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You won't be able to upload files on your site.%1$s matches %2$l, but should match only one.%1$s must be a multiple of %2$s.%1$s must be at least %2$s character long.%1$s must be at least %2$s characters long.%1$s must be at most %2$s character long.%1$s must be at most %2$s characters long.%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)%1$s must be greater than %2$d%1$s must be greater than or equal to %2$d%1$s must be less than %2$d%1$s must be less than or equal to %2$d%1$s must contain at least %2$s item.%1$s must contain at least %2$s items.%1$s must contain at least %2$s property.%1$s must contain at least %2$s properties.%1$s must contain at most %2$s item.%1$s must contain at most %2$s items.%1$s must contain at most %2$s property.%1$s must contain at most %2$s properties.%1$s needs to be a %2$s object.%1$s on %2$s%1$s only accepts a non-empty path string, received %2$s.%1$s or %2$s%1$s rating based on %2$s rating%1$s rating based on %2$s ratings%1$s response to %2$s%1$s responses to %2$s%1$s value "%2$s" must be a valid URL or file reference.%1$s ‹ %2$s%1$s ‹ %2$s ‹ Editor — WordPress%1$s, %2$s%1$s, %2$s read time.%1$s, and %2$s%1$s-%2$s%1$s. Selected%1$s. Selected. There is %2$d event%1$s. Selected. There are %2$d events%1$s. There is %2$d event%1$s. There are %2$d events%1$s/%2$s variants active%1$s: %2$s%d Block%d Blocks%d Item%d Items%d Item selected%d Items selected%d Plugin Update%d Plugin Updates%d Theme Update%d Theme Updates%d WordPress Update%d block%d blocks%d block added.%d blocks added.%d block is hidden.%d blocks are hidden.%d category button displayed.%d category buttons displayed.%d confirmation request failed to resend.%d confirmation requests failed to resend.%d confirmation request re-sent successfully.%d confirmation requests re-sent successfully.%d days%d hours%d minute%d minutes%d minutes%d months%d pages have been restored.%d pattern found%d patterns found%d pixels%d posts have been restored.%d request deleted successfully.%d requests deleted successfully.%d request failed to delete.%d requests failed to delete.%d request marked as complete.%d requests marked as complete.%d result found%d results found%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.%d results found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.%d result found.%d results found.%d seconds%d selected%d themes found%d variant%d variants%d word selected.%d words selected.%d years%s — WordPress%s (Copy)%s (Draft)%s (Invalid)%s (Pending)%s says:%s Comment%s Comments%s Active Installations%s Avatar%s Block%s Comment%s Comments%s Comment in moderation%s Comments in moderation%s Embed%s MB Space Allowed%s Page%s Pages%s Post%s Posts%s Sites%s URL%s [Autosave]%s [Current Revision]%s address%s ago%s applied.%s approved comment%s approved comments%s available disk space was detected, update routines can be performed safely.%s block added%s block inserted%s block selected.%s blocks selected.%s block styles%s block.%s blocks.%s blocks deselected.%s cannot be empty.%s cannot be updated.%s column%s columns%s comment%s comments%s comment approved.%s comments approved.%s comment marked as spam.%s comments marked as spam.%s comment moved to the Trash.%s comments moved to the Trash.%s comment permanently deleted.%s comments permanently deleted.%s comment restored from the Trash.%s comments restored from the Trash.%s comment restored from the spam.%s comments restored from the spam.%s could not be located. Please try another nearby city. For example: Kansas City; Springfield; Portland.%s critical issue%s critical issues%s day%s days%s deselected.%s does not match any of the expected formats.%s element.%s elements.%s exceeds the maximum upload size for the multi-file uploader when used in your browser.%s exceeds the maximum upload size for this site.%s failed to embed.%s failed while writing image to stream.%s from now%s has been logged out.%s has been updated.%s has duplicate items.%s has taken over and is currently customizing.%s has taken over and is currently editing.%s hidden and reset to default%s hour%s hours%s is a protected WP option and may not be modified%s is already active.%s is already customizing this changeset. Do you want to take over?%s is already customizing this changeset. Please wait until they are done to try customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved.%s is already customizing this site. Do you want to take over?%s is already customizing this site. Please wait until they are done to try customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved.%s is currently editing%s is currently editing this post.%s is currently editing this post. Do you want to take over?%s is forbidden%s is not a valid IP address.%s is not a valid UUID.%s is now visible%s is required to strip image meta.%s item%s items%s item moved to the trash.%s items moved to the trash.%s item with no issues detected%s items with no issues detected%s items reset.%s items selected%s link deleted.%s links deleted.%s matches more than one of the expected formats.%s media file attached.%s media files attached.%s media file detached.%s media files detached.%s media file moved to the Trash.%s media files moved to the Trash.%s media file permanently deleted.%s media files permanently deleted.%s media file restored from the Trash.%s media files restored from the Trash.%s min%s mins%s minute%s minutes%s month%s months%s name%s navigation%s page moved to the Trash.%s pages moved to the Trash.%s page not updated, somebody is editing it.%s pages not updated, somebody is editing them.%s page permanently deleted.%s pages permanently deleted.%s page restored from the Trash.%s pages restored from the Trash.%s page updated.%s pages updated.%s parameter must be a valid JSON string.%s pattern moved to the Trash.%s patterns moved to the Trash.%s pattern not updated, somebody is editing it.%s patterns not updated, somebody is editing them.%s pattern permanently deleted.%s patterns permanently deleted.%s pattern restored from the Trash.%s patterns restored from the Trash.%s pattern updated.%s patterns updated.%s pending comment%s pending comments%s plugin deactivated during WordPress upgrade.%s post by this author%s posts by this author%s post moved to the Trash.%s posts moved to the Trash.%s post not updated, somebody is editing it.%s posts not updated, somebody is editing them.%s post permanently deleted.%s posts permanently deleted.%s post restored from the Trash.%s posts restored from the Trash.%s post updated.%s posts updated.%s rating%s recommended improvement%s recommended improvements%s removed.%s reset to default%s response%s responses%s second%s seconds%s settings.%s site%s sites%s styles applied.%s styles.%s submenu%s themes%s update available%s updates available%s updated successfully.%s user%s users%s user deleted.%s users deleted.%s values must be non-empty strings.%s week%s weeks%s word%s words%s year%s years%s.%s: %l.%s: Name%s: Sorry, this file type is not supported here.%s: Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.%s: This file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site.%s: This file is empty.%sX-Large%sX-Small“%1$s” — %2$s“%s”“%s” (Edit)“%s” has failed to upload.“%s” is locked← Cancel audio playlist← Cancel gallery← Cancel video playlist← Go to library…«« Back« Older Comments« Previous« Previous Page← Go to Categories← Go to Link Categories← Go to Pattern Categories← Go to Tags← Go to Users← Go to editor< Prev— No Change —— No role for this site —— Select —–OR–»(%s author archive, opens in a new tab)(%s ratings)(%s website link, opens in a new tab)(Does not support 64bit values)(Edit)(Empty heading)(Home link, opens in a new tab)(Incorrect heading level)(Latest version: %s)(Leave at 0 for no rating.)(Multiple H1 headings are not recommended)(No author)(Note: many devices and browsers do not display this text.)(Private post)(Signup has been disabled. Only members of this site can comment.)(Supports 64bit values)(Unattached)(Unsaved)(Untitled)(Your site is performing updates over FTP due to file ownership. Talk to your hosting company.)(Your theme may already use a H1 for the post title)(more…)(no author)(no parent)(no title %s)(no title)(not found)(opens in a new tab)(required)*+ %s+ Add New Category+ Create New Menu, - %1$s (from version %2$s to %3$s)- %1$s (from version %2$s to %3$s)%4$s- %1$s version %2$s- %1$s version %2$s%3$s- Custom -- Select -...or something like this:.htaccess rules// A “block” is the abstract term used // to describe units of markup that // when composed together, form the // content or layout of a page. registerBlockType( name, settings );1 Comment1 Comment on %s1 minute1 page not updated, somebody is editing it.1 pattern not updated, somebody is editing it.1 post not updated, somebody is editing it.10016:925 / 50 / 2533 / 33 / 3333 / 663:24:350 / 5066 / 33: %s%1$s is all: %2$s%1$s is any: %2$s%1$s is none: %2$s%1$s is not all: %2$s%1$s is not: %2$s%1$s is: %2$sLearn how to describe the purpose of the image%3$s. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative.Update %2$s or learn how to browse happyEdit or preview your Privacy Policy page content.Edit or view your Privacy Policy page content.Please update WordPress, and then learn more about updating PHP.WordPress %2$s is available! Please update now.WordPress %2$s is available! Please notify the site administrator.Learn more about updating PHP.Links / Add New LinkLinks / Edit LinkManage plugins.Please update WordPress.You can change your profile picture on Gravatar.Documentation on Site ManagementDocumentation on MenusDocumentation on Managing ThemesDocumentation on WidgetsDocumentation on CommentsDocumentation on date and time formatting.Documentation on CustomizerDocumentation on DashboardDocumentation on Edit MediaDocumentation on Keyboard ShortcutsDocumentation on Uploading Media FilesDocumentation on Media LibraryDocumentation on Adding New PagesDocumentation on Editing PagesDocumentation on Managing PagesDocumentation on Auto-updatesDocumentation on CategoriesDocumentation on Managing PostsDocumentation on TagsRevisions ManagementDescriptions of Roles and CapabilitiesDocumentation on Discussion SettingsDocumentation on General SettingsDocumentation on Media SettingsDocumentation on Privacy SettingsDocumentation on Reading SettingsDocumentation on Writing SettingsDocumentation on Site Health toolDocumentation on Erase Personal DataDocumentation on Export Personal DataDocumentation on ExportDocumentation on ImportDocumentation on ToolsDocumentation on Comment SpamDocumentation on Adding New UsersDocumentation on Managing UsersDocumentation on User ProfilesDocumentation on Using ThemesDocumentation on Writing and Editing PostsSupport forumsUTC time is %s_blank — new window or tab._none — same window or tab._top — current window or tab, with no frames.< 1 minuteModified: Published: Scheduled: %s — This allows you to associate an image with your post without inserting it. This is usually useful only if your theme makes use of the image as a post thumbnail on the home page, a custom header, etc.%s is currently working on this post (), which means you cannot make changes, unless you take over.%s now has editing control of this post (). Don’t worry, your changes up to this moment have been saved.Note that password carefully! It is a random password that was generated just for you.Activity — Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and allows you to moderate them.At a Glance — Displays a summary of the content on your site and identifies which theme and version of WordPress you are using.Box Controls — Click the title bar of the box to expand or collapse it. Some boxes added by plugins may have configurable content, and will show a “Configure” link in the title bar if you hover over it.Clicking the arrow to the right of any menu item in the editor will reveal a standard group of settings. Additional settings such as link target, CSS classes, link relationships, and link descriptions can be enabled and disabled via the Screen Options tab.Comments — For user comments, Email Address, IP Address, User Agent (Browser/OS), Date/Time, Comment Content, and Content URL.Community Events Location — The IP Address of the user which is used for the Upcoming Community Events shown in the dashboard widget.Community Events Location — The IP Address of the user, which populates the Upcoming Community Events dashboard widget with relevant information.Conflicting values for the constants %1$s and %2$s. The value of %2$s will be assumed to be your subdomain configuration setting.Connection lost. Saving has been disabled until you are reconnected.Contribute to the code, improve the UX, and test the WordPress app.Copy URL copies the URL for the media file to your clipboard.Create and improve WordPress educational materials.Curate submissions or take photos for the Photo Directory.Delete Permanently will delete the file from the media library (as well as from any posts to which it is currently attached).Delete brings you to the Delete Users screen for confirmation, where you can permanently remove a user from your site and delete their content. You can also delete multiple users at once by using bulk actions.Description — The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may display it.Discussion — You can turn comments and pings on or off, and if there are comments on the post, you can see them here and moderate them.Download file downloads the original media file to your device.Drag and Drop — To rearrange the boxes, drag and drop by clicking on the title bar of the selected box and releasing when you see a gray dotted-line rectangle appear in the location you want to place the box.Drag and drop your files into the area below. Multiple files are allowed.Edit takes you to a simple screen to edit that individual file’s metadata. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the media file name or thumbnail.Edit takes you to the editable profile screen for that user. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the username.Edit takes you to the editing screen for that post. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the post title.Edit videos and add captions to WordPress.tv.Error: %1$s requires %2$d plugin to be installed and activated: %3$s.Error: %1$s requires %2$d plugins to be installed and activated: %3$s.Error: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output. For help, please see this documentation or try the support forums.Error: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.Error: Invalid username, email address or incorrect password.Error: Passwords do not match. Please enter the same password in both password fields.Error: Passwords may not contain the character "\".Error: Please enter a nickname.Error: Please enter a password.Error: Please enter a username or email address.Error: Please enter a username.Error: Please enter a valid email address.Error: Please enter an email address.Error: Please fill the required fields.Error: Please type your comment text.Error: Please type your email address.Error: Site URL you’ve entered is already taken.Error: Sorry, that username is not allowed.Error: The %s options page is not in the allowed options list.Error: The comment could not be saved. Please try again later.Error: The email address is already used.Error: The email address is not correct.Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be correctly configured to send emails. Get support for resetting your password.Error: The email field is empty.Error: The password field is empty.Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect.Error: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.Error: The passwords do not match.Error: The username %s is not registered on this site. If you are unsure of your username, try your email address instead.Error: The username field is empty.Error: There is no account with that username or email address.Error: There was a problem creating site entry.Error: This email address is already registered. Log in with this address or choose another one.Error: This email is already registered. Please choose another one.Error: This is not a valid feed template.Error: This username is already registered. Please choose another one.Error: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username.Error: Unknown email address. Check again or try your username.Error: Unknown username. Check again or try your email address.Error: User registration is currently not allowed.Error: Your URL is too long.Error: Your account has been marked as a spammer.Error: Your comment is too long.Error: Your email address is too long.Error: Your name is too long.Error: Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.Error: Your password reset link has expired. Please request a new link below.Error: There is no account with that username or email address.Explore ways to reduce the environmental impact of websites.Find and report bugs in the WordPress core software.Format — Post Formats designate how your theme will display a specific post. For example, you could have a standard blog post with a title and paragraphs, or a short aside that omits the title and contains a short text blurb. Your theme could enable all or some of 10 possible formats. Learn more about each post format.Info — The site URL is rarely edited as this can cause the site to not work properly. The Registered date and Last Updated date are displayed. Network admins can mark a site as archived, spam, deleted and mature, to remove from public listings or disable.Lend your creative imagination to the WordPress UI design.Media — A list of URLs for all media file uploads made by the user.Media — A list of URLs for media files the user uploads.Name — The name is how it appears on your site.Order — Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can choose your own order by entering a number (1 for first, etc.) in this field.Organize or participate in local Meetups and WordCamps.Parent — Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have child categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional. To create a subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown.Parent — You can arrange your pages in hierarchies. For example, you could have an “About” page that has “Life Story” and “My Dog” pages under it. There are no limits to how many levels you can nest pages.Post editor — Enter the text for your post. There are two modes of editing: Visual and Text. Choose the mode by clicking on the appropriate tab.Preview will show you what your draft post will look like if you publish it. View will take you to your live site to view the post. Which link is available depends on your post’s status.Profile Information — user email address, username, display name, nickname, first name, last name, description/bio, and registration date.Promote the WordPress project to your community.Publish — You can set the terms of publishing your post in the Publish box. For Status, Visibility, and Publish (immediately), click on the Edit link to reveal more options. Visibility includes options for password-protecting a post or making it stay at the top of your blog indefinitely (sticky). The Password protected option allows you to set an arbitrary password for each post. The Private option hides the post from everyone except editors and administrators. Publish (immediately) allows you to set a future or past date and time, so you can schedule a post to be published in the future or backdate a post.Quick Draft — Allows you to create a new post and save it as a draft. Also displays links to the 3 most recent draft posts you've started.Quick Edit provides inline access to the metadata of your post, allowing you to update post details without leaving this screen.Random: Show a different image on each page.Remove allows you to remove a user from your site. It does not delete their content. You can also remove multiple users at once by using bulk actions.Screen Options — Use the Screen Options tab to choose which Dashboard boxes to show.Send Trackbacks — Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you’ve linked to them. Enter the URL(s) you want to send trackbacks. If you link to other WordPress sites they’ll be notified automatically using pingbacks, and this field is unnecessary.Send password reset sends the user an email with a link to set a new password.Session Tokens — User login information, IP Addresses, Expiration Date, User Agent (Browser/OS), and Last Login.Settings — This page shows a list of all settings associated with this site. Some are created by WordPress and others are created by plugins you activate. Note that some fields are grayed out and say Serialized Data. You cannot modify these values due to the way the setting is stored in the database.Share your knowledge in the WordPress support forums.Site Health Status — Informs you of any potential issues that should be addressed to improve the performance or security of your website.Slug — The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.Snow PatrolTemplate — Some themes have custom templates you can use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts. If so, you’ll see them in this dropdown menu.Test new releases and proposed features for the Block Editor.Themes — This area shows themes that are not already enabled across the network. Enabling a theme in this menu makes it accessible to this site. It does not activate the theme, but allows it to show in the site’s Appearance menu. To enable a theme for the entire network, see the Network Themes screen.Title — Enter a title for your post. After you enter a title, you’ll see the permalink below, which you can edit.Translate WordPress into your local language.Trash removes your post from this list and places it in the Trash, from which you can permanently delete it.Users — This displays the users associated with this site. You can also change their role, reset their password, or remove them from the site. Removing the user from the site does not remove the user from the network.View takes you to a public author archive which lists all the posts published by the user.View will take you to a public display page for that file.Warning: these pages should not be the same as your Privacy Policy page!Warning: these pages should not be the same!Welcome — Shows links for some of the most common tasks when setting up a new site.WordPress Events and News — Upcoming events near you as well as the latest news from the official WordPress project and the WordPress Planet.Write and submit patches to fix bugs or help build new features.Write or improve documentation for WordPress.A static page (select below)A PHP session was created by a %1$s function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by %2$s before making any HTTP requests.A UUID provided by the application to uniquely identify it. It is recommended to use an UUID v5 with the URL or DNS namespace.A WordPress CommenterA calendar of your site’s posts.A city in the same timezone as you.A cloud of your most used tags.A comment form for posts and pages.A comment is held for moderationA custom template can be manually applied to any post or page.A date format for all date strings.A day number of the week that the week should start on.A decorative arrow appended to the next and previous comments link.A decorative arrow appended to the next and previous page link.A decorative arrow for the next and previous link.A description of the pattern.A description of the theme.A detailed variation description.A duplicate event already exists.A font face matching those settings already exists.A font family with slug "%s" already exists.A form to request data exports and/or deletion.A generic text input.A human-readable description of the post type.A human-readable description of the taxonomy.A human-readable variation title.A label describing the test.A link to a pattern category.A link to a post formatA list of all patterns from all sources.A list of the inner block's own inner blocks. This is a recursive definition following the parent innerBlocks schema.A list of your site’s Pages.A list or dropdown of categories.A media item.A monthly archive of your site’s Posts.A more descriptive explanation of what the test looks for, and why it is important for the user.A name is required for this term.A named status for the object.A named status for the post.A named status for the theme.A new comment on the post "%s" is waiting for your approvalA new minor update is available for your site. Because minor updates often address security, it’s important to install them.A new pingback on the post "%s" is waiting for your approvalA new trackback on the post "%s" is waiting for your approvalA new version of WordPress is available.A numeric input.A page cache plugin was detected.A page cache plugin was not detected.A page reload is required for this change. Make sure your content is saved before reloading.A password protected post can not be set to sticky.A password reset link was emailed to %s.A password to protect access to the content and excerpt.A persistent object cache is being usedA persistent object cache is not requiredA persistent object cache makes your site’s database more efficient, resulting in faster load times because WordPress can retrieve your site’s content and settings much more quickly.A plugin disallowed this event.A plugin has prevented updates by disabling %s.A plugin prevented the event from being rescheduled.A plugin prevented the event from being scheduled.A plugin prevented the event from being unscheduled.A plugin prevented the hook from being cleared.A post ID mismatch has been detected.A post can not be sticky and have a password.A post type mismatch has been detected.A previous automatic background update could not occur.A previous automatic background update ended with a critical failure, so updates are now disabled.A recovery link was already sent %1$s ago. Please wait another %2$s before requesting a new email.A red bar on the left means the comment is waiting for you to moderate it.A scheduled event has failedA scheduled event is lateA search form for your site.A set of high quality curated patterns.A short description of the block, in human readable format.A simple checkbox input.A static pageA sticky post can not be password protected.A structure tag is required when using custom permalinks. Learn moreA term with the name provided already exists in this taxonomy.A term with the name provided already exists with this parent.A test is unavailableA textarea input to allow entering multiple lines of text.A time format for all time strings.A tip for using the block editorA title on that page cannot be found.A valid URL was not provided.A valid email address is required.A valid email address must be given.A valid language attribute, like "en" or "fr".A variable mismatch has been detected.A variety of designs to display your team members.A variety of footer designs displaying information and site navigation.A variety of header designs displaying your site title and navigation.A widget containing a block.A → ZACTAIMAMAaAbidjanAboutAbout PagesAbout WordPressAbout YourselfAbout the