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/event-list-with-images/: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/events-four-columns/: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "events" msgstr "이벤트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "In keeping with our annual tradition, we've add a gallery of images from the events of the day below - enjoy!" msgstr "매년 스트랫퍼드의 전통을 되새기며 열린 이번 행사의 사진을 아래 갤러리에 업로드했습니다. 즐겁게 살펴보세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?p=137: msgid "We hosted our fifth annual School Fun Day last week Wednesday, and it was such a fun time with our student's families and friends. " msgstr "지난 수요일에 제5회 스쿨 펀데이를 개최했으며 학부모님들과 지인들이 모여 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Book an assessment" msgstr "평가 예약" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "We will spend a day with your child in one of our classroom, where they will get to see what a day in the life of a Stratford student is like. Get in touch with us and we can help your child fulfil their potential by enrolling at Stratford!" msgstr "하루 동안 실제 교실에서 자녀와 함께 시간을 보내게 됩니다. 여러분의 자녀는 스트랫퍼드 학생의 하루를 체험할 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 학교로 문의해 주세요. 스트랫퍼드에 등록하면 자녀가 잠재력을 발휘할 수 있도록 도와드립니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "5" msgstr "5" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Why not set up an assessment for your child where they will interact in a real classroom environment?" msgstr "자녀가 실제 교실 환경에서 스트랫퍼드 학습 환경을 체험할 수 있는 평가 프로그램에 참여해 보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Still not Satisfied?" msgstr "아직 만족하기에 이르다고 생각하시나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Year on year we have consistently produced the results you are looking for for 5 consecutive years." msgstr "5년 연속으로 매년 학부모님들이 원하는 결과를 지속적으로 이루어냈습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "If our students don't succeed, then we haven't done our job. Our students have a 100% University acceptance rate!" msgstr "우리 학교 학생들이 성공하지 못한다면 학교가 제대로 역할을 하지 못한 것입니다. 스트랫퍼드 재학생은 대학에 100% 합격합니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "100%" msgstr "100%" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Since we opened in 2017 we've seen the lives changed of over 1000 students. " msgstr "2017년 개교 이래 1,000명이 넘는 학생의 인생이 변하는 것을 직접 경험했습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "1500+" msgstr "1,500명 이상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=4: #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Our Success" msgstr "성공 사례" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "My son struggled with mathematics during his school years - until we enrolled him at Stratford. That has been the best decision we made, and his educators have worked hard to get his mathematics to a level we never thought possible!" msgstr "우리 아들은 스트랫퍼드에 등록하기 전까지 학교에서 수학 공부에 어려움을 겪었습니다. 스트랫퍼드 등록은 지금까지 가장 잘한 결정이었고, 선생님들은 저희가 상상하지 못했던 수준까지 아이의 수학 실력을 끌어올리기 위해 열심히 가르쳐주셨습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "My daughter has loved being at Stratford for the last 5 yeras. The learning environment makes the difference and I'm so proud that she has been accepted into University next year!" msgstr "우리 딸은 5년간 스트랫퍼드를 다니며 매우 만족했습니다. 스트랫퍼드의 학습 환경을 경험하며 차별점을 갖추게 되었고, 내년에 대학에 들어가게 되어 매우 자랑스럽습니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/stratforddemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=7699: msgid "Individual Special Attention" msgstr "개별 특별 지도" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "“The audio quality is noticably more amazing than everything else in my studio!” " msgstr "“오디오 품질이 제 스튜디오에 있는 다른 제품들보다 현저히 뛰어납니다!” " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Top-notch Quality Control" msgstr "최고의 품질 관리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "All Gear is Thoroughly Tested" msgstr "철저히 테스트된 모든 기어" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Electrical Wiring Repair" msgstr "전기 배선 수리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Rare Part Replacement" msgstr "희귀 부품 교체" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Stellar Camera + Macro Lens" msgstr "Stellar 카메라 + 매크로 렌즈" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid " " msgstr " " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/levendemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "An introductory area of a page accompanied by a small amount of text and a call to action." msgstr "간단한 텍스트와 행동 유도 문구를 입력하는 페이지의 소개 영역입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=1: msgid "Visitors will want to know who is on the other side of the page. Use this space to write about yourself, your site, your business, or anything you want. Use the testimonials below to quote others, talking about the same thing – in their own words." msgstr "방문자는 페이지를 만든 사람에 관해 알고 싶어 합니다. 이 공간에 회원님 자신, 사이트, 비즈니스에 관한 소개나 원하는 내용을 기록하세요. 아래의 추천 글을 사용하여 같은 내용을 자신만의 언어로 이야기하는 다른 사람의 글을 인용하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Turn Off Subscriptions" msgstr "구독 취소" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Get Buckets" msgstr "버킷 가져오기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Heading First" msgstr "헤딩요소 먼저" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph text Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi. Ab nostrud, consequuntur accumsan ratione fusce? Cillum consequat, magni fugit morbi rem nullam tempor interdum repellendus." msgstr "문단 텍스트 Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi. Ab nostrud, consequuntur accumsan ratione fusce? Cillum consequat, magni fugit morbi rem nullam tempor interdum repellendus." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Drop Cap" msgstr "드롭 캡" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Block Background, Paragraph Text & Paragraph Background Color" msgstr "블록 배경, 문단 텍스트 및 문단 배경 색상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text & Paragraph Background Color" msgstr "문단 텍스트 및 문단 배경 색상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Color Only" msgstr "문단 텍스트 색상만" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Block Background-color Only" msgstr "블록 배경 색상만" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Color Options" msgstr "색상 옵션" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Center-aligned" msgstr "가운데 정렬" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Right-aligned" msgstr "오른쪽 정렬" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Left-aligned" msgstr "왼쪽 정렬" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Text Alignments" msgstr "텍스트 정렬" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Huge" msgstr "문단 텍스트 매우 크게" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Large" msgstr "문단 텍스트 크게" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Normal" msgstr "문단 텍스트 보통" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph Text Small" msgstr "문단 텍스트 작게" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Commodi arcu egestas quia, dignissimos velit! Libero conubia! Exercitation dignissimos orci pellentesque, lacus ligula totam! Nostrum tempus nostrud ullamco natus elit condimentum vulputate ac sed ligula earum eaque erat maecenas! Hymenaeos sit fames enim tincidunt." msgstr "Commodi arcu egestas quia, dignissimos velit! Libero conubia! Exercitation dignissimos orci pellentesque, lacus ligula totam! Nostrum tempus nostrud ullamco natus elit condimentum vulputate ac sed ligula earum eaque erat maecenas! Hymenaeos sit fames enim tincidunt." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Font Sizes" msgstr "글꼴 크기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Disable “Stack on Mobile”" msgstr "“모바일에 스택” 비활성화" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Enable “Stack on Mobile”" msgstr "“모바일에 스택” 활성화" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Stack on Mobile?" msgstr "모바일에 스택 여부" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Left Content Full" msgstr "왼쪽 콘텐츠 전체" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Right Content Full" msgstr "오른쪽 콘텐츠 전체" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Left Content Wide" msgstr "왼쪽 콘텐츠 넓게" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Right Content Wide" msgstr "오른쪽 콘텐츠 넓게" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Wide Width" msgstr "넓은 폭" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph text Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi?" msgstr "문단 텍스트 Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Left Content" msgstr "왼쪽 콘텐츠" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Paragraph text Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi." msgstr "문단 텍스트 Euismod officia saepe suscipit justo, tempor repellat non pretium congue etiam morbi." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Right Content" msgstr "오른쪽 콘텐츠" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Normal Width" msgstr "보통 폭" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Media & Text Blocks" msgstr "미디어 & 텍스트 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "And that’s a wrap, yo! You survived the tumultuous waters of alignment. Image alignment achievement unlocked!" msgstr "끝났습니다. 야호! 정렬의 소용돌이에서 살아남으셨습니다. 이미지 정렬 달성을 성취했습니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "This wide cover image background is fixed.
" msgstr "이 넓은 커버 이미지 배경이 고정되었습니다.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from it's forehead. In European folklore, the unicorn is often depicted as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a long horn and clove hooves.

In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could be captured only by a virgin.
" msgstr "유니콘은 고대부터 이마에서 튀어나온 하나의 크고 뾰족한 나선형 뿔을 가진 짐승으로 묘사된 전설적인 동물입니다. 유럽 민담에서는 유니콘이 종종 긴 뿔과 외발굽이 있는 백마나 염소 같은 동물로 묘사됩니다.

중세와 르네상스 시대에는 처녀만이 잡을 수 있는 순수함과 우아함의 상징인 매우 거친 삼림 지대 동물로 일반적으로 묘사되었습니다.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "We're gonna take one more trip down cover image lane." msgstr "커버 이미지 레인 아래를 한 번 더 살펴보겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "In just a bit here, you should see the text start to wrap below the right aligned image and settle in nicely. There should still be plenty of room and everything should be sitting pretty. Yeah… Just like that. It never felt so good to be right." msgstr "여기에서 조금 있으면 텍스트가 오른쪽 정렬된 이미지 아래로 줄 바꿈을 시작하고 안착하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 여전히 충분한 공간이 있어야 하고 모든 것이 예쁘게 놓여 있어야 합니다. 예… 그렇게 됩니다. 오른쪽이어서 느낌이 아주 좋습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The image above happens to be centered. The caption also has a link in it, just to see if it does anything funky." msgstr "위의 이미지는 우연히 가운데에 정렬되었습니다. 캡션에는 그냥 재미있는 일이 있는지 확인하는 링크도 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "And just when you thought we were done, we’re going to do them all over again with captions!" msgstr "그리고 완료했다는 생각이 들 때쯤 캡션을 처음부터 다시 작업할 것입니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "This is a full-width cover image." msgstr "전체 폭 커버 이미지입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "This is a wide cover image." msgstr "와이드 커버 이미지입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "This is a regular cover image." msgstr "일반 커버 이미지입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "There's something missing! But don't worry, we've got the cover image blocks... covered." msgstr "빠진 것이 있습니다! 그러나 걱정하지 마세요. 커버 이미지 블록으로 덮어 놓았습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "What's that? You wanted to see a full-width image block? Well then feast your eyes on the following." msgstr "무엇일까요? 전체 폭 이미지 블록을 보고 싶나요? 그러면 다음을 주목하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The following image is wide (if the theme supports it, that is). If not, who knows what will happen!
" msgstr "다음 이미지는 넓습니다(테마에서 지원하는 경우). 그렇지 않으면 어떻게 될지 누가 알까요!
