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First, you could go the manual route: once you publish a new post, copy its URL and share the link in a new Facebook post. The other option is to %1$sconvert your Facebook Profile to a Page%2$s. This might not be the right solution for everyone, but it’s something to consider if your website focuses on your business, organization, or brand. If you’ve previously connected a Facebook Profile to your WordPress.com site and still want your Facebook followers to see your posts, you have two options. If you’ve previously used Publicize to connect a Facebook Profile to your website and still want your Facebook followers to see your posts, you have two options. Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts automatically to Facebook Profiles. This includes Publicize, the Jetpack tool that connects your site to major social media platforms (like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook). Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts automatically to Facebook Profiles. This includes Publicize, the WordPress.com tool that connects your site to major social media platforms (like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook). We recently helped you out with your support request. Once you're done working together, we'd appreciate it if you sent us your rating of the experience -- your feedback helps us improve our support. We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to their platform, and which affects how you may share posts from your Jetpack-connected website to your Facebook account. We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to their platform, and which affects how you may share posts from your website to your Facebook account. Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends. If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes: Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook. On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s connected to your site -- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize. (Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s %3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.) You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy Site(s) → Sharing%2$s on WordPress.com. Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends. If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes: Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook. On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s connected to your site -- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize. (Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s %3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.) You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy Site(s) → Sharing%2$s. and here is their info: Name: %1$s Link: %2$s Gravatar Profile: %3$s %4$s and here is their info: Name: %1$s Link: %2$s Gravatar Profile: %3$s %4$s You might want to see what they're up to - perhaps you will like their posts as much as they liked your comment. (Opens in new window) Private The default content width for the %s theme is %d pixels. and for %s"%1$s" by %2$s."%1$s" from %2$s by %3$s."%1$s" from %2$s."%s"."Reblogged from: "Reblogged from: %s# Adults# Children#%d (no title)% Comments% Responses% comments%(description)s is invalid%1$s Blog Name: %2$s Blog URL: %3$s Post URL: %4$s --------- To Confirm: %5$s To stop these emails: %6$s To see all of the blogs and posts you follow on the web in one easy place, sign up for a WordPress.com account. (http://wordpress.com/signup/?ref=lof) %1$s Blog Name: %3$s URL: %4$s Confirm Follow: %2$s If you don't want to receive these emails any more: %5$s If you want to see all of the blogs and posts you follow on the web in one easy place, sign up for a WordPress.com account. (http://wordpress.com/signup/?ref=lof) %1$s %2$d%1$s %2$s%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Feed%1$s %2$s %3$s Category Feed%1$s %2$s %3$s Comments Feed%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed%1$s %2$s %3$s Tag Feed%1$s %2$s Comments Feed%1$s %2$s Feed%1$s %2$s Posts by %3$s Feed%1$s %2$s Search Results for “%3$s” Feed%1$s %2$s, %3$s at %4$s:%5$s%1$s – %2$s%1$s “%2$s”%1$s ‹ %2$s%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress%1$s (#%2$s)%1$s (%2$d)%1$s (%2$s %3$s)%1$s (%2$s)%1$s (since %2$s; %3$s)%1$s (since %2$s; no alternative available)%1$s (since %2$s; use %3$s instead)%1$s - %2$s%1$s - expired on %2$s%1$s - expires on %2$s%1$s (%2$s)%1$s = "Feedback" in an HTML linkYep, you can read your feedback at any time by clicking the "%1$s" link in the admin menu.%1$s = a user email addressYour export is being processed!
A download link will be sent to %1$s when the export has finished.%1$s = a user email address, %2$s dotcom support linkAn export for this site is already in progress. A download link will be sent to "%1$s" when the export has finished.

If you do not recognize this email address, please contact us for support.%1$s = price; %2$s = dateYou will be charged %1$s again on %2$s.%1$s Cancellation #%2$d%1$s Comment on %2$s%1$s Comments on %2$s%1$s MB (%2$s%%) Space Used%1$s Subscription Stopped #%2$d%1$s and %2$s%1$s and %2$s liked your comment on %3$s%1$s and %2$s liked your post on %3$s%1$s and %2$s others liked your comment on %3$s%1$s and %2$s others liked your post on %3$s%1$s and %2$s others reblogged your post %3$s%1$s at %2$s%1$s awaiting moderation in %2$s.%1$s blogs at%1$s by %2$s.%1$s commented on %2$s%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire tomorrow, on %4$s.%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s.%1$s design by %2$s.%1$s forwards to %2$s%1$s invites you to contribute to %3$s:%1$s invites you to follow %3$s:%1$s invites you to view %3$s:%1$s is deprecated. Use %2$s instead.%1$s is proudly powered by %2$s%1$s is yours!%1$s is yours! Start customizing it now.%1$s just started following you at %2$s. They will receive an email every time you publish a post. Congratulations.%1$s liked your comment on %2$s%1$s liked your comment on %2$s.%1$s liked your post %2$s%1$s liked your post on %2$s%1$s made the following changes to the “%2$s” %3$s %4$s on %5$s%1$s marked this %2$s%1$s mentioned %3$s on %2$s%1$s mentioned you on %2$s%1$s mentioned you: "%2$s"%1$s on %2$s%1$s rating based on %2$s rating%1$s rating based on %2$s ratings%1$s recently mentioned you in "%2$s" on %3$s%1$s recently mentioned you in a comment on "%2$s" on %3$s%1$s recently read %2$s and enjoyed it enough to click the 'Like' button. Congratulations!%1$s removed resolution
%2$s%1$s replied to a comment %2$s%1$s replied to your comment %2$s%1$s response to %2$s%1$s responses to %2$s%1$s to your WordPress.com account to more easily manage your subscriptions. Don't have an account? %2$s.%1$s was not uploaded (%2$s files are not allowed).%1$s was not uploaded (unrecognized file type).%1$s will receive an update each time you publish a new post. Congrats!%1$s, %2$s%1$s, and %2$s%1$s-%2$s%1$s: %2$s%1$s: You are commenting using your %2$s account.%1$s: name of ticket, %2$s: price with currency code%1$s: %2$s%1$s: post title, %2$s: post author%1$s by %2$s%1$s: who, %2$s: when%1$s pinged %2$s ago%1$s: who, %2$s: when%1$s said %2$s ago%d = number of postswith %d posts total%d = year%d Report%d = yearAttractions in %d%d = yearSee you in %d%d = yearSome of your most popular posts were written before %d. Your writing has staying power! Consider writing about those topics again.%d = yearThanks for flying with Jetpack in %d.%d = yearThanks for flying with WordPress.com in %d.%d = yearThanks for taking a look at this annual report. If you like, you could start your own WordPress.com blog in %d!%d = yearThe top referring sites in %d were:%d = yearThese are the posts that got the most views in %d. You can see all of the year’s most-viewed posts in your Site Stats.%d = yearTo kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on %s’s activity in %d. You may start scrolling!%d = yearTo kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your blog’s activity in %d. Start scrolling!%d = yearTo kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your site’s activity in %d. Start scrolling!%d = yearWe look forward to serving you again in %d! Happy New Year!%d = yearWe want to help you make %d even better on WordPress.com.%d Day%d Days%d Like%d Likes%d Plugin Update%d Plugin Updates%d Theme Update%d Theme Updates%d WordPress Update%d comment%d comments%d minute%d minutes%d pixels%d post%d posts%d selected%d user account%d user accounts%s%s %s views%s — WordPress%s (Invalid)%s (Pending)%s (Required)%s Categories%s Posts%s Tags%s says:%s Comment%s Comments%s = blog name; %d = yearThese are the posts that got the most views on %s in %d.%s Alternative Scheme %s%s Comment%s Comments%s Domain Registration%s Like%s Likes%s MB Space Allowed%s Page%s Pages%s Pending%s Pending%s Pending Comment%s Pending Comments%s Poll Closed.%s Polls Closed.%s Poll Deleted.%s Polls Deleted.%s Poll Opened.%s Polls Opened.%s Post%s Posts%s Rating Deleted.%s Ratings Deleted.%s Reblog%s Reblogs%s Sites%s Style Deleted.%s Custom Styles Deleted.%s WordPress Theme example%s Year Anniversary Achievement%s [Autosave]%s [Current Revision]%s ago%s approved%s approved%s approved comment%s approved comments%s awaiting moderation.%s bloggers like this.%s column%s columns%s comment%s comments%s comment approved.%s comments approved.%s comment marked as spam.%s comments marked as spam.%s comment moved to the Trash.%s comments moved to the Trash.%s comment per minute%s comments per minute%s comment permanently deleted.%s comments permanently deleted.%s comment restored from the Trash.%s comments restored from the Trash.%s comment restored from the spam.%s comments restored from the spam.%s commented: %s day%s days%s ending in %s%s exceeds the maximum upload size for the multi-file uploader when used in your browser.%s exceeds the maximum upload size for this site.%s failed to embed.%s from now%s has been disconnected.%s has been logged out.%s has been updated.%s has taken over and is currently customizing.%s has taken over and is currently editing.%s hour%s hours%s image%s images%s includes a free credit to add a new domain to your site. You can register a new domain or add a domain you already own.%s is a protected WP option and may not be modified%s is a required value and cannot be empty.%s is already customizing this changeset. Do you want to take over?%s is already customizing this changeset. Please wait until they are done to try customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved.%s is already customizing this site. Do you want to take over?%s is already customizing this site. Please wait until they are done to try customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved.%s is already mapped to a WordPress.com site you don't have access to.%s is currently editing%s is forbidden%s is required%s is required to strip image meta.%s is required.%s is yours!%s item%s items%s like%s likes%s link%s links%s link deleted.%s links deleted.%s media file attached.%s media files attached.%s media file detached.%s media files detached.%s media file moved to the Trash.%s media files moved to the Trash.%s media file permanently deleted.%s media files permanently deleted.%s media file restored from the Trash.%s media files restored from the Trash.%s minute%s minutes%s month%s months%s more video%s more videos%s more word%s more words%s old%s other people%s other peopleanother person%s others%s other person%s page%s page moved to the Trash.%s pages moved to the Trash.%s page not updated, somebody is editing it.%s pages not updated, somebody is editing them.%s page permanently deleted.%s pages permanently deleted.%s page restored from the Trash.%s pages restored from the Trash.%s page updated.%s pages updated.%s pending comment%s pending comments%s people%s people like this%s per month%s per year%s person%s post by this author%s posts by this author%s post moved to the Trash.%s posts moved to the Trash.%s post not updated, somebody is editing it.%s posts not updated, somebody is editing them.%s post per minute%s posts per minute%s post permanently deleted.%s posts permanently deleted.%s post restored from the Trash.%s posts restored from the Trash.%s post updated.%s posts updated.%s rating%s second%s seconds%s site%s sites%s subscription due for renewal%s updated successfully.%s user%s users%s user deleted.%s users deleted.%s video%s videos%s week%s weeks%s year%s years%s's Favorites%s's Profile%s: %l.%smo%smo%sw%sw%sy%sy“%1$s” — %2$s“%s” (Edit)“%s” has failed to upload.← Cancel audio playlist← Cancel gallery← Cancel video playlist…∞«« Back« Older Comments« Previous« Previous Page« Return to Stats←← Back← Back to %s← Back to previous step← Go to Users← Go to editor← Previous< Prev— No Change —— No role for this site —— Select —— The WordPress.com Team–OR–»→(%d votes)(%s comment)(%s comments)(%s ping)(%s pings)(Address never made public)(Edit)(If clicking the link in this message does not work, copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.)(If clicking the link in this message does not work, copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.)(It is possible your spam filter scooped it up, so check your spam folder also.)(Leave at 0 for no rating.)(Optional) You can enter a custom message of up to 500 characters that will be included in the invitation to the user(s).(Private post)(Signup has been disabled. Only members of this site can comment.)(Unattached)(Untitled)(You can still access this product until %s)(You will still have access to this product for the period that you originally paid for)(at most 10)(at most 15)(at most 50)(hidden)(more…)(no parent)(no title)(not found)(required)(undo)(unknown or deleted)(user commenting) on (post title)%1$s on %2$s* This category is also a tag. Converting it will add that tag to all posts that are currently in the category.* This category is also a tag. The converter has added that tag to all posts currently in the category. If you want to remove it, please confirm that all tags were added successfully, then delete it from the Manage Categories page.* This tag is also a category. The converter has added all posts from it to the category. If you want to remove it, please confirm that all posts were added successfully, then delete it from the Manage Tags page.* This tag is also a category. When converted, all posts associated with the tag will also be in the category.+ %s+ Add Address Line 2+ Add New Category+ Create New Menu, - %1$s (from version %2$s to %3$s)%4$s- %1$s version %2$s- %1$s version %2$s%3$s- Select -.blog Domain011 Comment1 Comment on %s1 GB Storage Space1 comment1 item%s items1 of 41 page not updated, somebody is editing it.1 post not updated, somebody is editing it.10 Newest100100GB1: Post Title, 2: Blog Name%1$s on %2$s1: Theme. 2: Author.Thanks for choosing %1$s by %2$s1: User Name, 2: Service Name (Facebook, Twitter, ...)%1$s on %2$s1: category name%1$s themes1=date, 2=blognameOn %1$s you surpassed your previous record of most likes in one day for your posts on %2$s. That's pretty awesome, well done!2 of 424 hours24/7 Support3 GB Storage Space3 GB storage space3 of 430 Days30 minutes3GB4 of 4404 error page404: Not Found5 Newest50 GB storage space50GB7 Days(unknown or deleted)Connect to more services to reach a broader audience for your blog.Turn on Publicize to reach a broader audience for your blog. Reach out to Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to get more traffic.Update %2$s or learn how to browse happyGreat passwords use upper and lower case characters, numbers, and symbols like %2$s.Akismet has protected your site from %2$s spam comment already. Akismet has protected your site from %2$s spam comments already. Akismet has protected your site from %3$s spam comment.Akismet has protected your site from %3$s spam comments.Clear filters maybe?Download %2$s for your self-hosted WordPress site.Login to WordPress.com to download %2$s for your self-hosted WordPress site.Renew now for one more year or cancel this domainUnsubscribe or modify your %3$s.WordPress %2$s is available! Please update now.WordPress %2$s is available! Please notify the site administrator.Resend confirmation email | Send to another email addressDailyMotion instructions %sYouTube instructions %sAkismet blocks spam from getting to your blog. Buy a premium theme for your blog and stand out from the crowd!Create your about page so your readers can learn a bit about you.Links / Add New LinkLinks / Edit LinkSet your blog’s language so you appear in WordPress.com top lists and get more traffic.Update your about page so your readers can learn a bit about you.Documentation on date and time formatting.Documentation on Auto-updatesSupport forumsUnknown search termsUTC time is %s
Adding tags %s..._blank — new window or tab._none — same window or tab._top — current window or tab, with no frames.

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Posted in %2$sPosted on %2$s by %3$sTagged %2$s
%1$s on %2$s Older Comments Older postsNext Post %titlePrevious Post %title%1$s spam blocked by Akismet%1$s spam blocked by Akismet%1$s is now following %2$s%1$s reblogged your post %2$s%1$s reblogged your post on %2$s%s — This allows you to associate an image with your post without inserting it. This is usually useful only if your theme makes use of the image as a post thumbnail on the home page, a custom header, etc.%s (WordPress.com user) already has stats access.%s liked your post:%s upload space remaining.%s used, %s (%0.1f%%) upload space remaining.1 Subscription%s SubscriptionsA note from WordPress.com: By default, this page displays your Gravatar profile until you edit it to add your own text. You can leave the Gravatar profile, edit the page to display something else, or delete the page altogether. This note is only visible to you.Note that password carefully! It is a random password that was generated just for you.Tags %sActive - renews on %sActivity — Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and allows you to moderate them.At a Glance — Displays a summary of the content on your site and identifies which theme and version of WordPress you are using.Blog, supercharged: get your own domain name, powerful customization options and lots of space for audio and video.Box Controls — Click the title bar of the box to expand or collapse it. Some boxes added by plugins may have configurable content, and will show a “Configure” link in the title bar if you hover over it.Clicking the arrow to the right of any menu item in the editor will reveal a standard group of settings. Additional settings such as link target, CSS classes, link relationships, and link descriptions can be enabled and disabled via the Screen Options tab.Connection lost. Saving has been disabled until you are reconnected.Description — The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may display it.Discussion — You can turn comments and pings on or off, and if there are comments on the post, you can see them here and moderate them.Drag and Drop — To rearrange the boxes, drag and drop by clicking on the title bar of the selected box and releasing when you see a gray dotted-line rectangle appear in the location you want to place the box.Drag and drop your files into the area below. Multiple files are allowed.ERRORERROR: Invalid email address or incorrect password.ERROR: Invalid username or e-mail.ERROR: Please log in using your main password and two-step authentication to update your profile.ERROR: That email address is already used by someone else.ERROR: You don't have permission to do this!Edit takes you to the editable profile screen for that user. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the username.Edit takes you to the editing screen for that post. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the post title.Email Confirmed! Now that you've confirmed your email address you can publish posts on your blog.Error: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output. For help, please see this documentation or try the support forums.Error: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.Error: Invalid username, email address or incorrect password.Error: Passwords may not contain the character "\".Error: Please enter a nickname.Error: Please enter a password.Error: Please enter a username.Error: Please enter a valid email address.Error: Please enter an email address.Error: Please type your email address.Error: Sorry, that username is not allowed.Error: The comment could not be saved. Please try again later.Error: The email address is already used.Error: The email address is not correct.Error: The email field is empty.Error: The password field is empty.Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect.Error: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.Error: The passwords do not match.Error: The username field is empty.Error: This username is already registered. Please choose another one.Error: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username.Error: Your URL is too long.Error: Your account has been marked as a spammer.Error: Your comment is too long.Error: Your email address is too long.Error: Your name is too long.Error: %sExpiredExpiring - will stop functioning on %sFollow and unfollow blogs.Howdy %1$sManage a site's domains.Manage a site's media library.Manage and view a user's subscriptions to the WordPress.com Reader.Manage payment methods and purchase process of a shopping cart.NOTE: If the import process is interrupted for any reason, come back to this page and it will continue from where it stopped automatically.NOTE: You appear to have JavaScript disabled, so you will need to manually click through each step of this importer. If you enable JavaScript, it will step through automatically.Name — The name is how it appears on your site.Order — Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can choose your own order by entering a number (1 for first, etc.) in this field.Parent — Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have child categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional. To create a subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown.Parent — You can arrange your pages in hierarchies. For example, you could have an “About” page that has “Life Story” and “My Dog” pages under it. There are no limits to how many levels you can nest pages.Post editor — Enter the text for your post. There are two modes of editing: Visual and Text. Choose the mode by clicking on the appropriate tab.Preview will show you what your draft post will look like if you publish it. View will take you to your live site to view the post. Which link is available depends on your post’s status.Publish — You can set the terms of publishing your post in the Publish box. For Status, Visibility, and Publish (immediately), click on the Edit link to reveal more options. Visibility includes options for password-protecting a post or making it stay at the top of your blog indefinitely (sticky). The Password protected option allows you to set an arbitrary password for each post. The Private option hides the post from everyone except editors and administrators. Publish (immediately) allows you to set a future or past date and time, so you can schedule a post to be published in the future or backdate a post.Quick Draft — Allows you to create a new post and save it as a draft. Also displays links to the 3 most recent draft posts you've started.Quick Edit provides inline access to the metadata of your post, allowing you to update post details without leaving this screen.Random: Show a different image on each page.Screen Options — Use the Screen Options tab to choose which Dashboard boxes to show.Search within a site.Send Trackbacks — Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you’ve linked to them. Enter the URL(s) you want to send trackbacks. If you link to other WordPress sites they’ll be notified automatically using pingbacks, and this field is unnecessary.Slug — The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.Template — Some themes have custom templates you can use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts. If so, you’ll see them in this dropdown menu.This blog has been deactivated because WordPress.com has received multiple DMCA copyright infringement notices requiring the removal of material from your blog. WordPress.com is legally obliged to remove the infringing material.Title — Enter a title for your post. After you enter a title, you’ll see the permalink below, which you can edit.Trash removes your post from this list and places it in the Trash, from which you can permanently delete it.Unlimited Premium ThemesView Freshly Pressed posts from the WordPress.com homepage.View analytics for your application.View and manage a post's comments.View and manage a shopping cart to buy upgrades or plans.View and manage a site's tags and categories.View and manage a user's notifications.View and manage posts including reblogs and likes.View general site information and options.View information about blog groups.View information for installing and updating themes from WordPress.comView stats for a site.Views: %sVisitors: %sWARNING: This can take a really long time if you have a lot of entries in your LiveJournal, or a lot of comments. Ideally, you should only start this process if you can leave your computer alone while it finishes the import.Warning: We have a concern about some of the content on your blog. Please click here to contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue and re-enable posting.Warning: We noticed you have un-spammed many spam comments. The spam comments you have approved may include links to dangerous, fraudulent or obscene web sites. Approving them may harm your readers and damage your position in search engine rankings.Warning: these pages should not be the same!Welcome — Shows links for some of the most common tasks when setting up a new site.A static page (select below)A Custom Site AddressA Semantic Personal Publishing PlatformA WordPress CommenterA WordPress blog postA button label used during Two-Step setup.EnableA button label used during Two-Step setup.Enabling…A cloud of your most used tags.A collection of stats from around WordPress.com that we’ve decided to share with the world. Our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a time.A colorful theme for personal bloggersA comment is held for moderationA complete history of all billing transactions for your WordPress.com account.A confirmation email has been sent to %1$s to confirm the forwarding for %2$sA credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is going to expire before the next renewal on %sA credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is going to expire before the next renewal on %s.A domain, quite soon…A fewA heads up—after you finish customizing this theme, you’ll be forwarded to the checkout process to buy and activate it for %1.A lighthearted personal blogging theme for sharing life's most memorable moments.A list of your site’s Pages.A list or dropdown of categories.A malformed response was receivedA minimalistic square theme.A minimalistic theme with horizontal scrolling.A monthly archive of your site’s Posts.A multi-song music playerA name is required for this term.A new comment on the post "%s" is waiting for your approvalA new pingback on the post "%s" is waiting for your approvalA new trackback on the post "%s" is waiting for your approvalA newer version of WordPress is available. {{link}}Update to %(version)s{{/link}}A red bar on the left means the comment is waiting for you to moderate it.A sampling of the many features WordPress.com offersA sampling of users from your blog.A search form for your site.A selection of trending content on Instagram.A selection of your own recent Instagrams.A short introduction to your hostsA spike in your statsA static pageA structure tag is required when using custom permalinks. Learn moreA term with the name provided already exists in this taxonomy.A term with the name provided already exists with this parent.A valid URL was not provided.A valid email address is requiredA valid email address is required.A verification e-mail has been sent to your inbox at %s.A while agoA-ZACTAIMAMAPI KeyAPI connection to YouTube not found.API expects an object with at least one key of 'value'.AbidjanAbortAboutAbout 1,000,000 people visit the Seattle Space Needle every year. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were the Space Needle, it would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it.About 2,500,000 people visit MoMA in New York every year. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were an exhibit at MoMA, it would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it.About PagesAbout UsAbout WordPressAbout YourselfAbout meAbout the mathAbout the userAbove each blog postAbove each commentAccent #1Accent #2Accept TransferAccess PermissionsAccess deniedAccess permissionsAccessibility ReadyAccountAccount Deleted!Account DetailsAccount Linked.Account ManagementAccount SettingsAccount Settings Page TitleAccount SettingsAccount Suspended!Account could not be accessed. Are your email address and password correct?Account could not be created.Account could not be linked. Are your email address and password correct?Account detailsAccount details:Account settingsAccount suspendedAccraAccuracyAchievementActionAction required!ActionsActivateActivate %1$sActivate %sActivate “%s”Activate »Activate PluginActivate Plugin & Run ImporterActivate SiteActivate THEME-NAME onActivate %s onActivate Two Step AuthenticationActivate this pluginActivate this themeActivate this themeActivateActivate: ActivatedActivatingActivation Key RequiredActivation Key:ActiveActive Child ThemeActive Email ForwardsActive PostsActive ThemeActive themeActivitiesActivityAdakAddAdd / RemoveAdd AudioAdd CommentAdd Contact FormAdd Credit CardAdd Custom FieldAdd EmbedAdd Existing UserAdd Free DomainAdd ItemsAdd LinkAdd Link »Add LocationAdd MediaAdd Menu ItemAdd Menu ItemsAdd NewAdd New AfterAdd New CategoryAdd New Custom Field:Add New DNS RecordAdd New Email ForwardAdd New Header ImageAdd New ImageAdd New LinkAdd New Link CategoryAdd New Menu SectionAdd New PageAdd New PostAdd New ProjectAdd New Project TagAdd New Project TypeAdd New SiteAdd New TagAdd New TestimonialAdd New ThemeAdd New TopicAdd New UserAdd Real ContentAdd SiteAdd Trusted SiteAdd VideoAdd WidgetAdd WordPress SiteAdd a BandPage widgetAdd a DNS ZoneAdd a DomainAdd a Twitter Timeline WidgetAdd a WidgetAdd a WordPress.com follow button to allow people to follow your blog easierAdd a description…Add a menuAdd a navigation menu to your sidebar.Add a new fieldAdd a new item after this itemAdd a new pageAdd a new serviceAdd a sharing buttonAdd a tlk.io webchat.Add a {{link}}BandPage widget{{/link}} to display your music, photos, videos bio, and event listings.Add a {{link}}Twitter Timeline Widget{{/link}} to display your latest tweets on your site.Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share your story with their connections.Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share your story with their followers.Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share your story with their friends.Add alternate sources for maximum HTML5 playbackAdd an "About Me" pageAdd an ImageAdd another optionAdd audio sourceAdd couponAdd itemAdd links to your Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr profiles in your site's footerAdd logoAdd mediaAdd media files from your computerAdd menu items from the column on the left.Add new %sAdd new pageAdd new postAdd new subset (greek, cyrillic, devanagari, vietnamese)no-subsetAdd one or several items at once by selecting the checkbox next to each item and clicking Add to MenuAdd or remove menu itemsAdd or remove tagsAdd some pagesAdd some rooms and ratesAdd some testimonialsAdd subtitlesAdd the Reservation widgetAdd the following to your %1$s file in %2$s above the line reading %3$s:Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, replacing other WordPress rules:Add the user without sending an email that requires their confirmationAdd to Audio PlaylistAdd to DictionaryAdd to MenuAdd to audio playlistAdd to galleryAdd to menu: %1$s (%2$s)Add to section:Add to video PlaylistAdd to video playlistAdd video sourceAdd your own eventAdd your thoughts here... (optional)Add, organize, and modify individual menu itemsAdded domain mapping.Adding CategoriesAdding TagsAdding ThemesAddis AbabaAdditional CapabilitiesAdditional Email AddressesAdditional items found: %dAdditional payment for Domain RegistrationAdditional settingsAdditional shortcuts,AddressAddressesAddress 1Address 2Address:AdelaideAdenAdminAdmin Color SchemeAdmin not a valid username on WordPress.com, please try again with the correct username.AdministrationAdministratorAdministrators have access to all the administration features.AdvancedAdvanced OptionsAdvanced SettingsAdvanced caching plugin.Advanced customizationAdvanced.AfghanistanAfricaAfter you map your domain name your readers will be able to access your blog at that domain name instead of %s. Visitors to the old address will be automatically redirected.After you register a custom domain name your readers will be able to access your blog at the new domain name instead of %s. Visitors to the old address will be automatically redirected.AkismetAkismet API KeyAkismet Anti-spam strictnessAkismet ConfigurationAkismet FAQAkismet SetupAkismet StatsAkismet SupportAkismet WidgetAkismet caught this comment as spam during an automatic retry.Akismet cleared this comment during an automatic retry.Akismet error code: %sAkismet has detected a problem.Akismet re-checked and caught this comment as spamAkismet re-checked and cleared this commentAkismet statsAlabamaAlaskaAlbaniaAlbertaAlbumAlgeriaAlgiersAlignAlign centerAlign leftAlign rightAlignmentAllAll About DomainsAll AppsAll CategoriesAll CommentsAll Link CategoriesAll LinksAll LocationsAll Menu SectionsAll OrganizersAll PagesAll PollsAll PostsAll Project TagsAll Project TypesAll ProjectsAll SettingsAll SitesAll Tabs:All TagsAll TestimonialsAll TimeAll TypesAll UsersAll appsAll author pagesAll categoriesAll category pagesAll colorsAll columnsAll comment typesAll contentAll current and future campaignsAll date archivesAll datesAll done!All done.All done. Have fun!All forumsAll image sizesAll media itemsAll notificationsAll posts were added to the category with the same name.All posts were imported with the current user as author. Use this form to move each Blogger user’s posts to a different WordPress user. You may add users and then return to this page and complete the user mapping. This form may be used as many times as you like until you activate the “Restart” function below.All sitesAll sizes except thumbnailAll tag pagesAll taxonomy pagesAll templatesAll the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with the most recent uploads listed first.All the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with the most recent uploads listed first. You can use the Screen Options tab to customize the display of this screen.All timeAll topicsAll updates have been completed.All-time views.AllowAllow trackbacks and pingbacksAllow CommentsAllow PingsAllow commentsAllow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new posts.Allow new users to sign upAllow other answersAllow people to post comments on new articlesAllow readers to easily share your posts with others by adding sharing buttons throughout your site.Allow search engines to index this siteAllowed FilesAllowed file types: %s.AlmatyAlmost there…Already InstalledAlready have a WordPress.com account?Already pinged:Alt TextAlt text for the image, e.g. “The Mona Lisa”Alternate text:Alternative TextAlternative sourceAlternatively you can reply to this email with "confirm" as the subject or first line of the body.Alternatively you can reply to this email with confirm as the subject or first line of the body.Although you should have gotten an email receipt at the time of purchase, you can request a fresh copy by choosing the relevant upgrade from the list below.Although your site address is %2$s, keep in mind that your dashboard address is %4$s.Altitude is a responsive sleek-modern mobile first design embodying sheer beauty. This theme features the theme customizer for live theme options, a beautiful parallax header image, custom logo, sharp typography, and looks amazing on mobile devices.AluminumAluminum MediumAluminum NarrowAluminum WideAlways put spam in the Spam folder for review.Always use HTTPS when visiting administration pagesAlways use https when visiting the adminAmazonAmericaAmerican EnglishAmerican SamoaAmmanAmountAmsterdamAn active access token must be used to access SSH credentials.An active access token must be used to follow a blog.An active access token must be used to retrieve information about the current user.An active access token must be used to save information about the current user.An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - please attempt the update again now.An automated WordPress update has failed to complete! Please notify the site administrator.An average is the sum of views divided by the number of days.An email has been sent to the Domain Registrant's contact email address containing the Domain Transfer Code. If you don't receive the email shortly, please check your spam folder.An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later.An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later.An error occured while trying to process your request. Please try again or Contact Support if you continue to have trouble.An error occured while trying to send the Domain Transfer code. Please try again or Contact Support if you continue to have trouble.An error occurred adding you to this site. Go to the homepage.An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.An error occurred while activating %(plugin)s on %(site)s.An error occurred while deactivating %(plugin)s on %(site)s.An error occurred while disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s.An error occurred while enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s.An error occurred while saving. Please wait and try again in a minute.An error occurred while updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s.An error occurred while updating %1$s: %2$sAn error occurred. Please try again later.An identical profile link already exists.An invalid action was provided to the endpoint.An unexpected error occurredAn unexpected error occurred.An unexpected error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again.An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.An unknown error has occurred. Please try again.An unknown error occurredAn unknown error occurred.AnadyrAnalyticsAnchorageAndorraAngolaAnguillaAnonymousAnonymous linkAnother update is currently in progress.AnswerAnswer CheckAnswer GroupAnswersAntananarivoAntarcticaAntiguaAntigua and BarbudaAny location you set for this post will be public.Anyone can registerAnyone posts a commentApertureApiaApologies, but I could not find any results for that search term. Please try again.Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.App NameApp SettingsApp nameAppearanceApplication nameApplyApply changes to:Apply couponApproveApprove and ReplyApprove commentApprove it: %sApprove this commentApprove this comment.ApprovedAprAprilApril abbreviationAprAqtauAqtobeAraguainaArchiveArchive TitleArchive titleArchivedArchived (%s)Archived (%s)ArchivesArcticAre you lost?Are you sure it exists?Are you sure the database server is not under particularly heavy load?Are you sure the database server is running?Are you sure want to delete this list?Are you sure you have the correct username and password?Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?Are you sure you want to delete "%s"?Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s record for "%2$s"?Are you sure you want to delete the poll %s?Are you sure you want to delete the rating for "%s"?Are you sure you want to delete this answer?Are you sure you want to do this?Are you sure you want to start a new comment?Are you sure you want to unpublish this post?Are you sure you wish to edit this domains A records? This will result in your domain no longer loading your WordPress.com site.Are you wanting to import content from another platform? Read our support guide on Importing from Posterous.AreaArgentinaArizonaArkansasArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces Europe, Middle East, & CanadaArmed Forces PacificArmeniaArrivalArtArt & DesignArt & DesignArtistArubaAscendingAscending (oldest first)Ascending.AshgabatAshkhabadAsiaAsk a question or enter a search term…AsmaraAsmeraAspect ratio:Assign AuthorsAssigned MenuAstrakhanAsuncionAt WordPress.com, our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a time. Automattic, Inc, is passionate about making the web a better place.At a GlanceAthensAtikokanAtkaAtlanticAttachAttach “%s” to existing contentAttach to existing contentAttaching FilesAttachmentAttachment DetailsAttachment Display SettingsAttachment PageAttachment Post URLAttachment detailsAttachment pageAttachment viewed: AttachmentsAttempt to notify any blogs linked to from the articleAttempted to set image quality outside of the range [1,100].Attempting to parse a shortcode without a valid callback: %sAttractions in %dAttribute all content to:AttributesAtyrauAucklandAudioAudio (%s)Audio (%s)Audio Codec:Audio File URLAudio Format:Audio PlayerAudio detailsAudio, Video, or Other FileAugAugustAugust abbreviationAugAustraliaAustriaAuthorAuthor BioAuthor mappingAuthor:Author: %sAuthorization failedAuthorizeAuthorize an application to connect with %sAuthorized OnAuthorsAuthors can publish and manage their own posts, and are able to upload files.Authors:Auto DraftAuto add pagesAuto-create a new account (recommended).Auto-updatesAuto-updates Disabled (%s)Auto-updates Disabled (%s)Auto-updates Enabled (%s)Auto-updates Enabled (%s)Automatic UpdatesAutomatically add new top-level pages to this menuAutomatically add paragraphsAutomatically close comments on articles older than {{numberOfDays /}} dayAutomatically close comments on articles older than {{numberOfDays /}} daysAutomatically close comments on posts older than %s daysAutoplayAutosave by %sAutoupdateAvailable ActionsAvailable ServicesAvailable ToolsAvailable WidgetsAvatar DisplayAvatar Size (px):Avatar background color:AvatarsAverageAverage RatingAverage per DayAverage per dayAverages are rounded to the nearest integer for display.Awaiting spam checkAwesome blogs using %sAwesome! Your theme, %s, is already deemed to be mobile-friendly.AzerbaijanAzoresBETA TESTING? ============= This debugging email is sent when you are using a development version of WordPress. If you think these failures might be due to a bug in WordPress, could you report it? * Open a thread in the support forums: https://wordpress.org/support/forum/alphabeta * Or, if you're comfortable writing a bug report: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ Thanks! -- The WordPress TeamBackBack to %sBack to PlansBack to blog optionsBack to postBack to post optionsBack to topBackgroundBackground ColorBackground ImageBackground colorBackground updated. Visit your site to see how it looks.Backup codesBackup verification codesBad login/pass combination.BaghdadBahamasBahiaBahia BanderasBahrainBakuBamakoBandBandwidthBandwidth: BangkokBangladeshBanguiBanjulBannerBanner at the top of my siteBarBarbadosBarnaulBaseBasicBasic SettingsBatchBatch several API GET requests into one.Be the first to like this.BeachBecause you are using %1$s, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-directories. Consider using %2$s if you wish to use sub-domains.Become a WordPress.com user and manage your subscriptions directly in your account.Before a comment appearsBefore you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:BeginnerBeirutBelarusBelemBelfastBelgiumBelgradeBelizeBelow each blog postBelow each commentBelow, you can see the names of the authors of the MovableType posts in italics. For each of these names, select one of the blog's users as the author.BeninBerlinBermudaBest DayBest everBeulahBhutanBig Important Warning!Big iPhone/iPad Update Now AvailableBilled ToBilled toBillingBilling DetailsBilling HistoryBilling detailsBioBiographical InfoBishkekBissauBitrateBitrate ModeBitrate:BlackBlanc-SablonBlankBlantyreBlavatarBlock EmailsBlock all email updates from blogs you’re following on WordPress.comBlock by cookie (recommended)Block by cookie and by IP addressBlock emailsBlock pattern titleGridBlock this blogBlockedBlockquoteBlocksBlogBlog ArchivesBlog NameBlog StatsBlog TitleBlog URLBlog URL:Blog Widget AreaBlog at WordPress.comBlog pages show at mostBlog token not found.BloggerBlogger BlogsBlogger usernameBlogrollBlogsBlogs I FollowBlogs I Follow | WordPress.comBlogs you were already following: %sBlueBoa VistaBogotaBoiseBoldBoliviaBookBookmark saved.Bookmark the permalink.BookmarkletBookmarksBooksBoom!BorderBorder colorBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBottomBottom LeftBottom RightBottom leftBottom rightBougainvilleBouvet IslandBratislavaBrazilBrazilian PortugueseBrazzavilleBreak comments into pages with {{numComments /}} top level comments per page and the {{firstOrLast /}} page displayed by defaultBriefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.BrightBrisbaneBritish ColumbiaBritish EnglishBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBroken HillBrownBrowseBrowse our recommended blogs.Browse our themes from most popular to least.Browse our themes in alphabetical order.Browse revisionsBrowse themes matching the search term(s) "%s"Browse themes trending right now based on activations, popularity, and site traffic.Browse themes with these characteristics: %sBruneiBrunei DarussalamBrusselsBucharestBudapestBuenos AiresBuild a unique site with advanced design tools, custom CSS, and Google Analytics support.BujumburaBulgariaBulk ActionsBulk EditBulk SelectBulk actionsBulk editBulk selectBulleted listBurkina FasoBurundiBusinessBusiness & TechnologyBusiness NameBusiness PlanBusiness WebsiteBusingenButton label for a next revisionNextButton label for a previous revisionPreviousButton styleButtonsBuyBuy Premium PlanBuy TicketsBy %(author)sBy %sBy %s.By MonthBy authorsBy default, new users will receive an email letting them know they’ve been added as a user for your site. This email will also contain a password reset link. Uncheck the box if you do not want to send the new user a welcome email.By posts & pagesBy: %sCENTRAL DASHBOARDCSSCSS ClassesCSS Classes (optional)CSS EditorCVVCafeCairoCalcuttaCalendarCaliforniaCambodiaCambridge BayCameraCamera is an elegant, distraction-free canvas for showcasing your photography. Along with large, beautiful Featured Images, you can also create unique photo series in a full-width carousel, which accommodates your landscape and portrait photographs. Camera is perfect for travel blogs, food blogs and photo series.Cameras & PhotographyCameroonCampo GrandeCan I send a notification to more than one person?Can I view my feedback within WordPress?Can not find blog.Can’t find anything that works?Can't find what you're looking for? Contact our support teamCanadaCanaryCanberraCancelCancel %sCancel & start a new importCancel DNS ChangesCancel ChangesCancel EditCancel editCancel password changeCancel replyCancellation DetailsCancelledCancelled OnCancunCannot create a revision of a revisionCannot create a user with an empty login name.Cannot load %s.Cannot load image metadata.Cannot refund a payment TO the userCannot retrieve the app ID.Cannot save image metadata.CapabilitiesCape VerdeCaptionCaption:Captions/SubtitlesCaracasCard ExpiringCard:Careful! You are editing someone else's comment.CarouselCarsCartCasablancaCaseyCatamarcaCategoriesCategories and Tags ConverterCategories can be selectively converted to tags using the category to tag converter.Categories deleted.Categories have hierarchy, meaning that you can nest sub-categories. Tags do not have hierarchy and cannot be nested. Sometimes people start out using one on their posts, then later realize that the other would work better for their content.Categories listCategories list navigationCategories to TagsCategories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have children categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional.Categories:Categories: Categories: %sCategoryCategory %s doesn’t exist!Category CloudCategory IDs, separated by commasCategory added.Category deleted.Category not added.Category not updated.Category updated.Category:Categories:Caution:CayenneCaymanCayman IslandsCell paddingCell spacingCell typeCenterCentimeters (cm)Central African RepublicCeutaChadChagosChangeChange DateChange PasswordChange Redirect LocationChange ThemeChange VisibilityChange fileChange imageChange logoChange role to…Change the text of the sharing buttons labelChange your GravatarChanged roles.Changes saved.Changeset is being edited by other user.Change|difference between numbers over timeChanging ThemesChanging this here may render the user unable to login, as this number is also used for two-factor authentication.Changing to %sChannel:ChaptersCharacters:ChargebackChart stats byChathamCheatin’ huh?Cheatin’ uh?Check AllCheck SpellingCheck for SpamCheck out our growing collection of premium themes to find the perfect fit for your blog.Check out the mobile %s.Check out the new Comics post type, and tell your readers about your strip.Check this box if you wish to update the polls that use this style.Check your e-mail address linked to the account for the confirmation link, including the spam or junk folder.Check your email for the confirmation link.Check your email for your new password.CheckList ErrorCheckboxCheckingChecking...CheckoutCheers,ChicagoChihuahuaChild of {{PageTitle/}}Child theme of %sChileChinaChineseChisinauChitaChoibalsanChongqingChooseChoose ImageChoose ImagesChoose a Background ImageChoose a Custom HeaderChoose a PaletteChoose a WordPress WXR file to upload, then click Upload file and import.Choose a city in the same timezone as you.Choose a file from your computer:Choose a themeChoose an image from your computer:Choose an image to display in your sidebar:Choose fileChoose from the most used LabelsChoose from the most used tagsChoose logoChoose the part of the image you want to use as your header.Choose the perfect themeChoose the target frame for your link.Choose to either discard the worst spam automatically or to always put all spam in spam folder.Choose what to exportChoose whether to make your blog public or privateChristmasChristmas IslandChungkingChuukCityCleaning up spam takes time.ClearClear AllClear All FiltersClear Inactive WidgetsClear ResultsClear all informationClear formattingClear selection.Clear to-doCleared by AkismetClick “Next” to start adding links to your new menu.Click Save Menu to make pending menu items public.Click hereClick here for more informationClick here to cancel reply.Click here to upload a new GravatarClick on a suggested tag to add it to your post:Click on the theme to see the theme name, version, author, description, tags, and the Delete linkClick on this box to edit it and add your own information.Click the Use this Key button.Click the image to edit or updateClick to autoplay the presentation!Click to send this to your Kindle deviceClick to share on LinkedInClick to share on PocketClick to share on RedditClick to share on TumblrClick to share on TwitterClick to toggleClicking Select Files opens a navigation window showing you files in your operating system. Selecting Open after clicking on the file you want activates a progress bar on the uploader screen.Clicking an item will display an Attachment Details dialog, which allows you to preview media and make quick edits. Any changes you make to the attachment details will be automatically saved.ClicksClicks for %1$s days ending %2$sClicks for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)CloseClose MenuClose WindowClose all open tagsClose blockquote tagClose bold tagClose bulleted list tagClose code tagClose deleted text tagClose details dialogClose dialogClose inserted text tagClose italic tagClose list item tagClose media attachment panelClose numbered list tagClose overlayClose reorder modeClose searchClose sharing dialogClose the Customizer and go back to the previous pageClose this noticeClose this screenClose uploaderClosedCmd + letter:CocosCocos (Keeling) IslandsCodeCode is PoetryCollapse menuCollapse this barColombiaColomboColorColor SchemeColor nameColor schemeColoradoColorsColors & BackgroundsColumnColumn groupColumnsCome check out my blog!ComicsComma-separated list of replacement words in your language’tain’t,’twere,’twas,’tis,’twill,’til,’bout,’nuff,’round,’cause,’emComma-separated list of search stopwords in your languageabout,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to,was,what,when,where,who,will,with,wwwComma-separated list of words to texturize in your language'tain't,'twere,'twas,'tis,'twill,'til,'bout,'nuff,'round,'cause,'emCommentComment %d does not existComment FormComment HistoryComment ModerationComment Submission FailureComment and share to your profile.Comment author must fill out name and e-mailComment author must fill out name and emailComment author must have a previously approved commentComment author name and email are requiredComment author name and email are required.Comment by %1$sComment by %s marked as spam.Comment by %s moved to the Trash.Comment has already been deleted by another session.Comment marked as spamComment metadata downloaded successfully, proceeding with comment bodies...Comment moderationComment must be manually approvedComment navigationComment number declension: on or offoffComment on %1$s by %2$sComment postedComment statusComment status was changed to %sComment trashedComment: Comment: %sCommenting and sharing to your profile.Commenting and sharing to your profiles.Commenting as %sCommentsComments %sComments (%1$s) on “%2$s”Comments (%s)Comments (%d)Comments FeedComments I've MadeComments Off on %sComments and PostsComments are closed.Comments aren't open on this postComments for %1$s searching on %2$sComments for %sComments listComments list navigationComments navigationComments notificationsCommentsComments on %sComments on “%s”Comments on other sitesComments on: %sComments should be displayed with the older comments at the top of each pageCommunicate with your fellow WordPress.com bloggersCommunityCommunity SupportCommunity TagsCommunity TranslatorCommunity-organized events that focus on everything WordPressComodRivadaviaComoroComorosCompanyCompare PlansCompare Revisions of “%s”Compare any two revisionsCompare two different revisions by selecting the “Compare any two revisions” box to the side.CompletedConakryConfigureConfiguring this is optional. By default, it should be blank.ConfirmConfirm DeletionConfirm Email AddressConfirm Email ForwardConfirm NowConfirm PasswordConfirm RemovalConfirm new passwordConfirm use of weak passwordConfirm your email address for %1$sConfirmation emailConfirmed (%s)Confirmed (%s)CongoCongo, the Democratic Republic of theCongrats! You have been added to this blog.Congrats, you’re subscribed! You’ll get an email with the details of your subscription and an unsubscribe linkCongratulations on getting your first like on %2$s.Congratulations on getting %1$s total likes on %2$s.Congratulations on writing your first post on %2$s!Congratulations on writing %1$s posts on %2$s!Congratulations!Congratulations! You now have access to Custom Design.Congratulations, this domain name is available to register for your WordPress.com blog!ConnectConnect AppConnect Instagram AccountConnect JetpackConnect to LiveJournal and ImportConnect to TumblrConnect to your Google DriveConnect with Connect with %sConnect with GuestsConnect with Your ReadersConnect with your WordPress.com account:Connect your accounts so that when you publish a post it will be automatically shared on Facebook or Twitter. Blog posts that are shared get 50% more likes, comments and views.Connected ApplicationsConnected BlogsConnecticutConnecting…Connection Status:Connection lost or the server is busy. Please try again later.Constrain proportionsContactContact %s SupportContact Akismet supportContact InfoContact UsContentContent to exportContent, title, and excerpt are empty.Content:Contextual Help TabContinueContinue Reading »Continue previous importContinue readingContinue reading %sContinue reading %s Continue reading Continue reading "%s"Continuing in %d…Continuing…Contributors can write and manage their posts but not publish posts or upload media files.Control your notification settings when you comment on other blogs.Convert Categories to TagsConvert Category to Tag.Convert Categories (%d) to Tags.Convert Tag to Category.Convert Tags (%d) to Categories.Convert Tags to CategoriesConvert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on displayConvert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively.Converted successfully.Converting category %s ... Converting tag %s ... Cook IslandsCookiesCopenhagenCopiedCopyCopy “Press This” bookmarklet codeCopy URL to clipboardCopy a PageCopy a PostCopy a {post_type}Copy a %sCopy and paste the API key into the text field.Copy and paste this URL into your WordPress site to embedCopy and paste this URL into your browser:Copy and paste this code into your site to embedCopy shortlinkCopy table rowCopy to clipboardCopying page...Copying post...CopyrightCoral HarbourCordobaCorporateCostCosta RicaCould not access filesystemCould not access filesystem.Could not calculate resized image dimensionsCould not connect to %sCould not connect to Instagram (error %s).Could not connect to Twitter (error %s).Could not connect to https://www.google.comCould not copy file.Could not copy files.Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space.Could not create directory.Could not create imageCould not create userCould not find the specified string.Could not find your requested location.Could not fully remove the plugins %s.Could not fully remove the theme %s.Could not get a cookie from LiveJournal. Please try again soon.Could not insert term relationship into the database.Could not log out user sessions. Please try again.Could not read image size.Could not remove the old plugin.Could not remove the old theme.Could not split shared term.Could not update comment status.Could not write file %1$s (%2$s).Could not write file %sCouldn’t get post IDCouldn’t get post ID (creating post failed!)Couldn't find an update URL in the data.CountriesCountryCouponCoupon discount applied to cart.CouponsCraftsCrafts & FashionCreateCreate Another BlogCreate BlogCreate ContentCreate MenuCreate New SiteCreate SiteCreate WebsiteCreate WordPress.com accountCreate a Configuration FileCreate a New PostCreate a New SiteCreate a New UserCreate a PostCreate a brand new user and add them to this site.Create a contact formCreate a free blog — WordPress.comCreate a free website — WordPress.comCreate a free website at WordPress.comCreate a free website or blog at WordPress.comCreate a free website or easily build a blog on WordPress.com. Dozens of free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and support.Create a menu for this locationCreate a new connectionCreate a new galleryCreate a new playlistCreate a new video playlistCreate a website on WordPress.com todayCreate an AccountCreate an outstanding websiteCreate audio playlistCreate galleryCreate one hereCreate user %1$s or map to existingCreate video playlistCreate your first comic postCreate your own websiteCreate your website at WordPress.comCreate, edit, and delete menusCreating a Page is very similar to creating a Post, and the screens can be customized in the same way using drag and drop, the Screen Options tab, and expanding/collapsing boxes as you choose. This screen also has the distraction-free writing space, available in both the Visual and Text modes via the Fullscreen buttons. The Page editor mostly works the same as the Post editor, but there are some Page-specific features in the Page Attributes box.CreditCredit CardsCreditsCrestonCroatiaCropCrop Aspect RatioCrop Header ImageCrop ImageCrop SelectionCrop and PublishCrop imageCrop thumbnail to exact dimensionsCrop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)Crop uploaded imageCrop your imageCropping…Crunching…Crunchy numbersCtrl + Alt + letter:Ctrl + letter:CubaCuiabaCultureCuracaoCurrent GravatarCurrent LocationCurrent PageCurrent Record: %sCurrent Revision by %sCurrent headerCurrent pageCurrent postCurrent thumbnailCurrently %s comment is waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation panel:Currently %s comments are waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation panel:Currently ReadingCurrieCustomCustom BackgroundCustom CSS StylesheetCustom ColorsCustom Colors interfaceCustom DesignCustom Email AddressCustom Email Address:Custom FieldsCustom FontsCustom HeaderCustom Header ImageCustom ImageCustom LinkCustom LinksCustom LogoCustom MenuCustom SizeCustom StructureCustom Style created.Custom Style deleted.Custom Style updated.Custom StylesCustom URLCustom colorCustom date format:Custom field deleted.Custom field updated.Custom fieldsCustom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can use in your theme.Custom maintenance message.Custom site deleted message.Custom site inactive message.Custom site suspended message.Custom time format:Custom:Customer NameCustomer TestimonialsCustomizeCustomize %sCustomize “%s”Customize It!Customize LabelsCustomize My SiteCustomize Testimonials ArchiveCustomize Your SiteCustomize the messageCustomize the message to %sCustomize the message to %s and %s moreCustomize themeCustomize this themeCustomize this themeCustomizeCustomize your site's navigation menuCustomize: %sCustomizerCustomizingCustomizing ▸ %sCustomizing This DisplayCutCut table rowCyprusCzech RepublicCôte d'IvoireDNS CNAME for %1$s needs to point to %2$s.DNS Editor: SRC record protocolProtocolDNS Editor: SRV record "service" nameServiceDNS Editor: SRV record hostnameTarget HostDNS Editor: SRV record hostname portTarget PortDNS Editor: SRV record priorityPriorityDNS Editor: SRV record weightWeightDNS is correctDNS needs to be updatedDaccaDaily archivesDakarDamascusDanmarkshavnDar es SalaamDarkDarwinDashboardDashedDatabase ErrorDatabase settingsDateDate (F j) : blog title%1$s: Your best day for likes on %2$sDate FormatDate and timeDate formatDate range for which stats are being displayed%(startDate)s - %(endDate)sDate range for which stats are being displayed%(startDate)s ~ %(endDate)sDate range:Date/TimeDate:DavisDawsonDawson CreekDayDay and nameDaylight saving time begins on: %s.Daylight saving time begins on: %s.DaysDeactivateDeactivate this pluginDecDecemberDecember abbreviationDecDeclarationNew NotificationDeclarationNotificationDecline TransferDecrease indentDefaultDefault (Buy) / Use Theme SettingDefault AvatarDefault DataDefault ImagesDefault Link CategoryDefault Mail CategoryDefault Post CategoryDefault Post FormatDefault Theme FontDefault article settingsDefault category slugUncategorizedDefault delivery via Jabber instant messageDefault email deliveryDefault is %sDefault label for new HTML form field in contact form builderNew FieldDefault label for the first option to be included in a user-created dropdown in contact form builderFirst optionDefault link category slugBlogrollDefault page slugaboutDefault page titleAboutDefault post formatDefault post slughello-worldDefault shortcuts,DelawareDeleteDelete “%s”Delete “%s” permanentlyDelete CardDelete MenuDelete My Site PermanentlyDelete PermanentlyDelete SiteDelete UsersDelete a menu item by expanding it and clicking the Remove linkDelete all content.Delete columnDelete imageDelete it: %sDelete logDelete permanentlyDelete rowDelete tableDelete this comment permanentlyDelete this itemDelete this item permanentlyDelete this page permanently?DeletedDeleted (%s)Deleted (%s)Deleted text (strikethrough)Deleted:Deleting LinksDeleting comments is not supported yetDelivery FrequencyDelivery windowDemoDemo content for related postsBig iPhone/iPad Update Now AvailableDemo content for related postsThe WordPress for Android App Gets a Big FaceliftDemo content for related postsUpgrade Focus: VideoPress For WeddingsDemo of this themeDemoDemo this themeDenied: %sDenmarkDenverDenyDepartureDescendingDescending (newest first)Descending.DescriptionDescription (optional)DeselectDesignerDesktopDestination folder already exists.DetachDetach from “%s”DetailsDetails for this themeDetails page for this themeAboutDetroitDeveloperDeveloper ResourcesDevelopersDhakaDid you find what you were looking for?Did you know that you can do far more than just set your background color and image in the Colors tool in our Custom Design, part of the Premium Plan? Preview it now!Did you lose your phone or leave your account logged in at a public computer? You can log out everywhere else, and stay logged in here.Digital MarketingDigital Millennium Copyright Act NoticeDiliDimensionsDimensions:Direct link (best for mobile)DirectorDisableDisable %sDisable Auto-updatesDisable Infinite ScrollDisable Post By EmailDisable Post by EmailDisable Private Registration. I understand that my contact details will be publicly available during the transfer period.Disable TranslatorDisable accessibility modeDisable auto-updatesDisable the Domain Lock to allow it to be transferred.Disable the visual editor when writingDisable two-step authenticationDisabledDisabled.Discard any changes and restore the original image.DisconnectDisconnect JetpackDisconnect all BlogsDisconnect this accountDiscountDiscourage search engines from indexing this siteDiscoverDiscover %s WordPress Themes for Blogs at WordPress.comDiscover Free WordPress Themes on the WordPress.com Theme Showcase.Discover Premium WordPress Themes on the WordPress.com Theme Showcase.Discover this theme’s awesome features.DiscussionDiscussion SettingsDismissDismiss errorsDismiss the browser warning panelDismiss the welcome panelDismiss this notice.DisplayDisplay Header TextDisplay OptionsDisplay SettingsDisplay Site Title and TaglineDisplay WordPress PostsDisplay a mini version of your Gravatar ProfileDisplay a photo gallery or slideshowDisplay all authors (including those who have not written any posts)Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic.Display an (optionally filtered) list of posts marked to doDisplay an official Twitter Embedded Timeline widget.Display as dropdownDisplay item author if available?Display item content?Display item date?Display name based on first name and last name%1$s %2$sDisplay name publicly asDisplay post date?Display the number of spam comments Akismet has caughtDisplay your latest Instagram photos.Displayed on attachment pages.Displaying %1$s–%2$s of %3$sDisplaying %s–%s of %sDisplays a list and calendar of upcoming events from Eventbrite — the world’s largest self-serve event ticketing and event registration platform.Displays a list of recent posts from another WordPress.com or Jetpack-enabled blog.Displays a live stream of posts and comments on your o2 powered blogDisplays an image gallery.Displays on the support home page main areaDisplays on the support home page right areaDisplays on the support home page under searchDistraction-free writing modeDistrict of ColumbiaDjiboutiDo MoreDo it: I want some polls!Do not allowDo not deregister the %1$s script in the administration area. To target the front-end theme, use the %2$s hook.Do not forget to click “Save Changes” when you are done!Do not forget to click on the Save Changes button when you are finished.Do not pass %1$s tags to %2$s.Do you already own this domain name?Do you have an activation URL or key?Do you have two factor authentication codes?Do you mostly use the internet at work, in school or at home?Do you really want to log out?Document propertiesDocumentationDoes the user %1$s have permission to use the %2$s database?Doin' something fishy, huh?DomainDomain AdminDomain Contact InformationDomain ContactsDomain ExpirationDomain Management: %sDomain Registration for %sDomain SearchDomain SettingsDomain Whois contact descriptionAdministrative ContactDomain Whois contact descriptionBilling ContactDomain Whois contact descriptionDomain RegistrantDomain Whois contact descriptionTechnical ContactDomain alert!Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens and needs to end with an extension (for example, .com, .net, etc).Domain names have to be unique so if the exact domain name you want is already taken, you may have to compromise. Use the automatic suggestions to find another domain name that works for you.Domain not pointing to WordPress.comDomain: %sDomainsDomains are renewed 30 days early to avoid the domain accidentally expiring, which can make it more difficult and more expensive to renew.DominicaDominican RepublicDon‘t show me this.Don’t have an account?Don't block repeat votersDon't display a badge (just the campaign)Don't show againDon't show the Reblog button on postsDon't use the theme's original CSS.Don't want these emails?DoneDone!DottedDoualaDouble check to make sure your email address is correct.DownDown oneDowngrading the plugin…DownloadDownload “%s”Download Export FileDownload FileDownload all email-only followers as CSVDownload and import file attachmentsDownload failed.Download fileDownload my comments »Downloading Comments…DraftDraft (%s)Drafts (%s)Draft SavedDraft created on %1$s at %2$sDraft saved at %s.DraftsDragDrag and drop to reorder media files.Drag and drop to reorder tracks.Drag and drop to reorder videos.Drag the bookmarklet below to your bookmarks bar. Then, when you’re on a page you want to share, simply “press” it.Drag the items into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of the item to reveal additional configuration options.Drag widgets here to remove them from the sidebar but keep their settings.Drop capDrop downDrop files to uploadDrop images to uploadDubaiDublinDumontDUrvilleDuplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!DushanbeE-CommerceE-mailE-mail Subject:E-mail me wheneverE-mail text cannot be emptyE-mail verifiedE-mail:E-mail: %sERROR: please type a comment.ERROR: you are replying to a comment on a draft post.EU Intra-community supply of services subject to VAT reverse charge.EarningsEasily feature all posts with the "featured" tag or a tag of your choice. Your theme supports up to %2$s posts in its featured content area.EasterEcommerceEcuadorEditEdit %(title)sEdit %sEdit “%s”Edit %sEdit CSSEdit CardEdit CategoryEdit CommentEdit DNSEdit DNS RecordEdit DomainEdit Email ForwardEdit ImageEdit LinkEdit Link CategoryEdit MediaEdit MenuEdit Menu ItemEdit Menu SectionEdit MenusEdit OriginalEdit PageEdit PostEdit ProfileEdit ProjectEdit Project TagEdit Project TypeEdit SiteEdit TagEdit TemplateEdit TestimonialEdit ThisEdit UserEdit Your ProfileEdit audio playlistEdit commentEdit date and timeEdit galleryEdit menu itemEdit more detailsEdit next media itemEdit pageEdit permalinkEdit postEdit previous media itemEdit selected menuEdit statusEdit the example news itemEdit this commentEdit this entry.Edit this itemEdit this new fieldEdit this pageEdit userEdit video playlistEdit visibilityEdit your default menu by adding or removing items. Drag the items into the order you prefer. Click Create Menu to save your changes.Edit: %sEditing CSSEditing MenusEditor StyleEditor menu (when enabled)Editor toolbarEditors can publish posts, manage posts as well as manage other people’s posts, etc.EdmontonEducationEfateEirunepeEither there are no posts, or something went wrong.El AaiunEl SalvadorElements pathEmailEmail (%s)Email (required)Email AddressEmail Address Update RequestedEmail Address:Email ForwardingEmail Post ChangesEmail ReceiptEmail SentEmail address requiredEmail changes to drafts, not just published items.Email formatEmail from WordPress.comEmail me wheneverEmail notificationsEmail or UsernameEmail settingsEmail verified! Now that you've confirmed your email address you can publish posts on your blog.Email-only FollowersEmail:Email: %sEmbedEmbed Media PlayerEmbed Poll in New PostEmbed or LinkEmbedsEmoticonsEmptyEmpty SpamEmpty Term.Empty TrashEmpty archive.Empty filenameEnableEnable "To Do" ModuleEnable %sEnable Auto-updatesEnable Domain LockingEnable GeotaggingEnable Post By EmailEnable Post by EmailEnable RedirectEnable TranslatorEnable Two-StepEnable accessibility modeEnable auto-updatesEnable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality.Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.Enable the in-page translator where available. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}Enable threaded (nested) comments up to {{number /}} levels deepEnabledEnabled ServicesEnabling Accessibility Mode, via Screen Options, allows you to use Add and Edit buttons instead of using drag and drop.Enabling Two-Step…EncodingEncoding for pages and feedsEnd DateEnd date:EnderburyEnglishEnhance the security of your account with Two Step Authentication — a second step to the log-in process that no-one but you can access.EnsenadaEnter UsernameEnter a HashtagEnter a Twitter UsernameEnter a URLEnter a URL to scanEnter a WordPress.com or Jetpack WordPress site URL.Enter a description of the imageEnter a link URL or click above for presets.Enter a location for this post:Enter a tagEnter a username or email address.Enter an API KeyEnter an Instagram UsernameEnter an answer hereEnter desktop preview modeEnter locationEnter mobile preview modeEnter newEnter tablet preview modeEnter the RSS feed URL here:Enter the URLEnter the URL of the imageEnter the customer's name hereEnter the destination URLEnter the email address of an existing user on this network to invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the invite.Enter the email address or username of an existing user on this network to invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the invite.Enter the menu item's name hereEnter the password you would like to use for all protected entries here:Enter the text for the new itemEnter title hereEnter your LiveJournal username and password below so we can connect to your account:Enter your comment here...Enter your email addressEnter your new password below.Enter your password to view comments.Enter/remove an API key.EnterpriseEntertainmentEntries from any RSS or Atom feedEntries from any RSS or Atom feed.Equatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError 404Error Message ButtonBackError Message LabelError:Error activating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off.Error deactivating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off.Error disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off.Error enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off.Error in RSS %1$dError in adding the requestError in displaying the widget settings form.Error in moving to Trash.Error in restoring from Trash.Error loading profileError reconnecting to the databaseError saving media file.Error updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off.Error while adding the category. Please try again later.Error while saving the new email address. Please try again.Error while saving the scaled image. Please reload the page and try again.Error while saving.Error!Error: An error has occurred; Account could not be created.Error: An error has occurred; Account could not be linked. Perhaps your email address or password is incorrect?Error: An error has occurred; Poll not created.Error: An error has occurred; Poll not updated.Error: [%1$s] %2$sError: could not find an RSS or ATOM feed at that URL.Error: please enter a valid email address.Error: please fill the required fields (name, email).Error: your Facebook login has expired.Error: your Twitter login has expired.EstoniaEtcEthiopiaEuclaEuropeEventbrite API: %sEventbrite API: Failed to get auth service.Eventbrite is the world’s largest self-serve event ticketing and event registration platform. Once connected, this widget will sync your list of upcoming events to your page in a list and calendar.Eventbrite: Event Calendar/ListingEventsEvents and News dashboard widgethttps://wordpress.org/news/Every MinuteEvery domain name you add also includes five free email addresses, so you can use your new domain name for your email address as well as for your blog.Everything you write is solid gold.ExampleExample: https://wordpress.org/ — do not forget the https://Example: Nifty blogging softwareExample: The user is looking at a page, not a post.PageExamplesExcerptExcerpt cannot be retrieved.Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts.Exclude:Executed before Multisite is loaded.Existing AddressExisting DNS RecordsExit FullscreenExit fullscreenExpandExpiredExpiresExploreExportExpress yourself. Start a blog.External object cache.Extra Large (256 pixels)Extra SettingsF YF j, YF j, Y g:i aF jSF, YFAILED: %sFAILED: WordPress failed to update to %sFREEFacebook Page URLFacebook:FaeroeFailedFailed to activate plugin. Maybe it's already activated?Failed to confirm subscriptionFailed to confirm unsubscriptionFailed to create post.Failed to deactivate plugin. Maybe it was already deactivated?Failed to delete the page.Failed to post comment on post ID %s. %sFailed to post comment.Failed to retrieve comment bodies from LiveJournal. Please try again soon.Failed to retrieve comment meta information from LiveJournal. Please try again soon.Failed to subscribeFailed to write file to disk.Failed to write request to temporary file.FakaofoFalkland Islands (Malvinas)FamagustaFamilyFaroeFaroe IslandsFashionFashion DesignerFavorite topicsFavoritesFaxFeaturedFeatured ContentFeatured ImageFeatured Image HeaderFeatured ImagesFeatured imageFeaturesFebFebruaryFebruary abbreviationFebFederated States of MicronesiaFeed for all posts filed under %sFeedbackFeedback discarded.Feedback received from your friend for "%2$s"Feeds that couldn't be subscribed to: %sFeel free to close this page and we'll email you when the draft is published for everyone to see. If you want to send anything else, press the button below.Fiction & PoetryField typeFijiFile “%s” does not exist?File “%s” is not an image.File URLFile URL.File URL:File canceled.File edited successfully.File is empty. Please upload something more substantial.File is not an image.File name:File not foundFile size:File type does not meet security guidelines. Try another.File type:Files can be uploadedFilesystem error.Fill ScreenFill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Fill in your details below.FilterFilter »Filter by categoryFilter by comment typeFilter by dateFilter by typeFilter comments listFilter items listFilter label for plugins listActiveFilter label for plugins listAllFilter label for plugins listInactiveFilter label for posts listDraftsFilter label for posts listPublishedFilter label for posts listScheduledFilter label for posts listTrashedFilter media items listFilter pages listFilter posts listFilter users listFiltersFinal Step: Author MappingFind AnswersFind and replaceFind out how to add and manage applications.Finished!FinlandFirst NameFirst PostFirst nameFirst optionFirst pageFive.FixedFixed LayoutFixed PositionFlag as %sFlag as unresolvedFlag unresolvedFlagged as spam by %sFlagged as spam by AkismetFlickrFlickr PhotosFlickr RSS URL:Flip horizontalFlip verticalFloridaFlowersFluid LayoutFocal LengthFocus shortcuts:FollowFollow %sFollow BlogFollow ButtonFollow CommentsFollow blogs that match your interest in the Reader. Or find friends who already have blogs. The more you follow, the better your recommendations.Follow commentsFollow settings can now be managed in the WordPress.com Reader.Follow these great blogs matching your interestsFollow this search via JSONFollow this search via RSSFollowed OnFollowed SitesFollowed by people with similar interestsFollowed by post revision infoFrom:Followed by post revision infoTo:FollowerFollowersFollowers of '%s'FollowingFollowing allFollowing...FollowsFollows notificationsFollowsFontFont FamilyFont SizeFont SizesFoodFood & DrinkFood MenusFooterFooter WidgetsFor a limited time, you will still be able to log in to this Dashboard and export your content under Tools → Export. You can self-host your site using the WordPress.org software, though other hosting services may have similar restrictions. If you need help moving, please refer to our guide.For example, spicy, favorite, etc.
Separate Labels with commasFor images only, you can click on Edit Image under the thumbnail to expand out an inline image editor with icons for cropping, rotating, or flipping the image as well as for undoing and redoing. The boxes on the right give you more options for scaling the image, for cropping it, and for cropping the thumbnail in a different way than you crop the original image. You can click on Help in those boxes to get more information.For more information:For more information: %sFor most themes, the header text is your Site Title and Tagline, as defined in the General Settings section.For security reasons, you can only edit some settings while logged in with a Two Step Authentication code.For security, click the link below to reset this importer.For those times when you can't find an answer on our Support siteFor users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a generic logo or a generated one based on their email address.Force LTRForce RTLForgot password?FormatFormat:FormattingFort NelsonFort WayneFortalezaForumForumsFound %sFounder of Automattic, example of what WordPress can doFour ColumnsFour.FranceFreeFree for lifeFree SiteFree WordPress Themes at WordPress.comFree and premium designs for your siteFree trialFreedomsFreetownFrenchFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFreshly PressedFriFridayFriday initialFFromFrom %1$s %2$sFrom %1$s on %2$s %3$sFrom %1$s to %2$sFrom %sFrom %s to %sFrom ComputerFrom URLFrom this screen you can review, compare, and restore revisions:From this screen you can:From your pals at WordPress.comFront PageFront pageFull SizeFull URL path to filesFull Width TemplateFull textFullscreenFunFunafutiG — Suitable for all audiencesGMTGMT+0GMT+1GMT+10GMT+11GMT+12GMT+2GMT+3GMT+4GMT+5GMT+6GMT+7GMT+8GMT+9GMT-0GMT-1GMT-10GMT-11GMT-12GMT-13GMT-14GMT-2GMT-3GMT-4GMT-5GMT-6GMT-7GMT-8GMT-9GMT0GabonGaboroneGalapagosGalleriesGalleryGallery (%s)Gallery SettingsGallery columns:GambiaGambierGazaGeneralGeneral SettingsGenerate Backup CodesGenerate PasswordGenerate passwordGenerate strong passwordGenerated on %sGenerated thumbnail for duplicate full size attachment Generated thumbnail for full size attachment Generating Password…Generating preview...Generating...GenreGenre: %s.GeorgiaGermanGermanyGet AppsGet HelpGet New PasswordGet PremiumGet ShortlinkGet SocialGet StartedGet Unlimited ThemesGet UpgradedGet Version %sGet a Free DomainGet a linkGet helpGet help!Get started hereGet started nowGet started.Get supportGet the Unlimited Themes plan and change to any theme, any time.Get your own domainGetting a link...GhanaGibraltarGift UpgradeGive the feed a title (optional):Give your menu a name, then click Create Menu.Glace BayGlad you want to stay! We've declined the domain transfer request.Global SettingsGoGo BackGo MobileGo backGo toGo to wordpress.com/plugins to try out the new features.Go to DashboardGo to My SiteGo to Plugin InstallerGo to Theme InstallerGo to Themes pageGo to WordPress Updates pageGo to slide %dGo to the admin dashboard for this blogGo to the first pageGo to the last pageGo to the next pageGo to the previous pageGo to topGoal!GodthabGoodGood Job! %1$s really liked your post %3$s!GoogleGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Font Name and VariantsNoto Serif:400,400i,700,700iGoogle responded with the following error code: %sGoogle+Goose BayGovernmentGrand TurkGrant Access to UserGranted stats access to %s (WordPress.com user).GravatarGravatar LogoGravatar ProfileGrayGray zeroes are exactly zero. Black zeroes have been rounded down.Great News!Great posts worth seeing from %s:GreeceGreekGreenGreenlandGreenwichGrenadaGreyGridGrid LayoutGrid viewGroupsGuadalcanalGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuayaquilGuernseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHTMLHTML EmbedHTML elementsInlineHTML tagAddressHTML tagDivHTML tagPreHTML tagPreformattedHTTP RequestsHTTP requests are blockedHTTPS statusHaitiHalifaxHandHappy Anniversary!Happy New Year from Jetpack!Happy New Year from WordPress.com!Happy blogging,HarareHarbinHassle Free BloggingHavanaHave any technical questions? Our documentation pages are open 24/7Have fun!Have questions? Stop by our support forums.Have you tried the upgraded stats page?HawaiiHeaderHeader ImageHeader TextHeader Text ColorHeader cellHeader updated. Visit your site to see how it looks.Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3Heading 4Heading 5Heading 6HeadingsHealth & WellnessHeard Island and McDonald IslandsHebronHeightHeight (in pixel):Hello world!HelpHelp & SupportHelp & SupportHelp TopicsHelp and Support Page TitleHelp and SupportHelp topicCommentsHelp topicConfigurationHelp topicFollowingHelp topicPolicies & SafetyHelp us improve these resultsHelp us try out a new version of this page, which combines your Likes and Comments in one view!Helpful reminder: At any time, log into your account with your username, %s, or your email address.HelsinkiHere is a basic overview of the different user roles and the permissions associated with each one:Here you can selectively convert existing tags to categories. To get started, check the tags you wish to be converted, then click the Convert button.Here’s what your form will look likeHere's an overview of blogs you have connected to through Jetpack's Single Sign on.Here's an overview of the blogs you are part of. Don't forget that you can create another blog at any time.Here's what you posted.HermosilloHey there. Here you can selectively convert existing categories to tags. To get started, check the categories you wish to be converted, then click the Convert button.Hey! You are using two-step authentication, but you haven’t printed your account recovery codes. It’s important to have these in case you ever have trouble accessing your blog.Hi ###USERNAME###, This notice confirms that your email address on ###SITENAME### was changed to ###NEW_EMAIL###. If you did not change your email, please contact the Site Administrator at ###ADMIN_EMAIL### This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Hi ###USERNAME###, This notice confirms that your password was changed on ###SITENAME###. If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator at ###ADMIN_EMAIL### This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Hi %1$s, Your friend %2$s has read your draft titled "%3$s" and provided feedback for you to read: %4$s You can also see their feedback here: %5$s Thanks for flying with WordPress.comHi there,Hi there, We recently received a request to change the email address for the WordPress.com user ###USERNAME### from ###OLDEMAIL### to ###NEWEMAIL###. If you made this request, you can safely ignore and delete this email. If you did not request this change, please respond to this email immediately. Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Hi! Thank you for creating a WordPress.com account. To activate your account, please click on the following link: %s --The WordPress.com TeamHi, You've been invited to join '%1$s' at %2$s with the role of %3$s. Please click the following link to confirm the invite: %4$sHi, You've been invited to join '%1$s' at %2$s with the role of %3$s. If you do not want to join this site please ignore this email. This invitation will expire in a few days. Please click the following link to activate your user account: %%sHiddenHideHide Blog on DashboardHide DetailsHide all resultsHide background imageHide comment threadsHide extended postHide header imageHide imageHide passwordHide post optionsHide private eventsHide related content after postsHide this screenHide this screen and don’t show it again.Hide this screen, but show it again, tomorrowHides all ads on your siteHint: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).HistoryHo Chi MinhHobartHold a comment in the queue if it contains %s or more links. (A common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks.)Hold a comment in the queue if it contains {{numberOfLinks /}} or more links. (A common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks.)HolidayHoly See (Vatican City State)HomeHome URLHome page / ArchivesHome page/ArchivesHomepageHondurasHong KongHonoluluHorizontalHorizontal lineHorizontal spaceHorizontallyHostelHourHour range between which subscriptions are delivered%(fromHour)s - %(toHour)sHours:HovdHover or tap to see Activate and Live Preview buttonsHovering over a row in the posts list will display action links that allow you to manage your post. You can perform the following actions:Hovering over a row in the users list will display action links that allow you to manage users. You can perform the following actions:How did they find you?How do I cancel my subscription?How do you want to promote the campaign?How does this work?How it works.How many items would you like to display?How many photos would you like to display?Howdy ###USERNAME###, You recently requested to have the email address on your account changed. If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it: ###ADMIN_URL### You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to take this action. This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy %1$s, Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. Use this URL to activate your account: %2$s Howdy %1$s, Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. Use this URL to activate your blog: %2$s Howdy %1$s, Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. Use this URL to confirm your email address and start publishing posts: %2$s Howdy %1$s, Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. Click the button below to activate your account.Howdy USERNAME, Your new account is set up. You can log in with the following information: Username: USERNAME Password: PASSWORD LOGINLINK Thanks! --The Team @ SITE_NAMEHowdy! Recently you were kind enough to give feedback on my draft "%1$s". It is now published! Thanks so much for your help. Here’s the published version, and please share if you wish: %2$s Regards, %3$sHowdy! %1$s would like to connect to %2$s.Howdy! This importer allows you to connect directly to LiveJournal and download all your entries and commentsHowdy! This importer allows you to extract posts from an RSS 2.0 file into your WordPress site. This is useful if you want to import your posts from a system that is not handled by a custom import tool. Pick an RSS file to upload and click Import.Howdy! This importer allows you to import posts and comments from your Blogger account into your WordPress blog.Howdy! Upload your WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) file and we’ll import the posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags into this site.Howdy! We’re about to begin importing all of your Movable Type or TypePad entries into WordPress. To begin, choose a file to upload and click Upload file and import.Howdy! Would you like to log in to %1$s using your %2$s account?Howdy,Howdy, %1$s commented on: %2$s. Comment URL: (%3$s) Post URL: (%4$s) Howdy, %1$s recently liked your post: %2$s Here is a link to the post they liked: %3$s %4$s If you don't want to be notified of Likes any more: %5$s Howdy, Thank you for signing up with Akismet.com. To activate your newly created account, please click on the following link: %s --The Akismet TeamHowdy, Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. You are one step away from activating all the features for %s. Please click this link to verify ownership of blog: %s --The WordPress.com TeamHowdy, Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. To activate your newly created account, please click on the following link: %s --The WordPress.com TeamHowdy, Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. To verify your newly created account, please click on the following link: %s --The WordPress.com TeamHugeHumorHungaryHyalite is a minimalistic, micro-blogging WordPress theme with a focus on typography and the ability to display a portfolio.I am ready!I forgot my passwordI understand, now let me continueI use it at home.I use it every where I go, at work and home and anywhere else that I can!I use it in school!I use it in school.I would like my links to be public, without being passed through a referrer hider.I would like my site to be private, visible only to myself and users I chooseI'm just starting out; leave me a comment or a like :)IDID #%1$s: %2$sID #%1$s: %2$s The current user will not be deleted.IO error.IP AddressIP:IcelandIconIcon + textIcon onlyIdahoIdenticon (Generated)If %1$s is disabled, ask your administrator to enable that module, or look at the Apache documentation or elsewhere for help setting it up.If a media file has not been attached to any content, you will see that in the Uploaded To column, and can click on Attach to launch a small popup that will allow you to search for existing content and attach the file.If a new user is created by WordPress, a password will be randomly generated. Manually change the user’s details if necessary.If a program or website you use allows you to export your links or subscriptions as OPML you may import them here.If an author specified in the import doesn't exist, their items will be reassigned to you.If desired, WordPress will automatically alert various services of your new posts.If the importer you need is not listed, search the plugin directory to see if an importer is available.If the link is to a person, you can specify your relationship with them using the above form. If you would like to learn more about the idea check out XFN.If this was a mistake, ignore this email and nothing will happen.If you already have an API keyIf you already own this domain %s because you registered it elsewhere, you can still use it for your WordPress.com blog.If you are expecting to see blogs that you are following here please check that you used the same email address and that they are not still pending.If you are having trouble with connections, please try these troubleshooting steps.If you are not automatically redirected, use this link:If you are not intending on transferring this domain to another registrar, you are advised to re-enable Domain Locking.If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress support forums.If you believe that content hosted on wordpress.com infringes your copyrights, you may send us an infringement notice by following the instructions at: %sIf you believe those infringement notices may have been incorrect or invalid, please click here to contact staff to find out how to file a formal dispute with the copyright holder.If you believe your account is deleted in error try our account recovery form and we'll do our best to get you running again.If you believe your account is suspended in error please contact usIf you believe your account is suspended in error please contact usIf you can’t drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks, copy the following code and create a new bookmark. Paste the code into the new bookmark’s URL field.If you can't think of a good password use the button below to generate one.If you change the width of the
poll you may also need to change
the width of your answers.If you change your mind and want to choose a different theme, use the “Back to previous step” link below.If you choose not to renew this upgrade, your previous media files will still be available. However, you will not be able to upload audio files or new media files after you have surpassed the default size limit.If you delete a link, it will be removed permanently, as Links do not have a Trash function yet.If you deleted the import file from your media library, this may have caused the problem. In this case, please try the import once more without deleting the import file. Don't worry -- the importer will delete the file automatically once the import has finished. If you did not request this change, please contact WordPress.com support, or visit your profile page and change your password by clicking the following linkIf you did not request this change, please contact WordPress.com support, or visit your profile page to re-enable it by clicking the following linkIf you do not know how to set up a database you should contact your host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress support forums.If you do not want a header image to be displayed on your site at all, click the “Remove Header Image” button at the bottom of the Header Image section of this page. If you want to re-enable the header image later, you just have to select one of the other image options and click “Save Changes”.If you do not want to use your %s site any more, you can delete it using the form below. When you click Delete My Site Permanently you will be sent an email with a link in it. Click on this link to delete your site.If you do not wish to be charged then please log in to your account and cancel the auto-renewal.If you don’t enter a password, ALL ENTRIES from your LiveJournal will be imported as public posts in WordPress.If you don't want this person to be able to view %s, simply ignore this email, and they will not receive access to your private site.If you have any entries on LiveJournal which are marked as private, they will be password-protected when they are imported so that only people who know the password can see them.If you have just installed the WordPress.com Stats plugin, this error probably appeared because the API key entered in the plugin belongs to a different WordPress.com user account.If you have not yet created any menus, click the ’create a new menu’ link to get startedIf you have posts or comments in another system, WordPress can import those into this site. To get started, choose a system to import from below:If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend printing out some backup codes and storing them in a safe place, in case your phone is lost or stolen.If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend printing out some backup codes and storing them in a safe place, in case your phone is lost or stolen.If you like what you saw in this summary and want to know more about how your blog is doing, you can always visit your Site Stats, where our helper-monkeys are working day and night to provide you with pages and pages of detail on how your blog is doing.If you reached this screen by accident and meant to visit one of your own sites, here are some shortcuts to help you find your way.If you reached this screen by accident and meant to visit one your own sites, here are some shortcuts to help you find your way.If you still cannot find it, please contact support.If you try to verify our computations using the numbers in these tables you might get different results. The logic is explained here.If you use more categories on your site, they will appear here.If you want to convert your categories to tags (or vice versa), use the Categories and Tags Converter available from the Import screen.If you want to remove the widget but save its setting for possible future use, just drag it into the Inactive Widgets area. You can add them back anytime from there. This is especially helpful when you switch to a theme with fewer or different widget areas.If you wish to continue using your subscription after this time then you will need to update your payment details.If you wish to continue using your subscription after this time then you will need to update your payment details. Please follow the link below:If you wish to keep this subscription, please update your card details or arrange another payment method.If your archive file contains more than one XML file, please upload them one by one.If your hosting provider has told you that you need to have a DNS zone or master zone created, enter your domain name below, and we may be able to add it for you right away.If your site does not display, please contact the owner of this network.If your theme has more than one default header image, or you have uploaded more than one custom header image, you have the option of having WordPress display a randomly different image on each page of your site. Click the “Random” radio button next to the Uploaded Images or Default Images section to enable this feature.IllinoisImageImage (%s)Images (%s)Image AddressImage Alignment:Image BorderImage CSS ClassImage CaptionImage Crop HelpImage Date/TimeImage Editor Save FailedImage FileImage GridImage LinkImage ListImage MarginsImage PositionImage PostImage Processing ErrorImage RepeatImage Settings:Image Size:Image TitleImage Title AttributeImage URLImage URL.Image Upload ErrorImage could not be processed.Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.Image crop area preview. Requires mouse interaction.Image crop failed.Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.Image default alignImage default link typeImage default sizeImage descriptionImage detailsImage flip failed.Image metadata is inconsistent.Image resize failed.Image restored successfully.Image rotate failed.Image savedImage sizesImage title:Image viewed: Image, Date, & TitleImagesImages of exactly %1$d × %2$d pixels will be used as-is.Images should be at least %s tall.Images should be at least %s wide.Images:ImportImport posts, comments, images and tags from a Xanga export file.Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a WordPress export file.Import AttachmentsImport BloggerImport BlogrollImport LiveJournalImport Movable Type or TypePadImport OPML FileImport RSSImport WordPressImport XangaImport author:Import links in OPML format.Import posts & media from Tumblr using their API.Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blogImport posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog.Import posts from LiveJournal using their API.Import posts from an RSS feed.Import posts, comments, and users from a Blogger blog.Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a WordPress export file.Import the next batchImport your blogroll from another systemImportant!Important:Imported comment batch %d of approximately %dImported post %s...Imported post batch %d of approximately %dImportingImporting PostsImporting attachment Importing post %s...Importing post...Importing...Importing…ImpressionsImpressions: In %1$d, there was %2$s new post, growing the total archive of this blog to %3$s posts.In %1$d, there were %2$s new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to %3$s posts.In %1$d, there was %2$s new post, not terrible for the first year!In %1$d, there were %2$s new posts, not bad for the first year!In %1$s, use the %2$s method, not the %3$s function. See %4$s.In 2014, our default theme lets you create a responsive magazine website with a sleek, modern design. Feature your favorite homepage content in either a grid or a slider. Use the three widget areas to customize your website, and change your content's layout with a full-width page template and a contributor page to show off your authors. Creating a magazine website with WordPress has never been easier.In ProgressIn a few words, explain what this site is about.In a few words, explain what your blog is about.In case you haven’t done it already, you can import the posts from your other blogs:In order to publish posts, please verify your email address by clicking the link in the confirmation email that we sent to %s.In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must be have Private Registration disabled.In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must be unlocked first.In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must both be unlocked and have Private Registration disabled.In reply to %s.In reply to: %sIn response toIn response to: %sIn the Comment column, hovering over any comment gives you options to approve, reply (and approve), quick edit, edit, spam mark, or trash that comment.In the In response to column, there are three elements. The text is the name of the post that inspired the comment, and links to the post editor for that entry. The View Post link leads to that post on your live site. The small bubble with the number in it shows the number of approved comments that post has received. If there are pending comments, a red notification circle with the number of pending comments is displayed. Clicking the notification circle will filter the comments screen to show only pending comments on that post.In the Submitted on column, the date and time the comment was left on your site appears. Clicking on the date/time link will take you to that comment on your live site.In the Header Text section of this page, you can choose whether to display this text or hide it. You can also choose a color for the text by clicking the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker.In total %s words were written.In your dashboard:InactiveInactive Sidebar (not used)Inactive WidgetsInches (in)IncludeInclude activity from commentersInclude activity from followersInclude activity from likersIncluded with planIncompatible Archive.Incorrect username or password.Increase indentIndentIndiaIndianIndianaIndianapolisIndonesiaInexistent terms.Infinite scrollInfoInheritInline toolbar (when an image, link or preview is selected)InsertInsert InstagramInsert Page Break tagInsert Read More tagInsert TweetInsert YouTubeInsert a Gravatar imageInsert audio playlistInsert column afterInsert column beforeInsert date/timeInsert from URLInsert galleryInsert imageInsert into PollInsert into PostInsert into pageInsert into postInsert linkInsert media from another websiteInsert row afterInsert row beforeInsert tableInsert videoInsert video playlistInsert/edit imageInsert/edit linkInserted %1$d links into category %2$s. All done! Go manage those links.Inserted %sInserted textInserting MediaInsightsInstallInstall %s nowInstall JetpackInstall NowInstall Parent ThemeInstall Press ThisInstall ThemesInstallation failed.Installed PluginsInstalling…Insufficient arguments passed to this XML-RPC method.Insufficient creditsInsufficient information provided.Insufficient permissionsInteractInteractiveInterestsInterface languageInternal Server Error: %sInternet Defense LeagueInuvikInvalidInvalid AccountInvalid Blavatar CropInvalid Data provided.Invalid Poll AuthorInvalid activation key.Invalid answersInvalid attachment ID.Invalid author ID.Invalid comment ID.Invalid comment status.Invalid data provided.Invalid data. No selected item.Invalid data. Unknown state.Invalid data. Unknown type.Invalid email addressInvalid email address.Invalid feed URLs: %sInvalid fileInvalid file typeInvalid form submission.Invalid image URL.Invalid item ID.Invalid key.Invalid menu ID.Invalid object type.Invalid parameter(s): %sInvalid parameter.Invalid payment method.Invalid plugin page.Invalid plugin path.Invalid postInvalid post ID.Invalid post format.Invalid post idInvalid post type.Invalid post.Invalid request signature or no blog id supplied.Invalid request signature.Invalid roleInvalid secret codeInvalid shortcode name: %1$s. Do not use spaces or reserved characters: %2$sInvalid shortcode name: Empty name given.Invalid taxonomy.Invalid taxonomy: %s.Invalid term ID.Invalid token.Invalid translation type.Invalid user ID.Invalid user data.Invalid username or password.Invalid value %1$s for %2$s. Expected value should be between %3$s and %4$s.Invalid value.Invitation email sent to new user. A confirmation link must be clicked before their account is created.Invitation email sent to user. A confirmation link must be clicked for them to be added to your site.Invitation(s) sent.Invite NewInvite New Users to Your BlogInvite New Users to Your Private BlogInvite your students to contribute to the blogIowaIqaluitIran, Islamic Republic ofIraqIrelandIrkutskIs Jetpack support open?Is there no link to us?Is your blog self-hosted? Head to the WordPress.org forums or learn about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.Isle of ManIsraelIstanbulIt does not look like your site has any menus yet. Want to build one? Click the button to start.It is up to search engines to honor this request.It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try visiting %s directly?It looks like the Apache %s module is not installed.It looks like you attempted to import your LiveJournal posts previously and got interrupted.It looks like you're using an insecure version of %s. Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser.It looks like you're using an old version of %s. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser.It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching will help:It seems your network is running with Nginx web server. Learn more about further configuration.It should arrive within 30 minutes.It was OKIt was great!It was not goodIt's easier than ever to comment on posts. Besides commenting directly on posts, you can comment in the Reader or even inside notifications. And remember, comments beget comments!It's important to keep your domain names' contact information (also known as your Whois information) updated at all times. We use this information to notify you of changes or requests for your domain names.ItalianItalicItalyItem added.Item deleted.Item not added.Item not updated.Item updated.Items deleted.Items listItems list navigationJSONP support is disabled on this site.Jabber / Google TalkJabber subscription deliveryJakartaJamaicaJanJan MayenJanuaryJanuary abbreviationJanJapanJapaneseJavaScriptJavaScript must be enabled to use this feature.JayapuraJerseyJerusalemJetpack BackupJetpack ConnectJetpack MonitorJetpack ProtectJetpack SecurityJetpack SupportJetpack Support Form OptionsJetpack Support is currently closed. Please come back later to submit a support request.Jetpack adds to your self-hosted blog features that used to be available only to WordPress.com blogs, such as WordPress.com-powered stats. If you would like to learn more about the features and installation requirements, please see our FAQ. If you are experiencing problems with your Jetpack, please see this troubleshooting guide.Jetpack is a plugin for self-hosted installations of WordPress. If your blog is hosted on WordPress.com, you do not need Jetpack. Its features are built in!Jetpack is faster than ever.

