msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.1\n"
"Language: ko_KR\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Editing Toolkit - Development (trunk)\n"
#: wpcom-global-styles/index.php:536
msgid "Preview premium styles"
msgstr "프리미엄 스타일 미리보기"
#: wpcom-global-styles/index.php:531
msgid "Remove premium styles"
msgstr "프리미엄 스타일 제거"
#: wpcom-global-styles/index.php:521
msgid "Upgrade now"
msgstr "지금 업그레이드"
#: wpcom-global-styles/index.php:547
msgid "Upgrade required"
msgstr "업그레이드 필수"
#: wpcom-global-styles/index.php:544
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "업그레이드"
#. translators: %1$s - documentation URL, %2$s - the name of the required plan
#: wpcom-global-styles/index.php:497
msgid "Your site includes premium styles that are only visible to visitors after upgrading to the %2$s plan or higher."
msgstr "%2$s 요금제 이상으로 업그레이드한 후에만 방문자에게 표시되는 프리미엄 스타일이 사이트에 포함되어 있습니다."
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/class-newspack-blocks.php:1449
msgid "Scheduled"
msgstr "예약됨"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/class-newspack-blocks.php:1448
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "임시글"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/class-newspack-blocks.php:1415
msgid "Jetpack donations is disabled in favour of Newspack donations."
msgstr "Newspack 기부의 편의를 위해 젯팩 기부가 비활성화되었습니다."
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/video-celebration-modal/index.jsx:80
msgid "Feel free to keep editing your homepage, or continue and launch your site."
msgstr "언제든지 홈페이지를 계속 편집하거나 계속해서 사이트를 시작하세요."
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/video-celebration-modal/index.jsx:94
msgid "Continue and launch"
msgstr "계속해서 시작"
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/video-celebration-modal/index.jsx:87
msgid "Keep editing"
msgstr "계속 편집하기"
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/video-celebration-modal/index.jsx:79
msgid "You’ve added your first video!"
msgstr "첫 번째 비디오를 추가하셨습니다!"
#: wpcom-global-styles/api/class-global-styles-status-rest-api.php:53
msgid "Your user is not permitted to access this resource."
msgstr "사용자에게 이 리소스에 접근하는 권한이 없습니다."
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/purchase-notice/index.jsx:19
msgid "Congrats! Premium blocks are now available to use."
msgstr "축하합니다! 이제 프리미엄 블록을 이용하실 수 있습니다."
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/seller-celebration-modal/index.jsx:119
msgid "View your product"
msgstr "상품 보기"
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/seller-celebration-modal/index.jsx:110
msgid "Preview your product on your site before launching and sharing with others."
msgstr "상품을 출시하고 다른 사람과 공유하기 전에 사이트에서 미리보기"
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/seller-celebration-modal/index.jsx:109
msgid "You've added your first product!"
msgstr "첫 번째 상품을 추가하셨습니다!"
#: paragraph-block/index.php:60
msgid "Add a post title"
msgstr "글 제목 추가"
#: paragraph-block/index.php:33 paragraph-block/index.php:79
msgid "Start writing or type '/' to insert a block"
msgstr "쓰기 시작 또는 '/'를 입력하여 블록 선택"
#: global-styles/class-global-styles.php:272
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "글꼴"
#. Translators: This is a link which opens the block editor, and then opens the
#. global styles sidebar.
#: global-styles/class-global-styles-fonts-message-control.php:63
msgid "Click here to open the Block Editor and change your fonts."
msgstr "블록 편집기를 열고 글꼴을 변경하려면 여기를 클릭하세요."
#. Translators: This is a link which opens:
#: global-styles/class-global-styles-fonts-message-control.php:40
msgid "Learn more about changing fonts using Global Styles."
msgstr "전체 스타일을 사용하는 글꼴 변경에 대해 자세히 알아보세요."
#: global-styles/class-global-styles-fonts-message-control.php:27
msgid "You can change your fonts using Global Styles, which can be found in the Block Editor."
msgstr "블록 편집기에서 찾을 수 있는 전체 스타일을 사용하여 글꼴을 변경할 수 있습니다."
#. translators: separates all but the last two sponsor names; needs a space at
#. the end.
