# Translation of WordPress.com in Kurdish (Kurmanji)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the WordPress.com package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-07-07 10:34:29+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/0.1\n"
"Project-Id-Version: WordPress.com\n"
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:149
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Create Website"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:145
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "WordPress.com is the best place for your personal blog or business site."
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:151
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "enter your new site address"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:136
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Log In"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:144
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Create your new website for free"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:164
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Support"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:169
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "About Us"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:112
msgid "You can see all your purchases and manage them in your WordPress.com dashboard under \"Store\"."
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:170
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Terms of Service"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:171
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Privacy Policy"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:162
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Themes"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:163
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Store"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:165
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Features"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:166
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "News"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:167
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Stats"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:168
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "VIP"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:31
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "WordPress.com News"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:32
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "WordPress.com Freshly Pressed"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:93
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:94
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Sign up for a free blog"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:95
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "WordPress.com Support"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:96
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "WordPress.com Forums"
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:13
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:64
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "Start a WordPress blog or create a free website in seconds. Choose from over 200 free, customizable themes. Free support from awesome humans."
msgstr ""
#: home.logged-out/homepage-one-field.php:6
msgctxt "logged-out-homepage"
msgid "WordPress.com - Get a Free Website and Blog Here"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-optimizations.php:42
msgid "Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:120
msgid "See your newest likes, comments, and followers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:14
msgid "Sell stuff right on your blog with Ecwid, Shopify, and ShopLocket."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:215
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:14
msgid "eCommerce"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/private.php:94 wp-login.php:558
msgid "Select this option to stay signed in on this device."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/private.php:95 wp-login.php:559
msgid "Stay signed in"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/signup-blog.php:18
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/signup-user.php:25
msgid "Please save this email. If you get locked out of your account in the future, this email will help us restore access to your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/signup-blog.php:15
msgid "You can also confirm your email address by copying and pasting this address into your address bar: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2536
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:13
msgid "Important: In the next day or two you may receive an email asking you to verify your email address. This is a new requirement by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization that oversees all domain name registrations. If you receive it you should verify your email address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:76
msgid "By creating an account you agree to the fascinating Terms of Service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/signup-blog.php:9
msgid "Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. Click the button below to confirm your email address and start publishing posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/signup-blog.php:12
msgid "Confirm Email Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/signup-blog.php:3
msgid ""
"Howdy %1$s,\n"
"Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. Use this URL to confirm your email address and start publishing posts: %2$s\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-verification.php:229
msgid "Resend confirmation email | Send to another email address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:302
msgid "Connect to Google+: Increase your readers' engagement with your content by connecting your Google+ profile and enable publicize for Google+ to share your posts to Google+."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:4
msgid "Choosing to upgrade on signup can save you some cash over buying upgrades at a later date. For more information on each upgrade, hover over the name for an explanation of the feature."
msgstr ""
#: lang-guess-ajax.php:42
msgctxt "Wordpress.com is also available in lang"
msgid "%1$s is also available in %2$s "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer.php:122
msgid "Purchasing theme…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/nux-frame.php:39
msgid "← Back to previous step"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:918
msgctxt "Congratulations on writing $number total posts on $blog_title"
msgid "Congratulations on writing your first post on %1$s."
msgid_plural "Congratulations on writing %2$s total posts on %1$s."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/free-trials-banner.tpl.php:12
msgid "Try any of our upgrades for 14 days. Free!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:285
msgid "WordPress.com and LinkedIn are working together to improve how your content is integrated into your LinkedIn profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:493
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:523
msgctxt "You've reached $number posts on $blog_title"
msgid "You've made your first post on %2$s"
msgid_plural "You've reached %1$s posts on %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:917
msgctxt "$number Posts"
msgid "First Post!"
msgid_plural "%1$s Posts!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:630
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-stats-api-endpoints.php:1692
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:464
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator.php:19
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:2727
msgid "l, F j, Y"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:136
msgid "The password reset key you have specified is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/signup-blog/20131104/azul.php:19
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/welcome-blog.php:19
msgid "Activate Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:153
msgid "View the trophies you collected on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2177 wp-login.php:162
msgid "Sorry, that key has expired. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/footer.php:18
msgid "Thanks for flying with %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:991
msgid "Send recovery code via SMS"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1948
msgid "This is the management page for following blogs. You will receive an email at %s whenever a new post is made on these sites. Unfollow a blog to stop receiving emails from that blog. Go to Settings to stop receiving all emails from WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme.php:32
msgid "Start a Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:55
msgid " /year"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration.php:40
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:98
msgid "Register Now"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/header.php:20
msgid "Start a WordPress blog or create a free website in seconds. Choose from over 200 free, customizable themes. Free support from awesome humans."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:2870
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:26
msgid "Register a new domain name (with private whois records) or map a domain you already own."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/share.php:2
msgid "Share your blog posts with family, friends, or followers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/share.php:3
msgid "Connect your accounts so that when you publish a post it will be automatically shared on Facebook or Twitter. Blog posts that are shared get 50% more likes, comments and views."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/share.php:4
msgid "Select an account to connect:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/share.php:11
msgid "Connect with %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:156
msgid "Thank you for your purchase!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:243
msgid "+|Resend Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:45
msgid "Check out our Freshly Pressed blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:130
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:189
msgid "Publish Page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:211
msgid "Cancel Page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:213
msgid "Page published!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:214
msgid "Start a New Page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:222
msgid ""
"Any page changes not saved as a draft will be lost if you cancel this page.\n"
"Are you sure you want to cancel?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:206
msgid "Updating"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:207
msgid "Back to list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:201
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:111
msgid "Great passwords use upper and lower case characters, numbers, and symbols like %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:80
msgid "Great! Use this address on my blog for %s a year"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:94
msgid "Yes, map it for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:53
msgid "Sorry! Something went wrong while we were creating %s. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-promo.php:69
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/templates/published.php:55
msgid "Get WordPress.com Premium"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals.php:188
msgid "%1$s is yours!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:33
msgid "Set up your website in seconds!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:174
msgid "Choose a title for your site. It can be anything you like. Fear not, you can change this any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-overrides.php:536
msgid ""
"Your new WordPress.com site is ready to go! Looking for ideas for your new site? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial.\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:21
msgid "Triple-check your email. It's the only way we can contact you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:42
msgid "View Archive"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:189
msgid "Congratulations on your new Custom Design purchase! We just have one question…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:157
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:4
msgid "Help & Support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-no-choice.tpl.php:11
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/read-tips.php:3
msgid "New posts you publish will appear in the Reader stream below. You’ll also see new posts from other blogs that you are following. You can visit your blog by using the 'My Blogs' menu above."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/customize.php:32
msgid "You’ve selected the %s theme! Now you can customize it to make it look exactly how you’d like."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/customize.php:34
msgid "If you change your mind and want to choose a different theme, use the “Back to previous step” link below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/customize.php:39
msgid "A heads up—after you finish customizing this theme, you’ll be forwarded to the checkout process to buy and activate it for %1."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/better-passwords.php:119
msgid "Your password is too weak: you can improve it by including a mix of both uppercase and lowercase characters"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/better-passwords.php:125
msgid "Your password is too weak: you can improve it by mixing both letters and digits."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/better-passwords.php:130
msgid "Your password is too weak: you can improve it by including special characters such as !#=?*&."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/better-passwords.php:138
msgid "Your password is one of the most common passwords used on the web. Try something a little more unique."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/better-passwords.php:144
msgid "Your password is too weak: Looks like you're including easy to guess information about yourself. Try something a little more unique."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:94
msgid "Your password can be saved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:513
msgid "Video Description"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:67
msgid "Get started with WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:93
msgid "Pro Tip:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:129
msgid "Choose an address for your site. You can change the WordPress.com address later, to map your own .com domain, for example."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2546
msgid "You have purchased %1$s but because other domains are associated with this blog, it has not been set as the primary domain. If you would like %1$s to be the address readers see when visiting your site, you can adjust the primary domain settings using the form below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2603
msgid ""
"You have purchased %1$s, but because other domains are associated with this blog, it has not been set as the primary domain. If you would like %2$s to be the address readers see when visiting your site, you can adjust the primary domain settings at the link below.\n"
"Also please be aware that when changes are made to domain names, it can take as long as 72 hours for them to become evident to all internet service providers, so if your domain doesn't seem to work right away, please wait a few hours and try again.\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:7
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:7
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:7
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:7
msgid "An e-mail with your username, password and important links has been sent to your e-mail address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/better-passwords.php:113
msgid "Password must be at least %d characters."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/better-passwords.php:150
msgid "You've recently used this password. Try something new."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:65
msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:338
msgid "Looking for inspiration?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:338
msgid "Inspire me"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:607
msgid "Tags (optional, comma separated)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:184
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:202
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/steps/first-post.php:22
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:380
msgid "Saving"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:203
msgid "Draft Saved"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:204
msgid "Draft Failed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:316
msgid "What would you like to post?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:210
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:626
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:632
msgid "Cancel Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/post.php:7
msgid "Let's create the first post on your blog. What would you like to post?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/connect.php:1
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/customize.php:28
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/follow.php:1
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/name.php:3
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/post.php:4
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase.php:10
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/share.php:1
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/theme.php:1
msgid "Step"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:225
msgid "Generate strong password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing.php:37
msgid "Start sharing on \"%s\" now"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:63
msgid "This is what we’ll call you. It needs to be a least four letters or numbers."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:108
msgid "Don’t be afraid to use symbols like !\"£$%^&( along with numbers and letters."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:287
msgid "As a part of that effort, we recommend you connect your LinkedIn account with WordPress.com Publicize in your WordPress.com sharing settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/nux-frame.php:44
msgid "Publishing Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-publish.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:212
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/templates/published.php:3
msgid "Post published!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-publish.php:51
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:215
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/templates/published.php:6
msgid "Start a New Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-promo.php:55
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/templates/published.php:54
msgid "Supercharge your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/templates/published.php:55
msgid "Get all the upgrades you need at just $99 per year."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/customize.php:45
msgid "More about %s..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/adsense.php:580
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/adsense.php:667
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-misfits.php:193
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-preview.php:85
msgid "About these ads"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:57
msgid "Get Upgraded"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:29
msgid "Now Check Your E-mail to Complete Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:35
msgid "Didn't get your email yet?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:187
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:193
msgid "Create Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:153
msgid "Name Your Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1300
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:60
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:112
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:272
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:290
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:70
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:7 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:5
#: wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:7 wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:52
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wordads-recruiter/class.php:64
msgid "Get Started!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/customize.php:43
msgid "Customize It!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/nux-frame.php:42
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/nux-frame.php:45
msgid "Next Step →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/theme.php:3
msgid "Click on a thumbnail to choose a theme for your blog. No need to over think it; you can always switch to a different theme later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/read-tips.php:2
msgid "Welcome to your Dashboard!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/post.php:5
msgid "Create your first post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/name.php:12
msgid "Tagline (optional)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/name.php:13
msgid "In a few words, explain what your blog is about."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/name.php:18
msgid "Which language will you be blogging in?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/theme.php:131
msgid "Show More Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/name.php:4
msgid "Set up your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:142
msgid "Welcome to WordPress.com!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:255
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:514
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/find-friends.php:21
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/social-links/social-links.php:126
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:267
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:23
msgid "We'll send you an email to activate your account, so please triple-check that you've typed it correctly."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:755
msgid "Customize the fonts in your theme, change your color scheme, and dive into custom CSS to make all the presentational changes you desire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:244
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:295
msgid "Cancel %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:117
msgid "Choose an address for your blog. You can change the WordPress.com address later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer.php:129
msgid "An error occurred while saving. Please wait and try again in a minute."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-overrides.php:522
msgid "%1$s is yours! Start customizing it now."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/domain-one-step/domain-one-step.php:181
msgid "Your chosen theme:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/domain-one-step/domain-one-step.php:181
msgid "(You can always change this later.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:40
msgid "Get your own WordPress.com blog in seconds"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/domain-set-primary-for-blog.php:48
msgid ""
"Hi there! We at WordPress.com just wanted to let you know that we have set your new domain, %s, as the primary domain for your site, %s. \n"
"The primary domain is the one that will display in the browser's address bar. If you'd like to review the settings, just head on over to the link below.\n"
"Also please be aware that when changes are made to domain names, it can take as long as 72 hours for them to become evident to all internet service providers, so if your domain doesn't seem to work right away, please wait a few hours and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:119
msgid "Will not be publicly displayed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/theme.php:115
msgid "This theme supports:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/customize.php:94
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/customize.php:29
msgid "Customize %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-overrides.php:466
msgid "Activate %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-overrides.php:419
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-overrides.php:467
msgid "Howdy %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:187
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:431
msgid "Insert Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:394
msgid "(or click to close)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:450
msgid "Photo Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:451
msgid "Photo Caption"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:452
msgid "Photo Click-through Link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:461
msgid "Select Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:468
msgid "or use a photo URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:474
msgid "Fetch Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:476
msgid "or select a photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:489
msgid "select a new photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:512
msgid "Video Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:525
msgid "Select Video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:532
msgid "or use a video URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:539
msgid "Fetch Video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:541
msgid "or select a video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:546
msgid "Fetching Video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:550
msgid "select a new video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:953
msgid "You must purchase the VideoPress upgrade to upload video files to your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:980
msgid "
Processing Video
%s remaining
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:119 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:410
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:411
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:1059 wp-includes/post.php:3855
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:461 wp-includes/script-loader.php:487
msgctxt "tag delimiter"
msgid ","
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:21
msgid "Other common things:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:23
msgid "Change your blog description or permissions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:24
msgid "Change your blog’s theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-tumblr-importer.php:290
msgid "[WordPress.com] Tumblr Import successful"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1824
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:393
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:180
msgid "Drop files here"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:84
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:971
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:3
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:1000
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:212
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:40
msgid "The Site Visibility privacy setting controls who can read your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blog-title-form.tpl.php:11
msgid "Name Your Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blog-title-form.tpl.php:23
msgid "Choose a title for your blog. It can be anything you like. Fear not, you can change this any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:25
msgid "This means my blog will appear in search engines like Google and Bing, and in public listings around WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/domain-one-step/domain-one-step.php:1663
msgid "Did you know, the address %s is also available?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/domain-one-step/domain-one-step.php:1665
msgid "Did you know that the address %s is available for $%d a year?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:198
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grofiles.php:514
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/domain-one-step/domain-one-step.php:1719
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:80
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:67
msgid "Checking..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:82
msgid "No thanks, I’ll use the free address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:86
msgid "However the following blog addresses are available:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:119
msgid " If you don't want a blog you can sign up for just a username."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:65
msgid "Your username should be a minimum of four characters and can only include lowercase letters and numbers."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/private.php:85 wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:84
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:299 wp-login.php:542
msgid "Email or Username"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:134
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:311
msgid "This must be at least 4 characters, lowercase letters and numbers only. You can choose a custom domain later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:158
msgid "Don't worry you can change this later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:183
msgid "Public: My blog should appear in search engines, and in public listings around WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:185
msgid "Private: My blog should be visible only to users I choose."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:235
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:178
msgid "Choose a Username"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:244
msgid "Username must be at least %d characters, lowercase letters and numbers only."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form-login.tpl.php:57
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-form.tpl.php:41
msgid "Follow our blog to learn about new themes, features, and other news."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:20
msgid "Get a free blog on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:20
msgid "Free Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-no-choice.tpl.php:11
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:77
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:391
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:658
msgid "Create Blog"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:781
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3429
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:25
msgid "Domain Mapping"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:93
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:308
msgid "Forgot password?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form-login.tpl.php:13
msgid "Already a WordPress.com user? Click here to log in."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form-login.tpl.php:24
msgid "Sign up using your existing WordPress.com account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:83
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:460
msgid "Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:183
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:189
msgid "Uploading..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:184
msgid "Publishing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:133
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:188
msgid "Publish Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:190
msgid "Publish Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:191
msgid "Publish Video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:192
msgid "Publish Quote"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:193
msgid "Publish Link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:194
msgid "Publish Status"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:195
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:425
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:585
msgid "Title (optional)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:197
msgid "Click-Through Link URL (optional)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:200
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:485
msgid "Uploading Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:198
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:449
msgid "Paste a Photo URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:199
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:511
msgid "Paste a Video URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:798
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:994
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:1012
msgid "Invalid request."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:824
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:857
msgid "That was not a valid image URL, make sure you are using a direct link to the image."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:834
msgid "That was not a valid image URL, please try another."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:3
msgid "Thinking about upgrading?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:2877
msgid "Map a domain name you already own to your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:2871
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3427
msgid "Domain Name & Mapping"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:108
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:962
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:88
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:46
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/newdashplus.php:89
msgid "Reader"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/auto-activation.php:80
msgid "
We need to make sure that your email is actually yours to be able to send you notifications or in case you forget your password. Read more about this here.
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/auto-activation.php:169
msgid ""
"Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com.\n"
"You are one step away from activating all the features for %s.\n"
"Please click this link to verify ownership of blog:\n"
"--The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing.php:40
msgid "Get started here"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:21
msgid "I want my blog to be %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:26
msgid "This means only normal visitors will see my blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:27
msgid "This means my blog will be visible only to users I choose."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:20
msgid "Log in to your blog, edit your profile, or change your blog's settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/oauth2.php:372
msgid ""
"Thank you for creating a WordPress.com account. To activate your account, please click on the following link:\n"
"--The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:90
msgid "No thanks, I want a free WordPress.com address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:104
msgid "I want to add a domain to an existing blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:102
msgid "This domain will be for a new blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:103
msgid "I want a new blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/export-choices.php:67
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:52
#: wp-content/lib/wpcom-themes.php:1017 wp-content/lib/wpcom-themes.php:1055
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:970
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:77
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:85
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:54
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:49
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:51
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:71
msgid "Free"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:17
msgid "viewable by everyone"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:18
msgid "viewable by everyone, but to block search engines"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:19
msgid "private"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form-login.tpl.php:15
msgid "At least %s lowercase letters and numbers. Don’t worry, you can change this later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-no-choice.tpl.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/wpcom-signup.tpl.php:514
msgid "You agree to the fascinating terms of service by submitting this form."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:95
msgid "No thanks, I’ll choose a different blog address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:89
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:93
msgid "Do you own this domain and want to map it?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/theme.php:2
msgid "Choose a theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:59
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:32
msgid "Welcome back, %s. By filling out the form below, you can add another blog to your account. There is no limit to the number of blogs you can have, so create to your heart’s content, but blog responsibly. If you’re not going to use a great blog domain, leave it for a new user. Now have at it!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:174 wp-login.php:266
msgid "Your password has been reset."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:183
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:204 wp-login.php:274
#: wp-login.php:305
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/better-passwords/integration.php:183 wp-login.php:274
msgid "Enter your new password below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:22
msgid "Check"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:164
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:16
msgid "Blog Language"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:36
msgid "%1$sPublic%2$s: My blog should appear in search engines like Google and Bing, and in public listings around WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:40
msgid "%1$sBlock search engines%2$s: Only allow normal visitors."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:44
msgid "%1$sPrivate%2$s: My blog should be visible only to users I choose."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:17
msgid "Want your own domain?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:25
msgid "No thanks, I prefer to use myname.wordpress.com for free."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form-login.tpl.php:22
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:52
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-form.tpl.php:8
msgid "Sign up for a blog, too."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-form.tpl.php:22
msgid "If your password isn’t strong enough, you won’t be able to continue with signup."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:13
msgid "%1$s is your new blog. Visit your dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:19
msgid "Get started:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:26
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:9
msgid "Need some help? Go from zero to hero with our 10-step walk-through guide."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:27
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:10
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:10
msgid "We hope you enjoy WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:33
msgid "Choose a wordpress.com address or get your own URL with a custom domain name. (?) "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-form.tpl.php:7
msgid "At least %s characters. Lowercase letters and numbers only."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-form.tpl.php:44
msgid "We send important administration notices to this address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-form.tpl.php:20
msgid "Use a mix of upper and lowercase characters to create a strong password."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/wpcom-signup.tpl.php:517
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:66
msgid "Sign up →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:69
msgid "You agree to the fascinating terms of service by submitting this form."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/ie-sitemode.php:104
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/common.php:235
msgid "Sign up for a free blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:126
msgid "Replace FeedBurner with our Email Subscriptions to gain more features."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:144
msgid "Put your picture next to your comments and posts, upload an avatar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:153
msgid "Set your blog’s language so you appear in WordPress.com top lists and get more traffic."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:203
msgid "Update your about page so your readers can learn a bit about you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:209
msgid "Create your about page so your readers can learn a bit about you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:221
msgid "Your syndication feeds are set to show the most recent %1$s posts. Change it to 10 or 15 posts to make your feed load faster."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:232
msgid "You have uploaded %1$s of files, exceeding your quota by %2$s. Consider deleting some files to free up more space, or purchasing a space upgrade so you can upload more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2068
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/php/class-show-unresolved-posts-widget.php:237
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:176
msgid "←"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2069
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/php/class-show-unresolved-posts-widget.php:240
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:175
msgid "→"
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/header.php:118
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-spaces.php:218
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-writer.php:63
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:192
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/welcome-blog.php:18
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1816
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:975
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-header.php:43 wp-content/private.php:98
#: wp-content/themes/h4/header.php:252 wp-content/themes/h4/header.php:274
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:90
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:306
#: wp-content/themes/h4/mobile-page-toggle.php:13
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:408 wp-login.php:527 wp-login.php:562
msgid "Log In"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/onboard.php:35
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/disk-space-checker/disk-space-checker.php:158
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:2896
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3439
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1188
msgid "Space Upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:114 wp-admin/options-general.php:133
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form-login.tpl.php:47
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:4
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-form.tpl.php:36
msgid "E-mail Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:46
msgid "WordPress.com Announcement"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:120
msgid "Site Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/header.php:75
msgid "WordPress.com Freshly Pressed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-profile-form.tpl.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:522
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-profile-form.tpl.php:16
msgid "If you haven’t got your activation e-mail why not update your profile while you wait?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:559
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/change-email-form.tpl.php:13
msgid "Your account still needs to be activated. You can update your e-mail address on this page if you want. When you click 'Update e-mail' the activation e-mail will be sent to the new address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/change-email-form.tpl.php:28
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/change-email-form.tpl.php:28
msgid "Update e-mail →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:27
msgid "Check Your E-mail to Complete Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:31
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:28
msgid "An e-mail has been sent to %1$s to activate your account. Check your inbox and click the link in the message. It should arrive within 30 minutes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:34
msgid "Still waiting for your e-mail?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:38
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:34
msgid "If you haven’t received your activation e-mail yet there are a number of things you can do:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:37
msgid "Wait a little longer. Sometimes delivery of e-mail can be delayed by processes outside of our control."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:756
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:38
msgid "Check the junk folder of your e-mail client. The e-mail sometimes ends up there."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:42
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:758
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:39
msgid "Have you entered your e-mail address correctly? We think it’s %1$s but if that’s wrong use the button below to fix it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:43
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:760
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:41
msgid "If all else fails, contact Support and we’ll send you the activation e-mail again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/change-email-form.tpl.php:12
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:760
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:41
msgid "If your e-mail is incorrect, change it using this form and click “Update e-mail.” The activation e-mail will be sent to your new address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:56
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:105
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:30
msgid "The blog you were looking for, %s doesn’t exist but you can create it now!"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:76
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-read-menu-endpoint.php:20
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-read-menu-endpoint.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:1006
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-freshly-pressed-page.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/discover/fresh.php:5
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:60
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4868
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/freshly-pressed.php:7
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1548
#: wp-content/themes/h4/mobile/v2/mobile-header.php:13
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1072
msgid "Freshly Pressed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:7
msgid "The blog title can be changed at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:29
msgid "Update Your Profile!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2133
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2149
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:205
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:211
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:569
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:115
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:471
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:25
msgid "Get your own WordPress.com account in seconds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:475
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:491
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:657
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:321
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:118
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:140
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-overrides.php:196
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/admin.php:329
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/admin.php:331
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/admin.php:662
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-posts.php:77
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:300 wp-includes/media-template.php:498
msgid "Trash"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2463
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:666
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:715
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/image.php:7 wp-includes/script-loader.php:230
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/activity-streams/activity-streams.php:1847
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/activity-streams/activity-streams.php:2168
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/activity-streams-loader.php:525
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:143
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:882
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:149
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:141
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:190
msgid "Publicize"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/class.yahoo-yap-widget.php:354
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-spaces.php:723
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-writer.php:174
msgid "Love,"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/misc.php:1536
msgid ""
"Thank you for signing up with WordPress.com. To activate your newly created account, please click on the following link:\n"
"--The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/wpcom.php:294
msgid "Your password is too short. Please pick a password that has at least 6 characters."
msgstr ""
#: wp-login.php:182
msgid "Lost Password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/name-change.php:791
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/name-change.php:972
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1834
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1864
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form-login.tpl.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-form.tpl.php:28
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:899
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/common.php:94
msgid "If you don’t agree you can’t use WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:38
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:23
msgid "Get another WordPress.com blog in seconds"
msgstr ""
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-spaces.php:1371
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/wpcom-signup.tpl.php:517
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:66
msgid "Create Blog →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:19
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:427
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:12
msgid "%s is yours"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:64
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:472
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/one-step-signup.tpl.php:34
msgid "Fill out this one-step form and you’ll be blogging seconds later!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:506
msgid "Just a username, please."
msgstr ""
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-spaces.php:349
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-spaces.php:1290
msgid "Next →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:548
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-profile-form.tpl.php:42
msgid "Save Profile →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:32
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/while-waiting-page.tpl.php:28
msgid "If you do not activate your account within two days, you will have to sign up again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:65
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/user-form.tpl.php:47
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:557
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/change-email-form.tpl.php:12
msgid "Activate Your WordPress.com Account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:175
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:19
msgid "What language will you be primarily blogging in?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:375
msgid "Welcome back, %s. By filling out the form below, you can add another blog to your account. There is no limit to the number of blogs you can have, so create to your heart's content, but blog responsibly."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:26
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:429
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/confirm-another-blog-signup.tpl.php:14
msgid "If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:541
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-profile-form.tpl.php:35
msgid "About Yourself:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:536
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/confit.php:70
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentyten.php:41
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#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:152
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:25
msgid "Link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/duet.php:55
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/mh-magazine.php:26
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/nurture.php:280
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#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/publish.php:70
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/silesia.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:166
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:82
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:481
msgid "Text"
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#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:85
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:568
#: wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-mce-help.php:131
msgid "Quote"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/settings.php:120
msgid "Save Settings"
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/login-form.php:3
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-spaces.php:637
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:293
msgid "or"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1409
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:186
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:835
msgid "Embed"
msgstr ""
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-spaces.php:722
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-writer.php:173
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/misc.php:1597
msgid "Enjoy your new home :)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:27
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/blogname-and-domain-form.tpl.php:11
msgid "Blog Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/press-this.php:677
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:1393
msgid "via "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/name.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/pink-touch-2.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:140
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/title-lang-privacy-form.tpl.php:4
msgid "Blog Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:209
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-wp-install-defaults.php:77
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:9
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:105
msgid "About"
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#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:533
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-profile-form.tpl.php:27
msgid "First Name:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:537
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/user-profile-form.tpl.php:31
msgid "Last Name:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tumblr-importer/tumblr-importer.php:96
msgid "Email:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:119 wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:198
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:247
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:293
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msgid "Update"
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#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs/sidebar.php:31
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#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:1358
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:1360
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:84 wp-includes/post.php:2436
msgid "Video"
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#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/legacy.php:294
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#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:113
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#: wp-content/mu-plugins/hookpress/includes.php:178
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/invite/invite-users.php:1800
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:301
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:132
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:676
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/openidserver.php:451
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:217
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:41
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-single-entry.php:12
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/checklists/load.php:261
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:379
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:123
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:306
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/after-the-deadline/config-options.php:86
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/name.php:16
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: gadget.php:518
msgid "Username:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes-page.php:54
msgid "Welcome to the wonderful world of WordPress themes. Here you can browse and search all WordPress themes available on WordPress.com to discover the one that is just right for your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes-page.php:64
msgid "Discover Free WordPress Themes on the WordPress.com Theme Showcase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes-page.php:64
msgid "Discover Premium WordPress Themes on the WordPress.com Theme Showcase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes-page.php:46
msgid "Premium WordPress Themes at WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes-page.php:41
msgctxt "Theme name"
msgid "%s Theme — WordPress Themes for Blogs at WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes-page.php:46
msgid "Free WordPress Themes at WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
msgid "Celcius provides a pure, white backdrop for your writing, photography, or videography. With a design that looks great on any device, large or small, Celcius supports multiple post formats, slide-out navigation and widget areas, and bold featured images. Clear out the clutter and let your content speak for itself."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/renewal-failure.php:6
msgid "We attempted to renew your %s subscription but experienced a problem taking payment. If you wish to continue with the subscription please log in to your account and update your card details. Your subscription will be cancelled if payment cannot be made."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/renewal-failure.php:4
msgid "Renewal Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:58
msgid "Unique, exclusive, hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:42
msgid "Give your readers something short and easy to remember with a .com, .net, .org., .me, or .co domain name."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:50
msgid "Make your website or blog unique with full font, color and CSS customization."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:30 wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:31
msgid "Hassle-free eCommerce, unlimited premium theme access, unlimited storage. "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:21 wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:22
msgid "Custom domain, more design, more video, more space — and no ads."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/preview-control.php:16
msgid "With the Custom Design upgrade you can make your blog look and feel exactly the way you want."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:66 wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:41
msgid "Join over 75 million customers including the world's biggest brands and industries"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:5 wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:5
msgid "Create a new website on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:6 wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:6
msgid "The easiest way to create your website or blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:15 wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:15
msgid "Upgrade your current website"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:57
msgid "start at "
msgstr ""
msgid "Edin is a modern responsive business and corporate theme that helps you to create a strong--yet beautiful--online presence for your business."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/goodreads.php:45
msgid "You need to enter your numeric user ID for the Goodreads Widget to work correctly. Full instructions."
msgstr ""
msgid "Your online business card. Connect is designed and developed for sharing a professional profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-mobile.php:357
msgid "We have apps for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and Android."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/logged-out/header.php:20
msgid "Start a Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:128
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Connect Jetpack"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:13
msgid "Please try again in a bit."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:10
msgid "We’re sorry, but new domain purchases are currently disabled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:359
msgid "Attachment Meta"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:374
msgid "Select Bulk Action"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:143
msgid "Close media panel"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:319
msgid "File type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/safecss-wpcom.php:332
msgid "New to CSS? Learn about CSS editing and how to find theme CSS. Questions? Ask in the CSS Customization forum."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css-in-customizer.php:138
msgid "CSS Help"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:200
msgid "Admin not a valid username on WordPress.com, please try again with the correct username."
msgstr ""
msgid "Ladder is a visually striking theme with a modern, flat design that ensures you present yourself and your company professionally. With Ladder, you can showcase your work and identity in a unique way."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/embed-wordpress.php:277
msgid "A WordPress blog post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:150
msgctxt "Preview THEME-NAME on"
msgid "Preview %s on"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:153
msgctxt "Purchase THEME-NAME for"
msgid "Purchase %s for"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wapi.php:1735
msgid "Your first name cannot contain more than 20 characters."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:147
msgctxt "Activate THEME-NAME on"
msgid "Activate %s on"
msgstr ""
msgid "A sophisticated, responsive portfolio theme designed by Justin Caroll, perfect for showcasing your work. With a convenient slide-out sidebar, bold featured images, and quick access to your favorite social networks, Espresso will make your portfolio stand out from the rest."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/anti-fraud.php:25
msgid "The transaction was declined. Please try again. If this error persists, please Contact Support quoting error %s."
msgstr ""
msgid "Forefront is a responsive business and corporate theme that helps you to create a strong--yet beautiful--online presence for your business."
msgstr ""
msgid "A Simpler Time is beautiful, bold, and memorable--pretty much exactly like the types of stories you'll be writing alongside it on your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-badoptionblocker.php:12
msgid "In order for your blog to work efficiently, you must reduce the number of entries in the Comment Blacklist."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-footer.php:5
msgid "See All Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-modern.php:47
msgid "Upgrade your self-hosted WordPress site and see it here by connecting Jetpack."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1109
msgid "Included with plan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:397 wp-includes/media-template.php:552
msgid "Uploaded To"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:322
msgid "Uploaded on"
msgstr ""
msgid "Showcase your business, connect with your customers, and make a strong and professional impact on the web with Business Identity. Featuring custom logo and site layout functionality, a beautiful home page template, and customer testimonials, Business Identity is the right choice for your online brand."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/user.php:153
msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %1$s is incorrect. Lost your password?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:406
msgid "Edit more details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:543
msgctxt "missing menu item navigation label"
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:3827 wp-includes/taxonomy.php:3852
msgid "%s: %l."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/user.php:137
msgid "ERROR: Invalid username. Lost your password?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:3005
msgid "Edit Metadata"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:259
msgid "Edit previous media item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:260
msgid "Edit next media item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:405
msgid "View attachment page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2644
msgid "(No title)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2923
msgid "All media types"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php:438
msgid "Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:1470 wp-includes/media-template.php:339
msgid "Bitrate"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:1471
msgid "Bitrate Mode"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:57
msgid "Sorry but 'www' subdomain cannot be mapped to a WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-section.php:249
msgid "Press return or enter to open panel"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:310 wp-admin/user-new.php:423
msgid "Add the user without sending an email that requires their confirmation."
msgstr ""
#: wp-comments-post.php:136
msgid "ERROR: The comment could not be saved. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/upload.php:59
msgid "The grid view for the Media Library requires JavaScript. Switch to the list view."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:127
msgid "We’re going to use this information to create a wp-config.php file."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:445
msgid "Incompatible with your install "
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:447
msgid "Compatible with your install "
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:749
msgid "Minute"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1147
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-section.php:182
msgid "Press return or enter to expand"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/customize.php:162
msgid "The Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing them. You can also navigate to different pages on your site to preview them."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:2663
msgid "%s failed to embed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:2693
msgid "Preview not available. %s cannot be embedded securely."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:69
msgctxt "Plugin Installer"
msgid "Beta Testing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:397
msgid "More Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:438
msgid "%s download"
msgid_plural "%s downloads"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:443
msgid "Untested with your install "
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/customize.php:147 wp-includes/class-wp-customize-section.php:257
msgid "You are customizing %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:377
msgid "Privacy protection"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:845
msgid "Blog, supercharged"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:909
msgid "Build a great website"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1899
msgid "Premium theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:29
msgid "Domain mapping"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1050
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1079
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1092
msgid "This upgrade will renew in %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1072
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1085
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1099
msgid "This upgrade will expire in %s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:885
msgid "%1$s, %2$s, and one other"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:891
msgid "%1$s, %2$s, and %3$d others"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:904
msgid "This person is following %s"
msgid_plural "These people are following %s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:905
msgid "your blog:"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:933
msgid "%d Year Anniversay Achievement"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:805
msgid "Act now! %2$s expired"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:844
msgid "This person reblogged %s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:793
msgid "Act now! Your %1$s %3$s expired. Renew it now to keep your site available at that address."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:798
msgctxt "renew a domain"
msgid "Renew %s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:767
msgid "A spike in your stats"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:783
msgctxt "noun - someone's domain name"
msgid "domain"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:766
msgid "Your blog, %1$s, appears to be getting more traffic than usual! %2$d hourly views - %3$d hourly views on average"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:721
msgid "Here's what you posted."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:765
msgid "Your stats are booming! Looks like %s is getting lots of traffic."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:720
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:722
msgid "You met your posting goal for this %s!"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:634
msgid "Current Record: %d"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:635
msgid "Old Record: %d"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:624
msgid "%1$s: Your best day for follows on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:468
msgid "%1$s matched @%2$s with the %3$s %4$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:519
msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your %3$s %4$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:525
msgid "%1$s, %2$s, and one other liked your %3$s %4$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:536
msgid "%1$s, %2$s, and %3$d others liked your %4$s %5$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:548
msgid "This person liked your %1$s %2$s"
msgid_plural "These people liked your %1$s %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:373
msgctxt "Pending status, username, post title"
msgid "%1$s%2$s linked to your post %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:374
msgctxt "Comment pending status"
msgid "[Pending] "
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:238
msgid "%1$s matched @%2$s with a comment on %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:255
msgid "%1$s left a comment on your %2$s %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:266
msgid "their previous comment"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:113
msgctxt "date, time period, blog title"
msgid "On %1$s, you surpassed your previous record of most likes in one %2$s for your posts on %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:115
msgid "That's pretty awesome, well done!"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:146
msgid "You've made your first post on %2$s."
msgid_plural "You've made %1$d posts on %2$s."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:152
msgid "Congratulations on writing your first post on %2$s!"
msgid_plural "Congratulations on writing %1$s posts on %2$s!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:160
msgid "First Post!"
msgid_plural "%d Posts!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:104
msgctxt "Date (F j) : blog title"
msgid "%1$s: Your best day for likes on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:58
msgid "You've received %1$d like on %2$s"
msgid_plural "You've received %1$d likes on %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:65
msgid "Congratulations on getting your first like on %2$s."
msgid_plural "Congratulations on getting %1$d total likes on %2$s."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:154
msgid "View all the features on the plugin site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:150
msgid "Allow visitors to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, and more with a click"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:138
msgid "Receive notifications from Jetpack if your site goes offline — and when it returns."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:143
msgid "Give visitors an easy way to show their appreciation for your content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:148
msgid "Optimize your site with a mobile theme for tablets and phones."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:126
msgid "— Paul Jarvis, WordPress Developer (@pjrvs)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:132
msgid "The best of WordPress.com on your self-hosted site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:125
msgid "“Clients all ask for things like easy stats, related posts, sharing buttons – so Jetpack lets me add those things in a few seconds.”"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:121
msgid "You can also mange your self-hosted sites and see enhanced stats right here on WordPress.com plus many more useful features all bundled into one plugin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:120
msgid "Jetpack speeds up your site (using Photon), helps you promote your content and reach more users, makes your site instantly mobile ready, and gives you access to WordPress.com Stats."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:116
msgid "30 Features. 1 Plugin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:97
msgid "Still stuck? Check out our support site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:102
msgid "Install Jetpack manually"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:104
msgid "Log in to your site's Dashboard"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:105
msgid "Go to the 'Plugins' tab and search for 'Jetpack'"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:106
msgid "Click 'Install Now' and follow the instructions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:90
msgid "We couldn't validate your site address. Here's some things you can try:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:93
msgid "Check your settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:95
msgid "Is there a typo in your site address?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:96
msgid "Is your site running the latest version of WordPress?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:85
msgid "Your site is safely hosted at WordPress.com which means you already have most of the Jetpack goodness right out of the box. Have you considered upgrading your WordPress.com Plan?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:89
msgid "Something's Wrong"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:58
msgid "Connect Jetpack to get access to a suite of the most powerful WordPress.com features"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:60
msgid "Upgrade Self-hosted Blog: Connect Jetpack"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:69
msgid "Redirecting you to the Jetpack installer..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:84
msgid "Great News!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:57
msgid "Upgrade your Self-Hosted Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1388
msgid "Unlike this comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1389
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Liked"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1401
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Like"
msgstr ""
msgid "A responsive, clean and simple WordPress theme developed for news websites, magazines and blogs."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-modern.php:40
msgid "You also have %d hidden WordPress."
msgid_plural "You also have %d hidden WordPress sites."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:94
msgid "Your stats can now be found in My Sites"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-modern.php:19
msgid "Create Another WordPress"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-modern.php:19
msgid "Create a New WordPress"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet.php:484
msgid "Failed to report this comment as spam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet.php:545
msgid "Failed to report this comment as not spam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:90
msgid ""
"Important: In the next day or two you may receive an email asking you to verify your email address.\n"
"\t\t\t\tThis is a new requirement by ICANN, the organization that oversees all domain registrations. If you receive it you should verify your email address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-modern.php:49
msgid "Upgrade Now (Free)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:121
msgid " - will stop functioning on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-post-changes/class.email-post-changes.php:180
msgid "%1$s made the following changes to the “%2$s” %3$s %4$s on %5$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-post-changes/class.email-post-changes.php:193
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-post-changes/class.email-post-changes.php:194
msgctxt "post title @ date and time"
msgid "%1$s @ %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-post-changes/class.email-post-changes.php:242
msgid "[%1$s] %2$s changed: %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-post-changes/class.email-post-changes.php:134
msgctxt "time format for when a post was modified"
msgid "j F, Y \\a\\t G:i \\U\\T\\C"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-post-changes/class.email-post-changes.php:172
msgid "Current post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-post-changes/class.email-post-changes.php:176
msgctxt "post type"
msgid "Current %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/typekit-customizer-control.php:24
msgid "Restore Theme Fonts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping-blog-selection.php:6
msgid "Map %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:188
msgid "Hide this screen"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:190
msgid "Close this screen"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:164
msgid "In your dashboard:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:173
msgid "Elsewhere:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:187
msgid "Hide this screen, but show it again, tomorrow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:187
msgid "Remind Me Later"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:188
msgid "Hide this screen and don’t show it again, unless I click on Are you new here?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:154
msgid "Have any technical questions? Our documentation pages are open 24/7"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:163
msgid "Some helpful resources:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:152
msgid "Need help getting started? Visit our zero-to-hero guide"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:146
msgid "Although your site address is %2$s, keep in mind that your dashboard address is %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:148
msgid "Your dashboard address is only visible to you and it’s at:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/welcome-screen.php:143
msgid "You are now in your blog’s “dashboard” where you can write new posts and control lots of important settings and features."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3473
msgid "Domain registrations can be cancelled for a full refund within 2 days of placing your order."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2137
msgid "Privacy protection keeps your personal information hidden from the public. An extra %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2145
msgid "Why go with privacy protection?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2133
msgid "Privacy protection keeps your personal information hidden from the public. This upgrade normally costs %s but is free as part of your WordPress.com bundle."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2212
msgid "You’ll still own the domain, but we’ll show our partner’s details instead of yours, protecting your privacy and identity."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2207
msgid "WordPress.com respects your privacy. If you don’t want your contact details to be made public, you can use our privacy protection service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2186
msgid "Domain ownership information is required to be publicly available for inquiries about the domain. See our domain support documents for more information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2022
msgid "%1$s will be registered and added to your blog for %2$s per year."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wapi.php:2097
msgid "Your email address includes a ’+’ (plus) sign, but for the domain registration we require a standard email address. This only applies to the domain registration, not your WordPress.com account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:62
msgid "Sorry but %s does not end with a valid domain extension."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:42
msgid "Sorry but WordPress.com domains cannot be mapped to a WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:47
msgid "Sorry but %s cannot be mapped to a WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:52
msgid "Sorry but you do not have the correct permissions to map %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:37
msgid "Sorry but %s is already mapped to a WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/name-change.php:939
msgid "Please read carefully. This will change your site's address (currently %s). This process cannot be reversed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:1321
msgid "This domain is currently unlocked and could be pending a transfer, if you have started the domain transfer process you will need to complete the renewal with your new registrar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:79
msgid "This notice is only visible to logged in users that can manage widgets"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:78
msgid "You can visit Widgets\">Appearance > Widgets to remove it from this sidebar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:72
msgid "Notice to Administrators: The Readmill reading service has shut downlearn more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:41
msgid "No content is displayed to users who can't manage widgets"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:36
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:74
msgid "The Send to Readmill widget is no longer working and will be removed completely from Jetpack."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:38
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:76
msgid "The Send to Readmill widget is no longer working and will be removed completely."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:40
msgid "You can remove it yourself now."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:33
msgid "The Readmill reading service has shut down Learn More"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:17
msgid "Retired: Send To Readmill"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/readmill.php:19
msgid "Readmill has closed its doors. http://readmill.com/"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1778
msgid "Stats on support requests WordPress.com receives every month. We make it as easy as possible to contact our support team and we respond to every request."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1775
msgid "Stats on how many unique posts use “shortcodes” that make it easy for people to embed partner services on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1772
msgid "You’re in good company if you use WordPress to publish on the web. Here’s a sampler of well-known sites that are powered by WordPress."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1769
msgid "Posts published from blogs we host here on WordPress.com, both on subdomains and their own domains, or externally-hosted blogs that use our Jetpack plugin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1766
msgid "Pageviews across blogs we host here on WordPress.com, both on subdomains and their own domains, or externally-hosted blogs that use our Jetpack plugin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1763
msgid "With the Automattic service WordPress.com you can publish the website of your dreams. When you do, you’ll agree to these fascinating terms of service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1760
msgid "At WordPress.com, our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a time. Automattic, Inc, is passionate about making the web a better place."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1757
msgid "We think WordPress.com is awesome, but don’t take our word for it. With some of our favorite features you can learn how to build the site of your dreams."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:1754
msgid "A collection of stats from around WordPress.com that we’ve decided to share with the world. Our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:838
msgid "To verify that you wish to disable Two Step Authentication, please enter the verification code from your device, or a backup code, and click \"Disable.\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:63
msgid "No domains found or you don’t have access to specified site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:21
msgid "Some comments have not yet been checked for spam by Akismet. They have been temporarily held for moderation and will automatically be rechecked later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:129
msgid "To make your domain work with your WordPress.com blog, you will have to change your domain’s name servers to point to WordPress.com’s name servers. On your registrar’s website, remove any existing name servers and add the following instead:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:119
msgid "Each registrar has its own method for changing DNS records, so you may want to contact your registrar’s support for more information about adding this record. The important parts are your subdomain ("%s") and your default blog address ("%s")."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/infinity/infinity.php:303
msgid "We’ve changed this option to a click-to-scroll version for you since you have footer widgets in Appearance → Widgets, or your theme uses click-to-scroll as the default behavior."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:121
msgid "Once the subdomain is ready, you can come back to this screen and set it as the primary domain for your blog. This will make %s the address that visitors see when visiting your blog. All other domains will redirect to it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:120
msgid "The change could take several hours to go live. When it does, the subdomain will start pointing to your blog automatically."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:116
msgid "To make your domain work with your WordPress.com blog, you will have to change this setting. On your registrar’s website, add the following "CNAME" record in the DNS records section:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:115
msgid "Domains have settings called "DNS records" that determine how they work. They can usually be changed from your domain registrar’s website (where you originally registered the domain)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:104
msgid "Congratulations! %s is now set up to use the domain %s, and it should start working in a few minutes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:114
msgid "Add CNAME records"
msgstr ""
msgid "Isola is a fresh, clean slate for your best works, perfect for showcasing your writing, photographs, or videos in a bold way. Its primary menu and widget area are tucked behind a handy button, giving your content plenty of room to breathe, and Isola looks beautiful regardless of the device or screen size."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:152
msgid "The domain is mapped to your blog for one year and the mapping will be renewed automatically on %s. You can manage your renewal settings under My Upgrades. Note that you will still have to keep the registration renewed with your domain registrar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:147
msgid "While the domain is mapped to WordPress.com, you can edit your DNS records from the Domain Manager, under My Domains."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:140
msgid "We detected custom email settings on your domain, and automatically imported them. When you update your name servers, your email service will not be interrupted. These are the custom DNS records we imported:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:122
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:134
msgid "Learn more about mapping a domain to your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:133
msgid "Once the domain is ready, you can come back to this screen and set it as the primary domain for your blog. This will make %s the address that visitors see when visiting your blog. All other domains will redirect to it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:132
msgid "The change could take several hours to go live. When it does, the domain will start pointing to your WordPress.com blog automatically."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:127
msgid "Every domain has "name servers" (sometime called "DNS servers") that determine what website the domain points to. This can usually be changed from your domain registrar’s website (where you originally registered the domain)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:108
msgid "Congratulations! Your blog %s is now set up to use the domain %s. All that’s left is to change the domain’s settings so it points to your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:126
msgid "Change domain name servers"
msgstr ""
msgid "A pleasant-to-read, customizable theme designed for large organizations and government."
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme that adapts to your content, making sure it looks good on any device. Full width featured images make your content stand out. This theme adapts as add widgets with a 3rd column added to the layout."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:80
msgid "Because you have other domains associated with this blog, we did not automatically set the primary domain to your new domain. If you want to set %s as the primary domain, you can do so below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:92
msgid "If you have any questions, you can contact support at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:85
msgid "This domain is registered to you for one year and will be renewed automatically on %s. You can manage your renewal settings under My Upgrades."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:75
msgid "Congratulations! You registered the domain %s for your blog, %s. We are setting up your domain, and it should start working in a few minutes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:197
msgid "Learn more about domains."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:193
msgid "Your primary domain is the address visitors will see in their address bar when visiting your blog. All other domains will redirect to the primary domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:20
msgid "A domain is the main part of your blog’s address, like ’example.com’. You can add more domains to your blog or manage domains you already added."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:110
msgid "Renews on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:179
msgid "Default blog address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:49
msgid "Sorry but there was a problem processing your request. Please try again in a few minutes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-uploader/theme-uploader.php:287
msgctxt "event"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-share.php:226
msgid ""
"Reach 1000s of new people on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and more -- for free using CoPromote. \n"
"\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPromote Now or learn more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:187
msgid "You successfully updated the primary domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:186
msgid "There was an error when updating the primary domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/tdeditor.php:8
msgid "Main Body"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1075
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1088
msgid "Renews on "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3416
msgid "Update your domain’s name servers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3385
msgid "Because you are already set up to receive email on your domain, we automatically imported the following MX records for you so that once you update your name servers, you will continue receiving email without interruption:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3383
msgid "We imported %s’s MX records"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:262
msgid "You are using the new editor! Missing the old one? No worries, just switch to classic mode."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:80
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:155
msgid "Connect Jetpack (Free)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1994
msgid "This is not a domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:179
msgid "Let's create the first post on your blog. What would you like to post?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:180
msgid "Skip this step"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:146
msgid "Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content. Add yours in the box below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:18
msgid "No logo set"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:14
msgid "Set as logo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:16
msgid "Change logo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:178
msgid "Update the Gallery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:54
msgid "Sorry but we could not find any suggestions for %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:28
msgid "Register the perfect domain for your blog. We'll help you find available domains with suggestions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:8
msgid "Register a custom domain through WordPress.com and use it instead of your blog’s default address. It will make your blog more memorable and easier for your readers to find."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:8
msgid "Use an existing domain you already own for your WordPress.com blog by \"mapping\" it. It will let your readers access your blog at that domain instead of its default address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:11
msgid "Type in a domain to map"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:2004
msgid "domain does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:353
msgid "We have created a support ticket for you, and will get back to you soon"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:349
msgid "Below is the transcript from your recent chat with WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:351
msgid "We have created a support ticket for you, and will get back to you soon"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:348
msgid "Hi there"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/my-upgrades.php:113
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2724
msgid "Cancel Privacy Upgrade"
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme that has a stellar mix of color, texture and typography. Designed by Kcmr. It features a custom header, custom background, and maximum three widget areas in the footer. It comes with supports for several post formats including aside, gallery, image, quote, link, chat, and audio."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:20 wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:21
msgid "Premium plan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:28 wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:29
msgid "Business plan"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:344
msgid "Your recent chat with WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blogly is a clean flat design WordPress theme. WordPress.com Version"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping-blog-selection.php:9
msgid "Select which of your blogs should be mapped this domain name:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:176
msgid "An error occurred while saving the post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:177
msgid "An error occurred while deleting the post. "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:173
msgid "An error occurred while loading."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:175
msgid "An error occurred while setting the featured image."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:679
msgid "Please check your Akismet configuration and contact your web host if problems persist."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:172
msgid "Please refresh the page and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:171
msgid "Something went wrong!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:166
msgid "Updating..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:170
msgid "Loading map..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:162
msgid "You saved a draft. Nice!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:21
msgid "Congratulations! %s can be mapped to your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:22
msgid "Map Now for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:27
msgid "Sorry but %s has not been registered yet therefore cannot be mapped."
msgstr ""
msgid "Cocoa is a fresh, easy-to-use, minimal blog theme focussing on high-quality typography and a beautiful responsive design. The theme features a unique header and footer widget area, custom About, Social Links (via a custom menu) and Recent Post by Category widgets and aesthetic, minimal post formats. Cocoas makes is easy to start a blog that will look beautiful from your first post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2777
msgid "Error authorizing credit card. Please contact WordPress.com support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:11
msgid "Search for a domain or a keyword"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:161
msgid "You just created a post. Nice!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:163
msgid "You just updated a post. Lookin' good!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:5
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:40
msgid "Map an Existing Domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:198
msgid "Enter your desired password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:78
msgid "Connect New Service"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/pocket.php:49
msgid "Accent and Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/demo-content.php:82
msgid "You haven't written anything yet, but that's easy for you to do later! Here's your chance to get your site looking just the way you want it to before the words start flowing. Some inspiration from someone who knew a thing or two about writing:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:165
msgid "Posting..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:39
msgid "Sorry but %s cannot be registered on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-verification.php:228
msgid "In order to publish posts, please verify your email address by clicking the link in the confirmation email that we sent to %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/post-actions/load.php:120
msgid "done"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/post-actions/load.php:122
msgid "to-do"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:81
msgid "Read our Widgets article to learn about how to add cool stuff to your blog's sidebar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:72
msgid "Effortlessly promote your content by connecting to Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr or Path!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:75
msgid "Connect Jetpack to publicise your posts, get free stats, and more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:62
msgid "Express yourself! Write something, share a video, post a link, or showcase your travel photos."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:68
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:70
msgid "Publicize your work"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:57
msgid "A blog is a type of website that shows that newest content at the top of the page. Follow these steps to get started:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:61
msgid "Add blog posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:50
msgid ""
"Read our \"Portfolios on WordPress.com\" article describing\n"
"\t\t\t\thow to create stunning portfolios on WordPress."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:36
msgid "Describe who you are, your interests, hobbies and experiences. You could then create a page for your CV or your Portfolio."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:41
msgid "Customize the colours, fonts and images of your website."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:44
msgid "Or change your theme completely!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:30
msgid "Personal Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:31
msgid "Tell the world about your work, your experience and your skills. You might find it useful to:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:35
msgid "Add an \"About\" page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:24
msgid ""
"Read our \"Making a Business Website\" article for more\n"
"\t\t\t\ttips on how to create a great business site with WordPress."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:19
msgid "If you want visitors to always see the same home page, choose one of the pages you created to be the front page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:15
msgid "Before tweaking your design, we recommend creating a few simple pages first, e.g. \"Home Page\", \"About\" and \"Products\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:18
msgid "Creating a front page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:10
msgid "So you want a professional site for your business describing your products and services? Get started by:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:14
msgid "Adding some pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:4
msgid "Get started building your new:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:9
msgid "Business Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration-blog-selection.php:9
msgid "Select which of your blogs should be assigned this new domain name:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:242
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:267
msgid "Excerpt cannot be retrieved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/community-tagger/class-community-tagger.php:42
msgid "You didn't add any tags to your post. Tags can help you get more readers by making your post easier to find."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/community-tagger/class-community-tagger.php:43
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/community-tagger/class-community-tagger.php:44
msgid "Learn more about why tags are important."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:37
msgid "Already registered your domain? Map this domain to WordPress.com to use it as your blog's address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:36
msgid "Use a domain you already own"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:19
msgid "Replace your blog’s default address with a custom domain, to make your blog more memorable and easier to find. It’ll be your own little piece of the web."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:27
msgid "Find a new domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:292
msgid "Posting To:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:210
msgid "Likes & Shares"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:215
msgid "Show Likes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:240
msgid "Allow Pingbacks & Trackbacks"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:74
msgid "If you would like a custom message to appear along with the link to your post, enter it below:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:94
msgid "Add Another Category"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:107
msgid "Get Current Location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:150
msgid "The location you entered can't be found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:45
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:51
msgid "Immediately"
msgstr ""
msgid "Clear News was designed to get out of the way and provide a medium for your users to easily access your content on any device."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blog-subscription.php:70
msgid "You already have a pending subscription, we just sent you another email, click the link or contact us if you don’t get it"
msgstr ""
msgid "A sleek and stylish agency theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:533
msgid "Please provide a short description of the problem you have experienced."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:537
msgid "Please provide further details about the problem you have experienced."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:541
msgid "Please provide a valid blog url."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:525
msgid "Please provide a valid email."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/404.php:15
msgid "Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn't exist or has been moved. Checkout some of our popular tags, read some recent news, compare plans, or just search for something else."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:510
msgctxt "resolved/unresolved posts"
msgid "%s Posts (%d)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:1
msgid "Name servers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:312
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:313
msgid "To-do"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:321
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:322
msgid "Mark as done"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:329
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:330
msgid "Clear to-do"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1155
msgid "Settings -> Domains"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:207
msgid "3. If you're having problems, troubleshoot them here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:425
msgid "Show comment threads"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:204
msgid "Step 3: Use the features"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:205
msgid "1. You will now see your blog listed on the My Blogs page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:206
msgid "2. Turn features on and off from the Jetpack admin page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:195
msgid "2. Now click the green button on the top right that says 'Connect to WordPress.com'"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:196
msgid "3. Login with your WordPress.com account and click 'Authorize Jetpack'"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:185
msgid "4. Install it by clicking the “Install Now” link."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:193
msgid "Step 2: Activate and Connect"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:194
msgid "1. When installation finishes, click 'Activate Plugin'."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:184
msgid "3. Search for 'Jetpack' and the latest version will appear at the top of the list of results."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:183
msgid "2. Click on the 'Plugins' tab in the left panel, then click 'Add New'."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:173
msgid "Follow the instructions on the right to install Jetpack right away."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:181
msgid "Step 1: Install the plugin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:182
msgid "1. Log in to your site's Dashboard (e.g. http://www.yourgroovydomain.com/wp-admin)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:169
msgid "The security that you're using a plugin built by the people who know WordPress best"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:170
msgid "And if that's not enough, all of this is free!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:164
msgid "Connect your self-hosted WordPress to WordPress.com using our Jetpack plugin. This gives you:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:167
msgid "Features only available on WordPress.com such as Stats, Publicize and Custom CSS"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:168
msgid "The ability to manage all your blogs from one page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:97
msgid "Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or if you would like to start a free trial today!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/blog-details.php:107
msgctxt "verb, a site upgrade in the store"
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/blog-details.php:19
msgid "Enterprise Plan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:66
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:67
msgid "Stick post to home"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:73
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:74
msgid "Unstick post from home"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pocket is a super simple, photoblog-style WordPress theme for sharing your images, videos, articles, quotes and more. Use it as a personal blog or a minimal portfolio to show off your latest work!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Featuring a widgetized home page, Promenade's clean layout and minimalistic design is perfect to capture your audience's attention and allow them to easily navigate your content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:568
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:1066
msgid "Your blog comes with 3 gigabytes of space. To get even more room to upload videos and other media, purchase the Space Upgrade. You don't need the VideoPress upgrade to embed videos from other services like Youtube and Vimeo. Check out our Videos doc for instruction on how to embed videos."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:230
msgid "Please provide a brief description of your reasons for canceling:"
msgstr ""
msgid "A personal blog theme with a responsive layout and beautiful typography."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/feedback-thanks.php:52
msgid "What now? Get more out of Jetpack!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:34
msgid "Sorry but %s has already been registered."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:58
msgid "Search again or choose one of the available suggested names below:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:39
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:40
msgid "Unstick Post from Home"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:41
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:42
msgid "Stick Post to Home"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/no-themes-found.php:2
msgid "Sorry, there are no themes for this search."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/no-themes-found.php:3
msgid "Clear filters maybe?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ubud is an elegant, minimal photography blog theme with a responsive 1-5 column image grid and square, portrait or landscape image format options. Ubud also offers a four-column footer widget area and easy-to-use theme options to customize your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:254
msgid "This subscription is no longer active on your account, if you would like to keep this upgrade please re-purchase it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wapi.php:1745
msgid "The .nl registry does not allow hyphens in last names. Please remove the hyphens and try your registration again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/post-actions/load.php:45
msgid "Post Actions"
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean and simple responsive blogging theme with lots of room for your photos."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/newdash-themes-footer.php:2
msgid "Get the Unlimited Themes plan and change to any theme, any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/newdash-themes-footer.php:3
msgid "Get Unlimited Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:85
msgid "Publish and visit your dashboard"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:89
msgid "We sent a confirmation email to"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:93
msgid " - please confirm your email address to enable posting."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:23
msgid "That’s it for now! If you’d like to be kept updated with my posts “Like” this post or subscribe to my blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:22
msgid "Over the next few months I plan to be writing and sharing posts about [what topics will you be writing about?]"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:21
msgid "I decided to start a blog because I [what inspired you start a blog?]"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:20
msgid "Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my new blog! This is just an introductory post so I’ll keep it short and sweet."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:18
msgid "Introducing my new website"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:225
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:160
msgid "Live Chat supportLive chat support Mon-Fri 7am to 7pm EST"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:241
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:176
msgid "Trusted by some of the world's biggest brands and industries"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:220
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:155
msgid "No AdsWordPress.com ads will not show up on your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:215
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:150
msgid "Unlimited spaceStore an unlimited amount of images, videos, and music"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:210
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:145
msgid "Store Unlimited videosVideoPress is included with a bundle purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:205
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:140
msgid "50+ premium themes includedAll premium themes are included, test out as many as you want"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:195
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:130
msgid "A custom domainGet a free domain with a bundle purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:174
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:109
msgid "Direct Email support Talk directly with our Happiness Engineers over email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:169
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:104
msgid "No AdsWordPress.com ads will not show up on your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:165
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:100
msgid "13 GB of spaceStore thousands of images, videos, or music"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:160
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:95
msgid "Store dozens of videosVideoPress is included with a bundle purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:155
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:90
msgid "No premium themes includedPremium themes can be purchased separately"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:150
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:200
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:85 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:135
msgid "Advanced customizationFull font and css editing capabilities"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:145
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:80
msgid "A custom domainGet a free domain with a bundle purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:108
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:43
msgid "Upload and play beautiful HD video right from your site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:113
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:48
msgid "Get more room for your memories"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:118
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:53
msgid "Simply free of ads"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:123
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:58
msgid "Never lose a visitor"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:141
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:191
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:76 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:126
msgid "Free site!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:74
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:9
msgid "With over 75 million sites, it's easy to see that people love WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:80
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:15
msgid "Treat your WordPress.com site to a premium upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:88
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:43 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:23
msgid "Get a unique web address for your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:93
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:51 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:28
msgid "Unique colors and elegant fonts at your fingertips"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:98
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:59 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:33
msgid "Unique and elegant themes for your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:103
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:38
msgid "Get full access to all our premium themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:6
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:69
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem-v2.php:6
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem-v3.php:6
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:4
msgid "Create a website on WordPress.com today"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:68
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:4 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:3
#: wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:4
msgid "Powerful. Reliable. Simple."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2558
msgid "Your domain is your blog’s web address: if people want to visit your blog, just tell them to enter %s in their browser’s address bar. This is the fastest and easiest way to get to your blog. You can add this address to your email signature block, social profiles, business cards, etc."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2557
msgid "We are setting up your domain and it should start working in a few minutes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Puzzle is a visual oriented theme, great for photographers and artists who want to tell stories through their images."