We put in a lot of work last summer to reduce the bandwidth Jetpack uses and speed up Related Posts caching. Let us know what you think!Jetpack presentsJetpack: Action user takes to disconnect Jetpack site from .comDisconnectJohannesburgJohnstonJoined %(month)s %(year)sJordanJubaJujuyJulJulyJuly abbreviationJulJump to…JunJuneJune abbreviationJunJuneauJust OKJust another %s siteJust another WordPress siteJust another WordPress.com weblogJust nowJust start creating: get a free site and be on your way to publishing your content in less than five minutes.JustifyKabulKaliningradKamchatkaKampalaKansasKantonKarachiKashgarKathmanduKatmanduKazakhstanKeep in mind that if you convert a category with child categories, the children become top-level orphans.Keep this link privateKeep your account safe by adding a backup email address and phone number. If you ever have problems accessing your account, WordPress.com will use what you enter here to verify your identity.KentuckyKenyaKerguelenKeyKeyboard ShortcutsKeyboard users: When you are working in the visual editor, you can use %s to access the toolbar.KeywordKeywordsKhandygaKhartoumKievKigaliKindleKinshasaKiribatiKiritimatiKirovKnoxKnox INKolkataKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKosovoKosraeKralendijkKrasnoyarskKuala LumpurKuchingKuwaitKwajaleinKyivKyrgyzstanLHILa PazLa RiojaLabelLabel for HTML form "Email" field in contact form builderEmailLabel for HTML form "Name" field in contact form builderNameLabel for HTML form "URL/Website" field in contact form builderWebsiteLabel for an option to be included in a user-created dropdown in contact form builderOptionLabel for hidden menu in a list on the Stats page.Show ActionsLabel for the set of options to be included in a user-created dropdown in contact form builderOptionsLabelsLabels: spicy, favorite, etc. Separate Labels with commasLagosLandmarkLanguageLanguage this blog is primarily written in.Language:Lao People's Democratic RepublicLargeLarge (128 pixels)Large sizeLarge size image heightLarge size image widthLast 12 monthsLast 24 hoursLast 3 monthsLast 31 daysLast 7 daysLast IPLast ModifiedLast NameLast PostLast UpdatedLast edited by %1$s on %2$s at %3$sLast edited on %1$s at %2$sLast modifiedLast nameLast pageLast updatedLast updated: %sLast weekLatestLatest PostsLatviaLaunched on %s.Launching CustomizerLayoutLayout IssuesLayout options:Learn MoreLearn WordPressLearn howLearn moreLearn more about %sLearn more about Custom DNS RecordsLearn more about Domain ContactsLearn more about Email ForwardingLearn more about Markdown.Learn more about Transferring a DomainLearn more about name serversLearn more about using {{a}}Google Analytics with WordPress.com{{/a}}.Learn more about why tags are important.Learn more.Leave BlogLeave a CommentLeave a ReplyLeave a Reply to %sLeave a commentLeave a replyLeave blogLebanonLeftLeft SidebarLegend label in stats all-time views tableFewer ViewsLegend label in stats all-time views tableMore ViewsLegend label in stats post trends visualizationFewer PostsLegend label in stats post trends visualizationMore PostsLength:LesothoLetterLeverage our powerful sharing tools to connect with guests and allow them to connect with you.LiberiaLibraryLibrevilleLibyaLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtensteinLightLikeLike thisLike this:LikedLiked by %s personLiked by %s peopleLiked by youLikesLikes NotificationsLikes and SharesLikes notificationsLikesLimaLindemanLine HeightLinkLink CSS ClassLink CSS classLink CategoriesLink CategoryLink IDLink Image To:Link RelLink Relationship (XFN)Link TargetLink TextLink ToLink To:Link URLLink VisibilityLink added.Link anchor (TinyMCE)AnchorLink anchors (TinyMCE)AnchorsLink colorLink inserted.Link my existing PollDaddy account.Link not found.Link optionsLink ratingLink selected.Link textLink text, e.g. “Ransom Demands (PDF)”Link thumbnails to:Link titleLink to Attachment PageLink to CustomizerCustomize your siteLink to Media FileLink to imageLink to:Linked BlogsLinkedInLinksLinks for %sLinks in the Toolbar at the top of the screen connect your dashboard and the front end of your site, and provide access to your profile and helpful WordPress information.Links listLinks may be separated into Link Categories; these are different than the categories used on your posts.Links to services that you use across the web.Links to your blog's RSS feedsLinks to your websites, blogs, or any other sites that help describe who you are.Links widgetRandomLisbonListList ViewList itemList viewListsLiteLithuaniaLive BroadcastLive ChatLive PreviewLive Preview “%s”Live Preview: %sLive SupportLive chat supportLiveJournalLiveJournal PasswordLiveJournal UsernameLiveJournal is not responding to authentication requests. Please wait a while and then try again.LjubljanaLoad MoreLoad StyleLoad moreLoad more picsLoad more postsLoad more tweetsLoadingLoading My Sites…Loading StatsLoading a page of Pages…Loading more results... please wait.Loading …Loading…Loading…Loading..Loading...Loading…Local PostsLocal time is %s.Local time is %1$sLocateLocatingLocationLocation Not FoundLocation of the uploaded file.Location:Log %s out of all locations.Log InLog OutLog Out EverywhereLog Out Everywhere ElseLog inLog in to ReplyLog in to leave a CommentLog in with a different accountLog outLog out of this accountLogged in as %2$s. Log out?Logging in to LiveJournal failed. Check your username and password and try again.LoginLogin Address (URL)Login NameLogin failedLogin to leave a comment.LogoLogout »LomeLondonLong description of your problem. Include error messages and links to screenshots, if available.Longest StreakLongreadsLongyearbyenLooking for %1$s in %2$sLooking for a theme? You can search or browse the WordPress.org theme directory, install and preview themes, then activate them right here.Looking for inspiration?Looking for more alternatives?Looks like something’s gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, and then try again.LoopLord HoweLos AngelesLost PasswordLost passwordLost your password?LotsLouisianaLouisvilleLower PrincesLuandaLubumbashiLusakaLuxembourgMM YM d, YM d, Y @ g:iaM j, Y @ G:iM j, Y @ H:iM j, Y g:i aM jSM jS YMB (Leave blank for network default)MacaoMacauMacedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic ofMaceioMacquarieMadagascarMadeiraMadridMagadanMagazineMagazinesMaheMail (will not be published)Mail ServerMainMain MenuMain Page (no parent)Main menuMaineMaintenanceMajuroMakassarMake VisibleMake it easy for readers to share your comicsMake it your ownMake privateMake publicMake sure all words are spelled correctly.Make sure you also keep the domain registration for "%1$s" renewed with your registrar.Make this post stickyMalaboMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaManageManage AudioManage BlogManage CommentsManage ImagesManage LocationsManage My ProfileManage PurchasesManage SubscriptionsManage UploadsManage VideoManage Your SubscriptionsManage all my sitesManage menusManage themesManage with Live PreviewManage your notificationsManaging PagesManaging pages is very similar to managing posts, and the screens can be customized in the same way.ManaguaManausMangaManga MediumManga NarrowManga WideManilaManitobaManual OffsetsMany columnsMany people take advantage of keyboard shortcuts to moderate their comments more quickly. Use the link to the side to learn more.Many themes show some sidebar widgets by default until you edit your sidebars, but they are not automatically displayed in your sidebar management tool. After you make your first widget change, you can re-add the default widgets by adding them from the Available Widgets area.Map a Domain Name You Already OwnMap a domain name you already own to your WordPress.com blogMap to existingMapping a domain name you already own makes your blog more memorable and easier for your readers to find.MaputoMarMarchMarch abbreviationMarMarengoMarginMariehamnMarigotMark New Posts "To Do"Mark as SpamMark as doneMark this comment as spamMark this comment as spam.Mark this message as NOT spamMark this message as spamMarkdownMarkdown contentMarquesasMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMarylandMaseruMassachusettsMatamorosMatch caseMatch header imageMatureMature (%s)Mature (%s)MauritaniaMauritiusMawsonMax HeightMax WidthMaximum RatingMaximum font percentage:Maximum number of posts to show (no more than 10):Maximum number of tags displayedMaximum size: %sMaximum upload file size: %s.MayMay abbreviationMayMaybe you have renamed or deleted your account. If you believe your account is deleted in error try our account recovery form and we'll do our best to get you running again.Maybe you have renamed your account.MayotteMazatlanMbabaneMcMurdoMeMediaMedia FileMedia LibraryMedia SettingsMedia WidthMedia Width:Media fileMedia file attached.Media file detached.Media file moved to the Trash.Media file permanently deleted.Media file restored from the Trash.Media file updated.Media items listMedia items list navigationMedia libraryMedia service "%s" was not foundMediumMedium (96 pixels)Medium sizeMedium size image heightMedium size image widthMedium-Large size image heightMedium-Large size image widthMelbourneMemberMembershipMemory exceeded. Please try another smaller file.MendozaMenomineeMenuMenu ItemMenu LocationMenu LocationsMenu ManagementMenu NameMenu OptionsMenu SectionMenu SectionsMenu SettingsMenu createdMenu deletedMenu item addedMenu item deletedMenu item is now a sub-itemMenu item moved downMenu item moved out of submenuMenu item moved upMenu item published. View itemMenu item saved.Menu item updated.Menu locations updated.Menu orderMenu structureMenusMenus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme or in widget areas by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget.Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme.Merge table cellsMeridaMessageMessage could not be decodedMessage on empty bar chart in StatsNo activity this periodMessagesMetaMetadataMetlakatlaMexicoMexico CityMichiganMicroMicroformatsMicronesiaMicronesia, Federated States ofMiddleMidwayMinimum font percentage:MinnesotaMinskMinuteMinutes: MiquelonMiscellaneousMissed scheduleMissingMissing %s parameterMissing AttachmentMissing WidgetsMissing a temporary folder.Missing email address.Missing menu name.(unnamed)Missing or invalid site id.Missing parameter(s): %sMissing post ID.Missing required %(description)s fieldMission complete. Message %s deleted.MississippiMissouriMixedMobileMobile AppsMobile ThemeModerate CommentModerating CommentsModeratorModifyModify your %2$s.MogadishuMoldovaMoldova, Republic ofMonMonacoMonctonMondayMonday initialMMongoliaMonitorMonroviaMonsterID (Generated)MontanaMontenegroMonterreyMontevideoMonthMonth and nameMonthly Archives: Monthly TotalsMonthly archivesMonthsMonths and YearsMonths and yearsMonticelloMontrealMontserratMoreMore DetailsMore InfoMore OptionsMore Stats for %sMore about %s...More actionsMore detailsMore details can be found on our support page.More informationMore information about %sMore information:More optionsMoroccoMoscowMost Active (%s)Most PopularMost Popular ContentMost RecentMost Used CategoriesMost popularMovable Type and TypePadMoveMove “%s” to the TrashMove downMove down oneMove one level downMove one level upMove out from under %sMove previousMove this comment to the TrashMove this comment to the trash.Move this item to the TrashMove toMove to TrashMove to another area…Move to the topMove to trashMove under %sMove upMove up oneMove widgetMoveMozambiqueMultiple choiceMultiple itemsMultisite support is not enabled.MuscatMusicMusic MediumMusic WideMusicianMusings & PersonalMuteMy @MentionsMy BlogsMy CommunityMy DomainsMy FollowersMy GravatarMy LikesMy LinksMy PostsMy ProfileMy Public ProfileMy SiteMy SitesMy Support HistoryMy TweetsMy accountMy shopping cartMy, aren't you a prolific publisher! Take a look at all the achievements you've earned so far. Maybe you should blog about 'em.MyanmarMystery PersonN/ANSWNairobiNameName (Required)Name (required)Name ServersName for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)TextName of link anchor (TinyMCE)NameName serversName servers point your domain to the right website host. When your domain uses the WordPress.com name servers, it points to WordPress.com. Most other hosting providers have their own name servers. If you set it to use your new host’s name servers, the domain will point to your new host.Name your blogName your siteName:NamibiaNarrowNassauNatureNauruNavigationNavigation LabelNavigation MenuNavigation Menu ItemNavigation Menu ItemsNavigation MenusNdjamenaNebraskaNeed More Help?Need an account?Need extra help? Visit the %3$s support forum.Need help getting started? Visit our zero-to-hero guideNeed help? No problem!Need help? Use the Help tab above the screen title.Need more help?Need some help? Visit the theme support section or the theme forums to get expert advice.NepalNero RatingNetherlandsNetherlands AntillesNetwork AdminNetwork Admin EmailNetwork Admin: %sNetwork Enable %sNetwork SettingsNetwork configuration authentication keysNetwork configuration rules for %sNetwork functions are disabled.NevadaNeverNever ExpiresNever Expires (VIP Hosting)Never send emailNew %1$s Site: %2$sNew %1$s User: %2$sNew %sNew AddressNew BrunswickNew CaledoniaNew Category NameNew DraftNew E-mail: %sNew HampshireNew ItemNew JerseyNew Link Category NameNew Menu Sections NameNew MexicoNew PageNew PasswordNew PostNew ProjectNew Project Tag NameNew Project Type NameNew RowNew SalemNew Site Registration: %sNew Site: %1$s URL: %2$s Remote IP address: %3$s Disable these notifications: %4$sNew Tag NameNew TemplateNew TestimonialNew User Default RoleNew User Registration: %sNew User: %1$s Remote IP address: %2$s Disable these notifications: %3$sNew Username: %sNew WordPress SiteNew YorkNew ZealandNew achievementNew blogs followed: %sNew category nameNew commentNew comment by %sNew comment by someoneNew comment likeNew comment on %sNew comment on %1$sNew comment on %sNew comment on your post "%s"New credit cardNew dimensions:New documentNew fieldNew followerNew likeNew passwordNew pingback on %sNew pingback on your post "%s"New postNew post by %sNew posts you publish will appear in the Reader stream below. You’ll also see new posts from other blogs that you are following. You can visit your blog by using the 'My Blogs' menu above.New reblogNew site created by %1$s Address: %2$s Name: %3$sNew theme activated.New tip!New to AkismetNew to CSS? Learn about CSS editing and how to find theme CSS. Questions? Ask in the CSS Customization forum.New to WordPress.com? New trackback on %sNew trackback on your post "%s"New user created.New user registration on the blog %s:New user registration on your site %s:New users are automatically assigned a password, which they can change after logging in. You can view or edit the assigned password by clicking the Show Password button. The username cannot be changed once the user has been added.New users will receive an email letting them know they’ve been added as a user for your site. This email will also contain their password. Check the box if you do not want the user to receive a welcome email.New version available. New windowNewDash Comments Activity FeedView All CommentsNewDash GroupsAre you sure you want to add this site to the group?NewDash GroupsAre you sure you want to delete this group?NewDash GroupsAre you sure you want to remove this site from the group?NewDash GroupsAre you sure you want to remove this user from the group?NewDash GroupsError: Unable to add that site to the group.NewDash GroupsError: Unable to create the group.NewDash GroupsError: Unable to delete the group.NewDash GroupsError: Unable to remove that site from the group.NewDash GroupsError: Unable to remove that user from the group.NewDash GroupsError: Unable to update group settings.NewDash GroupsThe group settings were updated successfully.NewDash GroupsThe group was created successfully.NewDash GroupsThe site was added to the group successfully.NewDash GroupsThe site was removed from the group successfully.NewDash GroupsThe user was removed from the group successfully.NewDash Page TitleBilling HistoryNewDash Page TitleCheckoutNewDash Page TitleComments I MadeNewDash Page TitleConnect JetpackNewDash Page TitleConnected AppsNewDash Page TitleConnected BlogsNewDash Page TitleCreate GroupNewDash Page TitleCustomizeNewDash Page TitleDomain RegistrationNewDash Page TitleDomainsNewDash Page TitleEarningsNewDash Page TitleEdit DraftNewDash Page TitleEdit GroupNewDash Page TitleEdit PostNewDash Page TitleExplore TagsNewDash Page TitleFind FriendsNewDash Page TitleFollowed SitesNewDash Page TitleFreshly PressedNewDash Page TitleGroupNewDash Page TitleHelpNewDash Page TitleLocal PostsNewDash Page TitleMy AccountNewDash Page TitleMy ActivityNewDash Page TitleMy DomainsNewDash Page TitleMy GroupsNewDash Page TitleMy StatsNewDash Page TitleMy UpgradesNewDash Page TitleNew PostNewDash Page TitleNotificationsNewDash Page TitlePasswordNewDash Page TitlePosts I LikeNewDash Page TitlePublic ProfileNewDash Page TitleRecommended BlogsNewDash Page TitleSecurityNewDash Page TitleSettingsNewDash Page TitleSubscriptions DeliveryNewDash Page TitleTrophy CaseNewDash Page TitleUpgradeNewDash Page TitleWordPress ThemesNewDash Update PostWhoops! Looks like something went wrong. Try again?NewDash Update PostHey there. Looks like the post you were looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already been deleted?NewDash Update PostHey there. Looks like the post you were looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already been restored?NewDash Update PostHey there. Looks like the post you were looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already in your trash?NewDash Update PostHey there. Looks like the post you were looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's in your trash?NewDash Update PostWoah there! Looks like you don't have permission to do that. You should try contacting your site admin and see if they can help.Newdash noticesAn error occurred listing themes. Try reloading the page or contact support.Newdash noticesAn error occurred while loading that page. Try reloading the page or contact support.Newdash noticesAn error occurred while trying to unfollow that blog. Try again or contact support.Newdash noticesFailed to activate that theme. Try again or contact support.Newdash noticesNo themes were found matching those criteria. Sorry!Newdash noticesNo themes were found. Try reloading the page or contact support.NewerNewer CommentsNewer Comments »Newer Comments Newer commentsNewer postsNewer posts NewestNewest posts firstNewfoundlandNewly registered domain names can be canceled for a full refund within 96 hours of registration.NewsNews & Current EventsNextNext >Next »Next →Next PageNext Page »Next Payment:Next PostNext Step →Next StepsNext billing dateNext imageNext pageNext post link→Next stepsNext: NiameyNicaraguaNicename may not be longer than 50 characters.NicknameNicosiaNigerNigeriaNipigonNiueNoNo %1$s was set in the arguments array for the "%2$s" sidebar. Defaulting to "%3$s". Manually set the %1$s to "%3$s" to silence this notice and keep existing sidebar content.No AdsNo AvatarsNo CommentsNo Comments »No Comments on %sNo Instagram images were found.No LabelsNo Labels foundNo Projects foundNo RepliesNo ResponsesNo SMS? Check your email for the password reset email.No Testimonials foundNo Testimonials found in TrashNo TitleNo Topic or Blog URL givenNo WordPress.com blog foundNo WordPress.com blog or external site feed found at the supplied URLNo activity yet!No adsNo alignmentNo approved commentsNo author mapping was found in the file you provided. As such, all imported posts will be assigned to you. Press submit to continue.No authorized applications were found.No billing history found for your account.No blog data was given in the request.No blogs foundNo blogs... yet.No callback action taken.No categoriesNo categories found.No changeset found to take overNo clicks have been recorded on your site yet.No clicks have been recorded yet.No clicks recorded.No code was provided to the endpoint to validate.No colorNo commentsNo comments awaiting moderation.No comments found.No comments yet.No coupons foundNo credit cards stored for your account.No data foundNo device has been confirmed.No editor could be selected.No feedback has been given yet No file selectedNo file was uploaded.No imageNo image selectedNo image setNo images selectedNo importers are available.No itemsNo items found.No items.No links found.No list givenNo list item givenNo logo selectedNo logo setNo matching receipts foundNo media files found.No media items found.No menus have been created yet. Create some.No message suppliedNo method suppliedNo notificationsNo other sites have sent you traffic yet.No pages foundNo pages found in Trash.No pages found.No pages match your search for {{searchTerm/}}.No pending commentsNo pics matched your search queryNo plugin specified.No plugins found.No post?No posts for the selected topic foundNo posts foundNo posts found in Trash.No posts found.No posts found. Try a different search?No posts have been viewed yet.No ratings have been collected for your %s yet.No receipts found.No results foundNo results found for your search. Please try to refine your search or contact us for additional help.No results found.No roleNo route was found matching the URL and request methodNo route was found matching the URL and request method.No search engines have sent you traffic yet.No search term specified. Showing recent items.No site exists at that address, did you want to change your site address?No sites foundNo sites found.No stats are available for this time period.No such blog was foundNo such theme foundNo tagsNo tags foundNo tags found.No thanks, do not remind me againNo theme specified.No themes are currently available.No themes found.No themes found. Try a different search.No titleNo topic tags found.No tweets matched your search queryNo user found.No valid plugins were found.No videos matched your search query.No videos played.NomeNonbreaking spaceNoneNone, just display the badge pleaseNone, this is a topic about using WordPress.comNone, this is an announcement (moderators only)NorfolkNorfolk IslandNormalNoronhaNorthNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorthwest TerritoriesNorwayNorwegianNot ConnectedNot FoundNot Found.Not SpamNot StickyNot StoredNot all changes have been saved to the server yet. Please stay on this page until they are saved.Not connectedNot foundNot goodNot on %s?Not setNot supported in Internet Explorer.Note that %1$s is a subdomain of %2$s, which is available for registration. After you register it, you can set up the subdomain to use for your blog.Note that you crop the image by clicking on it (the Crop icon is already selected) and dragging the cropping frame to select the desired part. Then click Save to retain the cropping.Note that your blog is always available at its default address, "%1$s".Note:Note: Neither of these options blocks access to your site — it is up to search engines to honor your request.NotesNothing FoundNothing to Read!Nothing to save, the image has not changed.Nothing was imported. Have you already imported this blog?Notice:NotificationsNotify me of new comments via email.NouakchottNoumeaNoun, as in: "The author of this post is..."AuthorNoun, as in: "The user role of that can access this widget is..."RoleNoun, as in: "This page is a date archive."DateNoun, as in: "This post has one tag."TagNoun, as in: "This post has one taxonomy."TaxonomyNoun: title of mention notificationMentionNovNova ScotiaNova label separator, NovemberNovember abbreviationNovNovokuznetskNovosibirskNowNow select a category you want to put these links in.Now that you have imported your Blogger blog into WordPress, what are you going to do? Here are some suggestions:Now we will download your comments so we can import them (this could take a long time if you have lots of comments)...NumberNumber of Posts to Display:Number of Tags:Number of Themes found: %dNumber of blogs to show:Number of columns:Number of comments to show:Number of items found: %dNumber of items per page:Number of links to show:Number of links:Number of posts to show for each author:Number of posts to show:Number to display:Number to show:Number/count of itemsCountNumbered listNumericNunavutNuukOKObject type.Occasionally, some of your visitors may see an advertisement here,
as well as a Privacy & Cookies banner at the bottom of the page.OctOctoberOctober abbreviationOctOfficial buttonsOhioOjinagaOkOklahomaOld Record: %sOlderOlder CommentsOlder commentsOlder postsOlder than 2 daysOlder than a monthOlder than a weekOldestOldest posts firstOmanOmskOnOn MobileOn for all commentsOn some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_%1$s. Could that be the problem?On the next page, click "Install" again on the bottom right.On this page, you are able to view stats on spam filtered on your site.Once DailyOnce HourlyOnce generated, your WXR file can be imported by another WordPress site or by another blogging platform able to access this format.Once you have made your selection, you can adjust it by entering the size in pixels. The minimum selection size is the thumbnail size as set in the Media settings.Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, the user will be permanently removed.Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, these users will be permanently removed.Once you’ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function in another WordPress installation to import the content from this site.One ColumnOne ResponseOne account connected.%d accounts connected.One blogger likes thisOne blogger likes this.One columnOne commentOne email address per line.One of the plugins is invalid.One of the selected users is not a member of this site.One responseOne response to %sOne.OnlineOnlyOnly blog owners can migrate subscribers.Only if you're signing in from a device that only you use do we recommend selecting this option. For example, a personal laptop or tablet.Only jpeg and png can be used for blavatars.Only logged in users may change resolved statusOnly show percentagesOnly the letters a-z and numbers allowedOnly these characters are allowed: "%s".Only users who can switch themes on this blog can preview them.OntarioOodles of gorgeous WordPress themes for your blogOops!Oops! Nothing FoundOops! Something went wrong and your request could not be processed. Please try again or Contact Support if you continue to have trouble. Oops! Something went wrong.Oops! That embed cannot be found.Oops! That page can’t be found.Oops, wordpress.com does not belong to you. Please provide your specific website address.Oops: %sOpenOpen Press ThisOpen Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)no-subsetOpen Sans font: on or offonOpen link in a new tabOpen link in a new window/tabOpen links in new tabOpen sharing dialogOpen site editorOpens in new windowOptionalOptionsOptions have been updatedOptions saved.OrOr choose an image from your media library:Or choose from your local disk:Or go to manage your site.Or link to existing contentOralOrangeOrderOrder DetailsOrder SummaryOrder Top Posts & Pages By:Order byOrder detailsOrder images by:Order summaryOrder:OregonOrganizationOrganize my uploads into month- and year-based foldersOrganizer:Original dimensions %sOriginal: %sOsloOtherOther (see below)Other AnswerOther Email AddressOther InputOther Notifications!Other Search EnginesOther WordPress NewsOther comment settingsOther user roles have been changed.Other users have been deleted.Other users have been removed.OuagadougouOur 2015 default theme is clean, blog-focused, and designed for clarity. Twenty Fifteen's simple, straightforward typography is readable on a wide variety of screen sizes, and suitable for multiple languages. We designed it using a mobile-first approach, meaning your content takes center-stage, regardless of whether your visitors arrive by smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions & help you set up your site.Our StoryOur stats helper monkeys have been busy putting together a personalized report detailing how your blog did in %d!Our support team has been notified and will contact you once we receive the transfer code for this domain.Out from under %sOutdentOverallOverviewP2 Resolved Posts is enabled. You'll also need to activate the P2 theme to start using the plugin.P2sPDF embedPDF settingsPG — Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and abovePHP SessionsPMPOST FROM ANYWHEREPacificPaddingPagePage %1$s of %2$sPage %dPage %sPage ArchivesPage AttributesPage IDPage IDs, separated by commas.Page Not FoundPage Widget AreaPage breakPage deleted.Page draft updated.Page not foundPage orderPage published.Page restored to revision from %s.Page saved.Page scheduled for: %s.Page submitted.Page titlePage title: Plugin detail%(pluginName)s PluginPage updated.PagesPages are similar to posts in that they have a title, body text, and associated metadata, but they are different in that they are not part of the chronological blog stream, kind of like permanent posts. Pages are not categorized or tagged, but can have a hierarchy. You can nest pages under other pages by making one the “Parent” of the other, creating a group of pages.Pages listPages list navigationPages:Pageviews across blogs we host here on WordPress.com, both on subdomains and their own domains, or externally-hosted blogs that use our Jetpack plugin.PaginationPago PagoPaidPakistanPalauPalestinePalestinian Territory, OccupiedPalettePalmerPanamaPangnirtungPaperPaper MediumPaper NarrowPaper WidePapua New GuineaParagraphParaguayParamariboParentParent CategoryParent Category:Parent Menu SectionParent Menu Section:Parent Page:Parent Project TypeParent Project Type:Parent categoryParent category:Parent term does not exist.ParisPartial render must echo the content or return the content string (or array), but not both.PasswordPassword ResetPassword changed for user: %sPassword must be at least %d characters.Password protectedPassword requiredPassword reset is not allowed for this userPassword was not specified with password key.Password:Password: %sPasswords may not contain the character "\".Past six monthsPastePaste URL or type to searchPaste as textPaste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.Paste table row afterPaste table row beforePaste the HTML code you want to embed in the source code area below. Click "Insert into post" to generate an embed shortcode and automatically paste it into the content.Paste your embed code below:PathPausePay what you wantPaymentPayment MethodPayment ProblemPayment cancelled.Payment:PendingPending - Registration takes up to %sPending (%s)Pending (%s)Pending ReviewPending status, username, post title%1$s linked to your post %2$s.PennsylvaniaPeoplePeople clicked links from these pages to get to your site.Percent (%)Percent change is computed from weekly averages before they are rounded.PeriodPermalink SettingsPermalink to %sPermalink:Permalink: %sPermalinksPermanently delete commentPersonalPersonal LinksPersonal OptionsPersonal SettingsPerthPeruPetersburgPhilippinesPhnom PenhPhoenixPhonePhone:Photo galleryPhotobloggingPhotographyPhotosPick a Background PatternPingbackPingback excerpt: Pingback from %1$s to %2$s registered. Keep the web talking! :-)Pingback:PingsPinkPitcairnPlain BlackPlain Black MediumPlain Black NarrowPlain Black WidePlain TextPlain WhitePlain White MediumPlain White NarrowPlain White WidePlansPlastic BlackPlastic Black MediumPlastic Black NarrowPlastic Black WidePlastic GreyPlastic Grey MediumPlastic Grey NarrowPlastic Grey WidePlastic WhitePlastic White MediumPlastic White NarrowPlastic White WidePlayPlay SlideshowPlaylist SettingsPlaylistsPlaysPlays: Please upgrade WordPress to a current version, or downgrade to version 2.4 of the Akismet plugin.Please contact support.Please contact support if you wish to delete a registered domain.Please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed.Please Verify Your Email AddressPlease check your Akismet configuration and contact your web host if problems persist.Please check your text messages at the phone number ending with %s and enter the verification code.Please choose a poll stylePlease choose whether you would like sites in your WordPress network to use sub-domains or sub-directories.Please click the verification link in the e-mail.Please complete the configuration steps. To create a new network, you will need to empty or remove the network database tables.Please configure your Twitter username for the Twitter Widget.Please confirm you would like to setup this email forwarding: Please confirm your email addressPlease contact Akismet support for assistance.Please describe the problem.Please do not use this form for general support questions.Please enter a commentPlease enter a complete domain name - e.g. yourgroovydomain.comPlease enter a list namePlease enter a list titlePlease enter a password.Please enter a site name.Please enter a site title.Please enter a topic namePlease enter a usernamePlease enter a username.Please enter a valid blog URLPlease enter a valid domain or URL (e.g. example.com, blog.example.com, example.com/blog)Please enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email address.Please enter a valid menu name.Please enter an activation URL or keyPlease enter correct email address.Please enter the URL and description of the site you want to add to your profile.Please enter your LiveJournal username and password so we can download your posts and comments.Please enter your email address herePlease follow the link below:Please include a %s template in your theme.Please log in again.Please log in to a WordPress.com accountPlease log in to change post states.Please login to %s directly to disconnect it from your account.Please login with your Master Password and authentication code to continue.Please make sure the Apache %s module is installed as it will be used at the end of this installation.Please provide a brief description of your reasons for canceling:Please provide a custom field name.Please provide a custom field value.Please provide a phone numberPlease provide a short description of the problem you have experienced.Please provide a valid email address.Please provide a valid email.Please provide an email address at which we can contact you.Please provide an email address.Please provide further details about the problem you have experienced.Please provide the following information so that we can try to help you recover your account. Without proper validating information, we may not be able to help you recover your account. Read more about the process here.Please provide the username, registered email, or URL of the specific blog you are contacting us about.Please rate your support experiencePlease read carefully. This will change your site's address (currently %s). This process cannot be reversed.Please save this email. If you get locked out of your account in the future, this email will help us restore access to your account.Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information.Please select a filePlease select an option.Please select one or more sites to add to your profile.Please select your countryPlease supply a valid country code.Please supply a valid phone number.Please supply the birthdate parameters.Please switch to the 'Twitter Timeline' widget. This widget will be going away in the future and the new widget allows for more customization.Please tell us what you’re looking for.Please try again later.Please try again.Please try uploading this file with the %1$sbrowser uploader%2$s.Please update WordPress nowPlease upload a valid WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) export file.Please visit your Akismet account page to reactivate your subscription.PluginPlugin DataPlugin activatedPlugin activated.Plugin activation via this UI has been disabled from within your theme.Plugin could not be deleted.Plugin deactivatedPlugin deactivated.Plugin downgrade failed.Plugin downgraded successfully.Plugin file does not exist.Plugin namePlugin updated successfully.PluginsPlugins %sPocketPodcastPodcast talent namePodgoricaPohnpeiPolandPoliciesPolishPollPoll BoxPoll closed.Poll could not be createdPoll could not be updatedPoll created.Poll deleted.Poll not foundPoll opened.Poll updated.PollsPolls in WordPressPonapePontianakPopularPopular Culture & EntertainmentPopular PluginPopular Project TagsPopular TagsPopular languagesPopular tagsPortPort MoresbyPort of SpainPort-au-PrincePortfolioPortfolio ProjectsPortfolio pages display at most %1$s projectsPortfoliosPorto AcrePorto VelhoPorto-NovoPortugalPortuguesePositionPostPost #%d [deleted]Post #%sPost %s already exists.Post %s already exists.Post ActionsPost ArchivesPost CommentPost FormatPost FormatsPost ThumbnailPost TypePost Type ArchivePost TypesPost Via EmailPost a CommentPost already importedPost by %1$sPost by %s.Post by EmailPost by Email was disabledPost by Email was enabledPost draft updated.Post formatAsidePost formatAudioPost formatChatPost formatGalleryPost formatImagePost formatLinkPost formatQuotePost formatStandardPost formatStatusPost formatVideoPost metaPost metadata has been downloaded, proceeding with posts...Post namePost navigationPost not found.Post published.Post restored to revision from %s.Post saved.Post scheduledPost scheduled for: %s.Post submitted.Post titlePost toPost typePost type names must be between 1 and 20 characters in length.Post type:Post updated.Post via emailPostal CodePostedPosted by %sPosted by: %sPosted in %1$sPosted in %sPosted title:Posted:PosterPoster ImagePoster imagePosting PatternsPosting activityPosting toPostsPosts & CommentsPosts & pagesPosts I LikePosts PagePosts Per PagePosts PublishedPosts by %1$s (%2$s)Posts by %sPosts categorized as %sPosts containing ‘%s’ (%d)Posts listPosts list navigationPosts navigationPosts pagePosts page: %sPosts published from blogs we host here on WordPress.com, both on subdomains and their own domains, or externally-hosted blogs that use our Jetpack plugin.Posts published on %sPowered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform.PraguePreloadPreload Basic StylePremiumPremium PlanPremium ThemePremium ThemesPremium WordPress Themes at WordPress.comPremium themePreparing author mapping form...Press ThisPress This is a little tool that lets you grab bits of the web and create new posts with ease.Press This!PreviewPreview %sPreview “%s”Preview ChangesPreview THEME-NAME onPreview %s onPreview and InsertPreview as a browser iconPreview as an app iconPreview pagePreview postPreview:Preview: changes must be saved or they will be lostPreviewing and CustomizingPreviewing themePreviousPrevious PagePrevious PostPrevious imagePrevious pagePrevious post link←Previously Billed ToPreviously edited copies of the image will not be deleted.PricePrice:PrimaryPrimary BlogPrimary MenuPrimary NavigationPrimary SitePrimary blog was changedPrimary sitePrince Edward IslandPrintPrint account recovery codesPrinted:PrivacyPrivacy PolicyPrivacy SettingsPrivacy SettingsSettingsPrivatePrivate (%s)Private (%s)Private BlogPrivate Events:Private RegistrationPrivate feeds that you don't have access to: %sPrivate keyPrivate: %sPrivately PublishedProPro Tip:ProceedProcessingProcessing next batch.Processing…ProductProduct purchased.%s Products purchasedProfileProfile PictureProfile linksProfile updated.ProjectProject TagProject TagsProject TypeProject TypesProject item draft updated. Preview projectProject published. View projectProject restored to revision from %sProject saved.Project scheduled for: %1$s. Preview projectProject submitted. Preview projectProject updated.Project updated. View itemProjectsPromotePromoted %s (WordPress.com user) to administrator.PromptProtected Comments: Please enter your password to view comments.Protected Post PasswordProtected: %sProudly powered by WordPressPublicPublic (%s)Public (%s)Public display namePublic, StickyPublicizePublicize to my Facebook Timeline:Publicize your posts on Google+.PublishPublish »Publish immediatelyPublish SettingsPublish immediatelyPublish your first blog postPublish your posts as Path moments.Publish your posts on LinkedIn.Publish your posts on TwitterPublish your posts on a Tumblr blog.Publish your posts to your Facebook timeline or page.Publish your posts to your Facebook wall or page.Publish your posts to your LinkedIn profile.Publish your posts to your Tumblr blog.Publish your posts to your Twitter account.PublishedPublished (%s)Published (%s)Published:Publishing PostPublishing SoonPublishing…Puerto RicoPunta ArenasPurchase THEME-NAME forPurchase %s forPurchase this themePurchasesPurplePut your mouse over your Gravatar to check out your profile.PyongyangQRCodeQatarQostanayQualityQuarterQuebecQueenslandQuestionQuick DraftQuick EditQuick access to popular views of your o2Quick edit “%s” inlineQuick edit this comment inlineQuick EditQuoteQuotesQyzylordaR — Intended for adult audiences above 17RSS - %sRSS AddressRSS FeedRSS LinksRTL Language SupportRadioRainy RiverRandomRandom OrderRandom Order:Randomize answer orderRandomize suggested headersRandomize uploaded headersRandomizing suggested headersRandomizing uploaded headersRangoonRankin InletRarotongaRateRate DownRate ThisRate UpRate this:RatedRatingRating SettingsRating StyleRatingsRe-adding...Reach out to your own subscribers with WordPress.com.ReadRead %sRead BlogsRead MoreRead More...Read more about this featureRead more…Read more.Read more...Read more:Read the rest of this entry »Read the rest of this entry →Read the rest of this page »ReaderReader SubscriptionsReadingReading SettingsReady to get started?Ready to publish your first post? Get started here.Ready to publish your first post? Simply use the form above.Ready!Real Estate AgentReblogReblog this post on your main site.RebloggedReblogged by %s personReblogged by %s peopleReblogged fromReblogged on WordPress.comReblogsRebuild my comment threads »ReceiptReceipt #%sReceipt DateReceipt IDReceipt ID:Receipt IdReceipt TypeReceipt Type:ReceiptsRecentRecent ActivityRecent CommentsRecent DraftsRecent PostsRecent TransactionsRecent UpdatesRecent WeeksRecent postsRecent results forRecent weeksRecentlyRecently PublishedRecifeRecommended BlogsReconnectReconnecting…Recovery SMS numberRecovery code has been sent.Recovery email addressRedRed Cat BadgeRedditRedoReferrerReferrersReferrers for %1$s days ending %2$sReferrers for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)RefreshRefundRefund SummaryRefund amount larger than original transactionRefunded ToRefundsRegenerateReginaRegisterRegister A WordPress.com Blog »Register Another Blog »Register NowRegister a New Domain NameRegister a new domain name or map one you already own to your WordPress.com blogRegistering a custom domain name makes your blog more memorable and easier for your readers to find.Registration complete. Please check your email.Registration confirmation will be emailed to you.RejectedRelatedRelated TagsRelated TopicsRelationshipReleased: %d.RelevanceReligionRemember MeRemember for 30 daysRemember for 30 days.Remember meRemember to click the Add New User button at the bottom of this screen when you are finished.Remember to click the Update Profile button when you are finished.Remember, once deleted your site cannot be restored.Remember, you need to log in with your %1$s account, not your %2$s account.Remind Me LaterRemote file error: %sRemote file has cache lock, skippingRemote file is incorrect sizeRemote file is too large, limit is %sRemote file returned error response %1$d %2$sRemote file returned error response %dRemote server did not respondRemoveRemove App ConnectionRemove Background ImageRemove Header ImageRemove ImageRemove Menu Item: %1$s (%2$s)Remove NameserverRemoveRemove UserRemove Users from SiteRemove audio sourceRemove featured imageRemove from my cartRemove imageRemove like from commentRemove like from postRemove linkRemove poster imageRemove resolved flagRemove this URLRemove video sourceRemovedRemoved %s (WordPress.com user) from this site.Removing %1$s manually will cause PHP warnings. Use the %2$s filter instead.Removing and ReusingRemoving this application's connection to your WordPress.com account blocks this application from accessing your information.Removing...Removing…RenameRenewRenew %sRenewal ProblemRenewingRenewing %1$s for another year costs %2$s.Renewing this upgrade for another year costs %1$s.Renews on Renews on %sReorder menu itemsReorder mode closedReorder mode enabledReorder widgetsRepeatRepeat New PasswordRepeat PasswordReplaceReplace FeedBurner with our Email Subscriptions to gain more features.Replace audioReplace the current {post_type} with the selected {post_type}Replace the current %s with the selected %s?Replace videoReplyReply Failed: Please, try again.Reply posted!Reply successful, view threadReply toReply to %sReply to CommentReply to the email with 'unsubscribe %s' as the email subject or first line of the body (also including this one)Reply to this commentReply to this comment.Reply to thread »Request FeedbackRequest Transfer CodeRequest a refund for %sRequired fields are indicated; the rest are optional. Profile information will only be displayed if your theme is set up to do so.Required fields are marked %sRequired?RequirementsResearchResend CodeResend EmailResend ICANN Verification EmailResend Verification EmailReservation InquiryReservationsResetReset ImageReset PasswordReset Your PasswordResoluteRespond to this comment by replying above this lineResponseResponsesResponsiveResponsive LayoutRestartRestaurantsRestoreRestore “%s” from the TrashRestore Original Header ImageRestore Original ImageRestore This AutosaveRestore This RevisionRestore imageRestore last draftRestore original imageRestore the backupRestore this comment from the TrashRestore this comment from the spamRestore this comment from the trash.Restore this item from the TrashRestoredRestoring…ResultsResults BackgroundResults BarResults GroupResults PercentResults PopupResults TextResults VotesRetro (Generated)Return To PollReturn to %sReunionReverse orderRevert to the Browser Uploader by clicking the link below the drag and drop box.ReviewsRevisionRevision by %sRevisionsRevisions are saved copies of your post or page, which are periodically created as you update your content. The red text on the left shows the content that was removed. The green text on the right shows the content that was added.Revisions: %sReykjavikRhode IslandRich Text Area. Press Alt-Shift-H for help.Rich Text Area. Press Control-Option-H for help.RigaRightRight NowRight SidebarRio BrancoRio GallegosRiyadhRobotsRoleRolesRollback Error: [%1$s] %2$sRomaniaRomeRosarioRotheraRounded CornersRowRow groupRow typeRowsRun %sRun ImporterRussianRussian FederationRwandaRéunionSMS Password ResetSMS codes are limited to once per minuteSMS codes are limited to once per minute. Please wait and try again.SPEED IMPROVEMENTSSSH credentials can only be added for a Jetpack-enabled site.SUCCESS: %sSUCCESS: WordPress was successfully updated to %sSafe: always put spam in the Spam folder for review.SaigonSailingSaint BarthélemySaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint MartinSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSaipanSakhalinSaltaSamaraSamarkandSamoaSample PageSan JuanSan LuisSan MarinoSanta IsabelSantaremSantiagoSanto DomingoSao PauloSao TomeSao Tome and PrincipeSarajevoSaratovSaskatchewanSatSaturdaySaturday initialSSaudi ArabiaSaveSave & PublishSave ChangesSave DNS ChangesSave ChangesSave DraftSave MenuSave New OrderSave PasswordSave PollSave SettingsSave StyleSave StylesheetSave WidgetSave account settingsSave all changesSave and preview changes before publishing them.Save as DraftSave as PendingSave as pendingSave changesSave fontsSave notification settingsSave passwordSave profile detailsSave these settingsSave this fieldSavedSaved.SavingSaving is disabled: %s is currently editing this page.Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this post.Saving revision…Saving…Saving...Saving…ScaleScale ImageScale Image HelpScale images to match the large size selected in %1$simage options%2$s (%3$d × %4$d).ScanScan site for contentScheduleScheduledScheduled (%s)Scheduled (%s)SchoolScience & NatureScoresbysundScreen ContentScreen OptionsScreen Options TabScripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the %1$s, %2$s, or %3$s hooks.ScrollScroll to commentsSearchSearch CategoriesSearch CommentsSearch Engine TermsSearch ErrorSearch Link CategoriesSearch LinksSearch MediaSearch Media:Search Menu ItemsSearch Menu SectionsSearch PagesSearch PostsSearch Project TagsSearch Project TypesSearch ProjectsSearch RequestsSearch ResultsSearch Results %1$s %2$sSearch Results for “%s”Search Results for: %sSearch SitesSearch TagsSearch TermsSearch Terms for %1$s days ending %2$sSearch Terms for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)Search TestimonialsSearch TwitterSearch UsersSearch WidgetsSearch WordPress.comSearch WordPress.com BlogsSearch YouTubeSearch all media…Search all receipts…Search categoriesSearch categories by nameSearch engine visibilitySearch engines discouragedSearch for a page by titleSearch for a post by titleSearch for the locationSearch for your theme…Search for {post_type} by titleSearch for %s by titleSearch for:Search installed themesSearch mediaSearch or use up and down arrow keys to select an item.Search pluginsSearch resultsSearch results for "%s"Search results for: %sSearch widgetSearchSearch...Searching…Search…SeasonalSectionSecuritySecurity CheckupSecurity check failed.Security error.Security.See AllSee All ThemesSee FeaturesSee PlansSee all commentsSee all themesSee more →See more results for %s from %sSee the WordPress.com Business page for more information.See the feedback provided for a draft of this post.See you in %dSelectSelect %sSelect AllSelect CategorySelect DaySelect FilesSelect ImageSelect Link Category:Select Menu:Select MonthSelect PostSelect WeekSelect WordPress.com SiteSelect YearSelect a MenuSelect a citySelect a language belowSelect a menu to edit:Select a siteSelect a userSelect allSelect an account to connect:Select an area to move this widget into:Select and cropSelect both the sidebar for this widget and the position of the widget in that sidebar.Select bulk actionSelect categorySelect commentSelect fileSelect imageSelect locationSelect logoSelect poster imageSelect unitSelect videoSelect which WordPress.com blog videos to useSelect widgetSelect your tagline and time zoneSelected menus have been successfully deleted.Selection:Self-hosted, non-profit versionSend Code via SMSSend FeedbackSend InvitationSend More FeedbackSend RequestsSend TrackbacksSend User NotificationSend an email when a post or page changes.Send any of the following commands in the subject or first line of an email to %s.Send emailSend email dailySend email every weekSend email instantlySend recovery code via textSend the new user an email about their accountSend trackbacks to:Sending Feedback...SenegalSent BySent by a verified %s user.SeoulSepSeparate multiple URLs with spacesSeparate multiple tags with commas, and prefix with '-' to exclude.Separate tags with commasSeparator in Reader and Reblog "Read More" dynamic string, Separator in time since, SeptemberSeptember abbreviationSepSerbiaServer addressServiceService nameService: Account connected as%1$s: %2$sSession expiredSessionsSet AuthorsSet New PasswordSet a different content width for full size images.Set as backgroundSet as headerSet as logoSet featured imageSet imageSet optionsSet podcast authorSet up your blogSet up your general site options. Make sure to click on Save on each Settings screen so that your changes take effect.Set your static home pageSet your taglineSet your tagline and time zoneSettingsSettings -> DomainsSettings UpdateSettings have been savedSettings savedSettings saved and theme activated.Settings saved successfully!Settings saved.Settings.Setup social links to share on Facebook and TwitterSeveral boxes on this screen contain settings for how your content will be published, including:SeychellesShanghaiShareShare a little biographical information to fill out your profile. This may be shown publicly.Share on FacebookShare on TumblrShare posts to your Facebook pageShare posts to your Tumblr blogShare posts to your Twitter followersShare posts with your LinkedIn connectionsShare this with your visitorsShare this:Share your blog posts with family, friends, or followersShared PostSharingSharing Service : %sSharing SettingsSharing URLSharing labelSharing optionsSharing options: Checkbox labelShow like buttonSharing options: Checkbox labelShow reblog buttonSharing options: Comment LikesOn for all postsSharing options: HeaderComment LikesSharing options: HeaderReblog & LikeSharing options: HeaderShow like and sharing buttons onSharing posts to your Tumblr blog.Sharing posts to your Tumblr blogs.Sharing posts to your Twitter feed.Sharing posts to your Twitter feeds.Sharing posts to your connections.Sharing: ButtonsThis text won't appear until you add at least one sharing button.Sharing: Buttons edit labelAdd sharing buttonsSharing: Buttons edit labelAdd “More” buttonSharing: Buttons edit labelEdit label textSharing: Buttons edit labelEdit sharing buttonsSharing: Buttons edit labelEdit visible buttonsSharing: Buttons edit labelEdit “More” buttonsSharing: Buttons editor headingEdit visible buttonsSharing: Buttons editor headingEdit “More” buttonsSharing: Buttons editor instructionsClick the buttons you would like to add or remove.Sharing: Buttons editor instructionsDrag and drop to reorder the buttons.Sharing: Buttons editor instructionsTap the button you would like to move. Then tap the desired arrow.Sharing: Buttons editor instructionsTap the buttons you would like to add or remove.Sharing: Buttons editor instructionsThese will be shown in a dropdown under the “More” button.Sharing: PublicizeThere is an issue connecting to %(service)s.Sharing: Publicize connect pending button labelConnectSharing: Publicize connect pending button labelConnecting…Sharing: Publicize connection confirmationConnecting %(service)sSharing: Publicize connection confirmationThe %(service)s account was successfully connected.Sharing: Publicize connection confirmationThe %(service)s connection could not be made because all available accounts are already connected.Sharing: Publicize connection confirmationThe %(service)s connection could not be made because no account was selected.Sharing: Publicize disconnect button labelDisconnectSharing: Publicize disconnect button labelDisconnect AllSharing: Publicize disconnect pending button labelDisconnecting…Sharing: Publicize reconnect pending button labelReconnectSharing: Publicize reconnect pending button labelReconnecting…Sharing: Publicize reconnection confirmationThe %(service)s account was unable to be reconnected.Sharing: Publicize status pending button labelLoading…Sharing: Sharing button option headingButton styleSharing: Sharing button option labelIcon & TextSharing: Sharing button option labelIcon OnlySharing: Sharing button option labelOfficial ButtonsSharing: Sharing button option labelText OnlySharing: Tip in settingsYou can also add a {{widgetLink}}Twitter Timeline Widget{{/widgetLink}} to display any public timeline on your site.Sharing: Tip in settingsYou can also add an {{widgetLink}}Instagram Widget{{/widgetLink}} to display your latest Instagram photos on your site.Sharing: buttonsEdit label textSharing: connectionsConnected by %(username)sSharing…Shield BadgeShift + Alt + letter:Shift-click to edit this element.Shift-click to edit this widget.ShiprockShopping cartShort for credit card expirationExp.ShortcodeShortlinkShowShow Account LinksShow AllShow Artist Name in TracklistShow AvatarsShow Blog on DashboardShow CommentsShow DetailsShow Excerpts:Show Featured Image:Show ImagesShow Link DescriptionShow Link ImageShow Link NameShow Link RatingShow MeShow Personal LinksShow Toolbar when viewing siteShow TracklistShow Video ListShow advanced menu propertiesShow all typesShow as dropdownShow blog nameShow buttons onShow categoriesShow comment threadsShow commentsShow comments from:Show featured images on front page and archive pagesShow follower countShow full postShow header text with your image.Show hierarchyShow invisible charactersShow like and sharing buttons onFront Page, Archive Pages, and Search ResultsShow like and sharing buttons onMediaShow like and sharing buttons onPagesShow like and sharing buttons onPostsShow likes.Show mapShow more commentsShow more detailsShow most active posts overShow next themeShow on screenShow or hide panel informationShow passwordShow post countsShow post dateShow post optionsShow previous themeShow related content after postsShow results to votersShow sharing buttons.Show textShow the Reblog button on postsShow the number of approved comments beside each comment author in the comments list page.Show the number of approved comments beside each comment author.Show top posts overShow top search terms overShow your support for the Internet Defense League.Show:ShowcaseShown between widget visibility conditions.orShown publicly when you comment on blogs.Shown when the next infinite scroll page is loadingWait, there's more!Shows your most viewed posts and pages.Shrake is a minimalistic micro-blogging theme focused on your content through simplicity in design, clean typography, and a focused layout. We designed it using a mobile-first approach, meaning your content takes center-stage, regardless of whether your visitors arrive by smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. Featuring a unique fancy scroll experience, your logo and navigation is resized and remains visible as users scroll down the page.ShuffleShutter SpeedSidebarSidebar %dSidebar on blog.Sidebar on pages.Sierra LeoneSign UpSign outSign upSign up for WordPress.comSign up for a free account on WordPress.com where you can create a free website or easily build a blog.Sign up for a free blogSignup NowSignupsSilently discard the worst and most pervasive spam so I never see it.SilverSimferopolSimilar postSimple ViewSinceSince %sSincerely,SingaporeSingle Sign OnSiteSite AddressSite Address (URL)Site AdminSite EditorSite IconSite IdentitySite LanguageSite LogoSite NameSite Name: %sSite PreviewSite SettingsSite StatsSite Status:Site TaglineSite TitleSite URLSite URL.Site Upload Space QuotaSite addressSite address (URL)Site deletedSite iconSite logo.Site nameSite name must be at least %s character.Site name must be at least %s characters.Site name must be at least 4 characters.Site names can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.Site titleSite visibilitySite: %sSitesSites (%d)Sites {{count/}}SitkaSix.SizeSize in megabytesSize:SkipSkip Confirmation EmailSkip Cropping, Publish Image as IsSkip croppingSkip this stepSkip to contentSkip to main contentSkip to toolbarSkipping attachment %sSkipping download of duplicate full size attachment SkopjeSkull DarkSkull Dark MediumSkull Dark NarrowSkull Dark WideSkull LightSkull Light MediumSkull Light NarrowSkull Light WideSkypeSlideshowSlovakiaSloveniaSlow down cowboy, no need to check for new mails so often!SlugSmallSmall (64 pixels)SnippetSocial Links MenuSocial MenuSocial SharingSofiaSoftware NameSolidSolomon IslandsSomaliaSome attachments were rejected:Some comments have not yet been checked for spam by Akismet. They have been temporarily held for moderation and will automatically be rechecked later.Some helpful resources:Some legaleseSome of the items you wanted (%s) are included in %s, so we removed them for you.Some of your most popular posts were written before %d. Your writing has staying power! Consider writing about those topics again.Some stats didn't load in time. Please try again later.Some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple images displayed, select the one you would like and click the “Save Changes” button.Some visitors came searching, mostly for %l.SomeoneSomeone commented on a post.a post.Someone follows my blogSomeone has requested a password reset for the following account:Someone reblogs one of my postsSomething happened behind the scenes.
We're sorry. Could you come back later?Something went wrong in the process of creating an Annual Report recap post, this is the error message the user sees.Unable to create a Recap post. Please try again.Something went wrong while exporting the siteSomething went wrong.Something went wrong. If the problem persists, send this info to support:Something went wrong. Please try again.Something went wrong. Your WHOIS privacy upgrade was not completed correctly. Please contact support.Something's WrongSorry comment search is currently disabled, check back soon.Sorry to see you go! We've accepted the domain transfer, you should receive an email confirming this from your new registrar shortly.Sorry, %1$s files are not allowed.Sorry, %s has already been used!Sorry, but %s registrations are temporarily disabledSorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords.Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.Sorry, but your username can't contain the phrase "%s".Sorry, comments are closed for this item.Sorry, deleting the term failed.Sorry, editing the term failed.Sorry, file not uploaded (unrecognized file type).Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.Sorry, no such page.Sorry, no such post.Sorry, one of the given taxonomies is not supported by the post type.Sorry, revisions are disabled.Sorry, site names may not contain the character “_”!Sorry, site names must have letters too!Sorry, something went wrong. The requested comparison could not be loaded.Sorry, that Pinterest URL was not recognized.Sorry, that email address is already used!Sorry, that email address is not allowed!Sorry, that key does not appear to be valid.Sorry, that key has expired. Please try again.Sorry, that page does not exist.Sorry, that site already exists!Sorry, that site is reserved!Sorry, that username already exists!Sorry, that username is not allowed.Sorry, the customizing tools did not load correctlySorry, the link you clicked is stale. Please select another option.Sorry, the user could not be updated.Sorry, there are no themes for this search.Sorry, there has been an errorSorry, there has been an error.Sorry, there has been an error. Please try again or contact us if problem persists.Sorry, this comment could not be posted.Sorry, this domain name cannot be registered on WordPress.comSorry, uploads are disabled while we are working on the files servers. Have a cup of tea and then try again.Sorry, usernames may not contain the character “_”!Sorry, usernames must have letters too!Sorry, we didn't find anything on that topic.Sorry, you are not allowed to access details about this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to access details of this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.Sorry, you are not allowed to access user data on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to add a category.Sorry, you are not allowed to add a term to one of the given taxonomies.Sorry, you are not allowed to add links to this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to add users to this network.Sorry, you are not allowed to assign a term to one of the given taxonomies.Sorry, you are not allowed to assign terms in this taxonomy.Sorry, you are not allowed to change the page author as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to change the post author as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to create password protected posts in this post type.Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts or drafts on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to create private posts in this post type.Sorry, you are not allowed to create terms in this taxonomy.Sorry, you are not allowed to create users.Sorry, you are not allowed to customize headers.Sorry, you are not allowed to customize this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete plugins for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete that user.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete these items.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this category.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this item.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this page.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit comments on this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit terms in this taxonomy.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit theme options on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this comment.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this item.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this page.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit users.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit your profile.Sorry, you are not allowed to export the content of this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to install themes on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to list users.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage options for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage plugins for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage terms in this taxonomy.Sorry, you are not allowed to moderate or edit this comment.Sorry, you are not allowed to modify themes.Sorry, you are not allowed to modify unregistered settings for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to move this item to the Trash.Sorry, you are not allowed to post on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to preview drafts.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish pages on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish posts on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this page.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to remove users.Sorry, you are not allowed to restore this item from the Trash.Sorry, you are not allowed to take over.Sorry, you are not allowed to update options.Sorry, you are not allowed to update plugins for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to update posts as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to upload files.Sorry, you are not allowed to view this item.Sorry, you cannot stick a private post.Sorry, you do not have enough permissions to customize this siteSorry, you have used your space allocation of %s. Please delete some files to upload more files.Sorry, you may not use that site name.Sorry, you must be able to edit posts on this site in order to view categories.Sorry, you must be able to edit posts on this site in order to view tags.Sorry, you must be logged in to reply to a comment.Sort Order:Sort by:SourceSource codeSource:SouthSouth AfricaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSouth GeorgiaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouth PoleSpace UpgradeSpainSpamSpam (%s)Spam (%s)Spam BlockedSpam blockedSpam blockedSpam it: %sSpanishSpecial characterSpecified file failed upload test.Specify an OPML URL:SplitSplit table cellSplit: %sSportSportsSports & GamingSquareSrednekolymskSri LankaSt BarthelemySt HelenaSt JohnsSt KittsSt LuciaSt ThomasSt VincentStaffStaff PicksStandardStandard EditorStandard StylesStandard time begins on: %s.Standard time begins on: %s.StanleyStar ColorStar SizeStart CustomizingStart DateStart FreshStart OverStart a BlogStart a blog with this themeStart a BlogStart a new siteStart a pageStart a post with this tagStart againStart date:Start posting to a new blog in seconds.Start publishing now.Start sharing on "%s" nowStart a BlogStarting a WordPress.com blog is free, so if you have recipes, cat photos or deep thoughts to share, there’s no reason not to try blogging.StateStatic page:StatisticsStatsStats & InfoStats ARIA label: View content in a new windowView in a new windowStats ARIA label: View content in new window actionView content in a new windowStats action tooltip: View content in a new windowView content in a new windowStats action tooltip: View content in a new windowView in a new windowStats for:Stats on how many unique posts use “shortcodes” that make it easy for people to embed partner services on WordPress.comStats on support requests WordPress.com receives every month. We make it as easy as possible to contact our support team and we respond to every request.Stats: Button label to expand a panelView allStats: List item action to view contentViewStats: Main stats page headingStats for {{period/}}Stats: module row header for authors.AuthorStats: module row header for links in posts.LinkStats: module row header for number of clicks on a given link in a post.ClicksStats: module row header for number of post views by referrer.ViewsStats: module row header for number of post views.ViewsStats: module row header for number of views from a country.ViewsStats: module row header for number of views per author.ViewsStats: module row header for number of views per tag or category.ViewsStats: module row header for post referrer.ReferrerStats: module row header for post title.TitleStats: module row header for publicize service.ServiceStats: module row header for tags and categories.TopicStats: module row header for videos.VideoStats: module row header for views by country.CountryStats: module row header for views of a given search in search terms.ViewsStats: title of moduleAuthorsStats: title of moduleClicksStats: title of moduleCountriesStats: title of modulePosts & pagesStats: title of modulePublicizeStats: title of moduleReferrersStats: title of moduleSearch termsStats: title of moduleTags & categoriesStats: title of moduleVideosStatusStatus:Stay signed inStepStep %dStep 1:Step 2:Stick Post to HomeStick post to homeStick this post to the front pageStickySticky PostSticky postsStockholmStop Importing!Stop SubscriptionStoppingStorage SpaceStoreStore statsStore uploads in this folderStreakStrength indicatorStrict: silently discard the worst and most pervasive spam.StrictnessStrikethroughStyleStyle NameStyle could not be createdStyle could not be updatedStyle:StylesStylesheet is missing.Stylesheet is not readable.Stylesheet saved.Sub-directory InstallationSub-domain InstallationSubjectSubmitSubmit CommentSubmit ReplySubmit for ReviewSubmit translationSubmitted onSubmitted on: %sSubmitting Comment%sSubmitting…SubscribeSubscribe All UsersSubscribe UsersSubscribe to %sSubscribedSubscribed topicsSubscribed!SubscriberSubscribers can read comments/comment/receive newsletters, etc. but cannot create regular site content.SubscriptSubscription DetailsSubscription DueSubscription HelpSubscription ManagementSubscription OptionsSubscription StoppedSubscription TypeSubscription managementSubscription typeSubscriptionsSubscriptions deliverySubscriptions.SubtitlesSubtotalSubtotal:Success!Success! %s has been successfully added.Success! Private Registration was re-enabled on your domain. It may take a few minutes for the public contact details for the domain to update.Success! Thanks for confirming your email address with us. Email sent to %1$s will now be forwarded to %2$s.Success! The Name Servers for this domain have been updated. Please sit tight while these domain changes propagate around the world. (This can sometimes take up to 72 hours.)Success! The Primary Domain for your site has been updated. Your visitors will now be redirected to your new URL. (Some visitors may still see the old URL for a few hours, until their caches update.)Success! The Redirect location for your site has been changed. (Some visitors may still see the old URL for a few hours, until their caches update.)Success! The Whois contact details have been submitted to be updated. This isn't instant and may take a few minutes before the public whois data is updatedSuccess! Your domain has been re-locked to prevent it being transferred.Successfully disconnected %(siteName)s.Successfully re-threaded %s comments.Successfully unsubscribed.Successfully updated your subscription!SudanSuggested embed #%dSuggested height is %s.Suggested image #%dSuggested mediaSuggested width is %s.Suggestion:SuggestionsSummariesSummarySunSundaySunday initialSSunsetSunset MediumSunset NarrowSunset WideSuper BadgeSuperscriptSupportSupport HomeSupport Home BlocksSupport Home NotificationSupport Home RightSupport Secondary Widget AreaSupport SectionSupport for the %s theme on WordPress.com, including documentation and frequently asked questions.Support for this themeSupport forumSupport options updated.Support page for this themeSupportSupport requests will respond to this address and features such as e-mail notification will now be active.SurinameSurveySuspendedSvalbard and Jan MayenSwazilandSwedenSwift CurrentSwitch blog:SwitzerlandSydneySyndicate this contentSyndication feeds show the most recentSyowaSyrian Arab RepublicTab titleAllTab titleBrowse PopularTab titleBy LocationTab titleBy UserTab titleMy FeedTab titleMy InstagramsTab titleTo UserTab titleWith HashtagTab titleWith TagTable cell propertiesTable of ContentsTable ordered by User Registered Date.Table propertiesTable row propertiesTabletTagTag #%s doesn’t exist!Tag CloudTag IDs, separated by commasTag added to all posts in this category.Tag added.Tag deleted.Tag nameTag name.Tag not added.Tag not updated.Tag updated.Tag your posts with a location, and get found by readers who love the same spot:Tag:Tags:Tagged %1$sTagged:Tagged: %1$sTaglineTagline (optional)TagsTags & CategoriesTags can be selectively converted to categories using the tag to category converter.Tags deleted.Tags listTags list navigationTags to CategoriesTags:Tags: Tags: %1$sTags: %sTahitiTaipeiTaiwanTajikistanTake Our SurveyTake WordPress with you.Take a look at our support document.Take overTake your blog to incredible heights with a premium theme.TallinnTanTanzaniaTanzania, United Republic ofTap or hover on any theme then click the Live Preview button to see a live preview of that theme and change theme options in a separate, full-screen view. You can also find a Live Preview button at the bottom of the theme details screen. Any installed theme can be previewed and customized in this way.Tap the new post control below to begin writing your first post.TarawaTargetTashkentTasmaniaTaxonomiesTaxonomyTaxonomy names must be between 1 and 32 characters in length.Taxonomy:TbilisiTech DarkTech Dark MediumTech Dark NarrowTech Dark WideTech GreyTech Grey MediumTech Grey NarrowTech Grey WideTech LightTech Light MediumTech Light NarrowTech Light WideTechnologyTegucigalpaTehranTel AvivTell CityTemplateTemplateAdd NewTemplate optionsTemplatesTennesseeTermTerm ID is shared between multiple taxonomiesTerm meta cannot be added to terms that are shared between taxonomies.Terms of ServiceTestimonialTestimonial draft updated. Preview testimonialTestimonial published. View testimonialTestimonial restored to revision from %sTestimonial saved.Testimonial scheduled for: %1$s. Preview testimonialTestimonial submitted. Preview testimonialTestimonial updated.Testimonial updated. View testimonialTestimonialsTestsTexasTextText & Image LinksText ColorText DirectionText Layout & FontText LinkText ListText background color:Text colorText directionText displayed after Gravatar. This is optional and can be used to describe yourself or what your blog is about.Text onlyTextareaThailandThank YouThank you for creating with WordPress.Thank you for flying with %s, a better way to blog.Thank you for using %s to better communicate with your audience. We are proud to be part of your business.Thank you for using %s to secure your site. We are proud to be part of your business.Thank you for using %s!Thank you for using %s, your site has been deleted. Happy trails to you until we meet again.Thank you for using both Akismet & Vaultpress to secure your siteThank you for using both Akismet & Vaultpress to secure your site.Thank you for voting!Thank you for your feedback!Thank you for your purchase!Thank you!Thank you. Please check your email for a link to confirm your action. Your site will not be deleted until this link is clicked.Thanks for flying with %1$s %2$sThanks for flying with %sThanks for flying with %2$sThanks for flying with Jetpack in %d.Thanks for flying with WordPress.com in %d.Thanks for flying with WordPress.com!Thanks for flying with http://WordPress.comThanks for taking a look at this annual report. If you like, you could start your own WordPress.com blog in %d!Thanks to {{a}}all our community members who helped translate to {{language/}}{{/a}}!Thanks!Thanks! Your feedback will help improve search resultsThat doesn't appear to be a valid email addressThat email address has already been used. Please check your inbox for an activation email. It will become available in a couple of days if you do nothing.That name is not allowed.That site is currently reserved but may be available in a couple days.That user does not exist.That user is already a member of this site.That username is already activated.That username is currently reserved but may be available in a couple of days.That username is not allowed.That was hard work! Take a break.That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing.That's about %d pictures per day.That's about %d pictures per month.That's about %d pictures per week.That's about a picture per day.That's about a picture per month.That's about a picture per week.That's pretty awesome, well done!The "%s" options group has been removed. Use another settings group.The "%s" theme is not a valid parent theme.The %1$s plugin header is deprecated. Use %2$s instead.The %s importer is invalid or is not installed.The %s stylesheet does not contain a valid theme header.The “%s” field is limited to %d characters for .com.br domains.The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.The 2010 theme for WordPress is stylish, customizable, simple, and readable -- make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background. Twenty Ten supports six widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, four in the footer) and featured images (thumbnails for gallery posts and custom header images for posts and pages). It includes stylesheets for print and the admin Visual Editor, special styles for posts in the "Asides" and "Gallery" categories, and has an optional one-column page template that removes the sidebar.The 2011 theme for WordPress is sophisticated, lightweight, and adaptable. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background -- then go further with available theme options for light or dark color scheme, custom link colors, and three layout choices. Twenty Eleven comes equipped with a Showcase page template that transforms your front page into a showcase to show off your best content, widget support galore (sidebar, three footer areas, and a Showcase page widget area), and a custom "Ephemera" widget to display your Aside, Link, Quote, or Status posts. Included are styles for print and for the admin editor, support for featured images (as custom header images on posts and pages and as large images on featured "sticky" posts), and special styles for six different post formats.The 2012 theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme that looks great on any device. Features include a front page template with its own widgets, an optional display font, styling for post formats on both index and single views, and an optional no-sidebar page template. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background.The 2013 theme for WordPress takes us back to the blog, featuring a full range of post formats, each displayed beautifully in their own unique way. Design details abound, starting with a vibrant color scheme and matching header images, beautiful typography and icons, and a flexible layout that looks great on any device, big or small.The 60 Second Guide to Domain NamesThe Akismet subscription planThe Available Widgets section contains all the widgets you can choose from. Once you drag a widget into a sidebar, it will open to allow you to configure its settings. When you are happy with the widget settings, click the Save button and the widget will go live on your site. If you click Delete, it will remove the widget.The Chargeback fee has been removed from your cart as your account is in good standing.The EndThe Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the governing body for domain names, requires valid contact information. If you enter false information, your domain name may be canceled by them.The Jetpack TeamThe Latest JetpackThe Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about %3$s days for that many people to see it.The Premium Plan comes with the following Custom Design features:The SMS recovery number you have provided is invalid.The SSL certificate for the host could not be verified.The Site address you entered did not appear to be a valid URL. Please enter a valid URL.The Text mode allows you to enter HTML along with your post text. Note that <p> and <br> tags are converted to line breaks when switching to the Text editor to make it less cluttered. When you type, a single line break can be used instead of typing <br>, and two line breaks instead of paragraph tags. The line breaks are converted back to tags automatically.The URL to the admin areaThe URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?The Walker class named %s does not exist.The WordPress TeamThe WordPress address you entered did not appear to be a valid URL. Please enter a valid URL.The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big FaceliftThe WordPress team is willing to help you. Forward this email to %s and the team will work with you to make sure your site is working.The WordPress.com TeamThe application password was not successfully deleted. Please try again.The aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and height. You can preserve the aspect ratio by holding down the shift key while resizing your selection. Use the input box to specify the aspect ratio, e.g. 1:1 (square), 4:3, 16:9, etc.The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below.The best place to ask a question related to WordPress.com.The blog cannot be followed.The boxes for link name, web address, and description have fixed positions, while the others may be repositioned using drag and drop. You can also hide boxes you do not use in the Screen Options tab, or minimize boxes by clicking on the title bar of the box.The boxes on your Dashboard screen are:The busiest day of the year was %1$s with %2$s views. The most popular post that day was %3$s.The called constructor method for %1$s class in %2$s is deprecated since version %3$s! Use %4$s instead.The changes have been saved successfully.The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please reconnect.The constant %1$s is deprecated. Use the boolean constant %2$s in %3$s to enable a subdomain configuration. Use %4$s to check whether a subdomain configuration is enabled.The constant %s cannot be defined when creating a network.The credit card entered is invalid.The current user’s role must have user editing capabilities.The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.The destination address does not appear to be in the correct formatThe destination address does not appear to existThe domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d day, on %4$s.The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s.The domain is currently not available for registration.The domain name %s is about to expire.The domain name %s is about to expire.The domain name you entered cannot be added to this blog. Please try a different domain name.The domain name you entered cannot be blank.The domain name you entered cannot be mapped to a WordPress.com blog.The domain name you entered cannot contain a directory.The domain name you entered is already mapped to a WordPress.com blog.The domain name you entered is too long.The domain upgrade on your blog "%1$s" has expired yesterday on %2$s. Your blog is no longer available on the domain "%3$s".The domain was added as part of the %1$s plan on your blog. Renewing the plan will also renew the domain.The e-mail could not be sent.The email address entered did not appear to be a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address.The email could not be sent.The email forward has been removed.The email servers for this domain are:The email you specified is associated with a WordPress.com account. Please login first or use a different email address.The feedback text should be at least %d character long.The feedback text should be at least %d characters long.The fields on this screen determine some of the basics of your site setup.The first thing you need to do is tell Blogger to let WordPress access your account. You will be sent back here after providing authorization.The following Top Level Domains (TLDs) are available for registration: %l.The following attachments were uploaded:The following formatting shortcuts are replaced when pressing Enter. Press Escape or the Undo button to undo.The following plugins failed to update:The following plugins were successfully updated:The following themes are installed but incomplete.The following themes failed to update:The following themes were successfully updated:The following translations failed to update:The following translations were successfully updated:The following upgrade has been cancelled and %1$s refunded: The following upgrades have been cancelled and %1$s refunded: The following upgrade has been cancelled and %1$s refunded: The following upgrades have been cancelled and %1$s refunded: The following upgrades for your blog %s are eligible for refunds:The following values do not describe a valid date: month %1$s, day %2$s.The following values do not describe a valid date: year %1$s, month %2$s, day %3$s.The given object ID is not that of a menu item.The grid view for the Media Library requires JavaScript. Switch to the list view.The handler for the route is invalidThe handler for the route is invalid.The homepage poll has been set.The importer is smart enough not to import duplicates, so you can run this multiple times without worry if—for whatever reason—it doesn't finish.The internet address of your network will be %s.The item you are trying to move to the Trash no longer exists.The item you are trying to restore from the Trash no longer exists.The key you entered is invalid. Please double-check it.The latest Instagrams from your personal feed.The left-hand navigation menu provides links to all of the WordPress administration screens, with submenu items displayed on hover. You can minimize this menu to a narrow icon strip by clicking on the Collapse Menu arrow at the bottom.The link you followed has expired.The location feature has changed and your profile location is no longer used.The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page.The mailbox specified is invalid. Email mailboxes may only contain the following characters: a-z 0-9 _ . + and -. Please correct the mailbox and try again.The main part of your blog URL is its domain. An example of a domain is "wordpress.com". You can have your blog at any domain you control, such as example.com, or set up a domain to automatically redirect visitors to your blog URL. Read more about it or enter a domain name below and follow the prompts.The menu ID should not be empty.The menu has been successfully deleted.The menu is for editing information specific to individual sites, particularly if the admin area of a site is unavailable.The menu item has been successfully deleted.The menu management box at the top of the screen is used to control which menu is opened in the editor below.The menu name %s conflicts with another menu name. Please try another.The name is how it appears on your site.The newly created categories will still be associated with the same posts.The next group of formatting shortcuts are applied as you type or when you insert them around plain text in the same paragraph. Press Escape or the Undo button to undo.The owner of the API key must visit this site's stats page to grant access.The package contains no files.The page requested does not existThe page you were looking for could not be found. It might have been removed, renamed, or did not exist in the first place.The password field is empty.The password reset key you have specified is invalid.The passwords you entered do not match. Please try again.The pingback has already been registered.The plugin contains no files.The plugin does not have a valid header.The plugin generated unexpected output.The post cannot be deleted.The post has already been set to that resolution.The post type %1$s is not registered, so it may not be reliable to check the capability %2$s against a post of that type.The post type may not be changed.The primary site you chose does not exist.The query argument of %s must have a placeholder.The requested application access token was not found.The requested application password was not found.The requested mailbox already existsThe requested profile link was not found.The requested theme does not exist.The requested user does not exist.The search for installed themes will search for terms in their name, description, author, or tag.The search results will be updated as you type.The setting key provided cannot be changed using this endpoint.The settings for Featured Content have moved to Appearance → Customize.The site is already active.The sizes listed below determine the maximum dimensions in pixels to use when adding an image to the Media Library.The slug “%s” is already in use by another term.The source URL and the target URL cannot both point to the same resource.The source URL does not contain a link to the target URL, and so cannot be used as a source.The source URL does not exist.The specified email is invalid.The specified list title already exists.The specified namespace could not be found.The specified target URL does not exist.The specified theme is not downloadableThe specified theme was not foundThe specified video was not found.The subscription status - active, cancelled or suspendedThe tag cloud will not be displayed since there are no taxonomies that support the tag cloud widget.The team at WordPress.comThe term name cannot be empty.The term you tried to add sanitizes down to nothing, and cannot be used.The theme is missing the %s stylesheet.The timezone you have entered is not valid. Please select a valid timezone.The title field and the big Post Editing Area are fixed in place, but you can reposition all the other boxes using drag and drop. You can also minimize or expand them by clicking the title bar of each box. Use the Screen Options tab to unhide more boxes (Excerpt, Send Trackbacks, Custom Fields, Discussion, Slug, Author) or to choose a 1- or 2-column layout for this screen.The top referring sites in %d were:The transaction cannot complete successfully. Please try again. Please contact support and mention 10755 if you have further problems.The update of %s failed.The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.The upgrade has been cancelled as requested.The uploaded file exceeds the maximum file size.The uploaded file is not a valid image. Please try again.The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.The url you have specified does not look like a valid url.The user is already active.The username field is empty.The web browser on your device cannot be used to upload files. You may be able to use the native app for your device instead.The web site address you have specified is invalid.ThemeTheme AuthorTheme DetailsTheme LocationTheme OptionsTheme ShowcaseTheme Showcase term nameAbstractTheme Showcase term nameAccessibility ReadyTheme Showcase term nameArtisticTheme Showcase term nameBlackTheme Showcase term nameBlogTheme Showcase term nameBlueTheme Showcase term nameBrightTheme Showcase term nameBrownTheme Showcase term nameBusinessTheme Showcase term nameCleanTheme Showcase term nameColorfulTheme Showcase term nameConservativeTheme Showcase term nameContemporaryTheme Showcase term nameCustom menuTheme Showcase term nameDarkTheme Showcase term nameElegantTheme Showcase term nameFeatured ImagesTheme Showcase term nameFixed LayoutTheme Showcase term nameFlamboyantTheme Showcase term nameFluid LayoutTheme Showcase term nameFormalTheme Showcase term nameFour ColumnsTheme Showcase term nameFull Width TemplateTheme Showcase term nameGeometricTheme Showcase term nameGrayTheme Showcase term nameGreenTheme Showcase term nameIndustrialTheme Showcase term nameLeft SidebarTheme Showcase term nameLightTheme Showcase term nameMinimalTheme Showcase term nameModernTheme Showcase term nameNaturalTheme Showcase term nameOne ColumnTheme Showcase term nameOrangeTheme Showcase term namePinkTheme Showcase term namePlayfulTheme Showcase term namePortfolioTheme Showcase term nameProfessionalTheme Showcase term namePurpleTheme Showcase term nameRTL Language SupportTheme Showcase term nameReal EstateTheme Showcase term nameRedTheme Showcase term nameResponsive LayoutTheme Showcase term nameRetroTheme Showcase term nameRight SidebarTheme Showcase term nameSilverTheme Showcase term nameSimpleTheme Showcase term nameSophisticatedTheme Showcase term nameTanTheme Showcase term nameTechTheme Showcase term nameTexturedTheme Showcase term nameThree ColumnsTheme Showcase term nameTraditionalTheme Showcase term nameTwo ColumnsTheme Showcase term nameUrbanTheme Showcase term nameVibrantTheme Showcase term nameWhimsicalTheme Showcase term nameWhiteTheme Showcase term nameYellowTheme deleted.Theme downgraded successfully.Theme installed successfully.Theme nameTheme name%s Theme — WordPress Themes for Blogs at WordPress.comTheme nameSupport for the %s Theme on WordPress.comTheme navigationTheme not activated because it was not found.Theme not activated because of insufficient credits.Theme starter contentCalendarTheme starter contentEmailTheme starter contentFacebookTheme starter contentInstagramTheme starter contentMonday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PMTheme starter contentSaturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PMTheme starter contentSearchTheme starter contentTwitterTheme starter contentYelpTheme will be auto-updated.Theme will no longer be auto-updated.Theme without %sTheme: %1$s.ThemesThemes %sThere are no associated subtitles.There are no options for this widget.There are no public comments available to display.There are no users to display in this My Community widget. Want more traffic?There are no valid users selected for deletion.There are no valid users selected for removal.There are some invalid menu items. Please check or delete them.There are unsaved changes that will be lost. 'OK' to continue, 'Cancel' to return to the Image Editor.There does not seem to be any new mail.There has been an error cropping your image.There is %d PR: There are %d PRs: There is a new version of %1$s available. View version %4$s details or update now.There is a new version of %1$s available. View version %4$s details.There is a new version of %1$s available. View version %4$s details. Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.There is a pending change of the admin email to %s.There is a pending change of your e-mail to %1$s. CancelThere is a pending change of your email to %s.There is a problem with your API key.There is a revision of this post that is more recent.There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below. View the autosaveThere is an update available.There are updates available.There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.There was %1$d picture uploaded, taking a total of %2$s.There were %1$d pictures uploaded, taking up a total of %2$s.There was a configuration error. Please contact the server administrator.There was a glitch with searchThere was a problem connecting to Facebook to create an authorized connection. You need to grant WordPress.com permission to publish to Facebook on your behalf.There was a problem creating your application password. Please try again.There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again or contact support.There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again.There was a problem opening a connection to Blogger. This is what went wrong:There was a problem opening a secure connection to Google. This is what went wrong:There was a problem saving your changes.There was a problem sending you a verification e-mail.There was a problem updating your following preferences.There was an error retrieving images from Instagram. An attempt will be remade in a few minutes.There was an error trashing that page. Please try again in a moment.There was an error trashing that post. Please try again in a moment.There was an error when updating the primary domain.There was an error, please try againThere was an error.There’s %1$s comment in your spam queue right now.There are %1$s comments in your spam queue right now.There’s nothing in your spam queue at the moment.These are terms people used to find your site.These are the posts that got the most views in %d. You can see all of the year’s most-viewed posts in your Site Stats.These plugins are now up to date:These posts on your site got the most traffic.These settings may be overridden for individual articles.These themes are now up to date:These themes failed to update:These unique authentication keys are also missing from your %s file.They thought %3$s was pretty awesome.ThimbuThimphuThinking FemaleThinking Female MediumThinking Female NarrowThinking Female WideThinking MaleThinking Male MediumThinking Male NarrowThinking Male WideThis HTML form field is marked as required by the user in contact form builder(required)This MonthThis Top Level Domain (TLD) requires that we manually request a transfer code on your behalf. After we have received it, we will email it to you.This WeekThis account has not been activated. Please check your email for an activation link.This address is used for admin purposes, like new user notification.This blog already has a plan which supersedes the one you're trying to purchase.This blog is already on the listThis blog is privateThis blog is publicThis category already exists.This category cannot be added. Please change the name and try again.This comment is already approved.This comment is already in the Trash.This comment is already marked as spam.This comment is awaiting approval.This comment is currently approved.This comment is currently in the Trash.This comment is currently marked as spam.This comment is in the Trash. Please move it out of the Trash if you want to edit it.This comment was deleted.This comment was trashed.This connection is about to expire.This connection is working correctly.This connection may not be working correctly.This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:This doesn't appear to be a valid email address. Please check it and try again.This domain can't be set as primary for the requested site.This domain currently has custom mail servers defined in its DNS settings. This means that WordPress.com Email Forwarding is not available for this domain, and that you should manage your email with your email provider.This domain is currently Unlocked.This domain is currently unlocked and could be pending a transfer, if you have started the domain transfer process you will need to complete the renewal with your new registrar.This domain may currently be pending transfer. If you have requested a domain transfer, you can accept or cancel the transfer below.This email address is already registered.This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s. Bookmark the permalink.This entry was posted in %1$s. Bookmark the permalink.This feature requires Javascript but it seems to be disabled. Please enable Javascript and then reload this page. Don’t worry, you can turn it back off when you’re done.This feature requires inline frames. You have iframes disabled or your browser does not support them.This feed is already on the listThis field is required.This file is empty. Please try another.This file is not an image. Please try another.This file no longer needs to be included.This functionality requires JavaScript to function. Please enable JavaScript in your Browser and try again.This is a monthly subscription.This is a reminder that your subscription is due to be renewed on %s and a charge will be made on the card detailed below.This is a very common password. Choose something that will be harder for others to guess.This is an annual subscription.This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your About or Contact information. Click the Edit link to make changes to this page or add another page.This is larger than the maximum size. Please try another.This is the Crowdsignal account you currently have linked with your WordPress blog: %sThis is the URL you submit to iTunes or podcasting service.This is the follow settings page for %s.This is the management page for following blogs. You will receive an email at %s whenever a new post is made on these sites. Unfollow a blog to stop receiving emails from that blog. Go to Settings to stop receiving all emails from WordPress.com.This is the management page for following post comments. You will receive an email at %s whenever anyone comments on these posts. Unsubscribe to stop receiving emails for that post. Go to Settings to stop receiving all emails from WordPress.com.This is the short link.This is your Primary Domain; the domains below will redirect to it.This item has already been deleted.This option does not block access to your site — it is up to search engines to honor your request.This page has been translated from %1$s. Read the original page.This page is being trashed.This page was trashed. You will be redirected home now.This panel is used for managing navigation menus for content you have already published on your site. You can create menus and add items for existing content such as pages, posts, categories, tags, formats, or custom links.This panel shows your most viewed posts and pages.This plugin is already installed.This post could not be reblogged.This post has been translated from %1$s. Read the original post.This post is being trashed.This post is password protected.This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.This post was trashed. You will be redirected home now.This preview is unavailable in the editor.This process cannot be undone.This record cannot be added, as it conflicts with an existing WordPress.com record.This record cannot be added, as it conflicts with an existing record.This record cannot be saved. Please check the highlighted fields below and try again.This report is privateThis report is publicThis resulted in an error message: %sThis screen allows you to edit fields for metadata in a file within the media library.This screen contains the settings that affect the display of your content.This screen is used for globally assigning menus to locations defined by your theme.This screen is used for managing your content revisions.This screen is used for managing your installed themes. Aside from the default theme(s) included with your WordPress installation, themes are designed and developed by third parties.This screen is used to customize the header section of your theme.This screen lists all the existing users for your site. Each user has one of five defined roles as set by the site admin: Site Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber. Users with roles other than Administrator will see fewer options in the dashboard navigation when they are logged in, based on their role.This screen provides access to all of your posts. You can customize the display of this screen to suit your workflow.This screen provides many options for controlling the management and display of comments and links to your posts/pages. So many, in fact, they will not all fit here! :) Use the documentation links to get information on what each discussion setting does.This screen shows an individual user all of their sites in this network, and also allows that user to set a primary site. They can use the links under each site to visit either the front end or the dashboard for that site.This sidebar is no longer available and does not show anywhere on your site. Remove each of the widgets below to fully remove this inactive sidebar.This site has been archived or suspended.This site has not been activated yet. If you are having problems activating your site, please contact %s.This site is no longer available.This site is private.This slideshow could not be started. Try refreshing the page or viewing it in another browser.This slideshow requires JavaScript.This subscription is no longer active on your account, if you would like to keep this upgrade please re-purchase it.This taxonomy is not hierarchical.This theme is already installed.This timezone does not observe daylight saving time.This timezone is currently in daylight saving time.This timezone is currently in standard time.This topic is already on the listThis unique authentication key is also missing from your %s file.This upgrade gives you the greatest customization options, aided by white-glove support and a multitude of plugins.This upgrade will expire in %sThis upgrade will renew in %sThis user is not authorized to change settings on this blog.This user is not authorized to disconnect this blog.This user is not authorized to view settings on this blog.This video doesn’t existThis video is embedded on the following page locations (note that URL may have changed)This weekThis widget requires JavaScript.This will allow %s to:This will be shown when someone hovers over the link in the blogroll, or optionally below the link.This will clear all items from the inactive widgets list. You will not be able to restore any customizations.This will contain all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, navigation menus, and custom posts.This will remove the background image. You will not be able to restore any customizations.This will remove the header image. You will not be able to restore any customizations.This will replace the current editor content with the last backup version. You can use undo and redo in the editor to get the old content back or to return to the restored version.This will restore the original background image. You will not be able to restore any customizations.This will restore the original header image. You will not be able to restore any customizations.Threading Comments…Three ColumnsThree.ThuThuleThumbnailThumbnail GridThumbnail HeightThumbnail SettingsThumbnail Settings HelpThumbnail WidthThumbnail sizeThunder BayThursdayThursday initialTTicket Purchase Link/Button Text:Tickets available soonTijuanaTileTiled GalleriesTiled MosaicTimbuktuTimeTime FormatTime SliderTime ZoneTimezoneTimor-LesteTinyMCEBlocksTinyMCEFormatsTinyMCEHeadingsTinyMCEInsert templateTinyMCETemplatesTinyMCE menuEditTinyMCE menuFileTinyMCE menuFormatTinyMCE menuInsertTinyMCE menuTableTinyMCE menuToolsTinyMCE menuViewTipTips for getting the most out of WordPress.com.TiraneTiraspolTitleTitle & ExcerptTitle AttributeTitle and Post EditorTitle will appear on the first frame of your videoTitle, Date, & ExcerptTitle:Title: To DoTo activate a widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. To deactivate a widget and delete its settings, drag it back.To activate your user, please click the following link: %s After you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login.To add a custom link, expand the Custom Links section, enter a URL and link text, and click Add to MenuTo add a new menu instead of assigning an existing one, click the ’Use new menu’ link. Your new menu will be automatically assigned to that theme locationTo add a new user for your site, click Invite New in the Users menu section.To add a new user to your site, fill in the form on this screen and click the Add New User button at the bottom.To assign menus to one or more theme locations, select a menu from each location’s dropdown. When you are finished, click Save ChangesTo crop the image, click on it and drag to make your selection.To delete media items, click the Bulk Select button at the top of the screen. Select any items you wish to delete, then click the Delete Selected button. Clicking the Cancel Selection button takes you back to viewing your media.To edit a menu currently assigned to a theme location, click the adjacent ’Edit’ linkTo edit an existing menu, choose a menu from the dropdown and click SelectTo help recover your account, we require some information from you to verify your ownership of the account. Please note that we are unable to recover an account without proof of ownership.To make it easier for you to edit and save the imported posts and drafts, you may want to change the name of the author of the posts. For example, you may want to import all the entries as admins entries.To manage it here, set it to visible.To manage them here, set them to visible.To move focus to other buttons use Tab or the arrow keys. To return focus to the editor press Escape or use one of the buttons.To navigate between revisions, drag the slider handle left or right or use the Previous or Next buttons.To reorganize menu items, drag and drop items with your mouse or use your keyboard. Drag or move a menu item a little to the right to make it a submenuTo reset your password, visit the following address:To restore a revision, click Restore This Revision.To set your password, visit the following address:To the topTo use a background image, simply upload it or choose an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the “Choose Image” button. You can display a single instance of your image, or tile it to fill the screen. You can have your background fixed in place, so your site content moves on top of it, or you can have it scroll with your site.To use polls in WordPress.com, you will need an account with our sister product, Polldaddy.com.To use this importer, you must have a Google account and an upgraded (New, was Beta) blog hosted on blogspot.com or a custom domain (not FTP).To-doTodayToday (%s) is excluded from averages because it isn't over yet.Toggle Editor Text DirectionToggle add categoryToggle fullscreen mode.Toggle panel: %sTogoTokelauTokyoTomorrowTomskTongaTongatapuToo many redirects.ToolbarToolbar ToggleToolsTopTop LeftTop PostsTop Posts & PagesTop Posts & PagesTop Posts & Pages by views are calculated from 24-48 hours of stats. They take a while to change.Top Posts (%s)Top Posts for %1$s days ending %2$sTop Posts for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)Top Questions - Instant AnswersTop RatedTop RightTop SearchesTop Sharing ServicesTop TagsTop leftTop rightTopicTopic StatusTopicsTopics startedTorontoTortolaTotalTotal RefundedTotal Shares : %sTotal VotesTotalsTotals.Track %1$s of %2$s.TrackbackTrackback excerpt: Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you’ve linked to them. If you link other WordPress sites, they’ll be notified automatically using pingbacks, no other action necessary.Tracks (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata)TransactionsTransfer %s to Another UserTransfer BlogTransfer DomainTransfer blogTransferring a blog cannot be undone. Please read the following actions that will take place when you transfer this blog:TranslateTranslate this to be the equivalent of English Translators in your language for the credits page Translators sectionTranslatorsTranslation ReadyTranslation UpdatesTransparent backgroundTrashTrash (%s)Trash (%s)Trash it: %sTrashing that comment failed.TravelTravel AgencyTrendingTrinidad and TobagoTripoliTrollTrophy CaseTrophy Case sidebar headlineFilter by blogTrophy Case sidebar headlineFilter by typeTrouble clicking?Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser:Trouble signing inTroubleshootingTrukTrusted by some of the world's biggest brands and industriesTry AgainTry againTry different keywords.Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$sTry more general keywords.Trying entering another email address you can access into the password reset form.TucumanTueTuesdayTuesday initialTTumblrTumblr BlogTunisTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTurn comments on or offTurn on Location TaggingTuvaluTwenty Sixteen is a modernized take on an ever-popular WordPress layout — the horizontal masthead with an optional right sidebar that works perfectly for blogs and websites. It has custom color options with beautiful default color schemes, a harmonious fluid grid using a mobile-first approach, and impeccable polish in every detail. Twenty Sixteen will make your WordPress look beautiful everywhere.Twice DailyTwitter TimelineTwitter UpdatesTwitter username to include in tweets when people share using the Twitter button.Twitter username:Two ColumnsTwo Step Authentication DisabledTwo Step Authentication EnabledTwo Step Authentication has been disabled for "%s".Two Step Authentication has been disabled for %s.Two Step Authentication has been enabled for "%s".Two Step Authentication has been enabled for %s.Two columnsTwo factor authentication is not enabled for the current user.Two-Step AuthenticationTwo.TypeType the password again.Type your new password again.Type:TypesTypes:UCTURLURL removedURL:URL: %sURLs to show:UTCUTC means Coordinated Universal Time.UTC%sUgandaUh oh – LiveJournal has disconnected us because we made too many requests to their servers too quickly.Uh, oh. Something didn’t work. Please try again.Ujung PandangUkraineUlaanbaatarUlan BatorUlyanovskUn-spammed by %sUnable to add feedUnable to complete this actionUnable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.Unable to create a new list.Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the server?Unable to create new image.Unable to delete the listUnable to delete the list itemUnable to encode the personal data for export. Error: %sUnable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content).Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory.Unable to locate WordPress Root directory.Unable to locate WordPress theme directory.Unable to request a code via SMS right now. Please try again after one minute.Unable to retrieve the error message from MySQLUnable to save the image.Unable to submit this form, please refresh and try again.Unable to update the listUnapproveUnapprove this commentUnapprove this comment.UnapprovedUnarchiveUnauthorizedUncategorizedUncheck AllUncheck this box to disable the results popupUnder %sUnderlineUnderlying colorUndoUndo ChangesUnfilteredUnfollowUnfollow commentsUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUniversalUniversityUnknownUnknown FeedUnknown action.Unknown errorUnknown error.Unknown message type passedUnknown post requestedUnknown/unsupported method suppliedUnlimited StorageUnlinkUnmuteUnpacking the package…UnpublishedUnreadUnread notificationsUnreadUnregistering a built-in post type is not allowedUnregistering a built-in taxonomy is not allowed.Unstick Post from HomeUnstick post from homeUnsubscribeUnsupported BrowserUntested with your version of WordPressUntitledUntitled PostUntrashUntrashing that comment failed.UnusedUpUp oneUp to %d users allowed to access site. Want more?Upcoming EventsUpcoming chargesUpdateUpdate %s nowUpdate AvailableUpdate CategoryUpdate CommentUpdate CompleteUpdate Jetpack now...Update LinkUpdate Link CategoryUpdate Menu SectionUpdate NowUpdate PluginsUpdate ProfileUpdate Project TagUpdate Project TypeUpdate Redirect LocationUpdate ServicesUpdate TagUpdate UserUpdate WordPressUpdate anyway, even though it might break your site?Update audio playlistUpdate availableUpdate galleryUpdate gallery settingsUpdate nowUpdate progressUpdate the default pagesUpdate the item text belowUpdate the text on your homepageUpdate to %sUpdate to version %(version)sUpdate video playlistUpdate your profile, personal settings, and moreUpdated:UpdatesUpdates %sUpdatingUpdating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)Updating Theme %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)Updating the plugin…UpgradeUpgrade Focus, VideoPress for weddingsUpgrade NowUpgrade cancelled and refundedUpgrade to %sUpgrade to BusinessUpgrade to PremiumUpgrade your websiteUpgradesUpgrades: Description in domain registrationMap this domain to use it as your site address.Upgrades: Register domain headerAlready own a domain?UploadUpload ImageUpload Limit ExceededUpload New MediaUpload date:Upload failed.Upload file and importUpload filesUpload imagesUpload stopped.Upload themeUpload your logoUploaded ImagesUploaded by:Uploaded on:Uploaded to this pageUploaded to this postUploaded to:Uploader: Drop files here - or - Select FilesorUploadingUploading FilesUploading Files allows you to choose the folder and path for storing your uploaded files.Uploading…UploadsUruguayUrumqiUseUse %s instead if you do not want the value echoed.Use %s instead.Use Left/Right Arrow keys to advance one second, Up/Down arrows to advance ten seconds.Use Markdown for comments.Use Markdown for posts and pages.Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.Use WordPress.com name serversUse a new credit cardUse an existing post as a template.Use an existing {post_type} as a templateUse an existing %s as a template.Use as featured imageUse commas instead of %s to separate excluded terms.Use httpsUse our free WordPress mobile apps to view your latest stats, create and publish new content, interact with visitors, or upload photos directly from your device’s camera. Use sharing tools to spread the word about your work.Use the %s filter instead.Use the arrow buttons at the top of the dialog, or the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard, to navigate between media items quickly.Use the custom name servers listed belowUsed as the default option in a dropdown list-- Select --Used as:Used between list items, there is a space after the comma., Used in Press This to indicate where the content comes from.Source:Used in the "%s if:" translation for the widget visibility dropdownHideUsed in the "%s if:" translation for the widget visibility dropdownShowUsed: %1$s%% of %2$sUserUser %s addedUser Dashboard: %sUser FieldDescriptionUser FieldDisplay NameUser FieldEmailUser FieldFirst NameUser FieldLast NameUser FieldLoginUser FieldURLUser FieldUser IDUser NameUser RolesUser added to your private siteUser added.User already exists. Password inherited.User clicked the No Thanks button.User deletedUser deleted.User deletion is not allowed from this screen.User has been added to your site.User has blocked requests through HTTP.User has no sites or content and will be deleted.User is already a member of your private siteUser not foundUser not found.User removed from this site.User removed from your siteUser roleAdministratorUser roleAuthorUser roleContributorUser roleEditorUser roleSubscriberUser updated.UsernameUsername may not be longer than 60 characters.Username must be at least 4 characters.Username or EmailUsername or email address of user to receive the blogUsername.Username/Password incorrect for %sUsername:Username: %sUsernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.Usernames cannot be changed.Usernames must be at least 4 characters.Usernames or Email AddressesUsersUsers listUsers list navigationUsers must be registered and logged in to commentUsers to EmailUshuaiaUst-NeraUtahUzbekistanUzhgorodVaduzValidValueVancouverVanuatuVariable is a hyperlink: A blog title pointing to a post permalink.Originally posted on %s:VaticanVatican CityVaultPressVenezuelaVenue:Verb, to postPostVerified ServicesVerify CodeVerify New PasswordVerify your email forwarding addressVermontVersionVersion %sVersion:Version: %sVertical is mobile first responsive WordPress theme with a modern magazine style. It is the ultimate theme for sharing blog posts, photos, videos, quotes, and other amazing content.Vertical spaceVerticallyVevayVictoriaVideoVideo %s not foundVideo (%s)Video (%s)Video DetailsVideo EmbedsVideo NameVideo PlayerVideo PlaysVideo PostVideo detailsVideo on %sVideo plays for %1$s days ending %2$sVideo plays for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)Video plays:Video post by %s.Video post.Video publisher has disabled embeds.Video titleVideoPressVideosViennaVientianeViet NamVietnamViewView %(title)sView %1$s version %2$s detailsView %sView “%s”View “%s” archiveView AllView ArchiveView Attachment PageView CategoryView CommentView Full Profile →View Full SiteView Menu SectionView On WordPressView PageView PlansView PostView ProfileView Project TagView Project TypeView ReceiptView ResultsView SiteView TagView TemplateView TestimonialView TrashView allView all draftsView all followersView all plansView all posts by %sView all posts in %sView attachment pageView comment historyView complete profileView detailsView modeView more commentsView pageView postView receiptView site in ReaderView this commentView videoView your WordPress.com achievements here.
