msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.1\n" "Language: nl\n" "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - AMP - Development (trunk)\n" #: src/ReaderThemeSupportFeatures.php:650 msgid "Raw size value must be a string, integer, or float." msgstr "De raw size value moet een string, een integer of een float zijn." #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:346 msgid "Try using --user= to set the user context or set it in wp-cli.yml." msgstr "Probeer --user= te gebruiken om de gebruiker context in te stellen of stel deze in in wp-cli.yml." #. translators: %s: AMP plugin GitHub issues URL #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:288 msgid "* Please raise a feature request at %s to request a new option to be managed via the CLI." msgstr "* Maak een functie aanvraag aan bij %s om een nieuwe optie te beheren via de CLI." #. translators: %s: wp option get amp-options command #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:280 msgid "* Only the above listed options can currently be updated via the CLI. To list all options, use the %s command." msgstr "* Alleen de bovengenoemde opties kunnen nu via de CLI worden geüpdatet. Gebruik het commando %s om alle opties op te sommen." #. translators: %s: option name #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:199 msgid "Updated \"%s\" option." msgstr "Geüpdatet \"%s\" optie." #. translators: %1$s: option name, %2$s: error message #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:195 msgid "Could not update \"%1$s\" option: %2$s" msgstr "Kon de optie \"%1$s\" niet updaten: %2$s" #. translators: %1$s: option name, %2$s: list of allowed options #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:183 msgid "The option \"%1$s\" is not among the following options that can currently be managed via CLI: %2$s" msgstr "De optie \"%1$s\" staat niet tussen de volgende opties die te beheren zijn via CLI: %2$s" #. translators: %s: option name #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:144 msgid "Could not get \"%s\" option. Does it exist?" msgstr "Kon de \"%s\" optie niet ophalen. Bestaat deze?" #. translators: %s: error message #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:139 src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:251 msgid "Could not retrieve options: %s" msgstr "Kon niet ophalen opties: %s" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3312 msgid "(empty)" msgstr "(leeg)" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1338 msgid "Update site icon" msgstr "Update site pictogram" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1330 msgid "Currently, the fallback WordPress logo is used." msgstr "Momenteel wordt het fallback WordPress logo gebruikt." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1329 msgid "Publisher logo is not defined" msgstr "Het logo van de uitgever is niet gedefinieerd" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1325 msgid "Publisher logo is defined" msgstr "Het logo van de uitgever is gedefinieerd" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1320 msgid "The publisher logo used in metadata. The site icon is used as the publisher logo when it is specified." msgstr "Het uitgever logo gebruikt in metadata. Het site pictogram wordt gebruikt als uitgever logo wanneer het is opgegeven." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:217 msgid "Publisher Logo" msgstr "Logo van de uitgever" #: src/PluginSuppression.php:518 msgid "Suppressed on AMP Pages" msgstr "Onderdrukt op AMP pagina's" #: src/PluginSuppression.php:517 msgid "Visit AMP Settings" msgstr "Bezoek AMP instellingen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2819 msgid "Pseudo-class selector used to increase specificity for rule extracted from inline styles and/or properties with !important qualifiers." msgstr "Pseudo class selector gebruikt om de specificiteit te verhogen voor regels geëxtraheerd uit inline stijlen en/of eigenschappen met!important qualifiers." #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:2183 msgid "On" msgstr "Aan" #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:2182 msgid "Off" msgstr "Uit" #. translators: %s: On/Off #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:2181 msgid "Dark Mode: %s" msgstr "Donkere modus: %s" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:469 msgid "A page caching plugin was not detected." msgstr "Een pagina caching plugin werd niet gedetecteerd." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:466 msgid "A page caching plugin was detected." msgstr "Er is een pagina caching plugin gedetecteerd." #. translators: Placeholder is number of caching headers #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:453 msgid "There was %d client caching response header detected:" msgid_plural "There were %d client caching response headers detected:" msgstr[0] "Er is %d client caching reactie header gedetecteerd:" msgstr[1] "Er zijn %d client caching reactie headers gedetecteerd:" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:448 msgid "No client caching response headers were detected." msgstr "Er zijn geen client caching reactie headers gedetecteerd." #. translators: %d is the response time in milliseconds #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:441 msgid "Median server response time was %1$s milliseconds. It should be less than %2$s milliseconds." msgstr "De Median reactie tijd van de server was %1$s milliseconden. Dit zou minder moeten zijn dan de aanbevolen drempel van %2$s milliseconden." #. translators: %d is the response time in milliseconds #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:434 msgid "Median server response time was %1$s milliseconds. This is less than the %2$s millisecond threshold." msgstr "De Median reactie tijd van de server was %1$s milliseconden. Dit is minder dan de aanbevolen drempel van %2$s milliseconden." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:427 msgid "Server response time could not be determined. Verify that loopback requests are working." msgstr "De server reactie tijd kon niet worden bepaald. Controleer of loopback aanvragen werken." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:419 msgid "Page caching is detected but the server response time is still slow" msgstr "Pagina cache is gedetecteerd maar de server reactie tijd is nog steeds traag" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:417 msgid "Page caching is not detected and the server response time is slow" msgstr "Pagina cache wordt niet gedetecteerd en de reactie tijd van de server is traag" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:412 msgid "Page caching is detected and the server response time is good" msgstr "Pagina cache is gedetecteerd en de server reactie tijd is goed" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:408 msgid "Page caching is not detected but the server response time is OK" msgstr "Pagina cache is niet gedetecteerd maar de server reactie tijd is OK" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:395 msgid "Unable to detect the presence of page caching" msgstr "Kan de aanwezigheid van pagina cache niet detecteren" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:389 msgid "Page caching is detected by looking for an active page caching plugin as well as making three requests to the homepage and looking for one or more of the following HTTP client caching response headers:" msgstr "Pagina caching wordt gedetecteerd door te zoeken naar een actieve pagina caching plugin en door drie aanvragen te doen naar de homepage en te zoeken naar een of meer van de volgende HTTP klant caching reactie headers:" #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-accessibility-sanitizer.php:156 msgid "Skip to content" msgstr "Ga naar de inhoud" #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:329 msgid "The URL for AMP support." msgstr "De URL voor AMP ondersteuning." #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:274 msgid "Whether the Validated URL post is stale." msgstr "Of het gevalideerde URL bericht oud is." #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:268 msgid "Validation errors for validated URL if previously scanned." msgstr "Validatie fouten voor gevalideerde URL indien eerder gescand." #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:253 msgid "Validated URL post if previously scanned." msgstr "Gevalideerde URL bericht indien eerder gescand." #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:247 msgid "Label" msgstr "Label" #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:234 msgid "AMP URL" msgstr "AMP URL" #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:114 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access validation data." msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om validatie gegevens te benaderen." #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:92 msgid "Indicates whether to force Standard template mode." msgstr "Geeft aan of standaard template modus moet worden geforceerd." #: src/Validation/ScannableURLProvider.php:219 msgid "Search Results" msgstr "Zoekresultaten" #: src/Validation/ScannableURLProvider.php:211 msgid "Date Archive" msgstr "Datum archief" #: src/Validation/ScannableURLProvider.php:200 msgid "Author Archive" msgstr "Auteur archief" #: src/Sandboxing.php:268 msgid "Sandboxing level: Strict (3)" msgstr "Sandboxing niveau: Streng (3)" #: src/Sandboxing.php:264 msgid "Sandboxing level: Moderate (2)" msgstr "Sandboxing niveau: Matig (2)" #: src/Sandboxing.php:260 msgid "Sandboxing level: Loose (1)" msgstr "Sandboxing niveau: Los (1)" #: src/Admin/UserRESTEndpointExtension.php:59 msgid "The template mode for which the Review panel on the Settings screen was dismissed by a user." msgstr "De template modus waarvoor het paneel beoordeling op het scherm Instellingen door een gebruiker werd genegeerd." #: src/Admin/SupportScreen.php:168 src/Admin/SupportScreen.php:169 msgid "Support" msgstr "Ondersteuning" #: src/Admin/SupportLink.php:123 src/Admin/SupportLink.php:151 msgid "Get Support" msgstr "Krijg ondersteuning" #: src/Admin/SupportLink.php:86 src/Admin/SupportLink.php:177 msgid "Get support" msgstr "Krijg ondersteuning" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:720 msgctxt "persistent object cache service" msgid "APCu" msgstr "APCu" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:711 msgctxt "persistent object cache service" msgid "Memcached" msgstr "Memcached" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:706 msgctxt "persistent object cache service" msgid "Redis" msgstr "Redis" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:487 msgid "Learn more about page caching" msgstr "Meer informatie over pagina caching" #. translators: 1 is error message, 2 is error code #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:399 msgid "Unable to detect page caching due to possible loopback request problem. Please verify that the loopback request test is passing. Error: %1$s (Code: %2$s)" msgstr "Kan pagina cache niet detecteren door mogelijk loopback aanvraag probleem. Controleer of de loopback aanvraag test slaagt. Fout: %1$s (Code: %2$s)" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:387 msgid "The AMP plugin performs at its best when page caching is enabled. This is because the additional optimizations performed require additional server processing time, and page caching ensures that responses are served quickly." msgstr "De AMP plugin werkt het beste wanneer pagina caching is ingeschakeld. Dit komt doordat de extra optimalisaties die worden uitgevoerd extra server verwerking tijd vereisen en pagina caching ervoor zorgt dat reacties snel worden geserveerd." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:327 msgid "Persistent object caching is not enabled, but page caching was detected" msgstr "Persistent object caching is niet ingeschakeld, maar pagina caching is gedetecteerd" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:316 msgid "Please check with your host for what persistent caching services are available." msgstr "Informeer bij je host welke persistente caching diensten beschikbaar zijn." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:306 msgid "(link goes to Add Plugins screen)." msgid_plural "(links go to Add Plugins screen)." msgstr[0] "(link gaat naar het scherm plugins toevoegen)." msgstr[1] "(links gaan naar het scherm plugins toevoegen)." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:285 msgid "During the test, we found the following object caching service may be available on your server:" msgid_plural "During the test, we found the following object caching services may be available on your server:" msgstr[0] "Tijdens de test ontdekten we dat de volgende object caching dienst mogelijk beschikbaar is op je server:" msgstr[1] "Tijdens de test hebben we ontdekt dat de volgende object caching diensten beschikbaar kunnen zijn op je server:" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:270 msgid "Since page caching was detected, the need for persistent object caching is lessened. However, it still remains a best practice." msgstr "Sinds pagina caching is ontdekt, is de noodzaak van persistente object caching minder groot geworden. Het blijft echter een best practice." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:266 msgid "The AMP plugin performs at its best when persistent object cache is enabled. Persistent object caching is used to more effectively store image dimensions and parsed CSS using a caching backend rather than using the options table in the database." msgstr "De AMP plugin werkt het beste wanneer persistent object cache is ingeschakeld. Persistent object caching wordt gebruikt om afbeelding afmetingen en geparste CSS effectiever op te slaan met behulp van een caching backend in plaats van de opties tabel in de database." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:230 msgid "Page caching" msgstr "Pagina caching" #: src/Admin/AmpPlugins.php:325 msgid "Visit site" msgstr "Site bekijken" #. translators: %s: Plugin name #: src/Admin/AmpPlugins.php:323 msgid "Site link of %s" msgstr "Site link van %s" #: src/Admin/AmpPlugins.php:245 src/Admin/AmpPlugins.php:350 msgid "AMP Compatible" msgstr "AMP compatibel" #. translators: %s is attribute name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3373 msgid "Event handler attribute %s encountered" msgstr "Event handler attribuut %s aangetroffen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3368 msgid "Custom inline script encountered" msgstr "Aangepast inline script aangetroffen" #. translators: %s is script basename #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3363 msgid "Custom external script %s encountered" msgstr "Aangepast extern script %s tegengekomen" #. translators: %1$s is 'POST', %2$s is 'action-xhr' #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3355 msgid "Native %1$s form has %2$s attribute." msgstr "Native %1$s formulier heeft %2$s attribuut." #. Description of the plugin #: amp.php msgid "An easier path to great Page Experience for everyone. Powered by AMP. Uninstall Note: To control whether all data from this plugin is deleted at uninstallation, first activate the plugin, go to the Other section on the Settings screen, and set the “Delete plugin data at uninstall” toggle." msgstr "Een gemakkelijkere weg naar geweldige pagina ervaring voor iedereen. Aangedreven door AMP. Verwijder reactie: Om te bepalen of alle gegevens van deze plugin worden verwijderd bij verwijdering, activeer eerst de plugin, ga naar de andere sectie op het instellingen scherm, en zet de \"Verwijder plugin gegevens bij verwijdering\" toggle." #. translators: %s is the URL being redirected to. #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2230 msgid "Unable to validate a URL on another site. Attempted to validate: %s" msgstr "Niet mogelijk om een URL met een andere site te valideren. Proberen te valideren: %s" #: templates/header-bar.php:27 msgid "Site icon" msgstr "Site pictogram" #: src/LoadingError.php:61 msgid "You must have JavaScript enabled to use this page." msgstr "Je moet JavaScript hebben ingeschakeld om deze pagina te kunnen gebruiken." #. translators: %s is the AMP support forum URL. #: src/LoadingError.php:46 msgid "Check your connection and open your browser console to see if there are any error messages. You may share them on the support forum." msgstr "Controleer je verbinding en open je browser console om te zien of er fout berichten zijn. Je hebt geen toestemming om ze delen op het ondersteuning forum." #: src/LoadingError.php:29 msgid "Loading" msgstr "Bezig met laden" #: src/DevTools/ErrorPage.php:277 src/LoadingError.php:47 msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: %s is the AMP support forum URL. #: src/DevTools/ErrorPage.php:276 msgid "If you get stuck, you may want to share any details in a new topic on the plugin's support forum." msgstr "Als je vast komt te zitten, kun je alle details delen in een nieuw onderwerp op het ondersteuning forum van de plugin." #. translators: %s is count of functions #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:816 msgid "There is %s undefined cURL multi function" msgid_plural "There are %s undefined cURL multi functions" msgstr[0] "Er is %s ongedefinieerde cURL multi functie" msgstr[1] "Er zijn %s ongedefinieerde cURL multi functies" #: src/Editor/EditorSupport.php:67 msgid "AMP functionality is not available since your version of the Block Editor is too old. Please either update WordPress core to the latest version or activate the Gutenberg plugin." msgstr "AMP functionaliteit is niet beschikbaar omdat je versie van de blok-editor te oud is. Update WordPress core naar de laatste versie of activeer de Gutenberg plugin." #: includes/templates/amp-enabled-classic-editor-toggle.php:32 msgid "Your version of WordPress is too old to manage whether AMP is enabled. Please upgrade." msgstr "Je versie van WordPress is te oud om te beheren of AMP is ingeschakeld. Gelieve te upgraden." #. translators: %1$s: the URL, %2$d: the HTTP status code, %3$s: the HTTP #. status message #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-style-sanitizer.php:1608 msgid "Failed to fetch: %1$s (HTTP %2$d: %3$s)" msgstr "Kan niet ophalen: %1$s (HTTP %2$d: %3$s)" #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:2080 #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:2102 #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:2124 msgid "Function cannot be called before services are registered." msgstr "De functie kan niet worden opgeroepen voordat de diensten zijn geregistreerd." #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:2078 #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:2100 #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:2122 msgid "Function called while AMP is disabled via `amp_is_enabled` filter." msgstr "Functie aangeroepen terwijl AMP is uitgeschakeld via filter `amp_is_enabled`." #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:324 msgid "The URL where validation errors can be reviewed." msgstr "De URL waar validatiefouten kunnen worden beoordeeld." #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:276 msgid "Validation errors for the post." msgstr "Validatie fouten voor het bericht." #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:197 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to validate this post preview." msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om dit voorbeeld weergave van het bericht te bekijken." #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:158 msgid "Sorry, you do not have access to dev tools for the AMP plugin for WordPress." msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om de ontwikkelgereedschappen voor de AMP plugin voor WordPress te benaderen." #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:141 msgid "AMP is not supported on post." msgstr "AMP wordt niet ondersteund op bericht." #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:132 msgid "Invalid post ID." msgstr "Ongeldig bericht ID." #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:93 msgid "Preview nonce." msgstr "Voorbeeld nonce." #: src/Validation/URLValidationRESTController.php:86 msgid "ID for AMP-enabled post." msgstr "ID voor AMP enabled bericht." #: src/Validation/ValidationCountsRestController.php:85 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view unreviewed counts for validation errors." msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om ongecontroleerde tellingen voor validatie fouten te bekijken." #. translators: %s is the URL to the settings screen #: src/PairedRouting.php:765 msgid "To customize the structure of the paired AMP URLs (given the site is not using the Standard template mode), go to the Paired URL Structure section on the AMP settings screen." msgstr "Om de structuur van de gekoppelde AMP URL's aan te passen (als de site niet de standaard template modus gebruikt), ga naar het sectie Gekoppelde URL structuur op het AMP instellingen scherm." #: src/DevTools/BlockSources.php:127 msgid "WordPress core" msgstr "WordPress core" #. translators: %1$s is the value of the slug #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:767 msgid "Your AMP slug (%s) is defined early so you're good to go!" msgstr "Je AMP slug (%s) is vroeg gedefinieerd, dus je kunt aan de slag!" #. translators: %1$s is the value of the slug, %2$s is the constant name, %3$s #. is the filter name #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:758 msgid "Your AMP slug (%1$s) is defined late, most likely in the theme via the %2$s filter or %3$s constant. Make sure this is being defined in a plugin at the top level so it happens before %4$s. While a late-defined AMP slug will still work, it requires extra work to make the slug available earlier in WordPress execution by storing it in an option." msgstr "Je AMP slug (%1$s) is laat gedefinieerd, hoogst waarschijnlijk in het thema via de %2$s filter of de %3$s constante. Zorg ervoor dat dit wordt gedefinieerd in een plugin op het bovenste niveau, zodat het gebeurt vóór %4$s. Hoewel een laat gedefinieerde AMP slug nog steeds werkt, vereist het extra werk om de slug eerder beschikbaar te maken in de WordPress uitvoering door deze op te slaan in een optie." #. translators: %s is 'plugins_loaded' #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:750 msgid "For best results, the AMP slug (query var) should be available early in WordPress's execution flow, specifically before the %s action occurs (at priority 4). This slug is used to construct the paired AMP URLs." msgstr "Voor de beste resultaten moet de AMP slug (query var) vroeg in de uitvoeringsstroom van WordPress beschikbaar zijn, met name voordat de %s actie plaatsvindt (op prioriteit 4). Deze slug wordt gebruikt om de gekoppelde AMP URL's te construeren." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:746 msgid "The AMP slug (query var) was defined early" msgstr "De AMP slug (query var) werd vroeg gedefinieerd" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:745 msgid "The AMP slug (query var) was defined late" msgstr "De AMP slug (query var) werd laat gedefinieerd" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:189 msgid "AMP slug (query var) definition timing" msgstr "AMP slug (query var) definitie timing" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2954 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1704 msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Kopieer naar klembord" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:551 msgid "The requested URL is not an AMP page." msgstr "De aangevraagde URL is geen AMP pagina." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:548 msgid "The requested URL is not an AMP page. AMP may have been disabled for the URL. If so, you can forget the Validated URL." msgstr "De gevraagde URL is geen AMP pagina. AMP is mogelijk uitgeschakeld voor de URL. Als dat zo is, kun je de gevalideerde URL vergeten." #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:1927 msgid "The requested URL did not result in an AMP page being rendered." msgstr "De gevraagde URL heeft geen AMP pagina opgeleverd." #: includes/embeds/class-amp-instagram-embed-handler.php:203 msgid "View on Instagram" msgstr "Bekijk op Instagram" #: includes/embeds/class-amp-base-embed-handler.php:219 #: includes/embeds/class-amp-base-embed-handler.php:236 #: includes/embeds/class-amp-tumblr-embed-handler.php:87 msgid "See more" msgstr "Bekijk meer" #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:440 msgid "The post data could not be successfully retrieved." msgstr "De bericht gegevens konden niet succesvol worden opgehaald." #: src/Admin/PluginRowMeta.php:52 msgid "Leave review" msgstr "Laat een beoordeling achter" #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:450 msgid "The function was called too early (before the plugins_loaded action) to determine the plugin source." msgstr "De functie werd te vroeg aangeroepen (vóór de plugins_loaded actie) om de plugin bron te bepalen." #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:422 msgid "WordPress is not currently doing any hook." msgstr "WordPress is niet nu aan het hooks." #. translators: %s is the invalid attribute value #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3319 msgid "Invalid or missing value for attribute %s" msgstr "Ongeldige of ontbrekende waarde voor eigenschap %s" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2953 msgid "Mark unreviewed" msgstr "Markeren als niet-gecontroleerd" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2952 msgid "Mark reviewed" msgstr "Markeer als beoordeeld" #. translators: 1: the wp action, 2: the WP_Query class, 3: the amp_skip_post() #. function #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:427 msgid "Calling this function before the %1$s action means it will not have access to %2$s and the queried object to determine if it is an AMP response, thus neither the %3$s filter nor the AMP enabled toggle will be considered." msgstr "Het aanroepen van deze functie vóór de actie %1$s betekent dat het geen toegang heeft tot %2$s en het opgevraagde object om te bepalen of het een AMP reactie is, zodat noch het %3$s -filter, noch de AMP toggle in aanmerking worden genomen." #. translators: 1: amp_is_available function, 2: amp_is_request function, 3: #. is_amp_endpoint function #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:408 msgid "%1$s (or %2$s, formerly %3$s) was called too early and so it will not work properly." msgstr "%1$s (of %2$s, voormalig %3$s) is te vroeg opgeroepen en werkt daarom niet naar behoren." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3469 msgid "Duplicate dimensions" msgstr "Dubbele afmetingen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3414 msgid "Class name" msgstr "Klasse naam" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3412 msgid "CSS selector" msgstr "CSS selector" #. translators: %1$s is the attribute name, %2$s is the tag name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3295 msgid "Multiple image candidates with the same width or pixel density found in attribute %1$s in tag %2$s" msgstr "Meerdere afbeelding kandidaten met dezelfde breedte of pixel dichtheid gevonden in eigenschap %1$s in tag %2$s" #. translators: %s is the attribute name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3254 msgid "The attribute %s is set to an invalid value" msgstr "De eigenschap %s is ingesteld op een ongeldige waarde" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3083 msgid "Disallowed class name" msgstr "Verboden klasse naam" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3081 msgid "Illegal CSS selector" msgstr "Illegale CSS selector" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:163 msgid "All Validated URLs" msgstr "Alle gevalideerde URL's" #. translators: placeholder is the slug of the theme #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:447 src/DevTools/ErrorPage.php:315 msgid "It appears the theme with slug %s is responsible; please contact the author." msgstr "Het lijkt erop dat het thema met de slug %s verantwoordelijk is; neem contact op met de auteur." #. translators: placeholder is the slug of the must-use plugin #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:443 src/DevTools/ErrorPage.php:311 msgid "It appears the must-use plugin with slug %s is responsible; please contact the author." msgstr "Het lijkt erop dat de must use plugin met slug %s verantwoordelijk is; neem contact op met de auteur." #. translators: placeholder is the slug of the plugin #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:439 src/DevTools/ErrorPage.php:307 msgid "It appears the plugin with slug %s is responsible; please contact the author." msgstr "Het lijkt erop dat de plugin met slug %s verantwoordelijk is; neem contact op met de auteur." #: src/Admin/ReaderThemes.php:266 msgid "The default reader themes cannot be displayed because a plugin appears to be overriding the themes response from" msgstr "De standaard reader thema's kunnen niet worden weergegeven omdat een plugin de thema reactie van lijkt te overschrijven." #: src/Admin/ReaderThemes.php:245 msgid "The request for reader themes from resulted in an invalid response. Check your Site Health to confirm that your site can communicate with Otherwise, please try again later or contact your host." msgstr "De aanvraag om lees thema's van resulteerde in een ongeldig reactie. Controleer je sitediagnose om te bevestigen dat je site kan communiceren met Probeer het anders later nog eens of neem contact op met je host." #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:1786 msgid "Go to non-AMP version" msgstr "Ga naar niet-AMP versie" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:1765 msgid "A PHP error occurred while trying to prepare the AMP response. This may not be caused by the AMP plugin but by some other active plugin or the current theme. You will need to review the error details to determine the source of the error." msgstr "Er is een PHP fout opgetreden tijdens het voorbereiden van het AMP reactie. Dit wordt mogelijk niet veroorzaakt door de AMP plugin, maar door een andere actieve plugin of het huidige thema. Je zult de fout details moeten beoordelen om de gegevensbron van de fout te bepalen." #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:1764 msgid "Failed to prepare AMP page" msgstr "AMP pagina niet voorbereid" #: src/DevTools/ErrorPage.php:350 msgid "The exact details of the error are hidden for security reasons. To learn more about this error, enable the WordPress debugging display (by setting both WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to true), or look into the PHP error log. Learn more about Debugging in WordPress." msgstr "De exacte details van de fout zijn om veiligheid redenen verborgen. Om meer te weten te komen over deze fout, schakel de WordPress debug weergave in (door zowel WP_DEBUG als WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY in te stellen op waar), of bekijk het PHP fouten log. Leer meer over debuggen in WordPress." #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:588 msgid "The AMP enabled status failed to be updated." msgstr "De AMP ingeschakeld status kon niet worden geüpdatet." #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:571 msgid "Insufficient permissions to change whether AMP is enabled." msgstr "Onvoldoende rechten om te wijzigen of AMP is ingeschakeld." #. translators: %s: The name of the post type. #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:561 msgid "AMP is not supported for the \"%s\" post type." msgstr "AMP wordt niet ondersteund voor het berichttype \"%s\"." #. translators: %s is a link to the AMP settings screen #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:432 msgid "This post type is not enabled." msgstr "Dit berichttype is niet ingeschakeld." #. translators: %s is a link to the AMP settings screen #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:425 msgid "There are no supported templates." msgstr "Er zijn geen ondersteunde templates." #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:561 msgid "You can import some settings from the primary Active theme into the corresponding Reader theme settings." msgstr "Je kunt sommige instellingen van het primaire active thema importeren in de instellingen van het corresponderende Reader thema." #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:555 msgctxt "theme" msgid "Import" msgstr "Import" #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:554 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importeer instellingen" #. translators: placeholder is URL to non-AMP Customizer. #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:374 msgid "You are customizing the AMP version of your site. Customize non-AMP version." msgstr "Je past de AMP versie van je site aan. Pas de niet AMP versie aan." #. translators: 1: URL to AMP project, 2: URL to admin settings screen #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:296 msgid "While AMP works well on both desktop and mobile pages, your site is currently configured in Reader mode to serve AMP pages to mobile visitors. These settings customize the experience for these users." msgstr "Hoewel AMP goed werkt op zowel desktop als mobiele pagina's, is je site nu geconfigureerd in reader modus om AMP pagina's te serveren aan mobiele bezoekers. Deze instellingen passen de ervaring aan voor deze gebruikers." #. translators: %s is WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2557 msgid "Alternatively, you may enable %s to show the error details below." msgstr "Als alternatief kan je %s inschakelen om de onderstaande foutdetails weer te geven." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2555 msgid "The error details appear below." msgstr "De foutdetails verschijnen hieronder." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2553 msgid "A PHP fatal error occurred while validating the URL. This may indicate either a bug in theme/plugin code or it may be due to an issue in the AMP plugin itself." msgstr "Er is een fatale PHP fout opgetreden tijdens het valideren van de URL. Dit kan ofwel een bug in de thema/plugin code aangeven of dit kan komen door een fout in de AMP plugin zelf." #. translators: %s is total count of validation errors #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2156 msgid "%s issue:" msgid_plural "%s issues:" msgstr[0] "%s probleem:" msgstr[1] "%s problemen:" #. translators: %s the total count of unreviewed validation errors #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2134 msgid "%s kept" msgid_plural "%s kept" msgstr[0] "%s bewaard" msgstr[1] "%s bewaard" #. translators: %s the total count of unreviewed validation errors #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2112 msgid "%s unreviewed" msgid_plural "%s unreviewed" msgstr[0] "%s niet beoordeeld" msgstr[1] "%s niet beoordeeld" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:462 msgid "View with AMP disabled" msgstr "Bekijken met AMP uitgeschakeld" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:431 msgid "Validate URL" msgstr "URL valideren" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3498 msgid "Unreviewed" msgstr "Niet-gecontroleerd" #. translators: %1$s is the layout, %2$s is the tag #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3347 msgid "The specified layout %1$s is not supported by tag %2$s." msgstr "De opgegeven lay-out %1$s wordt niet ondersteund door tag %2$s." #. translators: %1$s is the layout, %2$s is the tag #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3339 msgid "The implied layout %1$s is not supported by tag %2$s." msgstr "De impliciete lay-out %1$s wordt niet ondersteund door tag %2$s." #. translators: %1$s is the element name, %2$s is the attribute name 'width', #. %3$s is the attribute name 'height' #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3330 msgid "Incomplete layout attributes specified for tag %1$s. For example, provide attributes %2$s and %3$s" msgstr "Onvolledige lay-out attributen gespecificeerd voor tag %1$s. Geef bijvoorbeeld attributen %2$s en %3$s" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2175 msgid "If all invalid markup is “removed” the page will be served as AMP. However, the impact that the removal has on the page must be assessed to determine if the result is acceptable. If any invalid markup is “kept” then the page will not be served as AMP." msgstr "Als alle ongeldige lay-out wordt verwijderd, wordt de pagina als AMP geserveerd. De impact van de verwijdering op de pagina moet echter worden beoordeeld om te bepalen of het resultaat acceptabel is. Als er ongeldige lay-out wordt behouden, wordt de pagina niet als AMP geserveerd." #. translators: 1: script, 2: Documentation URL, 3: Documentation URL, 4: #. Documentation URL, 5: onclick, 6: Documentation URL, 7: amp-bind, 8: #. Documentation URL, 9: amp-script #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2136 msgid "AMP does not allow the use of JS %1$s tags unless they are for loading AMP components, which are added automatically by the AMP plugin. For any page to be served as AMP, all invalid script tags must be removed from the page. Instead of custom or third-party JS, please consider using AMP components and functionality such as %7$s and actions and events (as opposed to JS event handler attributes like %5$s). Some custom JS can be added if encapsulated in the %9$s. Learn more about how AMP works." msgstr "AMP staat geen gebruik van JS %1$s tags toe, tenzij ze zijn voor het laden van AMP componenten , die automatisch worden toegevoegd door de AMP plugin. Voor elke pagina die als AMP moet worden geserveerd, moeten alle ongeldige script tags van de pagina worden verwijderd. Overweeg in plaats van aangepaste of externe JS het gebruik van AMP componenten en functionaliteit zoals %7$s en acties en gebeurtenissen (in plaats van JS event handler attributen zoals %5$s). Sommige aangepaste JS kan worden toegevoegd als deze is ingesloten in de %9$s. Lees meer over hoe AMP werkt." #. translators: %s is number of errors accepted #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1569 msgid "Deleted %s instance of validation errors." msgid_plural "Deleted %s instances of validation errors." msgstr[0] "Verwijderde %s geval van validatie fouten." msgstr[1] "Verwijderde %s gevallen van validatie fouten." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1420 msgctxt "terms" msgid "Kept markup" msgstr "Markup bewaard" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1420 msgctxt "terms" msgid "With kept markup" msgstr "Met behouden markup" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1415 msgctxt "terms" msgid "Removed markup" msgstr "Markup verwijderd" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1415 msgctxt "terms" msgid "With removed markup" msgstr "Met markup verwijderd" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1410 msgctxt "terms" msgid "Unreviewed errors" msgstr "Ongecontroleerde fouten" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1410 msgctxt "terms" msgid "With unreviewed errors" msgstr "Met niet-gecontroleerde fouten" #. translators: placeholder is URL to recheck the post #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2433 msgid "Stylesheet information for this URL is no longer available. Such data is automatically deleted after a week to reduce database storage. It is of little value to store long-term given that it becomes stale as themes and plugins are updated. To obtain the latest stylesheet information, recheck this URL." msgstr "Stijl informatie voor deze URL is niet langer beschikbaar. Dergelijke gegevens worden automatisch na een week verwijderd om de database opslag te verminderen. Het heeft weinig zin om het op lange termijn op te slaan, omdat het verouderd raakt wanneer thema's en plugins worden geüpdatet. Om de nieuwste stijl informatie te verkrijgen, controleer deze URL opnieuw." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2332 msgid "AMP is disabled because some invalid markup has been kept. To enable AMP to be served, either mark the invalid markup as “removed” or provide an AMP-compatible fix that eliminates the invalid markup from being generated in the first place." msgstr "AMP is uitgeschakeld omdat er ongeldige lay-out is gebruikt. Om AMP in te schakelen, markeer de ongeldige lay-out als 'verwijderd' of zorg voor een AMP compatibele oplossing die de ongeldige lay-out in de eerste plaats elimineert." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2308 msgid "For each instance of invalid markup, determine whether it can be safely removed or it needs to be kept. You can change the Markup Status (Removed or Kept) and click the Preview Changes button to see its impact on the page. Once the proper action has been taken (Remove or Keep), you can toggle the checkbox the instance as Reviewed." msgstr "Voor elke ongeldige markup, bepaal of het veilig kan worden verwijderd of dat het moet worden behouden. Je kunt de markup status (verwijderd of behouden) wijzigen en op de knop voorbeeld wijzigingen klikken om het effect op de pagina te zien. Nadat de juiste actie is ondernomen (verwijderen of behouden), kun je toggle het selectievakje voor de instantie als beoordeeld markeren." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2305 msgid "Invalid markup not reviewed" msgstr "Ongeldige lay-out niet beoordeeld" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2290 msgid "Plugins have been updated since these results were obtained." msgstr "Plugins zijn geüpdatet sinds deze resultaten zijn verkregen." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2287 msgid "The theme has changed since these results were obtained." msgstr "Het thema is veranderd sinds deze resultaten werden verkregen." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2284 msgid "The theme and plugins have changed since these results were obtained." msgstr "Het thema en de plugins zijn veranderd sinds deze resultaten werden verkregen." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1902 msgid "Location:" msgstr "Locatie:" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1829 msgid "There are no validated URLs with this validation error. Would you like to delete it?" msgstr "Er zijn geen gevalideerde URL's met deze validatie fout. Wil je het verwijderen?" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1465 msgctxt "CSS usage not available" msgid "n/a" msgstr "n.v.t" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1389 msgid "Confirm that the action being taken on the invalid markup (causing a validation error) has been seen and approved." msgstr "Stel vast dat de actie die wordt ondernomen op de ongeldige lay-out (die een validatie fout veroorzaakt) is gezien en toegestaan." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1384 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1388 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3496 msgid "Reviewed" msgstr "Beoordeeld" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:212 msgid "AMP DevTools" msgstr "AMP DevTools" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:2156 msgid "Redirecting since AMP version not available." msgstr "Omleiden omdat AMP versie niet beschikbaar is." #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:835 msgid "The AMP plugin no longer allows `amp_supportable_templates` filters to specify a template's support as being `immutable`. This is now managed only in AMP Settings." msgstr "De AMP plugin staat de filters `amp_supportable_templates` niet meer toe om ondersteuning van een template als `immutable` te specificeren. Dit wordt nu alleen beheerd in AMP instellingen." #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:828 msgid "The AMP plugin no longer allows `amp_supportable_templates` filters to specify a template as being `supported`. This is now managed only in AMP Settings." msgstr "De AMP plugin staat de filters `amp_supportable_templates` niet meer toe om een template als `supported` te specificeren. Dit wordt nu alleen beheerd in AMP instellingen." #: includes/templates/amp-enabled-classic-editor-toggle.php:54 msgid "AMP Unavailable" msgstr "AMP niet beschikbaar" #. translators: 1: slug of the Reader theme, 2: the URL for the reader theme #. selection UI #: includes/options/class-amp-options-manager.php:501 msgid "The AMP Reader theme %1$s cannot be found. Your site is currently falling back to using the Legacy templates for AMP pages. Please re-select the desired Reader theme." msgstr "Het AMP Reader thema %1$s kan niet worden gevonden. Je site wordt teruggezet naar het gebruik van legacy templates voor de AMP pagina's. Selecteer het gewenste Reader thema opnieuw." #. translators: %s: $post #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:1463 msgid "The %s argument is deprecated." msgstr "Het argument %s is verouderd." #. translators: 1: amphtml, 2: amp_add_amphtml_link(), 3: wp_head, 4: #. template_redirect #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:726 msgid "Removal of %1$s link should be done by removing %2$s from the %3$s action at %4$s." msgstr "Verwijdering van %1$s link moet worden uitgevoerd door %2$s van de %3$s actie op %4$s te verwijderen." #. translators: 1: amp_is_enabled filter name, 2: plugins_loaded action #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:280 msgid "Filter for \"%1$s\" added too late. To disable AMP, this filter must be added before the \"%2$s\" action." msgstr "Filter voor '%1$s' te laat toegevoegd. Om AMP uit te schakelen, moet dit filter vóór de actie '%2$s' worden toegevoegd." #: src/ReaderThemeLoader.php:259 src/ReaderThemeLoader.php:271 msgctxt "prefix for theme card in list" msgid "Reader:" msgstr "Reader:" #. translators: placeholder is link to AMP settings screen #: src/ReaderThemeLoader.php:186 msgid "This has been selected as the AMP Reader theme." msgstr "Dit is geselecteerd als het AMP Reader thema." #. translators: text is describing validation issue(s) #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2103 #: src/PluginSuppression.php:290 msgid "unreviewed" msgid_plural "all unreviewed" msgstr[0] "niet beoordeelde" msgstr[1] "alle niet beoordeelden" #. translators: text is describing validation issue(s) #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2146 #: src/PluginSuppression.php:290 msgid "reviewed" msgid_plural "all reviewed" msgstr[0] "beoordeeld" msgstr[1] "allemaal beoordeeld" #. translators: text is describing validation issue(s) #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2125 #: src/PluginSuppression.php:289 msgid "kept" msgid_plural "all kept" msgstr[0] "gehouden" msgstr[1] "alle gehouden" #: src/PluginSuppression.php:289 msgid "removed" msgstr "verwijderd" #. translators: %1 is whether validation error is 'removed' or 'kept', %2 is #. whether validation error is 'reviewed' or 'unreviewed' #: src/PluginSuppression.php:288 msgid "Invalid markup causing the validation error is %1$s and %2$s. See all validated URL(s) with this validation error." msgstr "Ongeldige lay-out fout die zorgt dat de validatie fout %1$s en %2$s is. Bekijk alle gevalideerde URL's met deze validatie fout." #: src/MobileRedirection.php:645 msgid "This link is not applicable in this context. It remains here for preview purposes only." msgstr "Deze link is in dit verband niet van toepassing. Het blijft hier alleen voor voorbeelddoeleinden." #: src/MobileRedirection.php:590 msgid "Go to mobile version" msgstr "Ga naar mobiele versie" #: src/MobileRedirection.php:586 msgid "Exit mobile version" msgstr "Mobiele versie afsluiten" #: includes/options/class-amp-reader-theme-rest-controller.php:67 #: src/Cli/OptionCommand.php:341 src/OptionsRESTController.php:153 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage options for the AMP plugin for WordPress." msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om opties te beheren voor de AMP plugin voor WordPress." #: src/DevTools/UserAccess.php:228 msgid "Sorry, the current user is not allowed to make this change." msgstr "De huidige gebruiker mag deze wijziging niet aanbrengen." #: src/DevTools/UserAccess.php:183 msgid "This presumes you have some experience coding with HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP." msgstr "Dit veronderstelt dat je enige ervaring hebt met het coderen met HTML, CSS, JS en PHP." #: src/DevTools/UserAccess.php:176 msgid "AMP Developer Tools" msgstr "AMP ontwikkelaar gereedschappen" #: src/DevTools/UserAccess.php:142 msgid "Whether the user has enabled dev tools." msgstr "Of de gebruiker dev gereedschappen heeft ingeschakeld." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1108 msgid "Additionally, AMP requires HTTPS for most components to work properly, including iframes and videos." msgstr "AMP vereist echter dat HTTPS voor de meeste componenten naar behoren werkt, met inbegrip van iframes en video's." #: src/Admin/PluginActivationNotice.php:81 msgid "Open the onboarding wizard" msgstr "Open de onboarding wizard" #: src/Admin/PluginActivationNotice.php:79 msgid "Bring the speed and capabilities of the AMP web framework to your site; support content authoring and website development with the effective tools the AMP plugin provides." msgstr "Breng de snelheid en rechten van het AMP webframework naar je site, ondersteun inhoud auteur vermelding en site ontwikkeling met de effectieve gereedschappen die de AMP plugin te bieden heeft." #: src/Admin/OnboardingWizardSubmenu.php:44 #: src/Admin/OnboardingWizardSubmenu.php:45 #: src/Admin/OnboardingWizardSubmenuPage.php:131 msgid "AMP Onboarding Wizard" msgstr "AMP Onboarding Wizard" #: src/Admin/ReaderThemes.php:471 msgid "The original templates included in the plugin with limited customization options." msgstr "De oorspronkelijke templates van de plugin met beperkte aanpasopties." #: src/Admin/ReaderThemes.php:466 msgid "AMP Legacy" msgstr "AMP legacy" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:965 msgid "The operation failed, please reload the page and try again." msgstr "De operatie is mislukt, laad de pagina opnieuw en probeer het opnieuw." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:964 msgid "Reload the page to refresh the diagnostic check." msgstr "Herlaad de pagina om de diagnostische controle te vernieuwen." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:963 msgid "Re-enable transient caching" msgstr "Transient caching opnieuw inschakelen" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:960 msgid "If you have identified and eliminated the cause of the variable CSS, please re-enable transient caching to reduce the amount of CSS processing required to generate AMP pages." msgstr "Als je de oorzaak van de variabele CSS hebt geïdentificeerd en geëlimineerd, schakel dan transient caching weer in om de hoeveelheid CSS verwerking die nodig is om AMP pagina's te genereren te verminderen." #. translators: %1$s is wp_options table, %2$s is the #. amp_css_transient_monitoring_threshold filter, and %3$s is the #. amp_css_transient_monitoring_sampling_range filter #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:945 msgid "On sites which have highly variable CSS and are not using a persistent object cache, the transient caching of parsed stylesheets may be automatically disabled in order to prevent a site from filling up its %1$s table with too many transients. Examples of highly variable CSS include dynamically-generated style rules with selectors referring to user IDs or elements being given randomized background colors. There are two filters which may be used to configure the CSS transient monitoring: %2$s and %3$s." msgstr "Op sites met sterk variabele CSS en die geen persistent object cache gebruiken, kan de tijdelijke caching van geparste stylesheets automatisch worden uitgeschakeld om te voorkomen dat een site zijn %1$s tabel vult met te veel tijdelijke gegevens. Voorbeelden van sterk variabele CSS zijn dynamisch gegenereerde stijl regels met selectoren die verwijzen naar gebruiker ID's of elementen die willekeurige achtergrond kleuren krijgen. Er zijn twee filters die kunnen worden gebruikt om het CSS tijdelijke geheugen te configureren: %2$s en %3$s." #: src/Admin/PairedBrowsing.php:147 src/Admin/PairedBrowsing.php:248 msgid "Paired Browsing" msgstr "Gekoppeld bladeren" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1077 msgid "Calculated time series for monitoring the stylesheet caching" msgstr "Berekende tijd reeksen voor het bewaken van de stylesheet caching" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3467 msgid "Message" msgstr "Bericht" #. translators: %1$s: the fetched URL, %2$s the error message that was returned #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-style-sanitizer.php:1601 msgid "Failed to fetch: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Kan niet ophalen: %1$s (%2$s)" #: src/Admin/PairedBrowsing.php:331 msgid "AMP Paired Browsing:" msgstr "AMP gepaard bladeren:" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:2130 msgid "AMP optimization could not be completed due to the following:" msgstr "AMP optimalisatie kon niet worden afgerond vanwege het volgende:" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2573 msgid "URL validation failed due to unexpected JSON in AMP validation response." msgstr "URL validatie mislukt vanwege onverwachte JSON in AMP validatie reactie." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2564 msgid "URL validation failed due to the AMP validation request not returning JSON data. This may be due to a PHP fatal error occurring." msgstr "URL validatie mislukt omdat de AMP validatie aanvraag geen JSON gegevens heeft opgeleverd. Dit is mogelijk veroorzaakt door een opgetreden fatale PHP fout." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2527 msgid "Unable to validate URL. A white screen of death was encountered which is likely due to a PHP fatal error." msgstr "Kan URL niet valideren. Er werd een wit fout scherm aangetroffen, wat waarschijnlijk komt door een fatale PHP fout." #. translators: %1$s is link to Debugging in WordPress, %2$s is WP_DEBUG_LOG #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2476 msgid "Please check your server PHP error logs; to do this you may need to enable %2$s." msgstr "Controleer de PHP fout logs; je moet hiervoor mogelijk inschakelen %2$s." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2334 msgid "Too many redirects." msgstr "Te veel omleidingen." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:1760 msgid "Nonce authentication failed." msgstr "Nonce authenticatie is mislukt." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:514 msgid "Preview link expired. Please try again." msgstr "Voorbeeldlink verlopen. Probeer het opnieuw." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3463 msgid "Required attribute value" msgstr "Vereiste eigenschap waarde" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3459 msgid "Required ancestor element" msgstr "Vereist hoofd element" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3457 msgid "Disallowed ancestor element" msgstr "Niet-toegestaan hoofd element" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3455 msgid "Required parent element" msgstr "Vereist hoofd element" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3453 msgid "Required minimum child count" msgstr "Vereist minimum aantal sub" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3451 msgid "Required child count" msgstr "Vereiste sub aantal" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3449 msgid "Children count" msgstr "Sub aantal" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3447 msgid "First child tag" msgstr "Eerste sub tag" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3445 msgid "Child tag" msgstr "Sub tag" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3443 msgid "Missing attributes" msgstr "Ontbrekende eigenschappen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3441 msgid "Property value" msgstr "Eigenschapwaarde" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3438 msgid "Required property value" msgstr "Vereiste eigenschapwaarde" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3436 msgid "Invalid property value" msgstr "Ongeldige eigenschapwaarde" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3433 msgid "Property name" msgstr "Naam eigenschap" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3430 msgid "Missing property" msgstr "Ontbrekende eigenschap" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3416 msgid "Mutually exclusive attributes" msgstr "Wederzijds uitsluitende attributen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3325 msgid "Inconsistent units for width and height" msgstr "Inconsistente eenheden voor breedte en hoogte" #. translators: %1$s is the invalid attribute value, %2$s is the attribute name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3310 msgid "Invalid value %1$s for attribute %2$s" msgstr "Ongeldige waarde %1$s voor attribuut %2$s" #. translators: %1$s is attribute name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3288 msgid "Missing URL for attribute %s" msgstr "Ontbrekende URL voor attribuut %s" #. translators: %1$s is the relative URL, %2$s is attribute name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3280 msgid "The relative URL %1$s for attribute %2$s is disallowed" msgstr "De relatieve URL %1$s voor attribuut %2$s is niet toegestaan" #. translators: %1$s is the invalid URL, %2$s is attribute name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3272 msgid "Malformed URL %1$s for attribute %2$s" msgstr "Misvormde URL %1$s voor attribuut %2$s" #. translators: %1$s is the invalid protocol, %2$s is attribute name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3264 msgid "Invalid URL protocol %1$s for attribute %2$s" msgstr "Ongeldig URL-protocol %1$s voor attribute %2$s" #. translators: %1$s is the node name, %2$s is the required ancestor tag name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3242 msgid "The tag %1$s may only appear as a descendant of tag %2$s" msgstr "De tag %1$s mag alleen verschijnen als een afstammeling van tag %2$s" #. translators: %1$s is the node name, %2$s is the disallowed ancestor tag name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3234 msgid "The tag %1$s may not appear as a descendant of tag %2$s" msgstr "De tag %1$s verschijnt mogelijk niet als een afstammeling van tag %2$s" #. translators: %1$s is the node name, %2$s is parent name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3225 msgid "The parent tag of tag %1$s cannot be %2$s" msgstr "De hoofd tag van tag %1$s kan niet zijn %2$s" #. translators: %1$s is the node name, %2$s is required child count #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3211 msgid "Tag %1$s must have a minimum of %2$s child tag" msgid_plural "Tag %1$s must have a minimum of %2$s child tags" msgstr[0] "Tag %1$s moet minimaal %2$s sub tag hebben" msgstr[1] "Tag %1$s moet minimaal %2$s sub tags hebben" #. translators: %1$s is the node name, %2$s is required child count #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3196 msgid "Tag %1$s must have %2$s child tag" msgid_plural "Tag %1$s must have %2$s child tags" msgstr[0] "Tag %1$s moet %2$s sub tag hebben" msgstr[1] "Tag %1$s moet %2$s sub tags hebben" #. translators: %1$s is the first child tag, %2$s is node name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3187 msgid "Tag %1$s is disallowed as first child of tag %2$s" msgstr "Tag %1$s is niet toegestaan als eerste sub van tag %2$s" #. translators: %1$s is the child tag, %2$s is node name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3179 msgid "Tag %1$s is disallowed as child of tag %2$s" msgstr "Tag %1$s is niet toegestaan als sub van tag %2$s" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3157 msgid "Missing at least one mandatory attribute" msgstr "Minimaal één verplichte eigenschap ontbreekt" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3154 msgid "Missing exclusive mandatory attribute" msgstr "Exclusieve verplichte eigenschap ontbreekt" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3136 msgid "Mutually exclusive attributes encountered" msgstr "Wederzijds exclusieve eigenschappen aangetroffen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3130 msgid "Missing required attribute" msgstr "Ontbrekende vereiste eigenschap" #. translators: %1$s is the property name, %2$s is the value for the property #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3123 msgid "Invalid value for %1$s property: %2$s" msgstr "Ongeldige waarde voor %1$s eigenschap: %2$s" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3115 msgid "Missing required property" msgstr "Ontbrekende vereiste eigenschap" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3109 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3428 msgid "Invalid property" msgstr "Ongeldige eigenschap" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3101 msgid "Invalid JSON" msgstr "Ongeldige JSON" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3094 msgid "Illegal text content" msgstr "Illegale tekst inhoud" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3072 msgid "Stylesheet fetch error" msgstr "Stylesheet ophaal fout" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3032 msgid "Invalid inline script" msgstr "Ongeldig inline script" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2604 msgid "Inline Text" msgstr "Inline tekst" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2601 msgid "Inline Type" msgstr "Inline type" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2597 msgid "Dependent Style" msgstr "Afhankelijke stijl" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2595 msgid "Dependent Script" msgstr "Afhankelijke script" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2590 msgid "Enqueued Style" msgstr "Enqueued style" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2588 msgid "Enqueued Script" msgstr "Enqueued script" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2256 msgid "required value" msgstr "vereiste waarde" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2179 msgid "Error code" msgstr "Fout code" #. translators: %s: UTF-8, a charset #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1891 msgid "Malformed %s characters, possibly incorrectly encoded" msgstr "Misformde %s tekens, mogelijk onjuist gecodeerd" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1887 msgid "Syntax error" msgstr "Syntax fout" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1884 msgid "Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded" msgstr "Fout in controle teken, mogelijk onjuist gecodeerd" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1881 msgid "Invalid or malformed JSON" msgstr "Ongeldige of misvormde JSON" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1878 msgid "The maximum stack depth has been exceeded" msgstr "De maximale stapel diepte is overschreden" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1875 msgid "Expected JSON, got an empty value" msgstr "Verwachte JSON, kreeg een lege waarde" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2873 msgid "Show styles removed during tree-shaking" msgstr "Verwijderde stijlen tijdens tree shaking weergeven" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2865 msgid "All of the stylesheet was removed during tree-shaking." msgstr "De gehele stylesheet is verwijderd tijdens tree shaking." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2860 msgid "The stylesheet was empty after minification (removal of comments and whitespace)." msgstr "De stylesheet was leeg na verkleining (verwijdering van reacties en witruimte)." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2810 msgid "Class name generated during extraction of inline style to style[amp-custom]." msgstr "Klasse naam gegenereerd tijdens extractie van inline stijl naar stijl[amp-custom]." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2800 msgid "Selector generated to increase specificity for important properties so that the CSS cascade is preserved. AMP does not allow important properties." msgstr "Selector gegenereerd om specificiteit te verhogen voor belangrijke eigenschappen, zodat de CSS cascade blijft behouden. AMP staat geen belangrijke eigenschappen toe." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2798 msgid "Selector generated to increase specificity so the cascade is preserved for properties moved from style attribute to CSS rules in style[amp-custom]." msgstr "Selector gegenereerd om specificiteit te verhogen zodat de cascade behouden blijft voor eigenschappen die van stijl attributen zijn verplaatst naar CSS regels in stijl[amp-custom]." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2768 msgid "CSS Code" msgstr "CSS code" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2751 msgid "Stylesheet URL" msgstr "Stylesheet URL" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2747 msgid "Original Markup" msgstr "Originele markup" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2708 msgid "Stylesheet excluded due to exceeding CSS budget" msgstr "Stylesheet niet opgenomen vanwege overschreden CSS budget" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2705 msgid "Stylesheet overruns CSS budget yet it is still included on page" msgstr "Stylesheet overschrijdt CSS budget, maar is nog steeds opgenomen in de pagina" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2702 msgid "Stylesheet included" msgstr "Stylesheet inbegrepen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2691 msgid "Stylesheet bytes of total CSS added to page" msgstr "Stylesheet bytes van totale CSS toegevoegd aan pagina" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2662 msgid "Expand/collapse" msgstr "Uitvouwen/invouwen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2615 msgid "Markup" msgstr "Markup" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2614 msgid "Included" msgstr "Inbegrepen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2613 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioriteit" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2612 msgid "Percent" msgstr "Procent" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2609 msgid "Final" msgstr "Laatste" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2607 msgid "Minified" msgstr "Verkleind" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2604 msgid "Original" msgstr "Origineel" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2602 msgid "Order" msgstr "Volgorde" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2593 msgid "You are nearing the limit of the CSS budget. Once this limit is reached, stylesheets deemed of lesser priority will be excluded from the page. Please review the stylesheets below and determine if the current theme or a particular plugin is including excessive CSS." msgstr "Je nadert de limiet van het CSS budget. Zodra deze limiet is bereikt, worden stylesheets die als minder belangrijk worden beschouwd, uitgesloten van de pagina. Bekijk de onderstaande stylesheets en bepaal of het huidige thema of een bepaalde plugin overmatige CSS bevat." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2587 msgid "Please review the flagged stylesheets below and determine if the current theme or a particular plugin is including excessive CSS." msgstr "Beoordeel de gemarkeerde stylesheets hieronder en bepaal of het huidige thema of een bepaalde plugin te veel CSS bevat." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2585 msgid "You have exceeded the CSS budget. Stylesheets deemed of lesser priority have been excluded from the page." msgstr "Je hebt het CSS budget overschreden. Stylesheets die van minder belang worden geacht, zijn van de pagina uitgesloten." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2583 msgid "You have exceeded the CSS budget. The page will not be served as a valid AMP page." msgstr "Je hebt het CSS budget overschreden. De pagina wordt niet geserveerd als een geldige AMP pagina." #. translators: %s is the number of stylesheets excluded #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2566 msgid "Excluded minified CSS (%s stylesheet):" msgid_plural "Excluded minified CSS size (%s stylesheets):" msgstr[0] "Uitgesloten verkleinde CSS (%s stylesheet):" msgstr[1] "Uitgesloten verkleinde CSS (%s stylesheets):" #. translators: %s is max kilobytes #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2537 msgid "Percentage of used CSS budget (%sKB):" msgstr "Percentage van het gebruikte CSS budget (%sKB):" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2524 msgid "Total CSS size after minification:" msgstr "Totale CSS grootte na verkleining:" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2519 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2528 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2574 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2605 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2610 msgctxt "abbreviation for bytes" msgid "B" msgstr "B" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2519 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2528 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2574 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2605 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2610 msgid "bytes" msgstr "bytes" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2515 msgid "Total CSS size prior to minification:" msgstr "Totale CSS grootte vóór minificatie:" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2444 msgid "Unable to retrieve data for stylesheets." msgstr "Kan geen gegevens ophalen voor stylesheets." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2204 msgid "Stylesheets" msgstr "Stylesheets" #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-style-sanitizer.php:3320 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1325 msgid "CSS Usage" msgstr "Gebruik van CSS" #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:61 msgid "Non-AMP version" msgstr "Niet AMP versie" #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:51 msgid "Go Back" msgstr "Ga terug" #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:50 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Afsluiten" #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:45 msgid "The navigated URL is not available for paired browsing." msgstr "De genavigeerde URL is niet beschikbaar voor gekoppelde bladeren." #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:31 msgid "Exit paired browsing onto the AMP version." msgstr "Verlaat gepaarde bladeren op de AMP versie." #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:30 msgid "Exit paired browsing onto the non-AMP version." msgstr "Gekoppeld bladeren verlaten naar de niet AMP versie." #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:26 msgid "Skip to the AMP iframe" msgstr "Overslaan naar het AMP iframe" #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:25 msgid "Skip to the non-AMP iframe" msgstr "Overslaan naar het niet AMP iframe" #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:20 msgid "Loading…" msgstr "Laden…" #: src/BackgroundTask/BackgroundTaskDeactivator.php:153 msgid "Large site detected. Deactivation will leave orphaned scheduled events behind." msgstr "Grote site gedetecteerd. Deactivering laat verweesde geplande evenementen achter." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1153 msgid "This option does not apply to Reader mode." msgstr "Deze optie is niet van toepassing op de lees modus." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1140 msgid "No template supported" msgstr "Geen template ondersteund" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1072 msgid "Number of stylesheet transient cache entries" msgstr "Aantal tijdelijke cache invoeren voor stylesheet" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1067 msgid "Sampling range for monitoring stylesheet caching" msgstr "Voorbeeld bereik voor monitoring van stylesheet caching" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1062 msgid "Threshold for monitoring stylesheet caching" msgstr "Drempelwaarde voor monitoring van stylesheet caching" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1057 msgid "Transient caching for stylesheets disabled" msgstr "Tijdelijke caching voor stylesheets uitgeschakeld" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1052 msgid "Serve all templates as AMP?" msgstr "Alle templates als AMP aanbieden?" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1047 msgid "Templates enabled" msgstr "Templates ingeschakeld" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:1024 msgid "Debugging information for the Official AMP Plugin for WordPress." msgstr "Debugging informatie voor de officiële AMP plugin voor WordPress." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:997 msgid "Your server currently does not have the Xdebug PHP extension loaded" msgstr "De Xdebug PHP extensie is momenteel niet geladen op je server" #. translators: %s: the WP_DEBUG constant #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:994 msgid "Please deactivate Xdebug to improve performance. Otherwise, you may enable %s to indicate that this site is currently under development or is undergoing debugging." msgstr "Deactiveer Xdebug om de prestaties te verbeteren. Anders kun je %s inschakelen om aan te geven dat deze site momenteel in ontwikkeling is of debugging ondergaat." #. translators: %s: the WP_DEBUG constant #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:989 msgid "Nevertheless, %s is enabled which suggests that this site is currently under development or is undergoing debugging." msgstr "%s is toch ingeschakeld om aan te geven dat deze site momenteel in ontwikkeling is of debugging ondergaat." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:986 msgid "Your server currently has the Xdebug PHP extension loaded" msgstr "De Xdebug PHP extensie is momenteel geladen op je server" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:983 msgid "The Xdebug extension can cause some of the AMP plugin’s processes to time out depending on your system resources and configuration. It should not be enabled on a live site (production environment)." msgstr "De Xdebug extensie kan ervoor zorgen dat sommige AMP plugin processen time-out veroorzaken, afhankelijk van je systeem gegevensbron en configuratie. Het moet niet worden ingeschakeld op een live site (productie omgeving)." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:934 msgid "Transient caching of parsed stylesheets is enabled" msgstr "Tijdelijke caching of geparste stylesheets is ingeschakeld" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:930 msgid "Transient caching of parsed stylesheets is disabled" msgstr "Tijdelijke caching of geparseerde stylesheets is uitgeschakeld" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:926 msgid "Transient caching of parsed stylesheets is not used due to external object cache" msgstr "Transient caching van geparseerde stylesheets wordt niet gebruikt vanwege externe object cache" #. translators: %s: the ICU version #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:903 msgid "The version of ICU (v%s) looks good" msgstr "De versie van ICU (v%s) ziet er goed uit" #. translators: %s: the ICU version #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:899 msgid "The version of ICU (v%s) is out of date" msgstr "De versie van ICU (v%s) is verouderd" #. translators: %s: the constant for the ICU version #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:895 msgid "The ICU version is unknown, as the constant %s is not defined" msgstr "De ICU versie is onbekend, aangezien de constante %s niet gedefinieerd is" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:885 msgid "Learn more about ICU" msgstr "Meer informatie over ICU" #. translators: %s: the minimum recommended ICU version #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:878 msgid "The version of ICU can affect how the intl extension runs. This extension is used to derive AMP Cache URLs for internationalized domain names (IDNs). The minimum recommended version of ICU is v%s." msgstr "De versie van ICU kan invloed hebben op de werking van de intl extensie. Deze extensie wordt gebruikt om AMP Cache URL's af te leiden voor geïnternationaliseerde domeinnamen (IDN's). De minimaal aanbevolen versie van ICU is v%s." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:855 msgid "The cURL multi functions are defined" msgstr "De cURL multifuncties zijn gedefinieerd" #. translators: %1$s: the count of functions, %2$s: the name(s) of the cURL #. multi PHP function(s) #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:828 msgid "The following %1$s cURL multi function is not defined: %2$s." msgid_plural "The following %1$s cURL multi functions are not defined: %2$s." msgstr[0] "De volgende %1$s cURL-multifunctie is niet gedefinieerd: %2$s." msgstr[1] "De volgende %1$s cURL-multifuncties zijn niet gedefinieerd: %2$s." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:801 msgid "Learn more about these functions" msgstr "Meer informatie over deze functies" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:800 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:797 msgid "The AMP plugin is able to more efficiently determine the dimensions of images lacking width or height by making parallel requests via cURL multi." msgstr "De AMP plugin kan efficiënter de afmetingen bepalen van afbeeldingen die breedte of hoogte missen door parallelle aanvragen te doen via cURL multi." #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:331 msgid "Persistent object caching is not enabled" msgstr "Permanente objectcaching is niet ingeschakeld" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:323 msgid "Persistent object caching is enabled" msgstr "Permanente objectcaching is ingeschakeld" #. translators: The accessibility text. #. translators: accessibility text #: src/Admin/AmpPlugins.php:326 src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:252 #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:489 src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:803 msgid "(opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(opent in een nieuwe tab)" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:250 msgid "Learn more about persistent object caching" msgstr "Meer informatie over persistent object caching" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:212 msgid "Xdebug extension" msgstr "Xdebug uitbreiding" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:207 msgid "Transient caching of stylesheets" msgstr "Tijdelijke caching van stylesheets" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:201 msgid "ICU version" msgstr "ICU versie" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:195 msgid "cURL multi functions" msgstr "cURL meerdere functies" #: src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:224 msgid "Persistent object cache" msgstr "Persistent object cache" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2518 msgid "Failed to fetch URL to validate." msgstr "URL niet opgehaald om te valideren." #. translators: %s is the URL to Site Health Info. #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2500 msgid "Please include your Site Health Info." msgstr "Voeg je sitediagnose info toe." #. translators: %s is link to Site Health #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2494 msgid "Please check your Site Health to verify it can perform loopback requests." msgstr "Controleer je sitediagnose om na te gaan of hij loopback aanvragen kan uitvoeren." #. translators: %1$s: Link to support forum. %2$s: Link to new topic form in #. support forum. #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2487 msgid "If you are stuck, please search the support forum for possible related topics, or otherwise start a new support topic including the error message, the URL to your site, and your active theme/plugins." msgstr "Als je vastloopt, zoek dan op het ondersteuning forum naar mogelijk gerelateerde onderwerpen of start een nieuw ondersteuning onderwerp met vermelding van de fout bericht, de URL naar je site en je actieve thema/plugins." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1323 msgid "Invalid Markup" msgstr "Ongeldige markup" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3410 msgid "CSS property" msgstr "CSS eigenschap" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3103 msgid "Illegal CSS !important property" msgstr "Illegale CSS !important eigenschap" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3075 msgid "Illegal CSS property" msgstr "Illegale CSS eigenschap" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3070 msgid "CSS parse error" msgstr "CSS parse fout" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3068 msgid "Unrecognized CSS" msgstr "Niet herkende CSS" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3026 msgid "Invalid script" msgstr "Ongeldig script" #. translators: %s is the byte count #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2762 msgid "%s byte" msgid_plural "%s bytes" msgstr[0] "%s byte" msgstr[1] "%s bytes" #. translators: %s: amp_supportable_templates #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:544 msgid "An expected parent was not found. Did you filter %s to not honor the template hierarchy?" msgstr "Een verwachte hoofd is niet gevonden. Heb je %s gefilterd om niet aan de template hiërarchie te voldoen?" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3418 msgid "Text content" msgstr "Tekst inhoud" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3408 msgid "Parent element" msgstr "Hoofd element" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3405 msgid "Node name" msgstr "Node naam" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3403 msgid "Element name" msgstr "Element naam" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3401 msgid "Attribute name" msgstr "Attribuut naam" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3395 msgid "At-rule" msgstr "At regel" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3393 msgid "Code" msgstr "Code" #. translators: %s error code #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3379 msgid "Unknown error (%s)" msgstr "Onbekende fout (%s)" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3064 msgid "Duplicate element" msgstr "Dubbel element" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3048 msgid "Invalid processing instruction" msgstr "Ongeldige verwerking instructie" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2790 msgid "Custom HTML" msgstr "Aangepaste HTML" #. translators: %d is the hook priority #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2685 msgid "(priority %d)" msgstr "(prioriteit %d)" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2660 msgid "Core" msgstr "Core" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2656 msgid "Must-Use Plugin" msgstr "Verplichte plugin" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2652 msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2648 msgid "Theme" msgstr "Thema" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2631 msgid "Action" msgstr "Actie" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2629 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2622 msgid "Location" msgstr "Locatie" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2619 msgid "Function" msgstr "Functie" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2613 msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Shortcode" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2610 msgid "Block Name" msgstr "Bloknaam" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2607 msgid "Block Index" msgstr "Blok index" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2584 msgid "Post Type" msgstr "Berichttype" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2581 msgid "Post ID" msgstr "Bericht ID" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2578 msgid "Name" msgstr "Naam" #. translators: %s: number of sources. #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2523 msgid "Source stack (%s)" msgid_plural "Source stack (%s)" msgstr[0] "Bron stapel (%s)" msgstr[1] "Bron stapel (%s)" #. translators: 1: Documentation URL, 2: Documentation URL. #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2166 msgid "AMP allows a specific set of elements and attributes on valid AMP pages. Learn about the AMP HTML specification. If an element or attribute is not allowed in AMP, it must be removed for the page to be cached and eligible for prerendering." msgstr "AMP staat een specifieke set elementen en kenmerken toe op geldige AMP pagina's. Lees meer over de AMP HTML-specificatie. Als een element of kenmerk niet is toegestaan in AMP, moet het worden verwijderd om de pagina in de cache te plaatsen en in aanmerking te komen voor prerendering." #. translators: 1: Documentation URL, 2: Documentation URL, 3: !important #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2154 msgid "AMP allows you to style your pages using CSS in much the same way as regular HTML pages, however there are some restrictions. Nevertheless, the AMP plugin automatically inlines external stylesheets, transforms %3$s qualifiers, and uses tree shaking to remove the majority of CSS rules that do not apply to the current page. Nevertheless, AMP does have a 75KB limit and tree shaking cannot always reduce the amount of CSS under this limit; when this happens an excessive CSS error will result." msgstr "AMP maakt het mogelijk om je pagina's te stylen met CSS via deze link , op dezelfde manier als bij reguliere HTML pagina's. Er zijn echter wel beperkingen. Desondanks zorgt de AMP plugin ervoor dat externe stylesheets automatisch worden ingevoegd, formulieren %3$s qualifiers worden omgezet en tree shaking wordt gebruikt om de meeste CSS regels die niet van toepassing zijn op de huidige pagina te verwijderen. Let wel op, AMP heeft een limiet van 75KB en tree shaking kan niet altijd de hoeveelheid CSS onder deze limiet verminderen. Als dit gebeurt, zal er een fout bericht verschijnen vanwege te veel CSS." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2128 msgid "Information" msgstr "Informatie" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2069 msgid "Misc" msgstr "Diversen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1931 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3490 msgid "Kept" msgstr "Bewaard" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1786 msgid "HTML element" msgstr "HTML element" #. translators: %s is the number of validation errors cleared #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1592 msgid "Cleared %s validation error for invalid markup that no longer occurs on the site." msgid_plural "Cleared %s validation errors for invalid markup that no longer occur on the site." msgstr[0] "Verwijderde %s validatie fout voor ongeldige lay-out die niet langer voorkomt op de site." msgstr[1] "Verwijderde %s validatie fouten voor ongeldige lay-out die niet langer op de site voorkomen." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1511 msgid "Invalid CSS" msgstr "Ongeldige CSS" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1509 msgid "With invalid CSS" msgstr "Met ongeldige CSS" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1504 msgid "Invalid JS" msgstr "Ongeldige JS" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1502 msgid "With invalid JS" msgstr "Met ongeldige JS" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1497 msgid "Invalid HTML attributes" msgstr "Ongeldige HTML-attributen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1495 msgid "With invalid HTML attributes" msgstr "Met ongeldige HTML eigenschappen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1490 msgid "Invalid HTML elements" msgstr "Ongeldige HTML elementen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1488 msgid "With invalid HTML elements" msgstr "Met ongeldige HTML elementen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1484 msgid "All types of invalid markup" msgstr "Alle soorten ongeldige markups" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1404 msgid "Filter by markup status" msgstr "Filteren op markup status" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3098 msgid "AMP Validated URL" msgstr "AMP gevalideerde URL" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2330 msgid "AMP is enabled because no invalid markup is being kept." msgstr "AMP is ingeschakeld omdat er geen ongeldige markup is bewaard." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2951 msgid "Keep" msgstr "Behouden" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1760 msgid "The rechecked URL is free of non-removed invalid markup." msgid_plural "The rechecked URLs are free of non-removed invalid markup." msgstr[0] "De opnieuw gecontroleerde URL is vrij van niet verwijderde ongeldige lay-out." msgstr[1] "De opnieuw gecontroleerde URL's zijn vrij van niet verwijderde ongeldige lay-out." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1752 msgid "The rechecked URL still has remaining invalid markup kept." msgid_plural "The rechecked URLs still have remaining invalid markup kept." msgstr[0] "De opnieuw gecontroleerde URL heeft nog steeds ongeldige lay-out." msgstr[1] "De opnieuw gecontroleerde URL's hebben nog steeds ongeldige lay-out." #. translators: %s is the hook name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1613 msgid "Hook: %s" msgstr "Hook: %s" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1607 msgid "Excerpt" msgstr "Samenvatting" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1603 msgid "Content" msgstr "Inhoud" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1361 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1365 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:890 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:894 msgid "Context" msgstr "Context" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1319 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1378 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:884 msgid "When invalid markup is removed it will not block a URL from being served as AMP; the validation error will be sanitized, where the offending markup is stripped from the response to ensure AMP validity. If invalid AMP markup is kept, then URLs is occurs on will not be served as AMP pages." msgstr "Als ongeldige opmaak wordt verwijderd, wordt een URL niet geblokkeerd om als AMP te worden weergegeven; de validatiefout wordt opgeschoond, waarbij de aanstootgevende markup uit de reactie wordt verwijderd om AMP validiteit te garanderen. Als ongeldige AMP opmaak behouden blijft, worden URL's waarop deze voorkomt niet als AMP pagina's weergegeven." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1314 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1318 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1373 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1377 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:879 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:883 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1924 msgid "Markup Status" msgstr "Opmaak status" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:654 msgid "All markup valid" msgstr "Alle markup geldig" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:646 msgid "Invalid markup removed" msgstr "Ongeldige markup verwijderd" #. translators: %s is the count of new validation errors #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:631 msgid "%s validation error with removed markup is new" msgid_plural "%s validation errors with removed markup are new" msgstr[0] "%s validatie fout met verwijderde lay-out is nieuw" msgstr[1] "%s validatie fouten met verwijderde lay-out zijn nieuw" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:622 msgid "Invalid markup kept" msgstr "Ongeldige markup bewaard" #. translators: %s is the count of new validation errors #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:608 msgid "%s validation error with kept markup is new" msgid_plural "%s validation errors with kept markup are new" msgstr[0] "%s validatiefout met bijgehouden lay-out is nieuw" msgstr[1] "%s validatiefouten met bijgehouden lay-out zijn nieuw" #: includes/options/class-amp-options-manager.php:474 msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: %s: "Why should I use HTTPS" support URL #: includes/options/class-amp-options-manager.php:473 msgid "Your site is not being fully served over a secure connection (using HTTPS).
As some AMP functionality requires a secure connection, you might experience degraded performance or broken components.
More details" msgstr "Je site wordt momenteel niet over een veilige verbinding (via HTTPS) aangeboden.
Omdat voor sommige AMP functies een veilige verbinding nodig is, kun je slechtere prestaties of defecte componenten ervaren.