msgstr ""
msgid "Antenna is a responsive and beautiful magazine theme for all those who need a great looking website. Antenna is focused on clean and modern design that supports boxed and full width layout. It is really easy to setup via theme customizer."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/theme-helpers/premium-antenna.php:13
msgid " by %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/godaddy-quick-blogcast-import.php:80
msgid "Below, you can see the names of the authors of the GoDaddy Quick Blogcast posts in italics. For each of these names, select one of the blog's users as the author."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/godaddy-quick-blogcast-import.php:159
msgid "GoDaddy Quick Blogcast"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/godaddy-quick-blogcast-import.php:159
msgid "Import posts, comments, categories and attachments from a GoDaddy Quick Blogcast"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:75
msgid "Teams"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/godaddy-quick-blogcast-import.php:55
msgid "To import your content into WordPress.com, choose the GoDaddy Quick Blogcast export file from your computer, then click “Upload file and import”."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/godaddy-quick-blogcast-import.php:52
msgid "If you don't already have your GoDaddy Quick Blogcast export file, follow the export instructions outlined in GoDaddy Support."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/jobs.php:3660
msgid ""
"Your GoDaddy Quick Blogcast import was successful.\n"
"Happy Blogging!\n"
"-- the WordPress.com team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/godaddy-quick-blogcast-import.php:40
msgid "Import GoDaddy Quick Blogcast"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/godaddy-quick-blogcast-import.php:49
msgid "Howdy! We’re about to begin importing all of your GoDaddy Quick Blogcast posts into WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
msgid "A colorful theme for personal bloggers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-footer.php:9
msgid "Looking for more alternatives?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-footer.php:13
msgctxt "1: category name"
msgid "%1$s themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-footer.php:14
msgid "See more →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-footer.php:20
msgid "Can’t find anything that works?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-footer.php:21
msgid "Please tell us what you’re looking for."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:168
msgid "Connection Status:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs/sidebar.php:27
msgid "Manage Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php:273
msgid "If an author specified in the import doesn't exist, their items will be reassigned to you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php:305
msgid "Author from import:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php:327
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php:329
msgid "Reassign posts to an existing user:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:5
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domains.php:31
msgid "Register a New Domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:29
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:64
msgid "Register Now for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:89
msgid "You can Search for themes by keyword, author, or tag, or can get more specific and search by criteria listed in the feature filter. Alternately, you can browse the themes that are Featured, Popular, or Latest. When you find a theme you like, you can preview it or install it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/slideshow.php:76
msgid "Image Gallery Slideshow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1865 wp-includes/media-template.php:210
msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/loggedout-follow.php:143
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blog-subscription.php:74
msgid "Congrats, you’re subscribed! You’ll get an email with the details of your subscription and an unsubscribe link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/loggedout-follow.php:141
msgid "You already have a pending sub, we just sent you another email, click the link or contact us if you don’t get it"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/loggedout-follow.php:139
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blog-subscription.php:66
msgid "You’re already subscribed to this site!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/kelly.php:52
msgid "Header/Main Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:32
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:44
msgid "Sorry but %s does not appear to be a valid domain name."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/page-contact.php:52
msgid "Jetpack Support is currently closed. Please come back later to submit a support request."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/page-contact.php:56
msgid "Your support request has been submitted. We will respond as soon as possible. Thank you!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/single-jetpack_support.php:28
msgid "Support Home"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/page-contact.php:22
msgid "Many common issues and questions are explained on the Jetpack support page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/page-contact.php:35
msgid "Still need help? Get in touch."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/page-contact.php:21
msgid "Jetpack is a plugin for self hosted installations of WordPress. If your blog is hosted on WordPress.com, you do not need Jetpack."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/page-contact.php:19
msgid "Run into a problem with Jetpack on your site? If so, don't panic! Let's see if we can help."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/class.sidebars.php:51
msgid "Displays on the support home page main area"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/class.sidebars.php:64
msgid "Support Home Right"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/class.sidebars.php:66
msgid "Displays on the support home page right area"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/widget.support-block.php:20
msgid "Support Section"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/widget.support-block.php:21
msgid "Widget for main Jetpack Support page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/widget.support-block.php:41
msgid "Title: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/widget.support-block.php:51
msgid "Description: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:55
msgid "Setup a blog in minutes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:61
msgid "Backup and security for your WordPress site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:67
msgid "The anti-spam service for the web."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:73
msgid "Create surveys for the web and mobile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:79
msgid "A free, globally recognized avatar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/class.sidebars.php:33
msgid "Support Home Notification"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/class.sidebars.php:35
msgid "Displays on the support home page under search"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/lib/class.sidebars.php:49
msgid "Support Home Blocks"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:618
msgid "We take security very seriously at Automattic and greatly appreciate receiving private notification from security researchers before full disclosure to the public. If you believe you have found a security issue, please submit your findings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:636
msgid "You are not allowed to be here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:644
msgid "Support options updated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:652
msgid "Jetpack Support Form Options"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:656
msgid "Is Jetpack support open?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:663
msgid "If Jetpack support is closed, what message should be displayed to users?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:601
msgid "Long description of your problem. Include error messages and links to screenshots, if available."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:230
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:254
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:273
msgid "Oops! An error has occurred, please go back and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:583
msgid "You are logged in as %s(Logout)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:589
msgid "Jetpack Site URL where problem is happening:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:596
msgid "Short (80 character) description of your problem:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:53
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:54
msgid "Simple, concise site stats with no additional load on your server."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/module-grid.php:2
msgid "Every feature!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:131
msgid "Page Widget Area"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:133
msgid "Sidebar on pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:141
msgid "Blog Widget Area"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:143
msgid "Sidebar on blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:151
msgid "Support Secondary Widget Area"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:153
msgid "Sidebar on secondary support pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:25
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:26
msgid "Installing Jetpack lets you choose from over 30 powerful features."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:30
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:31
msgid "Jetpack team favorites"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:37
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:38
msgid "Customize the look of your site, without modifying your theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:44
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:45
msgid "Single Sign On"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:45
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:46
msgid "Let users log in through WordPress.com with one click."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:418
msgid "loading…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:432
msgid "Paid"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:9
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:10
msgid "Supercharge your self-hosted site with a suite of the most powerful WordPress.com features."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:386
msgid "Add images, Twitter streams, and your site’s RSS links to your sidebar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:388
msgid "Extra Sidebar Widgets"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:397
msgid "Share your public posts and comments to search engines and other services."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:399
msgid "Enhanced Distribution"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:375
msgid "Use LaTeX markup language in posts and pages for complex equations and other geekery."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:377
msgid "Beautiful Math"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:353
msgid "Embed content from YouTube, Vimeo, SlideShare, and more, no coding necessary."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:355
msgid "Shortcode Embeds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:364
msgid "Optimize your site with a mobile-friendly theme for tablets and phones."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:142
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:342
msgid "Customize your site’s CSS without modifying your theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:320
msgid "Display your image galleries in a variety of sleek, graphic arrangements."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:331
msgid "Enable WP.me-powered shortlinks for all posts and pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:333
msgid "WP.me Shortlinks"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:298
msgid "Enable pop-up business cards over commenters’ Gravatars."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:309
msgid "Insert a contact form anywhere on your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:276
msgid "Check your spelling, style, and grammar with the After the Deadline proofreading service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:278
msgid "Spelling and Grammar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:287
msgid "Protect your site with automatic backups and security scans. (Subscription required.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:254
msgid "Publish posts by email, using any device and email client."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:256
msgid "Post By Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:265
msgid "Allow visitors to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, and more with a click."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:232
msgid "Allow users to subscribe to your posts and comments and receive notifications via email."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:243
msgid "Transform standard image galleries into full-screen slideshows."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:210
msgid "Receive notification of site activity via the admin toolbar and your Apple device."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:137
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:221
msgid "Let readers comment with WordPress.com, Twitter, or Facebook accounts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:137
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:223
msgid "Jetpack Comments"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:149
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:188
msgid "Share new posts on social media networks automatically."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:136
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:199
msgid "Monitor your stats with clear, concise reports and no additional load on your server."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:136
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:201
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:52
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:53
msgid "WordPress.com Stats"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:155
msgid "Allow applications to securely access your content through the cloud."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:157
msgid "JSON API"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:166
msgid "Search your entire database from a single field in your Dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:177
msgid "Give visitors an easy way to show their appreciation for your content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:144
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:111
msgid "Accelerate your site by loading images from the WordPress.com CDN."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:144
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:113
msgid "Photon"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:122
msgid "Add support for infinite scroll to your theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:133
msgid "Upload and host video right on your site. (Subscription required.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:144
msgid "Specify which widgets appear on which pages of your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:146
msgid "Widget Visibility"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:100
msgid "Give users the ability to share posts to Google+, and add your site link to your Google+ profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:78
msgid "Receive notifications from Jetpack if your site goes offline — and when it it returns."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/jetpack.php:138
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:80
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:89
msgid "Allow your users to log in using their WordPress.com accounts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:91
msgid "Jetpack Single Sign On"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:45
msgid "Verify your site or domain with Google Webmaster Tools, Pinterest, and others."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:47
msgid "Site Verification Tools"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:56
msgid "Display links to your related content under posts and pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:67
msgid "Write posts or pages in plain-text Markdown syntax."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/archive-jetpack_support.php:16
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/page-contact.php:28
msgid "Ask a question or enter a search term…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:3
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/front-page.php:11
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/landing-page.php:12
msgid "Download Jetpack"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:11
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:108
msgid "Contribute"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:14
msgid "An Automattic Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:24
msgid "Tweet Us"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:25
msgid "Like Us"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/archive-jetpack_support.php:15
msgid "What can we help you with today?"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-stats-api-endpoints.php:446
msgid "(unknown or deleted)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:89
msgid "or try Premium free for 14 days"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:100
msgid "or try Business free for 14 days"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview-table-row.php:27
msgid "New Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration.php:153
msgid "Sorry, but %s registrations are temporarily disabled"
msgstr ""
msgid "A portfolio child theme of Espied. Great for showing off your photographs or images."
msgstr ""
msgid "Chronicle is a magazine theme. With 3 optional widget areas, featured posts, and a huge homepage slider, there are lots of options for creating interesting, immersive websites."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:47
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Recently Updated"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:235
msgctxt "Button label for a theme"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:236
msgctxt "Button label for a theme"
msgid "Next"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/ms-load.php:95
msgid "This site is no longer available."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:29
msgid "We successfully resent the ICANN verification email to your email address on file."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:9
msgid "Resend ICANN Verification Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:28
msgid "We were unable to resend the ICANN verification email. Please contact support and provide the following error message:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:6
msgid "You must verify your email address through the ICANN verification email before you are able to update the name servers for your domain."
msgstr ""
msgid "Carmela is a clean and responsive theme designed to make your blogging experience as pleasant as possible."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2513
msgid "This site is has an existing site redirect. To update its redirect location, use the Change Redirect Location button below."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/card-expiring.php:37
msgid "If you do not wish to have this subscription cancelled please update your card details or arrange another payment method."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/card-expiring.php:7
msgid "A credit card used to auto-renew your subscription is going to expire before the next renewal on %s"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:351
msgid "Your card used at %s is expiring"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:356
msgid "Card Expiring"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:221
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to leave this post? You will lose any unsaved changes.\n"
"Click “Cancel” to keep working on your post. Click “OK” to leave."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/after-the-deadline/config-options.php:89
msgid "The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish. Your user interface language (see above) is the default proofreading language."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2140
msgid "Lost password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:932
msgid "Your browser does not support direct access to the clipboard. Please use keyboard shortcuts or your browser’s edit menu instead."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:124
msgid "Your follower migration has been queued. You will receive an email to indicate when it starts and finishes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Arcade is a beautifully designed responsive theme which features a large header image on the home page. Stunning typography and multiple layout options make it easy to create a unique site that suits your every need."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/select-theme.php:7
msgid "To get started, select from one of the themes below. You can always change it later. (There are over 250 themes to choose from.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/select-theme.php:14
msgid "Select Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/connect-social.php:20
msgid "Don't worry. You can select on a post-by-post basis what posts you share on Facebook and Twitter."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/connect-social.php:26
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/first-post.php:86
msgid "or, skip this step"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/steps/connect-social.php:31
msgid "Error: No publicize detected."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/index.php:6
msgid "Jetpack Start"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/index.php:21
msgid "WordPress Setup Wizard"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-modal.php:29
msgid "Welcome to your new site! What will you do next?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-modal.php:30
msgid "Write my first post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-modal.php:31
msgid "Edit my site design"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-modal.php:32
msgid "Choose a new design"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:101
msgid "Need extra help? Visit the %3$s support forum."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-get-theme-download-endpoint.php:20
msgid "You don't have permission to download the specified theme"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-get-theme-download-endpoint.php:27
msgid "The specified theme is not downloadable"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-get-theme-download-endpoint.php:9
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-get-theme-download-endpoint.php:33
msgid "The specified theme was not found"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-get-theme-download-endpoint.php:16
msgid "You must be logged in to download the specified theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:795
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:796
msgid "Your current WordPress.com Credit balance will be applied toward this purchase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:791
msgid "WordPress.com Credits"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oslo is a stunning two-column theme fit for portfolio and general blog use, built around a customizable sidebar and beautiful typography."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-wpcom.php:142
msgid "Your past, public location data is shared with your visitors."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-wpcom.php:140
msgid "Your past location data is not shared with your visitors."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-wpcom.php:136
msgid "The location feature has changed and your profile location is no longer used."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:23
msgid "Learning more"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/notifications/load.php:96
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/oslo.php:9
msgid "Sidebar Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/oslo.php:20
msgid "Accent/Link Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blog-subscription.php:62
msgid "Thanks for subscribing! You’ll get an email with a link to confirm your sub. If you don’t get it, please contact us"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/loggedout-follow.php:82
msgid "You’ll get an email with a link to confirm your sub. If you don’t get it, please contact us"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/loggedout-follow.php:81
msgid "Thank you for subscribing “%s”"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:358
msgid "Get another WordPress.com blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/offline/load.php:16
msgid "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please reconnect."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:916
msgid "A domain of your choice to replace your site’s default address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:618
msgid "We need your Mobile Phone number to send you verification codes when you choose the SMS method or in cases where the Authenticator App on your phone is unavailable."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:274
msgid "Update your avatar and list of sites which appear on your profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:4
msgid "Please note that due to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) you may not transfer your domain name to a new registrar within the first 60 days after initial registration, or the first 60 days after a transfer."
msgstr ""
msgid "A single-column, grid-based portfolio theme with large featured images and a post slider, perfect for photoblogging or a portfolio site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php:3127
msgid "To connect using a WordPress.com account other than %s please sign out first."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:13
msgid "Add logo"
msgstr ""
msgid "A magazine style theme with Typekit fonts and multicolumn layouts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-mapping.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:8
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:125
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Domain Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:126
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "My Domains"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:127
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "My Upgrades"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:141
msgid "Batch several API GET requests into one."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:140
msgid "Batch"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:105
msgid "Select WordPress.com Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:122
msgid "Take a look at our support document."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/live-comments/load.php:21
msgid "Post by %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/live-comments/load.php:23
msgid "Comment by %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:119
msgid "Only blog owners can migrate subscribers."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:100
msgid "Move Followers From A WordPress.com Site"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:112
msgid "No blog data was given in the request."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:114
msgid "Expired"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/store-sidebar.php:5
msgid "Plans"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2556
msgid "Congratulations on your purchase of %s!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/advanced-image-styles/_inc/advanced-image-styles-tmpl.php:2
msgid "Image Border"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/advanced-image-styles/_inc/advanced-image-styles-tmpl.php:13
msgid "Image Margins"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:992
msgid "While you can crop images to your liking after clicking Add new image, your theme recommends a header height of %s pixels."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:990
msgid "While you can crop images to your liking after clicking Add new image, your theme recommends a header width of %s pixels."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:988
msgid "While you can crop images to your liking after clicking Add new image, your theme recommends a header size of %s × %s pixels."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:227
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Already Installed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/settings.php:10
msgid "Unsubscribe from all follow-up comments or modify your %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1123
msgid "This upgrade will stop functioning on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-optimizations.php:37
msgid "Create a free website at WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:543
msgid "The %1$s is normally priced at %2$s/year, but there is no cost for the 14 day trial."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/template-tags.php:38
msgid "Scroll to comments"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:392
msgctxt "%1$s: site_url."
msgid "In two previous emails, one on April 10th and one on April 15th, we let you know that the version of Jetpack active on %1$s is out of date and must be upgraded because of a recently discovered security problem."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:398
msgid "To protect the security of your site, we have disconnected it from WordPress.com. This also disabled most features of the Jetpack plugin including stats, subscriptions, email notification of new posts, and more. In order to restore these features, you must upgrade to the most recent version of Jetpack."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:386
msgid "*** Action required to continue using Jetpack features on your WordPress site ***"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:370
msgid "Tap the new post control below to begin writing your first post"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:157
msgid "Manage a site's domains."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:146
msgid "This user is not authorized to disconnect this blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/blog-details.php:42
msgid "Disconnect Jetpack"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/blog-details.php:42
msgid "Disconnecting Jetpack"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:73
msgid "This user is not authorized to view settings on this blog."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:103
msgid "Settings Saved!!"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:106
msgid "This user is not authorized to change settings on this blog."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:139
msgid "%s has been disconnected."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-jetpack-blog-endpoint.php:142
msgid "Please login to %s directly to disconnect it from your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:155
msgctxt "1: Theme. 2: Author."
msgid "Thanks for choosing %1$s by %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:156
msgctxt "Link to Customizer"
msgid "Customize your site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-activated.php:5
msgid "Discover this theme’s awesome features."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-activated.php:6
msgid "Have questions? Stop by our support forums."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-activated.php:7
msgid "Or go to manage your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:164
msgid "Hide my Google+ profile from displaying in the sharing area of my posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:185
msgid "Your posts will be associated with your Google+ profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:236
msgid "Associate my Google+ information with this post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:352 wp-admin/includes/update.php:115
#: wp-includes/update.php:119 wp-includes/update.php:295
#: wp-includes/update.php:457
msgid "(WordPress could not establish a secure connection to WordPress.org. Please contact your server administrator.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php:1048
msgid "Shift-click to edit this widget."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-ifttt-api-endpoints.php:159
msgid "This blog could not be followed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:78
msgid "Since 2012, Akismet began using subscriptions for all accounts (even free ones). It looks like a subscription has not been assigned to your account, and we’d appreciate it if you’d sign into your account and choose one. Please contact our support team with any questions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:22
msgid "Your subscription for %s is cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:28
msgid "Reactivate Akismet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:64
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:85
msgid "If you already know your API key."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:77
msgid "Activate Akismet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:78
msgid "Log in or create an account to get your API key."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:80
msgid "Get your API key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:138
msgid "Suspended"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:140
msgid "Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:142
msgid "No Subscription Found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:72
msgid "There is a problem with your key."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:136
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:238
msgid "***If you do not update your version of Jetpack in the next 48 hours, it's possible some features of your WordPress site, including Jetpack Stats, may stop working.***"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:244
msgctxt "%1$s: site_url."
msgid "As we emailed you about last week, the Jetpack Team has discovered a security vulnerability with the version of Jetpack active on %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:236
msgctxt "%1$s: site_url"
msgid "Second Notice: Jetpack Plugin Security Update for %1$s: Please Upgrade Now"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fictive is all about you -- your style, your look, your story. Make it personal with a custom header image, a Gravatar, and links to your favorite social networks. Use Post Formats to dress up your content, add a custom menu and widgets, or keep it simple with a fixed-position header."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:262
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:425
msgctxt "Toolbar menu item"
msgid "Translate WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1384
msgid "This domain can't be set as primary for the requested site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration.php:28
msgid "Congratulations! %s is available."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:757
msgctxt "HTML tag"
msgid "Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:929
msgid "If you’re looking to paste rich content from Microsoft Word, try turning this option off. The editor will clean up text pasted from Word automatically."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2059
msgid "New Feature: Live Widget Previews"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2060
msgid "Add, edit, and play around with your widgets from the theme customizer."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2060
msgid "Preview your changes in real-time and only save them when you’re ready."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:25
msgid "Expired"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/worldview.php:33
msgid "Menu and Sidebar Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/worldview.php:40
msgid "Menu and Sidebar Text Color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hemingway Rewritten is a classic blog theme with a parallax-scrolling header effect and a minimal, elegant design. The large featured header images make this theme great for photographers, or any users who want to share their visuals in a bold way."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:127
msgid "All taxonomy pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:135
msgid ":"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:205
msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This post has one taxonomy.\""
msgid "Taxonomy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wapi.php:1761
msgid "Your email address contained a plus sign which is not supported by our registrar. We went ahead and removed the plus sign and everything that followed it from your email address. Please try your registration again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:98
msgid "You're using Akismet on far too many sites for your Pro subscription."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:99
msgid "To continue your service, upgrade to an Enterprise subscription, which covers an unlimited number of sites. Please contact our support team with any questions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:88
msgid "Silently discard the worst and most pervasive spam so I never see it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:89
msgid "Always put spam in the Spam folder for review."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:95
msgid "You're using your Akismet key on more sites than your Pro subscription allows."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:96
msgid "If you would like to use Akismet on more than 10 sites, you will need to upgrade to an Enterprise subscription. If you have any questions, please get in touch with our support team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:195
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:84
msgid "Strictness"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:195
msgid "Choose to either discard the worst spam automatically or to always put all spam in spam folder."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wapi.php:1759
msgid "The email address you entered does not appear to be valid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:14
msgid "The following Top Level Domains (TLDs) are available for registration: %l."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/p6t/p6t.php:212
msgid "Help us translate WordPress.com. To learn more, read our translation FAQ."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/p6t/p6t.php:234
msgid "Submit translation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Simfo has a sharp looking minimal style perfect for photographers."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:128
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:278
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:423
msgid "Sincerely,"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:104
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:258
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:403
msgctxt "%1$s: Download URL"
msgid "You can upgrade Jetpack by logging in to your WordPress site's admin and clicking the \"Plugins\" menu item. You can also download Jetpack 2.9.3 from the WordPress.org Plugins Repository directly: <%1$s>"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:111
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:265
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:410
msgctxt "%1$s: jetpack.me announcement URL"
msgid "For more information about the security update, please see <%1$s>."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:118
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:272
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:417
msgctxt "%1$s: jetpack.me contact form URL"
msgid "If you'd like to contact us about this upgrade or anything else, please visit our contact form: <%1$s>"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:124
msgid "Your site's security is our primary concern. We value the trust that you've placed in us up to this point, and intend to earn your continued faith moving forward."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:87
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:384
msgctxt "%1$s: site_url"
msgid "Jetpack Plugin Security Update for %1$s: Please Upgrade Now"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:90
msgctxt "%1$s: site_url."
msgid "The Jetpack Team has discovered a security vulnerability with the version of Jetpack active on %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:97
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-vulnerability-email.php:251
msgctxt "%1$s: jetpack.me announcement URL"
msgid "To address this issue, we have released a new version of Jetpack: 2.9.3: <%1$s>"
msgstr ""
msgid "A portfolio theme for designers and photographers. Great for showing off your image oriented projects to the world."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:106
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:118
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:124
msgid "Go to your account page (%1$s) to view your billing history or cancel your purchase."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:131
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:145
msgid "Akismet account page - %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:137
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:151
msgid "Vaultpress account page - %1$s"
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimalist portfolio theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:377
msgctxt "Verb, to post"
msgid "Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php:3099
msgid "Your version of Jetpack is outdated. Please update, and then attempt to reconnect."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:150
msgid "Yep. You can enter multiple email addresses in the Email address field, and separate them with commas. A notification email will then be sent to each email address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:149
msgid "Can I send a notification to more than one person?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery/templates/form.php:39
msgid "Choose Images"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:159
msgid "Portfolio pages display at most %1$s projects"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:112
msgid "Portfolio Projects"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/follow-button.php:14
msgid "Add a WordPress.com follow button to allow people to follow your blog easier"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/music-player.php:15
msgid "A multi-song music player"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:1055
msgctxt "Cancel reordering widgets in Customizer"
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php:724
msgid "Save and preview changes before publishing them."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php:726
msgid "Trash widget by moving it to the inactive widgets sidebar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-mce-help.php:134
msgid "Add/remove code tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2967 wp-includes/media-template.php:215
msgid "Suggested image dimensions:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:273
msgid "Keyboard users: When you’re working in the visual editor, you can use Alt + F10 to access the toolbar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:1054
msgctxt "Reorder widgets in Customizer"
msgid "Reorder"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:166
msgid "Thank you for flying with %s, a better way to blog."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:168
msgid "Thank you for using an %s to secure your site. We are proud to be part of your business."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:278
#: billingdaddy/models/class-bd-ownership.php:65
msgid "Payment Problem"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:319
msgid "Subscription Due"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:163
msgid "Thank you for using %s to better communicate with your audience. We are proud to be part of your business."
msgstr ""
#: wp-login.php:432
msgid "ERROR: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output. For help, please see this documentation or try the support forums."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:909
msgctxt "table cell alignment attribute"
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:1461 wp-includes/media-template.php:368
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:523
msgid "Artist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:1468
msgctxt "video or audio"
msgid "Length"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2968
msgid "There has been an error cropping your image."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2987
msgid "Edit Audio Playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2989
msgid "Insert audio playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2990
msgid "Update audio playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2991
msgid "Add to audio playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2992
msgid "Add to Audio Playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:734
msgid "Show Video List"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:119
msgid "You can edit the image while preserving the thumbnail. For example, you may wish to have a square thumbnail that displays just a section of the image."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2703
msgid "Displayed on attachment pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:178
msgid "Filtering by:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:187 wp-admin/themes.php:266
msgid "No themes found. Try a different search."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:260
msgid "No ratings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:924
msgid "Set image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:1005
msgctxt "custom header"
msgid "Hide image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:86
msgid "The aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and height. You can preserve the aspect ratio by holding down the shift key while resizing your selection. Use the input box to specify the aspect ratio, e.g. 1:1 (square), 4:3, 16:9, etc."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:89
msgid "Once you have made your selection, you can adjust it by entering the size in pixels. The minimum selection size is the thumbnail size as set in the Media settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:44
msgid "You can proportionally scale the original image. For best results, scaling should be done before you crop, flip, or rotate. Images can only be scaled down, not up."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:83
msgid "To crop the image, click on it and drag to make your selection."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:133
msgid "Manage a site's media library."
msgstr ""
msgid "Alto is a content-focused theme that channels the best of digital publishing. Sharp lettering and simple organization provide an engrossing reader experience, all easily tuned to fit your content perfectly. A subtle mix of traditional and contemporary aesthetics, Alto is a perfect frame for blogs, portfolios, and magazines."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fictive.php:40
msgid "Sticky, Image, and Link Posts"
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme for small businesses with an emphasis on staff or collaboration."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:859
msgid "Edit Original"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:927
msgid "Custom Size"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:966
msgid "Image Title Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:970
msgid "Image CSS Class"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:983
msgid "Link CSS Class"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/payment-problem.php:7
msgid "We attempted to renew your subscription but experienced a problem taking payment. If you wish to continue with the subscription please log in to your account and update your card details. Your subscription will be cancelled if payment cannot be made."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:31
msgid "Refunded to"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:63
msgid "Refund Details"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:18
msgid "If you wish to continue using your subscription after this time then you will need to update your payment details."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:20
msgid "Please follow the link below:"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub.php:39
msgid "(You will still have access to this product for the period that you originally paid for)"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/due-subscription.php:37
msgid "If you do not wish to be charged then please log in to your account and cancel the auto-renewal."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/layout.php:65
msgid "Please contact us (%s) if you have any questions about this receipt or your account."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/dops-ak-vp-prem.php:65
msgid "You can view your billing history or cancel your purchase on each service below."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/due-subscription.php:7
msgid "This is a reminder that your subscription is due to be renewed on %s and a charge will be made on the card detailed below."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/dops-ak-vp-lite.php:65
msgid "You can view your billing history or cancel your purchase on each service below."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/dops-ak-vp-prem.php:62
msgid "Thank you for using both Akismet & Vaultpress to secure your site."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:31
msgid "Vendor VAT #:"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/card-expiring.php:44
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:41
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/due-subscription.php:44
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/payment-problem.php:43
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/renewal-failure.php:40
msgid "Billed to"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/card-expiring.php:54
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/card-expiring.php:66
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:50 billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:54
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/due-subscription.php:54
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/due-subscription.php:66
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/payment-problem.php:53
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/payment-problem.php:65
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:40 billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:52
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/renewal-failure.php:50
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/renewal-failure.php:62
msgid "Click on this box to edit it and add your own information."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:70
msgid "VAT #:"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:159
msgid "%f%% VAT"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:162
msgid "EU Intra-community supply of services subject to VAT reverse charge."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:202
msgid "(This is an %1$s subscription, you will be charged $ %2$s again on %3$s)"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/dops-ak-vp-lite.php:62
msgid "Thank you for using both Akismet & Vaultpress to secure your site"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/authorize.php:19
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:17
msgid "Your subscription will stop on %s because we could not take a recurring payment from your credit card."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/authorize.php:21
msgid "If you wish to continue using your subscription after this time then you will need to update your payment details. Please follow the link below:"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/authorize.php:47
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:50
msgid "(You can still access this product until %s)"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/cancel.php:7
msgid "Product Cancellation"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/cancel.php:21
msgid "Cancellation Details"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/cancel.php:46
msgid "You can resubscribe to this product on our upgrade page (%s)"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:23 billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:18
msgid "Ref:"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/authorize.php:9 billingdaddy/inc/email/cancel.php:7
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:17 billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:12
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:7
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub.php:7
msgid "Receipt Type:"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/authorize.php:9
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:7
msgid "Subscription Stopped"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/authorize.php:12 billingdaddy/inc/email/cancel.php:10
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:20 billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:15
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:10
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub.php:10
msgid "Receipt ID:"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/authorize.php:18
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:16
msgid "Action required!"
msgstr ""
msgid "A fully responsive portfolio theme for designers and creatives."
msgstr ""
msgid "Bloggy is an easy to use theme with responsive layout that looks great on any device, big or small. Bloggy features different post formats, each displayed in their own unique way. If you want to make your blog post more flexible you can use different kinds of post formats such as image, gallery, video, aside, link or quotes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-adyen-base.php:61
msgid "There was an error validating your payment. Please contact %s to ensure your upgrade is properly applied."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-adyen-base.php:298
msgid "We’re having trouble refunding this transaction - please contact %s for assistance."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2238
msgid "Without Privacy Protection"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2263
msgid "No cost"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2227
msgid "Privacy Protection for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2349
msgid "Register With Privacy Protection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bridger is a responsive portfolio theme great for personal and small business websites. Featuring several layout and background display options, Bridger is sure to make your site unique."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2268
msgid "With Privacy Protection"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2290
msgid "Upgrade to Privacy Protection"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2202
msgid "About Privacy Protection"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:78
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:107
msgid "Per year."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:82
msgid "Blog, supercharged:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:82
msgid "get your own domain name, powerful customization options and lots of space for audio and video."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:111
msgid "Take it to the next level:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:111
msgid "get everything included with Premium, as well as live chat support and unlimited access to our collection of premium themes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:65
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:89
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:118
msgid "Your current plan."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:55
msgid "For life."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:59
msgid "Just start blogging:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:59
msgid "get a free blog and be on your way to publishing your first post in less than five minutes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:110
msgid "Try Premium for free"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:121
msgid "Try Business for free"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:96
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:125
msgid "Upgrade to Business"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:1430
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "View"
msgid_plural "Views"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2053
msgctxt "Your stats are booming! $blog_title is getting lots of traffic."
msgid "Your stats are booming! %1$s is getting lots of traffic."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-wpcom.php:50
msgid "Location Not Found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-cc-expired.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-cc-expired.php:4
msgid "The payment information for %1$s on %3$s expires before your subscription renews, our records indicate that it will expire in %4$s."
msgstr ""
msgid "A responsive, multipurpose blogging and magazine theme with bold colors and fonts. It comes with a featured content slider, custom widgets, and a magazine page template."
msgstr ""
msgid "Worldview is a responsive photoblogging theme that makes displaying your photography dead simple and amazingly beautiful. Worldview offers crisp typography with great readability and resizable media for any device or screen size."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:77
msgid "Your subscription is missing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/theme-helpers/premium-alto.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/theme-helpers/premium-alto.php:33
msgid "Published on: %1$sAuthor: %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-menu.php:47
msgid "Hide this top intro text."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-menu.php:48
msgid "Congrats!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-menu.php:48
msgid "Welcome to your website! Use the links below to manage your new site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-menu.php:49
msgid "Toggle this menu on/off by clicking the menu icon above (3 horizontal lines)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/steps/connect-social.php:6
msgid "Share your favorite posts effortlessly on Facebook and Twitter."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:330
msgid "Feedback discarded."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:224
msgid "WordPress %1$s running %2$s theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/espied.php:4
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sidespied.php:4
msgid "Site Header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/espied.php:319
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sidespied.php:322
msgid "Links in the sidebar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:161
msgid "Thanks for starting your trial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/paypal-direct-form.php:79
msgid "Remember payment details."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:34
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:51
msgid "All columns"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:63
msgid "All colors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:284
msgid "Search Projects"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:314
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:316
msgid "Project Types"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:597
msgid "Your Portfolio Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating them on your dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:348
msgid "Popular Project Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:377
msgid "Project published. View project"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:317
msgid "All Project Types"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:318
msgid "Edit Project Type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:319
msgid "View Project Type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:320
msgid "Update Project Type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:321
msgid "Add New Project Type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:322
msgid "New Project Type Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:323
msgid "Parent Project Type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:324
msgid "Parent Project Type:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:325
msgid "Search Project Types"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:341
msgid "All Project Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:342
msgid "Edit Project Tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:343
msgid "View Project Tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:345
msgid "Add New Project Tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:346
msgid "New Project Tag Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:105
msgid "Your Custom Content Types"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:138
msgid "Use these settings to display different types of content on your site. Learn more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:280
msgid "Add New Project"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:282
msgid "New Project"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:285
msgid "No Projects found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:32
msgid "Magazine"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:20
msgid "E-Commerce"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:52
msgid "One column"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:53
msgid "Two columns"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:54
msgid "Many columns"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/steps/connect-social.php:23
msgid "Connecting..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/blog-details.php:22
msgid "Business Plan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/class.jetpack-start-menu.php:61
msgid "Customize Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:373
msgid "You have not upgraded to Custom Design. Your colors will be saved, but not shown on your site until you upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:413
msgid "Fixed Position"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:419
msgid "Underlying color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2996
msgid "Create Video Playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:937
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msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:938
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:939
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "View"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:940
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Table"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:941
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Format"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2966
msgid "Cropping…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:1040 wp-includes/media-template.php:1123
msgid "Add alternate sources for maximum HTML5 playback:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:1052 wp-includes/media-template.php:1142
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msgid "Auto"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:863
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msgid "Replace with"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:864
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Find"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:865
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Replace all"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:868
msgctxt "spellcheck"
msgid "Finish"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:869
msgctxt "spellcheck"
msgid "Ignore all"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:870
msgctxt "spellcheck"
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:881
msgctxt "table column"
msgid "Column"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:882
msgctxt "table columns"
msgid "Cols"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:883
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:885
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:886
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:887
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msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:900
msgid "Split table cell"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:917
msgctxt "table cell scope attribute"
msgid "Scope"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:919
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msgid "Insert template"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:920
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:924
msgctxt "editor button"
msgid "Show blocks"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:928
msgid "Words: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:935
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:936
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "File"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:799
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:800
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:801
msgctxt "list style"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:804
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msgid "Name"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:805
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msgid "Anchor"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:806
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msgid "Anchors"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:839
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msgid "Right to left"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:840
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msgid "Left to right"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:857
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:858
msgctxt "find/replace"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:860
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msgid "Prev"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:861
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Whole words"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php:691
msgid "Move to another area…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php:700
msgctxt "Move widget"
msgid "Move"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:741
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Formats"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:743
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:752
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Blocks"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:755
msgctxt "HTML tag"
msgid "Div"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:756
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msgid "Pre"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:759
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:767
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msgid "Code"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:793
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:794
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:795
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:796
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:797
msgctxt "list style"
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#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:798
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Lower Alpha"
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#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:44
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:145
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Featured"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:146
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Popular"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:46
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:147
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Latest"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:236
msgid "All comment types"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:737
msgid "%1$s, %2$s %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1334
msgid "Manage widgets"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1336
msgid "Manage menus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/instagram.php:26
msgid "View on Instagram"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:187
msgid "Unfortunately, your trophy showcase is empty, but don't worry. Check back here after publishing a couple of posts, and you'll be able to use this widget."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:116
msgctxt "featured trophy widget"
msgid "%s post on this blog"
msgid_plural "%s posts on this blog"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:171
msgctxt "Featured Trophy widget trophy type"
msgid "Pick from this type of trophy:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:172
msgid "Likes "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:173
msgid "Follows "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:174
msgid "Posts "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:179
msgid "We couldn’t find any items for the type of trophy that you selected, so we’ve switched it back to “Posts”."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:186
msgid "This widget highlights an item from your WordPress.com trophy showcase on your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:25
msgid "Highlight an item from your WordPress.com trophy showcase on your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:28
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:60
msgid "Featured Trophy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:109
msgctxt "featured trophy widget"
msgid "%s like on this blog"
msgid_plural "%s likes on this blog"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/widgets.php:112
msgctxt "featured trophy widget"
msgid "%s follower on this blog"
msgid_plural "%s followers on this blog"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-keyring-api-endpoints.php:292
msgid "Publish your posts as Path moments."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-keyring-api-endpoints.php:214
msgid "Publish your posts to your Facebook wall or page."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-keyring-api-endpoints.php:230
msgid "Publish your posts on Twitter"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-keyring-api-endpoints.php:245
msgid "Publicize your posts on Google+ and display authorship information in Google search results."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-keyring-api-endpoints.php:261
msgid "Publish your posts on LinkedIn."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-keyring-api-endpoints.php:277
msgid "Publish your posts on a Tumblr blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-confirmed-down.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-confirmed-down.php:4
msgid "At this point, you’ll probably want to reach out to your hosting provider to determine the cause of the outage."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1181
msgid "You are currently using %1$sGB."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:4
msgid "Your nameservers need to be set to NS1.WORDPRESS.COM and NS2.WORDPRESS.COM for these email forwards to work. If you have already updated the nameservers you can ignore this message; it will stop appearing soon."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:427
msgid "Hide background image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3935
msgid "Try"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns.php:20
msgid "View previous revisions of your DNS records"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2901
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/my-upgrades.php:89
msgid "Automatic Renewals"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2563
msgid "Your Domain Mapping Upgrade was purchased successfully. You can now update the primary domain of your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:137
msgid " If you don't want a site you can sign up for just a username."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-wpcom.php:38
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:617
msgid "Current Location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-wpcom.php:42
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:620
msgid "Locating"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:754
msgid "
Whoa there! Are you sure you want to disable Auto Renew?
Auto Renew makes sure that your upgrade renews itself each year so that you can spend less time trying to remember expiration dates, and more time continuing to publish great content!
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:405
msgid "Vertically"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:407
msgid "Horizontally"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:30
msgid "Akismet Error Code: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:35
msgid "For more information: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet.php:934
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:27
msgid "Please upgrade WordPress to a current version, or downgrade to version 2.4 of the Akismet plugin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:104
msgid "Removing..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:105
msgid "URL removed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:106
msgid "(undo)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:107
msgid "Re-adding..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:143
msgid "Signup for an account on %s to get an API Key."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:103
msgid "Remove this URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/subscribe-to-blogs.php:720
msgid "You have blocked all emails from WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/open-graph.php:77
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/twitter-cards.php:88
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/twitter-cards.php:97
msgid "Visit the post for more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:139
msgctxt "Newdash notices"
msgid "An error occurred while loading that page. Try reloading the page or contact support."
msgstr ""
msgid "Tonal takes its cue from your content, with a minimal style that changes based on your background color. This theme has large featured images, full-width videos, and post formats that look great on any device."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/p6t/p6t.php:219
msgid "Sorry, there was an error saving your translation!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/wp-db.php:1000
msgid ""
Can’t select database
We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the %1$s database.
Are you sure it exists?
Does the user %2$s have permission to use the %1$s database?
On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_%1$s. Could that be the problem?
If you don't know how to set up a database you should contact your host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress Support Forums.
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/wp-db.php:1173
msgid "The query argument of %s must have a placeholder."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2998
msgid "← Cancel Video Playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2999
msgid "Insert video playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:3000
msgid "Update video playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:3001
msgid "Add to video playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:3002
msgid "Add to Video Playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:736
msgid "Show Tracklist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:745
msgid "Show Artist Name in Tracklist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:1159
msgid "Tracks (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:1172
msgid "There are no associated subtitles."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2981
msgid "Select Poster Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2982
msgid "Add Subtitles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2985
msgid "Drag and drop to reorder tracks."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2988
msgid "← Cancel Audio Playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2995
msgid "Drag and drop to reorder videos."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2986
msgid "Create Audio Playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2997
msgid "Edit Video Playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2920
msgid "Create a new video playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2955
msgid "Image Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2956
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2971
msgid "Audio Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2972
msgid "Replace Audio"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2973
msgid "Add Audio Source"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2978
msgid "Replace Video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2979
msgid "Add Video Source"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:930
msgid "Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:945
msgid "Toolbar Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:946
msgid "Insert Read More tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:1213
msgid "Media library (Alt + Shift + M)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:227
msgctxt "Search widget"
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/formatting.php:3596
msgid "%s, %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/formatting.php:3598
msgid "%s, and %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:916
msgid "Cell spacing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:913
msgid "Row type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:873
msgid "Insert table"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:884
msgid "Header cell"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:914
msgid "Cell type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:911
msgid "Row group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:925
msgid "Show invisible characters"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:830
msgid "Insert/edit video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:833
msgid "Paste your embed code below:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:834
msgid "Insert video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:842
msgid "Nonbreaking space"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:843
msgid "Page break"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:844
msgid "Paste as text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:856
msgid "Could not find the specified string."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2901 wp-includes/media-template.php:860
msgid "Replace"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:862
msgid "Find and replace"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:866
msgid "Match case"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:912
msgid "Column group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:915
msgid "Cell padding"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:851
msgid "Restore last draft"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:838
msgid "Special character"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:810
msgid "Robots"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:813
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:828
msgid "Insert image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:829
msgid "Insert date/time"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:792
msgid "Numbered list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:776
msgid "Increase indent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:791
msgid "Bulleted list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:764
msgid "Clear formatting"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:777
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:929
msgid "Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:775
msgid "Justify"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:789
msgid "Visual aids"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:909
msgid "Randomize uploaded headers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:911
msgid "Randomize suggested headers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:939
msgid "Randomizing uploaded headers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:941
msgid "Randomizing suggested headers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:1007
msgctxt "header image"
msgid "Add new image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:1012
msgctxt "custom headers"
msgid "Previously uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:1019
msgctxt "custom headers"
msgid "Suggested"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:1050
msgid "Add a Widget"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php:699
msgid "Select an area to move this widget into:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:242
msgid "Delete all content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/live-comments/load.php:143
msgid "Number to show:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:78
msgid "← Return to post editor"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:25
msgid "Add Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:38
msgid "Featured Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:39
msgid "Popular Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:40
msgid "Newest Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:217
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Details & Preview"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:91
msgid "Edit status"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:137
msgid "Edit visibility"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:197
msgid "Browse revisions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:205
msgid "Edit date and time"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/admin-footer.php:29
msgid "Thank you for creating with WordPress."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:68
msgid "You can help us fight spam and upgrade your account by contributing a token amount."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2631
msgid "The blog cannot be followed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:194
msgid "Show the number of approved comments beside each comment author in the comments list page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:205
msgid "The Akismet subscription plan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:206
msgid "The subscription status - active, cancelled or suspended"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:215
msgid "Akismet FAQ"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:216
msgid "Akismet Support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:91
msgid "Spam in the spam folder older than 15 days is deleted automatically."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:150
msgid "Enter an API Key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:153
msgid "If you already have an API key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:155
msgid "Copy and paste the API key into the text field."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:156
msgid "Click the Use this Key button."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:170
msgid "On this page, you are able to view stats on spam filtered on your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:183
msgid "On this page, you are able to enter/remove an API key, view account information and view spam stats."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:193
msgid "Enter/remove an API key."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:130
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:141
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:152
msgid "Akismet Setup"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:131
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:169
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:182
msgid "Akismet filters out your comment and trackback spam for you, so you can focus on more important things."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:132
msgid "On this page, you are able to setup the Akismet plugin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:139
msgid "New to Akismet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:142
msgid "You need to enter an API key to activate the Akismet service on your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/expired-domain-notice.php:10
msgid "Renewing this upgrade for another year costs %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:27
msgid "When you renew, your blog will again be available at \"%1$s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:28
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/expired-domain-notice.php:15
msgid "Note that your blog is always available at its default address, \"%1$s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:31
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/expired-domain-notice.php:18
msgid "Make sure you also keep the domain registration for \"%1$s\" renewed with your registrar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/expired-domain-notice.php:13
msgid "When you renew, your blog will again be available at \"%1$s\":"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/expired-domain-notice.php:7
msgid "The domain was added as part of the %1$s plan on your blog. Renewing the plan will also renew the domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:13
msgid "Renew %1$s and the domain upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:15
msgid "Renew %1$s and %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/expired-domain-notice.php:8
msgid "Renewing %1$s for another year costs %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/checklists/load.php:173
msgid "CheckList Error"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/checklists/load.php:175
msgid "A malformed response was received"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/checklists/load.php:261
msgid "Delete this item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/checklists/load.php:262
msgid "Add a new item after this item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/checklists/load.php:170
msgid "Enter the text for the new item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/checklists/load.php:171
msgid "Update the item text below"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mina olen is made for cool business type of sites. You can showcase your most important pages, latest posts, random portfolios and testimonials on front page template. You can also upload your logo, set global layout and enter footer text in theme customizer. And in the same time blogging features looks great too."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:18
msgid "Awesome blogs using %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:23
msgid "%s WordPress Theme example"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:122
msgid "You can change the look of your blog with over %s attractive WordPress themes ranging from professional to fun to crazy, and you can switch themes instantly with just a click of a button. Each theme allows you to customize your sidebar using widgets, and several themes let you upload your own photo or image for the header bar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:131
msgid "Make it your own"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:145
msgid "Changing Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:146
msgid "Layout Issues"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:147
msgid "Editing CSS"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:114
msgid "Change Fonts, Colors, or add your own CSS with the Custom Design upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:118
msgid "Oodles of gorgeous WordPress themes for your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:57
msgid "Support for this theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:57
msgctxt "Support page for this theme"
msgid "Support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:60
msgid "Details for this theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:60
msgctxt "Details page for this theme"
msgid "About"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/products/domains.php:322
msgid "The domain registration failed due to a system error. Our support team was alerted, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible to finalize the registration. We will email you at %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:766
msgid "Cleaning up spam takes time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:769
msgid "Since you joined us, Akismet has saved you %s days!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:771
msgid "Since you joined us, Akismet has saved you %d hours!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:773
msgid "Since you joined us, Akismet has saved you %d minutes!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:237
msgid "Guided Transfer is a one time purchase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/post.php:139
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/post.php:90
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:76
msgid "This record cannot be added, as it conflicts with an existing WordPress.com record."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:77
msgid "This record cannot be saved. TXT records have a 192 character limit, if you need to add a larger record, please contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:78
msgid "This record cannot be added, as it conflicts with an existing record."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:25
msgid "This domain may currently be pending transfer. If you have requested a domain transfer, you can accept or cancel the transfer below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview-table-row.php:19
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:99
msgid "Pending - Registration takes up to %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:70
msgid "The changes have been saved successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:73
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s record for \"%2$s\"?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:74
msgid "Are you sure you wish to edit this domains A records? This will result in your domain no longer loading your WordPress.com site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:75
msgid "This record cannot be saved. Please check the highlighted fields below and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:961
msgid "Similar post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2350
msgid "Register Without Privacy Protection"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:83
msgid "Stats & Info"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:84
msgid "Launched on %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:87
msgid "%1$s design by %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:93
msgid "Download %2$s for your self-hosted WordPress site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/domain-blog-finished.tpl.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:8
msgid "Get started: Log in to your blog, edit your profile, or change your blog’s settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:911
msgid "We don’t have that post on record yet. (post_id %d)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-by-email-admin.php:142
msgctxt "Displaying 1-10 of 100"
msgid "Displaying %s–%s of %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-vip/dashboard-widgets/widget-my-network-log.php:49
msgid "Sorry, we didn't find any activity across your network."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:621
msgid "Location not found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:615
msgid "You’ll get..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-vip/dashboard-widgets/widget-my-network-all-blogs.php:69
msgid "Sorry, we weren't able to find any sites."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2191
msgid "The registrar for %s domain names requires that you provide your own contact information and not that of a third party or private registration service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:589
msgid "All for %1$s (a saving of %2$s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:605
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:621
msgid "All for %1$s (a %2$s value)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bridger.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bridger.php:45
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hemingway-rewritten.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hemingway-rewritten.php:45
msgid "Color Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:26
msgid "Expiring - will stop functioning on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:971
msgid "Only if you're signing in from a device that only you use do we recommend selecting this option. For example, a personal laptop or tablet."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:972
msgid "Remember for 30 days"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2297
msgid "Only an extra %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2080
msgid "Oh no! %s is already registered."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2089
msgid "If you own this domain, you can map it to your site by following the instructions below. If you don’t own this domain, go back and try another domain name."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2070
msgid "We’re sorry! We’re currently not able to register %s domains on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location.php:436
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:612
msgid "Add Location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes.php:428
msgid "Theme navigation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:979
msgid "The domain name you entered is too long."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2032
msgid "Important: Registering your new %1$s domain name will take up to %2$s to complete. Once the domain %3$s is ready, it will be set as the primary domain for your blog. Until then, your blog will be available at %4$s."
msgstr ""
msgid "Sweet Life is an easy to use theme with responsive layout that looks great on any device, big or small. Sweet Life features different post formats, each displayed in their own unique way. If you want to make your blog post more flexible you can use different kinds of post formats such as image, gallery, video, aside, link or quotes."
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimal writing theme, built for writers, authors and columnists. Nothing else. Simple."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1666
msgid "Please contact support if you would like to cancel this domain name."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:18
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:32
msgid "Akismet eliminates the comment and trackback spam you get on your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:35
msgid "Your subscription for %s is suspended"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:36
msgid "No worries! Get in touch and we’ll help sort this out."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:37
msgid "Contact Akismet support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:7
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:21
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:34
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:43
msgid "Connected via Jetpack"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:50
msgid "Use this Akismet account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:56
msgid "Create a new API key with a different email address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:57
msgid "Use this option if you want to setup a new Akismet account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:59
msgid "Register a different email address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:63
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:84
msgid "Manually enter an API key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:70
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:91
msgid "Use this key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:4
msgid "Akismet eliminates the comment and trackback spam you get on your site. Register your email address below to get started."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:14
msgid "Register Akismet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:52
msgid "Please update your payment details."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:53
msgid "We cannot process your transaction. Please contact your bank for assistance, and update your payment details."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/start.php:74
msgid "Akismet eliminates the comment and trackback spam you get on your site. To setup Akismet, select one of the options below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:100
msgid "Disconnect this account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:205
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:124
msgid "Subscription Type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:150
msgid "Next Billing Date"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:57
msgid "Your subscription is cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:58
msgid "Please visit the Akismet account page to reactivate your subscription."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:62
msgid "Your subscription is suspended."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:63
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:73
msgid "Please contact Akismet support for assistance."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:47
msgid "We can’t connect to your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:48
msgid "Your firewall may be blocking us. Please contact your host and refer to our guide about firewalls."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet.php:934
msgid "Akismet %s requires WordPress %s or higher."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:18
msgid "Past six months"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:25
msgid "Spam blocked"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:28
msgid "Accuracy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:32
msgid "%s missed spam, %s false positive"
msgid_plural "%s missed spam, %s false positives"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:79
msgid "Show the number of approved comments beside each comment author"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wapi.php:1770
msgid "Your email address cannot use the domain name you plan to register."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration.php:178
msgid "Sorry, this domain name cannot be registered on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:157
msgctxt "Newdash notices"
msgid "No themes were found matching those criteria. Sorry!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:38
msgctxt "Start a blog with this theme"
msgid "Start a Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/tlkio/tlkio.php:21
msgid "Add a tlk.io webchat."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/tlkio/tlkio.php:22
msgid "tlk.io Webchat"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/tlkio/tlkio.php:50
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/tlkio/tlkio.php:54
msgid "Height (in pixel):"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:93
msgid "Get analytics for your application."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-commerce.php:226
msgid "You need a WordPress.com site to purchase this upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-commerce.php:232
msgid "Already have a WordPress.com site? Log In."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-commerce.php:243
msgid "Get WordPress.com Business"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:22
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/button-templates.php:57
msgctxt "Make a comment on this post"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:773
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:887
msgid "Type “%s”"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/recent-comments-widget.php:319
msgid "Show comments from:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:319
msgid "Something to sell?