Create a site and start writing to earn trophies.View your WordPress.com achievements here.
Write a post to earn your first trophy.View your comment.View your siteView: %sViewsViews Per VisitorViews by CountryViews for topicViews per postViews/PostVilniusVincennesVirginVirgin IslandsVirgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.VirginiaVisibilityVisibility:VisibleVisitVisit %sVisit %s’s websiteVisit wordpress.com/post from your phone or tablet.Visit DashboardVisit LinkVisit SiteVisit Theme SiteVisit WordPress.com now!Visit Your SiteVisit plugin homepageVisit siteVisit the Reader to catch up on the latest items from these feeds: %sVisit the post for more.Visit theme site for %sVisit your subscription dashboard and unsubscribe from thereVisitorVisitorsVisitor not allowed to view video.VisitorsVisual EditorVisual aidsVisual mode gives you an editor that is similar to a word processor. Click the Toolbar Toggle button to get a second row of controls.VladivostokVolgogradVolume SliderVostokVoteVote ButtonVotesWP AdminWP.me ShortlinksWaitingWakeWallisWallis and FutunaWant less email?Want to be the proud owner of a more exclusive theme? Buy a premium theme →Warning! User %s cannot be deleted.Warning! User cannot be deleted. The user %s is a network administrator.Warning:Warning: the link has been inserted but may have errors. Please test it.WarsawWashingtonWavatar (Generated)We are now re-building the threading of your comments (this can also take a while if you have lots of comments)...We are profoundly disinterested in your private detailsWe are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to %s We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to %s If you deleted the import file from your media library, this may have caused the problem. In this case, please try the import once more without deleting the import file. Don't worry -- the importer will delete the file automatically once the import has finished. If you're still having trouble, please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed. We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to %s Please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed. We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to %s. We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to %s
Please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed.We ask that you print this list of ten unique, one-time-use backup codes and keep the list in a safe place.We attempted to renew your %s subscription but experienced a problem taking payment. If you wish to continue with the subscription please log in to your account and update your card details. Your subscription will be cancelled if payment cannot be made.We attempted to renew your subscription but experienced a problem taking payment. If you wish to continue with the subscription please log in to your account and update your card details. Your subscription will be cancelled if payment cannot be made.We automatically scan your entire site every day for security threats and vulnerabilities. We'll thoroughly check for any suspicious activity or code, provide you with instant notifications and details when we find an issue, and help you resolve any harmful threats. We could not delete your SSH credentials. Please try again.We could not retrieve your SSH credentials. Please try again.We couldn't validate your site address. Type your address again or follow manual installation instructions below.We currently only offer %l domain name registrations.We discovered your site, %s, was hidden from search engines by default.We don’t have that post on record yet. (post_id %d)We exclude days prior to the first recorded view and future days.We have apps for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and Android.We have cancelled your subscription.We have not recorded any views for this item yet.We have processed your refund.We have saved some information about your Blogger account in your WordPress database. Clearing this information will allow you to start over. Restarting will not affect any posts you have already imported. If you attempt to re-import a blog, duplicate posts and comments will be skipped.We look forward to serving you again in %d! Happy New Year!We successfully resent the ICANN verification email to your email address on file.We take care of the details of sending emails to your subscribers, leaving you to concentrate on your content.We take security very seriously at Automattic and greatly appreciate receiving private notification from security researchers before full disclosure to the public. If you believe you have found a security issue, please submit your findings.We think WordPress.com is awesome, but don’t take our word for it. With some of our favorite features you can learn how to build the site of your dreams.We want to help you make %d even better on WordPress.com.We want to help you make %d even better with Jetpack.We were able to log in but there were no blogs. Try a different account next time.We were not able to gain access to your account. Try starting over.We were unable to resend the ICANN verification email. Please contact support and provide the following error message:We’re all done here, but you can always convert more.We’re downloading and importing your LiveJournal posts...We’ve saved where you were up to though, so if you come back to this importer in about 30 minutes, you should be able to continue from where you were.We’ve changed this option to a click-to-scroll version for you since you have footer widgets in Appearance → Widgets, or your theme uses click-to-scroll as the default behavior.We'll make you a delicious magazine from every other WordPress.com blog you follow. It's a great way to get an overview of a community.We're processing your import now and will send you an email when it's all done. If you don't hear from us within 24 hours, please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed.We've made your site publicWeb AddressWebsiteWebsite DesignerWebsitesWedWednesdayWednesday initialWWeekWeek %dWeek %d of %dWeek Starts OnWeek of %sWeeksWelcomeWelcome messageWelcome panelWelcomeWelcome to %s! You now have special access to a bunch of new features, as well as a free domain.Welcome to %s. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!Welcome to Custom CSS! To learn how this works, see http://wp.me/PEmnE-BtWelcome to WordPress!Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!Welcome to WordPress.comWelcome to WordPress.com!Welcome to WordPress.com. Please click the button below to confirm your email address and activate your account.Welcome to the WordPress.com community.Welcome to your Dashboard!Welcome to your WordPress Dashboard!Were you looking for your API Key and other Personal Settings?WestWest VirginiaWestern SaharaWe’ll continue monitoring your site, and will let you know when it’s up again.We’ve made a change to make your site visible, but you can adjust its visibility in Settings.What Will My Domain Name Include?What Will My Mapping Include?What can we help you with today?What do I do now?What domain name would you like to use for your blog?What is the URL of the specific blog you are contacting us about?What should be done with content owned by %s?What should be done with content owned by these users?What should be done with content owned by this user?What should the subject line be?What’s NewWhat’s on your mind?What’s the difference between categories and tags? Normally, tags are ad-hoc keywords that identify important information in your post (names, subjects, etc) that may or may not recur in other posts, while categories are pre-determined sections. If you think of your site like a book, the categories are like the Table of Contents and the tags are like the terms in the index.What's HotWhat's a Gravatar?What's this?When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-mail, or IP, it will be held in the {{link}}moderation queue{{/link}}. One word or IP per line. It will match inside words, so "press" will match "WordPress".When adding a new category on this screen, you’ll fill in the following fields:When adding a new tag on this screen, you’ll fill in the following fields:When changing themes, there is often some variation in the number and setup of widget areas/sidebars and sometimes these conflicts make the transition a bit less smooth. If you changed themes and seem to be missing widgets, scroll down on this screen to the Inactive Widgets area, where all of your widgets and their settings will have been saved.When choosing daily or weekly email delivery, which time of day would you prefer?When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder menu items will be available in the items list above.When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder widgets will be available in the widgets list above.When previewing on smaller monitors, you can use the collapse icon at the bottom of the left-hand pane. This will hide the pane, giving you more room to preview your site in the new theme. To bring the pane back, click on the collapse icon again.When starting a new paragraph with one of these formatting shortcuts followed by a space, the formatting will be applied automatically. Press Backspace or Escape to undo.When you click the button below WordPress will create an XML file for you to save to your computer.When you make posts or comments around WordPress.com, they will be listed in chronological order here. Want to get started? Check out some of the links to the right and leave a comment on one that interests you.When you renew, your blog will again be available at "%1$s":Where did they come from?Which Internet Defense League campaign do you want to participate in?Which language will you be blogging in?While previewing a new theme, you can continue to tailor things like widgets and menus, and explore theme-specific options.WhiteWhitehorseWhoa, slow down with the emails!Why Map a Domain Name?Why Register a Domain Name?WideWidget %sWidget TitleWidget Visibility: {Rule Major [Page]} is {Rule Minor [Search results]}isWidget for main Jetpack Support pageWidget moved downWidget moved upWidget title for followers:Widget title for non-followers:Widget title:WidgetsWidgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into any widgetized area provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars). To populate your sidebars/widget areas with individual widgets, drag and drop the title bars into the desired area. By default, only the first widget area is expanded. To populate additional widget areas, click on their title bars to expand them.Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars).Widgets may be used multiple times. You can give each widget a title, to display on your site, but it’s not required.Widgets need to be registered using %s, before they can be displayed.WidthWidth 150px, the micro style is useful when space is tight.Width 150px, the narrow style is good for sidebars etc.Width: 300px, the medium style is good for general use.Width: 630px, the wide style is good for blog posts.WinamacWindhoekWinnipegWisconsinWith %s you can change fonts, colors, and CSS for your theme and preview your changes in real‑time.With 1 commentWith %s commentsWith Jetpack connected you can experience a fully responsive posting UI that works on any device.With the Automattic service WordPress.com you can publish the website of your dreams. When you do, you’ll agree to these fascinating terms of service.Within %skmWithout access to the app, your phone, or a backup code, you will lose access to your account.Word count type. Do not translate!wordsWord count: %sWordPressWordPress %1$s running %2$s theme.WordPress › ErrorWordPress › SuccessWordPress Address (URL)WordPress BlogWordPress DashboardWordPress EmbedWordPress NewsWordPress Post by EmailWordPress Shortcode:WordPress THEME-TYPE ThemesWordPress %sThemesWordPress THEME-TYPE themes — Themes for Blogs at WordPress.comWordPress %s Themes — Themes for Blogs at WordPress.comWordPress database error:WordPress loginWordPress powers %s%% of the internet.WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automaticallyWordPress site: %sWordPress.com » Redirecting you to a new blog!WordPress.com AnnouncementWordPress.com CreditsWordPress.com FollowersWordPress.com ForumsWordPress.com Media %sWordPress.com NewsWordPress.com PasswordWordPress.com PremiumWordPress.com Reblog ButtonWordPress.com SearchWordPress.com SupportWordPress.com UsernameWordPress.com forumsWordPress.com running %2$s theme.WordPress.com verification code: %sWordPress.com
BusinessWordpress.com is also available in lang%1$s is also available in %2$s WordsWords:Words: %sWorking FemaleWorking Female MediumWorking Female NarrowWorking Female WideWorking MaleWorking Male MediumWorking Male NarrowWorking Male WideWould you like to create one?Would you like to publish your first page?WriteWrite a Comment...Write a postWrite posts or pages in plain text Markdown syntax.Write your first blog postWrite your first new news itemWrite your response in order to submitWritingWriting & BloggingWriting HelperWriting SettingsWyomingX — Even more mature than aboveXML Error: %1$s at line %2$sXML-RPC Request Failed -- XML-RPC services are disabled on this site.Y/m/dY/m/d g:i:s AY/m/d g:i:s aYahoo IMYakutatYakutskYancowinnaYangonYapYearYearly archivesYearly averages are computed from sums, not an average of monthly averages.YearsYekaterinburgYellowYellowknifeYemenYep. You can enter multiple email addresses in the Email address field, and separate them with commas. A notification email will then be sent to each email address.YerevanYesYes, I already own this domain name. Map it to my WordPress.com blog.Yes, take me to my profile pageYesterdayYesterday at %sYouYou replied to this comment.You replied to this post.You must not re-publish infringing material without first resolving the dispute with the copyright holder. WordPress.com does not have the power to overturn DMCA claims.You and %s other bloggers like this.You and one other blogger like this.You are about to approve the following comment:You are about to delete %s.You are about to delete the following comment:You are about to delete the following subscription:You are about to delete this link '%s' 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.You are about to delete this theme '%s' 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.You are about to leave the blog %s and will no longer be able to write posts there.You are about to mark the following comment as spam:You are about to move the following comment to the Trash:You are about to trash these items. 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.You are already following all comments on this site.You are already following that blogYou are already following that topic.You are attempting to log out of %sYou are commenting using your %s account.You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for %2$s.You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for the day %2$s.You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for the year %2$s.You are currently browsing the %s blog archives.You are currently browsing the archives for the %s category.You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts.You are currently managing subscriptions for %1$s. %2$s from this email.You are currently using %1$s GB.You are customizing %sYou are logged into WordPress.com as %1$s. To switch accounts, log out.You are not a member of this site.You are not actively following any blogs.You are not allowed to close this poll.You are not allowed to delete this poll.You are not allowed to do that.You are not allowed to edit this poll.You are not allowed to edit this post resolutionYou are not allowed to manage this item.You are not allowed to move this item out of the Trash.You are not allowed to move this item to the Trash.You are not allowed to open this poll.You are not allowed to trash this postYou are not authorized to manage sharing settings for this site.You are not authorized to upload files to this siteYou are not yet following any blogs. Try finding your friends or check out our recommended blogs.You are now in your blog’s “dashboard” where you can write new posts and control lots of important settings and features.You are now logged out everywhere else.You are now logged out.You are on a %d day streak!You are on a %d day streak!You are only logged in at this location.You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.You are previewing %sYou are using an insecure browser!You are using the browser’s built-in file uploader. The WordPress uploader includes multiple file selection and drag and drop capability. Switch to the multi-file uploader.You attempted to access the "%1$s" dashboard, but you do not currently have privileges on this site. If you believe you should be able to access the "%1$s" dashboard, please contact your network administrator.You attempted to edit an item that does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted?You both liked posts on these blogsYou can view your billing history or cancel your purchase on each service below.You can add links here to be displayed on your site, usually using Widgets. By default, links to several sites in the WordPress community are included as examples.You can add or edit links on this screen by entering information in each of the boxes. Only the link’s web address and name (the text you want to display on your site as the link) are required fields.You can also pick your own color.You can also modify the interface language in your profile.You can also specify the language this blog is written in.You can also activate your account by copying and pasting this address into your address bar: %1$sYou can also choose a background color by clicking the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker.You can also create posts with the Press This bookmarklet.You can also delete individual items and access the extended edit screen from the details dialog.You can also edit or move multiple posts to the Trash at once. Select the posts you want to act on using the checkboxes, then select the action you want to take from the Bulk actions menu and click Apply.You can also moderate the comment from this screen using the Status box, where you can also change the timestamp of the comment.You can also modify your interface's language in your profile.You can also perform the same types of actions, including narrowing the list by using the filters, acting on a page using the action links that appear when you hover over a row, or using the Bulk actions menu to edit the metadata for multiple pages at once.You can assign keywords to your posts using tags. Unlike categories, tags have no hierarchy, meaning there is no relationship from one tag to another.You can assign theme locations to individual menus by selecting the desired settings at the bottom of the menu editor. To assign menus to all theme locations at once, visit the Manage Locations tab at the top of the screen.You can cancel your subscription at any time by following one of these options:You can change the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab to set how many items are displayed per screen and to display/hide columns in the table.You can change your delivery preferences in your subscription dashboard. You can have emails sent when they are published, or aggregated and sent once a day or once a week.You can change your password, turn on keyboard shortcuts, change the color scheme of your WordPress administration screens, and turn off the WYSIWYG (Visual) editor, among other things. You can hide the Toolbar (formerly called the Admin Bar) from the front end of your site, however it cannot be disabled on the admin screens.You can choose from the theme’s default header images, or use one of your own. You can also customize how your Site Title and Tagline are displayed.You can choose one of your previously uploaded headers, or show a random one.You can comment, like or reblog great posts you find on WordPress.com. It's also a great way to build your own community and find likeminded bloggers.You can create and publish both posts and pages on your site. If you are new to WordPress­­.com, check out our tutorials for a detailed walkthrough.You can create groups of links by using Link Categories. Link Category names must be unique and Link Categories are separate from the categories you use for posts.You can customize the display of this screen in a number of ways:You can customize the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab and/or the dropdown filters above the links table.You can customize the display of this screen’s contents in a number of ways:You can customize the look of your site without touching any of your theme’s code by using a custom background. Your background can be an image or a color.You can delete Link Categories in the Bulk Action pull-down, but that action does not delete the links within the category. Instead, it moves them to the default Link Category.You can do far more than just customize your background color and image as part of your Custom Design upgrade. Choose from great palettes and background patterns. Check it out!You can edit the image while preserving the thumbnail. For example, you may wish to have a square thumbnail that displays just a section of the image.You can edit the information left in a comment if needed. This is often useful when you notice that a commenter has made a typographical error.You can enable distraction-free writing mode using the icon to the right. This feature is not available for old browsers or devices with small screens, and requires that the full-height editor be enabled in Screen Options.You can export a file of your site’s content in order to import it into another installation or platform. The export file will be an XML file format called WXR. Posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags can be included. You can choose for the WXR file to include only certain posts or pages by setting the dropdown filters to limit the export by category, author, date range by month, or publishing status.You can filter the list of posts by post status using the text links above the posts list to only show posts with that status. The default view is to show all posts.You can filter the list of users by User Role using the text links above the users list to show All, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber. The default view is to show all users. Unused User Roles are not listed.You can help us fight spam and upgrade your account by contributing a token amount.You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many posts to list per screen using the Screen Options tab.You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many users to list per screen using the Screen Options tab.You can log out of other devices, such as your phone or a public computer, by clicking the Log Out Everywhere Else button.You can manage comments made on your site similar to the way you manage posts and other content. This screen is customizable in the same ways as other management screens, and you can act on comments using the on-hover action links or the bulk actions.You can modify your Gravatar from your profile page.You can narrow the list by file type/status or by date using the dropdown menus above the media table.You can now manage all your sites – wherever they're hosted – and their plugins from one central dashboard.You can now manage and live-preview Custom Backgrounds in the Customizer.You can now manage and live-preview Custom Header in the Customizer.You can now manage the blogs you follow in the WordPress.com Reader.You can proportionally scale the original image. For best results, scaling should be done before you crop, flip, or rotate. Images can only be scaled down, not up.You can read all about domain expiration and troubleshooting here.You can refine the list to show only posts in a specific category or from a specific month by using the dropdown menus above the posts list. Click the Filter button after making your selection. You also can refine the list by clicking on the post author, category or tag in the posts list.You can reply to this comment via email as well, just click the reply button in your email client.You can search for a different name or choose from one of the following suggestions:You can see all comments on this post here:You can see all pingbacks on this post here:You can see all trackbacks on this post here:You can select an image to be shown at the top of your site by uploading from your computer or choosing from your media library. After selecting an image you will be able to crop it.You can set a custom image header for your site. Simply upload the image and crop it, and the new header will go live immediately. Alternatively, you can use an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the “Choose Image” button.You can set maximum sizes for images inserted into your written content; you can also insert an image as Full Size.You can set the language, and WordPress will automatically download and install the translation files (available if your filesystem is writable).You can still use your site but any subdomain you create may not be accessible. If you know your DNS is correct, ignore this message.You can submit content in several different ways; this screen holds the settings for all of them. The top section controls the editor within the dashboard, while the rest control external publishing methods. For more information on any of these methods, use the documentation links.You can transfer your domain to another domain registrar at any time by providing them with your domain name and transfer code.You can upload and insert media (images, audio, documents, etc.) by clicking the Add Media button. You can select from the images and files already uploaded to the Media Library, or upload new media to add to your page or post. To create an image gallery, select the images to add and click the “Create a new gallery” button.You can upload media files here without creating a post first. This allows you to upload files to use with posts and pages later and/or to get a web link for a particular file that you can share. There are three options for uploading files:You can use categories to define sections of your site and group related posts. The default category is “Uncategorized” until you change it in your writing settings.You can use it to customize the design of any WordPress.com theme.You can use one of these cool headers or show a random one on each page.You can use the following controls to arrange your Dashboard screen to suit your workflow. This is true on most other administration screens as well.You can view all posts made by a user by clicking on the number under the Posts column.You can view posts in a simple title list or with an excerpt using the Screen Options tab.You can view your billing history or cancel your purchase on each service below.You can view your media in a simple visual grid or a list with columns. Switch between these views using the icons to the left above the media.You cannot change this later.You cannot delete a plugin while it is active on the main site.You cannot delete the current user.You cannot edit this item because it is in the Trash. Please restore it and try again.You cannot move this item to the Trash. %s is currently editing.You cannot redirect your blog to WordPress.comYou cannot redirect your blog to WordPress.com.You cannot remove users.You cannot reply to a comment on a draft post.You cannot transfer to that userYou cannot use that email address to signup. We are having problems with them blocking some of our email. Please use another email provider.You commented on:You currently have no custom styles created.You did not enter a category name.You didn't add any tags to your post. Tags can help you get more readers by making your post easier to find.You do not currently have any upgrades. To see what upgrades we offer visit our {{link}}Plans page{{/link}}.You do not have permission to access this page.You do not have permission to edit this user.You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.You do not have sufficient permissions to activate plugins for this site.You do not have sufficient permissions to deactivate plugins for this site.You don't have any drafts.You don't have any pages in your trash folder.You don't have any upgrades yet. Try one of our plans.You don't have permission to access this pageYou don't have permission to download the specified themeYou don't have to do anything — this is just a reminder. You may receive another email regarding the renewal status of your upgrade. This confirms that this upgrade is set to auto-renew.You don't have to do anything - this is just a reminder.You don’t have permission to do that.You entered an invalid code. Please try again.You have %1$s and %2$s.You have attempted to queue too many files.You have been added to this site. Please visit the homepage or log in using your username and password.You have been added!You have been logged out in another tab or window. Please log in again.You have blocked all emails from WordPress.comYou have chosen to delete the following users from all networks and sites.You have chosen to delete the user from all networks and sites.You have exceeded the maximum (%1$s) number of Email Forwards you can createYou have left the blogYou have logged in successfully.You have no billing history at this time.You have no categories to convert!You have no comments to import!You have no tags to convert!You have not been unsubscribed from your subscription. Please try again.You have not sent out any invitations for this blog yet.You have now enabled the translator. Right click the text to translate it.You have purchased this product permanently. There is no subscription to renewYou have searched the %1$s blog archives for ‘%2$s’. If you are unable to find anything in these search results, you can try one of these links.You have specified these users for deletion:You have specified these users for removal:You have specified this user for deletion:You have specified this user for removal:You have successfully logged back in.You have successfully updated your billing information.You have unsaved changes.You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave this page?You have used your space quota. Please delete files before uploading.You haven't published any pages yet.You haven't written anything yet, but that's easy for you to do later! Here's your chance to get your site looking just the way you want it to before the words start flowing. Some inspiration from someone who knew a thing or two about writing:You like thisYou like this.You may not upload %s type filesYou may only upload 1 file.You may want to visit their blog. Perhaps you'll enjoy their blog as much as they enjoyed yours!You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like their blog as much as they liked your comment!You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like their blog as much as they liked yours!You must be logged in to post a comment.You must be a member of at least one site to use this page.You must be logged in to download the specified themeYou must click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen for new settings to take effect.You must include [feedback-link] in the e-mail textYou must include at least 2 answersYou must provide a domain name.You must provide a name for your network of sites.You must provide a valid email address.You must verify your email address through the ICANN verification email before you are able to update the name servers for your domain.You must verify your email address through the ICANN verification email before you can transfer this domain.You need JavaScript to choose a part of the image.You need a higher level of permission.You need to enter an API key to activate the Akismet service on your site.You need to enter your numeric user ID for the Goodreads Widget to work correctly. Full instructions.You need to select what to show in this Gravatar Profile widget.You need to supply your OPML url. Press back on your browser and try againYou only have one theme installed right now. Live a little! You can choose from over 1,000 free themes in the WordPress Theme Directory at any time: just click on the Install Themes tab above.You should back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files.You should back up your existing %s file.You should consider changing your site domain to %1$s before enabling the network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the %3$s prefix with an address like %2$s but any links will not have the %3$s prefix.You should go see what they're up to. Maybe you'll like their blog as much as they liked yours!You successfully updated the primary domain to {{domain}}.You will not be sent any confirmation email - please make sure this is what you want to do before continuing!You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d day, on %3$s.You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, on %3$s.You will be charged %1$s for this renewal later today.You will be removed as owner of %sYou will not be able to access %s unless allowed by the new ownerYou will not be able to install new themes from here yet since your install requires SFTP credentials. For now, please add themes in the admin.You will receive a refund for this upgrade as it was purchased less than 3 days ago.You {{a}}replied{{/a}} to this comment.You {{a}}replied{{/a}} to this post.You’ll create a menu, assign it a location, and add menu items like links to pages and categories. If your theme has multiple menu areas, you might need to create more than one.You’ve selected the %s theme! Now you can customize it to make it look exactly how you’d like.You'll need to reply from the proper email account or comment directly on the post:You're on a %1$s-day streak!You're on a %1$s-day streak!You're on fire!You've received %1$s like on %2$sYou've received %1$s likes on %2$sYou've recently used this password. Try something new.YouTubeYour Blogging HomeYour Custom Content TypesYour Dropbox account could not be connected due to an error. Please try again.Your Dropbox account could not be disconnected due to an error. Please try again.Your Dropbox account has been connected.Your Dropbox account has been disconnected. You may now reconnect if you wish.Your EmailYour Import is CompleteYour Movable Type import was successful. %s Happy Blogging! -- the WordPress.com teamYour NameYour OPML file could not be read.Your Portfolio Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating them on your dashboard.Your SitesYour StuffYour Tumblr import was successful. %s Happy Blogging! -- the WordPress.com teamYour WordPress content import for %s was successful. Happy Blogging! -- the WordPress.com teamYour WordPress content import for %s was successful.Your account has not been activated. We sent you an email with a link to activate.Your attempt to transfer a blog failed - please contact supportYour blog cannot be redirected to that URL. Please make sure the URL is valid.Your blog does not currently have any published posts.Your blog, %1$s, appears to be getting more traffic than usual! %2$s hourly views - %3$s hourly views on averageYour blogrollYour browser does not support direct access to the clipboard. Please use keyboard shortcuts or your browser’s edit menu instead.Your browser is out of date!Your card used at %s is expiringYour chosen password.Your client is not permitted to access this resource.Your client is not permitted to disable two step.Your client is not permitted to enable two step.Your client is not permitted to set the user's email.Your client is not permitted to set the user's password.Your comment is awaiting moderation.Your comments have all been imported now, but we still need to rebuild your conversation threads.Your credit card has been removed, and auto renew has been disabled for all your subscriptions.Your current planYour custom CSS is not yet active.Your dashboard address is only visible to you and it’s at:Your domain currently has Privacy enabled. The below details are what are shown for all domain contact detail requests.Your domain is currently locked. This protects your domain from being transferred to another registrar without your permission.Your domain must use WordPress.com name servers for your WordPress.com site to load, any WordPress.com email forwards you have active to function, and for the DNS Editor to be available.Your e-mail %1$s is now verified as the owner of this account %2$s.Your email addressYour email address has not been updated yet. Please check your inbox at %s for a confirmation email.Your email address will not be published.Your email address.Your email forward has been setup.Your follower migration has been queued. You will receive an email to indicate when it starts and finishes.Your followersYour latest changes were saved as a revision.Your latest postsYour media uploadYour most used categories in cloud format.Your most-used tags in cloud format.Your nameservers need to be set to NS1.WORDPRESS.COM and NS2.WORDPRESS.COM for these email forwards to work. If you have already updated the nameservers you can ignore this message; it will stop appearing soon.Your new WordPress.com site is ready to go! Looking for ideas for your new site? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial. Cheers, The WordPress.com TeamYour new blog address will be %sYour new domain name will be mapped for one year and you can renew the mapping each year to keep it working.Your new domain name will be registered for one year and you can renew it each year to keep it working.Your new field was saved successfullyYour online business card. Connect is designed and developed for sharing a professional profile.Your paid upgrades on %s will be transferred to the new owner, and will remain with the blogYour password can be saved.Your password cannot be the same as your username. Please pick a different password.Your password does not meet our security guidelines. Please try a more complex password.Your password has been reset.Your password is incorrect, please try againYour password is too short. Please pick a password that has at least 6 characters.Your password is too weak: Looks like you're including easy to guess information about yourself. Try something a little more unique.Your past location data is not shared with your visitors.Your past, public location data is shared with your visitors.Your photo is managed using the Gravatar service.Your podcast feed: %1$sYour posts have all been imported, but wait – there’s more! Now we need to download & import your comments.Your posts will only be shared with the Circles/Google+ users you select during the connection process. e.g. To share with everyone, select 'Public'.Your profile contains information about you (your “account”) as well as some personal options related to using WordPress.Your recent attempt to Post by Email was blocked as you sent your mail to the example email address. In order to get an email published on your blog please follow the instructions at: http://support.wordpress.com/post-by-email/Your search did not match any blog posts. Whoa.Your session has expired. Click here to log in again. Your changes will not be lost.Your session has expired. Please log in to continue where you left off.Your site %s can now be seen by search engines.Your site has been suspended from WordPress.com for violating the Terms of Service. If you believe this was done in error, please contact us as soon as possible to have the suspension reviewed. (To learn more about what is and is not allowed, please see our User Guidelines page.)Your site is safely hosted at WordPress.com which means you already have most of the Jetpack goodness right out of the box. Have you considered upgrading your WordPress.com Plan?Your site just got even better.Your site’s most recent Posts.Your site’s most recent comments.Your starting point for finding and sharing solutions with WordPress.com users around the world.Your stats are booming! $blog_title is getting lots of traffic.Your stats are booming! %1$s is getting lots of traffic.Your stats are booming! Looks like %s is getting lots of traffic.Your stored credit cards are used to pay for upgrades on WordPress.com and subscriptions for connected applications.Your subscription details have expired or are invalid. Please try subscribing again.Your subscription will stop on %s because we could not take a recurring payment from your credit card.Your subscriptionsYour subscriptions could not be imported. Confirm that your file is in the OPML format, and try again: %sYour subscriptions imported successfully.Your theme can display menus in %s location. Select which menu you would like to use.Your theme can display menus in %s locations. Select which menu appears in each location.Your theme can display menus in one location. Select which menu you would like to use.Your theme does not support navigation menus or widgets.Your theme supports %s menu. Select which menu appears in each location.Your theme supports %s menus. Select which menu appears in each location.Your theme supports one menu. Select which menu you would like to use.Your timezone is set to %1$s (%2$s), currently %3$s (Coordinated Universal Time %4$s).Your timezone is set to %1$s (Coordinated Universal Time %2$s).Your transaction was declined. Please try another card.Your translations are all up to date.Your upload failed. Perhaps try from within wp-admin.Your username cannot be changed, but you can use other fields to enter your real name or a nickname, and change which name to display on your posts.Your video play statisticsYour visitors clicked these links on your site.Your web host or server administrator has disabled PHP’s gethostbynamel function. Akismet cannot work correctly until this is fixed. Please contact your web host or firewall administrator and give them this information about Akismet’s system requirements.You’re already subscribed to this site!You’re in good company if you use WordPress to publish on the web. Here’s a sampler of well-known sites that are powered by WordPress.Yukon TerritoryZagrebZambiaZaporozhyeZero length file, deletingZimbabweZipZuluZurich[%1$s] %2$s changed: %3$s[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in "%3$s"[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in a comment on "%3$s"[%1$s] Comment: "%2$s"[%1$s] Pingback: "%2$s"[%1$s] Please moderate: "%2$s"[%1$s] Trackback: "%2$s"[%1$s] Verify %2$s[%s] Joining Confirmation[%s] New Admin Email Address[%s] New Email Address[%s] New Site Created[%s] New User Registration[%s] Password Changed[%s] Password Reset[%s] You've been granted access to view this private site[%s] Your username and password[-] Collapse[Pending][Subscribe] Failed To Confirm Subscription[Subscribe] Failed To Confirm Unsubscription[WordPress.com] Domain %s is about to expire[WordPress.com] Import failed[WordPress.com] Import successful[WordPress.com] Tumblr Import successful[WordPress.com] Two Step Authentication Disabled[WordPress.com] Two Step Authentication Enabled[edit]a couple of minutesa yearabbreviation of minutea minabbreviation of minutes%d minsacquaintanceactivate theme-name on one of your blogsActivate %s on one of your blogsactivating a themeActivateadd new from admin barLinkadd new from admin barMediaadd new from admin barPageadd new from admin barPostadd new from admin barUseradded on {creation_date}added on %sadmin bar menu group labelNewadmin color schemeBlueadmin color schemeCoffeeadmin color schemeDefaultadmin color schemeEctoplasmadmin color schemeLightadmin color schemeMidnightadmin color schemeOceanadmin color schemeSunriseadmin menuAll Linksalias of %sallall timeaman error: this page could not be foundNot Foundandand %d more…another web address of mineapostrophe’as sharing sourceEmailatattachment filterTrashaudioauto preloadAutobackblock categoryDesignblock categoryMediablock categoryTextblock categoryThemeblogbulk actionAdd SiteAdd Sitesbyby %scalendar caption%1$s %2$scalypso stats surveyI'm used to it.calypso stats surveyIt shows more 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Dh’fhaoidte nach obraich seo dhan a h-uile duine ach beachdaich air co-dhiù ma tha an làrach-lìn agad airson a’ ghnìomhachais, a’ bhuidhinn no a’ bhrannd agad. Ma cheangail thu pròifil Facebook ris an làrach WordPress.com agad roimhe agus ma tha thu fhathast airson ’s gum faic an luchd-leantainn Facebook agad na puist agad, tha dà roghainn ann. Ma chleachd thu Publicize roimhe airson pròifil Facebook a cheangal ris an làrach-lìn agad agus ma tha thu fhathast airson ’s gum faic an luchd-leantainn Facebook agad na puist agad, tha dà roghainn ann. A-mach o 1 dhen Lùnastal 2018, cha bhi comas aig innealan threas-phàrtaidhean tuilleadh puist a cho-roinneadh gu pròifilean Facebook tuilleadh. Tha seo a’ gabhail a-staigh Publicize, an t-inneal aig Jetpack a cheanglas an làrach agad ri prìomh-ùrlaran nam meadhanan sòisealta (mar Twitter, LinkedIn agus Facebook). A-mach o 1 dhen Lùnastal 2018, cha bhi comas aig innealan threas-phàrtaidhean tuilleadh puist a cho-roinneadh gu pròifilean Facebook tuilleadh. Tha seo a’ gabhail a-staigh Publicize, an t-inneal aig WordPress.com a cheanglas an làrach agad ri prìomh-ùrlaran nam meadhanan sòisealta (mar Twitter, LinkedIn agus Facebook). Thug sinn taic dhut o chionn goirid. Turas a bhios an duilgheadas air làn-rèiteachadh, bu toigh leinn cluinntinn uat ach am bi fios againn dè cho math ’s a bha an taic a fhuair thu. Cuidichidh sinn thu a’ cur piseach air na seirbheisean taice againn. Bha sinn airson fios a chumail riut mu rud a tha Facebook an impis atharrachaidh air an ùrlar aca-san agus aig am bi buaidh air an dòigh air an co-roinn thu puist on làrach-lìn a cheangail thu ri Facebook slighe Jetpack. Bha sinn airson fios a chumail riut mu rud a tha Facebook an impis atharrachaidh air an ùrlar aca-san agus aig am bi buaidh air an dòigh air an co-roinn thu puist on làrach-lìn agad ris a’ chunntas Facebook agad. Am bi buaidh aige seo air co-roinneadh na susbaint agad air Facebook? Ma dh’fhaoidte. Ma cheangail thu %1$spròifil%2$s Facebook ris an làrach agad, bidh: Cha bhi comas aig Publicize tuilleadh na puist agad a cho-roinneadh air Facebook. Air an làimh eile, cha bhi atharrachadh sam bith ann ma chumas tu %1$sduilleag%2$s Facebook ceangailte ris an làrach agad – nochdaidh an t-susbaint air fad agad air Facebook ann slighe Publicize. (Nach eil thu cinnteach dè an diofar eadar duilleag agus pròifil? Seo mìneachadh o %3$sFacebook%4$s.) ’S urrainn dhut sùil a thoirt air roghainnean a’ cho-roinnidh shòisealta agad is an atharrachadh air %1$sCo-roinneadh nan làraichean agam%2$s air WordPress.com. Am bi buaidh aige seo air co-roinneadh na susbaint agad air Facebook? Ma dh’fhaoidte. Ma cheangail thu %1$spròifil%2$s Facebook ris an làrach agad, bidh: Cha bhi comas aig Publicize tuilleadh na puist agad a cho-roinneadh air Facebook. Air an làimh eile, cha bhi atharrachadh sam bith ann ma chumas tu %1$sduilleag%2$s Facebook ceangailte ris an làrach agad – nochdaidh an t-susbaint air fad agad air Facebook ann slighe Publicize. (Nach eil thu cinnteach dè an diofar eadar duilleag agus pròifil? Seo mìneachadh o %3$sFacebook%4$s.) ’S urrainn dhut sùil a thoirt air roghainnean a’ cho-roinnidh shòisealta agad is an atharrachadh air %1$sCo-roinneadh nan làraichean agam%2$s. agus seo am fiosrachadh aca: Ainm: %1$s Ceangal: %2$s Pròifil Gravatar: %3$s %4$s Seo am fiosrachadh aca: Ainm: %1$s Ceangal: %2$s Pròifil Gravatar: %3$s %4$s Carson nach doir thu sùil air an tha iad-san ris? Dh’fhaoidte gun còrd na puist aca-san riut-sa a cheart cho mòr. (Fosglaidh seo ann an uinneag ùr) Prìobhaideach 'S e %d pixel an leud susbaint bunaiteach airson an ùrlar %s. agus airson %s"%1$s" le %2$s."%1$s" o %2$s le %3$s."%1$s" o %2$s."%s".Air ath-bhlogadh bho: %sCò mheud inbheachCò mheud duine cloinne#%d (gun tiotal)% beachd(an)% freagairtean% beachd(an)Tha %(description)s mì-dhligheach%1$s Ainm a’ bhloga: %2$s URL a’ bhloga: %3$s URL a’ phuist: %4$s --------- Gus a dhearbhadh: %5$s Airson stad a chur air na puist-d seo: %6$s Ma tha thu ag iarraidh na blogaichean is puist air fad a leanas tu air an lìon fhaighinn san aon àite, clàraich airson cunntas WordPress.com. (http://wordpress.com/signup/?ref=lof) %1$s Ainm a’ bhloga: %3$s URL: %4$s Dearbh an leantainn: %2$s Mur eil thu airson na puist-d seo fhaighinn tuilleadh: %5$s Ma tha thu ag iarraidh na blogaichean is puist air fad a leanas tu air an lìon fhaighinn san aon àite, clàraich airson cunntas WordPress.com. (http://wordpress.com/signup/?ref=lof) %1$s %2$d%1$s: %2$sInbhir %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s%1$s %2$s %3$s Inbhir roinnean-seòrsa%1$s %2$s %3$s Inbhir bheachdan%1$s %2$s %3$s Inbhir%1$s %2$s %3$s Inbhir thagaichean%1$s %2$s Inbhir bheachdan%1$s %2$s Inbhir%1$s %2$s Puist le %3$s Inbhir%1$s %2$s Toraidhean luirg airson “%3$s” Inbhir%2$s %1$s %3$s aig %4$s:%5$s%1$s – %2$s%1$s “%2$s”%1$s ‹ %2$s%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress%1$s (%2$s)%1$s (%2$d)%1$s %2$s %3$s%1$s (%2$s)%1$s (a-mach o %2$s; %3$s)%1$s (a-mach o %2$s; chan eil roghainn eile ri fhaighinn)%1$s (a-mach o %2$s; cleachd %3$s ’na àite)%1$s - %2$s%1$s – dh’fhalbh an ùine air %2$s%1$s – falbhaidh an ùine air %2$s%1$s (%2$s)Seadh, 's urrainn dhut na beachdan agad a leughadh uair sam bith 's tu a' briogadh air a' cheangal "%1$s" ann an clàr-taice nan rianairean.Tha sinn 'ga às-phortadh!
Thèid ceangal a chur gu %1$s far an urrainn dhut a luchdadh a-nuas an dèidh dhen às-phortadh coileanadh.Tha sinn 'ga às-phortadh na làraich seo mu thràth. Thèid ceangal a chur gu %1$s far an urrainn dhut a luchdadh a-nuas an dèidh dhen às-phortadh coileanadh.

Mur eil thu ag aithneachadh an t-seòlaidh seo, cuir fios thugainn airson taic.Thèid %1$s iarraidh ort a-rithist %2$s.Crìochnachadh %1$s #%2$d%1$s bheachd air %2$s%1$s bheachd air %2$s%1$s beachdan air %2$s%1$s beachd air %2$s%1$sMB (%2$s%%) a dh'àite air a chleachdadhChaidh crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh %1$s #%2$d%1$s agus %2$s'S toil le %1$s agus %2$s do bheachd air %3$sChòrd am post agad air %3$s ri %1$s agus %2$sChòrd do bheachd air %3$s ri %1$s agus %2$s eileChòrd am post agad air %3$s ri %1$s agus %2$s eileRinn %1$s agus %2$s eile ath-bhlogadh a' phuist agad, %3$s%1$s %2$sTha %1$s ri modarataireachd an-seo: %2$s.Tha bloga aig %1$s air%1$s le %2$s.Thug %1$s seachad beachd air %2$sTha %1$s a' cosg %2$s agus falbhaidh an ùine air ann an %3$d latha, %4$s.Tha %1$s a' cosg %2$s agus falbhaidh an ùine air ann an %3$d latha, %4$s.Tha %1$s a' cosg %2$s agus falbhaidh an ùine air ann an %3$d làithean, %4$s.Tha %1$s a' cosg %2$s agus falbhaidh an ùine air ann an %3$d latha, %4$s.Dealbhadh %1$s le %2$s.Tha %1$s 'ga shìneadh air adhart gu %2$sTha %1$s a' toirt cuireadh dhut pàirt a ghabhail ann an %3$s:Tha %1$s a' toirt cuireadh dhut a leantainn %3$s:Tha %1$s a' toirt cuireadh dhut a choimhead air %3$s:Cha mholar %1$s tuilleadh. Cleachd %2$s ’na àite.%1$s, le cumhachd %2$s'S ann agadsa a tha %1$s!'S ann agadsa a tha %1$s! Tòisich air a ghnàthachadh an-dràsta.Tha %1$s ’gad leantainn air %2$s a-nis. Gheibh iad post-d gach turas a dh’fhoillsicheas tu post ùr. Meal do naidheachd.Thuirt %1$s gur toil leotha do bheachd air %2$sChòrd do bheachd air %2$s ri %1$s.Chòrd am post agad, %2$s, ri %1$sChòrd am post agad air %2$s ri %1$sRinn %1$s na h-atharraichean a leanas air “%2$s” %3$s %4$s %5$sChuir %1$s comharra (%2$s) ri seoThug %1$s iomradh air %3$s %2$sThug %1$s iomradh air %2$sThug %1$s iomradh ort: "%2$s"%1$s air %2$sRangachadh %1$s stèidhichte air %2$s rangachadhRangachadh %1$s stèidhichte air %2$s rangachadhRangachadh %1$s stèidhichte air %2$s rangachaidheanRangachadh %1$s stèidhichte air %2$s rangachadhThug %1$s iomradh ort o chionn goirid ann an "%2$s" air %3$sThug %1$s iomradh ort ann am beachd o chionn goirid ann an "%2$s" air %3$sLeugh %1$s %2$s o chionn ghoirid agus chòrd e riutha cho mòr 's gun do bhuail iad am putan a dh'innseas gur toil leithe e. Meal do naidheachd!Thug %1$s an rèiteachadh air falbh
%2$sFhreagair %1$s ri beachd %2$sDh’fhreagair %1$s do bheachd %2$s%1$s fhreagairt ri %2$s%1$s fhreagairt ri %2$s%1$s freagairtean ri %2$s%1$s freagairt ri %2$s%1$s dhan chunntas WordPress.com agad airson na fo-sgrìobhaidhean agad a stiùireadh gun duilgheadas. Nach eil cunntas agad? %2$s.Cha deach %1$s a luchdadh suas (chan eil faidhlichean %2$s ceadaichte).Cha deach %1$s a luchdadh suas, chan aithne dhuinn a sheòrsa.Gheibh %1$s fios gach turas a chuireas tu post ùr suas. Maith thu!%1$s, %2$s%1$s agus %2$s.%1$s-%2$s%1$s: %2$s%1$s: Tha thu a' toirt seachad beachdan leis a' chunntas %2$s agad.%1$s: %2$s%1$s le %2$sChuireadh ping dha %1$s %2$s air aisThuirt %1$s %2$s air aisle %d post uile gu lèirAithisg %dAdhbharan-tàlaidh ann an %dChì sinn thu ann an %dChaidh cuid dhe na puist agad air a bheil an fhèill as motha a sgrìobhadh ro %d. Nach buan a tha an sgrìobhadh agad! Saoil an sgrìobh thu mu na cuspairean seo a-rithist?Gun robh math agad airson seòladh le Jetpack ann an %d.Gun robh math agad airson seòladh le WordPress.com ann an %d.Gun robh math agad airson sùil a thoirt air an aithisg bhliadhnail seo. Ma thogras tu, 's urrainn dhut bloga a chruthachadh dhut fhèin air WordPress.com ann an %d!Seo na làraichean a shìn àireamh as motha de dhaoine thugad ann an %d:Seo na puist a bha an àireamh as motha de dhaoine a coimhead orra ann an %d. Chì thu na puist air an robh an fhèill a bu mhotha air feadh na bliadhna air làrach nan stats agad.Mar thoiseach air a' bhliadhna, bu mhath leinn beagan dàta mu ghnìomhachd %s ann an %d a thoirt dhut. Tòisich air sgroladh an-dràsta!Mar thoiseach air a' bhliadhna, bu mhath leinn beagan dàta mu ghnìomhachd a' bhloga agad ann an %d a thoirt dhut. Tòisich air sgroladh an-dràsta!Mar thoiseach air a' bhliadhna, bu mhath leinn beagan dàta mu ghnìomhachd na làraich agad ann an %d a thoirt dhut. Tòisich air sgroladh an-dràsta!Na bi fada gun tilleadh gu %d! Bliadhna mhath ùr dhut!Bu chaomh leinn do chuideachadh a dhèanamh %d fiù nas fhearr air WordPress.com.%d latha%d là(ithean)'S toil le %s e'S toil le %s e'S toil le %s e'S toil le %s e%d ùrachadh plugain%d ùrachadh plugain%d ùrachaidhean plugain%d ùrachadh plugain%d ùrachadh ùrlair%d ùrachadh ùrlair%d ùrachaidhean ùrlair%d ùrachadh ùrlair%d ùrachadh WordPress%d bheachd%d bheachd%d beachdan%d beachd%d mhionaid%d mhionaid%d mionaidean%d mionaid%d pixels%d phost%d phost%d puist%d post%d air a thaghadh%d chunntas cleachdaiche%d chunntas cleachdaiche%d cunntasan cleachdaiche%d cunntas cleachdaiche%s%s %s air coimhead%s — WordPress%s (Mì-dhligheach)%s (Ri dhèanamh)%s (Riatanach)%s roinnean-seòrsa%s puist%s tagaicheanThuirt %s:%s bheachd%s bheachd%s beachdan%s beachdSeo na puist air an dug an àireamh as motha de dhaoine sùil air air %s ann an %d.%s Roghainn eile a sgeama %s%s bheachd%s bheachd%s beachdan%s beachdClàradh àrainne %s'S toil le %s e'S toil le %s e'S toil le %s e'S toil le %s e%sMB a dh'àite ceadaichte%s duilleag%s dhuilleag%s duilleagan%s duilleag%s ri dhèanamh%s ri dhèanamh%s ri dhèanamh%s ri dhèanamh%s bheachd ri dhèiligeadh%s bheachd ri dhèiligeadh%s beachdan ri dhèiligeadh%s beachd ri dhèiligeadh%s chunntas-bheachd a dhùnadh.%s chunntas-bheachd a dhùnadh.%s cunntasan-bheachd a dhùnadh.%s cunntas-bheachd a dhùnadh.%s chunntas-bheachd a sguabadh às.%s chunntas-bheachd a sguabadh às.%s cunntasan-bheachd a sguabadh às.%s cunntas-bheachd a sguabadh às.%s chunntas-bheachd fhosgladh.%s chunntas-bheachd fhosgladh.%s cunntasan-bheachd fhosgladh.%s cunntas-bheachd fhosgladh.%s phost%s phost%s puist%s postChaidh %s rangachadh a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s rangachadh a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s rangachaidhean a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s rangachadh a sguabadh às.Air ath-bhlogadh %s turasAir ath-bhlogadh %s thurasAir ath-bhlogadh %s turaisAir ath-bhlogadh %s turasLàraichean %s%s stoidhle air a sguabadh às.%s stoidhle air a sguabadh às.%s stoidhlichean air a sguabadh às.%s stoidhle air a sguabadh às.Ball-eisimpleir an ùrlair WordPress %sDuais ceann-bliadhna %s%s [Fèin-sàbhaladh]%s [An lèirmheas làithreach]%s air ais%s air aontachadh%s air aontachadh%s air aontachadh%s air aontachadhChaidh aonta a thoirt dha %s bheachdChaidh aonta a thoirt dha %s bheachdChaidh aonta a thoirt dha %s beachdanChaidh aonta a thoirt dha %s beachd%s ri modarataireachd.'S toigh le %s blogairean seo.%s cholbh%s cholbh%s colbhan%s colbh%s bheachd%s bheachd%s beachdan%s beachd%s bheachd air aontachadh%s bheachd air aontachadh%s beachdan air aontachadh%s beachd air aontachadhChaidh %s bheachd a chomharradh mar spama.Chaidh %s bheachd a chomharradh mar spama.Chaidh %s beachdan a chomharradh mar spama.Chaidh %s beachd a chomharradh mar spama.Chaidh %s bheachd a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s bheachd a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s beachdan a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s beachd a ghluasad dhan sgudal.%s bheachd gach mionaid%s bheachd gach mionaid%s beachdan gach mionaid%s beachd gach mionaid%s bheachd air sguabadh às gu buan%s bheachd air sguabadh às gu buan%s beachdan air sguabadh às gu buan%s beachd air sguabadh às gu buanChaidh %s bheachd aiseag on sgudalChaidh %s bheachd aiseag on sgudalChaidh %s beachdan aiseag on sgudalChaidh %s beachd aiseag on sgudalChaidh %s bheachd aiseag on sgudalChaidh %s bheachd aiseag on sgudalChaidh %s beachdan aiseag on sgudalChaidh %s beachd aiseag on sgudalThuirt %s:%s latha%s latha%s làithean%s latha%s a' crìochnachadh le %sTha %s a' dol thairis air na tha ceadaichte airson luchdadh suas iomadh faidhle leis an luchdaichear ma tha thu 'ga chleachdadh 'nad bhrabhsair.Tha %s a' dol thairis air a' mheud cheadaichte air an làrach seo.Dh'fhàillig leabachadh %s.%s a-mach o an-diughChaidh %s a dhì-cheangal.Chaidh %s a chlàradh a-mach.Chaidh %s ùrachadh.Ghabh %s os làimh e ’s tha iad ri gnàthachadh an-dràsta fhèin.Ghabh %s os làimh e 's tha iad 'ga dheasachadh an-dràsta fhèin.%s uair a thìde%s uair a thìde%s uairean a thìde%s uair a thìde%s dealbh%s dhealbh%s dealbhan%s dealbhTha %s a' gabhail a-steach àrainn ùr dhan làrach agad. 'S urrainn dhut àrainn ùr a chlàradh no tè a chur ris a tha agad mu thràth.'S e roghainn dhìonta WP a tha ann an %s agus chan urrainn dhut atharrachadhTha feum air %s agus chan fhaod e a bhith falamh.Tha %s a’ gnàthachadh an changeset seo mu thràth. A bheil thu airson a ghabhail os làimh?Tha %s a’ gnàthachadh an changeset seo mu thràth. Fuirich ort gus am bi iad deiseil le sin. Chaidh na h-atharraichean as ùire agad a shàbhaladh gu fèin-obrachail.Tha %s a’ gnàthachadh na làraich seo mu thràth. A bheil thu airson a ghabhail os làimh?Tha %s a’ gnàthachadh na làraich seo mu thràth. Fuirich ort gus am bi iad deiseil le sin. Chaidh na h-atharraichean as ùire agad a shàbhaladh gu fèin-obrachail.Tha an %s seo air a mhapadh ri làrach WordPress.com mu thràth 's chan eil inntrigeadh agad dha.Tha %s a' deasachadh an-dràsta fhèinTha %s toirmisgteTha feum air %sTha feum air %s mus urrainn dhut meta an deilbh a thoirt às.Tha feum air %s.'S ann agadsa a tha %s%s nì%s nì%s nithean%s nì%s as toigh leotha%s as toigh leotha%s as toigh leotha%s as toigh leotha%s cheangal%s cheangal%s ceanglaichean%s ceangalChaidh %s cheangal a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s cheangal a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s ceanglaichean a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s ceangal a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain a cheangal ris.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain a cheangal ris.Chaidh %s faidhlichean meadhain a cheangal ris.Chaidh %s faidhle meadhain a cheangal ris.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain a dhealachadh.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain a dhealachadh.Chaidh %s faidhlichean meadhain a dhealachadh.Chaidh %s faidhle meadhain a dhealachadh.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s faidhlichean meadhain a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s faidhle meadhain a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s faidhlichean meadhain a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s faidhle meadhain a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s fhaidhle meadhain aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s faidhlichean meadhain aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s faidhle meadhain aiseag on sgudal.%s mhionaid%s mhìos%s mhìos%s mìosan%s mìos%s video a bharrachd%s video a bharrachd%s videothan a bharrachd%s video a bharrachd%s fhacal eile%s fhacal eile%s faclan eile%s facal eile%s air ais%s daoine eile%s eile%s eile%s eile%s eile%s neach eile%s gach duilleagChaidh %s duilleag a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s dhuilleag a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s duilleagan a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s duilleag a ghluasad dhan sgudal.%s duilleag gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin 'ga deasachadh.%s dhuilleag gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin 'ga deasachadh.%s duilleagan gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin 'ga deasachadh.%s duilleag gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin 'ga deasachadh.Chaidh %s duilleag a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s dhuilleag a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s duilleagan a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s duilleag a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s duilleag aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s dhuilleag aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s duilleagan aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s duilleag aiseag on sgudal.%s duilleag air ùrachadh.%s dhuilleag air ùrachadh.%s duilleagan air ùrachadh.%s duilleag air ùrachadh.%s bheachd ri dhèiligeadh%s bheachd ri dhèiligeadh%s beachdan ri dhèiligeadh%s beachd ri dhèiligeadh%s daoine'S toil le %s seo%s gach mìos%s gach bliadhna%s duine%s phost leis an ùghdar seo%s phost leis an ùghdar seo%s puist leis an ùghdar seo%s post leis an ùghdar seoChaidh %s phost a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s phost a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s puist a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh %s post a ghluasad dhan sgudal.%s phost gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin 'ga dheasachadh.%s phost gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin 'ga dheasachadh.%s puist gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin 'ga dheasachadh.%s post gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin 'ga dheasachadh.%s phost gach mionaid%s phost gach mionaid%s puist gach mionaid%s post gach mionaidChaidh %s phost a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s phost a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s puist a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s post a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh %s phost aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s phost aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s puist aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh %s post aiseag on sgudal.%s phost air ùrachadh.%s phost air ùrachadh.%s puist air ùrachadh.%s post air ùrachadh.Rangachadh %s%s diog%s làrach%s làrach%s làraichean%s làrachTha fo-sgrìobhadh %s ri ath-ùrachadhChaidh %s ùrachadh.%s chleachdaiche%s chleachdaiche%s cleachdaichean%s cleachdaicheChaidh %s chleachdaiche a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s chleachdaiche a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s cleachdaichean a sguabadh às.Chaidh %s cleachdaiche a sguabadh às.%s video%s video%s videothan%s video%s seachdain%s sheachdain%s seachdainean%s seachdain%s bhliadhna%s bhliadhna%s bliadhnaichean%s bliadhnaNa h-annsachdan aig %sA' phròifil aig %s%s: %l.%s mìos%s seachdain%s bliadhna“%1$s” — %2$s“%s” (Deasaich)Dh'fhàillig luchdadh suas “%s”.← Sguir dhen liosta-chluich fhuaime← Sguir dhen ghailearaidh← Sguir dhen liosta-chluich video…∞«« Air ais« Beachdan nas sine« Air ais« An duilleag roimhe« Till dhan stadastaireachd←← Air ais← Air ais gu %s← Air ais dhan cheum roimh← Rach dhan na cleachdaichean← Rach dhan deasaiche← Air ais< Air ais— Gun atharrachadh —— Gun dreuchd an làrach seo —— Dèan taghadh —— Sgioba WordPress.com–NO–»→(%d bhòt(aichean))(%s bheachd)(%s bheachd)(%s beachdan)(%s beachd)(%s phing)(%s phing)(%s pingean)(%s ping)(Chan fhaicear an seòladh seo gu poblach idir)(Deasaich)Ma bhriogas tu sa cheangal san teachdaireachd is mur obraich e, dèan lethbhreac dheth is cuir ann am bàr-seòlaidh a' bhrabhsair agad.)Ma bhriogas tu sa cheangal san teachdaireachd is mur obraich e, dèan lethbhreac dheth is cuir ann am bàr-seòlaidh a' bhrabhsair agad.)(Tachraidh gun d'fhuair criathrag an spama agad greim air agus mura fhaic thu e, thoir sùil air pasgan an spama cuideachd.)(Fàg aig 0 gus a chumail as aonais rangachaidh.)(Roghainneil) Faodaidh tu do theachdaireachd fhèin a chur a-steach le suas ri 500 caractairean a nochdas anns a' chuireadh agad don neach-cleachdaidh.(Post prìobhaideach)(Chaidh an clàradh a chur à comas. Chan fhaod ach buill na làraich seo beachdan a thoirt.)(Gun cheangal ris)(Gun tiotal)(Bidh cothrom agad air a' bhathar seo fhathast gu ruige %s)(Bidh cothrom agad air a' bhathar seo fhathast rè na h-ùine a phàigh thu air a shon o thùs)(10 air a' char as motha)(15 air a' char as motha)(50 air a' char as motha)(falaichte)(barrachd…)(gun phàrant)(gun tiotal)(cha deach a lorg)(riatanach)(neo-dhèan)(neo-aithnichte no air a sguabadh às)%1$s air %2$s* Tha an roinn-seòrsa seo 'na thaga cuideachd. Ma dh'iompaicheas tu e, thèid an taga seo a chur ri gach post a tha san roinn-seòrsa seo an-dràsta.* Tha an roinn-seòrsa seo 'na thaga cuideachd. Chuir an t-iompaichear an taga sin ri gach post a tha san roinn-seòrsa an-dràsta. Ma tha thu airson a thoirt air falbh, dearbhaich gun deach gach taga a chur ris gu soirbheachail agus sguab às e an uairsin on duilleag Stiùirich na roinnean-seòrsa.* Tha an taga seo 'na roinn-seòrsa cuideachd. Chuir an t-iompaichear gach post ris an roinn-seòrsa. Ma tha thu airson a thoirt air falbh, dearbhaich gun deach gach taga a chur ris gu soirbheachail agus sguab às e an uairsin on duilleag Stiùirich na tagaichean.* Tha an taga seo 'na roinn-seòrsa cuideachd. Ma dh'iompaicheas tu e, bidh gach post ris a bheil an taga seo san roinn-seòrsa seo.+ %s+ Cuir 2na loidhne ris an t-seòladh+ Cuir ris roinn-seòrsa ùr+ Cruthaich clàr-taice ùr, - %1$s (bho tionndadh %2$s gu %3$s)%4$s- %1$s tionndadh %2$s- %1$s tionndadh %2$s%3$s- Tagh -Àrainn .blog011 bheachdAon bheachd air %s1GB de stòras1 bheachd1 nì%s nì%s nithean%s nì1 à 41 duilleag gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin ’ga deasachadh.1 phost gun ùrachadh, tha cuideigin ’ga dheasachadh.Na 10 as ùire100100GB%1$s air %2$sMòran taing airson %1$s le %2$s a thaghadh%1$s air %2$sÙrlaran %1$sThuirt barrachd dhaoine gur toil leotha na puist agad air %2$s %1$s na riamh roimhe. Tha sin gasta, a charaid, math a rinn thu!2 à 424 uairean a thìdeTaic a latha 's a dh'oidhche fad na seachdain3GB de stòras3GB de stòras3 à 430 latha30 mionaid3GB4 à 4Duilleag na mearachd 404404 Cha deach a lorgNa 5 as ùire50GB de stòras50GB7 làithean(neo-aithnichte no air a sguabadh às)Ceangail ri barrachd sheirbheisean airson luchd-leughaidh nas fharsainge a thàladh dhan bhloga agad.Cuir Publicize air airson barrachd luchd-leughaidh a thàladh dhan bhloga agad. Cuir gu feum Twitter, Facebook agus Google+ gus barrachd trafaig a bhrosnachadh ann.Ùraich %2$s no ionnsaich mar a nì thu brabhsadh toilichteBidh litrichean mòra 's beaga, àireamhan is comharran mar %2$s ann an sàr fhacal-faire.Dhìon Akismet an làrach agad o %2$s bheachd spama mu thràth. Dhìon Akismet an làrach agad o %2$s bheachd spama mu thràth. Dhìon Akismet an làrach agad o %2$s beachdan spama mu thràth. Dhìon Akismet an làrach agad o %2$s beachd spama mu thràth. Dhìon Akismet an làrach agad o %3$s bheachd spama mu thràth.Dhìon Akismet an làrach agad o %3$s bheachd spama mu thràth.Dhìon Akismet an làrach agad o %3$s beachdan spama mu thràth.Dhìon Akismet an làrach agad o %3$s beachd spama mu thràth.Feuch is falamhaich na criathragan?Luchdaich a-nuas %2$s airson làrach WordPress a tha air fèin-òstaireachd agad.Clàraich a-steach gu WordPress.com gus %2$s a luchdadh a-nuas airson làrach WordPress air d' òstaireachd fhèin.Ùraich an-dràsta airson bliadhna eile no cuir crìoch air an àrainn seoCuir crìoch air an fho-sgrìobhadh no atharraich na %3$s agad.Tha WordPress %2$s ri fhaighinn! Nach dèan thu ùrachadh an-dràsta?Tha WordPress %2$s ri fhaighinn! Leig fios gu rianadair na làraich.Cuir am post-d dearbhaidh a-rithist | Cuir gu seòladh puist-d eileTreòrachadh DailyMotion %sTreòrachadh YouTube %sTha Akismet a' cur bacadh air spama a dh'fheuchas ri èaladh a-steach 'nad bhloga. Ceannaich ùrlar Premium dhan bhloga agad is bidh a thoiseach air càch!Cruthaich duilleag mu do dhèidhinn-sa airson beagan innse do dhaoine mu do dhèidhinn.Ceanglaichean / Cuir ceangal ùr risCeanglaichean / Deasaich an ceangalSuidhich cànan a' bhloga agad airson 's gun nochd e ann an liostaichean nan gràinnean-mullaich air WordPress.com airson barrachd trafaig.Ùraich an duilleag a tha mu do dhèidhinn-sa airson beagan innse do dhaoine mu do dhèidhinn.Docmaideadh mu fhòrmat a' chinn-là 's ama.Docmaideadh mu fhèin-ùrachaidheanFòraman taiceTeirmichean luirg neo-aithnichte'S e %s an tìde UTC
A' cur tagaichean ris %s..._blank — uinneag no taba ùr._none — an dearbh-uinneag no taba._top — an uinneag no taba làithreach as aonais fhrèamaichean.

'S urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach aig WordPress.com

Feumaidh sinn dèanamh cinnteach gur ann agadsa a tha an seòladh puist-d %1$s ach an urrainn dhuinn brathan a chur thugad no air eagal 's gun caill thu am facal-faire agad uaireigin. Leugh barrachd mu dhèidhinn seo an-seo.

Feumaidh sinn dèanamh cinnteach gur ann agadsa a tha an seòladh puist-d seo ach an urrainn dhuinn brathan a chur thugad no air eagal 's gun caill thu am facal-faire agad uaireigin. Leugh barrachd mu dhèidhinn seo an-seo.

Cuir Yahoo! crìoch air API nan ùrachaidhean aca agus chan urrainn dhuinn ceangal ris tuilleadh.

'S urrainn dhut ceangal ri seirbheis sam bith eile ris a bheil taic fhathast is tu a' briogadh airson a' phutan "Air ais" 'nad bhrabhsair is a' taghadh seirbheis eile.

Chan eil cead agad inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan duilleag seo.

Bu chòir gun urrainn dhut an cunntas aiseag dhut 's tu a' lìonadh foirm nam faclan-faire caillte slighe an t-seòlaidh phuist-d a thug thu seachad. Thoir sùil air pasgan an spama agad cuideachd an tòir a' phuist-d aisig.

Mur urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach an dèidh dhut ath-shuidheachadh 's tu air sùil a thoirt air pasgan an spama, lìon am foirm a-rithist is cumaidh sinne taic riut.