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "" "In just a bit here, you should see the text start to wrap below the \n" "right aligned image and settle in nicely. There should still be plenty \n" "of room and everything should be sitting pretty. Yeah… Just like that. \n" "It never felt so good to be right." msgstr "" "여기에서 조금 있으면 텍스트가 오른쪽 정렬된 이미지 아래로 \n" "줄 바꿈을 시작하고 안착하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 여전히 충분한 공간이 \n" "있어야 하고 모든 것이 예쁘게 놓여 있어야 합니다. 예… 그렇게 됩니다. \n" "오른쪽이어서 느낌이 아주 좋습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "And now we’re going to shift things to the right align. Again, there should be plenty of room above, below, and to the left of the image. Just look at him there… Hey guy! Way to rock that right side. I don’t care what the left aligned image says, you look great. Don’t let anyone else tell you differently." msgstr "그리고 이제 오른쪽 정렬로 전환합니다. 이번에도 이미지 위, 아래, 왼쪽에 충분한 공간이 있어야 합니다. 저기 저 사람 좀 보세요... 이봐요! 오른쪽이 흔들립니다. 왼쪽에 정렬된 이미지의 내용이 무엇이든 상관없습니다. 멋있어 보입니다. 다른 말은 듣지 마세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The image above, though 1200px wide, should not overflow the content area. It should remain contained with no visible disruption to the flow of content." msgstr "위의 이미지는 폭이 1200px이지만 콘텐츠 영역을 넘어가지 않아야 합니다. 눈에 띄는 중단 없이 콘텐츠 흐름에 포함된 상태로 유지되어야 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "And now for a massively large image. It also has no alignment." msgstr "그리고 이제는 엄청나게 큰 이미지 차례입니다. 이 이미지에도 정렬이 없습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "As you can see the should be some space above, below, and to the right of the image. The text should not be creeping on the image. Creeping is just not right. Images need breathing room too. Let them speak like you words. Let them do their jobs without any hassle from the text. In about one more sentence here, we’ll see that the text moves from the right of the image down below the image in seamless transition. Again, letting the do it’s thang. Mission accomplished!" msgstr "보시다시피 이미지의 위, 아래, 오른쪽에 약간의 공간이 있어야 합니다. 텍스트가 이미지에 스며들지 않아야 합니다. 스며드는 것은 옳지 않습니다. 숨을 쉴 공간도 이미지에 필요합니다. 말을 그대로 따라 하게 하세요. 텍스트에서 번거롭지 않게 일할 수 있게 해주세요. 여기부터 한 문장쯤에서 텍스트가 이미지 오른쪽에서 이미지 아래로 원활하게 이동하는 것이 보입니다. 그냥 두면 됩니다. 임무를 완수했습니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The rest of this paragraph is filler for the sake of seeing the text wrap around the 150×150 image, which is left aligned." msgstr "이 문단의 나머지는 150× 150 이미지 주위 왼쪽에 정렬된 텍스트 줄 바꾸기 표시를 위한 채움입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "The image above happens to be centered." msgstr "위의 이미지는 우연히 가운데에 정렬되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "On the topic of alignment, it should be noted that users can choose from the options of NoneLeftRight, and Center. In addition, they also get the options of ThumbnailMediumLarge & Fullsize." msgstr "정렬 항목 옵션은 사용자가 없음, 왼쪽, 오른쪽, 가운데 중에서 선택할 수 있다는 점을 유의해야 합니다. 또한 사용자는 썸네일, 중간, 크게, 전체 크기 옵션도 이용합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "Welcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab a paddle and let’s get started." msgstr "이미지 정렬에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 다양한 이미지 위치 지정 옵션의 썰물과 썰물을 보여주는 가장 좋은 방법은 단어의 바다 사이에 아늑하게 자리를 잡는 것입니다. 노를 잡고 시작하겠습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=41: msgid "Image Alignment" msgstr "이미지 정렬" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Now that's a fun animation!" msgstr "이제 재미있는 애니메이션입니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Video Block" msgstr "비디오 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "This is a cover image block." msgstr "커버 이미지 블록입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Cover Image Block" msgstr "커버 이미지 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Tom Raftery interviews Matt Mullenweg and Donncha Ó Caoimh" msgstr "Tom Raftery의 Matt Mullenweg와 Donncha Ó Caoimh 인터뷰" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Audio Block" msgstr "오디오 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Obi-Wan Kenobi" msgstr "Obi-Wan Kenobi" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Use the force, Luke." msgstr "힘내요, Luke." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Large Quote Block" msgstr "큰 인용 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "This is a quote block. It's aligned to the side at least in the default styles. Pretty darn amazing." msgstr "인용 블록입니다. 적어도 기본 스타일에서는 측면에 정렬됩니다. 정말로 놀랍습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Quote Block" msgstr "인용 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "List Item Three" msgstr "목록 항목 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "List Item Two" msgstr "목록 항목 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "List Item One" msgstr "목록 항목 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "List Block" msgstr "목록 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Image Block" msgstr "이미지 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Header 6" msgstr "헤더 6" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Header 5" msgstr "헤더 5" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Header 4" msgstr "헤더 4" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Page Break" msgstr "페이지 바꾸기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Paragraph Block" msgstr "문단 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: msgid "Common Blocks" msgstr "공통 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "It apparently has no styles? " msgstr "분명히 스타일이 없나요? " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "This is a verse." msgstr "산문입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Verse Block" msgstr "산문 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "34" msgstr "34" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Smithers" msgstr "Smithers" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Susan" msgstr "Susan" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "25" msgstr "25" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Doe" msgstr "Doe" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Jane" msgstr "Jane" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "36" msgstr "36" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Smith" msgstr "Smith" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Bob" msgstr "Bob" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Header 3" msgstr "헤더 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Header 2" msgstr "헤더 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Header 1" msgstr "헤더 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Table Block" msgstr "테이블 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Laurel Fulford" msgstr "Laurel Fulford" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "This is a pullquote. It's pretty awesome." msgstr "내부 인용입니다. 참으로 굉장합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Pullquote Block" msgstr "내부 인용 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Amazing." msgstr "놀랍습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "It is the best block." msgstr "최고의 블록입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "This is a preformatted block." msgstr "사전 서식화된 형식 블록입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Preformatted Block" msgstr "사전 서식화된 형식 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "" "\n" "\tMy HTML block.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "\t저의 HTML 블록입니다.\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "HTML Block" msgstr "HTML 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "It's using the regular editor." msgstr "일반 편집기를 사용합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "This is the classic block." msgstr "클래식 블록입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Classic Block" msgstr "클래식 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "" ".codeblock {\n" " right: 100% !important;\n" " position: absolute;\n" "}" msgstr "" ".codeblock {\n" " right: 100% !important;\n" " position: absolute;\n" "}" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Code Block" msgstr "코드 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=45: msgid "Formatting Blocks" msgstr "형식 지정 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Read More Block" msgstr "블록 자세히 알아보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "The following separators should be a short line, a long line, and some dots." msgstr "다음 구분 기호는 짧은 줄, 긴 줄 및 약간의 점이어야 합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Separator Block" msgstr "구분자 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Spacer Block" msgstr "여백 도구 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "I will never stop learning. I won’t just work on things that are assigned to me. I know there’s no such thing as a status quo. I will build our business sustainably through passionate and loyal customers. I will never pass up an opportunity to help out a colleague, and I’ll remember the days before I knew everything. I am more motivated by impact than money, and I know that Open Source is one of the most powerful ideas of our generation. I will communicate as much as possible, because it’s the oxygen of a distributed company. I am in a marathon, not a sprint, and no matter how far away the goal is, the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of another every day. Given time, there is no problem that’s insurmountable.
" msgstr "저는 배움을 멈추지 않을 것입니다. 저에게 맡겨진 일만 하지 않겠습니다. 현상 유지는 성립하지 않는다고 알고 있습니다. 저는 열정적이고 충성스러운 고객을 통해 지속 가능하게 비즈니스를 구축할 것입니다. 저는 동료를 도울 기회를 놓치지 않을 것이며 모든 것을 알기 전의 날들을 기억할 것입니다. 저는 돈보다 영향을 중시하며 오픈 소스가 우리 세대의 강력한 아이디어 중 하나라는 것을 알고 있습니다. 저는 분산형 회사의 산소이기 때문에 최대한 소통하겠습니다. 저는 단거리 달리기가 아닌 마라톤을 하고 있으며, 목표가 아무리 멀더라도 매일 한 발씩 다른 발 앞에 두는 것이 목표에 도달하는 유일한 방법입니다. 시간이 주어지면 극복할 수 없는 문제는 없습니다.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Our Creed" msgstr "우리의 신조" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Come work with us.
" msgstr "동참하세요.
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "We strive to live by the Automattic Creed." msgstr "우리는 Automattic Creed를 효과적으로 사용하기 위해 노력합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "We believe in Open Source and the vast majority of our work is available under the GPL." msgstr "우리는 오픈 소스에 대한 믿음을 갖고 있으며, 대부분의 작업이 GPL 하에서 이루어집니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "" "We’re a distributed company with 807 Automatticians in 69 countries \n" "speaking 84 different languages. Our common goal is to democratize \n" "publishing so that anyone with a story can tell it, regardless of \n" "income, gender, politics, language, or where they live in the world." msgstr "" "우리는 69개국에 807명의 Automattic 직원이 있는 분산형 회사입니다. \n" "84개 언어로 말합니다. 우리의 공동 목표는 공개를 \n" "민주화하여 소득, 성별, 정치적 견해, 언어 또는 거주 지역과 \n" "상관없이 누구나 스토리를 전달할 수 있도록 하는 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "We are the people behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Polldaddy, Cloudup, and more. We believe in making the web a better place." msgstr "우리는 워드프레스닷컴, 우커머스, 젯팩, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, 아키스밋, 그라바타, 폴대디, Cloudup 등을 위해 일하는 사람들입니다. 우리는 웹을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들 수 있다고 믿습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Download" msgstr "다운로드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "About Automattic" msgstr "Automattic 소개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Columns Block
" msgstr "열 블록
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "WordPress-logotype-standard" msgstr "WordPress-logotype-standard" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=43: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "File Block" msgstr "파일 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "This is a left button" msgstr "왼쪽 버튼입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "This is a centered button" msgstr "가운데 정렬 버튼입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "This is a button" msgstr "버튼입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Button Blocks" msgstr "버튼 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=47: msgid "Layout Element Blocks" msgstr "레이아웃 요소 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Six columns." msgstr "열 6개입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Five columns." msgstr "열 5개입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Four columns." msgstr "열 4개입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Three columns." msgstr "열 3개입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Two columns." msgstr "열 2개입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "One column." msgstr "열 1개입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "6 columns" msgstr "열 6개입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "1 column of text in the post, 1 column of text. Take one down, move it around, no columns of text in the post." msgstr "글의 텍스트 열 1개와 텍스트의 열 1개입니다. 한 칸 내리고 이리저리 이동하세요. 글에 텍스트 열이 없습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "2 columns of text in the post, 2 columns of text. Take one down, move it around, 1 columns of text in the post." msgstr "글의 텍스트 열 2개와 텍스트의 열 2개입니다. 한 칸 내리고 이리저리 이동하세요. 글에 텍스트 열이 1개 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "3 columns of text in the post, 3 columns of text. Take one down, move it around, 2 columns of text in the post." msgstr "글의 텍스트 열 3개와 텍스트의 열 3개입니다. 한 칸 내리고 이리저리 이동하세요. 글에 텍스트 열이 2개 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "4 columns of text in the post, 4 columns of text. Take one down, move it around, 3 columns of text in the post." msgstr "글의 텍스트 열 4개와 텍스트의 열 4개입니다. 한 칸 내리고 이리저리 이동하세요. 글에 텍스트 열이 3개 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "5 columns of text in the post, 5 columns of text. Take one down, move it around, 4 columns of text in the post." msgstr "글의 텍스트 열 5개와 텍스트의 열 5개입니다. 한 칸 내리고 이리저리 이동하세요. 글에 텍스트 열이 4개 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "5 columns" msgstr "열 5개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is the fourth column, and it's possibly the best." msgstr "네 번째 열인데 가장 적합한 것 같습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "The third column, as they say, is like a charm." msgstr "세 번째 열인데 부적처럼 보입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is the second column, and it's also amazing." msgstr "두 번째 열인데 역시 멋있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is the first column, and it's amazing. " msgstr "첫 번째 열인데 멋있습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "4 columns" msgstr "열 4개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Gutenberg makes this kind of layout easy to build. The future is now!" msgstr "구텐베르크 덕분에 이러한 종류의 레이아웃을 쉽게 구축할 수 있습니다. 미래는 지금입니다!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "You'll find this layout on web sites all over the internet." msgstr "인터넷의 모든 웹 사이트에서 이 레이아웃을 찾을 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is a typical 3-column layout with images on top and some text below. " msgstr "위에 이미지가 있고 아래에 약간의 텍스트가 있는 일반적인 3열 레이아웃입니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "3 columns