Go to eCommerce Plugins to connect an Ecwid, Shopify, or ShopLocket store to your site, and starting selling your awesome products right on your blog. Learn More"
msgstr ""
msgid "Broadsheet is a newspaper theme. With 3 optional widget areas, and a huge homepage slider there are lots of options for creating interesting, immersive websites."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:89
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:147
msgid "No eCommerce"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:90
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:148
msgid "eCommerce is not supported with this plan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:216
msgid "Sell products right on your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:68
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:89
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:110
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:130
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:150
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:170
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:190
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:210
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:230
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:250
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:270
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:290
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:310
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:333
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:353
msgid "%s Domain Registration"
msgstr ""
msgid "A colorful personal blogging theme with support for post formats, featured images, and a responsive design."
msgstr ""
msgid "Wedding is an elegant WordPress theme to build a beautiful wedding website easily. Let share your wedding photos, galleries, videos and memorable moments with family & friends by using the wedding WordPress theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:21
msgid "Wedding"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/domain-one-step/domain-one-step.php:1154
msgid "This domain name cannot be registered on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:16
msgid "Your domain must use WordPress.com name servers for your WordPress.com site to load, any WordPress.com email forwards you have active to function, and for the DNS Editor to be available."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:21
msgid "Use WordPress.com name servers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:26
msgid "Use the custom name servers listed below"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:38
msgid "Learn more about name servers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:62
msgid "Learn more about Transferring a Domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-whois.php:22
msgid "Learn more about Domain Contacts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:15
msgid "Name servers point your domain to the right website host. When your domain uses the WordPress.com name servers, it points to WordPress.com. Most other hosting providers have their own name servers. If you set it to use your new host’s name servers, the domain will point to your new host."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-row.php:20
msgid "mail handled by WordPress.com email forwarding"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-row.php:40
msgid "mail handled by %1$s with priority %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:1
msgid "Email Forwarding"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:59
msgid "Learn more about Email Forwarding"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:2
msgid "Edit DNS Record"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:4
msgid "Add New DNS Record"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:22
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:25
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-row.php:36
msgid "points to %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:28
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-row.php:38
msgid "alias of %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:34
msgid "handled by %1$s with priority %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:37
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-row.php:42
msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record \"service\" name"
msgid "Service"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:38
msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRC record protocol"
msgid "Protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:43
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-row.php:42
msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record priority"
msgid "Priority"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:44
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-row.php:42
msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record weight"
msgid "Weight"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:45
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-row.php:42
msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record hostname"
msgid "Target Host"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:46
msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record hostname port"
msgid "Target Port"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns-addnew.php:52
#: wp-includes/media.php:2957 wp-includes/media.php:2974
#: wp-includes/media.php:2980
msgid "Cancel Edit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns.php:7
msgid "Existing DNS Records"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns.php:25
msgid "Learn more about Custom DNS Records"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:30
msgid "Success! The Primary Domain for your site has been updated. Your visitors will now be redirected to your new URL. (Some visitors may still see the old URL for a few hours, until their caches update.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:31
msgid "Success! The Redirect location for your site has been changed. (Some visitors may still see the old URL for a few hours, until their caches update.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:34
msgid "Success! The Name Servers for this domain have been updated. Please sit tight while these domain changes propagate around the world. (This can sometimes take up to 72 hours.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:880
msgid "Rows"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:433
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:67
msgid "The mailbox specified is invalid. Email mailboxes may only contain the following characters: a-z 0-9 _ . + and -. Please correct the mailbox and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:303
msgid "Use a large and visually striking layout"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:5389
msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting"
msgid "Click to flag this domain as a spam referrer."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:797
msgctxt "%1$s liked your comments on \"%2$s\""
msgid "%1$s liked your comments on \"%2$s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize-wpcom.php:862
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize-wpcom.php:869
msgid "There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again or contact support."
msgstr ""
msgid "Gridiculous Pro is a beautifully designed responsive theme that'll help make your website stand out on any device. With stunning typography, large images and multiple layout options, you can easily create a unique website to suit your needs."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/lens.php:52
msgid "Body and Widget Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:281
msgid "Edit Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:5
msgid "Map a domain name you already own to your WordPress.com blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:194
msgid "What Will My Mapping Include?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:200
msgid "Your new domain name will be mapped for one year and you can renew the mapping each year to keep it working."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:207
msgid "Why Map a Domain Name?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:213
msgid "Mapping a domain name you already own makes your blog more memorable and easier for your readers to find."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:219
msgid "After you map your domain name your readers will be able to access your blog at that domain name instead of %s. Visitors to the old address will be automatically redirected."
msgstr ""
msgid "A colorful personal blogging theme with support for post formats and a flair for geometry."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:5385
msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting"
msgid "Spam?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:5389
msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting"
msgid "Undo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:5377
msgctxt "stats verified referrer label"
msgid "Verified referrer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Singl is a minimalist theme that helps you to create a strong — yet beautiful — online presence. Primarily designed for music artists, Singl is a powerful and flexible theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:240
msgid "Help the owners of this website by reminding them to renew this domain or, even better, by renewing it for them as a gift – before it’s too late:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/lens.php:24
msgid "Site Title and Headlines"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-search.php:2
msgid "Search for your theme…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/tumblr.php:388
msgid "View On WordPress"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/mh-magazine.php:11
msgid "Borders"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/mh-magazine.php:19
msgid "Sub color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:134
msgid "Custom Header Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout.php:186
msgid "We now offer %1$s (%2$s) as a purchase currency, would you like to switch to using %1$s for future transactions?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/circa.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fictive.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hexa.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/quadra.php:16
msgid "Quote and Status Posts"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/is-available/functions.php:191
msgid "We currently only offer %l domain name registrations."
msgstr ""
msgid "McKinley is a sleek blog theme based on the awesome TwentyThirteen theme from WordPress."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/signup-user.php:22
msgid "You can also activate your account by copying and pasting this address into your address bar: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:165
msgid "Renew now for only %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:216
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:217
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:362
msgid "eCommerce Plugins"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:227
msgid "Plugin activation via this UI has been disabled from within your theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:230
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:249
msgid "Missing %s parameter"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:238
msgid "Failed to activate plugin. Maybe it's already activated?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:257
msgid "Failed to deactivate plugin. Maybe it was already deactivated?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:355
msgid "Plugin activated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/business-plugins.php:357
msgid "Plugin deactivated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:121
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "My Groups"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:122
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Create Group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:123
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Edit Group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:7
msgid "Edit Group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:24
msgid "The name for your group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:29
msgid "The description for your group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:70
msgid "Ungrouped Sites"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:38
msgid "Add a Group..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/media-scheduler/media-scheduler.php:208
msgid "Schedule Media Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/media-scheduler/media-scheduler.php:344
msgid "Days between posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/media-scheduler/media-scheduler.php:201
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/media-scheduler/media-scheduler.php:231
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/media-scheduler/media-scheduler.php:340
msgid "Scheduler"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/media-scheduler/media-scheduler.php:209
msgid "Scheduled Time"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/media-scheduler/media-scheduler.php:265
msgid "%d post has been scheduled."
msgid_plural "%d posts have been scheduled."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/media-scheduler/media-scheduler.php:267
msgid "View all scheduled posts."
msgstr ""
msgid "A mobile responsive and HTML5 theme built for the Genesis Framework."
msgstr ""
msgid "This is a clean, modern and fully responsive premium magazine WordPress theme for online magazines, news websites and other editorial websites. The theme includes custom widgets, shortcodes and advanced theme options to create amazing websites within a few minutes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:152
msgid "Image files"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:57
msgid "Responsive"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/mh-magazine.php:69
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/tuned-balloon.php:68
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/yumblog.php:39
msgid "Links & Header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3229
msgid "Register a New Domain Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3233
msgid "Map a Domain Name You Already Own"
msgstr ""
msgid "Yumblog is a delicious blog theme that can be used for a variety of purposes, including food blogs, recipe sharing, and web journaling."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:223
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:593
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:995
msgctxt "%s other people"
msgid "another person"
msgid_plural "%s others"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1071
msgid "Followers of '%s'"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1072
msgid "View all followers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:91
msgid "If you have any additional questions, you can contact our customer support team by replying to this email or by emailing help@wordpress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:57
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:80
msgid "You don't have to do anything — this is just a reminder. You may receive another email regarding the renewal status of your upgrade. This confirms that this upgrade is set to auto-renew."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:58
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:81
msgid "If you would like to verify that your upgrade has been renewed or would like to disable automatic renewal, you can do so under Store > My Upgrades in your dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:90
msgid "More details can be found on our support page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:38
msgid "Examples"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:9
msgid "If you choose not to renew this upgrade, your previous media files will still be available. However, you will not be able to upload audio files or new media files after you have surpassed the default size limit."
msgstr ""
msgid "A media-sharing grid-style theme with masonry layout, infinite scroll, and single column post layouts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:33
msgid "Reblog this post on your main site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:303
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:307
msgid "Show the Reblog button on posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:309
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:313
msgid "Don't show the Reblog button on posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/free-trials-banner.tpl.php:26
msgid "You can cancel trial upgrades under Store → My Upgrades in your dashboard at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/free-trials-banner.tpl.php:11
msgid "Free Trials"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/free-trials-banner.tpl.php:16
msgid "Details and Terms"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tuned Balloon is an easy to use theme with responsive layout that looks great on any device, big or small. Tuned Balloon features different post formats, each displayed in their own unique way. If you want to make your blog post more flexible you can use different kinds of post formats such as image, gallery, video, aside, link or quotes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lens is a photo-oriented theme, great for people who like to tell stories with pictures."
msgstr ""
msgid "Axon is a clean, creative and responsive WordPress blog theme. It has an eye-catching featured posts content area. Axon is powered with boxed or wide layout that can be further customized to left sidebar, right sidebar or without sidebar easily. Other features are custom header, post formats, social links, and footer widgets."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3031
msgid "(Normally %s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns.php:16
msgctxt "Save DNS Changes"
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-dns.php:17
msgctxt "Cancel DNS Changes"
msgid "Cancel Changes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/my-blogs.php:426
msgid "Your paid upgrades on %s will be transferred to the new owner, and will remain with the blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:178
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Error: Unable to remove that user from the group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:4
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:34
msgid "Create Group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:52
msgid "This group contains no sites."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:59
msgid "Sites in this Group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:86
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:97
msgid "Users in this Group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:90
msgid "This group contains no users."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:123
msgid "Deletes the group. Does not delete the sites or the users."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/groups/group.php:127
msgid "Delete Group"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:170
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this site from the group?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:171
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "The site was removed from the group successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:172
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Error: Unable to remove that site from the group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:173
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Are you sure you want to add this site to the group?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:174
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "The site was added to the group successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:175
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Error: Unable to add that site to the group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:176
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the group?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:177
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "The user was removed from the group successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:164
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "The group settings were updated successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:165
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Error: Unable to update group settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:166
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "The group was created successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:167
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Error: Unable to create the group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:168
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this group?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:169
msgctxt "NewDash Groups"
msgid "Error: Unable to delete the group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:93
msgid "Your podcast feed: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:94
msgid "This is the URL you submit to iTunes or podcasting service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:112
msgid "[WordPress.com] Please Update Your Payment Information - %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:125
msgid "[WordPress.com] %1$s free trial ending on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:136
msgid "[WordPress.com] %1$s free trial ended on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:148
msgid "[WordPress.com] %1$s will be renewed automatically tomorrow on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus-authorship.php:128
msgid "We could not properly connect to Google. Please try again or contact support."
msgstr ""
msgid "For the writer, established blogger, and inspired author."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:143
msgctxt "Newdash notices"
msgid "An error occurred listing themes. Try reloading the page or contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:297
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:301
msgid "WordPress.com Reblog Button"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:239
msgid "The domain will be renewed immediately. The owner will see your WordPress.com username and any custom message you choose to add. No other information about you will be shown to the owner."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:240
msgid "Paying to renew another user’s domain will not make you the domain’s owner or grant you any rights to the domain. The domain will remain fully under the control of the current owner."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:305
msgctxt "\"Reblogged from: \""
msgid "Reblogged from: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:57
msgid "Drat! It looks like you are running an old version of Jetpack on %s, please (upgrade) in order to access the latest features!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:73
msgid "Jetpack Monitor"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:77
msgid "Actively Monitoring"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:80
msgid "Turn Jetpack Monitor on or off. If inactive, it will be disabled for all users."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:87
msgid "If selected, you will receive notifications at %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:150 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:151
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:87
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/strict.php:2
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/strict.php:3
msgid "Akismet anti-spam strictness"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:152
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/strict.php:4
msgid "Strict: silently discard the worst and most pervasive spam."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:153
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/strict.php:5
msgid "Safe: always put spam in the Spam folder for review."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:859
msgid "Wyoming"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:860
msgid "Armed Forces Americas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:861
msgid "Armed Forces Europe, Middle East, & Canada"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:862
msgid "Armed Forces Pacific"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:864
msgid "Federated States of Micronesia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:856
msgid "Washington"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:857
msgid "West Virginia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:858
msgid "Wisconsin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:815
msgid "Connecticut"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:816
msgid "Delaware"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:817
msgid "District of Columbia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:818
msgid "Florida"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:820
msgid "Hawaii"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:821
msgid "Idaho"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:822
msgid "Illinois"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:824
msgid "Iowa"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:825
msgid "Kansas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:827
msgid "Louisiana"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:828
msgid "Maine"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:829
msgid "Maryland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:830
msgid "Massachusetts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:831
msgid "Michigan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:832
msgid "Minnesota"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:833
msgid "Mississippi"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:834
msgid "Missouri"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:835
msgid "Montana"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:836
msgid "Nebraska"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:837
msgid "Nevada"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:838
msgid "New Hampshire"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:839
msgid "New Jersey"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:840
msgid "New Mexico"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:842
msgid "North Carolina"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:844
msgid "Ohio"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:845
msgid "Oklahoma"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:846
msgid "Oregon"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:847
msgid "Pennsylvania"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:848
msgid "Rhode Island"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:849
msgid "South Carolina"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:850
msgid "South Dakota"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:851
msgid "Tennessee"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:852
msgid "Texas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:853
msgid "Utah"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:854
msgid "Vermont"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:855
msgid "Virginia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:252 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:507
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:762
msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:253 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:508
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:763
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:254 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:509
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:764
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:255 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:510
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:765
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:256 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:511
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:766
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:257 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:512
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:767
msgid "Viet Nam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:258 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:513
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:768
msgid "Virgin Islands, British"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:259 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:514
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:769
msgid "Virgin Islands, U.S."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:260 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:515
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:770
msgid "Wallis and Futuna"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:261 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:516
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:771
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:262 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:517
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:772
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:263 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:518
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:773
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:264 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:519
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:774
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:398 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:653
msgid "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:788
msgid "Alberta"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:789
msgid "British Columbia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:790
msgid "Manitoba"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:791
msgid "New Brunswick"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:792
msgid "Newfoundland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:793
msgid "Northwest Territories"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:794
msgid "Nova Scotia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:795
msgid "Nunavut"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:796
msgid "Ontario"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:797
msgid "Prince Edward Island"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:798
msgid "Quebec"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:799
msgid "Saskatchewan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:800
msgid "Yukon Territory"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:809
msgid "Alabama"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:810
msgid "Alaska"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:811
msgid "Arizona"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:812
msgid "Arkansas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:813
msgid "California"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:814
msgid "Colorado"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:223 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:478
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:733
msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:225 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:480
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:735
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:226 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:481
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:736
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:227 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:482
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:737
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:228 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:483
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:738
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:229 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:484
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:739
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:230 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:485
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:740
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:231 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:486
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:741
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:232 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:487
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:742
msgid "Syrian Arab Republic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:234 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:489
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:744
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:235 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:490
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:745
msgid "Tanzania, United Republic of"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:236 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:491
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:746
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:237 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:492
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:747
msgid "Timor-Leste"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:238 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:493
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:748
msgid "Togo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:239 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:494
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:749
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:240 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:495
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:750
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:241 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:496
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:751
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:242 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:497
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:752
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:243 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:498
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:753
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:244 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:499
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:754
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:245 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:500
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:755
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:246 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:501
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:756
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:247 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:502
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:757
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:248 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:503
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:758
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:249 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:504
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:759
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:250 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:505
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:760
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:192 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:447
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:702
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:194 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:449
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:704
msgid "Poland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:195 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:450
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:705
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:198 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:453
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:708
msgid "Réunion"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:199 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:454
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:709
msgid "Romania"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:200 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:455
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:710
msgid "Russian Federation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:201 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:456
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:711
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:202 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:457
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:712
msgid "Saint Barthélemy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:203 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:458
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:713
msgid "Saint Helena"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:204 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:459
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:714
msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:205 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:460
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:715
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:206 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:461
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:716
msgid "Saint Martin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:207 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:462
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:717
msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:208 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:463
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:718
msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:211 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:466
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:721
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:212 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:467
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:722
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:213 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:468
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:723
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:214 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:469
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:724
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:215 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:470
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:725
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:216 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:471
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:726
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:218 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:473
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:728
msgid "Slovakia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:219 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:474
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:729
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:220 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:475
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:730
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:221 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:476
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:731
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:222 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:477
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:732
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:161 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:416
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:671
msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:162 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:417
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:672
msgid "Moldova, Republic of"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:164 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:419
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:674
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:165 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:420
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:675
msgid "Montenegro"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:167 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:422
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:677
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:168 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:423
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:678
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:169 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:424
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:679
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:170 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:425
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:680
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:172 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:427
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:682
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:173 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:428
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:683
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:174 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:429
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:684
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:175 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:430
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:685
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:176 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:431
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:686
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:177 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:432
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:687
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:178 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:433
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:688
msgid "Niger"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:179 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:434
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:689
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:181 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:436
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:691
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:182 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:437
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:692 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:867
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:183 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:438
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:693
msgid "Norway"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:184 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:439
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:694
msgid "Oman"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:185 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:440
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:695
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:187 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:442
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:697
msgid "Palestinian Territory, Occupied"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:189 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:444
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:699
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:190 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:445
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:700
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:191 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:446
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:701
msgid "Peru"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:125 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:380
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:635
msgid "Israel"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:126 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:381
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:636
msgid "Italy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:128 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:383
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:638
msgid "Japan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:130 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:385
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:640
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:131 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:386
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:641
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:132 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:387
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:642
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:133 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:388
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:643
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:134 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:389
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:644
msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:135 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:390
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:645
msgid "Korea, Republic of"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:137 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:392
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:647
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:138 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:393
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:648
msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:139 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:394
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:649
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:140 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:395
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:650
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:141 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:396
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:651
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:142 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:397
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:652
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:143
msgid "Libya"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:144 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:399
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:654
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:145 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:400
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:655
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:148 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:403
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:658
msgid "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:149 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:404
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:659
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:150 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:405
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:660
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:151 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:406
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:661
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:153 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:408
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:663
msgid "Mali"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:155 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:410
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:665 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:866
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:157 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:412
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:667
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:160 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:415
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:670
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:87 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:342
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:597
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:88 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:343
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:598
msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:89 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:344
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:599
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:91 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:346
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:601
msgid "Finland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:92 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:347
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:602
msgid "France"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:93 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:348
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:603
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:94 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:349
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:604
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:95 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:350
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:605
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:96 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:351
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:606
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:97 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:352
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:607
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:99 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:354
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:609
msgid "Germany"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:100 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:355
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:610
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:102 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:357
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:612
msgid "Greece"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:103 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:358
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:613
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:109 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:364
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:619
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:110 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:365
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:620
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:112 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:367
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:622
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:113 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:368
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:623
msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:114 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:369
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:624
msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:115 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:370
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:625
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:117 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:372
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:627
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:118 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:373
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:628
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:119 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:374
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:629
msgid "India"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:120 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:375
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:630
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:121 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:376
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:631
msgid "Iran, Islamic Republic of"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:122 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:377
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:632
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:123 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:378
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:633
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:56 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:311
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:566
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:57 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:312
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:567
msgid "Canada"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:59 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:314
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:569
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:60 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:315
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:570
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:61 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:316
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:571
msgid "Chad"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:62 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:317
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:572
msgid "Chile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:63 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:318
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:573
msgid "China"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:64 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:319
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:574
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:65 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:320
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:575
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:66 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:321
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:576
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:67 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:322
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:577
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:68 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:323
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:578
msgid "Congo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:69 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:324
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:579
msgid "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:70 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:325
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:580
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:72 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:327
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:582
msgid "Côte d'Ivoire"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:73 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:328
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:583
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:74 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:329
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:584
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:75 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:330
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:585
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:76 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:331
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:586
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:77 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:332
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:587
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:80 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:335
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:590
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:81 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:336
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:591
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:84 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:339
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:594
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:85 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:340
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:595
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:86 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:341
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:596
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:20 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:275
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:530
msgid "Åland Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:21 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:276
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:531
msgid "Albania"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:22 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:277
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:532
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:23 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:278
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:533 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:863
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:25 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:280
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:535
msgid "Angola"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:28 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:283
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:538
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:30 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:285
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:540
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:33 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:288
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:543
msgid "Austria"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:34 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:289
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:544
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:35 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:290
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:545
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:37 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:292
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:547
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:39 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:294
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:549
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:40 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:295
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:550
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:42 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:297
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:552
msgid "Benin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:44 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:299
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:554
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:45 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:300
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:555
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:46 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:301
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:556
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:47 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:302
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:557
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:48 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:303
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:558
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:49 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:304
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:559
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:50 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:305
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:560
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:51 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:306
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:561
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:52 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:307
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:562
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:53 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:308
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:563
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:54 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:309
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:564
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:55 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:310
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:565
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1672 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:870
msgid "Virgin Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1673
msgid "British Virgin Islands"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:19 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:274
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:529
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/customizer-device-preview/device-preview.php:53
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/customizer-device-preview/device-preview.php:54
msgid "Tablet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:217
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:313
msgid "Reblogged on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1663
msgid "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1664
msgid "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1665
msgid "Republic of Korea"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1666
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1667
msgid "Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1668
msgid "Palestine, State of"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1669 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:233
#: wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:488 wp-content/plugins/iso-3166.php:743
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1670
msgid "United Republic of Tanzania"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:1671
msgid "Vatican City"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/circa.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fictive.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hexa.php:51
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/quadra.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sorbet.php:28
msgid "Video and Audio Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:99
msgid "Want more? Check out our %2$s FAQ."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:65
msgid "Mobile Ready"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:66
msgid "Choose from any of our many responsive themes, or build your own by modifying your site's CSS or JavaScript. Activate our mobile-ready themes with one click."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:73
msgid "Our Clients"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:78
msgid "Four Hour Chef by Tim Ferris"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:83
msgid "ESPN Digital and Print Products"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:96
msgid "By hosting with %s, you have access to a team of WordPress experts who are ready to help you the entire way."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:33
msgid "Creating a high-profile website on a tight deadline? Get the simplicity of %1$s with powerful customizations for %2$s sites."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:48
msgid "What You'll Get"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:50
msgid "Unlimited Traffic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:52
msgid "At %1$s, we serve hundreds of millions of pageviews per day without blinking. %2$s gives you unlimited bandwidth, traffic, and storage."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:55
msgid "Analytics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:57
msgid "Install Google Analytics on your site to track who is visiting and how they got there. Use %s Stats to see what users are clicking on."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:62
msgid "%2$s gives you access to nearly 100 %1$s plugins that help you improve SEO, customize your site, add social media tools or manage ads."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:425
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme.php:50
msgid "Demo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/a8c-themes-unbox/template.php:21
msgid "Discover this theme's awesome features."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/a8c-themes-unbox/template.php:25
msgid "Have questions? Stop by our support forums."
msgstr ""
msgid "Sorbet is a delicious treat for your blog or website. Colorful post formats help your content pop, while secondary information (navigation, search, social links, and widgets) is tucked neatly away in the header for easy access that doesn't crowd your content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/notify-postauthor.php:37
msgid "New pingback on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/notify-postauthor.php:34
msgid "New trackback on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sorbet.php:17
msgid "Sticky and Image Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fictive.php:76
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sorbet.php:62
msgid "Links, Aside Posts, and Gallery Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sorbet.php:72
msgid "Link Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:166
msgid "%s renewed successfully"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:180
msgid "[WordPress.com] Gift renewal for “%s”"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:181
msgid "Your domain %s was renewed for you"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/giftee-confirmation-email.php:5
msgid "Congratulations! %1$s liked your WordPress.com site “%2$s” so much that they paid to renew your domain. %3$s is yours for another year, until %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/giftee-confirmation-email.php:8
msgid "Visit your My Upgrades page for more information about this domain."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/mobile-push-notifications.php:85
msgid "New tip!"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/mobile-push-notifications.php:93
msgid "Domain alert!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:61
msgid "Other Notifications!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/gifter-confirmation-email.php:5
msgid "What a nice gesture! You’ve paid to renew the domain %1$s for the WordPress.com site “%2$s” for another year until %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/gifter-confirmation-email.php:8
msgid "We emailed the domain’s owner to let them know you renewed their domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/gifter-confirmation-email.php:10
msgid "Visit your Billing History page to get a copy of the receipt."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:158
msgid "[WordPress.com] Gift Purchased Successfully!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/a8c-themes-unbox/template.php:29
msgid "Go further with the Custom Design upgrade!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/a8c-themes-unbox/template.php:56
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-activated.php:9
msgid "The team at WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/dropbox.php:93
msgid "Your Dropbox account has been disconnected. You may now reconnect if you wish."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash.php:361
msgid "Additional ad units:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/customizer-device-preview/device-preview.php:34
msgid "You have the Mobile Theme enabled. This view may not represent how your viewers see your blog. You can deactivate the mobile theme on Appearance → Mobile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/a8c-themes-unbox/template.php:7
msgid "Thanks for choosing %1$s by %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:469
msgid "Notification Emails"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:476
msgid "Email me when someone Likes one of my comments."
msgstr ""
msgid "Studio is a minimal grid-based portfolio theme designed for photographers and curators. It's simple, sleek, and powerfully flexible, pairing chiseled aesthetics with crystal-clear organization."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:317
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:320
msgid "Comment Likes are"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:323
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:326
msgid "On for all comments"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/comment-like.php:84
msgid "Modify your email notification settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:676
msgid "It was purchased by you for the renewal of %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/shopping-cart.php:397
msgid "The Chargeback fee has been removed from your cart as your account is in good standing."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:69
msgid "Show information about blog groups."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-groups-api-endpoints.php:219
msgid "You must be an administrator of this group to delete it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:402
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:14
msgid "Almost done - activate your account and say goodbye to comment spam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:197
msgid "Akismet eliminates the comment and trackback spam you get on your site. To use Akismet you may need to sign up for an API key. Click the button below to get started."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:202
msgid "Create a new Akismet Key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:205
msgid "I already have a key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:225
msgid "You must enter a valid Akismet API key here. If you need an API key, you can create one here"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:234
msgid "Auto-detete old spam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:235
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:79
msgid "Show approved comments"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:254
msgid "Server Status"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:300
msgid "Check Network Status"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:305
msgid "Last Checked"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:307
msgid "%s Ago"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:307
msgid "Not yet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:308
msgid "You can confirm that Akismet.com is up by clicking here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:368
msgid "Akismet Error Code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:172
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:178
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/notice.php:82
msgid "Your Akismet account has been successfully set up and activated. Happy blogging!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:182
msgid "Please enter an API key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:194
msgid "Akismet Stats"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:113
msgid "The user is already a member of the specified group. No action taken."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:135
msgid "The user is not a member of the specified group. No action taken."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:104
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:126
msgid "Invalid user id."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:108
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:130
msgid "Invalid group id."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:777
msgid "Gift Upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:781
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:782
msgid "Buy an awesome gift for your friends or family."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:281
msgid "Renew now for only %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:442
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:440
msgid "Awaiting spam check"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/settings.php:95
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:448
msgid "Summary Emails"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/settings.php:101
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:453
msgid "Receive periodic emails summarizing what is new on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/email/follow-content.php:4
msgid "You have successfully followed \"%1$s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/email/follow-content.php:9
msgid "We were unable to follow that blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/email/follow-content.php:10
msgid "Please edit blogs you follow to update your followed blogs."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/opt-out/whats-new/content.php:4
msgid "You have successfully turned off summary emails."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/opt-out/whats-new/content.php:5
msgid "If you'd like to reenable summary emails, visit your settings page to update your email preferences."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/opt-out/whats-new/content.php:9
msgid "We were unable to opt you out of summary emails."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/opt-out/whats-new/content.php:10
msgid "Please visit your settings page to update your email preferences."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-engagement.php:565
msgid "We've missed you! Here's what's new on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-engagement.php:573
msgid "Hi %1$s, here's what you've been missing on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-engagement.php:593
msgid "No longer wish to receive this email? Unsubscribe"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-opt-out-whats-new-page.php:16
msgid "Opt-out of WordPress.com Summary Emails"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:229
msgid "You are not authorized to use that theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/follow-recos.php:6
msgid "Follow these great blogs matching your interests"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/whats-new-posts.php:6
msgid "New post on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-stats-api-endpoints.php:1684
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:2719
#: wp-includes/charts/flot-stats-data.php:58
msgid "Week of %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-header/custom-header.php:49
msgid "You can now choose your header image and see the change immediately in a live preview by going to Customize → Header. This page will automatically redirect in the future."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:198
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:134
msgid "The domain %1$s was registered on %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:915
msgid "Including all the features of WordPress.com Premium:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:180
msgid "After you register a custom domain name your readers will be able to access your blog at the new domain name instead of %s. Visitors to the old address will be automatically redirected."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-groups-api-endpoints.php:337
msgid "You must be an administrator on a blog in order to add it to a group. No action taken."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-custom-help-tabs.php:17
msgid "To add a new user for your site, click Invite New in the Users menu section."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/class.jetmon-endpoint.php:184
msgid "Jetpack Support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:127
msgid "Renew now at %2$s per year + %3$s late fee."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:129
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:99
msgid "Renew now at %2$s per year."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:121
msgid "Renew now at %2$s per year + %3$s late fee or cancel this domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2537
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:13
msgid "If you have any questions, you can contact support at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2540
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/domain-signup-finished.tpl.php:14
msgid "Example verification email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes.php:233
msgid "No such blog was found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-themes.php:315
msgid "No such theme found"
msgstr ""
msgid "Syntax is a theme designed with writing--and reading--in mind. With large, easy-to-read type, a fixed navigation menu, and a responsive design that looks beautiful on all screen sizes, it's perfect for writers or bloggers who want a clean, sophisticated look and feel for their site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/thx.php:154
msgctxt "Type of themes to display"
msgid "Your Purchases"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wapi.php:4
msgid "Domain Admin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:43
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:50
msgctxt "Activate this theme"
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:65
msgid "Demo this theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:65
msgctxt "Demo of this theme"
msgid "Demo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:175
msgid "That blog is already part of a group. No group created."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-groups-api-endpoints.php:395
msgid "You must be an administrator on a blog in order to remove it from its group. No action taken."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-groups-api-endpoints.php:342
msgid "You must be an administrator of all blogs in a group in order to add a new blog to the group. No action taken."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:207
msgid "That blog is already part of a group. No action taken."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-groups/groups-utils.php:227
msgid "That blog is not part of a group. No action taken."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:46
msgid "Purchase this theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:43
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:50
msgid "Activate this theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:225
msgid "Store Admin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:132
msgid "Displays a list and calendar of upcoming events from Eventbrite — the world’s largest self-serve event ticketing and event registration platform."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:128
msgid "Domain Registration for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1158
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:14
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/store-sidebar.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:504 wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:516
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2688
msgid "My Domains"
msgstr ""
msgid "Moka is a responsive, minimal blog, magazine and creative business theme with a beautiful, modern design and lots of easy-to-use, individual theme features like a customizable front page template, an about and quote template and a sticky sidebar option."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:26
msgid "Once you're done working together, we'd appreciate it if you sent us your rating of the experience -- your feedback helps us improve our support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:142
msgctxt "Newdash notices"
msgid "No themes were found. Try reloading the page or contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:403
msgid "Tip: Get more readers by upgrading your current web address, %s.wordpress.com, to a custom domain name like %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:404
msgid "A custom domain name makes your site easier for people to find, makes it look more professional, and it lets you personalize your site with its own, unique web address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:405
msgid "Register %2$s for only %3$s per year."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:148
msgctxt "activating a theme"
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:149
msgctxt "preview theme-name on one of your blogs"
msgid "Preview %s on one of your blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:151
msgctxt "previewing a theme"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:152
msgctxt "purchase theme-name for one of your blogs"
msgid "Purchase %s for one of your blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:154
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:46
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme.php:40
msgctxt "purchasing a theme"
msgid "Purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:146
msgctxt "activate theme-name on one of your blogs"
msgid "Activate %s on one of your blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:189
msgid "Ticket Purchase Link/Button Text:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:211
msgid "Default (Buy) / Use Theme Setting"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1223
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1516
msgctxt "$comment_status_icon $user_name matched $searchterm commenting on $post_title"
msgid "%1$s %2$s matched %3$s with a comment on %4$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1251
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1544
msgctxt "$comment_status_icon $user_name commented on $post_title"
msgid "%1$s %2$s commented on %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:282
msgid "You cannot cancel this domain because of invalid permissions or wrong timespan. Please contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:288
msgid "You cannot cancel this domain because it was not registered with WordPress.com. Please contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:155
msgid "You cannot cancel this domain because of an internal error. Support has been notified."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:157
msgid "You cannot cancel this domain because of an internal error. Please contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:285
msgid "You cannot cancel this domain because of missing information regarding your upgrade. Please contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:760
msgid "Domain products can only be refunded within %2$d hours of original purchase. This product was purchased %3$s ago and so is not eligible."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:50
msgid "Tip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ampersand is a portfolio style theme with an empasis on beautiful, legible typography and graceful resizing for mobile browsing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-plugins.php:129
msgid "Enable o2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:52
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:9
msgid "Beginner"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:399
msgid "Go to the admin dashboard for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:473
msgid "Read more about this feature"
msgstr ""
msgid "A colorful theme with a dynamic grid layout"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:177
msgid "Canceling %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:141
msgctxt "Newdash notices"
msgid "Failed to activate that theme. Try again or contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:120
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Connected Blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:259
msgid "Uh oh! Your blog’s domain %1$s expired %2$d days ago!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domains.php:93
msgid "If you don’t renew %1$l soon, your blog’s domains will stop functioning starting %2$s and visitors who come to the web addresses %1$l won’t be able to find your site any more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:236
msgid "Please note the primary domain %3$s will also be deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:238
msgid "Please note the domain %3$s that is pointing to this blog will also be deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domains.php:51
msgid "The following domains need your attention:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domains.php:59
msgid "%1$s expires on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domains.php:71
msgid "Please renew them below now — It’s quick and easy:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domains.php:80
msgid "Uh oh! %1$d domains from your blog are expiring in less than 7 days!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:214
msgid "Please note the primary domain %4$s as well as domain %3$s that is pointing to this blog will also be deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:220
msgid "Please note the primary domain %4$s and any other domain pointing to this blog (%3$s) will also be deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:223
msgid "Please note any other domain pointing to this blog (%3$s) will also be deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:191
msgid "If you don’t renew %1$s soon, your blog’s domain will stop functioning starting %2$s and visitors who come to the web address %1$s won’t be able to find your site any more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:174
msgid "Uh oh! Your blog’s domain %1$s is expiring tomorrow!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:176
msgid "Uh oh! Your blog’s domain %1$s is expiring today!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:150
msgid "However, this domain name expires on %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:155
msgid "Please renew %4$s and %1$s below now — It’s quick and easy:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:158
msgid "Please renew %1$s below now — It’s quick and easy:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:172
msgid "Uh oh! Your blog’s domain %1$s is expiring in %2$d days!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:196
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:132
msgid "The domain %1$s was registered on %3$s as part of %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:120
msgid "Your blog’s domains %1$l stopped functioning on %2$s and visitors who come to the web addresses %1$l cannot find your site any more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:84
msgid "These domain names started expiring on %2$s and will soon be canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:87
msgid "Please contact the owners of this website and remind them to renew these domains before it’s too late. They need your help!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:101
msgid "Oh no! %1$d domains from your blog have expired!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:103
msgid "Oh no! %1$d domains from this blog have expired!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:340
msgid "Please note the domain %3$s that is pointing to this blog was also deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:60
msgid "The following domains need your immediate attention:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:68
msgid "%1$s expired on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:71
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domains.php:62
msgid "plus %1$d more ..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:78
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domains.php:69
msgid "They need to be renewed every year to stay active or otherwise they will be lost."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:80
msgid "Please renew them below now before it’s too late — It’s quick and easy:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:83
msgid "Unfortunately you cannot access this blog from %1$l any more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:316
msgid "Please note the primary domain %4$s as well as domain %3$s that is pointing to this blog are also deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:322
msgid "Please note the primary domain %4$s and any other domain pointing to this blog (%3$s) were also deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:325
msgid "Please note any other domain pointing to this blog (%3$s) were also deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:338
msgid "Please note the primary domain %3$s was also deactivated until %1$s is either renewed or canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:289
msgid "Your blog’s domain %1$s stopped functioning today and visitors who come to the web address %1$s cannot find your site any more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:267
msgid "Oh no! This blog’s domain %1$s expired yesterday!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:287
msgid "Your blog’s domain %1$s stopped functioning on %2$s and visitors who come to the web address %1$s cannot find your site any more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:347
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domains.php:124
msgid "Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to view the content of this blog at this web address: %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:261
msgid "Oh no! This blog’s domain %1$s expired %2$d days ago!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:265
msgid "Uh oh! Your blog’s domain %1$s expired yesterday!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:220
msgid "Please renew %4$s and %1$s below now before it’s too late — It’s quick and easy:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:223
msgid "Please renew %1$s below now before it’s too late — It’s quick and easy:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:227
msgid "Please ask support to renew %1$s before it’s too late:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:235
msgid "Unfortunately you cannot access this blog from %1$s any more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:236
msgid "This domain name expired on %2$s and will soon be canceled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:242
msgid "Please contact the owners of this website and remind them to renew this domain before it’s too late. They need your help!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:203
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:139
msgid "The domain %1$s was last renewed on %3$s as part of %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:205
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:141
msgid "The domain %1$s was last renewed on %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:210
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:146
msgid "It is configured to redirect traffic to the web address %5$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:214
msgid "However, this domain name expired on %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:215
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:151
msgid "It needs to be renewed every year to stay active or otherwise it will be lost."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:149
msgid "Renew now by contacting support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:123
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:97
msgid "Renew now at %2$s per year or cancel this domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:138
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:103
msgid "Renew now for one more year or cancel this domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:147
msgid "Renew now by contacting support or cancel this domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-domain.php:30
msgid "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s ..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-domains.php:16
msgid "Renew now for one more year or cancel these domains."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-domains.php:18
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expired-domain.php:140
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/domains/expiring-domain-alert/text-generator-expiring-domain.php:105
msgid "Renew now for one more year."
msgstr ""
msgid "Vision is a clean portfolio and photography theme with a flat minimal design. Perfect for showcasing your skills."
msgstr ""
msgid "A polished magazine theme with a touch of class. Perfect for photojournalists, bloggers and authors who prefer long-format content."
msgstr ""
msgid "A customizable, responsive, personal blog theme for the creative in you"
msgstr ""
msgid "A super clean magazine theme featuring built-in post thumbnail support, a featured post slider, and a robust theme options menu."
msgstr ""
msgid "A photo theme designed to display lots of content for people on the go."
msgstr ""
msgid "Vagabond is a clutter-free theme for personal bloggers."
msgstr ""
msgid "A food- and kitchen-oriented blog theme. It has fun and colorful—yet balanced—illustrations, script typeface, and subtle textures. Together, all of these design features set your food blog apart from others. It also features four theme styles and support for a custom header image, a custom menu, and a maximum four widget areas."
msgstr ""
msgid "ThemeMin is a minimal, light-weight, and fast-loading theme that focuses on typography. Together, all of these elements help to provide a comfortable reading experience. It features five color schemes, three site layout options, two post layout options, custom link colors, a footer widget area, custom header, and custom background."
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimal theme for personal blogging with a generous image slider, featured header images, and more!"
msgstr ""
msgid "A grid-based blog theme featuring a bold and beautiful style."
msgstr ""
msgid "Tapestry is a 1 or 2 column Widget-ready child theme created for the Genesis Framework."
msgstr ""
msgid "Soar through the skies or blast off into space on your own great blogging adventure with this playful, illustrated theme. The Great Adventure comes with a choice of airplane or space styling, six color schemes, and up to seven widget areas -- one in the right sidebar, three in the footer, and three that can be \"hidden\" underneath the main navigation menu with a unique toggle button."
msgstr ""
msgid "A feature packed audio theme perfect for any band, artist, or musician. Soundcheck features a large full width image slider, a custom HTML5 audio player, gigs/events functionality, four custom widgets, four custom page templates, and a variety of theme options."
msgstr ""
msgid "Standard is a meticulously designed, hand-crafted theme for professional blogging. It adapts to mobile devices and individual posts can be styled distinctly for words, images, quotes, links, videos, or statuses using post formats."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean blogging theme designed by WooThemes."
msgstr ""
msgid "A unique tumblelog style theme featuring a fluid and responsive design. Looks great on the iPad, iPhone, and other modern mobile devices."
msgstr ""
msgid "A lightweight and responsive theme designed to help you showcase your creative projects online. Multiple page templates and a grid based blog layout ensure your website stays flexible and professional."
msgstr ""
msgid "Profile is designed to showcase the best about you. The theme may act as a self promotion tool, resume, portfolio, blog or hub for all your web endeavors. Profile features several social media options for sharing yourself with the world. Really, it's all about you."
msgstr ""
msgid "Curate an eclectic scrapbook of photos, videos, audio and more with Publisher. Featuring a responsive, masonry-style layout, Publisher looks just as good on your mobile device as it does on the desktop."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple and elegant WordPress theme for business. Features a customizable portfolio page and a responsive layout that looks great on mobile devices."
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimal and clean portfolio theme, complete with featured slider and easy-to-configure portfolio pages. Designed to look great on large format displays, tablets and mobile devices."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pretty Young Thing is vibrant, hand-crafted theme that will capture the essence of your everyday life."
msgstr ""
msgid "A WordPress theme built for photographers. Includes easy to use galleries, and two gorgeous color schemes."
msgstr ""
msgid "A WordPress theme built for photographers. Includes easy to use galleries and two gorgeous color schemes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Photolia is a responsive photoblogging theme that makes displaying your photography dead simple and amazingly beautiful. Photolia offers crisp typography with great readability and resizable media for any device or screen size."
msgstr ""
msgid "A crafty, textured theme with three post column sizes, optional right or left sidebar, and an area for a welcome message."
msgstr ""
msgid "A whimsical theme in three beautifully illustrated motifs, with theme options for two different blog styles, a welcome message, and Email, Twitter, and Facebook icon display."
msgstr ""
msgid "A beautifully simple solution for showcasing photos professionally. The theme features 1, 2 and 3 column portfolio layout options, a slideshow page template, homepage featured slideshow and responsive framework for displaying content seamlessly across mobile devices."
msgstr ""
msgid "A video centric theme with a unique content carousel to make your videos stand out and accessible."
msgstr ""
msgid "Organization is a well rounded business theme that was created with non-profit and environmentally conscious organizations in mind."
msgstr ""
msgid "A highly customizable WordPress theme developed for news websites, magazines & blogs. Outspoken is a responsive, clean, simple & easy to customize. Theme specifically designed for your new website, blog or online magazine."
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimal, content-first theme tailored for writers, journalists and bloggers."
msgstr ""
msgid "An extra extra versatile business and news-friendly theme that offers up to ten different layouts, four footer columns, custom links and accents colors, and a custom site header. Brand and content-focused editorial teams will love publishing with this theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "Nexus is a unique grid-based theme with a beautiful responsive design."
msgstr ""
msgid "A parenting theme for mommy and daddy"
msgstr ""
msgid "A colorful and whimsical blogging theme designed by Meagan Fisher."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean, three-column, responsive grid-based magazine/news theme great for handling larger amounts of content. With a 100% widgetized home page template, Massive Press allows for great flexibility and content integration. Choose to show one, two, or no sidebars, leaving the content full width. With options to arrange the sidebar order, display images in a slider widget, and more, Massive Press allows for easy customization and unique page layouts."
msgstr ""
msgid "A classicly designed magazine theme, with flexible widget sidebars, custom header and background images, and custom footer widgets."
msgstr ""
msgid "Minimum is a stunning execution of \"less is more\", which allows you to express everything you're about, with very little effort."
msgstr ""
msgid "Modern News is a minimalistic theme that showcases your content in modern, easy-to-read fashion."
msgstr ""
msgid "Magazine is a sleek and modern theme that allows you to spotlight your cutting-edge content."
msgstr ""
msgid "Magnate Express is a blogging / photography theme with an adaptive layout focused on your content and with a unique slider to showcase featured images from your posts. Another awesome theme by WooThemes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Kiore Moana is an easy-to-use one-column, responsive blog theme with big thumbnails, bold and beautiful typography, post format support and a minimal, widgetized info page option. The theme design embraces readability and offers lots of white space. Kiore Moana is a great theme for personal blogs, travel or photography blogs."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lifestyle is a colorful theme with a stylish frame for your all of your magazine or news related content."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean and flexible magazine style theme. Features custom typography options, custom background support, and a featured post slider."
msgstr ""
msgid "A playful, sweet theme with art and illustration by Laura Amiss"
msgstr ""
msgid "Luscious is super-clean, lip-smacking theme designed for bloggers and publishers who want to frame their work in professional fashion."
msgstr ""
msgid "Kent is a clean WordPress theme designed for writers who want to focus on writing content. It's the perfect theme for people who want to tell stories. Kent includes custom header, social links, and footer widget options to allow you to lay out your site exactly as you wish."
msgstr ""
msgid "An elegant magazine theme for WordPress, with a responsive design, and support for widgets, post thumbnails, custom headers and custom backgrounds."
msgstr ""
msgid "Just Desserts is a clean and stylish food-blogging theme designed by Andy Rutledge. Its single-column layout and unique presentation of images and posts on the front page give you a delectable canvas on which your mouthwatering content -- from text to photographs -- can really shine."
msgstr ""
msgid "InfoWay is clean, simple, elegant and responsive. Well-suited for general blogging, InfoWay highlights your featured content in style with a unique built-in slider. InfoWay is very simple to manage with the Theme Customizer; easily add your own logo image, as well as links to your social network pages. The sidebar and footer areas are widgetized to allow you infinite ways to customize your site, and InfoWay also includes a full-width page template. You will love having your site built on InfoWay."
msgstr ""
msgid "A playful, colorful personal blogging theme with exclusive artwork by Dima Je"
msgstr ""
msgid "A freshly designed, open and responsive blogging theme designed by WooThemes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Gigawatt is a clean and bold video display theme that shows off your content in a way that compliments it. Designed especially for film-makers, editors, creatives and professionals working in the motion picture-related industries, Gigawatt can be trusted to display your big screen talents in the best way possible on the small screen."
msgstr ""
msgid "Showcase your images in this clean, responsive portfolio theme packed with color and layout options."
msgstr ""
msgid "A beautiful retro-styled theme for foodies and crafters that's sure to delight even the most creative bloggers."
msgstr ""
msgid "A fresh copy of the popular \"Headlines\" WooTheme, customised for WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
msgid "Further is a premium magazine theme that offers all the features that you would expect in a magazine theme combined with a sleek, modern and beautifully crafted responsive design. This theme is perfect for professional publishers or content heavy websites."
msgstr ""
msgid "The industry standard in design frameworks for WordPress. Please do not modify this style sheet, as it might get overridden in updates."
msgstr ""
msgid "Funki is a funky theme with some artsy flare. It has a responsive structure and offers multiple layouts, either one, two, or three columns, based on the widget areas you choose to show. It also comes with many background choices, with different motifs and patterns, and a primary color chooser. It has a featured section for sticky posts, supports custom menus, featured images, custom header, background image, and optional footer widget areas. Funk up your site with Funki now!"
msgstr ""
msgid "A playful personal blogging theme designed and illustrated by Aline Yamada"
msgstr ""
msgid "A fresh and popular news/magazine theme for WordPress, by the team at WooThemes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Full Frame is a post-format-loving WordPress theme perfect for showcasing big images, galleries and videos. Tell stories and present work in a unique way."
msgstr ""
msgid "Elemin is a clean, minimalistic theme with great white-space balance and elegant typography. It features nine color schemes, three site layout options, two post layout options, two custom menu areas, custom link colors, support for post formats, a footer widget area, custom header, custom background, and a responsive layout that adapts to various screen sizes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Precisely calibrated to be pleasurably readable on almost any screen. Attention and care has especially been given to providing a robust and versatile layout to suit your writing needs. From short quips to lengthier bits of prose, Everyday will rise to the challenge and shine with every post you publish."
msgstr ""
msgid "Featuring a design by renowned web designer Elliot Jay Stocks, Eight will transform the look of your blog. Even better, Eight's custom highlight color feature, custom background, and custom header, let you transform it right back and easily create your own blog design."
msgstr ""
msgid "A responsive, mobile friendly theme with the ability to add contact details and links to your social network profiles in the header. Other design customizations include the choice between a left- or right-sidebar, and the ability to display custom menus in both the header and the footer."
msgstr ""
msgid "A dashing responsive two-column newspaper-style theme designed to highlight long-format writing."
msgstr ""
msgid "A creative and responsive theme designed to help you share videos, photos, and music. Each content type is displayed in its own unique handcrafted style. Perfect for those who use different post formats."
msgstr ""
msgid "A fresh copy of the popular \"Crisp\" tumblogging WooTheme, crafted for WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
msgid "Currents is a clean newspaper-like news theme from WooThemes. Originally designed by Andy Rutledge, this clean-cut design aims to showcase your content in a neat and minimalistic fashion."
msgstr ""
msgid "An eye-catching multimedia theme featuring a unique content carousel and responsive gallery style layout."
msgstr ""
msgid "An elegant and versatile magazine-style WordPress theme by WooThemes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Bromley is a magazine style theme with prominent photography that makes any website look awesome."
msgstr ""
msgid "An innovative WordPress theme for the twenty-first century teacher. Specially crafted to bring the classroom environment online, the theme includes some exciting features: to-do lists, class conversations, podcasts and video lectures."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean, blog-focused WooTheme to help promote your blog posts or your upcoming novel."
msgstr ""
msgid "As the name says, Blog Simple is a simple blog-centric theme designed by Mike Kus. Its unique and bold two-tone design sets your blog apart from the crowd. Not only can you choose a theme color from four suggested colors, but also pick any color from a color picker."
msgstr ""
msgid "Bold News is a news-focused WooTheme, designed to best showcase your latest news articles and blog posts. Tailored specifically to WordPress.com's features and including a featured slider, sharing options and flexible homepage layout, Bold News is an excellent choice for powering your news or blog-focused website."
msgstr ""
msgid "An eclectic theme for food blogs and restaurants."
msgstr ""
msgid "A professional business theme with flexible drag and drop layouts and stunning slideshows."
msgstr ""
msgid "Bexley is a photo blog - placing the photos at the forefront and giving you plenty of space to add your own writing around them."
msgstr ""
msgid "A very unique block style theme including a responsive design."
msgstr ""
msgid "An innovative and stylish theme for photographers. With a unique photoblog, fully-featured gallery, responsive layout, and refined interface, you can easily share all of your snapshots, photographs and creative work."
msgstr ""
msgid "A super wide, neat, fullscreen theme to showcase Photos, Galleries and Videos!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Basic Maths is a thoughtful and well-constructed grid theme based on the landmark design of Khoi Vinh's subtraction.com. One of the best looking, most elegant, and smartest designed blog themes available. Make it yours with custom colors, custom header image, custom menu, and custom background. Originally designed by Khoi Vinh and built by Allan Cole."
msgstr ""
msgid "A responsive and minimalist tumblog style theme for photographers, artists, and creatives. Supports the image, gallery, audio, video, chat, link, and quote formats. Displays beautifully on any device."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:55
msgid "Reply successful, view thread"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/connected-blogs.php:21
msgid "Disconnect all Blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/connected-blogs.php:26
msgid "Connected Blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/connected-blogs.php:32
msgid "Here's an overview of blogs you have connected to through Jetpack's Single Sign on."
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme created for sharing travels and adventure."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:24
msgid "Edit Email Forward"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-other.php:3
msgid "This domain currently has custom mail servers defined in its DNS settings. This means that WordPress.com Email Forwarding is not available for this domain, and that you should manage your email with your email provider."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-other.php:4
msgid "The email servers for this domain are:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview.php:14
msgid "This functionality requires JavaScript to function. Please enable JavaScript in your Browser and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:65
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:71
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:79
msgid "An error occured while trying to process your request. Please try again or Contact Support if you continue to have trouble."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:66
msgid "That doesn't appear to be a valid email address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:68
msgid "The email forward has been removed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:60
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:44
msgid "Existing Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:61
msgid "Other Email Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:63
msgid "Success! %s has been successfully added."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:64
msgid "Success! Thanks for confirming your email address with us. Email sent to %1$s will now be forwarded to %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:530
msgid "Verify your email forwarding address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-sources.php:529
msgctxt "share to"
msgid "Reddit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/products/bundles.php:155
msgid "This blog already has a plan which supersedes the one you're trying to purchase."
msgstr ""
msgid "Motif is a crisp, minimalist, and fully responsive business theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/gravatar.php:104
msgid "View complete profile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:140
msgctxt "Newdash notices"
msgid "An error occurred while trying to unfollow that blog. Try again or contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1197
msgid "Supercharge your blog in one step:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bushwick is a lightweight, responsive blogging theme, designed to show beautiful content alongside beautiful imagery."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:912
msgid "Chat live with a WordPress.com specialist, Monday to Friday between 7am and 7pm Eastern time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:913
msgid "Try any premium theme and change as often as you like, no extra charge."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:919
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1204
msgid "Hides all ads on your site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:910
msgid "All you need to build a great website: live chat support, unlimited premium themes, easy ecommerce, unlimited storage, and a custom domain name."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:911
msgid "All you need to build a great website:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/recipes/recipes.php:99
msgid "Servings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/recipes/recipes.php:113
msgid "Difficulty"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:189
msgid "Save Page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:190
msgid "Save Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:191
msgid "Save Video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:192
msgid "Save Quote"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:194
msgid "Save Status"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:212
msgid "Post Saved!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:213
msgid "Page Saved!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-verification.php:233
msgid "Email Confirmed! Now that you've confirmed your email address you can publish posts on your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-verification.php:303
msgid "Email Sent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-overrides.php:418
msgid "Confirm your email address for %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns-row.php:2
msgctxt "Remove Nameserver"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:368
msgid "Generating preview..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-whois.php:3
msgid "It's important to keep your domain names' contact information (also known as your Whois information) updated at all times. We use this information to notify you of changes or requests for your domain names."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-whois.php:6
msgid "Your domain currently has Privacy enabled. The below details are what are shown for all domain contact detail requests."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview-table-row.php:29
msgid "Never Expires"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview-table-row.php:25
msgid "Never Expires (VIP Hosting)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview-table-row.php:41
msgid "Edit Domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview-table-row.php:44
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:132
msgid "Change Redirect Location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview-table-row-site-redirect.php:4
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:148
msgid "Update Redirect Location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domains-overview-table-row-site-redirect.php:6
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/my-domains.php:153
msgid "Enable Redirect"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:58
msgid "Email Transfer Code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-whois-contact.php:72
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wapi.php:1355
msgid "Fax"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-whois.php:1
msgid "Domain Contact Information"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-whois.php:2
msgid "The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the governing body for domain names, requires valid contact information. If you enter false information, your domain name may be canceled by them."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:36
msgid "You can transfer your domain to another domain registrar at any time by providing them with your domain name and transfer code."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:38
msgid "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must both be unlocked and have Private Registration disabled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:40
msgid "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must be unlocked first."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:42
msgid "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must be have Private Registration disabled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:48
msgid "Disable the Domain Lock to allow it to be transferred."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:52
msgid "Disable Private Registration. I understand that my contact details will be publicly available during the transfer period."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:18
msgid "If you don't intend on transferring this domain to another registrar, you should re-enable Private Registration now."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:20
msgid "Enable Private Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:27
msgid "Accept Transfer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:27
msgid "Decline Transfer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:32
msgid "Your domain is currently locked. This protects your domain from being transferred to another registrar without your permission."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:35
msgid "Request Transfer Code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-ns.php:34
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-whois.php:19
msgid "Undo Changes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-management-edit-domain.php:12
msgid "Domain Contacts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management.php:10
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-management-edit-domain.php:13
msgid "Name Servers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management.php:17
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:1
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-management-edit-domain.php:23
msgid "Transfer Domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:9
msgid "This domain is currently Unlocked."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:10
msgid "If you are not intending on transferring this domain to another registrar, you are advised to re-enable Domain Locking."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:12
msgid "Enable Domain Locking"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-transfer.php:17
msgid "Although you have purchased Private Registration for this domain, Private Registration is currently disabled to allow you to transfer the domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:55
msgid "Sorry to see you go! We've accepted the domain transfer, you should receive an email confirming this from your new registrar shortly."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:57
msgid "Glad you want to stay! We've declined the domain transfer request."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:47
msgid "An error occured while trying to send the Domain Transfer code. Please try again or Contact Support if you continue to have trouble."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:49
msgid "Success! Your domain has been re-locked to prevent it being transferred."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:52
msgid "Success! Private Registration was re-enabled on your domain. It may take a few minutes for the public contact details for the domain to update."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:40
msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description"
msgid "Domain Registrant"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:41
msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description"
msgid "Technical Contact"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:42
msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description"
msgid "Administrative Contact"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:43
msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description"
msgid "Billing Contact"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:46
msgid "An email has been sent to the Domain Registrant's contact email address containing the Domain Transfer Code. If you don't receive the email shortly, please check your spam folder."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:32
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:35
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:38
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:50
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:53
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:56
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:58
msgid "Oops! Something went wrong and your request could not be processed. Please try again or Contact Support if you continue to have trouble. "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:37
msgid "Success! The Whois contact details have been submitted to be updated. This isn't instant and may take a few minutes before the public whois data is updated"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:27
msgid "Domain Management: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:23
msgid "This is your Primary Domain; the domains below will redirect to it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:24
msgid "Active - renews on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:481
msgid "You can also pick your own color."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:943
msgid "Custom CSS: %1$s KB of additional %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:945
msgid "Custom CSS: %1$s KB of replacement %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:293
msgid "Happy New Year from Jetpack!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:845
msgid "Thanks for flying with Jetpack in %d."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:877
msgid "We want to help you make %d even better with Jetpack."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:949
msgid "Follow blogs that match your interest in the Reader. Or find friends who already have blogs. The more you follow, the better your recommendations."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grofiles.php:635
msgid ""
"Dear user,\n"
"We recently received a request to change your email address from ###OLDEMAIL### to ###NEWEMAIL###.\n"
"If this request was not made by you, please respond to this email immediately.\n"
"If you did make this request, you can safely ignore and delete this email.\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grofiles.php:655
msgid "Email Address Update Requested"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2006
msgid "If you set up two factor authentication, you can provide a current code from your authenticator app here to prove ownership. More information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2009
msgid "Please enter a authenticator code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4866
msgid "WordPress Dashboard"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2004
msgid "Do you have two factor authentication codes?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:1017
msgid "Field Guide"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:1023
msgid "Looking for answers? Check out the %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2166
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/break-passwords.php:66
msgid "If you believe your account is suspended in error please contact us"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2168
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/break-passwords.php:72
msgid "Account Deleted!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2169
msgid "Maybe you have renamed your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2170
msgid "If you believe your account is deleted in error try our account recovery form and we'll do our best to get you running again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/break-passwords.php:73
msgid "Maybe you have renamed your account. If you believe your account is deleted in error try our account recovery form and we'll do our best to get you running again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:1310
msgid "Domain not pointing to WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2165
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/break-passwords.php:65
msgid "Account Suspended!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:54
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:111
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:179
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/my-upgrades.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-wpcom.php:137
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:49
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:80
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:130
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:180
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:231
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:22 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:31
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:43 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:51
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-en.php:59 wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:65
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:115
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:166
#: wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:23
#: wp-content/themes/h4/semshort-en.php:32
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2373
msgid "Tighten your account's security: Two-step authentication is now available on WordPress.com. Enable Now or Learn More."
msgstr ""
msgid "Yoko is a modern three-column blog theme. A responsive layout optimizes the theme for mobile devices like tablet pcs and modern smartphones (the layout switches to a two- or one-column layout depending on the screen size the theme is viewed on). To make your blog post more flexible you can use different kinds of post formats such as gallery, image, video, aside, link or quotes. To customize the theme you can choose your own background, link color, and header image."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean, feature-packed, light-gray coloured design with multiple layouts, slick looking search box in the header and a smooth flowing easy to navigate dropdown menu."
msgstr ""
msgid "A Flexible and Versatile Free WordPress Theme for Personal Bloggers released by fabthemes.com"
msgstr ""
msgid "Writr is a minimalist, content-oriented tumblelog theme perfect for your personal blog. It comes packed with 6 different color schemes: turquoise (default), blue, green, grey, purple, and red. With a modern look and attention to crisp typography, Writr put the focus on your content."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean, minimalist, grid-based theme featuring an alternate dark colour scheme, custom background, and custom header"
msgstr ""
msgid "A dark, elegant one-column theme with a widget-ready footer. Options include a custom header image, custom background image and color, custom header images (using featured images for posts and pages), and a full navigation menu in the header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A very minimal two-column theme for those who love dairy."
msgstr ""
msgid "Widely is a minimalistic theme for businesses, creatives, and individuals to showcase their portfolios or just give their content a simple, well designed home."
msgstr ""
msgid "A lean and clean WordPress theme featuring a customer header image, customizable colors, and front page alert box."
msgstr ""
msgid "An illustrated microblogging theme for the vintage camera enthusiast in six vintage styles/color schemes. Supports post formats, custom menus, custom header and custom backgrounds."
msgstr ""
msgid "A dark, elegant, responsive portfolio theme with a grid layout, perfect for showcasing your art."
msgstr ""
msgid "A nice bold theme. Features full-bleed featured posts and featured images, a fixed header, and subtle CSS3 transitions."
msgstr ""
msgid "A holiday theme with a vivid red and green color scheme."
msgstr ""
msgid "A stylish and fun theme with one column, a custom header, and a custom accent color. It includes special styles for Aside, Gallery, Image, Quote, Link, Chat, Status, Audio and Video post formats. Inspired by the design work of the late Saul Bass, and based on the original design by Matthew Buchanan."
msgstr ""
msgid "The 2012 theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme that looks great on any device. Features include a front page template with its own widgets, an optional display font, styling for post formats on both index and single views, and an optional no-sidebar page template. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background."
msgstr ""
msgid "A typography-centered, responsive theme for photos, articles, quotes, videos, and more. Its sleek one-column design makes it perfect for a personal blog, and support for multiple post formats allows you to tumblelog your finds with style."
msgstr ""
msgid "Minimalist theme with admin panel for custom colors, two- or three-column-layout and various other options."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple two-column theme that appeals to the monochrome amongst us."
msgstr ""
msgid "The 2013 theme for WordPress takes us back to the blog, featuring a full range of post formats, each displayed beautifully in their own unique way. Design details abound, starting with a vibrant color scheme and matching header images, beautiful typography and icons, and a flexible layout that looks great on any device, big or small."
msgstr ""
msgid "In 2014, our default theme lets you create a responsive magazine website with a sleek, modern design. Feature your favorite homepage content in either a grid or a slider. Use the three widget areas to customize your website, and change your content's layout with a full-width page template and a contributor page to show off your authors. Creating a magazine website with WordPress has never been easier."
msgstr ""
msgid "The 2010 theme for WordPress is stylish, customizable, simple, and readable -- make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background. Twenty Ten supports six widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, four in the footer) and featured images (thumbnails for gallery posts and custom header images for posts and pages). It includes stylesheets for print and the admin Visual Editor, special styles for posts in the \"Asides\" and \"Gallery\" categories, and has an optional one-column page template that removes the sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean white theme with three columns, minimalist."
msgstr ""
msgid "The 2011 theme for WordPress is sophisticated, lightweight, and adaptable. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background -- then go further with available theme options for light or dark color scheme, custom link colors, and three layout choices. Twenty Eleven comes equipped with a Showcase page template that transforms your front page into a showcase to show off your best content, widget support galore (sidebar, three footer areas, and a Showcase page widget area), and a custom \"Ephemera\" widget to display your Aside, Link, Quote, or Status posts. Included are styles for print and for the admin editor, support for featured images (as custom header images on posts and pages and as large images on featured \"sticky\" posts), and special styles for six different post formats."
msgstr ""
msgid "Triton Lite is a clean and simple—yet versatile—theme designed with photographers in mind. Its home page and archive pages offer truly dynamic layouts that snap to both the heights and widths of all available content on a page, thus creating tight and tidy post arrangements that beautifully showcase your images."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean, modern theme that is true to its name, with multiple sidebar placement options and support for all post formats."
msgstr ""
msgid "Designed by Danny Cohen, Trvl is a beautiful and simple tumblelog theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "A refined, balanced, and exceptionally handsome WordPress theme. The sidebar and footer are widget-ready, and you can use the theme options menu to customize the main navigation, show a link to your Twitter account, and set a custom homepage message."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple and light fluid two-column look with a few color options."
msgstr ""
msgid "A semantic, HTML5, canvas for CSS artists and an ultra-minimal set of super-clean templates for your own WordPress theme development."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple brown two-column theme that's easy on the eyes."
msgstr ""
msgid "A classic magazine theme featuring a custom menu, header and background. The Morning After supports up to three widget areas on the home page, featured images for latest post and featured posts on the home page, and special style for Aside post format. It includes style for the Visual Editor, and has an optional full-width page template that removes the sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "A stylish fixed-layout two-column theme in green adorned with interesting flora."
msgstr ""
msgid "Timepiece is built to make your archives shine. Like a river of content, it will make going back in time easy peasy and show it all to you in glorious color and a simple, minimalist layout."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple theme with color choices and a sidebar that switches position."
msgstr ""
msgid "A narrow two-column design that satisfies the pink lover in all of us."
msgstr ""
msgid "A relaxing two-column theme, with two spots for widgets and a custom-header."
msgstr ""
msgid "The Columnist blends big, bold Typography with a minimalist principals to produce a truly attractive design."
msgstr ""
msgid "A sharp theme with subtle grid lines and sun-splashed accents, Sunspot is a great all-purpose blogging canvas, especially for those who prefer a dark color scheme. Sunspot offers two arrangements for posts on the front page. Additional features include a custom header and a custom background, two optional widget areas, and a responsive layout that adapts gracefully to smaller screen sizes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Give your blog a clean look with bright pops of color. Superhero features full-bleed featured posts and featured images, a fixed header, and subtle CSS3 transitions."
msgstr ""
msgid "For blogs and websites. Sleek design and solid code. Suits make you look good."
msgstr ""
msgid "A dark black and orange theme. Sidebar only on home page."
msgstr ""
msgid "A free video theme brought to you by the folks at Automattic. Despite its minimalist design, Sundance was crafted with clean, elegant typography and close attention to detail. The home page offers a featured video carousel. It supports the video post format, widgets, custom background, custom header, custom menus, and a custom link feature for your social media pages."
msgstr ""
msgid "This theme will take your readers on a journey to a strange and wonderful place! Nestled below a star-studded sky they will find a cluster of whimsical, crooked little houses covered in a blanket of fog. Some dwellings appear to have minds of their own while others defy the laws of gravity."
msgstr ""
msgid "A great theme for featuring posts in a stylish light or dark color scheme. Uses featured images in three sizes to highlight recent or sticky posts."
msgstr ""
msgid "Suburbia is a unique magazine theme in a minimalistic style. Designed by WPShower. It features five widget areas, custom header, and custom background."
msgstr ""
msgid "Designed with hotels, inns, and bed & breakfasts in mind, Stay is the perfect theme for property owners. Take advantage of its Room and Testimonial post types, home page template, large imagery, and minimal layout to show off to potential guests."