Air a phostadh ann an %2$sAir a phostadh %2$s le %3$sAir a thagadh %2$s
%1$s %2$s Beachdan nas sine Puist nas sineAn ath-phost%titleAm post roimhe%title%1$s bheachd spama air a chasgadh le Akismet%1$s bheachd spama air a chasgadh le Akismet%1$s beachdan spama air a chasgadh le Akismet%1$s beachd spama air a chasgadh le AkismetTha %1$s a-nis a' leantainn %2$sDh'ath-bhlogaich%1$s am post agad %2$sDh'ath-bhlogaich%1$s am post agad air %2$s%s – Leigidh seo leat dealbh sam bith a cheangal ri post gun a chur a-steach ann. Cha bhi seo feumail ach ma chleachdas an t-ùrlar agad an dealbh brosnaichte mar dhealbhag puist air an duilleag mhòr no mar bhann-cinn no rud mar sin.Tha cead inntrigidh dhan stadastaireachd aig %s (cleachdaiche WordPress.com) mu thràth.Thuirt %s gur toil leotha am post agad:%s air fhàgail airson rudan a luchdadh suas.%s 'ga chleachdadh, %s (%0.1f%%) dhen stòras airson luchdadh suas air fhàgail.%s fho-sgrìobhadh%s fho-sgrìobhadh%s fo-sgrìobhaidhean%s fo-sgrìobhadhFacal o WordPress.com: Seallaidh an duilleag seo a' phròifil Gravatar agad gus an deasaich thu fhèin e. 'S urrainn dhut a' phròifil Gravatar fhàgail ann, an duilleag a dheasachadh is rudeigin eile a chur ann no a sguabadh às gu tur. Chan fhaic ach thu fhèin an nòta seo.Thoir an aire dhan fhacal-fhaire seo! 'S e facal-faire air thuaiream a tha ann 's a chaidh a chruthachadh air do shon fhèin.Tagaichean %sGnìomhach - thèid ath-ùrachadh %sGnìomhachd – Seallaidh seo na puist a tha ri tighinn a-rèir an sgeideil, puist a dh’fhoillsich thu o chionn goirid agus na beachdan as ùire air na puist agus bheir e comas dhut modarataireachd a dhèanamh orra.Gu goirid – Seallaidh seo dhut gearr-chunntas de shusbaint na làraich agad agus dè an t-ùrlar agus dè an tionndadh de WordPress a tha agad an-dràsta.Gràinne-mhullaich de bhloga: faigh ainm àrainne dhut fhèin, roghainnean gnàthachaidh cumhachdach is mòran àite airson fuaimean is videothan.Uidheaman-smachd nam bogsa – Briog air bàr tiotail de bhogsa gus a leudachadh no a cho-theannadh. ’S urrainn dhut an t-susbaint a rèiteachadh ann an cuid dhe na bogsaichean agus ma ghabhas sin a dhèanamh, chì thu ceangal air a bheil “Rèitich” sa bhàr nuair a dh’fhanas tu os a chionn.Ma bhriogas tu air an t-saighead deas air ball sam bith a' chlàir-thaice san deasaichear, chì thu buidheann stannardach de roghainnean. 'S urrainn dhut roghainnean eile (mar targaid ceangail, clasaichean CSS, dàimhean cheanglaichean is tuairisgeulan cheanglaichean) a chur an comas no à comas air taba roghainnean na sgrìn.Chaill sinn an ceangal. Cha ghabh sàbhaladh a dhèanamh gus am bi ceangal agad a-rithist.Tuairisgeul – Chan fhaicear an tuairisgeul a ghnàth ach faodaidh gu bheil ùrlaran ann a sheallas e o thùs.Deasbad – 'S urrainn dhut beachdan is pings a chur air is dheth agus ma tha beachd sam bith ris a' phost, chì thu an-seo iad agus tha cothrom agad modarataireachd a dhèanamh orra.Slaod is leig às – Gus òrdugh nam bogsaichean atharrachadh, slaod iad is leig às iad le bhith a’ briogadh air bàr tiotal a’ bhogsa ’s ’gan leigeil às nuair a chì thu ceart-cheàrnag dhotagach liath far a bheil thu ’ga iarraidh.Slaod is leig às na faidhlichean agad san raon gu h-ìosal. Tha e ceadaichte dhut barrachd air aon dhiubh a shlaodadh 's a leigeil às aig an aon àm.MEARACHDMEARACHD: Seòladh puist-d no facal-faire cearr.MEARACHD: Ainm-cleachdaiche no post-d mì-dhligheach.MEARACHD: Clàraich a-steach leis a' phrìomh fhacal-faire agad is an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach gus a' phròifil agad ùrachadh.MEARACHD: Tha am post-d seo 'ga chleachdadh le cuideigin eile mu thràth.MEARACHD: Chan eil cead agad sin a dhèanamh!Le Deasaich, ruigidh tu sgrìn pròifil a' chleachdaiche sin as urrainn dhut deasachadh. Ruigidh tu an sgrìn sin cuideachd ma bhriogas tu air ainm a' chleachdaiche.Le Deasaich, ruigidh tu an sgrìn deasachaidh airson a' phuist sin. Ruigidh tu an sgrìn ud cuideachd ma bhriogas tu air tiotal a' phuist.Chaidh am post-d a dhearbhadh! On a rinn thu sin, 's urrainn dhut puist fhoillseachadh sa bhloga agad a-nis.MEARACHD: Tha casg air briosgaidean ri linn às-chur ris nach robh dùil. Airson cobhair, thoir sùil air an stiùireadh seo no feuch na fòraman taice.MEARACHD: Tha casg air briosgaidean no chan eil am brabhsair agad a' cur taic riutha. Feumaidh tu briosgaidean a chur an comas gus WordPress a chleachdadh.MEARACHD: Seòladh ainm-cleachdaiche, seòladh puist-d no facal-faire cearr.MEARACHD: Chan fhaod an litir "\" a bhith ann am facal-faire.MEARACHD: Cuir a-steach far-ainm.MEARACHD: Cuir a-steach facal-faire.MEARACHD: Cuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche.MEARACHD: Cuir a-steach post-d dligheach.MEARACHD: Cuir a-steach post-d.MEARACHD: Cuir a-steach am post-d agad.MEARACHD: Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo ceadaichte.MEARACHD:: Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am beachd a shàbhaladh. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.MEARACHD: Tha am post-d seo 'ga chleachdadh mu thràth.MEARACHD: Chan eil am post-d ceart.MEARACHD: Tha raon a’ phuist-d falamh.MEARACHD: Tha raon an fhacail-fhaire falamh.MEARACHD: Tha am facal-faire a chuir thu a-steach mu choinneamh an t-seòlaidh phuist-d %s cearr.MEARACHD: Tha am facal-faire a chuir thu a-steach mu choinneamh an ainm-chleachdaiche %s cearr.Mearachd: Chan eil na faclan-faire co-ionnann.MEARACHD: Tha raon an ainm-chleachdaiche falamh.MEARACHD: Chaidh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo a chlàradh mu thràth. Nach tagh thu fear eile?MEARACHD: Chan e ainm-cleachdaiche dligheach a tha seo a chionn 's gu bheil caractaran toirmisgte ann. Saoil an cuir thu a-steach ainm dligheach?MEARACHD: tha an URL agad ro fhada.MEARACHD: Chaidh comharra a chur ris a' chunntas agad a dh'innseas gur e spamair a tha annad.MEARACHD: tha do bheachd ro fhada.MEARACHD: tha seòladh a’ phuist-d agad ro fhada.MEARACHD: tha d’ ainm ro fhada.Mearachd: %sDh'fhalbh an ùine airAn ùine a' falbh air - chan obraich e tuilleadh a-mach o %sLean is neo-lean blogaichean.Dè do chor, %1$sStiùirich àrainnean aig làrach.Stiùirich leabhar-lann mheadhanan aig làrach.Stiùirich is seall na fo-sgrìobhaidhean aig cleachdaiche gu leughadair WordPress.com.Stiùirich dòighean pàighidh is pròiseasan ceannaich.AN AIRE: Ma bhriseas rudeigin a-steach air pròiseas an ion-phortaidh air adhbhar sam bith, till dhan duilleag seo 's leanaidh e air adhart leis fhèin far an do sguir e.AN AIRE: Tha coltas gun do chuir thu à comas JavaScript is bidh agad ri briogadh tron ion-phortaiche ceum air cheum. Ma chuireas tu JavaScript an comas, thèid e tro na ceuman leis fhèin.Ainm – An t-ainm mar a nochdas e air an làrach agad.Òrdugh – Bidh duilleagan ann an òrdugh aibidileach mar is trice ach is urrainn dhut òrdugh sam bith a thaghadh dhut fhèin ma chuireas tu àireamh san raon seo (m.e. 1 airson a’ chiad tè is msaa).Pàran – Seach mar a tha e le tagaichean, faodaidh rangachadh a bhith aig roinnean-seòrsa. Can gu bheil roinn-seòrsa agad airson Jazz, bhitheadh e freagarrach roinnean-seòrsa mic a bhith foidhpe mar Bebop is Big Band. Tha seo gu tur roghainneil. Gus fo-roinn a chruthachadh, cha leig thu leas ach roinn-seòrsa a bharrachd a thaghadh o chlàr-taice teàrnaidh nam pàrant.Pàrant – ’S urrainn dhut na duilleagan a rangachadh. Mar eisimpleir, ’s urrainn dhut duilleag “Mu dhèidhinn” a chruthachadh fon a bheil “Sgeul-beatha” is “Mo chù”. Chan eil cuingeachadh ann co mheud leibheilean neadachaidh as urrainn dhut a chur ris.Deasaiche nam post – Cuir a-steach teacsa a’ phuist agad. Tha dà mhodh deasachaidh ann: am modh lèirsinneach agus am modh teacsa. Briog air an taba airson aon seach aon dhiubh a chleachdadh.Seallaidh an Ro-sheall dhut cò ris a tha dreachd do phuist coltach ris ma dh'fhoillsicheas tu e. Ma bhriogas tu air Seall, chì thu am post air an làrach bheò agad. Tha e a' crochadh air staid a' phuist agad dè an ceangal a chì thu.Foillsich – ’S urrainn dhut roghainnean foillseachadh nam post a thaghadh an-seo a nochdas sa bhogsa fhoillseachaidh. Airson “Staid”, “Lèirsinneachd” is “Foillsich (sa bhad)”, briog air a’ cheangal air a bheil “Deasaich” agus chì thu roghainnean a bharrachd. Tha “Lèirsinneachd” a’ gabhail a-steach roghainnean airson dìon puist le facal-faire no fleodrainn a dhèanamh dheth (gum fuirich e aig barr do bhloga gu buan). Bheir an roghainn “Fo dhìon facail-fhaire” comas dhut facal-faire a shuidheachadh airson gach post. Falaichidh an roghainn “Prìobhaideach” am post o dhuine sam bith ach deasaichean is rianairean. Le “Foillsich (sa bhad)”, ’s urrainn dhut ceann-là is àm a thaghadh, san àm a dh’fhalbh no san àm ri teachd, gus post a chur air sgeideal a chum foillseachaidh no ma tha thu airson seann cheann-là a chur ri post ùr.Grad-dhreachd – Bheir seo comas dhut post ùr a chruthachadh is a shàbhaladh mar dhreachd. Seallaidh e ceanglaichean ri na 3 dreachdan as ùire a thòisich thu cuideachd.Bheir Grad-dheasaich inntrigeadh dhut do metadata a' phuist agad am broinn na loidhne agus leis a sin, bidh cothrom agad mion-fhiosrachadh nam post a dheasachadh gun an sgrìn fhàgail.Air thuaiream: Seall dealbh eadar-dhealaichte air gach duilleag.Roghainnean na sgrìn – Cleachd taba roghainnean na sgrìn gus co-dhùnadh dè na bogsaichean dhe deas-bhòrd a chithear.Dèan lorg am broinn làraich.Cuir trackbacks – Tha trackbacks ’nan dòigh gus fios a chumail ri seann siostaman blogaidh gun do rinn thu ceangal riutha. Cuir a-steach na URLaichean a bu toigh leat trackbacks a chur thuca. Ma nì thu ceangal ri làraich WordPress eile, gheibh iad fiosrachadh slighe nam pingbacks agus cha bhi feum air an raon seo.Sluga – Tha an “sluga” ’na ainm a tha furasta airson URLaichean ri thuigsinn. Cha bhi ann ach litrichean beaga, àireamhan is tàthanan mar is trice.Teamplaid – Tha teamplaidean gnàthaichte aig cuid dhe na h-ùrlaran as urrainn dhut cleachdadh air duilleagan agus faodaidh gu bheil feartan no co-dhealbhachdan gnàthaichte a bharrachd ’nam broinn. Ma tha gin ann, chì thu iad sa chlàr-taice teàrnaidh seo.Chaidh am bloga seo a chur à comas a chionn 's gun d'fhuair WordPress.com iomadh brath DCMA a thaobh briseadh chòraichean-lethbhreac a sparr oirnn na stuthan sin a thoirt air falbh on bhloga agad. Feumaidh WordPress.com gèilleadh ris fon lagh is na stuthan a bhris na còraichean-lethbhreac a thoirt air falbh.Tiotal – Cuir a-steach tiotal airson a' phuist agad. Chì thu buan-cheangal foidhe as dèidh dhut tiotal a chur a-steach agus is urrainn dhut am buan-cheangal sin deasachadh.Ma bhriogas tu air Cuir san sgudal, sguabaidh tu am post às an liosta agus thèid a ghluasad dhan sgudal agus is urrainn dhut a sguabadh às gu buan ann.Ùrlaran premium gun chrìochSeall puist a tha air ùr-phreasaigeadh o dhuilleag mhòr WordPress.com.Seall anailis na h-aplacaid agad.Seall is stiùirich na beachdan aig post.Seall is stiùirich cairt seopadaireachd airson àrdachadh no plana a cheannach.Seall is stiùirich na tagaichean is roinnean-seòrsa aig làrach.Seall is stiùirich na brathan aig cleachdaiche.Seall is stiùirich puist, a' gabhail a-staigh ath=bhlogadh is rudan as toil le daoine.Seall fiosrachadh is roghainnean coitcheann mu làrach.Seall fiosrachadh mu bhuidhnean bhlogaichean.Seall fiosrachadh air stàladh is ùrachadh ùrlaran o WordPress.comSeall na stats aig làrach.Seallaidhean: %sAoighean: %sRABHADH: Faodaidh gun doir seo greis fhada ma tha torr innteartan agad air LiveJournal no mòran bheachdan. B' fheairrde dhut tòiseachadh air a' phròiseas seo agus an coimpiutair agad fhàgail fad greis gus am bi e deiseil leis an ion-phortadh.Rabhadh: Tha dragh oirnn mu cuid dhen t-susbaint a tha sa bhloga agad. Briog an-seo gus fios a chur thugainn cho luath 's a ghabhas gus a' chùis a rèiteachadh is leantainn air a' phostadh.Rabhadh Mhothaich sinn gun dug thu an comharra spama far iomadh beachd spama. Dh'fhaoidte gun dug thu aonta do bheachdan spama sa bheil ceanglaichean ri làraichean-lìn cunnartach, meallta no drabastach. Ma bheir thu aonta d' a leithid, tha teans gun dèan seo cron air an luchd-leughaidh agad agus gun ìslich e an rangachadh agad ann an einnseanan-luirg.Rabhadh: cha bu chòir dha na duilleagan seo a bhith co-ionnann!Fàilte – Seallaidh seo ceanglaichean airson nan gnìomhan as cumanta a dh’fheumar airson làrach ùr.Duilleag stadaigeach (dèan taghadh gu h-ìosal)Seòladh làraich gnàthaichteÙrlar foillseachaidh pearsanta semanticeachSgrìobhadair bheachd WordPressPost bloga WordPressCuir an comas’Ga chur an comas...Neul dhe na tagaichean a chleachdas tu gu tric.Seo cuid dhe na stats mu WordPress.com a dh'fhaodadh a bhith inntinneadh dhut, 'S e ar misean saoghal an fhoillseachaidh a dhèanamh nas cothromaiche, làrach air làrach.Ùrlar dathach airson blogaichean pearsantama bhios beachd ri lèirmheasadhEachdraidh shlàn de gach tar-chur bileachaidh sa chunntas WordPress.com agad.Chaidh post-d dearbhaidh a chur gu %1$s mar dhearbhadh air sìneadh air adhart %2$sDh'fhalbh an ùine air cairt-chreideis a chleachd thu airson pàigheadh roimhe no falbhaidh an ùine air ron ath-nuadhachadh a' tighinn %sDh'fhalbh an ùine air cairt-chreideis a chleachd thu airson pàigheadh roimhe no falbhaidh an ùine air ron ath-nuadhachadh a' tighinn %sÀrainn, a dh'aithghearr…GrunnAn aire — an dèidh dhut an t-ùrlar seo a ghnàthachadh, thèid do shìneadh air adhart dhan checkout gus a cheannach is a chur an gnìomh airson %1.Ùrlar blogaidh phearsanta aotruim airson na thachras 'nad bheatha innse do chàch.Liosta nan duilleagan aig an làrach agad.Liosta no liosta tèarnaidh dhe na roinnean-seòrsa.Fhuaras freagairt dhroch-chumteÙrlar ceàrnagach is minimalistic.Ùrlar minimalistic le sgroladh air a' chòmhnard.Tasg-lann mhìosail de phuist na làraich agad.Cluicheadair ciùil iomadh òranTha feum air ainm airson a’ bhriathair seo.Tha beachd ùr air a’ phost “%s” a’ feitheamh ri aonta uatTha pingback ùr air a’ phost “%s” a’ feitheamh ri aonta uatTha trackback ùr air a' phost "%s" a' feitheamh ri aonta uatTha tionndadh ùr de WordPress ri fhaighinn. {{link}}Ùraich gu %(version)s{{/link}}Ma chì thu bàr dearg air an taobh chlì, 's ciall dha sin gu bheil beachd a' feitheamh ri modarataireachd.Buill-shampaill dhe na gleusan a bheir WordPress.com dhutBuill-shampaill de chleachdaichean on bhloga agad.Foirm luirg airson na làraich agad.Taghadh de susbaint a tha a' treandadh air Instagram.Taghadh dhe na h-Instagrams a bha agad o chionn goirid.Gearr-chunntas air na h-òstairean agadTha binnean sna stats agadDuilleag stadaigeachTha feum air taga structair nuair a chleachdar buan-cheanglaichean gnàthaichte. Barrachd fiosrachaidhTha briathar leis an ainm sin san tacsonamaidh seo mu thràth.Tha briathar leis an ainm sin aig a' phàrant seo mu thràth.Cha do chuir thu ann URL dligheach.Tha feum air post-d dligheachTha feum air seòladh puist-d dligheach.Chaidh post-d dearbhaidh a chur thugad air %s.Greiseag air aisA-ZACTAIMmIuchair APICha deach ceangal API ri YouTube a lorg.Tha an API an dùil ri oibseact aig a bheil co-dhiù aon iuchair "value".Abidjansguir dhethMu dhèidhinnTha mu mhillean duine a' tadhal air an Seattle Space Needle gach bliadhna. Chaidh a choimhead air a' bhloga seo mu %2$s turais ann an %1$d. Nam b' e an Space Needle a bhiodh ann, bheireadh e mu %3$s làithean airson uiread a dhaoine a' coimhead air.Tha mu 3 millean duine a' tadhal air MoMA ann an New York gach bliadhna. Chaidh a choimhead air a' bhloga seo mu %2$s turais ann an %1$d. Nam b' e MoMA a bhiodh ann, bheireadh e mu %3$s làithean airson uiread a dhaoine a' coimhead air.Mu na duilleaganMu ar deidhinnMu WordPressMu do dheidhinnMu mo dhèidhinnMun àireamhachadhMun chleachdaicheOs cionn gach post blogaOs cionn gach beachdCuideam #1Cuideam #2Gabh ris an tar-churCeadan inntrigidhInntrigeadh air a dhiùltadhCeadan inntrigidhComasach air so-inntrigeachdCunntasChaidh an cunntas a sguabadh às!Fiosrachadh a' chunntaisCunntas air a cheangal.Stiùireadh a’ chunntaisRoghainnean a' chunntaisRoghainnean a' chunntaisTha an cunntas 'na dhàil!Cha b' urrainn dhuinn inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan chunntas. A bheil am post-d agas am facal-faire ceart?Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an cunntas a chruthachadh.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an cunntas a cheangal. A bheil am post-d agas am facal-faire ceart?Fiosrachadh a' chunntaisFiosrachadh a' chunntaisRoghainnean a' chunntaisTha an cunntas 'na dhàilAccraPongalachdDuaisGnìomhRud ri dhèanamh!GnìomhanCuir an gnìomhGnìomhaich %1$sCuir an gnìomh "%s"Cuir an gnìomh “%s”Cuir an gnìomh »Cuir an gnìomh am plugan seoCuir am plugan an gnìomh ┐ Cuir gu do an t-ion-phortaicheDùisg an làrachGnìomhaich %s airCuir an comas an dearbhaidh dà-cheumnachCuir an gnìomh am plugan seoCuir an t-ùrlar seo an gnìomhCuir an gnìomhCuir an gnìomhAir a chur an gnìomh?'Ga ghnìomhachadhTha feum air iuchair gus a chur an gnìomhAn iuchair gus gnìomhachaidh:GnìomhachÙrlar-cloinne gnìomhachNa tha 'ga shìneadh air adhart dhen phost-dPuist ghnìomhachAn t-ùrlar gnìomhachAn t-ùrlar gnìomhachGnìomhachdanGnìomhachdAdak/AdaaxCuir risCuir ris / Thoir air falbhCuir fuaim risCuir beachd risCuir foirm conaltraidh risCuir cairt-chreidis risCuir raon gnàthaichte risCuir leabachadh risCuir cleachdaiche ris a tha annCuir àrainn an-asgaidh risCuir nithean risCuir ceangal risCuir ceangal ris »Cuir ionad risCuir meadhan risCuir ball clàir-thaice risCuir buill clàir-thaice risCuir fear ùr risCuir nì ùr risCuir roinn-seòrsa ùr risCuir raon gnàthaichte ùr ris:Cuir reacord DNS ùr risSìn air adhart post o chunntas eileCuir dealbh banna-chinn ùr risCuir dealbh ùr risCuir ceangal ùr risCuir roinn-seòrsa ceangail ùr risCuir earrann clàir-thaice ùr risCuir duilleag ùr risCuir post ùr risCuir pròiseact ùr risCuir taga pròiseict ùr ris Cuir seòrsa ùr de phròiseact ris Cuir làrach ùr risCuir taga ùr risCuir teisteanas ùr risCuir ùrlar ùr risCuir cuspair ùr risCuir cleachdaiche ùr risCuir fìor shusbaint risCuir làrach risCuir làrach earbsach risCuir video risCuir widgets risCuir làrach WordPress risCuir widget BandPage risCuir sòn DNS risCuir àrainn risCuir widget loidhne-ama Twitter risCuir widget risCuir putan WordPress.com ris gus cothrom a thoir do dhaoine am bloga agad a leantainn gun duilgheadasCuir tuairisgeul risCuir clàr-taice risCuir clàr-taice seòladaireachd ris a’ bhàr-taoibh agad.Cuir raon ùr risCuir nì ùr ris an dèidh an nì seoCuir duilleag ùr risCuir seirbheis ùr risCuir putan co-roinnidh risCuir cabadaich-lìn tlk.io ris.Cuir {{link}}widget BandPage{{/link}} ris gus an ceòl, na dealbhan, na videothan, beath'-eachraidh is liosta nan tachartasan agad a thaisbeanadh.Cuir {{link}}widget loidhne-ama Twitter{{/link}} ris gus na tweets as ùire agad a thaisbeanadh air an làrach agad.Cuir {{link}}putan co-roinnidh{{/link}} ris na puist agad airson 's gum bi e furasta dhan luchd-leughaidh agad na puist a shìneadh air adhart dhan luchd-aithne aca-san.Cuir {{link}}putan co-roinnidh{{/link}} ris na puist agad airson 's gum bi e furasta dhan luchd-leughaidh agad na puist a shìneadh air adhart dhan luchd-leantainn aca-san.Cuir {{link}}putan co-roinnidh{{/link}} ris na puist agad airson 's gum bi e furasta dhan luchd-leughaidh agad na puist a shìneadh air adhart dha na caraidean aca-san.Cuir tùsan eile ris airson cluich HTML5 as fhearr:Cuir duilleag "Mu mo dhèidhinn" risCuir dealbh risCuir roghainn eile risCuir tùs fuaime risCuir cùpon risCuir nì risCuir ceanglaichean ris na pròifilean Facebook, Twitter no Tumblr agad ann am bann-coise na làraich agadCuir suaicheantas risCuir meadhan risCuir faidhlichean mheadhanan ris on choimpiutair agadCuir nithean ris a' chlàr-taice on cholbh air an làimh chlì.Cuir %s ùr risCuir duilleag ùr risCuir post ùr rislatin'S urrainn dhut barrachd air aon rud a chur ris aig an aon àm 's tu a' cur cromag ri gach nì 's a' briogadh air "Cuir ris a' chlàr-taiceCuir ris no thoir air falbh buill a’ chlàir-thaiceCuir ris no thoir air falbh tagaicheanCuir duilleagan risCuir seòmraichean is prìsean risCuir lèirmheasan risCuir fo-thiotalan risCuir a' widget glèidhidh risCuir na leanas ris an fhaidhle %1$s agad ann an %2$s os cionn na loidhne a tha ag ràdh %3$s:Cuir na leanas ris an fhaidhle %1$s agad ann an %2$s, 'ga chur an àite riaghailtean WordPress eile:Cuir an cleachdaiche ris is na cuir post-d thuca a dh'iarras aonta uatha.Cuir ris an liosta-chluich fhuaimeCuir ris an fhaclairCuir ris a' chlàr-taiceCuir liosta-chluich fuaime risCuir ris a' ghailearaidhCuir ris a’ chlàr-taice: %1$s (%2$s)Cuir ris an earrann:Cuir ris an liosta-chluich videoCuir ris an liosta-chluich videoCuir tùs video risCuir tachartas agad fhèin risCuir do bheachdan an-seo... (roghainneil)Ball nan clàran-taice a chur ris, a chur air gleus is atharrachadhChaidh mapadh àrainn a chur ris.A' cur ris roinnean-seòrsaA' cur ris tagaicheanA' cur ùrlaran risAddis AbäbaComasan a bharrachdSeòlaidhean puist-dhealain a bharrachdNithean a bharrachd a chaidh a lorg: %dPàigheadh a bharrachd airson clàradh àrainneRoghainnean a bharrachdAth-ghoiridean a bharrachd,SeòladhSeòladh 1Seòladh 2Seòladh:AdelaideAdenRianachdSgeama dathan nan rianaireanChan eil Admin 'na ainm-cleachdaiche dligheach air WordPress.com, feuch ris a-rithist leis an ainm cheart.RianachdRianaireTha cead inntrigidh aig rianairean do gach feart rianachd.AdhartachRoghainnean adhartachRoghainnean adhartachPlugan adhartach airson lìonadh an tasgadain.Gnàthachadh adhartachAdhartachAfghanastànAfragaGheibh an luchd-leughaidh agad cothrom air a' bhloga agad air an àrainn ùr seach %s an dèidh dhut a mhapadh. Thèid daoine a thadhlas air an t-seann-seòladh ath-stiùireadh gun t-seòladh ùr gu fèin-obrachail.Gheibh an luchd-leughaidh agad cothrom air a' bhloga agad air an àrainn ùr seach %s an dèidh dhut ainm àrainne a chlàradh dhut. Thèid daoine a thadhlas air an t-seann-seòladh ath-stiùireadh gun t-seòladh ùr gu fèin-obrachail.AkismetIuchair API AkismetRaigead Akismet a thaobh spamaRèiteachadh AkismetCÀBHA AkismetSuidheachadh AkismetAkismet StatsTaic AkismetAkismet WidgetGhlac Akismet am beachd spama seo rè ath-fheuchainn fhèin-obrachail.Thug Akismet às am beachd seo rè ath-fheuchainn fhèin-obrachail.Còd mearachd Akismet: %sLorg Akismet duilgheadas.Rinn Akismet sgrùdadh air a-rithist is chaidh a ghlacadh mar spamaRinn Akismet sgrùdadh air a-rithist is tha e 'na phost còirAkismet StatsAlabamaAlaskaAlbàiniaAlbertaAlbamAildiriaAlgiersCo-thaobhaichCo-thaobhaich ris a' mheadhanCo-thaobhaich ris an taobh chlìCo-thaobhaich ris an taobh deasCo-thaobhadhA h-uileMion-fhiosrachadh mu àrainneanGach aplacaidGach roinn-seòrsaA h-uile beachdGach roinn-seòrsa ceangailA h-uile ceangalGach ionadGach earrann a' chlàir-thaiceGach eagraicheA h-uile duilleagA h-uile cunntas-beachdA h-uile postA h-uile taga pròiseictA h-uile seòrsa de phròiseactA h-uile pròiseactA h-uile roghainnGach làrachGach taba:Gach tagaGach teisteanasA-riamh roimheGach seòrsaA h-uile cleachdaicheGach aplacaidGach duilleag ùghdairGach roinn-seòrsaGach duilleag roinn-seòrsaGach dathGach colbhGach seòrsa de bheachdAn t-susbaint gu lèirGach iomairt làithreach is feadhainn san àm ri teachdGach tasg-lann cheann-làGach ceann-làDeiseil uile gu lèir!Deiseil uile gu lèir.Sin agad e. Gabh tlachd ann!Gach fòramMeud de gach dealbhGach meadhanna brathan air fadChaidh gach post a chur ris an roinn-seòrsa air a bheil an dearbh-ainm.Chaidh gach puist ion-phortadh leis a' chleachdaiche làithreach mar ùghdar. Cleachd am foirm seo gus na puist aig gach cleachdaiche Blogger a ghluasad gu cleachdaiche WordPress eadar-dhealaichte. 'S urrainn dhut cleachdaichean a chur ris is tilleadh gun duilleag seo gus crìoch a chur air mapadh nan cleachdaichean. 'S urrainn dhut am foirm seo a chleachdadh cho tric 's a thogras tu gus an cuir thu am feart “Ath-thòisich” an gnìomh gu h-ìosal.Gach làrachGach meud ach na h-ìomhaigheaganGach duilleag thagaicheanGach duilleag tacsonamaidhTeamplaidean gu lèirChì thu gach faidhle a luchdaich thu suas ann an leabhar-lann nam meadhanan, leis an fheadhainn as ùire aig an toiseach.Tha a h-uile faidhle a luchdaich thu suas ann an liosta ann an leabhar-lann nam meadhanan, an fheadhainn as ùire an toiseach. 'S urrainn dhut sealladh na sgrìn seo a ghnàthachadh air an taba "Roghainnean na sgrìn".A-riamh roimheGach cuspairChaidh gach ùrachadh a choileanadh.Seallaidhean uile gu lèirCeadaichCeadaich trackbacks agus pingbacksCeadaich beachdanCeadaich pingicheanCeadaich beachdanCeadaich do bhlogaichean eile fios a leigeil mu cheanglaichean (pingbacks is trackbacks)Ceadaich do bhlogaichean eile fios a leigeil mu cheanglaichean (pingbacks is trackbacks) ann am puist ùra.Leig le cleachdaichean ùra clàradhCeadaich freagairtean eileCeadaich do dhaoine beachdan a chur air artaigealan ùraCuir putanan co-roinnidh ris air feadh na làraich agad airson 's gum bi e furasta dhan luchd-leughaidh na puist agad a cho-roinneadh.Leig le einnseanan-luirg an làrach seo inneacsadhFaidhlichean ceadaichteSeòrsachan fhaidhlichean ceadaichte: %s.AlmatyCha mhòr deiseil!Air a stàladh mu thràthBheil cunntas WordPress.com agad mu thràth?Air a phingeadh mu thràth:Roghainn eile de theacsaRoghainn teacsa airson an deilbh, m.e. “Prionnsa Teàrlach”Roghainn teacsa eile:Roghainn eile teacsaRoghainn eile de thùsAir neo 's urrainn dhut am post-d seo a fhreagairt le "confirm" mar chuspair no ann an ciad loidhne na bodhaig.Air neo 's urrainn dhut am post-d seo a fhreagairt le confirm mar chuspair no ann an ciad loidhne na bodhaig.Bu chòir gun d'fhuair thu cuidhteas air a' phost-d nuair a cheannaich thu e ach gheibh thu lethbhreac ùr dheth fhathast ma thaghas tu an t-àrdachadh iomchaidh san liosta gu h-ìosal.Ged is e %2$s seòladh na làraich agad, cuimhnich gur e %4$s seòladh an deas-bhùird agad.Tha Altitude 'na dhealbhadh slìomach àlainn ùr-nòsach is so-fhreagrach a bheir prìomhachas do dh'uidheaman mobile. Tha gnàthaichear nan ùrlaran 'na bhroinn airson roghainnean ùrlair bheò, dealbh parallax eireachdail airson a' bhanna-chinn, suaicheantas gnàthaichte, clò-ghrafachd shnasail agus tha fìor dheagh-choltas air air uidheaman mobile.AlùmanumAlùmanum (meadhanach)Alùmanum (cumhang)Alùmanum (leathann)Cuir spama ann am pasgan an spama an-còmhnaidh airson lèirmheasadh.Cleachd HTTPS an-còmhnaidh nuair a thadhlas tu air duilleagan rianachdCleachd https an-còmhnaidh nuair a tadhlas tu air raon nan rianaireanAmazonAimeireagaBeurla AimeireaganachSamotha na h-AimeireagaʿAmmānSuimAmsterdamTha feum air tòcan inntrigidh gnìomhach mus fhaighear cothrom air ainm is facal-faire SSH.Feumar tòcan inntrigidh gnìomhach a chleachdadh gus leantainn ri bloga.Tha feum air tòcan inntrigidh gnìomhach mus gabh am fiosrachadh mun chleachdaiche làithreach fhaighinn.Tha feum air tòcan inntrigidh gnìomhach mus gabh am fiosrachadh mun chleachdaiche làithreach a shàbhaladh.Cha do choilean ùrachadh WordPress - feuch ris an ùrachadh a-rithist an-dràsta.Cha do choilean ùrachadh WordPress! Leig fios gu rianaire na làraich.'S e an cuibheas suim nan coimhead air a roinneadh le àireamh nan latha.Chaidh post-d a chur gu post-d neach-conaltraidh an neach a chlàraich an àrainn sa bheil an còd airson tar-chur na h-àrainn. Mur am faigh thu am post-d a dh'aithghearr, thoir sùil air a' phasgan spama agad.Thachair mearachd agus 's ciall dha sin gu bheil an t-inbhir shìos mar is trice. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Thachair mearachd. Ath-luchdaich an duilleag 's feuch ris a-rithist.Thachair mearachd; 's mathaid gu bheil an t-inbhir shìos. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn a' làimhseachadh d' iarrtais. Feuch ris a-rithist no cuir fios gun sgioba taic ma mhaireas an duilgheadas seo.Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn a' feuchainn ri còd tar-chur na h-àrainne a chur. Feuch ris a-rithist no cuir fios gun sgioba taic ma mhaireas an duilgheadas seo.Thachair mearachd nuair a bhathar 'gad chur ris an làrach. Till dhan duilleag mhòr.Thachair mearachd rè an luchdaidh suas. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn a' cur an comas %(plugin)s air %(site)sThachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn a' cur à comas %(plugin)s air %(site)s.Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn a' cur à comas fèin-ùrachadh %(plugin)s air %(site)sThachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn a' cur an comas fèin-ùrachadh %(plugin)s air %(site)sThachair mearachd nuair a rinn sinn sàbhaladh. Fuirich ort is feuch ris a-rithist ann am mionaid.Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn ag ùrachadh %(plugin)s air %(site)sThachair mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn ag ùrachadh %1$s: %2$sThachair mearachd. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Tha an dearbh-phròifil ann mu thràth.Chaidh gnìomh mì-dhligheach a sholar dhan phuing-dheiridh.Thachair mearachd ris nach robh dùil.Thachair mearachd ris nach robh dùil.Thachair mearachd ris nach robh dùil. Ath-nuadhaich an duilleag 's feuch ris a-rithist.Thachair mearachd ris nach robh dùil. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Thachair mearachd nach aithne dhuinn. Feuch ris a-rithist.Thachair mearachd neo-aithnichteThachair mearachd neo-aithnichte.Anadyr/KagyrgynAnalyticsAnchorageAndorraAngòlaAnguillaGun urraCeangal gun urraTha ùrachaidh eile a’ dol air adhart.FreagairtSgrùdadh cheisteanBuidheann de dh'fhreagairteanFreagairteanAntananarivoAn AntartaigAintìogaAintìoga is BarbudaBidh ionad sam bith a shuidhicheas tu airson a' phuist seo poblach.'S urrainn do dhuine sam bith clàradhma chuireas cuideigin beachdApertureApiaTha mi duilich ach cha b' urrainn dhomh toradh sam bith a lorg airson sin. Feuch ris a-rithist.Tha sinn duilich ach cha b' urrainn dhuinn an duilleag a dh'iarr thu a lorg. Saoil am faigh thu toradh nas fhearr ma nì thu lorg?Ainm na h-aplacaidRoghainnean na h-aplacaidAinm na h-aplacaidColtasAinm na h-aplacaidCuir an sàsAtharraich:Cleachd an cùponThoir aonta risThoir aonta 's freagairThoir aonta ris a' bheachdThoir aonta dha: %sThoir aonta ris a' bheachdThoir aonta ris a' bheachd.Air aontachadhGiblAn GibleanGiblAqtauAqtöbeAraguainaTasglannTiotal na Tasg-lainnTiotal na Tasg-lainnAir a chur san tasg-lannAnn an tasg-lann (%s)Ann an tasg-lann (%s)Ann an tasg-lann (%s)Ann an tasg-lann (%s)Tasg-lannanAn ArtaigBheil thu air chall?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil e ann?A bheil thu cinnteach nach eil frithealaiche an stòir-dhàta fo uallach ro mhòr?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil frithealaiche an stòir-dhàta a’ ruith?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an liosta seo a sguabadh às?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil an t-ainm-cleachdaiche ’s am facal-faire ceart?A bheil thu cinnteach gun do chuir thu a-steach an t-ainm òstair ceart?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson "%s" a sguabadh às?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an reacord %1$s airson "%2$s" a sguabadh às?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an cunntas-beachd %s a sguabadh às?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an rangachadh airson "%s" a sguabadh às?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an fhreagairt seo a sguabadh às?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson seo a dhèanamh?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson tòiseachadh air beachd ùr?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo neo-fhoillseachadh?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson reacordan A na h-àrainne seo a dheasachadh? Ma nì thu sin, cha dèid an làrach WordPress.com agad a luchdadh tuilleadh.A bheil thu airson susbaint ion-phortadh o ùrlar eile? Leugh an treòir againn air ion-phortadh o Posterous.RaonAn ArgantainArizonaArkansasArm nan Stàitean AonaichteArm na Roinn-Eòrpa, an Ear-mheadhain ⁊ ChanadaArm a' Chuain ShèimhAirmeiniaA' ruigsinnEalainNa h-ealain ┐ dealbhachdNa h-ealain ⁊ dealbhachdNeach-ciùilArubaA' dìreadhA' dìreadh (an fheadhainn as sine an toiseach)A' dìreadhAşgabatAşgabatÀiseaFaighnich ceist no cuir a-steach facal-luirg…Asmara/DzayerAsmeraCo-mheas an deilbh:Sònraich ùghdaranClàr-taice iomruinteAstrakhanAsunción'S e misean WordPress.com saoghal an fhoillseachaidh a dhèanamh nas cothromaiche, làrach air làrach. Tha Automattic Inc. a' dèanamh obair mhòr e fhèin a chruthachadh lìon nas fhearr.Gu goiridBaile na h-ÀithneAtikokanAtkaAn Cuan SiarCuir risCeangail “%s” ri susbaint a tha ann mu thràthCeangail ri susbaint a tha ann mu thràthA' ceangal faidhlichean risCeanglachanMion-fhiosrachadh a' cheanglachainRoghainnean taisbeanadh nan ceanglachanDuilleag ceanglachainURL ceanglachan a' phuistMion-fhiosrachadh a' cheanglachainDuilleag ceanglachainCeanglachan air fhaicinn: CeanglachainFeuch is leig fios do bhloga sam bith a tha ceangal ann ris on bhloga.Dh'fheuch thu ri càileachd deilbh a shuidheachadh a tha taobh a-muigh na rainse cheadaichte [1,100].A’ feuchainn ri shortcode a pharsadh as aonaid callback dligheach: %sTàlaidhean ann an %dAn t-susbaint air fad as leth:BuadhanAtyrauAuckland/Tāmaki MakaurauFuaimFuaim (%s)Fuaimean (%s)Fuaimean (%s)Fuaimean (%s)Codec fuaime:URL de dh'fhaidhle fuaimeFòrmat na fuaime:Cluicheadair fuaimeMion-fhiosrachadh mun fhuaimFaidhle fuaim, video no fear eileLùnaAn LùnastalLùnaAstràiliaAn OstairÙghdarEachdraidh-beagha an ùghdairMapadh nan ùghdarÙghdar:Ùghdar: %sDh'fhàillig toirt seachad an ùghdarraisThoir ùghdarrasThoir cead do dh'aplacaid ceangal a dhèanamh ri %sAir a cheadachadhÙghdaran'S urrainn do dh'ùghdaran na puist aca fhèin fhoillseachadh is stiùireadh agus tha cead aca faidhlichean a luchdadh suas.Ùghdaran:Fèin-dreachdCuir duilleagan ris gu fèin-obrachailFèin-chruthaich cunntas ùr (mholamaid seo).Fèin-ùrachaidheanFèin-ùrachaidhean à comas (%s)Fèin-ùrachaidhean à comas (%s)Fèin-ùrachaidhean à comas (%s)Fèin-ùrachaidhean à comas (%s)Fèin-ùrachaidhean an comas (%s)Fèin-ùrachaidhean an comas (%s)Fèin-ùrachaidhean an comas (%s)Fèin-ùrachaidhean an comas (%s)Ùrachaidhean fèin-obrachailCuir ri duilleagan àrd-ìre ùra ris a' chlàr-taice seo gu fèin-obrachailCuir paragrafan ris gu fèin-obrachailDùin beachdan air artaigealan a tha nas sine na {{numberOfDays /}} latha gu fèin-obrachailDùin beachdan air artaigealan a tha nas sine na {{numberOfDays /}} latha gu fèin-obrachailDùin beachdan air artaigealan a tha nas sine na {{numberOfDays /}} làithean gu fèin-obrachailDùin beachdan air artaigealan a tha nas sine na {{numberOfDays /}} latha gu fèin-obrachailDùin beachdan air postaichean a tha nas sine na %s latha gu fèin-obrachailFèin-chluichFèin-sàbhaladh le %sFèin-ùrachadhGnìomhan a tha ri làimhSeirbheisean a tha ri am faighinnInnealan a tha ri làimhWidgets a tha ri làimhSealladh nan avataraicheanMeud an avatar (px):Dath cùlaibh an avatar:AvataraicheanCuibheasAn rangachadh cuibheasachAn cuibheas làitheilAn cuibheas làitheilCruinnichidh sinn na cuibheasan gun àireamh shlàn gus a shealltainn.Sgrùdadh spama ri dhèanamhGràinnean-mullaich nam blogaichean a chleachdas %sAir leth! Thathar dhen bheachd gu bheil an t-ùrlar agad, %s, iomchaidh airson uidheaman mobile mu thràth.AsarbaideànNa h-Eileanan AsorachDEUCHAINNEAN BETA? ============= Gheibh thu am post-d seo ma tha thu a’ cleachdadh tionndadh luchd-leasachaidh de WordPress. Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gun do dh’fhàillig e ri linn buga ann am WordPress, saoil an dèan thu aithris air? * Fosgail cuspair air na fòraman taice: https://wordpress.org/support/forum/alphabeta * No ma tha thu eòlach air clàradh bhugaichean, cruthaich fear ùr: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ Gun robh math agad! -- Sgioba WordPressAir aisAir ais gu %sAir ais gu na planaicheanAir ais gu roghainnean a' bhlogaAir ais gun phostAir ais gu roghainnean a’ phuistAir ais gun bharrCùlaibhDath a’ chùlaibhDealbh a' chùlaibhDath a' chùlaibhChaidh an cùlaibh ùrachadh. Tadhail air an làrach agad gus faicinn cò ris a tha e coltach.Còdaichean lethbhreacan-glèidhidhDèan lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhe na còdaichean dearbhaidhDroch mhaids ainm/facal-faire.BaghdādNa h-Eileanan BathamaBahíaBahia BanderasBachrainBakıBamakoCuirm-chiùilTar-chur dàta:Tar-chur dàta: Bangkok/Krung ThepBangladaisBanguiBanjulBratachBratach aig barr na làraich agamBàrBarbadosBarnaulBunaitBunasachNa roghainnean bunasachBaidseCuir grunn iarrtasan API GET còmhla ann an aon iarrtas.Bi air thoiseach chàich 's innis gur toil leat seo.TràighA chionn 's gu bheil thu a' cleachdadh %1$s, feumaidh na làraichean air an lìonra WordPress agad fo-eòlairean a chleachdadh. Saoil an cleachd thu %2$s ma tha thu airson fo-àrainnean a chleachdadh?Mar chleachdaiche WordPress.com, 's urrainn dhut na fo-sgrìobhaidhean agad a stiùireadh sa chunntas agad.mus nochd beachdMus urrainn dhut am faidhle ion-phortaidh agad a luchdadh suas, bidh agad ris a' mhearachd a leanas a chur ceart:Neach-tòiseachaidhBayrūtA' BhealaruisBelémBeul FeirsteA' BheilgBelgrade/BeogradBeilìsFo gach post blogaFo gach beachdChì thu ainmean ùghdaran nam post MovableType gu h-ìosal ann an litrichean Eadailteach. Airson gach aon ainm dhiubh, tagh cleachdaiche a' bhloga seo mar ùghdar.BeininBerlinBearmùdaAn latha as fhearrAs fhearr a-riamhBeulahButànRabhadh mòr cudromach!Tha ùrachadh iPhone/iPad mòr ri fhaighinnCò chaidh a bhileachadh:Cò chaidh a bhileachadh:BileachadhFiosrachadh bileachaidhAn eachdraidh bileachaidhFiosrachadh bileachaidhEachdraidh-beathaSgeul beathaBiškekBiosoBitrateModh a' bitrateBitrate:DubhBlanc-SablonBànBlantyre/MandalaBlavatarCaisg puist-dBac naidheachd sam bith slighe puist-d a thaobh bloga sam bith a tha thu a’ leantainn air WordPress.com.Caisg le briosgaid (mholamaid seo)Caisg le briosgaid agus seòladh IPCaisg puist-dGriodBac am bloga seoAir a bhacadhBloc-luaidhBlocaicheanBlogaTasg-lannan a' bhlogaAinm a' bhlogaStadastaireachd nam blogaAinm a' bhlogaURL a' bhlogaURL a' bhloga:Raon widget a' bhlogaFaigh bloga air Wordpress.comAn àireamh as motha de dhuilleagan bloga a sheallarCha deach tòcan bloga a lorg.BloggerBlogaichean BloggerAinm-cleachdaiche BloggerBlogrollBlogaichean'Gan leantainnBlogaichean a tha mi a' leantainn | WordPress.comBlogaichean a bha thu a' leantainn mu thràth: %sGormBoa VistaBogotáBoiseTromBoilibhiaLeabharChaidh an comharra-lìn a shàbhaladh.Dèan comharra-lìn dhen bhuan-cheangal.BookmarkletComharran-lìnLeabhraicheanSin agad e!IomallDath an iomaillBosna is HearsagobhanaBotsuanaAig a' bhunBonn clìBonn deasBonn clìBonn deasBougainvilleEilean BouvetBratislavaBraisilPortagailis BhraisilBrazzavilleBris beachdan ann an duilleagan le {{numComments /}} beachdan dhen leibheil as àirde air gach duilleag is an duilleag {{firstOrLast}} 'ga shealltainn a ghnàthChan eil seo ri fhaighinn greiseag air sgàth obair-chàraidh. Feuch ris a-rithist ann am mionaid.SoilleirBrisbaneBritish ColumbiaBeurla BhreatannachRanntair Breatannach Cuan nan InnseachanBroken HillDonnBrabhsaichRùraich na blogaichean a mholas sinne.Rùraich na h-ùrlaran againn, an fheadhainn air a bheil fèill mhòr an toiseach.Rùraich na h-ùrlaran againn ann an òrdugh na h-aibidil.Rùraich na revisionsRùraich ùrlaran a tha a' freagairt ris na faclan-luirg "%s"Rùraich na h-ùrlaran a tha a' dol an àirde an-dràsta fhèin a-rèir cleachdaidh, fèill a tha orra is trafaig air na làraichean.Rùraich ùrlaran aig a bheil na buadhan a leanas: %sBrùnaighBrùnaighBruisealBucureștiBudapestBuenos AiresTog làrach àraidh leis na h-innealan dealbhaidh adhartach againn, CSS gnàthaichte agus taic le Google Analytics.BujumburaA' BhulgairMòr-ghnìomhanBùc-dheasachadhMòr-thaghadhMòr-ghnìomhanBùc-dheasachadhBùc-thaghadhLiosta pheilearaichteBuirciona FasoBurundaidhGnothachGnìomhachas ⁊ teicneolasAinm a' ghnìomhachaisPlana gnìomhachaisLàrach gnìomhachaisBusingenAir adhartAir aisStoidhle a' phutainPutainCeannaichCeannaich plana PremiumCeannaich tiocaideanLe %(author)sLe %sLe %s.A-rèir mìosA-rèir ùghdairGheibh cleachdaichean ùra post-d a ghnàth a dh’innseas dhaibh gun deach an cur ris mar chleachdaiche air an làrach agad. Bidh am facal-faire aca sa phost-d ud cuideachd. Cuir cromag sa bhogsa mur eil thu airson ’s gum faigh an cleachdaiche post-d fàilte.A-rèir puist ⁊ duilleigeLe: %sDEAS-BHÒRD TEIS-MHEADHANACHCSSClasaichean CSSClasaichean CSS (roghainneil)Deasaiche CSSCVVCafaidhCairo/Al-QāhiraKolkatāMìosachanCaliforniaCambuideaIqaluktuuttiaqCamaraTha Camera 'na chanabhas rìomhach gun bhuaireadh a thaisbeanas na dealbhan agad. Le gleus mòr, àlainn nan "Dealbhan brosnaichte", 's urrainn dhut sreathan annasach de dhealbhan air carousel làn-leud a chruthachadh is a shàr-riochdaicheas iad ge be dreach-tìre no portraid a tha annta. Tha Camera foirfe airson blogaichean siubhail, bìdh agus sreathan de dhealbhan.Camarathan ⁊ togail dhealbhanCamarunCampo GrandeAn urrainn dhomh brath a chur gu iomadh duine aig an aon àm?Am faic mi mo bheachdan am broinn WordPress?Chan urrainn dhuinn am bloga a lorg.Nach urrainn dhut dad a lorg a tha ag obair?Nach eil thu a' faighinn greim air na tha a dhìth ort? Cuir fios gun sgioba taice againnCanadaNa h-Eileanan CanàrachCanberraSguir dhethSguir de %sSguir dheth ┐ tòisich air ion-phortadh ùrSguir dhe na h-atharraicheanSguir dhen deasachadhSguir dhen deasachadhSguir de dh’atharrachadh an fhacail-fhaireSguir dhen fhreagairtMion-fhiosrachadh mun sgurSguireadh dhethSguireadh dhethCancún/Ni' Su'ukCha ghabh lèirmheas de lèirmheas a chruthachadhCha ghabh cleachdaiche a chruthachadh as aonais ainm.Cha ghabh %s a luchdadh.Cha ghabh meata-dàta an deilbh a luchdadh.Chan urrainn dhuinn airgead ath-dhìoladh dhan chleachdaicheChan fhaigh sinn greim air ID na h-aplacaid.Cha ghabh meata-dhàta an deilbh a shàbhaladh.ComasanAn Ceap UaineCaipseanCaipsean:Caipseanan/Fo-thiotalanCaracasÙine a' falbh air a' chairtCairt:Bi faiceallach! Tha thu a' deasachadh beachd aig cuideigin eile.CarouselCàraicheanCairtCasablanca/AnfaÓ CathasaighCatamarcaRoinnean-seòrsaIompaichear nan roinn-seòrsa 's nan taga'S urrainn dhut roinn-seòrsa iompachadh 'na thaga leis an iompaichear roinn-seòrsa 's taga.Chaidh na roinnean-seòrsa a sguabadh às.Tha rangachadh aig na roinnean-seòrsa agus is ciall dha seo gun urrainn dhut fo-roinnean a neadachadh. Chan eil rangachadh aig tagaichean agus chan urrainn dhut an neadachadh. Tòisichidh daoine air aon dhe na puist aca uaireannan agus mothaichidh iad an uairsin gun obraicheadh am fear eile nas fhearr airson na susbaint aca.Liosta nan roinn-seòrsaSeòladaireachd liosta nan roinn-seòrsaRoinnean-seòrsa 'nan tagaicheanChan eil rangachd aig tagaichean ach tha aig roinnean-seòrsa. Ma tha roinn-seòrsa agad airson òrain, can, faodaidh roinnean-seòrsa cloinne a bhith aige mar òrain-luaidh is iorraman. Ach tha seo gu tur roghainneil.Roinnean-seòrsa:Roinnean-seòrsa:Roinnean-seòrsa: %sroinn-seòrsaChan eil an roinn-seòrsa %s ann!Neul nan roinn-seòrsaIDs nan roinnean-seòrsa, le cromagan eatarraChaidh an roinn-seòrsa a chur ris.Chaidh an roinn-seòrsa a sguabadh àsCha deach an roinn-seòrsa a chur ris.Cha deach an roinn-seòrsa ùrachadh.Chaidh an roinn-seòrsa ùrachadh.Roinn-seòrsa:An aire:CayenneNa h-Eileanan CaimeanNa h-Eileanan CaimeanPadadh a' cheallaBeàrnadh a' cheallaSeòrsa a' cheallaCenterCeudameatairean (cm)Poblachd Meadhan AfragaCeutaAn t-SeàdChagosAtharraichAtharraich an ceann-lathaAtharraich am facal-faireAtharraich ionad an ath-threòrachaidhAtharraich an t-ùrlarAtharraich an fhaicsinneachdAtharraich am faidhleAtharraich an dealbhAtharraich an suaicheantasAtharraich an dreuchd gu…Atharraich teacsa nan leubailean air na putanan co-roinnidhAtharraich an gravatar agadDreuchdan air atharrachadh.Chaidh na h-atharraichean a shàbhaladh.Tha deasaiche eile a’ deasachadh an changeset.Atharrachadh|diofar eadar na h-àireamhan thar ùineAg atharrachadh ùrlarMa dh'atharraicheas tu seo an-seo, dh'fhaoidte nach urrainn dhan chleachdaiche clàradh a-steach tuilleadh a chionn 's gu bheil an àireamh 'ga chleachdadh airson dearbhadh dà-cheumnach cuideachd.'Ga atharrachadh 'na %sSeanail:CaibidealanCaractaireanChargebackStadastaireachd na cairte leChatham/WharekauriRi cealgaireachd, a bheil?Ri cealgaireachd, a bheil?Cuir cromag ris a h-uileCeartaich an litreachadhSgrùdaich airson spamaThoir sùil air a' chruinneachadh de dh'ùrlaran Premium againn a tha a' sìor-fhàs is faigh fear a tha foirfe dhan bhloga agad.Feuch %s airson uidheaman mobile.Thoir sùil air an t-seòrsa ùr de phost, pàipear-èibhinn, is innis dhan luchd-leughaidh agad mu dhèidhinn.Cuir cromag sa bhogsa ma tha thu airson cunntasan-bheachd ùrachadh a chleachdas an stoidhle seo.Thoir sùil air a' phost aig an t-seòladh phuist-d a tha ceangailte ris a' chunntas airson a' cheangail dearbhaidh 's na dìochuimhnich pasgan an spama no an truilleis.Thoir sùil air a’ phost-d agad airson a’ cheangail dearbhaidh.Thoir sùil air a’ phost-d agad airson an fhacail-fhaire ùir agad.Mearachd CheckListBogsa-cromaige'Ga sgrùdadh'Ga sgrùdadh...CheckoutMar sin leat,Chicago/ShikaakwaChihuahuaClann de {{PageTitle/}}Mac-ùrlair aig %sAn t-SileAn t-SìnSìnisChișinăuChitaChoibalsanChóngqìngTaghTagh dealbhTagh dealbhanTagh dealbh airson a' chùlaibhTagh bann-cinn gnàthaichteTagh paileidTagh faidhle WordPress WXR airson ath-luchdadh agus briog air "Luchdaich suas am faidhle is ion-phortaich" an uairsin.Tagh baile san roinn-tìde far a bheil thu.Tagh faidhle on choimpiutair agad:Tagh ùrlarTagh dealbh on choimpiutair agad:Tagh dealbh gus a shealltainn air a' bhàr-taoibh agad:Tagh faidhleTagh o na leubailean air a bheil an fhèill as mothaTagh o na tagaichean air a bheil an fhèill as mothaTagh suaicheantasTagh a' phàirt dhen dealbh a bu mhath leat mar bhann-chinn.Tagh ùrlar foirfeTagh am frèam targaide airson a' cheangail agad.Cuir romhad an dèid diù an spama a thilgeil air falbh gu fèin-obrachail no cuir spama sam bith ann am pasgan an spama an-còmhnaidh.Tagh na tha thu airson às-phortadhCuir romhad an e bloga poblach no prìobhaideach a tha thu ag iarraidhEilean na NollaigEilean na NollaigChóngqìngChuukBaileBheir cartadh spama ùine.FalamhaichFalamhaich na h-uileFalamhaich a h-uile criathragFalamhaich widgets a tha à gnìomhFalamhaich na toraidheanFalamhaich dàta gu lèirFalamhaich am fòrmatadhFalamhaich an taghadh agadDèilig ris na tha ri dhèanamhAir fhalamhadh le AkismetBriog air “Air adhart” a thòiseachadh air ceanglaichean a chur ris a’ chlàr-taice ùr.Briog air "Sàbhail an clàr-taice" gus na nithean a tha ri dhèanamh air a' chlàr-taice a dhèanamh poblach.Briog an-seoBriog an-seo airson barrachd fiosrachaidhBriog an-seo gus sgur dhen fhreagairt.Briog an-seo gus gravatar ùr a luchdadh suasGus taga a tha air a' mholadh a chur ris a' phost agad, briog air:Briog air an ùrlar airson ainm, tionndadh, ùghdar, tuairisgeul, tagaichean is an ceangal "Sguab às" aig an ùrlar fhaicinnBriog air a' bhogsa seo gus a dheasachadh is am fiosrachadh agad a chur ris.Briog air a' phutan "Cleachd an iuchair seo".Briog air an dealbh airson a dheasachadh no ùrachadhDèan briogadh gus an taisbeanadh a chluich gu fèin-obrachail!Dèan briogadh gus seo a chur gun uidheam Kindle agadBriog air gus a cho-roinneadh air LinkedInBriog air gus a cho-roinneadh air PocketBriog gus co-roinn air RedditBriog gus co-roinn air TumblrBriog air gus a cho-roinneadh air TwitterBriog air gus a thogladhMa bhriogas tu air Tagh faidhlichean, thèid uinneag fhosgladh a sheallas dhut faidhlichean air an t-siostam agad. Briog air an fhaidhle a tha thu ag iarraidh is briog Fosgail an uairsin agus chì thu bàr an adhartais air sgrìn an luchdaidh suas.Ma bhriogas tu air nì, chì thu còmhradh a sheallas mion-fhiosrachadh nan ceanglachan agus bheir seo comas dhut meadhanan a ro-shealladh is an deasachadh gu luath. Thèid rud sam bith a dh'atharraicheas tu ann am mion-fhiosrachadh nan ceanglachan a shàbhaladh gu fèin-obrachail.BriogaidheanBriogaidhean fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$sBriogaidhean fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$s (gearr-chunntas)DùinDùin an clàr-taiceDùin an uinneagDùin gach taga fosgailteDùin taga a’ bhloc-iomraidhDùin taga an teacsa thruimDùin taga na liosta pheilearaichteDùin an taga còdDùin taga an teacsa a chaidh a sguabadh àsDùin còmhradh a’ mhion-fhiosrachaidhDùin an còmhradhDùin taga an teacsa a chaidh a chur a-steachDùin taga an teacsa EadailteachDùin taga ball na liostaDùin panail ceangladh nam meadhananDùin taga na liosta àireamhaichteDùin an tar-chòmhdachadhDùin modh atharrachadh an òrduighDùin am bogsa-luirgDùin còmhradh a’ cho-roinnidhDùin an gnàthaichear is till gun duilleag roimheDùin am brath seoDùin an sgrìn seoDùin an luchdaichearDùinteCmd + litir:Na h-Eileanan ChocosNa h-Eileanan Chocos (Keeling)Còd'S e bàrdachd a tha san chòdCo-theannaichCo-theannaich am bàr seoColoimbiaColomboDathSgeama nan dathanAinm an dathaSgeama dhathanColoradoDathanDathan ┐ CùlaibheanColbhBuidheann de cholbhanColbhanThoir sùil air a' bhloga agam!Pàipearan-èibhinn’s,’gam,’gad,’ga,’gar,’gur,’gan,’am,’d,’nam,’nad,’na,’nar,’nur,’nan,’r,’m,’nabout,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to,was,what,when,where,who,will,with,the,www's,'gam,'gad,'ga,'gar,'gur,'gan,'am,'d,'nam,'nad,'na,'nar,'nur,'nan,'r, 'm,'nbheachdChan eil am beachd %d annFoirm nam beachdanEachdraidh nam beachdanModarataireachd nam beachdanDh’fhàillig cur na beachdCuir beachdan 's co-roinn dhan phròifil agad.Feumaidh ùghdar a' bheachd ainm is post-d a chur annFeumaidh ùghdar a' bheachd ainm is post-d a chur annFeumaidh gun d'fhuair beachd eile an ùghdair aonta roimheTha feum air ainm is post-d ùghdar a' bheachdTha feum air ainm is post-d ùghdar a’ bheachd.Beachd le %1$sChaidh am beachd le %s a chomharradh mar spama.Chaidh am beachd le %s a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh am beachd seo a sguabadh às le seisean eile mu thràth.Chaidh comharra spama a chur ris a' bheachdChaidh meata-dhàta a luchdadh a-nuas gu soirbheachail, a' leantainn air adhart le bodhaigean nam beachd...Modarataireachd nam beachdanFeumaidh am beachd aonta de làimhSeòladaireachd nam beachdandhethBeachdan air %1$s le %2$sChaidh am beachd a phostadh!Staid a’ bheachdChaidh staid a' bheachd atharrachadh gu %sChaidh am beachd a chur dhan sgudalBeachd:Beachd: %sA' cur beachdan 's a' co-roinneadh dhan phròifil agad.A' cur beachdan 's a' co-roinneadh dha na pròifilean agad.A' cur beachdan 's a' co-roinneadh dha na pròifilean agad.A' cur beachdan 's a' co-roinneadh dha na pròifilean agad.A' toirt seachad beachdan mar %sBeachdanBeachdan %sBeachdan (%1$s) air “%2$s”Beachdan (%s)Beachdan (%d)Inbhir nam beachdanBeachdan a chuir miBeachdan dheth air %sBeachdan is puistTha na beachdan dùinte.Chan eil beachdan fosgailte air a' phost seoBeachdan airson %1$s a' lorg air %2$sBeachdan airson %sLiosta nam beachdanSeòladaireachd liosta nam beachdSeòladaireachd nam beachdBeachdanBeachdan air %sBeachdan air “%s”Beachdan air làraichean eileBeachdan air: %sBidh na beachdan ri fhaicinn còmhla ris na beachdan nas sine aig barr gach duilleigeDèan conaltradh leis na co-bhlogairean agad air WordPress.comA' choimhearsnachdTaic na coimhearsnachdTagaichean na coimhearsnachdEadar-theangadair na coimhearsnachdTachartasan a chuireas a' choimhearsnachd air chois airson rud sam bith co-cheangailte ri WordPressComodoro RivadaviaComorosComorosCompanaidhDèan coimeas eadar planaicheanDèan coimeas eadar lèirmheasan “%s”Dèan coimeas eadar dà lèirmheasDèan coimeas eadar dà lèirmheas le bhith a' taghadh a' bhogsa “Dèan coimeas eadar dà lèirmheas” air an taobh.DeiseilConakryRèitichCha leig thu leas seo a rèiteachadh. Bu chòir dha a bhith falamh a ghnàth.DearbhaichDearbhaich an sguabadh àsDearbh an seòladh puist-d agadDearbhaich sìneadh air adhart a' phuist-dDearbh an-dràstaDearbhaich am facal-faireDearbhaich gu bheil thu airson a thoirt air falbhDearbhaich am facal-faire ùrDearbh gu bheil thu airson facal-faire lag a chleachdadhDearbh an seòladh puist-d agad airson %1$sPost-d dearbhaidhChaidh (%s) a dhearbhadhChaidh (%s) a dhearbhadhChaidh (%s) a dhearbhadhChaidh (%s) a dhearbhadhA' ChongoPoblach Dheamocratach na CongoMeal do naidheachd! Cha do chuir ris a' bhloga seo.Meal do naidheachd, tha fo-sgrìobhadh agad! Gheibh thu post-d sa bheil mion-fhiosrachadh mun fho-sgrìobhadh agad agus ceangal airson crìoch a chur airMeal do naidheachd, thuirt %1$s gur toil leotha na rinn thu %2$s!Meal do naidheachd, thuirt %1$s gur toil leotha na rinn thu %2$s!Meal do naidheachd, thuirt %1$s gur toil leotha na rinn thu %2$s!Meal do naidheachd, thuirt %1$s gur toil leotha na rinn thu %2$s!Meal do naidheachd, sgrìobh thu a' chiad phost agad %2$s!Meal do naidheachd, sgrìobh thu %1$s phost %2$s.Meal do naidheachd, sgrìobh thu %1$s puist %2$s.Meal do naidheachd, sgrìobh thu %1$s post %2$s.Meal do naidheachd!Meal do naidheachd! Tha cothrom agad air dealbhadh gnàthaichte a-nis.Meal do naidheachd, tha an àrainn seo ri fhaighinn agus is urrainn dhut a chlàradh airson a' bhloga WordPress.com agad!Dèan ceangalCeangail an aplacaid risCeadaich cothrom air InstagramCeangail Jetpack risDèan ceangal ri LiveJournal is ion-phortaichCeangail ri TumblrCeangail ris a’ Ghoogle Drive agadDèan ceangal le Dèan ceangal le %sStèidhich dàimh ri aoigheanDèan conaltradh leis an luchd-leughaidh agadDèan ceangal leis a’ chunntas WordPress.com agad:Ceangail na cunntasan agad ris airson 's gun nochd puist a dh'fhoillsicheas tu air Facebook no Twitter gu fèin-obrachail. Gheibh puist bloga a cho-roinnear 50% a bharrachd likes, beachdan is seallaidhean.Aplacaidean ceangailteBlogaichean co-cheangailteConnecticutA’ dèanamh ceangal…Staid a' cheangail:Chaidh an ceangal a chall no tha am frithealaiche trang. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Cuingich na co-rèireanneach-aithneCuir fios gu sgioba-taic %sCuir fios gu sgioba-taice AkismetFiosrachadh conaltraidhCuir fios thugainnSusbaintAn t-susbaint a thèid às-phortadhTha an t-susbaint, an tiotal is an t-às-earrann falamh.Susbaint:Taba na cobharach cho-theacsailLean air adhartLeugh an corr »Lean air adhart leis an ion-phortadh roimheLeugh an corrLeugh an corr de %sLeugh an corr %s Cum ort a leughadh Leugh an corr de “%s”A' leantainn air adhart ann an %d…A' leantainn air adhart…'S urrainn do chom-pàirtichean am puist aca fhèin a sgrìobhadh agus a stiùireadh ach chan fhaod iad puist fhoillseachadh no faidhlichean meadhain a luchdadh suas.Cum smachd air roghainnean nam brathan agad is tu a’ toirt seachad beachdan air blogaichean eile.Iompaich roinnean-seòrsa 'na tagaicheanIompaich roinn-seòrsa 'na thaga.Iompaich %d roinn-seòrsa 'nan tagaichean.Iompaich %d roinnean-seòrsa 'nan tagaichean.Iompaich %d roinn-seòrsa 'nan tagaichean.Iompaich taga 'na roinn-seòrsa.Iompaich %d thaga 'na roinn-seòrsa.Iompaich %d tagaichean 'na roinn-seòrsa.Iompaich %d taga 'na roinn-seòrsa.Iompaich tagaichean 'nan roinnean-seòrsaIompaich samhlaidhean-gnùis mar :-) agus :-P 'nan dealbhan gus an sealltainnIompaichidh seo roinnean-seòrsa 'nan tagaichean, no an caochladh, a-rèir do thoil fhèin.Shoirbhich leat leis an ion-phortadh.Ag iompachadh na roinne-seòrsa %s ... Ag iompachadh an taga %s ... Eileanan CookBriosgaideanBeirbhAir lethbhreac a dhèanamhDèan lethbhreacDèan lethbhreac de chòd bookmarklet “Press This”Cuir lethbhreac dhen URL air a' bhòrd-stòraidhDèan lethbhreac de dhuilleagDèan lethbhreac de phostDèan lethbhreac de: %sDèan lethbhreac dhen iuchair API is cuir san raon teacsa e.Dèan lethbhreac dhen URL seo is cuir san làrach WordPress agad e airson a leabachadhDèan lethbhreac dhen URL seo 's cuir 'nad bhrabhsair e:Dèan lethbhreac dhen chòd seo is cuir san làrach agad e airson a leabachadhDèan lethbhreac dhen cheangal ghoiridDèan lethbhreac de ràgh a' chlàirCuir lethbhreac dheth air a' bhòrd-stòraidhA' dèanamh lethbhreac de dhuilleag...A' dèanamh lethbhreac dhen phost...Còir-lethbhreacSalliqCordobaCorporaidCosgaisCosta RìceaCha b' urrainn dhuinn inntrigeadh a dhèanamh do shiostam nam faidhlichean.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn inntrigeadh a dhèanamh do shiostam nam faidhlichean.Dh'fhàillig ath àireamhachadh meudachd an deilbh a dh'atharraich thu a chuid meudCha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhèanamh ri %sCha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ri Instagram (Mearachd %s).Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ri Twitter (Mearachd %s).Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhèanamh ri https://www.google.comCha b' urrainn dhuinn lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhen fhaidhle.Cha do ghabh lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhe na faidhlichean.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhe na faidhlichean. Saoil a bheil àite sam bith air fhàgail agad air a' chlàr?Dh'fhàillig cruthachadh an eòlaire.Dh'fhàillig cruthachadh an deilbhDh'fhàillig cruthachadh a' chleachdaicheCha b' urrainn dhuinn na dh'iarr thu a lorg.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-ionad a dh'iarr thu a lorg.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn na plugain %s a thoirt air falbh gu tur.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-ùrlar %s a thoirt air falbh gu tur.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn briosgaid fhaighinn o LiveJournal. Feuch ris a-rithist a dh'aithghearr.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn dàimh a' bhriathair a chur a-steach dhan stòr-dàtaCha b’ urrainn dhuinn do chlàradh a-mach às na seiseanan. Feuch ris a-rithist.Cha do ghabh meud an deilbh a leughadh.Cha do ghabh an seann-phlugan a thoirt air falbh.Cha do ghabh an seann-ùrlar a thoirt air falbh.Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am briathar co-roinnte a sgaradh.Cha do ghabh staid nam beachdan ùrachadhCha b' urrainn dhuinn am faidhle %1$s (%2$s) a sgrìobhadhCha do ghabh am faidhle %s a sgrìobhadhCha b' urrainn dhuinn ID a' phuist fhaighinnCha b' urrainn dhuinn ID a' phuist fhaighinn (dh'fhàillig cruthachadh a' phuist!)Cha b' urrainn dhuinn URL ùrachaidh a lorg san dàta.DùthchannanDùthaichCùponChaidh ìsleachadh a' chùpoin a chuir an sàs.CùponanCeàrdanCeàrdan ⁊ fasanCruthaichCruthaich bloga eileCruthaich blogaCruthaich susbaintCruthaich an clàr-taiceCruthaich làrach ùrCruthaich làrachCruthaich làrach-lìnCruthaich cunntas WordPress.comCruthaich faidhle rèiteachaidhCruthaich post ùrCruthaich làrach ùrCruthaich cleachdaiche ùrCruthaich postCruthaich cleachdaiche ùr nodha is cuir iad ris an làrach seo.Cruthaich foirm conaltraidhCruthaich bloga an-asgaidh — WordPress.comCruthaich làrach-lìn an-asgaidh — WordPress.comCruthaich làrach-lìn an-asgaidh air Wordpress.comCruthaich làrach-lìn no bloga an-asgaidh air WordPress.comCruthaich làrach-lìn no tog blog an-sgaidh air WordPress.com. Na dusanan de dhealbhachdan is ùrlaran as urrainn dhut gnàthachadh ’s a dh’fhreagras air uidheaman mobile. Òstaireachd is taic an-asgaidh.Cruthaich clàr-taice dhan ionad seoCruthaich ceangal ùr...Cruthaich gailearaidh ùrCruthaich liosta-chluich ùrCruthaich liosta videothan ùrCruthaich làrach-lìn air Wordpress.com an-diughCruthaich cunntasCruthaich làrach-lìn air lethCruthaich liosta-chluich fuaimeCruthaich an gailearaidhCruthaich fear an-seoCruthaich an cleachdaiche %1$s no mapaich e ri fear làithreachCruthaich liosta-chluich videoCruthaich a' chiad post èibhinn agadCruthaich làrach-lìn dhut fhèinCruthaich làrach-lìn ùr air Wordpress.comClàran-taice a chruthachadh, a dheasachadh is a sguabadh àsTha cruthachadh de dhuilleag gu math coltach ri sgrìobhadh puist agus is urrainn dhut na sgrìnichean a ghnàthachadh air an aon dòigh, le slaodadh is leigeil às, taba roghainnean na sgrìn agus leudachadh/co-theannachadh nam bogsaichean a-rèir do thoil fhèin. Tha àite nach eil cho loma-làn aig an sgrìn sin airson sgrìobhadh cuideachd, an dà chuid sa mhodh lèirsinneach is teacsa agus ruigidh tu ann leis a’ phutan “Làn-sgrìn”. Tha deasaiche nan duilleag ag obair cha mhòr mar dheasaiche nam post ach tha grunn fheartan ann a tha sònraichte dhan duilleag seo ann am bogsa “Buadhan na duilleige”:CreideasCairtean-creidisCreidiseanCrestonA' ChròthaisBearrCo-mheas bearradh an deilbhBearr dealbh a' bhann-chinnBearr an dealbhBearr an taghadhBearr is foillsichBearr an dealbhBearr an ìomhaigheag dhan mheudachd mhionaideachBearr ìomhaigheagan dhan mheudachd mhionaideach (tha ìomhaigheagan co-rèireach mar is trice)Bearr an dealbh a luchdaich thu suasBearr an dealbh agadBearradh…A' dèiligeadh ris…Àireamhan taitneachCtrl + Alt + litir:Ctrl + litir:CùbaCuiabáCultarCuraçaoAn gravatar làithreachAn t-ionad làithreachAn duilleag làithreachAn àireamh as motha an-dràsta: %sAn lèirmheas làithreach le %sAm bann-cinn làithreachAn duilleag làithreachAm post làithreachAn ìomhaigheag làithreachTha %s bheachd a' feitheamh ri aonta uat. Tadhail air panail na modarataireachd:Tha %s bheachd a' feitheamh ri aonta uat. Tadhail air panail na modarataireachd:Tha %s beachdan a' feitheamh ri aonta uat. Tadhail air panail na modarataireachd:Tha %s beachd a' feitheamh ri aonta uat. Tadhail air panail na modarataireachd:'Ga leughadh an-dràstaCurrieGnàthaichteCùlaibh gnàthaichteSiota-stoidhle CSS gnàthaichteDathan gnàthaichteEadar-aghaidh nan dathan gnàthaichteDealbhadh gnàthaichteSeòladh puist-dhealain gnàthaichteSeòladh puist-dhealain gnàthaichte:Raointean gnàthaichteCruthan-clò gnàthaichteBann-cinn gnàthaichteDealbh gnàthaichte a' bhann-chinnDealbh gnàthaichteCeangal gnàthaichteCeanglaichean gnàthaichteSuaicheantas gnàthaichteClàr-taice gnàthaichteMeud gnàthaichteStructar gnàthaichteTha an stoidhle ghnàthaichte a chruthachadh.Tha an stoidhle ghnàthaichte a sguabadh às.Tha an stoidhle ghnàthaichte ùrachadh.Stoidhlean gnàthaichteURL gnàthaichteDath gnàthaichteFòrmat cinn-là ghnàthaichte:Chaidh an raon gnàthaichte a sguabadh às.Tha an raon gnàthaichte air ùrachadh.Raointean gnàthaichte’S urrainn dhut barrachd metadata a chur ris post slighe raointean gnàthaichte a-nis agus gabhaidh an cleachdadh san ùrlar agad.Teachdaireachd gnàthaichte a dh'innseas mu obair-chàraidh.Teachdaireachd ghnàthaichte airson na làraich a dh'innseas gun deach a sguabadh às.Teachdaireachd ghnàthaichte airson na làraich a dh'innseas nach eil e beò.Teachdaireachd ghnàthaichte airson na làraich a dh'innseas gu bheil e 'na tàmh.Fòrmat ama gnàthaichte:Gnàthaichte:Ainm a' chustamairTeisteanasan chustamaireanGnàthaichGnàthaich %sGnàthaich “%s”Gnàthaich e!Gnàthaich na leubaileanGnàthaich an làrach agamGnàthaich tasg-lann nan teisteanasanGnàthaich an làrach agadGnàthaich an teachdaireachdGnàthaich an teachdaireachd gu %sGnàthaich an teachdaireachd gu %s is %s a bharrachdGnàthaich an t-ùrlarGnàthaich an t-ùrlar seoGnàthaichGnàthaich clàr-taice seòladaireachd na làraich agadGnàthaich: %sAn gnàthaichearA’ gnàthachadhA’ gnàthachadh ▸ %sA' gnàthachadh an t-seallaidh seoGearr àsGearr às ràgh a' chlàirCìoprasPoblachd na SeiceCosta ÌbhriFeumaidh an DNS CNAME airson %1$s a thomhadh ri %2$s.PròtacalSeirbheisÒstair targaidePort targaidePrìomhachasCuideamTha an DNS ceartFeumaidh tu an DNS ùrachadhDhakaTasg-lannan làitheilDakarDamascus/DimašqDanmarkshavnDār as-SalāmDorchaDarwinDeas-bhòrdStrìochachMearachd an stòir-dhàtaRoghainnean an stòir-dhàtaCeann-là%1$s: An latha as fhearr a thaobh daoine a thuirt gur toil leotha na rinn thu air %2$sFòrmat a' chinn-làCeann-là agus àmCruth a' cheann-là%(startDate)s - %(endDate)s%(startDate)s - %(endDate)sRainse nan ceann-là:Ceann-là/ÀmCeann-là:DavisDawsonDawson CreekLathaLatha is ainmTòisichidh tìde an t-samhraidh: %s.Tòisichidh tìde an t-samhraidh: %s.LàitheanCuir à gnìomhCuir à gnìomh am plugan seoDùbhAn DùbhlachdDùbhBrath ùrBrathDiùlt an tar-churLùghdaich an eagBun-roghainnBun-roghainn (Ceannaich) / Cleachd roghainn an ùrlairAn t-avatar bunaiteachAn dàta bunaiteachDealbhan bunaiteachRoinn-seòrsa bhunaiteach nan ceanglaicheanRoinn-seòrsa bhunaiteach a' phuistRoinn-seòrsa bhunaiteach nam postFòrmat bunaiteach nam postCruth-clò an ùrlair bhunaitichRoghainnean bunaiteach na artaigealGun roinn-seòrsaLibhrigeadh bunaiteach slighe grad-theachdaireachdan JabberLibhrigeadh puist-d bunaiteach’S e %s a’ bhun-roghainnRaon ùrA' chiad roghainnBlogrollmu-dheidhinnMu dhèidhinnFòrmat bunaiteach nam postfailte-a-shaoghailAth-ghoiridean bunaiteach,DelawareSguab àsSguab às “%s”Sguab às “%s” gu buanSguab às a' chairtSguab às an clàr-taiceSguab às an làrach agam gu buanSguab às gu buanSguab às an làrachSguab às na cleachdaicheanSguab às ball de chlàr-taice 's tu 'ga leudachadh is a' briogadh air a' cheangal "Thoir air falbh"Sguab às an t-susbaint air fad.Sguab às an colbhSguab às an dealbhSguab às e: %sSguab an loga àsSguab às gu buanSguab às an ràghSguab às an clàrSguab às am beachd seo gu buanSguab às an nì seoSguab às an nì seo gu buanA bheil thu airson an duilleag seo a sguabadh às gu buan?Air a sguabadh àsAir a sguabadh às (%s)Air a sguabadh às (%s)Air a sguabadh às (%s)Air a sguabadh às (%s)Teacsa a chaidh a sguabadh às (loidhne troimhe)Air a sguabadh às:A' sguabadh às cheanglaicheanChan eil taic ris sguabadh às bheachdan fhathastTricead libhrigidhAn ùine libhrigidhDemoTha ùrachadh iPhone/iPad mòr ri fhaighinnChaidh coltas aplacaid WordPress for Android a dhian-leasachadhFòcas an ùrachaidh: VideoPress do bhainnseanDemoSeall demo dhen ùrlar seoAir a dhiùltadh: %sAn DanmhairgDenverDiùltA' falbhA' teàrnadhA' teàrnadh (an fheadhainn as ùire an toiseach)A' teàrnadhTuairisgeulTuairisgeul (roghainneil)Dì-thaghDealbhaicheDesktopTha am pasgan-uidhe ann mu thràth.DealaichDealaich o “%s”Mion-fhiosrachadhMion-fhiosrachadh mun ùrlar seoMu dhèidhinnDetroitLeasaichearGoireasan luchd-leasachaidhLuchd-leasachaidhDhakaNa lorg thu na bha a dhìth ort?An robh fhios agad gun urrainn dhut fad a bharrachd a shuidheachadh na dìreach dath no dealbh a' chùlaibh ann an inneal nan dathan san dealbhadh ghnàthaichte, rud a tha 'na phàirt dhen phlana Premium? Ro-sheall e an-dràsta!Na chaill thu am fòn agad no a bheil thu clàraichte a-steach fhathast air coimpiutair poblach am badeigin? ’S urrainn dhut clàradh a-mach às gach uidheam ’s tu clàraichte a-staigh an-seo fhathast.Margaideachd dhigiteachBrath air an Digital Millennium Copyright ActDiliMeudachdMeudachd:Ceangal dìreach (as fhearr air uidheam mobile)StiùiricheCuir à comasCuir %s à comasCuir à comas fèin-ùrachaidheanCuir à comas an sgroladh gun chrìochCuir à comas "Postaich slighe puist-d"Cuir à comas "Postaich slighe puist-d"Cuir à comas an clàradh prìobhaideach. Tha mi a' tuigsinn gum faicear am fiosrachadh conaltraidh agam gu poblach rè ùine an tar-chuir.Cuir an t-eadar-theangadair à comasCuir à comas am modh inntrigidhCuir à comas fèin-ùrachaidheanCuir à comas glas na h-àrainne mus dèan thu imrich leis.Cuir an deasaiche lèirsinneach à comas nuair a bhitear a' sgrìobhadhCuir an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach à comasÀ comasÀ comas.Tilg air falbh atharrachadh sam bith is aisig an dealbh tùsail.Dì-cheangailDì-cheangail JetpackDì-cheangail gach blogaDì-cheangail an cunntas seoMeachainnMì-mhisnich einnseanan-lorg ach nach dèan iad inneacsadh air an làrach seoFidirBrabhsaich Ùrlaran WordPress %s airson blogaichean air WordPress.comFidir ùrlaran WordPress an-asgaidh air showcase ùrlaran WordPress.com.Fidir ùrlaran WordPress Premium air showcase ùrlaran WordPress.com.Fidir gleusan annasach an ùrlair seo.DeasbadRoghainnean deasbaidLeig seachadLeig seachad na mearachdanLeig seachad panail rabhadh a’ bhrabhsairLeig seachad a’ phanail fàilteachaidhLeig seachad am brath seo.TaisbeanadhSeall teacsa a' bhanna-chinnRoghainnean taisbeanaidhRoghainnean an taisbeanaidhSeall tiotal na làraich is am facal-suaicheantasTaisbean puist WordPressSeall meanbh-thionndadh dhen phròifil Gravatar agadTaisbean gailearaidh dhealbhan no taisbeanadh-shleamhnaganSeall gach ùghdar (a' gabhail a-steach an fheadhainn nach do sgrìobh post sam bith gu ruige seo)Seall na dealbhan uile agad sa ghailearaidh mar mosaic sgoinneil.Taisbean liosta (a ghabhas criathradh) de phuist a tha ri dhèanamhTaisbean widget loidhne-ama Twitter leabaichte oifigeil.Seall mar roghainnean teàrnaidhA bheil thu airson ùghdar an nì a shealltainn ma bhios gin ann?A bheil thu airson susbaint an nì a shealltainn?A bheil thu airson ceann-là an nì a shealltainn?%1$s %2$sSeall an t-ainm gu poblach marA bheil thu airson ceann-là a' phuist a shealltainn?Seall àireamh nam beachdan spama a ghlac AkismetSeall na dealbhan as ùire a tha agad air Instagram.'Ga shealltainn air duilleagan cheanglachan.A' sealltainn %1$s–%2$s of %3$sA' sealltainn %s–%s à %sTaisbeanaidh seo liosta is mìosachan de thachartasan a tha gu bhith tachairt o Eventbrite — an t-ùrlar as motha san t-saoghal airson fèin-fhrithealadh thiocaidean is clàradh thachartasan.Taisbeanaidh seo liosta de phuist ùra o bloga WordPress.com eile no fear a tha comasach air Jetpack.Seallaidh seo sruth beò de phuist is beachdan on bhloga o2 agadTaisbeanaidh seo gailearaidh dhealbhan.Taisbeanaidh seo prìomh-raon duilleag-dhachaidh na taiceTaisbeanaidh seo raon deas duilleag-dhachaidh na taiceTaisbeanaidh seo air duilleag-dhachaidh na taice fon lorgAm modh sgrìobhaidh gun bhuaireadhDistrict of ColumbiaDiobùtaidhDèan barrachdDèan e: Tha mi ag iarraidh chunntasan-bheachd!Na ceadaichNa dì-chlàraich an sgriobt %1$s san raon rianachd. Gus rud atharrachadh san ùrlar frontend, cleachd an dubhan %2$s.Na dìochuimnhich briogadh air “Sàbhail na h-atharraichean” nuair a bhios tu deiseil!Na dìochuimnhich gu bheil agad ri briogadh air a' phutan air a bheil "Sàbhail na h-atharraichean" nuair a bhios tu deiseil.Na sìn air adhart tagaichean %1$s gu %2$s.A bheil an àrainn seo agad mu thràth?A bheil URL no iuchair gnìomhachaidh agad?A bheil còdan dearbhaidh dà-cheumnach agad?An ann aig an obair, san sgoil no aig an taigh a chleachdas tu an t-eadar-lìon mar is trice?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson logadh a-mach?Roghainnean na sgrìobhainnDocamaideadhA bheil cead aig a’ chleachdaiche %1$s an stòr-dàta %2$s a chleachdadh?Cha robh sin buileach mar bu chòir...ÀrainnRianaire àrainneFiosrachadh conaltradh na h-àrainneLuchd-aithne na h-àrainneAn ùine a' falbh air àrainnStiùireadh na h-àrainne: %sClàradh àrainne airson %sLorg àrainnRoghainnean na h-àrainnNeach-conaltraidh rianachdNeach-conaltraidh bileachaidhClàradair na h-àrainneNeach-conaltraidh teicnigeachCaismeachd mu àrainn!Faodaidh litrichean, àireamhan is tàthanan a bhith ann an ainm àrainn is feumaidh iad crìochnachadh le leudachan (mar eisimpleir, .scot, .net is msaa).Chan fhaod ainmean àrainnean a bhith co-ionnann 's ma tha an t-ainm a tha thu ag iarraidh aig cuideigin eile mu thràth, bidh agad ri ainm eile a thaghadh. Cleachd na molaidhean fèin-obrachail airson feadhainn a lorg a dh'fhaodadh a bhith iomchaidh.Chan eil an àrainn a' tomhadh ri WordPress.comÀrainn: %sÀrainneanThèid àrainnean ath-ùrachadh 30 latha mus fhalbh an ùine orra oir bhiodh e fada nas dorra 's nas daoire an ath-ùrachadh an uairsin.DoiminiceaA' Phoblachd DhoiminiceachNa seall dhomh seo.Nach eil cunntas agad?Na caisg bhòtadh is ath-bhòtadhNa seall baidse (dìreach an iomairt)Na seall dhomh seo a-rithistNa seall am putan "Ath-bhlogaich" air puistNa cleachd CSS tùsail an ùrlair seo.Nach eil thu ag iarraidh nam post-d seo?DèantaDeiseil!DotagachDoualaDèan cinnteach uair eile gu bheil seòladh a' phuist-d ceart.SìosSìos aonanAg ìsleachadh a' phlugin…Luchdadh a-nuasLuchdaich a-nuas “%s”Luchdaich a-nuas am faidhle às-phortaidhLuchdaich a-nuas am faidhleLuchdaich a-nuas gach neach-leantainn puist-d a-mhàin mar CSVLuchdaich a-nuas is ion-phortaich ceanglachain faidhleDh'fhàillig a luchdadh a-nuas.Luchdaich a-nuas am faidhleLuchdaich a-nuas na beachdan agam »A' luchdadh a-nuas nam beachdan…DreachdDreachd (%s)Dreachdan (%s)Dreachdan (%s)Dreachdan (%s)Chaidh an dreachd a shàbhaladhDreachd air a chruthachadh %1$s aig %2$sChaidh an dreach a shàbhaladh %s.DreachdanSlaodSlaod is leig às pasgain gus òrdugh nam meadhanan atharrachadh.Slaod is leig às pasgain gus òrdugh nan tracaichean atharrachadh.Slaod is leig às pasgain gus òrdugh nam video atharrachadh.Slaod am bookmarklet gu h-ìosal air bàr nan comharran-lìn agad. Nuair a bhios tu air duilleag an uairsin a bu toil leat co-roinneadh, cha leig thu leis ach a bhrùthadh.Slaod gach rud mun cuairt gus am bi iad san òrdugh a tha thu ag iarraidh. Briog air an t-saighead deas air gach ball ann airson barrachd roghainnean rèiteachaidh.Slaod widgets an-seo gus an toirt far a' bhàir-thaoibh ach gun na roghainnean aca a sguabadh às.Ceann-litrichean a-nuasClàr-taice tèarnaidhLeig às faidhlichean gus an luchdadh suasLeig às dealbhan gus an luchdadh suasDubai/DubeiiBaile Àtha CliathDumont d'UrvilleChaidh beachd dùblaichte a lorg; tha coltas gun duirt thu sin mu thràth!DuşanbeMalairt-dPost-dCuspair a' phuist-d:Cuir post-d thugamFeumaidh teacsa a bhith ann am post-dChaidh am post-d a dhearbhadhPost-d:Post-d: %sMEARACHD: Cuir a-steach beachd.MEARACHD: Tha thu a' freagairt beachd ann an dreach puist.Tha solar de sheirbheisean am broinn an Aonaidh Eòrpaich fo bhuaidh tàille chontrarra VAT.TuarastalTha e furasta post sam bith a bhrosnachadh leis an taga "brosnaichte" no taga eile a tha iomchaidh 'nad bheachd. Tha suas ri %2$s puist ceadaichte ann an raon na susbainte bhrosnaichte san ùrlar agad.Eilean na Càisge/Rapa NuiMalairt-dEacuadorDeasaichDeasaich %(title)sDeasaich %sDeasaich “%s”Deasaich %sDeasaich an CSSDeasaich a' chairtDeasaich an roinn-seòrsaDeasaich am beachdDeasaich an DNSDeasaich an reacord DNSDeasaich an àrainnDeasaich sìneadh air adhart a' phuist-dDeasaich an dealbhDeasaich an ceangalDeasaich roinn-seòrsa a' cheangailDeasaich am meadhanAn clàr-taice deasachaidhDeasaich nì a' chlàir-thaiceDeasaich earrann a' chlàir-thaiceDeasaich na clàran-taiceDeasaich an tionndadh tùsailDeasaich an duilleagDeasaich am postDeasaich a' phròifilDeasaich am pròiseactDeasaich taga a' phròiseictDeasaich seòrsa a' phròiseictDeasaich an làrachDeasaich an tagaDeasaich an teamplaidDeasaich an teisteanasDeasaich seoDeasaich an cleachdaicheDeasaich a' phròifil agadDeasaich an liosta-chluich fuaimeDeasaich am beachdDeasaich an ceann-là 's àmDeasaich an gailearaidhDeasaich nì a' chlàir-thaiceDeasaich barrachd mion-fhiosrachaidhDeasaich an ath-mheadhanDeasaich an duilleagDeasaich am buan-cheangalDeasaich am postDeasaich am meadhan roimheDeasaich an clàr-taice a thagh thuDeasaich an staidDeasaich am ball-eisimpleir de naidheachdDeasaich am beachd seoDeasaich an t-innteart seo.Deasaich an nì seoDeasaich an raon ùr seoDeasaich an duilleag seoDeasaich an cleachdaicheDeasaich an liosta-chluich videoDeasaich an fhaicsinneachdDeasaich an clàr-taice bunaiteach agad le bhith a' cur ris no a' toirt air falbh rudan. Slaod na rudan mun cuairt gus am bi iad san òrdugh a tha thu ag iarraidh. Briog air "Cruthaich an clàr-taice" gus na h-atharraichean agad a shàbhaladh.Deasaich: %sA' deasachadh CSSA' deasachadh chlàran-taiceStoidhle an deasaicheClàr-taice an deasaiche (ma bhios seo an comas)Bàr-inneal an deasaiche'S urrainn do dheasaichean puist fhoillseachadh agus na puist acasan agus aig daoine eile a stiùireadh.EdmontonFoghlamEfateEirunepéChan eil puist ann no chaidh rudeigin cearr.Al-ʾAyūnAn SalbhadorSlighe nan eileamaideanPost-dPost-d (%s):Post-d (riatanach)Seòladh puist-dChaidh ùrachadh a' phuist-d iarraidhPost-dealain:Sìneadh air adhart puistPost-d ri linn atharraichean air puistFàirdeal puist-dChaidh am post-d a churTha feum air post-dCuir post-d ri linn atharraichean air dreachdan, chan ann dìreach nithean foillsichte.Fòrmat a’ phuist-dPost-d o WordPress.comCuir post-d thugam uair sam bithBrathan puist-dhealainPost-d no ainm-cleachdaicheRoghainnean a' phuist-dhealainChaidh am post-d a dhearbhadh! On a rinn thu sin, 's urrainn dhut puist fhoillseachadh sa bhloga agad a-nis.Luchd-leantainn puist-d a-mhàinPost-d:Post-d: %sLeabaichLeabaich an cluicheadair mheadhananLeabaich an cunntas-sluaigh ann am post ùrLeabaich no ceangailEmbedsSamhlaidhean-gnùiseFalamhFalamhaich an spamaBriathar falamhFalamhaich an sgudalTasg-lann fhalamh.Ainm faidhle bànCuir an comasCuir an comas am mòideal "Ri dhèanamh"Cuir %s an comasCuir an comas fèin-ùrachaidheanCuir an comas glasadh àrainneanCuir an geò-thagachadh an comasCuir an comas "Postaich slighe puist-d"Cuir an comas "Postaich slighe puist-d"Cuir an comas an ath-threòrachadhCuir an t-eadar-theangadair an comasCuir an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach an comasCuir an comas am modh inntrigidhCuir an comas fèin-ùrachaidheanCuir an comas an deasaiche làn-àirde agus an gleus sgrìobhaidh gun bhuaireadh.Cuir an comas ath-ghoiridean a' mheur-chlàr airson modarataireachd nam beachdan.Cuir an comas an t-eadar-theangadair am broinn nan duilleagan ma bhios e ri làimh. {{a}}Barrachd fiosrachaidh{{/a}}Cuir an comas beachdan neadaichte suas gu {{number /}} leibheileanAn comasSeirbheisean a tha an comasMa chuireas tu an comas am "Modh so-inntrigeachd" ann an "Roghainnean na sgrìn", 's urrainn dhut na putain "Cuir ris" agus Deasaich a chleachdadh seach slaodadh is leigeil às.A’ cur an dearbhaidh dhà-cheumnaich an comas...CòdachadhAn còdachadh airson duilleagan is inbhireanCeann-là crìochnachaidhCeann-là crìochnachaidh:EnderburyBeurlaDèan an cunntas nas tèarainte le dearbhadh dà-cheumnach — ceum eile aig àm clàraidh a-steach air nach bi cothrom ach agad fhèin.EnsenadaCuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaicheCuir hashtag a-steachCuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche TwitterCuir a-steach URLCuir a-steach URL gus sganadh a dhèanamhCuir a-steach URL WordPress.com no làrach Jetpack WordPress.Cuir a-steach tuairisgeul an deilbhCuir a-steach URL de cheangal no briog gu h-àrd airson an roghainn ro-shuidhichte.Cuir a-steach ionad dhan phost seo.Cuir taga a-steachCuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaidh no seòladh puist-d.Cuir a-steach iuchair APICuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche InstagramCuir freagairt an-seoFosgail am modh ro-shealladh desktopCuir a-steach ionadFosgail am modh ro-shealladh mobileCuir fear ùr a-steachFosgail am modh ro-shealladh tablaidCuir a-steach URL an inbhir RSS an-seo:Cuir a-steach an URLCuir a-steach URL an deilbhCuir ainm a' chustamair an-seoCuir a-steach URL a' chinn-uidheCuir a-steach post-d de chleachdaiche a tha air an lìonra seo mu thràth gus cuireadh a thoirt dhaibh dhan làrach seo. Gheibh an neach ud post a dh'fhaighnicheas dhiubh a bheil iad airson gabhail ris a' chuireadh.Cuir a-steach post-d no ainm de chleachdaiche a tha air an lìonra seo mu thràth gus cuireadh a thoirt dhaibh dhan làrach seo. Gheibh an neach ud post a dh'fhaighnicheas dhiubh a bheil iad airson gabhail ris a' chuireadh.Cuir ainm ball a' chlàir-thaice an-seoCuir am facal-faire a-steach a bu toigh leat cleachdadh airson gach innteart fo dhìon:Cuir a-steach teacsa airson an nì ùirCuir a-steach an tiotal an-seoCuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche 's am facal-faire agad gu h-ìosal gus an urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhèanamh ris a' chunntas agad:Cuir a-steach do bheachd an-seo...Cuir a-steach seòladh a' phuist-dhealain agadCuir a-steach am facal-faire ùr agad gu h-ìosal.Cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad gus na beachdan fhaicinn.Cuir a-steach/thoir air falbh iuchair API.EnterpriseFèisteasInnteartan o inbhir RSS no Atom sam bithInnteartan o inbhir RSS no Atom sam bith.Gini Mheadhan-ChriosachEartraMearachdMearachd 404Air aisMearachd:Mearachd a' cur an comas %(plugin)s air %(site)s, tha an rianachd chèin dheth.Mearachd a' cur à comas %(plugin)s air %(site)s, tha an rianachd chèin dheth.Mearachd a' cur à comas fèin-ùrachadh %(plugin)s air %(site)s, tha an rianachd chèin dheth.Mearachd a' cur an comas fèin-ùrachadh %(plugin)s air %(site)s, tha an rianachd chèin dheth.Mearachd san RSS %1$dMearachd 'ga chur risMearachd a' sealltainn foirm roghainnean a' widget.Mearachd 'ga ghluasad dhan sgudal.Mearachd 'ga aiseag on sgudal.Mearachd le luchdadh na pròifil.Mearachd ag ath-cheangal ris an stòr-dàtaMearachd a’ sàbhaladh faidhle a’ mheadhain.Mearachd ag ùrachadh %(plugin)s air %(site)s, tha an rianachd chèin dheth.Mearachd a’ cur ris na roinn-seòrsa. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Mearachd rè sàbhaladh an t-seòlaidh phuist-d ùir. Feuch ris a-rithist.Thachair mearachd rè sàbhaladh an deilbh sgèilichte. Luchdaich an duilleag a-rithist is feuch ris a-rithist.Thachair mearachd rè a shàbhaladh.Mearachd!Mearachd: Thachair mearachd; cha deach an cunntas a chruthachadh.Mearachd: Thachair mearachd; cha b' urrainn dhuinn an cunntas cheangal. Saoil a bheil am post-d no am facal-faire cearr?Mearachd: Thachair mearachd; cha deach an cunntas-bheachd a chruthachadh.Mearachd: Thachair mearachd; cha deach an cunntas-bheachd ùrachadh.Mearachd: [%1$s] %2$sMearachd: Cha b' urrainn dhuinn inbhir RSS not Atom a lorg air an URL ud.Mearachd: Cuir a-steach seòladh puist-dhealain dligheach.Mearachd: cuir a-steach am fiosrachadh air a bheil feum (ainm, post-d).Mearachd: Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an login Facebook agad.Mearachd: Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an login Twitter agad.An EastoinIs msaaAn ItiopEuclaAn Roinn-EòrpaAPI Eventbrite: %sAPI Eventbrite: Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-seirbheis dearbhaidh fhaighinn.'S e Eventbrite an t-ùrlar as motha san t-saoghal airson tiocaidean fèin-fhrithealaichte is clàradh thachartasan. Turas a bhios e ceangailte, sioncronaichidh am widget seo tachartasan a tha gu bhith ann ris an duilleag agad ann an liosta is mìosachan.Eventbrite: Mìosachan/Liostadh thachartasanTachartasanhttps://wordpress.org/news/Gach mìonaidGheibh thu còig seòlaidhean puist-d an-asgaidh an cois gach ainm àrainn a chlàraicheas tu agus is urrainn dhut an t-ainm àrainn ùr agad a chleachdadh airson an dà chuid a' bhloga agad 's na seòlaidhean puist-d agad.Obair filidh a th' anns gach rud a sgrìobhas tu.Ball-eisimpleirMar eisimpleir: https://wordpress.org/ — na dìochuimnhich an http://Ball-eisimpleir: Sàr-bhathar-bog blogachaidhDuilleagBuill-eisimpleirÀs-earrannChan fhaigh sinn greim air an às-earrann.Tha na h-às-earrannan nan gearr-chunntasan roghainneil dhen t-susbaint agad a chaidh a chruthachadh de làimh agus as urrainn dhut cleachdadh ’nad ùrlar. Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu às-earrannan.Dùin a-mach:Thèid a chur an gnìomh mus dèid Multisite a luchdadh.Seòladh làithreachReacordan DNS làithreachFàg an làn-sgrìnFàg an làn-sgrìnLeudaichDh'fhalbh an ùine airFalbhaidh an ùine airRùraichÀs-phortaichNochd do bheachdan ris an t-saoghal. Tòisich air bloga.Tasgadan oibseactan air an taobh a-muigh.Anabarrach mòr (256 pixel)Roghainnean a bharrachdF Yj F Yj F Y g:i aF SF YDH'FHÀILLIGEADH: %sFÀILLIGEADH: Dh'fhàillig àrdachadh WordPress gu %sSAOR AN-ASGAIDHURL duilleag FacebookFacebookNa h-Eileanan FàroDh'fhàillig eCha b' urrainn dhuinn am plugan a chur an comas. Saoil a bheil e an comas mu thràth?Dh'fhàillig dearbhadh an fho-sgrìobhaidhBha thu airson crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh ach dh'fhàillig an dearbhadhDh'fhàillig cruthachadh a' phuist.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am plugan a chur à comas. Saoil a bheil e à comas mu thràth?Dh'fhàillig sguabadh às na duilleige.Dh'fhàillig am beachd air a' phost %s. %sDh'fhàillig postadh a' bheachd.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn bodhaigean nam beachd fhaighinn o LiveJournal. Feuch ris a-rithist a dh'aithghearr.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn meata-fhiosrachadh a' bheachd fhaighinn o LiveJournal. Feuch ris a-rithist a dh'aithghearr.Dh'fhàillig am fo-sgrìobhadhDh'fhàillig sgrìobhadh an fhaidhle air an diosg.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-iarrtas a sgrìobhadh ann am faidhle sealach.FakaofoNa h-Eileanan Fàclannach (Na Malvinas)FamagustaAn teaghlachNa h-Eileanan Fàro Na h-Eileanan FàroFasanDealbhaiche fasainNa cuspairean as fhearr leatAnnsachdanFacsBrosnaichteSusbaint bhrosnaichteDealbh brosnaichteDealbh banna-cinn brosnaichteDealbhan brosnaichteDealbh brosnaichteGleusanGearrAn GearranGearrStàitean Feadarail nam Meanbh EileananAn t-inbhir airson gach post a chaidh a chur ann an %sDè do bheachd?Chaidh do bheachdan a thilgeil air falbh.Fhuair thu beachd o do charaid air "%2$s"Inbhirean nach b' urrainn dhut fo-sgrìobhadh thuca: %s'S urrainn dhut an duilleag seo a dhùnadh is cuiridh sinn post-d thugad nuair a chaidh an dreachd fhoillseachadh dhan t-saoghal mhòr. Ma tha thu airson dad eile a chur, briog air a' phutan gu h-ìosal.Ficsean ⁊ bàrdachdSeòrsa an raoinFìdiSaoil a bheil am faidhle “%s” ann?Chan eil am faidhle “%s” 'na dhealbh.URL an fhaidhleURL an fhaidhleURL an fhaidhle:Sguir thu dhen fhaidhle.Shoirbhich leat le deasachadh an fhaidhle.Tha am faidhle seo falamh. Saoil an luchdaich thu suas fear a tha beagan nas làine?Chan e dealbh a tha san fhaidhle.Ainm an fhaidhle:Cha deach am faidhle a lorgMeud an fhaidhle:Chan eil seòrsa an fhaidhle a-rèir an treòrachais tèarainteachd. Feuch fear eile.Seòrsa an fhaidhle:'S urrainnear faidhlichean luchdadh a-nìosMearachd le siostam nam faidhlichean.Lìon an sgrìnCuir a-steach am fiosrachadh agad gu h-ìosal no briog air ìomhaigheag gus clàradh a-steach:Cuir a-steach am fiosrachadh agad gu h-ìosal.CriathragCriathrag »Criathraich a-rèir roinn-seòrsaCriathraich a-rèir seòrsa a' bheachdCriathraich a-rèir cheann-làCriathraich a-rèir seòrsaCriathraich liosta nam beachdanCriathraich liosta nan nitheanGnìomhachNa h-uileNeo-ghnìomhachDreachdanAir fhoillseachadhAir an sgeidealSan sgudalCriathraich liosta nam meadhananLiosta criathradh nan duilleagLiosta criathradh nam postCriathraich liosta nan cleachdaicheanCriathraganAn ceum mu dheireadh: Mapadh nan ùghdarFaigh freagairteanLorg is cuir 'na àiteFiosraich mar a chuireas tu ris is mar a stiùireas tu aplacaidean.Deiseil!An FhionnlannAinmA' chiad phostAinmA' chiad roghainnA’ chiad duilleagCoig.SocraichteCo-dhealbhachd shocraichteIonad socraichteCuir bratach ris a dh'innseas gur e %s a tha annCuir bratach ris a dh'innseas gu bheil e ri dhèiligeadhRi dhèiligeadhChuir %s bratach spama risChuir Akismet bratach spama risFlickrDealbhan FlickrFlickr RSS URL:Dèan flip còmhnardDèan flip inghearachFloridaFlùraicheanCo-dhealbhachd shùbailteAn leud fòcasachAth-ghoiridean an fhòcais:Lean risLean ri %sLean ris a' bhlogaAm putan "Lean ris"Lean beachdanLean ri blogaichean a tha a' freagairt ris na tha ùidh agad ann san leughadair. No lorg caraidean aig a bheil blogaichean mu thràth. Mar is pailte iad, 's ann as fhearr a dh'fhàsas na molaidhean.Lean beachdan'S urrainn dhut na roghainnean leantainn a stiùireadh ann an leughadair WordPress.com a-nis.Lean ris na sàr-bhlogaichean seo a tha a' freagairt ri rudan sa bheil ùidh agadLean ris an lorg seo slighe JSONLean ris an lorg seo slighe RSS’Ga leantainn a-mach oLàraichean ’gan leantainn'Ga leantainn le daoine aig a bheil ùidh ann an rudan coltach risO:Gu:Neach-leantainnLuchd-leantainn agamLuchd-leantainn de "%s"A' leantainnA' leantainn na h-uile'Ga leantainn...Air ùr-leantainnDaoine a leanCruth-clòTeaghlach a' chrutha-chlòMeud a' chruth-chlòMeudan nan cruthan-chlòBiadhBiadh ⁊ deochClàir-bhìdhBann-coiseWidgets a’ bhanna-choise'S urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach dhan deas-bhòrd fhathast fad ùine ghoirid gus an t-susbaint agad às-phortadh fo "Innealan" → "Às-phortaich". 'S urrainn dhut a chur air fèin-òstaireachd le bathar-bog WordPress.org ach thoir an aire gum faod na dearbh-chuingeachaidhean a bhith aig seirbheisean òstaireachd eile. Ma tha taic a dhìth ort leis an imrich, thoir sùil air an treòir againn.Mar eisimpleir, spìosrach, annsachd is msaa.