userAccess all block and document tools in a single placeAccess all block and document tools in a single place.AccessibilityAccessibility ReadyAccount ManagementAccraActionAction has been confirmed.Action menu for %s pattern categoryActionsActivateActivate %sActivate %s & SaveActivate & SaveActivate “%s”Activate & PublishActivate PluginActivate Plugin & Go to Press ThisActivate Plugin & Run ImporterActivate Press ThisActivate this pluginActivatingActivating %sActivation Key RequiredActivation Key:Active Child ThemeActive PluginsActive ThemeActive editorActive plugin installations%s+ Million%s+ MillionActive plugin installationsLess Than 10Active themeActive theme: %1$s (version %2$s)ActivityAdakAddAdd "read more" link textAdd %sAdd CommentAdd Custom FieldAdd Data Erasure RequestAdd Data Export RequestAdd Existing UserAdd ItemsAdd LinkAdd MediaAdd Menu ItemsAdd NewAdd New Application PasswordAdd New CategoryAdd New ChangesetAdd New CommentAdd New Custom Field:Add New Header ImageAdd New ImageAdd New LinkAdd New Link CategoryAdd New Media FileAdd New Navigation MenuAdd New PageAdd New PatternAdd New PluginAdd New PostAdd New SiteAdd New TagAdd New TemplateAdd New Template PartAdd New ThemeAdd New UserAdd SiteAdd WidgetAdd a WidgetAdd a blockAdd a description…Add a featured imageAdd a navigation menu to your sidebar.Add a new pageAdd afterAdd alternate sources for maximum HTML5 playbackAdd an anchorAdd an excerpt…Add an image or video with a text overlay.Add audio sourceAdd background imageAdd beforeAdd blockAdd button text…Add captionAdd citationAdd colorAdd colorsAdd default blockAdd filterAdd font sizeAdd fontsAdd gallery captionAdd gradientAdd home linkAdd imageAdd itemAdd label…Add linkAdd link to featured imageAdd mediaAdd media files from your computerAdd menu itemsAdd menu items from the column on the left.Add new TermAdd new categoryAdd new pageAdd new postAdd new subset (greek, cyrillic, devanagari, vietnamese)no-subsetAdd new tagAdd new termAdd new viewAdd non breaking space.Add one or several items at once by selecting the checkbox next to each item and clicking Add to MenuAdd or remove menu itemsAdd or remove pattern categoriesAdd or remove tagsAdd patternAdd quoteAdd shadowAdd submenuAdd submenu linkAdd subtitlesAdd tagsAdd templateAdd template: %sAdd text or blocks that will display when a query returns no results.Add text over imageAdd text…Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s above the line reading %3$s:Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, replacing other WordPress rules:Add the user without sending an email that requires their confirmationAdd titleAdd to Audio PlaylistAdd to DictionaryAdd to MenuAdd to WidgetAdd to audio playlistAdd to galleryAdd to menu: %1$s (%2$s)Add to video PlaylistAdd to video playlistAdd to: %sAdd tracksAdd video sourceAdd widget: %sAdd your own CSS code here to customize the appearance and layout of your site.Add your own CSS to customize the appearance and layout of your site.Add your own CSS to customize the appearance of the %s block. You do not need to include a CSS selector, just add the property and value.Add, organize, and modify individual menu itemsAddedAdded:Adding CategoriesAdding TagsAdding ThemesAdding an RSS feed to this site’s homepage is not supported, as it could lead to a loop that slows down your site. Try using another block, like the Latest Posts block, to list posts from the site.Addis AbabaAdditional CSSAdditional CSS class(es)Additional CapabilitiesAdditional images added to this gallery: %sAdditional informationAdditional information to help clarify the purpose of the link.Additional items found: %dAdditional link settingsAdvancedAdditional settingsAdditional shortcuts,Adds a category with the most frequently used blocks in the inserter.AdelaideAdenAdjective: e.g. "Comments are open"OpenAdmin Color SchemeAdministration Email AddressAdministration email verificationAdministrators have access to all the administration features.AdvancedAdvanced OptionsAdvanced caching plugin.Advanced.Affects the "name" atribute of the input element, and is used as a name for the form submission results.AfricaAfrikaansAfter ConversionAfter your Privacy Policy page is set, you should edit it.Akismet ConfigurationAkismet StatsAkismet has detected a problem.AlbanianAlbumAlgiersAlice.AlignAlign centerAlign column centerAlign column leftAlign column rightAlign items bottomAlign items centerAlign items topAlign leftAlign rightAlign textAlign text centerAlign text leftAlign text rightAlignmentAlignment Matrix ControlAlignment optionNoneAllAll AuthorsAll CategoriesAll ChangesetsAll CommentsAll Link CategoriesAll PagesAll PatternsAll PostsAll SettingsAll SitesAll Tabs:All TagsAll Template PartsAll TypesAll UsersAll automatic updates are disabled.All blocks are selected, and cannot be movedAll capabilities assigned to the user.All capabilities used by the post type.All capabilities used by the taxonomy.All categoriesAll comment typesAll contentAll content copied.All datesAll done!All features, supported by the post type.All formatsAll gallery image links updated to: %sAll gallery image sizes updated to: %sAll gallery images updated to not open in new tabAll gallery images updated to open in new tabAll headingsAll image sizesAll itemsAll media itemsAll of the blocks available to you live in the block library. You’ll find it wherever you see the icon.All of your WordPress files are writable.All options are currently hiddenAll options resetAll patternsAll required plugins are installed and activated.All sidesAll sizes except thumbnailAll template partsAll templatesAll the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with the most recent uploads listed first.All the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with the most recent uploads listed first. You can use the Screen Options tab to customize the display of this screen.All updates have been completed.AllowAllow trackbacks and pingbacksAllow CommentsAllow PingsAllow access to Google FontsAllow changes to this block throughout instances of this pattern.Allow commentsAllow comments on new postsAllow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new articles.Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new postsAllow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new posts.Allow new users to sign upAllow people to post comments on new articlesAllow people to submit comments on new postsAllow people to submit comments on new posts.Allow right-click contextual menusAllow search engines to index this siteAllow to wrap to multiple linesAllowed FilesAllowed child block types.Allows contextual List View menus via right-click, overriding browser defaults.Allows use of HTML5 markup for search forms, comment forms, comment lists, gallery, and caption.AlmatyAlready InstalledAlready pinged:Alt TextAlt text for the image, e.g. “The Mona Lisa”Alternative TextAlternative sourceAlternative textAlternative text for an image. Block toolbar label, a low character count is preferred.Alternative textAlternative text to display when attachment is not displayed.AlwaysAlways open List ViewAlways show pre-publish checks.Always use https when visiting the adminAmericaAmerican EnglishAmmanAmsterdamAn HTTPS connection is a more secure way of browsing the web. Many services now have HTTPS as a requirement. HTTPS allows you to take advantage of new features that can increase site speed, improve search rankings, and gain the trust of your visitors by helping to protect their online privacy.An active PHP session was detectedAn alphanumeric identifier for the menu location.An alphanumeric identifier for the post type.An alphanumeric identifier for the post unique to its type.An alphanumeric identifier for the revision unique to its type.An alphanumeric identifier for the status.An alphanumeric identifier for the taxonomy.An alphanumeric identifier for the term unique to its type.An alphanumeric identifier for the user.An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.An application name is required to create an application password.An application would like to connect to your account.An array of post types that the pattern is restricted to be used with.An array of template types where the pattern fits.An array of the class names for the post container element.An attempt was made, but your site could not be updated automatically.An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - please attempt the update again now.An automated WordPress update has failed to complete! Please notify the site administrator.An avatar is an image that can be associated with a user across multiple websites. In this area, you can choose to display avatars of users who interact with the site.An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later.An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.An error occurred adding you to this site. Go to the homepage.An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.An error occurred while creating the item.An error occurred while creating the site export.An error occurred while creating the template part.An error occurred while creating the template.An error occurred while deleting the item.An error occurred while deleting the items.An error occurred while deleting the items: %sAn error occurred while deleting the pattern category.An error occurred while duplicating the page.An error occurred while moving the item to the trash: %sAn error occurred while moving the items to the trash.An error occurred while permanently deleting the item.An error occurred while permanently deleting the items.An error occurred while permanently deleting the items: %sAn error occurred while renaming the pattern.An error occurred while restoring the post.An error occurred while restoring the posts.An error occurred while restoring the posts: %sAn error occurred while reverting the item.An error occurred while reverting the items: %sAn error occurred while reverting the template part.An error occurred while reverting the template parts.An error occurred while reverting the template.An error occurred while reverting the templates.An error occurred while updating %1$s: %2$sAn error occurred while updating the nameAn error occurred while updating.An error occurred.An error occurred. Please try again.An error of type %1$s was caused in line %2$s of the file %3$s. Error message: %4$sAn example titleAn exporter has improperly used the registration filter.An incomplete personal data request for this email address already exists.An unknown error occurred during creation. Please try again.An unknown error occurred.AnadyrAnalyticsAncestor blocks.AnchorageAndorraAngleAngle to rotate clockwise in degrees.AnguillaAnonymousAnother attempt will be made with the next release.Another update is currently in progress.AntananarivoAntarcticaAntiguaAny extra capabilities assigned to the user.Anyone can registerAnyone posts a commentApiaApp icon preview: Current image: %sApp icon preview: The current image has no alternative text. The file name is: %sAppearanceAppend to %1$s block at position %2$d, Level %3$dApplication PasswordsApplication password not found.Application passwords allow authentication via non-interactive systems, such as XML-RPC or the REST API, without providing your actual password. Application passwords can be easily revoked. They cannot be used for traditional logins to your website.Application passwords are not available for your account. Please contact the site administrator for assistance.Application passwords are not available.Application passwords grant access to the %2$s site in this installation that you have permissions on.Application passwords grant access to all %2$s sites in this installation that you have permissions on.Application passwords grant access to the %2$s site on the network as you have Super Admin rights.Application passwords grant access to all %2$s sites on the network as you have Super Admin rights.ApplyApply CropApply changes to:Apply duotone filterApply globallyApply suggested format: %sApply the "%1$s" format.Apply this block’s typography, spacing, dimensions, and color styles to all %s blocks.Apply to all blocks insideApply your skills or learn new ones.Approval stepApproveApprove and ReplyApprove commentApprove it: %sApprove this commentApprovedAprilApril abbreviationAprAqtauAqtobeArabicAraguainaArbitrary HTML code.Arbitrary text.Archive (%s)Archives (%s)Archive TitleArchive titleArchive type: NameArchive: %1$s (%2$s)Archive: %sArchivedArchived (%s)Archived (%s)ArchivesArcticAre pretty permalinks supported?Are you ready to publish?Are you ready to save?Are you ready to schedule?Are you ready to submit for review?Are you sure it exists?Are you sure the database server is not under particularly heavy load?Are you sure the database server is running?Are you sure you have the correct username and password?Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?Are you sure you want to apply this revision? Any unsaved changes will be lost.Are you sure you want to delete "%s" font and all its variants and assets?Are you sure you want to delete "%s" font size preset?Are you sure you want to delete "%s"?Are you sure you want to delete %s?Are you sure you want to delete the category "%s"? The patterns will not be deleted.Are you sure you want to delete this Navigation Menu?Are you sure you want to delete this theme?Are you sure you want to disable overrides? Disabling overrides will revert all applied overrides for this block throughout instances of this pattern.Are you sure you want to discard your unpublished changes?Are you sure you want to do this?Are you sure you want to move "%s" to the trash?Are you sure you want to move %d item to the trash ?Are you sure you want to move %d items to the trash ?Are you sure you want to remove all custom font size presets?Are you sure you want to reset all font size presets to their default values?Are you sure you want to unpublish this post?Are you sure you want to unschedule this post?Are you sure?AreaArgentinaArrange blocks horizontally.Arrange blocks in a grid.Arrange blocks vertically.Array of column names to be searched.Array of image edits.ArrowArrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocksArrowArrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocksChevronArrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocksNoneArrow option for Next/Previous linkArrowArrow option for Next/Previous linkChevronArrow option for Next/Previous linkNoneArrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocksArrowArrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocksChevronArrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocksNoneArticles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.ArtistArubaAs a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!As a percentage of the image, the height to crop the image to. DEPRECATED: Use `modifiers` instead.As a percentage of the image, the width to crop the image to. DEPRECATED: Use `modifiers` instead.As a percentage of the image, the x position to start the crop from. DEPRECATED: Use `modifiers` instead.As a percentage of the image, the y position to start the crop from. DEPRECATED: Use `modifiers` instead.As a website owner, you may need to follow national or international privacy laws. For example, you may need to create and display a privacy policy.As an app icon and a browser icon.AscendingAscending.AshgabatAshkhabadAsiaAsideAsmaraAsmeraAspect RatioAspect ratioAspect ratio option for dimensions controlCustomAspect ratio option for dimensions controlOriginalAspect ratio:Assign a categoryAssign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band.Assigned MenuAstrakhanAsuncionAt a GlanceAthensAtikokanAtkaAtlanticAttachAttach “%s” to existing contentAttach to existing contentAttaching FilesAttachment AttributesAttachment DetailsAttachment Display SettingsAttachment PageAttachment PagesAttachment Post URLAttachment PreviewAttachment detailsAttachment pageAttachment post IDAttachment type.Attempt recoveryAttempt to notify any blogs linked to from the postAttempted to set image quality outside of the range [1,100].Attempting to parse a shortcode without a valid callback: %sAttempting to restore the previous version.Attend an upcoming event near %s.Attribute all content to:AttributesAttributes connected to custom fields or other dynamic data.Attributes for the block.AtyrauAucklandAudioAudio (%s)Audio (%s)Audio Codec:Audio Format:Audio PlayerAudio WidgetAudio Widget (%d)Audio Widget (%d)Audio caption textAudio detailsAudio titleAudio title…Audio, Video, or Other FileAugustAugust abbreviationAugAustraliaAuthorAuthor BiographyAuthor NameAuthor URL of the user.Author avatarAuthor rich content with blocks and patternsAuthor websiteAuthor:Author: %1$s (IP address: %2$s, %3$s)Author: %sAuthorization headerAuthorize ApplicationAuthorsAuthors can publish and manage their own posts, and are able to upload files.Authors:AutoAuto DraftAuto add pagesAuto-updateAuto-updatesAuto-updates Disabled (%s)Auto-updates Disabled (%s)Auto-updates Enabled (%s)Auto-updates Enabled (%s)Auto-updates can be enabled or disabled for each individual theme. Themes with auto-updates enabled will display the estimated date of the next auto-update. Auto-updates depends on the WP-Cron task scheduling system.Auto-updates disabledAuto-updates enabledAuto-updates for plugins and themes appear to be disabled. This will prevent your site from receiving new versions automatically when available.Auto-updates for plugins and/or themes appear to be disabled, but settings are still set to be displayed. This could cause auto-updates to not work as expected.Auto-updates for plugins appear to be disabled. This will prevent your site from receiving new versions automatically when available.Auto-updates for themes appear to be disabled. This will prevent your site from receiving new versions automatically when available.Autoloaded optionsAutoloaded options are acceptableAutoloaded options are configuration settings for plugins and themes that are automatically loaded with every page load in WordPress. Having too many autoloaded options can slow down your site.Autoloaded options could affect performanceAutomatic UpdatesAutomatic update not scheduled. There may be a problem with WP-Cron.Automatic update overdue by %s. There may be a problem with WP-Cron.Automatic update scheduled in %s.Automatically add new top-level pages to this menuAutomatically add paragraphsAutomatically close comments on old postsAutomatically close comments on posts older than %s daysAutoplayAutoplay may cause usability issues for some users.Autosave by %sAutosavingAvailable ActionsAvailable ToolsAvailable WidgetsAvailable block typesAvailable disk spaceAvailable disk space is critically low, less than %s available. Proceed with caution, updates may fail.Available disk space is low, less than %s available.AvatarAvatar DisplayAvatar URL with image size of %d pixels.Avatar URLs for the comment author.Avatar URLs for the user.Avatar sizeAvatarsAverage RatingAzoresBETA TESTING? ============= This debugging email is sent when you are using a development version of WordPress. If you think these failures might be due to a bug in WordPress, could you report it? * Open a thread in the support forums: https://wordpress.org/support/forum/alphabeta * Or, if you're comfortable writing a bug report: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ Thanks! -- The WordPress TeamBackBack to pageBackgroundBackground ColorBackground ImageBackground PresetPresetBackground RepeatRepeatBackground ScrollScrollBackground colorBackground imageBackground image widthBackground image: %sBackground size, position and repeat options.Background stylesBackground updated. Visit your site to see how it looks.Background updates are not working as expectedBackground updates are workingBackground updates ensure that WordPress can auto-update if a security update is released for the version you are currently using.Background updates may not be working properlyBacktickBaghdadBahiaBahia BanderasBahrainBakuBamakoBangkokBanguiBanjulBarbadosBarnaulBaseBase64 encoded representation of the instance settings.Be careful!Be part of a global open source community.Be sure to save this in a safe location. You will not be able to retrieve it.Be the future of WordPressBecause you are using %1$s, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-directories. Consider using %2$s if you wish to use sub-domains.Before a comment appearsBefore you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:BeirutBelarusianBelemBelfastBelgradeBelizeBerlinBermudaBeulahBiographical InfoBishkekBissauBitrateBitrate ModeBitrate:BlackBlanc-SablonBlankBlantyreBlavatarBlockBlock "%1$s" does not contain a style named "%2$s".Block "%1$s" is declaring %2$s support in %3$s file under %4$s. %2$s support is now declared under %5$s.Block %1$d of %2$d, Level %3$d.Block %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can’t be moved leftBlock %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can’t be moved upBlock %1$s is at the end of the content and can’t be moved downBlock %1$s is at the end of the content and can’t be moved leftBlock %s is the only block, and cannot be movedBlock Editor PatternsBlock Editor StylesBlock HTML:Block LibraryBlock attributes.Block binding "%s" not found.Block bindings source "%s" already registered.Block bindings source name must be a string.Block bindings source names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin/my-custom-sourceBlock bindings source names must not contain uppercase characters.Block breadcrumbBlock cannot be rendered inside itself.Block category.Block example.Block has been deleted or is unavailable.Block keywords.Block metadata collections can only be registered for a specific plugin. The provided path is neither a core path nor a valid plugin path.Block name changed to: "%s".Block name must be a string or array.Block name reset to: "%s".Block name.Block namespace.Block navigation structureBlock pattern "%s" inserted.Block pattern categoryAboutBlock pattern categoryAudioBlock pattern categoryBannersBlock pattern categoryButtonsBlock pattern categoryCall to actionBlock pattern categoryColumnsBlock pattern categoryContactBlock pattern categoryFeaturedBlock pattern categoryFootersBlock pattern categoryGalleryBlock pattern categoryHeadersBlock pattern categoryMediaBlock pattern categoryPortfolioBlock pattern categoryPostsBlock pattern categoryServicesBlock pattern categoryTeamBlock pattern categoryTestimonialsBlock pattern categoryTextBlock pattern categoryVideosBlock pattern category "%s" not found.Block pattern category name must be a string.Block pattern titleGridBlock pattern titleImage at leftBlock pattern titleLarge titleBlock pattern titleOffsetBlock pattern titleSmall image and titleBlock pattern titleSocial links with a shared background colorBlock pattern titleStandardBlock patternsBlock patterns are pre-configured block layouts. Use them to get inspired or create new pages in a flash.Block rendered as empty.Block shortcutsBlock spacingBlock style name must be a string.Block style name must not contain any spaces.Block style variations.Block supports.Block toolsBlock type "%s" is already registered.Block type "%s" is not registered.Block type names must be strings.Block type names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin/my-custom-block-typeBlock type names must not contain uppercase characters.Block types that the pattern is intended to be used with.Block variationsBlock variations.Block vertical alignment settingAlign bottomBlock vertical alignment settingAlign middleBlock vertical alignment settingAlign topBlock vertical alignment settingSpace betweenBlock vertical alignment settingStretch to fillBlock vertical alignment setting labelChange vertical alignmentBlock with expanding width in flex layoutGrowBlock with fixed width in flex layoutFixedBlock: %sBlock: ParagraphBlockquoteBlocksBlocks can't be inserted into other blocks with bindingsBlocks cannot be moved down as they are already at the bottomBlocks cannot be moved left as they are already are at the leftmost positionBlocks cannot be moved right as they are already are at the rightmost positionBlocks cannot be moved up as they are already at the topBlocks stylesBlogBlog pages show at mostBlog pages show at most.Blog titleBloggerBlogrollBlueBlurBlush bordeauxBlush light purpleBoa VistaBody cell textBogotaBoiseBoldBookmarksBorderBorder & ShadowBorder colorBorder color and style pickerBorder color and style picker.Border color picker.Border radiusBorder widthBoth WordPress URL and site URL can start with either %1$s or %2$s. A URL starting with %2$s requires an SSL certificate, so be sure that you have one before changing to %2$s. With %2$s, a padlock will appear next to the address in the browser address bar. Both %2$s and the padlock signal that your site meets some basic security requirements, which can build trust with your visitors and with search engines.Both registration and last updated dates must be provided.Both registration and last updated dates must be valid dates.BottomBottom CenterBottom LeftBottom RightBottom borderBottom leftBottom rightBottom sideBougainvilleBox ControlBratislavaBrazzavilleBreadcrumbs hidden.Breadcrumbs visible.Break comments into pagesBriefly describe what your business does and how you can help.Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.BrisbaneBritish EnglishBroken HillBrownBrowse allBrowse all. This will open the main inserter panel in the editor toolbar.Browse revisionsBrowse stylesBrowser defaultBrowser icon preview: Current image: %sBrowser icon preview: The current image has no alternative text. The file name is: %sBrowsing between pages requires a full page reload.BruneiBrusselsBucharestBudapestBuenos AiresBujumburaBulgarianBulk ActionsBulk EditBulk SelectBulk actionsBulk editBulk selectBulleted listBusingenButtonButton insideButton label for a next revisionNextButton label for a previous revisionPreviousButton label to reveal tool panel options%s optionsButton onlyButton outsideButton textButton widthButtonsBy %sBy %s.By default WordPress does not collect any analytics data. However, many web hosting accounts collect some anonymous analytics data. You may also have installed a WordPress plugin that provides analytics services. In that case, add information from that plugin here.By default WordPress does not collect any personal data about visitors, and only collects the data shown on the User Profile screen from registered users. However some of your plugins may collect personal data. You should add the relevant information below.By default WordPress does not share any personal data with anyone.By default, WordPress does not include a contact form. If you use a contact form plugin, use this subsection to note what personal data is captured when someone submits a contact form, and how long you keep it. For example, you may note that you keep contact form submissions for a certain period for customer service purposes, but you do not use the information submitted through them for marketing purposes.By default, new users will receive an email letting them know they’ve been added as a user for your site. This email will also contain a password reset link. Uncheck the box if you do not want to send the new user a welcome email.By: %sCSSCSS ClassesCSS Classes (optional)CSS ascent-override value.CSS codeCSS descent-override value.CSS font-display value.CSS font-family value.CSS font-feature-settings value.CSS font-stretch value.CSS font-style value.CSS font-variant value.CSS font-variation-settings value.CSS line-gap-override value.CSS size-adjust value.CSS unicode-range value.Cache key must be an integer or a non-empty string, %s given.Cache key must not be an empty string.CairoCalcuttaCalendarCall %s to create an HTML Processor instead of calling the constructor directly.Call to ActionCall to actionCambridge BayCampo GrandeCan anyone register on this site?Can communicate with WordPress.orgCanaryCanberraCancelCancel EditCancel EditingCancel and go backCancel editCancel password changeCancel replyCancunCannot Authorize ApplicationCannot create a comment with that type.Cannot create a revision of a revisionCannot create a user with an empty login name.Cannot create existing comment.Cannot create existing post.Cannot create existing user.Cannot delete an active plugin. Please deactivate it first.Cannot find user global styles revisions.Cannot hook block to itself.Cannot introspect application password.Cannot load %s.Cannot load image metadata.Cannot preview a widget that does not extend WP_Widget.Cannot resize the image. Both width and height are not set.Cannot save image metadata.Cannot select databaseCannot send password reset, permission denied.Cannot set instance on a widget that does not extend WP_Widget.Cannot set parent term, taxonomy is not hierarchical.Cannot stabilize objects. Convert the object to an array first.Cannot supply a strategy `%1$s` for script `%2$s` because it is an alias (it lacks a `src` value).Cannot view post type.Cannot view status.Cannot visit tag closers in HTML Processor.CapabilitiesCape VerdeCapitalizeCaptionCaption for the attachment, as it exists in the database.Caption textCaption…CaptionsCaptions/SubtitlesCaracasCarousel viewCasablancaCaseyCatalanCatamarcaCategoriesCategories ListCategories and Tags ConverterCategories can be selectively converted to tags using the category to tag converter.Categories deleted.Categories dropdown (show_option_none parameter)NoneCategories have hierarchy, meaning that you can nest sub-categories. Tags do not have hierarchy and cannot be nested. Sometimes people start out using one on their posts, then later realize that the other would work better for their content.Categories listCategories list navigationCategories provide a helpful way to group related posts together and to quickly tell readers what a post is about.Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have children categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional.Categories:CategoryCategory added.Category deleted.Category not added.Category not updated.Category updated.Caution:CayenneCaymanCell paddingCell spacingCell typeCenterCenter LeftCenter RightCentimeters (cm)CeutaChagosChangeChange DateChange FrequencyChange Permalink StructureChange Site IconChange a block's type by pressing the block icon on the toolbar.Change alignmentChange audioChange author: %sChange block type or styleChange blog title: %sChange button positionChange column alignmentChange content positionChange date: %sChange discussion optionsChange discussion settingsChange fileChange format: %sChange imageChange items justificationChange levelChange link: %sChange logoChange matrix alignmentChange parent: %sChange posts per pageChange publish dateChange revision by using the left and right arrow keysChange role to…Change status: %sChange text alignmentChange the block type after adding a new paragraph.Change themeChange type of %d blockChange type of %d blocksChange videoChange your Privacy Policy pageChanged roles.Changes have already been trashed.Changes saved by %1$s on %2$sChanges saved by %1$s on %2$s. This revision matches current editor styles.Changes saved.Changes trashed successfully.Changes will apply to new posts only. Individual posts may override these settings.Changeset is being edited by other user.Changing to %sChaptersCharactersCharacters:ChatChathamCheatin’ uh?Check SpellingCheck for SpamCheck for updates manuallyCheck your emailCheck your email for the confirmation link.Check your email for your new password.Checkbox InputChicagoChihuahuaChild theme of %sChineseChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)ChisinauChitaChoibalsanChongqingChooseChoose ImageChoose a %sChoose a Background ImageChoose a Custom HeaderChoose a Site IconChoose a block to add to your Navigation.Choose a city in the same timezone as you.Choose a different style combination for the theme styles.Choose a file from your computer:Choose a formatChoose a page to show only its subpages.Choose a parent page.Choose a patternChoose a pattern for the query loop or start blank.Choose a templateChoose a variation to change the look of the site.Choose an existing %s or create a new one.Choose an existing %s.Choose an image from your computer:Choose audioChoose either a city in the same timezone as you or a %s (Coordinated Universal Time) time offset.Choose fileChoose font variants. Keep in mind that too many variants could make your site slower.Choose from the most used pattern categoriesChoose from the most used tagsChoose imageChoose logoChoose or create a Navigation MenuChoose specific attributes to restrict or lock all available options.Choose the part of the image you want to use as your header.Choose the target frame for your link.Choose variationChoose videoChoose what to exportChristmasChungkingChuukCincinnatiCityCity:Class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s with no alternative available.Class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.Class nameClass names for the link element of this menu item.ClassicClassic Block Keyboard ShortcutsClassic EditorClassic menu import failed.Classic menu imported successfully.Classic menu importing.ClearClear CropClear Inactive WidgetsClear ResultsClear Unknown FormattingClear formattingClear selection.Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your computer. Your theme works best with an image that matches the size of your video — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it for a perfect fit.Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header height of %s pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it for a perfect fit.Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header size of %s pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it for a perfect fit.Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header width of %s pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it for a perfect fit.Click “Next” to start adding links to your new menu.Click to start designing your blocks, and choose your typography, layout, and colors.Click Customize for the active theme or Live Preview for any other theme to see a live previewClick Save Menu to make pending menu items public.Click here to cancel reply.Click on previously saved styles to preview them. To restore a selected version to the editor, hit "Apply." When you're ready, use the Save button to save your changes.Click on the theme to see the theme name, version, author, description, tags, and the Delete linkClick the Save Menu button to save your changes.Click the image to edit or updateClick to edit the site title.Click to edit this element.Click to edit this menu.Click to edit this widget.Click to toggleClicking Select Files opens a navigation window showing you files in your operating system. Selecting Open after clicking on the file you want activates a progress bar on the uploader screen.Clicking an item will display an Attachment Details dialog, which allows you to preview media and make quick edits. Any changes you make to the attachment details will be automatically saved.Client versionCloseClose List ViewClose SettingsClose StylesClose all open tagsClose block inserterClose blockquote tagClose bold tagClose border colorClose bulleted list tagClose code tagClose comments when post is how many days oldClose deleted text tagClose details dialogClose dialogClose inserted text tagClose italic tagClose list item tagClose media attachment panelClose menuClose numbered list tagClose panelClose pluginClose reorder modeClose revisionsClose searchClose sharing dialogClose the Customizer and go back to the previous pageClose uploaderClosedCmd + letter:CocosCodeCode editorCode editor selectedCode is PoetryCode-based contributionCollapse Main menuCollapse all other items.Collapse menuCollapses the navigation options in a menu icon opening an overlay.ColomboColorColor %sColor %s stylesColor code: %sColor formatColor nameColor optionsColor: %sColorsColors stylesColumnColumn %d textColumn countColumn groupColumn spanColumnsCommaComma-separated list of replacement words in your language’tain’t,’twere,’twas,’tis,’twill,’til,’bout,’nuff,’round,’cause,’emComma-separated list of search stopwords in your languageabout,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to,was,what,when,where,who,will,with,wwwComma-separated list of words to texturize in your language'tain't,'twere,'twas,'tis,'twill,'til,'bout,'nuff,'round,'cause,'emCommand paletteCommand suggestionsCommentComment %d contains personal data but could not be anonymized.Comment %d does not existComment AuthorComment Author EmailComment Author IPComment Author URLComment Author User AgentComment ContentComment DateComment ModerationComment PaginationComment Submission FailureComment URLComment author must fill out name and e-mailComment author must fill out name and emailComment author must have a previously approved commentComment author name and email are required.Comment by %s marked as spam.Comment by %s moved to the Trash.Comment field exceeds maximum length allowed.Comment is required.Comment moderationComment must be manually approvedComment number declension: on or offoffComment on %1$s by %2$sComment statusComment: %sCommenter AvatarCommenter avatars come from Gravatar.CommentsComments %sComments (%1$s) on “%2$s”Comments (%s)Comments FeedComments Off on %sComments Pagination block: paging comments is disabled in the Discussion SettingsComments are closed.Comments closedComments feedComments for %1$s searching on %2$sComments for %sComments form disabled in editor.Comments listComments list navigationComments navigationComments on %sComments on “%s”Comments on: %sComments onlyComments openComments page to display by defaultComments paginationComments to display at the top of each pageCommunicating with the WordPress servers is used to check for new versions, and to both install and update WordPress core, themes or plugins.Communication with WordPress.orgCommunity Events LocationComodRivadaviaComoroCompact viewCompare Revisions of “%s”Compare any two revisionsCompare two different revisions by selecting the “Compare any two revisions” box to the side.Complete requestCompletedCompleted (%s)Completed (%s)Compress media items before uploading to the server.ConakryConditionsConfigureConfigure overlay menuConfigure the visual appearance of the button that toggles the overlay menu.Configure your site’s logo, header, menus, and more in the Customizer.Configuring this is optional. By default, it should be blank.ConfirmConfirm DeletionConfirm PasswordConfirm RemovalConfirm new passwordConfirm the "%s" actionConfirm use of weak passwordConfirm your administration emailConfirmation emailConfirmation request initiated successfully.Confirmation request sent again successfully.ConfirmedConfirmed (%s)Confirmed (%s)Connect to Google FontsConnected to %sConnected to dynamic dataConnection lost or the server is busy. Please try again later.ConnectionsConstrain proportionsConstrainedContactContact InfoContact formsContact informationContact usContain text cursor inside blockContains the handle that defines the block style.ContentContent for the comment, as it exists in the database.Content for the post, as it exists in the database.Content for the template, as it exists in the database.Content hash did not match expected.Content of template.Content to exportContent widthContent, title, and excerpt are empty.Content:Context provided by blocks of this type.Context values inherited by blocks of this type.Contextual Help TabContinueContinue reading %sContributors can write and manage their posts but not publish posts or upload media files.Control how this post is viewed.Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display.Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on displayConvert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively.Convert the current heading to a paragraph.Convert the current paragraph or heading to a heading of level 1 to 6.Convert the selected text into a link.Convert to BlocksConvert to Classic BlockConvert to HTMLConvert to LinkConvert to blocksConvert to ordered listConvert to static listConvert to unordered listCookie check failedCookie expired.CookiesCool to warm spectrumCoordinated Universal TimeCopenhagenCopiedCopied "%s" to clipboard.Copied %d block to clipboard.Copied %d blocks to clipboard.Copied URL to clipboard.Copied!CopyCopy “%s” URL to clipboardCopy ErrorCopy Post TextCopy URLCopy URL to clipboardCopy all blocksCopy and paste this URL into your WordPress site to embedCopy and paste this code into your site to embedCopy link%sCopy site info to clipboardCopy stylesCopy suggested policy text from %s.Copy suggested policy text to clipboardCopy table rowCoral HarbourCordobaCosta RicaCould not access filesystemCould not access filesystem.Could not calculate resized image dimensionsCould not copy file.Could not copy files.Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space.Could not create directory.Could not create userCould not delete application password.Could not delete application passwords.Could not delete meta value from database.Could not delete site from the database.Could not determine available disk space for updates.Could not edit image. %sCould not find an application password with that id.Could not find the specified string.Could not fully remove the plugin %s.Could not fully remove the plugins %s.Could not fully remove the theme %s.Could not generate XML sitemap due to missing %s extensionCould not insert attachment into the database.Could not insert term relationship into the database.Could not log out user sessions. Please try again.Could not open file handle.Could not parse the path.Could not reach WordPress.orgCould not read image size.Could not register file "%1$s" as a block pattern (invalid slug "%2$s")Could not register file "%s" as a block pattern ("Slug" field missing)Could not register file "%s" as a block pattern ("Title" field missing)Could not register file "%s" as a block pattern as the file does not exist.Could not remove the current plugin.Could not remove the old plugin.Could not remove the old theme.Could not remove the old translation.Could not resume the plugin.Could not resume the theme.Could not retrieve site data.Could not sanitize the %1$s option. Error code: %2$sCould not save application password.Could not split shared term.Could not update attachment in the database.Could not update comment in the database.Could not update comment status.Could not update site in the database.Could not update the email last sent time.Could not update the meta value of %s in database.Could not write file %1$s (%2$s).Could not write file %sCouldn't retrieve a list of the checksums for WordPress %s.CountryCoverCreateCreate MenuCreate New MenuCreate TableCreate a Configuration FileCreate a New SiteCreate a New UserCreate a brand new user and add them to this site.Create a classic widget layout with a title that’s styled by your theme for your widget areas.Create a group block from the selected multiple blocks.Create a menu for this locationCreate a new Privacy Policy pageCreate a new galleryCreate a new playlistCreate a new video playlistCreate a two-tone color effect without losing your original image.Create and edit the presets used for font sizes across the site.Create audio playlistCreate custom templateCreate draftCreate draft page: %sCreate draft post: %sCreate from '%s'Create galleryCreate new %sCreate new MenuCreate new templateCreate new templates, or reset any customizations made to the templates supplied by your theme.Create page: %sCreate passwordCreate patternCreate template partCreate video playlistCreate your first menu below.Create, edit, and delete menusCreate: %sCreatedCreatingCreating Navigation Menu.Creating a Page is very similar to creating a Post, and the screens can be customized in the same way using drag and drop, the Screen Options tab, and expanding/collapsing boxes as you choose. This screen also has the distraction-free writing space, available in both the Visual and Text modes via the Fullscreen buttons. The Page editor mostly works the same as the Post editor, but there are some Page-specific features in the Page Attributes box.Creating a comment requires valid author name and email values.Creating comment failed.CreditsCrestonCritical issues are items that may have a high impact on your sites performance or security, and resolving these issues should be prioritized.CroatianCropCrop Aspect RatioCrop Header ImageCrop ImageCrop SelectionCrop and PublishCrop arguments.Crop imageCrop image to fillCrop images to fitCrop thumbnail to exact dimensionsCrop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)Crop type.Crop your imageCropping…Crunching…Cryptographic hash of the instance settings.Ctrl + Alt + letter:Ctrl + letter:CuiabaCuracaoCurrentCurrent Background ImageCurrent Header ImageCurrent Header VideoCurrent PageCurrent Revision by %sCurrent Server timeCurrent UTC timeCurrent administration email: %sCurrent headerCurrent image: %sCurrent instance settings of the widget.Current media URL:Current pageCurrent page of the collection.Current plugin: %1$s (version %2$s)Current thumbnailCurrent timeCurrently %s comment is waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation panel:Currently %s comments are waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation panel:Currently selectedCurrently selected font appearance: %sCurrently selected font size: %sCurrently selected font style: %sCurrently selected font weight: %sCurrently selected link settingsCurrently selected position: %sCurrently selected: %sCurrently, avoiding full page reloads is not possible when a Content block is present inside the Query block.Currently, avoiding full page reloads is not possible when non-interactive or non-client Navigation compatible blocks from plugins are present inside the Query block.CurrieCustomCustom (%s)Custom BackgroundCustom CSSCustom CSS selectors.Custom ColorsCustom FieldsCustom HTMLCustom HTML PreviewCustom HTML WidgetCustom HeaderCustom LinkCustom LinksCustom LogoCustom MenuCustom PHP error message.Custom PHP fatal error handler.Custom PresetCustomCustom SizeCustom StructureCustom TemplateCustom Template PartCustom URLCustom ViewsCustom background if defined by the theme.Custom colorCustom color palette if defined by the theme.Custom color picker.Custom color picker. The currently selected color is called "%1$s" and has a value of "%2$s".Custom date format:Custom field deleted.Custom field updated.Custom fieldsCustom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can use in your theme.Custom fluid valuesCustom font sizes if defined by the theme.Custom formatCustom gradient presets if defined by the theme.Custom header if defined by the theme.Custom installation script.Custom logo if defined by the theme.Custom maintenance message.Custom site deleted message.Custom site inactive message.Custom site suspended message.Custom spacing sizes if defined by the theme.Custom templateCustom template created. You're in template mode now.Custom time format:Custom:Customization DraftCustomizeCustomize “%s”Customize CSSCustomize New ChangesCustomize Your SiteCustomize options related to the media upload flow.Customize the appearance of specific blocks and for the whole site.Customize the appearance of specific blocks for the whole site.Customize the appearance of your website using the block editor.Customize the editor interface to suit your needs.Customize the last part of the URL. Learn more.Customize the width for all elements that are assigned to the center or wide columns.Customize theme: %sCustomize your entire site with block themesCustomize: %sCustomizerCustomizingCustomizing ▸ %sCustomizing This DisplayCutCut table rowCyan bluish grayCzechDaccaDakarDamascusDanishDanmarkshavnDar es SalaamDarkDarwinDashboardDashedData erasure has failed.DatabaseDatabase ErrorDatabase ExtensionDatabase Server versionDatabase charsetDatabase collationDatabase prefix.Database sizeDatabase.DateDate FormatDate and timeDate formatDate range:Date/TimeDate/timeDavisDawsonDawson CreekDayDay and nameDaylight saving time begins on: %s.DeactivateDeactivate this pluginDebug mode is often enabled to gather more details about an error or site failure, but may contain sensitive information which should not be available on a publicly available website.Debugging enabledDecemberDecember 6, 2018December abbreviationDecDecorationDecrease indentDecrementDefaultDefault (

)Default AvatarDefault DataDefault ImagesDefault Link CategoryDefault Mail CategoryDefault Post CategoryDefault Post FormatDefault PresetDefaultDefault StyleDefault article settingsDefault based on area (%s)Default category slugUncategorizedDefault comment statusDefault formatDefault is %sDefault post category.Default post formatDefault post format.Default post settingsDefault post slughello-worldDefault shortcuts,Default stylesDefault templateDeleteDelete "%s"?Delete %d item?Delete %d items?Delete “%s”Delete “%s” permanentlyDelete MenuDelete My Site PermanentlyDelete PermanentlyDelete SiteDelete UsersDelete a menu item by expanding it and clicking the Remove linkDelete all content.Delete columnDelete it: %sDelete menuDelete permanentlyDelete requestsDelete rowDelete selection.Delete tableDelete template part: %sDelete template: %sDelete this comment permanentlyDeletedDeleted (%s)Deleted (%s)Deleted author: %sDeleted menu item: %s.Deleted text (strikethrough)Deleted:Deleting LinksDeleting a category does not delete the posts in that category. Instead, posts that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the default category %s. The default category cannot be deleted.Deleting this block will stop your post or page content from displaying on this template. It is not recommended.Some of the deleted blocks will stop your post or page content from displaying on this template. It is not recommended.Denied: %sDenverDescendingDescending.Describe the purpose of the image.Describe the role of this image on the page.Describe the template, e.g. "Post with sidebar". A custom template can be manually applied to any post or page.DescriptionDescription for the attachment, as it exists in the database.Description of block type.Description of sidebar.Description of template.Description of the user.Description of the widget.DescriptionsDeselectDeselect allDeselect itemDeselect item: %sDesignDesign everything on your site — from the header down to the footer, all using blocks and patterns.Design everything on your site — from the header right down to the footer — using blocks.DesktopDestination folder already exists.DetachDetach blocks from template partDetach from “%s”DetailsDetails about the media file, specific to its type.Details for theme: %sDetermines the order of pages.Determines the order of pages. Pages with the same order value are sorted alphabetically. Negative order values are supported.Determines whether the pattern is visible in inserter.DetroitDhakaDid not receive array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d).Did you just paste HTML?Did you know there is a “Custom HTML” widget now? You can find it by pressing the “Add a Widget” button and searching for “HTML”. Check it out to add some custom code to your site!Did you know there is a “Custom HTML” widget now? You can find it by scanning the list of available widgets on this screen. Check it out to add some custom code to your site!Did you know?Did you lose your phone or leave your account logged in at a public computer? You can log out everywhere else, and stay logged in here.Different layouts containing audio.Different layouts containing video or audio.Different layouts containing videos.Different layouts for displaying images.DiliDimensionsDimensions:Directories and SizesDirectory sizes could not be returned.DisableDisable %sDisable Auto-updatesDisable accessibility modeDisable auto-updatesDisable blocks that you don't want to appear in the inserter. They can always be toggled back on later.Disable expand on clickDisable movementDisable overridesDisable pre-publish checksDisable syntax highlighting when editing codeDisable the visual editor when writingDisabledDisallowed Comment KeysDiscard any changes and restore the original image.Discard changesDiscourage search engines from indexing this siteDiscover a new way to build your site.DiscussionDiscussion SettingsDisk space available to safely perform updatesDismissDismiss errorsDismiss the browser warning panelDismiss the welcome panelDismiss this noticeDismiss this notice.DisplayDisplay OptionsDisplay SettingsDisplay Site Title and TaglineDisplay a list of all categories.Display a list of assigned terms from the taxonomy: %sDisplay a list of posts or custom post types based on specific criteria.Display a list of posts or custom post types based on the current template.Display a post's last updated date.Display as dropdownDisplay authorDisplay author nameDisplay avatarDisplay dateDisplay entries from any RSS or Atom feed.Display excerptDisplay featured imageDisplay item author if available?Display item content?Display item date?Display last modified dateDisplay locationDisplay login as formDisplay name based on first name and last name%1$s %2$sDisplay name for the comment author.Display name for the user.Display name publicly asDisplay post dateDisplay post date?Display the archive title based on the queried object.Display the block hierarchy trail at the bottom of the editor.Display the search results title based on the queried object.Display the title as a linkDisplay these keyboard shortcuts.Display your contact information.Display your latest posts in lists, grids or other layouts.Displayed on attachment pages.Displaying %1$s–%2$s of %3$sDisplaying %d themesDisplaying %s–%s of %sDisplays a custom taxonomy archive. Like categories and tags, taxonomies have terms which you use to classify things. For example: a taxonomy named "Art" can have multiple terms, such as "Modern" and "18th Century." This template will serve as a fallback when a more specific template (e.g. Taxonomy: Art) cannot be found.Displays a post archive when a specific date is visited (e.g., example.com/2023/).Displays a post category archive. This template will serve as a fallback when a more specific template (e.g. Category: Recipes) cannot be found.Displays a post tag archive. This template will serve as a fallback when a more specific template (e.g. Tag: Pizza) cannot be found.Displays a single author's post archive. This template will serve as a fallback when a more specific template (e.g. Author: Admin) cannot be found.Displays a single item: %s.Displays a single post on your website unless a custom template has been applied to that post or a dedicated template exists.Displays a static page unless a custom template has been applied to that page or a dedicated template exists.Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another provider.Displays an archive with the latest posts of type: %s.Displays an audio player.Displays an image gallery.Displays an image.Displays any archive, including posts by a single author, category, tag, taxonomy, custom post type, and date. This template will serve as a fallback when more specific templates (e.g. Category or Tag) cannot be found.Displays any single entry, such as a post or a page. This template will serve as a fallback when a more specific template (e.g. Single Post, Page, or Attachment) cannot be found.Displays latest posts written by a single author.Displays more block toolsDisplays taxonomy: %s.Displays the latest posts as either the site homepage or as the "Posts page" as defined under reading settings. If it exists, the Front Page template overrides this template when posts are shown on the homepage.Displays the post link that follows the current post.Displays the post link that precedes the current post.Displays when a visitor performs a search on your website.Displays when a visitor views a non-existent page, such as a dead link or a mistyped URL.Displays when a visitor views the dedicated page that exists for any media attachment.Displays your site's Privacy Policy page.Displays your site's homepage, whether it is set to display latest posts or a static page. The Front Page template takes precedence over all templates.Distraction freeDistraction free mode activatedDistraction free mode deactivatedDistraction free off.Distraction free on.Distraction-free writing modeDivide into columns. Select a layout:DjiboutiDo not adjust the sizing of the content. Content that is too large will be clipped, and content that is too small will have additional padding.Do not allowDo not deregister the %1$s script in the administration area. To target the front-end theme, use the %2$s hook.Do not forget to click “Save Changes” when you are done!Do not forget to click on the Save Changes button when you are finished.Do not pass %1$s tags to %2$s.Do you really want to log out?Do you use WordPress for work, for personal projects, or even just for fun? You can help shape the long-term success of the open source project that powers millions of websites around the world.DocumentDocument (%s)Documents (%s)Document OutlineDocument OverviewDocument PreviewDocument StatisticsDocument not foundDocument propertiesDocument settingsDocumentationDocumentsDoes the user %1$s have permission to use the %2$s database?DomainDominicaDoneDottedDoualaDouble-check your settings before publishing.Down oneDowngrading the plugin…Downgrading the theme…Download “%s”Download Export FileDownload FileDownload button textDownload failed.Download fileDownload personal dataDownload personal data againDownload your theme with updated templates and styles.Downloading data...Downloading installation package from %s…Downloading translation from %s…Downloading update from %s…Downloading your new theme…DraftDraft (%s)Drafts (%s)Draft SavedDraft created on %1$s at %2$sDraft new: %sDraft saved at %s.Draft saved.DraftsDragDrag and drop onto this block, upload, or select existing media from your library.Drag and drop patterns into the canvas.Drag and drop to reorder media files.Drag and drop to reorder tracks.Drag and drop to reorder videos.Drag files into the editor to automatically insert media blocks.Drag images, upload new ones or select files from your library.Drag the items into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of the item to reveal additional configuration options.Drag to resizeDrag widgets here to remove them from the sidebar but keep their settings.Drop capDrop files to uploadDrop shadowDrop shadowsDrop to uploadDrop-insDrop-ins are single files, found in the %s directory, that replace or enhance WordPress features in ways that are not possible for traditional plugins.DubaiDublinDumontDUrvilleDuotoneDuotone code: %sDuotone: %sDuplicateDuplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!Duplicate patternDuplicate the selected block(s).Duplicated Navigation MenuDushanbeDutchDynamic viewport height (dvh)Dynamic viewport largest dimension (dvmax)Dynamic viewport smallest dimension (dvmin)Dynamic viewport width (dvw)Dynamic viewport width or height (dvb)Dynamic viewport width or height (dvi)E-CommerceE-mailE-mail me wheneverE-mail:E.g. %sERROR: please type a comment.ERROR: you are replying to a comment on a draft post.EXT. XANADU - FAINT DAWN - 1940 (MINIATURE) Window, very small in the distance, illuminated. All around this is an almost totally black screen. Now, as the camera moves slowly towards the window which is almost a postage stamp in the frame, other forms appear;Each block comes with its own set of controls for changing things like color, width, and alignment. These will show and hide automatically when you have a block selected.Each font src must be a non-empty string.Each navigation menu may contain a mix of links to pages, categories, custom URLs or other content types. Menu links are added by selecting items from the expanding boxes in the left-hand column below.Each webfont src must be a non-empty string.EasterEditEdit %1$s (%2$s, %3$d of %4$d)Edit %1$s (%2$s, sub-item %3$d of %4$d under %5$s)Edit %1$s (%2$s, sub-item %3$d of %4$d under %5$s, level %6$d)Edit %1$s (%2$s, sub-item %3$d of %4$d under %5$s, level %6$s)Edit %sEdit “%s”Edit Block PatternEdit CategoryEdit ChangesetEdit CommentEdit ImageEdit LinkEdit Link CategoryEdit MediaEdit MenuEdit MenusEdit Navigation MenuEdit OriginalEdit PageEdit Page ListEdit Pattern CategoryEdit PostEdit ProfileEdit RSS URLEdit TagEdit TemplateEdit Template PartEdit ThisEdit URLEdit UserEdit User %sEdit as HTMLEdit audio playlistEdit commentEdit date and timeEdit descriptionEdit excerptEdit font size presetsEdit galleryEdit imageEdit linkEdit menu itemEdit more detailsEdit next media itemEdit or replace the featured imageEdit originalEdit paletteEdit patternEdit permalinkEdit previous media itemEdit selected menuEdit siteEdit social linkEdit statusEdit stylesEdit tableEdit templateEdit template: %sEdit the pattern to move, delete, or make further changes to this block.Edit the template to move, delete, or make further changes to this block.Edit this commentEdit this menuEdit trackEdit userEdit video playlistEdit visibilityEdit visuallyEdit widget: %sEdit your default menu by adding or removing items. Drag the items into the order you prefer. Click Create Menu to save your changes.Edit your menu below, or create a new menu. Do not forget to save your changes!Edit your siteEdit: %sEditing MenusEditing a pageEditing a templateEditing codeEditing template. Changes made here affect all posts and pages that use the template.EditorEditor StyleEditor canvasEditor contentEditor footerEditor menu (when enabled)Editor preferencesEditor publishEditor script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `editor_script_handles` instead.Editor script handles.Editor settingsEditor style handle. DEPRECATED: Use `editor_style_handles` instead.Editor style handles.Editor toolbarEditor top barEditors can publish posts, manage posts as well as manage other people’s posts, etc.EdmontonEducationEfateEirunepeEither there are no posts, or something went wrong.El AaiunEl SalvadorElectric grassElementsElements pathEmailEmail (%s)Email AddressEmail InputEmail address for the comment author.Email could not be sent.Email for form submissionsEmail me wheneverEmail or UsernameEmail sent.Email:Email: %sEmbedEmbed Amazon Kindle content.Embed Cloudup content.Embed CollegeHumor content.Embed Crowdsignal (formerly Polldaddy) content.Embed Flickr content.Embed HandlerEmbed Imgur content.Embed Issuu content.Embed Kickstarter content.Embed Media PlayerEmbed Mixcloud content.Embed Pinterest pins, boards, and profiles.Embed ReverbNation content.Embed Screencast content.Embed Scribd content.Embed SmugMug content.Embed SoundCloud content.Embed Speaker Deck content.Embed Spotify content.Embed Wolfram notebook content.Embed a Bluesky post.Embed a Dailymotion video.Embed a Facebook post.Embed a Reddit thread.Embed a TED video.Embed a TikTok video.Embed a Tumblr post.Embed a VideoPress video.Embed a Vimeo video.Embed a WordPress post.Embed a WordPress.tv video.Embed a YouTube video.Embed a podcast player from Pocket Casts.Embed a tweet.Embed an Animoto video.Embed an Instagram post.Embed caption textEmbed of %s.Embed of the selected PDF file.Embed or LinkEmbedded content from %sEmbedded content from %s can't be previewed in the editor.Embedded content from other websitesEmbedsEmoticonsEmptyEmpty SpamEmpty Term.Empty TrashEmpty archive.Empty block; start writing or type forward slash to choose a blockEmpty filenameEmpty labelEmpty patternEmpty templateEmpty template partEmpty template: %sEmpty title.Empty valueEnableEnable %sEnable Auto-updatesEnable accessibility modeEnable auto-updatesEnable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality.Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.Enable overridesEnable pingbacks & trackbacksEnable pre-publish checksEnable threaded (nested) commentsEnabledEnabling Accessibility Mode, via Screen Options, allows you to use Add and Edit buttons instead of using drag and drop.EncodingEncoding for pages and feedsEnd date:EnderburyEnglishEnhancement disabled because there are non-compatible blocks inside the Query block.Enlarge imageEnlarge image: %sEnsenadaEnsure result set excludes comments assigned to specific user IDs. Requires authorization.Ensure result set excludes posts assigned to specific authors.Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.Ensure result set excludes specific parent IDs.Enter Distraction FreeEnter URL here…Enter URL to embed here…Enter a date or time format string.Enter a description of the imageEnter a link URL or click above for presets.Enter a word or two — without spaces — to make a unique web address just for this block, called an “anchor”. Then, you’ll be able to link directly to this section of your page.Enter character(s) used to separate terms.Enter desktop preview modeEnter fullscreenEnter mobile preview modeEnter newEnter social linkEnter tablet preview modeEnter the RSS feed URL here:Enter the URLEnter the URL of the imageEnter the destination URLEnter the email address of an existing user on this network to invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the invite.Enter the email address or username of an existing user on this network to invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the invite.Enter the message you wish displayed for form submission error/success, and select the type of the message (success/error) from the block's options.Enter the same address here unless you want your site home page to be different from your WordPress installation directory.Enter title hereEnter your email address.Enter your new password below or generate one.Enter your new password below.Enter your own date formatEnter your password to view comments.EntertainmentEntries feedEntries from any RSS or Atom feed.Entries in dependencies array must be either strings or arrays with an id key.Environment typeErase Personal DataErase personal dataErase personal data listErase personal data list navigationEraser array at index %d does not include a friendly name.Eraser callback is not valid: %s.Eraser does not include a callback: %s.Eraser index cannot be less than one.Eraser index is out of range.Erasing data...Erasure completed.ErrorError DetailsError creating new user.Error decoding the font collection JSON file contents.Error decoding the font collection data from the HTTP response JSON.Error fetching the font collection data from "%s".Error in deleting the attachment.Error in deleting the item.Error in displaying the widget settings form.Error in moving the item to Trash.Error in moving to Trash.Error in restoring from Trash.Error in restoring the item from Trash.Error installing the fonts, could not be downloaded.Error loading block: %sError not caused by a plugin or theme.Error noticeError occurred on a non-protected endpoint.Error reconnecting to the databaseError saving media file.Error when decoding a JSON file at path %1$s: %2$sError while saving the new email address. Please try again.Error while saving the scaled image. Please reload the page and try again.Error while saving.Error while uploading file %s to the media library.Error/failure message for form submissions.Error:Error: %1$s (%2$s)Error: [%1$s] %2$sEstonianEtcEtiam et egestas lorem. Vivamus sagittis sit amet dolor quis lobortis. Integer sed fermentum arcu, id vulputate lacus. Etiam fermentum sem eu quam hendrerit.EuclaEuropeEuropean data protection law requires data about European residents which is transferred outside the European Union to be safeguarded to the same standards as if the data was in Europe. So in addition to listing where data goes, you should describe how you ensure that these standards are met either by yourself or by your third party providers, whether that is through an agreement such as Privacy Shield, model clauses in your contracts, or binding corporate rules.Event schedule does not exist.Event timestamp must be a valid Unix timestamp.Events and News dashboard widgethttps://wordpress.org/news/Everything is running smoothly here.Example:Example: https://wordpress.org/ — do not forget the https://Example: Nifty blogging softwareExamples of blocksExamples of blocks in the %s categoryExcerptExcerpt for the post, as it exists in the database.Excerpt textExcerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts.ExcludeExclude:Executed before Multisite is loaded.Existing comments remain visible.Existing template partsExit Distraction FreeExit Recovery ModeExit code editorExit editorExit fullscreenExit recovery mode link expired.Expand on clickExpand or collapse the elements by clicking on their headings, and arrange them by dragging their headings or by clicking on the up and down arrows.Expand search fieldExpected an array describing the eraser at index %d.Expected an array describing the exporter at index %s.Expected data array in response array from exporter: %s.Expected data in response array from exporter: %s.Expected done (boolean) in response array from exporter: %s.Expected done flag in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d).Expected items_removed key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d).Expected items_retained key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d).Expected messages key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d).Expected messages key to reference an array in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d).Expected response as an array from exporter: %s.Expected string to start with script tag (without attributes) and end with script tag, with optional whitespace.Experimental Comment formExperimental full-page client-side navigation setting enabled.Experimental privacy request formExpirationExplore all patternsExportExport “%s” as JSONExport Personal DataExport as JSONExport personal data listExport personal data list navigationExporter array at index %s does not include a friendly name.Exporter callback is not a valid callback: %s.Exporter does not include a callback: %s.Exporter index cannot be negative.Exporter index is out of range.Extended viewExtensionExternal images can be removed by the external provider without warning and could even have legal compliance issues related to privacy legislation.External mediaExternal object cache.Extra CSS class to assign to the sidebar in the Widgets interface.Extra Extra LargeExtra LargeF j, YF j, Y g:i aF, YFAILED: %sFAILED: WordPress failed to update to %sFaeroeFailedFailed (%s)Failed (%s)Failed to create Navigation Menu.Failed to delete the page.Failed to exit recovery mode. Please try again later.Failed to store the error.Failed to write file to disk.Failed to write request to temporary file.FakaofoFallback contentFamagustaFaroeFeatured ImageFeatured Image HeaderFeatured ImagesFeatured imageFeatured image: %sFeaturesFeatures supported by this theme.FebruaryFebruary 21, 2019February abbreviationFebFeed for all posts filed under %sFeedbackFieldsFields other than %s are not currently supported for sitemaps.Fields other than %s are not currently supported for the sitemap index.FijiFileFile %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s with no alternative available.File %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.File %1$s must be used in %2$s.File %s doesn't exist!File “%s” does not exist?File “%s” is not an image.File URLFile URL.File URL:File canceled.File does not exist?File edited successfully.File is empty. Please upload something more substantial.File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your %1$s file or by %2$s being defined as smaller than %3$s in %1$s.File is not an image.File name:File size:File type:File upload settingsFile uploadsFiles can be uploadedFilesystem PermissionsFilesystem error.FilipinoFill ScreenFill in the Menu Name and click the Create Menu button to create your first menu.Fill the space by clipping what doesn't fit.Fill the space by stretching the content.FilterFilter %s returned items with reserved names.Filter »Filter Navigation Menu listFilter by categoryFilter by comment typeFilter by dateFilter by post formatFilter by taxonomyFilter by typeFilter by: %1$sFilter comments listFilter erase personal data listFilter export personal data listFilter items listFilter mediaFilter media items listFilter pages listFilter patternsFilter patterns listFilter posts listFilter template parts listFilter templates listFilter themesFilter themes (%s)Filter users listFiltersFind and replaceFind originalFind out moreFind your team →Finding the area that aligns with your skills and interests is the first step toward meaningful contribution. With more than 20 Make WordPress teams working on different parts of the open source WordPress project, there’s a place for everyone, no matter what your skill set is.FinishFinnishFirst NameFirst PostFirst name for the user.First pageFit contents.Fit the content to the space without clipping.Fit to ScreenFive.FixedFixed LayoutFixed backgroundFixed width table cellsFlexFlip horizontalFlip verticalFlowFluid LayoutFluid typographyFlush permalinksFocal pointFocal point left positionFocal point top positionFocus on one block at a timeFocus shortcuts:Followed by post revision infoFrom:Followed by post revision infoTo:FontFont FaceFont FacesFont FamiliesFont FamilyFont SizeFont SizesFont collection "%1$s" has missing or empty property: "%2$s".Font collection "%s" not found.Font collection JSON file is invalid or does not exist.Font collection not found.Font collection slug "%s" is not valid. Slugs must use only alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores.Font collection with slug: "%s" is already registered.Font faces do not support trashing. Set "%s" to delete.Font family uninstalled successfully.Font family updated successfully.Font font-family must be a non-empty string.Font font-weight must be a properly formatted string or integer.Font libraryLibraryFont name…Font sizeFont size optionsFont size preset nameFont size presetsFont size presets optionsFont src must be a non-empty string or an array of strings.Font styleFont weightFontsFonts directory locationFonts directory sizeFonts were installed successfully.Food & DrinkFooterFooter WidgetsFooter cell textFooter labelFooter sectionFootnoteFootnotesFootnotes are not supported here. Add this block to post or page content.Footnotes found in blocks within this document will be displayed here.For a specific itemFor all itemsFor each post in a feed, includeFor example, if you are creating a recipe pattern, you use "Recipe Title", "Recipe Description", etc.For images only, you can click on Edit Image under the thumbnail to expand out an inline image editor with icons for cropping, rotating, or flipping the image as well as for undoing and redoing. The boxes on the right give you more options for scaling the image, for cropping it, and for cropping the thumbnail in a different way than you crop the original image. You can click on Help in those boxes to get more information.For more information:For most themes, the header text is your Site Title and Tagline, as defined in the General Settings section.For optimal performance and security reasons, you should consider running %1$s version %2$s or higher. Contact your web hosting company to correct this.For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.For users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a generic logo or a generated one based on their email address.Force erase personal dataForce erasure has failed.Form Submission ErrorForm Submission SuccessForm actionFormatFormat toolsFormatsFormattingFort NelsonFort WayneFortalezaForward-slashFound %sFour ColumnsFour.FreedomsFreetownFrenchFriFridayFriday initialFFrom %1$s %2$sFrom %1$s on %2$s %3$sFrom ComputerFrom URLFrom this screen you can review, compare, and restore revisions:From this screen you can:From time to time, your WordPress site may send data to WordPress.org — including, but not limited to — the version you are using, and a list of installed plugins and themes.Front PageFront pageFull SizeFull URL path to filesFull Width TemplateFull postFull textFull widthFullscreenFullscreen modeFullscreen mode activatedFullscreen mode deactivatedFullscreen off.Fullscreen on.FunafutiFunction %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.Function %1$s was called incorrectly. %2$s %3$sFunction %1$s was called with an argument that is deprecated since version %2$s with no alternative available.Function %1$s was called with an argument that is deprecated since version %2$s! %3$sFunction %s used incorrectly in PHP.G — Suitable for all audiencesGD supported file formatsGD versionGMTGMT+0GMT+1GMT+10GMT+11GMT+12GMT+2GMT+3GMT+4GMT+5GMT+6GMT+7GMT+8GMT+9GMT-0GMT-1GMT-10GMT-11GMT-12GMT-13GMT-14GMT-2GMT-3GMT-4GMT-5GMT-6GMT-7GMT-8GMT-9GMT0GUID for the post, as it exists in the database.GUID for the post, transformed for display.GUID for the revision, as it exists in the database.GaboroneGalapagosGalicianGalleryGallery (%s)Gallery SettingsGallery caption textGallery columns:GambierGather blocks in a container.GazaGeneralGeneral SettingsGeneral templates often perform a specific role like displaying post content, and are not tied to any particular area.Generate PasswordGenerate passwordGenerating preview…Generic label for block inserter buttonAdd blockGeneric label for pattern inserter buttonAdd patternGenreGenre: %s.GermanGet InvolvedGet New PasswordGet ShortlinkGet StartedGet Version %sGet help resolving this issue.Get linked object.Get startedGet started hereGet to know the block libraryGhostscript versionGibraltarGive the feed a title (optional):Give your menu a name, then click Create Menu.Glace BayGlobal SettingsGlobal StylesGlobal Styles pagination navigationGlobal settings.Global shortcutsGlobal styles revisions listGlobal styles to include in themes.Global styles.Go BackGo backGo to %sGo to DashboardGo to ImportersGo to Plugin InstallerGo to Site EditorGo to Theme InstallerGo to Themes pageGo to WordPress Updates pageGo to parent Navigation blockGo to the DashboardGo to the Plugins screenGo to the Themes screenGo to theme sourcesGo to topGodthabGoodGoogle Font Name and VariantsNoto Serif:400,400i,700,700iGoose BayGot itGradientGradient code: %sGradient control point at position %1$s%% with color code %2$s.Gradient nameGradient optionsGradient: %sGrand TurkGravatar LogoGrayGreat job!Great job! Your site currently passes all site health checks.GreekGreenGreenwichGrenadaGridGrid LayoutGrid item positionGrid items are placed automatically depending on their order.Grid items can be manually placed in any position on the grid.Grid placementGrid spanGrid viewGroupGroup blocks together. Select a layout:Group byGrow your network and make friends.GuadalcanalGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuayaquilGuernseyGuide controlsGuyanaH1H2H3H4H5H6HTMLHTML EmbedHTML anchorHTML caption for the attachment, transformed for display.HTML containing an action to direct the user to where they can resolve the issue.HTML content for the comment, transformed for display.HTML content for the post, transformed for display.HTML content to append to each widget's HTML output when assigned to this sidebar. Default is a closing list item element.HTML content to append to the sidebar title when displayed. Default is a closing h2 element.HTML content to prepend to each widget's HTML output when assigned to this sidebar. Default is an opening list item element.HTML content to prepend to the sidebar title when displayed. Default is an opening h2 element.HTML description for the attachment, transformed for display.HTML description of the term.HTML elementHTML elementsInlineHTML excerpt for the post, transformed for display.HTML for the theme author, transformed for display.HTML preview is not yet fully accessible. Please switch screen reader to virtualized mode to navigate the below iFrame.HTML representation of the widget admin form.HTML representation of the widget.HTML tagAddressHTML tagDivHTML tagPreHTML tagPreformattedHTML title for the object, transformed for display.HTML title for the post, transformed for display.HTML title for the template, transformed for display.HTML title for the term.HTTP RequestsHTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx.HTTP requests are blockedHTTP requests are partially blockedHTTP requests have been blocked by the %1$s constant, with some allowed hosts: %2$s.HTTP requests have been blocked by the %s constant, with no allowed hosts.HTTP requests seem to be working as expectedHTTPS is already supported for your website.HTTPS request failed.HTTPS statusHaitian CreoleHalifaxHarareHarbinHavanaHave a default theme availableHeaderHeader ImageHeader MediaHeader TextHeader Text ColorHeader VideoHeader cellHeader cell textHeader labelHeader sectionHeader updated. Visit your site to see how it looks.HeadingHeading %dHeading 1Heading 2Heading 3Heading 4Heading 5Heading 6HeadingsHebrewHebronHeightHeight in pixelsHeight of the crop as a percentage of the image height.Hello world!Hello,HelpHelsinkiHere is a basic overview of the different user roles and the permissions associated with each one:Here’s a detailed guide to learn how to make the most of it.HermosilloHex colorHey there, looks like you just pasted HTML into the “Visual” tab of the Text widget. You may want to paste your code into the “Text” tab instead. Alternately, try out the new “Custom HTML” widget!Hi ###USERNAME###, This notice confirms that your email address on ###SITENAME### was changed to ###NEW_EMAIL###. If you did not change your email, please contact the Site