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimal theme full of character, bursting at the seams with detail and functionality"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Splendio theme dazzles with an unconventional yet stylish design that pops out of the box — literally. Despite its fun exterior, Splendio supports featured header images, six widget areas (one in the right sidebar and five in the footer), custom background, custom header, and a showcase page template with a featured slider for sticky posts."
msgstr ""
msgid "A fresh, green theme with a clean layout and modern type."
msgstr ""
msgid "Spun is a minimalist theme that puts the emphasis on your content; extraneous navigation fades away to put your words and images front and center. Whether you're a writer, photographer, or personal blogger, Spun's beautiful typography and responsive design showcase your creativity with subtle elegance."
msgstr ""
msgid "A beautiful and colorful theme that can be further customized with support for custom menus, background, and header. It also features a full-width template for showing your images. It supports several post formats including aside, gallery, link, status, and quote."
msgstr ""
msgid "A merry and bright blogging theme. Happy holidays!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skylark is a bright, clean, and responsive theme that's a great starting point for individuals and businesses who want to establish a professional online presence. Not only is the theme well-suited for general blogging, but its showcase and portfolio page templates make it easy to highlight latest news and projects in style."
msgstr ""
msgid "A black and brown two-column design with flowers, clouds and a sun."
msgstr ""
msgid "An animated undersea theme with a fun, whimsical design."
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't get much more minimal than this two-column design and its accents."
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme featuring a custom header, custom background, and five widget areas - one in the sidebar, four in the footer. The footer also shows a maximum of three featured (sticky) posts. It comes with four different color schemes. It supports several post formats including aside, gallery, image, quote, link, chat, video, and audio."
msgstr ""
msgid "The single-column, widget-free child theme of Superhero."
msgstr ""
msgid "Sight blends simplicity with sophistication to bring refined beauty to your blog. It features a right sidebar for widgets, two custom menu locations, a slider for sticky posts, and a responsive layout that adapts to smaller screen sizes."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean and elegant blogging theme with an expanding left sidebar and great Post Format support"
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean two-column fluid-width greyscale theme with rounded corners."
msgstr ""
msgid "With a featured posts slider on the front page, a wide, one-column template on image and video posts, and archives displayed in gallery format, Selecta is well-suited for blogs which focus primarily on showcasing videos or images. It comes with six color schemes, support for video, image, aside, gallery, quote, chat, and audio post formats, custom header, custom background, and four widget areas -- one in the left sidebar and three in the footer."
msgstr ""
msgid "SemPress is a respsonsive theme perfect for personal blogs. Rebuilt for WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
msgid "Set the tone of your blog with a calm, blue ambiance embellished with subtle textures. Shaan presents a cool and casual atmosphere perfect for sharing your thoughts with the world."
msgstr ""
msgid "A seasonal personal blogging theme featuring original illustration by Jacqui Oakley (http://jacquioakley.com/)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rich with powerful and dynamic semantic class selectors, Sandbox is a canvas for CSS artists"
msgstr ""
msgid "San Kloud is a blogging theme focused on typography and content. Includes three color schemes and supports custom header image and custom background."
msgstr ""
msgid "A two-column blueish theme with that professional \"Apple\" feel."
msgstr ""
msgid "Ryu is a clutter-free theme for personal bloggers. It has great readability with a large font size, and the one-column layout is perfect for displaying large images. Optional widgets are located at the top panel with social media links and a search field. Background color for an image post will automatically match the uploaded image in the post."
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme with powerful, semantic CSS selectors and the ability to add new skins."
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme rich with powerful and dynamic semantic class selectors; a canvas for CSS artists."
msgstr ""
msgid "A brown, flexible width theme with a unique navigation and lots of flowers."
msgstr ""
msgid "A flexible and clean two-column theme with a pen on top."
msgstr ""
msgid "Runo Lite was made especially for poets and writers. It is lightweight, clean, simple, spacious, and feels like your favorite notebook, and the responsive, minimal layout looks good in every device."
msgstr ""
msgid "A somewhat dirty, grungy theme with two widget areas and several customization options, including Custom Background, Header Image, Post Formats, and more."
msgstr ""
msgid "Subtle textures are mixed with clean lines and shadows to create a beautifully balanced composition perfect for all types of blogs."
msgstr ""
msgid "A whimsical homage to the days in black and white, celebrating the magic of Mac OS. Dress up your blog with retro, chunky-grade pixellated graphics to evoke some serious computer nostalgia. Supports a custom menu, custom header image, custom background, two footer widget areas, and a full-width page template."
msgstr ""
msgid "Everything about Reddle's minimal design elegantly adapts to how you want to use your blog and what you want to use it for. Want to use your blog for a simple one-column link blog? A two-column business site with a custom header and no posts? Reddle can do that too — and look good doing it too."
msgstr ""
msgid "A slimmed-down version of Dean Robinson's Redoable theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "A versatile two column theme complete with custom header, blues and yellows."
msgstr ""
msgid "Feature-full theme with numerous page layouts, widget areas, custom menu areas, breadcrumb naviagtion, a homepage template, social icons, and responsive CSS."
msgstr ""
msgid "A rustic, older feeling and dignified two-column theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme that has an old-style appeal with semi-academic graciousness and elegant typography. Fitting for displaying either text or images, Quintus offers a fresh look with room for customization, including custom backgrounds, menus, header images, and the option to publish short aside posts."
msgstr ""
msgid "A blue two column with tabbed page navigation, custom header, and widgets."
msgstr ""
msgid "A group blog theme for short update messages, inspired by Twitter."
msgstr ""
msgid "Publish is a clean minimal theme which puts you and your content on stage. Ideal for single-author blogs."
msgstr ""
msgid "This dark and elegant theme showcases your content with a techny, sophisticated design. Make it yours with a header image, background, and custom menu, and optional RSS and Search areas in the header. Includes a full-width-template for dropping the sidebar on pages."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pilcrow’s 6 different layouts, with multiple sidebar configurations, four default color schemes, custom header images (using featured images in posts and pages), and a customizable background, make personalizing your blog a snap."
msgstr ""
msgid "Parament is a great all-purpose theme featuring a dark color scheme with bright orange highlights and a textured background. Add your own personal flair by uploading a custom header or background image. Parament's full-width image template allows your images to display as large as possible for maximum impact."
msgstr ""
msgid "Blogging at the speed of thought. P2 transforms a mild-mannered blog into a super-blog with features like inline comments, a posting form right on the homepage, inline editing of posts and comments, real-time updates, and much more."
msgstr ""
msgid "A cute, clean, responsive microblogging theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "A modern theme that makes it quick and easy to publish a webcomic."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean and versatile theme featuring a subtle, textured background. Paperpunch features a widget-ready sidebar and four additional footer columns to display all your widgets."
msgstr ""
msgid "Minimalistic, mobile-optimized theme with responsive layout."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean grid-based theme with fixed navigation which comes in light and dark variants. Featuring a custom menu, background, and header image for subtle customization; all while allowing the focus to remain on the content."
msgstr ""
msgid "Minimalistic, mobile-optimized magazine theme with responsive layout. The main features include a featured post slider, custom front page template, custom header, custom background, seven widget areas, and three custom menus."
msgstr ""
msgid "If you've been itching to turn your blog into an online newspaper or magazine, Nuntius could be your perfect companion. Based on the highly-popular News theme by Justin Tadlock, Nuntius offers an advanced, news-style page template that lets you highlight sticky posts and featured categories."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean yet stylish two column blue-grey theme with lots of rounded edges."
msgstr ""
msgid "A blueish two-column theme with a large customizable header, visible post author, and category navigation at the bottom."
msgstr ""
msgid "Add a touch of childlike innocence to your blog with Next Saturday, a bold and playful theme. Originally designed by Ian Mintz, Next Saturday features styling for muliple post formats, custom background and header support, and a right sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple, elegantly styled photoblog theme. Includes dark or light color schemes, wide or narrow layout choice, three footer widgets areas, and an optional sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "A notepad theme inspired by the iPhone's Notes.app"
msgstr ""
msgid "Two-column theme with different color schemes. Based on the original design of http://notes.co.il by Jordan Lewinsky and built on top of the Sandbox theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "Just another stylish two-column dark blue theme with customizable header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A black and red theme with prominent photo header."
msgstr ""
msgid "Grid-based with a focus on typography and simplicity. A simple and elegant theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "Newsworthy theme is a simple theme with cool design and beautiful color accents. It's a fun and functional theme perfect for the personal blogger."
msgstr ""
msgid "A serene blogging theme that emphasizes your content with readable typography. It uses post formats, has three nav menu locations, and supports one-, two-, or three-column layouts."
msgstr ""
msgid "Packed with six layout options, six color schemes, a spot for you to link to four popular social network profiles, and support for aside, image, and quote post formats, Mystique can meet the needs of many types of blogs. Further customize the design by adding a custom header and background."
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimally styled photo theme with a Custom Header and Custom Background. The Theme Options page allows a one or two-column layout, welcome message, and a home page slideshow using featured images. Supports featured images as thumbnails on index and archive pages."
msgstr ""
msgid "This theme supports widget, theme-options,and translation is ready. Also including page-navigation and multi level dropdown menu."
msgstr ""
msgid "A photoblogging theme. Colors change to match the photo."
msgstr ""
msgid "Boo! A spookyriffic monster theme with lots of tricks and treats."
msgstr ""
msgid "Dark and colorful theme with sweet transparency characteristics. Drop-down categories menu, 2-column layout and widget-ready footer and sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "A two column white theme with top-level page navigation and large custom header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A responsive, post format-packed, photographer-loving portfolio theme. Use it for your portfolio and make your friends jealous."
msgstr ""
msgid "Matala is a colorful, textured theme that supports two widget areas, six post formats, and several customization options, including custom background, custom header and an optional random image gallery on single image pages."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple and clean theme, perfect for focusing on your content. It supports 3 widget areas above the footer."
msgstr ""
msgid "Misty Lake gives you a tranquil, mellow backdrop on which you can let your content shine. It supports five post formats, a sidebar, custom menu, custom header, and custom background."
msgstr ""
msgid "Make your blog a little sweeter with Liquorice, a simple, clean vintage-style WordPress theme. Originally designed by NudgeDesign.ca, Liquorice features a right sidebar, custom background and header support, configurable RSS, Facebook and Twitter icons in the top left corner of the page, and special formatting for Aside, Gallery, Image and Quote posts."
msgstr ""
msgid "A sweet wedding theme to help you organize all the important details before the big day."
msgstr ""
msgid "Manifest is a clean and streamlined theme, with great care for typography, that focuses on the content and not the distractions. It comes with support for several post formats, including image, link, and aside, with the option of adding a subtle header image to bring a personal touch to the design."
msgstr ""
msgid "This light and colorful theme provides a beautiful backdrop for your WordPress site with delicate, hand-drawn illustrations. Enjoy the playful artwork and textured background, or customize the look with a custom background and custom header. The right-hand sidebar and three footer columns are ready for all your widgets."
msgstr ""
msgid "Two-column theme with customizable header and widgets. Kubrick serves as the WordPress default theme emeritus."
msgstr ""
msgid "A two-column theme with tabbed navigation and crisp colors."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean two column blue theme with widgets and custom header. Choose either a left-sidebar, right-sidebar, or full-width layout. Also includes three optional widget areas in the footer."
msgstr ""
msgid "A crisp and clean magazine theme with alternate color schemes, your choice of sidebar on the left or right, a one or two-column post layout on the home page, and sharp feature post styling with featured images."
msgstr ""
msgid "iTheme2's beautiful Apple-inspired design makes it the perfect theme for technology & Mac related blogs."
msgstr ""
msgid "A vintage red and white two-column theme complete with matching pattern."
msgstr ""
msgid "Journalist is a smart, minimal theme designed for professional journalists."
msgstr ""
msgid "The Journalist is a smart, minimal theme designed for professional journalists."
msgstr ""
msgid "They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this theme was built for photoblogging! Showcase your images in style with front-page featured images and an automatically generated photo sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "A theme designed in strict modern style with a minimalistic touch. Imbalance 2 can easily turns your blog to an attractive blog, a portfolio or even an online magazine. It supports both fixed and fluid layouts. Also it allows you to choose a theme color."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple yet very stylish, widget supported, and feature rich theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "Highwind is a lightweight, free WordPress theme designed to showcase content. It features a clean, responsive design with a strong focus on typography, plus a bunch of presentational options and widgetised regions allowing you to give your site a unique touch."
msgstr ""
msgid "A responsive theme designed to show off a stream of posts, quotes, and images. Add a custom logo to stand out from the crowd. Hum builds off Twenty Eleven, so you get all of the goodness of a WordPress core theme included."
msgstr ""
msgid "A blue and white holiday theme with a custom header and three widget columns at the bottom."
msgstr ""
msgid "A simple, responsive, and minimal portfolio theme for photographers, illustrators, designers, or photobloggers. Ideal for sites where images are the primary content."
msgstr ""
msgid "A staggered-column theme with excerpts on the front and a customizable footer."
msgstr ""
msgid "A very neat and clean, black and red business theme. The theme supports sidebar and footer widgets, and simple and neat typography. It also has a front page template with featured post slider and promotional callout areas."
msgstr ""
msgid "A very versatile green two-column theme with widgets and lots of style."
msgstr ""
msgid "A dark and grungy theme with drop-down menus and a widgetized footer."
msgstr ""
msgid "Grid aligned WordPress theme"
msgstr ""
msgid "A classic two-column design adjusted for mobile browsing. Both featured images and Sticky posts are supported. Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus Theme Options available, as well as custom menus, header image, and background. It's pronounced \"griz-eye\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "A flexible theme with a widget-ready footer, custom header image and menu. Layout options include flexible or fluid main column, choice of left or right sidebar, two right sidebars, or a full-width option with no sidebars."
msgstr ""
msgid "A flexible, three-column theme with customizable colors. Design based on Themetastic for Drupal by Stefan Nagtegaal and Steven Wittens."
msgstr ""
msgid "A journal-style theme with many shades of green and an illustrated girl in the top right."
msgstr ""
msgid "A green, fresh and clear two-column theme. Did we mention it was green?"
msgstr ""
msgid "A responsive, spick-and-span theme that lets you put your best content forward with minimal frills. Fresh & Clean is a great choice for a casual blog -- or -- if you're feeling adventurous, use its featured post slider and featured images to transform your blog into a stylish online portfolio."
msgstr ""
msgid "Light blues and reds compliment the lack of yellow in this two-column theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "A darker theme with header image and page navigation."
msgstr ""
msgid "Fruit Shake features multiple fruit flavors (color schemes actually, including a secret unlockable one), an optional, one-column, tumblelog layout (just remove the widgets from your sidebar to see it), and all your favorite theme features like custom headers, backgrounds, and menus. It's a perfectly fruitylicious theme for your blog."
msgstr ""
msgid "The Forever theme makes it easy to wrap your wedding up in a neat little package with WordPress. You can show off every one of your best photos and highlight each important detail leading up to the big day and beyond."
msgstr ""
msgid "A light, feminine theme in vintage colors, with support for post formats, a fixed toggle sidebar, and a responsive layout for small screens."
msgstr ""
msgid "A 4 column theme with split custom header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A very classic looking two-column theme with typographic flourishes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Flounder is a flat, minimally styled theme for bloggers which features colorful support for post formats and a clean, responsive layout."
msgstr ""
msgid "A narrow two-column design with red and blues that just screams personality."
msgstr ""
msgid "A stylish, clean, responsive portfolio theme, perfect for typographers, illustrators, or graphic designers."
msgstr ""
msgid "A wedding blog-centric theme decorated with subtle but gorgeous textures and ornaments. The wide one-column layout is great for photos and videos of your wedding or your wedding plan that you want to share with family, friends, or the world."
msgstr ""
msgid "An awesome magazine theme for your news site. Responsive layout, post thumbnails support, featured posts and more."
msgstr ""
msgid "A bright and fluid 3-column theme with double the widgets for double the fun."
msgstr ""
msgid "a bold blogging theme. Features a responsive design layout. Design by DevPress.com."
msgstr ""
msgid "A beautiful two-column theme with a gigantic flower header."
msgstr ""
msgid "An elegant and bold theme featuring multiple, visually distinct, Post Formats. Designed by Matthew Buchanan and inspired by the art direction of Esquire magazine."
msgstr ""
msgid "Parent theme for Eventbrite themes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use this theme to promote your Eventbrite events or your venue and connect with your audience before and after events with news updates, comments, and social sharing."
msgstr ""
msgid "Use this theme to showcase your one-time Eventbrite event and connect with your audience pre- and post-event with news updates, comments, and social sharing."
msgstr ""
msgid "Duster is a sophisticated theme designed and developed by Automattic, offering a unique page template to turn your blog into a showcase of different kinds of posts – Featured with an image, Asides, Link posts, and more. It also supports customization options like custom backgrounds, headers, menus, and widgets."
msgstr ""
msgid "An unwashed yet crisp theme with layouts options, support for custom background and header, widget-ready footer, and an optional full-width page template that removes the sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "A professional green and gray two-column theme complete with shape burst."
msgstr ""
msgid "Enterprise is a 2-column Widget-ready theme with a clean, corporate look."
msgstr ""
msgid "A dark theme that melds old-style organic ornaments with modern design and typography. It features a custom header, custom background, and a widget area in the sidebar. It comes with support for several post formats including aside, gallery, image, quote, link, chat, and audio."
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimal, eclectic, and rich theme. Featuring customizeable post types, streamlined archives, and three widget areas."
msgstr ""
msgid "Digg-like 3 column theme with two sidebars and a customizable header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A brilliant photoblogging theme with a dynamic background color based on the colors in your photos. Includes three widget areas, custom menu support, and EXIF display for photos. Duotone is a much-improved successor to Monotone."
msgstr ""
msgid "A dark blue and grey two-column theme adorned with flowers."
msgstr ""
msgid "Crafty is a general-purpose blogging theme with a bright and playful design. It comes with support for the aside, image, video, quote, and link post formats, a custom header image, custom background, and a widget area in the left column."
msgstr ""
msgid "A gorgeous three-column theme with a dark wood background, two widget-ready sidebars, and nested comments."
msgstr ""
msgid "A narrow one column theme with four color schemes and custom header support."
msgstr ""
msgid "Culinary-oriented WordPress theme"
msgstr ""
msgid "A classy template that draws on classic magazine design for a simple, bold style."
msgstr ""
msgid "A super classy two-column theme with widgets and a customizable header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A more professional version of Kubrick, sporting hard lines and 2-columns."
msgstr ""
msgid "A squeaky-clean theme featuring a custom menu, header, background, and layout. Coraline supports 7 widget areas (up to 3 in the sidebar, four in the footer) and featured images (thumbnails for gallery posts and custom header images for posts and pages). It includes styles for print and the Visual Editor, special styles for posts in \"Asides\" and \"Gallery\" categories, and has an optional full-width page template that removes the sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "A very classy, lightweight, and content-focused theme, customizable to your liking. Includes seven color schemes, four layout options, and a full-width page template."
msgstr ""
msgid "Confit is the perfect theme for restaurants and cafés. With Confit, it’s easier than ever to add (and edit) your menu, and to show off your best dishes and restaurant decoration. Map your location so customers can easily find you, and display phone numbers and business hours with our specialized Contact Info widget. You can even connect with Open Table, allowing your customers to make reservations directly from your website."
msgstr ""
msgid "A straightforward theme with bold typography designed by Tran N. Featuring multiple post formats, custom background, custom menu, and custom header. Also comes with an optional footer widget area."
msgstr ""
msgid "The grandfather of two-column fluid width themes just asking for custom CSS."
msgstr ""
msgid "A clean looking, minimal design, offering two widgets areas and four color schemes. This theme also features custom background and header functionality. With a traditional look, yet a modern finish, plus several customizations options Clean Home comes as a flexible option for your site."
msgstr ""
msgid "Chateau is a clean and minimalistic theme with your choice of a light or dark color scheme. It features a custom header, custom background, and custom accent color. It also has up to six widget areas; one for a sidebar and five in the footer."
msgstr ""
msgid "Celebrate the holidays with Cheer, a whimsical, textured holiday theme featuring illustrations from The Fox and King."
msgstr ""
msgid "Stylish WordPress theme with two columns, right-sidebar, and three available color schemes."
msgstr ""
msgid "A stylish and fun theme with a custom header, custom background, and multiple alternate color schemes. Supports featured images for index and archive pages and in the Bueno featured posts widget."
msgstr ""
msgid "A whimsical theme emulating a classic school chalkboard, complete with a bottom-resting eraser and chalk."
msgstr ""
msgid "A dark single-column theme with a minimal, techy feel."
msgstr ""
msgid "A dark 2 column theme based off of a certain designer's old website."
msgstr ""
msgid "A classic, book-style blog theme with large fonts. Clean and minimalist design puts the focus entirely on your content."
msgstr ""
msgid "Bouquet is an elegant, simple theme inspired by the beauty found in flowers. Notable features include two floral schemes, a responsive layout structure that adapts to smaller devices, a right sidebar, a full-width template, support for post formats, custom background, and custom header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A fun illustrated theme in four \"flavors,\" perfect for personal websites or blogs."
msgstr ""
msgid "Blogum is a simple, clean, and grid-based theme designed in a modern and minimalist style with a great attention to detail. It comes with supports for several post formats, including image, gallery, and aside. Includes a full-width template for dropping the sidebar on pages."
msgstr ""
msgid "A light and flexible theme in, you guessed it, blue and green."
msgstr ""
msgid "A bold, colorful theme that lends itself well to personal blogs and daily journals."
msgstr ""
msgid "BonPress is the perfect personal blog theme. Packed with Post Formats and subtle details, it offers a unique blogging experience."
msgstr ""
msgid "Blaskan is a high quality, minimal theme focused on what WordPress does best, blogging. It sports a fully responsive layout that works well on all devices. Supports custom background, custom header, and featured image thumbnails in posts."
msgstr ""
msgid "The Blissful Blog is a beautifully designed wedding photography blog for couples, photographers and industry professionals."
msgstr ""
msgid "A tried and true two-column theme with widgets and a customizable header."
msgstr ""
msgid "Beach brings the warm feel of Thailand’s shores to your blog year round. Originally designed for Drupal Thailand by Gibbo, Beach features special post formatting for Aside, Gallery, Quote, and Status posts, along with a beautiful secondary menu area in the header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A two-column simplistic theme with an inclination to perform kind, charitable acts."
msgstr ""
msgid "Black Letterhead is a two-column minimalistic theme with a black background, customizable header and widget sidebar."
msgstr ""
msgid "An elegant, minimal theme designed for artists, photographers, and other creatives seeking a simple but beautiful way to showcase their talents online."
msgstr ""
msgid "A sweet, illustrated theme for baby blogs featuring four color palettes and a customizable baby header graphic."
msgstr ""
msgid "Balloons is a simple, whimsical, responsive theme with a parallax scrolling effect and three footer widget areas."
msgstr ""
msgid "A smooth two-column theme adorned with a banana. Very personal."
msgstr ""
msgid "A three-column theme with customizable colors and sidebars on the left and right."
msgstr ""
msgid "A beautifully designed minimalistic blog theme. It comes with two color schemes and allows you to customize links and text colors. Also it supports a custom header, a custom background, a custom menu and two optional widget areas in sidebars. Together, all of these features help you to control how to present your blog to your readers."
msgstr ""
msgid "A minimal theme with responsive layout, sticky posts slider, and a plenty of widget space to suit any blogger."
msgstr ""
msgid "Adventure Journal is the perfect theme for highlighting your adventures. Choose your own layout, sidebar and footer widgets, header image, and background if you want to customize. Perfect for your next trip. Or your next blog."
msgstr ""
msgid "A light and colorful two-column theme."
msgstr ""
msgid "A light and simple two-column theme graced with greens and oranges."
msgstr ""
msgid "A calm, relaxing theme one-column theme with a customizable header."
msgstr ""
msgid "A gorgeously minimal two-column theme with a flexible layout and an unusual blue color scheme."
msgstr ""
msgid "A three-column silver and blue theme with two sidebars on the right."
msgstr ""
msgid "A multipurpose, traditional blog theme which contains up to a large three-column layout that is clean, responsive, and highly readable."
msgstr ""
msgid "Academica is an education- and school-oriented CMS theme with a three-column layout and modern design. It is easy to customize and comes with a custom widget, three templates for Posts and Pages, and a featured content slider."
msgstr ""
msgid "With a chic white and black design accented with soft pinks and greys, Adelle brings sophistication and elegance to any blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:929
msgid "Connect to more services to reach a broader audience for your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/vision.php:15
msgid "Header and Footer Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2962
msgid "Select and Crop"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2963
msgid "Skip Cropping"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/inline-terms/wpcom-email-templates.php:26
msgid "%1$s recently mentioned you in \"%2$s\" on %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/inline-terms/wpcom-email-templates.php:6
msgid "[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in \"%3$s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/inline-terms/wpcom-email-templates.php:6
msgid "[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in a comment on \"%3$s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/inline-terms/wpcom-email-templates.php:20
msgid "%1$s mentioned you on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/inline-terms/wpcom-email-templates.php:20
msgid "%1$s mentioned you in a comment on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/inline-terms/wpcom-email-templates.php:28
msgid "%1$s recently mentioned you in a comment on \"%2$s\" on %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:1239
msgid "Invalid security code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:260
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "Two Step Enabled"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-push-notifications-register-device-endpoint.php:69
msgid "Cannot retrieve the app ID."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:274 wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:281
msgid "Food Menu Item"
msgid_plural "Food Menu Items"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:186
msgid "Domain names have to be unique so if the exact domain name you want is already taken, you may have to compromise. Use the automatic suggestions to find another domain name that works for you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:155
msgid "Every domain name you add also includes five free email addresses, so you can use your new domain name for your email address as well as for your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:161
msgid "Newly registered domain names can be canceled for a full refund within 48 hours of registration."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:168
msgid "Why Register a Domain Name?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:174
msgid "Registering a custom domain name makes your blog more memorable and easier for your readers to find."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:23
msgid "What domain name would you like to use for your blog?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:143
msgid "What Will My Domain Name Include?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:149
msgid "Your new domain name will be registered for one year and you can renew it each year to keep it working."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:261
msgid "Enter the menu item's name here"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:502 wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:553
msgid "Save New Order"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:844
msgid "Add to section:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:857
msgid "Labels: spicy, favorite, etc. Separate Labels with commas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:879
msgid "New Row"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:151
msgid "Edit Menu Section"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:152
msgid "View Menu Section"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:153
msgid "Update Menu Section"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:154
msgid "Add New Menu Section"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:155
msgid "New Menu Sections Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:179
msgid "Add Menu Item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:223
msgid "Menu item updated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:226
msgid "Menu item published. View item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:227
msgid "Menu item saved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:136
msgid "The 60 Second Guide to Domain Names"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:134
msgid "For example, spicy, favorite, etc. Separate Labels with commas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:145
msgid "Menu Sections"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:146
msgid "Menu Section"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:147
msgid "Search Menu Sections"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:148
msgid "All Menu Sections"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:149
msgid "Parent Menu Section"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:150
msgid "Parent Menu Section:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:78
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:109
msgid "You can search for a different name or choose from one of the following suggestions:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:982
msgid "You can comment, like or reblog great posts you find on WordPress.com. It's also a great way to build your own community and find likeminded bloggers."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:966
msgid "Thanks for taking a look at this annual report. If you like, you could start your own WordPress.com blog in %d!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:972
msgid "Starting a WordPress.com blog is free, so if you have recipes, cat photos or deep thoughts to share, there’s no reason not to try blogging."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:975
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:153
msgid "Fun"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:977
msgid "We'll make you a delicious magazine from every other WordPress.com blog you follow. It's a great way to get an overview of a community."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:980
msgid "Interactive"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:875
msgid "We want to help you make %d even better on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:901
msgid "Turn on Publicize to reach a broader audience for your blog. Reach out to Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to get more traffic."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:952
msgid "Interact"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:954
msgid "It's easier than ever to comment on posts. Besides commenting directly on posts, you can comment in the Reader or even inside notifications. And remember, comments beget comments!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:958
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:986
msgid "Visit WordPress.com now!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1949
msgid "Please provide the following information so that we can try to help you recover your account. Without proper validating information, we may not be able to help you recover your account. Read more about the process here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:1393
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:1712
msgctxt "Variable is a hyperlink: A blog title pointing to a post permalink."
msgid "Originally posted on %s:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:1722
msgid "View original"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:140
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:142
msgid "Custom Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:141
msgid "Custom Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:517
msgid "Snapshot Saved"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:520
msgid "Snapshot Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:523
msgid "Snapshot Activated"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:545
msgid "Optional description…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:547
msgid "Saving…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:72
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:147
msgid "New Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:73
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:148
msgid "View Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:74
msgid "Customized Themes Archive"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:75
msgid "Search Customized Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:76
msgid "No Customized Themes found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:77
msgid "No Customized Themes found in trash"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:78
msgid "Customized Theme:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:143
msgid "All Custom Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:146
msgid "Edit Custom Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:149
msgid "Custom Themes Archive"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:150
msgid "Search Custom Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:151
msgid "No Custom Themes found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:152
msgid "No Custom Themes found in trash"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:276
msgid "You must purchase the %s theme before you can apply this snapshot."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:65
msgid "Customized Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:66
msgid "Customized Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:67
msgid "Cust’d Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:68
msgid "All Customized Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:69
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:70
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:144
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:145
msgid "Create New Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:71
msgid "Edit Customized Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/flounder.php:79
msgid "Standard Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/flounder.php:128
msgid "Asides & Audios"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/flounder.php:201
msgid "Links, Quotes, & Statuses"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/flounder.php:250
msgid "Galleries & Images"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:36
msgid "Example"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1925
msgid "
You should be able to recover your account simply by filling out the lost password form with the email address you've provided. Please check your spam folder for the reset email.
If you still can't log in after another reset attempt and checking your spam folder, please resubmit the form below and we'll try to lend a hand.
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:331
msgid "Hide related content after posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:304
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1888
msgid "The web site address you have specified is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1712
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1718
msgid "The url you have specified does not look like a valid url."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:26
msgid "A Custom Site Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:64
msgid "For those times when you can't find an answer on our Support site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:66
msgid "Direct Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:67
msgid "Live Chat"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:1244
msgid "Show Me"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2529
msgid "Increase your readers' engagement with your content by connecting your Google+ profile and enabling publicize to share your posts to Google+."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2541
msgid "Connecting your blog to your Google+ profile increases reader engagement!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:321
msgid "Now"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2525
msgid "Helpful Hint: Connect to Google+"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration.php:42
msgid "Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens and needs to end with an extension (for example, .com, .net, etc)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:70
msgid "Search Error"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:61 wp-content/mu-plugins/thx.php:42
msgid "Search themes..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/blog-details.php:47
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/connected-blog-details.php:24
msgid "Site Status:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:114
msgid "Search Installed Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/paid-upgrades.php:708
msgid "Register or Map a Domain Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:971
msgid "The domain name you entered cannot contain a directory."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:973
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:975
msgid "The domain name you entered cannot be mapped to a WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:977
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:983
msgid "The domain name you entered is already mapped to a WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2185
msgid "Trying entering another email address you can access into the password reset form."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:256
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "%s in moderation"
msgid_plural "%s in moderation"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:733
msgid "%1$s, %2$s%4$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1151
msgid "%s MB Space Allowed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1163
msgid "%1$s MB (%2$s%%) Space Used"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:212 wp-admin/themes.php:312
msgid "Theme Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:216 wp-admin/themes.php:316
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Active:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:969
msgid "The domain name you entered cannot be blank."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration.php:41
msgid "Note that %1$s is a subdomain of %2$s, which is available for registration. After you register it, you can set up the subdomain to use for your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:123
msgid "If you already own this domain %s because you registered it elsewhere, you can still use it for your WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:93
msgid "Check your e-mail address linked to the account for the confirmation link, including the spam or junk folder."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1993
msgid "Do you have an activation URL or key?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1995
msgid "When you sign up, we email you a unique activation link or key to verify your account. More information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1998
msgid "Please enter an activation URL or key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:196
msgid "Fixed Layout"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:197
msgid "Fluid Layout"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1950
msgid "Please do not use this form for general support questions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1953
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1961
msgid "Please provide the username, registered email, or URL of the specific blog you are contacting us about."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1968
msgid "Please provide an email address at which we can contact you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1974
msgid "Please provide at least one item of Proof of Ownership, or some information in the Extra Details section."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:92
msgid "Congratulations, this domain name is available to register for your WordPress.com blog!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:118
msgid "Do you already own this domain name?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:127
msgid "Yes, I already own this domain name. Map it to my WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration/search-form.php:7
msgid "Register a new domain name or map one you already own to your WordPress.com blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:208
msgid "Accessibility Ready"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor.php:268
msgid "Attempted to set image quality outside of the range [1,100]."
msgstr ""
#: blog-search/index.php:135 blog-search/index.php:140
msgid "Relevance"
msgstr ""
#: blog-search/index.php:98
msgid "There was a glitch with search"
msgstr ""
#: blog-search/index.php:100
msgid "Something happened behind the scenes. We're sorry. Could you come back later?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/follow/load.php:33
msgid "Following all"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/follow/load.php:34
msgid "You are already following all comments on this site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/featured-content/featured-content.php:424
msgid "Easily feature all posts with the \"featured\" tag or a tag of your choice. Your theme supports up to %2$s posts in its featured content area."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:2494
msgid "A term with the name and slug provided already exists with this parent."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:275
msgid "Searching…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/class-draft-feedback.php:349
msgid "Feedback received from your friend for \"%2$s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/class-draft-feedback.php:422
msgid "E-mail text cannot be empty"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/class-draft-feedback.php:425
msgid "You must include [feedback-link] in the e-mail text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/class-draft-feedback.php:429
msgid "Error in adding the request"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:654
msgid "This domain name has already been renewed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:28
msgid "Podcast talent name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:138
msgid "Set podcast author"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/post-meta-box.php:49
msgid "Need help? No problem! Check out our support documentation."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/shine-on.php:54
msgid "Navigation, Gallery, & Chat"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/shine-on.php:6
msgid "Quotes & Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/shine-on.php:11
msgid "Audio & Video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/shine-on.php:16
msgid "Asides & Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:537
msgid "Edit Card"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:43
msgid "Add the Reservation widget"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:44
msgid "Setup social links to share on Facebook and Twitter"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:934
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:946
msgctxt "in {category/tag name}"
msgid "In \"%s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:35
msgid "Add some rooms and rates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:36
msgid "Add some testimonials"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:26
msgid "Select your tagline and time zone"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:28
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:27
msgid "Choose the perfect theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:35
msgid "Update the text on your homepage"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:36
msgid "Edit the example news item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:37
msgid "Write your first new news item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:38
msgid "Update the default pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:24
msgid "Choose whether to make your blog public or private"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:25
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:24
msgid "Set your tagline and time zone"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:35
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:33
msgid "Add some pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:36
msgid "Invite your students to contribute to the blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:24
msgid "Set your tagline"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:32
msgid "Create your first comic post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:33
msgid "Add an \"About Me\" page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:35
msgid "Customize your site's navigation menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:26
msgid "Upload your logo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:34
msgid "Set your static home page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/filter-widget/load.php:55
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:656
msgid "My Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:2636
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Ectoplasm"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:2648
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Coffee"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/mp6-compat.php:56
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Seaweed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/thx.php:145
msgctxt "Type of themes to display"
msgid "Trending"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/thx.php:146
msgctxt "Type of themes to display"
msgid "Popular"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/thx.php:147
msgctxt "Type of themes to display"
msgid "Newest"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/thx.php:150
msgctxt "Type of themes to display"
msgid "All"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/thx.php:151
msgctxt "Type of themes to display"
msgid "Free"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/thx.php:152
msgctxt "Type of themes to display"
msgid "Premium"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:545
msgid "$%s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:17
msgid "A list of your site’s Pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:226
msgid "A search form for your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:271
msgid "A monthly archive of your site’s Posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:435
msgid "A calendar of your site’s Posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:479
msgid "Arbitrary text or HTML."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:541
msgid "A list or dropdown of categories."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:653
msgid "Your site’s most recent Posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:783
msgid "Your site’s most recent comments."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:928
msgid "Entries from any RSS or Atom feed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:1224
msgid "A cloud of your most used tags."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:1307
msgid "Add a custom menu to your sidebar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:2602
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:2612
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Light"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:2624
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Midnight"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:47
msgid "Quick Draft"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:52
msgid "WordPress News"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:285
msgid "WordPress.com running %2$s theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:471
msgid "What’s on your mind?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:512
msgctxt "drafts"
msgid "View all"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:655
msgid "Publishing Soon"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:662
msgid "Recently Published"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:671
msgid "No activity yet!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:725
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1111
msgid "Popular Plugin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1157 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1170
msgid "Manage Uploads"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2172
msgid "%1$s rating based on %2$s rating"
msgid_plural "%1$s rating based on %2$s ratings"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/index.php:55
msgid "Screen Options - Use the Screen Options tab to choose which Dashboard boxes to show."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/index.php:67
msgid "At A Glance - Displays a summary of the content on your site and identifies which theme and version of WordPress you are using."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/index.php:68
msgid "Activity - Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and allows you to moderate them."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/index.php:70
msgid "Quick Draft - Allows you to create a new post and save it as a draft. Also displays links to the 5 most recent draft posts you've started."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:44
msgid "This screen shows an individual user all of their sites in this network, and also allows that user to set a primary site. They can use the links under each site to visit either the frontend or the dashboard for that site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/post.php:114
msgid "Unable to submit this form, please refresh and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/post.php:117
msgid "Oops, you don’t have access to add new drafts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:48
msgid "This screen is used for managing your installed themes. Aside from the default theme(s) included with your WordPress installation, themes are designed and developed by third parties."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:50
msgid "Hover or tap to see Activate and Live Preview buttons"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:51
msgid "Click on the theme to see the theme name, version, author, description, tags, and the Delete link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:52
msgid "Click Customize for the current theme or Live Preview for any other theme to see a live preview"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:53
msgid "The current theme is displayed highlighted as the first theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:80
msgid "Tap or hover on any theme then click the Live Preview button to see a live preview of that theme and change theme options in a separate, full-screen view. You can also find a Live Preview button at the bottom of the theme details screen. Any installed theme can be previewed and customized in this way."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:81
msgid "The theme being previewed is fully interactive — navigate to different pages to see how the theme handles posts, archives, and other page templates. The settings may differ depending on what theme features the theme being previewed supports. To accept the new settings and activate the theme all in one step, click the Save & Activate button above the menu."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:82
msgid "When previewing on smaller monitors, you can use the collapse icon at the bottom of the left-hand pane. This will hide the pane, giving you more room to preview your site in the new theme. To bring the pane back, click on the collapse icon again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:131
msgctxt "Add new theme"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:139
msgid "Settings saved and theme activated. Visit site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:257 wp-admin/themes.php:356 wp-admin/themes.php:386
msgid "Update Available"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:366
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management.php:4
msgid "Close overlay"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:364
msgid "Show previous theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:365
msgid "Show next theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:210
msgid "You can get your API key direct from Akismet now."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/widgets.php:339
msgid "To activate a widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. To deactivate a widget and delete its settings, drag it back."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-email.php:62
msgid "Our stats helper monkeys have been busy putting together a personalized report detailing how your blog did in %d!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/cart-product-name.php:5
msgctxt "product_name for blog_domain"
msgid "%1$s for %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/checkout-iframe.php:6
msgid "WordPress.com Store"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/checkout-iframe.php:8
msgid "Upgrades | WordPress.com Store on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/checkout-iframe.php:9
msgid "Give your blog the gift of upgrades (by Automattic)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/nurture.php:380
msgid "It's a Girl!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:518
msgid "The Custom Design upgrade comes with:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:519
msgid "CSS Editor"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:520
msgid "You can use it to customize the design of any WordPress.com theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:526
msgid "Experience the full power of the Colors tool and countless palettes with the Custom Design upgrade. Make your blog look and feel exactly the way you want."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:202
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:45
msgid "Double check to make sure your email address is correct."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:203
msgctxt "Add email forwarding"
msgid "Add It"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/enhanced-open-graph.php:117
msgid "Video on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:208
msgid "Activate free trial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4037
msgid "hits"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:491
msgid "Use the invites feature to invite new users to your WordPress.com blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:417
msgid "Your upload failed. Perhaps try from within wp-admin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:85
msgid "May show ads"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:243
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/free-trials-banner.tpl.php:19
msgid "You can try any participating upgrade for a 14-day trial period, at no charge."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:244
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/free-trials-banner.tpl.php:20
msgid "You will be asked to provide payment information when starting the trial, but you will not be charged until the 14-day trial period is up. If you cancel before the period is up, you will not be charged at all."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:245
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/free-trials-banner.tpl.php:25
msgid "We will send you an email reminder one day before you will be charged."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:246
msgid "You can cancel trial upgrades under Store → My Upgrades in your dashboard at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:536
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:570
msgctxt "Short for credit card expiration"
msgid "Exp."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:166
msgid "Want to be the proud owner of a more exclusive theme? Buy a premium theme →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:167
msgid "Take your blog to incredible heights with a premium theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:168
msgid "Buy a premium theme for your blog and stand out from the crowd!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/tips.php:169
msgid "Check out our growing collection of premium themes to find the perfect fit for your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/free-trials.php:223
msgid "This product was added as a free two week trial on %s. The subscription will be extended to one full year from the end of the trial period."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/class.jetmon-endpoint.php:172
msgid "We noticed that your site %s was down!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:119
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:100
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:163
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:231
msgid "Your current plan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:168
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:236
msgid "Upgrade to %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-purchase-reminder.php:15
msgid "The trial will end tomorrow, on %2$s. "
msgid_plural "The trial will end in %1$d days, on %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:149
msgid "The %1$s on your blog %2$s is about to be renewed automatically"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-billing-reminder.php:11
msgid "%1$s was added to your blog for a 2 week trial on %2$s. This upgrade will be automatically renewed on %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-billing-reminder.php:13
msgid "If you don't want to keep this upgrade, you can disable automatic renewal under Store > My Upgrades in your dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:139
msgid "The %1$s free trial on your blog %2$s had ended."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-ended.php:7
msgid "The %1$s free trial on your blog %2$s has ended today."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-ended.php:11
msgid "It has now been removed from your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-ended.php:19
msgid "The upgrade costs %1$s per year, and you can purchase it at any time. If you want to keep using this upgrade, click the Purchase button above, or go to Store in your blog’s dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:128
msgid "The %1$s free trial on your blog %2$s is about to end"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-purchase-reminder.php:7
msgid "The %1$s free trial on your blog \"%2$s\" is about to end."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-ended.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-purchase-reminder.php:12
msgid "Purchase %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/free-trial-purchase-reminder.php:17
msgid "%1$s costs %2$s per year, and purchasing it will extend your subscription by a full year from the end of the trial period, so you can purchase at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/dropbox.php:85
msgid "Your Dropbox account has been connected."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/dropbox.php:89
msgid "Your Dropbox account could not be connected due to an error. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/dropbox.php:97
msgid "Your Dropbox account could not be disconnected due to an error. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/class.jetmon-endpoint.php:178
msgid "Bad news — your site %s is still down!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-confirmed-down.php:12
msgid "We’re following up on the recent Jetpack Monitor alert we sent. It appears that your site is still down, and has been for %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-confirmed-down.php:14
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-confirmed-down.php:5
msgid "We’ll continue monitoring your site, and will let you know when it’s up again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-confirmed-down.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-down.php:14
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-running.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:57
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-confirmed-down.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-down.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-running.php:11
msgid "The Jetpack Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-down.php:12
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-down.php:3
msgid "Jetpack Monitor is on the job, keeping tabs on %1$s. During our last check on %2$s, we noticed that your site was down."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-down.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-down.php:5
msgid "If you’re concerned about your site’s status, you might want to get in touch with your hosting provider. We’ll continue keeping track, and will let you know when your site is up and running again and the total downtime."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-running.php:12
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-running.php:3
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/class.jetmon-endpoint.php:175
msgid "Good news — your site %s is back up!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-running.php:14
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-running.php:5
msgid "Your total downtime was %1$s, but your site was up again as of %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetmon-site-running.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-running.php:7
msgid "If it goes down again at some point (we hope it doesn’t!), we’ll be in touch."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/jetmon-site-confirmed-down.php:3
msgid "We’re following up on the recent Jetpack Monitor alert we sent. It appears that your site %1$s is still down, and has been for %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/class.jetmon-endpoint.php:168
msgid "[Jetpack Monitor] "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/class.jetmon-endpoint.php:193
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/class.jetmon-endpoint.php:195
msgid "l, F j, g:i a"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/footer-jetpack.php:58
msgid "You are receiving this email because you have activated Jetpack Monitor on your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/footer-jetpack.php:58
msgid "Click here to change your settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:454
msgid "Somebody really likes what you posted!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:318
msgctxt "time ago today"
msgid "%s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:322
msgctxt "time in minutes abbreviation"
msgid "%sm"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:323
msgctxt "time in hours abbreviation"
msgid "%sh"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:324
msgctxt "time in days abbreviation"
msgid "%sd"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:325
msgctxt "time in weeks abbreviation"
msgid "%sw"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:326
msgctxt "time in months abbreviation"
msgid "%smon"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:327
msgctxt "time in years abbreviation"
msgid "%sy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:873
msgctxt "time from now"
msgid "in %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:874
msgctxt "time ago"
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:875
msgctxt "unit of time"
msgid "a few seconds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:876
msgctxt "abbreviation of minute"
msgid "a min"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:877
msgctxt "abbreviation of minutes"
msgid "%d mins"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:426
msgid "%1$s liked your comment on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/mobile-push-notifications.php:60
msgid "New comment like"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:957
msgid "No image set"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/jetpack-manage.php:126
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-bitcoin.php:141
msgid "Refunds are unavailable for Bitcoin payments. Please contact support for a refund on this purchase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:499
msgctxt "You've reached $number likes on $blog_title"
msgid "You've received your first like on %2$s"
msgid_plural "You've reached %1$s likes on %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:505
msgctxt "You've reached $number followers on $blog_title"
msgid "You've received your first follower on %2$s"
msgid_plural "You've reached %1$s followers on %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:118
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:131
msgctxt "Shown when the next infinite scroll page is loading"
msgid "Wait, there's more!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:132
msgctxt "text for single new post notification (1 new post)"
msgid "new post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:133
msgctxt "text for multiple new posts notification (2 new posts)"
msgid "new posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:19
msgid "Top Questions - Instant Answers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:21
msgid "Does your blog not display properly? Try clearing cache and cookies."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:22
msgid "Need a refund? We provide a 30-day refund on all upgrades except Domain Registrations, Domain Renewals, and Guided Transfers. For domains, we can refund within 48 hours of purchase. Head to the Store section of your Dashboard to request a refund."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:23
msgid "Is your blog self-hosted? Head to the WordPress.org forums or learn about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:24
msgid "Are you wanting to import content from another platform? Read our support guide on Importing from Posterous."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:30
msgid "No results found for your search. Please try to refine your search or contact us for additional help."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:33
msgid "Can't find what you're looking for? Contact our support team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:42
msgid "Help & Support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:43
msgid "Find Answers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:44
msgid "My Support History"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:51
msgid "Help Topics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:53
msgid "Customize My Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:54
msgid "Create Content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:56
msgid "Go Mobile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:57
msgid "Manage My Profile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:59
msgid "Get Social"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/help.php:64
msgid "Staff Tips & Tricks"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-disbursements.php:123
msgid "Phone Number:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:94
msgid "Free support through the forums"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/featured-content/featured-content.php:410
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/featured-content/featured-content.php:423
msgid "Featured Content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/featured-content/featured-content.php:471
msgid "The settings for Featured Content have moved to Appearance → Customize."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:4
msgid "Find some great blogs to read"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:5
msgid "We have fantastic blogs on WordPress.com just waiting for you to discover them, why not try:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:7
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:24
msgid "Checking out some blogs we recommend."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:25
msgid "Browsing posts by tag to find a topic you might enjoy."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:26
msgid "Following your friends' blogs on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:10
msgid "Importing your subscriptions from another service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:13
msgid "Once you have followed some blogs you'll see their latest posts appear right here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:20
msgid "Find more of what you like"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:21
msgid "While you browse posts on WordPress.com you can 'Like' them. Liked posts will show up here for you to read again later. To find some posts you'll like try:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:34
msgid "Don't see any posts under the tag you searched for? That's because there are no posts with that tag yet; maybe you should write the first one."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:35
msgid "Art, books, cooking, and sports: these are just a few of our favorite things! What are you most interested in? Browse blogs by Tag to get started."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:54
msgid "Start an Idea"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:42
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:45
msgid "Upgrade %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:70
msgid "Basic customization that is included in the template"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:74
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:132
msgid "Premium themes can be purchased separately"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:78
msgid "VideoPress is not included in the free plan"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:82
msgid "Store thousands of images"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:86
msgid "Ads may show up on your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:123
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:191
msgid "A custom site address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:124
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:192
msgid "Get a free domain with a bundle purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:128
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:196
msgid "Full font and css editing capabilities"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:136
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:204
msgid "VideoPress is included with a bundle purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:140
msgid "Store thousands of images, videos, or music"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:144
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:212
msgid "WordPress.com ads will not show up on your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:152
msgid "Talk directly with our Happiness Engineers over email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:155
msgid "Learn more about WordPress.com Premium"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:200
msgid "All premium themes are included, test out as many as you want"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:208
msgid "Store an unlimited amount of images, videos, and music"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:220
msgid "Live chat support Mon-Fri 7am to 7pm EST"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:223
msgid "Learn more about WordPress.com Business"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-jetpack-manage.php:307
msgid "WordPress Core"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-jetpack-manage.php:327
msgid "Failed Updates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-jetpack-manage.php:347
msgid "View my blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/filter-widget/load.php:48
msgid "My @Mentions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/filter-widget/load.php:10
msgid "Quick access to popular views of your o2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/awesome.php:20
msgid "Aside Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2096
msgid "%2$dhourly view"
msgid_plural "%2$dhourly views"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-jetpack-manage.php:273
msgid "Update all of my blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-jetpack-manage.php:289
msgid "Update this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentyfourteen.php:168
msgid "Accent Color One"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentyfourteen.php:267
msgid "Accent Color Two"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentyfourteen.php:427
msgid "Accent Color Three"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/delight.php:14
msgid "Site Title and Menu Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/delight.php:29
msgid "Links and Accent color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/basis.php:43
msgid "Comment and Featured Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1965
msgid "The domain %1$s has already been registered and mapped to a blog on WordPress.com. Please contact support if you have any further queries."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1968
msgid "The domain %1$s has already been registered on WordPress.com. Please contact support if you would like to map this domain again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1081
msgid "Free Trial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:529
msgctxt "You've received $number (likes|follows) on $blog_title"
msgid "You've received %1$s %2$s on %3$s"
msgid_plural "You've received %1$s %2$s on %3$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:94
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:912
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:927
msgctxt "post milestone count"
msgid "posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:202
msgid "Once a week"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:203
msgid "Once a month"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/internal-notes.php:24
msgid "Invalid object id."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/internal-notes.php:39
msgid "Could not insert the record."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/internal-notes.php:52
msgid "Could not find the requested note."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/internal-notes.php:63
msgid "Could not find any notes for the object."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:107
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Earnings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/box-net.php:17
msgid "Box File Sharing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/box-net.php:18
msgid "Share your Box.com uploads with your visitors directly on your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:110
msgid "No posts were found at the web address you provided."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:114
msgid "You either don’t have a web address set in your %s, or your entry isn’t a valid URL. Please update your profile and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:114
msgid "WordPress.com user profile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:116
msgid "You either didn’t enter a web address, or your entry isn’t a valid URL. Please update your entry and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:998
msgid "Current header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:501
msgid "Your site is private, so we can’t link to your latest post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/infinity.php:45
msgid "Disable Infinite Scroll"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-stats-top-posts-endpoint.php:41
msgid "Home page/Archives"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/free-trials.php:211
msgid "Two week free trial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bexley.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bromley.php:30
msgid "Accent and Link Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bromley.php:37
msgid "Widget Heading Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/adventure.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/awesome.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/eleven40.php:45
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/vision.php:8
msgid "Main Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/adventure.php:18
msgid "Masthead and Footer Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/adventure.php:26
msgid "Link Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/adventure.php:30
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/awesome.php:25
msgid "Quote Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:339
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:386
msgid "We had a problem processing your request. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:140
msgid "Retrieving your latest post…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:141
msgid "Something went wrong on our end. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/twitter-cards.php:91
msgid "Photo post by %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/twitter-cards.php:91
msgid "Photo post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/twitter-cards.php:93
msgid "Video post by %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/twitter-cards.php:93
msgid "Video post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/twitter-cards.php:95
msgid "Gallery post by %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/twitter-cards.php:95
msgid "Gallery post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:164
msgid "Working…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:421
msgctxt "Message and dismiss link shown after Linkback is removed"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-earnings.php:134
msgid "Campaign"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-earnings.php:168
msgid "Adjustment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/a8c-themes-unbox/template.php:44
msgid "Click to close this message"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/export/class-wp-export-query.php:302
msgid "Term is missing a parent."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/export/writers.php:35 wp-includes/export/writers.php:39
msgid "Export Error"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:369
msgid "(change)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:489
msgid "Connect more"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:498
msgid "chars"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:504
msgid "Publish this post to:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:363
msgid "Publishing will share in one place."
msgid_plural "Publishing will share in %d places."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:366
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:914
msgid "One account connected."
msgid_plural "%d accounts connected."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:109
msgid "Include a link to your latest blog post at the end of your comment?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:139
msgid "Link to %s at the end of your comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:261
msgid "%1$s recently posted %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:163
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:265
msgid "Remove Linkback"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:408
msgid "Successfully removed Linkback link from the requested comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:411
msgid "The Linkback couldn’t be removed. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/linkback/linkback.php:414
msgid "To remove a Linkback, you must be able to moderate comments."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:143
msgid "Account Recovery and 2-Factor-Auth"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:145
msgid "Changing this here may render the user unable to login, as this number is also used for two-factor authentication."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:427
msgid "No device has been confirmed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:219
msgid "Payment Info"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:818
msgid "The phone number we have on file for you is %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1890
msgid "Oops, wordpress.com does not belong to you. Please provide your specific website address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1962
msgid "What is the URL of the specific blog you are contacting us about?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-post.php:429
msgid "%sy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-post.php:430
msgid "%smo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-post.php:431
msgid "%sw"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/link-template.php:1489
msgid "Use commas instead of %s to separate excluded terms."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/products/domains.php:14
msgid "%s includes a custom domain, so you won't have to pay separately for the domain you wanted"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/products/bundles.php:99
msgid "Some of the items you wanted (%s) are included in %s, so we removed them for you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/cart-success-messages.php:10
msgid "We made some changes to your cart:"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:116
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/feats.php:317
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/feats.php:422
msgid "l F j, Y"
msgstr ""
#: job.daddy/index.php:542 job.daddy/index.php:545
#: job.daddy/jd-functions.php:58 job.daddy/jd-functions.php:80
msgid "d-M-Y H:i"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:2282
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:2283
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/settings.php:65
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/settings.php:66
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:418
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:419
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:527
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:528
msgid "g:00 a"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:443
msgid "M d, Y @ g:ia"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:536
msgid "m/y"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/kent.php:9
msgid "Content Area Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/kent.php:15
msgid "Site Title and Description Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:619
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:620
msgid "Get an exclusive, hand-crafted design you will love with dedicated support directly from the theme author."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:653
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:654
msgid "Get unlimited free access to all premium themes that normally cost $20-$150 each."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:986
msgid "Security, Flexibility, Affordability, and Ease with Unlimited Space, Unlimited Premium Themes, your own Domain Name and Live Support (in English)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/feats.php:204
msgctxt "record number of likes or followers in a day/week/etc"
msgid "Current Record: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/feats.php:208
msgctxt "record number of likes or followers in a day/week/etc"
msgid "Old Record: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/feats.php:316
msgctxt "1=date, 2=blogname"
msgid "On %1$s you surpassed your previous record of most likes in one day for your posts on %2$s. That's pretty awesome, well done!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/products/bundles.php:137
msgid "We've removed the discount for the domain in your cart as you have removed the bundle from your cart."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/optimizations.php:126
msgid "A note from WordPress.com: By default, this page displays your Gravatar profile until you edit it to add your own text. You can leave the Gravatar profile, edit the page to display something else, or delete the page altogether. This note is only visible to you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/products/domains.php:101
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:615
msgid "Something went wrong. Your WHOIS privacy upgrade was not completed correctly. Please contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/templates/typekit-admin-page-advanced-section.php:15
msgid "Save a blank Kit ID to enable changing Fonts in the Customizer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/expound.php:13
msgid "Navigation Bar"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:409
msgid "You'll need to reply from the proper email account or comment directly on the post:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:698
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:699
msgid "WordPress.com was charged a fee when you reversed a payment through your bank or Credit Card company. Before purchasing any other products, we require that you reimburse this fee."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1791
msgid "The SMS recovery number you have provided is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:392
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:404
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:410
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:416
msgid "Italian"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:422
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:428
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:440
msgid "Chinese"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/facebook.php:233
msgid "1 more word."