Cuir cromagan eadar na leubaileanLe dealbhan, 's urrainn dhut briogadh air "Deasaich an dealbh" fon dealbhag agus gheibh thu deasaiche dhealbhan le ìomhaigheagan airson bearradh, cuairteachadh no flipeadh an deilbh agus feadhainn airson neo-dhèanamh is ath-dhèanamh ghnìomhan. Gheibh thu barrachd roghainnean sna bogsaichean air an taobh deas airson sgèileadh an deilbh, a bhearradh agus bearradh na h-ìomhaigheige air dòigh eile. 'S urrainn dhut briogadh air Cobhair ann am bogsa sam bith airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh:Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh: %sMar is trice, ’s e tiotal na làraich agus an abairt suaicheantais teacsa a’ bhanna-chinn mar a shònraich thu iad san earrann Roghainnean coitcheann Air sgàth adhbharan tèarainteachd, chan urrainn dhut cuid a roghainnean a dheasachadh ach ma rinn thu clàradh a-steach le còd dearbhaidh dhà-cheumnaich.Air sgàth adhbharan tèarainteachd, briog air a' cheangal gu h-ìosal gus an t-ion-phortaiche seo ath-shuidheachadh.Air eagal 's nach fhaigh thu freagairt air làrach na taice againn an-còmhnaidhMur eil avatar gnàthaichte aig cuideigin, 's urrainn dhut suaicheantas bunasach a shealltainn a bhios stèidhichte air na puist-d aca.Èignich clì gu deasÈignich deas gu clìNa dhìochuimhnich thu am facal-faire agad?FòrmatFòrmat:FòrmatadhFort NelsonFort WayneFortalezaFòramFòramanChaidh %s a lorgNa daoine a stèidhich Automattic. ball-eisimpleir dhe nas urrainn dhut dèanamh le WordPressCeithir colbhanCeithir.An FhraingSaor an-asgaidhSaor an-asgaidh fad do bheathaLàrach an-asgaidhÙrlaran WordPress an-asgaidh air WordPress.comDealbhaidhean saor is Premium dhan làrach agadDeuchainn an-asgaidhSaoirseanFreetownFraingisGuidheàna na FraingePoilinèis na FraingeRanntairean a Deas na FraingeAir ùr-phreasaigeadhDihDihAoineDihOO %1$s %2$sLe %1$s %2$s%3$sO %1$s gu %2$sO %sO %s gu %sOn choimpiutairO URL'S urrainn dhut lèirmheasan a sgrùdadh, coimeas a dhèanamh eatarra no an aiseag air an sgrìn seo:'S urrainn dhut na leanas a dhèanamh air an sgrìn seo:O do charaidean agad air WordPress.comAn duilleag mhòrAn duilleag mhòrMeud slànURL slàn gu faidhlicheanTeamplaid làn-leudAn teacsa slànLàn-sgrìnSpòrsFunafutiG — Freagarrach dhan a h-uile duineGMTGMT+0GMT+1GMT+10GMT+11GMT+12GMT+2GMT+3GMT+4GMT+5GMT+6GMT+7GMT+8GMT+9GMT-0GMT-1GMT-10GMT-11GMT-12GMT-13GMT-14GMT-2GMT-3GMT-4GMT-5GMT-6GMT-7GMT-8GMT-9GMT0GabonGaboroneGalapagosGailearaidheanGailearaidhGailearaidh (%s)Roghainnean a' ghailearaidhColbhan a' ghailearaidh:A' GhaimbiaGambierGaza/ĠazzahCoitcheannNa roghainnean coitcheannGin còdaichean lethbhreacan-glèidhidhGin facal-faireGin facal-faireGin facal-faire làidirAir a ghintinn %sChaidh ìomhaigheag a chruthachadh airson dùblachadh a' cheanglachain slàin Chaidh ìomhaigheag a chruthachadh airson a' cheanglachain slàin A' gintinn an fhacail-fhaire…A' cruthachadh an ro-sheallaidh...'Ga ghintinn...GnèGnè: %s.GeorgiaGearmailtisA' GhearmailtFaigh aplacaideanFaigh cuideachadhFaigh facal-fàire ùrFaigh PremiumFaigh ceangal goiridBi ullamh air lìonraidhean sòisealtaToiseach tòiseachaidhFaigh ùrlaran gun chrìochFaigh àrdachadhFaigh tionndadh %sFaigh àrainn an-asgaidhFaigh ceangalFaigh cuideachadhFaigh cuideachadhToiseach tòiseachaidhToiseach tòiseachaidhToiseach tòiseachaidhFaigh taicFaigh plana ùrlaran gun chrìoch is faigh greim air ùrlar sam bith, uair sam bith.Faigh àrainn dhut fhèinA' faighinn ceangal...GànaDiobraltarÀrdachadh mar phrèasantCuir ainm air an inbhir (roghainneil):Thoir ainm air a’ chlàr-taice agad is briog air “Cruthaich an clàr-taice” an uairsin.GlasbaighTha sinn toilichte gu bheil thu airson fuireach còmhla rinn! Dhiùlt sinn iarrtas an tar-chuir.Na roghainnean uile-choitcheannRachRach air aisBi ullamh air uidheaman mobileAir aisRach guTadhail air wordpress.com/plugins a dh'fheuchainn nan gleusan ùra.Rach dhan deas-bhòrdTadhail air an làrach agamRach gu stàlaiche nam pluganRach gu stàlaiche nan ùrlaranRach gu duilleag nan ùrlaranRach gu duilleag ùrachadh WordPress#Tadhail air an t-sleamhnag %dRach gu deas-bhòrd nan rianairean aig a' bhloga seoRach dhan chiad duilleagRach dhan duilleag mu dheireadhRach dhan ath dhuilleagRach dhan duilleag roimhpeSuas gun bharrAmas!NuukMathGasta! Chòrd am post %3$s gu mòr ri %1$s!GoogleGoogle AnalyticsNoto Serif:400,400i,700,700iThill Google an còd mearachd a leanas: %sGoogle+Goose BayRiaghaltasEilean na Tuirce MòireThoir cead-inntrigidh dhan chleachdaicheChaidh cead inntrigidh a thoirt seachad do %s (cleachdaiche WordPress.com).GravatarSuaicheantas GravatarPròifil GravatarLiathTha neoinithean liatha 'nan neoinithean mionaideach. Chaidh neoinithean dubha an cruinneachadh sìos.Deagh-naidheachd!Brod nam post aig %s:A' GhreugGreugaisUaineA' GhraonlannGreenwichGreanàdaLiathGriodMar ghriodSealladh a' ghriodBuidhneanGuadalcanalGuadalupGuamGuatamalaGuayaquilGeàrnsaidhGiniGini-BiosoGuidheànaHTMLLeabachadh HTMLAm broinn na loidhneSeòladhDivPreRo-fhòrmataichteIarrtasan HTTPTha casg air iarrtasan HTTPStaid HTTPSHaidhtiHalifaxLàmhCeann-bliadhna sona dhut!Bliadhna mhath ùr o Jetpack!Bliadhna mhàth ùr o WordPress.com!Gabh tlachd sa bhlogadh!HarareHarbinBlogadh gun bhuaireadhHavanaA bheil ceist theicnigeach agad? Tha duilleagan an docamaididh againn fosgailte fad an latha, fad na seachdaineGabh tlachd ann!A bheil ceist sam bith agad? Feuch na fòraman taice againn.Na dh'fheuch thu duilleag ùr nan stats?Hawai'iBann-cinnDealbh a' bhanna-chinnTeacsa a' bhanna-chinnDath teacsa a' bhann-chinnCealla a' bhanna-chinnChaidh am bann-cinn ùrachadh. Tadhail air an làrach agad gus faicinn cò ris a tha e coltach.Ceann-sgrìobhadh 1Ceann-sgrìobhadh 2Ceann-sgrìobhadh 3Ceann-sgrìobhadh 4Ceann-sgrìobhadh 5Ceann-sgrìobhadh 6Ceann-sgrìobhaidheanSlàinte ⁊ wellnessEilean Heard is Eileanan MhicDhòmhnaillHebronÀirdeAn àirde (ann am pixel):Fàilte ort, a shaoghail!CobhairCobhair ⁊ TaicCobhair ⁊ taicCuspairean taiceCobhair is taicBeachdanRèiteachadhA' leantainnPoileasaidhean ⁊ SàbhailteachdCuidich leinn a' cur piseach air na toraidhean seoCuidich leinn a' cur tionndadh ùr dhen duilleag seo fo dheuchainn sa bheil beachdan is daoine as toigh leotha rud san aon sealladh!Cuimhneachan feumail: Is urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach dhan chunntas agad uair sam bith leis an ainm-chleachdaidh agad, %s no leis an t-seòladh phuist-d agad.HelsinkiSeo foir-shealladh beag dhut mu na diofar dreuchdan a dh'fhaodadh a bhith air cleachdaichean agus na ceadan a tha co-cheangailte ri gach aon dhiubh:'S urrainn dhut tagaichean iompachadh 'nan roinnean-seòrsa an-seo. Tagh na tagaichean a bu toigh leat iompachadh an toiseach agus briog air a' phutan Iompaich.Seo an coltas a bhios air an fhoirm agadSeo dhut foir-shealladh air na blogaichean a cheangail thu ris slighe clàradh aon-cheumnach Jetpack.Seo dhut gearr-chunntas air na blogaichean a tha thu a' gabhail pàirt annta. Cuimhnich gun urrainn dhut bloga eile a chruthachadh uair sam bith.Seo na phostaich thu.Hermosillo'S urrainn dhut roinnean-seòrsa iompachadh 'nan tagaichean an-seo. Tagh na roinnean-seòrsa a bu toigh leat iompachadh an toiseach agus briog air a' phutan Iompaich.Tha thu a' cleachdadh dearbhadh dà-cheumnach ach cha do chlò-bhuail thu na còdan aisig airson a' chunntais agad. Tha e cudromach gum bi iad agad air eagal 's nach urrainn dhut inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan bhloga agad uaireigin.Shin thu, ###USERNAME###, Tha seo a’ dearbhadh gun deach ###NEW_EMAIL### a chur an àire a’ puist-d agad air ###SITENAME###. Mur an robh thu airson am post-d agad atharrachadh, cuir fios gu na rianairean air ###ADMIN_EMAIL### Chaidh am post-d seo a chur gu ###EMAIL### le gach deagh-dhùrachad, Na daoine còire aig ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Shin thu, ###USERNAME###, Tha seo a’ dearbhadh gun deach am facal-faire agad atharrachadh air ###SITENAME###. Mur an robh thu airson am facal-faire agad atharrachadh, cuir fios gu na rianairean air ###ADMIN_EMAIL### Chaidh am post-d seo a chur gu ###EMAIL### le gach deagh-dhùrachad, Na daoine còire aig ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Shin thu, %1$s, Leugh do charaid %2$s an dreachd "%3$s" agad agus tha beachd no dhà aca dhut: %4$s Chì thu na beachdan aca an-seo cuideachd: %5$s Mòran taing airson seòladh le WordPress.comShin thuShin thu, Fhuair sinn iarrtas o chionn goirid airson post-d a' chleachdaiche WordPress.com ###USERNAME### atharrachadh, a' cur ###NEWEMAIL### an àite ###OLDEMAIL###. Ma dh'iarr thusa seo, 's urrainn dhut am post-d seo a leigeil seachad is a sguabadh às. Mur an do dh'iarr thusa seo, freagair am post-d seo cho luath 's a ghabhas. Leis na dùrachdan, An sgioba aig ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Halò, Mòran taing airson cunntas WordPress.com a chruthachadh. Gus an cunntas agad a chur an gnìomh, briog air a' cheangal a leanas: %s --Sgioba WordPress.comHalò, Fhuair thu cuireadh gu '%1$s' air %2$s leis an dreuchd %3$s. Briog air a' cheangal a leanas ma tha thu airson gabhail ris a' chuireadh: %4$sHalò, Fhuair thu cuireadh gu '%1$s' aig %2$s leis an dreuchd %3$s. Mur eil thu airson gabhail ris a' chuireadh dhan làrach seo, leig seachad am post-d seo. Falbhaidh an ùine air ann am beagan làithean. Ma tha thu airson an cunntas cleachdaiche agad a chur an gnìomh, briog air a' cheangal seo: %%sFalaichteCuir am falachFalaich am bloga air an deas-bhòrdFalaich am mion-fhiosrachadhFalaich na toraidhean uileFalaich dealbh a' chùlaibhFalaich snàithleanan nam beachdanFalaich am post leudaichteFalaich dealbh a’ bhanna-chinnFalaich an dealbhFalaich am facal-faireFalaich roghainnean a’ phuistFalaich tachartasan prìobhaideachFalaich susbaint cho-cheangailte an dèidh phostFalaich an sgrìn seoFalaich an sgrìn seo 's na seall a-rithist e.Falaich an sgrìn seo ach seall a-rithist e a-màireachFalaichidh seo an t-sanasachd air fad air an làrach agadGliocas: Bu chòir dhan fhacal-fhaire agad a bhith seachd caractaran a dh'fhaid air a' char as lugha. Gus a dhèanamh nas neartmhoire, cleachd litrichean mòra 's beaga, àireamhan is comharran mar ! " ? $ % ^ & ).Gliocas: Bu chòir dhan fhacal-fhaire agad a bhith dusan charactaran a dh’fhaid air a’ char as lugha. Gus a dhèanamh nas làidire, cleachd litrichean mòra ’s beaga, àireamhan is comharran mar ! " ? $ % ^ & ).EachdraidhHồ Chí MinhHobartCum beachd sa chiutha ma bhios barrachd air %s ceanglaichean ann. (Tha pailteas de cheanglaichean cumanta ann am beachdan làn spama.)Cum beachd sa chiutha ma bhios barrachd air {{numberOfLinks /}} ceanglaichean ann. (Tha pailteas de cheanglaichean cumanta ann am beachdan làn spama.)Saor-lathaCathair na BhatacainDhachaighURL dachaighDuilleag-dhachaigh / TasglannanDuilleag-dhachaigh/TasglannanDuilleag-dhachaighHondùrasHong KongHonoluluCòmhnardLoidhne chòmhnardÀite còmhnardAir a' chòmhnardOstailUair a thìde%(fromHour)s - %(toHour)sUairean a thìde:KhovdFan os a chionn no thoir gnogag gus na putanan "Gnìomhaich" is "Ro-shealladh beò" fhaicinnMa dh'fhanas tu os cionn ràigh ann an liosta nam post, chì thu ceanglaichean gnìomha leis an urrainn dhut na puist a stiùireadh. Nì thu na rudan a leanas:Ma dh'fhanas tu os cionn ràigh ann an liosta nan cleachdaichean, chì thu ceanglaichean gnìomha leis an urrainn dhut na cleachdaichean a stiùireadh. Nì thu na rudan a leanas:Ciamar a lorg iad thu?Ciamar a sguireas mi dhen fho-sgrìobhadh agam?Ciamar a bu chaomh leat an iomairt a bhrosnachadh?Ciamar a dh'obraicheas seo?Seo mar a dh'obraicheas e:Co mheud nithean a bu toigh leat sealltainn?Co mheud dealbh a bu toigh leat sealltainn?###USERNAME###, a charaid, Rinn thu iarrtas o chionn ghoirid an seòladh post-d aig a' chunntas agad atharrachadh. Ma tha sin ceart, dèan briogadh air a' cheangal a leanas gus atharrachadh: ###ADMIN_URL### Mur eil thu airson sin a dhèanamh, 's urrainn dhut am post-d seo a leigeil seachad agus a sguabadh às. Chaidh am post-d seo a chur gu ###EMAIL### Le gach deagh-dhùrachd, Na daoine uile aig ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Shin thu %1$s, Mòran taing airson clàradh aig WordPress.com. Cleachd an URL seo airson an cunntas agad a ghnìomhachadh: %2$s Shin thu %1$s, Mòran taing airson clàradh aig WordPress.com. Cleachd an URL seo airson am bloga agad a ghnìomhachadh: %2$s Shin thu %1$s, Mòran taing airson clàradh le WordPress.com. Cleachd an URL seo gus an seòladh puist-d agad a dhearbhadh is airson tòiseachadh air post: %2$s Shin thu, %1$s, mòran taing airson clàradh le WordPress.com. Briog air a’ phutan gu h-ìosal airson an cunntas agad a chur an gnìomh.USERNAME, a charaid, Chaidh an cunntas ùr agad a shuidheachadh. 'S urrainn dhut logadh a-steach leis an fhiosrachadh a leanas: Ainm-cleachdaiche: USERNAME Facal-faire: PASSWORD LOGINLINK Mòran taing! --Sgioba @ SITE_NAMEShin thu! Chuir thu thugam do bheachdan mun dreachd agam, "%1$s", o chionn goirid. Chaidh fhoillseachadh a-nis, tha mi fada 'nad chomain airson do thaic-sa. Seo an tionndadh a chaidh fhoillseachadh, tha fàilte ort a sgaoileadh fad is farsaing: %2$s le gach deagh-dhùrachd, %3$sShin thu! Bu mhath le %1$s ceangal ris %2$s.'S urrainn dhut ceangal dìreach a dhèanamh ri LiveJournal leis an ion-phortaiche 's gach innteart is beachd agad a luchdadh a-nuas'S urrainn dhut puist o fhaidhle a tharraing à faidhle RSS 2.0 dhan làrach WordPress agad leis an ion-phortaiche seo. Tha seo feumail ma tha thu airson na puist agad ion-phortadh o shiostam nach eil an t-inneal ion-phortaidh 'ga làimhseachadh. Tagh faidhle RSS gus a luchdadh suas agus briog air Ion-phortaich.'S urrainn dhut puist is beachdan ion-phortadh on chunntas Blogger agad dhan bhloga WordPress agad leis an ion-phortaiche agad.Luchdaich suas am faidhle WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) agad agus ion-phortaichidh sinne dhut na puist, duilleagan, beachdan, raointean gnàthaichte, roinnean-seòrsa is tagaichean dhan làrach seo.Halò! Tha sinn an impis na h-innteartan Movable Type no TypePad agad ion-phortadh gu WordPress. Mar thoiseach tòiseachaidh, tagh faidhle gus a luchdadh suas agus briog air "Luchdaich suas am faidhle 's ion-phortaich".Shin thu! A bheil thu airson clàradh a-steach gu %1$s slighe a' chunntais %2$s agad?Shin thu,Sin thu, Thug %1$s seachad beachd air: %2$s. URL a' bheachd: (%3$s) URL a' phuist: (%4$s) Shin thu, Chòrd am post %2$s agad ri %1$s. Seo ceangal ris a’ phost a chòrd riutha: %3$s %4$s Mur eil thu airson fios fhaighinn tuilleadh nuair a chòrdas rudeigin ri cuideigin: %5$s Halò, Mòran taing airson clàradh aig Akistmet.com. Gus an cunntas ùr agad a chur an gnìomh, briog air a' cheangal a leanas: %s --Sgioba Akismet.comShin thu, Mòran taing airson clàradh le WordPress.com. Tha thu cha mhòr deiseil le gnìomhachadh nan gleusan uile aig %s. Briog air a’ cheangal seo gus dearbhadh gur ann agadsa a tha am bloga: %s --Sgioba WordPress.comHalò, Mòran taing airson clàradh aig WordPress.com. Gus an cunntas ùr agad a chur an gnìomh, briog air a' cheangal a leanas: %s --Sgioba WordPress.comHalò, Mòran taing airson clàradh aig WordPress.com. Gus an cunntas ùr agad a dhearbhadh, briog air a' cheangal a leanas: %s --Sgioba WordPress.comGlè mhòrÀbhachdasAn UngairTha Hyalite 'na ùrlar minimalistic airson meanbh-bhlogadh air WordPress, le cuideam air clò-ghrafachd is comas air portfolion a thaisbeanadh.Tha mi deiseil!Dhìochuimhnich mi am facal-faire agamTha mi a' tuigsinn sin, leig leam air adhart a-nis'S ann aig an taigh a chleachdas mi e.Cleachdaidh mi e àite sam bith a thèid mi, aig an obair, aig an taigh agus àite sam bith eile far am faogh mi cothrom air!'S ann san sgoil a chleachdas mi e!'S ann san sgoil a chleachdas mi e.Bu mhath leam na ceanglaichean agam a' nochdadh ris a' phoball, gun an cur tro inneal a chuireas am falach ath-stiùirichean.B' fhearr leam an làrach agam a chumail prìobhaideach gus nach fhaic ach mise is daoine a roghnaicheas mise eTha mi dìreach air tòiseachadh; nach fàg thu beachd dhomh no innis gur toigh leat rud :)IDID #%1$s: %2$sID #%1$s: %2$s Cha dèid an cleachdaiche làithreach a sguabadh às.Mearachd IO.An seòladh IP:IP:Innis TìleÌomhaigheagÌomhaigheag ┐ teacsaÌomhaigheag a-mhàinIdahoIdenticon (air a ghintinn)Ma tha %1$s à comas, iarr air an rianaire agad am mòideal a chur an comas no thoirt sùil air stiùireadh Apache no am badeigin eile airson taic leis an t-suidheachadh.Mura deach faidhle meadhain a chur ri susbaint sam bith fhathast, chì thu e sa cholbh “Air a luchdadh suas gu” agus is urrainn dhut briogadh air “Ceangail ri” gus priob-uinneag bheag a chur gu dol leis an urrainn dhut susbaint a lorg ’s am faidhle a chur ris.Ma thèid cleachdaiche ùr a chruthachadh le WordPress, thèid facal-faire tuaireamach a chruthachadh cuideachd. Atharraich mion-fhiosrachadh a' chleachdaiche de làimh, ma bhios feum air.Ma tha prògram no làrach-lìn a' toirt cead dhut na ceanglaichean no na fo-sgrìobhaidhean agad às-phortadh mar OPML, 's urrainn dhut an ion-phortadh an-seo.Ma tha iomradh air ùghdar san ion-phortadh nach eil ann tuilleadh, thèid na nithean aca iomruineadh dhut-sa.Ma thogras tu, leigidh WordPress fios do ghrunn sheirbheisean ma nochdas post ùr agad.Mura faic thu ion-phortaiche a tha a dhìth ort, dèan lorg ann an eòlaire nam plugan ach a bheil fear ri fhaighinn.Mas e ceangal ri cuideigin a tha ann, ’s urrainn dhut cur an cèill dè an dàimh a tha eadaraibh leis an fhoirm gu h-àrd. Ma tha thu ag iarraidh barrachd fiosrachaidh mun ghleus seo, feuch XFN.Mas e mearachd a bha ann, leig seachad am post-d seo 's cha tachair càil.Ma tha iuchair API agad mu thràthMa tha an àrainn sin agad mu thràth %s a chionn 's gun do chlàraich thu e am badeigin eile, 's urrainn dhut a chleachdadh airson a' bhloga WordPress.com agad fhathast.Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gu bheil thu a’ leantainn bhlogaichean agus gum bu chòir dhaibh a bhith an-seo, dèan cinnteach gun do chleachd thu an aon seòladh puist-d agus nach eil gin dhiubh ri dhèiligeadh.Ma tha duilgheadas agad le ceanglaichean, feuch na leanas airson fhuasgladh.Mura dèid d' ath-threòrachadh gu fèin-obrachail, cleachd an ceangal seo:Mur eil thu an impis an àrainn seo imrich gu clàraiche eile, bu chòir dhut a ghlasadh a-rithist an-dràsta.Mur eil thu cinnteach na tha na briathran seo a’ ciallachadh, ’s dòcha gum b’ fheairrde dhut bruidhinn ris an òstair agad. Ma tha taic a dhìth ort fhathast, feuch na fòraman taice aig WordPress.Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gu bheil susbaint air WordPress.com a tha a' briseadh na còraichean-lethbhreac agad, 's urrainn dhut brath a chur thugainn 's tu a' leantainn an stiùiridh aig %sMa tha thu dhen bheachd gu bheil na brathan a thaobh briseadh chòraichean-lethbhreac seo cearr, briog an-seo gus fios a chur gun luchd-obrach againn airson fiosrachadh mar a chlàraicheas tu tagradh leis an neach aig a bheil a' chòir-lethbhreac.Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gun deach an cunntas agad a sguabadh às air mhearachd, feuch am foirm aiseag chunntasan agus nì sinn ar dìcheall gus do chuideachadh.Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gun deach an cunntas agad a chur 'na dhàil, cuir fios thugainnMa tha thu dhen bheachd gun deach an cunntas agad a chur 'na dhàil, cuir fios thugainnMur urrainn dhut am bookmarklet a shlaodadh gu na comharran-lìn agad, dèan lethbhreac dhen chòd a leanas is cruthaich comharra-lìn ùr. Cuir an còd ann an raon URL a’ bhookmarklet ùr.Mur urrainn dhut smaoineachadh air deagh fhacal-faire, cleachd am putan gu h-ìosal airson fear a ghintinn.Ma dh'atharraicheas tu leud
a' chunntas-bheachd seo, faodaidh gum bi agad
ri leud nam freagairtean atharrachadh cuideachd.Ma chuireas tu an caochladh romhad is ma bhios tu airson ùrlar eile a taghadh, cleachd an ceangal "Air ais dhan cheum roimhe" gu h-ìosal.Mur an ùraich thu an t-àrdachadh seo, bidh na faidhlichean mheadhanan agad fhathast ri do làimh. Ge-tà, chan urrainn dhut faidhlichean fuaime no faidhlichean mheadhanan ùra a luchdadh suas tuilleadh ma chaidh thu seachad air a' chrìoch.Ma sguabas tu às ceangal. thèid an toirt air falbh gu buan oir chan eil am feart "Sgudal" ag obair leotha fhathast.Ma sguab thu am faidhle ion-phortaidh à leabhar-lann nam meadhanan agad, dh’fhaoidte gun do dh’adhbharaich sin an duilgheadas. Ma thachair sin, feuch is ion-phortaich am faidhle a-rithist gun a bhith ’ga sguabadh às. Na gabh dragh – sguabaidh gleus an ion-phortaidh am faidhle às gu fèin-obrachail turas a chaidh a choileanadh. Mur an do dh'iarr thusa seo, cuir fios gu sgioba taice WordPress.com no tadhail air duilleag na pròifil agad gus am facal-faire agad atharrachadh slighe a' cheangail a leanasMur an do dh'iarr thusa seo, cuir fios gu sgioba taice WordPress.com no tadhail air duilleag na pròifil agad gus a chur an comas a-rithist slighe a' cheangail a leanasMur eil fhios agad mar a shuidhichear stòr-dàta, bu chòir dhut bruidhinn ris an òstair agad. Mur eil fuasgladh eile ag obair, tha na fòraman taice aig WordPress ann.Mur eil thu airson dealbh a shealltainn idir ann am bann-cinn na làraich agad, briog air a' phutan "Thoir air falbh dealbh a' bhanna-chinn" aig bun na h-earrainn "Dealbh a' bhanna-chinn" air an duilleag seo. Ma tha thu airson a thilleadh, cha leig thu leas ach aon dhe na roghainnean deilbh eile a thaghadh is briogadh air "Sàbhail na dh'atharraichean".Mur eil thu airson an làrach %s agad a cleachdadh tuilleadh, 's urrainn dhut a sguabadh às leis an fhoirm gu h-ìosal. Nuair a bhriogas tu air Sguab às an làrach agam gu buan, gheibh thu post-d sa bheil ceangal. Briog air a' cheangal ud gus an làrach agad a sguabadh às.Mur eil thu airson 's gun iarrar airgead ort, clàraich a-steach dhan chunntas agad is cuir crìoch air an fhèin-ùrachadh.Mura cuir thu a-steach facal-faire, thèid GACH INNTEART agad air LiveJournal ion-phortadh mar phost poblach ann am WordPress.Mur eil thu airson leigeil leis an neach seo %s fhaicinn, cha leig thu leas ach am post-d seo a leigeil seachad is chan fhaigh iad inntrigeadh dhan làrach phrìobhaideach agad.Ma tha innteart sam bith agad air LiveJournal a chaidh a chomharradh mar innteart prìobhaideach, bidh iad fo dhìon facail-fhaire nuair a thèid an ion-phortadh gus nach fhaic duine sam bith iad ach an fheadhainn aig a bheil am facal-faire.Ma tha thu dìreach air plugan stadastaireachd WordPress.com a stàladh, 's mathaid gun do nochd a' mhearachd seo a chionn 's gu bheil an iuchair API a chuir thu sa phlugan co-cheangailte ri cunntas cleachdaiche WordPress.com eile.Mur an do chruthaich thu clàr-taice roimhe, briog air a' cheangal ’Cruthaich clàr-taice ùr’ airson toiseach-tòiseachaidhMa tha puist no beachdan agad air siostam eile, 's urrainn do WordPress an ion-phortadh dhan làrach seo. Tagh siostam a bu toigh leat ion-phortadh uaidhe an toiseach.Mur an do rinn thu seo mu thràth, mholamaid dhut gu mòr cuid dhe na còdaichean lethbhreacan-glèidhidh a chlò-bhualadh agus a chumail ann an àite sàbhailte air eagal 's gun caill thu am fòn agad no gun goidear ort e.Mur an do rinn thu seo mu thràth, mholamaid dhut gu mòr cuid dhe na còdaichean lethbhreacan-glèidhidh a chlò-bhualadh agus a chumail ann an àite sàbhailte air eagal 's gun caill thu am fòn agad no gun goidear ort e.Ma chòrd na bha san t-susbaint riut agus ma tha thu airson faighinn a-mach barrachd mun bhloga agad, 's urrainn dhut tadhail air duilleag stats na làraich agad far a bheil na muncaidhean cuideachaidh againn ag obrair gu cruaidh a latha 's a dh'oidhche gus duilleag air dhuilleag de dh'fhiosrachadh a chruinneachadh mun bhloga agad.Ma ràinig thu an sgrìn seo le tuiteamas agus ma bha dùil agad tadhal air aon dhe na làraichean agad fhèin, seo dhut grunn ath-ghoiridean mar thoiseach tòiseachaidh.Ma ràinig thu an sgrìn seo le tuiteamas agus ma bha dùil agad tadhal air aon dhe na làraichean agad fhèin, seo dhut grunn ath-ghoiridean mar thoiseach tòiseachaidh.Mura fhaigh thu greim air fhathast, cuir fios gun sgioba taice againn.Ma dh'fheuchas tu ris na dh'àireamhaich sinne a dhearbhadh leis na h-àireamhan sna clàir seo, faodaidh gum faigh thu toraidhean eile. Seo dhut an loidig againn.Ma chleachdas tu barrachd roinnean-seòrsa air an làrach agad, nochdaidh iad an-seo.Ma tha thu airson na roinnean-seòrsa iompachadh 'nan tagaichean (no a chaochladh), cleachd Iompaichear nan roinnean-seòrsa 's nan tagaichean a gheibh thu air sgrìn an ion-phortaidh.Ma tha thu airson am widget a thoirt air falbh ach gun na roghainnean a chall air eagal 's gum bi feum agad orra uaireigin eile, cha leig thu leas ach a shlaodadh gun raon air a bheil "Widgets 'nan tàmh". 'S urrainn dhut an aiseag on àite sin aig àm sam bith. Tha sinn gu h-àraid feumail ma thionndaidheas tu ri ùrlar aig a bheil nas lugha de raointean no raointean eadar-dhealaichte airson nam widgets.Ma tha thu airson am fo-sgrìobhadh agad a chumail a' dol an dèidh na h-ùine seo, bidh agad ris am fiosrachadh pàighidh agad ùrachadh.Ma tha thu airson am fo-sgrìobhadh agad a chumail a' dol an dèidh na h-ùine seo, bidh agad ris am fiosrachadh pàighidh agad ùrachadh. Lean ris a' cheangal gu h-ìosal:Ma thathu airson am fo-sgrìobhadh seo a chumail, ùraich fiosrachadh na cairt agad no cuir dòigh pàighidh eile ris.Ma tha barrachd air aon fhaidhle XML san tasg-lann agad, luchdaich suas iad aon air aon.Ma dh'innis solaraiche na h-òstaireachd agad dhut gum feum thu sòn DNS no sòn maighstir, cuir a-steach ainm na h-àrainn agad gu h-ìosal agus dh'fhaoidte gun urrainn dhuinn a chur ris sa bhad.Mur eil an làrach agad a' nochdadh mar bu chòir, leig fios dhan neach aig a bheil an lìonra seo.Ma tha barrachd air aon bhann-cinn bunaiteach aig an ùrlar agad no ma luchdaich thu suas barrachd air aon dealbh gnàthaichte airson a' bhanna-chinn, tha WordPress comasach air dealbh air thuaiream dhiubh a shealltainn air diofar duilleagan na làraich agad. Briog air a' phutan "Air thuaiream" ri taobh na h-earrainn "Dealbhan a luchdaich thu suas" no "Dealbhan bunaiteach" gus am feart seo a chur an comas.IllinoisDealbhDealbh (%s)Dealbhan (%s)Dealbhan (%s)Dealbhan (%s)Seòladh an deilbhCo-thaobhadh an deilbh:Iomall an deilbhClas CSS an deilbhCaipsean an deilbhCobhair le bearradh an deilbhCeann-là/àm an deilbhCha b' urrainn do dhealbhaiche nan dealbhan sàbhaladh a dhèanamhFaidhle deilbhGriod nan dealbhCeangal deilbhLiosta nan dealbhanMarghain an deilbhIonad an deilbhPost deilbhMearachd le pròiseasadh an deilbhAth-nochdadh an deilbhRoghainnean an deilbh:Meud an deilbh:Tiotal an deilbhBuadh tiotal an deilbhURL an deilbhURL an deilbh:Mearachd le luchdadh suas an deilbhCha b’ urrainn dhuinn an dealbha a phròiseasadh.Cha do ghabh an dealbh a phròiseasadh. Rach air ais is feuch ris a-rithist.Ro-shealladh air raon bearradh an deilbh. Feumaidh seo eadar-obrachadh le luchag.Dh'fhàillig bearradh an deilbh.Chan eil dàta deilbh ann. Feuch is luchdaich suas an dealbh a-rithist.Co-thaobhadh bunaiteach dhealbhanSeòrsa bunaiteach ceangal dhealbhanMeud bunaiteach dhealbhanTuairisgeul an deilbhMion-fhiosrachadh an deilbhDh'fhàillig flip an deilbh.Tha meata-dhàta an deilbh neo-chunbhalach.Dh'fhàillig atharrachadh meud an deilbh.Chaidh an dealbh aiseag gu soirbheachail.Dh'fhàillig cuairteachadh an deilbh.Chaidh an dealbh a shàbhaladhMeud nan dealbhanTiotal an deilbh:Dealbh air fhaicinn: Ìomhaigh, Ceann-latha ┐ TiotalDealbhanThèid dealbhan dhen mheud %1$d le %2$d pixel an cleachdadh mar a tha iad.Bu chòir do dhealbhan a bhith co-dhiù %s a dh’àirde.Bu chòir do dhealbhan a bhith co-dhiù %s a leud.Dealbhan:Ion-phortaichIon-phortaich puist, beachdan, dealbhan is tagaichean o fhaidhle às-phortadh Xanga.Ion-phortaich puist, duilleagan, beachdan, raointean gnàthaichte, roinnean-seòrsa is tagaichean o fhaidhle às-phortaidh WordPress.Ion-phortaich ceanglachainIon-phortaich BloggerIon-phortaich BlogrollIon-phortaich LiveJournalIon-phortaich Movable Type no TypePadIon-phortaich faidhle OPMLIon-phortaich RSSIon-phortaich WordPressIon-phortaich XangaIon-phortaich ùghdar:Ion-phortaich ceanglaichean ann am fòrmat OPML.Ion-phortaich puist ⁊ meadhanan o Tumblr slighe an API aca.Ion-phortaich puist is beachdan o bhloga Movable Type no TypePadIon-phortaich puist is beachdan o bhloga Movable Type no TypePad.Ag ion-phortadh na puist o LiveJournal a' cleachdadh an API aca.Ion-phortaich puist o inbhir RSS.Ion-phortaich puist, beachdan is cleachdaichean o bhloga air Blogger.Ion-phortaich puist, duilleagan, beachdan, raointean gnàthaichte, roinnean-seòrsa is tagaichean o fhaidhle às-phortaidh WordPress.Ion-phortaich an ath-bhaidseIon-phortaich am Blogroll agad o shiostam eileCudromach!Cudromach:Chaidh baidse %d dhe na beachdan à mu thuaireamh %d ion-phortadhChaidh am post %s ion-phortadh...Chaidh bad %d dhe na puist à mu thuaireamh %d ion-phortadhAg ion-phortadh…Ag ion-phortadh nam postAg ion-phortaich a' cheanglachain Ag ion-phortadh a' phuist %s...Ag ion-phortadh a' phuist...Ag ion-phortadh...Ag ion-phortadh…Deargaidhean:Deargaidhean: Bha %2$s phost ùr ann an %1$d agus tha %3$s uile gu lèir ann an tasg-lann a' bhloga seo a-nis.Bha %2$s phost ùr ann an %1$d agus tha %3$s uile gu lèir ann an tasg-lann a' bhloga seo a-nis.Bha %2$s puist ùra ann an %1$d agus tha %3$s uile gu lèir ann an tasg-lann a' bhloga seo a-nis.Bha %2$s post ùr ann an %1$d agus tha %3$s uile gu lèir ann an tasg-lann a' bhloga seo a-nis.Bha %2$s phost ùr ann an %1$d, cha robh sin dona son a' chiad bhliadhna!Bha %2$s phost ùr ann an %1$d, cha robh sin dona son a' chiad bhliadhna!Bha %2$s puist ùra ann an %1$d, cha robh sin dona son a' chiad bhliadhna!Bha %2$s post ùra ann an %1$d, cha robh sin dona son a' chiad bhliadhna!Ann an %1$s, cleachd an dòigh %2$s ’s chan e am foincsean %3$s. Faic %4$s.Ann an 2014, bheir an t-ùrlar bunaiteach comas dhut làrach irise fhreagairteach a chruthachadh air a bheil coltas snasail ùr-nòsach. Seall susbaint as fhearr leat air an duilleag mhòr agad ann an griod no air sleamhnachan. Cleachd trì raointean nam widgets gus an làrach-lìn agad a ghnàthachadh, co-dhealbhachd na susbaint agad atharrachadh le teamplaid duilleige làn-leud agus duilleagan nan com-pàirtichean a sheallas cò na h-ùghdaran. Cha robh e nas fhasa a-riamh roimhe làrach-lìn irise a chruthachadh le WordPress.A' dol air adhartMìnich ann am beagan fhaclan dè mu dhèidhinn 's a tha an làrach seo.Mìnich ann am beagan fhaclan dè mu dhèidhinn 's a tha am bloga agad.Mur eil thu air sin a dhèanamh mu thràth, 's urrainn dhut na puist agad ion-phortadh o bhlogaichean eile:Dearbh an seòladh puist-d agad le bhith a' briogadh air a' cheangal sa phost-d a chur sinn gu %s mus foillsich thu post.Mus gabh an àrainn agad imrich gu clàraiche eile, feumaidh tu an clàradh prìobhaideach a chur à comas.Mus gabh an àrainn agad imrich gu clàraiche eile, feumaidh tu a' ghlas a thoir far na h-àrainne.Mus gabh an àrainn agad imrich gu clàraiche eile, feumaidh tu a' ghlas a thoir far na h-àrainne is clàradh prìobhaideach a chur à comas.Mar fhreagairt dha %s.Mar fhreagairt dha: %sMar fhreagairt doMar fhreagairt dha: %sMa dh’fhanas tu os cionn beachd sa bith sa cholbh Beachd, bidh cothrom agad am beachd ud a fhreagairt (is aontachadh), a ghrad-dheasachadh, a dheasachadh, a chomharradh mar spama, a ghluasad dhan sgudal no aonta a thoirt dha.Tha trì eileamaidean sa cholbh Mar fhreagairt ri. ’S e an teacsa ainm a’ phuist a dh’adhbharaich am beachd agus ceanglaichean ri deasaiche nam post airson an innteirt ud. Ruigidh tu am post fhèin air an làrach bheò agad leis a’ cheangal “Seall am post”. Tha am builgean beag sa bheil àireamh a’ sealltainn co mheud beachd le aonta a fhuair am post. Ma tha am builgean dearg ’s àireamh ’na bhroinn, tha uiread sin de bheachdan ri dhèiligeadh ann. Ma bhriogas tu air a’ bhuilgean, thèid sgrìn nam beachdan a chriathradh gus nach fhaic thu ach beachdan ri dhèiligeadh air a’ phost ud.Nochdaidh an latha ’s a t-àm a chaidh am beachd fhàgail air an làrach agad sa cholbh Air a chur. Ma bhriogas tu air a’ cheann-là/àm, thèid d’ ath-stiùireadh gun bheachd sin air an làrach bheò agad.Ann an earran bann-cinn an teacsa air an duilleag seo, 's urrainn dhut taghadh an dèid an teacsa seo a shealltainn gus nach dèid. 'S urrainn dhut dath a thaghadh airson a' chùlaibh 's tu a' briogadh air a' phutan "Tagh dath" no le bhith a' cur a-steach luach hex HTML dligheach, can “#ff0000” airson dearg no le bhith a' taghadh dath le roghnaichear nan dathan.Chaidh %s facal a sgrìobhadh uile gu lèir.Air an deas-bhòrd agad:Neo-ghnìomhachBàr-taoibh 'na thàmh (gun chleachdadh)Widgets a tha à gnìomhÒirlich (òir.)Gabh a-steachGabh a-steach gnìomhachd leis an fheadhainn a dh'fhàg beachdGabh a-steach gnìomhachd leis an luchd-leantainnGabh a-steach gnìomhachd leis an fheadhainn a dh'innis gur toil leotha rud'Ga ghabhail a-staigh sa phlanaTasg-lann nach eil co-chòrdail.Ainm-cleachdaiche no facal-faire cearr.Meudaich an eagEagaichNa h-InnseachanCuan nan InnseachanIndianaIndianapolisNa h-Innd InnseBriathran nach eil ann.Sgroladh gun chrìochFiosrachadhAir oighreachdBàr-inneal am broinn na loidhne (ma tha dealbh, ceangal no ro-shealladh a thaghadh)Cuir a-steachCuir a-steach InstagramCuir a-steach taga airson briseadh duilleigeCuir a-steach taga "Leugh an corr"Cuir a-steach TweetCuir a-steach rud o YouTubeCuir a-steach dealbh GravatarCuir liosta-chluich fuaime a-steachCuir a-steach colbh 'na dhèidhCuir a-steach colbh roimheCuir a-steach ceann-là/àmCuir a-steach o URLCuir a-steach gailearaidhCuir a-steach dealbhCuir a-steach dhan chunntas-bheachdCuir a-steach dhan phostCuir a-steach dhan duilleagCuir a-steach dhan phostCuir a-steach ceangalCuir a-steach meadhan o làrach-lìn eileCuir a-steach ràgh 'na dhèidhCuir a-steach ràgh roimheCuir a-steach clàrCuir a-steach videoCuir liosta-chluich video a-steachCuir a-steach/Deasaich an dealbhCuir a-steach/Deasaich an ceangalChaidh %1$d ceangal a chur dhan roinn-seòrsa %2$s. Deiseil! Rach gu gus na ceanglaichean seo a chur air dòigh.%s air a chur a-steachTeacsa a chaidh a chur a-steachCur a-steach mheadhananInsightsStàlaichStàlaich %s an-dràstaStàlaich JetpackStàlaich an-dràstaStàlaich ùrlar pàraintStàlaich Press ThisStàlaich ùrlaranDh'fhàillig an stàladh.Plugain stàlaichte’Ga stàladh...Cha deach argamaidean gu leòr a shìneadh air adhart dhan dòigh XML-RPC seo.Gainnead creidisCha deach fiosrachadh gu leòr a thoirt seachad.Chan eil cead gu leòrDèan eadar-obrachadhEadar-ghnìomhachÙidhCànan na h-eadar-aghaidhMearachd frithealaiche inntearnail: %sAn caidreachas dìon-lìnInuvikMì-dhligheachCunntas mì-dhligheachBearradh Blavatar mì-dhligheachChaidh dàta mì-dhligheach a thoirt seachad.Ùghdar cunntais-bheachd mì-dhligheachChan e iuchair dhligheach a tha ann gus a chur an gnìomh.Freagairtean mì-dhligheachID ceanglachain mì-dhligheachID ùghdair mì-dhligheach.ID beachd mhì-dhligheachStaid beachd mhì-dhligheach.Chaidh dàta mì-dhligheach a thoirt seachad.Data mì-dhligheach. Cha deach nì a thaghadh.Dàta mì-dhligheach. Staid neo-aithnichte.Dàta mì-dhligheach. Seòrsa neo-aithnichte.Post-dealan mì-dhligheachPost-dealan mì-dhligheach.URLaichean inbhirean nach eil dligheach: %sFaidhle mì-dhligheachSeòrsa faidhle mì-dhligheachFoirm mì-dhligheach.Tha URL an deilbh mì-dhligheachTha ID an nì mì-dhligheach.Iuchair mhì-dhligheachID clàir-thaice mì-dhligheach.Seòrsa an oibseict mì-dhligheachParamadair(ean) mì-dhligheach: %sParamadair mì-dhligheach.Dòigh pàighidh mhì-dhligheachDuilleag phlugan mì-dhligheachTha slighe mhì-dhligheach aig a' phlugan.Post mì-dhligheachID puist mhì-dhligheach.Fòrmat puist mì-dhligheachID puist mhì-dhligheachSeòrsa puist mì-dhligheach.Post mì-dhligheachSoidhneadh iarrtais mì-dhligheach no chaidh deach ID bloga a thoirt seachad.Soidhneadh mì-dhligheach aig an iarrtas.Dreuchd mì-dhligheachCòd rùin mì-dhligheachTha an t-ainm shortcode mì-dhligheach: %1$s. Na cleachd àitichean bàna no caractaran glèidhte: %2$sTha an t-ainm shortcode mì-dhligheach: Chaidh ainm falamh a chur ann.Tacsonamaidh mì-dhligheach.Tacsonamaidh mì-dhligheach: %s.ID briathair mì-dhligheach.Tòcan mì-dhligheach.Seòrsa eadar-theangachaidh mì-dhligheach.ID cleachdaiche mì-dhligheach.Dàta cleachdaiche mì-dhligheach.Ainm-cleachdaiche no facal-faire cearr.Chan eil %1$s dligheach airson %2$s. Tha dùil ri luach eadar %3$s agus %4$s.Luach mì-dhligheach.Chaidh cuireadh a chur dhan chleachdaiche ùr air a' phost-d. Bidh aca ri briogadh air a' cheangal dearbhaidh mus dèid an cunntas aca a chruthachadh.Chaidh cuireadh a chur dhan chleachdaiche air a' phost-d. Bidh aca ri briogadh air ceangal a dhearbhas gu bheil iad airson seo a dhèanamh mus dèid an cur ris an làrach agad.Cuireadh/cuiridhean air an cur.Thoir cuireadh do chleachdaichean ùraThoir cuireadh do chleachdaichean ùra dhan bhloga agadThoir cuireadh do chleachdaichean ùra dhan bhloga phrìobhaideach agadThoir cuireadh dha na h-oileanaich agad a ghabhail pàirt sa bhloga seoIowaIqaluitIorànIoràcÈirinnIrkutskA bheil taic Jetpack fosgailte?Nach eil ceangal ann dhuinn fhìn?A bheil am bloga agad air fèin-òstaireachd agad? Tadhail air fòraman WordPress.org no faigh fiosrachadh mun diofar eadar WordPress.com agus WordPress.org.Eilean MhanainnIosraelİstanbulChan eil coltas gu bheil clàr-taice sam bith aig an làrach agad fhathast. A bheil thu airson fear a thogail? Briog air a’ phutan airson tòiseachadh.Tha e an urra ris na h-einnseanan-luirg an gèill iad ris an iarrtas seo gus nach gèill.Tha coltas nach deach dad a lorg air an ionad sin. Saoil am b' fheairrde dhut lorg a dhèanamh?Tha coltas nach deach dad a lorg air an ionad sin. Saoil am b’ fheairrde dhut tadhal air %s fhèin?Tha coltas nach deach am mòideal Apache %s a stàladh.Tha coltas gun do dh'fheuch tu ris na puist LiveJournal agad ion-phortadh roimhe 's gun do bhris rudeigin a-steach ort.Tha coltas gu bheil thu a’ cleachdadh tionndadh de %s nach eil tèarainte. Bidh an coimpiutair agad ann an cunnart ma chleachdas tu seann-bhrabhsair. Airson WordPress a chur gu làn-fheum, feuch brabhsair nas ùire.Tha coltas gu bheil thu a’ cleachdadh seann-tionndadh de %s. Airson WordPress a chur gu làn-fheum, feuch brabhsair nas ùire.Tha coltas nach urrainn dhuinn na tha a dhìth ort fhaighinn dhut. Feuch is dèan lorg.Tha coltas nach urrainn dhuinn na tha a dhìth ort fhaighinn dhut. Feuch is dèan lorg:Tha coltas gu bheil an lìonra agad a' ruith air frithealaiche-lìn Nginx. Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu rèiteachadh.Gheibh thu e am broinn leth-uair a thìde mar is trice.Bha e ceart gu leòrBha e fìor mhath!Cha robh e mathTha e nas fhasa na bha e a-riamh beachdan a thoirt seachad air puist. A bharrachd air sin, 's urrainn dhut beachdan a sgrìobhadh san leughadair no fiù am broinn bhrathan. Agus cuimhnich, thig barrachd bheachdan air muin beachd!Tha e cudromach gun cum thu am fiosrachadh conaltraidh a thaobh nan àrainnean agad (air a bheil fiosrachadh Whois cuideachd) ùraichte an-còmhnaidh. Cleachdaidh sinn am fiosrachadh seo gus fios a leigeil mu atharraichean no iarrtasan airson an ainm àrainne agad.EadailtisEadailteachAn EadailtChaidh an nì a chur ris.Chaidh an nì a sguabadh às.Cha deach an nì a chur ris.Cha deach an nì ùrachadh.Chaidh an nì ùrachadh.Chaidh na nithean a sguabadh às.Liosta nan nitheanSeòladaireachd nithean na liostaTha taic ri JSONP à comas air an làrach seo.Jabber / Google TalkLibhrigeadh fo-sgrìobhadh JabberJakartaDiameugaFaoiJan MayenAm FaoilleachFaoiAn t-SeapanSeapanaisJavaScriptFeumaidh JavaScript a bhith an comas mus urrainn dhut am feart seo a chleachdadh.JayapuraDeàrsaidhIerusalamLethbhreac-glèidhidh JetpackJetpack ConnectMonatair JetpackDìon JetpackTèarainteachd JetpackTaic JetpackRoghainnean foirm taic JetpackTha taic Jetpack dùinte an-dràsta fhèin. Till an-seo an ceann greis airson iarrtas taice a chur.Ma tha bloga agad air fèin-òstaireachd ’s ma chuireas tu Jetpack ris, gheibh thu cuid dhe na feartan a b’ àbhaist a bhith ri làimh ann am blogaichean WordPress.com a-mhàin, can stats air nòs WordPress.com. Ma tha thu ag iarraidh barrachd fiosrachaidh air na gleusan ’s na dh’fheumas tu mus urrainn dhut a stàladh, thoir sùil air na CÀBHA (Ceistean Àbhaisteach) againn. Ma tha duilgheadas agad leis an Jetpack agad, thoir sùil air an stiùireadh seo.Tha Jetpack ’na phlugan airson stàlaidhean de WordPress a tha air fèin-òstaireachd. Ma tha am bloga agad air WordPress.com, chan eil feum agad air Jetpack. Tha na comasan aige ’na bhroinn o thùs!Tha Jetpack nas luaithe na bha e a-riamh roimhe.