" msgstr "열 3개
" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Project Style (Wide Width)" msgstr "프로젝트 스타일(와이드 폭)" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "This is a 2-column layout, just trying some things out to see how it goes. Each column should have enough padding to breathe a little bit. Don't forget to consider how columns will look on smaller screens. #mobilefirst" msgstr "2열 레이아웃인데 어떻게 되는지 몇 가지를 시도해 보겠습니다. 숨통이 트이는 충분한 안쪽 여백이 각 열에 있어야 합니다. 열이 작은 화면에서 어떻게 보일지를 꼭 고려하세요. #모바일 퍼스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "2 columns" msgstr "열 2개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?p=49: msgid "Column Blocks" msgstr "열 블록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=57: msgid "See Live Project" msgstr "라이브 프로젝트 보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=57: msgid "A basketball player dunking illustration from Icons8. Eum non sunt, eu, quos nulla doloribus vel voluptas nesciunt necessitatibus fuga aute mi, nunc, officiis iste? Vulputate atque deserunt cras sit accusamus. Fringilla velit modi. Sociis cupiditate repellendus ac pulvinar wisi, iure veritatis consequatur fringilla fermen tum taciti a quas sociis." msgstr "Icons8의 농구 선수가 덩크슛을 던지는 일러스트레이션입니다. Eum non sunt, eu, quos nulla doloribus vel voluptas nesciunt necessitatibus fuga aute mi, nunc, officiis iste? Vulputate atque deserunt cras sit accusamus. Fringilla velit modi. Sociis cupiditate repellendus ac pulvinar wisi, iure veritatis consequatur fringilla fermen tum taciti a quas sociis." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=60: msgid "Visit Live Project" msgstr "Visit Live Project" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=60: msgid "A astronaut illustration from Icons8. Iaculis occaecat reiciendis aperiam voluptas quo natus. Quae excepteur expedita perferendis hymenaeos purus scelerisque! Ullamcorper, quibusdam, luctus ultrices ultrices erat justo vestibulum nostrud duis! Congue velit pellentesque nulla, distinctio quas dicta ratione cras sequi rerum integer, facilis odit diamlorem possimus." msgstr "A astronaut illustration from Icons8. Iaculis occaecat reiciendis aperiam voluptas quo natus. Quae excepteur expedita perferendis hymenaeos purus scelerisque! Ullamcorper, quibusdam, luctus ultrices ultrices erat justo vestibulum nostrud duis! Congue velit pellentesque nulla, distinctio quas dicta ratione cras sequi rerum integer, facilis odit diamlorem possimus." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=62: msgid "See Full Ad" msgstr "전체 광고 표시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=62: msgid "A cloud storage illustration from Icons8. Iaculis occaecat reiciendis aperiam voluptas quo natus. Quae excepteur expedita perferendis hymenaeos purus scelerisque! Ullamcorper, quibusdam, luctus ultrices ultrices erat justo vestibulum nostrud duis! Congue velit pellentesque nulla, distinctio quas dicta ratione cras sequi rerum integer, facilis odit diamlorem possimus." msgstr "Icons8의 클라우드 저장 공간 일러스트레이션입니다. Iaculis occaecat reiciendis aperiam voluptas quo natus. Quae excepteur expedita perferendis hymenaeos purus scelerisque! Ullamcorper, quibusdam, luctus ultrices ultrices erat justo vestibulum nostrud duis! Congue velit pellentesque nulla, distinctio quas dicta ratione cras sequi rerum integer, facilis odit diamlorem possimus." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Hipped Beasts, 2018 —" msgstr "— Hipped Beasts, 2018 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Time Slippin’ Into The Future" msgstr "Time Slippin’ Into The Future" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Hipped Beasts, 2018 —" msgstr "— Hipped Beasts, 2018 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Checks Over Stripes" msgstr "Checks Over Stripes" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Sofa Bed Examiner, 2018 —" msgstr "— Sofa Bed Examiner, 2018 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Don’t Get Unsubscribed" msgstr "구독 취소에 유의하세요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Whistler Views Magazine, 2016 —" msgstr "— Whistler Views Magazine, 2016 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Bike On, Bike Off" msgstr "Bike On, Bike Off" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Sofa Bed Examiner, 2018 —" msgstr "— Sofa Bed Examiner, 2018 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Put it All in The Clouds" msgstr "Put it All in The Clouds" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Halseytowne Chronicles, 2019 —" msgstr "— Halseytowne Chronicles, 2019 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "The Musuem Of Social Media" msgstr "The Musuem Of Social Media" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Whistler Views Magazine, 2016 —" msgstr "— Whistler Views Magazine, 2016 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "Headless Astronaut Finds Their Head" msgstr "Headless Astronaut Finds Their Head" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— The Daily Emailer, 2019 —" msgstr "— The Daily Emailer, 2019 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: msgid "Turn Off Subs" msgstr "Turn Off Subs" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=8: msgid "— Sports Minimalist, 2019 —" msgstr "— Sports Minimalist, 2019 —" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: msgid "Get more Buckets" msgstr "Get more Buckets" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dalstondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=860: msgid "Home Test" msgstr "자가 진단" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: msgid "Meditation" msgstr "명상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: #: block-patterns/lowfi.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=6: msgid "meditation" msgstr "명상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "We run a mindful meditation class every Tuesdays at 9:00 am." msgstr "매주 화요일 오전 9시에 마음 챙김 명상 수업을 진행합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "Candle glazing meditation" msgstr "촛불 명상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "Mindful meditation" msgstr "마음 챙김 명상" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "Deep breathing exercises" msgstr "심호흡 운동" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "There are a few exercises to help you (re)connect with your body and mind." msgstr "몸과 마음의 소리를 들을 수 있도록 도와주는 몇 가지 운동을 확인해 보세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=124: msgid "Find your center" msgstr "센터 찾기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/2023/11/06/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/blockstardemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/shawburnblocks.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=151: msgid "news" msgstr "뉴스" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: msgid "Get new content delivered directly to your inbox." msgstr "새로운 콘텐츠를 이메일로 바로 보내드립니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: msgid "Make sure to follow our blog!" msgstr "블로그를 팔로우해 주세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: msgid "We will organize a yoga retreat in Bali later on this year, most likely in December. We're still at an early stage but we will announce it by the end of next month." msgstr "올해 하반기에(12월 예정) 발리에서 요가 수련을 진행할 예정입니다. 현재 준비 단계 중이며 다음 달 말에 공지할 예정입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?p=132: msgid "Yoga retreat in Bali" msgstr "발리 요가 수련" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=79: msgid "11249" msgstr "11249" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=79: msgid "Brooklyn" msgstr "Brooklyn" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=79: msgid "99 Wythe Avenue" msgstr "99 Wythe Avenue" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=79: msgid "We’re always happy to answer your questions or receive your comments about how we can improve our service." msgstr "궁금한 점은 언제든지 망설이지 말고 질문해 주시고, 서비스 개선 방법이 있다면 의견을 제시해 주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=89: msgid "Founded by Joan Smith, Bālāsana opened in January 2015 with a simple goal: to inspire and help people lead healthier lives, in whatever way they want." msgstr "Joan Smith가 설립한 Bālāsana는 사람들이 각자 자신이 원하는 방식으로 더 건강한 삶을 살 수 있도록 영감을 주고 돕는다는 단순한 목표로 2015년에 문을 열었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Yoga" msgstr "요가" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Pilates" msgstr "필라테스" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Robert is a former professional gymnast. After an injury he discovered the joy of yoga and now teaches in our studio." msgstr "Robert는 전직 프로 체조 선수입니다. 부상 후 요가에서 즐거움을 찾았으며 현재 저희 스튜디오에서 수업을 진행하고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Yoga and Pilates Teacher" msgstr "요가 및 필라테스 강사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Robert Pearce" msgstr "Robert Pearce" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "James grew up in a family of yoga aficionados so it's only natural that he's now a yoga teacher. He is specialized in acro yoga." msgstr "요가 마니아인 가족들 사이에서 자란 제임스는 자연스럽게 요가 강사가 되었습니다. 현재 아크로 요가 전문 강사입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Yoga Teacher" msgstr "요가 강사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Noah Fraser" msgstr "Noah Fraser" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "With a dancer background, Joan always had a passion for yoga and meditation. After a trip in India, she decided to open her own studio." msgstr "무용수 경력이 있는 Joan은 언제나 요가와 명상에 대한 열정을 가지고 있었습니다. 인도 여행 후 Joan은 자신의 스튜디오를 열기로 결정했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Founder / Yoga and Barre Teacher" msgstr "창립자/요가 및 Barre 강사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=96: msgid "Teachers" msgstr "강사" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Want to be part of it?" msgstr "참여하고 싶으신가요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "This is a 4-week course only ($90). This course consist of a 1-hour class per day dedicated to the practice of the barre." msgstr "4주 과정만 운영합니다($90). 하루 1시간 집중적인 Barre 연습에 집중하는 과정입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Barre" msgstr "Barre" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "We run a pilates class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. The drop-in price is $15. You can also subscribe to a monthly membership for $120." msgstr "매주 월요일, 수요일 및 금요일 아침에 필라테스 수업을 운영합니다. 현장 가격은 $15입니다. $120에 월간 멤버십에 가입할 수도 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "We offer many different classes, from beginner to advanced. Our best value package, \"Discovery Pass\" allows you to attend 4 classes (3 weeks validity). " msgstr "초급부터 고급까지 다양한 수업을 제공합니다. 가격 대비 최고의 수준을 자랑하는 \"알아보기 패스\"를 이용하여 수업 4개(3주간 유효)를 수강할 수 있습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/balasanademo.wordpress.com/?page_id=109: msgid "Classes" msgstr "수업" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lettredemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=62: #: block-patterns/mamablog.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=15: msgid "Archive" msgstr "보관물" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/lettredemo.wordpress.com/home/: msgid "Video" msgstr "비디오" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=590: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/OwK19j2k?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/OwK19j2k?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=590: msgid "Fire and Ice: The Volcanoes of Iceland" msgstr "불과 얼음: 아이슬란드의 화산" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=595: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/Rk9Ax14O?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/Rk9Ax14O?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=595: msgid "Altai: The Wild Heart of Asia" msgstr "알타이: 아시아의 거친 심장" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=599: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/XCph69Qq?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/XCph69Qq?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=599: msgid "The Vanishing Rainforest" msgstr "사라지는 열대우림" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=601: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/CFE9lHgW?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/CFE9lHgW?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=601: msgid "Fishing at the Top of the World" msgstr "세상의 꼭대기에서 낚시하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=590: #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=599: #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=618: msgid "Nature" msgstr "자연" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=590: #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=599: #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=618: msgid "nature" msgstr "자연" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=618: msgid "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/MahneysU?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://videopress.com/v/MahneysU?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/videomakerdemo.wordpress.com/?p=618: msgid "Following the Water" msgstr "물결 따라" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8750: msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "사이드바" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8750: msgid "sidebar" msgstr "사이드바" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8750: msgid "An English diarist and naval administrator. I served as administrator of the Royal Navy and Member of Parliament. I had no maritime experience, but I rose to be the Chief Secretary to the Admiralty under both King Charles II and King James II through patronage, diligence, and my talent for administration." msgstr "영국의 일기 작가이자 해군 행정관입니다. 저는 영국 해군 행정관과 국회의원을 역임했습니다. 