msgid_plural " %d more words."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/wpcom-related-posts.php:122
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/wpcom-related-posts.php:134
msgid "In \"%s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:333
msgctxt "These people and 6 others liked it so far."
msgid "These people and %s other liked it so far."
msgid_plural "These people and %s others liked it so far."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:96
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Trophy Case"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-price.php:34
msgctxt "currency"
msgid "British Pounds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/subscriptions.php:1382
msgid "New posts from this blog will now appear in your reader."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-capture.php:273
msgid "Liked by you"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-capture.php:276
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-capture.php:316
msgid "Liked by"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-capture.php:293
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-capture.php:304
msgid "Liked by you and"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-capture.php:295
msgid "%s other person"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-capture.php:306
msgid "%s other people"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-capture.php:318
msgid "%s people"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:390
msgid "Careful! You are editing someone else's comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:233
msgid "Uh oh! Your domain %1$s expires today!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:740
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:851
msgid "Backup codes let you access your account if your phone is lost or stolen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:740
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:851
msgid "Without access to the app, your phone, or a backup code, you will lose access to your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:740
msgid "We ask that you print this list of ten unique, one-time-use backup codes and keep the list in a safe place."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:851
msgid "Click “Generate Backup Codes” to create a list of ten unique, one-time-use backup codes. We ask that you print this list out and keep it in a safe place."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:800
msgid "Didn't print the Backup Codes?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/stats-surge/20131023/test-a.php:22
msgid "Your blog, %1$s (%2$s), appears to be getting more traffic than usual"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/stats-surge/20131023/test-a.php:49
msgid "hourly views"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/stats-surge/20131023/test-a.php:59
msgid "hourly views on average"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/stats-surge/20131023/test-a.php:69
msgid "View Stats"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/stats-surge/20131023/test-a.php:21
msgid "Great Job!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:1047
msgid "Recent Activity"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:367
msgid "You’re about to log in to %1$s with your %2$s WordPress.com account?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-http.php:941 wp-includes/class-http.php:949
msgid "The SSL certificate for the host could not be verified."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/update.php:553
msgid "Translation Updates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1430
msgid "This content is currently locked."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1432
msgid "If you take over, %s will be blocked from continuing to edit."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:113
msgid "The upgrade has been cancelled as requested."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/post-like.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/post-like.php:105
msgid "%d Like"
msgid_plural "%d Likes"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/post-like.php:81
msgid "%s liked your post:"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-engagement.php:205
msgid "%1$s liked \"%3$s\" on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:395
msgid "You may use HTML tags like <a href=""> <b> <i> <strong> <em>."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:63
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:69
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:71
msgid "Missing or invalid site id."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:73
msgid "Site is not publicly available."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:221
msgctxt "Error Message Label"
msgid "Error:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:222
msgctxt "Error Message Button"
msgid "Back"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:252
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "User ID"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:253
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "Login"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:254
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:255
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:256
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:257
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:258
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:259
msgctxt "User Field"
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:356
msgid "First, log in to your WordPress.com account:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:374
msgid "Or, use another account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack-sso.php:384
msgid "What details will be shared with %1$s?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/xanga-wxr-importer.php:278
msgid "Import Xanga"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/xanga-wxr-importer.php:295
msgid "If your archive file contains more than one XML file, please upload them one by one."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/xanga-wxr-importer.php:333
msgid "Import posts, comments, images and tags from a Xanga export file."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/recent-comments-widget.php:217
msgid "There are no public comments available to display."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/massive-press.php:6
msgid "Site Content Area Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/massive-press.php:21
msgid "Title Background Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/massive-press.php:29
msgid "Link Hover & Primary Accent Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/massive-press.php:36
msgid "Button Background Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4835
msgctxt "stats referrer type"
msgid "Private networks"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4842
msgctxt "stats referrer type"
msgid "Search Engines"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/arcade.php:99
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/the-parisian.php:35
msgid "Footer Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:442
msgid "Receipt Type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:443
msgid "Credit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:443
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:17
msgid "Payment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:445
msgid "Receipt Id"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:64
msgid "The page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:67
msgid "The post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:593 wp-content/mu-plugins/grofiles.php:283
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:281
msgid "Your photo is managed using the Gravatar service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:325
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:327
msgid "Add WordPress Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:329
msgid "Add other site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:355
msgid "Add a description"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:369
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Simply use the form above."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:653
msgid "This person liked your comment"
msgid_plural "These people like your comment"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1522
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1527
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1608
msgctxt "NewDash Update Post"
msgid "Whoops! Looks like something went wrong. Try again?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1533
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1554
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1568
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1582
msgctxt "NewDash Update Post"
msgid "Woah there! Looks like you don't have permission to do that. You should try contacting your site admin and see if they can help."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1539
msgctxt "NewDash Update Post"
msgid "Hey there. Looks like the post you were looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's in your trash?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1558
msgctxt "NewDash Update Post"
msgid "Hey there. Looks like the post you were looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already in your trash?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1572
msgctxt "NewDash Update Post"
msgid "Hey there. Looks like the post you were looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already been deleted?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1586
msgctxt "NewDash Update Post"
msgid "Hey there. Looks like the post you were looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already been restored?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-list.php:35
msgid "List titles cannot be blank"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-list.php:44
msgid "Enter a URL or Topic to add to the list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-list.php:60
msgid "No list items found!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1505
msgid "This blog is already on the list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1509
msgid "Unable to add this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1513
msgid "No WordPress.com blog found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1545
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1566
msgid "This feed is already on the list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1570
msgid "Unable to add feed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1578
msgid "No WordPress.com blog or external site feed found at the supplied URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1607
msgid "This topic is already on the list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:1611
msgid "No posts for the selected topic found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3016
msgid "No Topic or Blog URL given"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-list.php:45
msgid "Enter a Blog URL or Topic to add to the list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:389
msgid "Fill in your details below"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:111
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Edit Blogs I Follow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-unruly-shortcode.php:154
msgid "This post is sponsored by"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:338
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:340
msgid "Project Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:217
msgid "Connected as: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-http.php:1035 wp-includes/class-http.php:1442
msgid "Failed to write request to temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post-template.php:1563
msgid "This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/query.php:2142
msgctxt "Comma-separated list of search stopwords in your language"
msgid "about,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to,was,what,when,where,who,will,with,www"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:948
msgid "Connected Applications"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:96
msgid "IP address:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit.php:245
msgid "%s post permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s posts permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/edit.php:246
msgid "%s post moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s posts moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/edit.php:247
msgid "%s post restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s posts restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/edit.php:252
msgid "%s page permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s pages permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/edit.php:253
msgid "%s page moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s pages moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/edit.php:254
msgid "%s page restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s pages restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2767
msgid "File size:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:227
msgid ""
"Dear user,\n"
"You recently requested to have the administration email address on\n"
"your site changed.\n"
"If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it:\n"
"You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n"
"take this action.\n"
"This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-media.php:49
msgid "The sizes listed below determine the maximum dimensions in pixels to use when adding an image to the Media Library."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize-wpcom.php:449
msgid "This connection may not be working correctly."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize-wpcom.php:458
msgid "This connection is about to expire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize.php:379
msgid "This connection is working correctly."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:713
msgid "Before you hit Publish, please refresh the following connection(s) to make sure we can Publicize your post:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-core.php:866
msgid "Tags %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:116
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Explore Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:120
msgid "Enter a tag..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:398
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:399
msgid "A late renewal fee is required for renewing domains over 2 weeks past the expiration date."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:349
msgid "Add Sites"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:354
msgid "Enter a URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication-nag.php:20
msgid "Hey! You are using two-step authentication, but you haven’t printed your account recovery codes. It’s important to have these in case you ever have trouble accessing your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication-nag.php:21
msgid "Print account recovery codes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/follow-button.php:48
msgid "Show blog name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/follow-button.php:51
msgid "Show follower count"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/follow-button.php:13
msgid "Follow Button"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3062
msgid "No list item given"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3065
msgid "Unable to delete the list item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:664
msgid "Now choose from the following download options:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:676
msgid "Have the app? Verify the code now »"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:860
msgid "No Backup Codes Generated"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:765
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:879
msgid "Type a Backup Code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:769
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:883
msgid "Invalid Backup Code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:776
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:890
msgid "Invalid Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:872
msgid "not printed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:746
msgid "WordPress.com verification code: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:760
msgid "Recovery code has been sent."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:136
msgctxt "NewDash Comments Activity Feed"
msgid "View All Comments"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:153
msgid "My Trophies"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:602
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:773
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:868
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:887
msgid "printed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:611
msgid "Enter Number"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:646
msgid "Invalid Phone Number"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1064
msgid "Become a WordPress.com user and manage your subscriptions directly in your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1075
msgid "We take care of the details of sending emails to your subscribers, leaving you to concentrate on your content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1380
msgid "This is the management page for following post comments. You will receive an email at %s whenever anyone comments on these posts. Unsubscribe to stop receiving emails for that post. Go to Settings to stop receiving all emails from WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1913
msgid "%1$s to your WordPress.com account to more easily manage your subscriptions. Don't have an account? %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1915
msgid "Create one here"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:2015
msgid "Delivery Frequency"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:2153
msgid "You are currently managing subscriptions for %1$s. %2$s from this email."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:2155
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/list-blog-item.php:12
msgid "Remove this Feed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/list-blog-item.php:17
msgid "Remove this Topic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:257
msgid "Save Profile Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2978
msgid "Please enter a list title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2981
msgid "Unable to update the list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication-nag.php:8
msgid "Enhance the security of your account with Two Step Authentication — a second step to the log-in process that no-one but you can access."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication-nag.php:9
msgid "Activate Two Step Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2945
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2975
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3012
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3059
msgid "No list given"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2948
msgid "Unable to delete the list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2911
msgid "Please enter a list name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2915
msgid "Unable to create a new list"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:87
msgid "Add List"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-list.php:53
msgid "%d list items"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:193
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "My Instagrams"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:198
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "My Feed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/template.php:84
msgid "The latest Instagrams from your personal feed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:88
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Posts I Like"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:89
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Comments I Made"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:48
msgid "Comments I Made"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:31
msgid "Display WordPress Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:33
msgid "Displays a list of recent posts from another WordPress.com or Jetpack-enabled blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:82
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:103
msgid "We cannot load blog data at this time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:113
msgid "We cannot display posts for this blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:182
msgid "Enter a WordPress.com or Jetpack WordPress site URL."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:186
msgid "Number of Posts to Display:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:196
msgid "Show Featured Image:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/wordpress-post-widget.php:200
msgid "Show Excerpts:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/post.php:10
msgid "Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/azul/html/footer.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/settings.php:8
msgid "Unsubscribe or modify your %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/comment.php:3
msgid ""
"%1$s commented on: %2$s.\n"
"Comment URL: (%3$s)\n"
"Post URL: (%4$s)\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/template.php:74
msgid "A selection of your own recent Instagrams."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/template.php:94
msgid "A selection of trending content on Instagram."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/list-blog-item.php:7
msgid "Remove this Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:597
msgctxt "$list_of_users liked your comment on $post_title"
msgid "%1$l liked your comment on %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$l liked your comment on %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:631
msgid "This person liked your comment:
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:697
msgid "To see them all, visit the comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:801
msgctxt "$user and $number others liked your comments on \"$post_title\""
msgid "%1$s and %3$s other liked your comments on \"%2$s\""
msgid_plural "%1$s and %3$s others liked your comments on \"%2$s\""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:824
msgid "These people liked your comments:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:84
msgid "Lists"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:86
msgid "Add A List..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:273
msgid "My Profile Photo and Sites"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:278
msgid "Profile Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/people-tag.php:50
msgid "Tag Facebook Friends"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-publish.php:23
msgid "Post Published!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-related.php:27
msgid "Check out these related posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/p6t/p6t.php:416
msgid "Missing translation."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-display.php:112
msgid "View this comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:106
msgid "Could not connect to Instagram (error %s)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:204
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "Browse Popular"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:209
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "With Tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:220
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:222
msgid "Insert Instagram"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:223
msgid "No pics matched your search query"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:225
msgid "Load more pics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/template.php:43
msgid "Enter a tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/template.php:62
msgid "Enter an Instagram Username"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/site-logo/inc/functions.php:50
msgid "Site Logo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:98
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Customize"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:97
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Change Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:90
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "My Activity"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:91
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "New Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:92
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "My Stats"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:93
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "My Blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:95
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Sharing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:99
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:100
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:101
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "My Account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:102
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:103
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Security"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:104
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Public Profile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:105
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Subscriptions Delivery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:108
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Billing History"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:109
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Connected Apps"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:110
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Blogs I Follow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:112
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Freshly Pressed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:113
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Local Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:114
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Find Friends"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:115
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Recommended Blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:124
msgctxt "NewDash Page Title"
msgid "Group"
msgstr ""
#: blog-search/index.php:54
msgid "Recent results for"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-tags-page.php:14
msgid "Hot Tags on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/discover/fresh.php:6
msgid "Browse Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/trophy-case.php:94
msgctxt "Trophy Case sidebar headline"
msgid "Filter by type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/trophy-case.php:95
msgid "Show All"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/trophy-case.php:102
msgctxt "Trophy Case sidebar headline"
msgid "Filter by blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:184
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:348
msgid "Related"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:301
msgid "Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:333
msgid "Show related content after posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php:956
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/wpcom-related-posts.php:152
msgid "With 1 comment"
msgid_plural "With %s comments"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/wpcom-related-posts.php:144
msgid "Liked by %s person"
msgid_plural "Liked by %s people"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/related-posts/wpcom-related-posts.php:161
msgid "Reblogged by %s person"
msgid_plural "Reblogged by %s people"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2018
msgid "Email-only Followers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2234
msgid "Download all email-only followers as CSV"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/traveler.php:34
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/worldview.php:6
msgid "Content Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:148
msgid "Your Google+ profile and WordPress.com accounts have been disconnected. If you no longer wish to be associated with this blog on Google we recommend that you also remove the blog URL from your Google+ profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:146
msgid "Your Google+ profile and WordPress.com accounts have been disconnected, including your Publicize connections. If you no longer wish to be associated with this blog on Google we recommend that you also remove the blog URL from your Google+ profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:152
msgid "Restore Page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/async-exports.php:140
msgid "Something went wrong while exporting the site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/async-exports.php:171
msgid "The specified email is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/async-exports.php:234
msgctxt "%1$s = blog name"
msgid "[%1$s] Export completed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/async-exports.php:307
msgctxt "%1$s = blog name"
msgid "[%1$s] Export failed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/async-exports.php:331
msgctxt "%1$s = a user email address"
msgid "Your export is being processed! A download link will be sent to %1$s when the export has finished."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/async-exports.php:336
msgctxt "%1$s = a user email address, %2$s dotcom support link"
msgid "An export for this site is already in progress. A download link will be sent to \"%1$s\" when the export has finished.
If you do not recognize this email address, please contact us for support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:76
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:116
msgid "Help readers discover cool events with update posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:63
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:103
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:144
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:182
msgid "Take a few minutes to set up the basic configuration of the site to take advantage of all the functionalities in this theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:65
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:105
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:146
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:184
msgid "Connect to your Eventbrite account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:66
msgid "Remember to select your front page settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:67
msgid "We added two commonly used pages for your theme — Event List page, Featured Events and Calendar page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:68
msgid "You can rename these pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:74
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:114
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:154
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:193
msgid "Take advantage of all the tools and features to spread the word about your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:77
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:117
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:157
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:196
msgid "Spread the news with Publicize"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:78
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:118
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:158
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:197
msgid "Pull in your social feeds through our Twitter and Facebook widgets"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:79
msgid "Engage with users after the event — pull in Instagram or Flickr photos from the event"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:84
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:124
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:164
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:203
msgid "Enhance Your Content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:85
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:125
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:165
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:204
msgid "Your events will be pulled directly from Eventbrite, but that's just half the story to building an awesome site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:87
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:127
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:167
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:206
msgid "Add a logo or a picture as your Header Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:88
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:128
msgid "Remember to set Featured Events which creates a good lookin' carousel"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:89
msgid "Add an \"About Us\", \"Contact Us\", or \"FAQ\" and other useful pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:108
msgid "Remember to select you front page settings (Featured Event page is a great front page option)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:106
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:147
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:185
msgid "We recommend creating the following pages — Event List, Featured Event and Calendar page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:107
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:186
msgid "Use page templates in the theme for your new pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:119
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:159
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:198
msgid "Engage with users after the event — pull in Instagram or Flickr photos from the event"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:129
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:207
msgid "Add an \"About Us\", \"Contact Us\" or \"FAQ\" and other useful pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:148
msgid "You can rename these page if you want to customize the language"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:156
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:195
msgid "Get readers excited about your event with updates!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:168
msgid "Add an \"About Us?\", \"Contact Us\" or \"FAQ\" and other useful pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:187
msgid "Remember to set \"Featured Event\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/alto.php:50
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/antenna.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bridger.php:30
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/business-identity.php:21
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/chronicle.php:62
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/designfolio.php:30
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/dynamic-news.php:17
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/espresso.php:50
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/kiore-moana.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/ladder.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/outspoken.php:86
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/the-parisian.php:29
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/worldview.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/big-brother.php:55
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/celsius.php:35
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/eventbrite-multi.php:56
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/eventbrite.php:56
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/eventbrite-single.php:56
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hemingway-rewritten.php:30
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/pictorico.php:38
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sketch.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/spun.php:51
msgid "Main Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/my-comments.php:123
msgid "This tracks comments you’ve made across WordPress.com so you can see when people reply to you. It will show your comment, one before yours, and replies after yours. The thread with the latest replies will be at top. See WordPress.com Reader."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:2274
msgid "Follow settings can now be managed in the WordPress.com Reader."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:715
msgid "Connect with "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/presentations/presentations.php:243
msgid "Click to autoplay the presentation!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:144
msgid "Comment must be manually approved"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/discover/fresh.php:9
msgid "From editors' picks to community favorites: see what WordPress bloggers are saying."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2366
msgid "Total Shares : %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2367
msgid "Just a note: we don't count shares from 'official' buttons, just the standard share links. These numbers may not match the Sharing buttons or stats provided by the Sharing Services themselves, because we can only count shares that happen on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/nurture.php:268
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/poly.php:145
msgid "Tertiary"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/nurture.php:372
msgid "Bright"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/nurture.php:388
msgid "It's a Boy!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:573
msgid "Provide URL for link:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:808
msgid "Liveblog (archived)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:838
msgid "Filter liveblogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:839
msgid "Any liveblogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:840
msgid "Enabled liveblogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:841
msgid "Archived liveblogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:842
msgid "No liveblogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:17
msgid "Edit HTML"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:21
msgid "Bold (Ctrl/Cmd + B)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:22
msgid "Italics (Ctrl/Cmd + I)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:22
msgid "Italics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:23
msgid "Underline (Ctrl/Cmd + U)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:24
msgid "Srike-through (Ctrl/Cmd + S)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:24
msgid "Srike-through"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:25
msgid "Link (Ctrl/Cmd + K)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:26
msgid "Unlink (Ctrl/Cmd + L)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:27
msgid "Remove formatting (Ctrl/Cmd + \\)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/magnate-express.php:38
msgid "Slider Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/logged-out/404.php:12
msgid "Sorry, that page does not exist."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/discover/tag.php:17
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/discover/topics.php:9
msgid "Sorry, we don’t have any posts here with that tag."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:312
msgid "exit the preview"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/keyboard.php:21
msgid "/ or s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:213
msgid "Buy Tickets"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize-wpcom.php:978
msgid "You have disconnected all %s services from your WordPress.com account. If you would like to use Publicize on another blog, you will need to reconnect on that blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:805
msgctxt "ticket price"
msgid "Free"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:813
msgctxt "ticket price"
msgid "Free and up"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:177
msgid "Organizer:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:183
msgid "Venue:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:454
msgid "Add your own event"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:197
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:538
msgid "free"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:245
msgid "Buy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:706
msgctxt "keyring"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:728
msgid "All Organizers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:761
msgid "All Locations"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:762
msgid "Online"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/eventbrite/eventbrite-widget.php:133
msgid "Eventbrite: Event Calendar/Listing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/google-plus.php:11
msgid ""
"Your posts will only be shared with the\n"
"Circles/Google+ users you select\n"
"during the connection process.\n"
"e.g. To share with everyone, select 'Public'."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:93
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:22
msgid "Contact Us"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grofiles.php:378
msgid "Your credit card has been removed, and auto renew has been disabled for all your subscriptions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:949
msgid "Error: An unexpected error occurred when retrieving your profile from Google+."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:955
msgid "Error: The response from Google+ contained no data. (profile)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:965
msgid "Error: An unexpected error occurred when retrieving your email address from Google+."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-share.php:179
msgid "Your post has been shared with %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-share.php:182
msgid " It was also shared on %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-share.php:210
msgid "Your post has been shared on %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:208
msgctxt "Widget Visibility: {Rule Major [Page]} is {Rule Minor [Search results]}"
msgid "is"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/functions.php:1176
msgid "ERROR: This is not a valid feed template."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:186
msgid "By default WordPress uses web URLs which have question marks and lots of numbers in them; however, WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. This can improve the aesthetics, usability, and forward-compatibility of your links. A number of tags are available, and here are some examples to get you started."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/stats-splurge.php:222
msgid "[%1$s] Your stats are surging!"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/stats-splurge.php:226
msgid "A spike in your stats!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/upgrade-to-bundle-upsell.php:7
msgid "For a limited time, you can upgrade to WordPress.com %1$s for only %2$s. This offer is valid until %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/upgrade-to-bundle-upsell.php:10
msgid "You can upgrade to WordPress.com %1$s for only %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:278
msgid "Load more tweets"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/facebook.php:143
msgid "There was a problem connecting to Facebook to create an authorized connection. You need to grant WordPress.com permission to publish to Facebook on your behalf."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/facebook.php:628
msgid "Publicize to my Facebook Timeline:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:1374
msgid "You are not following any post comments, and are following %d sites."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:684
msgid "Post Archives"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:133
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:138
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:157
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:159
msgid "Flag as %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:192
msgid "P2 Resolved Posts is enabled. You'll also need to activate the P2 theme to start using the plugin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:617
msgid "Doin' something fishy, huh?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:628
msgid "Invalid post id"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:718
msgid "%1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:732
msgid "%1$s marked this %2$s %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:734
msgid "%1$s removed resolution %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/php/class-show-unresolved-posts-widget.php:238
msgid "Showing 1-%1$d of %2$d %3$s posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/class-copy-post.php:37
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:25
msgctxt "Copy a {post_type}"
msgid "Copy a %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:12
msgid "Search for a post by title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:14
msgid "Copying post..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:19
msgid "Pick a post and we'll copy the title and content. Recent pages are listed below. Search by title to find older pages. You can mark any page to keep it at the top."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:20
msgid "Search for a page by title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:22
msgid "Copying page..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:26
msgctxt "Use an existing {post_type} as a template"
msgid "Use an existing %s as a template."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:27
msgctxt "Copy a {post_type}. First and fourth variables are single, second and third are plurals"
msgid "Pick a %1$s and we’ll copy the title and content. Recent %2$s are listed below. Search by title to find older %3$s. You can mark any %4$s to keep it at the top."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:28
msgctxt "Search for {post_type} by title"
msgid "Search for %s by title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:29
msgctxt "Replace the current {post_type} with the selected {post_type}"
msgid "Replace the current %s with the selected %s?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/meta-box-content.php:30
msgctxt "copying {post_type}"
msgid "Copying %s..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:936
msgid "Error: Google+ failed to return an expected code."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:130
msgid "You have chosen not to connect your blog. Please click 'accept' when prompted if you wish to connect your accounts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:137
msgid "Connect your WordPress account to Google+ to add this blog to your Google+ profile and improve the visibility of your blog posts on Google."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:486
msgid "Hi, {name}! What's happening?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/service.php:130
msgid "API connection to YouTube not found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:508
msgid "Google+ photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:971
msgid "Error: The response from Google+ contained no data. (userinfo)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus-authorship.php:266
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus-authorship.php:271
msgid "We could not properly connect to Google. Please try again or contact suppport."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus-authorship.php:177
msgid "You do not have permission to access this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:87
msgid "Your Google+ account has been connected."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:88
msgid "There was a problem connecting your Google+ account. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:89
msgid "You must click 'Accept' in the Google+ dialog to connect your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:121
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:102
msgid "Google+ Profile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/gplus-authorship.php:143
msgid "on Google+"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-sources.php:822
msgctxt "share to"
msgid "Google"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/live-comments/load.php:8
msgid "Displays a live stream of posts and comments on your o2 powered blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/live-comments/load.php:130
msgid "Comments and Posts"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/is-available/functions.php:122
msgid "Please enter a complete domain name - e.g. yourgroovydomain.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php:298
msgid "Looking for %1$s in %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1112
msgid "This password will not be stored on the server."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:125
msgid "Stats for a site."
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/authorize.php:15 billingdaddy/inc/email/cancel.php:13
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:27 billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:22
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub-authorize.php:13
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/stop-sub.php:13
msgid "Date:"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:109
msgid "WordPress.com reader feeds."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:562
msgid "Card ending %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:574
msgid "Expires: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/gallery.php:18
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/organization.php:22
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/photolia.php:15
msgid "Link and Highlight Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/organization.php:26
msgid "Slider Text Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:185
msgid "Clear all filters"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:178
msgid "Blog Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:69
msgid "Sorry, there are no more posts to read but you can always check out freshly pressed!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:76
msgid "You have no more posts with this status, why not create a New Post!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:288
msgid "Why not see if your friends are blogging with WordPress? You can also browse our recommended blogs, or have a look at Freshly Pressed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:290
msgid "Why not see if your friends are blogging with WordPress? You can also browse our recommended blogs."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:660
msgid "Posts categorized as %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:673
msgid "Posts containing ‘%s’ (%d)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/inc/class-unresolved-posts-widget.php:74
msgid "Ascending (oldest first)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/inc/class-unresolved-posts-widget.php:75
msgid "Descending (newest first)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:441
msgid "Complete ELV checkout with our payment partner Adyen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:246
msgid "We'll send you an email with a confirmation link for this action, please check your email for a confirmation link shortly as this link is only valid for the next 12 hours."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:203
msgid "# of Tweets Shown:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:128
msgid "New tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4880
msgid "WordPress.com Media %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/coupon-form-in-tfoot.php:2
msgid "Do you have a coupon?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/easy-markdown/easy-markdown.php:271
msgid "Use Markdown for posts and pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/easy-markdown/easy-markdown.php:272
#: wp-content/plugins/easy-markdown/easy-markdown.php:287
msgid "Learn more about Markdown."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/easy-markdown/easy-markdown.php:286
msgid "Use Markdown for comments."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/follow/load.php:32
msgid "There was a problem updating your following preferences."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/service.php:140
msgid "Insert YouTube"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/template.php:60
msgid "Search YouTube"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/post-like/20130821/test-a.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/post-like-groove.php:39
msgid "Good Job! %1$s really liked your post %3$s!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/post-like/20130821/test-a.php:88
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/post-like-groove.php:88
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/subscribe-blog/20130917/test-a.php:50
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/subscribe-blog/20130917/test-schema.php:50
msgid "%1$s blogs at"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/post-like/20130821/test-a.php:131
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/post-like-groove.php:130
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/subscribe-blog/20130917/test-a.php:92
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/subscribe-blog/20130917/test-schema.php:92
msgid "You both liked posts on these blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:204
msgid "The post has already been set to that resolution."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:319
msgid "Yesterday at %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:114
msgid "%1$s@%2$s has been added, to enable this please check your email to confirm this email forward."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:123
msgid "A confirmation email has been sent to %1$s to confirm the forwarding for %2$s@%3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:153
msgid "You are using %1$s of %2$s available email forwards"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:155
msgid "You currently using %1$s email forwards"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:222
msgid "%1$s forwards to %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:236
msgid "X|Remove"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/wpcom.php:339
msgid "Your password does not meet our security guidelines. Please try a more complex password."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:160
msgid "Add an Email Forward"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:337
msgid "Create a brand new user and add them to this site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:42
msgid "Now, about that first post..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:43
msgid "Empty blogs are no fun. If you're not sure how to get started, why not introduce yourself as your first post?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:44
msgid "Start your first post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:45
msgid "Still need some inspiration?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:52
msgid "Draft posts are your unpublished ideas."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:53
msgid "Any post that you start writing will be shown here. That means you don't have to publish any of your post ideas until you feel ready."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:61
msgid "The last chance for recovery."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/no-post-templates.php:62
msgid "Any posts you have trashed will appear here until they are deleted permanently, or are restored."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize-wpcom.php:844
msgid "There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:1025
msgid "ERROR: Please log in using your main password and two-step authentication to update your profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/class.mexp.php:59
msgid "Media service \"%s\" was not found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:127
msgid "Could not connect to Twitter (error %s)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:148
msgid "Could not find your requested location."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:242
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/service.php:111
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "All"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:246
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "With Hashtag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/service.php:212
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:252
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/service.php:115
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "By User"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:255
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "To User"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:258
msgctxt "Tab title"
msgid "By Location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:273
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:275
msgid "Insert Tweet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:276
msgid "No tweets matched your search query"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/service.php:306
msgid "oAuth connection to Twitter not found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:63
msgid "Enter a Hashtag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:82
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:101
msgid "Enter a Twitter Username"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:127
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:146
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:175
msgid "Search Twitter"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:130
msgid "Location:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:139
msgid "Enter location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:149
msgid "Within %skm"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/service.php:142
msgid "No videos matched your search query."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/template.php:67
msgid "Playlists"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/template.php:85
msgid "Enter Username"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2658
msgid "The domain is currently not available for registration."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs/sharing.php:44
msgid "Loading Share Options"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:122
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this post sticky."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/isca.php:131
msgid "Sidebar Widget Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:161
msgid "Here's an overview of your blogs. Don't forget that you can create another blog at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:164
msgid "Here's an overview of your blog. Don't forget that you can create another blog at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:166
msgid "You don't have a blog yet. You can create one at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/isca.php:15
msgid "Primary Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:491
msgid "Your theme does not natively support menus, but you can use them in sidebars by adding a “Custom Menu” widget on the Widgets screen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:495
msgid "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme, even used in sidebars by adding a “Custom Menu” widget on the Widgets screen. If your theme does not support the custom menus feature (the default themes, %2$s and %3$s, do), you can learn about adding this support by following the Documentation link to the side."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:518
msgid "Clicking the arrow to the right of any menu item in the editor will reveal a standard group of settings. Additional settings such as link target, CSS classes, link relationships, and link descriptions can be enabled and disabled via the Screen Options tab."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-modern.php:30
msgid "Here's an overview of your WordPress sites. From here, you can manage your posts, pages, comments, and your WordPress site's appearance."
msgid_plural "Here's an overview of your WordPress sites. From here, you can manage your posts, pages, comments, and your WordPress site's appearance."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-modern.php:34
msgid "You don't have a WordPress yet. Why not get started right away?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:83
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs/customize.php:34
msgid "Launching Customizer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/paypal-direct-form.php:47
msgid "Exp. Month"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/paypal-direct-form.php:56
msgid "Exp. Year"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:32
msgctxt "my posts timestamp"
msgid "Saved at"
msgstr ""
#: blog-search/index.php:296
msgid "Sorry comment search is currently disabled, check back soon."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:768
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:781
msgid "You registered on WordPress.com 1 year ago!"
msgid_plural "You registered on WordPress.com %1$d years ago!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/store-sidebar.php:4
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/upgrade-to-bundle-upsell.php:17
msgid "Upgrade Now"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-adyen-base.php:69
msgid "Payment Cancelled, Please select an alternate payment method."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2420
msgctxt "subscription emails frequency"
msgid "You get no post and instant comment emails for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2420
msgctxt "subscription emails frequency"
msgid "You get no post and no comment emails for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2423
msgctxt "subscription emails frequency"
msgid "You get instant post and instant comment emails for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2423
msgctxt "subscription emails frequency"
msgid "You get instant post emails and no comment emails for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2426
msgctxt "subscription emails frequency"
msgid "You get daily post and instant comment emails for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2426
msgctxt "subscription emails frequency"
msgid "You get daily post emails and no comment emails for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2429
msgctxt "subscription emails frequency"
msgid "You get weekly post and instant comment emails for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2429
msgctxt "subscription emails frequency"
msgid "You get weekly post emails and no comment emails for this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-adyen-base.php:72
msgid "There was an error processing your payment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/blog-details.php:38
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/blog-details.php:41
msgid "Add a New Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:155
msgid "Restore Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/easy-markdown/easy-markdown.php:246
#: wp-content/plugins/easy-markdown/easy-markdown.php:248
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:69
msgid "Markdown"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/easy-markdown/easy-markdown.php:551
msgid "Markdown content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:112
msgid "Compare two different revisions by selecting the “Compare any two revisions” box to the side."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:155
msgid "While your upgrade was purchased too long ago for this product's %d day refund policy, canceling now will ensure that it won't be automatically renewed in the future. Please note that renewals are not refundable."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:159
msgid "If you'd still like to cancel, each of the bundled products will be added to your account individually. You'll be free to choose which products from the bundle you wish to enable automatic renewals on and which you'd like to let expire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:20
msgctxt "my posts timestamp"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:23
msgctxt "my posts timestamp"
msgid "Posted privately"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:26
msgctxt "my posts timestamp"
msgid "Scheduled for"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:36
msgctxt "my posts timestamp"
msgid "Posted"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:479
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this post resolution"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:134
msgid "No callback action taken."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:173
msgid "While we hate to see you go, your purchase falls within this product's %1$d day refund policy. If you choose to cancel now, your original payment method will be refunded %2$s. "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-unruly-shortcode.php:140
msgid "Sponsored Video:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:161
msgid "Compare any two revisions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2032
msgid "View, compare, and restore other versions of this content on the improved revisions screen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2045
msgid "Edit Lock"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2046
msgid "Someone else is editing this. No need to refresh; the lock will disappear when they’re done."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/inc/class-unresolved-posts-widget.php:139
msgid "Showing %1$s of %2$s %3$s posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/read-api.php:392
msgid "Unable to complete this action"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:21
msgid "View user information data such as username, name, email, blog and Gravatar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fiore.php:15
msgid "Ribbon Accent 3"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fiore.php:32
msgid "Links & Ribbon Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fiore.php:50
msgid "Ribbon Accent 2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2481
msgid "The domain name you entered cannot be added to this blog. Please try a different domain name."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2484
msgid "The domain name you entered does not appear to be valid. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:236
msgid "Howdy %s,
Would you like to login to the website \"%s\" using your WordPress.com account, %s?
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/superhero.php:16
msgid "Widget Accents"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fontfolio.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sidekick.php:32
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/superhero.php:45
msgid "Links & Accents"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sidekick.php:51
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/superhero.php:80
msgid "Headings & Accents"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/lens.php:44
msgid "Link and Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-price.php:70
msgctxt "currency"
msgid "Canadian Dollars"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/inc/class-unresolved-posts-widget.php:138
msgid "%1$s, %2$s comments"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs/sidebar.php:13
msgid "Switch blog:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:178
msgid "Autosave by %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:181
msgid "Current Revision by %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:199
msgid "Restore This Autosave"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:615
msgid "Embed Media Player"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:286
msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s by %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:289
msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:292
msgid "\"%1$s\" by %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:294
msgid "\"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:189
msgid "Your site is configured to keep only the last %s revisions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:191 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:194
msgid "Revisions: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:197
msgctxt "revisions"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/theme-downloads/updater.php:152
msgid "Thanks for installing %1$s from WordPress.com! To keep this theme up-to-date on your Multisite network, please install the WordPress.com Theme Updates plugin and Network Activate it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:602
msgid "Embed or Link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:622
msgid "Link to Media File"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:629
msgid "Link to Attachment Page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:1017
msgid "Upcoming Charges"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-connect.php:404
msgid "Your account has not been activated. We sent you an email with a link to activate."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/theme-downloads/updater.php:156
msgid "Don‘t show me this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:367
msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:235
msgid "Premium themes are a one time purchase and will be available for the lifetime of this blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:184
msgid "Revision by %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:323
msgid "Captions/Subtitles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:388
msgid "Connection lost. Saving has been disabled until you’re reconnected."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:389
msgid "We’re backing up this post in your browser, just in case."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:213
msgid "Sorry, something went wrong. The requested comparison could not be loaded."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:314
msgid "Download File"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:315
msgid "Download Video"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:316
msgid "Play/Pause"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:317
msgid "Mute Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:319
msgid "Turn off Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:320
msgid "Go Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/presentations/presentations.php:227
msgid "This slideshow could not be started. Try refreshing the page or viewing it in another browser."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/pinterest.php:25
msgid "Sorry, that Pinterest URL was not recognized."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:488
msgid "Unable to set post resolution."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:393
msgid "App Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:431
msgid "%s removed resolution"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:484
msgid "Invalid post resolution."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:230
msgid "WordPress.com transactions will appear on your bank or credit card statements under the name %1$s. Please do not delete your email receipt. If possible, print it out and keep it in a safe place."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:228
msgid "WordPress.com PayPal transactions will appear on your bank or credit card statements under the name %1$s. Please do not delete your PayPal email receipt. If possible, print it out and keep it in a safe place."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/nexus.php:102
msgid "Grid Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/nexus.php:111
msgid "Grid Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/cocoa.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/nexus.php:139
msgid "Content Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/cart-product-name.php:14
msgid "less info"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-email-forward.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-email-forward.php:5
msgid "Please confirm you would like to setup this email forwarding: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-email-forward.php:11
msgid "From %s to %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-email-forward.php:15
msgid "Confirm Email Forward"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-email-forward.php:7
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs-jetpack-manage.php:308
msgid "From %1$s to %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/management.php:62
msgid "A confirmation email has been sent to %1$s to confirm the forwarding for %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward-row.php:7
msgid "Resend Verification Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2696
msgid "We were not able to verify this email forwarding, we have resent the confirmation email."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3202
msgid "Your email forward has been setup."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:516
msgid "No credit cards stored for your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/post-actions/load.php:124
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:428
msgid "%1$s marked this %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:472
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:115
msgid "Insufficient information provided."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/resolved-posts/load.php:476
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/sticky-posts/load.php:119
msgid "Post not found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2119
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2157
msgid "By registering a domain name you agree to our domain name registration terms of service."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2171
msgid "Domain registration and customer service agreement"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tag-cloud-widget.php:48
msgid "Number of Tags:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tag-cloud-widget.php:50
msgid "Maximum number of tags displayed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tag-cloud-widget.php:57
msgid "Tag IDs, separated by commas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy-com.php:311
msgid "Link my existing PollDaddy account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:359
msgctxt "Background Attachment"
msgid "Attachment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:107
msgid "Flag unresolved"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:108
msgid "Flag as unresolved"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php:120
msgid "Remove resolved flag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:366
msgid "Apologies, but I could not find any results for that search term. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-vip/dashboard-widgets/widget-request-svn-access.php:102
msgid "User:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:150
msgid "Your Webcomic's Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:354
msgid "Recent Transactions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:369
msgid "By Month"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:596
msgid "Sending..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:40
msgid "Use sharing tools to spread the word about your work."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:114
msgid "Explore"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:30
msgid "Check out the new Comics post type, and tell your readers about your strip."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:39
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:73
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:113
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:153
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:192
msgid "Connect with Your Readers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:43
msgid "Make it easy for readers to share your comics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:45
msgid "Add links to your Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr profiles in your site's footer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:497
msgid ""
"Welcome! Ready to publish your first strip?\n"
"Your webcomic's new site is ready to go. Get started by setting your comic's title and tagline so your readers know what it's all about.\n"
"Looking for more help with setting up your site? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial and the guide to comics on WordPress.com. Dive right in by publishing your first strip!\n"
"Lots of laughs,\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:419
msgid "No matching receipts found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:370
msgid "Export feedback as CSV"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:376
msgid "Select feedback to download"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:112
msgid "Set up your webcomic site in seconds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:191
msgid "Sorry, your browser isn't supported. Upgrade at browsehappy.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:639
msgid "Pro"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:642
msgid "Lite"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:654
msgid "Corporate"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:31
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:33
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:52
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:62
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:99
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:107
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:657
msgid "Enterprise"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:660
msgid "Pay what you want"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/posterous-wxr-importer.php:299
msgid "Note: Images, videos, and audio can no longer be imported automatically. These items do exist in the export zip file and can be uploaded manually, however."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:85
msgid "Start a post with this tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-paypal-base.php:100
msgid "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Please try again. Please contact support and mention 10755 if you have further problems."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:93
msgid "Convert to Comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:99
msgid "Convert to Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:123
msgid "You are not allowed to make this change."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:170
msgid "Post converted."
msgid_plural "%s posts converted"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:338
msgid "No billing history found for your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:519
msgid "Your stored credit cards are used to pay for upgrades on WordPress.com and subscriptions for connected applications."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/nav-menu.php:726 wp-includes/post-template.php:1328
#: wp-includes/post-template.php:1413
msgid "#%d (no title)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post-template.php:1758
msgid "JavaScript must be enabled to use this feature."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/wp-theme-preview.php:102
msgid "Only users who can switch themes on this blog can preview them."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:307
msgid "Generating..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:45
msgid "Modal (Overlay Box)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:49
msgid "Shield Badge"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:50
msgid "Super Badge"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:51
msgid "Red Cat Badge"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:52
msgid "Don't display a badge (just the campaign)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:108
msgid "Which Internet Defense League campaign do you want to participate in?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:113
msgid "How do you want to promote the campaign?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:118
msgid "What badge should this widget display?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:28
msgid "Internet Defense League"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:30
msgid "Show your support for the Internet Defense League."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:38
msgid "All current and future campaigns"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:40
msgid "None, just display the badge please"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/internetdefenseleague/internetdefenseleague.php:44
msgid "Banner at the top of my site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery.php:20
msgid "Display a photo gallery or slideshow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-publish.php:28
msgid "You published your %s post on this blog!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-publish.php:30
msgid "You published %s post on this blog!"
msgid_plural "You published %s posts on this blog!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-sources.php:214
msgctxt "as sharing source"
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery.php:339
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:245
msgid "Carousel"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:261
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:286
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:359
msgid "5 Newest"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:264
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:286
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:363
msgid "10 Newest"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1071
msgid "Account could not be linked. Are your email address and password correct?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1130
msgid "Account Linked."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1156
msgid "Error: An error has occurred; Account could not be linked. Perhaps your email address or password is incorrect?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:4870
msgid "Link Account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:308
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:309
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:310
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:757
msgid "Not Stored"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:457
msgid "%s ending in %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:395
msgid "Repeat Password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:188
msgid "Drop images to upload"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:190
msgid "Processing..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:192
msgid "Only images can be uploaded here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:193
msgid "Your upload didn't complete; try again later or cross your fingers and try again right now."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-optimizations.php:100
msgid "The %s Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/flickr.php:148
msgid "To find your Flickr RSS feed, go to your photostream and click the \"Edit\" tab at the top. Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see the RSS icon or the Latest link. Right click on either and copy the URL. Paste into the box above."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1281
msgid "Linked to Polldaddy Account: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1282
msgid "Useful Links: Settings / Polldaddy.com Dashboard"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:246
msgid "Sorry, this comment could not be posted."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:45
msgid "Create a contact form"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:947
msgid "Distraction Free Writing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:124
msgid "Please supply a valid phone number."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:128
msgid "Please supply a valid country code."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:340
msgid "Hassle Free Blogging"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:958
msgid "Please check your text messages at the phone number ending with %s and enter the verification code."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:246
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:287
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:388
msgid "All Apps"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/panel.php:40
msgid "Headings, Links, & Accents"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/panel.php:57
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/singl.php:455
msgid "Header & Footer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy-com.php:303
msgid "To use polls in WordPress.com, you will need an account with our sister product, Polldaddy.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:515
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:518
msgid "Credit Cards"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:578
msgid "Delete Card"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:341
msgid "A complete history of all billing transactions for your WordPress.com account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:370
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:394
msgid "Transactions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:427
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/dops-ak-vp-lite.php:14
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/dops-ak-vp-prem.php:14
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/layout.php:14
msgid "View Receipt"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:432
msgid "Receipt #%s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:463
msgid "Email Receipt"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:439
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:150
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:210
msgid "Contact %s Support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:448
msgid "Receipt Date"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:460
msgid "Billing Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:110
msgid "There are %s apps connected to your WordPress.com account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:125
msgid "1 Subscription"
msgid_plural "%s Subscriptions"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:128
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:199
msgid "App Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:181
msgid "Next Payment:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:214
msgid "Authorized On"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:216
msgid "Access Permissions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:229
msgid "Remove App Connection"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:230
msgid "Removing this application's connection to your WordPress.com account blocks this application from accessing your information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:232
msgid "Connect App"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:478
msgid "Not connected"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/card-expiring.php:61
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:60
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/due-subscription.php:61
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/payment-problem.php:60
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:47
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/renewal-failure.php:57
msgid "Card:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:552
msgid "CVV"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:559
msgid "code on back"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:564
msgid "code on front"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:574
msgid "Zip"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout.php:183
msgid "Because your credit card is from %1$s we are going to change your currency to %2$s (%3$s)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout.php:193
msgid "Ok"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout.php:194
msgid "Don't change currency"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1977
msgid "To help recover your account, we require some information from you to verify your ownership of the account. Please note that we are unable to recover an account without proof of ownership."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-new-post.php:195
msgid "Any location you set for this post will be public."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/core-bg-admin-notice.php:24
msgid "Custom Colors interface"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/core-bg-admin-notice.php:29
msgid "You can do far more than just customize your background color and image as part of your Custom Design upgrade. Choose from great palettes and background patterns. Check it out!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/core-bg-admin-notice.php:31
msgid "Did you know that you can do far more than just set your background color and image in the Colors tool in our Custom Design upgrade? Preview it now!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:210
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:212
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:214
msgid "Comics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:213
msgid "Comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:215
msgid "All Comics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:217
msgid "Add New Comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:218
msgid "Edit Comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:219
msgid "New Comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:220
msgid "View Comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:221
msgid "Search Comics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:222
msgid "No Comics found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:223
msgid "No Comics found in Trash"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:292
msgid "Comic updated. View comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:295
msgid "Comic updated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:297
msgid "Comic restored to revision from %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:298
msgid "Comic published. View comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:299
msgid "Comic saved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:300
msgid "Comic submitted. Preview comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:301
msgid "Comic scheduled for: %1$s. Preview comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/comics.php:304
msgid "Comic draft updated. Preview comic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:589
msgid "Front Side Post Prompt: Use {name} for user's name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/expired-domain-notice.php:4
msgid "The domain upgrade on your blog \"%1$s\" has expired yesterday on %2$s. Your blog is no longer available on the domain \"%3$s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-new-post.php:219
msgid "Tag your posts with a location, and get found by readers who love the same spot:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-new-post.php:199
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-new-post.php:208
msgid "Enter a location for this post:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:85
msgid "The domain %1$s costs %2$s to register. You have already paid %3$s for your bundle, so to keep %1$s you will need to pay an extra %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:711
msgid "Additional payment for Domain Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-new-post.php:155
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-new-post.php:248
msgid "Search for the location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-new-post.php:221
msgid "Turn on Location Tagging"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:65
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1775
msgid "Local Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1530
msgid "You haven't created any polls for this blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1537
msgid "No one has created any polls for this blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1328
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2364
msgid "M j, g:i a"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1599
msgid "Restore Subscription"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-core.php:68
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-core.php:73
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-core.php:94
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:168
msgid "Omnisearch"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-core.php:94
msgid "search everything"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-core.php:104
msgid "Results:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-core.php:105
msgid "Jump to:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-core.php:116
msgid "Back to Top ↑"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-core.php:163
msgid "Search Everything"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/omnisearch/omnisearch-posts.php:57
msgid "Snippet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:141
msgctxt "%1$s = \"Feedback\" in an HTML link"
msgid "Yep, you can read your feedback at any time by clicking the \"%1$s\" link in the admin menu."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:4837
msgid "This is the Polldaddy account you currently have linked with your WordPress blog: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:4838
msgid "Your password is not saved. An API key is used to access your Polldaddy account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:4839
msgid "Use A Different Account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:4840
msgid "Any polls or ratings created in your current account will still be available on Polldaddy.com when you login as %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-preview.php:86
msgid "Occasionally, some of your visitors may see an advertisement here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-preview.php:87
msgid "Tell me more"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-preview.php:88
msgid "Dismiss this message"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:379
msgid "Login Address (URL)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:384
msgid "The URL to the admin area"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2097
msgid "%2$d hourly views on average"
msgid_plural "%2$d hourly views on average"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-promo.php:62
msgid "Get all the upgrades you need at just %s per year."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:264
msgid "Renew now at %1$s per year (includes an %2$s late fee)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:266
msgid "Renew now at %s per year"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/admin.php:422
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:1266
msgctxt "{$date_format} \\a\\t {$time_format}"
msgid "%1$s \\a\\t %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-priv.php:696
msgid "ERROR: Invalid email address or incorrect password."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1194
msgid "Match header image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-verification.php:227
msgid "Please Verify Your Email Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:30
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:289
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:60
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/header.php:118
msgid "VaultPress"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-info.php:79
msgid "To keep your blog free, we sometimes run advertisements on your blog, and you can remove these with the purchase of a %s "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-info.php:81
msgid "If you're interested in earning money from your WordPress.com site by showing high-quality advertisements, please request an invitation to %s today!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1454
msgid "%s Alternative Scheme %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1046
msgid "Renewing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1121
msgid "This upgrade is currently being renewed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:187
msgid "Customize Testimonials Archive"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:212
msgid "Testimonial Page Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:224
msgid "Testimonial Page Content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:235
msgid "Testimonial Page Featured Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/paypal-express-form.php:28
msgid "Complete the checkout with PayPal"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:805
msgid "If you set up Two Step Authentication using the Google Authenticator app, don't delete it! Deleting the app will prevent you from logging in to your WordPress.com account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:806
msgid "Remember to have your phone with you when you login to WordPress.com, as the app generates a new code each time you need to login."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/keyboard.php:28
msgid "go to post permalink"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:101
msgid "Information for installing and updating themes from WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4275
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/top-posts.php:89
msgid "Maximum number of posts to show (no more than 10):"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:80
msgid "Add New Testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:117
msgid "Enter the customer's name here"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:126
msgid "Customer Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:139
msgid "Testimonial updated. View testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:142
msgid "Testimonial updated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:144
msgid "Testimonial restored to revision from %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:145
msgid "Testimonial published. View testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:146
msgid "Testimonial saved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:147
msgid "Testimonial submitted. Preview testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:148
msgid "Testimonial scheduled for: %1$s. Preview testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:151
msgid "Testimonial draft updated. Preview testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/my-comments.php:164
msgid "We couldn’t find any recent comments to display. Check out the tag surfer or blogs of the day for posts you may be interested in."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/facebook-likebox.php:198
msgid "Show Border"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/facebook-likebox.php:200
msgid "Show a border around the plugin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:99
msgid "You will be refunded %s, which is %s for the bundle minus %s for the domain. The domain will remain registered to you and can be used on WordPress.com or transferred."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:104
msgid "You will be refunded %s, but the domain will be canceled and can't be guaranteed to be available for registration again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:119
msgid "You will be refunded %s, which is %s for the bundle minus %s for the domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:124
msgid "You will be refunded %s, but your mapped domain will no longer work on WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:140
msgid "As your domain is %s old, you will be refunded %s, which is %s for the bundle minus %s for the domain. The domain will remain registered to you and can be used on WordPress.com or transferred."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/nopriv-write-api.php:35
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:34
msgid "Unknown message type passed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-options.php:39
msgid "Your theme does not support all WordAds placements, and you can maximize your earnings by switching to a WordAds-optimized theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-options.php:40
msgid "Please consider selecting a WordAds-optimized theme for your site:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-options.php:41
msgid "Browse WordAds-optimized Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/recommendations-templates.php:51
msgid "Loading blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:363
msgid "New comment by %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:364
msgid "New post by %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:73
msgid "Customer Testimonials"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2056
msgctxt "Your stats are booming! Looks like \"$blog_title\" is getting lots of traffic."
msgid "Your stats are booming! Looks like \"%1$s\" is getting lots of traffic."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2093
msgid "A spike in your stats"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2107
msgid "Your blog, %2$s, appears to be getting more traffic than usual!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/keyboard.php:23
msgid "distraction free writing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:1163
msgid "Add menu items from the column on the left."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:103
msgid "Post type:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:228
msgid "No Scrollbar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:361
msgid "Your session has expired. Click here to log in again. Your changes will not be lost."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:362
msgid "You have successfully logged back in."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2059
msgid "Publishing & Media"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/fragment.php:118 wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:344
msgid "Show full post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:345
msgid "Hide extended post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:360
msgid "Not all changes have been saved to the server yet. Please stay on this page until they are saved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/opt-out/whats-new/content.php:1
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:369
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:481
msgid "Subscriptions Delivery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:380
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:489
msgid "Default Email Delivery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:391
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:500
msgid "Default Jabber Instant Messenger Delivery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:403
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:512
msgid "Email Delivery Format"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:431
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:540
msgid "Email Delivery Window"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1710
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:745
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:171
msgid "The web browser on your device cannot be used to upload files. You may be able to use the native app for your device instead."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-stats-api-endpoints.php:1679
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:2714
#: wp-includes/charts/flot-stats-data.php:53
msgid "Week %d of %d"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-stats-api-endpoints.php:1680
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:2715
#: wp-includes/charts/flot-stats-data.php:54
msgid "Week %d"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2320
msgid "Post #%d [deleted]"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-share.php:33
msgid "Amplify Your Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:139
msgid "If you wish to have your WordPress.com site link redirect to your new self-hosted site, you might be interested in our Site Redirect upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:138
msgid "You are not allowed to publish new posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:359
msgid "You have unsaved changes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2768
msgid "Attachment viewed: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2771
msgid "Image viewed: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:187
msgctxt "placeholder: dropdown menu to select widget visibility; hide if or show if"
msgid "%s if:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:187
msgctxt "Used in the \"%s if:\" translation for the widget visibility dropdown"
msgid "Show"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:187
msgctxt "Used in the \"%s if:\" translation for the widget visibility dropdown"
msgid "Hide"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:198
msgctxt "Used as the default option in a dropdown list"
msgid "-- Select --"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:200
msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"The author of this post is...\""
msgid "Author"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:201
msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This post has one tag.\""
msgid "Tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:202
msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This page is a date archive.\""
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:203
msgctxt "Example: The user is looking at a page, not a post."
msgid "Page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:215
msgctxt "Shown between widget visibility conditions."
msgid "or"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:331
msgid "To begin, you will need to authorize access to your Instagram account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:332
msgid "Authorize Instagram Access"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:333
msgid "Having trouble? Try logging into the correct account on Instagram.com first."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:343
msgid "Authorized Account %2$s | remove"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:346
msgid "Widget Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:351
msgid "Number to display:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:362
msgid "Number of columns:"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-ifttt-api-endpoints.php:13
msgid "Invalid token."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:111
msgid "Display your latest Instagram photos."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:149
msgid "Instagram connection added."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:153
msgid "Instagram account connection deleted."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:155
msgid "An unknown error occurred while attempting to delete the Instagram account connection."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:257
msgid "In order to use this Instagram widget, you must to configure it first."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:262
msgid "There was an error retrieving images from Instagram. An attempt will be remade in a few minutes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:265
msgid "No Instagram images were found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/instagram/instagram.php:370
msgid "New images may take up to %d minutes to show up on your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/avatar-upload.php:216 wp-admin/avatar-upload.php:222
msgid "Invalid Blavatar Crop"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:371
msgid "This comment is awaiting approval"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:315
msgid "Deleting comments is not supported yet"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:66
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:75
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:124
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:322
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/fragment.php:420
msgid "Posts by %1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/post.php:243
msgid "The item you are trying to move to the Trash no longer exists."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/post.php:266
msgid "The item you are trying to restore from the Trash no longer exists."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/post.php:284
msgid "This item has already been deleted."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:111
msgid "To navigate between revisions, drag the slider handle left or right or use the Previous or Next buttons."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/upload.php:155
msgid "Error in moving to trash."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/upload.php:167
msgid "Error in restoring from trash."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post-template.php:242
msgid "(more…)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/on-a-whim.php:16
msgid "Site Title & Content Area Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/twitter.php:15
msgid "Twitter username to include in tweets when people share using the Twitter button."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:508
msgid "If you haven’t yet created any menus, click the ’create a new menu’ link to get started"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:724
msgid "Drag each item into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of the item to reveal additional configuration options."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-price.php:58
msgctxt "currency"
msgid "New Zealand Dollars"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-price.php:64
msgctxt "currency"
msgid "Australian Dollars"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/nopriv-write-api.php:83
msgid "The email you specified is associated with a WordPress.com account. Please login first or use a different email address."
