msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.1\n" "Language: fr\n" "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Gutenberg - Development (trunk)\n" #: build/block-library/blocks/footnotes/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "references" msgstr "références" #: build/block-library/blocks/footnotes/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Footnotes" msgstr "Notes de bas de page" #: build/block-library/blocks/details/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "accordion" msgstr "accordéon" #: build/block-library/blocks/details/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Hide and show additional content." msgstr "Masquer et afficher le contenu additionnel." #: build/block-library/blocks/cover/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add an image or video with a text overlay." msgstr "Ajouter une image ou une vidéo avec superposition de texte." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:135 msgid "The date the revision was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "La date à laquelle la révision a été modifiée pour la dernière fois, en GMT." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:129 msgid "The date the revision was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "La date à laquelle la révision a été modifiée pour la dernière fois, dans le fuseau horaire du site." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:118 msgid "The date the revision was published, as GMT." msgstr "La date à laquelle la révision a été publiée, au format GMT." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:112 msgid "The date the revision was published, in the site's timezone." msgstr "La date à laquelle la révision a été publiée, dans le fuseau horaire du site." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:141 msgid "The ID for the parent of the revision." msgstr "ID du parent de la révision." #: build/block-library/blocks/details/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "disclosure" msgstr "divulgation" #: build/block-library/blocks/details/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Details" msgstr "Détails" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-time-to-read/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Show minutes required to finish reading the post." msgstr "Afficher les minutes nécessaires pour terminer la lecture de la publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-time-to-read/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Time To Read" msgstr "Temps de lecture" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/html-api/class-gutenberg-html-tag-processor-6-4.php:2055 #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/html-api/class-gutenberg-html-tag-processor-6-5.php:2898 msgid "Invalid attribute name." msgstr "Nom d’attribut invalide." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:709 msgid "Markup is not allowed in CSS." msgstr "Le balisage n’est pas autorisé dans le CSS." #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list-item/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "page" msgstr "page" #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list-item/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a page inside a list of all pages." msgstr "Affiche une page à l’intérieur d’une liste de toutes les pages." #. translators: %s is post ID to describe the link for screen readers. #: build/block-library/blocks/read-more.php:28 msgid "untitled post %s" msgstr "publication sans titre %s" #: build/style-engine/class-wp-style-engine-processor-gutenberg.php:44 msgid "$store must be an instance of WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store_Gutenberg" msgstr "$store doit être une instance de WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store_Gutenberg" #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:309 msgid "Disables custom spacing sizes." msgstr "Désactive les tailles d’espacement personnalisées." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:222 msgid "Disables output of layout styles." msgstr "Désactive la génération des styles de mise en page." #. translators: %s is the search term. #: build/block-library/blocks/query-title.php:46 msgid "Search results for: \"%s\"" msgstr "Résultats de recherche pour : « %s »" #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:168 msgid "Whether the V2 of the list block that uses inner blocks should be enabled." msgstr "Si la V2 du bloc de liste qui utilise des blocs internes doit être activée." #: build/block-library/blocks/categories/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Categories List" msgstr "Liste des catégories" #. translators: %s: Number of comments. #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:61 msgid "%s response" msgid_plural "%s responses" msgstr[0] "%s réponse" msgstr[1] "%s réponses" #. translators: 1: Number of comments, 2: Post title. #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:47 msgid "%1$s response to %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s responses to %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s réponse à %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s réponses à %2$s" #. translators: %s: Post title. #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:29 msgid "“%s”" msgstr "“%s”" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Commentaires" #. translators: %s: Post title. #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:68 msgid "Response to %s" msgstr "Réponses à %s" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:74 msgid "Response" msgstr "Réponse" #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-content.php:46 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved." msgstr "Votre commentaire est en attente de modération. Il s’agit d’un aperçu, votre commentaire sera visible lorsqu’il sera approuvé." #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-content.php:44 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Votre commentaire est en attente de modération." #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a title with the number of comments." msgstr "Affiche un titre avec le nombre de commentaires" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Title" msgstr "Titre des commentaires" #. translators: %s: Post title. #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:71 msgid "Responses to %s" msgstr "Commentaires sur « %s »" #. translators: %s: Post title. #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:43 msgid "One response to %s" msgstr "Une réponse à %s" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:76 msgid "Responses" msgstr "Réponses" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-title.php:57 msgid "One response" msgstr "Une réponse" #: build/block-library/blocks/group/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Gather blocks in a layout container." msgstr "Rassemblez les blocs dans un conteneur de mise en page." #: build/block-library/blocks/comments/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "An advanced block that allows displaying post comments using different visual configurations." msgstr "Un bloc avancé qui permet d‘afficher les commentaires des publications en utilisant différentes configurations visuelles." #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-date/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the date on which the comment was posted." msgstr "Affiche la date à laquelle le commentaire a été publié." #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-author-name/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the name of the author of the comment." msgstr "Affiche le nom de l‘auteur/autrice du commentaire." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:162 msgid "Whether the V2 of the quote block that uses inner blocks should be enabled." msgstr "Si la V2 du bloc de citation qui utilise des blocs internes doit être activée." #: build/block-library/blocks/rss.php:19 msgid "Adding an RSS feed to this site’s homepage is not supported, as it could lead to a loop that slows down your site. Try using another block, like the Latest Posts block, to list posts from the site." msgstr "L’ajout d’un flux RSS à la page d’accueil de ce site n’est pas pris en charge, car cela pourrait créer une boucle ralentissant votre site. Essayez d’utiliser un autre bloc, comme le bloc Derniers articles, pour obtenir la liste des articles de ce site." #: build/block-library/blocks/query-no-results/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Contains the block elements used to render content when no query results are found." msgstr "Contient les éléments de bloc utilisés pour afficher le contenu lorsqu‘aucun résultat de requête n‘est trouvé." #: build/block-library/blocks/query-no-results/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "No results" msgstr "Aucun résultat" #: build/block-library/blocks/list-item/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "List item" msgstr "Élément de liste" #: build/block-library/blocks/avatar/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a user’s avatar." msgstr "Ajouter l’avatar d’un compte." #: build/block-library/blocks/avatar/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Avatar" msgstr "Avatar" #. translators: %s is the Comment Author name. #: build/block-library/blocks/avatar.php:92 msgid "(%s website link, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(Lien de site Web %s, s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet)" #. translators: %s is the Author name. #: build/block-library/blocks/avatar.php:65 msgid "(%s author archive, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(Archive de l’auteur %s, s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet)" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/fonts/font-face/class-wp-font-face.php:205 msgid "Font font-weight must be a properly formatted string or integer." msgstr "La graisse de la police Web doit correspondre à un nombre entier ou une chaine de caractères au bon format." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/fonts/font-face/class-wp-font-face.php:193 msgid "Each font src must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Chaque descripteur src de police Web doit correspondre à une chaine non vide." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/fonts/font-face/class-wp-font-face.php:181 msgid "Font src must be a non-empty string or an array of strings." msgstr "Le descripteur src de police Web ne doit pas correspondre à une chaine ou un tableau de chaines vides." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/fonts/font-face/class-wp-font-face.php:170 msgid "Font font-family must be a non-empty string." msgstr "La famille de polices Web doit être une chaine non vide." #: build/block-library/blocks/read-more/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the link of a post, page, or any other content-type." msgstr "Affiche le lien d’un article, d’un page ou de tout autre type de contenu." #: build/block-library/blocks/read-more/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Read More" msgstr "Lire la suite" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-author-biography/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "The author biography." msgstr "Biographie de l’auteur ou de l’autrice." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-author-biography/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Author Biography" msgstr "Biographie de l’auteur/autrice de la publication" #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:183 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this global style." msgstr "Désolé, vous n’avez pas l’autorisation de voir ce style global." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:175 #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:238 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this global style." msgstr "Désolé, vous n’avez pas l’autorisation de modifier ce style global." #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-pagination-previous.php:20 msgid "Older Comments" msgstr "Commentaires plus anciens" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-pagination-next.php:27 msgid "Newer Comments" msgstr "Commentaires plus récents" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-author/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display post author details such as name, avatar, and bio." msgstr "Affichez les détails de l‘auteur/autrice de la publication tels que le nom, l‘avatar et la biographie." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-author-name/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "The author name." msgstr "Le nom de l’auteur ou de l’autrice." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-author-name/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Author Name" msgstr "Nom de l’auteur de la publication" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-pagination-previous/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the previous comment's page link." msgstr "Affiche le lien de la page du commentaire précédent." #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-pagination-next/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the next comment's page link." msgstr "Affiche le lien de la page du commentaire suivant." #: build/block-library/blocks/site-logo.php:96 msgid "Site icon." msgstr "Icône du site." #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Pagination" msgstr "Pagination" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination-previous/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "Page précédente" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination-numbers/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Page Numbers" msgstr "Numéros de page" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination-next/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Next Page" msgstr "Page suivante" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-pagination-numbers/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a list of page numbers for comments pagination." msgstr "Affiche une liste de numéros de page pour la pagination des commentaires." #. translators: Accessibility text. %s: Parent page title. #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation-submenu.php:112 #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list.php:198 msgid "%s submenu" msgstr "Sous-menu %s" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-pagination/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a paginated navigation to next/previous set of comments, when applicable." msgstr "Affiche une navigation paginée vers l’ensemble suivant/précédent de commentaires, le cas échéant." #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-pagination/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Pagination" msgstr "Pagination des commentaires" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:107 msgid "The ID for the author of the revision." msgstr "L’ID de l’auteur/autrice du modèle." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comment/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "This block is deprecated. Please use the Comments block instead." msgstr "Ce bloc est obsolète. Veuillez utiliser le bloc Commentaires à la place." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comment/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment (deprecated)" msgstr "Commentaire d’article (déprécié)" #: build/block-library/blocks/pattern/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Show a block pattern." msgstr "Afficher une composition." #: build/block-library/blocks/block/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Pattern" msgstr "Composition" #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-template/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Contains the block elements used to display a comment, like the title, date, author, avatar and more." msgstr "Contient les éléments de blocs utilisés pour afficher un commentaire, tels que le titre, la date, l’auteur/autrice, l’avatar et autre." #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-template/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Template" msgstr "Modèle de commentaire" #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-reply-link/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a link to reply to a comment." msgstr "Affiche un lien pour répondre au commentaire." #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-reply-link/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Reply Link" msgstr "Lien de réponse à un commentaire" #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-edit-link/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a link to edit the comment in the WordPress Dashboard. This link is only visible to users with the edit comment capability." msgstr "Affiche un lien pour modifier le commentaire dans le tableau de bord de WordPress. Ce lien est seulement visible pour les utilisateurs/utilisatrices qui ont la permission de modifier des commentaires." #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-edit-link/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Edit Link" msgstr "Lien de modification de commentaire" #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-content/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the contents of a comment." msgstr "Affiche le contenu d’un commentaire." #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-author-name/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Author Name" msgstr "Nom de l’auteur/autrice du commentaire" #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:605 #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:684 msgid "Theme not found." msgstr "Thème non trouvé." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:550 msgid "HTML title for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "Le titre HTML pour la publication, mis en forme pour l’affichage." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:545 msgid "Title for the global styles variation, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Titre de la variation de styles globaux, tel qu’il existe en base de données." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:539 msgid "Title of the global styles variation." msgstr "Titre de la variation de styles globaux." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:534 #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:153 msgid "Global settings." msgstr "Réglages globaux." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:529 #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:148 msgid "Global styles." msgstr "Styles globaux." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:523 msgid "ID of global styles config." msgstr "ID de la configuration de styles globaux." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:141 msgid "No global styles config exist with that id." msgstr "Aucune configuration de styles globaux n’existe avec cet identifiant." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:582 #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:658 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access the global styles on this site." msgstr "Désolé, vous n’avez pas l’autorisation d’accéder aux styles globaux de ce site." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:53 #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:79 msgid "The theme identifier" msgstr "L‘identifiant du thème" #. translators: %s is the Author name. #. translators: %s is the Comment Author name #: build/block-library/blocks/avatar.php:50 #: build/block-library/blocks/avatar.php:77 #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-author-avatar.php:50 msgid "%s Avatar" msgstr "Avatar de %s" #: build/block-library/blocks/quote/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Plain" msgstr "Uni" #: build/block-library/blocks/site-title/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the name of this site. Update the block, and the changes apply everywhere it’s used. This will also appear in the browser title bar and in search results." msgstr "Affiche le nom de ce site. Mettez à jour le bloc, et les modifications seront appliquées partout où il est utilisé. Il apparaîtra également dans la barre de titre du navigateur et dans les résultats de recherche." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-navigation-link.php:83 msgctxt "label before the title of the previous post" msgid "Previous:" msgstr "Précédent :" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-navigation-link.php:83 msgctxt "label before the title of the next post" msgid "Next:" msgstr "Suivant :" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation-submenu/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a submenu to your navigation." msgstr "Ajoutez un sous-menu à votre navigation." #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation-submenu/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Submenu" msgstr "Sous-menu" #: build/block-library/blocks/columns/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display content in multiple columns, with blocks added to each column." msgstr "Affiche le contenu dans plusieurs colonnes, via les blocs ajoutés à chaque colonne." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/fonts/class-wp-rest-font-faces-controller.php:507 #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/fonts/class-wp-rest-font-families-controller.php:295 msgid "Unique identifier for the post." msgstr "Identificateur unique pour le terme." #: build/block-library/blocks/table/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Create structured content in rows and columns to display information." msgstr "Créez un contenu structuré en lignes et en colonnes pour afficher des informations." #: build/block-library/blocks/query/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "An advanced block that allows displaying post types based on different query parameters and visual configurations." msgstr "Un bloc avancé qui permet l’affichage de types de publications avec divers paramètres de requête et configurations visuelles." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-template/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Contains the block elements used to render a post, like the title, date, featured image, content or excerpt, and more." msgstr "Contient les blocs utilisés pour afficher une publication, tels que le titre, la date, l’image mise en avant, le contenu ou l’extrait, et plus encore." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-template/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Post Template" msgstr "Modèle de publication" #: build/block-library/blocks/button/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/buttons/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "link" msgstr "lien" #: build/block-library/blocks/calendar.php:27 msgid "The calendar block is hidden because there are no published posts." msgstr "Le bloc calendrier est masqué car il n’y a aucun article publié." #: build/block-library/blocks/video/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "movie" msgstr "vidéo" #: build/block-library/blocks/video/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Embed a video from your media library or upload a new one." msgstr "Embarquez une vidéo depuis votre médiathèque ou téléversez-en une nouvelle." #: build/block-library/blocks/verse/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "poem" msgstr "poème" #: build/block-library/blocks/verse/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "poetry" msgstr "poésie" #: build/block-library/blocks/verse/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Insert poetry. Use special spacing formats. Or quote song lyrics." msgstr "Insérer de la poésie en utilisant un format d’espacement spécifique, ou alors des paroles de chansons." #: build/block-library/blocks/text-columns/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "This block is deprecated. Please use the Columns block instead." msgstr "Ce bloc est déprécié. Veuillez utiliser le bloc Colonnes à la place." #: build/block-library/blocks/tag-cloud/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "A cloud of your most used tags." msgstr "Un nuage de vos étiquettes les plus utilisées" #: build/block-library/blocks/table/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Stripes" msgstr "Rayures" #: build/block-library/blocks/details/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/table-of-contents/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "summary" msgstr "sommaire" #: build/block-library/blocks/table-of-contents/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "document outline" msgstr "aperçu du document" #: build/block-library/blocks/table-of-contents/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Summarize your post with a list of headings. Add HTML anchors to Heading blocks to link them here." msgstr "Résumez votre article avec une liste d’en-têtes. Ajoutez des ancres HTML aux blocs d’en-tête pour les lier ici." #: build/block-library/blocks/table-of-contents/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Table of Contents" msgstr "Table des matières" #: build/block-library/blocks/spacer/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add white space between blocks and customize its height." msgstr "Ajoutez de l’espace entre les blocs et personnalisez sa hauteur." #: build/block-library/blocks/social-links/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Pill Shape" msgstr "Forme de pastille" #: build/block-library/blocks/social-links/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Logos Only" msgstr "Uniquement les logos" #: build/block-library/blocks/social-links/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display icons linking to your social media profiles or sites." msgstr "Afficher des icônes pointant vers vos profils de réseaux sociaux ou vos sites." #: build/block-library/blocks/social-link/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display an icon linking to a social media profile or site." msgstr "Afficher une icône pointant vers un profil de réseau social ou un site." #: build/block-library/blocks/site-tagline/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "description" msgstr "description" #: build/block-library/blocks/site-tagline/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Describe in a few words what the site is about. The tagline can be used in search results or when sharing on social networks even if it’s not displayed in the theme design." msgstr "Décrivez en quelques mots l’objectif de ce site. La description est utile pour les résultats des moteurs de recherche et lors du partage sur les réseaux sociaux, même si elle n’est pas affichée de façon visible sur le site." #: build/block-library/blocks/shortcode/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Insert additional custom elements with a WordPress shortcode." msgstr "Insérer un élément personnalisé additionnel avec un code court WordPress." #: build/block-library/blocks/separator/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Dots" msgstr "Pointillés" #: build/block-library/blocks/separator/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Wide Line" msgstr "Ligne large" #: build/block-library/blocks/separator/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "divider" msgstr "Séparateur" #: build/block-library/blocks/separator/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "hr" msgstr "hr" #: build/block-library/blocks/separator/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "horizontal-line" msgstr "Filet horizontal" #: build/block-library/blocks/separator/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Create a break between ideas or sections with a horizontal separator." msgstr "Créer une séparation entre vos textes ou entre des sections avec un séparateur horizontal." #: build/block-library/blocks/search/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "find" msgstr "trouver" #: build/block-library/blocks/search/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Help visitors find your content." msgstr "Aidez vos visiteurs à découvrir vos publications." #: build/block-library/blocks/rss/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "feed" msgstr "flux" #: build/block-library/blocks/rss/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "atom" msgstr "atom" #: build/block-library/blocks/rss/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display entries from any RSS or Atom feed." msgstr "Afficher des éléments depuis n’importe quel flux RSS ou Atom." #: build/block-library/blocks/quote/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "cite" msgstr "citation" #: build/block-library/blocks/quote/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "blockquote" msgstr "bloc de citation" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-title/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display the query title." msgstr "Affiche le titre de la requête." #: build/block-library/blocks/query-title/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Query Title" msgstr "Titre de la requête" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a paginated navigation to next/previous set of posts, when applicable." msgstr "Affiche une navigation paginée vers l’ensemble suivant ou précédent de publications, le cas échéant." #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination-previous/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the previous posts page link." msgstr "Affiche le lien vers la liste des publications précédentes." #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination-numbers/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a list of page numbers for pagination." msgstr "Affiche une liste des numéros de page pour la pagination" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination-next/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the next posts page link." msgstr "Affiche le lien vers la liste des publications suivantes." #: build/block-library/blocks/pullquote/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Give special visual emphasis to a quote from your text." msgstr "Donner une emphase visuelle à une citation depuis votre texte." #: build/block-library/blocks/preformatted/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add text that respects your spacing and tabs, and also allows styling." msgstr "Ajoute du texte qui respecte les espacements et tabulation, et qui permet également de la mise en forme." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-title/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the title of a post, page, or any other content-type." msgstr "Affiche le titre d’un article, d’une page ou de tout autre type de publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-terms/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Post terms." msgstr "Termes de la publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-navigation-link/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the next or previous post link that is adjacent to the current post." msgstr "Affiche le lien vers l’article suivant ou précédent, adjacent à l’article actuel." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-navigation-link/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Post Navigation Link" msgstr "Mise en page de la navigation entre les publications" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-featured-image/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a post's featured image." msgstr "Affiche l’image mise en avant d’une publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-excerpt/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display the excerpt." msgstr "Affiche l’extrait d’une publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-content/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the contents of a post or page." msgstr "Affiche le contenu d’un article ou d’une page." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comments-link/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the link to the current post comments." msgstr "Afficher le lien vers les commentaires de la publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comments-form/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a post's comments form." msgstr "Affiche le formulaire de commentaire d’une publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comments-count/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a post's comments count." msgstr "Affiche le nombre de commentaires d’une publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/paragraph/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "text" msgstr "texte" #: build/block-library/blocks/paragraph/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Start with the basic building block of all narrative." msgstr "Commencer par la pierre angulaire de tout récit." #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a list of all pages." msgstr "Affiche une liste de toutes les pages." #: build/block-library/blocks/nextpage/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "pagination" msgstr "pagination" #: build/block-library/blocks/nextpage/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "next page" msgstr "page suivante" #: build/block-library/blocks/nextpage/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Separate your content into a multi-page experience." msgstr "Sépare votre contenu sur plusieurs pages." #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list-item/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "navigation" msgstr "navigation" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list-item/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "menu" msgstr "menu" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "A collection of blocks that allow visitors to get around your site." msgstr "Une collection de blocs qui permettent aux visiteurs de faire le tour de votre site." #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation-link/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a page, link, or another item to your navigation." msgstr "Ajoute une page, un lien ou autre élément à votre navigation." #: build/block-library/blocks/more/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "read more" msgstr "lire la suite" #: build/block-library/blocks/more/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Content before this block will be shown in the excerpt on your archives page." msgstr "Le contenu précédant ce bloc sera affiché dans l’extrait sur vos pages d’archives." #: build/block-library/blocks/missing/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Your site doesn’t include support for this block." msgstr "Votre site ne prend pas en charge ce bloc." #: build/block-library/blocks/media-text/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "video" msgstr "vidéo" #: build/block-library/blocks/media-text/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "image" msgstr "image" #: build/block-library/blocks/media-text/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Set media and words side-by-side for a richer layout." msgstr "Mettre un média et du texte côte-à-côte pour une mise en page plus riche." #: build/block-library/blocks/form-input/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/form-submission-notification/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/form-submit-button/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/loginout/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "form" msgstr "formulaire" #: build/block-library/blocks/loginout/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "logout" msgstr "déconnexion" #: build/block-library/blocks/loginout/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "login" msgstr "connexion" #: build/block-library/blocks/loginout/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Show login & logout links." msgstr "Afficher les liens de connexion et de déconnexion." #: build/block-library/blocks/list/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "numbered list" msgstr "liste numérotée" #: build/block-library/blocks/list/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "ordered list" msgstr "liste ordonnée" #: build/block-library/blocks/list/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "bullet list" msgstr "liste à puces" #: build/block-library/blocks/list/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Create a bulleted or numbered list." msgstr "Créé une liste à puces ou une liste numérotée." #: build/widgets/blocks/legacy-widget/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a legacy widget." msgstr "Affiche un ancien widget." #: build/widgets/blocks/legacy-widget/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Legacy Widget" msgstr "Ancien widget" #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-posts/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "recent posts" msgstr "publications récentes" #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-posts/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a list of your most recent posts." msgstr "Affiche une liste de vos articles les plus récents." #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-comments/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "recent comments" msgstr "commentaires récents" #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-comments/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a list of your most recent comments." msgstr "Affiche une liste de vos commentaires les plus récents." #: build/block-library/blocks/image/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/site-logo/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Rounded" msgstr "Arrondis" #: build/block-library/blocks/image/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/quote/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/separator/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/site-logo/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/social-links/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/table/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/tag-cloud/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Default" msgstr "Par défaut" #: build/block-library/blocks/image/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "picture" msgstr "visuel" #: build/block-library/blocks/image/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "photo" msgstr "photo" #: build/block-library/blocks/image/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "img" msgstr "img" #: build/block-library/blocks/image/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Insert an image to make a visual statement." msgstr "Insère une image pour illustrer vos propos." #: build/block-library/blocks/html/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "embed" msgstr "embed" #: build/block-library/blocks/html/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add custom HTML code and preview it as you edit." msgstr "Ajoute du code HTML personnalisé et permet de le prévisualiser en direct." #: build/block-library/blocks/home-link/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Create a link that always points to the homepage of the site. Usually not necessary if there is already a site title link present in the header." msgstr "Créé un lien qui pointera toujours vers la page d’accueil du site. Généralement non indispensable s’il y a déjà un lien sur le titre du site dans son en-tête." #: build/block-library/blocks/home-link/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Home Link" msgstr "Lien vers l’accueil" #: build/block-library/blocks/heading/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "subtitle" msgstr "sous-titre" #: build/block-library/blocks/heading/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "title" msgstr "titre" #: build/block-library/blocks/form/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/group/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "section" msgstr "section" #: build/block-library/blocks/form/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/group/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "row" msgstr "ligne" #: build/block-library/blocks/form/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/group/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "wrapper" msgstr "conteneur" #: build/block-library/blocks/form/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/group/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "container" msgstr "contenant" #: build/block-library/blocks/gallery/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "photos" msgstr "photos" #: build/block-library/blocks/gallery/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "images" msgstr "images" #: build/block-library/blocks/gallery/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display multiple images in a rich gallery." msgstr "Afficher plusieurs images dans une galerie enrichie." #: build/block-library/blocks/freeform/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Use the classic WordPress editor." msgstr "L’éditeur classique de WordPress dans un bloc." #: build/block-library/blocks/file/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "download" msgstr "téléchargement" #: build/block-library/blocks/file/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "pdf" msgstr "pdf" #: build/block-library/blocks/file/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "document" msgstr "document" #: build/block-library/blocks/file/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a link to a downloadable file." msgstr "Ajoute un lien vers un fichier téléchargeable." #: build/block-library/blocks/column/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "A single column within a columns block." msgstr "Une colonne unique dans un bloc de colonnes." #: build/block-library/blocks/code/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display code snippets that respect your spacing and tabs." msgstr "Ajout de bouts de code en respectant leurs espacements et tabulations." #: build/block-library/blocks/categories/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a list of all categories." msgstr "Affiche une liste de toutes les catégories." #: build/block-library/blocks/calendar/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "archive" msgstr "archive" #: build/block-library/blocks/calendar/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "posts" msgstr "articles" #: build/block-library/blocks/calendar/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "A calendar of your site’s posts." msgstr "Un calendrier contenant les articles de votre site." #: build/block-library/blocks/buttons/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Prompt visitors to take action with a group of button-style links." msgstr "Inviter les visiteurs à passer à l’action avec des liens ayant la forme de boutons." #: build/block-library/blocks/button/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/tag-cloud/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Outline" msgstr "Contour" #: build/block-library/blocks/button/block.json msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Fill" msgstr "Plein" #: build/block-library/blocks/button/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Prompt visitors to take action with a button-style link." msgstr "Inviter les visiteurs à passer à l’action à l’aide d’un lien ressemblant à un bouton." #: build/block-library/blocks/audio/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "recording" msgstr "enregistrement" #: build/block-library/blocks/audio/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "podcast" msgstr "podcast" #: build/block-library/blocks/audio/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "sound" msgstr "son" #: build/block-library/blocks/audio/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "music" msgstr "musique" #: build/block-library/blocks/audio/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Embed a simple audio player." msgstr "Embarque un lecteur audio simple." #: build/block-library/blocks/archives/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a date archive of your posts." msgstr "Affiche une archive mensuelle de vos articles." #: build/block-library/blocks/site-logo.php:47 msgid "(Home link, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(lien vers l’accueil, s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet)" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation.php:452 msgid "Close menu" msgstr "Fermer le menu" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation.php:451 msgid "Open menu" msgstr "Ouvrir le menu" #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:156 msgid "Styles consolidated from core, theme, and user origins." msgstr "Styles consolidés à partir du cœur, du thème et des utilisateurs et utilisatrices." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:150 msgid "Settings consolidated from core, theme, and user origins." msgstr "Réglages consolidés à partir du cœur, du thème et des utilisateurs et utilisatrices." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.6/option.php:20 msgid "Page on front" msgstr "Page d’accueil" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.6/option.php:19 msgid "Show on front" msgstr "Affichage en page d’accueil" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.6/option.php:17 msgid "Logo" msgstr "Logo" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.6/option.php:16 msgid "Tagline" msgstr "Description" #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:294 msgid "Active theme gradients." msgstr "Dégradés du thème actif." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:288 msgid "Active theme font sizes." msgstr "Tailles de police du thème actif." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:282 msgid "Active theme color palette." msgstr "Palette de couleurs de thème actif." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:276 msgid "Maximum upload size in bytes allowed for the site." msgstr "Taille de téléchargement maximale en octets autorisée pour le site." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:270 msgid "Available image sizes." msgstr "Tailles d’image disponibles." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:264 msgid "Determines whether the image editing feature is enabled." msgstr "Détermine si la fonction d’édition d’image est activée." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:258 msgid "Available image dimensions." msgstr "Tailles d’images disponibles." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:252 msgid "Default size for images." msgstr "Taille par défaut des images." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:246 msgid "Determines whether the current locale is right-to-left (RTL)." msgstr "Détermine si les paramètres régionaux actuels sont de droite à gauche (RTL)." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:240 msgid "Enables custom units." msgstr "Active les unités personnalisées." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:234 msgid "Enables custom spacing." msgstr "Active l’espacement personnalisé." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:228 msgid "Enables custom line height." msgstr "Active la hauteur de ligne personnalisée." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:210 #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:216 msgid "Disables custom font size." msgstr "Désactive la taille de police personnalisée." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:204 msgid "Disables custom colors." msgstr "Désactive les couleurs personnalisées." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:192 msgid "Returns all the categories for block types that will be shown in the block editor." msgstr "Retourne toutes les catégories des types de blocs qui seront affichées dans l’éditeur de blocs." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:186 msgid "List of allowed mime types and file extensions." msgstr "Liste des types mime et des extensions de fichier autorisés." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:180 msgid "List of allowed block types." msgstr "Liste des types de blocs autorisés." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:174 msgid "Enable/Disable Wide/Full Alignments." msgstr "Activer ou désactiver les alignements grande largeur et/ou pleine largeur." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:144 msgid "Widget types to hide from Legacy Widget block." msgstr "Types de widgets à masquer de l’ancien bloc widget." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:138 msgid "Enable/disable layouts support in container blocks." msgstr "Activer/désactiver la prise en charge de la mise en page dans les blocs conteneurs." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:126 msgid "Editor styles" msgstr "Styles de l’éditeur" #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:120 msgid "Enables experimental Site Editor blocks" msgstr "Active les blocs expérimentaux de l’édition complète du site." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-block-editor-settings-controller.php:65 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read the block editor settings." msgstr "Désolé, vous n’avez pas l’autorisation d’afficher les réglages de l’éditeur de blocs." #: build/block-library/blocks/term-description/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display the description of categories, tags and custom taxonomies when viewing an archive." msgstr "Affiche la description des catégories, des étiquettes et des taxonomies personnalisées lors de l’affichage d’une archive." #: build/block-library/blocks/term-description/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Term Description" msgstr "Description du terme" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comments-link/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Link" msgstr "Lien vers les commentaires d’une publication" #: build/block-library/blocks/loginout/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Login/out" msgstr "Connexion/déconnexion" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation-link/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Custom Link" msgstr "Lien personnalisé" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation-link.php:323 msgid "A link to a post format" msgstr "Un lien vers un format d’article" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation-link.php:322 msgid "Post Format Link" msgstr "Lien vers un format d’article" #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-posts.php:168 #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-posts.php:183 msgid "This content is password protected." msgstr "Ce contenu est protégé par un mot de passe." #. translators: 1: Number of comments, 2: post title #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comments-link.php:47 msgid "%1$s comment on %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s comments on %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s commentaire sur %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s commentaires sur %2$s" #. translators: %s post title #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comments-link.php:41 msgid "No comments on %s" msgstr "Aucun commentaire sur %s" #: build/block-library/blocks/template-part/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Edit the different global regions of your site, like the header, footer, sidebar, or create your own." msgstr "Modifie les différentes zones de votre site en général, comme l’en-tête, le pied de page, la colonne latérale… ou créer une nouvelle zone de zéro." #: build/block-library/blocks/page-list/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Page List" msgstr "Liste des pages" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-navigation-link.php:40 msgctxt "label for previous post link" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Précédent" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-navigation-link.php:40 msgctxt "label for next post link" msgid "Next" msgstr "Suivant" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination-previous.php:26 msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "Page précédente" #: build/block-library/blocks/comments-pagination-numbers/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Page Numbers" msgstr "Pagination numérotée de requête" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination-next.php:29 msgid "Next Page" msgstr "Page suivante" #. translators: %s: Template part slug. #. translators: %s: Template part slug #: build/block-library/blocks/template-part.php:120 msgid "Template part has been deleted or is unavailable: %s" msgstr "L’élément de modèle a été supprimé ou n’est pas disponible : %s" #. translators: Visible only in the front end, this warning takes the place of #. a faulty block. #: build/block-library/blocks/block.php:38 #: build/block-library/blocks/post-content.php:34 #: build/block-library/blocks/template-part.php:131 msgid "[block rendering halted]" msgstr "[rendu du bloc interrompu]" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-terms/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Post Terms" msgstr "Étiquettes de publication" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-featured-image/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Featured Image" msgstr "Image mise en avant de la publication" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comments-form/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Form" msgstr "Formulaire de commentaires" #: build/block-library/blocks/post-comments-count/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Count" msgstr "Compteur de commentaires" #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-date/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Date" msgstr "Date du commentaire" #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-content/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Content" msgstr "Contenu du commentaire" #: build/block-library/blocks/query/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Query Loop" msgstr "Boucle de requête" #: build/block-library/blocks/template-part/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Template Part" msgstr "Élément de modèle" #: build/block-library/blocks/site-title/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Site Title" msgstr "Titre du Site" #: build/block-library/blocks/site-tagline/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Site Tagline" msgstr "Description du site" #: build/block-library/blocks/site-logo/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Site Logo" msgstr "Logo du site" #: build/block-library/blocks/social-link/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Social Icon" msgstr "Icône de réseau social" #: build/block-library/blocks/social-links/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Social Icons" msgstr "Icônes de réseaux sociaux" #: build/block-library/blocks/tag-cloud/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Tag Cloud" msgstr "Nuage d’étiquettes" #: build/block-library/blocks/video/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Video" msgstr "Vidéo" #: build/block-library/blocks/verse/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Verse" msgstr "Couplet" #: build/block-library/blocks/text-columns/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Text Columns (deprecated)" msgstr "Colonnes de texte (obsolète)" #: build/block-library/blocks/table/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Table" msgstr "Tableau" #: build/block-library/blocks/spacer/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Spacer" msgstr "Espacement" #: build/block-library/blocks/shortcode/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Code court " #: build/block-library/blocks/separator/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Separator" msgstr "Séparateur" #: build/block-library/blocks/group/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Group" msgstr "Groupe" #: build/block-library/blocks/search/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Search" msgstr "Recherche" #: build/block-library/blocks/rss/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "RSS" msgstr "RSS" #: build/block-library/blocks/pullquote/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Pullquote" msgstr "Citation en exergue" #: build/block-library/blocks/preformatted/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Preformatted" msgstr "Préformaté" #: build/block-library/blocks/nextpage/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Page Break" msgstr "Saut de page" #: build/block-library/blocks/more/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "More" msgstr "Lire la suite" #: build/block-library/blocks/missing/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Unsupported" msgstr "Non pris en charge" #: build/block-library/blocks/list/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "List" msgstr "Liste" #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-posts/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Latest Posts" msgstr "Derniers articles" #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-comments/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Latest Comments" msgstr "Derniers commentaires" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Navigation" #: build/block-library/blocks/media-text/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Media & Text" msgstr "Média & texte" #: build/block-library/blocks/html/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Custom HTML" msgstr "HTML personnalisé" #: build/block-library/blocks/file/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "File" msgstr "Fichier" #: build/block-library/blocks/cover/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Cover" msgstr "Bannière" #: build/block-library/blocks/column/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Column" msgstr "Colonne" #: build/block-library/blocks/columns/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Columns" msgstr "Colonnes" #: build/block-library/blocks/code/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Code" msgstr "Code" #: build/block-library/blocks/calendar/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Calendrier" #: build/block-library/blocks/buttons/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Buttons" msgstr "Boutons" #: build/block-library/blocks/button/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Button" msgstr "Bouton" #: build/block-library/blocks/audio/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Audio" msgstr "Audio" #: build/block-library/blocks/archives/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Archives" msgstr "Archives" #: build/block-library/blocks/gallery/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galerie" #: build/block-library/blocks/quote/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Quote" msgstr "Citation" #: build/block-library/blocks/heading/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Heading" msgstr "Titre" #: build/block-library/blocks/image/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Image" msgstr "Image" #: build/block-library/blocks/paragraph/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "Paragraphe" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.6/class-gutenberg-rest-templates-controller-6-6.php:37 #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.6/class-gutenberg-rest-templates-controller-6-6.php:64 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access the templates on this site." msgstr "Désolé, vous n’avez pas l’autorisation d’accéder aux modèles sur ce site." #: lib/class-wp-rest-global-styles-controller-gutenberg.php:99 msgid "The id of a template" msgstr "L’ID du modèle." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/fonts/fonts.php:27 msgid "Font Family" msgstr "Famille de police" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/fonts/class-wp-rest-font-faces-controller.php:100 msgid "Whether to bypass Trash and force deletion." msgstr "Indique s’il faut contourner la corbeille et forcer la suppression." #: build/block-library/blocks/site-logo.php:77 msgid "Site logo." msgstr "Logo du site." #. translators: byline. %s: current author. #. translators: %s: the author. #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-posts.php:127 msgid "by %s" msgstr "par %s" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/block-patterns.php:60 msgid "No pattern categories" msgstr "Texte" #: build/block-library/blocks/query-title.php:41 msgid "Search results" msgstr "Résultats de recherche" #. translators: accessibility text for the content landmark region. #: lib/experimental/navigation-theme-opt-in.php:349 msgid "Content" msgstr "Contenu" #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation.php:448 #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation.php:563 msgid "Menu" msgstr "Menu" #. translators: 'Home' as in a website's home page. #: build/block-library/blocks/home-link.php:143 msgid "Home" msgstr "Accueil" #. translators: %s: force=true #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/fonts/class-wp-rest-font-faces-controller.php:429 #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/fonts/class-wp-rest-font-families-controller.php:216 msgid "Font faces do not support trashing. Set \"%s\" to delete." msgstr "Les éléments de menu ne peuvent pas être mises à la corbeille. Utilisez le paramètre « %s » pour supprimer." #: lib/experimental/class-wp-rest-customizer-nonces.php:53 msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type." msgstr "Désolé, vous n’êtes pas autorisé à modifier ce type de publication." #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation/block.json #: build/block-library/blocks/social-links/block.json msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "links" msgstr "liens" #: lib/experiments-page.php:163 msgid "The block editor includes experimental features that are useable while they're in development. Select the ones you'd like to enable. These features are likely to change, so avoid using them in production." msgstr "L’éditeur inclut des fonctionnalités expérimentales qui sont utilisables tout au long de leur développement. Sélectionnez celles que vous souhaiteriez activer. Ces fonctionnalités vont probablement être modifiées, donc évitez de les utiliser en production." #: lib/init.php:52 msgid "Experiments Settings" msgstr "Réglages expérimentaux" #: lib/experiments-page.php:20 msgid "Experimental settings" msgstr "Réglages expérimentaux" #: build/block-library/blocks/search.php:27 #: build/block-library/blocks/search.php:28 msgid "Search" msgstr "Recherche" #: build/block-library/blocks/rss.php:29 msgid "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later." msgstr "Une erreur est survenue, ce qui signifie probablement que le flux est cassé. Réessayez plus tard." #: build/block-library/blocks/rss.php:25 msgid "RSS Error:" msgstr "Erreur RSS :" #: build/block-library/blocks/embed/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Embed" msgstr "Contenu embarqué" #: build/block-library/blocks/freeform/block.json msgctxt "block title" msgid "Classic" msgstr "Classique" #: build/block-library/blocks/quote/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Give quoted text visual emphasis. \"In quoting others, we cite ourselves.\" — Julio Cortázar" msgstr "Donne une emphase visuelle à vos textes de citations. « En citant les autres, nous nous citons nous mêmes » — Julio Cortázar" #: build/block-library/blocks/heading/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Introduce new sections and organize content to help visitors (and search engines) understand the structure of your content." msgstr "Introduit les nouvelles sections et permet d’en organiser le contenu pour aider les visiteurs (et les moteurs de recherche) à comprendre la structure de votre contenu." #. translators: Abbreviated date/time format, see #. #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/script-loader.php:87 msgid "M j, Y g:i a" msgstr "d F Y g:i a" #: build/block-library/blocks/archives.php:98 msgid "No archives to show." msgstr "Aucune archive à afficher." #: post-content.php:41 msgid "Beautiful landscape" msgstr "Beau panorama" #: post-content.php:185 msgid "Thanks for testing Gutenberg!" msgstr "Merci de tester Gutenberg !" #: post-content.php:177 msgid "Help build Gutenberg" msgstr "Aidez à construire Gutenberg" #. translators: %s: Gutenberg GitHub repository URL #: post-content.php:168 msgid "If you want to learn more about how to build additional blocks, or if you are interested in helping with the project, head over to the GitHub repository." msgstr "Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur la façon de construire des blocs additionnels, ou si vous souhaitez aider sur ce projet, rendez-vous sur le dépôt GitHub." #: post-content.php:159 msgid "The WordPress community" msgstr "La communauté WordPress" #: post-content.php:155 msgid "You can build any block you like, static or dynamic, decorative or plain. Here’s a pullquote block:" msgstr "Vous pouvez construire autant de blocs que vous voulez, statiques ou dynamiques, décoratifs ou ordinaires. Voici un bloc de citation en exergue :" #: post-content.php:145 msgid "Any block can opt into these alignments. The embed block has them also, and is responsive out of the box:" msgstr "Tous les blocs proposent ce choix d’alignement. Le bloc de contenu embarqué le propose aussi, et cela est nativement responsive :" #: post-content.php:141 msgid "The above is a gallery with just two images. It’s an easier way to create visually appealing layouts, without having to deal with floats. You can also easily convert the gallery back to individual images again, by using the block switcher." msgstr "Ci-dessus, une galerie avec seulement deux images. C’est une méthode simple pour créer des mises en page attractives, sans avoir à faire flotter les images l’une contre l’autre. Vous pouvez aussi convertir la galerie vers des images individuelles, en utilisant le basculement d’un type de bloc à un autre." #: post-content.php:128 msgid "Sure, the full-wide image can be pretty big. But sometimes the image is worth it." msgstr "Bien sûr, l’image pleine largeur peut être assez imposante. Mais parfois l’image peut en valoir la peine." #: post-content.php:124 msgid "Accessibility is important — don’t forget image alt attribute" msgstr "L’accessibilité est importante : n’oubliez pas l’attribut alt" #: post-content.php:120 msgid "If you combine the new wide and full-wide alignments with galleries, you can create a very media rich layout, very quickly:" msgstr "Si vous combinez les nouveaux alignements large et pleine largeur avec des galeries, vous pouvez créer des mises en page enrichies très rapidement :" #: post-content.php:116 msgid "Media Rich" msgstr "Média enrichi" #: post-content.php:112 msgid "You can change the amount of columns in your galleries by dragging a slider in the block inspector in the sidebar." msgstr "Vous pouvez changer le nombre de colonnes de vos galeries en faisant glisser la barre dans l’inspecteur de blocs de la colonne latérale." #: post-content.php:98 msgid "Blocks can be anything you need. For instance, you may want to add a subdued quote as part of the composition of your text, or you may prefer to display a giant stylized one. All of these options are available in the inserter." msgstr "Les blocs peuvent être utilisé pour tout ce que vous voulez. Par exemple, vous pourriez ajouter une citation en regard de votre texte, ou alors afficher une énorme citation. Toutes ces options sont disponibles dans l’outil d’insertion." #: post-content.php:94 msgid "The information corresponding to the source of the quote is a separate text field, similar to captions under images, so the structure of the quote is protected even if you select, modify, or remove the source. It’s always easy to add it back." msgstr "L’information correspondant à la source de la citation est un champ texte séparé, similaire aux légendes sous les images. Ainsi la structure de la citation est protégée même si vous sélectionnez, modifiez ou retirez la source. Il est toujours possible de la remettre en place rapidement." #: post-content.php:89 msgid "Matt Mullenweg, 2017" msgstr "Matt Mullenweg, 2017" #: post-content.php:88 msgid "The editor will endeavor to create a new page and post building experience that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has “blocks” to make it easy what today might take shortcodes, custom HTML, or “mystery meat” embed discovery." msgstr "L’éditeur s’efforcera de créer une nouvelle expérience de construction des publications qui rendra plus simple l’écriture de publications enrichies. Les blocs rendront simple ce qui nécessite aujourd’hui des codes courts, du HTML personnalisé et autres manipulations mystérieuses." #: post-content.php:83 msgid "A huge benefit of blocks is that you can edit them in place and manipulate your content directly. Instead of having fields for editing things like the source of a quote, or the text of a button, you can directly change the content. Try editing the following quote:" msgstr "Un grand avantage des blocs réside dans le fait que vous pouvez les modifier en direct et ainsi manipuler votre contenu en direct. Au lieu d’avoir des champs pour éditer ne serait-ce que l’auteur d’une citation, ou le texte d’un bouton, vous pouvez changer ces contenus directement. Essayez de modifier la citation suivante :" #: post-content.php:79 msgid "Visual Editing" msgstr "Mode visuel" #: post-content.php:70 msgid "And Lists like this one of course :)" msgstr "Et des listes comme celle-ci bien entendu :)" #: post-content.php:69 msgid "Layout blocks, like Buttons, Hero Images, Separators, etc." msgstr "Blocs de mise en page, bouton « J’aime », bannières, séparateurs, etc." #: post-content.php:68 msgid "Embeds, like YouTube, Tweets, or other WordPress posts." msgstr "Contenus embarqués, depuis YouTube, Twitter, ou d’autres publications WordPress." #: post-content.php:67 msgid "Galleries" msgstr "Galeries" #: post-content.php:66 