Rinn sinn obair mhòr as t-samhradh an-uiridh airson 's gun cleachd Jetpack nas lugha de bandwith agus airson tasglannadh de phuist cho-cheangailte a dhèanamh nas luaithe. Innis dhuinn dè do bheachd air!Tha Jetpack a' toirt dhuibhDì-cheangailHannsaborghJohnston’Nad bhall fad %(month)s %(year)sIòrdanJubaJujuyIuchAn t-IucharIuchGearr leum gu:ÒgmhAn t-ÒgmhiosÒgmhJuneauCeart gu leòrDìreach làrach %s eileDìreach làrach WordPress eileDìreach bloga-lìn eile air WordPressan-dràsta fhèinTòisich air foillseachadh sa bhad: faigh làrach an-asgaidh agus bidh thu air an t-slighe a dh’fhoillseachadh na susbaint agad ann am beagan mhionaidean.BlocaichKābolKaliningradKamchatkaKampalaKansasKantonKarācīQeshqerKathmanduKāṭhmāndūCasachstànCum 'nad bheachd gum bidh a' chlann 'nan dìlleachdan aig an leibheil as àirde ma dh'iompaicheas tu roinn-seòrsa aig a bheil roinn-seòrsa cloinne.Cum an ceangal seo prìobhaideachCum an cunntas agad tèarainte ’s tu a’ cur seòladh puist-d eile ris agus àireamh fòn. Ma bhios duilgheadas agad a-riamh a’ faighinn cothrom air a’ chunntas agad, cleachdaidh WordPress.com na chuir thu a-steach an-seo airson dearbhadh cò thusa.KentuckyCeiniaKerguelenIuchairAth-ghoiridean a' mheur-chlàirLuchd-cleachdaidh mheur-chlàr: Nuair a bhios tu ag obair san deasaiche lèirsinneach, gheibh thu cothrom air a' bhàr-inneal le Alt + F10.Facal-luirgFaclan-luirgKhandygaKhartoumKievKigaliKindleKinshasaCiribeasKiritimatiKirovKnoxKnox INKolkatāCoirèa a TuathCoirèa a DeasCosobhoKosraeKralendijkKrasnoyarskKuala LumpurKuchingCuibhèitKwajaleinKyivCìorgastanLHILa PazLa RiojaLeubailPost-dAinmLàrach-lìnRoghainnSeall gnìomhanRoghainneanLeubaileanLeubailean: spìosrach, annsachd is msaa. Cuir cromagan eadar na leubaileanLagos/ÈkóIùlCànanAm prìomh chànan a chleachdas tu sa bhloga seo.Cànan:Dùthaich nan LàthoMòrMòr (128 pixel)Meud mòrÀirde mhòr an deilbhLeud mòr an deilbhNa 12 mhìos seo chaidhNa 24 uair a thìde seo chaidhNa 3 mìosan seo chaidhNa 31 latha seo chaidhNa 7 làithean seo chaidhAn IP mu dheireadhAtharrachadh mu dheireadhSloinneadhAm post mu dheireadhAn t-ùrachadh mu dheireadhAn deasachadh mu dheireadh le %1$s %2$s aig %3$sAn deasachadh mu dheireadh %1$s aig %2$sAtharrachadh mu dheireadhSloinneadhAn duilleag mu dheireadhÙrachadh mu dheireadhAn t-ùrachadh mu dheireadh: %sAn t-seachdain seo chaidhAs ùireNa puist as ùireAn LaitbheAir a chur air bhog %s.A' cur gu dol an gnàthaichearCo-dhealbhachdDuilgheadasan leis a' cho-dhealbhachdRoghainnean na co-dhealbhachd:Barrachd fiosrachaidhIonnsaich WordPressBarrachd fiosrachaidhBarrachd fiosrachaidhBarrachd fiosrachaidh mu %sBarrachd fiosrachaidh mu reacordan DNS gnàthaichteBarrachd fiosrachaidh mu chùmhnantan àrainneanBarrachd fiosrachaidh mu shìneadh air adhart puistBarrachd fiosrachaidh mu Markdown.Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu thar-chur àrainneanBarrachd fiosrachaidh mu fhrithealaichean ainmeanBarrachd fiosrachaidh mu {{a}}Google Analytics air WordPress.com{{/a}}.Fiosraich carson a tha tagaichean cudromach.Barrachd fiosrachaidh.Fàg am blogaSgrìobh beachdFàg freagairtFreagair %sSgrìobh beachdFreagairFàg am blogaLeabanonClìAm bàr-taoibh clìSeallaidhean nas lughaBarrachd sheallaidheanNas lughe de phostaicheanBarrachd phostaicheanFaid:LeasotoLitirCleachd na h-innealan co-roinnidh cumhachdach againn gus dàimh a stèidheachadh eadar thu fhèin 's na h-aoighean agad.LibèirLeabhar-lannLibrevilleLibiaLibiaLichtensteinSoilleir'S toilInnis gur toil leat seoInnis gur toil leat seo:Dh'innis thu gur toil leat e'S toil le %s seo'S toil le %s seo'S toil le %s seo'S toil le %s seo'S toil leat seoDaoine as toil leothaBrathan mu dhaoine a thuirt gur toil leotha rudDaoine 's toil leotha e 's co-roinneadhDaoine as toil leothaLimaLindemanÀirde na loidhneCeangalClas CSS a' cheangailClas CSS a' cheangailCeangail na roinnean-seòrsaRoinn-seòrsa ceangailID a' cheangailCeangail an dealbh ri:Link RelDàimh a' cheangail (XFN)Targaid a' cheangailTeacsa a' cheangailCeangal riCeangal ri:URL a' cheangailSo-fhaicsinneachd a' cheangailChaidh an ceangal a chur ris.AcairAcraicheanDath a' cheangailChaidh ceangal a chur a-steach.Ceangail cunntas PollDaddy ris a tha agam mu thràth.Cha deach an ceangal a lorg.Roghainnean a’ cheangailRangachadh a' cheangailChaidh ceangal a thaghadh.Teacsa a’ cheangailTeacsa a' cheangail, m.e. “Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig (PDF)”Ceangail na h-ìomhaigheagan ri:Tiotal a' cheangailCeangail ri duilleag a' cheanglachainGnàthaich an làrach agadCeangail ris an fhaidhle mheadhainCeangail ri dealbhCeangail ri:Blogaichean co-cheangailteLinkedInCeanglaicheanCeanglaichean airson %sTha na ceanglaichean air a' bhàr-inneal aig barr na sgrìn a' ceangal an deas-bhùird agad ri aghaidh phoblach na làraich agad agus bheir iad comas inntrigidh dhan phròifil agad dhut agus fiosrachadh feumail mu WordPress.Liosta nan ceanglaichean'S urrainn dhut ceanglaichean a roinneadh ann an roinnean-seòrsa cheanglaichean; tha iad seo eadar-dhealaichte o roinnean-seòrsa nam post agad.Ceanglaichean do sheirbheisean a chleachdas tu air feadh an lìn.Ceangail ri inbhirean RSS a' bhloga agad.Ceanglaichean dha na làraichean-lìn, blogaichean is làraichean eile agad a bheir tuairisgeul air cò tha annad.Air thuaireamLisbonLiostaSealladh nan liostaBall na liostaSealladh nan liostaLiostaicheanLiteAn LiotuainCraoladh BeòCabadaich bheòRo-shealladh beòRo-shealladh beò “%s”Ro-shealladh beò: %sTaic bheòTaic cabadaich bheòLiveJournalFacal-faire LiveJournalAinm-cleachdaiche LiveJournalChan eil LiveJournal a' freagairt ri iarrtasan dearbhaidh. Fuirich ort greis is feuch ris a-rrithist an uairsin.LjubljanaLuchdaich barrachdLuchdaich stoidhleLuchdaich barrachdLuchdaich barrachd dhealbhanLuchdaich barrachd phostaicheanLuchdaich barrachd Tweets'Ga luchdadhA' luchdadh nan làraichean agam…A' luchdadh nan statsA' luchdadh duilleag de dhuilleagan…A’ luchdadh barrachd thoraidhean... fuirich ort.'Ga luchdadh…'Ga luchdadh…'Ga luchdadh…'Ga luchdadh ...'Ga luchdadh...'Ga luchdadh…Puist ionadail’S e %s an t-àm ionadail.'S e %1$s an tìde ionadailLorg'Ga lorgIonadCha deach an t-ionad a lorgIonad an fhaidhle a luchdaich thu suas.Ionad:Clàraich %s a-mach à gach ionad.Log a-steachClàraich a-machClàraich a-mach à gach àiteClàraich a-mach anns gach àite eileClàraich a-steachLog a-steach gus freagairt a thoirtClàraich a-steach gus beachd a sgrìobhadhClàradh a-steach air cunntas eileClàraich a-machClàraich a-mach às a' chunntas seoAir logadh a-steach mar %2$s. A bheil thu airson logadh a-mach?Dh'fhàillig an logadh a-steach do LiveJournal. Thoir sùil air an ainm-chleachdaiche 's am facal-faire agad is feuch ris a-rithist.Clàraich a-steachSeòladh clàraidh (URL)Ainm airson clàradh a-steachDh'fhàillig an clàradh a-steachClàraich a-steach gus beachd a sgrìobhadh.SuaicheantasClàraich a-mach »LoméLunnainnTuairisgeul fada mun duilgheadas agad. Gabh a-staigh teachdaireachdan mhearachdan is ceanglaichean gu glacaidhean-sgrìn, ma tha feadhainn agad.An stìom as fhaideLeughadh fadaLongyearbyenA' lorg %1$s ann an %2$sA’ sireadh ùrlar? ’S urrainn dhut lorg a dhèanamh no pasgan nan ùrlaran aig WordPress.org a rùrachadh, ùrlaran a ro-shealladh is a stàladh agus an cur an gnìomh an-sin fhèin.An tòir deachd?A' lorg barrachd roghainnean eile?Tha coltas gun deach rudeigin cearr. Fuirich diog no dhà ’s feuch ris a-rithist.LùbLord HoweLos AngelesChaill mi am facal-faire agamChaill mi am facal-faire agamNa chaill thu am facal-faire agad?MòranLouisianaLouisvilleLower PrincesLuandaLubumbashiLusakaLugsamburgMM Bd M Yd M Y @ g:iaj M Y @ G:ij M Y @ H:ij M Y, g:i aM jSj M YMB (Fàg bàn seo gus bun-roghainn an lìonraidh a chleachdadh)MacàthuMacàthuA' MhasadonMaceióEilean MhicGuaireMadagasgarMadeiraMadridMagadanIrisIriseanMahéPost (cha dèidh fhoillseachadh)Frithealaiche puistPrìomhPrìomh-chlàr-taicePrìomh-dhuilleag (gun phàrant)Prìomh-chlàr-taiceMaineObair-chàraidhMajuroMakassarDèan follaiseach eDèan nas fhasa e dhan luchd-leughaidh agad na pàipearan-èibhinn agad a cho-roinneadhCuir do dhreach fhèin airDèan prìobhaideachDèan poblachDèan cinnteach gun do litrich thu gach facal mar bu chòir.Dèan cinnteach gun ùraich thu clàradh na h-àrainne "%1$s" ùraichte aig a' chlàraiche agad cuideachd.Dèan fleodrainn dhen phost seoMalaboMalabhaidhMalaidhseaNa h-Eileanan MhaladaibhMàiliMaltaStiùirichRianaich an fhuaimStiùirich am blogaStiùirich na beachdanRianaich na dealbhanStiùirich na h-ionadanStiùirich a' phròifil agamStiùirich na cheannaich miRianaich na fo-sgrìobhaidheanStiùirich na luchdaidhean suasRianaich a' videoRianaich na fo-sgrìobhaidhean agadStiùirich na làraichean uile agamStiùirich na clàran-taiceRianaich na h-ùrlaranStiùirich leis an ro-shealladh bheòStiùirich na brathan agadA' stiùireadh nan duilleaganTha stiùireadh dhuilleagan glè choltach ri stiùireadh nam post agus is urrainn dhut na sgrìnichean a ghnàthachadh dhut air an aon dòigh.ManaguaManausMangaManga (meadhanach)Manga (tana)Manga (leathann)ManilaManitobaOffsets a làimhIomadh colbhTha iomadh duine a' cleachdadh ath-ghoiridean meur-chlàir gus modarataireachd a dhèanamh air na beachdan aca nas luaithe. Cleachd an ceangal air an taobh airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.Tha iomadh ùrlar a' sealltainn widgets air a' bhàr-taoibh a ghnàth gus an deasaich thu na bàraichean-taoibh aga ach chan fhaic thu iad o thùs ann an inneal-stiùireadh nam bàr-taoibh agad. As dèidh dhut a' chiad widget agad atharrachadh, is urrainn dhut na widgets bunaiteach a chur ris a-rithist on earrann air a bheil "Widgets ri làimh".Mapaich ainm àrainne a tha agad mu thràthMapaich ainm àrainn a tha agad mu thràth ris a' bhloga WordPress.com agadMapaich ri feadhainn a tha annMa mhapas tu ainm àrainne, bidh e nas fhasa am bloga agad a chuimhneachadh agus gheibh an luchd-leughaidh agad greim air nas fhasa.MaputoMàrtAm MàrtMàrtMarengoMarghanMariehamnMarigotCuir comharra "Ri dhèanamh" ri puist ùraCuir comharra gur e spama a tha annCuir comharra gun deach dèiligeadh risCuir comharra gur e spama a tha sa bheachd seoCuir comharra gur e spama a tha sa bheachd seo.Cuir comharra NACH E spama a tha san teachdaireachd seoCuir comharra gur e spama a tha san teachdaireachd seoMarkdownSusbaint MarkdownEileanan a' MharcaisNa h-Eileanan MharshallMairtinicMarylandMaseruMassachusettsMatamorosMaids litrichean mòra 's beagaMaidsich dealbh a' bhanna-chinnInbheachInbheach (%s)Inbheach (%s)Inbheach (%s)Inbheach (%s)MoratàineaNa h-Eileanan MhoiriseasMawsonÀirde as mothaMeud as mothaAn rangachadh as àirdeCeud as motha a' chruth-chlò:Uiread as motha a phuist a sheallar (10 air a' char as fhaide):An àireamh as motha de thagaichean a sheallarAm meud as motha: %sMeud faidhle as motha airson luchdadh suas: %s.An CèiteanCèitDh’fhaoidte gun dug thu ainm eile air a’ chunntas agad no gun do sguab thu às e. Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gun deach an cunntas agad a sguabadh às air mhearachd, feuch am foirm aiseag chunntasan agus nì sinn ar dìcheall gus do chuideachadh.Dh'fhaoidte gun dug thu ainm eile air a' chunntas agad.Mayotte/MaoreMazatlánMbabaneMacMhurchaidhMiseMeadhanFaidhle meadhainLeabhar-lann nam meadhananRoghainnean nam meadhananMeud a' mheadhainMeud a' mheadhain:Faidhle meadhainChaidh am faidhle meadhain a cheangal ris.Chaidh am faidhle meadhain a dhealachadh.Chaidh am faidhle meadhain a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh am faidhle meadhain a sguabadh às gu buan.Chaidh am faidhle meadhain aiseag on sgudal.Chaidh am faidhle meadhain ùrachadh.Liosta nam meadhananSeòladaireachd liosta nam meadhananLeabhar-lann nam meadhananCha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-seirbheis mheadhanan "%s" a lorgMeadhanachMeadhanach (96 pixel)Meud meadhanachÀirde mheadhanach an deilbhLeud meadhanach an deilbhÀirde an deilbh eadar meadhanach is mòrLeud an deilbh eadar meadhanach is mòrMelbourneBallBallrachdChaidh thu thairis na tha agad de chuimhne. Feuch ri faidhle nas lugha.MendozaMenomineeAn clàr-taiceNì a' chlàir-thaiceIonad a’ chlàir-thaiceIonadan a’ chlàir-thaiceStiùireadh nan clàran-taiceAinm a’ clàir-thaiceRoghainnean a’ chlàir-thaiceEarrann a' chlàir-thaiceEarrannan a' chlàir-thaiceRoghainnean a' chlàir-thaiceChaidh an clàr-taice a chruthachadhChaidh an clàr-taice a sguabadh àsChaidh ball a’ chlàir-thaice a chur risChaidh ball a’ chlàir-thaice a sguabadh àsTha ball a’ chlàir-thaice ’na fho-bhall a-nisChaidh ball a’ chlàir-thaice a ghluasad sìosChaidh ball a’ chlàir-thaice a ghluasad a-mach às an fho-chlàr-taiceChaidh ball a’ chlàir-thaice a ghluasad suasChaidh ball a' chlàir-thaice fhoillseachadh. Seall eChaidh ball a' chlàir-thaice a shàbhaladh.Chaidh ball a' chlàir-thaice a chur ris.Chaidh ionadan nan clàran-taice ùrachadh.Òrdugh a' chlàir-thaiceStructar a' chlàir-thaiceClàir-thaiceGabhaidh clàran-taice a shealltainn ann an diofar aonadan a-rèir an ùrlair agad no ann an raointean widgets le bhith a’ cur ris widget airson “clàr-taice seòladaireachd” ris.Gabhaidh clàran-taice a shealltainn ann an diofar aonadan a-rèir an ùrlair agad/.Co-aonaich ceallan a' chlàirMéridaTeachdaireachdCha b' urrainn dhuinn an teachdaireachd a dhì-chòdachadhCha robh dad san ùine seoTeachdaireachdanMetaMetadataMetlakatlaMeagsagoMexico CityMichiganBeag bìodachMeanbh-fhòrmatanNa Meanbh-eileananNa Meanbh-EileananMeadhanMidwayCeud as lugha a' chruth-chlò:MinnesotaMinskMionaidMionaidean: MiquelonMeasgachadhSgeideal dhe na dh'fhalbh ortA dhìthTha paramadair %s a dhìthCeanglachan a dhìthWidgets a tha a dhìthTha pasgan sealach a dhìth.Tha seòladh puist-dhealain a dhìth.(gun ainm)Tha ID làraich a dhìth no tha e mì-dhligheach.Paramadair(ean) a dhìth: %sID puist a dhìth.Tha raon (%(description)s) a dhìth 's tha feum airDeiseil uile gu lèir, chaidh an teachdaireachd %s a sguabadh às.MississippiMissouriSocraichteFòn-làimheAplacaidean do dh'innealan-làimheÙrlar mobileDèan modarataireachd air a' bheachdBeachdan modarataireachdModaratairAtharraichAtharraich an %2$s agad.MogadishuMoldobhaMoldobhaDiLMonacoMonctonDiLuainDiLDùthaich nam MongolMonatairMonroviaMonsterID (air a ghintinn)MontanaAm Monadh NeagrachMonterreyMontevideoMìosMìos is ainmTasg-lannan mìosail: Iomlain mhìosailTasg-lannan mìosailMìosanMìosan is bliadhnaicheanMìosan is bliadhnaicheanMonticelloMontrealMontsaratBarrachdBarrachd mion-fhiosrachaidhBarrachd fiosrachaidhRoghainnean eileBarrachd stats airson %sBarrachd mu dhèidhinn %s...Barrachd ghnìomhanBarrachd mion-fhiosrachaidhGheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh air an duilleag taice againn.Barrachd fiosrachaidh Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu %sBarrachd fiosrachaidh:Barrachd roghainneanMorocoMosgoAs gnìomhaiche (%s)Air a bheil fèill mhòrAn t-susbaint air a bheil fèill mhòrAs ùireRoinnean-seòrsa a chleachdar as triceAir a bheil fèill mhòrMovable Type agus TypePadGluaisGluais “%s” dhan sgudalGluais sìosGluais sìos aonanGluais sìos aon leibheilGluais suas aon leibheilGluais à %sGluais am fear roimheGluais am beachd seo dhan sgudalGluais am beachd seo dhan sgudal.Gluais an nì seo dhan sgudalGluais guGluais dhan sgudalGluais gu raon eile…Gluas gun bharrGluais dhan sgudalGluais fo %sGluais suasGluais suas aonanGluaisMòsaimbicIomadh roghainnIomadh rudCha deach taic Multisite a chur an comas.Muscat/MasqaṭCeòlCeòl (meadhanach)Ceòl (leathann)Neach-ciùilCnuasachaidhean ⁊ rudan pearsantaTostaich@Iomraidhean ormMo bhlogaicheanMo choimhearsnachdNa h-àrainnean agamAn luchd-leantainn agamAn gravatar agamNa 's toil leamNa ceanglaichean agamNa puist agamA' phròifil agamA' phròifil phoblach agamAn làrach agamNa làraichean agamAn eachdraidh taiceNa tweets agamAn cunntas agamA' chairt agamNach tusa tha trang a' cur peann ri pàipear! Seall na duaisean a choisinn thu gu ruige seo. Carson nach sgrìobh thu beagan mu an dèidhinn?MiànmarNeach rùin'S comaNSWNairobiAinmAinm (riatanach)Ainm (riatanach)Frithealaichean ainmeanTeacsaAinmFrithealaichean ainmeanStiùiridh frithealaichean ainmean an àrainn agad ri òstair na làraich-lìn ceart. Nuair a chleachdas an àrainn agad frithealaichean ainmean WordPress.com, tomhaidh e ri WordPress.com. Bidh frithealaichean ainmean aig cuid mhòr de sholaraichean òstaireachd. Ma thomas tu ri frithealaichean ainmean an òstair ùir agad, tomhaidh an àrainn ris an òstair ùr.Ainmich am bloga agadThoir ainm air an làrach agadAinm:An NamaibCumhangNassauNàdarNauruSeòladaireachdLeubail na seòladaireachdClàr-taice na seòladaireachdNì clàr-taice na seòladaireachdNithean clàr-taice na seòladaireachdClàir-thaice na seòladaireachdNdjamenaNebraskaBheil barrachd cuideachaidh a dhìth ort?A bheil cunntas a dhìth ort?A bheil cobhair a bharrachd a dhìth ort? Tadhail air %3$s fòram na taice.Taic a dhìth ort a thòiseachadh? Tadhail air treòir an luchd-tòiseachaidh againnTaic a dhìth ort? Tha fuasgladh ann!A bheil cobhair a dhìth ort? Cleachd a taba “Cobhair” os cionn tiotal na sgrìn.Bheil barrachd cuideachaidh a dhìth ort?A bheil cobhair a dhìth ort? Tadhail air earrann taic nan ùrlaran no fòraman nan ùrlaran airson sàr-chomhairle.NeapàlRangachadh NeroNa Tìrean ÌsleEileanan Aintilia nan Tìrean ÌsleRianaire an lìonraidhPost-d rianaire an lìonraidhRianaire an lìonraidh: %sCur an comas %s air feadh an lìonraidhRoghainnean an lìonraidhIuchairean dearbhaidh rèiteachadh an lìonraidhRiaghailtean rèiteachadh an lìonraidh airson %sChaidh na foincseanan lìonraidh a chur à comas.NevadaChan ann idirChan fhalbh an ùine air uair sam bithChan fhalbh an ùine air idir (Òstaireachd VIP)Na cuir post-d idirLàraich %1$s ùr: %2$sCleachdaiche %1$s ùr: %2$s%s ùrSeòladh ùrNew BrunswickCailleann NuadhAinm roinn-seòrsa ùrDreachd ùrPost-d ùr: %sNew HampshireNì ùrNew JerseyAinm roinn-seòrsa a' cheangail ùrAinm earrann ùr a' chlàir-thaiceNew MexicoDuilleag ùrAm facal-faire ùrPost ùrPròiseact ùrAinm airson taga pròiseict ùrAinm airson seòrsa ùr de phròiseactRàgh ùrNew SalemClàradh de làrach ùr: %sLàrach ùr: %1$s URL: %2$s Seòladh IP cèin: %3$s Cuir na brathan seo à comas: %4$sAinm taga ùrTeamplaid ùrTeisteanas ùrDreuchd bunaiteach de chleachdaichean ùraClàradh de chleachdaiche ùr: %sCleachdaiche ùr: %1$s Seòladh IP cèin: %2$s Cuir na brathan seo à comas: %3$sAinm-cleachdaiche ùr: %sLàrach WordPress ùrNew YorkSealainn NuadhEuchd ùrBlogaichean ùra a lean thu: %sAinm roinn-seòrsa ùrBeachd ùrBeachd ùr le %sBeachd ùr le cuideiginThuirt cuideigin eile gur toil leotha beachdBeachd ùr air %sBeachd ùr air %1$sBeachd ùr air %sBeachd ùr air a’ phost “%s” agadCairt-chreidis ùrAm meud ùr:Sgrìobhainn ùrRaon ùrNeach-leantainn ùr'S toil le cuideigin ùr eFacal-faire ùrPingback ùr air %sPingback ùr air a’ phost “%s” agadPost ùrPost ùr le %sNochdaidh puist ùra a dh'fhoillsicheas tu ann an sruth an leughadair gu h-ìosal. Chì thu puist o bhlogaichean eile a tha thu a' leantainn cuideachd. Briog air "Na blogaichean agam" ma tha thu airson tadhal air a' bhloga agad.Ath-bhlogadh ùrLàrach ùr air a chruthachadh le %1$s Seòladh: %2$s Ainm: %3$sChaidh an t-ùrlar ùr a ghnìomhachadh.Gliocas ùr!Ùr ann an AkismetÙr gu CSS? Ionnsaich mu dheasachadh CSS is mar a lorgas tu CSS ùrlair. Ceistean? Cuir ceist air an fhòram ghnàthachadh CSS.Ùr gu WordPress.com?Trackback ùr air %sTrackback ùr air a’ phost “%s” agadChaidh an cleachdaiche ùr a chruthachadh.Clàradh de chleachdaichea ùra air a' bhloga %s:Tha cleachdaichean ùra air clàradh air do làrach %s:Thèid facal-faire a chruthachadh do chleachdaichean ùra gu fèin-obrachail agus is urrainn dhaibh sin atharrachadh an dèidh dhaibh clàradh a-steach. ’S urrainn dhut na faclan-faire a chaidh a chruthachadh dhaibh fhaicinn no a dheasachadh le bhith a’ briogadh air a’ phutan “Seall am facal-faire”. Cha ghabh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche atharrachadh an dèidh dhut an cleachdaiche a chur ris.Gheibh cleachdaichean ùra post-d a dh'innseas dhaibh gun deach an cur ris mar chleachdaiche air an làrach agad. Bidh am facal-faire aca sa phost-d ud cuideachd. Cuir cromag ris a' bhogsa mur eil thu airson 's gum faidh iad post-d fàilte.Tha tionndadh ùr ri fhaighinn. Uinneag ùrSeall a h-uile beachdA bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an làrach seo a chur ris a' bhuidheann?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am buidheann seo a sguabadh às?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am buidheann seo a thoirt air falbh on bhuidheann?A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an cleachdaiche seo a thoirt air falbh on bhuidheann?Mearachd: Chan urrainn dhuinn an làrach ud a chur ris a' bhuidheann.Mearachd: Chan urrainn dhuinn am buidheann a chruthachadh.Mearachd: Chan urrainn dhuinn am buidheann seo a sguabadh às.Mearachd: Chan urrainn dhuinn an làrach ud a thoirt air falbh on bhuidheann.Mearachd: Chan urrainn dhuinn an cleachdaiche ud a thoirt air falbh on bhuidheann.Mearachd: Chan urrainn dhuinn roghainnean a' bhuidhinn ùrachadh.Chaidh roghainnean a' bhuidhinn ùrachadh.Chaidh am buidheann a chruthachadh.Chaidh an làrach a chur ris a' bhuidheann.Chaidh an làrach a thoirt air falbh on bhuidheann.Chaidh an cleachdaiche a thoirt air falbh on bhuidheann.Eachdraidh bileachaidhCheckoutBeachdan a sgrìobh miCeangail Jetpack risAplacaidean co-cheangailteBlogaichean co-cheangailteCruthaich buidheannGnàthaichClàradh àrainneanÀrainneanTuarastalDeasaich an dreachdDeasaich am buidheannDeasaich am postRùraich na tagaicheanLorg caraideanLàraichean ’gan leantainnAir ùr-phreasaigeadhBuidheannCobhairPuist ionadailAn cunntas agamMo ghnìomhachdNa h-àrainnean agamNa buidhnean agamNa stats agamNa h-àrdachaidhean agamPost ùrBrathanFacal-fairePuist as toil leamPròifil phoblachBlogaichean a mholamaidTèarainteachdRoghainneanLibhrigeadh nam fo-sgrìobhaidheanPreas nan duaiseanÀrdaichÙrlaran WordPressÌoc! Tha coltas gun deach rudeigin cearr. A bheil thu airson feuchainn ris a-rithist?Shin thu! Tha coltas nach eil am post a tha thu a' lorg an-seo tuilleadh. Saoil an deach a sguabadh às?Shin thu! Tha coltas nach eil am post a tha thu a' lorg an-seo tuilleadh. Saoil an deach aiseag mu thràth?Shin thu! Tha coltas nach eil am post a tha thu a' lorg an-seo tuilleadh. Saoil a bheil e san sgudal mu thràth?Shin thu! Tha coltas nach eil am post a tha thu a' lorg an-seo tuilleadh. Saoil a bheil e san sgudal?Stad, stad! Tha coltas nach eil cead agad sin a dhèanamh. Feuch is cuir fios gu rianaire na làraich agad, dh'fhaoidte gun urrainn dhaibh do chuideachadh.Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn a' liostadh nan ùrlaran. Feuch is ath-luchdaich an duilleag no cuir fios gun sgioba taice.Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn a' luchdadh na duilleige. Feuch is ath-luchdaich an duilleag no cuir fios gun sgioba taice.Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha sinn airson crìoch a chur air leantainn a' bhoga sin. Feuch ris a-rithist no cuir fios gun sgioba taice.Dh'fhàillig gnìomhachadh an ùrlair sin. Feuch ris a-rithist no cuir fios gun sgioba taice.Cha do lorg sinn ùrlar sam bith a fhreagair ris na lorg thu. Tha sinn duilich!Cha deach ùrlar sam bith a lorg. Feuch is ath-luchdaich an duilleag no cuir fios gun sgioba taice.Nas ùireBeachdan as ùireBeachdan nas ùire »Beachdan nas ùire Beachdan nas ùirePuist nas ùirePuist nas ùire As ùireNa puist as ùire an toiseachNewfoundland’S urrainn dhut clàradh ainm àrainne a chur gu neoini ’s ath-dhìoladh slàn fhaighinn ma nì thu seo am broinn 96 uair a thìde on àm a chlàraich thu e.NaidheachdanNaidheachdan ⁊ tachartasan an lathaAir adhartAir adhart >Air adhart »Air adhart →An ath-dhuilleagAn ath-dhuilleag »An ath-phàigheadh:An ath-phostAn ath-cheum →An ath-cheumAn ath cheann-là bileachaidhAn ath-dhealbhAn ath-dhuilleag→An ath-cheumAir adhart:NiameyNiocaraguaChan fhaod ainm grinn a bhith nas fhaide na 50 caractar.Far-ainmNicosiaNìgeirNigèiriaNipigonNiueChan eilCha deach %1$s a shuidheachadh ann an arraigh nan argamaidean airson a’ bhàr-taoibh “%2$s”. A’ cleachdadh “%3$s” ’na àite. Cleachd “%3$s” airson %1$s gus am brath seo a mhùchadh is susbaint a’ bhàr-taoibh làithrich a chumail.Gun sanasanGun avatarGun bheachdanGun bheachd fhathast »Chan eil beachd air %sCha deach dealbh sam bith a lorg air Instagram.Gun leubailCha deach leubail a lorg.Cha deach pròiseact sam bith a lorgGun fhreagairteanGun fhreagairtGun SMS? Thoir sùil air a' phost-d agad airson post-d ath-shuidheachadh an fhacail-fhaire.Cha deach teisteanas sam bith a lorgCha deach teisteanas sam bith a lorg san sgudalGun tiotalCha deach cuspair no URL bloga a thoirt seachadCha deach bloga WordPress.com a lorgCha deach bloga WordPress.com no inbhir làraichean air an taobh a-muigh a lorg air an URL a thug thu seachadGun ghnìomhachd fhathast!Gun sanasachdGun cho-thaobhadhCha deach aonta a thoirt do bheachd sam bithCha deach mapadh ùghdaran a lorg san fhaidhle a sholair thu. Leis a sin, thèid gach post a thèid ion-phortadh a chur as do leth-sa. Brùth "Cuir" airson leantainn air adhart.Cha deach aplacaid sam bith a lorg aig a bheil cead.Cha deach eachdraidh bileachaidh a lorg sa chunntas agad.Cha robh dàta bloga san iarrtas.Cha deach bloga sam bith a lorgChan eil blogaichean ann... fhathast.Cha deach callback a dhèanamh.Gun roinn-seòrsaCha deach roinn-seòrsa sam bith a lorg.Cha deach changeset a lorg as urrainn dhut gabhail os làimhCha deach briogadh a chlàradh air an làrach agad fhathast.Cha deach briogadh a chlàradh fhathast.Cha deach briogadh sam bith a chlàradh.Cha deach còd a sholar dhan phuing-dheireadh gus a dhearbhadh.Gun dathGun bheachdanChan eil beachd sam bith a' feitheamh ri modarataireachd.Cha deach beachd sam bith a lorg.Chan eil beachd ann fhathast.Cha deach cùpon sam bith a lorg.Cha deach cairt-chreidis sam bith a shàbhaladh sa chunntas agad.Cha deach dàta a lorgCha deach uidheam sam bith a dhearbhadh.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn deasaiche a thaghadh.Cha d' fhuair thu beachd sam bith gu ruige seoCha deach faidhle a thaghadhCha deach faidhle sam bith a luchdadh suas.Gun dealbhCha deach dealbh a thaghadhCha deach dealbh a shuidheachadhCha deach dealbh a thaghadhChan eil ion-phortaiche sam bith ri fhaighinn.Gun nitheanCha deach dad a lorg.Gun nithean.Cha deach ceanglaichean a lorg.Cha deach liosta a shònrachadhCha deach ball na liosta a shònrachadhCha deach suaicheantas a thaghadhCha deach suaicheantas a shuidheachadhCha deach fàirdeal a lorg a fhreagair ris na dh'iarr thuCha deach faidhlichean mheadhanan a lorg.Cha deach meadhanan a lorg.Cha deach clàr-taice sam bith a chruthachadh fhathast. Cruthaich feadhainn.Cha deach teachdaireachd a sholarCha deach dòigh a sholargun bhrathanCha do shìn làrach sam bith eile trafaig thugad gu ruige seo.Cha deach duilleag sam bith a lorgCha deach duilleag sam bith a lorg san sgudal.Cha deach duilleagan a lorg.Lorg thu {{searchTerm/}} ach cha robh duilleag sam bith a' freagairt ris.Chan eil beachd ri dhèiligeadhChan eil dealbh sam bith a' freagairt ris an iarrtas agadCha deach plugan a shònrachadh.Cha deach plugan a lorg.Gun phost?Cha deach post sam bith a lorg fon chuspair sinCha deach post sam bith a lorgCha deach post sam bith a lorg san sgudal.Cha deach post sam bith a lorg.Cha deach post sam bith a lorg. Feuch ri lorg eile.Cha deach sealltainn air post sam bith fhathast.Cha d' fhuair an %s agad rangachadh fhathast.Cha deach cuidhteas a lorg.Cha deach toradh a lorg.Cha do lorg sinn dad airson sin. Feuch is dèan lorg nas pongaile no cuir fios thugainn airson cuideachadh a bharrachd.Cha deach toradh a lorg.Gun dreuchdCha deach rùta a lorg a fhreagras ris an URL is dòigh an iarrtaisCha deach rùta a lorg a fhreagras ris an URL is dòigh an iarrtaisCha do shìn einnsean-luirg sam bith eile trafaig thugad gu ruige seo.Cha do shònraich thu facal-luirg. Seall an fheadhainn a chaidh a chleachdadh o chionn ghoirid.Chan eil làrach aig an t-seòladh sin, a bheil thu airson seòladh na làraich atharrachadh?Cha deach làrach a lorgCha deach làraichean a lorg.Chan eil stats sam bith ri fhaighinn airson na h-ùine seo.Cha deach bloga mar sin a lorgCha deach ùrlar d' a leithid a lorgGun tagaicheanCha deach taga sam bith a lorg!Cha deach taga sam bith a lorg.Chan eil, tapadh leat, na cuir 'am chuimhne seo a-rithist.Cha deach ùrlar a shònrachadh.Chan eil ùrlan sam bith ri fhaighinn an-dràsta.Cha deach ùrlar a lorg.Cha ùrlar post sam bith a lorg. Feuch ri lorg eile.Gun tiotalCha deach taga cuspair a lorg.Chan eil Tweet sam bith a' freagairt ris an iarrtas agadCha deach cleachdaiche a lorg.Cha deach plugan dligheach a lorg.Chan eil video sam bith a' freagairt ris an iarrtas agad.Cha deach video a chluich.NomeBeàrn neo-bhristidhChan eil ginChan eil gin, seall a' bhaidse 's sin eChan eil gin, 's ann mu chleachdadh WordPress.com a tha seoChan eil gin, 's e caismeachd a tha seo (modarataran a-mhàin)NorfolkEilean NorfolkÀbhaisteachNoronhaTuathNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNa h-Eileanan Mairianach a TuathNorthwest TerritoriesNirribhidhNirribhisGun cheangalCha deach a lorgCha deach a lorg.Post còirNa dèan fleodrainn dhethCha deach a stòradhCha deach gach atharrachadh a shàbhaladh air an fhrithealaiche fhathast. Fuirich air an duilleag seo gus an deach an sàbhaladh.Gun cheangalCha deach a lorgChan robh e mathNach eil thu air %s?Cha deach a shuidheachadhChan eil taic ann ris ann an Internet Explorer.Thoir an aire gu bheil %1$s 'na fho-àrainne de %2$s is tha sin ri fhaighinn airson clàradh. 'S urrainn dhut an fho-àrainn a shuidheachadh dhan bhloga agad an dèidh dhut a chlàradh.Thoir an aire gun dèan thu bearradh air an dealbh 's tu a' briogadh air (thagh thu an ìomhaigheag bearraidh mu thràth) agus a' slaodadh frèam a' bhearraidh air a' phàirt a tha thu ag iarraidh. Briog Sàbhail an uairsin gus an dealbh bearrte a shàbhaladh.Thoir an aire gun ruigear am bloga agad an-còmhnaidh aig an t-seòladh bhunaiteach, "%1$s".An aire:An aire: Chan eil gin dhe na roghainnean seo a' cur casg air inntrigeadh dhan làrach agad — tha e an urra ris na h-einnseanan-luirg an gèill iad ris an iarrtas seo gus na gèill.NòtaicheanCha deach dad a lorgChan eil dad ann ri leughadh!Chan eil dad ri shàbhaladh, cha do dh'atharraich an dealbh.Cha deach dad ion-phortadh. Saoil a bheil thu air am bloga seo ion-phortadh mu thràth?An aire:BrathanCuir post-d thugam nuair a bhios beachd ùr ann.NouakchottNoumeaÙghdarDreuchdCeann-làTagaTacsonamaidhIomradhSamhAlba Nuadh, An t-SamhainSamhNovokuznetskNovosibirskAn-dràstaTagh roinn-seòrsa a-nis dhan dèid na ceanglaichean seo a chur.Nise, tha thu air am bloga Blogger agad ion-phortadh dha WordPress. Dè bu toigh leat dèanamh a-nis? Seo beachd no dhà:Luchdaichidh sinn a-nuas na beachdan agad gus an urrainn dhuinn ion-phortadh (faodaidh gum feum seo greis fhada ma tha mòran bheachdan agad)...ÀireamhÀireamh de phuist a thèid a shealltainn:Àireamh de thagaichean:Ùrlaran a chaidh a lorg: %dÀireamh de bhlogaichean a chithear:Àireamh de cholbhan:Àireamh de bheachdan a chithear:Nithean a chaidh a lorg: %dÀireamh de nithean air gach duilleag:Àireamh de cheanglaichean a chithear:Àireamh de cheanglaichean:Co mheud post a chithear airson gach ùghdar:Àireamh de phuist a chithear:Co mheud a sheallar:Co mheud a thèid a shealltainn:CunntadhLiosta àireamhaichteÀireamhachNunavutNuukCeart ma-thàSeòrsa an oibseictChì cuid dhe na daoine a thadhlas air an làrach agad sanasach an-seo o àm gu àm
agus bratach mu phrìobhaideachd ⁊ bhriosgaidean aig bonn na duilleige.DàmhAn DàmhairDàmhNa putain oifigeilOhioOjinagaCeart ma-thàOklahomaAn àireamh as motha roimhe: %sNas sineBeachdan nas sineBeachdan nas sinePuist nas sineNas sine na dà lathaNas sine na mìosNas sine na seachdainAs sineNa puist as sine an toiseachOmànOmskAirAir inneal-làimheAir (airson a h-uile beachd)Air cuid a shiostaman, bidh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad air beulaibh an stòir-dhàta agad, can ainm_%1$s. Saoil an e seo a tha ’ga adhbharachadh?Air an ath-dhuilleag, briog air "Stàlaich" a-rithist aig a' bhonn air an taobh deas.Chì thu stats air an duilleag seo a dh'innseas dhut co mheud spama a chaidh a chriathradh air an làrach agad.Turas gach lathaTuras gach uair a thìdeTuras a bhios e ann, 's urrainn dhut am faidhle WXR ion-phortadh air làrach WordPress eile no prògram blogaidh eile as tha comasach air an fhòrmat seo a làimhseachadh.Turas a tinn thu taghadh, 's urrainn dhut atharrachadh 's tu a' cur a-steach a mheud ann am piogsailean. 'S e meud dealbhaige (mar a chaidh a shònrachadh ann an roghainnean nam meadhanan) am meud as lugha airson taghadh.Turas a bhuaileas tu “Dearbh an sguabadh às”, thèid an cleachdaiche a thoirt air falbh gu buan.Turas a bhuaileas tu “Dearbh an sguabadh às”, thèid na cleachdaichean a thoirt air falbh gu buan.Nuair a bhios tu air am faidhle seo a shàbhaladh, 's urrainn dhut ion-phortadh a dhèanamh ann an stàladh WordPress eile gus susbaint na làraich seo ion-phortadh.Aon cholbhAon fhreagairtChaidh %d chunntas a cheangal ris.Chaidh %d chunntas a cheangal ris.Chaidh %d cunntasan a cheangal ris.Chaidh %d cunntas a cheangal ris.'S toigh le aon bhlogair seo'S toigh le aon bhlogair seo.Aon cholbhAon bheachdAon seòladh puist-d anns gach loidhne.Tha aon dhe na plugain mì-dhligheach.Chan eil co-dhiù aon dhe na cleachdaichean a thagh thu ’na b(h)all air an làrach seo.Aon fhreagairtAon fhreagairt ri %sAon.Air loidhneA-mhàinChan fhaod ach seilbheadairean bhlogaichean fo-sgrìobhaichean imrichCha mholamaid an roghainn seo ach ma chlàraicheas tu a-steach air uidheam nach cleachd thu fhèin. Mar eisimpleir, laptop no tablaid phearsanta.Chan urrainn dhut ach faidhlichean jpeg is png a chleachdadh mar blavatar.Chan fhaod ach cleachdaichean a tha clàraichte a-staigh staid a chaidh rèiteachadh atharrachadhNa seall ach na ceudadanChan eil ceadaichte ach na litrichea gu a z agus àireamhanChan eil ceadaichte ach na caractaran a leanas: "%s"Chan fhaigh ach cleachdaichean aig a bheil cead ùrlaran atharrachadh ro-shealladh orra.OntarioPailteas de dh'ùrlaran àlainn WordPress dhan bhloga agadOich!Ìoc! Cha deach dad a lorg.Ìoc! Chaidh rudeigin cearr 's cha b' urrainn dhuinn d' iarrtas a làimhseachadh. Feuch ris a-rithist no cuir fios gun sgioba taice ma mhaireas an duilgheadas seo. Ìoc! Chaidh rudeigin cearr.Ìoc! Chan eil sgeul air an leabachadh ud.Ìoc! Chan urrainn dhuinn an duilleag seo a lorg.Chan ann agad-sa a tha wordpress.com, a charaid. Cuir ann seòladh na làraiche agad fhèin.Ìoc: %sFosgailteFosgail “Press This”no-subsetairFosgail an ceangal ann an taba ùrFosgail an ceangal ann an uinneag/taba ùrFosgail ceanglaichean ann an taba ùrFosgail còmhradh a’ cho-roinnidhFosgail deasaiche na làraichFosglaidh seo ann an uinneag ùrRoghainneilRoghainneanChaidh na roghainnean ùrachadhChaidh na roghainnean a shàbhaladh.NoNo tagh dealbh o leabharlann nam meadhan agad:No tagh fear air a' chlàr-chruaidh agad:No tadhail air raon rianachd na làraich agad.No dèan ceangal ri susbaint a tha ann mu thràthOralOrainsÒrdughFiosrachadh mun òrdanGearr-chunntas an òrdainCuir gràinnean-mullaich nam post ┐ nan duilleag a-rèir:Seòrsaich a rèirFiosrachadh mun òrdanSeòrsaich na dealbhan a-rèir:Gearr-chunntas an òrdainÒrdugh:OregonBuidheannCuir air dòigh na rudan a luchdaich mi suas ann am pasgain a-rèir mìos is bliadhnaEagraiche:A' mheudachd thùsail %sTùsail: %sOsloEileEile (faic gu h-ìosal)Freagairt eileSeòladh puist-d eileIon-chur eileBrathan eile!Einnseanan-luirg eileNaidheachdan WordPress eileRoghainnean eile airson nam beachdanChaidh na dreuchdan cleachdaiche eile atharrachadh.Chaidh na cleachdaichean eile a sguabadh às.Chaidh na cleachdaichean eile a thoirt air falbh.OuagadougouTha an t-ùrlar 2015 againn glan sgiobalta agus air leth math airson blogaichean soilleir. Tha clò anabarrach simplidh aig Twenty Fifteen agus gabhaidh a leughadh gun duilgheadas air iomadh sgrìn, mòr no beag agus tha e iomchaidh dha iomadh cànan. Dhealbh sinn e le cudrom air uidheaman mobile agus leis a sin, gheibh daoine greim air an t-susbaint agad ge b’ ann air fòn-tapaidh, tablaid, laptop no desktop a tha iad.Tha na h-einnseanairean toileachais againn toilichte do cheistean a fhreagairt ⁊ taic a chumail riut le suidheachadh na làraich agad.Ar sgeulachdBha an luchd-obrach againn trang 's chuir iad ri chèile aithisg phearsanta a dh'innseas dhut mar a rinn am bloga agad ann an %d!Chaidh fios a chur gun sgioba taice againn is cuiridh iad fios thugad nuair a gheibh sinn an còd tar-chuir airson na h-àrainne seo.A-mach à %sEag a-machSan fharsaingeachdFoir-shealladhTha P2 Resolved Posts an comas. Feumaidh tu ùrlar P2 a chur an comas cuideachd mus urrainn dhut am plugan a chleachdadh.P2sLeabaich PDFRoghainnean PDFPG — Faodaidh a bhith oilbheumach, airson èisteachd aois 13 no nas sine mar is triceSeiseanan PHPfPOSTAICH O ÀITE SAM BITHAn Cuan SèimhPadadhduilleagDuilleag %1$s à %2$sDuilleag %dDuilleag %sTasg-lannan nan duilleagBuadhan na duilleigeID na duilleigeDearbh-aithnean nan duilleagan, le cromagan eatarra.Cha deach an duilleag a lorgRaon widget na duilleigeBriseadh-duilleigeChaidh an duilleag a sguabadh àsChaidh dreachd na duilleige ùrachadh.Cha deach an duilleag a lorgÒrdugh nan duilleaganChaidh an duilleag fhoillseachadh.Chaidh an duilleag aiseag dhan ath-sgrùdadh o %s.Chaidh an duilleag a shàbhaladh.Tha an duilleag sgeidealaichte airson: %s.Chaidh an duilleag a chur.Tiotal na duilleige%(pluginName)s PluginChaidh an duilleag ùrachadh.DuilleaganTha duilleagan car coltach ri puist leis gu bheil tiotal orra, bodhaig teacsa annta agus metadata a tha co-cheangailte riutha ach tha diofar ann - chan eil iad 'nam pàirt de shruth ama de bhloga, car coltach ri puist bhuana. Chan eil duilleagan ann an roinn-seòrsa 's chan tagaichean riutha ach faodaidh rangachadh a bhith aca. 'S urrainn dhut duilleagan a neachadh fo dhuilleagan eile ma nì thu “Pàrantan” dhiubh, rud a chruthaicheas buidheann de dhuilleagan.Liosta nan duilleagSeòladaireachd liosta nan duilleagDuilleagan:Seallaidhean dhuilleagan air feadh bhlogaichean a tha an-seo air òstaireachd WordPress.com, an dà chuid air fo-àrainnean is àrainnean àraidh aig daoine no blogaichean air òstaireachd am badeigin eile a chleachdas am plugan Jetpack againn.DuilleagachadhPago PagoAir airgeadPagastànPalauPalastainRanntair Palastaineach fo fhor-ghlacadhPaileidPalmerPanamaPangniqtuuqPàipearPàipear (meadhanach)Pàipear (cumhang)Pàipear (leathann)Gini Nuadh PhaputhachParagrafParaguaidhParamariboPàrantRoinn-seòrsa pàrantRoinn-seòrsa pàrant:Earrann a' chlàir-thaice phàraintEarrann a' chlàir-thaice phàraint:Duilleag pàraint:Seòrsa de phàrant a' phròiseictSeòrsa de phàrant a' phròiseict:Roinn-seòrsa pàraintRoinn-seòrsa pàraintChan eil pàrant a' bhriathair ann.ParasFeumaidh an render pàirteach a fhreagairt ris an t-susbaint no an t-sreang susbaint (no arraigh) a thilleadh ach chan eil an dà chuid.Facal-faireAth-shuidheachadh facail-fhaireChaidh am facal-faire aig a’ chleachdaiche a leanas atharrachadh: %sFeumaidh facal-faire a bhith %d caractaran a dh'fhaid air a' char as lugha.'Ga dhìon le facal-faireTha feum air facal-faireChan eil cead aig a' chleachdaiche seo faclan-faire ath-shuidheachadhCha deach facal-faire a shònrachadh ann an iuchair an fhacail-fhaire.Facal-faire:Facal-faire: %sChan fhaod an caractar "\" a bhith ann am facal-faire.Na 6 mìosan seo chaidhCuir annCuir a-steach URL no sgrìobh rud airson a lorgCuir ann mar theacsaMa chuireas tu rud ann a-nis, thèid an t-susbaint a chur ann mar theacsa lom gus an cuir thu dheth an roghainn seo a-rithist.Cuir ann ràgh clàir 'na dhèidhCuir ann ràgh clàir roimheCuir an còd HTML a bu mhath leat leabachadh dhan chòd tùsail gu h-ìosal. Briog air "Cuir a-steach dhan phost" gus còd leabachaidh goirid a ghintinn is a chur a-steach dhan t-susbaint gu fèin-obrachail.Cuir an còd leabachaidh agad a-steach gu h-ìosal:SligheCuir ’na stadPàigh na lùigeas tuPàigheadhDòigh pàighidhDuilgheadas leis an duilgheadasSguireadh dhen phàigheadh.Pàigheadhri dhèanamhRi dhèiligeadh - Feumaidh clàradh suas ri %sRi dhèanamh (%s)Ri dhèanamh (%s)Ri dhèanamh (%s)Ri dhèanamh (%s)Ri lèirmheasadhRinn %1$s ceangal ris a' phost agad, %2$s.PennsylvaniaDaoineRàinig daoine an làrach agad 's iad air briogadh a dhèanamh air ceangal air na duilleagan seo.Ceudad (%)Àireamhaichidh sinn atharrachadh nan ceudad o chuibheasan seachdaineil mus dèid an cruinneachadh.ÙineRoghainnean nam buan-cheanglaicheanAm buan-cheangal a %sBuan-cheangal:Buan-cheangal: %sBuan-cheanglaicheanSguab às am beachd seo gu buanPearsantaCeanglaichean pearsantaRoghainnean pearsantaRoghainnean pearsantaPeairtPearùPetersburgNa h-Eileanan FilipineachPhnom PenhPhoenixFònFòn:Gailearaidh dealbhanFoto-bhlogadhTogail dhealbhanDealbhanTagh pàtran a' chùlaibhPingbackÀs-earrann Pingback: Chaidh Pingback o %1$s gu %2$s a chlàradh. Cum a' dol an lìon! :-)Pingback:PingicheanPincPeit a' ChàirnDubh lomDubh lom (meadhanach)Dubh lom (cumhang)Dubh lom (leathann)Cleachd Teacsa LomGeal lomGeal lom (meadhanach)Geal lom (cumhang)Geal lom (leathann)PlanaicheanDubh plastaigDubh plastaig (meadhanach)Dubh plastaig (cumhang)Dubh plastaig (leathann)Liath plastaigLiath plastaig (meadhanach)Liath plastaig (cumhang)Liath plastaig (leathann)Geal plastaigGeal plastaig (meadhanach)Geal plastaig (cumhang)Geal plastaig (leathann)CluichCluich an taisbeanadh-shleamhnaganRoghainnean na liosta-chluichLiostaichean-cluichAir a chluichAir a chluich: Àrdaich WordPress gu tionndadh ùr no ìslich gu tionndadh 2.4 dhen phlugan Akismet.Feuch is cuir fios gun sgioba taice againn.Cuir fios gun sgioba taice ma tha thu airson àrainn chlàraichte a sguabadh às.Cuir fios gun sgioba taice againn agus càraichidh sinn a h-uile rud.Dearbh am post-dealain agadThoir sùil air rèiteachadh Akismet agus cuir fios gun òstair-lìn agad ma mhaireas an duilgheadas.Thoir sùil air na teachdaireachdan teacsa agad air an àireamh fòn a tha a' crìochnachadh le %s agus cuir a-steach an còd dearbhaidh.Tagh stoidhle airson a' chunntais-bheachdCuir romhad a bheil thu ag iarraidh gun cleachd làraichean air an lìonra WordPress agad fo-àrainnean no fo-phasganan.Briog air a' cheangal dearbhaidh a tha sa phost-d.Coilean ceuman an rèiteachaidh. Gus lìonra ùr a chruthachadh, bidh agad ri clàir stòr-dàta an lìonraidh fhalamhadh no a thoirt air falbh.Rèitich an t-ainm-cleachdaiche Twitter agad airson an Twitter Widget.Dearbhaich gu bheil thu airson post-d a shìneadh air adhart air an dòigh seo:Dearbh an seòladh puist-d agadCuir fios gu sgioba taice Akismet airson cobhair.Feuch is mìnich an duilgheadas.Na cleachd am foirm seo airson iarrtasan taice àbhaisteach.Cuir a-steach beachdCuir a-steach ainm àrainne slàn, m.e. gastasnastablasta.scotCuir a-steach ainm airson na liostaCuir a-steach tiotal airson na liostaCuir a-steach facal-faireCuir a-steach ainm airson na làraich.Cuir a-steach tiotal airson na làraich.Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' chuspairCuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaicheCuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche.Cuir a-steach URL bloga dligheachCuir a-steach àrainn no URL dligheach (m.e. eisimpleir.com, bloga.eisimpleir.com, eisimpleir.com/bloga)Cuir a-steach seòladh puist-d dligheachCuir a-steach seòladh puist-dhealain dligheach.Cuir a-steach ainm dligheach airson a' chlàir-thaice.Cuir a-steach URL no iuchair gnìomhachaidh?Cuir a-steach seòladh puist-dhealain dligheach.Cuir a-steach URL is tuairisgeul na làraich a bu toigh leat a chur ris a' phròifil agad.Cuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad air LiveJournal agus am facal-faire agad gus an urrainn dhuinn na puist 's na beachdan agad a luchdadh a-nuas.Cuir a-steach am post-dealain agad an-seoLean ris a' cheangal gu h-ìosal:Gabh a-steach teamplaid %s san ùrlar agad.Log a-steach a-rithist.Clàraich a-steach dhan chunntas WordPress.com agad an toiseachClàraich a-steach airson an staid aig post atharrachadh.Clàraich a-steach air %s fhèin gus a dhì-cheangal on chunntas agad.Clàraich a-steach leis a' phrìomh fhacal-faire agad is còd dearbhaidh airson leantainn air adhart.Dèan cinnteach gu bheil am mòideal Apache %s air a stàladh agad a chionn 's gun dèid a chleachdadh aig ceann thall an stàlaidh seo.Mìnich gu goirid carson a tha thu a' sgur dheth:Cuir ainm air an raon ghnàthaichte.Cuir ann luach gnàthaichte san raon.Cuir àireamh fòn annCuir a-steach tuairisgeul beag air an duilgheadas a dh'èirich riut.Cuir a-steach seòladh puist-dhealain dligheach.Cuir a-steach post-d dligheach.Cuir ann seòladh puist-d far am faigh sinn greim ort.Cuir a-steach seòladh puist-dhealain.Cuir a-steach fiosrachadh a bharrachd mun duilgheadas a dh'èirich riut.Cuir ann am fiosrachadh a leanas airson 's gun urrainn dhuinn an cunntas agad aiseag dhut. Mur eil fiosrachadh dearbhaidh dligheach againn, dh'fhaoidte nach urrainn dhuinn an cunntas aiseag dhut. Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh mun phròiseas seo an-seo.Cuir ann an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad, am post-d a chlàraich thu no URL a' bhloga a tha thu a' sgrìobhadh thugainn mu dhèidhinn.Nach innis thu dè cho math 's a bha an sgioba taice?Leugh seo gu mionaideach. Atharraichidh seo seòladh na làraich agad (%s an-dràsta fhèin). Cha ghabh seo a thilleadh.Sàbhail am post-d seo. Ma thèid do ghlasadh a-mach às a' chunntas agad uaireigin, cuidichidh am post-d seo leinn an cunntas agad aiseag dhut.Faic Debugging in WordPress airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.Tagh faidhleTagh roghainn.Tagh co-dhiù aon làrach gus a chur ris a' phròifil agad.Tagh an dùthaich agadCuir ann còd dùthcha dligheach.Cuir a-steach àireamh fòn dligheach.Thoir seachad paramadairean a' cho-là bhreith.Nach cleachd thu a' widget "Loidhne-ama Twitter"? Cha bhi a' widget seo fhèin ann gu buan agus gabhaidh a' widget ùr a ghnàthachadh fad a bharrachd.Innis dhuinn dè na tha thu a' lorg.Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Feuch ris a-rithist.Feuch is cleachd %1$sluchdaichear a' bhrabhsair%2$s airson am faidhle seo a luchdadh suas.Nach ùraich thu WordPress an-dràsta?Luchdaich suas faidhle às-phortaidh WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) dligheach.Tadhail air duilleag a' chunntais Akismet gus am fo-sgrìobhadh agad a chur beò a-rithist.PluganDàta a' phlugainChaidh am plugan a chur an comas.Chaidh am plugan a chur an comas.Chaidh gnìomhachadh de phlugain slighe an UI seo a chur à comas o bhroinn an ùrlair agad.Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am plugan a lorg.Chaidh am plugan a chur à comas.Chaidh am plugan a chur à comas.Dh'fhàillig ìslachadh a' phlugain.Chaidh am plugan ìsleachadh gu soirbheachail.Chan eil am faidhle plugain ann.Ainm a' phlugainChaidh am plugan ùrachadh gu soirbheachail.PlugainPlugain %sPòcaidPod-chraoladhAinm tàlant a' phod-chraolaidhPodgoricaPohnpeiA' PhòlainnPoileasaidheanPòlainnisCunntas-bheachdBogsa cunntais-bheachdChaidh an cunntas-bheachd a dhùnadh.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an cunntas-bheachd a chruthachadhCha b' urrainn dhuinn an cunntas-bheachd ùrachadhChaidh an cunntas-bheachd a chruthachadh.Chaidh an cunntas-bheachd a sguabadh às.Cha deach an cunntas-bheachd a lorgChaidh an cunntas-bheachd fhosgladh.Chaidh an cunntas-bheachd ùrachadh.Cunntasan-bheachdCunntasan-bheachd ann am WordPressPohnpeiPontianakAir a bheil fèill mhòrCultar fèillmhor ⁊ fèisteasPlugan fèillmhorTagaichean phròiseactan fèillmhorTagaichean air a bheil fèill mhòrCànain air a bheil fèill mhòrTagaichean air a bheil fèill mhòrPortPort Moresby/Pot MosbiPort of SpainPort-au-PrincePortfolioPròiseactan portfolioGabhaidh duilleagan portfolio a thaisbeanadh air cuid mhòr de phròiseactan %1$sPortfoliosPorto AcrePorto VelhoPorto-Novo/HogbonouA' PhortagailPortagailisIonadPhostChaidh post #%d [a sguabadh às]Post #%sTha am post %s ann mu thràth.Tha am post %s ann mu thràth.Gnìomhan nam postTasg-lannan nam postCuir am beachdFòrmat a' phuistFòrmataichean puistDealbhag dhen phostSeòrsa a’ phuistTasg-lann seòrsa nam postDè seòrsa post?Postaich le post-dSgrìobh beachdTha am post air ion-phortadh mu thràthPost le %1$sTha am post le %s.Postaich le post-dChaidh "Postaich slighe puist-d" a chur à comasChaidh "Postaich slighe puist-d" a chur an comasChaidh dreachd a’ phuist ùrachadh.AsideFuaimCabadaichGailearaidhDealbhCeangalLuaidhStannardachStaidVideoPost MetaChaidh meata-dàta a' phuist a luchdadh a-nuas, a' leantainn air adhart leis na puist...Ainm a' phuistSeòladaireachd nam postCha deach am post a lorg.Chaidh am post fhoillseachadh.Chaidh am post aiseag dhan ath-sgrùdadh o %s.Chaidh am post a shàbhaladh.Chaidh am post a chur air an sgeidealTha am post sgeidealaichte airson: %sChaidh am post a chur.Tiotal a’ phuistPost guSeòrsa a’ phuistFeumaidh ainmean phost a bhith eadar 1 agus 20 caractaran a dh’fhaid.Seòrsa a' phuist:Chaidh am post ùrachadh.Postaich slighe puist-dCòd-puist/ZIPAir a phostadhAir a phostadh le %sAir a phostadh le: %sAir a phostadh ann an: %1$sAir a phostadh ann an: %sAn tiotal a chaidh a phostadh:Air a phostadh:PòstairPòstairPòstairPàtranan postaidhGnìomhachd postaidh'Ga phostadh guPuistPuist ┐ beachdanPuist ⁊ duilleaganPuist as toil leamDuilleag nam postPuist air gach duilleagChaidh na puist fhoillseachadhPuist le %1$s (%2$s)Puist le %sPuist a tha san roinn seo: %sPuist sa bheil ‘%s’ (%d)Liosta nam postSeòladaireachd liosta nam postSeòladaireachd nam postDuilleag nam postDuilleag phost: %sPuist a thèid fhoillseachadh ann am blogaichean a tha an-seo air òstaireachd WordPress.com, an dà chuid air fo-àrainnean is àrainnean àraidh aig daoine no blogaichean air òstaireachd am badeigin eile a chleachdas am plugan Jetpack againn.Puist a chaidh fhoillseachadh %sLe cumhachd WordPress, ùrlar foillseachaidh pearsanta semanticeach is ùr-nodha.PràgRo-luchdaichRo-luchdaich an stoidhle bhunaiteachSàr-fheadhainnPlana PremiumÙrlar premiumÙrlaran premiumÙrlaran WordPress Premium air WordPress.comÙrlar PremiumAg ullachadh foirm mapadh ùghdair...Press ThisTha Press This ’na inneal beag a bheir comas dhut pìosan beaga dhen lìon a thogail is puist ùra a chruthachadh gu furasta.Press This!Ro-sheallRo-sheall %sRo-sheall “%s”Ro-sheall na h-atharraicheanRo-sheall %s airRo-sheall is cuir annRo-sheall mar ìomhaigheag brabhsairRo-sheall mar ìomhaigheag aplacaidRo-sheall an duilleagRo-sheall am postRo-shealladh:Ro-shealladh: feumaidh tu na dh'atharraich thu a shàbhaladh air neo thèid e air challRo-shealladh is gnàthachadhA’ ro-shealladh an ùrlairAir aisAn duilleag roimheAm post roimheAn dealbh roimheAn duilleag roimhe←Cò chaidh a bhileachadh roimhe:Cha dèid lethbhreacan dhen dealbh a dheasaich thu roimhe a sguabadh às.PrìsPrìsPrìomh-bhlogaAm prìomh bhlogaAm prìomh-chlàr-taicePrìomh-sheòladaireachdA' phrìomh-làrachChaidh am prìomh bhloga atharrachadhA' phrìomh-làrachEilean EòinClò-bhuailClò-bhuail na còdan aisig airson a' chunntais agadAir a chlò-bhualadh:PrìobhaideachdAm poileasaidh prìobhaideachdNa roghainnean prìobhaideachdRoghainneanPrìobhaideachPrìobhaideach (%s)Prìobhaideach (%s)Prìobhaideach (%s)Prìobhaideach (%s)Bloga prìobhaideachTachartasan prìobhaideach:Clàradh prìobhaideachInbhirean prìobhaideach nach eil inntrigeadh agad dhaibh: %sIuchair phrìobhaideach:Prìobhaideach: %sAir fhoillseachadh gu prìobhaideachProSàr-ghliocas:Lean air adhart'Ga phròiseasadhA' pròiseasadh an ath-bhaidse.A' pròiseasadh…Bathar%s rud air a cheannach%s rud air a cheannach%s rudan air a cheannach%s rud air a cheannachPròifilDealbh na pròifilCeanglaichean na pròifil agamChaidh a' phròifil ùrachadh.PròiseactTaga a' phròiseictTagaichean a' phròiseictSeòrsa a' phròiseictSeòrsachan de phròiseactanChaidh dreachd a' phròiseict ùrachadh. Ro-sheall am pròiseactChaidh am pròiseact fhoillseachadh. Seall am pròiseactChaidh am pròiseact aiseag dhan ath-sgrùdadh on %sChaidh am pròiseact a shàbhaladh.Tha am pròiseact air an sgeideal airson: %1$s. Ro-sheall am pròiseactChaidh am pròiseact a chur. Ro-sheall am pròiseactChaidh am pròiseact ùrachadh.Tha am pròiseact air ùrachadh. Seall an nìPròiseactanBrosnaichChaidh %s (cleachdaiche WordPress.com) àrdachadh gu inbhe rianaire.BrodBeachdan fo dhìon: Cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad gus na beachdan fhaicinn.Facal-faire nam post fo dhìonFo dhìon: %sLe cumhachd WordPressPoblachPoblach (%s)Poblach (%s)Poblach (%s)Poblach (%s)An t-ainm poblachPoblach, fleodrainnSgaoil am facalDèan Publicize air loidhme-ama Facebook agam:Brosnaich na puist agad air Google+.FoillsichFoillsich »Foillsich sa bhadRoghainnean foillseachaidhFoillsich sa bhadFoillisich ciad phost a' bhloga agadFoillsich na puist agad mar Path Moments.Foillsich na puist agad air LinkedIn.Foillsich na puist agad air TwitterFoillsich na puist agad air bloga Tumblr.Foillsich na puist agad air an loidhne-ama no duilleag Facebook agad.Foillsich na puist agad air a' bhalla no duilleag Facebook agad.Foillsich na puist agad air a' phròifil LinkedIn agad.Foillsich na puist agad air a' bhloga Tumblr agad.Foillsich na puist agad air a' chunntas Twitter agad.Foillsichte(%s) air fhoillseachadh(%s) air fhoillseachadh(%s) air fhoillseachadh(%s) air fhoillseachadhAir fhoillseachadh:A' foillseachadh a' phuistGu bhith foillseachadhFoillseachadhPorto RìceoPunta ArenasCeannaich %s airCeannaich an t-ùrlar seoNa cheannaich thuPurpaidhGluais an luchag agad os cionn a' Ghravatar agad gus sùil a thoirt air a' phròifil agad.PyongyangCòd QRCatarQostanayCàileachdRàithQuebecQueenslandCeistGrad-dhreachdGrad-dheasachadhGrad-inntrigeadh air seallaidhean fèillmhor dhen o2 agadGrad-dheasaich “%s” am broinn na loidhneGrad-dheasaich am beachd seo am broinn na loidhneGrad-dheasachadhLuaidhLuaidheanQızılordaR — Airson èisteachd inbheach os cionn aois 17RSS - %sSeòladh RSSInbhir RSSCeanglaichean RSSTaic do chànain deas-gu-clìPutan rèidioRainy RiverAir thuaireamAir thuaireamAir thuaiream:Cuir òrdugh nam freagairtean air thuaireamCuir na bannan-cinn a chaidh a mholadh air thuaireamCuir na bannan-cinn a chaidh a luchdadh suas air thuaireamA' cur nam bannan-cinn a chaidh a mholadh air thuaireamA' cur nam bannan-cinn a chaidh a luchdadh suas air thuaireamYangonKangiqliniqRarotongaReatRangachadh a' dol sìosRangaich seoRangachadh a' dol suasRangaich seo:Air rangachadhRangachadhRoghainnean rangachaidhSeòrsa an rangachaidhRangachaidhean'Ga chur ris a-rithist...Cum conaltradh ris na fo-sgrìobhaichean agad fhèin le WordPress.com.LeughLeugh %sLeugh blogaicheanLeugh an corrLeugh an corr...Leugh barrachd mun ghleus seoLeugh an corr…Leugh barrachd.Leugh an corr...Leugh an corr:Leugh an corr dhen innteart seo »Leugh an corr dhen innteart seo →Leugh an corr dhen duilleag seo »LeughadairFo-sgrìobhaidhean an leughadairLeughadhRoghainnean leughaidhDeiseil airson tòiseachadh?Deiseil gus do chiad phost fhoillseachadh? Toiseach tòiseachaidh.Deiseil airson a' chiad phost fhoillseachadh? Cleachd am foirm gu h-àrd.Deiseil?Àidseanta thogalaichean is talmhainnAth-bhlogaichAth-bhlogaich am post seo air a' phrìomh-làrach agad.Air ath-bhlogadhRinn %s ath-bhlogadhRinn %s ath-bhlogadhRinn %s ath-bhlogadhRinn %s ath-bhlogadhAir ath-bhlogadh bhoAir ath-bhlogadh air WordPress.comAth-bhlogachaidheanAth-thog na snàithleanan còmhraidh agam »CuidhteasFàirdeal #%sCeann-là an fhàirdeilID faighinnID an fhàirdeil:ID an fhàirdeilSeòrsa an fhàirdeilSeòrsa an fhàirdeil:CuidhteasanO chionn ghoiridGnìomhachd o chionn goiridBeachdan o chionn ghoiridDreachdan o chionn ghoiridPuist ùraTar-chuir o chionn goiridÙrachaidhean o chionn goiridNa seachdainean seo chaidhPuist ùraToraidhean o chionn goirid airsonNa seachdainean seo chaidhO chionn goiridFoillsichte o chionn goiridRecifeBlogaichean a mholamaidAth-cheangailGad ath-cheangal…Àireamh SMS airson aiseagChaidh an còd aisig a chur.Seòladh puist-d airson aiseagDeargBaidse a' chairt dheirgRedditAth-dhèanAth-threòraicheAth-threòraicheanAth-threòraichean fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$sAth-threòraichean fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$s (gearr-chunntas)NuadhaichAth-dhìoladhGearr-chunntas mun ath-dhìoladhTha an t-ath-dhìoladh nas motha na an tar-chur tùsailAir ath-dhìoladh dhaAth-dhìoladhAth-ghinReginaClàraichClàraich bloga WordPress.com »Clàraich bloga eile »Clàraich an-dràstaClàraich ainm àrainne ùrClàraich ainm àrainne ùr no mapaich fear a tha agad mu thràth ris a' bhloga WordPress.com agadMa chlàraicheas tu ainm àrainne, bidh e nas fhasa am bloga agad a chuimhneachadh agus gheibh an luchd-leughaidh agad greim air nas fhasa.Deiseil leis a’ chlàradh. Thoir sùil air a’ phost-d agad.Thèid dearbhadh a’ chlàraidh a chur thugad air a’ phost-d.Air a dhiùltadhCo-cheangailteTagaichean co-cheangailteCuspairean co-cheangailteCàirdeasAir a sgaoileadh: %d.BuinteanaisCreideamhCum an cuimhne miCuimhnich fad 30 lathaCuimhnich fad 30 latha.Cum an cuimhne miCuimhnich gu bheil agad ri briogadh air a' phutan "Cuir cleachdaiche ùr ris" aig bun na sgrìn seo nuair a bhios tu deiseil.Cuimhnich gu bheil agad ri briogadh air a' phutan air a bheil "Ùraich a' phròifil" nuair a bhios tu deiseil.Cuimhnich, cha ghabh an làrach agad aiseag nuair a bhios tu air a sguabadh às.Cuimhnich, feumaidh tu clàradh a-steach leis a’ chunntas %1$s agad, chan e an cunntas %2$s agad.Cuir 'nam chuimhne às a dhèidh seoMearachd faidhle chèin: %sTha tasgadan an fhaidhle chèin glaiste, 'ga leigeil seachadTha am faidhle cèin de mheud cearrTha am faidhle cèin ro mhòr, 's e %s an cuingeachadhThill am faidhle cèin mearachd %1$d %2$sThill am faidhle cèin mearachd %dCha do fhreagair am frithealaiche cèinThoir air falbhThoir air falbh ceangal na h-aplacaidThoir air falbh dealbh a' chùlaibhThoir air falbh dealbh a' bhanna-chinnThoir air falbh an dealbhThoir air falbh ball a’ chlàir-thaice: %1$s (%2$s)Thoir air falbhThoir air falbh an cleachdaicheThoir air falbh cleachdaichean on làrachThoir air falbh tùs na fuaimeThoir air falbh an dealbh brosnaichteThoir air falbh on chairt agamThoir air falbh an dealbhCha toil leam am beachd seo tuilleadhCha toil leam am post seo tuilleadhThoir air falbh an ceangalThoir air falbh dealbh a’ phostairThoir air falbh a' bhratachThoir air falbh an URL seoThoir air falbh tùs a’ videoAir a thoirt air falbhChaidh %s (cleachdaiche WordPress.com) a thoirt air falbh on làrach seo.Ma bheir thu air falbh %1$s a làimh, adhbharaichidh tu rabhaidhean PHP. Cleachd a’ chriathrag %2$s ’na àite.A' toirt air falbh 's ag ath chleachdadhMa bheir thu air falbh ceanglaichean na h-aplacaid seo on chunntas WordPress.com agad, chan fhaigh an aplacaid seo cothrom air an fhiosrachadh agad tuilleadh.'Ga thoirt air falbh...'Ga thoirt air falbh…Cuir ainm ùr airÙraichÙraich %sDuilgheadas leis an ath-nuadhachadh'Ga ath-ùrachadhCosgaidh ath-ùrachadh %1$s fad bliadhna eile %2$s.Cosgaidh ath-ùrachadh an àrdachaidh seo fad bliadhna eile %1$s.Thèid ath-ùrachadhThèid ath-ùrachadh %sAtharraich òrdugh buill a’ chlàir-thaiceTha modh atharrachadh an òrduigh dùinteTha modh atharrachadh an òrduigh an comasAtharraich òrdugh nan widgetsAth-dhèanCuir a-steach am facal-faire ùr a-rithistCuir am facal-faire a-steach a-rithistCuir 'na àiteCuir na fo-sgrìobhaidhean puist-d againn an àite FeedBurner gus barrachd fheartan fhaighinn.Cuir fuaim 'na h-àiteA bheil thu airson an %2$s a thagh thu a chur an àite an rud làithreach (%2$s)?Cuir video 'na àiteFreagairDh'fhàillig an fhreagairt: Feuch ris a-rithist.Chaidh an fhreagairt a phostadh!Chaidh a fhreagairt, seall an snàithleanFreagairt gu Freagair %sFreagair am beachdFreagair am post-d is cuir "unsubscribe %s" ann mar chuspair a' phuist-d no ann an ciad loidhne na bodhaig (a' gabhail a-steach an fhir seo)Freagair am beachd seoFreagair am beachd seo.Freagair an t-snàithlean »Iarr beachdanIarr còd tar-chuirIarr ath-dhìoladh air %sTha comharran ris na raointean a tha riatanach, tha an fheadhainn eile roghainneil. Cha dèid am fiosrachadh pròifil agad a shealltainn ach ma rèitich thu an t-ùrlar agad gus a shealltainn.Tha %s ris na raointean a tha riatanachRiatanach?Riatanasan:RannsachadhCuir thugam an còd a-rithistCuir am post-d às ùrCuir am post-d dearbhadh ICANN a-rithistCuir am post-d dearbhaidh a-rithistCeist mu ghlèidheadh àiteGlèidheadh àiticheanAth-shuidhichAth-shuidhich an dealbhAth-shuidich am facal-faireAth-shuidich am facal-faire agadQausuittuq'S urrainn dhut am beachd seo a fhreagairt is tu 'ga chur a-steach os cionn na loidhne seoFreagairtFreagairteanFreagairteachCo-dhealbhachd fhreagairteachAth-thòisichTaighean-bìdhAisigAisig “%s” on sgudalAisig dealbh a' bhanna-chinn tùsailAisig an dealbh tùsailAisig am fèin-sàbhaladh seoAisig an lèirmheas seoAisig an dealbhAisig an dreach mu dheireadhAisig an dealbh tùsailAisig an lethbhreac-glèidhidhAisig am post seo on sgudalAisig am beachd seo on sgudal.Aisig am post seo on sgudal.Aisig an nì seo on sgudalAir aiseag'Ga aiseagToraidheanCùlaibh nan toraidheanBàr nan toraidheanBuidheann nan toraidheanCeudad nan toraidheanPriob-uinneag nan toraidheanTeacsa nan toraidheanBhòtaichean nan toraidheanRetro (air a ghintinn)Till dhan chunntas-bheachdTill gu %sRéunionÒrdugh contrarraTill a Luchdaichear a' bhrabhsair 's tu a' briogadh air a' cheangal fon bhogsa airson slaodadh is leigeil às.LèirmheasanAth-sgrùdadhLèirmheas le %sAth-sgrùdaidheanTha lèirmheasan 'nan lethbhreacan de phost no duilleag a thèid a shàbhaladh gu cunbhalach fhad 's a bhios tu ag obair air an t-susbaint agad. Tha an teacsa dearg air an taobh chlì a' sealltainn na chaidh a thoirt air falbh. Tha an teacsa uaine air an taobh deas a' sealltainn na chaidh a chur ris.Revisions: %sReykjavíkRhode IslandRaon Rich Text. Brùth Alt-Shift-H airson na cobharach.Raon Rich Text. Brùth Control-Option-H airson na cobharach.RīgaDeasAn-dràsta fhèinAm bàr-taoibh deasRio BrancoRío GallegosAr RiyāḍRobotaireanDreuchdDreuchdanMearachd rollback: [%1$s] %2$sRomàiniaAn RòimhRosarioRotheraOiseanan cruinnteRàghBuidheann de ràghanSeòrsa an ràighRàghanRuith %sRuith an t-ion-phortaicheRuisisAn RuisRubhandaRéunionAth-shuidheachadh facail-fhaire slighe SMSChan fhaodar còd SMS ach turas gach mionaidChan urrainn dhut barrachd air aon chòd SMS a chur a-steach gach mionaid. Fuirich ort is feuch ris a-rithist an uairsin.LEASACHADH ASTAIRGabhaidh ainm is facal-faire SSH a chur ri làrach air a bheil Jetpack an comas a-mhàin. SOIRBHEAS: %sSOIRBHEAS: Chaidh àrdachadh gu WordPress %sSàbhailte: cuir spama ann am pasgan an spama an-còmhnaidh airson lèirmheasadh.Sài GònSeòladhSaint BarthélemyNaomh EilidhNaomh Crìstean agus NibheisNaomh LùiseaNaomh MàrtainnSaint Pierre agus MiquelonNaomh Bhionsant agus Eileanan GreanadachSaipanSakhalinSaltaSamaraSamarqandSamoaDuilleag sampaillSan JuanSan LuisSan MarinoSanta IsabelSantaremSantiagoSanto DomingoSão PauloSão ToméSão Tomé is PríncipeSarajevoSaratovSaskatchewanDiSDiSathairneDiSAràibia nan SabhdSàbhailSàbhail ┐ foillsichSàbhail na dh'atharraich thuSàbhail na h-atharraicheanSàbhail an dreachdSàbhail an clàr-taiceSàbhail an t-òrdan ùrSàbhail am facal-faireSàbhail an cunntas-bheachdSàbhail na roghainneanSàbhail an stoidhleSàbhail an siota-stoidhleSàbhail am WidgetSàbhail roghainnean a’ chunntaisSàbhail gach atharrachadhSàbhail is ro-sheall na h-atharraichean mus dèid am foillseachadh.Sàbhail mar dhreachdSàbhail mar fhear ri dhèanamhSàbhail mar fhear ri dhèanamhSàbhail na dh'atharraich thuSàbhail na cruthan-clòSàbhail roghainnean nam brathanSàbhail am facal-faireSàbhail fiosrachadh na pròifilSàbhail na roghainnean seoSàbhail an raon seoAir a shàbhaladhAir a shàbhaladh.'Ga shàbhaladhSàbhaladh à comas: tha %s a' deasachadh na duilleige seo an-dràsta fhèin.Sàbhaladh à comas: tha %s a' deasachadh a' phuist seo an-dràsta fhèin.A’ sàbhaladh an lèirmheis…'Ga shàbhaladh…'Ga shàbhaladh...'Ga shàbhaladh...SgèileSgèilich an dealbhCobhair le sgèileadh an deilbhSgèilich na dealbhan a-rèir a' mheud mhòir a thagh thu ann an %1$sroghainnean nan dealbh%2$s (%3$d × %4$d).Dèan sganaSganaich an làrach an tòir susbaintSgeidealAir an sgeideal(%s) air an sgeideal(%s) air an sgeideal(%s) air an sgeideal(%s) air an sgeidealSgoilSaidheans ⁊ nàdarIttoqqortoormiitSusbaint sgrìnRoghainnean sgrìnTaba roghainnean na sgrìnCha bu chòir dhut sgriobtaichean is stoidhlean a chlàradh no an cur sa chiutha ro dhubhain %1$s, %2$s no %3$s.SgrolaichSgrolaich gu na beachdanLorgLorg sna roinnean-seòrsaLorg sna beachdanBriathran nan einnseanan-luirgMearachd luirgLorg sna roinnean-seòrsa ceangailLorg sna ceanglaicheanLorg sna meadhananLorg sna meadhananLorg ann am buill a’ chlàir-thaiceLorg ann an earrannan a' chlàir-thaiceLorg sna duilleaganLorg sna puistLorg am measg tagaichean a' phròiseictLorg am measg seòrsachan nam pròiseactLorg sna pròiseactanIarrtasan luirgToraidhean rannsachaidhToraidhean luirg %1$s %2$sToraidhean luirg airson “%s”Toraidhean luirg airson: %sLorg sna làraicheanLorg sna tagaicheanFaclan-luirgBriathran luirg fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$sFaclan-luirg fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$s (gearr-chunntas)Lorg sna teisteanasanLorg air TwitterLorg am measg nan cleachdaicheanLorg widgetsLorg air WordPress.comLorg sna blogaichean WordPress.comLorg air YouTubeLorg sna meadhanan air fad...Lorg sna cuidhteasan air fad...Lorg sna roinnean-seòrsaLorg roinnean-seòrsa a-rèir ainmFaicsinneachd a thaobh einnseanan-luirgMì-mhisnich einnseanan-luirgLorg duilleag a-rèir tiotailLorg post a-rèir tiotailLorg an t-ionadLorg ùrlar dhut…Lorg %s a-rèir tiotailLorg na leanas:Lorg sna h-ùrlaran stàlaichteLorg sna meadhananDèan lorg no cleachd na saighdean suas is sìos airson rud a thaghadh.Lorg sna plugainToraidhean an luirgToraidhean luirg airson "%s"Toraidhean luirg airson: %sLorg'Ga lorg...Lorg…Lorg…RàitheilEarrannTèarainteachdSgrùdadh tèarainteachdDh’fhàillig an sgrùdadh tèarainteachd.Mearachd tèarainteachd.TèarainteachdFaic na h-uileSeall na h-ùrlaran air fadFaic na gleusanFaic na planaicheanFaic na beachdan uileSeall na h-ùrlaran air fadSeall barrachd →Seall barrachd thoraidhean airson %s o %sFaic duilleag WordPress.com airson gnìomhachas airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.Seall na beachdan a fhuair thu mu dhreachd a' phuist seo.Chì mi thu ann an %dTaghTagh %sTagh na h-uileTagh an roinn-seòrsaTagh lathaTagh faidhlicheanTagh dealbhTagh roinn-seòrsa a' cheangail:Tagh clàr-taice:Tagh am mìosTagh postTagh seachdainTagh làrach WordPress.comTagh bliadhnaTagh clàr-taiceTagh baileTagh cànan gu h-ìosalTagh an clàr-taice a bu toigh leat deasachadh:Tagh làrachTagh cleachdaicheTagh a h-uileTagh cunntas a thèid a cheangal:Tagh raon dhan a ghluaisear am widget dha:Tagh is bearrTagh an dà chuid am bàr-taoibh airson a' widget seo agus ionad a' widget air a' bhàr-taoibh sin.Tagh bùc-ghnìomhTagh an roinn-seòrsaTagh beachdTagh faidhleTagh dealbhTagh ionadTagh suaicheantasTagh pòstairTagh aonadTagh videoTagh na videothan bloga WordPress.com a thèid a chleachdadhTagh meanbh-aplacaidTagh suaicheantas is roinn-tìdeChaidh na clàran-taice a thagh thu a sguabadh às.Taghadh:An tionndadh neo-phrothaideach air fèin-òstaireachdCuir an còd ann an SMSCuir thugainn do bheachdanCuir cuireadhCuir barrachd bheachdanCuir na h-iarrtasanCuir na trackbacksCuir brath gun chleachdaicheCuir thugam post-d nuair a dh'atharraicheas post no duilleag.Cuir gin dhe na h-àitheantan a leanas sa chuspair no anns a' chiad loidhne de phost-d gu %s.Cuir am post-dealainCuir post-d gach lathaCuir post-d gach seachdainCuir post-d sa bhadCuir còd aisig ann an SMSCuir post-d gun chleachdaiche ùr mun chunntas aca.Cuir trackbacks gu:A' cur nam beachdan...SeanagalAir a chur leAir a chur le cleachdaiche %s dearbhte.SeoulSultSgar URLaichean le àitichean bànaCuir cromagan eadar na tagaichean agus cuir '-' air am beulaibh gus an dùnadh às.Sgar na tagaichean le cromagan,, An t-SultainSultAn t-SèirbSeòladh an fhrithealaicheSeirbheisAinm na seirbheise%1$s: %2$sDh'fhalbh an ùine air an t-seiseanSeiseananSuidhich ùghdaranSuidhich facal-faire ùrSuidhich leud eile airson susbaint mu choinneamh dealbhan làn-mheud.Suidhich mar chùlaibhSuidhich mar bhann-cinnSuidhich mar shuaicheantasTagh dealbh brosnaichteSuidhich dealbhSuidhich roghainneanSuidhich ùghdar a' phod-chraolaidhSuidhich am bloga agadSuidhich roghainnean coitcheann na làraich agad. Dèan cinnteach gum briog thu air "Sàbhail" air gach sgrìn gus na dh'atharraich thu a chur an sàs.Suidhich duilleag-dhachaigh stadaigeachSuidhich suaicheantas dhutSuidhich suaicheantas is roinn-tìdeRoghainneanRoghainnean -> ÀrainneanÙrachadh nan roghainneanChaidh na roghainnean a shàbhaladhChaidh na roghainnean a sàbhaladhChaidh na roghainnean a shàbhaladh is an t-ùrlar a ghnìomhachadh.Chaidh na roghainnean a shàbhaladh!Chaidh na roghainnean a sàbhaladh.RoghainneanSuidhich ceanglaichean sòisealta gus rudan a cho-roinneadh air Facebook is TwitterTha roghainnean ann an iomadh bogsa air an sgrìn seo aig am bi buaidh air foillseachadh na susbaint agad, a' gabhail a-steach:Na h-Eileanan SheiseallShànghǎiCo-roinnInnis beagan mu do dheidhinn fhèin gus a' phròifil agad a lìonadh. 'S urrainn dhut seo a shealltainn gu poblach.Co-roinn air FacebookCo-roinn air TumblrCuir na puist agad gun duilleag Facebook agadCo-roinn puist air a' bhloga Tumblr agadCo-roinn puist dhan luchd-leantainn agad air TwitterCo-roinn puist dhan luchd-aithne LinkedIn agadCo-roinn seo le d'aoigheanCo-roinn seo:Co-roinn puist a' bhloga agad le do theaghlach, do charaidean is an luchd-leantainn agadPost co-roinnteCo-roinneadhSeirbheis co-roinnidh: %sRoghainnean a' cho-roinnidhURL airson co-roinneadhLeubail co-roinnidhRoghainnean co-roinneadhSeall am putan "'S toil"Seall am putan ath-bhlogaidhAir (airson a h-uile post)Co leis as toil am beachd seoAth-bhlogaich ⁊ innis gur toil leat eSeall na putanan co-roinnidh agus “’S toil” airA' co-roinneadh a' phuist dhan bhloga Tumblr agad.A' co-roinneadh nam post dhan bhloga Tumblr agad.A' co-roinneadh nam post dhan bhloga Tumblr agad.A' co-roinneadh nam post dhan bhloga Tumblr agad.A' co-roinneadh nam post dhan inbhir Twitter agad.A' co-roinneadh nam post dha na h-inbhirean Twitter agad.A' co-roinneadh nam post dha na h-inbhirean Twitter agad.A' co-roinneadh nam post dha na h-inbhirean Twitter agad.A' co-roinneadh a' phuist dhan luchd-leantainn agad.Cha nochd an teacsa seo gus am bi co-dhiù aon phutan co-roinnidh agad.Cuir putanan co-roinnidh risCuir putan "Barrachd" risDeasaich teacsa na leubailDeasaich na putanan co-roinnidhDeasaich na putanan a chithearDeasaich na putanan "Barrachd"Deasaich na putanan a chithearDeasaich na putanan "Barrachd"Briog air na putanan a bu toigh leat a chur ris no a thoirt air falbh.Slaod is leig às pasgain gus òrdugh nam putanan atharrachadh.Thoir gnogag air a' phutan a bu mhath leat gluasad. Thoir gnogag air an t-saighead a tha thu ag iarraidh an uairsin.Thoir gnogag air na putanan a bu toigh leat a chur ris no a thoirt air falbh.Thèid an sealltainn ann an clàr-taice fon phutan "Barrachd".Tha duilgheadasan againn a' ceangal ri %(service)s.CeangailA' dèanamh ceangal…A' ceangal ri %(service)sChaidh an cunntas %(service)s a cheangal ris.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ri %(service)s a chionn 's gu bheil gach cunntas a tha ri fhaighinn ceangailte ris mu thràth.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ri %(service)s a chionn 's nach deach cunntas a thaghadh.Dì-cheangailDì-cheangail na h-uileA' dì-cheangal…Ath-cheangailAg ath-cheangal…Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-seirbheis %(service)s a cheangal ris a-rithist.'Ga luchdadh…Stoidhle a' phutainÌomhaigheag ⁊ teacsaÌomhaigheag a-mhàinNa putanan oifigeilTeacsa a-mhàin'S urrainn dhut {{widgetLink}}widget loidhne-ama Twitter{{/widgetLink}} a chur ris cuideachd gus loidhne-ama phoblach sam bith a shealltainn air an duilleag agad.'S urrainn dhut {{widgetLink}}widget Instagram{{/widgetLink}} a chur ris cuideachd gus na dealbhan Instagram as ùire agad a shealltainn air an làrach.Deasaich teacsa na leubailAir a cheangal le %(username)sCo-roinneadhBaidse na sgèithShift + Alt + litir:Dèan Shift-click gus an eileamaid seo a dheasachadh.Dèan Shift-click gus am widget seo a dheasachadh.Shiprock/Tsé BitʼaʼíCairt seopadaireachdFalbhaidh an ùine airShortcodeCeangal goiridSeallSeall ceanglaichean a' chunntaisSeall na h-uileSeall ainm an neach-chiùil ann an liosta nan tracaicheanSeall avataraicheanSeall am bloga air an deas-bhòrdSeall na beachdanSeall am mion-fhiosrachadhSeall na h-às-earrannan:Seall dealbh brosnaichte:Seall na dealbhanSeall tuairisgeul a' cheangailSeall dealbh a' cheangailSeall ainm a' cheangailSeall rangachadh a' cheangailSeall dhomhSeall na ceanglaichean pearsantaSeall am bàr-inneal nuair a choimheadas mi air an làrachSeall liosta na tracaicheanSeall liosta nam videoSeall roghainnean adhartach nan clàr-taiceSeall gach seòrsaSeall mar liosta teàrnaidhSeall ainm a' bhlogaSeall na putain airSeall roinnean-seòrsaSeall snàithleanan nam beachdanSeall na beachdanSeall beachdan o:Seall dealbhan brosnaichte air an duilleag mhòr agus duilleagan na tasg-lainnSeall co mheud duine a tha 'ga leantainnSeall am post slànSeall teacsa a' bhanna-chinn leis an dealbh agad.Seall an rangachdSeall na caractaran do-fhaicsinneachAn duilleag mhòr, tasglannaich duilleagan is toraidhean luirgMeadhanDuilleaganPuistSeall cò 's toil leotha e.Seall am mapaSeall barrachd bheachdanSeall barrachd fiosrachaidhSeall na puist as gnìomhaiche os cionnSeall an ath-ùrlarSeall air an sgrìnSeall no falaich fiosrachadh na panailSeall am facal-faireSeall àireamh nam postA bheil thu airson ceann-là a' phuist a shealltainn?Seall roghainnean a’ phuistSeall an t-ùrlar roimheSeall susbaint cho-cheangailte an dèidh phostSeall na toraidhean dhan luchd-bhòtaidhSeall na putain co-roinnidh.Seall an teacsaSeall am putan "Ath-bhlogaich" air puistSeall uiread a bheachdan aontaichte a tha aig ùghdar ri taobh an ainmean air duilleag liosta nam beachdan.Seall àireamh nam beachdan a fhuair aonta ri taobh gach ùghdairSeall na sàr-phuist os cionnSeall na faclan-luirg as cumanta os cionnNochd taic do chaidreachas dìon an lìn.Seall:Showcaseno’Ga shealltainn gu poblach nuair a bheir thu seachad beachdan air blogaichean.Fuirich ort, tha barrachd ann!Seallaidh seo na puist is duilleagan a chaidh tadhal orra as trice.Tha Shrake 'na ùrlar minimalistic meanbh-bhlogaidh a chuireas cuideam air an t-susbaint agad 's dealbhadh simplidh, clò-ghrafachd ghlan is co-dhealbhachd phongail aige. Dhealbh sinn e gu sònraichte airson uidheaman-làimhe agus tha seo a' ciallachadh gu bheil cuideam air an t-susbaint agad, ge b' ann air fòn-tapaidh, tablaid, laptop no desktop a bhios an luchd-leughaidh agad. Tha gleus sgrolaidh gun a leithid eile aige - thèid meud an t-suaicheantais is na seòladaireachd a chur air gleus is bidh e ri fhaicinn fhad 's a sgrolaicheas daoine tron duilleag.Air thuaireamAstar an t-siutairBàr-taoibhBàr-taoibh %dBàr-taoibh air bloga.Bàr-taoibh air duilleagan.Siarra LeòmhannClàraich leinnClàraich a-machClàraich leinnClàrach le WordPress.comClàraich airson cunntas saor an-asgaidh air WordPress.com airson làrach-lìn a chruthachadh an-asgaidh no bloga a thòiseachadh gun duilgheadas.Clàraich airson bloga an-asgaidhClàraich leinn an-dràstaClàraidheanTilg air falbh diù an spama airson 's nach fhaic mi idir e.AirgeadSimferopol/AqmescitPost coltach risSealladh simplidhA-mach oA-mach o %sLe gach deagh-dhùrachd,SingeapòrClàradh aon-cheumnachLàrachSeòladh na làraichSeòladh na làraich (URL)Rianaire na làraichDeasaiche na làraichÌomhaigheag na làraichFèin-aithne na làraichCànan na làraichSuaicheantas na làraichAinm na làraichAinm na làraich: %sRo-shealladh na làraichRoghainnean na làraichStats na làraich agadStaid na làraich:Suaicheantas teacsa na làraichTiotal na làraichURL na làraichURL na làraich.Cuota luchdadh na làraich Seòladh na làraichSeòladh na làraich (URL):Làrach air a sguabadh às.Ìomhaigheag na làraichSuaicheantas na làraich.Ainm na làraich:Feumaidh ainm làraich a bhith co-dhiù %s charactar a dh’fhaid.Feumaidh ainm làraich a bhith co-dhiù %s charactar a dh’fhaid.Feumaidh ainm làraich a bhith co-dhiù %s caractaran a dh’fhaid.Feumaidh ainm làraich a bhith co-dhiù %s caractar a dh’fhaid.Feumaidh ainm làraich a bhith 4 caractaran a dh'fhaid air a' char as lugha.Chan fhaod ach litrichean beaga (a-z) agus àireamhan a bhith ann an ainm làraich.Tiotal-na-làraichSo-fhaicsinneachd na làraichLàrach: %sLàraicheanLàraichean (%d)Làraichean {{count/}}SitkaSia.MeudMeud ann am megabytesMeud:SeachnaichGearr leum thairis air a' phost-d dearbhaidhNa bearr e, foillsich an dealbh mar a tha eLeum seachad air a' bhearradhGearr leum thairis air a' cheum seoThoir leum gun t-susbaintThoir leum gun phrìomh shusbaintGearr leum dhan bhàr-innealA' leum thairis air a' cheanglachan %sA' gearradh leum thairis air ceanglachan slàn a tha agad mu thràth SkopjeClaigeann dorchaClaigeann dorcha (meadhanach)Claigeann dorcha (cumhang)Claigeann dorcha (leathann)Claigeann sorchaClaigeann sorcha (meadhanach)Claigeann sorcha (cumhang)Claigeann sorcha (leathann)SkypeTaisbeanadh shleamhnaganAn t-SlòbhacAn t-SlòbhainAir do shocair, cha leig thu leas sùil a thoirt cho tric sin!SlugaBeagBeag (6x pixel)SnippetClàr-taice nan ceanglaichean sòisealtaAn clàr-taice sòisealtaCo-roinneadh sòisealtaSofiaAinm a' bhathar-bhogsoladachEileanan SholaimhSomàiliaChaidh cuid dhe na ceanglachain a dhiùltadh:Tha cuid a bheachdan ann nach deach an sgrùdadh le Akisment fhathast. Tha iad 'gan cumail airson modarataireachd agus thèid an sgrùdadh gu fèin-obrachail às a dhèidh seo.Goireasan feumail:Beagan sgleò-chainnt luchd-laghaTha cuid dhe na rudan a dh'iarr thu (%s) 'ga ghabhail a-staigh ann an %s agus thug sinn iar falbh iad mar sinChaidh cuid dhe na puist agad air a bheil an fhèill as motha a sgrìobhadh ro %d. Nach buan a tha an sgrìobhadh agad! Saoil an sgrìobh thu mu na cuspairean seo a-rithist?Bha stats ann nach deach a luchdadh ri tìde. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Tha dealbhan a bharrachd airson a' bhanna-chinn am broinn cuid dhe na h-ùrlaran. Ma chì thu grunn dhealbhan, tagh am fear a bu chaomh leat is briog air a' phutan air a bheil "Sàbhail na h-atharraichean".Thàinig cuid a dhaoine an cois luirg, mar is trice airson %l.Cuideiginpost.Nuair a leanas cuideigin ris a' bhloga agamDh’iarr cuideigin ath-shuidheachadh an fhacail-fhaire airson a’ chunntais a leanas:Nuair a nì cuideigin ath-bhlogadh de phost agamThachair rudeigin sa chùlaibh.