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/topic.php:152
msgid "This is a private ticket visible only to you and to WordPress.com staff."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:367
msgid "Custom Themes cannot be sourced from private blogs."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-mobile.php:288
msgid "Show featured images on front page and archive pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:108
msgid "This screen is used for managing your content revisions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:109
msgid "Revisions are saved copies of your post or page, which are periodically created as you update your content. The red text on the left shows the content that was removed. The green text on the right shows the content that was added."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:110
msgid "From this screen you can review, compare, and restore revisions:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:113
msgid "To restore a revision, click Restore This Revision."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:122
msgid "Revisions Management"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/opera-wxr-importer.php:145
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/xanga-wxr-importer.php:145
msgid "Sorry, there has been an error. Please try again or contact us if problem persists."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/opera-wxr-importer.php:202
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/xanga-wxr-importer.php:202
msgid "No author mapping was found in the file you provided. As such, all imported posts will be assigned to you. Press submit to continue."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/opera-wxr-importer.php:279
msgid "Import My Opera"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:233
msgid "We use some third party tools to collect data about how users interact with our site. You can find more information about how we use these tools in our privacy policy. If you'd prefer that we not track your interactions you may opt out by using the following links:
Inspectlet.com opt-out | Kissmetrics.com opt-out"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-aol-goviral.php:88
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-unruly-shortcode.php:142
msgid "Sponsored:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/admin.php:27
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/admin.php:28
msgid "Add Contact Form"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:172
msgctxt "Followed by post revision info"
msgid "To:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:372
msgid "Sign Up and Purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:366
msgid "Sign Up Now"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:170
msgctxt "Followed by post revision info"
msgid "From:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:143
msgctxt "Button label for a previous revision"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:147
msgctxt "Button label for a next revision"
msgid "Next"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:21
msgid "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d day, on %4$s."
msgid_plural "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-cc-expired.php:15
msgid "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/auto-renew-failed.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:69
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/auto-renew-failed.php:19
msgctxt "product_name costs cost"
msgid "'%1$s' costs %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-cc-expired.php:12
msgid "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:27
msgid "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d day, on %4$s, at noon (UTC)."
msgid_plural "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s, at noon (UTC)."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:680
msgid "Monthly Archives: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:425
msgid "Hide comment threads"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:355
msgid "Use this Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:356
msgid "Start using this theme on your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:357
msgid "Activate this theme for your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:361
msgid "Purchase Now"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:362
msgid "Purchase this theme for your WordPress.com site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-enterprise.php:41
msgid "Signup Now"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:367
msgid "Start your WordPress.com blog with this theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:452
msgid "Or start a brand new one."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:453
msgid "New Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-disbursements.php:187
msgid "This field is required."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:44
msgid "yesterday"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:8
msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d day, on %3$s."
msgid_plural "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, on %3$s."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:5
msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d day, on %3$s, at noon UTC."
msgid_plural "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, on %3$s, at noon UTC."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:22
msgid "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire tomorrow, on %4$s."
msgid_plural "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:51
msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, on %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:12
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:54
msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal later today."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel-domain.php:9
msgid "By clicking the button below, you acknowledge that you want to cancel the domain %1$s. You will receive a full refund of %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:388
msgid "Login to leave a comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:44
msgid "By clicking the button below, you acknowledge that you want to cancel both the %1$s and the domain %2$s. You will receive a full refund of %3$s, but may not be able to register the same domain name again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:46
msgid "By clicking the button below, you acknowledge that you want to cancel both the %1$s and the domain mapping for %2$s. You will receive a full refund of %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:48
msgid "By clicking the button below, you acknowledge that you want to cancel the %1$s and keep the domain name %2$s. You will receive a partial refund of %3$s and the domain will remain registered to your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:39
msgid "By clicking the link below, you acknowledge that you want to cancel both the %1$s and the domain %2$s. You will receive a full refund of %3$s, but may not be able to register the same domain name again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:41
msgid "By clicking the link below, you acknowledge that you want to cancel both the %1$s and the domain mapping for %2$s. You will receive a full refund of %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:43
msgid "By clicking the link below, you acknowledge that you want to cancel the %1$s and keep the domain name %2$s. You will receive a partial refund of %3$s and the domain will remain registered to your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-subscription-cancelled.php:16
msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled and %1$s refunded: "
msgid_plural "The following upgrades have been cancelled and %1$s refunded: "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-subscription-cancelled.php:12
msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled and %1$s refunded: "
msgid_plural "The following upgrades have been cancelled and %1$s refunded: "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:677
msgid "Every single feature of WordPress.com Premium: Domain Name, No Ads, Custom Design & VideoPress"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1207
msgid "See the WordPress.com Premium page for more information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:677
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:842
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:952
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:1114
msgid "WordPress.com Premium"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:85
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:114
msgid "Upgrade to Premium"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/visual.php:45
msgid "Hover"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/mobile-push-notifications.php:81
#: async-jobs/includes/mobile-push-notifications.php:100
msgid "New achievement"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/mobile-push-notifications.php:69
msgid "New follower"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/mobile-push-notifications.php:73
msgid "New reblog"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/mobile-push-notifications.php:65
msgid "New like"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/notify-postauthor.php:40
msgid "New comment on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:259
msgid "Your upgrade subscription will automatically renew every 1 month from the date of your original purchase. We'll attempt to charge the credit card you used to make your initial upgrade purchase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:614
msgid "Get More with WordPress.com Business for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:648
msgid "Yes, I want WordPress.com Business!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:248
msgid "We automatically renew all monthly and most annual subscriptions a day before they expire. We will attempt to auto-renew domains, and the annual subscriptions for Value Bundle and WordPress.com Business 30 days prior to expiration."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:250
msgid "Your order will automatically renew on %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:252
msgid "You can disable automatic renewals at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter.php:290
msgid "Please switch to the 'Twitter Timeline' widget. This widget will be going away in the future and the new widget allows for more customization."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-kindle.php:12
msgid "Kindle"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-kindle.php:20
msgctxt "share to"
msgid "Send to Kindle"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-kindle.php:20
msgid "Click to send this to your Kindle device"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-price.php:46
msgctxt "currency"
msgid "Brazilian real"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-price.php:52
msgctxt "currency"
msgid "Euro"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:859
msgid "You have been logged out in another tab or window. Please log in again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:211
msgid "You need to create a widget at Twitter.com, and then enter your widget id (the long number found in the URL of your widget's config page) in the field below. Read more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/newsworthy.php:70
msgid "Links and Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/newsworthy.php:85
msgid "Time Stamp"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/newsworthy.php:91
msgid "Time Stamp Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:30
msgid "Twitter Timeline"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:33
msgid "Display an official Twitter Embedded Timeline widget."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:100
msgid "My Tweets"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:193
msgid "Width (px):"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:198
msgid "Height (px):"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:219
msgid "Widget ID:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:224
msgid "Layout Options:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:225
msgid "No Header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:226
msgid "No Footer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:227
msgid "No Borders"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:229
msgid "Transparent Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:233
msgid "Link Color (hex):"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:238
msgid "Border Color (hex):"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter-timeline.php:243
msgid "Timeline Theme:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentythirteen.php:72
msgid "Menu, Links, Asides"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:753 wp-includes/script-loader.php:447
msgid "%1$s %2$s, %3$s @ %4$s : %5$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-comment-reply.php:46
msgid "You can reply to this comment via email as well, just click the reply button in your email client."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:1003
msgid "Disbursements"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1469
msgid "Saving revision..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1470
msgid "Your latest changes were saved as a revision."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history.php:47
msgid "You have no billing history at this time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history.php:54
msgid "Service"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history.php:144
#: billingdaddy/api/billingdaddy-actions.php:425
msgid "Receipt"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/coupons.php:934
msgid "Originally: %1$s, that's a %2$s discount. (%3$s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2798
msgid "Add private registration and renew your domain until %1$s, normally %2$s, but free, as it’s included in your bundle purchase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2800
msgid "Add private registration and renew your domain until %1$s for %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2813
msgid "Add private registration until %1$s, normally %2$s but free, as it’s included in your bundle purchase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2815
msgid "Add private registration until %1$s for %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2865
msgid "Please confirm that you want to redirect your blog to %1$s for %2$s a year."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3118
msgid "“%1$s” was registered with us, but it expired %2$s ago, on %3$s. An %4$s late renewal fee must be paid to renew this domain and restore it to your account. Renewing “%1$s” now will extend the registration by one year from the original expiration date, until %5$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3133
msgid "Your domain (%1$s) is registered with us and this domain needs to be renewed before %3$s. Renewal will extend the registration by one year, until %4$s for only %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3142
msgid "Your blog is mapped to your domain (%1$s) and this domain mapping needs to be renewed before %3$s. Renewal will extend the domain mapping by one year, until %4$s for only %2$s. (Remember to renew the domain itself with your registrar, too.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2008
msgid "Hello there! You’re now signed into your new blog which is temporarily located at %3$s. Completing this page and submitting payment (%2$s) on the next page will officially register %1$s in your name."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2020
msgid "The domain %1$s is available to be registered and added to your blog. It would normally cost %2$s a year but it is free as part of your WordPress.com bundle."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2051
msgid "Hello there! You’re now signed into your new blog which is temporarily located at %3$s. Completing this page and submitting payment (%2$s) on the next page will add the domain %1$s to your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2058
msgid "Would you like to use %1$s as your site address? It would normally cost %2$s a year but it is free as part of your WordPress.com bundle."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2060
msgid "Would you like to use %1$s as your site address for %2$s a year?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2295
msgid "Normally %s, Free as part of your Bundle"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:546
msgid "The %1$s is normally priced at %2$s/year, we are offering you a %3$s discount on the first year, because you already paid for %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:567
msgid "Or, grab the %s bundle and save!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:599
msgid "Grab the %s bundle and save"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1215
msgid "Chat live with a WordPress.com specialist Monday to Friday between 7am and 7pm Eastern time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1217
msgid "See the WordPress.com Business page for more information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/flora-and-fauna.php:52
msgid "Links & Entry Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/flora-and-fauna.php:61
msgid "Navigation & Footer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentythirteen.php:131
msgid "Content links, Video, Audio"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:579
msgid "Need some help? Visit the theme support section or the theme forums to get expert advice."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:30
msgid "Map your WordPress.com blog to a domain of your own."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:52
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:73
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:94
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:115
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:135
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:155
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:175
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:195
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:215
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:235
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:255
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:275
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:295
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:315
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:338
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:358
msgid "Register a domain for use with your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:378
msgid "Hide your personal information on domain whois results."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:141
msgid "%s (Required)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:21
msgid "Set up your general site options. Make sure to click on Save on each Settings screen so that your changes take effect."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:40
msgid "Connect with Guests"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:41
msgid "Leverage our powerful sharing tools to connect with guests and allow them to connect with you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:1190
msgid ""
"I commented on the post \"%s\":\n"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:268
msgid "a comment from %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/nopriv-write-api.php:70
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:285
msgid "Failed to post comment on post ID %s. %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/nopriv-write-api.php:104
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:361
msgid "Failed to post comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/stay.php:47
msgid "Text, Headings, Site Title, Site Description"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/full-frame.php:29
msgid "Primary Hover Color"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/connect/index.php:291
msgid "
Yahoo! has shut down their Updates API, so we can no longer connect to that service.
You can still connect to any of the other services we support by clicking your browser's back button and selecting a different service.
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:313
msgid "Released: %d."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:318
msgid "Track %1$s of %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:320
msgid "Track %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:324
msgid "Genre: %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:1466
msgid "Genre"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2785 wp-includes/media-template.php:493
msgid "Length:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2786
msgid "Bitrate:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2823
msgid "Audio Format:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2824
msgid "Audio Codec:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/city.php:49
msgid ""
"Excited to build your community's online hub?\n"
"Your city's new site is ready to go. Get started by setting your site title and tagline to make your residents and visitors feel at home. Then, visit the front page of your dashboard for a handy guide of links to build the online home for your city.\n"
"Looking for more help with setting up your site? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial.\n"
"Let's get you on the map,\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/classrooms.php:5
msgid ""
"The school bell has rung!\n"
"Your classroom's new home on the web is ready to go. Get started by setting your setting your site title and tagline so your students know what it's all about.\n"
"Looking for help with setting up your classroom's website? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial.\n"
"Let the lesson begin,\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/hotel.php:60
msgid ""
"Welcome! May we help you with checking in?\n"
"Your hotel's new site is ready to go. Get started by setting your site title and tagline so your guests know what it's all about.\n"
"Looking for more help with setting up your hotel's site? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial. Don't forget to add our reservations widget so your visitors can inquire about room availability.\n"
"Here's to a great stay,\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/music.php:5
msgid ""
"Switch on the amp and tune your instruments!\n"
"Your band's new home on the web is ready to go. Get started by setting your site title and tagline so your fans know what it's all about.\n"
"Looking for help with setting up your band's site? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial.\n"
"Let's turn it up to 11,\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/portfolios.php:5
msgid ""
"The world awaits your masterpieces!\n"
"Your new portfolio site is ready to go. You'll be sharing your creations in no time. Get started by setting a title and tagline to welcome your visitors to your home on the web.\n"
"Looking for help with setting up a portfolio to best display your work? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial.\n"
"May your muse be with you,\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/restaurant.php:53
msgid ""
"Your main course is served!\n"
"Your restaurant's new site is ready to go. Get started by setting your site title and tagline so your diners know what it's all about.\n"
"Looking for help with setting up your restaurant site? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial (you may want to bookmark our quick guide to setting up a homepage). Don't forget to add your menu items so we can see what's cooking in the kitchen.\n"
"Happy cooking,\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/verticals/weddings.php:5
msgid ""
"You and your new site: a match made in heaven!\n"
"Your new wedding site is ready to go. You'll be sharing your special story in no time. Get started by setting your site title and tagline so your guests know what it's all about.\n"
"Looking for more help with setting up your wedding site? Check out the WordPress.com beginner's tutorial.\n"
"Happy planning,\n"
"The WordPress.com Team"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/nopriv-write-api.php:8
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/read-api.php:9
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:9
msgid "No method supplied"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/nopriv-write-api.php:18
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:17
msgid "No message supplied"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/nopriv-write-api.php:30
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:29
msgid "Message could not be decoded"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/nopriv-write-api.php:42
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/read-api.php:41
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/write-api.php:57
msgid "Unknown/unsupported method supplied"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:754
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:895
msgid "Due to your popup blocker, we were unable to display your Backup Codes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:755
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:896
msgid "Please disable your popup blocker and click the \"Generate Backup Codes\" button again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3048
msgid "%s, a one-time expense"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3224
msgid "Domain name registration plus domain mapping costs %1$s (%2$s for mapping, %3$s for registration) per year, per domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3229
msgid "If you already have registered a domain, mapping is just %1$s per year, per domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:401
msgctxt "meta widget link text"
msgid "WordPress.org"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/functions.php:4614
msgid "Session expired"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/functions.php:4616
msgid "The login page will open in a new window. After logging in you can close it and return to this page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php:165
msgid "Do not deregister the %1$s script in the administration area. To target the frontend theme, use the %2$s hook."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/revision.php:522
msgid "You do not have permission to preview drafts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:136
msgid "Your session has expired. You can log in again from this page or go to the login page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:352
#: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:490
msgid "No tags found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-login.php:490
msgid "Session expired. Please log in again. You will not move away from this page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:270
msgid "Selected menus have been successfully deleted."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:377
msgid "Menu locations updated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:400
msgid "Move up one"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:401
msgid "Move down one"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:402
msgid "Move to the top"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:404
msgid "Move under %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:406
msgid "Move out from under %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:408
msgid "Under %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:410
msgid "Out from under %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:412
msgid "%1$s. Menu item %2$d of %3$d."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:414
msgid "%1$s. Sub item number %2$d under %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:494
msgid "This screen is used for managing your custom navigation menus."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:496 wp-admin/themes.php:49
msgid "From this screen you can:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:497
msgid "Create, edit, and delete menus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:498
msgid "Add, organize, and modify individual menu items"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:506
msgid "The menu management box at the top of the screen is used to control which menu is opened in the editor below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:507
msgid "To edit an existing menu, choose a menu from the drop down and click Select"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:509
msgid "You can assign theme locations to individual menus by selecting the desired settings at the bottom of the menu editor. To assign menus to all theme locations at once, visit the Manage Locations tab at the top of the screen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:513
msgid "Menu Management"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:517
msgid "Each custom menu may contain a mix of links to pages, categories, custom URLs or other content types. Menu links are added by selecting items from the expanding boxes in the left-hand column below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:519
msgid "Add one or several items at once by selecting the checkbox next to each item and clicking Add to Menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:520
msgid "To add a custom link, expand the Links section, enter a URL and link text, and click Add to Menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:521
msgid "To reorganize menu items, drag and drop items with your mouse or use your keyboard. Drag or move a menu item a little to the right to make it a submenu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:522
msgid "Delete a menu item by expanding it and clicking the Remove link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:526
msgid "Editing Menus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:530
msgid "This screen is used for globally assigning menus to locations defined by your theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:531
msgid "To assign menus to one or more theme locations, select a menu from each location’s drop down. When you’re finished, click Save Changes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:532
msgid "To edit a menu currently assigned to a theme location, click the adjacent ’Edit’ link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:533
msgid "To add a new menu instead of assigning an existing one, click the ’Use new menu’ link. Your new menu will be automatically assigned to that theme location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:553
msgid "Edit Menus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:555
msgid "Manage Locations"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:572 wp-admin/nav-menus.php:578
msgid "Theme Location"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:573 wp-admin/nav-menus.php:579
msgid "Assigned Menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:588
msgid "Select a Menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:600
msgctxt "menu"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:606
msgctxt "menu"
msgid "Use new menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:631
msgid "Edit your menu below, or create a new menu."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:636
msgid "Select a menu to edit:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:677
msgid "or create a new menu."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:713
msgid "Menu 1"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:723
msgid "Menu Structure"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:724
msgid "Edit your default menu by adding or removing items. Drag each item into the order you prefer. Click Create Menu to save your changes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:737
msgid "Give your menu a name above, then click Create Menu."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:756
msgid "Auto add pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:757
msgid "Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:763
msgid "Theme locations"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:768
msgid "(Currently set to: %s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:132
msgid "The Documentation menu below the editor lists the PHP functions recognized in the plugin file. Clicking Look Up takes you to a web page about that particular function."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:248 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:211
msgid "Look Up"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/post.php:253
msgid "You cannot move this item to the Trash. %s is currently editing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/revision.php:201
msgid "Restore This Revision"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:31
msgid "For PHP files, you can use the Documentation dropdown to select from functions recognized in that file. Look Up takes you to a web page with reference material about that particular function."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:542
msgid "Capabilities"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:550
msgid "Denied: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1152
msgid "Draft created on %1$s at %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post-template.php:1688
msgctxt "revision date format"
msgid "j F, Y @ G:i:s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post-template.php:1698
msgctxt "post revision title"
msgid "%1$s %2$s, %3$s ago (%4$s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post-template.php:1652
msgctxt "post revision title extra"
msgid "%1$s [Autosave]"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post-template.php:1654
msgctxt "post revision title extra"
msgid "%1$s [Current Revision]"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:172
msgctxt "revision date short format"
msgid "j M @ G:i"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:637
#: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:695
msgid "%s is currently editing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:730
msgid "%s has taken over and is currently editing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2120
msgid "The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2121
msgid "Restore the backup."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2124
msgid "Post restored successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2125
msgid "Undo."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:102
msgid "sub item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:189
msgid "Up one"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:190
msgid "Down one"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:193
msgid "To the top"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:1324
msgid "%1$s has been updated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1455
msgid "Take over"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:73
msgid "Free Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:77
msgid "Get a free site on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:81
msgid "Remove all ads from your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:109
msgid "Set up your restaurant's website in seconds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:182
msgid "Create a Password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-mobile.php:301
msgid "Awesome! Your theme, %s, is already deemed to be mobile-friendly."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:198
msgid "An error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash.php:382
msgid "Payment Receiver:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-price.php:28
msgctxt "currency"
msgid "United States Dollars"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-price.php:40
msgctxt "currency"
msgid "Japanese Yen"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-sources.php:1218
msgctxt "share to"
msgid "Pocket"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-sources.php:1218
msgid "Click to share on Pocket"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:953
#: wp-login.php:506
msgid "For security reasons, you can only edit some settings while logged in with a Two Step Authentication code."
msgstr ""
#: wp-login.php:508
msgid "Please login with your Master Password and authentication code to continue."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:859
msgid "Clicking the “Generate Backup Codes” button more than once will cause all previous backup codes to be permanently disabled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/storylane-wxr-importer.php:139
msgid "The file is not an xml file. Please see upload the xml file from within your backup zip file"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/storylane-wxr-importer.php:279
msgid "Import Storylane"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:388
msgid "Complete your paypal purchase"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/adelle.php:13
msgid "Titles & Primary Accent Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/adelle.php:24
msgid "Link & Secondary Accent Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:983
msgid "For security reasons, you can only edit user settings while logged in with a Two Step Authentication code."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:984
msgid "Please logout, then log back in with your Master Password and authentication code to continue."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:835
msgid "Disable Two Step Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:836
msgid "We will no longer ask for your authentication code when you sign into your %s account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:837
msgid "This will also disable your Application Passwords, though they will be available again if you choose to renable Two Step Authentication in the future. If you do choose to re-enable it, please note that you will need to re-generate your backup codes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:656
msgid "In order to enable Two Step Authentication, you will need a smartphone with the Google Authenticator app."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:677
msgid "If your phone is not on the list, perhaps you might like to use Two Step Authentication via SMS."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:804
msgid "Congratulations, your account is now configured to use Two Step Authentication!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:815
msgid "Two Step Authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. Once enabled, logging in to WordPress.com will require you to enter a unique passcode generated by an app on your mobile device or sent via text message, in addition to your username and password."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:904
msgid "If you use one of our mobile apps or a third party service that integrates with WordPress.com, you might need to use an Application Password to log in - you can generate passwords using this tool. Once generated, return here to revoke access at any time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/theme-helpers/premium-further.php:14
msgid "%5$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:70
msgid "Select which menu you want to show as your site navigation. You can create new menus in Appearance → Menus."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/preview-control.php:31
msgid "
Snapshots are a way to save your design customizations. This tool is part of the Custom Design upgrade.
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:523
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/preview-control.php:36
msgid "Buy Custom Design"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:859
msgid "Before you transfer %s to another blog, you'll first need to deactivate the theme from the original blog's dashboard. Then reload this page and try the transfer. Note: theme options and settings will not transfer to the new blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:862
msgid "Moving a theme affects your site design and will cause the display of the original blog at %s to change. Note: theme options and settings will not transfer to the new blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:426
msgctxt "$user liked your post \"$post_title\" plus $number other posts"
msgid "%1$s liked your post \"%2$s\" plus %3$s other"
msgid_plural "%1$s liked your post \"%2$s\" plus %3$s others"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:421
msgctxt "$user liked your page \"$post_title\" plus $number other pages"
msgid "%1$s liked your page \"%2$s\" plus %3$s other"
msgid_plural "%1$s liked your page \"%2$s\" plus %3$s others"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:219
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:222
msgid "Likes Notifications"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:220
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:223
msgid "Email me whenever"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:614
msgid "Applying..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/typekit-customizer-control.php:34
msgid "Advanced mode users can go here to edit their Kit ID, or disable advanced mode to enable this control."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:536
msgid "Save a snapshot of these colors, fonts, background, header, and custom CSS."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blog-subscription.php:54
msgid "You are following this blog, along with %s other amazing person (manage)."
msgid_plural "You are following this blog, along with %s other amazing people (manage)."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blog-subscription.php:129
msgid "You are following this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blog-subscription.php:151
msgid "Widget title for non-followers:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blog-subscription.php:157
msgid "Widget title for followers:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:596
msgid "Fonts: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:457
msgid "The destination address does not appear to exist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:101
msgid "%1$s@%2$s was not added"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:427
msgid "You have exceeded the maximum number of Email Forwards you can create"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:446
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:452
msgid "The destination address does not appear to be in the correct format"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:436
msgid "The requested mailbox already exists"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:65
msgid "BG Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:71
msgid "Add a background image to your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:581
msgid "CSS: Yes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:583
msgid "CSS: No"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1209
msgid "Poll Results All PollsEdit Poll"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1218
msgid "Edit Poll All PollsView Results"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:561
msgid "Delete this Snapshot"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:34
msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new comment?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:35
msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:384
msgid "In response to %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:398
msgctxt "post a comment"
msgid "Post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-disabled.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-disabled.php:1
msgid "Two Step Authentication Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-disabled.php:44
msgid "Two Step Authentication has been disabled for %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-enabled.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-enabled.php:1
msgid "Two Step Authentication Enabled"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-enabled.php:44
msgid "Two Step Authentication has been enabled for %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-enabled.php:48
msgid "If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend printing out some backup codes and storing them in a safe place, in case your phone is lost or stolen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-disabled.php:4
msgid "Two Step Authentication has been disabled for \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-disabled.php:7
msgid "If you did not request this change, please contact WordPress.com support, or visit your profile page to re-enable it by clicking the following link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-enabled.php:4
msgid "Two Step Authentication has been enabled for \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-enabled.php:7
msgid "If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend printing out some backup codes and storing them in a safe place, in case your phone is lost or stolen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-enabled.php:12
msgid "If you did not request this change, please contact WordPress.com support, or visit your profile page and change your password by clicking the following link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:508
msgid "[WordPress.com] Two Step Authentication Enabled"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:542
msgid "[WordPress.com] Two Step Authentication Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/private-p2.php:6
msgid " Private"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:540
msgid "Snapshot Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/typekit-customizer-control.php:23
msgid "Fonts by Typekit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/ryu.php:149
msgid "Theme Color One"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/ryu.php:169
msgid "Theme Color Two"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/index-yourstuff.php:78
msgid "%s awaiting moderation in %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/index-yourstuff.php:80
msgid "%s awaiting moderation."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:333
msgid "Sorry, this blog only allows us to show the first section of a post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:61
msgid "Snapshots"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-sources.php:1195
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-sources.php:1213
msgid "Pocket"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:296
msgid "WordPress.com security code: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:597
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:725
msgid "Send SMS"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:725
msgid "The SMS may take a few minutes to arrive, depending on your phone network"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:846
msgid "SMS Codes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:847
msgid "SMS Authentication codes are currently being sent to %s. If you wish to change this number, please disable Two Step Authentication, then go through the setup wizard again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:100
msgid "Set up your hotel's website in seconds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:147
msgid "What is your hotel's name?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:76
msgid "Sorry, you can't manage email forwards for %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:91
msgid "%1$s@%2$s successfully added."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:133
msgid "%1$s@%2$s has been removed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:142
msgid "%1$s@%2$s was not removed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery/templates/form.php:10
msgid "Images:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery/templates/form.php:43
msgid "Link To:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery/templates/form.php:58
msgid "Random Order:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery/templates/form.php:69
msgid "Style:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:75
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:77
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:201
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:206
msgid "Testimonials"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:76
msgid "Testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:78
msgid "All Testimonials"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:81
msgid "Edit Testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:82
msgid "New Testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:83
msgid "View Testimonial"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:84
msgid "Search Testimonials"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:85
msgid "No Testimonials found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/testimonial.php:86
msgid "No Testimonials found in Trash"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-twostep.php:122
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:601
msgid "Backup verification codes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-twostep.php:124
msgid "Printed:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:745
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:850
msgid "Backup Codes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:856
msgid "Generate Backup Codes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:692
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:708
msgid "In Key type: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:715
msgid "Press the menu button in Google Authenticator"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:716
msgid "Tap on Manual key entry"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:717
msgid "In Enter account name type WordPress.com - %s. You can type anything you want in this field to differentiate from other accounts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:718
msgid "In Enter key type: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:719
msgid "In Type of key select Time Based"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:720
msgid "Tap Save"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/class-draft-feedback.php:353
msgid ""
"Hi %1$s,\n"
"Your friend %2$s has read your draft titled \"%3$s\" and provided feedback for you to read:\n"
"You can also see their feedback here:\n"
"Thanks for flying with WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/writing-helper/class-draft-feedback.php:85
msgid ""
"Recently you were kind enough to give feedback on my draft \"%1$s\".\n"
"It is now published! Thanks so much for your help.\n"
"Here’s the published version, and please share if you wish:\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:212
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:16
msgid "Active Email Forwards"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward-row.php:1
msgid "%1$s forwards to %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/scrollider-express.php:40
msgid "Site-title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/scrollider-express.php:197
msgid "Primary Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/scrollider-express.php:211
msgid "Secondary Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2730
msgid "(unknown or deleted)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:185
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:35
msgid "New Address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:196
msgid "Existing Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:26
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/templates/domain-management-email-forward.php:52
msgid "Add New Email Forward"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/domains/email.php:62
msgid "Manage Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:685
msgid "Tap on Scan Barcode"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:698
msgid "Tap the menu button in Google Authenticator"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:699
msgid "Tap on Set up account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:701
msgid "Tap on Scan a barcode"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:706
msgid "Tap on Enter key provided"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:710
msgid "Tap Add"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:990
msgid "Chat live with a WordPress.com specialist anytime between 7am and 7pm Eastern time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/my-comments.php:120
msgid "Help us try out a new version of this page, which combines your Likes and Comments in one view!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/follow-recos/class.wpcom-follow-recommender.php:371
#: wp-content/lib/follow-recos/class.wpcom-follow-recommender.php:373
msgid "Followed by people with similar interests"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/misc.php:1853
msgid "Sorry, but your username can't contain the phrase \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/private-blog.php:369
msgid "I would like my links to be public, without being passed through a referrer hider."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:724
msgid "Playlist Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/gallery-settings.php:18
msgid "Thumbnail Grid"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tiled-gallery.php:362
msgid "Tiled Mosaic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/pachyderm.php:51
msgid "Links & Quote Post Format"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/pachyderm.php:59
msgid "Link & Image Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/pachyderm.php:15
msgid "Site Title, Aside & Video Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/pachyderm.php:38
msgid "Navigation, Post Titles, Sticky & Gallery Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:208
msgid "That it's okay to start billing you $%s per month as soon as you sign up. (You can cancel at anytime.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/little-story.php:40
msgid "Navigation & Sticky Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/little-story.php:88
msgid "Links & Additional Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/little-story.php:99
msgid "Additional Headings & Sub-menu Navigation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:369
msgid "{{ date }} at {{ time }}"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/import.php:10
msgid "The file you uploaded did not appear to be OPML. Check that you have the correct file and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/import.php:9
msgid "Your subscription file has been uploaded; you will receive an e-mail confirmation after the import process finishes. You can close this page, return to your Blogs I Follow list, or import another file below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/import.php:11
msgid "You uploaded a .zip file; you need to upload the subscriptions XML file, which is likely inside the .zip file."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/import.php:13
msgid "Most feed readers will allow you to export your subscriptions as an OPML or XML file. To transfer those subscriptions to the WordPress.com Reader, upload the file here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/comment-template.php:1857
msgctxt "1: date, 2: time"
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:671
msgid "+ expand source"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1015
msgid "Highlighter Version"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1020
msgid "Version 3.x"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1021
msgid "Version 2.x"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1029
msgid "Version 3 allows visitors to easily highlight portions of your code with their mouse (either by dragging or double-clicking) and copy it to their clipboard. No toolbar containing a Flash-based button is required."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1030
msgid "Version 2 allows for line wrapping, something that version 3 does not do at this time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1058
msgid "All of the settings below can be configured on a per-code block basis, but you can control the defaults of all code blocks here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1073
msgid "Wrap long lines (v2.x only, disabling this will make a scrollbar show instead)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1116
msgid "Some optional default text to display above each code block or as the clickable text for collapsed code blocks."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1185
msgctxt "language parameter"
msgid "%1$s or %2$s — The language syntax to highlight with. You can alternately just use that as the tag, such as [php]code[/php]. Click here for a list of valid tags (under "aliases")."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1186
msgctxt "autolinks parameter"
msgid "%s — Toggle automatic URL linking."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1187
msgctxt "classname parameter"
msgid "%s — Add an additional CSS class to the code box."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1188
msgctxt "collapse parameter"
msgid "%s — Toggle collapsing the code box by default, requiring a click to expand it. Good for large code posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1189
msgctxt "firstline parameter"
msgid "%s — An interger specifying what number the first line should be (for the line numbering)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1190
msgctxt "gutter parameter"
msgid "%s — Toggle the left-side line numbering."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1191
msgctxt "highlight parameter"
msgid "%1$s — A comma-separated list of line numbers to highlight. You can also specify a range. Example: %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1192
msgctxt "htmlscript parameter"
msgid "%s — Toggle highlighting any extra HTML/XML. Good for when you're mixing HTML/XML with another language, such as having PHP inside an HTML web page. The above preview has it enabled for example. This only works with certain languages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1193
msgctxt "light parameter"
msgid "%s — Toggle light mode which disables the gutter and toolbar all at once."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1194
msgctxt "padlinenumbers parameter"
msgid "%s — Controls line number padding. Valid values are false (no padding), true (automatic padding), or an integer (forced padding)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1195
msgctxt "title parameter"
msgid "%1$s (v3 only) — Sets some text to show up before the code. Very useful when combined with the %2$s parameter."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1196
msgctxt "toolbar parameter"
msgid "%s — Toggle the toolbar (buttons in v2, the about question mark in v3)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/syntaxhighlighter.php:1197
msgctxt "wraplines parameter"
msgid "%s (v2 only) — Toggle line wrapping."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:137
msgid "Your Import is Complete"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:194
msgid "Your subscriptions imported successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:195
msgid "Visit the Reader to catch up on the latest items from these feeds: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:197
msgid "New blogs followed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:204
msgid "Blogs you were already following: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:219
msgid "Invalid feed URLs: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:228
msgid "Private feeds that you don't have access to: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:235
msgid "Feeds that couldn't be subscribed to: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:245
msgid "Your subscriptions could not be imported. Confirm that your file is in the OPML format, and try again: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2045
msgid "Art & Design"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2049
msgid "Crafts & Home"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2058
msgid "Popular Culture & Entertainment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2060
msgid "Science & Technology"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:86
msgid "Your OPML file could not be read."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:306
msgid "View Original"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:237
msgid "Do Not Matter"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:309
msgid "This feature is a part of Custom Design."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:310
msgid "Purchase to make it live"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:311
msgid "%1$s or %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:547
msgid "With the Custom Design upgrade you can make your blog look and feel exactly the way you want."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/preview-control.php:20
msgid "Don’t ask me about upgrading to Custom Design"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/preview-control.php:20
msgid "Hide this message"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/site-confirmed.php:75
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/site-confirmed.php:56
msgid "You can change your delivery preferences in your subscription dashboard"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:709
msgid "You can change your delivery preferences in your subscription dashboard. You can have emails sent when they are published, or aggregated and sent once a day or once a week."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/reservations.php:10
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/reservations.php:15
msgid "Reservations"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/reservations.php:16
msgid "Reservation Inquiry"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/reservations.php:25
msgid "# Adults"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/reservations.php:26
msgid "# Children"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/reservations.php:27
msgid "Arrival"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/reservations.php:28
msgid "Departure"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/reservations.php:45
msgid "E-mail Subject:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:236 wp-includes/general-template.php:237
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:244
msgctxt "label"
msgid "Search for:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:239 wp-includes/general-template.php:246
msgctxt "submit button"
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:321
msgid "Check the configuration of your domain registration with our diagnostic tool."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:332
msgid "If your domain has expired very recently, you may be able to get it back by simply renewing from the Store → My Upgrades link in your dashboard. If it has been longer, it may not be retrievable, but send us a contact request and we'll try to lend a hand."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:367
msgid "Your comment is awaiting approval"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:396
msgid "To embed a tweet or YouTube video, paste its URL on a line by itself."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css-in-customizer.php:86
msgid "Don't use the theme's original CSS."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css-in-customizer.php:134
msgid "Start Fresh"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css-in-customizer.php:135
msgid "On Mobile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css-in-customizer.php:123
msgid "Set a different content width for videos, full size images, and other shortcodes if necessary."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css-in-customizer.php:126
msgid " The default content width for the %s theme is %d pixels."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-readertopics.php:41
msgid "
Check out what others are writing about:
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:434
msgid "Find out more about WordPress.com Connect"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:329
msgid "Domain Expiration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:333
msgid "You can read all about domain expiration and troubleshooting here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:345
msgid "Add a DNS Zone"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:347
msgid "If your hosting provider has told you that you need to have a DNS zone or master zone created, enter your domain name below, and we may be able to add it for you right away."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:356
msgid "Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:358
msgid "If you believe that content hosted on wordpress.com infringes your copyrights, you may send us an infringement notice by following the instructions at: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:365
msgid "Suspended Blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:367
msgid "Has your blog been suspended? It is possible that it has violated our terms of service. If you believe the blog has been suspended by mistake or if you would like to make the corrections necessary to be in compliance with the terms of service, please contact support via the form on this page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:377
msgid "Jetpack adds to your self-hosted blog features that used to be available only to WordPress.com blogs, such as WordPress.com-powered stats. If you would like to learn more about the features and installation requirements, please see our FAQ. If you are experiencing problems with your Jetpack, please see this troubleshooting guide."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:413
msgid " for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:426
msgid "Receipts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:428
msgid "Although you should have gotten an email receipt at the time of purchase, you can request a fresh copy by choosing the relevant upgrade from the list below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:443
msgid "The following upgrades for your blog %s are eligible for refunds:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:453
msgid "Request a refund for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/support/docs.php:464
msgid "Refunds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:1387
msgid "Header Image:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:555
msgid "Your design snapshots"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:948
msgid "Custom CSS:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:1006
msgid "Fonts:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:1212
msgid "Colors:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:67
msgid "Front"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:72
msgid "Your blog name and description are very important. The title is used to name the browser window, and search engines display them on their search results."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:73
msgid "You can choose whether to show a static page as your front page, or a dynamic view with your latest posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:33
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:34
msgid "To update your password enter a new one below. Your password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! \" ? $ % ^ & )."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:46
msgid "If you can't think of a good password use the button below to generate one."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:82
msgid "Account Options"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:814
msgid "Two Step Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:928
msgid "Active Application Passwords"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:929
msgid "Below are the application specific passwords you have generated for your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:237
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Search …"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:61
msgid "Follow and unfollow another blog."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:77
msgid "View Freshly Pressed posts from the WordPress.com homepage."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:148
msgid "Tests"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:149
msgid "Endpoints for testing API calls."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:117
msgid "Search within a site."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:85
msgid "Control of a user's notifications."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:312
msgid "What permissions are being granted?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/bandpage-connect/widgets/bandpage-base.php:104
msgid "Disconnect BandPage"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:29
msgid "View metadata on a blog."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:37
msgid "View and manage posts including reblogs and likes."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:45
msgid "View and manage a post's comments."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:52
msgid "Taxonomy"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/class.wpcom-json-api-groups.php:53
msgid "View and manage a site's tags and categories."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:575
msgid "Search for \"Google Authenticator\" on the App Store"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:576
msgid "Scan this code to be directed to the App Store."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:582
msgid "Search for \"Google Authenticator\" on the Google Play Store"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:583
msgid "Scan this code to be directed to the Google Play Store."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:590
msgid "Scan this code to be directed to the download."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:139
msgid "You must be logged in to post a comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/typekit-customizer-control.php:19
msgid "Default Theme Font"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/typekit-customizer-control.php:20
msgid "Pick a Font"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/typekit-customizer-control.php:21
msgid "Text Size Adjust"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/typekit-customizer-control.php:22
msgid "Font Style"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css-in-customizer.php:106
msgid "Preprocessor"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-mobile.php:284
msgid "Always show posts on the front page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-mobile.php:286
msgid "Show excerpts on front page and on archive pages instead of full posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:189
msgid "The application and all of its connections have been deleted."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:192
msgid "A new application has been added."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:196
msgid "The application has been updated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:200
msgid "The application and all of its connections have been deleted. The owner has been marked as spammed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:211
msgid "Add New Application"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:573
msgid "Download Google Authenticator on the App Store »"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:580
msgid "Download Google Authenticator on the Google Play Store »"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:587
msgid "Download Google Authenticator »"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:598
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:613
msgid "Verify Code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:599
msgid "Verifying..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:612
msgid "Download App"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:657
msgid "Please choose your type of smartphone to get the app:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:659
msgid "iPhone"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:660
msgid "Android"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:661
msgid "BlackBerry"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:686
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:702
msgid "Use your phone camera to scan the following barcode:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:683
msgid "Tap + in Google Authenticator"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:690
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:709
msgid "Select Time Based"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:691
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:707
msgid "In Account type WordPress.com - %s. You can type anything you want in this field to differentiate from other accounts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:693
msgid "Tap Done"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:727
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:788
msgid "Type the generated code:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:798
msgid "Can't scan the barcode?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:799
msgid "Prefer to scan the barcode?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3886
msgid "Purchase domain registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:266
msgid "Are you sure you want to stop Publicizing posts to this connection?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3218
msgid "Use popular email providers to create a personalized email address (you@example.com)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/recent-comments-widget.php:244
msgctxt "Comment Widget. 1=comment author, 2=post link"
msgid "%1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/trophy-case.php:90
msgid "My, aren’t you a prolific publisher! Take a look at all the achievements you’ve earned so far. Maybe you should blog about ‘em."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tag-cloud-widget.php:15
msgid "Your most-used tags in cloud format."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/trophy-case.php:89
msgid "Trophy Case"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:16
msgid "If you don't want to renew, you can disable automatic renewal under Store > My Upgrades in your dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:13
msgid "If you don't want to renew, you can disable automatic renewal under Store > My Upgrades in your dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4013
msgid "Show a hit counter for your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4052
msgid "Hit counter is delayed by up to 60 seconds."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4114
msgid "List the most-clicked links on your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2047
msgid "Yes! Start Mapping My Domain ‣"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/authors.php:16
msgid "Display blogs authors with avatars and recent posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-ads.php:123
msgid "WordPress.com Enterprise Ads needs a little extra configuration behind the scenes. Please contact support to make it happen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-post.php:788
msgid "View Gallery %d Images →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/kent.php:35
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/on-a-whim.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/crafty.php:21
msgid "Link & Primary Accent Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/crafty.php:36
msgid "Link Hover & Menu Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/crafty.php:42
msgid "Site Title Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/feed-migration.php:99
msgid "Your OPML file could not be imported."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/import.php:2
msgid "Import a List of Blogs to Follow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/import.php:15
msgid "Select an OPML file:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/blocco.php:26
msgid "Blocks"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/blocco.php:91
msgid "Menu & Buttons"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:31
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:29
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:30
msgid "Add Your Content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:32
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:31
msgid "Check out the post editor to see how it all works, then add content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:36
msgid "Please note, students must be at least 13 years old to register. Students under 13 must get permission from their parents to have a WordPress.com account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:40
msgid "Connect with Your Students"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:41
msgid "Leverage our powerful sharing tools to keep your class in the loop."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:57
msgid "Warning! You cannot delete a site if it has a domain registration upgrade because you need access to the site in order to get to the domain manager."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:122
msgid "Free up my site's address so somebody else can use it"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:123
msgid "Permanently delete my site's address and all content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:134
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:151
msgid "Subtitles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:136
msgid "Manage Subtitles →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:287
msgid "This subtitles file is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/videopress/subtitles.php:434
msgid "Russian"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/export/writers.php:95 wp-includes/export/writers.php:159
msgid "WP Export: error opening %s for writing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/export/writers.php:112 wp-includes/export/writers.php:147
msgid "WP Export: error writing to export file."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/keyboard.php:33
msgid "shift + esc"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:56
msgid "Mute Push Notifications"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:680
msgid "Unlimited Storage"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/google-plus-author-link.php:44
msgid "Link your Google Plus profile to the content you create and enable special metadata for content in Google search results. Each author will need to add Google Plus as a verified service to their account. Learn more about verified services."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/google-plus-author-link.php:50
msgid "Google Plus author metadata:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/google-plus-author-link.php:43
msgid "Google Plus Author Metadata"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-mobile.php:290
msgid "Turn off the Custom Header text color? (select \"Yes\" to use the mobile theme's default black header text color)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:58
msgid "If you do not want to use your site any more please make it private. Other users won’t be able to visit the site but you can still access the Dashboard so you can get to the domain manager."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:92
msgid "Thank you. Please check your email for a link to confirm your action. Your site will not be deleted until this link is clicked."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:95
msgid "The site you are deleting is linked to your WordPress.com user profile. Before you delete this site you should edit your profile and change the \"Website\" entry."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:101
msgid "Thank you for using WordPress.com, your site has been deleted. Happy trails to you until we meet again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:103
msgid "The site you deleted is linked to your WordPress.com user profile. When you leave a comment on a WordPress.com powered site your name will be linked to this site. You can change the site here by editing the \"Website\" entry."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:114
msgid "Did you know that deleting a site removes both the site name and the content forever? Chances are pretty good that there's a better solution. "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:118
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:128
msgid "Change my site's address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:119
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:132
msgid "Transfer my site to another user"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:121
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:143
msgid "Empty my site of all content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:147
msgid "Free up the site name so somebody else can use it"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:129
msgid "Deleting a site causes its name to become unavailable forever. If you wish merely to change your site's address, please try our handy Changing a Site Address tool instead."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:133
msgid "Deleting a site causes its name to become unavailable forever, even if you're attempting merely to change the name in hopes that another user can recover it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:134
msgid "To assign a site name to another user, please try moving a site to another user instead."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:138
msgid "Deleting a site is not necessary if you wish to move to another host. You can just leave the site intact -- we promise we don't mind. If you wish to hide the content, you can simply change the privacy options."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:140
msgid "Finally, if you are ready to export your content to another WordPress site, you might find our Export instructions useful. And if doing the move yourself scares you, you might be a good candidate for a Guided Transfer, a paid service in which our Happiness Engineers do the heavy lifting of transferring your site off-site for you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:144
msgid "If you wish to empty your site of all of its content but keep the site name, please contact support, and one of our Happiness Engineers will be glad to lend a hand. Do note that once the site is emptied, the content is gone forever, so please make sure you mean it before you ask us to empty your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:148
msgid "At this time, there is no way to free up a site name. Once you've registered a name, it's yours. If you're trying to free it up so that someone else can use it, you might want to try moving a site to another user instead."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:151
msgid "Permanently delete the site and all content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:153
msgid "If you do not want %s to exist any more, you can delete it. This CAN NOT be undone. It is permanent. All of your posts and data, and this site's address (%s) will be gone forever."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:157
msgid "I want to permanently remove %s and I am aware I can never get its content or its address back."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:159
msgid "If you could take a sentence to tell us why you’re deleting this site we would really appreciate it. If you are moving your site someplace else, let us know where!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/follow-recos/class.wpcom-follow-recommender.php:372
msgid "Followed by sites you've liked"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/follow-recos/class.wpcom-follow-recommender.php:369
msgid "You've liked posts on this site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/follow-recos/class.wpcom-follow-recommender.php:370
msgid "Followed by bloggers you follow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/follow-recommendations.php:509
msgid "Recommended in topic: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:453
msgid "Your theme isn't supported by Custom Themes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:725
msgid "%s px"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/follow-recommendations.php:41
msgid "You May Like"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/flickr.php:8
msgid "Display your recent Flickr photos."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:519
msgid "This is a wordpress.com blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/theme-helpers/premium-further.php:22
msgid "%7$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout.php:94
msgid "New Credit Card"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/follow-recommendations.php:543
msgid "Featured on Freshly Pressed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/category-cloud.php:8
msgid "Your most used categories in cloud format."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/category-cloud.php:97
msgid "Maximum number of categories to show:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/category-cloud.php:105
msgid "Category IDs, separated by commas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/videopress/admin.php:88
msgid "Processing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:22
msgid "No notifications. Time to go bowling."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/admin.php:107
msgid "Mark Spam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/admin.php:163
msgid "Feedback(s) marked as spam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:186
msgid "Enterprise Removed From Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:182
msgid "Enterprise Added To Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:190
msgid "New Enterprise Sign-up"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/box-net.php:43
msgid "Box.net provides secure online file storage and sharing functionality."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/box-net.php:44
msgid "This widget will let you share all your files with your blog visitors directly on your blog page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/box-net.php:45
msgid "To make this widget work, you must go get some HTML code and then paste it below. You may change the height and width to fit your theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/box-net.php:48
msgid "Width: %s px"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/box-net.php:50
msgid "Height: %s px"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/delicious.php:16
msgid "Adds a sidebar widget to display del.icio.us links."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/delicious.php:83
msgid "del.icio.us login:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/delicious.php:89
msgid "Number of links:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/delicious.php:95
msgid "Show bookmarks tagged with all of these tags:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/delicious.php:97
msgid "separated by spaces"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:715
msgid "(includes an %s late fee)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-plugins/grunion-postify.php:28
msgid "You are not allowed to postify this feedback."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-plugins/grunion-postify.php:31
msgid "You are not allowed to create new posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-cc-expired.php:11
msgid "The payment information for %1$s on %3$s is out of date, our records indicate that it expired in %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-cc-expired.php:19
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-cc-expired.php:26
msgid "You asked us to renew %s automatically every year, but we'll need your new payment information to renew it on time for you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-cc-expired.php:7
msgid "The payment information for %1$s on %3$s is out of date, our records indicate that it expired in %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:45
msgid "All category pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:59
msgid "All author pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:70
msgid "All tag pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:84
msgid "All date archives"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:85
msgid "Daily archives"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:87
msgid "Yearly archives"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:101
msgid "404 error page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widget-conditions.php:116
msgid "Static page:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-following.php:46
msgid "%d blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-following.php:50
msgid "Date Followed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3127
msgid "Your domain (%1$s) has already been renewed until %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:276
msgid "This domain expired over %d days ago, unfortunately this now means you need to Contact Support to renew or you may cancel this domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:774
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:800
msgid "%d bloggers like this:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/video-header/video-header.php:90
msgid "Please provide a video URL from either VideoPress, YouTube, or Vimeo."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2312
msgid "I already own %s and would like to map it to WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:374
msgid "Purchase & Activate"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-details.php:38
msgid "Start a Blog with this theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:368
msgid "Start a site with this theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:373
msgid "Start a blog and purchase this theme to start using it for your WordPress.com site now."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-demo-sites-display.php:433
msgid "Choose a site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-email-follow-page.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-following.php:4
msgid "Edit Blogs I Follow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/edit-following.php:17
msgid "Enter a Blog URL to Follow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/manage.php:84
msgid "Email Notifications"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/followed-blog-item.php:36
msgid "Unfollow this Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/followed-blog-item.php:46
msgid "Send new posts by email:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/followed-blog-item.php:56
msgid "Send new comments by email:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-plugins/grunion-postify.php:41
msgid "Could not create an empty post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-plugins/grunion-postify.php:53
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-options-checks.php:65
msgid "Something went wrong. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-plugins/grunion-postify.php:69
msgid "Create a post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/video-header/video-header.php:51
msgid "Video Header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:695
msgid "Chargeback"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/expired-domain-notice.php:6
msgid "The domain upgrade on your blog \"%1$s\" has expired yesterday on %2$s. Your blog is no longer available on the domain \"%3$s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2016
msgid "Do you have anything else you want to add? Please note that we cannot accept publicly published material as proof of account ownership."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/my-life.php:27
msgid "Links & Navigation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:17
msgid "My Grav."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/classes/class-wpcom-liveblog-entry.php:239
msgid "Error retrieving user"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:577
msgid "Loading preview…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:580
msgid "Edit Entry"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-read.php:16
msgid "Other posts you might enjoy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-read.php:79
msgid "More posts about %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-post.php:878
msgid "Report spam"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/classes/class-wpcom-liveblog-entry.php:147
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/classes/class-wpcom-liveblog-entry.php:181
msgid "Missing entry ID"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/classes/class-wpcom-liveblog-entry.php:217
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/classes/class-wpcom-liveblog-entry.php:235
msgid "Error retrieving comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:494
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:569
msgid "Error {error-code}: {error-message}"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:495
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:570
msgid "Error: {error-message}"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:68
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:516
msgid "a few seconds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:69
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:517
msgid "a minute"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:70
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:518
msgid "%d minutes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:519
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:878
msgid "an hour"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:521
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:880
msgid "a day"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:72
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:522
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:881
msgid "%d days"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:73
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:523
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:882
msgid "a month"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:74
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:524
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:883
msgid "%d months"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:75
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:525
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:884
msgid "a year"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:76
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:526
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:885
msgid "%d years"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:571
msgid "Liveblog: {number} new update"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:572
msgid "Liveblog: {number} new updates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:744
msgid "Enables liveblog on this post. Posting tools are enabled for editors, visitors get the latest updates."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:744
msgid "There is an enabled liveblog on this post. Visit the liveblog →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:746
msgid "Archives the liveblog on this post. Visitors still see the liveblog entries, but posting tools are hidden."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:746
msgid "There is an archived liveblog on this post. Visit the liveblog archive →"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:752
msgid "This is a normal WordPress post, without a liveblog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-loop.php:3
msgid "This liveblog is archived. If you need to publish new updates or edit or delete the old ones, you need to enable it first."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:172
msgid "You also have %d hidden blog."
msgid_plural "You also have %d hidden blogs."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:106
msgid "Set up your online portfolio in seconds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:88
msgid "Read the blogs and topics you follow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:89
msgid "View a list of your sites and access their dashboards"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:137
msgid "My Blog Admin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:150
msgid "Update your profile, password, and personal settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:156
msgid "Find your friends from Twitter, Facebook, or Google"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:157
msgid "Get help with using WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/header.php:158
msgid "Sign out of WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:203
msgid "Store Unlimited videos"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:55
msgid "Loading design tools…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:73
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:131
msgid "No premium themes included"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:199
msgid "50+ premium themes included"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:59
msgid "for life"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:66
msgid "WordPress.com address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:69
msgid "Basic customization"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:77
msgid "No video storage"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:81
msgid "3 GB of space"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:93
msgid "Community support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:127
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:195
msgid "Advanced customization"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:135
msgid "Store dozens of videos"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:139
msgid "13 GB of space"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:151
msgid "Direct Email support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:207
msgid "Unlimited space"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/plans.php:219
msgid "Live Chat support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1668
msgid "delete this image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1617
msgid "Add Credit Card"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:394
msgid "Domain Late Renewal Fee"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:108
msgid "Blog Admin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/coupons.php:598
msgid "All Products"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tos-report-form.php:105
msgid "Email entered is not valid"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tos-report-form.php:110
msgid "URL entered is not valid"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tos-report-form.php:129
msgid "You've reached complaints for the free blogs hosted at WordPress.com. The site you've indicated is not running on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:109
msgid "Check Stats"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:113
msgid "view drafts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:117
msgid "Change Appearance"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:58
msgid "Saving changes…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/blog-verification-tools.php:138
msgid "Website Verification Services"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/blog-verification-tools.php:139
msgid "Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:59
msgid "Your design is published!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:387
msgid "Your about.me URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:394
msgid "sign up and make your page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:407
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:412
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:419
msgid " Please contact help@about.me for support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:430
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:435
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:442
msgid " Please email help@about.me for support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:451
msgid "about.me server returns empty data. Please email help@about.me for support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:454
msgid "An unknown error occurs while communicating with the about.me server. Please email help@about.me for support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:621
msgid "Visit My Upgrades"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3106
msgid "Your domain %1$s is registered with us, but expired on %2$s – %3$s ago. Please contact WordPress.com Support for more information about renewing this domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:709
msgid "Sorry, this report is only visible to members of this site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2012-page.php:806
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:996
msgid "%d Report"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:506
msgid "About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were Liechtenstein, it would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it. Your blog had more visits than a small country in Europe!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2012-page.php:604
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:671
msgid "That's %d countries in all!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:556
msgid "You'll get your domain mapping (%s) plus:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:559
msgid "You'll get your custom domain (%s) plus:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:224
msgid "No stored Payment Data"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2012-page.php:696
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:765
msgid "Want to share this report with your readers? "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2012-page.php:701
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:770
msgid "Clicking the button below will make your report public and create a draft post for you:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2012-page.php:705
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:774
msgid "Post a summary to my blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:1243
msgid "Did you know you can view enhanced stats on WordPress.com?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/shopping-cart.php:836
msgid "Cart: %s item"
msgid_plural "Cart: %s items"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:161
msgid "See the #fireworks I created by blogging on %1$s. My %2$d annual report. "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:164
msgid "See the #fireworks %1$s created by blogging on %2$s. Their %3$d annual report. "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:890
msgctxt "post title for posts with no title"
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:892
msgctxt "\"Reblog: \" title in annual reports"
msgid "Reblog: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:678
msgid "Get unlimited free access to 50+ premium themes that cost $40-$130 each"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:678
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:103
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:38
msgid "Unlimited Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:679
msgid "Talk to a WordPress.com specialist in real time with live chat support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:503
msgid "12.5 million new people joined the WordPress.com community in %1$d. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If every new WordPresser visited this blog, it would take %3$s years for them all to see it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:504
msgid "8 million people saw The Hobbit on its opening weekend. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If every person who saw The Hobbit visited this blog, it would take %3$s years for them all to read it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:505
msgid "3,200,000 people watched the Mars Rover land. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If this blog were a video of the Rover landing, it would take about %3$s days for that many people to see it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:507
msgid "19,000 people fit into the new Barclays Center to see Jay-Z perform. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were a concert at the Barclays Center, it would take about %3$s sold-out performances for that many people to see it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:509
msgid "600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about %2$s views in %1$d. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken %3$s years to get that many views."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:510
msgid "The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were a Dreamliner, it would take about %3$s trips to carry that many people."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:511
msgid "The London Olympic Stadium is 53 meters high. This blog had about %2$s visitors in %1$d. If every visitor were a meter, this blog would be %3$s times taller than the Olympic Stadium – not too shabby."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:516
msgid "20,005 entries were submitted to the 2012 National Geographic Photo of the Year contest. This blog was viewed %2$s times in %1$d. If each view were a photo, this blog could run %3$s contests."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:517
msgid "90 photographers worked the red carpet at the 2012 Academy Awards. This blog had %2$s views in %1$d. If each view was a photographer, you could shoot %3$s Academy Awards ceremonies."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:523
msgid "15,000 cans of diet soda were consumed at New York Fashion Week. This blog had about %2$s views in %1$d. If these were cans of diet soda, they’d power %3$s Fashion Weeks."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:508
msgid "4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had %2$s views in %1$d. If each view were a film, this blog would power %3$s Film Festivals"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:524
msgid "100 lucky friends got to attend the Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel wedding. This blog had about %2$s visitors in %1$d. If it were viewed exclusively by their wedding guests, they’d have to get married %3$s times. That’s a lot of gifts!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:531
msgid "5,000 people attended the Aspen Food and Wine Festival. This blog had about %2$s views in %1$d. If each view were a foodie, this blog would power %3$s festivals."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports.php:532
msgid "75 or so people get to eat dinner at Per Se every year. This blog had about %2$s views in %1$d. If this blog were Per Se, it would take %3$s years to serve that many people."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:631
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:43
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:61
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/class-connected-apps.php:645
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2012-page.php:230
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:288
msgid "Annual Report"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2012-page.php:275
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:338
msgid "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your blog’s activity in %d. Start scrolling!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/misty-lake.php:15
msgid "Links, Accent & Site Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/misty-lake.php:29
msgid "Menu Link Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:751
msgid "Following."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2012-email.php:52
msgid "Your 2012 in blogging"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-display.php:92
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:473
msgid "Comment Likes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:409
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:432
msgid "Email has been sent to help@about.me for support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:463
msgid "Bio Photo"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:470
msgid "Display X-Large"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:471
msgid "Display Large"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:472
msgid "Display Medium"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:473
msgid "Display Small"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:474
msgid "Don't Display Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:483
msgid "Biography"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:488
msgid "Apps"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/track-support-response-time.php:95
msgid "Could not get a %1$s user_id for the user %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:906
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:983
msgid "WordPress.com Business"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:678
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:679
msgid "Talk to a WordPress.com specialist in real time with a live chat support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:987
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1211
msgid "All the benefits of our Pro service, plus the ability to: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:988
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1213
msgid "Try any one of our 200+ themes and change as often as you like, no extra charge."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:680
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:914
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:989
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1214
msgid "Upload all the video and audio files you want with unlimited storage."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:991
msgid "Build connections with custom contact forms that help you gather critical data about your customers."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:992
msgid "Rely on us to monitor your security with alerts if an unknown computer logs into your account. "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:51
msgid "Muted Blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:52
msgid "Blogs I don't want receive push notifications"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:28
msgid "You and 1 other person like this"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:979
msgid "You and %s other people like this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-themes/custom-themes.php:153
msgid "Custom Theme:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grofiles.php:533
msgid "Learn about choosing great passwords."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:46
msgid "Achievements"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:47
msgid "I've reached an achievement on my blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:1437
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:1448
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:1458
msgid "views"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:1443
msgid "Best ever"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery.php:332
msgid "Tiles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tiled-gallery.php:363
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery.php:333
msgid "Square Tiles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:2757
msgid "Views per Visitor: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:499
msgid "Views per Visitor: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:369
msgid "Build a compelling website with custom branding, reliable hosting, bulletproof security, and more than 100 plugins; no developers needed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:384
msgid "Rock-solid hosting and bulletproof security."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:68
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:104
msgid "You shouldn't be here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2869
msgid "Your upgrades automatically renew every month from the date of your original purchase. When a month passes, we’ll attempt to charge the credit card or Paypal account you used to make your initial upgrade purchase. You can cancel automatic renewal at any time prior by visiting the My Upgrades section of your blog’s Dashboard and clicking Disable Auto-Renew next to the upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2878
msgid "We’ll notify you three times via email prior to renewing a non-domain upgrade. We’ll notify you a week prior to renewing a domain on your behalf, and attempt to renew the domain 30 days prior to expiration."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2880
msgid "We’ll notify you a week prior to renewing a non-domain upgrade. We’ll notify you 90 days and 60 days prior to renewing a domain on your behalf, and attempt to renew the domain 30 days prior to expiration."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentythirteen.php:86
msgid "Galleries"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:32
msgid "This form requires JavaScript"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:33
msgid "You'll need to enable JavaScript in your browser to sign up for WordPress.com Enterprise."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:470
msgid "Views: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:641
msgid "Currently using %sGB."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:97
msgid "You're ahead of the pack"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:99
msgid "You already have a pretty WordPress.com template, so we'll keep using it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:101
msgid "You can easily change the design, layout, and branding with CSS and JavaScript later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:106
msgid "Which theme would you like to start with?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:206
msgid "By clicking \"I agree\" below, you acknowledge and agree:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:209
msgid "To our relatively straightforward Terms of Service, as follows:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:27
msgid "Someone comments one of my posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:496
msgid "Visitors: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/disk-space-checker/disk-space-checker.php:97
msgid "You are currently using %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1362
msgid "You do not have permission to perform this action."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:2743
msgid "Could not insert term relationship into the database"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:443
msgid "Caption this image…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:718
msgid "Random Order"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:358
msgid "Your account has not been activated. We sent you an email with a link to activate.
Resend activation email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-connect.php:172
msgid "We sent you an email with a link to activate. Please check your email."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-connect.php:400
msgid "
Your account has not been activated. We sent you an email with a link to activate.