저는 해양 경험이 없었지만, 후원, 근면, 행정 능력을 통해 찰스 2세와 제임스 2세 시대에 해군본부 수석 비서관이 되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8750: msgid "Sidebar with About me text, Recent Posts Links, and Subscription Form" msgstr "내 소개 텍스트, 최근 글 링크 및 구독 양식이 있는 사이드바" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/bitacorademo.wordpress.com/?p=18: #: block-patterns/tuthemedemo.wordpress.com/2022/11/18/hello-world/: msgid "Up betimes. Called up by my tailor, and there first put on a summer suit this year; but it was not my fine one of flowered tabby vest, and coloured camelott tunique, because it was too fine with the gold lace at the hands, that I was afeard to be seen in it; but put on the stuff suit I made the last year, which is now repaired; and so did go to the Office in it, and sat all the morning, the day looking as if it would be fowle. At noon home to dinner, and there find my wife extraordinary fine, with her flowered tabby gown that she made two years ago, now laced exceeding pretty; and, indeed, was fine all over; and mighty earnest to go, though the day was very lowering; and she would have me put on my fine suit, which I did. And so anon we went alone through the town with our new liveries of serge, and the horses’ manes and tails tied with red ribbons, and the standards there gilt with varnish, and all clean, and green refines, that people did mightily look upon us; and, the truth is, I did not see any coach more pretty, though more gay, than ours, all the day. But we set out, out of humour—I because Betty, whom I expected, was not come to go with us; and my wife that I would sit on the same seat with her, which she likes not, being so fine: and she then expected to meet Sheres, which we did in the Pell Mell, and, against my will, I was forced to take him into the coach, but was sullen all day almost, and little complaisant: the day also being unpleasing, though the Park full of coaches, but dusty and windy, and cold, and now and then a little dribbling rain; and, what made it worst, there were so many hackney-coaches as spoiled the sight of the gentlemen’s; and so we had little pleasure. But here was W. Batelier and his sister in a borrowed coach by themselves, and I took them and we to the lodge; and at the door did give them a syllabub, and other things, cost me 12s., and pretty merry. And so back to the coaches, and there till the evening, and then home, leaving Mr. Sheres at St. James’s Gate, where he took leave of us for altogether, he; being this night to set out for Portsmouth post, in his way to Tangier, which troubled my wife mightily, who is mighty, though not, I think, too fond of him. But she was out of humour all the evening, and I vexed at her for it, and she did not rest almost all the night, so as in the night I was forced; to take her and hug her to put her to rest. So home, and after a little supper, to bed." msgstr "일찍 일어나세요. 재단사가 불러서 갔다가 올해 처음으로 여름옷을 입어봤습니다. 그러나 그것은 꽃무늬 태비 조끼와 유색 카멜롯 튜니크여서 내 마음에 들지 않았습니다. 손에 금색 레이스가 달리고 너무 고와서 두려울 정도였습니다. 하지만 작년에 내가 만들고 지금은 수선한 모직 정장 위에 입었습니다. 그리고 그 안에 있는 사무실로 가서 아침 내내 앉아 있었는데, 그날은 사냥꾼처럼 보였습니다. 정오에 식사하려고 집으로 갔을 때 내 아내가 2년 전에 만들었고 지금은 레이스가 달린 꽃무늬 태비 가운을 입고 있는 아내가 아주 멋져 보였습니다. 정말로 전체적으로 괜찮았습니다. 날은 잔뜩 흐렸지만, 느낌이 아주 강렬했습니다. 그녀는 나에게 멋진 정장을 입혔습니다. 그리고 우리는 서지로 만든 새로운 복장, 붉은 리본으로 묶인 말의 갈기와 꼬리, 광택제로 금박을 입힌 깃발, 그리고 사람들이 강력하게 바라보는 아주 깨끗한 녹색 차림새로 마을을 돌아다녔습니다. 사실 나는 온종일 우리보다 더 예쁘고 화려한 마차를 보지 못했습니다. 그러나 우리는 기분이 좋지 않았습니다. 기대했던 Betty가 함께 가지 않았기 때문입니다. 그리고 내 아내가 좋아하지 않은 자리에 내가 앉아도 그녀는 개의치 않았습니다. 아내는 Pell Mell에서처럼 Sheres를 만나는 것을 기대했고, 나는 좋지 않았는데도 그를 마차에 태웠지만 그는 종일 시무룩했고 불평도 거의 없었습니다. 공원은 마차로 가득했지만 먼지가 많고 바람이 불고 춥고 때때로 약간의 비가 내리는 날씨도 불쾌했습니다. 더 최악은 신사의 시야를 망칠 정도로 전세 마차가 너무 많았다는 것입니다. 그래서 우리는 별로 즐겁지 않았습니다. 여기에 W. Batelier와 그의 여동생이 빌린 마차에 있었고, 나는 그들과 내 일행을 오두막으로 데려갔습니다. 그리고 문에서 그들에게 밀크주와 다른 것을 주는데 12실링이 들었고 꽤 즐거웠습니다. 마차로 돌아가서는 저녁까지 있다가 집으로 왔습니다. Sheres 씨는 St. James’s Gate에 남겨두었는데 그는 거기에서 모두에게 작별 인사를 했습니다. 그는 탕헤르로 가는 길에 있는 포츠머스 기지로 이 밤에 떠납니다. 내 아내는 짜증을 부렸지만, 어쩌면 그를 좋아할지 모른다고 나는 생각합니다. 그러나 그녀는 저녁 내내 기분이 좋지 않았고, 나는 그에 대해 그녀에게 화를 냈고, 그녀는 밤새도록 거의 쉬지 않았습니다. 그래서 나는 억지로 그녀를 데려가서 쉬도록 안아줬습니다. 그렇게 집에서 야식을 조금 먹고 자러 갔습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/tuthemedemo.wordpress.com/2022/11/18/hello-world/: msgid "A Little Dribbling Rain" msgstr "약간 내리는 비" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "You’ll need access to a DAW — a digital audio workstation — like Ableton Live, Pro Tools, or Garageband. There are also several free DAWs out there, if you don’t currently one own." msgstr "Ableton Live, Pro Tools 또는 Garageband와 같은 디지털 오디오 워크스테이션인 DAW에 접근하는 권한이 필요합니다. 현재 소유하고 있지 않다면 무료 DAW도 여러 가지 나와 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Do I need to use specific software?" msgstr "특성 소프트웨어를 사용해야 하나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "While the workshop is geared towards artists looking to go digital, anyone can attend." msgstr "디지털 방식을 지향하는 아티스트 대상 워크숍이지만, 누구나 참석할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Who can attend?" msgstr "누가 참석할 수 있나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "There are three ticket tiers for the workshop, ranging from $25 to $250. You can find out more information on Eventbrite, where you’ll sign up and buy your ticket." msgstr "워크숍 티켓 등급은 $25부터 $250까지 세 가지입니다. 등록하고 티켓을 구매하는 Eventbrite에서 자세히 알아보실 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "How much does it cost?" msgstr "비용은 얼마인가요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Yes, sessions will be recorded. There will be about a week of time in between the workshop and posting the videos so that we can edit and caption them." msgstr "예. 세션이 녹화됩니다. 워크숍과 비디오 공개 사이에 일주일 정도 편집하고 자막을 입힐 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Will sessions be recorded for later?" msgstr "나중을 위해 세션이 녹화되나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "February 13, 2021, from 9am until 7:30pm Eastern time." msgstr "2021년 2월 13일 오전 9시~오후 7시 30분(동부 표준시)입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "When is the workshop?" msgstr "워크숍이 언제인가요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=9: msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget purus auctor, pharetra est non, bibendum massa. Vestibulum eros felis, pretium gravida pharetra quis, vulputate nec risus. Sed lacus odio, vehicula nec ipsum sit amet, posuere posuere sem. Ut sed sapien non urna ullamcorper vulputate. Vivamus ullamcorper vel ligula a tempor. Duis pharetra facilisis venenatis. Aenean vitae tortor et justo iaculis interdum." msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget purus auctor, pharetra est non, bibendum massa. Vestibulum eros felis, pretium gravida pharetra quis, vulputate nec risus. Sed lacus odio, vehicula nec ipsum sit amet, posuere posuere sem. Ut sed sapien non urna ullamcorper vulputate. Vivamus ullamcorper vel ligula a tempor. Duis pharetra facilisis venenatis. Aenean vitae tortor et justo iaculis interdum." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=87: msgid "Introduction to Electronic Music" msgstr "전자 음악 소개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=95: msgid "Learn the basics of reverb, delay, and compression with professional artist and producer Dani Searle." msgstr "프로 아티스트이자 프로듀서인 Dani Searle과 함께 음향, 딜레이 및 압축의 기초를 알아봅니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=95: msgid "Intro to Fix" msgstr "수정 입문" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=97: msgid "How to record your own unique samples using whatever microphone you have available, and edit them with pitch changes and FX to fit in with your electronic music compositions." msgstr "사용할 수 있는 아무 마이크나 사용하여 자신의 샘플을 녹음하고 전자 음악 작곡에 어울리도록 피치 변경 및 FX로 편집하는 방법입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=97: msgid "Creating Your Own Samples" msgstr "자신의 샘플 창작" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=87: #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=99: msgid "Learn the basics of electronic music history, what it is, and what tools we can use to start making it. This crash course will get you everything you know to start approaching your own electronic music." msgstr "전자 음악 역사의 기초, 전자 음악의 정체, 전자 음악 제작을 시작하는 데 사용할 수 있는 수단을 알아봅니다. 자신의 전자 음악에 접근하기 시작하는 데 필요한 모든 정보를 이 단기 과정에서 제공합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?p=99: msgid "Opening Notes" msgstr "오프닝 메모" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/loudnessthemedemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=125: msgid "SchedulE" msgstr "일정" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8656: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: msgid "A WordPress.com site" msgstr "워드프레스닷컴 사이트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: msgid "Three columns with contact info and social icons" msgstr "연락처 정보와 소셜 아이콘이 있는 열 3개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8650: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "A WordPress.com website" msgstr "워드프레스닷컴 웹사이트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "Sat - Sun: Closed" msgstr "토 - 일: 휴무" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm​" msgstr "월 - 금: 오전 9시~오후 5시​" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "CA 12345-6789" msgstr "CA 12345-6789" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "123 Example St, San Francisco," msgstr "123 Example St, San Francisco," #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: msgid "Left-aligned minimal footer" msgstr "왼쪽 정렬 최소 푸터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: msgid "Three columns with address and open times" msgstr "주소와 영업시간이 있는 열 3개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8659: msgid "Center-aligned minimal footer with dark background" msgstr "어두운 배경의 가운데 정렬 최소 푸터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: msgid "Center-aligned minimal footer" msgstr "가운데 정렬 최소 푸터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8654: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8662: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8666: msgid "(123) 456-789" msgstr "(123) 456-789" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?page_id=2: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page-2/: msgid "You can find me online in the links below or just send me a message to say hi." msgstr "아래 링크에서 온라인으로 저를 찾거나 메시지를 보내 인사를 전할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?page_id=2: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/sample-page-2/: msgid "Hello! My name is Adrian DeCarlo and this is Mindblown, my personal blog about philosophy with book summaries and reviews. I like to immerse myself in books and learn what others have to say about life. " msgstr "안녕하세요! 제 이름은 Adrian DeCarlo이고, 여기는 Mindblown이며, 책 요약과 서평이 있는 철학에 관한 제 개인 블로그입니다. 저는 독서에 열중하며 다른 사람들이 인생에 대해 말하는 내용을 배우는 것을 좋아합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "saul-kripke" msgstr "saul-kripke" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Proper names are rigid designators." msgstr "고유 이름은 엄격한 지정자입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Saul Kripke" msgstr "솔 크립키" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Kripke’s most important philosophical publication, Naming and Necessity (1980), based on transcripts of three lectures he delivered at Princeton in 1970, changed the course of analytic philosophy. It provided the first cogent account of necessity and possibility as metaphysical concepts, and it distinguished both concepts from the epistemological notions of a posteriori knowledge and a priori knowledge (knowledge acquired through experience and knowledge independent of experience, respectively) and from the linguistic notions of analytic truth and synthetic truth, or truth by virtue of meaning and truth by virtue of fact (see analytic proposition). In the course of making these distinctions, Kripke revived the ancient doctrine of essentialism, according to which objects possess certain properties necessarily—without them the objects would not exist at all." msgstr "크립키의 가장 중요한 철학 저서인 이름과 필연(1980)은 1970년 프린스턴대학교에서 진행한 세 차례의 강의를 바탕으로 분석 철학의 진로를 바꾸어 놓았습니다. 필연성과 가능성에 대한 최초의 설득력 있는 설명을 형이상학적 개념으로 제공했으며, 두 개념을 사후 지식과 선험적 지식(각각 경험을 통해 얻은 지식 및 경험과 무관한 지식)의 인식론적 개념 및 분석적 진실과 종합적 진실, 즉 의미에 의한 진실과 사실에 의한 진실의 언어적 개념과 구분했습니다(분석 명제 참조). 이러한 구분 과정에서 크립키는 개체가 특정 속성을 필연적으로 소유한다는 고대의 본질주의 교리를 부활시켰습니다. 이러한 속성이 없으면 개체는 전혀 존재하지 않는다는 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Inspirited by this wind of promise, my daydreams become more fervent and vivid. " msgstr "이 약속의 바람에 고무되어 저의 백일몽은 더욱 열렬하고 생생해집니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: msgid "Naming and Necessity by Saul Kripke" msgstr "솔 크립키의 이름과 필연" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "simone-de-beauvoir" msgstr "simone-de-beauvoir" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." msgstr "여자로 태어나는 것이 아니라 여자가 되는 것이다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "Simone de Beauvoir" msgstr "시몬 드 보부아르" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "\"The Second Sex\" is a 1949 book by the French existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir. It is a hymn to human freedom and a classic of the existentialist movement. It also has claims to be the most important book in the history of feminism." msgstr "\"제2의 성\"은 프랑스 실존주의 철학자 시몬 드 보부아르의 1949년 저서입니다. 인간의 자유에 대한 찬가이자 실존주의 운동의 고전입니다. 페미니즘 역사상 가장 중요한 책이라는 주장도 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "A hymn to human freedom and a classic of the existentialist movement." msgstr "인간의 자유에 대한 찬가이자 실존주의 운동의 고전입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: msgid "The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir" msgstr "시몬 드 보부아르의 제2의 성" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "Fred Lee Hord" msgstr "Fred Lee Hord" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "fred-lee-hord" msgstr "fred-lee-hord" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "Rene Descartes is often called the first modern philosopher, and his famous saying, “I think, therefore I am,” laid the groundwork for how we conceptualize our sense of self. But what if there’s an entirely different way to think about personal identity — a non-Western philosophy that rejects this emphasis on individuality?" msgstr "르네 데카르트는 종종 최초의 근대 철학자로 불리며, 그의 명언인 \"나는 생각한다, 고로 나는 존재한다\"는 우리가 자아를 개념화하는 방법의 토대를 마련했습니다. 그러나 개인의 정체성에 대해 완전히 다른 방식으로 생각하는 방식, 즉 개성에 대한 이러한 강조를 거부하는 비서구적 철학이 있다면 어떻게 될까요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "Steve Paulson" msgstr "스티브 폴슨" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "I Am Because We Are has been recognized as a major, canon-defining anthology and adopted as a text in a wide variety of college and university courses." msgstr "I Am Because We Are는 카논을 정의하는 주요한 선집으로 인식되었으며 다양한 전문대 및 대학교 과정의 텍스트로 채택되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "A major, canon-defining anthology and adopted as a text in college and university courses." msgstr "카논을 정의하는 주요한 선집이며, 다양한 전문대 및 대학교 과정의 텍스트로 채택되었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: msgid "I Am Because We Are by Fred L. Hord" msgstr "Fred L. Hord의 I Am Because We Are" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: msgid "Laozi" msgstr "노자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: msgid "laozi" msgstr "laozi" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: msgid "lao-tzu" msgstr "lao-tzu" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "When people see things as beautiful, ugliness is created.
When people see things as good, evil is created." msgstr "사람들이 사물을 아름답게 볼 때 추함이 창조됩니다.