msgid "Images & Videos" msgstr "Images & Vidéos" #: post-content.php:65 msgid "Text & Headings" msgstr "Texte & Titres" #: post-content.php:60 msgid "Go give it a try, you may discover things WordPress can already add into your posts that you didn’t know about. Here’s a short list of what you can currently find there:" msgstr "Essayez-donc, vous pourrez découvrir des choses que WordPress peut ajouter dans vos publications que vous ne soupçonniez pas. Voici une liste non exhaustive de ce que vous allez trouver :" #: post-content.php:56 msgid "Imagine everything that WordPress can do is available to you quickly and in the same place on the interface. No need to figure out HTML tags, classes, or remember complicated shortcode syntax. That’s the spirit behind the inserter—the (+) button you’ll see around the editor—which allows you to browse all available content blocks and add them into your post. Plugins and themes are able to register their own, opening up all sort of possibilities for rich editing and publishing." msgstr "Rendez-vous compte de ce que WordPress vous permet de faire rapidement et à partir d’une seule et même interface. Inutile de vous embêter avec des balises HTML, des classes ou des codes courts à la syntaxe compliquée. C’est l’esprit qui anime l’éditeur – voir le bouton (+) dans l’éditeur – qui vous permet de parcourir tous les blocs de contenu disponibles pour les ajouter à vos publications. Les extensions et les thèmes sont capables d’ajouter leurs propres blocs, ce qui ouvre la voie à toutes sortes de possibilités." #: post-content.php:52 msgid "The Inserter Tool" msgstr "L’outil d’insertion" #: post-content.php:48 msgid "Try selecting and removing or editing the caption, now you don’t have to be careful about selecting the image or other text by mistake and ruining the presentation." msgstr "Essayez de sélectionner, de supprimer ou de modifier la légende. Maintenant vous n’avez plus besoin d’éviter de sélectionner l’image ou d’autres textes par erreur et de gâcher la mise en page." #: post-content.php:42 msgid "If your theme supports it, you’ll see the \"wide\" button on the image toolbar. Give it a try." msgstr "Si votre thème le prend en charge, vous verrez le bouton « Large » dans la barre d’outils de l’image. Essayez." #: post-content.php:36 msgid "Handling images and media with the utmost care is a primary focus of the new editor. Hopefully, you’ll find aspects of adding captions or going full-width with your pictures much easier and robust than before." msgstr "La prise en charge des images et des médias est un des objectifs principaux du nouvel éditeur. Nous espérons que vous découvrirez les avantages de l’ajout de légendes, de passer vos images en mode pleine largeur et de toute autre manipulation. De façon plus simple et robuste qu’auparavant." #: post-content.php:32 msgid "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" msgstr "Une image vaut mille mots" #: post-content.php:28 msgid "Headings are separate blocks as well, which helps with the outline and organization of your content." msgstr "Les niveaux de titres sont aussi des blocs spécifiques. Cela aide a organiser et mettre en valeur votre contenu." #: post-content.php:24 msgid "... like this one, which is right aligned." msgstr "…comme celui-ci, qui est aligné à droite." #: post-content.php:20 msgid "What you are reading now is a text block the most basic block of all. The text block has its own controls to be moved freely around the post..." msgstr "Ce que vous lisez actuellement est un bloc paragraphe, le bloc le plus basique de tous. Le bloc paragraphe possède ses propres commandes lui permettant d’être déplacé librement au sein de la publication." #: post-content.php:16 msgid "The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of content—somewhat similar to LEGO bricks—that you can move around and interact with. Move your cursor around and you’ll notice the different blocks light up with outlines and arrows. Press the arrows to reposition blocks quickly, without fearing about losing things in the process of copying and pasting." msgstr "Le but de ce nouvel éditeur est de rendre l’ajout de contenus riches simple et ludique. Cette publication toute entière est composée de morceaux de contenus – un peu comme des briques Lego – que vous pouvez déplacer et avec lesquels vous pouvez interagir. Déplacez votre curseur un peu partout et vous verrez les différents blocs se mettre en évidence. Appuyez sur les flèches pour repositionner rapidement les blocs, sans crainte de perdre des choses dans l’action de copier et coller." #: post-content.php:11 msgid "Of Mountains & Printing Presses" msgstr "À propos de montagnes & d’imprimerie" #: lib/demo.php:59 msgid "Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor" msgstr "Bienvenue dans l’éditeur Gutenberg" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/fonts/class-wp-rest-font-faces-controller.php:79 msgid "Unique identifier for the font face." msgstr "Identifiant unique de cet objet." #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/fonts/class-wp-rest-font-collections-controller.php:87 msgid "The page number requested is larger than the number of pages available." msgstr "Le nombre de pages demandé est plus grand que le nombre de pages disponible." #. translators: %s: Digit to indicate multiple of sizing, eg. 2X-Small. #: lib/class-wp-theme-json-gutenberg.php:3662 msgid "Small" msgstr "Petite" #: lib/init.php:39 msgid "" msgstr "" #: lib/init.php:36 lib/init.php:37 msgid "Support" msgstr "Support" #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-comments.php:144 msgid "No comments to show." msgstr "Aucun commentaire à afficher." #. translators: 1: author name (inside or tag, based on if they have #. a URL), 2: post title related to this comment #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-comments.php:102 msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dans %2$s" #: build/block-library/blocks/archives.php:62 msgid "Select Post" msgstr "Sélectionner un article" #: build/block-library/blocks/archives.php:59 msgid "Select Week" msgstr "Sélectionner une semaine" #: build/block-library/blocks/archives.php:56 msgid "Select Day" msgstr "Sélectionner un jour" #: build/block-library/blocks/archives.php:53 msgid "Select Month" msgstr "Sélectionner un mois" #: build/block-library/blocks/archives.php:50 msgid "Select Year" msgstr "Sélectionner une année" #: build/block-library/blocks/archives.php:30 msgid "Archives" msgstr "Archives" #: build/block-library/blocks/embed/block.json msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a block that displays content pulled from other sites, like Twitter or YouTube." msgstr "Ajoute un bloc affichant du contenu récupéré d’autres sites, comme Twitter ou YouTube." #: build/block-library/blocks/query-pagination.php:26 msgid "Pagination" msgstr "Pagination" #: lib/experimental/navigation-theme-opt-in.php:91 #: lib/experimental/navigation-theme-opt-in.php:96 msgid "Block" msgstr "Bloc" #. translators: displayed when a page has an empty title. #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-comments.php:31 #: build/block-library/blocks/latest-posts.php:76 msgid "(no title)" msgstr "(aucun titre)" #: build/block-library/blocks/image.php:232 #: build/block-library/blocks/navigation.php:450 msgid "Close" msgstr "Fermer" #: build/block-library/blocks/read-more.php:39 msgid "Read more" msgstr "Lire la suite" #: lib/init.php:53 msgid "Experiments" msgstr "Expérimentaux" #: build/block-library/blocks/categories.php:37 msgid "Categories" msgstr "Catégories" #: build/block-library/blocks/comment-edit-link.php:47 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Modifier" #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.4/class-gutenberg-rest-global-styles-revisions-controller-6-4.php:124 msgid "Unique identifier for the revision." msgstr "Identificateur unique du widget." #: gutenberg.php:43 msgid "Gutenberg development mode requires files to be built. Run npm install to install dependencies, npm run build to build the files or npm run dev to build the files and watch for changes. Read the contributing file for more information." msgstr "Le mode développement de Gutenberg nécessite que des fichiers soient générés. Lancer npm install pour installer les dépendances, npm run build pour construire les fichiers et npm run dev pour générer et vérifier les fichiers. Lire le fichier de contribution (en anglais) pour plus d’informations." #: lib/init.php:43 lib/init.php:44 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentation" #: build/block-library/blocks/categories.php:36 msgid "Select Category" msgstr "Sélection de catégorie" #. translators: %s: Minimum required version #: gutenberg.php:30 msgid "Gutenberg requires WordPress %s or later to function properly. Please upgrade WordPress before activating Gutenberg." msgstr "Gutenberg nécessite WordPress %s ou supérieur pour fonctionner correctement. Veuillez mettre à niveau WordPress avant d’activer Gutenberg." #. Author of the plugin #: gutenberg.php msgid "Gutenberg Team" msgstr "L’équipe de Gutenberg" #. Plugin URI of the plugin #: gutenberg.php msgid "" msgstr "" #. Plugin Name of the plugin #: gutenberg.php lib/init.php:17 lib/init.php:18 msgid "Gutenberg" msgstr "Gutenberg" #: lib/init.php:27 lib/init.php:28 msgid "Demo" msgstr "Démo" #. translators: Date/Time format, see #. #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/script-loader.php:85 msgid "F j, Y g:i a" msgstr "j F Y, G \\h i \\m\\i\\n" #. translators: Date format, see #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/script-loader.php:83 msgid "F j, Y" msgstr "j F Y" #. translators: Time format, see #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/script-loader.php:81 msgid "g:i a" msgstr "G \\h i \\m\\i\\n" #. translators: %s: Duration. #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/script-loader.php:51 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "Il y a %s" #. translators: %s: Duration. #: lib/compat/wordpress-6.5/script-loader.php:49 msgid "%s from now" msgstr "Dans %s"