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/olark.php:179
msgid "Site : "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/olark.php:180
msgid "Network Admin : "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/olark.php:181
msgid "Upgrades and Transactions : "
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:248
msgid "%1$s replied to your comment on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:650
msgid "Unlimited Premium Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/bundle-upsell.php:679
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:675
msgid "Live Support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/inc/tags.php:329
msgid "1 post"
msgid_plural "%s posts"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2908
msgid "%d selected"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2938
msgid "Insert from URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:132
#: wp-includes/media.php:2941
msgid "Set Featured Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:56
msgid "Customize your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/comment-like.php:44
msgid "%1$s liked your comment on %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:57
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:849
msgid "Mode:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:850
msgid "Add-on"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:850
msgid "Replacement"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:857
msgid "Add-on CSS (Recommended)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:862
msgid "Replace theme's CSS(Advanced)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:197
msgctxt "Links widget"
msgid "Random"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2951
msgid "Add to Gallery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/contact-info/contact-info.php:191
msgid "Sorry. We can not plot this address. a map will not be displayed. Is the address formatted correctly?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/cheer.php:24
msgid "Links, Navigation, & Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/cheer.php:37
msgid "Entry Headings & Masthead"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:687
msgid ""
"New to CSS? Start with a beginner tutorial. Questions?\n"
"\t\tAsk in the Themes and Templates forum."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:875
msgid "Save & Buy Upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2415
msgid "You will receive a refund for this domain as it was purchased less than %d days ago."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2417
msgid "You will not receive a refund of the cost of this domain as it was purchased more than %d days ago or there was a problem finding your payment. Please contact support if you have any queries about this cancellation."
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/header.php:111
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/newdash-themes-footer.php:12
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-header.php:36
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:80
#: wp-content/themes/h4/header.php:267
msgid "WordPress Themes for Blogs at WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2952
msgid "Reverse order"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:724
msgid "Content Width:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:733
msgid "Limit width to %1$s pixels for videos, full size images, and other shortcodes. (More info.)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-mobile.php:260
msgid "Mobile-compatible:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-mobile.php:267
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-mobile.php:318
msgid "Include this CSS in the Mobile Theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-admin-bar-store-link.php:54
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:58
msgid "Go Premium"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:322
msgid "You can upload and insert media (images, audio, documents, etc.) by clicking the Add Media button. You can select from the images and files already uploaded to the Media Library, or upload new media to add to your page or post. To create an image gallery, select the images to add and click the “Create a new gallery” button."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:323
msgid "You can also embed media from many popular websites including Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and others by pasting the media URL on its own line into the content of your post/page. Please refer to the Codex to learn more about embeds."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-connect/user-activation-template.php:212
msgid "Sign in to %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/instagram/template.php:24
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/twitter/template.php:38
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/services/youtube/template.php:31
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:436
msgid "Deselect"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/simfo.php:47
msgid "Body Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:21
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:700
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1504
msgid "Comment on this post?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:1036
msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2455
msgid "No editor could be selected."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2909
msgid "Drag and drop to reorder images."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2912
msgid "Upload Files"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2913
msgid "Upload Images"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2918
msgid "Create a new gallery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2921
msgid "← Return to library"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2922
msgid "All media items"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2926
msgid "Insert into page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/class.mexp.php:201
#: wp-includes/media.php:2926
msgid "Insert into post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2927
msgid "Uploaded to this page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2927
msgid "Uploaded to this post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2928
msgid ""
"You are about to permanently delete this item.\n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2945
msgid "Create Gallery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2947
msgid "← Cancel Gallery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2949
msgid "Update gallery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2950
msgid "Add to gallery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:151 wp-includes/media-template.php:157
msgid "Drop files to upload"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:173
msgid "Upload Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:237
msgid "Uploading"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:238
msgid "Dismiss Errors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:447
msgid "Describe this video…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:449
msgid "Describe this audio file…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:451
msgid "Describe this media file…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2935 wp-includes/media-template.php:314
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:459
msgid "Attachment Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:383 wp-includes/media-template.php:538
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:782
msgid "Alt Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:572
msgid "Attachment Display Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:604 wp-includes/media-template.php:682
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:805 wp-includes/media-template.php:938
msgid "Link To"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:636 wp-includes/media-template.php:811
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:953
msgid "Custom URL"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery.php:341
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:624 wp-includes/media-template.php:695
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:942
msgid "Media File"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:982
msgid ""
"To activate your user, please click the following link:\n"
"After you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:1459
msgid "Already Installed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:2061
msgid "WordPress › Success"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:511
msgid "Current Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:350 wp-includes/taxonomy.php:351
msgid "Taxonomies cannot exceed 32 characters in length"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/widgets.php:68
msgid "When changing themes, there is often some variation in the number and setup of widget areas/sidebars and sometimes these conflicts make the transition a bit less smooth. If you changed themes and seem to be missing widgets, scroll down on this screen to the Inactive Widgets area, where all of your widgets and their settings will have been saved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3483
msgid "The partial refund period for WordPress.com Enterprise is %d days from original purchase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:185
msgid "In the Header Text section of this page, you can choose whether to display this text or hide it. You can also choose a color for the text by clicking the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:186
msgid "Don’t forget to click “Save Changes” when you’re done!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:607
msgid "Choose a Custom Header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:706
msgctxt "color"
msgid "Default: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/customize.php:140
msgid "Theme Customizer Options"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:127
msgid "In the In Response To column, there are three elements. The text is the name of the post that inspired the comment, and links to the post editor for that entry. The View Post link leads to that post on your live site. The small bubble with the number in it shows the number of approved comments that post has received. If the bubble is gray, you have moderated all comments for that post. If it is blue, there are pending comments. Clicking the bubble will filter the comments screen to show only comments on that post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:263
msgid "The title field and the big Post Editing Area are fixed in place, but you can reposition all the other boxes using drag and drop. You can also minimize or expand them by clicking the title bar of each box. Use the Screen Options tab to unhide more boxes (Excerpt, Send Trackbacks, Custom Fields, Discussion, Slug, Author) or to choose a 1- or 2-column layout for this screen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:327
msgid "Inserting Media"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:333
msgid "Several boxes on this screen contain settings for how your content will be published, including:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:337
msgid "Format - Post Formats designate how your theme will display a specific post. For example, you could have a standard blog post with a title and paragraphs, or a short aside that omits the title and contains a short text blurb. Please refer to the Codex for descriptions of each post format. Your theme could enable all or some of 10 possible formats."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:348
msgid "Publish Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:215
msgid "Parent - Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have child categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional. To create a subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:205
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Uploaded to"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1296
msgid "We’ve assembled some links to get you started:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1305
msgid "or, change your theme completely"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1309
msgid "Next Steps"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1312 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1315
msgid "Edit your front page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1313 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1316
msgid "Add additional pages"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1317
msgid "Add a blog post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1319
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:34
msgid "Write your first blog post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1320
msgid "Add an About page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1322
msgid "View your site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1326
msgid "More Actions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1331
msgid "Manage widgets or menus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1341
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:27
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:26
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:25
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:25
msgid "Turn comments on or off"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1343
msgid "Learn more about getting started"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:158
msgid "Image rotation is not supported by your web host."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2547
msgid "You are using the multi-file uploader. Problems? Try the browser uploader instead."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2734
msgid "File URL:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2021
msgid "New Media Manager"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2022
msgid "Uploading files and creating image galleries has a whole new look. Check it out!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:65
msgid "You can choose whether or not your site will be crawled by robots, ping services, and spiders. If you want those services to ignore your site, click the checkbox next to “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” and click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen. Note that your privacy is not complete; your site is still visible on the web."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:66
msgid "When this setting is in effect, a reminder is shown in the At a Glance box of the Dashboard that says, “Search Engines Discouraged,” to remind you that your site is not being crawled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/async-upload.php:62
msgctxt "media item"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:143
msgid "To use a background image, simply upload it or choose an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the “Choose Image” button. You can display a single instance of your image, or tile it to fill the screen. You can have your background fixed in place, so your site content moves on top of it, or you can have it scroll with your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:144
msgid "You can also choose a background color by clicking the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:410 wp-admin/custom-header.php:856
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1847
msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid image. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1665
msgid "Hey, to help people know who you are, you should upload a %s!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/contact-info/contact-info.php:36
msgid "Display your location, hours, and contact information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/contact-info/contact-info.php:135
msgid "There was a problem getting the data to display this address on a map. Please refresh your browser and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/contact-info/contact-info.php:181
msgid "Address:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/contact-info/contact-info.php:187
msgid "Show map"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/contact-info/contact-info.php:197
msgid "Phone:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/contact-info/contact-info.php:200
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2225
msgid "This upgrade gives you the greatest customization options, aided by white-glove support and a multitude of plugins."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-dashboard.php:48
msgid "Your message has been sent! Watch your email — we’ll get back to you soon."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/templates/contact-support.tpl.php:8
msgid "How can we post automatically to Facebook from this site?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/templates/contact-support.tpl.php:9
msgid "We are using a Facebook page for our next campaign and it would be awesome if our editors won't need to double-post statuses there manually and save their time for more important endeavours."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/templates/contact-support.tpl.php:12
msgid "Can I pay by the year instead of month?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/templates/contact-support.tpl.php:13
msgid "It's easier for me to accommodate this purchase in my budget if I'm billed annually."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/templates/contact-support.tpl.php:16
msgid "Is this a bug I found?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/templates/contact-support.tpl.php:17
msgid "I did X, expected Y, and got Z. Here's a couple of screenshots, and a link where the problem reproduces."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/templates/contact-support.tpl.php:20
msgid "Which theme should I start with for my company blog?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/templates/contact-support.tpl.php:21
msgid "We'd like a slider "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:108
msgid "Pick a theme for how it presents the content — you can easily change the branding with CSS and JavaScript."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:121
msgid "These are a hand-picked sampling of the hundreds of free and premium themes you have to choose from on WordPress.com Enterprise."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:204
msgid "Before progressing to the checkout process, there are two account details we need to confirm with you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:819
msgid "Preprocessor:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:2052
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1215
msgid ""
"The following upgrade has been cancelled and payment for that upgrade has been refunded:\n"
"%1$s on %2$s\n"
"It may take up to 4 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, credit card or bank account.\n"
"If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days to pass before contacting support.\n"
"Occasionally payments take longer than normal.\n"
"If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:986
msgid ""
"The following upgrade has been cancelled and refunded:\n"
"%1$s on %2$s\n"
"It may take up to 5 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, credit card or bank account.\n"
"If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days to pass before contacting support.\n"
"Occasionally payments take longer than normal.\n"
"If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:991
msgid ""
"The following upgrade has been cancelled and a refund is being prepared:\n"
"%1$s on %2$s\n"
"It may take up to 5 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, credit card or bank account.\n"
"If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days to pass before contacting support.\n"
"Occasionally payments take longer than normal.\n"
"If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3807
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3844
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3866
msgid "Show Ratings on"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3814
msgid "Position Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results Ratings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3828
msgid "Position Post Ratings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3850
msgid "Position Page Ratings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3853
msgid "Above each blog page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3853
msgid "Below each blog page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3872
msgid "Position Comment Ratings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:3915
msgid "Save Advanced Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:632
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:634
msgid "An e-mail with your username, password and important links has been sent to your e-mail address. We hope you enjoy WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:273
msgid "Portfolio Items"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:63
msgid "We're excited to help you launch!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:417
msgid "Menu Items re-ordered."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:122
msgid "User doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:66
msgid "We are sorry to see you go"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:69
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:89
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:194
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-emails.php:219
msgid "Your action does not have a corresponding template."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1969
msgid "What email address should we contact you at?"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/is-available/functions.php:162
msgid "%s is already associated with a WordPress.com Enterprise site"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/is-available/functions.php:170
msgid "Neat. %s is already a WordPress.com site. We'll activate WordPress.com Enterprise there."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/class-enterprise-signup.php:28
msgid "Sign Up for WordPress.com Enterprise"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/class-enterprise-signup.php:121
msgid "This domain is already associated with a WordPress.com Enterprise site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:51
msgid "In order to sign up for WordPress.com Enterprise, you'll need to be logged into a valid WordPress.com account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:82
msgid "You can launch with WordPress.com Enterprise on a new or existing WordPress.com site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:136
msgid "WordPress.com has many features built in, and your WordPress.com Enterprise account gives you special access to curated plugins."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/opti.php:53
msgid "Header, Footer"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/opti.php:80
msgid "Site Title, Site Description, Header/Footer Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/opti.php:95
msgid "Text Color, Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:101
msgid "WordPress.com Enterprise has been removed from your account. Happy trails."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:123
msgid "We're sorry to see you leaving WordPress.com Enterprise, but understand this is sometimes how things are."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:124
msgid "Before you leave, here's a quick rundown on what will happen:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:126
msgid "If you're using a premium theme, you'll be switched to a free WordPress.com theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:137
msgid "Out of curiosity, why are you closing your account?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:842
msgid "per week"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3692
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:843
msgid "per month"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost.php:309
msgid "
You don't have a blog to post to. Would you like to create one?
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:374
msgid "Creating a high-profile website on a tight deadline? WordPress.com Enterprise gives you all of the easy-to-use tools from WordPress.com combined with a powerful customization layer."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:376
msgid "WordPress.com Enterprise includes:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:378
msgid "Full frontend customization — CSS, fonts from Typekit, and JavaScript."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:379
msgid "Access to 100+ plugins, including services from our Featured Partners like Facebook and Livefyre."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:380
msgid "Unlimited access to every WordPress.com theme, free or premium."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:381
msgid "Unlimited media storage and bandwidth."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:382
msgid "The ability to run advertising campaigns, with no WordPress.com ads."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:383
msgid "Your choice of analytics, including Google Analytics and Chartbeat."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:385
msgid "World-class support from WordPress.com experts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost.php:43
msgid "
You don't have a blog to post to. Would you like to create one?
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/log-in-via-email.php:57
msgid "Please log in using your WordPress.com username instead of your email address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/confit.php:37
msgid "Base Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/custom-javascript-editor/custom-javascript-editor.php:245
#: wp-content/plugins/custom-javascript-editor/custom-javascript-editor.php:329
msgid "Custom JavaScript Editor"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/custom-javascript-editor/custom-javascript-editor.php:245
msgid "Custom JavaScript"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/custom-javascript-editor/custom-javascript-editor.php:276
msgid "JavaScript saved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/custom-javascript-editor/custom-javascript-editor.php:364
msgid "JavaScript Revisions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/wpcom-permalink-editor/wpcom-permalink-editor.php:200
msgid "Permalinks are the permanent URLs to posts, categories, and other sections of your website. Learn more about customizing your permalinks."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/wpcom-permalink-editor/wpcom-permalink-editor.php:211
msgid "Post Permalinks"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/wpcom-permalink-editor/wpcom-permalink-editor.php:242
msgid "Tag and Category Bases"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/wpcom-permalink-editor/wpcom-permalink-editor.php:244
msgid "If you like, you may enter custom bases for your category and tag URLs here. For example, using topics as your category base would make your category links like %s/topics/uncategorized/. If you leave these blank the defaults will be used."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/isca.php:29
msgid "Secondary Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/security.php:927
msgid "You are not allowed to do that."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/publicize-connect.php:77
msgid "
Your blog %1$s has been successfully connected to %2$s. New posts will be shared automatically.
There was an issue connecting %1$s to %2$s. Please try reconnecting from the sharing settings screen.
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost.php:436
msgid "To blog: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/payment-form-bitcoin.php:2
msgid "Bitcoin is a digital currency. Learn more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/payment-form-bitcoin.php:16
msgid "After completing the transaction, continue to Your Upgrades."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/connect/index.php:302
msgid "Malformed request. Please go back to the previous page and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:585
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:670
msgid "Could not read file %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/kyoto.php:46
msgid "Color #3"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/kyoto.php:71
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/writr.php:177
msgid "Color #2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/kyoto.php:83
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/writr.php:94
msgid "Color #1"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screen.php:99
msgid "Already know what you’re doing? Dismiss this message."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/invite/invite-users.php:319
msgid "There was an error accepting the invitation. Please refresh, or contact support if this persists"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:224 wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:289
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:408
msgid "$image needs to be an WP_Image_Editor object"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:336
msgid "Use WP_Image_Editor::rotate"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:358
msgid "Use WP_Image_Editor::flip"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-frontend.php:19
msgid "Powered by WordPress.com Enterprise"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/bandpage-connect/bandpage-connect.php:361
msgid "BandPage Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/bandpage-connect/bandpage-connect.php:361
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/bandpage-connect/widgets/bandpage-extension.php:12
msgid "BandPage"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/bandpage-connect/widgets/bandpage-base.php:66
msgid "Widget Type:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/bandpage-connect/widgets/bandpage-base.php:95
msgid "Transparency:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/bandpage-connect/widgets/bandpage-extension.php:14
msgid "Display your BandPage content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:87
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php:120
msgid "File doesn’t exist?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:103
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php:130
msgid "File is not an image."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:107
msgid "Could not read image size."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:169
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:187
msgid "Image resize failed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:293
msgid "Image crop failed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:317
msgid "Image rotate failed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:347
msgid "Image flip failed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:379
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:393
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:398
#: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php:401
msgid "Image Editor Save Failed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:880
msgid "WordPress.com Enterprise"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:239
msgid "%s %s wants to connect to WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:421
msgid "%s Not the right email? Sign out"
msgstr ""
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/card-expiring.php:4
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/credit.php:81
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/due-subscription.php:4
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/payment-problem.php:4
msgid "Order Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-subscription-cancelled.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-subscription-cancelled.php:16
msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled: "
msgid_plural "The following upgrades have been cancelled: "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-subscription-cancelled.php:36
msgid "If you have any questions, please contact support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-subscription-cancelled.php:34
msgid "If you have any questions, please contact support through the following link: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/paid-upgrades.php:403
msgid "Upgrade cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:22
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:20
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:20
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:62
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:102
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:143
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/eventbrite.php:181
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/hotels.php:20
msgid "Configure the Basics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:23
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:21
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:21
msgid "Set up your general site options. Make sure to click Save on each Settings screen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:33
msgid "Check out the post editor to see how it all works, then add content to all of the default pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:42
msgid "Reach Your Residents"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:43
msgid "Leverage our powerful sharing tools to keep your residents in the loop."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:48
msgid "Track your site's reach with built-in stats"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/academica.php:6
msgid "Links, Site Description"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/academica.php:13
msgid "Top Navigation, Buttons"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/academica.php:17
msgid "Headings, Text, Widget Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:632
msgid "Select your country code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/account-recovery-changed.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-disabled.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-enabled.php:52
msgid "If you did not request this change please contact WordPress.com support, or access your profile page and reset your password by clicking the button below:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/account-recovery-changed.php:7
msgid "If you did not request this change please contact WordPress.com support, or visit your profile page and change your password by clicking the following link"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/account-recovery-changed.php:12
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-disabled.php:11
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-enabled.php:16
msgid "You can contact support using the link below"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:929
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:754
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:777
msgid "Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:930
msgid "You registered on WordPress.com one year ago!"
msgid_plural "You registered on WordPress.com %1$d years ago!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:932
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:760
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:769
msgid "Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:1429
msgid "Visitor"
msgid_plural "Visitors"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/post-form.php:50
msgid "You will be automatically notified when somebody replies to your post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:162
msgid "More information on using Publicize."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:292
msgid "Recent transactions may be delayed due to processing, check back in 10 minutes if a recent transaction is missing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:2642
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Ocean"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:349
msgid "ERROR: Invalid username or password."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-connect/email-templates.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-connect.php:462
msgid ""
"Howdy %1$s,\n"
"\t\tWelcome to WordPress.com! \n"
"\t\tThank you for signing up with WordPress.com. Use this URL to activate your account: %2$s\n"
"\t\tYou created a WordPress.com account with your VaultPress sign up. Now that we’ve got your site in the Vault, we wanted to tell you about a couple of other WordPress.com benefits that might interest you.\n"
"\t\tCheck out Akismet and Polldaddy \n"
"\t\tDid you know that you can use your WordPress.com account for subscriptions to Akismet or Polldaddy?\n"
"\t\tAkismet is the world’s best anti-spam tool for your WordPress site.\n"
"\t\tWith Polldaddy, you can engage your site visitors with polls, quizzes, and ratings, or capture their feedback with surveys.\n"
"\t\tRead your favorite blogs or start your own \n"
"\t\tSign in to WordPress.com and check out the Reader, a super simple way to catch up on the topics that interest you most. Cooking, fishing, books, comics, fashion, politics, computers, and much much more: there’s always something great to read at WordPress.com. Or, start another blog on WordPress.com start sharing your thoughts and interests with the world.\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel-domain.php:11
msgid "By clicking the button below you acknowledge that you want to cancel %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel-domain.php:14
msgid "Note that you may not be able to register this domain again. If you plan on using this domain again, see here for more information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel-domain.php:15
msgid "Reply to this email if you have any questions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/yoko.php:24
msgid "Site Title, Post Titles, Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/yoko.php:44
msgid "Text Color, Site Description, Widget Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:765
msgid "Happy Anniversary!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:241
msgid "You requested cancellation of a domain name. Please check your email for a message with a confirmation link."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel-domain.php:7
msgid "Please confirm you would like to cancel %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1914
msgid "Request to cancel domain name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/mobile/mobile-functions.php:193
msgid "M j Y"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/twitter-timeline.php:26
msgid "Invalid id"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/twitter-timeline.php:28
msgid "Tweets by @%s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hatch.php:13
msgid "Link Hover & Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter.php:226
msgid "Error: Please make sure the Twitter account is %1$spublic%2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:979
msgid "%.1F trillion"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:981
msgid "%.1F billion"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/functions.php:983
msgid "%.1F million"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-by-email.php:168
msgid "Enable on your Jetpack Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-by-email.php:192
msgid "Manage on your Jetpack Site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/sharing/sharing-sources.php:822
msgid "Click to share on Google+"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:360
msgid "This account has not been activated. Please check your E-Mail."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-by-email.php:56
msgid "You can publish posts using emails with the Post by Email feature. To enable this visit your My Blogs page and create a secret address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:108
msgid "Invalid secret code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription-cancellations.php:310
msgid ""
"Please confirm you would like to cancel the following premium theme:\n"
"%1$s on %2$s\n"
"For security reasons you must click the following link to confirm cancellation:\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/paid-upgrades.php:508
msgid ""
"The following premium theme has been cancelled and payment for that theme has been refunded:\n"
"%1$s on %2$s\n"
"Your blog's appearance has been reverted to its previously selected theme.\n"
"It may take up to 4 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, credit card, or bank account.\n"
"If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days to pass before contacting support.\n"
"Occasionally payments take longer than normal.\n"
"If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/my-blogs.php:207
msgid ""
"Dear User,\n"
"You recently selected to transfer your blog '%1$s' to the user '%2$s'.\n"
"If you really want to transfer this blog click the link below. You will not be asked to confirm again so only click this link if you are 100%% certain:\n"
"Remember that once you confirm the transfer you will no longer have any control over the blog.\n"
"Thanks for using the site,\n"
"All at WordPress.com\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/my-blogs.php:276
msgid ""
"You are now the owner of the blog '%1$s'.\n"
"Thanks for using the site,\n"
"All at WordPress.com\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/my-blogs.php:451
msgid "Enter the username or email address of the registered WordPress.com user that you want to transfer ownership of %1$s (%2$s) to."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:670
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:682
msgid "This account has two step authentication enabled. Please configure an application-specific password to use with this application."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/flickr.php:87
msgid "More Photos"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1820
msgid "Sign up with WordPress.com for free"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4233
msgid "People who get to your blog from Tumblr posts sent using Publicize"
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/html-emails/footer.php:31
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/branding.php:11
msgid "Thanks for flying with %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/icalendar-reader.php:709
msgid "%1$s – %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/upcoming-events.php:29
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/upcoming-events.php:85
msgid "No upcoming events"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/upcoming-events.php:56
msgid "Items to show:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/on-a-whim.php:46
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/photographer.php:38
msgid "Link Hover Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:227
msgid "Shared"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/hookpress/options.php:273
msgid "Webhooks let you easily develop push notifications. These push notifications are simply an HTTP POST that is triggered by some action. This is a feature aimed for developers who want to get data from actions (like when a new comment is submitted) that occur on a blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:706
msgid "Congratulations, you are now subscribed to the site \"%s\" (%s) and will receive an email notification when a new post is made."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/site-confirmed.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/site-confirmed.php:20
msgid "Congratulations, you are now subscribed to the site %s (%s) and will receive an email notification when a new post is made."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:387
msgid "Signing In..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-post.php:881
msgid "Report mature"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-post.php:875
msgid "Block this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/newdash-reader-core/class.newdash-reader-post.php:884
msgid "Thank you for reporting this blog as mature!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:63
msgid "The following upgrades on your WordPress.com blog will automatically renew in %1$d days, on %2$s:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:39
msgid "%1$s on your site \"%2$s\" will automatically renew today."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:379
msgid "Email or WP.com Username"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:157
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:168
msgid "Incorrect app token."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:176
msgid "Incorrect app token: already expired."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:1291
msgid ""
"New Site: %1$s\n"
"URL: %2$s\n"
"Remote IP: %3$s\n"
"Disable these notifications: %4$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:1334
msgid ""
"New User: %1$s\n"
"Remote IP: %2$s\n"
"Disable these notifications: %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:393
msgid "Used: %1$s%% of %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:230
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s The current user will not be deleted."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:232 wp-admin/users.php:342
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:338
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s The current user will not be removed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:340
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s You don't have permission to remove this user."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:4750
msgid "Thank you for letting us know about . This blog will no longer appear in your reader. Blocking..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:4754
msgid "The blog will no longer appear in your reader. Blocking..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/something-fishy.php:66
msgid "Link Hover & Entry Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:285
msgid "ERROR: The email address is already used."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:220
msgid "Please select an option."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:1435
msgid "There is a revision of this post that is more recent."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:3859
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:3863
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:3931
msgid "Sorry, revisions are disabled."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/wordads-classes/class-wordads-promoted.php:67
msgid "Promoted by"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-earnings.php:90
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-earnings.php:132
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-earnings.php:167
msgid "Period"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-earnings.php:92
msgid "Ad Impressions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:735
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:795
msgid "Verify code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:730
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:791
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:842
msgid "Invalid code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:296
msgid "There was a problem connecting to %s. Please disconnect and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2413
msgid "You will not receive a refund for this domain as it was included as part of a bundle. Please contact support if you have any queries about this cancellation."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/mobile-apps.php:78
msgid "Log In"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/class.oauth2-renderer.php:248
msgid "Howdy %1$s, %2$s wants to connect to %4$s (%3$s)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:124
msgid "You have successfully connected your blog with your %s account."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-comment-endpoint.php:124
msgid "Comment cache problem?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/chalkboard.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/runo-lite.php:14
msgid "Headings & Site Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-paypal-base.php:81
msgid "The transaction did not complete successfully. Please try again in a few moments."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/delicacy.php:79
msgid "Slider Elements"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/delicacy.php:113
msgid "Widget Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:226
msgid "XML-RPC services are disabled on this site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/oauth2.php:1364
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:150
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:188
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:205
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:233
msgid "Incorrect username or password."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:2248
msgid "Sorry, you cannot edit users."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:2253
msgid "Invalid user ID"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:2304
msgid "Sorry, you cannot list users."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:2320
msgid "The role specified is not valid"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:2374
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:2418
msgid "Sorry, you cannot edit your profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:2452
msgid "Sorry, the user cannot be updated."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/general-template.php:2113
msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post.php:55
msgctxt "post type general name"
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post.php:57
msgctxt "add new media"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/post.php:59
msgid "View Attachment Page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2917
msgid "Insert Media"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/user.php:1781
msgctxt "Display name based on first name and last name"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:58
msgid "You can also control the display of your content in RSS feeds, including the maximum numbers of posts to display and whether to show full text or a summary."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:64 wp-admin/options-reading.php:145
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:146
msgid "Search Engine Visibility"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:149
msgid "Allow search engines to index this site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:151 wp-admin/options-reading.php:171
msgid "Discourage search engines from indexing this site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:172
msgid "It is up to search engines to honor this request."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:312
msgid "Search Engines Discouraged"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1218 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2485
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2685 wp-includes/media-template.php:876
msgid "Alternative Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:296
msgid "Uploaded on: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor.php:154
msgid "Restore Featured Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1733 wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1738
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1761 wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1766
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1191 wp-admin/includes/template.php:1196
msgid "The \"%s\" options group has been removed. Use another settings group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:163 wp-includes/post.php:3210
msgid "Whoops, the provided date is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1234
msgid "The privacy options group has been removed. Use another settings group."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:308
msgid "This screen allows you to edit four fields for metadata in a file within the media library."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-tumblr-importer.php:330
msgid "Disconnect from Tumblr"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-tumblr-importer.php:335
msgid "Connect to Tumblr to begin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-tumblr-importer.php:336
msgid "Once you've connected, you can import your site content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-promo.php:179
msgid "Hi Baseball Fan!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-promo.php:180
msgid "Show your team pride with one of our free Major League Baseball themes on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/babylog.php:51
msgid "Heading Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/oxford.php:19
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/babylog.php:62
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/book-lite.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/minimalizine.php:27
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/mixfolio.php:71
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/shine-on.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/spun.php:26
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/syntax.php:21
msgid "Links & Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/featured-content/featured-content.php:452
msgid "Hide tag from displaying in post meta and tag clouds."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:206
msgid "Hey! You tried Custom Design out: did you mean to purchase the upgrade?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpmu-feedback.php:15
msgctxt "Help topic"
msgid "Following"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpmu-feedback.php:17
msgctxt "Help topic"
msgid "Policies & Safety"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-moneypress-stored.php:120
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/payment-form-paypal-direct-stored.php:3
msgid "Card ending in %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-moneypress-stored.php:129
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:570
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/payment-form-paypal-direct-stored.php:7
msgid "Name on card: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-moneypress-stored.php:133
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/payment-form-paypal-direct-stored.php:9
msgid "Expires on: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-moneypress-stored.php:188
msgid "Please select a card to use."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php:3131
msgid "Jetpack wants to connect the user %s at %s to your account at WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:113
msgid "Your bundle includes the domain \"%s\". If you wish to continue using this domain on WordPress.com we suggest you don't cancel it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/custom-javascript-editor/custom-javascript-editor.php:350
msgid "Load also:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/timepiece.php:20
msgid "Post Accent #1"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/timepiece.php:28
msgid "Post Accent #2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/timepiece.php:36
msgid "Post Accent #3"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/timepiece.php:43
msgid "Post Accent #4"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:152
msgid "You can make a connection for just yourself or for all users on your blog. Shared connections are marked with the (Shared) text."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:290
msgid "The page requested does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:291
msgid "The page you requested does not exist, or you do not have have the necessary privileges to access it. You may return to the dashboard of %2$s by clicking here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/jetpack-notes.php:46
msgid "WordPress.com Notifications"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/jetpack-notes.php:48
msgid "Sign in to your WordPress.com account to receive handy notifications about your blog activity."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php:74
msgid "Username/Password incorrect for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1206
msgid "Pick a Background Pattern"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-vip/dashboard-widgets/widget-my-network-log.php:31
msgid "Load More"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/gplus/ui.php:133
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:230
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:234
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/partials/connected-blog-details.php:18
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:288
msgid "Make this connection available to all users of this blog?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:371
msgid "Click here to purchase the Custom Design upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/academica.php:27
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hum.php:45
msgid "Hover Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:294
msgid "Exit the preview"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:297
msgid "You are previewing the color features of Custom Design. Purchase to make it live."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/monster.php:47
msgid "Links & Goop"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:1106
msgid "You successfully purchased Private Registration for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:247
msgid "You have successfully canceled the Private Registration upgrade for your domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:251
msgid "There was a problem removing the Private Registration upgrade from your domain. Please try again or contact support if the issue continues."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1644
msgid "Cancel Private Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/bueno.php:72
msgid "Footer Background & Borders"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:124
msgid "Menu Item Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:125
msgid "Menu Item Label"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:126
msgid "Search Menu Item Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:127
msgid "Popular Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:128
msgid "All Menu Item Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:129
msgid "Edit Menu Item Label"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:130
msgid "View Menu Item Label"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:131
msgid "Update Menu Item Label"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:132
msgid "Add New Menu Item Label"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:133
msgid "New Menu Item Label Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:135
msgid "Add or remove Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:136
msgid "Choose from the most used Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:138
msgid "No Labels found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:176
msgid "Food Menus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:171
msgid "Items on your restaurant's menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:174 wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:177
msgid "Menu Items"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:178
msgid "Add One Item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:181
msgid "New Menu Item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:182
msgid "View Menu Item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:183
msgid "Search Menu Items"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:184
msgid "No Menu Items found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:185
msgid "No Menu Items found in Trash"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:367 wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:368
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:839
msgid "Add Many Items"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:437
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:74
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:438 wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:856
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:901 wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:907
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:173
msgid "Price"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:756
msgid "Move menu section up"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:756
msgid "UP"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:758
msgid "Move menu section down"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:758
msgid "DOWN"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:841
msgid "Use the TAB key on your keyboard to move between colums and the ENTER or RETURN key to save each row and move on to the next."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:888
msgid "Add These New Menu Items"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:970 wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:989
msgctxt "Nova label separator"
msgid ", "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:991
msgid "No Labels"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/free-trials.php:207
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:92
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/upgrade/plans.php:121
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:293
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/preview-control.php:19
msgid "Try Now"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:296
msgid "Customize your theme using awesome color palettes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:298
msgid "Hide this message."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/safecss-wpcom.php:241
msgid "If you need any further help, ask in the CSS Customization forum."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/data-requests/class.blog-data.php:905
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-css.php:464
msgid ""
"Welcome to Custom CSS!\n"
"CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a kind of code that tells the browser how to render a web page. You may delete these comments and get started with your customizations.\n"
"By default, your stylesheet will be loaded after the theme stylesheets, which means that your rules can take precedence and override the theme CSS rules. Just write here what you want to change, you don't need to copy all your theme's stylesheet content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/infinity/infinity.php:309
msgid "(Shows %s posts on each load)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:593
msgctxt "Open Sans font: on or off"
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:599
msgctxt "Open Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)"
msgid "no-subset"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:768
msgid "Source code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tiled-gallery.php:393
msgid "Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/notepad.php:21
msgid "Body Text, Links and Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/notepad.php:41
msgid "Menu Hover and Search Box Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tiled-gallery.php:386
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:322
msgid "Tiled Galleries"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:67
msgid "Create your own website"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/newdash-themes-footer.php:7
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:76
msgid "Do More"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/newdash-themes-footer.php:9
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:81
msgid "Developers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/newdash-themes-footer.php:21
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:89
msgid "Community-organized events that focus on everything WordPress"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/newdash-themes-footer.php:29
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:96
msgid "Our Story"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:103
msgid "From our blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/rusty-grunge.php:35
msgid "Entry titles and links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/find-friends.php:28
msgid "Automatically send my posts to %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/publicize-connect.php:41
msgid "Please pick which blog you would like to share from."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/publicize-connect.php:78
msgid "Manage your sharing settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/monochrome.php:11
msgid "Post Meta"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/monochrome.php:20
msgid "Alternate Post Meta"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/hustle-express.php:50
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/newsy.php:41
msgid "Primary Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bridger.php:35
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/business-identity.php:31
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/dynamic-news.php:30
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/kiore-moana.php:43
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/ladder.php:21
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/newsy.php:67
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/oslo.php:27
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/sweet-life.php:113
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/worldview.php:47
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hemingway-rewritten.php:35
msgid "Secondary Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-sem.php:88
#: wp-content/themes/h4/sem-other.php:23
msgid "Custom Domains"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:578
msgid "New Entry"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/spectrum.php:20
msgid "Links 2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/spectrum.php:28
msgid "Site Title and Navigation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bold-news.php:28
msgid "Post Titles & Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/splendio.php:13
msgid "Post Titles & Sidebar Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/pretty-young-thing.php:11
msgid "Widget Headers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/pretty-young-thing.php:26
msgid "Links, Nav Menu, & Site Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/brand-new-day.php:21
msgid "Links, Navigation, & Post Date"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/brand-new-day.php:31
msgid "Navigation Hover & Search Bar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/brand-new-day.php:36
msgid "Navigation Submenus"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:1382
msgid "%s Follower"
msgid_plural "%s Followers"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:437
msgid "%1$s, %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2871
msgid "Your upgrades automatically renew every 12 months from the date of your original purchase. At 11 months, we’ll attempt to charge the credit card or Paypal account you used to make your initial upgrade purchase. We attempt the renewal 30 days prior to expiration to assure time to sort out any credit card mishaps with no risk of service expiration. You can cancel automatic renewal at any time prior by visiting the My Upgrades section of your blog’s Dashboard and clicking Disable Auto-Renew next to the upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2921
msgid "If you have any questions about these terms contact us."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/default-widgets.php:770
msgid "Display post date?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:447
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:943
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/annual-reports/2013-page.php:919
msgctxt "Service: Account connected as"
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:1004
msgid "Connect and share your posts on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-dns-records.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-dns-records.php:4
msgid "Howdy, you recently asked us to activate the domain mapping upgrade to use your domain name %s as the address of your site %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-dns-records.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-dns-records.php:7
msgid "As explained during the purchase process, the last step requires you to change your domain name DNS settings to use: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-dns-records.php:32
msgid "Instead of:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-dns-records.php:42
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-dns-records.php:23
msgid "As explained during the purchase process, the last step requires you to add a CNAME record pointing to %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-dns-records.php:46
msgid "If you need to check the status of your domain mapping upgrade, visit the Store > My Upgrades section of your dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-dns-records.php:47
msgid "If you need additional instructions, please click here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-dns-records.php:15
msgid ""
"Instead of:\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-dns-records.php:27
msgid "If you need to check the status of your domain mapping upgrade, visit the Store > My Upgrades section of your dashboard:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-dns-records.php:32
msgid "If you need additional instructions, please visit:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:376
msgid "About.me"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:379
msgid "sign up"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/gigawatt.php:14
msgid "Site Title and Link Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/gigawatt.php:22
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/vision.php:24
msgid "Submenu Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:689
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:690
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:691
msgid "Your payment was not processed this time due to an error, please try to submit it again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:692
msgid "The credit card you entered cannot be used, please try a different card."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:693
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:695
msgid "The transaction was declined. Please try another card."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:694
msgid "Please enter a valid country in the address section."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:696
msgid "The transaction was declined. Please contact your card issuer as they may have blocked the transaction for anti-fraud purposes. Alternatively, try another card."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:697
msgid "The security code (CVV) entered does not match the credit card."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:698
msgid "Please enter a valid credit card number and type."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:699
msgid "Please use a valid credit card."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:700
msgid "The security code CVV provided is invalid. The CVV is between 3-4 digits long."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:701
msgid "Please enter a valid \"State\" for your country in the address section."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:702
msgid "Please enter a security code (CVV)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:703
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:704
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:705
msgid "The credit card entered is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1914
msgid "Sorry but the website you gave does not exist on WordPress.com. Is it a self-hosted WordPress.org website?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-promo.php:204
msgid "Discover the best of WordPress.com.Try the Reader."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-post/class-post-post-module-promo.php:199
msgid "Discover the best of WordPress.Try the Reader."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:45
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:43
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:42
msgid "Add a Subscribe widget"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:47
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:45
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/comics.php:44
msgid "Automatically post to Facebook, Twitter, and more"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/cities.php:46
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/welcome-screens/classrooms.php:44
msgid "Add sharing buttons"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1906
msgid "The receipt does not appear to be valid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-twostep.php:38
msgid "Use this password to log in to %s application. Note: spaces are ignored."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/page-tree-listing.php:84
msgid "Click on a page to select it as the parent of this page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1730
msgid "Need More Help?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1777
msgid "Sorry, your most recent reset code has expired. We have sent a new SMS reset code. You may need to wait a few moments before it arrives."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/widget.php:83
msgid "iTunes Feed ID"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:785
msgid "ERROR: Invalid verification code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:960
msgid "Please enter the verification code generated by your Authenticator mobile application."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/two-step-authentication/authenticator.php:962
msgid "Verification Code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/music-player.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/music-player.php:86
msgid "Music Player"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1900
msgid "We could not find an account that matches your login. Please check your spelling. Note that we can only provide support for WordPress.com accounts - do not use this page for your own WordPress.org blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/music-player.php:81
msgid "Choose songs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/account-recovery-changed.php:53
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-disabled.php:53
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/twostep-enabled.php:57
msgid "Access your account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/music-player.php:34 wp-includes/script-loader.php:321
msgid "Unmute"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/music-player.php:35
msgid "Max Volume"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/music-player.php:37
msgid "Shuffle Off"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/music-player.php:39
msgid "Repeat Off"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:46
msgid "Podcast category 1"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:49
msgid "Podcast category 2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:52
msgid "Podcast category 3"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:310
msgid "Select iTunes category:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/widget.php:13
msgid "Podcast"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/widget.php:15
msgid "Display information about your Podcast and an allow visitors to subscribe via iTunes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:126
msgid "Choose an address for your site. You can change the WordPress.com address later, to map a .gov or .us domain, for example."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:909
msgid "Application Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/community-tagger/class-community-tagger.php:70
msgid "Your Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:240
msgid "Please use the code %s to reset your WordPress.com password. If you did not request your password to be reset, ignore this message."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/post-meta-box.php:47
msgid "Optional: Use this field if you have more than one audio/video file in your post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:103
msgid "Set up your city's website in seconds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:87
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/verticals/verticals.php:163
msgid "City of Springfield"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:828
msgid "ON"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/account-recovery-changed.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/account-recovery-changed.php:1
msgid "Account Recovery Changed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/account-recovery-changed.php:44
msgid "The WordPress.com phone number account recovery options have changed for %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/account-recovery-changed.php:4
msgid "The WordPress.com phone number account recovery options have changed for \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1146
msgid "[WordPress.com] Account recovery phone number changed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/password-reset.php:48
msgid "To reset your password please click this button:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/password-reset.php:54
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/password-reset.php:7
msgid "To reset your password please click the following link:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1807
msgid "Please enter the code you were sent by SMS. It will look something like 63423423. You may need to wait a few moments before it arrives."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2120
msgid " Please check your email regularly, and make sure we don't get caught by your spam filter."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2121
msgid "Please do not send us multiple account recovery requests."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2141
msgid "Follow these simple steps to reset your account:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2143
msgid "Enter your WordPress.com username or email address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2145
msgid "Follow instructions and be re-united with your WordPress.com account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2180
msgid "Unable to reset password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2186
msgid "Confirm you have a WordPress.com account and not WordPress.org."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2187
msgid "Check your WordPress.com registration email for the correct login."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2188
msgid "Did you change your registered email address? Use the new address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1982
msgid "Do you have a transaction ID?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1984
msgid "If you have purchased any upgrades on WordPress.com, this number will be in your receipt from PayPal or in your PayPal account. Help me find my transaction id."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1987
msgid "Please enter a receipt or transaction ID"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2015
msgid "Extra Details"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2119
msgid "Thanks! We will investigate your details and get back to you soon."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2144
msgid "Wait for your recovery details to be sent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2148
msgid "Want more help? We have a full guide to resetting your password."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2181
msgid "I'm sorry, but we weren't able to find a user with that login information."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2182
msgid "What should I do now?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2184
msgid "Double-check your spelling."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2190
msgid "Help!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2191
msgid "Still having problems? Try our account recovery form and we'll do our best to get you running again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/password-changed.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/password-changed.php:1
msgid "Password Changed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/password-changed.php:44
msgid "Your WordPress.com password has changed for %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/password-changed.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/password-changed.php:7
msgid "Your old password will no longer work. Please update any records you may have and use the new password in the future."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/password-changed.php:52
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/password-changed.php:10
msgid "If you did not request this password change please check with anyone else who has access to your account. If in doubt, contact WordPress.com support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/password-changed.php:4
msgid "Your WordPress.com password has changed for \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1772
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1806
msgid "SMS Account Recovery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1938
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1948
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2115
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2118
msgid "Account Recovery"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1886
msgid "Please provide us with your login information"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1892
msgid "Please provide a valid contact address"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1894
msgid "Your contact email is the same as your account - if you can receive emails you should try the password reset form instead."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1896
msgid "If you don't have any of the listed proofs you must provide as much detail as you can in the extra details section."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1954
msgid "What is your registered email address or username?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1957
msgid "I don't know my registered email or username"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1975
msgid "Proof of Ownership"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1983
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1994
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2005
msgid "What's this?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1171
msgid "[WordPress.com] Password Changed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/community-tagger/class-community-tagger.php:61
msgid "Community Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/upcoming-events.php:15
msgid "Display upcoming events from an iCalendar feed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/upcoming-events.php:51
msgid "iCalendar Feed URL:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/post-meta-box.php:44
msgid "Choose File"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/post-meta-box.php:42
msgid "Enclosure"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:18
msgid "Category to set as feed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:76
msgid "Select podcast category:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:78
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:312
msgid "* None *"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:189
msgid "This setting may be overridden for individual episodes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:149
msgid "Phone Country"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:161
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/password-reset.php:44
msgid "Someone recently requested that the password be reset for %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/password-reset.php:60
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/password-reset.php:13
msgid "If this is a mistake just ignore this email - your password will not be changed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/password-reset.php:4
msgid "Someone recently requested that the password be reset for \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/account-recovery-changed.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/password-reset.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-disabled.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/twostep-enabled.php:20
msgid "Trouble clicking? Just copy and paste the URL into a browser"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:144
msgid "We can use your phone to help protect your account by sending you an SMS text message if you forget your password. Your phone number will only be used for account recovery purposes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:22
msgid "Podcast title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:25
msgid "Podcast subtitle"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:31
msgid "Podcast summary"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:34
msgid "Podcast copyright"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:37
msgid "Mark as explicit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:40
msgid "Podcast image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:43
msgid "Podcast keywords"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:73
msgid "Blog category for podcasts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:111
msgid "Set podcast title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:124
msgid "Set podcast subtitle"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:156
msgid "Set podcast summary"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:171
msgid "Set podcast copyright"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:181
msgid "Set podcast as explicit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:198
msgid "Set podcast image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:214
msgid "Set podcast keywords"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:307
msgid "Set podcast category"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:903
msgid "Application Passwords"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:913
msgid "Generate Password"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:937
msgid "generated on %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:997
msgid "Security"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:981
msgid "The domain name you entered does not appear to be valid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:622
msgid "Mobile Phone Country"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:643
msgid "Mobile Phone Number"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:1813
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/account-recovery.php:2025
msgid "Recover my account!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/post-meta-box.php:4
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:16
msgid "Podcasting"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/post-meta-box.php:25
msgid "Closed Captioned"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/post-meta-box.php:32
msgid "Explicit Content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2236
msgid "(must be logged into your WordPress.com account)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:127
msgid "Any CSS or Javascript customizations you made will be stored but no longer active."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:128
msgid "Mapped domains will be set to expire one week from today; you will want to purchase new subscriptions if you need to keep the mappings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-store.php:136
msgid "We'll do our best to save many of your settings just in case you decide you'd like to come back, but you should consider this a permanent decision."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:992
msgid "Not Connected"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/ui.php:999
msgid "Connect to"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tos-report-form.php:50
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tos-report-form.php:57
msgid "Report this content"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/class-enterprise-signup.php:51
msgid "One moment please, while we lay down the red carpet..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:49
msgid "Please log in to WordPress.com before signing up"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:54
msgid "Create New WordPress.com Account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:55
msgid "Log In To An Existing Account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:58
msgid "Once you've signed in, come back here and we'll walk you down the red carpet."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:60
msgid "We look forward to working with you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:302
msgid "Browse themes trending right now based on activations, popularity, and site traffic."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:924
msgid "Browse themes matching the search term(s) "%s""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:925
msgid "Browse themes with these characteristics: %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2475
msgid "Added domain mapping."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/ambiru.php:10
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/babylog.php:71
msgid "Site Title & Description"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pending/ari.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/chapters.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/ambiru.php:32
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/brand-new-day.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/monster.php:28
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/truly-minimal.php:15
msgid "Post Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/fresh-news.php:29
msgid "Headings & Post Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/able.php:44
msgid "Color Accents"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:191
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:194
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1322
msgid "Show likes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:207
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:210
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1342
msgid "Show sharing buttons."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:302
msgid ""
"You recently initiated a chat with the WordPress.com support team, but we stepped away before your message was delivered to one of our operators.\n"
"We've created a support ticket that includes the message you sent us, and we'll be in touch soon.\n"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:305
msgid ""
"The WordPress.com Support Team"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:306
msgid "WordPress.com Support Chat"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php:3123
msgid "Jetpack wants to connect the user %s at %s to %s at WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php:3125
msgid "Howdy %s, Jetpack wants to connect %s to WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/top-posts.php:48
msgid "Shows your most viewed posts and pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sight.php:11
msgid "Featured Slider Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:848
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:5
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:29
msgid "Trending"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/olark.php:161
msgid "Hey, we're back. If you don't hear from us shortly, please try your question once more. Thanks!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/olark.php:158
msgid "Oops, our operators have all stepped away for a moment. If you don't hear back from us shortly, please try again later. Thanks!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:5229
msgid "Monthly Totals"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/logged-out-homepage.php:255
msgid "%s a year"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3356
msgid "It looks like you’re getting email at %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3358
msgid "MX records let you to receive email at email addresses like \"you@%s\". It looks you currently have the following MX records set:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3367
msgid "Would you like to transfer these MX records for %s?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3374
msgid "Yes, I’d like to keep getting email at %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3413
msgid "Try adding my domain to my blog again ▸"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3426
msgid "
We’ve completed the technical setup on our servers to successfully map your domain %s to your WordPress.com blog. Now you have to edit the name servers at your registrar to point to us.
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3432
msgid "You can usually change your name servers at your domain registrar’s website, but the process is different for each registrar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3478
msgid "I added the CNAME. Try adding my domain to my blog again. ▸"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3497
msgid "Done configuring your domain?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:5121
msgid "We checked the name servers and it looks like they’re not pointing to WordPress.com yet. If you recently updated them please check again soon. It can take a few hours for registrars to complete updating their name servers."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3874
msgid "Map %s to your site in 3 steps"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3888
msgid "Purchase domain mapping"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3894
msgid "Configure your domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2076
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2094
msgid "Before we can map this domain to your site, you’ll need to purchase a domain mapping upgrade. We’ll still host and take care of all that other hard stuff for you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:218
msgid "I agree, take me to checkout"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:142
msgid "Publicize makes it easy to automatically share your WordPress.com posts on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Yahoo!, and Linkedin."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:144
msgid "Available to every site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:148
msgid "Remixes the WordPress admin for better editorial workflow with features like custom post statuses, editorial comments, a calendar, and more."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:153
msgid "Make your WordPress site social in a couple of clicks, powered by Facebook. Post to your Page or enable like, send, and subscribe buttons."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:157
msgid "Frontend Uploader"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:158
msgid "Allow your visitors to upload content and moderate it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:193
msgid "Next: Confirm Account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:202
msgid "Are the terms acceptable to you?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/class-enterprise-signup.php:80
msgid "Something phishy is going on"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/class-enterprise-signup.php:125
msgid "This domain is already associated with a VIP site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/class-enterprise-signup.php:129
msgid "This domain is already mapped to a WordPress.com site you don't have access to."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:16
msgid "... in five steps:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:17
msgid "1. Pick domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:18
msgid "2. Choose template"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:19
msgid "3. Activate features"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:20
msgid "4. Confirm account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:21
msgid "5. Go"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:78
msgid "Where will your site live on the web?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:88
msgid "Enter a valid domain name before proceeding"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:88
msgid "Next: Choose Template"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:127
msgid "Please select one of these themes to start"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:127
msgid "Next: Activate Features"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/enterprise/one-page-signup.tpl.php:134
msgid "Which functionality would you like to test out?"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/is-available/functions.php:133
msgid "You'll receive your spiffy golaun.ch domain after signing up! Please choose another."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/is-available/functions.php:148
msgid "We tried to create a site for you but it did not work out. Please contact VIP."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/is-available/functions.php:157
msgid "Looks good! We'll create a staging site for you at %s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/is-available/functions.php:166
msgid "%s is already mapped to a WordPress.com site you don't have access to."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/enterprise/inc/class-enterprise-domains.php:232
msgid "There was an error identifying the subdomain for this site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:448
msgid "We encountered an error while communicating with the about.me server. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/templates/site-confirmed.php:44
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/site-confirmed.php:25
msgid "Manage Subscriptions"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/custom-javascript-editor/custom-javascript-editor.php:359
msgid "Errors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/custom-javascript-editor/custom-javascript-editor.php:396
msgid "Whoops, you don't have permission to do that."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/gridspace.php:32
msgid "Headings & Entry Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:470
msgid "Unknown liveblog action"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/tiled-gallery.php:364
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gallery.php:334
msgid "Circles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/avid.php:251
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/photography.php:91
msgid "Headings and Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/find-friends.php:4
msgid "Follow Your Friends"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/find-friends.php:47
msgid "We'll display your friends with WordPress blogs here. Try following Matt; he'll be your friend if you do!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:180 wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php:1199
msgctxt "Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)"
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-admin-bar.php:399
msgid "Skip to toolbar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-admin-bar.php:400
msgid "Top navigation toolbar."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3480
msgid "Found %s friend with WordPress blogs."
msgid_plural "Found %s friends with WordPress blogs."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:296
msgid "A timestamp is missing. Correct URL: /liveblog///"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/verify-dns-records.php:8
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-dns-records.php:1
msgid "Custom Domain for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/photography-classic.php:19
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/something-fishy.php:51
msgid "Links & Navigation Menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/shelf.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/yumblog.php:13
msgid "Entry Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/domains/domain-registration-blog-selection.php:6
msgid "Register %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration.php:172
msgid "%s is already taken"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/domain-registration.php:165
msgid "%s is available"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:239
msgid "What should be done with content owned by this user?"
msgid_plural "What should be done with content owned by these users?"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:244
msgid "Attribute all content to:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:133 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:32
msgid "In the editing area the Tab key enters a tab character. To move below this area by pressing Tab, press the Esc key followed by the Tab key."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:63
msgid "Type of search"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:72
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:83
msgid "Search by keyword"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:75
msgid "Search by author"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:78
msgid "Search by tag"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:199
msgid ""
"This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:\n"
Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my blog. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)
"...or something like this:\n"
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
"As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/widgets.php:199
msgctxt "widget"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/widgets.php:200
msgctxt "widget"
msgid "Add"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/screen.php:854
msgid "Contextual Help Tab"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/screen.php:1020
msgid "Screen Options Tab"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:192
msgid "You can delete Link Categories in the Bulk Action pull-down, but that action does not delete the links within the category. Instead, it moves them to the default Link Category."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:361
msgid "Select comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:134
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:271
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:236
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:178
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:476
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:580
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:262
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:385
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:570
msgid "You can select an image to be shown at the top of your site by uploading from your computer or choosing from your media library. After selecting an image you will be able to crop it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/admin-header.php:207
msgid "Main content"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/verify-dns-records.php:51
msgid "[WordPress.com] Domain mapping for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/follow.php:14
msgid "Art"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/follow.php:18
msgid "Crafts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/follow.php:57
msgid "%d post in %s in the last 24 hours."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/petite-melodies.php:25
msgid "Entry Meta & Widget Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1197
msgid "Preview Poll All Polls"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1227
msgid "Add New Poll All Polls"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1237
msgid "Custom Styles Add New"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1247
msgid "Edit Style List Styles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1256
msgid "Create Style List Styles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:1272
msgid "Polldaddy Polls Add New"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:2298
msgid "New Style"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:4588
msgid "Rating Results Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:4590
msgid "Rating Results"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:4831
msgid "Poll Settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/theme.php:2
msgid "You've chosen %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/freshly-pressed.php:5
msgid "Display a Freshly Pressed badge in your sidebar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:1174
msgid "VIP Go"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:1177
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:1178
msgid "WordPress.com features and automated billing for VIP Go"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:5106
msgid "Sorry, there was a problem checking these records, please reload the page and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:5119
msgid "The CNAME entry is not pointing to WordPress.com yet, if you recently updated them please check again in a few hours."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:5125
msgid "Great! %1$s is now setup.
If you would like to set this domain as the primary url head over to your domains page.
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-support-feedback/wpcom-support-feedback.php:299
msgid "Please add a comment before submitting"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-support-feedback/wpcom-support-feedback.php:278
msgid "We appreciate your additional feedback!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-support-feedback/wpcom-support-feedback.php:279
msgid "We love to hear what we can do to improve our support. Would you mind taking a moment to tell us what could have gone better?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:5044
msgid "Sorry, there was a problem updating your MX records."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:5092
msgid "Your MX records have been successfully imported."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:568
msgid "Do you really want do delete this entry? There is no way back."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:13
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:31
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/templates/liveblog-form.php:33
msgid "Remember: keep it short! To insert an image, drag and drop it here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack-start/views/welcome-panel.php:40
msgid "Customize Your site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/follow.php:2
msgid "Follow some interesting topics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/headlines.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/monochrome.php:42
msgid "Headings & Link Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/theme-filters.php:22
msgid "Minimal"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:35
msgid "Display your about.me profile with thumbnail"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:36
msgid "About.me Widget"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:383
msgid "Widget title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:398
msgid "Don't have an about.me page?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/aboutme.php:398
msgid "Sign up now!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4859
msgid "Aggregated stats for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:5038
msgid "You don't have permission to access this blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3433
msgid "It looks like your domain is registered with %s, here are the instructions to update your name servers:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3459
msgid "Please visit your registrar’s website or contact their support team for instructions on how to update your name servers."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-earnings.php:68
msgid "WordAds will post your earnings once they are reported by advertisers, which currently runs 2-3 weeks after the end of the month."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/currents.php:32
msgid "Post Titles & Widget Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/currents.php:45
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/greyzed.php:57
msgid "Site Title & Headings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:1068
msgid "%s posted: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/crisp.php:12
msgid "Site & Post Titles"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:406
msgid "It could be one of two issues:"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:407
msgid " - You're replying from a different email address than the one your subscription was sent to."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:408
msgid " - Your email address isn't associated with a WordPress.com user that has permission to view this site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:431
msgid "%s commented: "
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:431
msgid "We ran into a problem with your recent comment reply by email. Specifically, we weren't able to find your comment in the email."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:432
msgid "We'll do our best to get this fixed up. In the meantime, you may want to comment directly on the post:"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:404
msgid "We ran into a problem with your recent comment reply by email:"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:402
#: async-jobs/includes/email-comment-reply.php:429
msgid "There was an error processing your recent comment reply by email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/game-mode.php:30
msgid "Fun!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/game-mode.php:50
msgid "I played a fun game on WordPress.com!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/game-mode.php:52
msgid "%s played a fun game on WordPress.com!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/game-mode.php:9
msgid "Game Mode"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/pear/email-parse.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-overrides.php:227
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:437
msgid "Respond to this comment by replying above this line"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/pear/email-parse.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:1073
msgid "Respond to this post by replying above this line"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/ever-after.php:29
msgid "Navigation Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:1237
msgid "Invalid card type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:1238
msgid "Invalid card number"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:1241
msgid "Invalid zip code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/billingdaddy-client.php:1296
msgid "Date must be in the future"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/lovebirds.php:29
msgid "Headings, Menu & Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/lovebirds.php:39
msgid "Widget, Entry, & Site Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:6
msgid "Please rate your support experience"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:33
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:35
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:34
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:36
msgid "It was great!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:40
msgid "It was OK"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:42
msgid "Just OK"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:45
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:46
msgid "It was not good"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:47
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:48
msgid "Not good"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/freshly-pressed.php:52
msgid "Choose an image to display in your sidebar:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:4667
msgid "[WordPress.com] Domain %s is about to expire"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:10
msgid "You don't have to do anything - this is just a reminder."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-domain-expiration-notice.php:15
msgid "The domain name %s is about to expire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4934
msgid "No referres have been recorded yet."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4938
msgid "No clicks have been recorded yet."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4942
msgid "No search terms have been recorded yet."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/branding-gravatar.php:5
msgid "Thanks for flying with %1$s %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:21
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:22
msgid "%s recently helped you out with your questions in a live chat."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:166
msgid "Can't remove the current user"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/support-feedback.php:228
msgid "%s Support"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/support-feedback.php:232
msgid "[%s] Rate your support experience"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php:4241
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php:4288
msgid "Submitting Comment%s"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/olark/index.php:84
msgid "No operator found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/jetpack-solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/solicit-quantitative-feedback.php:24
msgid "%1$s recently helped you out with your support request \"%2$s\"."