Tha sinn duilich. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn gearr-chunntas puist a chruthachadh. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?Chaidh rudeigin cearr fhad 's a bha sinn ag às-phortadh na làraichChaidh rudeigin cearr.Chaidh rudeigin cearr. Ma mhaireas an duilgheadas seo, cuir am fiosrachadh seo dhan luchd-taice:Chaidh rudeigin cearr. Feuch ris a-rithist.Chaidh rudeigin cearr. Cha deach an t-àrdachadh prìobhaideachd WHOIS a choileanadh mar bu chòir. Cuir fios gun sgioba taice.Tha rudeigin cearrTha sinn duilich ach tha lorg am broinn bheachdan à comas an-dràsta fhèin ach feuch ris a-rithist a dh'aithghearr.Tha sinn duilich gu bheil thu a' falbh! Thug sinn aonta dhan tar-chur agus gheibh thu post-d on chlàraiche ùr a dh'aithghearr a dhearbhas seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil faidhlichean %1$s ceadaichte.Tha sinn duilich ach chaidh %s a chleachdadh mu thràth!Tha sinn duilich ach tha clàradh %s à comas an-dràsta fhèinTha sinn duilich ach cha do lorg sinn seise sam bith airson na lorg thu. Feuch ris a-rithist le faclan-luirg eile.Tha sinn duilich ach cha do lorg sinn dad airson na lorg thu. Feuch ris a-rithist le faclan-luirg eile.Tha sinn duilich ach chan fhaod "%s" a bhith san ainm-chleachdaiche agad.Duilich, tha an rud seo dùinte airson beachdan.Duilich, dh'fhàillig sguabadh às a' bhriathair.Duilich, dh'fhàillig deasachadh a' bhriathair.Tha sinn duilich ach cha deach am faidhle a luchdadh suas, chan aithne dhuinn a sheòrsa.Duilich ach do fhreagair post sam bith ris na cuspair-deuchainnean agad.Duilich, chan eil duilleag mar sin ann.Duilich, chan eil post mar sin ann.Duilich, chan eil seòrsa a' phuist seo a' cur taic do dh'aon dhe na tacsonamaidhean.Tha sinn duilich ach tha na lèirmheasan à comas.Duilich ach chan fhaod “_” a bhith ann an ainm làraich!Duilich ach feumaidh litrichean a bhith ann an ainm làraich cuideachd!Tha sinn duilich ach chaidh rudeigin cearr. Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an coimeas a dh'iarr thu a luchdadh.Tha sinn duilich ach cha do dh'aithnich sinn an URL Pinterest seo.Duilich ach tha an seòladh puist-dhealain sin 'ga chleachdadh mu thràth!Duilich ach chan eil an seòladh puist-dhealain sin ceadaichte!Duilich, tha coltas nach e iuchair dhligheach a tha sin.Tha sinn duilich ach dh'fhalbh an ùine air an iuchair seo. Feuch ris a-rithist.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil an duilleag sin ann.Duilich ach tha an làrach sin ann mu thràth!Duilich ach chaidh an làrach sin a chaomhnadh!Duilich ach tha an cleachdaiche sin ann mu thràth!Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo ceadaichte.Tha sinn duilich ach cha deach na h-innealan gnàthachaidh a luchdadh mar bu chòirTha mi duilich ach bhriog thu air ceangal marbh. Nach tagh thu roghainn eile?Tha sinn duilich ach cha ghabh an cleachdaiche seo ùrachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil ùrlar sam bith a' freagairt ri seo.Duilich, thachair mearachdDuilich, thachair mearachd.Tha sinn duilich ach thachair mearachd. Feuch ris a-rithist no cuir fios thugainn ma mhaireas an duilgheadas.Tha sinn duilich ach cha b' urrainn dhuinn am beachd seo a phostadh.Tha sinn duilich ach cha ghabh an t-ainm àrainne seo a chlàradh air WordPress.comDuilich, chan obraich an luchdadh suas fhad 's a tha sinn ag obair air na frithealaichean faidhle. Gabh srùpag agus feuch ris a-rithist an uairsin.Duilich ach chan fhaod “_” a bhith ann an ainm chleachdaichean!Duilich ach feumaidh litrichean a bhith ann an ainm cleachdaiche cuideachd!Tha sinn duilich ach cha do lorg sinn dad mun chuspair seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad inntrigeadh a dhèanamh do mhion-fhiosrachadh na làraich seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad inntrigeadh a dhèanamh do mhion-fhiosrachadh a’ phuist seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an duilleag seo inntrigeadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan urrainn dhut dàta chleachdaiche inntrigeadh air an làrach seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad roinn-seòrsa a chur ris.Duilich, chan eil cead agad briathair a chur ri aon dha na tacsonamaidhean ann.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad ceanglaichean a chur ris an làrach seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad cleachdaichean a chur ris an lìonra seo.Duilich, chan eil cead agad briathair a shònrachadh do dh'aon dha na tacsonamaidhean ann.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad briathran iomruineadh san tacsonamaidh seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad ùghdar na duilleige atharrachadh mar an cleachdaiche seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad ùghdar a’ phuist atharrachadh mar an cleachdaiche seo.Chan eil cead agad duilleagan a chruthachadh mar an cleachdaiche seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad duilleagan a chruthachadh air an làrach seo.Duilich, chan eil cead agad puist dhen t-seòrsa seo a tha fo dhìon facail-fhaire a chruthachadhTha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad puist a chruthachadh mar an cleachdaiche seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad puist no dreachdan a chruthachadh air an làrach seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad puist phrìobhaideach a chruthachadh ann am post dhen t-seòrsa seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad briathran a chruthachadh san tacsonamaidh seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an cleachdaichean a chruthachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad bannan-cinn a ghnàthachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an làrach seo a ghnàthachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad plugain na làraich seo a sguabadh às.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an cleachdaiche sin a thoirt air falbh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad na nithean seo a sguabadh às.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad roinn-seòrsa a sguabadh às.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an nì seo a sguabadh às.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an duilleag seo a sguabadh às.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad am post seo a sguabadh às.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an làrach seo a sguabadh às.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad sin a dhèanamh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad beachdan a' phuist seo a dheasachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad duilleagan a dheasachadh mar an cleachdaiche seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad duilleagan a dheasachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad puist a dheasachadh mar an cleachdaiche seo.Duilich, chan eil cead agad puist dhen t-seòrsa seo a dheasachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad puist a dheasachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad briathran a dheasachadh san tacsonamaidh seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad ceanglaichean na làraich seo a dheasachadh.Duilich, chan urrainn dhut roghainnean ùrlaran a dheasachadh air an làrach seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad am beachd seo a dheasachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an nì seo a dheasachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an duilleag seo a dheasachadh.Duilich, chan eil cead agad am post seo a dheasachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an cleachdaiche seo a dheasachadh.Duilich, chan eil cead agad luchd-cleachdaidh a dheasachadh.Tha sin duilich ach chan eil cead agad a’ phròifil agad a dheasachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad susbaint na làraich seo às-phortadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad plugain a stàladh air an làrach seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad ùrlaran a stàladh air an làrach seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an luchd-cleachdaidh a liostadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad roghainnean na làraich seo a stiùireadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad plugain na làraich seo a stiùireadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad briathran san tacsonamaidh seo a as stiùireadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad am post seo a dheasachadh no modarataireachd a dhèanamh air.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad na h-ùrlaran seo atharrachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad roghainnean neo-chlàraichte na làraich seo atharrachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an nì seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Duilich, chan urrainn dhut puist a chur an làrach seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad dreachdan a ro-shealladh.Duilich, chan urrainn dhut duilleagan fhoillseachadh air an làrach seo.Duilich, chan urrainn dhut puist fhoillseachadh an làrach seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad foillseachadh air an duilleag seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad am post seo fhoillseachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an cleachdaichean a thoirt air falbh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad an nì seo aiseag on sgudal.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad cùisean a ghabhail os làimh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad na roghainnean ùrachadh.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad plugain na làraich seo ùrachadh.Chan eil cead agad puist ùrachadh mar an cleachdaiche seo.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad faidhlichean a luchdadh suas.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead agad coimhead air an nì seo.Duilich ach chan urrainn dhut fleodrainn a dhèanamh de phost prìobhaideach.Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil cead gu leòr agad an làrach seo a ghnàthachadhTha sinn duilich ach chleachd thu %s agus sin na tha ceadaichte dhut a dh’àite. Sguab às faidhlichean mus luchdaich thu suas barrachd dhiubh.Duilich ach chan urrainn dhut an t-ainm sin a chur air làrach.Duilich, feumaidh cead deasachaidh a bhith agad air an làrach seo mus faic thu na roinnean-seòrsa.Duilich, feumaidh cead deasachaidh a bhith agad air an làrach seo mus faic thu na tagaichean.Duilich, feumaidh tu logadh a-steach mus urrainn dhut beachd a fhreagairt.Òrdugh an t-seòrsachaidh:Seòrsaich a-rèir:Am bun-tùsAn còd tùsailAm bun-tùsDeasAfraga a DeasSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSeòirsea a DeasSeòirsea a Deas is na h-Eileanan Sandwich a DeasAm Pòla a DeasBarrachd àiteAn SpàinntSpamaSpama (%s)Spama (%s)Spama (%s)Spama (%s)Spama air a chasgadhSpama air a chasgadhSpama th' ann: %sSpàinntisCaractar sònraichteCha do dh'èirich leis an fhaidhle a shònraich thu san deuchainn ron luchdadh suas.Sònraich URL OPML:SgoiltSgoilt cealla a' chlàirSgoilt: %sSpòrsSpòrsSpòrs ⁊ cearrachasCeàrnagSrednekolymskSri LancaSt BarthélemyNaomh EilidhSt JohnsNaomh CrìsteanNaomh LùiseaSt ThomasNaomh BhionsantLuchd-obrachRoghainn an luchd-obrachBunaiteachDeasaiche stannardachStoidhlean bunaiteachTòisichidh an t-àm stannardach %s.Tòisichidh an tìde stannardach: %s.StanleyDath na rionnaigeMeud na rionnaigeTòisich air a ghnàthachadhCeann-là tòiseachaidhTòisich às ùrTòisich as ùrTòisich air blogaTòisich air blogaTòisich air làrach ùrTòisich air duilleagTòisich air post ùr leis an taga seoTòisich air a-rithistCeann-là tòiseachaidh:Cha doir e ach diogan gus puist fhoillseachadh air bloga ùr.Tòisich air foillseachadh an-dràsta.Tòisich air co-roinneadh air "%s" an-dràstaTòisich air blogaCha chosg e dad bloga a thòiseachadh air WordPress.com 's chan eil leisgeul sam bith ann gun a bhith a' blogadh mu reasabaidhean, dealbhan do chait no do smuaintean domhain.Sgìre/CòigeamhDuilleag stadaigeach:StatsStatsStats ⁊ fiosrachadhSeall ann an uinneag ùrSeall an t-susbaint ann an uinneag ùrSeall an t-susbaint ann an uinneag ùrSeall ann an uinneag ùrNa stats airson:Stats air co mheud post àraidh a chleachdas "còdan goirid" a nì e nas fhasa seirbheisean chom-pàirtichean a leabachadh air WordPress.comStats mu iarrtasan taice a gheibh WordPress.com gach mìos. Tha sinn a' dèanamh ar dìcheall airson 's gum bi e furasta fios a chur gun sgioba taice againn agus freagraidh sinn gach iarrtas.Seall na h-uileSeallStats airson {{period/}}ÙghdarCeangalBriogaidheanCo mheud a sheall airCo mheud a sheall airSeallaidheanCo mheud a sheall airCo mheud a sheall airAth-threòraicheTiotalSeirbheisCuspairVideoDùthaichCo mheud a sheall airÙghdaranBriogaidheanDùthchannanPuist ⁊ duilleaganSgaoil am facalAth-threòraicheanFaclan-luirgTagaichean ⁊ roinnean-seòrsaVideothanStaidStaid:Cum clàraichte a-staigh miCeumCeum %dCeum 1Ceum 2Stic am post ris an dachaighStic am post ris an dachaighCuir am post seo air an duilleag mhòr mar fhleodrainnFleodrainnFleodrainnFleodrainneanStockholmSguir dhen ion-phortadh!Cuir crìoch air an fho-sgrìobhadhA' sgur dhethÀite stòraidhA' bhùthGlèidh na statsStòir na luchdaicheas tu suas sa phasgan seoStìomTomhas a neirtRag: tilg air falbh diù an spama gu fèin-obrachail.RaigeadLoidhne troimheStoidhleAinm na stoidhleCha b' urrainn dhuinn an stoidhle a chruthachadhCha b' urrainn dhuinn an stoidhle ùrachadhStoidhle:StoidhleanTha siota-stoidhle a dhìth.Cha ghabh an siota-stoidhle a leughadh.Chaidh an siota-stoidhle a shàbhaladh.Stàladh fo-eòlaireStàladh fo-àrainneCuspairCuir a-nullCuir am beachd seoCuir an fhreagairtCuir a-null airson lèirmheasCuir an t-eadar-theangachadhAir a churAir a chur %sA’ cur nam beachdan %s'Ga chur a-null…Fo-sgrìobhFo-sgrìobh a h-uile cleachdaicheFo-sgrìobh cleachdaicheanFo-sgrìobh gu %sFo-sgrìobhteCuspairean fo-sgrìobhteFo-sgrìobhte!Fo-sgrìobhadair'S urrainn dha fo-sgrìobhaichean beachdan a leughadh/a chur is cuairt-litrichean fhaighinn ach chan urrainn dhaibh susbaint àbhaisteach a chruthachadh.Bun-sgrìobhteFiosrachadh mun fho-sgrìobhadhFo-sgrìobhadh ri pàigheadhTaic le fo-sgrìobhaidheanStiùireadh nam fo-sgrìobhaidheanroghainnean fo-sgrìobhaidhChaidh crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadhSeòrsa an fho-sgrìobhaidhStiùireadh nam fo-sgrìobhaidheanSeòrsa an fho-sgrìobhaidhFo-sgrìobhaidheanLibhrigeadh nam fo-sgrìobhaidheanFo-sgrìobhaidheanFo-thiotalanFo-iomlanFo-iomlanSoirbheas!Chaidh %s a chur ris.Soirbheas! Chaidh clàradh prìobhaideach a chur an comas às ùr air an àrainn agad. Faodaidh gun doir e beagan mhionaidean mus dèid am fiosrachadh conaltraidh aig an àrainn seo ùrachadh.Soirbheas! Mòran taing airson an seòladh puist-d agad a dhearbhadh. Thèid post-d sam bith a ruigeas %1$s a shìneadh air adhart gu %2$s.Soirbheas! Chaidh frithealaichean ainmean na h-àrainne seo ùrachadh. Bidh foighidinneach fhad 's a tha an t-atharrachadh a sgaoileadh air feadh an t-saoghail. (Feumaidh seo suas ri 72 uair a thìde uaireannan.)Soirbheas! Chaidh prìomh-àrainn na làraich agad ùrachadh. Thèid d' aoighean ath-stiùireadh dhan URL ùr agad a-nis. (Dh'fhaoidte gum faic cuid dhiubh an seann URL fad beagan uairean a thìde fhathast gus an dèid na tasgadain aca ath-ùrachadh.)Soirbheas! Chaidh ionad ath-stiùireadh na làraich agad ùrachadh. (Dh'fhaoidte gum faic cuid dhiubh an seann URL fad beagan uairean a thìde fhathast gus an dèid na tasgadain aca ath-ùrachadh.)Soirbheas! Chaidh am fiosrachadh conaltraidh Whois a chur a chum ùrachaidh. Cha tachair seo sa bhad is faodaidh gun doir e beagan mhionaidean mus dèid an dàta Whois ùrachadh.Soirbheas! Chaidh an àrainn agad a ghlasadh a-rithist airson 's nach gabh imrich.Chaidh %(siteName)s a dhì-cheangal.Chaidh %s bheachd ath-shnàithleadh gu soirbheachail.Chaidh crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh.Chaidh am fo-sgrìobhadh agad ùrachadh!SudànLeabachadh a mholar #%d’S e %s an àirde a mholamaid.Dealbh a mholar #%dMeadhanan a mholamaid’S e %s an leud a mholamaid.Moladh:MolaidheanGearr-chunntasanGearr-chunntasDiDDiDòmhnaichDiDLaighe na grèineLaighe na grèine (meadhanach)Laighe na grèine (cumhang)Laighe na grèine (leathann)An t-sàr-bhaidseOs-sgrìobhteTaicDachaigh na taiceBlocaichean dachaigh na taiceBrath o dhachaigh na taiceTaobh deas dachaigh na taiceTaic ri raon eile airson widgetsEarrann na taiceTaic dhan ùrlar %s air WordPress.com, a' gabhail a-steach docamaideadh is ceistean àbhaisteach.Taic airson an ùrlair seoFòram taiceChaidh roghainnean na taice ùrachadh.TaicMa dh’iarras tu taic, gheibh thu freagairt aig an t-seòladh seo agus bidh gleusan mar brathan puist-d gnìomhach a-nis.SuranamSuirbhidh'Na dhàilSvalbard agus Jan MayenDùthaich nan SuasaidhAn t-SuainSwift Current/KisiskâciwanGearr leum gu bloga eile:An EilbheisSidniSiondacaidich an t-susbaint seoSeallaidh inbhirean siondacaididh an fheadhainn as ùireSyowaSiridheaNa h-uileRùraich na tha fèillmhorA-rèir ionaidLeis a' chleachdaicheAn t-inbhir agamNa h-Instagrams agamDhan chleachdaicheLe hashtagLe tagaRoghainnean cealla a' chlàirClàr-innseClàr air a sheòrsachadh a-rèir cheann-là chlàraidh nan cleachdaiche.Roghainnean a' chlàirRoghainnean ràgh a' chlàirTablaidtagaChan eil an taga #%s ann!Neul nan tagaicheanIDs nan tagaichean, le cromagan eatarraChaidh taga a chur ri gach post san roinn-seòrsa.Chaidh an taga a chur ris.Chan an taga a sguabadh às.Ainm an tagaAinm an taga:Cha deach an taga a chur ris.Cha deach an taga ùrachadh.Chaidh an taga ùrachadh.Cuir taga ionaid ris na puist agad is thoir cothrom do luchd-leughaidh a tha dèidheil air an aon àite do lorg.Taga:Air a thagadh %1$s.Air a thagadh:Air a thagadh: %1$s.Suaicheantas teacsaTagline (roghainneil)TagaicheanTaga ⁊ roinn-seòrsa'S urrainn dhut tagaichean iompachadh 'nan roinnean-seòrsa leis an iompaichear roinn-seòrsa 's taga.Chan na tagaichean a sguabadh às.Liosta nan tagaSeòladaireachd liosta nan tagaTagaichean 'nan roinnean-seòrsaTagaichean:Tagaichean: Tagaichean: %1$sTagaichean: %sTahitiTaipeiTaidh-BhànTaidigeastànGabh an t-suirbhidh againnThoirt Wordpress leat.Thoir sùil air an sgrìobhainn taice againn.Gabh os làimhThoir am bloga agad gu ìre nèamhaidh le ùrlar Premium.TallinnTanaidhAn TansanAn TansainThoir gnogag air ùrlar sam bith no fan os a chionn is briog air a' phutan "Ro-shealladh beò" an uairsin gus ro-shealladh an ùrlair ud fhaicinn agus airson roghainnean an ùrlair atharrachadh air làn-sgrìn eile. Gheibh thu greim air putan an ro-sheallaidh aig bonn na sgrìn far am faic thu mion-fhiosrachadh an ùrlair. 'S urrainn dhut ro-shealladh fhaighinn air ùrlar sam bith air an dòigh seo 's atharrachadh.Thoir gnogag air uidheam-smachd nam post ùra gu h-ìosal airson tòiseachadh air a' chiad phost agad.TarawaTargaidToshkentEilean ThasmanTacsonamaidheanTacsonamaidhFeumaidh ainmean tacsonamaidh a bhith eadar 1 agus 32 caractar a dh’fhaid.Tacsonamaidh:TbilisiDorcha teicneolachDorcha teicneolach (meadhanach)Dorcha teicneolach (cumhang)Dorcha teicneolach (leathann)Teicneolach liathLiath teicneolach (meadhanach)Liath teicneolach (cumhang)Liath teicneolach (leathann)Teicneolach sorchaSorcha teicneolach (meadhanach)Sorcha teicneolach (cumhang)Sorcha teicneolach (leathann)TeicneolasTegucigalpaTehrānTel AvivTell CityTeamplaidCuir tè ùr risRoghainnean na teamplaidTeamplaideanTennesseeBriatharTha ID a’ bhriathair co-roinnte eadar diofar thacsonamaidheanCha ghabh meta bhriathran a chur ri briathran a tha co-roinnte eadar tacsonamaidhean.Teirmichean na SeirbheiseTeisteanasChaidh dreachd an teisteanais ùrachadh. Ro-sheall an teisteanasTha an teisteanas air fhoillseachadh. Seall an teisteanasChaidh an teisteanas aiseag dhan ath-sgrùdadh on %sChaidh an teisteanas a shàbhaladh.Tha an teisteanas air an sgeideal airson: %1$s. Ro-sheall an teisteanasChaidh an teisteanas a chur. Ro-sheall an teisteanasChaidh an teisteanas ùrachadh.Tha an teisteanas air ùrachadh. Seall an teisteanasTeisteanasanDeuchainneanTexasTeacsaCeanglaichean teacsa ┐ deilbhDath an teacsaComhair an teacsaCo-dhealbhachd an teacsa ⁊ cruth-clòCeangal teacsaLiosta teacsaDath cùlaibh an teacsa:Dath an teacsacomhair an teacsaAn teacsa a chithean an dèidh a' Ghravatar. Tha seo roghainneil agus is urrainn dhut tuairisgeul a thoirt ort fhèin no innse dè mu dhèidhinn a tha am bloga agad.Teacsa a-mhàinRaon teacsaDùthaich nan TàidhGun robh math agadMòrain taing airson cruthachadh le WordPress.Mòran taing airson seòladh le %s, dòigh nas fhearr airson blogaireachd.Mòran taing airson %s a chleachdadh airson conaltradh nas fhearr a dhèanamh ris an luchd-leantainn agad. Tha sinn toilichte taic a chur ri do ghnìomhachas.Mòran taing airson %s a chleachdadh gus do làrach a dhìon. Tha sinn toilichte taic a chur ri do ghnìomhachas.Gun robh math agad airson %s a chleachdadh!Tapadh leat airson %s a chleachdadh, chaidh an làrach agad a sguabadh às. Sonas, saoghal is slàinte agus na bi fada gun tilleadh.Gun robh math agad airson an làrach agad a dhìon an dà chuid Akismet ⁊ VaultpressGun robh math agad airson an làrach agad a dhìon an dà chuid Akismet ⁊ Vaultpress.Tapadh leat airson bhòtadh!Mòran taing airson do bheachdan innse dhuinn!Mòran taing airson a cheannach!Tapadh leat!Gun robh math agad. Thoir sùil air a’ phost agad airson ceangal leis an dearbh thu do ghnìomh. Cha dèid an làrach agad a sguabadh às gus am briog thu air a’ cheangal ud.Mòran taing airson seòladh le %1$s %2$sTapadh leat airson seòladh le %s Gun robh math agad airson seòladh le %2$sGun robh math agad airson seòladh le Jetpack ann an %d.Gun robh math agad airson seòladh le WordPress.com ann an %d.Mòran taing airson seòladh le WordPress.com!Mòran taing airson seòladh le http://WordPress.comGun robh math agad airson sùil a thoirt air an aithisg bhliadhnail seo. Ma thogras tu, 's urrainn dhut bloga a chruthachadh dhut fhèin air WordPress.com ann an %d!Taing do {{a}}gach neach sa choimhearsnachd a chuidich leinn a’ cur {{language/}} air{{/a}}!Gun robh math agad!Mòran taing! Cuidichidh do bheachdan sinn a' cur piseach air na toraidhean luirgTha coltas nach e seòladh puist-d dligheach a tha annChaidh am post-d sin a chleachdadh mu thràth. Thoir sùil aig a' bhogsa phuist agad ach a bheil post-d ann gus a chur an gnìomh. Cha bhi e ri fhaighinn tuilleadh ann am beagan làithean mura dèan thu dad.Chan eil an t-ainm sin ceadaichte.Tha an làrach sin air a chaomhnadh ach faodaidh gum bi e ri fhaighinn ann am beagan làithean.Chan eil an cleachdaiche sin ann.Tha an cleachdaiche sin 'na bhall air an làrach seo mu thràth.Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo gnìomhach mu thràth.Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche sin air a chaomhnadh ach faodaidh gum bi e ri fhaighinn ann am beagan làithean.Chan eil an t-ainm sin ceadaichte.Obair mhòr a bha siud! Gabh d' anail.Sin agad e, sguir dhen deasachadh a-nis is gabh tlachd san fhoillseachadh!Sin mu %d dealbhan gach latha sa chuibheas.Sin mu %d dealbhan gach mìos sa chuibheas.Sin mu %d dealbhan gach seachdain sa chuibheas.Sin mu dhealbh gach latha sa chuibheas.Sin mu dhealbh gach mìos sa chuibheas.Sin mu dhealbh gach seachdain sa chuibheas.Tha sin air leth, math a rinn thu!Chaidh buidheann nan roghainnean "%s" a thoirt air falbh. Cleachd buidheann eile de roghainnean.Chan e ùrlar pàraint dligheach a tha san ùrlar "%s".Cha mholar am bann-cinn %1$s do phlugain tuilleadh. Cleachd %2$s ’na àite.Tha an t-ion-phortaiche %s mì-dhligheach no cha deach a stàladh.Chan eil bann-cinn dligheach airson ùrlar san t-siota-stoidhle %s.Chan eil ceadaichte san raon "%s" ach %d caractar ann an àrainnean .com.br.Tha an “sluga” 'na ainm a tha furasta airson URLaichean ri thuigsinn. Cha bhi ann ach litrichean beaga, àireamhan is tàthanan mar is trice.Tha ùrlar 2010 aig WordPress fasanta, simplidh is furasta ri ghnàthadh is ri leughadh -- gnàthaich dhut fhèin e le clàr-taice gnàthaichte, dealbh sa bhann-chinn agus cùlaibh. Tha Twenty Ten a' cur taic ri sia raointean airson widgets (a dhà sa bhàr-taoibh, ceithir sa bhann-choise) agus dealbhan brosnaichte (ìomhaigheagan airson puist sa ghailearaidh agus dealbhan gnàthaichte sna bannan-cinn airson puist is duilleagan). Tha e a' gabhail a-steach siotaichean-stoidhle airson clò-bhualadh agus an Visual Editor airson rianairean, stoidhlean sònraichte airson puist sna roinnean-seòrsa "Asides" agus "Gailearaidh" agus tha teamplaid roghainneil ann le aon cholbh a-mhàin a bheir air falbh am bàr-taoibh.Tha an t-ùrlar 2011 aig WordPress ealanta aotram sùbailte. Gnàthaich dhut fhèin e le clàr-taice gnàthaichte, dealbh sa bhann-chinn agus cùlaibh -- agus cum ort leis na roghainnean eile airson sgeamannan dhathan soilleir is dorch, dathan gnàthaichte airson cheanglaichean agus trì roghainnean airson na co-dhealbhachd. Tha teamplaid duilleige Showcase am broinn Twenty Eleven a bheir comas dhut an t-susbaint as fhearr agad a shealltainn air an duilleag mhòr. Tha taic ann do widgets (am bàr-taoibh, trì raointean sa bhann-choise agus raoin widget Showcase) agus widget gnàthaichte air a bheil "Ephemera" leis an urrainn dhut Asides, ceanglaichean, luaidhean no do staid a shealltainn. Tha stoidhlean 'na bhroinn airson clò-bhualadh is airson deasaiche nan rianairean, taic airson dealbhan brosnaichte (mar dhealbhan gnàthaichte sa bhann-chinn ann am puist is air duilleagan agus mar dhealbhan mòra air fleodrainnean brosnaichte) agus stoidhlean sònraichte airson sia fòrmatan eadar-dhealaichte airson puist.Bidh coltas fìor mhath air ùrlar 2012 aig WordPress air uidheam sam bith. Tha na gleusan aige a’ gabhail a-steach teamplaid airson duilleag mhòr le widgets, cruth-clò taisbeanadh roghainneil, stoidhlean airson fòrmatan nam post agus teamplaid duilleige roghainneil gun bhàr-taoibh. Cuir dreach pearsanta air le clàr-taice gnàthaichte, dealbh sa bhann-chinn agus cùlaibh.Tha iomadh fòrmat puist am broinn ùrlar 2013 airson WordPress, gach aon dhiubh ealanta àlainn 'na dhòigh fhèin. Cha robh sinn spìocach leis an dealbhadh a bharrachd, le sgeama dhathan beòthail, dealbhan a fhreagras air airson a' bhann-chinn, clò-ghrafachd is ìomhaigheagan eireachdail agus co-dhealbhachd shùbailte air a bhios coltas snasail air uidheam sam bith, beag no mòr.Grad-threòir air ainmean àrainneanPlana fo-sgrìobhadh AkismetTha gach widget as urrainn dhut taghadh san earrann air a bheil "Widgets ri làimh". Nuair a ghluaiseas tu widget gu bàr-taoibh, fosglaidh e agus bidh cothrom agad na roghainnean aige a chur air dòigh. Nuair a bhios tu toilichte leis na roghainnean, briog air a' phutan air a bheil "Sàbhail" agus bidh am widget beò air an làrach agad an uairsin. Ma bhriogas tu air "Sguab às", thèid a thoirt air falbh.Chaidh an tàille chargeback a thoirt air falbh on chairt a chionn 's gu bheil an cunntas agad ann an deagh-staid.An deireadhFeumar fiosrachadh conaltraidh fìor a thoirt dhan Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), am buidheann riaghlaidh airson ainmean àrainnean. Ma bheir thu dhaibh fiosrachadh nach eil fìor, 's urrainn dhaibh cur às do àrainn sam bith.Sgioba JetpackAn Jetpack as ùireTadhlaidh 8.5 millean duine air Taigh-tasgaidh an Louvre gach bliadhna. Chaidh a choimhead air a' bhloga seo mu %2$s turais ann an %1$d. Nam b' e ball-ealain àrsaidh a bhiodh sa bhloga seo, bheireadh e %3$s làtha airson uiread a dhaoine a' coimhead air.Gheibhear na gleusan dealbhaidh ghnàthaichte a leanas an cois plana Premium:Chan eil an àireamh aisig SMS a thug thu dhuinn dligheach.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an teisteanas SSL airson an òstair a dhearbhadh.Tha coltas nach e URL dligheach a tha ann an seòladh na làraich a chuir thu a-steach. Cuir a-steach URL dligheach.Bheir am modh teacsa comas dhut HTML a chur a-steach ri taobh teacsa a’ phuist agad. Thoir an aire gun dèid tagaichean <p> agus <br> iompachadh ’nam brisidhean-loidhne nuair a leumas tu gun deasaiche teacsa airson ’s gum bi rudan sgiobalta ann. Nuair a nì thu sgrìobhadh, is urrainn dhut briseadh-loidhne singilte a chleachdadh seach <br> agus dà bhriseadh-loidhne an àite taga paragraf. Thèid na brisidhean-loidhne iompachadh ’nan tagaichean gu fèin-obrachail.An URL ri raon nan rianaireanTha coltas gu bheil an URL a chuir thu a-steach 'na sheòladh puist-dhealain; a bheil thu airson an ro-leasachan mailto: air a bheil feum a chur a-steach?Tha coltas gu bheil an URL a chuir thu a-steach 'na sheòladh dhan taobh a-muigh; a bheil thu airson an ro-leasachan http:// air a bheil feum a chur a-steach?Chan eil an clas Walker air a bheil %s ann.Sgioba WordPressTha coltas nach e URL dligheach a tha san t-seòladh WordPress a chuir thu a-steach. Cuir a-steach URL dligheach.Chaidh coltas aplacaid WordPress for Android a dhian-leasachadhTha sgioba WordPress deiseil is deònach do cuideachadh. Sìn am post-d seo air adhart gu %s agus nì an sgioba cinnteach gu bheil an làrach agad ag obair mar bu chòir.Sgioba WordPress.comCha deach facal-faire na h-aplacaid a sguabadh às. Feuch ris a-rithist.Tha co-mheas an deilbh 'na dhàimh eadar leud is àirde. 'S urrainn dhut co-mheas deilbh a ghlèidheadh 's tu a' cumail sìos an iuchair Shift fhad 's a dh'atharraicheas tu an taghadh agad. Cleachd am bogsa ion-chuir airson an co-mheas a shònrachadh, m.e. 1:1 (ceàrnagach), 4:3, 16:9 is msaa.Tha lethbhreac-glèidhidh a' phuist seo sa bhrabhsair eadar-dhealaichte on tionndadh gu h-ìosal.An t-àite as fhearr airson ceist a chur a thaobh WordPress.com.Chan urrainnear leantainn ris a' bhloga seo.Tha na bogsaichean airson ainm a' cheangail, na seòlaidhean-lìn agus an tuairisgeul ann an àitichean socraichte agus tha feadhainn eile ann as urrainn dhut slaodadh mun cuairt is leigeil às ann an àite eile. 'S urrainn dhut bogsaichean nach cleachd thu a chur am falach ma thèid thu gun taba air a bheil "Roghainnean na sgrìn" no bogsaichean a lùghdachadh le bhith a' briogadh air bàr an tiotail dhen bhogsa.Seo na bogsaichean a tha air sgrìn an deas-bhùird agad:B' e %1$s an latha a bu trainge le %2$s duine a' coimhead air. B' e %3$s am post air an robh an fhèill a bu mhotha an latha ud.Cha mholar an constructor method airson a’ chlas %1$s ann an %2$s tuilleadh idir a-mach o thionndadh %3$s! Cleachd %4$s na àite.Chaidh na h-atharraichean a shàbhaladh.Thèid na dh'atharraich thu air chall ma dh'fhàgas tu an duilleag seo.Bhris rudeigin a-steach air a' cheangal ris an fhrithealaiche. Dèan ceangal às ùr.Cha mholar an cunbhalachan %1$s tuilleadh. Cleachd an cunbhalachan Boolean %2$s ann an %3$s gus rèiteachadh fo-àrainn a chur an comas. Cleachd %4$s a dh’fhiosrachadh a bheil rèiteachadh fo-àrainn an comas.Cha ghabh an cunbhalachan %s a shònrachadh nuair a thathar a’ cruthachadh lìonra.Tha a' chairt-chreidis a chuir thu a-steach mì-dhligheach.Feumaidh comas deasachaidh a bhith aig dreuchdan a' chleachdaiche làithrich.Cha dèid an tuairisgeul a shealltainn a ghnàth ach tha cuid a dh'ùrlaran ann a sheallas e.Tha coltas nach eil seòladh a' chinn-uidhe san fhòrmat cheartTha coltas nach eil an ceann-uidhe seo annTha an àrainn %1$s a' cosg %2$s agus falbhaidh an ùine air ann an %3$d latha %4$s.Tha an àrainn %1$s a' cosg %2$s agus falbhaidh an ùine air ann an %3$d latha %4$s.Tha an àrainn %1$s a' cosg %2$s agus falbhaidh an ùine air ann an %3$d làithean %4$s.Tha an àrainn %1$s a' cosg %2$s agus falbhaidh an ùine air ann an %3$d latha %4$s.Chan eil an àrainn seo ri fhaighinn airson clàradh aig an àm seo.Falbhaidh an ùine air an ainm àrainn %s a dh'aithghearr.Falbhaidh an ùine air an ainm àrainn %s a dh'aithghearr.Cha ghabh an t-ainm àrainne a chuir thu a-steach a chur ris a' bhloga seo. Feuch ainm eile.Chan fhaod thu ainm àrainne a chur a-steach a tha bàn.Cha ghabh an àrainn a chuir thu a-steach a mhapadh ri bloga WordPress.com.Chan fhaod pasgan a bhith am broinn ainm na h-àrainne.Tha an àrainn a chuir thu a-steach air a mhapadh ri bloga WordPress.com mu thràth.Tha an àrainn a chuir thu a-steach ro fhada.Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an àrdachadh (àrainn) air a' bhloga "%1$s" agad an-dè %2$s. Chan eil am bloga agad ri fhaighinn air an àrainn "%3$s" tuilleadh.Chaidh an àrainn a chur ris mar phàirt dhen phlana %1$s. Ma dh'ath-ùraicheas tu am plana, thèid an àrainn ath-ùrachadh cuideachd.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am post-d a chur.Tha coltas nach e post-d dligheach a chuir thu a-steach. Cuir a-steach seòladh puist-dhealain dligheach.Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am post-d a chur.Chan eil am post-d 'ga shìneadh air adhart tuilleadh.Seo na frithealaichean ainmean aig an àrainn seo:Tha am post-d a shònraich thu co-cheangailte ri cunntas WordPress.com. Clàraich a-steach an toiseach no cleachd seòladh puist-d eile.Bu chòir do bheachd sam bith a bhith co-dhiù %d charactar a dh'fhaid.Bu chòir do bheachd sam bith a bhith co-dhiù %d charactar a dh'fhaid.Bu chòir do bheachd sam bith a bhith co-dhiù %d caractaran a dh'fhaid.Bu chòir do bheachd sam bith a bhith co-dhiù %d caractar a dh'fhaid.Tha na raointean air an sgrìn seo a' socrachadh cuid dhe na roghainnean bunasach aig an làrach agad.Tha agad ri innse dha Blogger gu bheil cead inntrigidh aig WordPress dhan chunntas agad sa chiad dol a-mach. Thèid do thilleadh an-seo an dèidh dhut ùghdarras a thoirt seachad.Tha na h-àrainnean àrd-ìre a leanas ri fhaighinn: %l.Chaidh na ceanglachain a leanas a luchdadh suas:Thèid na h-ath-ghoiridean a leanas a chruth-atharrachadh nuair a bhrùthas tu Enter. Brùth Escape no am putan “Neo-dhèan” gus a neo-dhèanamh.Dh'fhàillig ùrachadh nam plugan a leanas:Chaidh na plugain a leanas ùrachadh:Chaidh na h-ùrlaran a leanas a stàladh ach chan eil iad iomlan fhathast.Dh'fhàillig ùrachadh nan ùrlaran a leanas:Chaidh na h-ùrlaran a leanas ùrachadh:Dh'fhàillig ùrachadh nan eadar-theangachaidhean a leanas:Chaidh na h-eadar-theangachaidhean a leanas ùrachadh:Chaidh crìoch a chur air an àrdachadh a leanas agus %1$s ath-dhìoladh dhut: Chaidh crìoch a chur air an àrdachadh a leanas agus %1$s ath-dhìoladh dhut: Chaidh crìoch a chur air an àrdachadh a leanas agus %1$s ath-dhìoladh dhut: Chaidh crìoch a chur air an àrdachadh a leanas agus %1$s ath-dhìoladh dhut: Chaidh crìoch a chur air an àrdachadh a leanas agus %1$s ath-dhìoladh dhut: Chaidh crìoch a chur air an àrdachadh a leanas agus %1$s ath-dhìoladh dhut: Chaidh crìoch a chur air an àrdachadh a leanas agus %1$s ath-dhìoladh dhut: Chaidh crìoch a chur air an àrdachadh a leanas agus %1$s ath-dhìoladh dhut: Rinn thu na h-àrdachaidhean a leanas sa bhloga %s agad a tha airidh air ath-dhìoladh:Chan eil na luachan a leanas 'na cheann-là dligheach: latha %2$s, mìos %1$s.Chan eil na luachan a leanas ’na cheann-là dligheach: latha %3$s, %2$s, bliadhna %1$s.Chan eil ID an oibseict a chuir thu ann co-cheangailte ri nì air clàr-taice.Feumaidh sealladh griod leabhar-lann nam meadhanan JavaScript. Cleachd an sealladh griod.Chan eil làimhsichear an rùta dligheachChan eil làimhsichear an rùta dligheachChaidh an cunntas-bheachd a shuidheachadh air an duilleag-dhachaigh.Tha an t-inneal ion-phortaidh gu math glic 's chan ion-phortaich e feadhainn dhùbailte agus leis a sin, 's urrainn dhut a chur iomadh turas mura dig e gu crìoch air adhbhar air choireigin.’S e %s an seòladh-lìn a bhios aig an lìonra agad.Tha thu a' feuchainn ri rud a ghluasad dhan sgudal nach eil ann tuilleadh.Tha thu a' feuchainn ri rud aiseag on sgudal nach eil ann tuilleadh.Tha an iuchair a chuir thu a-steach mì-dhligheach. Thoir sùil eile air.Na h-Instagrams as ùire on inbhir phearsanta agad.Tha ceanglaichean dhan a h-uile sgrìn rianachd WordPress ri do làimh sa chlàr-taice air an taobh chlì agus chì thu na clàir-thaice fodhpa ma dh'fhanas tu os an cionn. 'S urrainn dhut an clàr-taice seo a lùghdachadh 'na bhann caol de dh'ìomhaigheagan ma bhriogas tu air an t-saighead aig a bhun a cho-theannaicheas an clàr-taice.Dh’fhalbh an ùine air a’ cheangal a lean thu.Dh'atharraich gleus an ionaid is chan eil ionad na pròifil agad 'ga chleachdadh tuilleadh.Thèid duilleag a' chlàraidh a-steach fhosgladh ann an uinneag ùr. Às dèidh dhut clàradh a-steach, 's urrainn dhut a dhùnadh is tilleadh gun duilleag seo.Shònraich thu bogsa-puist nach eil dligheach. Chan fhaod ach na caractaran a leanas a bhith ann an ainm bogsa puist-d: a-z 0-9 _ . + agus -. Ceartaich am bogsa-puist is feuch ris a-rithist.'S e an àrainn a' phàirt as cudromaiche de URL a' bhloga agad. Tha "wordpress.com" 'na eisimpleir de dh'àrainn. 'S urrainn dhut am bloga agad ath-threòrachadh gu àrainn sam bith a tha agad, can eisimpleir.com no àrainn a chur air dòigh gus an ath-threòraich e daoine gu URL a' bhloga agad. Leugh barrachd mu dheidhinn seo no cuir a-steach àrainn gu h-ìosal agus lean ris an stiùireadh.Cha bu chòir do ID a' chlàir-thaice a bhith falamh.Chaidh an clàr-taice a sguabadh às.Cleachd an clàr-taice seo gus an dàta aig làrach àraidh a dheasachadh, gu h-àraidh mur eil an raon rianaire aig làrach ri làimh.Chaidh nì a' chlàir-thaice a sguabadh às.'S urrainn dhut stiùireadh dè na clàran-taice a thèid fhosgladh san deasaichear ann am bogsa stiùireadh nan clàran-taice aig barr na sgrìn.Tha ainm a’ chlàir-thaice %s ann an còmhstri le ainm de chlàr-taice eile. Feuch ri ainm eile.Tha an t-ainm mar a nochdas air an làrach agad.Bidh ceangal eadar na roinnean-seòrsa ùra 's na puist aca fhathast.Thèid an ath-bhuidheann de dh’ath-ghoiridean fòrmataidh a chur an sàs is tu a’ taidhpeadh no ’gan cur a-steach mun cuairt air teacsa lom san aon pharagraf. Brùth Escape no am putan “Neo-dhèan” airson a neo-dhèanamh.Feumaidh seilbheadair na h-iuchrach API seo tadhal air duilleag stadastaireachd na làraich seo agus cead inntrigidh a thoirt seachad.Chan eil faidhle sam bith sa phacaid.Chan eil an duilleag a dh'iarr thu annCha b’ urrainn dhuinn an duilleag a bha a dhìth ort a lorg. ’S mathaid gun deach a sguabadh às, ath-ainmeachadh no ma dh’fhaoidte nach robh e ann a-riamh.Tha raon an fhacail-fhaire bàn.Chan eil an iuchair airson ath-shuidheachadh an fhacail-fhaire a chuir thu a-steach dligheach.Chan eil an dà fhacal-faire a chuir thu a-steach co-ionnann. Feuch ris a-rithist.Chaidh am Pingback a chlàradh mu thràth.Chan eil faidhle sam bith sa phlugan.Chan eil bann-cinn dligheach aig a' phlugan.Ghin am plugan às-chur ris nach robh dùil.Cha ghabh am post seo a sguabadh às.Chaidh sin a dhèanamh leis a' phost mu thràth.Cha deach seòrsa a’ phuist %1$s a chlàradh agus dh’fhaoidte nach sgrùd e an comas (%2$s) mu choinneamh puist dhen t-seòrsa seo gu h-earbsach.Chan fhaodar seòrsa a' phuist seo atharrachadh.Chan eil a' phrìomh làrach a thagh thu ann.Feumaidh glèidheadair-àite a bhith aig argamaid na ceist aig %s.Cha deach tòcan-inntrigidh na h-aplacaid a dh'iarr thu a lorg.Cha deach facal-faire na h-aplacaid a dh'iarr thu a lorg.Tha am bogsa-puist a dh'iarr thu ann mu thràthCha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal na pròifil a dh'iarr thu a lorg.Chan eil an t-ùrlar a dh'iarr thu ann.Chan eil an cleachdaiche a dh'iarr thu ann.Ma nì thu lorg airson ùrlaran stàlaichte, thèid na briathran a lorg sna h-ainmean aca, na tuairisgeulan, ùghdaran no tagaichean.Thèid toraidhean an luirg ùrachadh ’s tu a’ sgrìobhadh.Thug thu seachad setting key nach gabh atharrachadh leis a' phuing-dheiridh seo.Chaidh na roghainnean airson susbaint bhrosnaichte a ghluasad gu Coltas → Gnàthaich.Tha an làrach seo an gnìomh mu thràth.Tha na chì thu gu h-ìosal de mheudan a' socrachadh meudachd as motha nan dealbhan ann am pixel nuair a chuireas tu dealbh ri leabhar-lann nam meadhanan.Tha an sluga “%s” 'ga chleachdadh le briathar eile mu thràthChan urrainn dhan URL tùsail agus an URL targaid a' dhol dhan dearbh-ghoireas.Chan eil ceangal on URL tùsail a' dol dhan URL targaid agus cha ghabh a chleachdadh mar thùs ri linn sin.Chan eil an URL tùsail seo ann.Tha am post-d a shònraich thu mì-dhligheach.Tha an tiotal a shònraich thu air liosta eile mu thràth.Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-ainm-spàs a shònraich thu a lorg.Chan eil an URL targaid ann.Cha ghabh an t-ùrlar a shònraich thu a luchdadh a-nuasChan deach an t-ùrlar a shònraich thu a lorgChan deach a' video a shònraich thu a lorg.Staid an fho-sgrìobhadh - gnìomhach, air sgur no 'na dhàilCha dèid neul nan taga a shealltainn a chionn ’s nach eil tacsonamaidh ann a chuireas taic ri widget neul nan taga.Sgioba WordPress.comChan fhaod ainm a' bhriathair a bhith bàn.Dh'fheuch thu briathar nach gabh a chleachdadh oir cha robh dad air fhàgail an dèidh dhuinn a ghlanadh.Tha an siota-stoidhle %s a dhìth air an ùrlar.Cha do chuir thu a-steach raon-tìde dligheach. Saoil an tagh thu fear dligheach?Chan urrainn dhut raon an tiotail agus an raon deasachaidh mòr a ghluasad ach 's urrainn dhut na bogsaichean eile a shlaodadh mun cuairt 's leigeil às agus 's urrainn dhut an lùghdachadh no leudachadh ma bhriogas tu air bàr tiotail de gach bogsa. Cleachd taba roghainnean na sgrìn gus bogsaichean eile a chur am falach (Às-earrann, Cuir trackbacks, Raointean gnàthaichte, Deasbad, Sluga is Ùghdar) no tagh co-dhealbhachd le 1 no 2 cholbh airson na sgrìn.Seo na làraichean a shìn àireamh as motha de dhaoine thugad ann an %d:Chan urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur seo a choileanadh. Feuch ris a-rithist. Cuir fios gun sgioba taice 's thoir iomradh air 10755 ma mhaireas an duilgheadas.Dh'fhàillig ùrachadh %s.Tha pròiseas an ùrachaidh a' tòiseachadh. Faodaidh gun doir seo greiseag air cuid dhe na h-òstairean, bi foighidinneach mar sin.Chaidh an t-àrdachadh seo a chur gu neoini mar a dh'iarr thu.Tha am faidhle a luchdaich thu suas nas motha na tha ceadaichte.Chan e dealbh dligheach a tha san fhaidhle a luchdaich thu suas. Feuch ris a-rithist.Cha deach ach pàirt dhen fhaidhle a shònraich thu a luchdadh suas.Tha coltas nach e URL dligheach a tha san URL a thug thu seachad.Tha an cleachdaiche seo gnìomhach mu thràth.Tha raon an ainm-chleachdaiche bàn.Chan urrainn dhut am brabhsair-lìn air an uidheam agad a chleachdadh gus faidhlichean a luchdadh suas. Dh'fhaoidte gun urrainn dhut annative app airson an uidheim agad a chleachdadh ge-tà.Chan eil an seòladh-lìn a thug thu seachad dligheach.ÙrlarÙghdar an ùrlairMion-fhiosrachadh mun ùrlarIonad an ùrlairRoghainnean an ùrlairShowcase nan ùrlaranEas-chruthachComasach air so-inntrigeachdEalantaDubhBlogaGormSoilleirDonnGnìomhachasGlanDathachTèarmannachCo-aimsireilClàr-taice gnàthaichteDorchaEireachdailDealbhan brosnaichteCo-dhealbhachd shocraichteStruidheilCo-dhealbhachd shùbailteFoirmeilCeithir colbhanTeamplaid làn-leudGeomatrachLiathUaineGnìomhachailAm bàr-taoibh clìSoilleirMeanbhachÙr-nòsachNàdarraAon cholbhOrainsPincSùgrachPortfolioProifeiseantaPurpaidhTaic do chànain deas gu clìTogalach is talamhDeargCo-dhealbhachd fhreagairteachRetroAm bàr-taoibh deasAirgeadSimplidhSoifiostaigeachTanaidhTeicneolasLe inneachTrì colbhanTradaiseantaDà cholbhBailteilBeòthailBaogaideachGealBuidheChaidh an t-ùrlar a sguabadh às.Chaidh an t-ùrlar ìsleachadh gu soirbheachail.Chaidh an t-ùrlar a stàladh gu soirbheachail.Ainm an ùrlairÙrlar %s — Ùrlaran WordPress airson blogaichean air WordPress.comTaic dhan ùrlar %s air WordPress.comSeòladaireachd an ùrlairCha deach an t-ùrlar a chur an gnìomh a chionn 's nach deach a lorg.Cha deach an t-ùrlar a chur an gnìomh a chionn 's nach eil creidis gu leòr agad.MìosachanPost-dFacebookInstagramDiluain—Dihaoine: 9:00m–5:00fDisathairne & Didòmhnaich: 11:00m&ndhash;3:00fLorgTwitterYelpThèid an t-ùrlar ùrachachadh gu fèin-obrachail.Cha tèid an ùrlar ùrachachadh gu fèin-obrachail.Ùrlar as aonais %sÙrlar: %1$s.ÙrlaranÙrlaran %sChan eil fo-thiotal sam bith co-cheangailte ris.Chan eil roghainnean ann airson a' widget seo.Chan eil beachd poblach sam bith ann as urrainn dhuinn taisbeanadh.Chan eil cleachdaiche sam bith eile ann ri shealltainn ann am widget mo choimhearsnachd. A bheil thu ag iarraidh barrachd trafaig?Cha deach cleachdaiche dligheach sam bith a thaghadh a chum sguabaidh às.Cha deach cleachdaiche dligheach sam bith a thaghadh gus a thoirt air falbh.ha cuid a rudan mì-dhligheach air a' chlàr-taice. Thoir sùil orra no sguab às iad.Tha atharraichean ann nach deach a shàbhaladh fhathast 's a thèid air chall. Briog air "Ceart ma-thà" gus leantainn air adhart no air "Sguir dheth" gus tilleadh a dheasaiche nan dealbhan.Chan eil post-d ùr ann a-rèir coltais.Thachair mearachd le bearradh an deilbh agad.Tha %d PR ann: Tha %d PR ann: Tha %d PR ann: Tha %d PR ann: Tha tionndadh ùr de %1$s ri fhaighinn. Seall mion-fhiosrachadh an tionndaidh %4$s no ùraich an-dràsta.Tha tionndadh ùr de %1$s ri fhaighinn. Seall mion-fhiosrachadh an tionndaidh %4$s.Tha tionndadh ùr de %1$s ri fhaighinn. Seall mion-fhiosrachadh an tionndaidh %4$s . Chan urrainn dhut am plugan seo ùrachadh gu fèin-obrachail.Cha deach %s a chur an àite post-d an rianaire fhathast.Tha atharrachadh do phuist-dhealain %1$s ri dhèanamh. Sguir dhethCha deach %s a chur an àite a’ phuist-d agad fhathast.Tha duilgheadas ann leis an iuchair agad.Tha lèirmheas dhen phost seo ann a tha nas ùire.Tha tionndadh fèin-sàbhalaichte dhen phost seo ann a tha nas ùire na an tionndadh gu h-ìosal. Seall an tionndadh fèin-sàbhalaichteTha ùrachadh ri fhaighinn.Tha ùrachaidhean ri am faighinn.Tha ùrachaidhean ri am faighinn.Tha ùrachaidhean ri am faighinn.Chan eil às-earrann ann a chionn 's gur e post fo dhìon a tha ann.Chaidh %1$d dealbh a luchdadh suas is thug e %2$s gu lèir.Chaidh %1$d dhealbh a luchdadh suas is thug e %2$s gu lèir.Chaidh %1$d dealbhan a luchdadh suas is thug e %2$s gu lèir.Chaidh %1$d dealbh a luchdadh suas is thug e %2$s gu lèir.Bha mearachd san rèiteachadh. Leig fios gu rianaire an fhrithealaiche.Thuislich an lorgCha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ri Facebook airson ceangal ceadaichte a chruthachadh. Feumaidh tu cead a thoirt dha WordPress.com rudan fhoillseachadh air Facebook as do leth.Bha duilgheadas ann le cruthachadh facal-faire na h-aplacaid agad. Feuch ris a-rithist.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal agad a chruthachadh. Rach air ais is feuch ris a-rithist no cuir fios gun sgioba taice.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal agad a chruthachadh. Rach air ais is feuch ris a-rithist.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal fhosgladh ri Blogger. Seo na chaidh cearr:Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal tèarainte fhosgladh ri Google. Seo na chaidh cearr:Cha b' urrainn dhuinn na h-atharraichean agad a shàbhaladh.Bha duilgheadas againn a' cur post-d dearbhaidh thugad.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn na roghainnean agad airson leantainn bhlogaichean ùrachadh.Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn airson na dealbhan fhaighinn o Instagram. Feuchaidh sinn ris a-rithist ann am beagan mhionaidean.Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn airson an duilleag a chur dhan sgudal. Feuch ris a-rithist ann an tiotag.Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn airson am post a chur dhan sgudal. Feuch ris a-rithist ann an tiotag.Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn ag ùrachadh na prìomh-àrainn.Bha mearachd ann, nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?Bha mearachd annTha %1$s bheachd ann an ciutha an spama agad an-dràsta fhèin.Tha %1$s bheachd ann an ciutha an spama agad an-dràsta fhèin.Tha %1$s beachdan ann an ciutha an spama agad an-dràsta fhèin.Tha %1$s beachd ann an ciutha an spama agad an-dràsta fhèin.Chan eil dad ann an ciutha an spama agad aig an àm seo.Seo na briathran a chleachd daoine gus an làrach agad a lorg.Seo na puist a bha an àireamh as motha de dhaoine a coimhead orra ann an %d. Chì thu na puist air an robh an fhèill a bu mhotha air feadh na bliadhna air stats na làraich agad.Tha na plugain uile seo cho ùr 's a ghabhas:Fhuair na puist a leanas an trafaig a bu mhotha air an làrach agad.'S urrainn dhut na roghainnean seo a chur gu taobh airson artaigealan fa leth.Tha na h-ùrlaran uile seo cho ùr 's a ghabhas:Dh'fhàillig ùrachadh nan ùrlaran seo:Tha na h-iuchair dearbhaidh àraid seo a dhìth air an fhaidhle %s agad.Bha iad dhen bheachd gu bheil %3$s uabhasach fhèin math.ThimphuThimphuBoireannach fo smuainBoireannach fo smuain (meadhanach)Boireannach fo smuain (tana)Boireannach fo smuain (leathann)Fireannach fo smuainFireannach fo smuain (meadhanach)Fireannach fo smuain (cumhang)Fireannach fo smuain (leathann)(riatanach)Am mìos seoTha an Top Level Domain (TLD) seo a' sparradh oirnn còd tar-chuir iarraidh as do leth. Cuiridh sinn thugad e air post-d nuair a gheibh sinn e.An t-seachdain-saCha deach an cunntas seo a chur an gnìomh. Thoir sùil airson post-d sa bheil ceangal gnìomhachaidh.Thathar a' cleachdadh an seòladh seo a chum rianachd, can brathan mu chleachdaichean ùra.Tha plana aig a' bhloga seo mu thràth a tha os cionn an fhir a tha thu airson ceannach.Tha am bloga seo air an liosta seo mu thràthTha am bloga seo prìobhaideachTha am bloga seo poblachTha an roinn-seòrsa seo ann mu thràth.Cha ghabh an roinn-seòrsa seo a chur ris. Atharraich an t-ainm is feuch ris a-rithist.Fhuair am beachd seo aonta mu thràth.Tha am beachd seo san sgudal mu thràth.Tha comharra ris a' bheachd seo a dh'innseas gur e spama a tha ann mu thràth.Tha am beachd seo a' feitheamh ri aonta.Fhuair am beachd seo aonta roimhe.Tha am beachd seo san sgudal an-dràsta.Tha comharra ris a' bheachd seo a dh'innseas gur e spama a tha ann.Tha am beachd seo sean sgudal. Gluais e às an sgudal ma tha thu am beachd a dheasachadh.Chaidh am beachd seo a sguabadh às.Chaidh am beachd seo a chur dhan sgudal.Falbhaidh an ùine air a' cheangal seo a dh'aithghearr.Tha an ceangal seo ag obair mar bu chòir.Dh'fhaoidte nach eil an ceangal seo ag obair mar bu chòir.Tha an t-susbaint seo fo dhìon facail-fhaire. Cuir a-steach e gu h-ìosal gus fhaicinn:Chan eil e coltach gur e seòladh puist-d dligheach a tha seo. Thoir sùil air is feuch ris a-rithist.Cha ghabh an àrainn seo a shuidheachadh mar phrìomh-àrainn na làraich a dh'iarr thu.Chaidh frithealaichean puist-d gnàthaichte a shònrachadh dhan àrainn seo sna roghainnean DNS. Tha seo a' ciallachadh nach gabh post-d a shìneadh air adhart le WordPress.com mu choinneamh na h-àrainne seo agus gu bheil agad am post-d agad a stiùireadh slighe solaraiche a' phuist-d agad.Tha an àrainn seo neo-ghlaiste aig an àm seo.Chan eil an àrainn seo glaiste agus dh'fhaoidte gu bheil e ri gluasad; ma thòisich thu air tar-chur na h-àrainne, bidh agad ri ath-nuadhachadh aig a' chlàraiche ùr.Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil an àrainn seo a' feitheamh ri tar-chur. Ma dh'iarr thu tar-chur àrainne, 's urrainn dhut gabhail ris no a dhiùltadh gu h-ìosal.Tha an seòladh puist-dhealain seo air a chlàradh mu thràth.Chaidh seo a phostadh ann an %1$s agus a thagadh %2$s. Dèan comharra-lìn dhen bhuan-cheangal.Chaidh seo a phostadh ann an %1$s. Dèan comharra-lìn dhen bhuan-cheangal.Feumaidh am feart seo JavaScript ach chaidh a chur à comas a-rèir coltais. Cuir JavaScript an comas is luchdaich an duilleag seo a-rithist. Na gabh dragh, 's urrainn dhut a chur dheth a-rithist nuair a bhios tu deiseil.Feumaidh am feart seo frèamaichean am broinn loidhne. Chuir thu iFrames à comas no chan eil am brabhsair agad a' cur taic riutha.Tha an t-inbhir seo air an liosta mu thràthTha feum air an raon seo.Tha am faidhle seo falamh. Tagh fear eile.Chan e dealbh a tha san fhaidhle seo. Feuch ri fear eile.Cha leig thu leas am faidhle seo a ghabhail a-steach tuilleadh.Feumaidh an goireas seo JavaScript. Cuir an comas JavaScript sa bhrabhsair agad is feuch ris a-rithist.Seo fo-sgrìobhadh mìosail.Seo cuimhneachan gu bheil am fo-sgrìobhadh agad ri ùrachadh %s agus thèid airgead iarraidh air a' chairt a chì thu gu h-ìosal.’S e facal-faire gu math cumanta a tha seo. Tagh rudeigin nach tomhais daoine eile cho furasta.Seo fo-sgrìobhadh bliadhnail.Seo ball-eisimpleir de dhuilleag. Thèid puist a thaisbeanadh air duilleag mhòr a’ bhloga agad san òrdugh a chaidh am foillseachadh ach na duilleagan nas fhearr airson susbaint bhuan, can duilleag mu do dhèidhinn no fiosrachadh conaltraidh. Briog air a’ cheangal “Deasaich” gus an duilleag seo atharrachadh no cuir duilleag ùr ris.Tha am faidhle seo nas motha na tha ceadaichte. Feuch ri fear eile.Seo an cunntas Crowdsignal a tha co-cheangailte ris a' bhloga WordPress agad an-dràsta fhèin: %sSeo an URL a chuireas tu gu iTunes no seirbheis pod-chraolaidh.Seo duilleag nan roghainnean leantainn aig %s.Seo an duilleag rianachd airson leantainn ri blogaichean. Gheibh thu post-d air %s uair sam bith a thèid post ùr a dhèanamh air na làraichean seo. Neo-lean bloga mur eil thu airson puist-d fhaighinn on bhloga sin tuilleadh. Tadhail air na Roghainnean mur eil thu ag iarraidh post-d sam bith o WordPress.com.Seo an duilleag rianachd airson leantainn ri beachdan air puist. Gheibh thu post-d air %s uair sam bith a thèid beachd a thoirt seachad air na puist seo. Cuir crìoch air an fho-sgrìobhadh mur eil thu airson puist-d fhaighinn mun phost sin tuilleadh. Tadhail air na Roghainnean mur eil thu ag iarraidh post-d sam bith o WordPress.com.Seo an ceangal goirid.Seo a' phrìomh-àrainn agad; thèid daoine ath-stiùireadh thuice o na h-àrainnean gu h-ìosal.Chaidh an nì seo a sguabadh às mu thràth.An aire: Cha bhac an roghainn seo inntrigeadh dhan làrach agad — tha e an urra ris na h-einnseanan-luirg an gèill iad ris an iarrtas seo gus na gèill.Chaidh an duilleag seo eadar-theangachadh on %1$s. Leugh an duilleag thùsail.Tha an duilleag seo 'ga ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chaidh an duilleag a chur dhan sgudal. Thèid d' ath-stiùireadh dhachaigh an-dràsta.’S urrainn dhut clàran-taice seòladaireachd airson susbaint a dh’fhoillsich thu mu thràth a stiùireadh sa phanail seo. ’S urrainn dhut clàran-taice a chruthachadh is rudan a chur ri susbaint làithreach mar dhuilleagan, puist, roinnean-seòrsa, tagaichean, fòrmatan no ceanglaichean gnàthaichte.Seallaidh a' phanail seo na puist is duilleagan a chaidh tadhal orra as trice.Tha am plugan seo air a stàladh mu thràth.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am post seo ath-bhlogadh.Chaidh am post seo eadar-theangachadh on %1$s. Leugh am post thùsail.Tha am post seo 'ga ghluasad dhan sgudal.Tha am post seo fo dhìon facail-fhaire.Tha am post seo fo dhìon facail-fhaire. Cuir a-steach am facal-faire gus coimhead air na beachdan.Tha am post seo fo dhìon facail-fhaire. Cuir a-steach am facal-faire gus coimhead air na beachdan.Chaidh am post a chur dhan sgudal. Thèid d' ath-stiùireadh dhachaigh an-dràsta.Chan eil an ro-shealladh seo ri fhaighinn san deasaiche.Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh.Cha ghabh an reacord seo a chur ris a chionn 's gu bheil e ann an còmhstri le reacord WordPress.com.Cha ghabh an reacord seo a chur ris a chionn 's gu bheil e ann an còmhstri le reacord làithreach.Cha ghabh an reacord seo a shàbhaladh. Thoir sùil air na raointean comharraichte gu h-ìosal is feuch ris a-rithist.Tha an aithisg seo prìobhaideachTha an aithisg seo poblachDh'adhbharaich seo teachdaireachd mearachd: %sLeigidh an sgrìn seo leat raointean meata-dàta aig faidhle ann an leabhar-lann nam meadhanan a dheasachadh.Tha buaidh aig na roghainnean air an sgrìn seo air taisbeanadh na susbaint agad.'S urrainn dhut clàran-taice iomruineadh do dh'ionadan an ùrlair agad air an sgrìn seo.'S urrainn dhut lèirmheasan na susbaint agad a stiùireadh air an sgrìn seo.'S urrainn dhut na h-ùrlaran a stàlaich thu a stiùireadh air an sgrìn seo. A bharrachd air na h-ùrlaran bunaiteach a thàinig le WordPress fhèin, 's e treas-phàrtaidhean a leasaicheas ùrlaran.Cleachdaidh tu an sgrìn seo gus bann-cinn an ùrlair agad a ghnàthachadh.Seallaidh an sgrìn seo dhut gach cleachdaiche a tha air an làrach agad. Tha aonan dhe na còig dreuchdan aig gach aon dhiubh a-rèir na shuidhich an rianaire: Rianaire na làraich, Deasaiche, Ùghdar, Com-pàirtiche no Fo-sgrìobhadair. Bidh nas lugha de roghainnean air an deas-bhòrd aig duine nach eil 'na rianaire as dèidh dhaibh logadh a-steach.Bheir an sgrìn seo inntrigeadh dhut dhan a h-uile post agad. 'S urrainn dhut coltas na sgrìn seo a ghnàthachadh a-rèir do dh'fheumalachdan fhèin.Tha an sgrìn seo a' toirt dhut iomadh roghainn gus smachd a chumail air stiùireadh is sealltainn nam beachdan is nan ceanglaichean ris na puist/duilleagan agad. Tha uiread dhiubh ann 's nach fhaic thu iad uile! :) Cleachd ceanglaichean an treòrachaidh airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na tha gach aon roghainn deasbaid a' dèanamh,Seallaidh an sgrìn seo do chleachdaiche dè na làraichean a tha aca air an lìonra seo agus bheir e comas dhaibh prìomh làrach a thaghadh ann. ’S urrainn dhaibh tadhal air aghaibh phoblach no deas-bhòrd na làraich sin leis na ceanglaichean fo gach làrach.Chan eil am bàr-taoibh seo ri làimh tuilleadh 's chan fhaic thu e àite sam bith air an làrach agad. Thoir air falbh gach aon dhe na widgets gu h-ìosal gus am bàr-taoibh seo a tha 'na thàmh a thoirt air falbh gu tur.Chaidh an làrach seo a chur san tasg-lann no chaidh a chur à dreuchd.Cha deach an làrach seo a chur an gnìomh fhathast. Ma tha duilgheadas agad le cur an gnìomh na làraich agad, leig fios do %s.Chan eil an làrach seo ri fhaighinn tuilleadh.Tha an làrach seo prìobhaideach.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an taisbeanadh-shleamhnagan seo a thòiseachadh. Feuch is ath-nuadhaich an duilleag no coimhead air ann am brabhsair eile.Feumaidh an taisbeanadh-shleamhnagan seo JavaScript.Chan eil am fo-sgrìobhadh seo gnìomhach air a' chunntas agad seo tuilleadh. Ma tha thu airson an t-àrdachadh seo a chumail, ceannaich às ùr e.Chan e tacsonamaidh rangaichte a tha seo.Tha an t-ùrlar seo air a stàladh mu thràth.Chan eil an roinn-tìde seo a' gèilleadh ri tìde an t-samhraidh.Tha an roinn-tìde seo a' cleachdadh tìde an t-samhraidh an-dràsta.Tha an roinn-tìde seo a' cleachdadh na tìde stannardach an-dràsta.Tha an cuspair seo air an liosta mu thràthTha an iuchair dearbhaidh àraid a dhìth air an fhaidhle %s agad.Bheir an t-àrdachadh seo roghainnean gnàthachaidh fìor-mhath dhut le taic air leth is pailteas de phlugain.Falbhaidh an ùine air an àrdachadh seo ann an %sThèid an t-àrdachadh seo ath-nuadhachadh ann an %sChan eil cead aig a' chleachdaiche seo na roghainnean air a' bhloga seo atharrachadh.Chan eil cead aig a' chleachdaiche seo am bloga seo a dhì-cheangal.Chan eil cead aig a' chleachdaiche seo na roghainnean air a' bhloga seo fhaicinn.Chan eil a' video seo annTha a' video seo leabaichte anns na h-ionadan-duilleige seo leanas (faodaidh gun do dh'atharraich an URL)An t-seachdain-saFeumaidh am widget seo JavaScript.Bheir seo cead dha %s na leanas a dhèanamh:Chithear seo nuair a ghluaisear cuideigin os cionn a' cheangail ann an rola a' bhloga no, ma thogras tu, fon cheangal.Falamhaichidh seo gach nì o liosta nam widgets nach eil an gnìomh. Chan urrainn dhut gnàthachadh sam bith aiseag às dèidh seo.Bidh na puist, duilleagan, beachdan, raointean gnàthaichte, faclan-luirg, clàran-taice seòladaireachd is puist ghnàthaichte ’na bhroinn.Bheir seo air falbh dealbh tùsail a' chùlaibh. Chan urrainn dhut gnàthachadh sam bith aiseag.Bheir seo air falbh dealbh tùsail a' bhanna-chinn. Chan urrainn dhut gnàthachadh sam bith aiseag.Cuiridh seo an tionndadh mu dheireadh a rinn thu lethbhreac-glèidhidh dheth a chur an àite na susbaint a tha san deasaiche an-dràsta. ’S urrainn dhut an t-seann-susbaint san deasaiche fhaighinn air ais slighe “Neo-dhèan” no tilleadh gun tionndadh aisigte slighe “Ath-dhèan”.Aisigidh seo dealbh tùsail a' chùlaibh. Chan urrainn dhut gnàthachadh sam bith aiseag.Aisigidh seo dealbh tùsail a' bhanna-chinn. Chan urrainn dhut gnàthachadh sam bith aiseag.A' snàithleadh nam beachdan…Trì colbhanTrìDiaQaanaaqÌomhaigheagGriod nan dealbhaganÀirde na h-ìomhaigheigeRoghainnean nan ìomhaigheaganCobhair le roghainnean nan dealbhaganLeud na h-ìomhaigheigeMeud nan ìomhaigheaganThunder BayDiarDaoinDiaCeangal airson tiocaid a cheannach/teacsa a' phutain:Tiocaidean a bhios ri fhaighinn a dh'aithghearrTijuanaLeacagGailearaidhean leacaichteMaois leacaichteTimbuktuÀmFòrmat na tìdeSleamhnachan an amaRoinn-tìdeRoinn tìdeTìomor an EarBlocaicheanFòrmatanCeann-sgrìobhaidheanCuir a-steach teamplaidTeamplaideanDeasaichFaidhleFòrmatCuir a-steachClàrInnealanSealladhGliocasGliocasan airson WordPress.com a chur gu làn-fheum.TiranëTiraspolTiotalTiotal ┐ Às-earrannBuadh an tiotailAn tiotal is deasaiche nam postNochdaidh an tiotal sa chiad fhrèam aig a' video agadTiotal, Ceann-latha ┐ Às-earrannTiotal:Tiotal:Ri dhèanamhGus widget a chur an comas, slaod e air bàr-taoibh no dèan briogadh air. Gus widget a chur à comas is na roghainnean aige a sguabadh às, slaod air ais e.Lean ris a' cheangal a leanas gus am bloga agad a chur an gnìomh: %s Gheibh thu *post-d eile* sa bhios an login agad as dèidh dhut a chur an gnìomh.Gus ceangal gnàthaichte a chur ris, leudaich earrann nan ceanglaichean gnàthaichte, cuir a-steach URL is teacsa a' cheangail is briog air "Cuir ris a' chlàr-taice"Airson clàr-taice ùr a chur ris, seach fear làithreach iomruineadh, briog air a' cheangal ’Cleachd clàr-taice ùr’. Thèid an clàr-taice ùr iomruineadh dhan ionad ùrlair sin gu fèin-obrachailAirson cleachdaiche ùr a chur ris an làrach agad, briog air "Thoir cuireadh do chuideigin ùr" sa chlàr-taice fon earrann nan "Cleachdaichean".Gus cleachdaiche ùr a chur ris an làrach agad, lìon am foirm air an sgrìn seo agus briog air a' phutan air a bheil "Cuir cleachdaiche ùr ris" aig bun na sgrìn.Airson clàr-taice iomruineadh do co-dhiù aon ionad an ùrlair, tagh clàr-taice sa chlàr-taice teàrnaidh aig ionad. Nuair a bhios tu deiseil, briog air "Sàbhail na h-atharraichean"Gus an dealbh a bhearradh, briog air is dèan slaodadh gus taghadh a dhèanamh.Airson rudan a sguabadh às na meadhanan, briog air a' phutan "Dèan bùc-thaghadh" aig barr na sgrìn. Tagh na rudan a tha gus sguabadh às is briog air a' phutan "Sguab às na thagh thu" an uairsin. Ma bhriogas tu air "Sguir dhen taghadh", thèid do thilleadh dhan àite far a bheil na meadhanan 'gan sealltainn.Gus clàr-taice a dheasachadh a chaidh iomruineadh do dh'ionad ùrlair, briog air a' cheangal ’Deasaich’ ri thaobhAirson clàr-taice a tha agad mu thràth a dheasachadh, tagh clàr-taice sa chlàr-taice teàrnaidh is briog air "Tagh"Mus urrainn dhuinn an cunntas agad aiseag dhut, feumaidh sinn fiosrachadh dhut gus dearbhadh gur ann agad-sa a tha e. Thoir an aire nach urrainn dhuinn cunntas aiseag gun dearbhadh gur ann agad-sa a tha e.Gus am bi e nas fhasa dhut na puist is na dreachan a dh'ion-phortaich thu a dheasachadh is a shàbhaladh, 's mathaid gum bi thu airson ainm ùghdar nam post atharrachadh. Mar eisimpleir, 's mathaid gum bi thu airson gach innteart a dh'ion-phortadh mar innteartan rianaire.Nochd e gus a stiùireadh an-seo.Nochd iad gus an stiùireadh an-seo.Nochd iad gus an stiùireadh an-seo.Nochd iad gus an stiùireadh an-seo.Gus am fòcas a ghluasad air putanan eile, cleachd an iuchair Tab no na saighdean. Gus am fòcas a thilleadh dhan deasaiche, brùth Escape no cleachd aon dhe na putanan.Airson gluasad eadar lèirmheasan, slaod làmhrachan an t-sleamhnachain deas no clì no cleachd na putanan "Air ais" no "Air adhart".Gus òrdugh nan rudan air clàr-taice atharrachadh, slaod is leig às rudan leis an luchag agad no cleachd am meur-chlàr agad. Slaod no gluais ball de chlàr-taice beagan deas air agus gheibh thu fo-chlàr-taiceGus am facal-faire agad ath-shuidheachadh, tadhail air an t-seòladh a leanas:Airson lèirmheas aiseag, briog air "Aisig an lèirmheas seo".Gus am facal-faire agad a shuidheachadh, tadhail air an t-seòladh a leanas:Suas gun bharrGus dealbh cùlaibh a chleachdadh, luchdaich suas e no tagh tagh dealbh a chaidh a luchdadh suas mu thràth. 'S urrainn dhut a shealltainn aon turas no mar sglèatan, a-rithist 's a-rithist, gus an lìon e an sgrìn. 'S urrainn dhut a shocrachadh 'na àite gun gluais susbaint na làraich thairis air no gun sgrolaich e leis an t-susbaint.Gus cunntasan-bheachd a chumail air WordPress.com, feumaidh tu cunntas Polldaddy.com, bathar a tha co-cheangailte rinn.Feumaidh tu cunntas Google mus urrainn dhut a chleachdadh agus bloga ùraichte (a bha 'na Beta roimhe) a tha air blogspot.com no àrainn ghnàthaichte (chan ann air FTP).Ri dhèanamhAn-diughChan eil an-diugh (%s) sa chuibheas a bharrachd a chionn 's nach eil e seachad fhathast.Toglaich comhair an teacsa san deasaichearToglaich “Cuir roinn-seòrsa ris”Toglaich am modh làn-sgrìnToglaich a’ phanail: %sTogoTokelauTōkyōA-màireachTomskTongaTongatapuTha tuilleadh 's còir ath-threòrachadh ann.Bàr-innealToglachadh a' bhàir-innealInnealanGràinnean-mullaichMullach clìNa puist as fhearrGràinnean-mullaich nam post ┐ duilleaganSàr-phuist ┐ duilleaganTha gràinnean-mullaich nam post ┐ nan duilleagan stèidhichte air na stats thairis air 24-48 uair a thìde. Bidh e greis mu atharraich iad.Sàr-phuist (%s)Sàr-phuist fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$sPuist as fhearr fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$s (gearr-chunntas)Ceistean mòra - Freagairtean sa bhadÀrd-rangMullach deasLorgan as cumantaGràinnean-mullaich nan seirbheis co-roinnidhGràinnean-mullaich nan tagaicheanMullach clìMullach deasCuspairStaid a' chuspairCuspaireanCuspairean a chaidh an tòiseachadhToronto/TkarontoTortolaIomlanAn t-iomlan a chaidh ath-dhìoladhAir a cho-roinneadh : %sBhòtaichean gu h-iomlanIomlainIomlainTraca %1$s à %2$s.TrackbackÀs-earrann TrackBack: Tha trackbacks ’nan gleus gus fios a chumail ri siostaman bloga dìleabach gun do rinn thu ceangal riutha. Ma nì thu ceangal ri làraichean WordPress eile, gheibh iad fios gu fèin-obrachail slighe nam pingbacks ’s cha leig thu leas dad eile a dhèanamh.Tracaichean (fo-thiotalan, caipseanan, tuairisgeulan, caibidealan no metadata)Tar-chuirTar-aisig %s gu cleachdaiche eileTar-aisig am blogaImrich an àrainnTar-aisig am blogaChan urrainn dhut tar-aiseag de bhloga a thilleadh. Leugh na thachras ma thar-aisigeas tu am bloga.Eadar-theangaichEadar-theangadaireanSo-eadar-theangaichteÙrachaidhean eadar-theangachaidhCùlaibh trìd-shoilleirAn sgudalSgudal (%s)Sgudal (%s)Sgudal (%s)Sgudal (%s)Cuir san sgudal e: %sCha b' urrainn dhuinn am beachd sin a chur dhan sgudal.SiubhalBuidheann-siubhailA' treandadhTrianaid agus TobagoTripoli/ṬarābulusTrollPreas nan duaiseanCriathraich a-rèir blogaCriathraich a-rèir seòrsaDuilgheadas agad a' briogadh air?A bheil duilgheadas air choireigin leis a' bhriogadh? Dèan lethbhreac dhen URL seo 's cuir 'nad bhrabhsair e:Tha duilgheadas ann leis a' chlàradh a-steachA' fuasgladh mhearachdanTrukTha earbsa aig cuid dhe na companaidhean as motha san t-saoghal annFeuch ris a-rithistFeuch ris a-rithistFeuch faclan eile.Feuch na tasg-lannan mìosail. %1$sFeuch faclan luirg nas cumanta.Feuch is cuir seòladh puist-d eile (a tha cothrom agad air) dhan fhoirm airson am facal-faire ath-shuidheachadh.TucumánDiMDiMàirtDiMTumblrBloga TumblrTūnisTuiniseaAn TuircTurcmanastànNa h-Eileanan Turcach is CaiceoCuir na beachdan air no dhethCuir air tagadh ionadanTubhaluTha Twenty Sixteeen ’na ùrachadh air co-dhealbhachd thradaiseanta WordPress — crann còmhnard le bàr-taoibh roghainneil a tha air leth do bhlogaichean is làraichean-lìn. Tha roghainnean aige airson dathan gnàthaichte le sgeamannan dhathan àlainn ’na bhroinn o thùs, griod sùbailte sèimh a tha a’ cur prìomhachas air uidheaman mobile, lìomhta eireachdail anns gach dòigh. Le Twenty Sixteen, bidh am WordPress agad bòidheach air sgrìn sam bith.Dà thuras gach lathaLoidhne-ama TwitterNaidheachdan TwitterAn t-ainm-cleachdaiche Twitter a thèid a ghabhail a-staigh sna tweets nuair a chleachdas daoine am putan airson rud a cho-roinneadh air Twitter.Ainm Twitter:Dà cholbhTha an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach à comasTha an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach an comasChaidh an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach a chur à comas airson "%s".Chaidh an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach a chur à comas airson %s.Chaidh an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach a chur an comas airson "%s".Chaidh an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach a chur an comas airson %s.Dà cholbhCha deach dearbhadh dà-fhactarach a chur an comas dhan chleachdaiche làithreach.Dearbhadh dà-cheumnachDhà.SeòrsaCuir a-steach am facal-faire ùr a-rithist.Cuir a-steach am facal-faire ùr agad a-rithist.Seòrsa:SeòrsaicheanSeòrsaicheanUCTURLChaidh an URL a thoirt air falbhURL:URL: %sURLaichean a sheallar:UTCTha UTC a' ciallachadh Coordinated Universal Time.UTC %sUgandaÌoc, bhris LiveJournal an ceangal againn a chionn 's gun do chuir sinn cus iarrtasan dha na frithealaichean aca ro luath.Mo chreach. Chaidh rudeigin cearr. Nach fheuch thu rist a-rithist?Ujung PandangAn UcràinUlaanbaatarUlaanbaatarUlyanovskAir a dhì-spamadh le %sCha ghabh an t-inbhir a chur risChan urrainn dhuinn seo a dhèanamhChan urrainn dhuinn ceangal ri siostam nam faidhlichean. Dearbh an t-ainm is facal-faire agad.Cha ghabh liosta ùr a chruthachadh.Cha ghabh an t-eòlaire %s a chruthachadh. A bheil cead aig an fhrithealaiche sgrìobhadh san eòlaire phàraint?Cha ghabh dealbh ùr a chruthachadh.Chan urrainn dhuinn an liosta a sguabadh às.Chan urrainn dhuinn ball na liosta a sguabadh às%s: Teachdaireachd mearachd.Cha ghabh an t-eòlaire WordPress Content a lorg (wp-content).Cha ghabh an t-eòlaire WordPress Plugin a lorg.Cha ghabh an t-eòlaire WordPress Root a lorg.Cha ghabh eòlaire nan ùrlaran WordPress a lorg.Cha ghabh còd a dhearbhadh slighe SMS an-dràsta fhèin. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann mionaid.Chan urrainn dhuinn teachdaireachd na mearachd fhaighinn o MySQLCha ghabh dealbh a shàbhaladh.Chan urrainn dhuinn am foirm seo a chur, ath-nuadhaich e 's feuch ris a-rithist.Chan urrainn dhuinn an liosta ùrachadhThoir air falbh an t-aontaThoir an t-aonta far a' bheachd seoThoir an t-aonta far a' bheachd seo.Gun aontachadhThoir às an tasg-lannÙghdarraichteGun roinn-seòrsaThoir air falbh a' chromag on a h-uileThoir air falbh a' chromag às a' bhogsa seo gus priob-uinneag nan toraidhean a chur à comasFo %sLoidhne fodhaDath foidheNeo-dhèanNeo-dhèan na h-atharraicheanGun chriathradhNeo-leanNa lean beachdan tuilleadhNa h-Iomaratan Arabach AonaichteAn Rìoghachd AonaichteNa Stàitean AonaichteMeanbh-Eileanan Iomallach nan Stàitean AonaichteUile-choitcheannOilthighNeo-aithnichteInbhir neo-aithnichteGnìomh neo-aithnichte.Mearachd neo-aithnichteMearachd neo-aithnichte.Chaidh teachdaireachd de sheòrsa a thoirt seachad nach aithne dhuinnChaidh post nach aithne dhuinn iarraidhChaidh dòigh a sholar nach aithne dhuinn no ris nach eil taicStòras gun chrìochDì-cheangailTill an fhuaimA' neo-phacadh na pacaide…Gun fhoillseachadhGun leughadhGun leughadhChan eil e ceadaichte seòrsa puist inntearnail a dhì-chlàradhChan eil e ceadaichte tacsonamaidh inntearnail a dhì-chlàradhDì-stic am post on dachaighDì-stic am post on dachaighSguir dhen fho-sgrìobhadhBrabhsair ris nach eil taicCha deach a chur fo dheuchainn san tionndadh agad-sa de WordPressGun tiotalPost gun tiotalThoir às an sgudalCha b' urrainn dhuinn am beachd sin a thoirt às an sgudal.Gun chleachdadhSuasSuas aonanTha cead-inntrigidh aig suas ri %d cleachdaichean dhan làrach. Ag iarraidh barrachd?Tachartasan ri thighinnTàillean a tha gu bhith annÙrachadhÙraich %s an-dràstaTha ùrachadh ri fhaighinnÙraich an roinn-seòrsaÙraich am beachdChaidh an t-ùrachadh a choileanadhÙraich Jetpack an-dràsta...Ùraich an ceangalÙraich roinn-seòrsa a' cheangailÙraich earrann a' chlàir-thaiceÙraich an-dràstaÙraich na plugainÙraich a' phròifilÙraich taga a' phròiseictÙraich seòrsa a' phròiseictÙraich ionad an ath-threòrachaidhSeirbheisean ùrachaidhÙraich an tagaÙraich an cleachdaicheÙraich WordPressA bheil thu airson ùrachadh co-dhiù, fiù ma bhriseas e an làrach agad ma dh’fhaoidte?Ùraich an liosta-chluich fuaimeÙrachadh ri fhaighinnÙraich an gailearaidhÙraich roghainnean a' ghailearaidhÙraich an-dràstaAdhartas an ùrachaidhÙraich na duilleagan bunaiteachÙraich teacsa an nì gu h-ìosalÙraich an teacsa air an duilleag-dhachaidh agadÙraich gu %sÀrdaich gu tionndadh %(version)sÙraich an liosta-chluich videoÙraich a' phròifil, na roghainnean pearsanta 's mòran a bharrachdAir ùrachadh:ÙrachaidheanÙrachaidhean %sGa ùrachadhAg ùrachadh a' phlugain %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)Ag ùrachadh an ùrlair %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)Ag ùrachadh a' phlugain…ÀrdaichFòcas an ùrachaidh: VideoPress do bhainnseanÀrdaich an-dràstaSguireadh dhen àrdachadh 's chaidh an t-airgead a dhìoladhÀrdaich gu %sÀrdaich gun tionndadh ghnìomhachaisÀrdaich dhan tionndadh PremiumÀrdaich an làrach agadÀrdachaidheanMapaich an àrainn seo gus a chleachdadh mar sheòladh na làraich agad.A bheil àrainn agad mu thràth?Luchdaich suasLuchdaich suas an dealbhLuchdaich thu suas barrachd na tha ceadaichteLuchdaich suas meadhan ùrAir a luchdadh suas:Dh'fhàillig a luchdadh suas.Luchdaich suas faidhle is ion-phortaichLuchdaich suas na faidhlicheanLuchdaich suas na dealbhanStad an luchdadh suas.Luchdaich suas ùrlarLuchdaich suas an suaicheantas agadDealbhan a chaidh a luchdadh suasAir a luchdadh suas le:Air a luchdadh suas:Air a luchdadh suas dhan duilleag seoAir a luchdadh suas dhan phost seoAir a luchdadh suas gu:no'Ga luchdadh suasA' luchdadh suas faidhlicheanLe "Luchdaich suas faidhlichean", 's urrainn dhut am pasgan is an t-slighe a thaghadh airson stòradh is luchdadh suas nam faidhlichean agad.'Ga luchdadh suas…Na chaidh a luchdadh suasUruguaidhÜrümqiCleachdCleachd %s ’na àite mur eil thu ag iarraidh mac-talla an luach.Cleachd %s ’na àite.Cleachd na saighdean clì/deas a dhol air adhart diog is na saighdean suas/sìos a dhol air adhart deich diogan.Cleachd Markdown airson beachdan.Cleachd Markdown airson puist is duilleagan.Cleachd na saighdean suas/sìos airson àirde na fuaime a chur an àirde no ìsle.Cleachd frithealaichean ainmean WordPress.comCleachd cairt-chreidis ùrCleachd post a tha agad mu thràth mar theamplaid.Cleachd %s a tha agad mu thràth mar theamplaid.Cleachd mar dhealbh brosnaichteCleachd cromagan an àite %s gus briathran a tha air an dùnadh a-mach a sgaradh o chèile.Cleachd httpsCleachd na h-aplacaidean WordPress mobile an-asgaidh againn a choimhead air na stats as ùire agad, susbaint ùr a chruthachadh is fhoillseachadh, eadar-ghabhail a dhèanamh le aoighean no a luchdadh suas dealbhan calg-dhìreach o chamara an uidheim agad. Cleachd na h-innealan co-roinnidh gus am facal a sgaoileadh mu d' obair.Cleachd a’ chriathrag %s ’na àite.Cleachd na saighdean aig barr a' chòmhraidh no na saighdean air a' mheur-chlàr agad airson a dhol o àite gu àite.Cleachd na frithealaichean ainmean gnàthaichte gu h-ìosal-- Tagh --Air a chleachdadh mar:, Tùs:FalaichSeallAir a chleachdadh: %1$s%% à %2$schleachdaicheChaidh an cleachdaiche %s a chur risDeas-bhòrd a’ chleachdaiche: %sTuairisgeulAinm-taisbeanaidhPost-dAinmSloinneadhAinm-cleachdaicheURLID a' chleachdaicheAinm-cleachdaicheDreuchdan chleachdaicheanChaidh an cleachdaiche a chur ris an làrach phrìobhaideach agadChaidh an cleachdaiche a chur ris.Tha an cleachdaiche seo ann mu thràth. Facal-faire dìleabach.Bhriog an cleachdaiche air a' phutan "Chan eil, mòran taing".Chaidh an cleachdaichean a sguabadh àsCleachdaiche air a sguabadh às.Chan urrainn dhut cleachdaichean a thoirt air falbh air an sgrìn seo.Chaidh an cleachdaiche a chur ris an làrach agad.Chuir an cleachdaiche bacadh air iarrtasan tro HTTP.Chan eil làrach no susbaint aig a’ chleachdaiche ’s thèid a sguabadh às.Tha an cleachdaiche seo 'na bhall air an làrach phrìobhaideach agad mu thràthCha deach an cleachdaiche a lorgCha deach an cleachdaiche a lorg.Chaidh an cleachdaiche a thoirt air falbh on làrach seo.Chaidh an cleachdaiche a thoirt air falbh on làrach agadRianaireÙghdarCom-pàirticheDeasaicheFo-sgrìobhadairChaidh an cleachdaiche ùrachadh.Ainm-cleachdaicheFeumaidh ainm-cleachdaiche a bhith nas giorra na 60 caractar.Feumaidh ainm cleachdaiche a bhith 4 caractaran a dh'fhaid air a' char as lugha.Ainm-cleachdaiche no post-dAinm-cleachdaiche no post-d a' chleachdaiche a gheibh am blogaAinm-cleachdaicheTha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche/facal-faire airson %s cearrAinm-cleachdaiche:Ainm-cleachdaiche: %sTha sinn duilich ach chan fhaod ach litrichean beaga (a-z) agus àireamhan a bhith ann an ainmean-cleachdaiche.Cha ghabh ainmean chleachdaichean atharrachadh.Feumaidh ainm cleachdaiche a bhith 4 caractaran a dh’fhaid air a’ char as lugha.Ainmean no seòlaidhean puist-dBuillLiosta nan cleachdaicheanSeòladaireachd liosta nan cleachdaicheanFeumaidh cleachdaichean logadh a-steach mus urrainn dhaibh beachd a thoirtNa cleachdaichean a gheibh post-dUshuaiaUst-NeraUtahUsbagastànUzhgorodVaduzDligheachLuachVancouverVanuatuAir a phostadh %s:Cathair na BhatacainCathair na BhatacainVaultPressA' BheinisealaIonad:PostaichSeirbheisean dearbhteDearbh an còdDearbh am facal-faire ùrDearbh an seòladh puist-d a thèid am post a shìneadh air adhart dhaVermontTionndadhTionndadh %sTionndadh:Tionndadh %s'S e Vertical a' chiad ùrlar WordPress so-fhreagrach air nòd iris ùr-nòsach. Seo an t-ùrlar as fhearr airson puist bloga, dealbhan, videothan, às-earrannan is susbaint eile a cho-roinneadh.Àite inghearachGu h-inghearachVevayVictoriaVideoCha deach am video %s a lorgVideo (%s)Videothan (%s)Videothan (%s)Videothan (%s)Mion-fhiosrachadh mun videoLeabachadh videoAinm videoCluicheadair videoVideo air a chluichPost videoMion-fhiosrachadh mun bhidioVideo air %sVideo air a chluich fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$sVideo air a chluich fad %1$s là(ithean), a' crìochnachadh %2$s (gearr-chunntas)Video air a chluich:Post video le %s.Post video.Chuir foillsichear nam video an leabachadh à comas.Tiotal a' videoVideoPressVideothanVienna/WienVientiane/Wiang-junBhiet-NamBhiet-NamSeallSeall %(title)sSeall mion-fhiosrachadh %1$s, tionndadh %2$sSeall %sSeall “%s”Seall tasg-lann “%s”Seall a h-uileSeall an tasglannSeall duilleag a' cheanglachainSeall an roinn-seòrsaSeall am beachdSeall an làn phròifil →Seall an làrach shlànSeall earrann a' chlàir-thaiceSeall air WordPressSeall an duilleagSeall planaicheanSeall am postSeall a' phròifilSeall taga a' phròiseictSeall seòrsa a' phròiseictSeall am fàirdealSeall na toraidheanSeall air an làrachSeall an tagaSeall an teamplaidSeall an teisteanasSeall an sgudalSeall a h-uileSeall a h-uile dreachdSeall an luchd-leantainn air fadSeall a h-uile planaSeall a h-uile post le %sSeall a h-uile post ann an %sSeall duilleag a' cheanglachainSeall eachdraidh nam beachdanSeall a' phròifil shlànSeall am mion-fhiosrachadhAm modh seallaidhSeall barrachd bheachdanSeall an duilleagSeall am postSeall am fàirdealSeall an làrach san leughadairSeall am beachd seoSeall air a' videoFaic na duaisean WordPress.com an-seo.