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/class-newspack-blocks.php:1004
msgid ", "
msgstr ","
#: wpcom-block-editor-nux/src/seller-celebration-modal/index.jsx:117
msgid "Continue editing"
msgstr "편집 계속"
#: starter-page-templates/class-starter-page-templates.php:236
msgid "Current"
msgstr "현재"
#. Plugin Name of the plugin
#: full-site-editing-plugin.php
msgid " Editing Toolkit"
msgstr "워드프레스닷컴 편집 툴킷"
#: mailerlite/subscriber-popup.php:116
msgid "UUID:"
msgstr "UUID:"
#. translators: link to documentation
#: mailerlite/subscriber-popup.php:113
msgid "Account ID (instructions):"
msgstr "계정 ID(지침):"
#. translators: %1$s - URL to manage the widget, %2$s - documentation URL.
#: mailerlite/subscriber-popup.php:42
msgid "You need to enter your numeric account ID and UUID for the Mailerlite Widget to work correctly. Full instructions."
msgstr "숫자로 된 계정 ID 및 UUID를 입력해야 Mailerlite 위젯이 올바르게 작동합니다. 전체 지침."
#: mailerlite/subscriber-popup.php:20
msgid "Display Mailerlite subscriber popup"
msgstr "Mailerlite 구독자 팝업 표시"
#: mailerlite/subscriber-popup.php:17
msgid "Mailerlite subscriber popup"
msgstr "Mailerlite 구독자 팝업"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/carousel/view.php:277
msgid "Play Slideshow"
msgstr "슬라이드 쇼 재생"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/carousel/view.php:276
msgid "Pause Slideshow"
msgstr "슬라이드 쇼 일시 중지"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/carousel/view.php:231
msgid "Previous Slide"
msgstr "이전 슬라이드"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/carousel/view.php:232
msgid "Next Slide"
msgstr "다음 슬라이드"
#. translators: %d: Slide number.
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/carousel/view.php:210
msgid "Go to slide %d"
msgstr "%d 슬라이드로 이동"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/class-newspack-blocks.php:900
msgid "Common"
msgstr "공통"
#: starter-page-templates/class-starter-page-templates.php:231
msgid "Blank"
msgstr "빈 페이지"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/homepage-articles/view.php:223
msgid "Load more posts"
msgstr "더 많은 글 로드"
#. translators: separates last two sponsor names; needs a space on either side.
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/class-newspack-blocks.php:1001
msgid " and "
msgstr " 및 "
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/homepage-articles/view.php:328
msgctxt "post author"
msgid " and "
msgstr " 및 "
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/homepage-articles/view.php:305
msgctxt "post author"
msgid "by"
msgstr "게시자:"
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/homepage-articles/view.php:231
msgid "Something went wrong. Please refresh the page and/or try again."
msgstr "문제가 발생했습니다. 페이지를 새로 고친 후 다시 시도하세요."
#: newspack-blocks/synced-newspack-blocks/blocks/homepage-articles/view.php:228
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "로드 중..."
#: dotcom-fse/blocks/site-credit/index.php:155
msgid "WordPress Icon"
msgstr "워드프레스 아이콘"
#: dotcom-fse/blocks/site-credit/index.php:150
msgid "Proudly powered by WordPress"
msgstr "워드프레스가 지원합니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template.php:149
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "푸터"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template.php:147
msgid "Header"
msgstr "헤더"
#: dotcom-fse/blocks/navigation-menu/index.php:86
msgid "collapsed"
msgstr "축소됨"
#: dotcom-fse/blocks/navigation-menu/index.php:85
msgid "expanded"
msgstr "확장됨"
#: dotcom-fse/blocks/navigation-menu/index.php:82
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "메뉴"
#: starter-page-templates/class-wp-rest-sideload-image-controller.php:77
msgid "Invalid parent type."
msgstr "유효하지 않은 상위 유형입니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:398
msgctxt "Default page title"
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "연락처"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:386
msgctxt "Default page title"
msgid "About"
msgstr "정보"
#: starter-page-templates/class-starter-page-templates.php:221
msgid "No templates available. Skipped showing modal window with template selection."
msgstr "사용할 수 있는 템플릿이 없습니다. 템플릿 선택으로 모달 창 표시를 건너뛰었습니다."
#: starter-page-templates/class-starter-page-templates.php:216
msgid "No data received from the vertical API. Skipped showing modal window with template selection."
msgstr "세로 API에서 데이터를 받지 못했습니다. 템플릿 선택으로 모달 창 표시를 건너뛰었습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:503
msgid "Back to template part types"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형으로 돌아가기"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:502
msgid "No template part types found."