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/_maintenance.php:9
msgid "We are currently performing maintenance. The forums will be back shortly."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/classes/class-wpcom-liveblog-entry.php:213
msgid "Error posting entry"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:579
msgid "Publish Update"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:5028
msgid "Please reload this page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1586
msgid "Checking DNS"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:135
msgid "Your bundle includes the domain \"%1$s\", WordPress.com can only offer a limited refund on domains - cancellations must be requested within %2$d hours of domain registration."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:19
msgid "If for whatever reason you’re not happy, contact us within %d days for a full refund."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3536
msgid "New domain registrations will be refunded if requested within %d days."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3538
msgid "Most other upgrades can be fully refunded within %d days of purchase."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3540
msgid "You can use the "Cancel" button on My Upgrades if available or Contact support if you want to request a refund."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/everyday.php:64
msgid "Hover & Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/standard.php:60
msgid "Frames"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/linen.php:52
msgid "Titles & Dates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/p2.php:23
msgid "Sticky Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/hum.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/p2.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/truly-minimal.php:36
msgid "Site Title & Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/premium-themes.php:114
msgid "You've successfully purchased %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/premium-themes.php:115
msgid "Congratulations on your new premium theme, %s. You have good taste, and it shows!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/premium-themes.php:116
msgid "Read more about %1$s on the Theme Showcase: %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/premium-themes.php:117
msgid "Need help or have a question? Visit the Premium Themes support forum: %s to get expert advice."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/mobile-apps.php:55
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/mobile-apps.php:57
msgid "Your account is now active! A welcome email with important links has been sent to your e-mail address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/mobile-apps.php:80
msgid "Start blogging from your device"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/mobile-apps.php:82
msgid "If your e-mail is incorrect, change it using this form and click “Update e-mail.” The welcome e-mail will be sent to your new address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/mobile-apps.php:101
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/mobile-apps.php:108
msgid "Email changed!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/anthem.php:34
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/chaostheory.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/greyzed.php:36
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/san-kloud.php:27
msgid "Links & Post Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/geo-location/geo-location-wpcom.php:44
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/instapost/instapost.php:622
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:269
msgid "Use"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:305
msgid "Or use one of these available URLs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:513
msgid "Start Blogging"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:576
msgid "Update e-mail"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:684
msgid "You must accept the terms of service to continue."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:750
msgid "We've sent you an email with a blog activation button to click. Once you've activated your new blog you can start posting right away."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:752
msgid "I'm still waiting!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/no-domain/no-domain.php:757
msgid "Try waiting a little longer. Sometimes delivery of e-mail can be delayed by processes outside of our control."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/bouquet.php:41
msgid "Content and Sidebar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3422
msgid "We need to setup %s with WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3431
msgid "How to change your name servers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3464
msgid "Currently the name servers for this domain are:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:1330
msgid "DNS needs to be updated"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/lib/domains/wpcom-domain.php:1327
msgid "DNS is correct"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/elemin.php:42
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/funki.php:41
msgid "Main Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/funki.php:58
msgid "Sticky Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/neutra.php:119
msgid "Menu Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/nuntius.php:23
msgid "Site Title and Main Menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/on-a-whim.php:36
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/nuntius.php:31
msgid "Secondary Accent Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:58
msgid "Exclusive, hand-crafted designs you will love with dedicated support directly from the themes authors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:711
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:724
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3044
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3139
msgid "(normally %s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:568
msgid "%s per day"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:3039
msgid "From %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/next-saturday.php:62
msgid "Content Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:235
msgid "Uh oh! Your domain %1$s expired yesterday!"
msgid_plural "Uh oh! Your domain %1$s expired %2$s days ago!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:2122
msgid "%1$s reblogged your post %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:116
msgid "View full size %1$s×%2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/disk-space-checker/disk-space-checker.php:113
msgid "Looks like you have used up your %1$s upload limit. In order to be able to upload files, you will need to delete existing files or consider purchasing a Space Upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/disk-space-checker/disk-space-checker.php:126
msgid "Looks like you have used %1$s of your %2$s upload limit (%3$s%%). Since you are close to your limit, you might want to consider purchasing a Space Upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/disk-space-checker/disk-space-checker.php:137
msgid "Did you know that you can upload videos and embed them directly on your blog with our VideoPress upgrade?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/disk-space-checker/disk-space-checker.php:99
msgid "You are currently using %1$s out of %2$s upload limit (%3$s%%)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pending/the-great-adventure.php:63
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/the-great-adventure.php:63
msgid "Menu Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bon-vivant.php:78
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/fresh-news.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/balloons.php:27
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/black-letterhead.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sight.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/visual.php:37
msgid "Links & Site Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:108
msgid ""
"You recently signed up to follow this blog's posts. This means once you confirm below, you will receive each new post by email.\n"
"To activate, click Confirm Follow. If you believe this is an error, ignore this message and nothing more will happen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/email-subscriptions/subscription-mailer.php:109
msgid ""
"You recently signed up to follow one of my posts. This means once you confirm below, you will receive an email when new comments are posted.\n"
"To activate, click confirm below. If you believe this is an error, ignore this message and nothing more will happen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/balloons.php:16
msgid "Navigation Menu & Footer Sidebars"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pending/sundance.php:28
msgid "Image borders"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/reddle.php:31
msgid "Navigation and Footer Sidebars"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/reddle.php:61
msgid "Navigation and Link Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/triton-lite.php:43
msgid "Titles & Navigation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/esquire.php:28
msgid "Drop Caps"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/esquire.php:46
msgid "Post Meta Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/ideation-and-intent.php:54
msgid "Secondary Link Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/the-columnist.php:24
msgid "Decorative Boxes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/zbench.php:29
msgid "Background, Header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/zbench.php:40
msgid "Header, Footer, Navigation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:1758
msgid "The product could not be transferred."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/clean-home.php:55
msgid "Sticky Posts Border"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/clean-home.php:76
msgid "Site Title and Link Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/triton-lite.php:28
msgid "Page Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/triton-lite.php:68
msgid "Home Page Post Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pending/sundance.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/petite-melodies.php:14
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/studio.php:29
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/ideation-and-intent.php:38
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/retro-fitted.php:38
msgid "Headings & Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sunspot.php:90
msgid "Navigation, Comment Bubbles, and Borders"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sunspot.php:106
msgid "Links, Entry Titles, and Site Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sunspot.php:126
msgid "Widget Headings, Featured Posts, Page Titles, and Page Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sunspot.php:67
msgid "Buttons, Post Titles, and Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-mce-help.php:132
msgid "Distraction Free Writing mode"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-mce-help.php:137
msgid "Editor width in Distraction Free Writing mode:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:157
msgid "Checking this will present a follow button to logged out users in the bottom corner of their screen."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/subscriptions-admin.php:190
msgid "Logged out users"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/oxygen.php:31
msgid "Link Hovers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:272
msgid "Post editor - Enter the text for your post. There are two modes of editing: Visual and Text. Choose the mode by clicking on the appropriate tab. Visual mode gives you a WYSIWYG editor. Click the last icon in the row to get a second row of controls. The Text mode allows you to enter HTML along with your post text. Line breaks will be converted to paragraphs automatically. You can insert media files by clicking the icons above the post editor and following the directions. You can go to the distraction-free writing screen via the Fullscreen icon in Visual mode (second to last in the top row) or the Fullscreen button in Text mode (last in the row). Once there, you can make buttons visible by hovering over the top area. Exit Fullscreen back to the regular post editor."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:289
msgid "Creating a Page is very similar to creating a Post, and the screens can be customized in the same way using drag and drop, the Screen Options tab, and expanding/collapsing boxes as you choose. This screen also has the distraction-free writing space, available in both the Visual and Text modes via the Fullscreen buttons. The Page editor mostly works the same as the Post editor, but there are some Page-specific features in the Page Attributes box:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:345
msgid "Tags can be selectively converted to categories using the tag to category converter."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2604
msgid "Sorry, you have used all of your storage quota of %s MB."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:181
msgid ""
"Hi, this is a comment.\n"
"To delete a comment, just log in and view the post's comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:291
msgid "Here you can see all your transactions since Sep 15, 2009. For each one you can view a receipt, print it, or get it automatically sent to the email address we have on record for you."
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/html-emails/bb_notify_subscribers.php:22
msgid "in response to the topic \"%s\":"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize-wpcom.php:976
msgid "You have disconnected your WordPress.com blog from your %s account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/templates/paypal-direct-form.php:80
msgid "Checking this will allow you to use these details for future purchases. We don't store anything confidential, so your privacy will not be affected."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4230
msgid "Shows your most viewed or most liked posts and pages."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4280
msgid "Order Top Posts & Pages By:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4290
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/top-posts.php:96
msgid "Text List"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4291
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/top-posts.php:97
msgid "Image List"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4292
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/top-posts.php:98
msgid "Image Grid"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4296
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/top-posts.php:102
msgid "Top Posts & Pages by views are calculated from 24-48 hours of stats. They take a while to change."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4376
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/top-posts.php:175
msgid "There are no posts to display. Want more traffic?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blogs-i-follow/blogs-i-follow.php:213
msgid "You are not yet following any blogs. Try finding your friends or check out our recommended blogs."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gravatar-profile.php:47
msgid "You need to select what to show in this Gravatar Profile widget."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:174
msgid "I'm just starting out; leave me a comment or a like :)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:169
msgid "There are no users to display in this My Community widget. Want more traffic?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/posts-i-like.php:294
msgid "You have not recently liked any posts. Once you do, this Posts I Like widget will display them."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/recent-images.php:88
msgid "There are no images to display yet. Once you upload some, this Recent Images widget will display them."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/recent-images.php:90
msgid "There are no images to show."
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/profile.php:23
msgid "View %s's most recent replies"
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/profile.php:23
msgid "View most recent replies by any user"
msgstr ""
#: forums-20110206/subscriptions.php:8
msgid "You cannot edit these subscriptions. How did you get here?"
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/subscriptions.php:5
msgid "Current Subscriptions"
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/subscriptions.php:7
msgid "Subscriptions allow you to receive an email each time a reply is posted on your subscribed forum topics."
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/subscriptions.php:10
msgid "Unsubscribe from all topics"
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/subscriptions.php:16
msgid "You are now unubscribed from all topics."
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/subscriptions.php:19
msgid "You are now unubscribed from the '%s' topic."
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/subscriptions.php:50
msgid "You currently have no subscriptions."
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/subscriptions.php:54
msgid "currently has no subscriptions."
msgstr ""
#: forums-theme/wpcom/topic.php:45
msgid "You are subscribed to this topic - unsubscribe or view your subscriptions"
msgstr ""
#: forums-20110206/bb-includes/action.subscribe.php:7
#: forums-20110206/subscriptions.php:5
msgid "You can not (un)subscribe to topics."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/disk-space-checker/disk-space-checker.php:114
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/disk-space-checker/disk-space-checker.php:127
msgid "With the upgrade, you'll also be able to upload mp3, m4a, wav, and ogg audio files (great for podcasting)."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:466
msgid "These are colors that work well with the other colors in your palette:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gravatar.php:81
msgid "You need to pick a user or enter an email address in your Gravatar Widget settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/rss-links.php:144
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/rss-links.php:146
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/rss-links.php:148
msgid "Subscribe to %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/rss-links.php:146
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/rss-links.php:148
msgid "RSS - %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/category-cloud.php:78
msgid "If you use more categories on your site, they will appear here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/twitter.php:55
msgid "Please configure your Twitter username for the Twitter Widget."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:59
msgid "Show how many users?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/facebook-likebox.php:54
msgid "It looks like your Facebook URL is incorrectly configured. Please check it in your widget settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/image.php:51
msgid "Please configure the Image widget in your widget settings."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:61
msgid "A few"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:62
msgid "Lots"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:14
msgid "My Community"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:16
msgid "A sampling of users from your blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/themes/newdash-themes-footer.php:17
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/hot-templates/bundle-upgrade-three-choices.tpl.php:65
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:24
#: wp-content/themes/h4/footer-columns.php:85
msgid "Community"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:69
msgid "Include activity from likers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:76
msgid "Include activity from followers"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/my-community.php:83
msgid "Include activity from commenters"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/gravatar-profile.php:155
msgctxt "1: User Name, 2: Service Name (Facebook, Twitter, ...)"
msgid "%1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blogs-i-follow/blogs-i-follow.php:32
msgid "Display linked images for the blogs you follow"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blogs-i-follow/blogs-i-follow.php:273
msgid "Number of blogs to show:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blogs-i-follow/blogs-i-follow.php:275
msgid "(at most 50)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-non-empty-cart.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-non-empty-cart.php:8
msgid "Howdy, it looks like you were checking out some upgrades in the WordPress.com store. If you still want to purchase them, just follow the links below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-non-empty-cart.php:21
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-non-empty-cart.php:10
msgid "If you don't want to purchase these products or feel this is mistake, no action is required - you can simply ignore this reminder. For any questions, just reply to this message in your email program."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:549
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/preview-control.php:23
msgid "Customize the fonts in your theme with ease, apply a custom color palette and background pattern, or dive into CSS to make all the presentational changes you desire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/linen.php:71
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/balloons.php:38
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/comet.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/depo-masthead.php:21
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/enterprise.php:18
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/grisaille.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/sight.php:26
msgid "Links Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/suburbia.php:19
msgid "Grid Highlight"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1202
msgid "Custom Design to customise your site's appearance and choose unique fonts and colors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1233
msgid "The Font Editor lets you customize the fonts in your theme, Custom Colors lets you adjust the color scheme, and the CSS Editor allows you to customize the stylesheet of any available theme with your own custom CSS."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1240
msgid "You can start customizing your site under Appearance → Custom Design."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1249
msgid "We also offer professional CSS support in our forums:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:756
msgid "With the Custom Design upgrade, you can make your blog look exactly the way you want. The Font Editor lets you customize the fonts in your theme in just a few clicks — no coding knowledge required! Use Custom Colors to apply a new color palette and background pattern. The CSS Editor allows you to customize the stylesheet of any available theme with your own CSS."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2217
msgid "This upgrade lets you choose unique fonts for your site, a custom color scheme, and customize its appearance further with your own CSS."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2242
msgid "If this upgrade expires, any customizations you made to your theme's CSS, Custom Colors, and Custom Fonts will no longer be active on your site. Your site will revert to its appearance before you started using Custom Design."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel-wpcom.php:134
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel-wpcom.php:138
msgid "Sorry, but you do not have the proper privileges to interact with this site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:365
msgid "Sorry, you have used your space allocation. Please delete some files to upload more files."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/quintus.php:27
msgid "Comments and Accents"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/quintus.php:41
msgid "Dates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/posts-i-like.php:262
msgctxt "1: Post Title, 2: Blog Name"
msgid "%1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fruit-shake.php:44
msgid "Sidebar links and Comments"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/bon-vivant.php:111
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/flora-and-fauna.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/publisher.php:18
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/pink-touch-2.php:31
msgid "Accents"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/import/wp-cat2tag.php:537 wp-admin/import/wp-cat2tag.php:573
msgid "We are processing your conversion and will send you an email when it's all done. Thank you for your patience!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/videopress/settings.php:189
msgid "Ogg file container with Theora video and Vorbis audio. Note that some browsers are unable to play free software video formats, including Internet Explorer and Safari."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/nishita.php:100
msgid "Content Areas"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:644
msgid "Your current theme does not support Custom Colors. You can choose a different theme or use the CSS Editor to add your own colors with CSS."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/oulipo.php:45
msgid "Link One"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/oulipo.php:57
msgid "Link Two"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/bueno.php:25
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/oulipo.php:71
msgid "Headings & Navigation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/inuit-types.php:30
msgid "Widget Boxes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/vostok.php:55
msgid "Headings and Navigation"
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/mailomattic/processors/post-by-email.php:255
msgid "Attachment Errors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/post-flair/polldaddy/polldaddy.php:2290
msgid "Please choose a custom style…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/dusk-to-dawn.php:21
msgid "Sidebar Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/posts-i-like.php:27
msgid "A list of the posts I most recently liked"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/stats.php:4288
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/blogs-i-follow/blogs-i-follow.php:280
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/posts-i-like.php:87
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/top-posts.php:94
msgid "Display as:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/posts-i-like.php:105
msgid "Author's likes to display:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1190
msgid "Choose a Palette"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/pocket.php:34
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/choco.php:51
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/wu-wei.php:23
msgid "Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:699
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1503
msgid "Follow this Blog?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:645
msgid "Your current theme does not support Custom Colors yet. We are working to add support to most of our themes, including this one."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:454
msgid "Customize Your Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:316
msgid "Choose a Background Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:78
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:195
msgid "Bulk User Management"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:78
msgid "User Management"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:139
msgid "Some users were already members of the specified sites."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:145
msgid "Invitation email sent to new users. A confirmation link must be clicked before their account is created."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:148
msgid "Users have been added to your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:154
msgid "User roles were modified."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:157
msgid "Users were removed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:160
msgid "The new role of the current user must still be able to promote users."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:163
msgid "Each new user must have an email address specified."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:271
msgid "You can’t edit users on that site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/bulk-user-management.php:342
msgid "You can’t remove users on that site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/includes/class-bulk-user-table.php:21
msgid "No matching users were found"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/includes/class-bulk-user-table.php:42
msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/bulk-user-management/includes/class-bulk-user-table.php:54
msgid "%1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:450
msgid "Go back to your theme’s default colors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:392
msgid "Image Gallery Carousel"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:395
msgid "Enable carousel"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:459
msgid "Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:483
msgid "Display images in full-size carousel slideshow."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/sixteen-nine.php:52
msgid "Widget Titles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1491
msgid "Unused"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/currents.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/elemin.php:49
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/gigawatt.php:18
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/just-desserts.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/photography-classic.php:30
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/benevolence.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/confit.php:81
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/contempt.php:20
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/journalist.php:124
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/misty-lake.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/monster.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/notepad.php:30
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/p2.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/piano-black.php:137
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/suburbia.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentyten.php:56
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/vigilance.php:62
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/zbench.php:47
msgid "Link Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/delight.php:42
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/eleven40.php:22
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/magnate-express.php:27
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/massive-press.php:14
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/timepiece.php:12
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/titan.php:13
msgid "Header Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/titan.php:48
msgid "Header Title"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1227
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1233
msgid "Colors & Backgrounds"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:323
msgid "Please check the confirmation box to confirm that you wish to cancel this domain, effective immediately. WordPress.com cannot guarantee that this domain will be available for re-registration if you proceed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/invite/invite-users.php:237
msgid "Whoops, you can't use an activation key you've created for someone else. You are currently logged in as %s. If you would like to accept this invitation using another account, please log out first."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:273
msgid "Missing attachment ID."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:320
msgid "Missing target blog ID."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:323
msgid "Missing target post ID."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:326
msgid "No comment text was submitted."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:338
msgid "Comments on this post are closed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:348
msgid "Sorry, but we could not authenticate your request."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:360
msgid "Please provide an email address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:363
msgid "Please provide a valid email address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/puzzle.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/greenery-10.php:72
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/parament.php:84
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/trvl.php:17
msgid "Highlights"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pending/everyday.php:23
msgid "Menu and Footer Links"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/pocket.php:59
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fjords.php:17
msgid "Site Title and Description"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/fjords.php:25
msgid "Sticky Post Title Background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/functions.php:12
msgid "Header Menu"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:308
msgid "Browse themes you have activated in the last six months."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:271
msgid "%1$s or cancel this domain."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:296
msgid "Canceling a domain causes the domain to be lost permanently. In order to make sure you 100% wish to cancel it, please give us a reason why you're canceling it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:297
msgid "Your reason for canceling %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:298
msgid "I understand that:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:300
msgid "My domain will not be renewed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:301
msgid "My domain may not be available for re-registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:302
msgid "I'll no longer own %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:303
msgid "Visitors to %s will not see my site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:307
msgid "I understand, Cancel the domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:309
msgid "%s or Go Back."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:312
msgid "We'll process your cancelation request as soon as we can, please understand that this is a manual process and is not instant."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/post-templates.php:280
msgid "Nothing to read!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:72
msgid "Adding Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:86
msgid "Previewing and Customizing"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/themes.php:279
msgctxt "theme name"
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:198
msgid "Purchase & activate “%s”"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:309
msgid "Browse our themes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:281
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:549
msgid "Options:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1508
msgid "Accent #1"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1509
msgid "Accent #2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/arcade.php:73
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/expound.php:47
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/manifest.php:30
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/debut.php:24
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/dusk-to-dawn.php:34
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/pilcrow.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/skeptical.php:33
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/the-columnist.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/titan.php:31
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentyeleven.php:55
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/twentyten.php:31
msgid "Menu Hover"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:1213
msgid "There aren't any patterns that match your chosen color scheme. It's just too unique!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:89
msgid "Urgent! The domain upgrade for your blog %s expired yesterday."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:8
msgctxt "Latest notifications"
msgid "Latest"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:9
msgctxt "Unread notifications"
msgid "Unread"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:10
msgctxt "Comments notifications"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:11
msgctxt "Follows notifications"
msgid "Follows"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:12
msgctxt "Likes notifications"
msgid "Likes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:13
msgctxt "Reblogs notifications"
msgid "Reblogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/notifications.php:14
msgctxt "Awards notifications"
msgid "Awards"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:254
msgid "Yep, you renewed your domain %1$s on %2$s. It's been a year now. Phew, that went by fast! This domain needs to be renewed every year to stay active. Please renew %1$s before %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:88
msgid "[WordPress.com] Act now! %s expired yesterday"
msgstr ""
#: forums-20110206/bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php:278
msgid "Start a new forum thread"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:158
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:402
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:1053 wp-includes/media-template.php:1143
msgid "Metadata"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:467
msgid "Show map of photo location in carousel, when available."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:301
msgid "You can drag individual colors to your main palette"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:218
msgid "× Dismiss"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:225
msgid "Oh no! This domain %1$s expired %2$s days ago!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:227
msgid "Please contact the owner of this website and ask them to renew the domain. Don't worry, you'll still be able to view the site at this web address: %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:240
msgid "Phew, the year went by fast! The domain %1$s needs to be renewed every year to stay active. If you don't renew the domain soon, it will be canceled and visitors who come to the web address %1$s won't be able to find your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:243
msgid "Please contact the owner of this website and ask them to renew the domain. You will need to have the original purchaser of the domain renew it, If this is not possible, please Contact Support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:249
msgid "Uh oh! Your domain %1$s is expiring in %2$s days!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:252
msgid "Yep, you bought your domain %1$s on %2$s. It's been a year now. Phew, that went by fast! This domain needs to be renewed every year to stay active. Please renew %1$s before %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/expired-domain-alert/expired-domain-alert.php:256
msgid "If you don't renew %1$s soon, the domain will be canceled and visitors who come to the web address %1$s won't be able to find your site."
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/_tos.php:56
msgid "Forum Posting Locked"
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/_tos.php:57
msgid "One of your blogs has been suspended or locked. You will be unable to post to the forums until the issue is resolved. To learn more, please visit the blog dashboard and review the notice at the top of your screen to contact us."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:115
msgid "Loading Comments..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1978
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2007
msgid "Your domain %s expired yesterday."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1980
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2009
msgid "Your Domain Mapping for %s expired yesterday."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1986
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2010
msgid "Please renew it now to make sure visitors will be able to reach your site at that address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1984
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1998
msgid "Act now! %s expired"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:800
msgid "Your domain %2$s expired %3$s ago. Please renew it now to make sure visitors will be able to reach your site at that address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1987
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:2002
msgid "Renew %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1973
msgid "Act now! Your domain \"%s\" expired. Renew it now to keep your site available at that address."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/settings.php:49
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:407
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:516
msgid "Plain Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-notifications.php:217
msgid "[%1$s] %2$s liked your comment on \"%3$s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/comment-likes/comment-likes-notifications.php:223
msgid ""
"%1$s read your comment and enjoyed it enough to click the 'Like' button. Congratulations!\n"
"\t \"%2$s\"\n"
"\t %3$s\n"
"If you don't want to be notified of Likes:\n"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel-wpcom.php:49
msgid "Reblogging..."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel-wpcom.php:50
msgid "Post Reblog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:121
msgid "Your comment was approved."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:122
msgid "Your comment is in moderation."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:123
msgid "Camera"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:124
msgid "Aperture"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:125
msgid "Shutter Speed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:126
msgid "Focal Length"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:117
msgid "Please be sure to submit some text with your comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:118
msgid "Please provide an email address to comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:119
msgid "Please provide your name to comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:120
msgid "Sorry, but there was an error posting your comment. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/html-emails/bb_notify_subscribers.php:6
msgid "%s replied to a forum topic that you subscribe to"
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/html-emails/bb_notify_subscribers.php:33
msgid "View forum topic"
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/html-emails/footer.php:5
msgid "Unsubscribe from this topic"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-non-empty-cart.php:9
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-non-empty-cart.php:5
msgid "Upgrades for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-non-empty-cart.php:39
msgid "Remove from my cart"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-non-empty-cart.php:67
msgid "Don't want these anymore?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-non-empty-cart.php:68
msgid "Empty your cart"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-non-empty-cart.php:17
msgid "More information:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/invite/invite-users.php:306
msgid "Our secret signature failed. The authorities have been notified."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/filter-widget/load.php:37
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/modules/unreplied-posts/load.php:63
msgid "No Replies"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/newdash-notice.php:2
msgid "Close this notice"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:371
msgid "Project updated. View item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:376
msgid "Project restored to revision from %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:379
msgid "Project submitted. Preview project"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:380
msgid "Project scheduled for: %1$s. Preview project"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:383
msgid "Project item draft updated. Preview project"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/page-landing-commerce.php:228
msgid "Create an account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/music-player.php:32
msgid "Stop"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/admin.php:173
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/post-meta-box.php:36
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/podcasting/settings.php:186
msgid "Clean"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:220
msgid "Menu item updated. View item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:225
msgid "Menu item restored to revision from %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:228
msgid "Menu item submitted. Preview item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:229
msgid "Menu item scheduled for: %1$s. Preview item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/nova/nova.php:232
msgid "Menu item draft updated. Preview item"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/delete-blog.php:107
msgid "I'm sorry, the link you clicked was invalid or has expired. Please try again or contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2232
msgid "Domains are required to have publicly accessible contact details. Below are examples of how your domain will appear with and without privacy protection."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:133
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:678
msgid "Spam User & Delete App"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/tumblr.php:15
msgid "By default we will use your primary Tumblr blog but you can change this under 'Set options' on Settings → Sharing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:256
msgid "Your upgrade subscription will automatically renew every 12 months from the date of your original purchase. We'll attempt to charge the credit card you used to make your initial upgrade purchase. You can cancel automatic renewal at any time prior to your renewal date by visiting the Upgrades section of your blog's Dashboard and clicking Disable Auto-Renew next to the upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:257
msgid "We'll notify you three times by email prior to renewing a non-domain upgrade. We'll notify you 90 days and 60 days prior to renewing a domain on your behalf, and attempt to renew the domain 30 days prior to expiration."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-checkout-forms.php:262
msgid "Contact us any time with questions via support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:20
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to edit templates for this site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:22
msgid "Edit Themes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:29
msgid "You can use the Theme Editor to edit the individual CSS and PHP files which make up your theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:30
msgid "Begin by choosing a theme to edit from the dropdown menu and clicking Select. A list then appears of all the template files. Clicking once on any file name causes the file to appear in the large Editor box."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:33
msgid "After typing in your edits, click Update File."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:34
msgid "Advice: think very carefully about your site crashing if you are live-editing the theme currently in use."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:58 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:61
msgid "The requested theme does not exist."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:144
msgid "Select theme to edit:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:163
msgid "This theme is broken."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:170
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:172
msgid "This child theme inherits templates from a parent theme, %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:180
msgctxt "Theme stylesheets in theme editor"
msgid "Styles"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:197
msgid "Oops, no such file exists! Double check the name and try again, merci."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:218
msgid "This is a file in your current parent theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:316
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:938
msgid "I like this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:12
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:220
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:318
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:803
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:885
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:940
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1134
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1613
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1699
msgid "You like this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:11
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:217
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:802
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:886
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1131
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1612
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1700
msgid "Be the first to like this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:222
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:804
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:889
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1136
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1614
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1703
msgid "One blogger likes this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:14
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:228
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:810
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1142
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1620
msgid "You and %s other bloggers like this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:15
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:230
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:806
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:887
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1144
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1616
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1701
msgid "You and one other blogger like this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:16
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:233
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:893
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:993
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1147
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1707
msgid "%s bloggers like this."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1280
msgid "%d blogger likes this"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1282
msgid "%s bloggers like this"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/highlander-comments.php:253
msgid "Initializing Comments…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/olark.php:220
msgid "Unauthorized."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:655
msgid "Currently active colors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:657
msgid "Currently previewed colors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:649
msgid "Instantly change your blog’s personality with our stunning and intelligent color palettes."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-login/layout.php:90
msgid "You're trying to publish a comment as %s. You need to log in to that account before you can proceed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:105
msgctxt "Posts about Category written by John and Bob"
msgid "Posts about %1$s written by %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-login/layout.php:118
msgid "Are you %s?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-login/layout.php:121
msgid "You are being asked to login because %s is used by an account you are not logged into now."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-login/layout.php:125
msgid "By logging in you'll post the following comment to %s:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-login/layout.php:127
msgid "By logging in you'll post the following comment:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-login/layout.php:134
msgid "WordPress.com / Gravatar.com credentials can be used."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:449
msgid "Revert to your previously saved colors"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/payment-processors/class-wpcom-billing-paypal-express.php:169
msgid "Your subscription will automatically renew each year. You may disable auto renew at any time from your WordPress.com dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/infinity/infinity.php:574
msgid "Scroll back to top"
msgstr ""
#: forums-plugins/_which-blog.php:185
msgid "The blog I need help with is %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:727
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:805
msgid "Liveblog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:909
msgid "Cheatin', uh?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/liveblog/liveblog.php:920
msgid "Sorry, we could not authenticate you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:228
msgctxt "$list_of_users liked your page $post_title"
msgid "%1$l liked your page %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$l liked your page %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:266
msgid "This person liked your page:"
msgid_plural "These people liked your page:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:323
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:337
msgid "To see them all, visit the page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/further.php:146
msgid "Theme Color"
msgstr ""
#: welcome.messages/class.windows-live-spaces.php:576
msgid "If you'd like to start a new blog with WordPress.com, sign up now!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-variants/domain-one-step/domain-one-step.php:1674
msgid "Passwords must match!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash.php:686
msgid "Every visitor"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash.php:688
msgid "Every visitor, except logged-in WordPress.com users (fewer impressions)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash.php:691
msgid "Do not show any ads"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/infinity/themes/pub/grisaille.php:69
msgid "Category: %1$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:174
msgid "You can set a custom image header for your site. Simply upload the image and crop it, and the new header will go live immediately. Alternatively, you can use an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the “Choose Image” button."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:836
msgid "Skip Cropping, Publish Image as Is"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/publicize-wpcom.php:471
msgid "Refresh connection with %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/invite/invite-users.php:1708
msgid "sent to %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/invite/invite-users.php:331
msgid "The email address associated with your WordPress.com account '%s' doesn't match what the invitation was sent to. Please try a different WordPress.com account, or have the admin send an invite to your correct email account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-non-empty-cart.php:23
msgid "View your cart:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-non-empty-cart.php:28
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-dns-records.php:37
msgid "Thanks for flying with http://WordPress.com"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/customize.php:144 wp-content/lib/wp-theme-preview.php:73
msgid "You are previewing %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:63
msgctxt "(by User Name)"
msgid "(by %1$s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:66
msgctxt "Blog Title on WordPress.com"
msgid "%1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:72
msgctxt "Post Title | Blog Title on WordPress.com"
msgid "%1$s | %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:92
msgctxt "Posts by Author Name | Blog Title on WordPress.com"
msgid "Posts by %1$s | %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:93
msgctxt "Read all of the posts by Author Name on Blog Title"
msgid "Read all of the posts by %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:97
msgctxt "Posts about Category on Blog Title"
msgid "Posts about %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:111
msgctxt "10 posts published by John in the year 2012"
msgid "%1$s post published by %2$s in the year %3$s"
msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$s in the year %3$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:119
msgctxt "10 posts publishes by John during May 2012"
msgid "%1$s post published by %2$s during %3$s"
msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$s during %3$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:127
msgctxt "10 posts published by John on May 30, 2012"
msgid "%1$s post published by %2$s on %3$s"
msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$s on %3$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/seo.php:133
msgctxt "Posts from May 2012 on Blog Title"
msgid "Posts from %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/facebook.php:20
msgid "Facebook Page accounts must have a corresponding Profile at this time."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/facebook.php:642
msgid "Publicize to my Facebook Page:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/publicize/services/tumblr.php:216
msgid "Publicize to my Tumblr blog:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/music-player.php:45
msgid "Update your browser to a recent version or update your %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/music-player.php:47
msgid "Link to Adobe Flash Player Plugin"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/upcoming-events.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/upcoming-events.php:38
msgid "Upcoming Events"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.php:136
msgid "Commenting as %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-photos.php:81
msgid "Image Date/Time"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-photos.php:82
msgid "Upload order"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:528
msgid "Hex Value"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php:968
msgid "Header Text Color"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/class-newdash-i18n.php:182
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/theme-customizer/new-customizer.php:39
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:390
msgid "Saved"
msgstr ""
#: wp-login.php:504
msgid "You have successfully updated WordPress! Please log back in to experience the awesomeness."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:304 wp-admin/custom-header.php:568
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/colors.php:384
msgid "Select Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:314 wp-admin/custom-header.php:604
msgid "Or choose an image from your media library:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:317 wp-admin/custom-header.php:608
#: wp-includes/media.php:2961
msgid "Choose Image"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2185
msgid "Why am I being asked for these details?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1653
msgid "Add Private Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2217
msgid "See It In Action"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-product-list.php:373
msgid "Private Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2240
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2270
msgid "Registrant:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2243
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2254
msgid "123 Elm St"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2244
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2255
msgid "Your City"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2245
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2255
msgid "Your Country"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2249
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2279
msgid "Administrative Contact:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2256
msgid "Your Phone Number"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2261
msgid "Just Normal Registration"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/customize.php:123 wp-includes/script-loader.php:388
msgid "Save & Publish"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/customize.php:123 wp-includes/script-loader.php:387
msgid "Save & Activate"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1242
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1535
msgctxt "$comment_status_icon $user_name commented on your post $post_title"
msgid "%1$s %2$s commented on your post %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:583
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:601
msgctxt "post like"
msgid "likes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:588
msgctxt "$number Likes"
msgid "%1$s Likes!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:589
msgctxt "Congratulations on getting $number total likes on $blog_title"
msgid "Congratulations on getting %2$s total likes on %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:655
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:673
msgctxt "blog follows"
msgid "follows"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:660
msgctxt "$number Followers!"
msgid "%1$s Followers!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements.php:661
msgid "Congratulations on getting %2$s total follows on %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1849
msgid "Domain and site redirect management is currently disabled. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/achievements/feats.php:421
msgctxt "1=date, 2=blogname"
msgid "On %1$s you surpassed your previous record of most follows in one day for your blog %2$s. Nice!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/widget.php:10
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-widget.php:12
msgid "Akismet Widget"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/widget.php:11
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-widget.php:13
msgid "Display the number of spam comments Akismet has caught"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-2.5/widget.php:96
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-widget.php:98
msgid "%1$s spam blocked by Akismet"
msgid_plural "%1$s spam blocked by Akismet"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:233
msgctxt "$list_of_users liked your post $post_title"
msgid "%1$l liked your post %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$l liked your post %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:270
msgid "This person liked your post:"
msgid_plural "These people liked your post:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:325
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:339
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1913
msgid "To see them all, visit the post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:346
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:703
msgctxt "75 people liked it so far. Nice!"
msgid "%s people liked it so far. Nice!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1000
msgctxt "$user_name(s) followed your blog $blog_name"
msgid "%1$l followed your blog %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$l followed your blog %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1016
msgid "This person is following your blog:"
msgid_plural "These people are following your blog:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1779
msgctxt "$comment_status_icon $user_name linked to your post $post_title"
msgid "%1$s %2$s linked to your post %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1233
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1526
msgctxt "$comment_status_icon $user_name replied to your comment on your post $post_title"
msgid "%1$s %2$s replied to your comment on %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1290
msgid "In reply to your comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1294
msgctxt "In reply to $comment_author"
msgid "In reply to %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1844
msgctxt "$user_name(s) reblogged your post $post_name"
msgid "%1$l reblogged your post %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$l reblogged your post %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1853
msgctxt "$user_names and 24 others reblogged your post $post_title"
msgid "%1$l and one other person reblogged your post %3$s"
msgid_plural "%1$l and %2$s others reblogged your post %3$s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1872
msgid "This person reblogged your post:"
msgid_plural "These people reblogged your post:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:1667
msgid "The blog_id you have attempted to transfer the product to is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:201
msgid "The blog you have attempted to transfer to does not have a valid blog id."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:323
msgctxt "reciept type"
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:406
msgid "View/Print"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:801
msgctxt "%1$s = blog name"
msgid "%1$s Sidebar"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:804
msgctxt "%1$s = blog name, %2$s = post title"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:931
msgid "go back"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:1006
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:1022
msgctxt "%1$s = form field label, %2$s = form field value"
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:199
msgid "Purchase (%s)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/activity-streams-loader.php:208
msgid "If you would like to continue publishing your posts to Facebook, please refresh your connection before publishing this post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/activity-streams-loader.php:209
msgid "Refresh Connection"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/activity-streams-loader.php:233
msgid "Your Facebook account is now confirmed. Publish away!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:22
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:290
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history.php:43
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:335
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:138
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:1001
msgid "Billing History"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:336
msgid "You have no receipts at the moment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:416
msgid "Note: At the moment we don't show receipts older than September 2009."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:297
msgid "A copy of the receipt has been emailed to you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:300
msgid "There was a problem emailing you a copy of the receipt."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:325
msgid "PayPal ID"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:356
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history.php:76
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:488
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-billing-history-v2.php:503
#: billingdaddy/inc/email/refund.php:12
msgid "Refund"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:406
msgid "View or print this receipt"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-receipts.php:407
msgid "Email this receipt to yourself"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/mobile/mobile-functions.php:1081
msgid "My Lists"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2001
msgid "Registration Details for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:177
msgid "If you don’t want a header image to be displayed on your site at all, click the “Remove Header Image” button at the bottom of the Header Image section of this page. If you want to re-enable the header image later, you just have to select one of the other image options and click “Save Changes”."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/theme-optimizations.php:99
msgid "Learn more about this theme"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:752
msgid "Select File"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/media.php:62
msgid "You attempted to edit an item that isn’t an attachment. Please go back and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/xmlrpc-mu.php:514
msgid "Privacy access"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:128
msgid "Your requested premium theme cancellation has been processed. The refund may take up to 7 days to appear in your PayPal/bank/credit card account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/rewrite-rules-inspector/rewrite-rules-inspector.php:65
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/rewrite-rules-inspector/rewrite-rules-inspector.php:209
msgid "Rewrite Rules Inspector"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/rewrite-rules-inspector/rewrite-rules-inspector.php:214
msgid "No rewrite rules yet, try flushing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/rewrite-rules-inspector/rewrite-rules-inspector.php:217
msgid "Some rewrite rules may be missing, try flushing."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/rewrite-rules-inspector/rewrite-rules-inspector.php:223
msgid "A listing of all %1$s rewrite rules for this site that match \"%3$s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/rewrite-rules-inspector/rewrite-rules-inspector.php:225
msgid "A listing of all %1$s rewrite rules for this site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/rewrite-rules-inspector/rewrite-rules-inspector.php:381
msgid "Rule Source:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:295
msgid "You are logged in as \"%1$s\" and do not have the necessary privileges to access the dashboard for \"%3$s\". If you are not \"%1$s\", please log out, and log back in with your username. If you are \"%1$s\" and you need access, please ask an administrator of the site to invite you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/premium/anthem.php:46
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/edin.php:156
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/illustratr.php:169
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/colors/theme-annotations/pub/singl.php:269
msgid "Accent"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/facebook-likebox.php:207
msgid "Show Wall"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/widgets/facebook-likebox.php:209
msgid "Show the wall for a Places page rather than friend activity."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:45
msgid "By clicking the link below you acknowledge that you want to cancel %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-subscription-cancelled.php:32
msgid "If you have any questions, or don't receive the refund, please contact support through the following link: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2561
msgid "You are using the browser’s built-in file uploader. The WordPress uploader includes multiple file selection and drag and drop capability. Switch to the multi-file uploader."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/tools.php:22
msgid "Categories have hierarchy, meaning that you can nest sub-categories. Tags do not have hierarchy and cannot be nested. Sometimes people start out using one on their posts, then later realize that the other would work better for their content."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:253
msgid "Preview %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:841
msgid "Moving a domain product to a different blog will cause the domain to display content from the new blog. Do this only if you're sure you want to display content from the blog selected below at the domain %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription-cancellations.php:233
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1915
msgid "Cancellation request for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/paid-upgrades.php:420
msgid "%s upgrade cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:118
msgid "Upgrade cancelled and refunded. The refund may take up to 7 days days to appear in your PayPal/bank/credit card account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:19
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:14
msgid "Please confirm you would like to cancel the following upgrade: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:23
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:20
msgid "The following products contained in the bundle will be removed from your site:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:39
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:32
msgid "This will not cancel the upgrades in the bundle. It will disable auto renew on each upgrade and allow you to renew or cancel each one separately."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:40
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:34
msgid "Be aware that you will lose the bundle discount when renewing these upgrades if you cancel the bundle."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:50
msgid "By clicking the button below you acknowledge that you want to cancel %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel-domain.php:13
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:52
msgid "Confirm Cancellation"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-request-cancel.php:54
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:54
msgid "Please reply to this email if you have any questions."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-subscription-cancelled.php:33
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-subscription-cancelled.php:30
msgid "It may take up to 7 days for the refund to appear in your account."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/store-subscription-cancelled.php:34
msgid "If you have any questions, or don't receive the refund, please contact support"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:166
msgid "This screen is used to customize the header section of your theme."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:167
msgid "You can choose from the theme’s default header images, or use one of your own. You can also customize how your Site Title and Tagline are displayed."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:175
msgid "Some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple images displayed, select the one you’d like and click the “Save Changes” button."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:176
msgid "If your theme has more than one default header image, or you have uploaded more than one custom header image, you have the option of having WordPress display a randomly different image on each page of your site. Click the “Random” radio button next to the Uploaded Images or Default Images section to enable this feature."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:184
msgid "For most themes, the header text is your Site Title and Tagline, as defined in the General Settings section."
msgstr ""
#: blog-search/index.php:328
msgid "Related Topics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:93
msgid "Your bundle includes the domain \"%s\". If you plan on using this domain again at some point – on WordPress.com or elsewhere – we suggest you don't cancel it."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:84
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:98
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:118
msgid "Just cancel the bundle, and keep \"%s\""
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:103
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-my-upgrades-cancel-form.php:123
msgid "Cancel the bundle and the domain"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:3005
msgid "Oops, we can’t find the domain you’re trying to renew. Please contact support to get this sorted out. Be sure to let us know which domain you were trying to renew."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/like-button.php:853
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1650
msgid "View %s to see all the posts you've liked."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/media-new.php:52
msgid "Revert to the Browser Uploader by clicking the link below the drag and drop box."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/network-admin.php:594
msgid "No applications could be found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/blog-plugins/optimizations.php:60
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-wp-install-defaults.php:69
msgid "This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your About or Contact information. Click the Edit link to make changes to this page or add another page."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2554
msgid "Registrations for %1$s domain names take up to %2$s. %3$s will be set as the primary domain for your site once the domain registration has completed. This will make %4$s the address readers see when visiting your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/auto-renew-failed.php:4
msgid "%1$s on your blog %2$s is about to expire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/auto-renew-failed.php:15
msgid "Upgrades on your blog %s are about to expire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:109
msgid "
There is a pending change of your e-mail to %1$s. Cancel
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/auto-renew-failed.php:8
msgid "%1$s on your blog %3$s is about to expire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/auto-renew-failed.php:17
msgid "Upgrades on your blog %2$s are about to expire."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/auto-renew-failed.php:26
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/auto-renew-failed.php:25
msgid "Renew Upgrades"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2444
msgid "Your credit card has expired so the renewal didn't go through. We're getting in touch because you'll need to manually renew this upgrade."
msgid_plural "Your credit card has expired so the renewals didn't go through. We're getting in touch because you'll need to manually renew these upgrades."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2452
msgid "The renewal didn't go through, and we're getting in touch because you'll need to manually renew this upgrade."
msgid_plural "The renewals didn't go through, and we're getting in touch because you'll need to manually renew these upgrades."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing.php:2472
msgid "Auto renew for %s failed"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3483
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3524
msgid "Follow All"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:218
msgid "Flexible Header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:261
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:330
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:361
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:490
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:614
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:665
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:719
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:855
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:957
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:589
msgid "Insufficient arguments passed to this XML-RPC method."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:1244
msgid "Sorry, you cannot stick a private post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/users.php:414
msgid "New user created. Edit user"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/oauth2/oauth2.php:1354
msgid "Invalid verification code"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/sidebar.php:127
msgid "Explore Topics"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2859
msgid "Please enter a topic name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2864
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2875
msgid "Sorry, there are no posts for that topic."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2877
msgid "You are already following that topic."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-post-types/portfolio.php:283
msgid "View Project"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:58
msgid "Search for themes by keyword."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:100
msgid "Find a theme based on specific features."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/browser-extension-promos/class.php:169
msgid "Get Instant Blog Activity Notifications with the WordPress.com %1$s for %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1165
msgid "The domain upgrade replaces your site's default address with a custom domain of your choice. Instead of %1$s, this upgrade makes your site available at %2$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1258
msgid "If you're using one of our mobile apps, you can upload videos directly from your device's camera."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:816
msgid "If you'd like to move this upgrade product from one of your sites to another, please select the new site URL below. The upgrade will no longer be available from the original blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:14
msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"Name\" field in contact form builder"
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:15
msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"Email\" field in contact form builder"
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:16
msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"URL/Website\" field in contact form builder"
msgid "Website"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:17
msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"Comment/Response\" field in contact form builder"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:18
msgctxt "Default label for new HTML form field in contact form builder"
msgid "New Field"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:19
msgctxt "Label for the set of options to be included in a user-created dropdown in contact form builder"
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:20
msgctxt "Label for an option to be included in a user-created dropdown in contact form builder"
msgid "Option"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:21
msgctxt "Default label for the first option to be included in a user-created dropdown in contact form builder"
msgid "First option"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:22
msgctxt "error message in contact form builder"
msgid "Oops, there was a problem generating your form. You'll likely need to try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:23
msgid ""
"Drag up or down\n"
"to re-arrange"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:24
msgctxt "Label to drag HTML form fields around to change their order in contact form builder"
msgid "move"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:25
msgctxt "Link to edit an HTML form field in contact form builder"
msgid "edit"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:26
msgid "Saved successfully"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:27
msgctxt "This HTML form field is marked as required by the user in contact form builder"
msgid "(required)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:136
msgctxt "%1$s = \"Click here\" in an HTML link"
msgid "Sure thing. %1$s to add a new text box, textarea, radio, checkbox, or dropdown field."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/nux/purchase-notice.php:139
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:205
msgid "Email settings"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:430
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php:583
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:36
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/footer.php:311
msgid "Contact Form"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:133
msgid "By adding a contact form, your readers will be able to submit feedback to you. All feedback is automatically scanned for spam, and the legitimate feedback will be emailed to you."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:137
msgid "Click here"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:148
msgid "Nope. However, if you’d like to modify where your feedback is sent, or the subject line you can. If you don’t make any changes here, feedback will be sent to the author of the page/post and the subject will be the name of this page/post."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:161
msgid "Checkbox"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:162
msgid "Drop down"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:165
msgid "Radio"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/grunion-contact-form/grunion-form-view.php:167
msgid "Textarea"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/find-friends.php:9
msgid "Are your Facebook, Twitter, and Google friends blogging with %s? Give the friend finder a whirl to find out."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/footer-nags.php:10
msgid "Moderate comments on the go"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/footer-nags.php:11
msgid "Check out the mobile %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/footer-nags.php:11
msgid "WordPress Apps"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/infinity/themes/pub/origin.php:41
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/infinity/themes/pub/origin.php:42
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/infinity/themes/pub/origin.php:44
msgid "·"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php:1093
msgid "You can edit your menu content on the Menus screen in the Appearance section."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3790
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:3803
msgid "There was an error connecting with Google. Please close this window and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-cc-expired.php:18
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-cc-expired.php:17
msgid "Update Payment Information"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/expired-domain-notice.php:22
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/renew-cc-expired.php:29
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-request-cancel.php:58
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/store-subscription-cancelled.php:43
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/verify-email-forward.php:14
msgid "Thanks for flying with WordPress.com!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/renewal-notifications.php:117
msgid "Payment information for %s is out of date"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:52
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1768
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Replied"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:51
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1774
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:53
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1366
msgid "Reply to this comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:60
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1417
msgid "Unapprove this comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1430
msgid "Approve this comment."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:62
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1445
msgid "Unmark this comment as spam."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:49
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1458
msgid "Mark this comment as spam."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:57
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1473
msgid "Restore this comment from the trash."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/js/jed/json-strings.php:50
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/notes/callbacks-rest.php:1485
msgid "Move this comment to the trash."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:278
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:281
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1414
msgid "WordPress.com Likes are"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:284
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:287
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1420
msgid "On for all posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes-legacy.php:290
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/likes/jetpack-likes.php:293
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1426
msgid "Turned on per post"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:131
msgid "In all likelihood, these items were supplied to you by your Web Host. If you do not have this information, then you will need to contact them before you can continue. If you’re all ready…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:31
msgid "Reblogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/push-notifications.php:36
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/trophy-case.php:97
msgid "Follows"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:749
msgid "Drop a file here or select a file."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2603
msgid "Please check your primary domain settings."
msgstr ""
#: async-jobs/includes/domain-set-primary-for-blog.php:47
msgid "Primary domain set for %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1800
msgid "Domain Cancellation Policy"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:764
msgid "Since your domain has been registered for more than 60 days, you may have the option of transferring to another registrar. Simply follow these instructions to begin that process."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:768
msgid "Domains that have been purchased for 60 days or longer with no contact changes within the last 60 days are eligible for transfer to another registrar. Your domain is not eligible for transfer at this time, but you may want to make a note of these instructions for future reference."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:772
msgid "If you wish to keep the domain but use it to display content from a site hosted elsewhere, you can do so by changing the nameservers for your domain using your domain administration control panel. We provide full instructions here."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1671
msgid "Cancellation Info"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:185
msgid "There was an error transferring your premium theme upgrade. Please contact support."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:191
msgid "You have transferred the \"%s\" to another blog successfully."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:193
msgid "Your product has been transferred."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:197
msgid "One or more products from the bundle you have attempted to transfer already exists on the destination blog. The bundle is not eligible for automatic transfer. Please contact support to resolve the issue."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:205
msgid "The product transfer could not be completed because a subscription or transaction record could not be found. Please contact support and quote this message to resolve the issue."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:209
msgid "The product transfer could not be completed. Please contact support to resolve the issue."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1683
msgid "Transfer to another site"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:813
msgid "Move %s Upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:829
msgid "Transfer Product"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:848
msgid "Note that moving this upgrade transfers the VideoPress upgrade but not the files. Videos already uploaded will remain associated with %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:837
msgid "Note that moving this upgrade transfers the additional allocated space but not the files. Files already uploaded will remain associated with %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:852
msgid "Moving a product that affects your site design to a different blog will cause the display of the original blog at %s to change."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:853
msgid "After transferring the upgrade, you'll still be able to review and copy the CSS from the original blog to the new if desired. Or you can start from scratch."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/media-explorer/class.mexp.php:202
#: wp-content/themes/a8c/jetpackme-new/module-grid.php:16
msgid "Load more"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/index-hotstuff.php:7
msgid "Top Blogs"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/index-hotstuff.php:9
msgctxt "latest blog posts"
msgid "Latest"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:193
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:67
msgid "API Key"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/safecss-wpcom.php:281
msgid "Preview: you must purchase the %sCustom Design Upgrade%s to save your changes"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:732
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/functions.php:2824
msgid "You reblogged this post to %s. View Reblog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:1001 wp-content/plugins/o2/o2.php:1022
msgid "Welcome to o2"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media.php:2919
msgid "Create a new playlist"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/email/follow-content.php:5
msgid "Edit blogs you follow."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:98
msgid "text direction"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/script-loader.php:99
msgid "Toggle Editor Text Direction"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:1689
msgid "The blog you are trying to transfer a bundle to already has one or more of the bundled products and is ineligible for transfer."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.wpcom-store.php:1702
msgid "The subscription or transaction could not be found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/atlas/templates/reader/reblog-ui.php:5
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel-wpcom.php:48
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:647
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:2285
msgid "Add your thoughts here... (optional)"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-new-user-endpoint.php:72
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:483
msgid "Please enter a username."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-new-user-endpoint.php:76
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:491
msgid "That username is not allowed."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-new-user-endpoint.php:78
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:497
msgid "Username must be at least 4 characters."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-new-site-endpoint.php:113
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:632
msgid "Please enter a site name."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-new-site-endpoint.php:117
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:638
msgid "That name is not allowed."
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-new-site-endpoint.php:119
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:643
msgid "Site name must be at least 4 characters."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:685
msgid "Please enter a site title."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:144
msgid "Create a New Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:212
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:375
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/admin-bar.php:992
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/my-blogs.php:146
msgid "Create a Blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php:1142
msgid "A static page"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/customize.php:184
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:303
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:270
msgid "Collapse"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:198
msgid "Version: "
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-stats-api-endpoints.php:443
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:892
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2727
msgid "Home page / Archives"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/import/blogger.php:104
msgid "To fetch your export file, go to Settings -> Other -> Export blog in the control panel for your Blogger blog."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/import/blogger.php:329
msgid "If the blog is private, you may need to enable it for public viewing briefly during the import. If you wish to import the blog, please reset the importer below and try again."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/import/blogger.php:329
msgid "You may instead export your blog by going to Settings -> Export Blog in your blogger account and downloading the backup file to then import using the form below."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/import/blogger.php:550
msgid "Blogger returned a response code of %s for blog %s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:241
msgid "No authorized applications were found."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/includes/newdash-settings-connected-apps.php:242
msgid "Find out how to add and manage applications."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:141
msgid "Shown publicly when you comment on blogs and in your Gravatar profile."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:146
msgid "Interface Language"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:225
msgid "%1$s ending in %2$d owned by %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:238
msgid "This information will be displayed publicly on your profile and in Gravatar Hovercards."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/templates/typekit-admin-messages.php:136
msgid "This preview is not active on your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/templates/typekit-admin-messages.php:138
msgid "Click the “Save fonts and purchase” button below to show these fonts on your site."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/templates/typekit-admin-messages.php:146
msgid "Are these the fonts you’re looking for?"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-fonts/templates/typekit-admin-messages.php:148
msgid "We noticed that you were looking at these fonts last time around. Click the “Save fonts” button below to show them on your site!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/browser-ext-promos.php:39
msgid "Add the WordPress.com %2$s to your %3$s toolbar and you'll be able to receive comment, follow, and like notifications instantly, even when you're not on WordPress.com:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/browser-ext-promos.php:43
msgid "View your latest notifications with a single click:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/browser-ext-promos.php:47
msgid "Share cool links on your blog in seconds with Press This:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/browser-ext-promos.php:51
msgid "And instantly follow new blogs to read from your WordPress.com reader:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/browser-ext-promos.php:55
msgid "It just takes a second to install the %1$s."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/browser-ext-promos.php:56
msgid "Click here to give it a try!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/browser-ext-promos.php:16
msgid "Add the WordPress.com %1$s to your %2$s toolbar and you'll be able to:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/browser-ext-promos.php:18
msgid " * Receive comment, follow, and like notifications instantly, even when you're not on WordPress.com."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/browser-ext-promos.php:20
msgid " * View your latest notifications with a single click."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/browser-ext-promos.php:22
msgid " * Share cool links on your blog in seconds with Press This."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/browser-ext-promos.php:24
msgid " * And instantly follow new blogs to read from your WordPress.com reader."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/browser-ext-promos.php:27
msgid "It just takes a second to install the %1$s. Give it a try!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:317
msgid "Set as background"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:608
msgid "Set as header"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/media-template.php:392 wp-includes/media-template.php:547
msgid "Uploaded By"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:217
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/theme-viewer.php:471
msgid "Customize “%s”"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/post-flair/like.php:1813
msgid "Just one more step to like this:"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:591
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:638
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/custom-design/custom-design.php:673
msgid "Preview for free"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/third-party-cookies-check.php:53
msgid "Third party cookies appear to be disabled. Please follow the instructions on this page to turn them on."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/third-party-cookies-check.php:49
msgid "Checking your browser for third party cookies support …"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/third-party-cookies-check.php:50
msgid "Stage one complete, loading stage 2…"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/third-party-cookies-check.php:51
msgid "Third party cookie check could not be completed. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/plugins/third-party-cookies-check.php:52
msgid "Great, third party cookies are properly enabled in your browser!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/class.my-upgrades.php:635
msgid "Currently using %sGB (%s%%) of %sGB available."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:65
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4630
msgid "* Based on the 1000 most recent comments."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/videopress/edit-attachment.php:130
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:1107
msgid "Domain included in %s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4212
msgid "People who follow your blog"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4224
msgid "Commenters who checked the "Notify me of follow-up comments via email" checkbox on your individual posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4229
msgid "People who get to your blog from tweets sent using Publicize"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4231
msgid "People who get to your blog from Facebook posts sent using Publicize"
msgstr ""
#: public.api/rest/wpcom-json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-notes-v2-0-endpoint.php:839
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/reblogging.php:2116
msgid "%1$s reblogged your post %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/reblog.php:18
msgid "%2$s reblogged %4$s to %5$s follower on %7$s. Congrats!"
msgid_plural "%2$s reblogged %4$s to %5$s followers on %7$s. Congrats!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/text/reblog.php:3
msgid ""
"%1$s reblogged your post \"%2$s\" on the blog %3$s. Congrats!\n"
"Here is the post they reblogged: %4$s\n"
"Here is their reblog: %5$s\n"
"Here is their blog: %6$s\n"
"WordPress.com | Thanks for flying with WordPress!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2984
msgid "If you tag your posts effectively, this panel will show you which topics get the most traffic. Snapshot generated from your top posts over the past week."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4295
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/my-blogs-post-editor/template.php:85
msgid "Tags & Categories"
msgstr ""
#: typo.php:52
msgid "The address %1$s cannot be registered. %2$s But you can sign up and choose another one."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/class.akismet-admin.php:202
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/akismet-3.0/views/config.php:119
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:994
msgid "Account"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:237
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:999
msgid "Public Profile"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:226
msgid "Delete Payment Data"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/themes/h4/tabs/settings.php:64
msgid "Password Quality"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wpcom-billing/store-subscription.php:2011
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2712
msgid "Your domain info is not protected by the Private Whois upgrade. Please return to My Upgrades"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:1237
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2738
msgid "Your domain info is already protected by the Private Whois upgrade. Please return to My Upgrades"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:2371
msgid "You have already deleted domain mapping for your domain. Please return to My Upgrades"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4205
msgid "Followers (includes Publicize)"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4903
msgid "%s Posts"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4904
msgid "%s Categories"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:4905
msgid "%s Tags"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:576
msgid "Stats for just this video: "
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:577
msgid "Video plays:"
msgstr ""
#: gadget.php:748
msgid "Posting to"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:3748
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post type."
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:628
msgid "Upload New"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/site-logo/inc/functions.php:30
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php:962
msgid "Display Header Text"
msgstr ""
#: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:629
msgid "Uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/blog-stats/blog-stats-flot.php:2888
msgid "Views for topic"
msgstr ""
#: gadget.php:614
msgid "Go to"
msgstr ""
#: gadget.php:621
msgid "My Links"
msgstr ""
#: gadget.php:859
msgid "Browse our recommended blogs."
msgstr ""
#: gadget.php:859
msgid "Nothing to Read!"
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/admin-plugins/wordads-userdash/wordads-userdash-earnings.php:77
msgid "Outstanding amount of %.2f does not exceed the minimum $100 needed to make the payment. Payment will be made as soon as the total outstanding amount has reached $100."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:294
msgid "User %1$s Cannot Access the Dashboard Requested"
msgstr ""
#: gadget.php:419
msgid "View Full Site"
msgstr ""
#: gadget.php:670
msgid "Add Link »"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:245
msgid "Publicize Connection Error"
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/includes/wpcom.php:246
msgid "Sorry, something has gone wrong with your Publicize connection. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:679
msgid "Show header text with your image."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-expiration-notice.php:36
msgid "%1$s on your site \"%2$s\" will automatically renew in %3$d days."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/html-emails/themes/bluestripe/html/renew-footer.php:1
msgid "You can see all your purchases and manage them in your dashboard, under Store > My Upgrades."
msgstr ""
#: wp-content/mu-plugins/domains.php:568
msgid "Your blog uses a domain subscription that has expired. Please visit your