Cruthaich làrach is tòisich air gill-dhùbhlain a chosnadh.Faic na duaisean WordPress.com an-seo.
Sgrìobh post gus a' chiad gheall-dùbhlain a chosnadh.Coimhead air do bheachd.Seall air an làrach agadSeall: %sSeallaidheanSealladh gach aoighSeallaidhean a-rèir dùthchaCò sheall air a' chuspairSeallaidhean gach postSeallaidhean/PostVilniusVincennesVirginEileanan na MaighdinnEileanan Breatannach na MaighdinnEileanan na Maighdinn aig na Stàitean AonaichteVirginiaFaicsinneachdFaicsinneachd:Ri fhaicinnTadhail airTadhail air %sTadhail air an làrach-lìn aig %sTadhail air wordpress.com/post air an fhòn no tablaid agad.Tadhail air an deas-bhòrdTadhail air a' cheangalTadhail air an làrachTadhail air làrach an ùrlairTadhail air WordPress.com an-dràsta!Seall an làrach agadTadhail air duilleag-dhachaigh nam pluganTadhail air an làrachTadhail air an leughadair is leugh na tha ùr sna h-inbhirean a leanas: %sTadhail air a' phost airson barrachd.Tadhal air làrach-lìn an ùrlair "%s"Tadhail air deas-bhòrd nam fo-sgrìobhaidhean agad agus sguir dheth an-sinAoighAoighAoigheanAoighChan eil cead aig a' chleachdaiche coimhead air video.AoigheanAn deasaiche lèirsinneachTaic lèirsinneachBheir am modh lèirsinneach deasaiche dhut a tha coltach ri giullaichear-teacsa. Briog air putan toglachadh a’ bhàr-inneal is gheibh thu sreath a bharrachd de dh’uidheaman-smachd.VladivostokVolgogradSleamhnachan àirde na fuaimeVostokBhòtPutan bhòtaidhBhòtaicheanRianachd WPCeanglaichean goirid WP.meA' feitheamhWakeUallasUallas agus FutunaA bheil thu ag iarraidh nas lugha de phost-d?A bheil ùrlar nas leòmaiche a dhìth ort? Ceannaich ùrlar Premium →Rabhadh! Cha ghabh an cleachdaiche %s a sguabadh às.Rabhadh! Cha ghabh an cleachdaiche seo a sguabadh às. Tha an cleachdaiche %s 'na rianaire lìonraidh.Rabhadh:Rabhadh: chaidh an ceangal a chuir a-steach ach dh’fhaoidte gu bheil mearachdan ann. Cuir fo dheuchainn e.Warsaw/WarszawaWashingtonWavatar (air a ghintinn)Tha sinn ag ath-thogail snàithleadh nam beachdan agad (faodaidh gum feum seo greis ma tha mòran bheachdan agad)...Chan eil dad a dh'ùidh agad san fhiosrachadh phrìobhaideach agadTha sinn duilich ach thachair mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn ag ion-phortadh a’ bhloga agad gu %s. Tha sinn duilich ach thachair mearachd rè ion-phortadh a' bhloga agad gu %s Ma sguab thu am faidhle ion-phortaidh à leabhar-lann nam meadhanan, dh'fhaoidte gur e sin a tha coireach às. Mas e sin a thachair, feuch ris a-rithist ach na sguab às am faidhle. Na gabh dragh, sguabaidh sinne am faidhle ion-phortaidh às dhut turas a chaidh a choileanadh. Ma mhaireas an duilgheadas, cuir fios gu sgioba na taice is cuiridh sinne ceart dhut e. Tha sinn duilich ach thachair mearachd rè ion-phortadh a' bhloga agad gu %s Ma mhaireas an duilgheadas, cuir fios gu sgioba na taice is cuiridh sinne ceart dhut e. Tha sinn duilich ach thachair mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn ag ion-phortadh a’ bhloga agad gu %s. Tha sinn duilich ach thachair mearachd rè ion-phortadh a' bhloga agad gu %s
Ma mhaireas an duilgheadas, cuir fios gu sgioba na taice is cuiridh sinne ceart dhut e.Mholamaid dhut an liosta seo leis na deich còdan-glèidhidh aon-chleachdaidh a chlò-bhualadh is an liosta a chumail sàbhailte.Dh'fheuch sinn am fo-sgrìobhadh %s agad ùrachadh ach bha duilgheadas ann leis a' phàigheadh. Ma tha thu airson cumail a' dol leis an fho-sgrìobhadh, clàraich a-steach dhan chunntas agad is ùraich fiosrachadh na cairte agad. Thèid crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad mur urrainn dhuinn am pàigheadh a choileanadh.Dh'fheuch sinn am fo-sgrìobhadh agad ùrachadh ach bha duilgheadas ann leis a' phàigheadh. Ma tha thu airson cumail a' dol leis an fho-sgrìobhadh, clàraich a-steach dhan chunntas agad is ùraich fiosrachadh na cairte agad. Thèid crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad mur urrainn dhuinn am pàigheadh a choileanadh.Sganaidh sinn an làrach air fad agad gach latha ach a bheil cunnartan no beàrnan tèarainteachd ann. Bheir sinn sùil gheur air gnìomhachd no còd amharasach sam bith, innsidh sinn dhut sa bhad ma lorgas sinn dad, bheir sinn mion-fhiosrachadh dhut mu dhèidhinn agus cuidichidh sinn thu a thoirt air falbh cunnart sam bith. Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-ainm is facal-faire SSH agad a sguabadh às. Feuch ris a-rithist.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-ainm is facal-faire SSH agad fhaighinn. Feuch ris a-rithist.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn seòladh na làraich agad a dhearbhadh. Cuir a-steach e a-rithist no lean ris an stiùireadh a thaobh stàlaidh de làimh gu h-ìosal.Chan eil sinn a' tairgsinn aig an àm seo ach clàradh ainmean àrainnean %l.Mhothaich sinn gun robh an làrach agad, %s, falaichte o einnseanan-luirg a ghnàth.Chan eil reacord dhen phost sin againn fhathast. (post_id %d)Fàgaidh sinn a-muigh na làithean ron chiad choimhead agus làithean sam àm ri teachd.Tha aplacaidean againn airson iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) agus Android.Chuir sinn crìoch air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad.Cha robh duine sam bith a' coimhead air an nì seo fhathast.Dhèilig sinn ris an ath-dhìoladh agad.Shàbhail sinn dàta mun chunntas Blogger agad san stòr-dàta WordPress agad. Ma dh'fhalamhaicheas tu an dàta seo, 's urrainn dhut tòiseachadh as ùr. Ma thòisicheas tu as ùr, cha bhi buaidh air puist sam bith a dh'ion-phortaich thu mu thràth. Ma dh'ion-phortaicheas tu bloga a-rithist, gearrar leum thairis air puist is beachdan dùblaichte.Na bi fada gun tilleadh gu %d! Bliadhna mhath ùr dhut!Chuir sinn am post-d dearbhadh ICANN gun t-seòladh phuist-d a-rithist a chlàraich thu leinn.Dèiligidh sinne ris na rudan beaga, a' cur post-d dha na fo-sgrìobhaichean agad, airson 's gun urrainn dhut-sa cudrom a chur air an t-susbaint.Tha tèarainteachd glè chudromach dhuinn aig Automattic agus bhitheamaid fada an comain luchd-rannsachaidh tèarainteachd mus can iad dad dhan phoball. Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gun do lorg thu beàrn tèarainteachd, innis dhuinn mu na lorg thu.Tha sinn dhen bheachd gu bheil WordPress.com glè mhath carson nach dearbh thu fhèin sin. Tha sàr-acainnean againn a theagaisgeas dhut mar a chruthaicheas tu gràinne-mhullaich de làrach.Bu chaomh leinn do chuideachadh a dhèanamh %d fiù nas fhearr air WordPress.com.Bu chaomh leinn do chuideachadh a dhèanamh %d fiù nas fhearr le Jetpack.Chaidh againn air logadh a-steach ach cha robh bloga sam bith ann. Feuch cunntas eile an ath-thuras.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan chunntas agad. Feuch is tòisich air a-rithist.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn post-d dearbhadh ICANN a chur às ùr. Cuir fios gun sgioba taice is thoir dhaibh an teachdaireachd mearachd a leanas:Tha sinn deiseil an-seo ach 's urrainn dhut barrachd iompachadh, ma thogras tu.Tha sinn a' luchdadh a-nuas is ag ion-phortadh nam post LiveJournal agad...Shàbhail sinn an t-àite a ruig thu agus ma thilleas tu gun ion-phortaiche seo ann an leth-uair a thìde, bu chòir gun urrainn dhut leantainn air adhart far an robh thu.Rinn sinn "briog airson sgroladh" dhen roghainn seo a chionn 's gu bheil widgets banna-choise agad ann an "Coltas → Widgets" no a chionn 's gu bheil an t-ùrlar agad a' cleachdadh "briog airson sgroladh" a ghnàth.Nì sinne gràinne-mhullaich de dh'iris dhut stèidhichte air gach bloga WordPress.com a leanas tu ris. Dòigh air leth airson foir-shealladh fhaighinn air coimhearsnachd.Tha sinn 'gan ion-phortadh an-dràsta agus cuiridh sinn post-d thugad nuair a bhios sinn deiseil. Mura cluinn thu uainn am broinn 24 uairean a thìde, cuir fios gun sgioba taice agus cuiridh sinn ceart e.Rinn sinn an làrach agad poblachSeòladh-lìnLàrach-lìnDealbhaiche làraichean-lìnLàraichean-lìnDiCDiCiadainDiCSeachdainSeachdain %dSeachdain %d à %dTòisichidh an t-seachdainSeachdain %sSeachdaineanFàilte ortAn teachdaireachd fàilteFàilteFàilte gu %s! Tha cothrom sònraichte agad a-nis air pailteas de ghleusan ùra agus àrainn ùr.Fàilte gu %s. Seo a’ chiad phost agad. Deasaich e no sguab às e agus tòisich air a’ sgrìobhadh an uairsin!Fàilte gu CSS gnàthaichte! Gheibh thu fiosrachadh air an làrach a leanas a dh'innseas mar a dh'obraicheas seo http://wp.me/PEmnE-BtFàilte gu WordPress!Fàilte gu WordPress. Seo a’ chiad phost agad. Deasaich e no sguab às e agus tòisich air a’ bhlogadh an uairsin!Fàilte gu WordPress.comFàilte gu WordPress.com!Fàilte gu WordPress.com. Briog air a’ phutan gu h-ìosal a dhearbhadh an t-seòlaidh phuist-d agad is cuir an cunntas agad an gnìomh.Fàilte gu coimhearsnachd WordPress.com.Fàilte dhan deas-bhòrd agad!Fàilte dhan deas-bhòrd WordPress agad!An e an iuchair API 's na roghainnean pearsanta eile a bha thu a' lorg?IarWest VirginiaSathara an IarCumaidh sinn sùil air an làrach agad is innsidh sinn dhut nuair a bhios e air ais. Dh’atharraich sinn rud airson ’s gum bi an làrach agad follaiseach ach is urrainn dhut an fhollaiseachd aige a chur air gleus sna roghainnean.Dè tha 'ga ghabhail a-staigh ann an ainm na h-àrainne?Dè tha 'ga ghabhail a-staigh ann an "Am mapadh agam"Ciamar a chuidicheas sinn thu an-diugh?Dè nì mi nis?Dè an t-ainm a bu mhath leat airson àrainn a' bhloga agad?Dè an URL aig a' bhloga mun a bheil thu a' sgrìobhadh thugainn?Dè nithear le susbaint aig %s?Dè nithear le susbaint aig na cleachdaichean seo?Dè nithear le susbaint aig a' chleachdaiche seo?Dè chuireas mi ann an loidhne a' chuspair?Na tha ùrDè tha air d' inntinn?Dè an diofar ma-thà eadar roinnean-seòrsa is tagaichean? Chan eil sna tagaichean mar is trice ach faclan-luirg a chruthaicheas tu làrach nam bonn gus comharran a chur ri fiosrachadh cudromach sna puist agad (can ainmean, cuspairean is rudan mar sin) agus ged as urrainn dhut an cleachdadh a-rithist 's a-rithist, cha leig thu leas an ath chleachdadh. Tha roinnean-seòrsa nan earrannan ro-shocraichte. Can gur e leabhar a tha 'nad làrach, bhiodh na roinnean-seòrsa car coltach ris a' chlàr-innse agus bhiodh na tagaichean 'nam faclan-luirg air a' chlàr-innse ann.Na tha tethDè tha ann an Gravatar?Dè tha seo?Ma bhios gin dhe na faclan a leanas ann an susbaint, ainm, URL, post-d no IP a' bheachd, thèid a chumail {{link}}sa chiutha mhodarataireachd{{/link}}. Na cuir ach aon fhacal no IP anns gach loidhne. Mothaichidh e do dh'fhaclan am broinn fhaclan, mar eisimpleir ma chuireas tu ann "press" mothaichidh seo do "WordPress".Nuair a chuireas tu roinn-seòra ùr ris air an sgrìn seo, lìonaidh tu na raointean a leanas:Nuair a chuireas tu taga ùr ris air an sgrìn seo, lìonaidh tu na raointean a leanas:Nuair a dh'atharraicheas tu an t-ùrlar, bidh diofar ann gu tric a thaobh àireamh is suidheachadh raointean nam widgets is nam bàraichean-taoibh agus nì seo an imrich car garbh uaireannan. Ma dh'atharraich thu ùrlar agus ma tha coltas gu bheil widget a dhìth, sgrolaich sìos air an sgrìn seo gu raoin nam widgets 'na thàmh far am faigh thu a h-uile widget is an cuid roghainnean agad.Ma thagh thu libhrigeadh puist-d làitheil no seachdaineil, dè an t-àm dhen latha a b’ fhearr leat?Nuair a bhios tu ann am modh atharrachadh an òrduigh, bidh barrachd uidheaman-smachd ri do làimh san liosta gu h-àrd airson òrdugh buill a’ chlàir-thaice atharrachadh.Nuair a bhios tu ann am modh atharrachadh an òrduigh, bidh barrachd uidheaman-smachd ri do làimh ann an liosta nan widgets gu h-àrd airson òrdugh nan widgets atharrachadh.Ma choimheadas tu air ro-shealladh air sgrìn a tha car beag, cleachd an ìomhaigheag "Co-theannaich" aig bonn an leòsain air an làimh chlì. Cuiridh seo am falach an leòsan agus chì thu barrachd dhen làrach is an t-ùrlar ùr an sàs ann. Gus an leòsan a thilleadh ann, dèan briogadh air an ìomhaigheag "Co-theannaich" a-rithist.Nuair a thòisicheas tu air paragraf ùr le aon dhe na h-ath-ghoiridean fòrmataidh seo agus àite bàn ’na dhèidh, thèid am fòrmatadh a chur an sàs gu fèin-obrachail. Brùth Backspace no Escape gus a neo-dhèanamh.Nuair a bhriogas tu am putan gu h-ìosal, cruthaichidh WordPress faidhle XML as urrainn dhut sàbhaladh air a' choimpiutair agad.Nuair a chruthaicheas tu puist no beachdan air WordPress.com, chì thu iad ann an liosta a-rèir cuin a chaidh an cruthachadh. Deiseil is deònach? Thoir sùil air cuid dhe na ceanglaichean air an taobh deas is fàg beachd aig gin a tha inntinneach dhut.Nuair a nì thu ath-ùrachadh, bidh am bloga agad ri làimh aig "%1$s" a-rithist:Cò às a thàinig iad?Dè caidreachas dìon an lìn a bu toigh leat pàirt a ghabhail ann?Dè an cànan a bhios tu a' blogadh ann?Nuair a ro-sheallas tu ùrlar ùr, is urrainn dhut rudan mar widgets is clàran-taice a chur air gleus fhathast agus na roghainnean sònraichte aig an ùrlar a rùrachadh.GealWhitehorseNise, nise, air ur socair leis na puist-d!Carson a mhapainn ainm àrainne?Carson a chlàraichinn ainm àrainne?LeathannWidgets %sTiotal a' widgeta tha 'naWidget airson prìomh-dhuilleag na taic aig JetpackChaidh a' widget a ghluasad sìosChaidh a' widget a ghluasad suasTiotal a' widget airson luchd-leantainn:Tiotal a' widget airson daoine nach eil 'ga leantainn:Tiotal a' widget:WidgetsTha widgets 'nan earrannan a tha neo-eisimeileach o shusbaint agus is urrainn dhut an cur ann an raon sam bith dhen ùrlar agad a ghabhas ru widgets (canar bàraichean-taoibh riuta mar is trice). Gus na bàraichean-taoibh/raointean nam widgets agad a lìonadh le widgets, slaod bàraichean nan tiotalan is leig às iad far a bheil thu 'gan iarraidh. A ghnàth, cha bhi ach a' chiad raon name widgets leudaichte. Gus widgets a chur ris na raointean eile, leudaich iad an toiseach 's tu a' briogadh air na bàraichean-tiotail aca.Tha widgets 'nan earrannan neo-eisimeileach de shusbaint as urrainn dhut a chur ann an raointean a ghabhas ri widgets san ùrlar agad (mar is trice, canar bàraichean-taoibh riutha).'S urrainn dhut widget a chleachdadh iomadh turas. 'S urrainn dhut ainm a thoirt do gach aon dhiubh agus an sealltainn air an taobh ach cha leig thu leas sin a dhèanamh.Feumaidh tu na widgets a chlàradh le %s mus gabh an taisbeanadh.LeudLeud 150px, tha a' mheanbh-stoidhle feumail nuair a bhios an t-àite gann.Leud 150px, tha an stoidhle chumhang math airson bàraichean-taoibh 's rudan mar sin.Leud: 300px, tha an stoidhle mheadhanach math airson cleachdadh àbhaisteach.Leud: 630px, tha an stoidhle leathann math airson puist bloga.WinamacWindhoek/ǀAiǁGamsWinnipeg/WinipekWisconsinLe %s, 's urrainn dhut cruthan-clò, datha is CSS atharrachadh san ùrlar agad agus na h-atharraichean agad ro-shealladh ann am fìor‑àm.Le %s bheachdLe %s bheachdLe %s beachdanLe %s beachdMa cheanglas tu Jetpack ris, bidh UI postaidh agad a tha gu tur so-fhreagrach agus a dh'obraicheas air uidheam sam bith.'S urrainn dhut gràinne-mhullaich de làrach fhoillseachadh slighe na seirbheise Automattic aig WordPress.com. Ma nì thu sin, bidh thu ag aontachadh ri teirmichean annasach na seirbheise seo.Am broinn %skmChan fhaigh thu cothrom air a' chunntas agad tuilleadh as aonais na h-aplacaid, an fhòn agad no còd-glèidhidh.wordsÀireamh de dh’fhaclan: %sWordPressWordPress %1$s leis an ùrlar %2$s.WordPress › MearachdWordPress › SoirbheasSeòladh WordPress (URL)Bloga WordPressDeas-bhòrd WordPressLeabachadh WordPressNaidheachdan WordPressPost WordPress air a' phost-dCòd goirid WordPress:Ùrlaran WordPress %sÙrlaran WordPress %s — Ùrlaran airson blogaichean aig WordPress.comMearachd ann an stòr-dàta WordPress:Logadh a-steach WordPressTha %s%% dhen eadar-lìon air WordPressBu chòir do WordPress XHTML a chaidh a dhroch-neadachadh a chàradh gu fèin-obrachailLàrach WordPress: %sWordPress.co » 'Gad ath-threòrachadh gu bloga ùr!Caismeachd WordPress.comCreideasan WordPress.comLuchd-leantainn WordPress.comFòraman WordPress.comMeadhanan %s WordPress.comNaidheachdan WordPress.comFacal-faire WordPress.comWordPress.com PremiumPutan ath-bhlogadh WordPress.comLorg WordPress.comTaic WordPress.comAinm-cleachdaiche WordPress.comFòraman WordPress.comWordPress.com leis an ùrlar %2$s.Còd dearbhadh WordPress.com: %sWordPress.com
airson gnìomhachasTha %1$s ri fhaighinn sa chànan seo cuideachd: %2$s FaclanFaclan:Faclan: %sBoireannach ag obairBoireannach ag obair (meadhanach)Boireannach ag obair (tana)Boireannach ag obair (leathann)Fireannach ag obairFireannach ag obair (meadhanach)Fireannach ag obair (tana)Fireannach ag obair (leathann)A bheil thu airson fear a chruthachadh?A bheil thu airson a' chiad duilleag agad fhoillseachadh?SgrìobhSgrìobh beachd...Sgrìobh postSgrìobh puist no duilleagan a' cleachdadh Plain Text Markdown.Sgrìobh a' chiad phost dhan bhloga agadSgrìobh a' chiad naidheachd agadSgrìobh freagairt gus a churSgrìobhadhSgrìobhadh ⁊ blogadhAn cuidiche sgrìobhaidhRoghainnean sgrìobhaidhWyomingX — Fiù nas inbhiche na am fear gu h-àrdMearachd XML: %1$s aig loidhne %2$sDh'fhàillig an t-iarrtas XML-RPC -- Tha na seirbheisean XML-RPC à comas air an làrach seo.d/m/Yd/m/Y g:i:s Ad/m/Y g:i:s AYahoo IMYakutatYakutskYancowinnaYangonYapBliadhnaTasg-lannan bliadhnailÀireamhaichidh sinn na cuibheasan bliadhnail o shuimean, chan ann o chuibheas de chuibheasan mìosail.BliadhnaicheanYekaterinburgBuidheYellowknife/Somba K'eAn Eaman'S urrainn. 'S urrainn dhut iomadh post-d a chur do raon nan seòlaidhean puist-d is an sgaradh le cromagan. Thèid brath a chur do gach post-d an uairsin.YerevanThaTha, tha an àrainn seo agam mu thràth. Mapaich e ris a' bhloga WordPress.com agam.Tha, air falbh leam gu duilleag na pròifil agamAn-dèAn-dè aig %sThusaDh’fhreagair thu am beachd seo.Dh’fhreagair thu am post seo.Chan fhaod thu stuth ath-fhoillseachadh a bhriseas còraichean-lethbhreac mus rèitich thu an còmhstri leis na daoine aig a bheil a' chòir-lethbhreac. Chan urrainn dha WordPress.com a chur às do bhreithean DMCA.'S toigh leatsa 's le %s blogairean eile seo.'S toigh leatsa 's le blogairean eile seo.Tha thu an impis aonta a thoirt ris a' bheachd a leanas:Tha thu an impis %s a sguabadh às.Tha thu an impis am beachd a leanas a sguabadh às:Tha thu an impis am fo-sgrìobhadh a leanas a sguabadh às:Tha thu an impis an ceangal "%s" a sguabadh às "Sguir dheth" gus sgur dheth, "Ceart ma-thà" gus a sguabadh às.Tha thu an impis an t-ùrlar "%s" a sguabadh às "Sguir dheth" gus sgur dheth, "Ceart ma-thà" gus a sguabadh às.Tha thu an impis a' bhloga %s fhàgail agus chan urrainn dhut puist a sgrìobhadh ann tuilleadh.Tha thu an impis comharra spama a chur ris a' bheachd a leanas:Tha thu an impis am beachd a leanas a ghluasad dhan sgudal:Tha thu an impis na rudan seo a chur dhan sgudal. "Sguir dheth" gus sgur dheth, "Ceart ma-thà" gus a sguabadh às.Tha thu a' leantainn gach beachd air an làrach seo mu thràth.Tha thu a' leantainn a' bhlog sin mar-thàTha thu a' leantainn a' chuspair sin mar-thàTha thu a' feuchainn ri logadh a-mach à %sTha thu a' toirt seachad beachdan leis a' chunntas %s agad.Tha thu a’ rùrachadh tasg-lannan nam blogaichean %1$s on %2$s.Tha thu a' brabhsadh tasg-lannan nam blogaichean-lìn %1$s air thòir an latha %2$s.Tha thu a' brabhsadh tasg-lannan nam blogaichean-lìn %1$s on bhliadhna %2$s.Tha thu a’ rùrachadh tasg-lannan a’ bhloga %s.Tha thu a' brabhsadh tasg-lannan nam blogaichean air thòir na roinn-seòrsa %s.Tha thu a’ deasachadh na duilleige a sheallas na puist as ùire agad.Tha thu a' stiùireadh nam fo-sgrìobhaidhean airson %1$s. %2$s on phost-d seo.Tha thu a' cleachdadh %1$sGB an-dràsta fhèin.Tha thu a' gnàthachadh %sChlàraich thu a-steach do WordPress.com mar %1$s. Gus leum a ghearradh eadar cunntasan, clàraich a-mach.Chan e ball na làraich seo a tha annad.Chan eil thu a’ leantainn bloga sam bith.Chan eil cead agad an cunntas-bheachd seo a dhùnadh.Chan eil cead agad an cunntas-bheachd seo a sguabadh às.Chan eil cead agad sin a dhèanamh.Chan eil cead agad an cunntas-bheachd seo a dheasachadh.Chan eil cead agad dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh a' phuist seo a dheasachadhChan eil cead agad an nì seo a stiùireadh às.Chan eil cead agad an nì seo a ghluasad às an sgudal.Chan eil cead agad an nì seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal.Chan eil cead agad an cunntas-bheachd seo fhosgladh.Chan eil cead agad am post seo a chur dhan sgudalChan eil cead agad roghainnean co-roinneadh na làraich seo a stiùireadh.Chan eil cead agad faidhlichean a luchdadh suas dhan làrach seo.Chan eil thu a' leantainn bloga sam bith fhathast. Feuch is lorg do charaidean no na blogaichean a mholamaid.Tha thu air "deas-bhòrd" a' bhloga agad a-nis agus is urrainn dhut puist ùra a sgrìobhadh an-seo agus iomadh roghainn is gleus cudromach a stiùireadh an-seo.Chaidh do chlàradh a-mach anns gach àite eile.Tha thu air logadh a-mach.Tha stìom buidhe air a bhith agad fad %d latha!Tha stìom buidhe air a bhith agad fad %d latha!Cha do rinn thu clàradh a-steach ach san ionad seo fhèin.Tha thu a' sgrìobhadh beachdan ro luath. Gabh air do shocair.Tha thu a' coimhead air ro-shealladh %sTha thu a' cleachdadh brabhsair nach eil tèarainte!Tha thu a' cleachdadh an t-inneal a tha sa bhrabhsair agad airson rudan a luchdadh suas. 'S urrainn dhut barrachd air aon fhaidhle a luchdadh suas aig an aon àm leis an inneal aig WordPress agus tha comas slaodaidh is leigeil às ann. Cleachd an luchdaichear.Dh'fheuch thu ri inntrigeadh a dhèanamh do dheas-bhòrd "%1$s" ach chan eil cead agad sin a dhèanamh air an làrach seo an-dràsta. Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gum bu chòir inntrigeadh a bhith agad dhan deas-bhòrd "%1$s", leig fios gu rianaire an lìonraidh.Dh'fheuch thu ri nì a dheasachadh nach eil ann. Saoil an deach a sguabadh às?'S toil dhan dithis agaibh puist air na blogaichean seoChì thu an eachdraidh bileachaidh agad gu h-ìosal no crìoch a chur air na tha thu a' ceannach air gach seirbheis.'S urrainn dhut ceanglaichean a chur an-seo a thèid an sealltainn air an làrach agad, mar is trice tro mheadhan nam widgets. Tha ceanglaichean do ghrunn dhe na làraichean coimhearsnachd WordPress ann mar eisimpleirean a ghnàth.'S urrainn dhut ceanglaichean a chur ris no a dheasachadh air an sgrìn seo 's tu a' cur fiosrachadh anns gach bogsa. Chan eil ach seòladh-lìn is ainm a' cheangail (an teacsa a nochdas air an làrach agad airson a' cheangail) riatanach.'S urrainn dhut dath a thaghadh thu fhèin.'S urrainn dhut cànan a' chlàir thaice atharrachadh 'nad phròifil cuideachd.'S urrainn dhut innse dè an cànan sa bheil thu a' sgrìobhadh sa bhloga seo.'S urrainn dhut an cunntas agad a ghnìomhachadh cuideachd le bhith a' dèanamh lethbhreac dhen t-seòladh seo is a chur ann am bàr an t-seòlaidh: %1$s'S urrainn dhut dath a thaghadh airson a' chùlaibh 's tu a' briogadh air a' phutan "Tagh dath" no le bhith a' cur a-steach luach hex HTML dligheach, can “#ff0000” airson dearg no le bhith a' taghadh dath le roghnaichear nan dathan.'S urrainn dhut puist a chruthachadh cuideachd leis a' chomharrag-lìn Press This.'S urrainn dhut rudan a sguabadh às aon air aon agus cothrom fhaighinn air an sgrìn deasachaidh leudaichte o chòmhradh a' mhion-fhiosrachaidh.'S urrainn dhut iomadh post a dheasachadh no a ghluasad dhan sgudal aig an aon àm. Tagh na puist a bu toigh leat dèiligeadh riutha 's tu a' cur cromagan sna bogsaichean agus tagh an gnìomh o chlàr-taice nam mòr-ghnìomhan agus briog air "Cuir an gnìomh".'S urrainn dhut modarataireachd a dhèanamh air a' bheachd seo air an sgrìn seo fhèin leis a' bhogsa Staid agus is urrainn dhut stampa-ama a' bheachd atharrachadh ann cuideachd.'S urrainn dhut cànan a' chlàir thaice atharrachadh 'nad phròifil cuideachd.'S urrainn dhut na dearbh rudan a dhèanamh, a' gabhail a-steach criathradh na liosta, ma chleachdas tu na ceanglaichean gnìomha a nochdas nuair a dh'fhanas tu os cionn ràigh no clàr-taice nam mòr-ghnìomhan gus metadata de dh'iomadh duilleag a dheasachadh aig an aon àm.'S urrainn dhut faclan-luirg a shònrachadh dha na puist agad le tagaichean. Chan eil rangachadh aig tagaichean mar a tha air na roinnean-seòrsa agus is ciall dha sin nach eil dàimh eadar na tagaichean idir.'S urrainn dhut ionadan ùrlair a shònrachadh do dhiofar clàran-taice 's tu a' taghadh nan roghainnean a tha thu ag iarraidh aig bonn deasaiche nan clàran-taice. Airson clàran-taice iomruineadh do gach ionad ùrlair aig an aon àm, tadhail air an taba "Stiùirich ionadan" aig barr na sgrìn.'S urrainn dhut crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad uair sam bith air gin dhe na dòighean seo:'S urrainn dhut taisbeanadh na sgrìn seo atharrachadh air taba "Roghainnean na sgrìn", can co mheud nithean a chithear air sgrìn no dè na colbhan sa chlàr a bu toigh leat sealltainn no cur am falach.'S urrainn dhut na roghainnean libhrigidh agad a chur air gleus air deas-bhòrd nam fo-sgrìobhaidhean agad. 'S urrainn dhuinn post-d a chur thugad turas a chaidh rudeigin fhoillseachadh no iomadh dhiubh cruinn san aon phost-d, gach latha no turas gach seachdain.'S urrainn dhut am facal-faire atharrachadh, ath-ghoiridean a' mheur-chlàir a chur air, sgeama dhathan nan sgrìnichean rianachd WordPress agad atharrachadh agus an deasaiche WYSIWYG (lèirsinneach) a chur dheth, am measg rudan eile. 'S urrainn dhut am bàr-inneal (air an robh "Bàr nan rianairean" roimhe) a chur am falach air aghaidh phoblach na làraich agad ged nach urrainn dhut a chur am falach air sgrìnichean nan rianairean.'S urrainn dhut taghadh a dhèanamh eadar dealbhan bunaiteach an ùrlair airson a' bhanna-chinn no an fheadhainn agad fhèin. 'S urrainn dhut an dòigh air a chithear tiotal na làraich agus an abairt suaicheantais a ghnàthachadh cuideachd.'S urrainn dhut aon dhe na bannan-cinn a chleachdadh a luchdaich thu suas roimhe no fear air thuaiream.'S urrainn dhut beachd a thoirt seachad air puist a chòrdas riut air WordPress.com no an ath-bhlogadh. Seo dòigh fhìor-mhath cuideachd airson coimhearsnachd a chruinneachadh is blogairean a lorg aig a bheil ùidh 's na dearbh-rudan.'S urrainn dhut an dà chuid puist is duilleagan a chruthachadh air an làrach agad a-nis. Ma tha thu air ùr-thighinn gu WordPress­­.com, thoir sùil air an stiùireadh againn do dhaoine ùra.'S urrainn dhut buidhnean de cheanglaichean a chruthachadh le "Roinnean-seòrsa nan ceanglaichean". Chan urrainn dhut ainmean nan roinnean-seòrsa sin a chleachdadh barrachd air aon turas agus tha iad eadar-dhealaichte o na roinnean-seòrsa a chleachdas tu airson nam post agad.'S urrainn dhut taisbeanadh na sgrìn seo a ghnàthachadh air iomadh dòigh:'S urrainn dhut taisbeanadh na sgrìn seo a ghnàthachadh le taba "Roghainnean na sgrìn" agus/no na criathragan teàrnaidh os cionn clàr nan ceanglaichean.'S urrainn dhut taisbeanadh susbaint na sgrìn seo a ghnàthachadh air iomadh dòigh:'S urrainn dhut coltas na làraich agad a ghnàthachadh gun dad dhen chòd aige atharrachadh ma chleachdas tu cùlaibh gnàthaichte. Gabhaidh dealbhan no dathan a chleachdadh mar chùlaibh.'S urrainn dhut roinnean-seòrsa nan ceanglaichean a sguabadh às sa chlàr-taice nam mòr-ghnìomhan ach cha sguab sin às na ceanglaichean iad fhèin. Thèid na ceanglaichean a ghluasad gu roinn-seòrsa bhunaiteach nan ceanglaichean.'S urrainn dhut fad a bharrachd a shuidheachadh na dìreach dath no dealbh a' chùlaibh mar phàirt de dh'àrdachadh an dealbhaidh ghnàthaichte. Tha paileadan is pàtranan cùlaibh fìor-mhath ri làimh cuideachd. Feuch iad!'S urrainn dhut an dealbh a dheasachadh agus an dealbhag a ghlèidheadh. Mar eisimpleir, ma tha thu airson dealbhag cheàrnagach a ghlèidheadh a sheallas cuid dhen dealbh.'S urrainn dhut am fiosrachadh a tha ri beachd a dheasachadh cuideachd ma bhios feum air seo. Tha sinn feumail ma mhothaicheas tu ri mearachd litreachaidh a rinn cuideigin.'S urrainn dhut am modh sgrìobhaidh gun bhuaireadh a chur an comas leis an ìomhaigheag air an taobh deas. Chan eil an gleus seo ri fhaighinn ann an seann-bhrabhsairean no air uidheaman aig a bheil sgrìn bheag agus feumaidh gu bheil an deasaiche làn-àirde an comas ann an roghainnean na sgrìn.'S urrainn dhut susbaint na làraich agad às-phortadh ann am faidhle gus ion-phortadh air stàladh no prògram eile. Bidh am faidhle sin ann an cruth sònraichte XML air a bheil WXR. 'S urrainn dhut puist, duilleagan, beachdan, raointean gnàthaichte, roinnean-seòrsa is tagaichean a ghabhail a-steach. Cha leig thu leas gach post no duilleag a ghabhail a-steach ann, leigidh e leat cur romhad co dhiubh a tha thu ag iarraidh san WXR leis na criathragan teàrnaidh far an urrainn dhut an criathradh a-rèir roinnean-seòrsa, ùghdaran, mìosan no inbhe an fhoillseachaidh.’S urrainn dhut liosta nam post a chriathradh a-rèir staid nam post leis na ceanglaichean teacsa a chì thu gu h-àrd air an taobh chlì. Chithear gach post ann a ghnàth.’S urrainn dhut liosta na cleachdaichean a chriathradh a-rèir dreuchd a’ chleachdaiche leis na ceanglaichean teacsa os cionn liosta nan cleachdaichean gus “A h-uile”, “Rianairean”, “Deasaichean”, “Ùghdaran”, “Com-pàirtichean” no “Fo-sgrìobhaichean” a shealltainn. Chì thu a h-uile cleachdaiche o thùs. Chan fhaic thu dreuchdan chleachdaichean nach eil ’gan cleachdadh.'S urrainn dhut taic a chumail ri ar strì an aghaigh spama 's tu ag àrdachadh a' chunntais agad air airgead fìor-bheag.'S urrainn dhut colbhan a chur am falach/a nochdadh a-rèir na dh'fheumas tu agus 's urrainn dhut cur romhad co mheud post a chithear air gach sgrìn ma thèid thu gu taba "Roghainnean na sgrìn".'S urrainn dhut colbhan a chur am falach/a nochdadh a-rèir na dh'fheumas tu agus 's urrainn dhut cur romhad co mheud cleachdaiche a chithear air gach sgrìn ma thèid thu gu taba "Roghainnean na sgrìn".’S urrainn dhut clàradh a-mach air gach uidheam eile a-nis, can am fòn agad no coimpiutair poblach, le bhith a’ briogadh air a’ phutan “Clàraich a-mach à gach àite eile”.'S urrainn dhut na beachdan air an làrach agad a stiùireadh mar a stiùireas tu puist is susbaint eile. 'S urrainn dhut an sgrìn seo a ghnàthachadh air an aon dòigh a ghnàthaicheas tu na sgrìnichean rianachd eile agus ruigidh tu gnìomhan nam beachdan ma dh'fhanas tu os an cionn no slighe nam mòr-ghnìomhan.'S urrainn dhut an Gravatar agad atharrachadh air duilleag na pròifil agad.’S urrainn dhut an liosta a dhèanamh nas pongaile ’s tu ’ga chriathradh a-rèir seòrsa/staid no cinn-là slighe nan clàran-taice os cionn clàr nam meadhanan.'S urrainn dhut na làraichean air fad agad – ge be càit a bheil òstaireachd aca – agus na plugain aca a stiùireadh on aon deas-bhòrd a-nis.’S urrainn dhut cùlaibhean gnàthaichte a stiùireadh is a ro-shealladh sa ghnàthaichear a-nis.’S urrainn dhut bann-cinn gnàthaichte a stiùireadh is a ro-shealladh sa ghnàthaichear a-nis.'S urrainn dhut na blogaichean a tha thu 'gan leantainn a stiùireadh ann an leughadair WordPress.com a-nis.'S urrainn dhut an dealbh tùsail a sgèileadh. B' fheairrde dhut sgèileadh sam bith a dhèanamh mus dèan thu bearradh, flip no cuairteachadh. Chan urrainn dhut ach sgèileadh sìos a dhèanamh.Gheibh thu fiosrachadh mionaideachd air duilgheadasan agus àrainnean a dh'fhalbh an ùine orra an-seo.'Gheibh thu liosta nach seall dhut ach na puist ann an roinn-seòrsa no mìos sònraichte ma chleachdas tu na clàir-thaice teàrnaidh os cionn liosta nam post. Briog air a' phutan air a bheil "Criathraich" as dèidh dhut taghadh a dhèanamh. 'S urrainn dhut a chur air dòigh cuideachd le bhith a' briogadh air ùghdar a' phuist, roinn-seòrsa no taga ann an liosta nam post.'S urrainn dhut am beachd seo a fhreagairt air a' phost-d cuideachd, cha leig thu leas ach briogadh air a' phutan fhreagairt sa phrògram phuist-d agad.'S urrainn dhut ainm eile fheuchainn no aon dhe na molaidhean a leanas a thaghadh:Chì thu gach beachd air a’ phost seo an-seo:Chì thu gach pingback air a’ phost seo an-seo:Chì thu gach trackback air a’ phost seo an-seo:'S urrainn dhut dealbh a thaghadh gus a shealltainn aig barr na làraich ma luchdaicheas tu fear suas on choimpiutair agad no ma thaghas tu fear o leabharlann nam meadhanan agad. Bidh cothrom agad an dealbh a bhearradh as dèidh dhut fear a thaghadh.'S urrainn dhut bann-cinn deilbh gnàthaichte a thaghadh airson na làraich agad. Cha leig thu leas ach an dealbh a luchdadh suas, a bhearradh agus bidh am bann-cinn ùr ri fhaicinn sa bhad. Air neo, 's urrainn dhut dealbh a chleachdadh a chaidh a luchdadh suas a leabharlann nam meadhan agad mu thràth 's tu a' briogadh air a' phutan “Tagh dealbh”.'S urrainn dhut am meud as motha de dhealbhan a thaghadh as urrainnear a chur am broinn na susbaint sgrìobhte agad; 's urrainn dhut an cur ann aig am meud iomlan cuideachd.’S urrainn dhut an cànan a shuidheachadh is thèid na h-eadar-theangachaidhean a luchdadh a-nuas agus a stàladh le WordPress gu fèin-obrachail (ma ghabhas sgrìobhadh a dhèanamh san t-siostam fhaidhlichean agad).'S urrainn dhut an làrach agad a chleachdadh fhathast ach faodaidh nach ruigear na fo-àrainnean. Ma tha thu làn-chinnteach gu bheil an DNS agad ceart, leig seachad an teachdaireachd seo.'S urrainn dhut susbaint a chur a-null air grunn dhòighean; tha an sgrìn seo a' cruinneachadh na roghainnean uile air an son. Tha an earrann gu h-àrd a' cumail smachd air an deasaiche am broinn an deas-bhùird agus tha an corr a' cumail smachd air dòighean foillseachadh on taobh a-muigh. Cleachd na ceanglaichean treòrachaidh airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mu ghin dhiubh.'S urrainn dhut an àrainn agad imrich gu clàraiche àrainnean eile uair sam bith ma bheir thu dhaibh ainm na h-àrainnen is an còd tar-chuir.'S urrainn dhut meadhanan (dealbhan, fuaimean, sgrìobhainnean is rudan mar sin) a luchdadh suas leis a' phutan "Cuir meadhan ris". 'S urrainn dhut gin a thaghadh a luchdaich thu suas gu leabhar-lann nam meadhanan mu thràth no feadhainn ùra a luchdadh suas gus an cur ris an duilleag no post agad. Gus gailearaidh dhealbhan a chruthachadh, tagh na dealbhan a bu toigh leat cur ris agus briog air a' phutan “Cruthaich gailearaidh ùr”.'S urrainn dhut faidhlichean mheadhanan a luchdadh suas an-seo gun phost a chruthachadh an toiseach. Bheir seo comas dhut faidhlichean a luchdadh suas agus an cleachdadh ann am puist is air duilleagan an dèidh sin agus/no gus ceangal-lìn fhaighinn airson faidhle àraidh gus a cho-roinneadh. Tha trì roghainnean ann gus faidhlichean a luchdadh suas:'S urrainn dhut na roinnean-seòrsa a chleachdadh gus earrannan na làraich agad a mhìneachadh agus an cur ann am buidhnean ma tha cuspairean co-cheangailte aca. 'S e “Gun roinn-seòrsa” a' bhun-roghainn gus an atharraich thu sin sna roghainnean sgrìobhaidh agad.'S urrainn dhut a chleachdadh gus an dealbhadh aig ùrlar WordPress.com sam bith a ghnàthachadh.'S urrainn dhut aon dhe na bannan-cinn snasail seo a chleachdadh no fear air thuaiream air gach duilleag.'S urrainn dhut na h-innealan-smachd a leanas a chleachdadh gus sgrìn an deas-bhùird agad a chur air dòigh a-rèir do thoil fhèin. Tha sin fìor mu chuid mhòr dhe na sgrìnichean rianachd san fharsaingeachd.Chì thu gach post a chruthaich cleachdaiche 's tu a' briogadh air an àireamh fo cholbh nam post.’S urrainn dhut coimhead air na puist ann an liosta shimplidh a sheallas na tiotalan no le às-earrann slighe taba roghainnean na sgrìn.Chì thu an eachdraidh bileachaidh agad gu h-ìosal no crìoch a chur air na tha thu a' ceannach air gach seirbheis.'S urrainn dhut coimhead air na meadhanan agad ann an griod simplidh no ann an liosta le colbhan. 'S urrainn dhut aon seach aon dhiubh a thaghadh leis na h-ìomhaigheagan os cionn nam meadhanan air an taobh chlì.Chan urrainn dhut seo atharrachadh às a dhèidh seo.Chan urrainn dhut plugan a sguabadh às fhad 's a tha e an gnìomh air a' phrìomh-làrach.Chan urrainn dhut an cleachdaiche làithreach a sguabadh às.Chan urrainn dhut an nì seo a dheasachadh a chionn 's gu bheil e san sgudal. Aisig e 's feuch ris a-rithist.Chan urrainn dhut seo a ghluasad dhan sgudal. Tha %s 'ga dheasachadh.Chan urrainn dhut am bloga agad ath-stiùireadh gu WordPress.comChan urrainn dhut am bloga agad ath-stiùireadh gu WordPress.com.Chan urrainn dhut cleachdaichean a thoirt air falbh.Chan urrainn dhut beachd air dreachd puist a fhreagairt.Chan urrainn dhut a thar-aiseag dhan chleachdaiche udChan urrainn dhut am post-d sin a chleachdadh gus clàradh. Tha fhios againn gu bheil duilgheadas ann 's iad a cur casg air cuid dhen phost-d againn. Saoil an cleachd thu solaraiche puist-dhealain eile?Thug thusa seachad beachd air:Chan eil stoidhle ghnàthaichte air a chruthachadh agad fhathast.Cha do chuir thu a-steach ainm airson na roinn-seòrsa.Cha do chuir thu taga sam bith ris a' phost agad. Gheibh thu barrachd luchd-leughaidh ma chleachdas tu tagaichean oir bidh e nas fhasa dhaibh am post agad a lorg.Chan eil àrdachadh sam bith agad aig an àm seo. Tadhail air {{link}}duilleag nam planaichean againn{{/link}} a dh’fhaicinn nan àrdachaidhean a tha ri fhaighinn.Chan eil cead agad inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan duilleag seo.Chan eil cead agad an cleachdaiche seo a dheasachadh.Chan eil cead gu leòr agad inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan duilleag seo.Chan eil cead gu leòr agad na plugain air an làrach seo a chur an gnìomh.Chan eil cead gu leòr agad na plugain air an làrach seo a chur à gnìomh.Chan eil dreachd sam bith agad.Chan eil duilleag sam bith agad san sgudal.Chan eil àrdachadh sam bith agad fhathast. Feuch aon dhe na planaichean againn.Chan eil cead agad inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan duilleag seoChan eil cead agad an t-ùrlar a shònraich thu a luchdadh a-nuasCha leig thu leas dad a dhèanamh — chan eil ann ach cuimhneachan. Faodaidh gum faigh thu post-d eile mu staid ath-nuadhachadh an àrdachaidh agad. Tha seo a' dearbhadh gu bheil an t-àrdachadh seo 'ga ath-nuadhachadh gu fèin-obrachail.Chan eil dad agad ri dhèanamh - chan eil seo ach cuimhneachan.Chan eil cead agad sin a dhèanamh.Chuir thu a-steach còd nach eil dligheach. Feuch ris a-rithist.Tha %1$s agus %2$s agad.Dh'fheuch thu ri cus fhaidhlichean a chur sa chiutha.Chaidh do chur ris an làrach seo. Tadhail air an duilleag-dhachaigh no clàraich a-steach leis an ainm-chleachdaiche is an fhacal-fhaire agad.Chaidh do chur ris!Chaidh do chlàradh a-mach air taba no ann an uinneag eile. Clàraich a-steach a-rithist.Bhac thu am post-d air fad o WordPress.comCho-dhùin thu na cleachdaichean a leanas a sguabadh à gach lìonra ’s làrach.Cho-dhùin thu an cleachdaiche a sguabadh à gach lìonra ’s làrach.Tha thu a' sìneadh air adhart uiread a phost-d 's a tha ceadaichte (%1$s)Dh'fhàg thu am blogaRinn thu logadh a-steach.Chan eil eachdraidh bileachaidh agad fhathast.Chan eil roinn-seòrsa ann as urrainn dhut iompachadh!Chan eil beachd agad a ghabhas ion-phortadh!Chan eil taga ann as urrainn dhut iompachadh!Cha deach crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist?Cha do chuir thu cuireadh sam bith a-mach airson a' bhloga seo fhathast.Chuir thu an t-eadar-theangadair an comas. Dèan briogadh deas air teacsa comharraichte gus eadar-theangachadh.Cheannaich thu am bathar seo gu buan. Chan eil fo-sgrìobhadh ann ri ùrachadh.Rinn thu lorg ann an tasg-lannan bhlogaichean %1$s airson ‘%2$s’. Mur an d’fhuair thu dad feumail sna toraidhean seo, feuch aon dhe na ceanglaichean gu h-ìosal.Chomharraich thu gu bheil thu airson na cleachdaichean a leanas a sguabadh às:Chomharraich thu gu bheil thu airson na cleachdaichean a leanas a thoirt air falbh:Chomharraich thu gu bheil thu airson am pasgan a leanas a sguabadh às:Chomharraich thu gu bheil thu airson an cleachdaiche a leanas a thoirt air falbh:Rinn thu clàradh a-steach as ùr.Dh'ùraich thu am fiosrachadh bileachaidh agad.Tha atharraichean ann nach deach a shàbhaladh.Tha atharraichean gun sàbhaladh agad, a bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an duilleag fhàgail?Chleachd thu na tha ceadaichte dhut de dh-àite. Sguab às faidhlichean mus luchdaich thu feadhainn ùr suas.Cha do dh'fhoillsich thu duilleag sam bith fhathast.Cha do sgrìobh thu dad fhathast ach tha e furasta sin a dhèanamh às a dhèidh seo. Seo dhut cothrom dreach na làraich a chur air gleus dìreach mar a tha thu 'ga iarraidh mus leig thu leis na faclan sruthadh. Seo dhut deachd o chuideigin a tha caran eòlach air sgrìobhadh:'S toil leat seo'S toil leat seo.Chan urrainn dhut faidhlichean dhen t-seòrsa %s a luchdadh suasChan urrainn dhut barrachd air 1 fhaidhle a luchdadh suas.Is dòcha gu bheil thu airson tadhal air a' bhloga aca. Dh'fhaodte gun còrd e riut cho mòr sa chòrd am fear aca riut!Nach doir thu sùil air na tha iad-san ris? Dh’fhaoidte gun còrd am bloga aca-san riut a cheart cho math ’s a chòrd do bheachd-sa riutha-san.Nach doir thu sùil air na tha iad-san ris? Dh’fhaoidte gun còrd am bloga aca-san riut a cheart cho math ’s a chòrd do bheachd-sa riutha-san.Feumaidh tu logadh a-steach mus urrainn dhut beachd a phostadh.Feumaidh tu a bhith 'nad bhall air aon làrach air a' char as lugha mus urrainn dhut an duilleag seo a chleachdadh.Feumaidh tu clàradh a-steach mus urrainn dhut an t-ùrlar a shònraich thu a luchdadh a-nuasFeumaidh tu briogadh air a' phutan "Sàbhail na h-atharraichean" aig bun na sgrìn mus bi buaidh aig na roghainnean ùra.Feumaidh tu [feedback-link] gabhail a-staigh ann an teacsa a' phuist-dFeumaidh tu 2 fhreagairt a thoirt air a' char as lughaFeumaidh tu ainm dligheach airson na h-àrainne a chur ann.Feumaidh tu ainm a chur ann airson lìonra nan làraichean agad.Tha agad ri post-d dligheach a chur ann.Feumaidh tu an seòladh puist-d agad a dhearbhadh slighe a' phuist-d dearbhaidh a chuireas ICANN thugad mus urrainn dhut frithealaichean ainmean na h-àrainne agad ùrachadh.Feumaidh tu an seòladh puist-d agad a dhearbhadh slighe a' phuist-d dearbhaidh a chuireas ICANN thugad mus urrainn dhut an àrainn seo a thar-chur.Feumaidh tu JavaScript gus pàirt dhen dealbh a thaghadh.Feumaidh tu ìre ceadachd nas àirde.Feumaidh tu iuchair API a chur a-steach mus urrainn dhut seirbheis Akismet a chur an gnìomh air an làrach agad.Feumaidh tu ID àireamhach a' chleachdaiche a chur a-steach mus obraich widget Goodreadsmar bu chòir. Làn-stiùireadh.Feumaidh tu taghadh dè thèid a shealltainn ann am widget pròifil Gravatar seo.Feumaidh tu an URL OPML agad a shònrachadh. Briog air ais 'nad bhrabhsair is feuch ris a-rithistChan eil ach an aon ùrlar air a stàladh agad an-dràsta. Siuthad, bi dàna! Tha barrachd air 1,000 ùrlar saor an-asgaidh ann an eòlaire ùrlaran WordPress as urrainn dhut cleachdadh: cha leig thu leas ach briogadh air an taba air a bheil Stàlaich ùrlaran gu h-àrd.Bu chòir dhut lethbhreacan-glèidhidh a dhèanamh dhe na faidhlichean %1$s agus %2$s a tha ann mu thràth.Bu chòir dhut lethbhreac-glèidhidh a dhèanamh dhen fhaidhle %s a tha ann mu thràth.Bu chòir dhut beachdachadh air URL na làraich agad a chur gu %1$s mus cuir thu feart an lìonraidh an comas. Ruigear an làrach agad fhathast leis an ro-leasachan %3$s ann an seòladh mar %2$s ach cha bhith an ro-leasachan %3$s aig ceangal sam bith.Bu chòir dhut sùil a thoirt air na tha iad-san ris. Dh’fhaoidte gun còrd na tha aca-san a cheart cho math dhut-sa!Rinn thu prìomh-àrainn de {{domain}}.Chan fhaigh thu post-d dearbhaidh - dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu airson seo a dhèanamh mus lean thu air adhart!Thèid %1$s iarraidh ort airson ath-ùrachadh ann an %2$d latha, %3$s.Thèid %1$s iarraidh ort airson ath-ùrachadh ann an %2$d latha, %3$s.Thèid %1$s iarraidh ort airson ath-ùrachadh ann an %2$d làithean, %3$s.Thèid %1$s iarraidh ort airson ath-ùrachadh ann an %2$d latha, %3$s.Thèid %1$s iarraidh ort airson an ath-ùrachaidh seo an-diugh.Chan ann agadsa a bhios %s tuilleadhCha bhi inntrigeadh agad dha %s ach ma bheir an seilbheadair ùr cead dhutChan urrainn dhut ùrlaran ùra a stàladh an-seo on a tha an stàladh agad feumach air teisteasan SFTP. Cuir ùrlaran ris ann an raon nan rianairean aig an àm seo.Gheibh thu ath-dhìoladh air an àrdachadh seo ma cheannaich thu e sna 3 làithean seo chaidh.{{a}}Dh'fhreagair{{/a}} thu am beachd seo.{{a}}Dh'fhreagair{{/a}} thu am post seo.Cruthaichidh tu clàr-taice, iomruinidh tu ionad dha agus cuiridh tu rudan ris a’ chlàr-taice, mar cheanglaichean ri duilleagan is roinnean-seòrsa. Ma tha iomadh raon clàir-thaice aig an ùrlar agad, dh’fhaoidte gum bi agad ri barrachd air aon a chruthachadh.Thagh thu an t-ùrlar %s! 'S urrainn dhut a ghnàthachadh a-is agus an coltas as fhearr leatsa a chur air.Feumaidh tu freagairt on chunntas phost-d cheart no beachd a' sgrìobhadh sa phost fhèin:Tha stìom buidhe air a bhith agad fad %d latha!Tha stìom buidhe air a bhith agad fad %d latha!Tha stìom buidhe air a bhith agad fad %d làithean!Tha stìom buidhe air a bhith agad fad %d latha!Nach thusa a tha san zone!Thuirt %1$s gur toil leotha e %2$sThuirt %1$s gur toil leotha e %2$sThuirt %1$s gur toil leotha e %2$sThuirt %1$s gur toil leotha e %2$sChleachd thu am facal-faire seo o chionn goirid. Feuch rudeigin nas ùire.YouTubeDachaigh saoghal na blogaireachdNa seòrsachan de shusbaint ghnàthaichte agadCha b' urrainn dhuinn an cunntas Dropbox agad a cheangal ris ri linn mearachd. Feuch ris a-rithist.Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an cunntas Dropbox agad a dhì-cheangal ris ri linn mearachd. Feuch ris a-rithist.Chaidh an cunntas Dropbox agad a cheangal ris.Chaidh an cunntas Dropbox agad a dhì-cheangal. 'S urrainn dhut a cheangal ris a-rithist ma lùigeas tu.Am post-d agadChaidh ion-phortadhShoirbhich leat leis an ion-phortadh o Movable Type. %s Guma math a thèid leat leis a' bhlogadh! -- Sgioba WordPress.comD' ainmCha b' urrainn dhuinn am faidhle OPML a leughadh.Chan eil innteart sam bith ann an tasg-lann a' phortfolio agad. 'S urrainn dhut feadhainn a thòiseachadh air an deas-bhòrd agad.Na làraichean agadAn stuth agadShoirbhich leat leis an ion-phortadh Tumblr. %s Guma math a thèid leat leis a' bhlogadh! -- Sgioba WordPress.comShoirbhich leat le ion-phortadh susbaint WordPress airson %s. Guma math a thèid leat leis a' bhlogadh! -- Sgioba WordPress.comChaidh an t-susbaint WordPress airson %s ion-phortadh.Cha deach an cunntas agad a chur an gnìomh fhathast. Cuiridh sinn post-d thugad le ceangal far an urrainn dhut a ghnìomhachadh.Dh'fheuch thu ri bloga a thar-chur ach dh'fhàillig ort - cuir fios gun sgioba taiceCha ghabh am bloga agad ath-threòrachadh gun URL ud. Dèan cinnteach gur e URL dligheach a tha ann.Cha deach post sam bith fhoillseachadh sa bhloga agad.Tha coltas gu bheil am bloga agad, %1$s, nas trainge na 's àbhaist! %2$s a' coimhead air gach uair a thìde - %3$s sa chuibheasAm blogroll agadChan eil am brabhsair agad a' cur taic ri inntrigeadh dìreach dhan stòr-bhòrd. Cleachd ath-ghoiridean a' mheur-chlàir no an clàr-taice deasachaidh aig a' bhrabhsair agad.Tha am brabhsair agad gu math aosta!Tha an ùine a' falbh air a' chairt a chleachd thu aig %sAm facal-faire a thagh thu.Chan eil cead aig a' chliant agad inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan ghoireas seo.Chan eil cead aig a' chliant agad dearbhadh dà-cheumnach a chur à comas.Chan eil cead aig a' chliant agad dearbhadh dà-cheumnach a chur an comas.Chan eil cead aig a' chliant agad post-d a' chleachdaiche a shuidheachadh.Chan eil cead aig a' chliant agad facal-faire a' chleachdaiche a shuidheachadh.Tha do bheachd a' feitheamh ri modarataireachd.Chaidh na beachdan uile agad ion-phortadh a-nis ach feumaidh sinn na snàithleanan còmhraidh agad ath-thogail fhathast.Chaidh a' chairt-chreidis a thoirt air falbh is chaidh an ath-ùrachadh fèin-obrachail a chur à comas airson gach fo-sgrìobhadh agad.Am plana làithreach agadChan eil an CSS gnàthaichte agad gnìomhach fhathast.Chan fhaic ach thusa seòladh an deas-bhùird agad agus tha e aig:Chuir thu a' phrìobhaideachd an comas air an àrainn agad. Chì duine sam bith a dh'iarras fiosrachadh conaltraidh airson na h-àrainne agad am fiosrachadh gu h-ìosal.Tha an àrainn agad glaiste an-dràsta fhèin. Dìonaidh seo an àrainn agad airson 's nach gabh imrich gu clàraiche eile as aonais do chead.Feumaidh an àrainn agad frithealaichean ainmean WordPress.com a chleachdadh mus luchdaich an làrach WordPress.com agad, mus obraich sìneadh air adhart de phost-d WordPress.com agus mus bi an deasaiche DNS ri do làimh.Chaidh a dhearbhadh gu bheil an cunntas %2$s agadsa aig an t-seòladh %1$s.Am post-dealain agadCha deabh an seòladh puist-d agad ùrachadh fhathast. Thoir sùil air a' phost-d agad aig %s airson post-d dearbhaidh.Cha dèid an seòladh puist-dhealain agad fhoillseachadh.Am post-dealain agad.Chaidh sìneadh air adhart a' phuist-d agad a shuidheachadh.Chaidh imrich an luchd-chleachdaidh agad a chur sa chiutha. Gheibh thu post-d a dh'aithghearr a dh'innseas dhut cuin a thòisicheas e 's cuin a choileanas e.An luchd-leantainn agadChaidh na h-atharraichean mu dheireadh agad a shàbhaladh mar lèirmheas.Na puist as ùire agadLuchdadh a-nuas a' mheadhainNa roinnean-seòrsa a chleachdas tu as trice ann am cruth neòil.Na tagaichean a chleachdas tu as trice ann am cruth neòil.Feumaidh tu NS1.WORDPRESS.COM agus NS2.WORDPRESS.COM a thaghadh airson nam frithealaichean ainmean agad mus gabh post-d a shìneadh air adhart. Ma dh'ùraich thu na frithealaichean ainmean mu thràth, leig seachad an teachdaireachd seo; crìonaidh e air falbh a dh'aithghearr.Tha an làrach WordPress.com agad deiseil is deònach! A' sireadh beachdan airson na làraich ùir agad? Thoir sùil air an stiùireadh do luchd-tòiseachaidh WordPress.com. Mar sin leat, Sgioba WordPress.comIs e an seòladh bloga a bhios agad %sThèid ainm na h-àrainne ùr agad a mhapadh fad bliadhna agus is urrainn dhut am mapadh ùrachadh gach bliadhna gus a chumail a' dol.Thèid ainm na h-àrainne ùr agad a chlàradh fad bliadhna agus is urrainn dhut ùrachadh gach bliadhna gus a chumail a' dol.Chaidh an raon ùr a shàbhaladhA' chairt-ghnìomhachais air loidhne agad. Chaidh Connect a dhealbhadh airson daoine a tha ag iarraidh pròifilean proifeiseanta a sgaoileadh.Thèid na h-àrdachaidhean a cheannaich thu air %s a shìneadh air adhart dhan t-sealbhadair ùr is fanaidh iad còmhla ris a' bhloga.Gabhaidh am facal-faire agad a shàbhaladh.Chan fhaod am facal-faire 's an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad a bhith co-ionnann. Tagh facal-faire eile.Chan eil am facal-faire agad a' coileanadh nan riaghailtean tèarainteachd againn. Tagh fear a tha nas dorra.Chaidh am facal-faire agad ath-shuidheachadh.Tha am facal-faire cearr, feuch ris a-rithistTha am facal-faire agad ro ghoirid. Tagh facal-faire a tha 6 caractaran a dh'fhaid air a' char as lugha.Tha am facal-faire agad ro lag: bhiodh e ro fhurasta tomhas a dhèanamh air an fhiosrachadh seo mu do dhèidhinn. Feuch rudeigin nas annasaiche.Thèid seann-dàta mu d' ionad a nochdadh ris na h-aoighean agad.Thèid seann-dàta poblach mu d' ionad a nochdadh ris na h-aoighean agad.Tha smachd agad air an dealbh agad slighe seirbheis Gravatar.Inbhir nam pod-chraolaidh agad: %1$sChaidh gach post agad ion-phortadh ach fuirich ort, tha barrachd ann! Tha againn ris na beachdan agad a luchdadh a-nuas ┐ ion-phortadh.Cha dèid na puist agad a cho-roinneadh ach leis na cearcallan/cleachdaichean Google+ a thaghas tu nuair a cheanglas tu ris e. m.e. Gus a cho-roinneadh le càch, tagh "Poblach".Tha fiosrachadh mu do dheidhinn fhèin 'nad phròifil (an “cunntas” agad) agus cuid a roghainnean pearsanta a thaobh cleachdadh WordPress.Chaidh bacadh a chur air a' phost-d agad 's tu ri postadh slighe puist-dhealain oir chuir thu am post-d do bhall-eisimpleir de sheòladh againn. Gus post-d fhoillseachadh sa bhloga agad, leugh an treòrachadh aig: http://support.wordpress.com/post-by-email/Cha do fhreagair na lorg thu ri puist bloga sam bith. Mo chreach.Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an t-seisean agad. Briog an-seo airson clàradh a-steach a-rithist. Cha chaill thu na dh'atharraich thu.Dh’fhalbh an ùine air an t-seisean agad. Clàraich a-steach airson leantainn air adhart.Chì einnseanan-luirg an làrach agad, %s, a-nis.Chaidh an làrach agad a chur à rèim le WordPress.com a chionn 's gun do bhris thu teirmichean na seirbheise. Ma tha thu dhen bheachd gun deach seo a dhèanamh air mhearachd cuir fios thugainn cho luagh 's a ghabhas gus a chur an gnìomh a-rithist. (Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na tha 's mu nach eil ceadaichte, thoir sùil air treòir an luchd-chleachdaidh againn.)Tha òstaireachd shàbhailte aig an làrach agad air WordPress.com agus is ciall dha sin gu bheil buannachd cuid mhòr de Jetpack agad mu thràth. Na bheachdaich thu air am plana WordPress.com agad àrdachadh?Tha an làrach agad fiù nas fhearr a-nis.Na puist as ùire aig an làrach agad.Na beachdan as ùire aig an làrach agad.A' chiad àite far am faigh thu fuasgladh air duilgheadas le WordPress.com agus far an urrainn dhut fuasglaidhean a mhìneachadh, ann an coimhearsnachd eadar-nàiseanta.Tha na stats agad a' sìor-dhol an àirde! Tha mòran a' tadhal air %1$s.Tha na stats agad a' sìor-dhol an àirde! Tha coltas gu bheil mòran a' tadhal air %s.Cleachdar na cairtean-creidis a chaidh a shàbhaladh gus pàigheadh airson àrdachaidhean WordPress.com is fo-sgrìobhaidhean aig aplacaidean ceangailte.Dh'fhalbh an ùinr air mion-fhiosrachadh an fho-sgrìobhaidh agad no tha iad mì-dhligheach. Feuch is dèan fo-sgrìobhadh as ùr.Thig crìoch air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad %s a chionn 's nach b' urrainn dhuinn pàigheadh ath-chùrsach iarraidh air a' chairt-chreidis agad.Na fo-sgrìobhaidhean agadCha b' urrainn dhuinn na fo-sgrìobhaidhean agad ion-phortadh. Dèan cinnteach gur e faidhle OPML a tha ann is feuch ris a-rithist: %sChaidh na fo-sgrìobhaidhean agad ion-phortadh.Tha %s ionad clàir-thaice aig an ùrlar agad. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a bu chaomh leat cleachdadh.Tha %s ionad clàir-thaice aig an ùrlar agad. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a bu chaomh leat cleachdadh.Tha %s ionadan clàir-thaice aig an ùrlar agad. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a bu chaomh leat cleachdadh.Tha %s ionad clàir-thaice aig an ùrlar agad. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a bu chaomh leat cleachdadh.’S urrainn dhan ùrlar agad clàran-taice a thaisbeanadh san aon ionad. Tagh an clàr-taice a bu toil leat cleachdadh.Chan eil an t-ùrlar agad a' cur taic ri clàir-thaice seòladaireachd no widgets.Tha an t-ùrlar agad a’ cur taic ri %s chlàr-taice. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a nochdas anns gach ionad.Tha an t-ùrlar agad a’ cur taic ri %s chlàr-taice. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a nochdas anns gach ionad.Tha an t-ùrlar agad a’ cur taic ri %s clàran-taice. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a nochdas anns gach ionad.Tha an t-ùrlar agad a’ cur taic ri %s clàr-taice. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a nochdas anns gach ionad.Tha an t-ùrlar agad a’ cur taic ri aon chlàr-taice. Tagh dè an clàr-taice a bu chaomh leat.’S e %1$s (%2$s) an roinn-tìde a chaidh a shuidheachadh dhut, %3$s (Coordinated Universal Time %4$s) an-dràsta.Chaidh %1$s (Coordinated Universal Time %2$s) a shuidheachadh dhut mar roinn-tìde.Chaidh an tar-chur a dhiùltadh. Feuch cairt eile.Tha an t-eadar-theangachadh cho ùr ’s a ghabhas.Dh'fhàillig an luchdadh suas. Feuch ris o bhroinn wp-admin.Chan urrainn dhut an t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad atharrachadh ach 's urrainn dhut na raointean eile a chleachdadh gus d' ainm fhèin a chur a-steach no far-ainm agus atharrachadh dè an t-ainm a chithear ris na puist.Stadastaireachd a' videoBhriog na daoine a thadhail air an làrach agad air na ceanglaichean seo.Chuir an t-òstair-lìn no rianaire an fhrithealaiche agad à comas na comasan gethostbynamel aig PHP. Chan obraich Akismet mar bu chòir gus an deach sin a chur ceart. Cuir fios gun òstair-lìn no gu rianaire na cachaileith-theine agad is thoir dhaibh am fiosrachadh seo mu na dh'fheumas Akismet.Tha fo-sgrìobhadh agad aig an làrach seo mu thràth!Bidh thu ann an deagh-chaidreamh air WordPress. Seo dhut feadhainn dhe na làraichean as aithnichte a tha a' cleachdadh WordPress iad fhèin.Yukon TerritoryZagrebSàimbiaZaporozhyeFaidhle de mheudh neoini, 'ga sguabadh àsAn t-SìombabCòd-puistZuluZürich[%1$s] Dh'atharraich %2$s: %3$s[%1$s] Thug %2$s iomradh ort ann an "%3$s"[%1$s] Thug %2$s iomradh ort ann am beachd air "%3$s"[%1$s] Beachd: "%2$s"[%1$s] Pingback: "%2$s"[%1$s] Dèan modarataireachd air: "%2$s"[%1$s] Trackback: "%2$s"[%1$s] Dearbh %2$s[%s] Dearbhadh ballrachd[%s] Seòladh post-d rianair ùr[%s] Seòladh puist-d ùr[%s] Làrach ùr air a chruthachadh[%s] Clàradh de chleachdaiche ùr[%s] Facal-faire air atharrachadh[%s] Ath-shuidheachadh facail-fhaire[%s] Fhuair thu cead-inntrigidh dhan làrach phrìobhaideach seo[%s] An t-ainm-cleachdaiche 's am facal-faire agad[-] Co-theannaich[Ri dhèanamh][Subscribe] Dh'fhàillig dearbhadh an fho-sgrìobhaidh[Subscribe] Bha thu airson crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh ach dh'fhàillig an dearbhadhFalbhaidh an ùine an àrainn %s air [WordPress.com] a dh'aithghearrDh'fhàillig ion-phortadh [WordPress.com][WordPress.com] Shoirbhich leis an ion-phortadh[WordPress.com] Shoirbhich leis an ion-phortadh Tumblr[WordPress.com] Tha an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach à comas[WordPress.com] Tha an dearbhadh dà-cheumnach an comas[deasaich]mionaid no dhàbliadhnamionaid%d mionaideanneach-eòlaisCuir an gnìomh %s ann am bloga agadCuir an gnìomhCeangalMeadhananDuilleagPostCleachdaicheair a chur ris %sÙrGormCofaidhBun-roghainnEctoplasmSolasMeadhan-oidhcheCuanÈirigh na grèineA h-uile ceangalainm-brèige de %sa h-uilea-riamh roimhemCha deach a lorgagusagus %d a bharrachd…seòladh-lìn eile agam’Post-daigAn sgudalFuaimFèin-obrachailair aisDealbhadhMeadhananTeacsaÙrlarblogaCuir làrach rislele %s%1$s %2$sTha mi cleachdte ris.Seallaidh e barrachd fiosrachaidh dhut.Tha e nas luaithe.Chan eil e cho toinnte.Mòran taing airson innse dhuinn.BhòtCarson as fhearr leat duilleag seo nan stats?sguir de dheasachadh a' phuist no a' bheachdAs triceaig a' bhun sa mheadhanmeadhan a' mheadhainsa mheadhan aig a' bharrcaractairean air fhàgailduine-cloinnedùin na tagaichean”’co-fhuiricheco-obraichean còd air a' chùlaibhan còd air a' bheulaibhco-obraicheBunaiteach: %sBeachdCeann-làFaidhleMar fhreagairt doAir a churTiotalAir a luchdadh suas guThoir aonta risCuir comharra gur e spama a tha annPost còirPost còirRi dhèanamhBuan-cheangal:SpamaSgudalThoir air falbh an t-aontaChan e spama a tha annThoir às an sgudalAontaichteRi dhèanamhSpamaSgudal20air beachdachadh airbeachdanNa h-uile (%s)Na h-uile (%s)Na h-uile (%s)Na h-uile (%s)Air aontachadh (%s)Air aontachadh (%s)Air aontachadh (%s)Air aontachadh (%s)Ri dhèanamh (%s)Ri dhèanamh (%s)Ri dhèanamh (%s)Ri dhèanamh (%s)SpamaSpama (%s)Spama (%s)Spama (%s)Spama (%s)Dhan sgudal (%s)Dhan sgudal (%s)Dhan sgudal (%s)Dhan sgudal (%s)... air leumadh thairis air %d ...sgrìobh post ùrneach-aithneA' dèanamh lethbhreac de %s...Bàirde co-mheas a’ bhearraidhleud co-mheas a’ bhearraidhsùil mhòrDolaran AstràiliaReal BhraisilPunnd 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agad gu fèin-obrachail.{{strong}}Dèan ceangal{{/strong}} gus na puist agad a cho-roinneadh sa bhloga Tumblr agad gu fèin-obrachail.{{strong}}Dèan ceangal{{/strong}} gus na puist agad a cho-roinneadh gun luchd-aithne LinkedIn agad gu fèin-obrachail.{{strong}}Dèan ceangal{{/strong}} gus na puist agad a cho-roinneadh gun luchd-leantainn Twitter agad gu fèin-obrachail.Na h-Eileanan Àland— Kobayashi Issa (一茶)