사람들이 사물을 좋게 볼 때 악이 창조됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "Lao Tzu" msgstr "노자" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "It is a fundamental text for both philosophical and religious Taoism and strongly influenced other schools of Chinese philosophy and religion, including Legalism, Confucianism, and Chinese Buddhism, which was largely interpreted through the use of Taoist words and concepts." msgstr "철학적이고 종교적인 도교의 기본 텍스트이며 주로 도교의 말과 개념을 사용하여 해석된 율법주의, 유교 및 중국 불교를 포함하여 중국 철학 및 종교의 다른 학파에 강력한 영향을 미쳤습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "The \"Tao Te Ching\", roughly translated into The Book of the Way and of Virtue, is a Chinese classic text written around 400 BC and traditionally credited to the sage Laozi. The text's authorship, date of composition and date of compilation are still debated. " msgstr "도덕경은 기원전 400년경에 쓰인 중국의 고전이며, 전통적으로 현자 노자가 쓴 것으로 여겨집니다. 본문의 저자, 작성 날짜, 편찬 날짜는 여전히 논쟁 중입니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "A fundamental text for both philosophical and religious Taoism." msgstr "철학적이고 종교적인 도교의 기본 텍스트입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/tao-te-ching-by-lao-tzu/: msgid "Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Lao Tzu" msgstr "노자의 도덕경" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: msgid "Aristotle" msgstr "아리스토텔레스" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: msgid "aristotle" msgstr "aristotle" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle/: msgid "The Nicomachean Ethics is Aristotle's best-known work on ethics, the science of the good for human life, which is the goal or end at which all our actions aim." msgstr "니코마코스 윤리학은 우리의 모든 행동이 지향하는 목표 또는 목적인 인간 생명을 위한 선의 과학인 윤리에 관한 아리스토텔레스의 가장 잘 알려진 저서입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle/: #: block-patterns/paimiodemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/21/nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle/: msgid "Aristotle's take on ethics and the science of the good for human life." msgstr "아리스토텔레스의 윤리와 인간 생명을 위한 선의 과학에 대한 생각입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle/: msgid "Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle" msgstr "아리스토텔레스의 니코마코스 윤리학" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: msgid "Philosophy Books" msgstr "철학 도서" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: msgid "philosophy-books" msgstr "philosophy-books" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=10: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=17: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=21: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=41: #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=46: #: block-patterns/negai.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=29: msgid "philosophy" msgstr "철학" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: msgid "hannah-arendt" msgstr "hannah-arendt" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "Men in plural can experience meaningfulness only because they can talk with and make sense to each other and themselves." msgstr "복수형의 남성은 서로 대화하고 이해할 수 있기 때문에 의미를 경험할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "Hannah Arendt" msgstr "한나 아렌트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "She distinguishes three sorts of activity (labor, work, and action) and discusses how they have been affected by changes in Western history." msgstr "세 종류의 활동(노동, 일, 행동)을 구별하고 서양 역사 변화의 영향을 어떻게 받았는지 논의합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "Arendt is interested in the vita activa (active life) as contrasted with the vita contemplativa (contemplative life) and concerned that the debate over the relative status of the two has blinded us to important insights about the vita activa and the way in which it has changed since ancient times. " msgstr "아렌트는 vita contemplativa(명상적 삶)와 대조되는 vita activa(실천적 삶)에 관심이 있으며, 이 두 가지의 상대적 지위에 대한 논쟁이 vita activa와 그것이 고대 이래로 어떻게 변화해 왔는지에 대한 중요한 통찰력에 대한 우리의 눈을 멀게 한다고 우려합니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "Published in 1958, \"The Human Condition\" is Hannah Arendt's take on how \"human activities\" should be and have been understood throughout Western history. " msgstr "1958년에 출판된 \"인간의 조건\"은 서구 역사를 통틀어 \"인간 활동\"이 어떻게 이해되어야 하고 이해되었는지에 대한 한나 아렌트의 생각입니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: #: block-patterns/paimiodemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/21/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "How \"human activities\" should be and have been understood throughout Western history. " msgstr "서구 역사를 통틀어 \"인간 활동\"이 어떻게 이해되어야 하고 이해되었는가. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/2023.wordpress.net/?p=19: #: block-patterns/ctlgdemo.wordpress.com/2023/03/23/the-human-condition-by-hannah-arendt/: msgid "The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt" msgstr "한나 아렌트의 인간의 조건" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "TABLE HEADER 3" msgstr "테이블 헤더 3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "TABLE HEADER 2" msgstr "테이블 헤더 2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "TABLE HEADER 1" msgstr "테이블 헤더 1" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "If you want, you can also add tables, which will look like this:" msgstr "필요하면 다음과 같은 모양으로 테이블을 추가할 수 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Gutenberg also includes a pullquote block with a different formatting." msgstr "Gutenberg에는 다른 형식의 내부 인용 블록도 포함되어 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas." msgstr "저는 낮에는 자전거로 배달하고 밤에는 연기를 연습하며, 여기는 제 웹사이트입니다. 로스앤젤레스에서 잭이라는 멋진 개와 함께 살고 있죠. 피나 쿨라다도 좋아해요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Lists" msgstr "목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "The quote block can be used to display a quote from a person or from another site. It can be as long or as short as you like, and it is displayed like this:" msgstr "인용 블록을 사용하여 개인 또는 다른 사이트의 인용문을 표시할 수 있습니다. 길이를 원하는 대로 조정할 수 있으며, 다음과 같은 모양으로 표시됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Sed elementum porttitor, pulvinar, ultricies lacus sociis auctor." msgstr "Sed elementum porttitor, pulvinar, ultricies lacus sociis auctor." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Magna platea habitasse mid turpis dis montes eros diam." msgstr "Magna platea habitasse mid turpis dis montes eros diam." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "You can add lists to your content. This is what they'll look like." msgstr "콘텐츠에 목록을 추가할 수 있습니다. 이런 모양으로 보입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Extra Large — This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place." msgstr "문단 특대 - 예시 페이지입니다. 한곳에 고정된다는 점에서 블로그 글과 다릅니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Large — This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes)." msgstr "문단 크게 - 예시 페이지입니다. 한곳에 고정되며 사이트 탐색에 표시된다는 점에서 블로그 글과 다릅니다(대다수 테마의 경우)." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Medium — This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors." msgstr "문단 보통 - 예시 페이지입니다. 한곳에 고정되며 사이트 탐색에 표시된다는 점에서 블로그 글과 다릅니다(대다수 테마의 경우). 사람들은 대부분 잠재적 사이트 방문자에게 자신을 소개하는 소개 페이지로 시작합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Small — This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors." msgstr "문단 작게 - 예시 페이지입니다. 한곳에 고정되며 사이트 탐색에 표시된다는 점에서 블로그 글과 다릅니다(대다수 테마의 경우). 사람들은 대부분 잠재적 사이트 방문자에게 자신을 소개하는 소개 페이지로 시작합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "This is the default paragraph size, but there are a few paragraph size presets in Gutenberg, which will scale down automatically across devices so your content looks good in any device." msgstr "이것이 기본 문단 크기이지만, Gutenberg에는 어느 기기에서나 잘 콘텐츠가 잘 보이도록 기기에 따라 자동으로 배율이 축소되는 몇 가지 문단이 사전 설정되어 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Paragraph Styles" msgstr "문단 스타일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "HEADING 6" msgstr "헤딩요소 6" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "This page contains the text styles of the theme. The following blocks are headings, commonly used as titles, they define which parts of your content are important, and show how they’re interconnected." msgstr "이 페이지에는 테마의 텍스트 스타일이 있습니다. 다음과 같은 블록이 일반적으로 제목으로 사용되는 헤딩요소입니다. 콘텐츠 중 중요한 부분을 정의하고 어떻게 상호 연결되어 있는지 보여줍니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=204: msgid "Text Styles" msgstr "텍스트 스타일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "Get In touch" msgstr "연락하기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "I'm always looking for collaborators, so feel free to submit an article to be featured on the site." msgstr "저는 항상 공동 작업자를 찾고 있으니 사이트에 게시할 글을 편안하게 제출해 주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=2: msgid "My name is Aine Walsh and I'm a writer and curator of the ITN? digital publication." msgstr "제 이름은 Aine Walsh이고 ITN? 디지털 출판의 작가이자 큐레이터입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "With second hand markets on a rise, Lana believes much work has been done to make this a more mainstream practice." msgstr "중고 시장이 증가함에 따라 Lana는 이를 주류 관행으로 만들기 위해 많은 노력을 기울였다고 믿습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Lana's work discusses the oft-overlooked ability of the fashion industry to shape and change societal norms, adjust societal perspective on accepted cultural practices and shift attitudes. It takes a lot to make a garment. Not just the bits we hear about but also the farmers, the ginners, spinners, weavers, sewers, artisans. It takes water, soil, seeds, land, forests, animals, electricity, oil, chemicals, metals and other precious natural resources to clothe us." msgstr "Lana의 작업에서는 패션 산업에서 자주 간과되는 사회적 규범을 형성 및 변경하고 수용된 문화적 관행에 대한 사회적 관점을 조정하고 태도를 바꾸는 능력을 논의합니다. 옷을 만들려면 품이 많이 듭니다. 우리가 듣는 작은 조각뿐만 아니라 농부, 조면공, 방적공, 직공, 재봉사, 장인도 있습니다. 옷을 입으려면 물, 흙, 씨앗, 땅, 숲, 동물, 전기, 석유, 화학물질, 금속 및 기타 귀중한 천연자원이 필요합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "As far as industries are concerned, fashion is one of those that pollute the most, mostly fast-fashion and its massive overproduction of clothing made with cheap materials. These clothes are usually worn a few times and then thrown away. The process that follows after we throw them away is the worst part. Many of these garments are made of materials that aren't decomposed easily, such as polyester, for instance, which takes approximately 200 years to degrade." msgstr "산업에 관한 한, 패션은 가장 오염시키는 것 중 하나이며, 대부분 패스트패션과 값싼 재료로 만들어진 옷이 대량으로 과잉 생산됩니다. 이러한 옷은 보통 몇 번 입고는 버립니다. 옷을 버린 후 프로세스는 최악입니다. 이러한 의류는 대부분 분해하는 데 약 200년이 걸리는 폴리에스테르와 같이 쉽게 분해되지 않는 재료로 만들어집니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "The intricate work of Lana Lam has been broadly acclaimed as a testament to identity, and sustainable production. Made completely of repurposed fabric, her garments tell a sartorial story of joyful liberation. Each piece is totally handmade, a labor of love carrying the wisdom of a generationally passed down craft." msgstr "Lana Lam의 복잡한 작업은 정체성과 지속 가능한 생산에 대한 증거로 널리 찬사를 받았습니다. 완전히 재활용된 천으로 만들어진 그녀의 의류는 즐거운 해방의 의복 스토리를 전달합니다. 각 작품은 세대를 거쳐 전해 내려오는 공예의 지혜를 담고 있는 사랑의 수고로 100% 수작업으로 제작됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: msgid "Lana Lam is Using Fashion as a Tool for Change" msgstr "Lana Lam은 패션을 변화의 도구로 사용하고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "Groundbreaking" msgstr "획기적" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "groundbreaking" msgstr "groundbreaking" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "This formula for object handmaking has been continued in the development of the Eve by Paloma Loma line. Campbell presents a luxury take on the Ephemera and Beatrice models, slowing down their design and production processes to elevate classic shapes. Made with raw undyed leather uppers and replaceable straps, the handbags create an experience of timelessness and durability. By applying traditional methods to Eve, Paloma Loma perpetuates the wearer of the craft of handbagmaking." msgstr "제품 수제작의 이 공식은 Eve by Paloma Loma 라인의 개발에서도 계속되었습니다. Campbell은 Ephemera 및 Beatrice 모델에 고급스러움을 더하여 디자인 및 생산 프로세스를 늦춰 클래식 형태를 고취합니다. 염색하지 않은 미가공 가죽 갑피와 교체 가능한 끈으로 제작된 핸드백에서 시대를 초월한 내구성이 창조됩니다. Paloma Loma는 전통적인 방법을 Eve에 적용하여 핸드백 제작 기술을 착용한 사람을 영속시킵니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "Founded by Eve Campbell in 2010, the British label is renowned for artisanal craftsmanship in leather objects. Paloma Loma evolved through Campbell’s fusion of psychological study with her training as a handbagmaker, manually producing handbags and belts in a London workshop, with meticulous attention to detail." msgstr "2010년 Eve Campbell이 설립한 영국 레이블은 가죽 제품의 장인 정신으로 유명합니다. Paloma Loma는 Campbell이 심리학 연구와 핸드백 제작자로서의 훈련을 융합하여 런던 작업장에서 핸드백과 벨트를 수작업으로 생산하고 세부 사항에 세심한 주의를 기울이면서 진화했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Tools" msgstr "도구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: msgid "A Return to Craftsmanship with Eve" msgstr "Eve와 함께 장인정신으로 회귀" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=1: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=36: #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "tools" msgstr "도구" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Objects" msgstr "오브제" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "objects" msgstr "objects" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Each design is intended as an anchor of utility. Complementing the studio’s range of handmade designs are also objets trouvés collected over the years, from furniture by iconic designers to unique vintage pieces. Together, they celebrate the story and history of several generations, while providing durable solutions for the ones to come." msgstr "각 디자인은 실용성의 지주로 의도되었습니다. 스튜디오의 다양한 수제 디자인을 보완하는 것은 상징적인 디자이너의 가구부터 독특한 빈티지 작품까지 수년에 걸쳐 수집한 오브제 트루베이기도 합니다. 그들은 함께 여러 세대의 스토리와 역사를 기념하는 동시에 다가올 세대를 위한 내구성 있는 해결책을 제공합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Finnery never fails displaying his furniture in the right places. Pale timbers are used for floors, furniture, and sliding barn doors, set within a timber grid. The practice has embraced a rustic and industrial DNA and playful urban mantra." msgstr "Finnery는 올바른 장소에 자신의 가구를 전시하는 데 실패하는 일이 없습니다. 옅은 목재는 바닥, 가구 및 목제 격자 내에 설치된 미닫이 창고 문에 사용됩니다. 소박하고 산업적인 DNA와 장난스러운 도시 만트라를 관행에서 받아들였습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Marcel Finnery's timeless and minimalist pieces toe the line between design and art. From sofas, tables, stools and decorative objects, these quintessential products are brought to life by a team of expert designers and craftsmen; each putting their cultural mark and their own contribution to the identity of the furniture collections." msgstr "Marcel Finnery의 시대를 초월한 미니멀리스트 작품은 디자인과 예술 사이의 경계를 넘나듭니다. 소파, 테이블, 스툴 및 장식용 물건에 이르기까지 이러한 전형적인 제품은 전문 디자이너와 장인으로 구성된 팀에서 생명을 불어넣습니다. 각각은 가구 컬렉션의 정체성에 대한 문화적 표식과 자체적인 기여를 나타냅니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?p=38: msgid "Navigating Through Objects with Marcel Finnery" msgstr "Marcel Finnery와 함께 오브제 살펴보기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/muscat.mystagingwebsite.com/?page_id=49: msgid "Is this nice? is a weekly digital publication that features artists, craftmakers and artisans." msgstr "Is this nice?는 예술가, 공예가 및 장인을 소개하는 디지털 주간지입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1053: msgid "Tumblr / WordPress / Instagram" msgstr "Tumblr / 워드프레스 / Instagram" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: msgid "Alan had started from his grandfather's laboratory, near Riverside Drive in mid-town New York." msgstr "Alan은 뉴욕 도심의 Riverside Drive 근처 할아버지 실험실에서 시작했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "Three years of his life had passed since that night when he had promised his grandfather he would carry on the experiments—three years in which he had lost his grandfather, but gained a wife and son. Ruth Vincent had married him and together they had worked on the fragile thing that he bore now on his back—fragile, but more potent in a strange, incredible way than any other device." msgstr "실험을 계속하겠다고 할아버지에게 약속한 밤 이후로 3년이 흘렀습니다. 할아버지를 잃었지만 아내와 아들을 얻은 3년이었습니다. Ruth Vincent가 그와 결혼했고, 그들은 이제 그가 맡은 연약한 물건을 함께 연구했습니다. 연약하지만 낯설고 믿을 수 없을 정도로 다른 어떤 기기보다 강력했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "Then the house had abruptly dwindled, thinned out, and disappeared from around him! He had reached a time-era before its construction. Still with greater speed, the shadowy shifting outlines of the great city were in motion, shrinking into smaller and smaller buildings, narrower, shorter roads. It was a strange transition indeed. And yet to Alan Dane, the strangeness of his own emotions seemed not the least of it. Three years of his life had passed since that night when he had promised his grandfather he would carry on the experiments—three years in which he had lost his grandfather, but gained a wife and son. Ruth Vincent had married him and together they had worked on the fragile thing that he bore now on his back—fragile, but more potent in a strange, incredible way than any other device." msgstr "그러자 집이 갑자기 줄어들고, 얇아지고, 그의 주변에서 사라졌습니다! 그는 집 건축 이전의 시대에 도달했습니다. 대도시의 그림자처럼 변하는 윤곽이 여전히 더 빠른 속도로 움직이고 있었고 점점 더 작은 건물, 더 좁고 짧은 도로로 축소되었습니다. 참으로 낯선 변화였습니다. 그러나 Alan Dane에게는 기이한 그 자신의 감정이 그다지 중요하지 않은 것처럼 보였습니다. 실험을 계속하겠다고 할아버지에게 약속한 밤 이후로 3년이 흘렀습니다. 할아버지를 잃었지만 아내와 아들을 얻은 3년이었습니다. Ruth Vincent가 그와 결혼했고, 그들은 이제 그가 맡은 연약한 물건을 함께 연구했습니다. 연약하지만 낯설고 믿을 수 없을 정도로 다른 어떤 기기보다 강력했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "“His watch, set above the other time-recording instrument on his wrist, told him that his start had been made only a scant half hour before.”" msgstr "\"그의 손목에 있는 다른 시간 기록 장치 위에 놓인 시계는 그의 출발이 30분 전에야 이루어졌다는 것을 알려주었습니다.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "Later or earlier the rain-laden wind may drift up the water gate." msgstr "늦거나 이르게 비를 머금은 바람이 수문을 뒤덮을 수도 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Then the house had abruptly dwindled, thinned out, and disappeared from around him! He had reached a time-era before its construction. Still with greater speed, the shadowy shifting outlines of the great city were in motion, shrinking into smaller and smaller buildings, narrower, shorter roads.