Meer informatie" #: includes/deprecated.php:279 msgid "Your server currently has the Xdebug PHP extension loaded. This can cause some of the AMP plugin's processes to timeout depending on your system resources and configuration. Please deactivate Xdebug for the best experience." msgstr "De Xdebug PHP extensie is momenteel geladen op je server. Dit kan ertoe leiden dat de verwerking van de AMP plugin een time out krijgt, afhankelijk van je systeem gegevensbronnen en configuratie. Deactiveer Xdebug voor de beste ervaring." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2950 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Verwijder" #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-form-sanitizer.php:356 msgid "Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message." msgstr "Neem contact op met de ontwikkelaar van deze formulierverwerker om dit bericht te verbeteren." #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-form-sanitizer.php:354 msgid "Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed." msgstr "Hoewel de server reactie in orde was, is het mogelijk dan het indienen niet is verwerkt." #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-form-sanitizer.php:353 msgid "It appears your submission was successful." msgstr "Het lijkt erop alsof het indienen is geslaagd." #. translators: %1$s: HTTP status text, %2$s: HTTP status code #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-form-sanitizer.php:351 msgid "The server responded with %1$s (code %2$s)." msgstr "De server reactie was %1$s (code %2$s)." #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-form-sanitizer.php:349 msgid "Your submission failed." msgstr "Je verzending is mislukt." #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-form-sanitizer.php:338 msgid "Submitting…" msgstr "Verzenden …" #. translators: %s: CSS selector for admin bar element #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-style-sanitizer.php:3232 msgid "Admin bar (%s) was removed to preserve AMP validity due to excessive CSS." msgstr "Toolbar (%s) is verwijderd om AMP validatie te behouden vanwege overschreden CSS." #. translators: Admin screen title. %s: Admin screen name #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3101 msgid "%s — WordPress" msgstr "%s — WordPress" #: includes/class-amp-http.php:398 msgid "Redirecting…" msgstr "Omleiden…" #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:30 msgid "Non-AMP" msgstr "Niet-AMP" #: amp.php:171 amp.php:191 msgid "AMP plugin unable to initialize." msgstr "AMP plugin kan niet geïnitialiseerd worden." #. translators: %s is list of missing extensions #: amp.php:146 msgid "The following PHP function is missing: %s. Please contact your host to finish installation." msgid_plural "The following PHP functions are missing: %s. Please contact your host to finish installation." msgstr[0] "De volgende PHP functie ontbreekt: %s. Neem contact op met je host om de installatie te voltooien." msgstr[1] "De volgende PHP functies ontbreken: %s. Neem contact op met je host om de installatie te voltooien." #. translators: %s is list of missing extensions #: amp.php:131 msgid "The following PHP class is missing: %s. Please contact your host to finish installation." msgid_plural "The following PHP classes are missing: %s. Please contact your host to finish installation." msgstr[0] "De volgende PHP klasse ontbreekt: %s. Neem contact op met je host om de installatie te voltooien." msgstr[1] "De volgende PHP klassen ontbreken: %s. Neem contact op met je host om de installatie te voltooien." #. translators: %s is list of missing extensions #: amp.php:116 msgid "The following PHP extension is missing: %s. Please contact your host to finish installation." msgid_plural "The following PHP extensions are missing: %s. Please contact your host to finish installation." msgstr[0] "De volgende PHP extensie ontbreekt: %s. Neem contact op met je host om de installatie te voltooien." msgstr[1] "De volgende PHP extensies ontbreken: %s. Neem contact op met je host om de installatie te voltooien." #. translators: 1: AMP_Comment_Walker. 2: AMP_Comments_Sanitizer. #: includes/class-amp-comment-walker.php:11 msgid "%1$s functionality has been moved to %2$s." msgstr "%1$s functionaliteit is verplaatst naar %2$s." #. translators: %s: WP_Service_Worker_Cache_Registry. #: includes/class-amp-service-worker.php:110 msgid "Please update to PWA v0.2. Expected argument to be %s." msgstr "Update naar PWA v0.2. Verwacht argument is %s." #. translators: %s is error code #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2582 msgid "URL validation failed. Error code: %s." msgstr "URL validatie mislukt. Foutcode: %s." #. translators: localized date and time format, see #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1968 msgid "F j, Y g:i a" msgstr "j F Y H:i" #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-style-sanitizer.php:1616 msgid "Response did not contain the expected text/css content type." msgstr "Reactie bevatte niet het verwachte tekst/CSS contenttype." #. translators: 1: amp_add_amphtml_link(). 2: amp-helper-functions.php #: includes/amp-frontend-actions.php:16 msgid "Use %1$s function which is already included from %2$s" msgstr "Gebruik de %1$s functie die al is opgenomen vanuit %2$s" #. translators: %s: the URL to the edit post screen. #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:710 #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:719 msgid "Currently disabled at the page level." msgstr "Momenteel uitgeschakeld op pagina niveau." #. translators: 1: embed handler. 2: AMP_Base_Embed_Handler #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:1014 #: includes/templates/class-amp-content.php:179 msgid "Embed Handler (%1$s) must extend `%2$s`" msgstr "Insluiten handler (%1$s) moet `%2$s` uitbreiden" #. translators: 1: sanitizer class. 2: AMP_Base_Sanitizer #: includes/templates/class-amp-content-sanitizer.php:100 msgid "Sanitizer (%1$s) must extend `%2$s`" msgstr "Opschoning (%1$s) moet langer zijn dan `%2$s`" #: includes/class-amp-service-worker.php:344 msgid "Installing service worker..." msgstr "Servicewerker wordt geïnstalleerd..." #: includes/class-amp-service-worker.php:328 #: includes/class-amp-service-worker.php:340 msgid "Service Worker Installation" msgstr "Installatie van service worker" #: includes/class-amp-service-worker.php:327 msgid "No service workers registered for the requested scope." msgstr "Er zijn geen service workers geregistreerd voor de aangevraagde scope." #: includes/class-amp-service-worker.php:151 #: includes/class-amp-service-worker.php:185 msgid "Please update to PWA v0.2. Expected argument to be WP_Service_Worker_Scripts." msgstr "Update naar PWA v0.2. Verwacht argument is WP_Service_Worker_Scripts." #. translators: 1: the analytics entry ID. 2: type. 3: attributes. 4: #. config_data. 5: comma-separated list of the actual entry keys. #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:1280 msgid "Analytics entry for %1$s is missing one of the following keys: `%2$s` or `%3$s` (array keys: %4$s)" msgstr "In het Analytics item voor %1$s ontbreekt een van de volgende sleutels: '%2$s' of '%3$s' (array sleutels: %4$s)" #. Author of the plugin #: amp.php msgid "AMP Project Contributors" msgstr "AMP Project Contributors" #: includes/options/class-amp-options-manager.php:443 msgid "PHP-CSS-Parser is not available so CSS processing will not be available." msgstr "PHP CSS Parser is niet beschikbaar dus is CSS verwerking ook niet beschikbaar." #. translators: %s: path to the conflicting library #: includes/options/class-amp-options-manager.php:434 msgid "A conflicting version of PHP-CSS-Parser appears to be installed by another plugin or theme (located in %s). Because of this, CSS processing will be limited, and tree shaking will not be available." msgstr "Een conflicterende versie van PHP CSS Parser lijkt te zijn geïnstalleerd door een andere plugin of thema (op %s). Hierdoor wordt CSS verwerking beperkt en zal tree shaking niet beschikbaar zijn." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2507 msgid "AMP CSS processing is limited because a conflicting version of PHP-CSS-Parser has been loaded by another plugin or theme. Tree shaking is not available." msgstr "AMP CSS verwerking is beperkt omdat een conflicterende versie van PHP CSS Parser is geladen door een andere plugin of thema. Tree shaking is niet beschikbaar." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:259 msgid "All AMP Validation Errors" msgstr "Alle AMP validatie fouten" #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:738 msgid "There is no amphtml version available for this URL." msgstr "Er is geen amphtml versie beschikbaar voor deze URL." #. translators: 1: @import. 2: wp_enqueue_style(). 3: font CDN URL. #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-style-sanitizer.php:1816 msgid "It is not a best practice to use %1$s to load font CDN stylesheets. Please use %2$s to enqueue %3$s as its own separate script." msgstr "Het is geen goede gewoonte om %1$s te gebruiken om CDN-stylesheets voor lettertypen te laden. Gebruik %2$s om %3$s in de wachtrij te plaatsen als zijn eigen afzonderlijk script." #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:388 #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:414 #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:430 #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:446 #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-nav-menu-dropdown-sanitizer.php:155 msgid "collapse child menu" msgstr "submenu invouwen" #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:387 #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:413 #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:429 #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-core-theme-sanitizer.php:445 #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-nav-menu-dropdown-sanitizer.php:152 msgid "expand child menu" msgstr "submenu uitvouwen" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:745 msgid "Not Found (404)" msgstr "Niet gevonden (404)" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:742 msgid "Search" msgstr "Zoeken" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:734 msgid "Author" msgstr "Auteur" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:715 #: src/Validation/ScannableURLProvider.php:151 msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blog" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:705 #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:723 #: src/Validation/ScannableURLProvider.php:124 #: src/Validation/ScannableURLProvider.php:138 msgid "Homepage" msgstr "Homepage" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:700 msgid "Singular" msgstr "Enkelvoudig" #. translators: %s: amp_supportable_templates #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:633 msgid "Did not expect there to be more than one matching template. Did you filter %s to not honor the template hierarchy?" msgstr "Er werd niet verwacht dat er meer dan één overeenkomende template was. Heb je %s gefilterd om niet aan de template hiërarchie te voldoen?" #. translators: %s: the supportable template ID. #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:496 msgid "Supportable template \"%s\" does not have a callable callback." msgstr "Ondersteunbare template '%s' heeft geen oproepbare callback." #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:467 msgid "No WP_Query available." msgstr "Geen WP_Query beschikbaar." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2544 msgid "An internal server error occurred when fetching the URL for validation." msgstr "Er is een interne server fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de URL voor validatie." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:2536 msgid "The fetched URL was not found. It may have been deleted. If so, you can trash this." msgstr "De opgehaalde URL is niet gevonden. Deze is mogelijk verwijderd. Als dit zo is, kan je dit naar de prullenbak verplaatsen." #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:1997 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:442 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:464 msgid "View AMP version" msgstr "Bekijk AMP versie" #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:1996 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:464 msgid "View non-AMP version" msgstr "Bekijk niet AMP versie" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3058 msgid "Illegal CSS at-rule" msgstr "Illegale CSS heersend" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3054 msgid "Excessive CSS" msgstr "Overschreden CSS" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3042 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3461 msgid "Invalid attribute" msgstr "Ongeldig attribuut" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3035 msgid "Invalid element" msgstr "Ongeldig element" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2975 msgid "You do not have authorization." msgstr "Je bent niet geautoriseerd." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2970 msgid "The link you followed has expired." msgstr "De link die je volgde is verlopen." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2809 msgid "JavaScript" msgstr "JavaScript" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2808 msgid "HTML Attribute" msgstr "HTML attribuut" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2807 msgid "HTML Element" msgstr "HTML element" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2183 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2198 msgid "Invalid markup" msgstr "Ongeldige markup" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3398 msgid "Element attributes" msgstr "Element attributen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1961 msgid "n/a" msgstr "N/B" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1792 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2810 msgid "CSS" msgstr "CSS" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1789 msgid "HTML attribute" msgstr "HTML attribuut" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1783 msgid "JS" msgstr "JS" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1697 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1845 msgid "Toggle error details" msgstr "Toggle fout details" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1529 msgid "Clear Empty" msgstr "Wissen leeg" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1481 msgid "Filter by error type" msgstr "Filter op fout type" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1406 msgid "All statuses" msgstr "Alle statussen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1305 msgid "View Validated URLs" msgstr "Gevalideerde URL's bekijken" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1260 msgid "Apply Filter" msgstr "Filter toepassen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:900 msgid "Last Seen" msgstr "Laatst gezien" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:318 msgid "Method must be passed a term slug (string) or error attributes (array)." msgstr "Methode moet een term slug (string) of fout eigenschappen (reeks) bevatten." #. translators: Tab heading when selecting from the most used terms #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:273 msgid "Most Used Validation Errors" msgstr "Meest gebruikte validatie fouten" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:271 msgid "Validation errors list" msgstr "Lijst met validatie fouten" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:270 msgid "Validation errors navigation" msgstr "Validatie fouten navigatie" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:267 msgid "New Validation Error Hash" msgstr "Nieuwe validatie fout hash" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:266 msgid "Add New Validation Error" msgstr "Nieuwe validatie fout toevoegen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:265 msgid "View Validation Error" msgstr "Bekijk validatie fout" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:264 msgid "Frequent Validation Errors" msgstr "Frequente validatie fouten" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:263 msgid "Back to AMP Validation Errors" msgstr "Terug naar AMP validatiefouten" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:262 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1744 msgid "Error Index" msgstr "Fout index" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:261 msgid "Update AMP Validation Error" msgstr "Update AMP validatie fout" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:258 msgid "Search AMP Validation Errors" msgstr "Zoek AMP validatie fouten" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:257 msgctxt "taxonomy singular name" msgid "AMP Validation Error" msgstr "AMP validatie fout" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:256 msgctxt "taxonomy general name" msgid "AMP Validation Error Index" msgstr "AMP validatie fout index" #. translators: %s is the number of posts restored from trash. #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3264 msgid "%s validated URL unforgotten." msgid_plural "%s validated URLs unforgotten." msgstr[0] "%s gevalideerde URL niet vergeten." msgstr[1] "%s gevalideerde URL's niet vergeten." #. translators: %s is the number of posts forgotten #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3250 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3257 msgid "%s validated URL forgotten." msgid_plural "%s validated URLs forgotten." msgstr[0] "%s gevalideerde URL vergeten." msgstr[1] "%s gevalideerde URL's vergeten." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3229 msgid "Forgotten" msgstr "Vergeten" #. translators: %s: post title #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3205 msgid "Forget “%s”" msgstr "Vergeet “%s”" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3183 msgid "View" msgstr "Bekijken" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2946 msgid "Search Errors" msgstr "Zoek fouten" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2911 msgid "Invalid taxonomy." msgstr "Ongeldige taxonomie." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2391 msgid "Update" msgstr "Update" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2357 msgid "View User" msgstr "Gebruiker bekijken" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2355 msgid "Edit User" msgstr "Gebruiker bewerken" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2341 msgid "View URL" msgstr "URL bekijken" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2293 msgid "Please recheck." msgstr "Opnieuw controleren." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2268 msgid "Preview Changes" msgstr "Voorbeeld wijzigingen" #. translators: %s: The date this was published #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2254 msgid "Last checked: %s" msgstr "Laatste controle: %s" #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-iframe-sanitizer.php:220 msgid "Show all" msgstr "Toon alles" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1918 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2047 msgid "You do not have permissions to validate an AMP URL. Did you get logged out?" msgstr "Je hebt niet genoeg machtigingen om een AMP URL te valideren. Werd je uitgelogd?" #. translators: %s is count of validation errors updated #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1786 msgid "Updated %s validation error." msgid_plural "Updated %s validation errors." msgstr[0] "Geüpdatet %s validatie fout." msgstr[1] "Geüpdatet %s validatie fouten." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1649 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2387 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3206 msgid "Forget" msgstr "Vergeten" #. translators: %s is the guessed theme as the source for the error #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1630 msgid "%s (?)" msgstr "%s (?)" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1569 msgid "Other" msgstr "Andere" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1542 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1542 msgid "Must-Use Plugins" msgstr "Must-use plugins" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1416 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2280 msgid "Stale results" msgstr "Verouderde resultaten" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1358 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:899 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2616 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3420 #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:241 msgid "Type" msgstr "Type" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1366 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:895 msgid "The parent element of where the error occurred." msgstr "Het hoofd element van waar de fout is opgetreden." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1357 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:876 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:515 msgid "Error" msgstr "Fout" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1336 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1342 msgid "Last Checked" msgstr "Laatst gecontroleerd" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1330 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1343 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3465 #: src/Validation/ScannableURLsRestController.php:227 msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1324 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1341 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1370 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2616 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2763 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2625 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3422 msgid "Sources" msgstr "Bronnen" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2325 msgid "AMP disabled" msgstr "AMP uitgeschakeld" #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:516 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2323 msgid "AMP enabled" msgstr "AMP ingeschakeld" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:435 msgid "View Error Index" msgstr "Bekijk foutindex" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:169 msgid "Search validated URLs" msgstr "Doorzoek gevalideerde URL's" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:168 msgid "No forgotten validated URLs" msgstr "Geen vergeten gevalideerde URL's" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:167 msgid "No validated URLs found" msgstr "Geen gevalideerde URL's gevonden" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:166 msgid "Validated URL" msgstr "Gevalideerde URL" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:165 msgid "Validated URLs" msgstr "Gevalideerde URL's" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:164 msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "AMP Validated URLs" msgstr "AMP gevalideerde URL's" #: includes/admin/class-amp-admin-pointers.php:68 msgid "You can now reuse your theme's templates and styles in AMP responses, in both “Transitional” and “Standard” modes." msgstr "Je kan nu de templates en stijlen van je thema hergebruiken in AMP reacties, in zowel de “Overgang” als “Standaard” modus." #: includes/admin/class-amp-admin-pointers.php:67 msgid "New AMP Template Modes" msgstr "Nieuwe AMP template modi" #: includes/sanitizers/class-amp-form-sanitizer.php:366 msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Kom meer te weten" #: src/Admin/PluginActivationNotice.php:78 msgid "Welcome to AMP for WordPress" msgstr "Welkom bij AMP voor WordPress" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:484 #: src/Admin/OptionsMenu.php:136 src/Admin/OptionsMenu.php:174 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Instellingen" #. translators: %s: the human-readable time difference. #: back-compat/templates-v0-3/meta-time.php:21 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1972 #: templates/meta-time.php:28 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s geleden" #. translators: %1$s is the current directory name, and %2$s is the required #. directory name #: amp.php:226 msgid "You appear to have installed the AMP plugin incorrectly. It is currently installed in the %1$s directory, but it needs to be placed in a directory named %2$s. Please rename the directory. This is important for WordPress plugin auto-updates." msgstr "Je lijkt de AMP plugin verkeerd te hebben geïnstalleerd. Het is nu geïnstalleerd in de %1$s folder, maar het moet worden geplaatst in een folder genaamd %2$s. Hernoem de folder. Dit is belangrijk voor plugin auto updates van WordPress." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1578 msgid "Embed" msgstr "Insluiten" #. Plugin URI of the plugin #: amp.php msgid "" msgstr "" #. Author URI of the plugin #: amp.php msgid "" msgstr "" #: includes/widgets/class-amp-widget-categories.php:65 msgid "Select Category" msgstr "Selecteer categorie" #: includes/widgets/class-amp-widget-categories.php:44 msgid "Categories" msgstr "Categorieën" #: includes/widgets/class-amp-widget-archives.php:87 msgid "Select Post" msgstr "Selecteer bericht" #: includes/widgets/class-amp-widget-archives.php:84 msgid "Select Week" msgstr "Selecteer week" #: includes/widgets/class-amp-widget-archives.php:81 msgid "Select Day" msgstr "Selecteer dag" #: includes/widgets/class-amp-widget-archives.php:78 msgid "Select Month" msgstr "Selecteer maand" #: includes/widgets/class-amp-widget-archives.php:75 msgid "Select Year" msgstr "Selecteer jaar" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:731 #: includes/widgets/class-amp-widget-archives.php:49 msgid "Archives" msgstr "Archieven" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:901 msgid "URLs" msgstr "URL's" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1928 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:3487 msgid "Removed" msgstr "Verwijderd" #. translators: Meta box date format #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2256 msgid "M j, Y @ H:i" msgstr "j F Y H:i" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1851 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2195 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:269 msgid "Validation Error" msgstr "Validatiefout" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1653 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2264 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3190 msgid "Recheck" msgstr "Opnieuw controleren" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1453 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1492 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:2737 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:2048 msgid "--" msgstr "--" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:268 msgid "No validation errors found." msgstr "Geen validatiefouten gevonden." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:3173 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1698 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1718 msgid "Details" msgstr "Details" #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:260 msgid "Edit AMP Validation Error" msgstr "AMP bewerken validatie fout" #: includes/class-amp-theme-support.php:1209 msgid "Click here to cancel reply." msgstr "Klik hier om je antwoord te annuleren." #: includes/class-amp-http.php:494 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Je reactie is in afwachting van moderatie." #: includes/class-amp-http.php:492 msgid "Your comment has been posted." msgstr "Je reactie is geplaatst." #. translators: %s: $post #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:1328 msgid "The %s argument is deprecated when theme supports AMP." msgstr "Het %s argument is verouderd wanneer het thema AMP ondersteunt." #. translators: %s: required PHP version #: amp.php:36 msgid "The AMP plugin requires PHP %s. Please contact your host to update your PHP version." msgstr "Voor de AMP plugin is PHP %s vereist. Neem contact op met je host om je PHP versie te updaten." #: includes/embeds/class-amp-crowdsignal-embed-handler.php:61 msgid "View Poll" msgstr "Bekijk opiniepeiling" #: includes/embeds/class-amp-crowdsignal-embed-handler.php:59 msgid "View Survey" msgstr "Bekijk enquête" #: includes/templates/amp-enabled-classic-editor-toggle.php:67 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annuleren" #: includes/templates/amp-enabled-classic-editor-toggle.php:65 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:443 msgid "Unavailable for an unknown reason." msgstr "Niet beschikbaar om onbekende reden." #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:437 msgid "A plugin or theme has disabled AMP support." msgstr "Een plugin of thema heeft de ondersteuning van AMP uitgeschakeld." #: includes/templates/amp-enabled-classic-editor-toggle.php:38 msgid "Edit Status" msgstr "Status bewerken" #: includes/templates/amp-enabled-classic-editor-toggle.php:37 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Bewerken" #: includes/templates/amp-enabled-classic-editor-toggle.php:26 msgid "AMP:" msgstr "AMP:" #: src/Admin/OptionsMenu.php:163 src/Admin/OptionsMenu.php:173 msgid "AMP Settings" msgstr "AMP instellingen" #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:370 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Uitgeschakeld" #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:369 msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Ingeschakeld" #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:204 msgid "Preview changes in AMP (opens in new window)" msgstr "Voorbeeld van wijzigingen in AMP (opent in nieuw venster)" #: includes/admin/class-amp-post-meta-box.php:104 msgid "AMP status." msgstr "AMP status." #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:742 msgid "AMP preview enabled" msgstr "AMP voorbeeld ingeschakeld" #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:604 msgid "Navigate to an AMP compatible page" msgstr "Navigeer naar een AMP-geschikte pagina" #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:603 msgid "AMP is not available for the page currently being previewed." msgstr "AMP is niet beschikbaar voor de voorbeeldpagina die je nu bekijkt." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1742 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1773 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1795 msgid "Dismiss this notice." msgstr "Negeer dit bericht." #: includes/validation/class-amp-validated-url-post-type.php:1844 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-error-taxonomy.php:1728 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Verwijderen" #: src/Admin/AnalyticsOptionsSubmenu.php:59 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Analytics" #. translators: %s is sanitizer class #: includes/templates/class-amp-content-sanitizer.php:83 msgid "Sanitizer (%s) class does not exist" msgstr "Sanitizer (%s) klasse bestaat niet" #. translators: %s: list of tags. #: templates/meta-taxonomy.php:44 msgid "Tags: %s" msgstr "Tags: %s" #. translators: %s: list of categories. #: templates/meta-taxonomy.php:27 msgid "Categories: %s" msgstr "Categorieën: %s" #: templates/footer.php:24 msgid "Back to top" msgstr "Terug naar boven" #: includes/settings/class-amp-customizer-design-settings.php:296 msgid "Dark" msgstr "Donker" #: includes/settings/class-amp-customizer-design-settings.php:295 msgid "Light" msgstr "Licht" #: includes/settings/class-amp-customizer-design-settings.php:172 msgid "Color Scheme" msgstr "Kleurschema" #: includes/settings/class-amp-customizer-design-settings.php:160 msgid "Header Background & Link Color" msgstr "Header achtergrond & link kleur" #: includes/settings/class-amp-customizer-design-settings.php:146 msgid "Header Text Color" msgstr "Header tekstkleur" #: includes/settings/class-amp-customizer-design-settings.php:134 msgid "Design" msgstr "Ontwerp" #: includes/templates/class-amp-post-template.php:343 msgid "View Comments" msgstr "Bekijk reacties" #: includes/templates/class-amp-post-template.php:342 msgid "Leave a Comment" msgstr "Plaats een reactie" #. Plugin Name of the plugin #: amp.php includes/admin/class-amp-admin-pointers.php:66 #: includes/admin/class-amp-template-customizer.php:269 #: includes/admin/functions.php:136 includes/admin/functions.php:137 #: includes/amp-helper-functions.php:2002 #: includes/templates/amp-paired-browsing.php:31 #: includes/validation/class-amp-validation-manager.php:438 #: src/Admin/OptionsMenu.php:164 src/Admin/SiteHealth.php:156 msgid "AMP" msgstr "AMP" #: back-compat/templates-v0-3/meta-taxonomy.php:8 #: back-compat/templates-v0-3/meta-taxonomy.php:17 #: templates/meta-taxonomy.php:21 templates/meta-taxonomy.php:35 msgctxt "Used between list items, there is a space after the comma." msgid ", " msgstr ", " #. translators: 1: the template file, 2: WP_CONTENT_DIR. #: includes/templates/class-amp-post-template.php:473 msgid "Path validation for template (%1$s) failed. Path cannot traverse and must be located in `%2$s`." msgstr "Validatie van het pad voor het template (%1$s) is niet geslaagd. Het pad moet zich bevinden binnen `%2$s`." #. translators: %s is key name #: includes/templates/class-amp-post-template.php:200 msgid "Called for non-existent key (\"%s\")." msgstr "Aanroep voor een niet-bestaande sleutel (\"%s\")."