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형을 찾을 수 없습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:501
msgid "Search Template Part Types"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형 검색"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:500
msgid "Parent Template Part Type:"
msgstr "상위 템플릿 부품 유형:"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:499
msgid "Parent Template Part Type"
msgstr "상위 템플릿 부품 유형"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:498
msgid "New Template Part Type"
msgstr "새 템플릿 부품 유형"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:497
msgid "Add New Template Part Type"
msgstr "새 템플릿 부품 유형 추가"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:496
msgid "Update Template Part Type"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형 업데이트"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:495
msgid "View Template Part Type"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형 보기"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:494
msgid "Edit Template Part Type"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형 편집"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:493
msgid "All Template Part Types"
msgstr "모든 템플릿 부품 유형"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:492
msgctxt "admin menu"
msgid "Template Part Types"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:491
msgctxt "taxonomy singular name"
msgid "Template Part Type"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:490
msgctxt "taxonomy general name"
msgid "Template Part Types"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 유형"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:455
msgid "Template part updated."
msgstr "템플릿 부품이 업데이트되었습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:454
msgid "Template part scheduled."
msgstr "템플릿 부품이 예약되었습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:453
msgid "Template part reverted to draft."
msgstr "템플릿 부품을 임시 저장된 상태로 되돌렸습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:452
msgid "Template part published privately."
msgstr "템플릿 부품이 비공개로 게시되었습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:451
msgid "Template part published."
msgstr "템플릿 부품이 게시되었습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:450
msgid "Template parts list"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 목록"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:449
msgid "Template parts list navigation"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 목록 탐색"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:448
msgid "Filter template parts list"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 목록 필터링"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:447
msgid "No template parts found in Trash."
msgstr "휴지통에 템플릿 부품이 없습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:446
msgid "No template parts found."
msgstr "템플릿 부품을 찾을 수 없습니다."
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:445
msgid "Search Template Parts"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 검색"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:444
msgid "All Template Parts"
msgstr "모든 템플릿 부품"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:443
msgid "View Template Part"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 보기"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:442
msgid "Edit Template Part"
msgstr "템플릿 부품 편집"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:441
msgid "New Template Part"
msgstr "새 템플릿 부품"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:440
msgid "Add New Template Part"
msgstr "새 템플릿 부품 추가"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:438
msgctxt "add new on admin bar"
msgid "Template Part"
msgstr "템플릿 부품"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:437
msgctxt "admin menu"
msgid "Template Parts"
msgstr "템플릿 부품"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:436
msgctxt "post type singular name"
msgid "Template Part"
msgstr "템플릿 부품"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:435
msgctxt "post type general name"
msgid "Template Parts"
msgstr "템플릿 부품"
#: dotcom-fse/templates/class-wp-template-inserter.php:439
msgctxt "Template"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "파일 올리기"
#: posts-list-block/class-posts-list-block.php:165
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "더 보기"
#. translators: %s: Name of current post
#: posts-list-block/class-posts-list-block.php:162
msgid "Continue reading %s"
msgstr "계속 %s 읽기"
#: posts-list-block/templates/post-item.php:36
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "편집"
#: posts-list-block/templates/post-item.php:31
msgctxt "designating the post author (eg: by John Doe"
msgid "by"
msgstr "게시자:"
#: posts-list-block/templates/post-item.php:23
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "추천"
#: posts-list-block/templates/posts-list.php:30
msgid "View all posts"
msgstr "모든 글 보기"
#. translators: 1: link to WP admin new post page.
#: posts-list-block/templates/no-posts.php:17
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Get started here."
msgstr "첫 번째 글을 게시할 준비가 되셨나요? 여기에서 시작하세요."
#: posts-list-block/templates/no-posts.php:11
msgid "There are currently no posts to display."
msgstr "현재 표시할 글이 없습니다."
#. Author URI of the plugin
#: full-site-editing-plugin.php
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Author of the plugin
#: full-site-editing-plugin.php
msgid "Automattic"
msgstr "자동"
#. Description of the plugin
#: full-site-editing-plugin.php
msgid "Enhances your page creation workflow within the Block Editor."
msgstr "블록 편집기 내에서 페이지 작성 워크플로우를 개선합니다."