It was a strange transition indeed. And yet to Alan Dane, the strangeness of his own emotions seemed not the least of it. Three years of his life had passed since that night when he had promised his grandfather he would carry on the experiments—three years in which he had lost his grandfather, but gained a wife and son. Ruth Vincent had married him and together they had worked on the fragile thing that he bore now on his back—fragile, but more potent in a strange, incredible way than any other device." msgstr "그러자 집이 갑자기 줄어들고, 얇아지고, 그의 주변에서 사라졌습니다! 그는 집 건축 이전의 시대에 도달했습니다. 대도시의 그림자처럼 변하는 윤곽이 여전히 더 빠른 속도로 움직이고 있었고 점점 더 작은 건물, 더 좁고 짧은 도로로 축소되었습니다.
참으로 낯선 변화였습니다. 그러나 Alan Dane에게는 기이한 그 자신의 감정이 그다지 중요하지 않은 것처럼 보였습니다. 실험을 계속하겠다고 할아버지에게 약속한 밤 이후로 3년이 흘렀습니다. 할아버지를 잃었지만 아내와 아들을 얻은 3년이었습니다. Ruth Vincent가 그와 결혼했고, 그들은 이제 그가 맡은 연약한 물건을 함께 연구했습니다. 연약하지만 낯설고 믿을 수 없을 정도로 다른 어떤 기기보다 강력했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "Alan had started from his grandfather's laboratory, near Riverside Drive in mid-town New York. The date had been May of 1942. His watch, set above the other time-recording instrument on his wrist, told him that his start had been made only a scant half hour before, by his personal consciousness of time. How long ago—how far away that seemed now! There had been a reeling of his senses, the soundless clapping of swiftly alternating light and darkness at the shadowy laboratory windows. Then as his rate of change accelerated, the days and nights had merged into this flat, dead emptiness of gray." msgstr "Alan은 뉴욕 도심의 Riverside Drive 근처 할아버지 실험실에서 시작했습니다. 때는 1942년 5월이었습니다. 그의 개인적인 시간관념에 따르면 그의 손목에 있는 다른 시간 기록 장치 위에 놓인 시계는 그의 출발이 30분 전에야 이루어졌다는 것을 알려주었습니다. 얼마나 오래 전인지 지금은 멀게만 느껴졌습니다! 그의 감각이 요동치는 소리가 들렸고, 그늘진 실험실 창문에서 빛과 어둠이 빠르게 교차하는 소리 없는 박수 소리가 들렸습니다. 그러자 그의 변화 속도가 빨라지면서 낮과 밤이 이 단조롭고 죽은 듯한 공허함에 합쳐졌습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: msgid "Symbolism. Music finds its highest and most universal expression in symbolism. Music is primarily a way of expressing moods, attitudes, feelings, and longings in generalized form. The listener tends to live himself concretely into the feeling suggested. In the esthetic mood he is not aware of the mechanics of the symbolic suggestion, for which the art has many resources, and he may not be aware of the music as such; but he lives realistically within his own personal realm of interests. Thus, music sounds the keynote on great festive occasions in the powerful forms of festive music, as in the great sacred oratorios and simpler but beautiful forms of church music or in triumphant marches and other festive celebrations in major form. But minor forms, as in tone poems and haunting melodies, work on the same principle and perhaps fully as effectively. From the grandeur suggested by the sonata to the serenity arising from the simplest bit of improvization in voice or instrument, music has unlimited power to seize the individual for some form of dreamlike realization of the subjects of his longings." msgstr "상징주의. 음악은 상징주의에서 가장 높고 가장 보편적인 표현을 찾습니다. 음악은 기본적으로 기분, 태도, 느낌 및 열망을 일반화된 형태로 표현하는 방법입니다. 듣는 사람은 암시된 느낌을 자신에게 맞춰서 즐깁니다. 미학적 분위기에서 예술에 많은 자원이 있는 상징적 암시의 역학을 인식하지 못하고 음악 자체를 인식하지 못할 수도 있습니다. 그러나 자신의 개인적인 관심 영역 내에서 현실적으로 살아갑니다. 따라서 음악은 성스러운 오라토리오와 단순하지만 아름다운 형태의 교회 음악이나 승리의 행진곡과 기타 장조 형식의 축제 축하 행사에서와 같이 강력한 축제 음악 형태의 축제 행사에서 기조연설처럼 들립니다. 그러나 음시와 잊히지 않는 선율에서와 같은 단조 형식은 동일한 원칙에 따라 작동하며 충분히 효과적일 수 있습니다. 소나타가 암시하는 웅장함부터 목소리나 악기의 가장 단순한 즉흥 연주에서 발생하는 평온함까지 음악은 개인을 사로잡아 열망의 주제를 꿈 같은 형태로 실현하는 무한한 힘을 가지고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=68: msgid "Symbolism. Music finds its highest and most universal expression in symbolism. Music is primarily a way of expressing moods, attitudes, feelings, and longings in generalized form. The listener tends to live himself concretely into the feeling suggested. In the esthetic mood he is not aware of the mechanics of the symbolic suggestion, for which the art has many resources, and he may not be aware of the music as such; but he lives realistically within his own personal realm of interests. Thus, music sounds the keynote on great festive occasions in the powerful forms of festive music, as in the great sacred oratorios and simpler but beautiful forms of church music or in triumphant marches and other festive celebrations in major form. But minor forms, as in tone poems and haunting melodies, work on the same principle and perhaps fully as effectively. From the grandeur suggested by the sonata to the serenity arising from the simplest bit of improvization in voice or instrument, music has unlimited power to seize the individual for some form of dreamlike realization of the subjects of his longings." msgstr "상징주의. 음악은 상징주의에서 가장 높고 가장 보편적인 표현을 찾습니다. 음악은 기본적으로 기분, 태도, 느낌 및 열망을 일반화된 형태로 표현하는 방법입니다. 듣는 사람은 암시된 느낌을 자신에게 맞춰서 즐깁니다. 미학적 분위기에서 예술에 많은 자원이 있는 상징적 암시의 역학을 인식하지 못하고 음악 자체를 인식하지 못할 수도 있습니다. 그러나 자신의 개인적인 관심 영역 내에서 현실적으로 살아갑니다. 따라서 음악은 성스러운 오라토리오와 단순하지만 아름다운 형태의 교회 음악이나 승리의 행진곡과 기타 장조 형식의 축제 축하 행사에서와 같이 강력한 축제 음악 형태의 축제 행사에서 기조연설처럼 들립니다. 그러나 음시와 잊히지 않는 선율에서와 같은 단조 형식은 동일한 원칙에 따라 작동하며 충분히 효과적일 수 있습니다. 소나타가 암시하는 웅장함부터 목소리나 악기의 가장 단순한 즉흥 연주에서 발생하는 평온함까지 음악은 개인을 사로잡아 열망의 주제를 꿈 같은 형태로 실현하는 무한한 힘을 가지고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=103: msgid "Likewise, much of the charm of music lies in its association with overt action as in dances, work songs, marches, and games, where action is rhythmic." msgstr "마찬가지로, 음악의 매력 중 많은 부분은 동작이 율동적인 춤, 노동요, 행진 및 게임에서와 같이 명백한 동작과 연관되어 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=101: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=103: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=105: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=68: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=72: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=74: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=97: msgid "This added power of the music lies not only in the dance steps but more conspicuously in the suggestive rhythms divided into intricate patterns often far surpassing the score or the physical performance. That is what we mean when we say music carries. In such situations the musical appeal may lie for one person in the verbal message or the overt action and for another, purely in the musical appeal. Yet both words and action on the one hand and music on the other are enriched through the association." msgstr "음악에 추가되는 이 힘은 춤 스텝뿐만 아니라 종종 악보나 신체적인 퍼포먼스를 훨씬 능가하는 복잡한 패턴으로 분할된 암시적인 리듬에서 더욱 두드러집니다. 그것이 우리가 음악이 전달한다고 말할 때 의미하는 바입니다. 그러한 상황에서 음악적 매력은 어떤 사람에게는 언어적 메시지나 명백한 동작에 있고 다른 사람에게는 순전히 음악적 매력에 있을 수 있습니다. 그러나 한편으로는 말과 동작, 다른 한편으로는 음악이 유대를 통해 풍부해집니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=101: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=103: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=105: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=12: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=63: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=68: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=72: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=74: #: block-patterns/clubdemo.wordpress.com/?p=97: msgid "Music with words and action. Much of the charm of music lies in its association with words which carry the message, as in song. The center of interest in much of the vocal art lies in the meaning conveyed by the words where the music serves as an artistic embellishment. This is true of the lullaby, the lover's plea, and grand opera. Likewise, much of the charm of music lies in its association with overt action as in dances, work songs, marches, and games, where action is rhythmic." msgstr "말과 동작이 있는 음악. 음악의 매력 중 많은 부분은 노래에서와 같이 메시지를 전달하는 말과 연관되어 있습니다. 많은 성악 예술에서 관심의 중심은 음악이 예술적 장식 역할을 하는 말이 전달하는 의미에 있습니다. 이 사실은 자장가, 연인의 호소, 그랜드 오페라에 해당합니다. 마찬가지로, 음악의 매력 중 많은 부분은 동작이 율동적인 춤, 노동요, 행진 및 게임에서와 같이 명백한 동작과 연관되어 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/discodemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=137: msgid "Music with words and action. Much of the charm of music lies in its association with words which carry the message, as in song. The center of interest in much of the vocal art lies in the meaning conveyed by the words where the music serves as an artistic embellishment. This is true of the lullaby, the lover’s plea, and grand opera. Likewise, much of the charm of music lies in its association with overt action as in dances, work songs, marches, and games, where action is rhythmic." msgstr "말과 동작이 있는 음악. 음악의 매력 중 많은 부분은 노래에서와 같이 메시지를 전달하는 말과 연관되어 있습니다. 많은 성악 예술에서 관심의 중심은 음악이 예술적 장식 역할을 하는 말이 전달하는 의미에 있습니다. 이 사실은 자장가, 연인의 호소, 그랜드 오페라에 해당합니다. 마찬가지로, 음악의 매력 중 많은 부분은 동작이 율동적인 춤, 노동요, 행진 및 게임에서와 같이 명백한 동작과 연관되어 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: msgid "\"Upon an investigation of the outer parts of the pyramid, it is to be observed that it was not only carefully constructed, but its plan must have been accurately drawn and the relative mathematical measurements calculated with reference to the space that was required for the temple. .\"" msgstr "\"피라미드 외부를 조사한 결과, 신중하게 건축되었을 뿐 아니라 평면도가 정확하게 작성되었으며 신전에 필요한 공간을 기준으로 상대적 수학적 측정치가 계산되었을 것으로 보입니다.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: msgid "My first day at Uxmal was employed in making a rough survey of the land occupied by the ruins. One of the most important of these is that known as the Pyramid of the Dwarf (or Pyramid of the Magician). I examined it with particular attention for the purpose of studying the character of a series of small stone vaults or cells placed round its base, which were similar in size and design to those that I had seen on the lower slopes of the Kue near the coast above Campeche. Many of these cells were sufficiently perfect to enable their dimensions and shape to be verified. It seemed evident that they must have been made for sepulchral purposes." msgstr "우스말(Uxmal)에서 보낸 첫째 날에는 유적으로 가득한 그곳을 대략적으로 조사했습니다. 그중 가장 중요한 건축물은 Pyramid of the Dwarf(난쟁이의 피라미드), 또는 Pyramid of the Magician(마술사의 피라미드)이라고 불리는 구조물입니다. 토대 부분을 따라 배치된 일련의 작은 석조 회랑 또는 공간의 특성을 연구하기 위해 이 피라미드를 특히 면밀히 조사했습니다. 이 공간들은 캄페체 위쪽 해안 근처 Kue(쿠에) 지역의 낮은 언덕에서 본 구조물과 그 크기와 설계가 유사했습니다. 이러한 작은 공간 중에는 치수와 형태를 확인하기에 충분한 공간이 많이 있었습니다. 장례식을 위해 만들어진 공간으로 보였습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=13: msgid "U tu’mben tsik balilo’ob ti le baalo’ob uchbentak" msgstr "U tu’mben tsik balilo’ob ti le baalo’ob uchbentak" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=15: #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=6: #: block-patterns/archeodemo.wordpress.com/?p=9: msgid "One of the most important of these is that known as the Pyramid of the Dwarf (or Pyramid of the Magician). I examined it with particular attention for the purpose of studying the character of a series of small stone vaults or cells placed round its base, which were similar in size and design to those that I had seen on the lower slopes of the Kue near the coast above Campeche. Many of these cells were sufficiently perfect to enable their dimensions and shape to be verified. It seemed evident that they must have been made for sepulchral purposes." msgstr "그중 가장 중요한 건축물은 Pyramid of the Dwarf(난쟁이의 피라미드), 또는 Pyramid of the Magician(마술사의 피라미드)이라고 불리는 구조물입니다. 토대 부분을 따라 배치된 일련의 작은 석조 회랑 또는 공간의 특성을 연구하기 위해 이 피라미드를 특히 면밀히 조사했습니다. 이 공간들은 캄페체 위쪽 해안 근처 Kue(쿠에) 지역의 낮은 언덕에서 본 구조물과 그 크기와 설계가 유사했습니다. 이러한 작은 공간 중에는 치수와 형태를 확인하기에 충분한 공간이 많이 있었습니다. 장례식을 위해 만들어진 공간으로 보였습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8437: msgid "List of posts" msgstr "글 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8421: msgid "Grid of posts 2x3" msgstr "글 그리드 2x3" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8435: msgid "Grid of Posts 3x2" msgstr "글 그리드 3x2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5833: msgid "" "\n" "https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0CFuMybe6s77w6QQrJjW7d\n" msgstr "" "\n" "https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0CFuMybe6s77w6QQrJjW7d\n" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/about/: msgid "We usually keep an eye out for more contributors as editors, writers or photographers. So, do not hesitate in sending us a message." msgstr "저희는 일반적으로 편집자, 작가 또는 사진작가인 더 많은 공동 작업자를 주목하고 있습니다. 그러니 주저하지 말고 메시지를 보내주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/about/: msgid "Rainfall is an online magazine featuring curated stories about real people. We are passionate about interviewing people from self-employed enterpreneurs to established CEO’s and represent the times from urban culture to politics and everything in between." msgstr "Rainfall은 실존 인물에 대한 선별된 스토리를 다루는 온라인 잡지입니다. 저희는 자영업자부터 자리를 잡은 CEO까지 사람들을 인터뷰하는 데 열정적이며 도시 문화부터 정치 및 그사이의 모든 시간을 표현합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=20: msgid "If you have questions or suggestions, please leave them in the form." msgstr "질문 또는 제안 사항이 있으면 양식에 남겨주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: msgid "Outliers" msgstr "이방인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: msgid "outliers" msgstr "이방인" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: msgid "Activism" msgstr "행동주의" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: msgid "What New Yorkers Do in Long Subway Rides" msgstr "뉴욕 시민들이 장거리 지하철 이동 시 하는 일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: msgid "activism" msgstr "행동주의" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=35: msgid "The Shape of Water" msgstr "물의 형태" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=37: msgid "The Sound of Rain" msgstr "빗소리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "City Life" msgstr "도시 생활" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=32: #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "city-life" msgstr "city-life" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "It gathers itself together under the heavens; rains, snows, yearns mightily in wind, smiles." msgstr "비와 눈은 하늘 아래 함께 모이며 바람에 휘날리고 미소를 짓습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/rainfalldemo.wordpress.com/?p=39: msgid "The City That Never Sleeps" msgstr "잠들지 않는 도시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "Get inspired, get started. " msgstr "영감을 받아서 시작하세요. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "It's actually not a secret. Success is earned, one step at a time. One of the most invaluable skills a person can have is being able to clearly express what they want. Sometimes the hardest part of finding success is gathering the courage to get started. As long as you’re learning, you’ll never really fail. " msgstr "비결이랄 것도 없습니다. 성공은 한 번에 한 단계씩 적립됩니다. 인간이 지닌 가장 귀중한 능력은 무엇을 원하는지 명확하게 표현할 수 있다는 것입니다. 때로는 성공으로 가는 가장 어려운 부분이 시작할 용기를 모으는 것입니다. 배우고 있는 한 절대 실패하지 않을 것입니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Secrets to success" msgstr "성공하는 비결" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Success is earned, one step at a time. One of the most invaluable skills a person can have is being able to clearly express what they want. You have the courage that leads to success. As long as you’re learning, you’ll never fail. " msgstr "성공은 한 번에 한 단계씩 적립됩니다. 인간이 지닌 가장 귀중한 능력은 무엇을 원하는지 명확하게 표현할 수 있다는 것입니다. 여러분은 성공을 주도할 용기가 있습니다. 배우고 있는 한 실패하지 않을 것입니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcomverticalposts.wordpress.com/?p=38: msgid "Secrets of success." msgstr "성공 비결" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡EP: Streaming Podcast⚡" msgstr "⚡에피소드: 스트리밍 팟캐스트⚡" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡How to Grow After Affiliate⚡" msgstr "⚡제휴하여 성장하는 방법⚡" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "The Best Anime News Sites" msgstr "최고의 만화영화 뉴스 사이트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Claude Monet's Madame Monet and Her Son (1875).
Original from the National Gallery of Art. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel." msgstr "클로드 모네의 모네 부인과 그녀의 아들(1875년)입니다.
국립미술관의 원본입니다. rawpixel에서 디지털 방식으로 보정했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Artist Interview: John Carney Hayess, Minor Space" msgstr "아티스트 인터뷰: John Carney Hayess, Minor Space" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "A beginner's guide to Impressionism in Khan Academy" msgstr "칸아카데미의 인상주의 입문서" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Art and Modernity by Margaret Samu" msgstr "Margaret Samu의 예술과 현대성" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "How to paint like Monet: Lessons on Impressionist landscape" msgstr "모네처럼 그리는 방법: 인상파 풍경 수업" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8131: msgid "Guide to Impressionism at The National Gallery" msgstr "내셔널 갤러리의 인상주의 가이드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "Every Rose in England" msgstr "영국의 모든 장미" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "Why Don’t We Love Dandelions?" msgstr "왜 우리는 민들레를 사랑하지 않나요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "The Rock Garden is Back" msgstr "암석정원이 돌아오다" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "5 Reasons Why Gardeners Must Go Peat-Free" msgstr "정원사가 이탄을 사용하지 말아야 하는 5가지 이유" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8120: msgid "Tree Following September 2022" msgstr "2022년 9월 이후의 나무" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Don't forget to follow me on Instagram" msgstr "잊지 말고 Instagram에서 저를 팔로우하세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Opinion: Manga Series That Deserve a Sequel" msgstr "의견: 속편이 마땅한 만화 시리즈" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Don't miss it: How to watch Japanese Anime with a budget" msgstr "놓치지 말기: 예산으로 일본 만화영화를 보는 방법" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Roundup: Autumn 2022 Returning Series" msgstr "총정리: 2022년 가을 복귀 시리즈" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Book Review: The Shining Sky" msgstr "서평: The Shining Sky" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8074: msgid "Link in Bio with Anime Background" msgstr "만화영화 배경의 프로필 링크" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7710: msgid "Technology, startups, business news and much more. Delivered weekly to your inbox." msgstr "기술, 신생기업, 비즈니스 뉴스 등등을 제공합니다. 매주 받은 편지함으로 배달됩니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7710: msgid "The Tech days podcast" msgstr "The Tech days 팟캐스트" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡Ask Me Anything⚡️" msgstr "⚡무엇이든 물어보세요⚡️" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡Get my FREE e-Workbook⚡" msgstr "⚡내 무료 전자워크북 받기⚡" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "Check Out This Voice Actor Tips!" msgstr "이 성우 팁을 확인하세요!" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "Oshi no Ko Anime Debuts 2023" msgstr "만화영화 Oshi no Ko 2023년 공개" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "️Review: Anime of Summer 2022" msgstr "️리뷰: 2022년 여름의 만화영화" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8061: msgid "Join Anime Planet" msgstr "만화영화 세상에 합류" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=8095: msgid "⚡Check Out Overwatch 2⚡️" msgstr "⚡Overwatch 2를 확인하세요⚡️" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3790: msgid "Technology
AI" msgstr "기술
AI" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3790: msgid "Artificial General Intelligence: \"AI under the hood - AI creating liquid or gaseous simulations, this could represent how AGI could ‘look’ more organic than typical computerised processes. More flowing than rigid in nature.\"" msgstr "범용 인공 지능: \"AI 작동 원리 - 액체 또는 기체 시뮬레이션을 생성하는 AI로 AGI가 컴퓨터의 일반적인 프로세스보다 어떻게 더 유기적으로 보일 수 있는지를 나타낼 수 있습니다. 기본적으로 경직보다 유동이 많습니다.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=3790: msgid "Case Study: AGI" msgstr "사례 연구: AGI" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7996: msgid "Grid of Posts 4x2" msgstr "글 그리드 4x2" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "Now she had arrived, now she was in the place of her nostalgia, in the dreamed-of harbour of refuge, it was strange that her soul was still lost to her. Just as at one time she had seemed to herself to have taken only her outward person to Rome, leaving her soul like a wandering firefly on the banks of the Po, so now it was only her suffering and tired body which she had brought back to the river-side. Her soul had escaped—flown back to Rome. What was Antonio doing at this hour? Was he very miserable? Was he conscious of his wife's soul pressing him tighter than ever her arms had pressed him? Had he written to her? Antonio! Antonio! Burning tears filled her eyes, and she suddenly fell silent, her thoughts wandering and lost in a sorrowful far-away." msgstr "이제 그녀는 도착했고, 이제 그녀는 향수에 젖었던 곳인 꿈 꾸던 피난처에 있었고, 그녀의 영혼이 여전히 그녀에게 없다는 것이 낯설었습니다. 한때 그녀는 자신의 겉모습만 로마로 데려가서 포 강변에 떠도는 반딧불이처럼 자신의 영혼을 남겨둔 듯이 보였던 것처럼 이제는 그녀가 강변으로 다시 가져온 것은 고통과 지친 몸뿐이었습니다. 그녀의 영혼은 탈출하여 로마로 다시 날아갔습니다. 안토니오는 이 시간에 무엇을 하고 있었나요? 그는 아주 비참했었나요? 그는 아내의 팔이 그를 누르는 것보다 더 세게 그를 압박하는 아내의 영혼을 의식하고 있었나요? 그가 그녀에게 편지를 썼을까요? 안토니오! 안토니오! 타오르는 눈물이 그녀의 눈을 가득 채웠고, 그녀는 갑자기 침묵했고, 그녀의 생각은 방황하고 비통한 먼 곳에서 길을 잃었습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "Regina" msgstr "레지나" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "\"I cannot believe that the nineties were thirty years ago. It seems like it was yesterday that I was watching Home Alone.\"" msgstr "\"나는 90년대가 30년 전이라는 것을 믿을 수 없어요. 나 홀로 집에를 보던 게 엊그제였던 것 같아요.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "With the coming on of the hot days Regina's nostalgia, nervousness and melancholy increased. At night she tossed and turned, and sometimes groaned softly. At last she confessed to Antonio that her heart troubled her." msgstr "무더운 날이 다가오면서 레지나의 그리움, 초조함, 우울함이 더해졌습니다. 밤에 그녀는 몸을 뒤척이다가 때로는 희미하게 신음했습니다. 마침내 그녀는 안토니오에게 마음이 괴롭다고 고백했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "\"I cannot believe that the nineties were thirty years ago. It seems like it was yesterday that I was watching Home Alone.\"" msgstr "\"나는 90년대가 30년 전이라는 것을 믿을 수 없어요. 나 홀로 집에를 보던 게 엊그제였던 것 같아요.\"" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: msgid "Fatally realising that it's been thirty years since 1992" msgstr "1992년에서 30년이 흘렀다는 것을 숙명으로 깨달으며" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "love it" msgstr "사랑해" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "love-it" msgstr "love-it" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "90s" msgstr "90년대" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "Nostalgia" msgstr "향수" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/hello-world/: #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "nostalgia" msgstr "향수" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "For instance, there was an old millstone, belonging to a ruined mill, which lay in the grass by the river-side. The remembrance of that old grey millstone, resting after its labour beside the very stream with which it had so long wrestled, moved Regina almost to tears. Often she tried to analyse her nostalgia, asking herself why she thought of the millstone, of the old blind chimney sweep, of the portiner (ferryman), who had enormous hairy hands and was getting on for a hundred; of the clean-limbed children by the green ditch, intent on making straw ropes; of the little snails crawling among the leaves of the plane-trees." msgstr "예를 들면, 폐허가 된 방앗간 물건인 오래된 맷돌이 강변 풀밭에 놓여 있었습니다. 오랫동안 씨름한 바로 그 개울 옆에서 일을 마치고 쉬던 그 오래된 회색 맷돌에 대한 기억은 레지나를 거의 울릴 뻔했습니다. 종종 그녀는 자신의 향수를 분석하려고 애쓰며 맷돌, 늙고 눈먼 굴뚝 청소부, 손에 털이 많고 100년을 살았던 포티너(뱃사공), 짚으로 밧줄을 열심히 만드는 녹색 도랑 옆의 팔다리가 깨끗한 아이들, 플라타너스의 잎사귀 사이를 기어 다니는 작은 달팽이들이 왜 생각났는지 자문했습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "\"He must beat something,\" thought Regina, and remembered that she herself was itching to torment any one or anything. On rainy days—frequent and tedious—she became depressed, even to hypochondria. Only one thought comforted her—that of the return to her home. She counted the days and the hours. Strange, childish recollections, distant fancies, passed through her mind like clouds across a sad sky. Details of her past life waked in her melting tenderness; she remembered vividly even the humblest persons of the place, the most secret nooks in the house or in the wood; with strange insistence she thought of certain little things which never before had greatly struck her. " msgstr "\"그는 뭔가를 이겨야 한다\"고 레지나는 생각했고, 그녀 자신도 무엇이든 괴롭히고 싶어 했던 것을 기억했습니다. 비가 자주 오고 지루한 날에 그녀는 우울했고 우울증까지 갔습니다. 그녀를 위로하는 생각은 단 하나, 그녀의 집으로 돌아가는 것이었습니다. 그녀는 날짜와 시간을 계산했습니다. 낯선 어린 시절의 기억과 먼 환상이 슬픈 하늘을 가로지르는 구름처럼 그녀의 마음을 스쳐 지나갔습니다. 그녀의 뭉클한 애정에서 깨어난 그녀의 전생에 대한 자세한 내용으로 그녀는 그 장소의 가장 초라한 사람들, 집이나 숲의 가장 은밀한 구석까지도 생생하게 기억했습니다. 그녀는 이상하게도 그녀를 크게 놀라게 한 적이 없었던 어떤 작은 일들을 집요하게 생각했습니다. " #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?p=22: msgid "I miss the 90’s" msgstr "90년대를 그리워하며" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/pixldemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=27: msgid "Pixl is a simple yet opinionated blogging theme inspired by websites of the nineties." msgstr "Pixl은 1990년대 웹사이트에서 영감을 받은 단순하면서도 자부심이 강한 블로깅 테마입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=5047: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "Follow us" msgstr "팔로우하세요" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "If you have any questions, let us know." msgstr "궁금한 점이 있으면 말씀해 주세요." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "C. de Preciados, 374 37201, Madrid, España" msgstr "C. de Preciados, 374 37201, Madrid, España" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7917: msgid "Footer with Address, Email Address, and Social Links" msgstr "주소, 이메일 주소 및 소셜 미디어 링크가 있는 푸터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7814: msgid "Mountain Top, France" msgstr "프랑스 산꼭대기" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7814: msgid "Hero with Heading and Cover Image" msgstr "헤딩요소와 커버 이미지가 있는 히어로" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "Abstract Convictions Oneself Pious Philosophy Law" msgstr "추상적 신념 그 자체가 경건한 철학 법칙" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "Faithful Deceive Intentions Ideal Burying Reason" msgstr "충실한 속임수의 이상적인 매장 이유" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: msgid "Prejudice Moral Disgust Decrepit Madness Chaos" msgstr "편견 도덕적 혐오 쇠퇴 광기 혼돈" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: msgid "Chaos Sea Revaluation Philosophy Ultimate Spirit Law" msgstr "혼돈의 바다 재평가 철학 궁극의 정신 법칙" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Free Prejudice Sea Love Against Disgust Gains" msgstr "역겨운 이득에 대한 자유로운 편견 바다 사랑" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: msgid "Madness Pinnacle Contradict Oneself Convictions Right" msgstr "광기 정점에서는 자신의 신념 반박" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "A still more glorious dawn awaits not a sunrise but a galaxyrise courage of our questions extraplanetary ship of the imagination the ash of stellar alchemy. Hearts of the stars brain is the seed of intelligence brain is the seed of intelligence another world two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing rich in mystery. Rich in mystery the only home we've ever known from which we spring another world network of wormholes great turbulent clouds and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions." msgstr "훨씬 더 영광스러운 새벽은 일출이 아니라 별 연금술의 잿더미가 된 상상의 외계 우주선에 대한 우리의 질문에 대한 은하수 같은 용기를 기다립니다. 별 두뇌의 마음은 지능의 씨앗이고, 두뇌는 지능의 씨앗이며, 또 다른 세계에서는 커버올과 헬멧 차림의 유령 같은 하얀 인물 두 명이 신비로움이 가득한 춤을 추고 있습니다. 미스터리로 가득한 우리가 알고 있는 유일한 집은 거대한 난기류 구름과 수십억, 수십억, 수십억, 수십억, 수십억, 수십억 위의 수십억 웜홀의 또 다른 세계 네트워크가 샘솟는 곳입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: msgid "Victorious Depths Strong Abstract Sea Philosophy" msgstr "승리의 깊이 강렬한 추상적 바다 철학" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "category" msgstr "카테고리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: msgid "Tag" msgstr "태그" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: msgid "tag" msgstr "태그" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: msgid "A still more glorious dawn awaits not a sunrise but a galaxy rise courage of our questions extra planetary ship of the imagination the ash of stellar alchemy. Hearts of the stars brain is the seed of intelligence brain is the seed of intelligence another world two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing rich in mystery. Rich in mystery the only home we've ever known from which we spring another world network of wormholes great turbulent clouds and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions." msgstr "훨씬 더 영광스러운 새벽은 일출이 아니라 별 연금술의 잿더미가 된 상상의 외계 우주선에 대한 우리의 질문에 대한 은하수 같은 용기를 기다립니다. 별 두뇌의 마음은 지능의 씨앗이고, 두뇌는 지능의 씨앗이며, 또 다른 세계에서는 커버올과 헬멧 차림의 유령 같은 하얀 인물 두 명이 신비로움이 가득한 춤을 추고 있습니다. 미스터리로 가득한 우리가 알고 있는 유일한 집은 거대한 난기류 구름과 수십억, 수십억, 수십억, 수십억, 수십억, 수십억 위의 수십억 웜홀의 또 다른 세계 네트워크가 샘솟는 곳입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "Trillion with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence rich in heavy atoms concept of the number one are creatures of the cosmos decipherment. Hydrogen atoms something incredible is waiting to be known extraplanetary realm of the galaxies realm of the galaxies great turbulent clouds. Euclid cosmic ocean bits of moving fluff rings of Uranus bits of moving fluff citizens of distant epochs. Descended from astronomers the ash of stellar alchemy with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence courage of our questions two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing courage of our questions." msgstr "1위의 무거운 원자 개념이 풍부하다는 좋은 증거가 거의 없는 예쁜 이야기를 가진 1조는 우주 해독의 창조물입니다. 믿을 수 없을 정도의 수소 원자는 거대한 난류 구름 은하계의 영역인 은하계 외계 영역으로 알려지기를 기다리고 있습니다. 먼 시대의 움직이는 솜털 시민의 천왕성 조각의 움직이는 솜털 고리의 유클리드 우주 해양 조각입니다. 우리의 질문을 입증할 좋은 용기가 거의 없는 아름다운 스토리와 함께 천문학자로부터 내려온 별 연금술의 잿더미 속에서 커버올과 헬멧 차림의 유령 같은 하얀 인물 두 명이 우리의 질문을 격려하며 부드럽게 춤추고 있습니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=17: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=24: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=27: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "Tendrils of gossamer clouds quasar cosmos kindling the energy hidden in matter extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence worldlets? Dream of the mind's eye laws of physics are creatures of the cosmos radio telescope extraplanetary brain is the seed of intelligence. Star stuff harvesting star light dream of the mind's eye Orion's sword a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena rings of Uranus network of wormholes. The carbon in our apple pies Sea of Tranquility a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence invent the universe two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing." msgstr "물질에 숨겨진 에너지를 태우는 얇고 부드러운 구름 퀘이사 우주 덩굴손의 비범한 주장에는 비범한 증거가 필요합니까? 물리학의 마음의 눈 법칙의 꿈은 우주 전파 망원경의 창조물이고 외계 두뇌는 지능의 씨앗입니다. 웜홀의 천왕성 네트워크의 광대한 우주 경기장에서 마음의 눈 오리온의 검이라는 아주 작은 단계의 별 물질 수확 별빛 꿈입니다. 고요의 바다라는 우리 사과파이의 탄소인 좋은 증거가 거의 없는 예쁜 이야기가 있는 광대한 우주 경기장의 아주 작은 무대는 커버올과 헬멧 차림의 유령 같은 하얀 인물 두 명이 부드럽게 춤추고 있는 우주를 창조합니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/masudemo.wordpress.com/?p=31: msgid "Thoughts and Acts Are What Create the Value of a Person" msgstr "생각과 행동은 사람의 가치를 창조하는 것입니다." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6748: msgid "Product feature with Buy button" msgstr "구매 버튼이 있는 상품 기능" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "South West Salad" msgstr "사우스웨스트 샐러드" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "Mixed Greens, Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion" msgstr "혼합 채소, 토마토, 오이, 적양파" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "1/2 lb. Ground Sirloin Patty, Caramelized Onions" msgstr "1/2파운드 간 등심 패티, 캐러멜라이즈 양파" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "List of events" msgstr "행사 목록" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "Bacon Belly Burger" msgstr "베이컨 벨리 버거" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "Two column food menu" msgstr "열 2개 음식 메뉴" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "April 30th" msgstr "4월 30일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "April 29th" msgstr "4월 29일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "April 28th" msgstr "4월 28일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "608 McKnight Ave NW" msgstr "608 McKnight Ave NW" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "Bow & Arrow Brewing Co." msgstr "Bow & Arrow Brewing Co." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "11:00 AM - 6:00 PM" msgstr "오전 11시 ~ 오후 6시" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "April 27th" msgstr "4월 27일" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "2027 Yale Blvd SE" msgstr "2027 Yale Blvd SE" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6712: msgid "377 Brewery" msgstr "377 Brewery" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=11283: #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: msgid "Start a project" msgstr "프로젝트 시작" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7914: msgid "Header with Button" msgstr "버튼이 있는 헤더" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: msgid "by Noah Jones" msgstr "Noah Jones 작" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: msgid "Stillness" msgstr "Stillness" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: msgid "October 2022" msgstr "2022년 10월" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=7670: msgid "Image, Title, Date and Name" msgstr "이미지, 제목, 날짜 및 이름" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "1/3 lb. Patty, Caramelized Onions, Bleu Cheese" msgstr "1/3파운드 패티, 캐러멜라이즈 양파, 블루치즈" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=6715: msgid "Steak Burger" msgstr "스테이크 버거" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108: #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/home/: msgid "Eden Lake" msgstr "Eden Lake" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108: #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/home/: msgid "Antelope Mountain Trip" msgstr "Antelope Mountain 여행" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/?page_id=108: #: block-patterns/appletondemo.wordpress.com/home/: msgid "More than 15 years of shooting still landscape scenery" msgstr "15년 넘게 정지 풍경 배경 촬영" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/dotcompatterns.wordpress.com/?p=1622: msgid "Footer with Paragraph and Links" msgstr "문단과 링크가 있는 푸터" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=7: msgid "Cord Cutting in the Age of COVID-19" msgstr "코로나19 시대의 유료 방송 서비스 해지" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=11: msgid "What Every Startup CEO Needs to Know to Succeed" msgstr "모든 스타트업 CEO가 성공하려면 알아야 할 내용" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=14: msgid "5G, the Dark Web, and More: This Week’s Top Stories" msgstr "5G, 다크 웹 등: 이번 주의 인기 스토리" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "Itch branding analytics partnership iPhone buyer assets sales. Gamification pivot learning curve branding iteration stealth investor. Equity market leverage seed round business plan ecosystem accelerator agile development launch party." msgstr "Itch 브랜딩 분석 파트너십 iPhone 구매자 자산 판매. 게이미피케이션 피벗 학습 곡선 브랜딩 반복 스텔스 투자자. 주식 시장 레버리지 시드 라운드 비즈니스 요금제 에코시스템 가속기 애자일 개발 파티 시작." #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=16: msgid "How QR Codes Are Making a Comeback" msgstr "QR 코드가 부활하는 방법" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=18: msgid "What’s the Best Encrypted Chat Service?" msgstr "가장 잘 암호화된 채팅 서비스는 무엇인가요?" #. Example site content, non-literal translation is ok #: block-patterns/spearheadblocksdemo.wordpress.com/?p=20: msgid "Low hanging fruit founders hackathon focus influencer freemium. Stealth MVP market prototype. Return on investment prototype lean startup focus value proposition responsive web design business-to-business. Partnership crowdfunding scrum project.