Administrator at ###ADMIN_EMAIL### This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Hi ###USERNAME###, This notice confirms that your password was changed on ###SITENAME###. If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator at ###ADMIN_EMAIL### This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)Hi, This notice confirms that the admin email address was changed on ###SITENAME###. The new admin email address is ###NEW_EMAIL###. This email has been sent to ###OLD_EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Hi, This notice confirms that the network admin email address was changed on ###SITENAME###. The new network admin email address is ###NEW_EMAIL###. This email has been sent to ###OLD_EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Hi, You've been invited to join '%1$s' at %2$s with the role of %3$s. Please click the following link to confirm the invite: %4$sHi, You've been invited to join '%1$s' at %2$s with the role of %3$s. If you do not want to join this site please ignore this email. This invitation will expire in a few days. Please click the following link to activate your user account: %%sHi, this is a comment.HiddenHideHide & Reload PageHide and reset %sHide block breadcrumbsHide block toolsHide columnHide header imageHide imageHide passwordHide the excerpt on the full content pageHighlightHighlightsHighlights the current block and fades other content.HindiHint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).Ho Chi MinhHobartHold a comment in the queue if it contains %s or more links. (A common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks.)HolidayHomeHome URLHome link textHomepageHomepage SettingsHomepage and posts page must be different.Homepage: %sHong KongHonoluluHorizontalHorizontal & verticalHorizontal lineHorizontal position from the left to begin the crop as a percentage of the image width.Horizontal spaceHourHoursHovdHoverHover or tap to see Activate and Live Preview buttonsHovering over a row in the posts list will display action links that allow you to manage your post. You can perform the following actions:Hovering over a row in the users list will display action links that allow you to manage users. You can perform the following actions:Hovering over a row reveals action links that allow you to manage media items. You can perform the following actions:How long we retain your dataHow many items would you like to display?How to interpret the search input.How we protect your dataHowdy ###USERNAME###, Someone with administrator capabilities recently requested to have the administration email address changed on this site: ###SITEURL### To confirm this change, please click on the following link: ###ADMIN_URL### You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to take this action. This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy ###USERNAME###, You recently clicked the 'Delete Site' link on your site and filled in a form on that page. If you really want to delete your site, click the link below. You will not be asked to confirm again so only click this link if you are absolutely certain: ###URL_DELETE### If you delete your site, please consider opening a new site here some time in the future! (But remember that your current site and username are gone forever.) Thank you for using the site, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy ###USERNAME###, You recently requested to have the email address on your account changed. If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it: ###ADMIN_URL### You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to take this action. This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy USERNAME, Your new account is set up. You can log in with the following information: Username: USERNAME Password: PASSWORD LOGINLINK Thanks! --The Team @ SITE_NAMEHowdy! WordPress has a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email. ###CAUSE### First, visit your website (###SITEURL###) and check for any visible issues. Next, visit the page where the error was caught (###PAGEURL###) and check for any visible issues. ###SUPPORT### If your site appears broken and you can't access your dashboard normally, WordPress now has a special "recovery mode". This lets you safely login to your dashboard and investigate further. ###LINK### To keep your site safe, this link will expire in ###EXPIRES###. Don't worry about that, though: a new link will be emailed to you if the error occurs again after it expires. When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information: ###DEBUG### ###DETAILS###Howdy! Plugins and themes failed to update on your site at %s.Howdy! Plugins failed to update on your site at %s.Howdy! Some plugins and themes have automatically updated to their latest versions on your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part.Howdy! Some plugins have automatically updated to their latest versions on your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part.Howdy! Some themes have automatically updated to their latest versions on your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part.Howdy! Themes failed to update on your site at %s.Howdy, A request has been made to perform the following action on your account: ###DESCRIPTION### To confirm this, please click on the following link: ###CONFIRM_URL### You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to take this action. Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy, A user data privacy request has been confirmed on ###SITENAME###: User: ###USER_EMAIL### Request: ###DESCRIPTION### You can view and manage these data privacy requests here: ###MANAGE_URL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy, Your request for an export of personal data has been completed. You may download your personal data by clicking on the link below. For privacy and security, we will automatically delete the file on ###EXPIRATION###, so please download it before then. ###LINK### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy, Your request to erase your personal data on ###SITENAME### has been completed. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please contact the site administrator. For more information, you can also read our privacy policy: ###PRIVACY_POLICY_URL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy, Your request to erase your personal data on ###SITENAME### has been completed. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please contact the site administrator. Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###Howdy, %sHowever, it is your responsibility to use those resources correctly, to provide the information that your privacy policy requires, and to keep that information current and accurate.However, you can still activate this theme, and use the Site Editor to customize it.However, your WordPress Address is currently controlled by a PHP constant and therefore cannot be updated. You need to edit your %1$s and remove or update the definitions of %2$s and %3$s.HugeHuman readable text for the author.Human-readable labels for the post type for various contexts.Human-readable labels for the taxonomy for various contexts.Human-readable name identifying the widget type.HungarianHurray! Your theme supports site editing with blocks. Tell me more. %2$sI really need an ID for this to work.I'm sure I want to permanently delete my site, and I am aware I can never get it back or use %s again.ID #%1$s: %2$sID #%1$s: %2$s Sorry, you are not allowed to remove this user.ID #%1$s: %2$s The current user will not be deleted.ID of global styles config.ID of sidebar.ID of template.ID of the post context.IO error.IPIP address for the comment author.IcelandicIconIcon backgroundIcon colorIcon of block type.Id for link anchor (TinyMCE)IdId should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.Identicon (Generated)If %1$s is disabled, ask your administrator to enable that module, or look at the Apache documentation or elsewhere for help setting it up.If a media file has not been attached to any content, you will see that in the Uploaded To column, and can click on Attach to launch a small popup that will allow you to search for existing content and attach the file.If desired, WordPress will automatically alert various services of your new posts.If the importer you need is not listed, search the plugin directory to see if an importer is available.If the link is to a person, you can specify your relationship with them using the above form. If you would like to learn more about the idea check out XFN.If the value is a string, the value will be used as the archive slug. If the value is false the post type has no archive.If there are any Custom Post Types registered at your site, the Content block can display the contents of those entries as well.If this is a development website, you can set the environment type accordingly to enable application passwords.If this was a mistake, ignore this email and nothing will happen.If uploading to a gallery all files need to be image formatsIf you add a video, the image will be used as a fallback while the video loads.If you already have a Privacy Policy page, please select it below. If not, please create one.If you are a member of a regulated industry, or if you are subject to additional privacy laws, you may be required to disclose that information here.If you are a plugin author, you can learn more about how to add the Personal Data Eraser to a plugin.If you are a plugin author, you can learn more about how to add the Personal Data Exporter to a plugin.If you are looking to paste rich content from Microsoft Word, try turning this option off. The editor will clean up text pasted from Word automatically.If you are not sure, check the plugin documentation or contact the plugin author to see if the plugin collects data and if it supports the Data Eraser tool. This information may be available in the Privacy Policy Guide.If you are not sure, check the plugin documentation or contact the plugin author to see if the plugin collects data and if it supports the Data Exporter tool. This information may be available in the Privacy Policy Guide.If you are still seeing this warning after having tried the actions below, you may need to contact your hosting provider for further assistance.If you are the owner of this network please check that your host’s database server is running properly and all tables are error free.If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress support forums.If you change this, an email will be sent at your new address to confirm it. The new address will not become active until confirmed.If you delete a link, it will be removed permanently, as Links do not have a Trash function yet.If you do code, or want to learn how, you can contribute technically in numerous ways:If you do not know how to set up a database you should contact your host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress support forums.If you do not want a header image to be displayed on your site at all, click the “Remove Header Image” button at the bottom of the Header Image section of this page. If you want to re-enable the header image later, you just have to select one of the other image options and click “Save Changes”.If you do not want to upload your own image, you can use one of these cool headers, or show a random one.If you do not want to use your %s site any more, you can delete it using the form below. When you click Delete My Site Permanently you will be sent an email with a link in it. Click on this link to delete your site.If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.If you have entered a custom label, it will be prepended before the title.If you have not yet created any menus, click the ’create a new menu’ link to get startedIf you have posts or comments in another system, WordPress can import those into this site. To get started, choose a system to import from below:If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.If you reached this screen by accident and meant to visit one of your own sites, here are some shortcuts to help you find your way.If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.If you still want to prevent full page reloads, remove that block, then disable "Reload full page" again in the Query Block settings.If you take over, the other user will lose editing control to the post, but their changes will be saved.If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.If you use your site for commercial purposes and you engage in more complex collection or processing of personal data, you should note the following information in your privacy policy in addition to the information we have already discussed.If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.If you want site visitors to be able to register themselves, check the membership box. If you want the site administrator to register every new user, leave the box unchecked. In either case, you can set a default user role for all new users.If you want to convert your categories to tags (or vice versa), use the Categories and Tags Converter available from the Import screen.If you want to export a handy list of all the information on this page, you can use the button below to copy it to the clipboard. You can then paste it in a text file and save it to your device, or paste it in an email exchange with a support engineer or theme/plugin developer for example.If you want to remove the widget but save its setting for possible future use, just drag it into the Inactive Widgets area. You can add them back anytime from there. This is especially helpful when you switch to a theme with fewer or different widget areas.If your site does not display, please contact the owner of this network.If your theme has more than one default header image, or you have uploaded more than one custom header image, you have the option of having WordPress display a randomly different image on each page of your site. Click the “Random” radio button next to the Uploaded Images or Default Images section to enable this feature.If your theme has multiple menus, giving them clear names will help you manage them.If your theme has widget areas, you can also add menus there. Visit the Widgets panel and add a “Navigation Menu widget” to display a menu in a sidebar or footer.If your website provides a service which includes automated decision making - for example, allowing customers to apply for credit, or aggregating their data into an advertising profile - you must note that this is taking place, and include information about how that information is used, what decisions are made with that aggregated data, and what rights users have over decisions made without human intervention.If your website receives data about users from third parties, including advertisers, this information must be included within the section of your privacy policy dealing with third party data.ImageImage (%s)Images (%s)Image AddressImage CSS ClassImage CaptionImage Crop HelpImage Editor Save FailedImage FileImage PositionImage Processing ErrorImage RotationImage SizeImage Title AttributeImage URLImage Upload ErrorImage WidgetImage Widget (%d)Image Widget (%d)Image alignmentImage caption textImage could not be processed.Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.Image covers the space evenly.Image crop area preview. Requires mouse interaction.Image crop failed.Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.Image default alignImage default link typeImage default sizeImage descriptionImage detailsImage edit.Image flip failed.Image has a fixed width.Image inserted.Image is contained without distortion.Image is scaled and cropped to fill the entire space without being distorted.Image is scaled to fill the space without clipping nor distorting.Image metadata is inconsistent.Image resize failed.Image restored successfully.Image rotate failed.Image savedImage scaling optionsScaleImage settingsSettingsImage sizeImage size in pixelsImage size option for resolution controlFull SizeImage size option for resolution controlLargeImage size option for resolution controlMediumImage size option for resolution controlThumbnailImage size presetsImage sizesImage uploaded and inserted.Image uploaded.Image widthImage will be stretched and distorted to completely fill the space.Image, Date, & TitleImageMagick supported file formatsImageMagick version numberImageMagick version stringImagesImages cannot be scaled to a size larger than the original.Images of exactly %1$d × %2$d pixels will be used as-is.Images should be at least %s tall.Images should be at least %s wide.Imagick Resource LimitsImagick versionImmediatelyImportImport Classic MenusImport links in OPML format.Import pattern from JSONImport posts & media from Tumblr using their API.Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog.Import posts from LiveJournal using their API.Import posts from an RSS feed.Import posts, comments, and users from a Blogger blog.Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a WordPress export file.Import widget areaImportant:Imported "%s" from JSON.In %1$s, use the %2$s method, not the %3$s function. See %4$s.In a few words, explain what this site is about.In a few words, explain what this site is about. Example: “%s.”In a village of La Mancha, the name of which I have no desire to call to mind, there lived not long since one of those gentlemen that keep a lance in the lance-rack, an old buckler, a lean hack, and a greyhound for coursing.In addition to listing what personal data you collect, you need to note why you collect it. These explanations must note either the legal basis for your data collection and retention or the active consent the user has given.In quoting others, we cite ourselves.In reply to %s.In reply to: %sIn response toIn response to: %sIn the Author column, in addition to the author’s name, email address, and site URL, the commenter’s IP address is shown. Clicking on this link will show you all the comments made from this IP address.In the Comment column, hovering over any comment gives you options to approve, reply (and approve), quick edit, edit, spam mark, or trash that comment.In the In response to column, there are three elements. The text is the name of the post that inspired the comment, and links to the post editor for that entry. The View Post link leads to that post on your live site. The small bubble with the number in it shows the number of approved comments that post has received. If there are pending comments, a red notification circle with the number of pending comments is displayed. Clicking the notification circle will filter the comments screen to show only pending comments on that post.In the Submitted on column, the date and time the comment was left on your site appears. Clicking on the date/time link will take you to that comment on your live site.In the Header Text section of this page, you can choose whether to display this text or hide it. You can also choose a color for the text by clicking the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker.In the Info tab, you will find all the details about the configuration of your WordPress site, server, and database. There is also an export feature that allows you to copy all of the information about your site to the clipboard, to help solve problems on your site when obtaining support.In the Status tab, you can see critical information about your WordPress configuration, along with anything else that requires your attention.In the WordPress editor, each paragraph, image, or video is presented as a distinct “block” of content.In the editing area, the Tab key enters a tab character.In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, %s.In this case, WordPress caught an error with your theme, %s.In this section you should explain how long you retain personal data collected or processed by the website. While it is your responsibility to come up with the schedule of how long you keep each dataset for and why you keep it, that information does need to be listed here. For example, you may want to say that you keep contact form entries for six months, analytics records for a year, and customer purchase records for ten years.In this section you should explain what measures you have taken to protect your users’ data. This could include technical measures such as encryption; security measures such as two factor authentication; and measures such as staff training in data protection. If you have carried out a Privacy Impact Assessment, you can mention it here too.In this section you should explain what procedures you have in place to deal with data breaches, either potential or real, such as internal reporting systems, contact mechanisms, or bug bounties.In this section you should explain what rights your users have over their data and how they can invoke those rights.In this section you should list all transfers of your site data outside the European Union and describe the means by which that data is safeguarded to European data protection standards. This could include your web hosting, cloud storage, or other third party services.In this section you should name and list all third party providers with whom you share site data, including partners, cloud-based services, payment processors, and third party service providers, and note what data you share with them and why. Link to their own privacy policies if possible.In this section you should note what personal data you collect from users and site visitors. This may include personal data, such as name, email address, personal account preferences; transactional data, such as purchase information; and technical data, such as information about cookies.In this section you should note your site URL, as well as the name of the company, organization, or individual behind it, and some accurate contact information.In this section you should provide a contact method for privacy-specific concerns. If you are required to have a Data Protection Officer, list their name and full contact details here as well.In this subsection you should list the cookies your website uses, including those set by your plugins, social media, and analytics. We have provided the cookies which WordPress installs by default.In this subsection you should note what analytics package you use, how users can opt out of analytics tracking, and a link to your analytics provider’s privacy policy, if any.In this subsection you should note what information is captured through comments. We have noted the data which WordPress collects by default.In this subsection you should note what information may be disclosed by users who can upload media files. All uploaded files are usually publicly accessible.Inactive PluginsInactive Sidebar (not used)Inactive ThemesInactive WidgetsInactive plugins are tempting targets for attackers. If you are not going to use a plugin, you should consider removing it.Inactive widgetsInches (in)IncludeInclude the label as part of the linkIncludes every template part defined for any area.Incompatible Archive.Incorrect post password.Incorrect username or password.Increase indentIncrementIndentIndent a list by pressing space at the beginning of a line.Indent list itemIndianIndianaIndianapolisIndicates if a template is custom or part of the template hierarchyIndicates this palette comes from WordPress.DefaultIndicates this palette comes from the theme.CustomIndicates this palette comes from the theme.ThemeIndicates this palette is created by the user.CustomIndicates whether the current variation is the default one.Individual posts may override these settings. Changes here will only be applied to new posts.IndonesianIndustry regulatory disclosure requirementsInexistent terms.InfoInformation noticeInitial %d result loaded. Type to filter all available results. Use up and down arrow keys to navigate.Initial %d results loaded. Type to filter all available results. Use up and down arrow keys to navigate.Inline CSS code that registers the CSS class required for the style.Inline codeInline imageInline labelInline toolbar (when an image, link or preview is selected)Inner blocks use content widthInner shadowInsertInsert Page Break tagInsert Read More tagInsert a link to a post or page.Insert a new block after the selected block(s).Insert a new block before the selected block(s).Insert a table for sharing data.Insert audio playlistInsert column afterInsert column beforeInsert date/timeInsert external imageInsert from URLInsert galleryInsert imageInsert into Navigation MenuInsert into PostInsert into pageInsert into postInsert into templateInsert into template partInsert linkInsert media from another websiteInsert row afterInsert row beforeInsert tableInsert videoInsert video playlistInsert/edit code sampleInsert/edit imageInsert/edit linkInsert/edit mediaInserted textInserterInserting MediaInsetInstallInstall %s nowInstall & PreviewInstall FontsInstall NowInstall Parent ThemeInstall ThemesInstall and preview theme: %sInstall from Google Fonts. Fonts are copied to and served from your site.Install the latest version of WordPressInstallation RequiredInstallation failed.Installed PluginsInstalled themesInstalling…Instance settings of the widget, if supported.Insufficient arguments passed to this XML-RPC method.Interactivity directives failed to process in "%1$s" due to a missing "%2$s" end tag.Interactivity directives were detected inside an incompatible %1$s tag. These directives will be ignored in the server side render.Interactivity directives were detected on an incompatible %1$s tag when processing "%2$s". These directives will be ignored in the server side render.InterfaceInternal search handler error.Internet Explorer does not give you the best WordPress experience. Switch to Microsoft Edge, or another more modern browser to get the most from your site.Intrinsic block width in flex layoutFitIntroduce yourself.IntroductionInuvikInvalidInvalid API response code (%d).Invalid Content-Disposition supplied. Content-Disposition needs to be formatted as `attachment; filename="image.png"` or similar.Invalid JSON body passed.Invalid JSONP callback function.Invalid URLInvalid URL format.Invalid URL.Invalid action name.Invalid activation key.Invalid attachment ID.Invalid attribute name.Invalid author ID.Invalid block type.Invalid block.Invalid changeset UUIDInvalid comment ID.Invalid comment author ID.Invalid comment content.Invalid comment status.Invalid cookie format.Invalid cookie.Invalid data provided.Invalid data. No selected item.Invalid data. The item does not exist.Invalid data. Unknown state.Invalid data. Unknown type.Invalid date.Invalid email address in request.Invalid email address when generating personal data export file.Invalid email address.Invalid featured media ID.Invalid file typeInvalid form submission.Invalid hex color.Invalid image URL.Invalid itemInvalid item ID.Invalid key.Invalid menu ID.Invalid menu location.Invalid object type.Invalid page template.Invalid parameter(s): %sInvalid parameter.Invalid parameters.Invalid personal data action.Invalid personal data request.Invalid plugin page.Invalid plugin path.Invalid post ID.Invalid post format.Invalid post parent ID.Invalid post type.Invalid post.Invalid recovery key format.Invalid recovery key.Invalid request ID when generating personal data export file.Invalid request ID when merging personal data to export.Invalid request ID when processing personal data to erase.Invalid request ID when sending personal data export email.Invalid request ID.Invalid request status.Invalid request type.Invalid revision ID.Invalid role.Invalid shortcode name: %1$s. Do not use spaces or reserved characters: %2$sInvalid shortcode name: Empty name given.Invalid slug.Invalid sourceInvalid status.Invalid strategy `%1$s` defined for `%2$s` during script registration.Invalid taxonomy.Invalid taxonomy: %s.Invalid template parent ID.Invalid term ID.Invalid term name.Invalid translation type.Invalid type parameter.Invalid user ID for reassignment.Invalid user ID.Invalid user parameter(s).Invalid value %1$s for %2$s. Expected value should be between %3$s and %4$s.Invalid value for background attachment.Invalid value for background position X.Invalid value for background position Y.Invalid value for background repeat.Invalid value for background size.Invalid value.Invalid widget type.Invitation email sent to new user. A confirmation link must be clicked before their account is created.Invitation email sent to user. A confirmation link must be clicked for them to be added to your site.IqaluitIrishIrkutskIsIs SUHOSIN installed?Is allIs anyIs noneIs notIs not allIs the Imagick library available?Is the block dynamically rendered.Is there no link to us?Is this a multisite?Is this site discouraging search engines?Is this site using HTTPS?Isle of ManIstanbulIt appears you are trying to use the deprecated Classic block. You can leave this block intact, convert its content to a Custom HTML block, or remove it entirely. Alternatively, you can refresh the page to use the Classic block.It appears you are trying to use the deprecated Classic block. You can leave this block intact, or remove it entirely. Alternatively, you can refresh the page to use the Classic block.It does not look like your site has any menus yet. Want to build one? Click the button to start.It is possible for site maintainers to block all, or some, communication to other sites and services. If set up incorrectly, this may prevent plugins and themes from working as intended.It is up to search engines to honor this request.It is your responsibility to write a comprehensive privacy policy, to make sure it reflects all national and international legal requirements on privacy, and to keep your policy current and accurate.It looks like HTTPS is not supported for your website at this point.It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try visiting %s directly?It looks like the Apache %s module is not installed.It looks like the response did not come from this site.It looks like you're using an insecure version of %s. Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser.It looks like you're using an old version of %s. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser.It seems your network is running with Nginx web server. Learn more about further configuration.It was not possible to check your scheduled eventsItalianItalicItem added.Item deleted.Item not added.Item not updated.Item removed.Item selected.Item updated.ItemsItems deleted.Items listItems list navigationItems per pageItems reset.It’s now possible to edit page content in the site editor. To customise other parts of the page like the header and footer switch to editing the template using the settings sidebar.JSONP support is disabled on this site.Jabber / Google TalkJakartaJamaicaJan MayenJanuaryJanuary 1, 2000 at 00:00 amJanuary abbreviationJanJapaneseJavaScript must be enabled to use this feature.JayapuraJazz MusicianJerseyJerusalemJohannesburgJohnstonJoin the diverse WordPress contributor community and connect with other people who are passionate about maintaining a free and open web.JubaJujuyJulyJuly abbreviationJulJump to footnote reference %1$dJuneJune abbreviationJunJuneauJust another %s siteJust another WordPress siteJustificationJustifyJustify items centerJustify items leftJustify items rightJustify textKabulKaliningradKamchatkaKampalaKantonKarachiKashgarKathmanduKatmanduKebab-case unique identifier for the font family preset.Keep as HTMLKeep it as isKeep this link privateKeep widget settings and move it to the inactive widgetsKeeps the text cursor within the block boundaries, aiding users with screen readers by preventing unintentional cursor movement outside the block.KentuckyKerguelenKeyKeyboard ShortcutsKeyboard inputKeyboard shortcutsKeyboard users: When you are working in the visual editor, you can use %s to access the toolbar.KeywordKeywordsKhandygaKhartoumKievKigaliKindKinshasaKiritimatiKirovKnoxKnox INKolkataKoreanKosraeKralendijkKrasnoyarskKuala LumpurKuchingKuwaitKwajaleinKyivLLHILa ManchaLa PazLa RiojaLabelLabel textLagosLandscapeLanguageLanguage tag (en, fr, etc.)LargeLarge screensLarge sizeLarge size image heightLarge size image widthLarge viewport height (lvh)Large viewport largest dimension (lvmax)Large viewport smallest dimension (lvmin)Large viewport width (lvw)Large viewport width or height (lvb)Large viewport width or height (lvi)Largest sizeLast IPLast LoginLast ModifiedLast NameLast PostLast UpdatedLast UsedLast edited %s.Last edited by %1$s on %2$s at %3$sLast edited on %1$s at %2$sLast modifiedLast name for the user.Last pageLast updatedLast updated: %sLatestLatest PostsLatest posts block display settingGrid viewLatest posts block display settingList viewLatitudeLatvianLayoutLayout stylesLearn WordPressLearn about block themesLearn about stylesLearn how to browse happyLearn how to configure the Authorization header.Learn how to use the block editorLearn moreLearn more about CSSLearn more about XML sitemaps.Learn more about anchorsLearn more about debugging in WordPress.Learn more about embedsLearn more about manual excerptsLearn more about page cacheLearn more about persistent object caching.Learn more about pingbacks & trackbacksLearn more about the %s version.Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.Learn more about updating PHPLearn more about what WordPress requires to run.Learn more about why you should use HTTPSLearn more.Leave a CommentLeave a ReplyLeave a Reply to %sLeave a commentLeave empty if decorative.LeftLeft SidebarLeft and right sidesLeft borderLeft sideLeft to rightLegacy WidgetLegacy Widget PreviewLegacy widgetLength:LetterLetter caseLetter spacingLevelLevel %1$s. %2$sLevel %s. Empty.LibraryLibrevilleLightLight green cyanLight green cyan to vivid green cyanLikely direct inclusion of %1$s in order to use %2$s. This is very wrong. Hook the %2$s call into the %3$s action instead.LimaLimit response to comments published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to comments published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to posts modified after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to posts modified before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to posts published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to posts published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit result set based on relationship between multiple taxonomies.Limit result set to all items except those of a particular parent ID.Limit result set to attachments of a particular MIME type.Limit result set to attachments of a particular media type.Limit result set to blocks matching the search term.Limit result set to comments assigned a specific status. Requires authorization.Limit result set to comments assigned a specific type. Requires authorization.Limit result set to comments assigned to specific post IDs.Limit result set to comments assigned to specific user IDs. Requires authorization.Limit result set to comments of specific parent IDs.Limit result set to items assigned one or more given formats.Limit result set to items except those with specific terms assigned in the %s taxonomy.Limit result set to items that are sticky.Limit result set to items with particular parent IDs.Limit result set to items with specific terms assigned in the %s taxonomy.Limit result set to posts assigned one or more statuses.Limit result set to posts assigned to specific authors.Limit result set to posts with a specific menu_order value.Limit result set to posts with one or more specific slugs.Limit result set to specific IDs.Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific parent.Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific post.Limit result set to terms with one or more specific slugs.Limit result set to that from a specific author email. Requires authorization.Limit result set to themes assigned one or more statuses.Limit result set to users matching at least one specific capability provided. Accepts csv list or single capability.Limit result set to users matching at least one specific role provided. Accepts csv list or single role.Limit result set to users who are considered authors.Limit result set to users who have published posts.Limit result set to users with one or more specific slugs.Limit results to items of an object type.Limit results to items of one or more object subtypes.Limit results to taxonomies associated with a specific post type.Limit results to those matching a category ID.Limit results to those matching a keyword ID.Limit results to those matching a pattern (slug).Limit results to those matching a string.Limit the pages you want to show, even if the query has more results. To show all pages use 0 (zero).Limit to the specified post id.Limit to the specified template part area.Limits results to plugins with the given status.LindemanLine heightLinearLinkLink CSS ClassLink CSS classLink CategoriesLink CategoryLink IDLink Image To:Link RelLink Relationship (XFN)Link TargetLink TextLink ToLink URLLink added.Link anchor (TinyMCE)AnchorLink anchors (TinyMCE)AnchorsLink author name to author pageLink copied to clipboard.Link edited.Link image to homeLink images to attachment pagesLink images to media filesLink inserted.Link is emptyLink not found.Link optionsLink radiiLink ratingLink relLink removed.Link selected.Link settingsLink sidesLink textLink text, e.g. “Ransom Demands (PDF)”Link thumbnails to:Link titleLink toLink to %sLink to Attachment PageLink to Media FileLink to attachment pageLink to author archiveLink to authors URLLink to commentLink to imageLink to image fileLink to postLink to user profileLink to:LinksLinks are disabled in the editor.Links for %sLinks in the Toolbar at the top of the screen connect your dashboard and the front end of your site, and provide access to your profile and helpful WordPress information.Links listLinks may be separated into Link Categories; these are different than the categories used on your posts.Links widgetRandomLisbonListList ViewList View off.List View on.List View shortcutsList itemList of available font weights, separated by a space.List of menu items selected for deletion:List of the missing image sizes of the attachment.List of: %1$sList styleList textList viewLithuanianLive BroadcastLive PreviewLive Preview “%s”Live Preview: %sLive preview theme: %sLiveJournalLjubljanaLoad moreLoaded version '%1$s' incompatible with expected version '%2$s'.Loading items…Loading more results... please wait.Loading navigation block setup options…Loading options…Loading page, please wait.Loading …Loading…Loading…Loading...Loading…Local time is %s.Local time is %1$sLocale for the user.Location of the uploaded file.LockLock %sLock allLockedLog %s out of all locations.Log InLog OutLog Out EverywhereLog Out Everywhere ElseLog inLog in to ReplyLog in to leave a CommentLog outLogged in as %1$s. Edit your profile. Log out?Login Address (URL)Login NameLogin name for the user.LogoLomeLondonLongitudeLongyearbyenLooking for %1$s in %2$sLooking for a theme? You can search or browse the WordPress.org theme directory, install and preview themes, then activate them right here.Looks like something’s gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, and then try again.Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an appropriate file instead.Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an audio file instead.LoopLoopback requestLoopback requests are used to run scheduled events, and are also used by the built-in editors for themes and plugins to verify code stability.Lord HoweLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et eros eu felis.Los AngelesLost PasswordLost your password?LouisvilleLower PrincesLowercaseLowercase Roman numeralsLowercase letter AaLowercase lettersLuandaLubumbashiLuminous duskLuminous vivid amberLuminous vivid amber to luminous vivid orangeLuminous vivid orangeLuminous vivid orange to vivid redLusakaLuxembourgMM j, Y @ H:iM j, Y g:i aM jSM jS YMB (Leave blank for network default)MacaoMacauMacedonianMaceioMacquarieMadeiraMadridMagadanMaheMail ServerMainMain Page (no parent)Main menuMaintenanceMajuroMakassarMake each block your ownMake the editor look like your theme.Make the selected text bold.Make the selected text inline code.Make the selected text italic.Make this post stickyMake title a linkMake title link to homeMalaboMalayMaldivesMaltaMalteseManage ArchivesManage AudioManage CommentsManage DocumentsManage ImagesManage LocationsManage SiteManage SpreadsheetsManage UploadsManage VideoManage and create shadow styles for use across the site.Manage block visibilityManage fontsManage inactive pluginsManage menusManage pagesManage patternsManage the font size %s.Manage the fonts and typography used on buttons.Manage the fonts and typography used on captions.Manage the fonts and typography used on headings.Manage the fonts and typography used on the links.Manage the fonts used on the site.Manage the inclusion of blocks added automatically by plugins.Manage themesManage what patterns are available when editing the site.Manage with Live PreviewManage your Navigation Menus.Manage your pluginsManage your themesManaging PagesManaging pages is very similar to managing posts, and the screens can be customized in the same way.ManaguaManausManilaManualManual OffsetsMany people take advantage of keyboard shortcuts to moderate their comments more quickly. Use the link to the side to learn more.Many plugins may collect or store personal data either in the WordPress database or remotely. Any Erase Personal Data request should delete data from plugins as well.Many plugins may collect or store personal data either in the WordPress database or remotely. Any Export Personal Data request should include data from plugins as well.Many themes show some sidebar widgets by default until you edit your sidebars, but they are not automatically displayed in your sidebar management tool. After you make your first widget change, you can re-add the default widgets by adding them from the Available Widgets area.MaputoMarchMarch abbreviationMarMarengoMarginMariehamnMarigotMark as nofollowMark export request for “%s” as completed.Mark requests as completedMark this comment as spamMarkup is not allowed in CSS.MarquesasMartiniqueMaseruMatamorosMatch caseMatch terms with the listed IDs.MatureMature (%s)Mature (%s)MauritiusMawsonMax %s wideMax HeightMax Pages to ShowMax WidthMax allowed packet sizeMax connections numberMax effective file sizeMax input timeMax number of wordsMax number of words in excerptMax pagesMax simultaneous file uploadsMax size of an uploaded fileMax size of post data allowedMaximumMaximum RatingMaximum number of items to be returned in result set.Maximum posts per pageMaximum size: %sMaximum upload file size: %s.MayMay 7, 2019May abbreviationMayMayotteMazatlanMbabaneMcMurdoMediaMedia FileMedia FilesMedia HandlingMedia LibraryMedia ListMedia SettingsMedia WidgetMedia Widget (%d)Media Widget (%d)Media areaMedia fileMedia file attached.Media file detached.Media file moved to the Trash.Media file permanently deleted.Media file restored from the Trash.Media file updated.Media item link optionNoneMedia items listMedia items list navigationMedia libraryMedia listMedia previewMedia settingsMedia titleMedia title…Media upload failed. If this is a photo or a large image, please scale it down and try again.Media widthMedian server response time was %1$s milliseconds. It should be less than the recommended %2$s milliseconds threshold.Median server response time was %1$s milliseconds. This is less than the recommended %2$s milliseconds threshold.MediumMedium screensMedium sizeMedium size image heightMedium size image widthMedium-Large size image heightMedium-Large size image widthMeetupsMelbourneMembershipMemory exceeded. Please try another smaller file.MendozaMenomineeMenuMenu ItemMenu LocationMenu LocationsMenu ManagementMenu NameMenu OptionsMenu OrderMenu ParentMenu SettingsMenu createdMenu deletedMenu item addedMenu item deletedMenu item is now a sub-itemMenu item moved downMenu item moved out of submenuMenu item moved to the topMenu item moved upMenu item removedMenu items do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete.Menu locations updated.Menu nameMenu orderMenu order updatedMenu parent updatedMenu structureMenusMenus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme or in widget areas by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget.Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme, even used in sidebars by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the Widgets screen. If your theme does not support the navigation menus feature (the default themes, %2$s and %3$s, do), you can learn about adding this support by following the documentation link to the side.Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme.Menus do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete.Merge table cellsMeridaMeridianMetaMeta BoxesMeta fields.Meta keys cannot enable revisions support unless the object subtype supports revisions.Meta keys cannot enable revisions support unless the object type supports revisions.MetadataMethodMethod '%s' not implemented. Must be overridden in subclass.MetlakatlaMexico CityMicroformatsMiddleMidnightMidwayMillimeters (mm)MinimumMinimum column widthMinimum heightMinimum required version of PHP.Minimum required version of WordPress.MinskMinuteMinutesMiquelonMissed scheduleMissing AttachmentMissing WidgetsMissing a temporary folder.Missing email address.Missing eraser index.Missing exporter index.Missing menu name.(unnamed)Missing page index.Missing parameter(s): %sMissing request ID.Missing required id key in entry among dependencies array.Missing required inputs to pre-computed WP_Token_Map.Mission complete. Message %s deleted.MixedMobileModerate CommentModerating CommentsModified DateModifyMogadishuMonMonacoMonctonMondayMonday initialMMonroviaMonsterID (Generated)Mont Blanc appears—still, snowy, and serene.MonterreyMontevideoMonthMonth and nameMonticelloMontrealMontserratMoreMore DetailsMore details.More info about optimizing autoloaded optionsMore information about %sMore optionsMoscowMost RecentMost themes show the site title at the top of every page, in the title bar of the browser, and as the identifying name for syndicated feeds. Many themes also show the tagline.Movable Type and TypePadMoveMove %1$d blocks from position %2$d down by one placeMove %1$d blocks from position %2$d left by one placeMove %1$d blocks from position %2$d right by one placeMove %1$d blocks from position %2$d up by one placeMove %1$s block from position %2$d down to position %3$dMove %1$s block from position %2$d left to position %3$dMove %1$s block from position %2$d right to position %3$dMove %1$s block from position %2$d up to position %3$dMove %s box downMove %s box upMove %s downMove %s upMove “%s” to the TrashMove downMove down oneMove leftMove one level downMove one level upMove out from under %sMove rightMove the selected block(s) down.Move the selected block(s) up.Move this comment to the TrashMove toMove to TrashMove to another area…Move to the topMove to trashMove to widget areaMove under %sMove upMove up oneMove widgetMoveMoved "%s" to clipboard.Moved %d block to clipboard.Moved %d blocks to clipboard.Multi-column patterns with more complex layouts.Multiple blocks selectedMultiple selected blocksMultisite support is not enabled.MuscatMust Use PluginsMuteMutedMy NetworkMy SiteMy SitesMy patternMy patternsMy viewMystery PersonNSWNairobiNam risus massa, ullamcorper consectetur eros fermentum, porta aliquet ligula. Sed vel mauris nec enim.NameName for applying graphical effectsFiltersName for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)TextName for the Visual editor tabVisualName for the value of the CSS position propertyFixedName for the value of the CSS position propertyStickyName of link anchor (TinyMCE)NameName of the fileArmstrong_Small_StepName of the font family preset, translatable.Name updatedName:Namespace must not start or end with a slash. Instead namespace '%1$s' for route '%2$s' seems to contain a slash.Namespace or reference path cannot be empty. Directive value referenced: %sNassauNauruNav menu locations must be strings.Navigate the structure of your document and address issues like empty or incorrect heading levels.Navigate to the nearest toolbar.Navigate to the next part of the editor.Navigate to the previous part of the editor.Navigate to the previous viewNavigationNavigation LabelNavigation MenuNavigation Menu ItemNavigation Menu ItemsNavigation Menu archivesNavigation Menu has been deleted or is unavailable. Navigation Menu missing.Navigation Menu successfully created.Navigation Menu successfully deleted.Navigation Menu: "%s"Navigation MenusNavigation Menus are a curated collection of blocks that allow visitors to get around your site.Navigation Menus listNavigation Menus list navigationNavigation block setup options ready.Navigation link textNavigation menus that can be inserted into your site.Navigation titleNdjamenaNeed help putting together your new Privacy Policy page? Check out our privacy policy guide%3$s for recommendations on what content to include, along with policies suggested by your plugins and theme.Need help putting together your new Privacy Policy page? Check out our guide for recommendations on what content to include, along with policies suggested by your plugins and theme.Need help? Use the Help tab above the screen title.Need more help? Read the support article on %2$s.Nested blocks use content width with options for full and wide widths.Nested blocks will fill the width of this container. Toggle to constrain.Nested widgets.Network AdminNetwork Admin EmailNetwork Admin: %sNetwork Enable %sNetwork SettingsNetwork configuration authentication keysNetwork configuration rules for %sNetwork countNetwork functions are disabled.Network only plugin must be network activated.NeverNew %1$s User: %2$sNew Application Password NameNew Category NameNew ChangesetNew ColumnNew Custom HTML WidgetNew Font Size %dNew Link Category NameNew MenuNew Navigation MenuNew PageNew PasswordNew PatternNew Pattern Category NameNew PostNew SalemNew Site Registration: %sNew Site: %1$s URL: %2$s Remote IP address: %3$s Disable these notifications: %4$sNew Tag NameNew TemplateNew Template PartNew User Default RoleNew User Registration: %sNew User: %1$s Remote IP address: %2$s Disable these notifications: %3$sNew WordPress SiteNew YorkNew category nameNew comment on your post "%s"New custom field nameNew dimensions:New documentNew page titleNew passwordNew pingback on your post "%s"New site created by %1$s Address: %2$s Name: %3$sNew site notification email subject[%1$s] Activate %2$sNew theme activated.New to block themes and styling your site?New to the block editor? Want to learn more about using it? Here's a detailed guide.New trackback on your post "%s"New user created.New user notification email subject[%1$s] Activate %2$sNew user registration on your site %s:New users are automatically assigned a password, which they can change after logging in. You can view or edit the assigned password by clicking the Show Password button. The username cannot be changed once the user has been added.New users will receive an email letting them know they’ve been added as a user for your site. This email will also contain their password. Check the box if you do not want the user to receive a welcome email.New version available.New version available. %sNew version available. New viewNew windowNewer CommentsNewer Comments »Newer commentsNewer comments page linkNewer postsNewest to oldestNewsNextNext >Next »Next PageNext Page »Next PostNext StepsNext pageNext page linkNext patternNext postNext stepsNext: NiameyNicename may not be longer than 50 characters.NicknameNicosiaNipigonNiueNoNo %1$s was set in the arguments array for the "%2$s" sidebar. Defaulting to "%3$s". Manually set the %1$s to "%3$s" to silence this notice and keep existing sidebar content.No Classic Menus found.No CommentsNo Comments on %sNo Content-Disposition supplied.No Navigation Menu found in Trash.No Navigation Menu found.No Navigation Menus found.No PHP sessions detectedNo TitleNo activity yet!No alignmentNo approved commentsNo archives to show.No audio selectedNo authors found.No background image selectedNo block selected.No blocks found.No buttonNo categoriesNo categories found.No changes saved yet, so there is nothing to trash.No changeset found to take overNo changesets found in Trash.No changesets found.No client caching response headers were detected.No colorNo color selectedNo commentsNo comments awaiting moderation.No comments found in Trash.No comments found.No comments to show.No comments yet.No cookie present.No data supplied.No descriptionNo editor could be selected.No excerpt foundNo fallback menu found.No file selectedNo file was uploaded.No fonts activated.No fonts found to install.No fonts found. Try with a different search termNo fonts installed.No global styles config exist with that id.No image selectedNo image setNo images selectedNo importers are available.No information yet…No itemsNo items foundNo items found.No items.No links found.No logo selectedNo matching template foundNo matching template found.No media files found in Trash.No media files found.No media items found.No media items found. Try a different search.No media selectedNo menus have been created yet. Create some.No pages found in Trash.No pages found.No pattern categoriesNo pattern categories found.No patterns found in Trash.No patterns found.No pending commentsNo permalink structure setNo plugin specified.No plugins found.No posts found in Trash.No posts found.No preview available.No published posts found.No resultsNo results foundNo results found.No results.No roleNo route was found matching the URL and request methodNo route was found matching the URL and request method.No scheduled events exist on this site.No search term specified. Showing recent items.No selected font appearanceNo sidebar exists with that id.No sites found.No tagsNo tags found.No template parts found in Trash.No template parts found.No templates exist with that id.No templates found.No thanks, do not remind me againNo theme is defined for this template.No theme specified.No themes are currently available.No themes found.No themes found. Try a different search, or %s.No themes found. Try a different search.No titleNo transforms.No valid plugins were found.No version control systems were detected.No version or author information is available.No video selectedNo widget was found with that id.No widgets found.No, I do not approve of this connectionNo-code contributionNomeNon breaking spaceNon-existent changeset UUID.Nonbreaking spaceNoneNorfolkNormalNoronhaNorthNorth DakotaNorwegianNot StickyNot availableNot available for aligned text.Not enough data to create this user.Not enough space to upload. %s KB needed.Not found: %1$s (%2$s)Not ready to publish.Not setNot writableNote that even when set to discourage search engines, your site is still visible on the web and not all search engines adhere to this directive.Note that the same template can be used by multiple pages, so any changes made here may affect other pages on the site. To switch back to editing the page content click the ‘Back’ button in the toolbar.Note that you crop the image by clicking on it (the Crop icon is already selected) and dragging the cropping frame to select the desired part. Then click Save to retain the cropping.Note:Note: As this tool only gathers data from WordPress and participating plugins, you may need to do more to comply with erasure requests. For example, you are also responsible for ensuring that data collected by or stored with the 3rd party services your organization uses gets deleted.Note: Most phone and tablet browsers won't display embedded PDFs.Note: Neither of these options blocks access to your site — it is up to search engines to honor your request.Note: Since this tool only gathers data from WordPress and participating plugins, you may need to do more to comply with export requests. For example, you should also send the requester some of the data collected from or stored with the 3rd party services your organization uses.NotesNothing to save, the image has not changed.NoticeNotice:NotificationsNouakchottNoumeaNovemberNovember abbreviationNovNovokuznetskNovosibirskNowNumber InputNumber of Themes found: %dNumber of URLs in this XML Sitemap: %s.Number of commentsNumber of comments to show:Number of itemsNumber of items found: %dNumber of items per page:Number of levels for threaded (nested) commentsNumber of linksNumber of links to show:Number of media items found: %dNumber of posts to show:Number of published posts for the term.Number of tagsNumber of widgets found: %dNumber/count of itemsCountNumbered listNumbersNumericNuukOKObject ID must be an integer, %s given.Object subtype.Object type.OctoberOctober abbreviationOctOffOffsetOffset the result set by a specific number of items.OjinagaOlder CommentsOlder commentsOlder comments page linkOlder postsOldest to newestOmskOn some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_%1$s. Could that be the problem?Once DailyOnce HourlyOnce WeeklyOnce generated, your WXR file can be imported by another WordPress site or by another blogging platform able to access this format.Once you have made your selection, you can adjust it by entering the size in pixels. The minimum selection size is the thumbnail size as set in the Media settings.Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, the user will be permanently removed.Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, these users will be permanently removed.Once you’ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function in another WordPress installation to import the content from this site.One ColumnOne columnOne of the hardest things to do in technology is disrupt yourself.One of the plugins is invalid.One of the selected users is not a member of this site.One or more plugins failed to load properly.One or more recommended modules are missingOne or more required modules are missingOne or more themes failed to load properly.One responseOne response to %sOne.OnlyOnly %1$s or %2$s files may be used for header video. Please convert your video file and try again, or, upload your video to YouTube and link it with the option below.Only UUID V4 is supported at this time.Only images can be used as a background image.Only include current pageOnly including headings from the current page (if the post is paginated).Only link to posts that have the same taxonomy terms as the current post. For example the same tags or categories.Only one image can be used as a background image.Only shows if the post has been modifiedOnly those with the password can view this post.Only users with permissions to edit the template can move or delete this blockOnly visible to site admins and editors.Only visible to those who know the passwordOops! That embed cannot be found.Oops: %sOpenOpen %s styles in Styles panelOpen Colors SelectorOpen List ViewOpen Media LibraryOpen NavigationOpen Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)no-subsetOpen Sans font: on or offonOpen by defaultOpen code editorOpen command paletteOpen images in new tabOpen in new tabOpen link in a new tabOpen links in new tabOpen menuOpen on clickOpen publish panelOpen save panelOpen sharing dialogOpen site editorOpen stylesOpen the CustomizerOpen the List View.Open the command palette.Opens the List View sidebar by default.OpenverseOptimize the editing experience for enhanced control.OptionalOptional placeholder textOptional placeholder…OptionsOptions saved.Or choose an image from your media library:Or link to existing contentOr, enter a YouTube URL:OralOrangeOrderOrder byOrder images by:Order sort attribute ascending or descending.Order updated.Order:OrderedOrdered by Comment Date, descending.Organize my uploads into month- and year-based foldersOrientationOriginalOriginal SizeOriginalOriginal dimensions %sOriginal image:Original: %sOsloOther WordPress NewsOther comment settingsOther user roles have been changed.Other users have been deleted.Other users have been removed.OuagadougouOur website address is: %s.Out from under %sOutdated SQL serverOutdentOutdent a list by pressing backspace at the beginning of a line.Outdent list itemOutsetOverlayOverlay MenuOverlay menu controlsOverlay opacityOverride the default excerpt length.OverridesOverrides are changes you make to a block within a synced pattern instance. Use overrides to customize a synced pattern instance to suit its new context. Name this block to specify an override.Overrides currently don't support image captions or links. Remove the caption or link first before enabling overrides.OverviewPDF embedPDF settingsPG — Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and abovePHP Default TimezonePHP ExtensionsPHP SAPIPHP SessionsPHP Update RecommendedPHP VersionPHP default timezone is invalidPHP default timezone is validPHP default timezone was changed after WordPress loading by a %s function call. This interferes with correct calculations of dates and times.PHP default timezone was configured by WordPress on loading. This is necessary for correct calculations of dates and times.PHP is one of the programming languages used to build WordPress. Newer versions of PHP receive regular security updates and may increase your site’s performance.PHP is one of the programming languages used to build WordPress. Newer versions of PHP receive regular security updates and may increase your site’s performance. The minimum recommended version of PHP is %s.PHP max input variablesPHP memory limitPHP memory limit (only for admin screens)PHP modules perform most of the tasks on the server that make your site run. Any changes to these must be made by your server administrator.PHP post max sizePHP post max size.PHP sessions created by a %1$s function call may interfere with REST API and loopback requests. An active session should be closed by %2$s before making any HTTP requests.PHP time limitPHP versionPHP version %sPHP version.PHP's XML extension is not available. Please contact your hosting provider to enable PHP's XML extension.PMPacificPaddingPagePage %1$d of %2$dPage %1$s of %2$sPage %sPage ArchivesPage AttributesPage IDPage IDs, separated by commas.Page List: "%s" page has no children.Page List: Cannot retrieve Pages.Page Loaded.Page attributesPage breakPage cachePage cache enhances the speed and performance of your site by saving and serving static pages instead of calling for a page every time a user visits.Page cache is detected and the server response time is goodPage cache is detected but the server response time is still slowPage cache is detected by looking for an active page cache plugin as well as making three requests to the homepage and looking for one or more of the following HTTP client caching response headers:Page cache is not detected and the server response time is slowPage cache is not detected but the server response time is OKPage draft updated.Page index cannot be less than one.Page not foundPage on frontPage orderPage published privately.Page published.Page restored to revision from %s.Page reverted to draft.Page saved.Page scheduled for: %s.Page scheduled.Page submitted.Page titlePage trashed.Page updated.PagesPages are similar to posts in that they have a title, body text, and associated metadata, but they are different in that they are not part of the chronological blog stream, kind of like permanent posts. Pages are not categorized or tagged, but can have a hierarchy. You can nest pages under other pages by making one the “Parent” of the other, creating a group of pages.Pages listPages list navigationPages:PaginationPagination NavigationPago PagoPalauPale cyan bluePale oceanPale pinkPalettePalette colors and the application of those colors on site elements.PalettesPalmerPanamaPangnirtungParagraphParagraphsParamariboParentParent CategoryParent Category:Parent Navigation Menu:Parent Page:Parent Template Part:Parent Template:Parent TermParent ThemeParent blocks.Parent term does not exist.Parent themeParentsParisPartial render must echo the content or return the content string (or array), but not both.PassedPassed testsPasswordPassword ResetPassword changed for user: %sPassword for the user (never included).Password protectedPassword reset is not allowed for this userPassword reset link sent.Password reset links sent to %s user.Password reset links sent to %s users.Password:Passwords cannot be empty.PastePaste URL or type to searchPaste a link to the content you want to display on your site.Paste as textPaste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.Paste or type URLPaste stylesPaste table row afterPaste table row beforePaste your embed code below:Pasted styles to %d blocks.Pasted styles to %s.PathPaths or URLs to the font files.PatternPattern "%s" cannot be rendered inside itself.Pattern "%s" not found.Pattern Categories listPattern Categories list navigationPattern Category LinkPattern DirectoryPattern category renamed.Pattern content must be a string.Pattern name must be a string.Pattern published privately.Pattern published.Pattern renamedPattern reverted to draft.Pattern scheduled.Pattern title must be a string.Pattern updated.PatternsPatterns are available from the WordPress.org Pattern Directory, bundled in the active theme, or created by users on this site. Only patterns created on this site can be synced.Patterns containing mostly text.Patterns contentPatterns listPatterns list navigationPatterns that are kept in sync across the site.Patterns that can be changed freely without affecting the site.Patterns that contain buttons and call to actions.PausePendingPending (%s)Pending (%s)Pending ReviewPending reviewPercent (%)Percentage (%)Percentage WidthPerform an advanced term query.PerformancePeriodPermalinkPermalink SettingsPermalink structurePermalink template for the post.Permalink:Permalink: %sPermalinksPermanently deletePermanently delete commentPersianPersistent object cachePersonal Data ExportPersonal Data Export for %sPersonal OptionsPersonal data is not just created by a user’s interactions with your site. Personal data is also generated from technical processes such as contact forms, comments, cookies, analytics, and third party embeds.Personalize blocksPerthPetersburgPhnom PenhPhoenixPhotobloggingPhotographyPicas (pc)Pin this post to the top of the blogPin to toolbarPingbackPingback excerpt: Pingback from %1$s to %2$s registered. Keep the web talking! :-)Pingback:PingsPings enabledPings onlyPinkPitcairnPixels (px)PlayPlay inlinePlayback controlsPlaylist SettingsPlease activate the Classic Editor plugin to use this meta box.Please activate the Link Manager plugin to use the link manager.Please check that the %s PHP extension is installed and enabled.Please check your site now. It’s possible that everything is working. If there are updates available, you should update.Please choose whether you would like sites in your WordPress network to use sub-domains or sub-directories.Please complete the configuration steps. To create a new network, you will need to empty or remove the network database tables.Please consider writing more inclusive code.Please contact the plugin authors for more information.Please contact your host for assistance with investigating this issue further.Please contact your network administrator.Please edit your privacy policy content, making sure to delete the summaries, and adding any information from your theme and plugins. Once you publish your policy page, remember to add it to your navigation menu.Please enter a new name for this category.Please enter a site name.Please enter a site title.Please enter a username.Please enter a valid YouTube URL.Please enter a valid email address.Please enter a valid menu name.Please enter your username or email address. You will receive an email message with instructions on how to reset your password.Please include a %s template in your theme.Please install the Classic Editor plugin to use this meta box.Please log in again.Please make sure the Apache %s module is installed as it will be used at the end of this installation.Please note: Third-party themes and plugins, or custom code, may override WordPress scheduling.Please open the classic editor to use this meta box.Please pass a query array to this function.Please provide a custom field name.Please provide a custom field value.Please save your changes in order to share the preview.Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information.Please select a filePlease select an option.Please try again.Please try uploading this file with the %1$sbrowser uploader%2$s.Please type your comment text.Please update WordPress nowPlease use %s to add new schema properties.Please verify that the administration email for this website is still correct.PluginPlugin DataPlugin File EditorPlugin VersionsPlugin activated.Plugin and theme auto-updatesPlugin and theme auto-updates appear to be configured correctlyPlugin and theme auto-updates ensure that the latest versions are always installed.Plugin and theme temporary backup directories exist but are not writablePlugin and theme temporary backup directory accessPlugin and theme temporary backup directory is writablePlugin author's website address.Plugin could not be deleted.Plugin deactivated.Plugin downgrade failed.Plugin downgraded successfully.Plugin file does not exist.Plugin installation failed.Plugin namePlugin not found.Plugin temporary backup directory exists but is not writablePlugin that registered the template.Plugin updated successfully.PluginsPlugins %sPlugins directory locationPlugins directory sizePlugins extend your site’s functionality with things like contact forms, ecommerce and much more. That means they have deep access to your site, so it’s vital to keep them up to date.PodgoricaPohnpeiPoints (pt)PoliciesPolishPonapePontianakPopular Pattern CategoriesPopular PluginPopular TagsPopular tagsPortPort MoresbyPort of SpainPort-au-PrincePortfolioPorto AcrePorto VelhoPorto-NovoPortraitPortuguesePositionPostPost ArchivesPost AttributesPost AuthorPost CommentPost Comments Count block: post not found.Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this item.Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this post type (%s).Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled.Post Comments Link block: post not found.Post DatePost EditPost FormatPost Format LinkPost FormatsPost ID.Post Meta.Post Modified DatePost ThumbnailPost TitlePost TypePost Type ArchivePost Via EmailPost author byline textPost contentPost custom field name%s:Post draft updated.Post formatAsidePost formatAudioPost formatChatPost formatGalleryPost formatImagePost formatLinkPost formatQuotePost formatStandardPost formatStatusPost formatVideoPost formats supported.Post metaPost namePost navigationPost overviewList ViewPost overviewOutlinePost published privately.Post published.Post restored to revision from %s.Post reverted to draft.Post saved.Post scheduled for: %s.Post scheduled.Post submitted.Post template block display settingGrid viewPost template block display settingList viewPost trashed.Post typePost type names must be between 1 and 20 characters in length.Post type to get the templates for.Post updated.Post via emailPosted byPosted title:PosterPoster ImagePoster imagePostsPosts PagePosts by %sPosts listPosts list navigationPosts navigationPosts pagePosts page: %sPosts paginationPosts per pagePosts published on %sPowered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform.PraguePre-publish checks disabled.Pre-publish checks enabled.Pre-upload compressionPreference activated - %sPreference deactivated - %sPreferencesPrefixPreformatted textPreloadPreload valueNonePress ENTER to add this linkPress ThisPress This is not available. Please contact your site administrator.Press This is not installed. Please install Press This from the main site.Prevent removalPreviewPreview %sPreview “%s”Preview ChangesPreview LinkPreview as a browser iconPreview as an app iconPreview in a new tabPreview in new tabPreview link for the post.Preview pagePreview postPreview sizePreview:Previewing and CustomizingPreviewing themePreviousPrevious PagePrevious PostPrevious and next monthsPrevious pagePrevious page linkPrevious patternPrevious postPrevious: Previously edited copies of the image will not be deleted.Primary SitePrimary sitePrintPriorityPrivacyPrivacy Laws around the world require businesses and online services to delete, anonymize, or forget the data they collect about an individual. The rights those laws enshrine are sometimes called the "Right to be Forgotten".Privacy Laws around the world require businesses and online services to provide an export of some of the data they collect about an individual, and to deliver that export on request. The rights those laws enshrine are sometimes called the "Right of Data Portability". It allows individuals to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services. It allows them to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from one IT environment to another.Privacy PolicyPrivacy Policy GuidePrivacy Policy page setting updated successfully. Remember to update your menus!Privacy Policy page updated successfully.Privacy SettingsPrivacy SettingsPolicy GuidePrivacy SettingsSettingsPrivatePrivate (%s)Private (%s)Private keyPrivate: %sPrivately PublishedProceedProfileProfile PictureProfile updated.PropertiesProtected Comments: Please enter your password to view comments.Protected: %sProvided type is not supported.PublicPublic (%s)Public (%s)Public facing and editor script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `script_handles` instead.Public facing and editor script handles.Public facing and editor style handle. DEPRECATED: Use `style_handles` instead.Public facing and editor style handles.Public facing script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `view_script_handles` instead.Public facing script handles.Public facing script module IDs.Public facing style handles.Public text domain.Public, StickyPublishPublish immediatelyPublish SettingsPublish automatically on a chosen date.Publish on: %sPublish:PublishedPublished (%s)Published (%s)Published on: %sPublishingPublishing SoonPublishing failed.Publishing…Puerto RicoPullquote citation textPullquote textPunta ArenasPurplePyongyangQatarQostanayQueenslandQuery block: Reload full page enabledQuery parameter not permitted: %sQuery typeQuick DraftQuick EditQuick edit “%s” inlineQuick edit this comment inlineQuick EditQuoteQuote citationQyzylordaR — Intended for adult audiences above 17REST API %1$s should be an array of arrays. Non-array value detected for %2$s.REST API Endpoint: %sREST API Response: (%1$s) %2$sREST API availabilityREST API resource link nameJSONREST API routes must be registered on the %1$s action. Instead route '%2$s' with namespace '%3$s' was not registered on this action.REST base route for the post type.REST base route for the taxonomy.REST namespace route for the taxonomy.REST route's namespace for the post type.REST search handlers must extend the %s class.RSS AddressRSS Error:RSS FeedRSS URLRSS block display settingGrid viewRSS block display settingList viewRadialRadiusRainy RiverRandomRandom OrderRandomize colorsRandomize orderRandomize suggested headersRandomize uploaded headersRandomizing suggested headersRandomizing uploaded headersRangoonRankin InletRarotongaRatingRaw size value must be a string, integer, or float.Reach out to WordPress Core developers to ensure you'll never have this problem again.Read moreRead more...Read the Debugging a WordPress Network article. Some of the suggestions there may help you figure out what went wrong.ReadingReading SettingsReassign the deleted user's posts and links to this user ID.Recent CommentsRecent PostsRecently PublishedRecifeRecommended items are considered beneficial to your site, although not as important to prioritize as a critical issue, they may include improvements to things such as; Performance, user experience, and more.Recovery Mode — %sRecovery Mode not initialized.Recovery key expired.RedRedirect to current URLRedoRedo your last undo.Reduce visual distractions by hiding the toolbar and other elements to focus on writing.ReginaRegisterRegistration complete. Please check your email.Registration confirmation will be emailed to you.Registration date for the user.Rel attributeRelationshipRelative to parent font size (em)Relative to parent font size (em)emsRelative to root font size (rem)Relative to root font size (rem)remsRelease DateReleased: %d.Reload full pageReload the full page—instead of just the posts list—when visitors navigate between pages.Remember MeRemember to click Update to save metadata entered or changed.Remember to click the Add New User button at the bottom of this screen when you are finished.Remember to click the Update Profile button when you are finished.Remember, once deleted your site cannot be restored.Remind me laterRemoveRemove %sRemove Background ImageRemove Control PointRemove Header ImageRemove ImageRemove Menu Item: %1$s (%2$s)Remove Selected ItemsRemove Site IconRemove Users from SiteRemove a link.Remove all colorsRemove all gradientsRemove audio sourceRemove captionRemove citationRemove color: %sRemove font size presetsRemove imageRemove itemRemove linkRemove poster imageRemove shadowRemove the selected block(s).Remove trackRemove video sourceRemovedRemoved %s.Removing %1$s manually will cause PHP warnings. Use the %2$s filter instead.Removing and ReusingRemoving the current plugin…Removing the old version of the translation…RenameRename patternRenamed Navigation MenuReorderReorder menu itemsReorder mode closedReorder mode enabledReorder widgetsRepeatRepeat Background ImageRepeat ImageRepeatRepeat New PasswordRepeat PasswordRepeated backgroundReplaceReplace audioReplace imageReplace videoReplyReply to %sReply to A WordPress CommenterReply to CommentReply to this commentReport %sRequest added successfully.Request data deletionRequest data exportRequestedRequesterRequire approval step when optimizing existing media.RequiredRequired PHP versionRequired WordPress versionRequired and recommended modules are installedRequired fields are indicated; the rest are optional. Profile information will only be displayed if your theme is set up to do so.Required fields are marked %sRequired to be true, as revisions do not support trashing.Required to be true, as terms do not support trashing.Required to be true, as users do not support trashing.Required to create an Application Password, but not to update the user.RequirementsRequirements Not MetResend confirmation requestsResend emailResetReset %sReset ImageReset PasswordReset allReset colorsReset filtersReset font size presetsReset gradientReset searchReset stylesReset template part: %sReset template: %sReset the styles to the theme defaultsReset the templateReset to default and clear all customizations?Reset to defaultsResetting the template may result in loss of content, do you want to continue?Resize for smaller devicesResoluteResolutionResolve BlockResponseResponse to %sResponsesResponses to %sResponsive LayoutRestoreRestore “%s” from the TrashRestore Original Header ImageRestore Original ImageRestore This AutosaveRestore This RevisionRestore from TrashRestore imageRestore last draftRestore original imageRestore the backupRestore this comment from the TrashRestore this comment from the spamRestrict editingResults are still loading…ResumeRetro (Generated)RetryReturn a %1$s or %2$s object from your callback when using the REST API.Return to the Plugin InstallerReunionReusable blocksReverse orderRevert to the Browser Uploader by clicking the link below the drag and drop box.Reverting unpublished changes…Review %d change…Review %d changes…Review settings, such as visibility and tags.ReviewsRevisionRevision by %sRevisionsRevisions (%s)Revisions are saved copies of your post or page, which are periodically created as you update your content. The red text on the left shows the content that was removed. The green text on the right shows the content that was added.Revisions do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete.Revisions not enabled.Revisions: %sRevokeRevoke "%s"Revoke access to Google FontsRevoke all application passwordsReykjavikRich Text Area. Press Alt-Shift-H for help.Rich Text Area. Press Control-Option-H for help.RigaRightRight NowRight SidebarRight borderRight sideRight to leftRio BrancoRio GallegosRiyadhRoboHash (Generated)RobotsRoleRoles assigned to the user.Rollback Error: [%1$s] %2$sRomanianRomeRosarioRotateRotate 180°Rotate 90° leftRotate 90° rightRotationRotation arguments.Rotation type.RotheraRoute must be specified. Instead within the namespace '%1$s', there seems to be an empty route '%2$s'.Routes must be namespaced with plugin or theme name and version. Instead there seems to be an empty namespace '%1$s' for route '%2$s'.RowRow countRow groupRow spanRow typeRowsRun %sRun ImporterRussianSSQL server is up to dateSSL verification failed.SUCCESS: %sSUCCESS: WordPress was successfully updated to %sSaigonSaipanSakhalinSaltaSamaraSamarkandSamoaSample PageSan JuanSan LuisSan MarinoSanta IsabelSantaremSantiagoSanto DomingoSao PauloSao TomeSarajevoSaratovSatSaturdaySaturday initialSSaveSave & PublishSave ChangesSave DraftSave EditsSave MenuSave PasswordSave WidgetSave all changesSave and preview changes before publishing them.Save as PendingSave as pendingSave draftSave my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.Save panelSave site, content, and template changesSave your changes.SavedSaved.SavingSaving failed.Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this page.Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this post.Saving revision…Saving your changes will change your active theme from %1$s to %2$s.Saving...Saving…ScaleScale ImageScale Image HelpScale down the content to fit the space if it is too big. Content that is too small will have additional padding.Scale images to match the large size selected in %1$simage options%2$s (%3$d × %4$d).Scale option for Image dimension controlContainScale option for Image dimension controlCoverScale option for Image dimension controlFillScale option for dimensions controlContainScale option for dimensions controlCoverScale option for dimensions controlFillScale option for dimensions controlNoneScale option for dimensions controlScale downScale the font size dynamically to fit the screen or viewport.Scale the image with a lightbox effect.Scales the image with a lightbox effectScheduleSchedule for: %sSchedule your customization changes to publish ("go live") at a future date.ScheduledScheduled (%s)Scheduled (%s)Scheduled eventsScheduled events are runningScheduled events are what periodically looks for updates to plugins, themes and WordPress itself. It is also what makes sure scheduled posts are published on time. It may also be used by various plugins to make sure that planned actions are executed.Scheduled for: %sScheduling failed.Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.ScoresbysundScrape key check failed. Please try again.Screen ContentScreen OptionsScreen Options TabScreen elementsScreen reader users: when in forms mode, you may need to press the Esc key twice.Scroll with PageScrollable sectionSearchSearch %sSearch AuthorsSearch CategoriesSearch ChangesetsSearch CommentsSearch Link CategoriesSearch LinksSearch MediaSearch Media:Search Menu ItemsSearch Navigation MenusSearch OpenverseSearch PagesSearch Pattern CategoriesSearch PatternsSearch PostsSearch RequestsSearch ResultsSearch Results %1$s %2$sSearch Results TitleSearch Results for “%s”Search SitesSearch TagsSearch Template PartsSearch TemplatesSearch TermsSearch UsersSearch WidgetsSearch WordPress.org themesSearch audioSearch commands and settingsSearch engine visibilitySearch engines discouragedSearch for a blockSearch for and add a link to your Navigation.Search for blocksSearch for blocks and patternsSearch for commandsSearch for patternsSearch for replacementsSearch imagesSearch in %sSearch installed themesSearch itemsSearch mediaSearch media items...Search or type URLSearch or use up and down arrow keys to select an item.Search pluginsSearch resultsSearch results for "%s"Search results for: "%s"Search results for: %sSearch results for: “search term”Search themesSearch videosSearch widgetSearchSeasonalSecondary menuSections whose purpose is to trigger a specific action.Secure communicationSecurely communicating between servers are needed for transactions such as fetching files, conducting sales on store sites, and much more.SecuritySecurity check failed.Security error.Security.See how changes would look live on your website, and share the preview with people who can't access the Customizer.SelectSelect %sSelect AM or PMSelect AllSelect CategorySelect DaySelect FilesSelect ImageSelect Link Category:Select Menu:Select MonthSelect PostSelect Site IconSelect WeekSelect YearSelect a MenuSelect a Privacy Policy pageSelect a citySelect a menu to edit:Select a new itemSelect a page to editSelect a revisionSelect a userSelect a variation to start with:Select allSelect all text when typing. Press again to select all blocks.Select an area to move this widget into:Select an itemSelect and cropSelect audioSelect both the sidebar for this widget and the position of the widget in that sidebar.Select bulk actionSelect categorySelect commentSelect fileSelect font variants to install.Select heading levelSelect imageSelect image block.Select itemSelect item: %sSelect locationSelect logoSelect or Upload MediaSelect pageSelect parent block (%s)Select parent block: %sSelect postSelect poster imageSelect tagSelect text across multiple blocks.Select the avatar user to display, if it is blank it will use the post/page author.Select the items you want to save.Select the method to use for form submissions.Select the method to use for form submissions. Additional options for the "custom" mode can be found in the "Advanced" section.Select the size of the source image.Select the size of the source images.Select the type of content to display: posts, pages, or custom post types.Select unitSelect videoSelect what settings are shown in the document panel.Select what the new template should apply to:Select whether to create a single template for all items or a specific one.Select widgetSelect widget areaSelected blocks are grouped.Selected media actionsSelected menus have been successfully deleted.Selection shortcutsSelection:Send %s a link to reset their password. This will not change their password, nor will it force a change.Send RequestSend Reset LinkSend TrackbacksSend User NotificationSend emailSend export linkSend password resetSend personal data erasure confirmation email.Send personal data export confirmation email.Send the new user an email about their accountSend trackbacks to:Sending email...SeoulSeparate multiple URLs with spacesSeparate multiple classes with spaces.Separate pattern categories with commasSeparate tags with commasSeparate with commas or the Enter key.Separate with commas, spaces, or the Enter key.SeparatorSeptemberSeptember abbreviationSepSerbianSerialized widget form data to encode into instance settings.ServerServer addressServer architectureServer response time could not be determined. Verify that loopback requests are working.Server settingsServer versionSession TokensSession expiredSessionsSet New PasswordSet as Site IconSet as backgroundSet as headerSet custom min and max values for the fluid font size.Set custom sizeSet featured imageSet imageSet statusSet styles for the site’s background.Set the Posts Page title. Appears in search results, and when the page is shared on social media.Set the default number of posts to display on blog pages, including categories and tags. Some templates may override this setting.Set the designSet the page order.Set the width of the main content area.Setting does not exist or is unrecognized.Setting up your live preview. This may take a bit.SettingsSettings save failed.Settings saved and theme activated.Settings saved.Settings.Several boxes on this screen contain settings for how your content will be published, including:Severely outdated SQL serverShadowShadow %sShadow nameShadow stylesShadowsShanghaiShape the future of the web with WordPressShare Preview LinkShare a little biographical information to fill out your profile. This may be shown publicly.Share reviews and feedback about your brand/business.Sharing optionsShift + Alt + letter:Shift-click to edit this element.Shift-click to edit this widget.ShiprockShort for blue in RGBBShort for green in RGBGShort for red in RGBRShortcodeShortcode textShortlinkShowShow %sShow & Reload PageShow Artist Name in TracklistShow AvatarsShow ImagesShow Link DescriptionShow Link ImageShow Link NameShow Link RatingShow Toolbar when viewing siteShow TracklistShow Video ListShow advanced menu propertiesShow and hide the admin user interfaceShow archive type in titleShow arrowShow avatarShow bioShow block breadcrumbsShow block toolsShow button text labelsShow commentsShow comments countShow detailsShow download buttonShow empty termsShow header text with your image.Show hierarchyShow icon buttonShow inline embedShow invisible charactersShow labelShow label textShow like and sharing buttons onMediaShow like and sharing buttons onPagesShow like and sharing buttons onPostsShow link on new lineShow media on leftShow media on rightShow more commentsShow more detailsShow most used blocksShow next themeShow on frontShow only top level termsShow passwordShow post countsShow post titleShow previous themeShow search term in titleShow starter patternsShow tag countsShow templateShow textShow text instead of icons on buttons across the interface.Show:Showcase your latest work.Showing details for theme: %sShowing large initial letter.Shows starter patterns when creating a new page.Shows whether WordPress is able to write to the directories it needs access to.ShuffleSidebarSidebar %dSign upSilverSimferopolSingaporeSingle item: %1$s (%2$s)Single item: %sSiteSite %dSite Address (URL)Site AdminSite EditorSite HealthSite HealthInfoSite HealthStatusSite Health %sSite Health - %sSite Health InfoSite Health StatusSite IDSite ID must not be empty.Site IconSite Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps. To use a custom icon that is different from your site logo, use the Site Icon settings.Site IdentitySite LanguageSite Name: %sSite PreviewSite TaglineSite Tagline placeholderSite TitleSite Title placeholderSite URLSite URL.Site URLs could not be switched to HTTPS.Site URLs switched to HTTPS.Site Upload Space QuotaSite countSite does not exist.Site domain must not be empty.Site health checks will automatically run periodically to gather information about your site. You can also visit the Site Health screen to gather information about your site now.Site iconSite icon.Site logo.Site name must be at least %s character.Site name must be at least %s characters.Site names can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.Site network ID must be provided.Site path must not be empty.Site tagline textSite tagline.Site title textSite title.Site updated.Site visibilitySite with the ID does not exist.Site: %sSitesSitkaSix.SizeSize in megabytesSize of a UI elementExtra LargeSize of a UI elementLargeSize of a UI elementMediumSize of a UI elementNoneSize of a UI elementSmallSize option for background image controlContainSize option for background image controlCoverSize option for background image controlTileSkipSkip Confirmation EmailSkip Cropping, Publish Image as IsSkip croppingSkip to EditorSkip to contentSkip to main contentSkip to the selected blockSkip to toolbarSkopjeSlovakSlovenianSlow down cowboy, no need to check for new mails so often!SlugSlug automatically generated from the post title.SmallSmall screensSmall viewport height (svh)Small viewport largest dimension (svmax)Small viewport smallest dimension (svmin)Small viewport width (svw)Small viewport width or height (svb)Small viewport width or height (svi)Smallest sizeSocial IconSofiaSoftware NameSolidSome HTML tags are not permitted, including:Some data that describes the error your site encountered has been put together.Some errors occurred while deleting the items: %sSome errors occurred while moving the items to the trash: %sSome errors occurred while permanently deleting the items: %sSome errors occurred while restoring the posts: %sSome errors occurred while reverting the items: %sSome files are not writable by WordPress:Some of the %1$s %2$s values are invalidSome of the theme.json settings.spacing.spacingScale values are invalidSome required plugins are missing or inactive.Some screen elements can be shown or hidden by using the checkboxes.Some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple images displayed, select the one you would like and click the “Save Changes” button.SomeoneSomeone else has taken over this postSomeone has requested a password reset for the following account:Something went wrong.Sorry, comments are closed for this item.Sorry, comments are not allowed for this item.Sorry, deleting the term failed.Sorry, editing the term failed.Sorry, marking a user as spam is only supported on Multisite.Sorry, no such page.Sorry, no such post.Sorry, one of the given taxonomies is not supported by the post type.Sorry, replies to unapproved comments are not allowed.Sorry, revisions are disabled.Sorry, site names must have letters too!Sorry, something went wrong. The requested comparison could not be loaded.Sorry, that email address is already used!Sorry, that email address is not allowed!Sorry, that site already exists!Sorry, that site is reserved!Sorry, that username already exists!Sorry, that username is not allowed.Sorry, the category could not be created.Sorry, the comment could not be updated.Sorry, the link you clicked is stale. Please select another option.Sorry, the post could not be created.Sorry, the post could not be deleted.Sorry, the post could not be updated.Sorry, the term could not be created.Sorry, the user could not be updated.Sorry, the video at the supplied URL cannot be loaded. Please check that the URL is for a supported video file (%s) or stream (e.g. YouTube and Vimeo).Sorry, this content could not be embedded.Sorry, this method is not supported.Sorry, trackbacks are closed for this item.Sorry, usernames must have letters too!Sorry, you are not allowed to access details about this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to access details of this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to access font collections.Sorry, you are not allowed to access font faces.Sorry, you are not allowed to access font families.Sorry, you are not allowed to access site health information.Sorry, you are not allowed to access the global styles on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to access the templates on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to access this font face.Sorry, you are not allowed to access this font family.Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.Sorry, you are not allowed to access user data on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to activate plugins on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to activate plugins.Sorry, you are not allowed to activate this plugin.Sorry, you are not allowed to add a category.Sorry, you are not allowed to add a term to one of the given taxonomies.Sorry, you are not allowed to add links to this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to add users to this network.Sorry, you are not allowed to assign a term to one of the given taxonomies.Sorry, you are not allowed to assign terms in this taxonomy.Sorry, you are not allowed to assign the provided terms.Sorry, you are not allowed to assign this term.Sorry, you are not allowed to attach files to this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to browse the block directory.Sorry, you are not allowed to browse the local block pattern directory.Sorry, you are not allowed to change the comment type.Sorry, you are not allowed to change the page author as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to change the post author as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to comment on this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to create Navigation Menus as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to create a comment on this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to create application passwords for this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to create new users.Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to create password protected posts in this post type.Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts or drafts on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to create private posts in this post type.Sorry, you are not allowed to create terms in this taxonomy.Sorry, you are not allowed to create this comment without a post.Sorry, you are not allowed to create users.Sorry, you are not allowed to customize headers.Sorry, you are not allowed to customize this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to deactivate this plugin.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete application passwords for this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete plugins for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete revisions of this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete that user.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete these items.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this application password.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this category.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this comment.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this item.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this page.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this revision.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this term.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete users.Sorry, you are not allowed to disable themes automatic updates.Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit '%s' for comments.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit Navigation Menus as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit comments on this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit comments.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit roles of this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit terms in this taxonomy.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the %s custom field.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit theme options on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this application password.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this changeset.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this comment.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this global style.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this item.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this page.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this term.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit users.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit your profile.Sorry, you are not allowed to enable themes automatic updates.Sorry, you are not allowed to erase personal data on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to export personal data on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to export templates and template parts.Sorry, you are not allowed to export the content of this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to filter users by capability.Sorry, you are not allowed to filter users by role.Sorry, you are not allowed to give users that role.Sorry, you are not allowed to import content into this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to install themes on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to list application passwords for this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to list users.Sorry, you are not allowed to make posts sticky.Sorry, you are not allowed to make proxied oEmbed requests.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage application passwords for this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage block types.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage network plugins.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage options for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage plugins for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage post statuses.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage privacy options on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage terms in this taxonomy.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage this plugin.Sorry, you are not allowed to manage widgets on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to moderate or edit this comment.Sorry, you are not allowed to modify plugins.Sorry, you are not allowed to modify themes.Sorry, you are not allowed to modify unregistered settings for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to move this item to the Trash.Sorry, you are not allowed to order users by this parameter.Sorry, you are not allowed to perform this action.Sorry, you are not allowed to post on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to preview drafts.Sorry, you are not allowed to process remote URLs.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish pages on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish posts in this post type.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish posts on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this page.Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to query users by this parameter.Sorry, you are not allowed to read blocks as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to read blocks of this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to read comments without a post.Sorry, you are not allowed to read the post for this comment.Sorry, you are not allowed to read this application password.Sorry, you are not allowed to read this comment.Sorry, you are not allowed to remove users.Sorry, you are not allowed to restore this item from the Trash.Sorry, you are not allowed to resume this theme.Sorry, you are not allowed to take over.Sorry, you are not allowed to update options.Sorry, you are not allowed to update plugins for this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to update posts as this user.Sorry, you are not allowed to update this site to HTTPS.Sorry, you are not allowed to upload files.Sorry, you are not allowed to upload media on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to upload media to this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.Sorry, you are not allowed to view autosaves of this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to view menu items.Sorry, you are not allowed to view menu locations.Sorry, you are not allowed to view menus.Sorry, you are not allowed to view revisions of this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to view terms for this post.Sorry, you are not allowed to view the active theme.Sorry, you are not allowed to view the registered block pattern categories.Sorry, you are not allowed to view the registered block patterns.Sorry, you are not allowed to view themes.Sorry, you are not allowed to view this global style.Sorry, you are not allowed to view this item.Sorry, you cannot preview new themes when you have changes scheduled or saved as a draft. Please publish your changes, or wait until they publish to preview new themes.Sorry, you cannot stick a private post.Sorry, you have used your space allocation of %s. Please delete some files to upload more files.Sorry, you may not use that site name.Sorry, you must be able to edit posts on this site in order to view categories.Sorry, you must be able to edit posts on this site in order to view tags.Sorry, you must be logged in to comment.Sorry, you must be logged in to reply to a comment.Sort Order:Sort ascendingSort ascending.Sort bySort by:Sort collection by comment attribute.Sort collection by object attribute.Sort collection by post attribute.Sort collection by term attribute.Sort collection by user attribute.Sort descendingSort descending.Sorting and filteringSourceSource codeSource languageSource of a customized templateSource of templateSource:Source: %sSouthSouth GeorgiaSouth PoleSpace between itemsSpacingSpacing controlSpamSpam it: %sSpanishSpecial characterSpecified file failed upload test.Specify a fixed height.Specify a fixed width.Specify how many links can appear before and after the current page number. Links to the first, current and last page are always visible.Split table cellSpotlight modeSpotlight mode activatedSpotlight mode deactivatedSpotlight off.Spotlight on.SpreadSpreadsheet (%s)Spreadsheets (%s)SpreadsheetsSquareSrednekolymskSt BarthelemySt HelenaSt JohnsSt KittsSt LuciaSt ThomasSt VincentStackStack on mobileStandardStandard time begins on: %s.StanleyStart CustomizingStart adding Heading blocks to create a table of contents. Headings with HTML anchors will be linked here.Start blankStart date:Start emptyStart valueStart writing or type / to choose a blockStart writing with text or HTMLStarting Coordinates:State of the comment.StatusStatus & visibilityStatus is forbidden.Status of sidebar.Status of template.Status:Stick this post to the front pageStickySticky PostSticky postsSticky posts always appear first, regardless of their publish date.StockholmStorage SpaceStore uploads in this folderStrength indicatorStretch itemsStretch to fill available space.StrikethroughStrikethrough the selected text.StripeStructure for Navigation Menu: %sStyleStyle BookStyle RevisionsStyle VariationsStyle revisionsStylesStylesheet is missing.Stylesheet is not readable.Sub-directory InstallationSub-domain InstallationSubjectSubmenu & overlay backgroundSubmenu & overlay textSubmenusSubmission error notificationSubmission success notificationSubmissions methodSubmitSubmit ReplySubmit SearchSubmit for ReviewSubmitted onSubmitted on: %sSubscribers can read comments/comment/receive newsletters, etc. but cannot create regular site content.SubscriptSubtitlesSuccess message for form submissions.Success!SuffixSuggested height is %s.Suggested image dimensions: %1$s by %2$s pixels.Suggested text:Suggested width is %s.Suggestion:SuggestionsSuggestions listSummarySunSundaySunday initialSSuperscriptSupportSuspendisse commodo neque lacus, a dictum orci interdum et.SwahiliSwap templateSwedishSwift CurrentSwitch between visual editor and code editor.Switch to '%s'Switch to draftSwitch to editable modeSwitch up your site’s look & feel with StylesSydneySync statusSync this pattern across multiple locations.Synced pattern created: %sSyndication feeds show the most recentSyntax HighlightingSyowaTableTable caption textTable cell propertiesTable of ContentsTable ordered by Author.Table ordered by Comment Author.Table ordered by Comments.Table ordered by Date.Table ordered by Description.Table ordered by E-mail.Table ordered by File Name.Table ordered by Hierarchical Menu Order and Title.Table ordered by Last Updated.Table ordered by Links.Table ordered by Name.Table ordered by Post Replied To.Table ordered by Posts Count.Table ordered by Rating.Table ordered by Site Domain Name.Table ordered by Site Path.Table ordered by Site Registered Date.Table ordered by Slug.Table ordered by Theme Name.Table ordered by Title.Table ordered by URL.Table ordered by Uploaded To.Table ordered by User Registered Date.Table ordered by Username.Table ordered by Visibility.Table ordered hierarchically.Table propertiesTable row propertiesTabletTagTag CloudTag added.Tag deleted.Tag not added.Tag not updated.Tag updated.TagalogTaglineTagsTags can be selectively converted to categories using the tag to category converter.Tags deleted.Tags help users and search engines navigate your site and find your content. Add a few keywords to describe your post.Tags indicating styles and features of the theme.Tags listTags list navigationTags:Tags: TahitiTaipeiTake a look at the %1$d item on the Site Health screen.Take a look at the %1$d items on the Site Health screen.Take overTalk to your web host about OpenSSL support for PHP.Talk to your web host about supporting HTTPS for your website.TallinnTanTap or hover on any theme then click the Live Preview button to see a live preview of that theme and change theme options in a separate, full-screen view. You can also find a Live Preview button at the bottom of the theme details screen. Any installed theme can be previewed and customized in this way.TarawaTargetTashkentTasmaniaTaxonomiesTaxonomies associated with post type.TaxonomyTaxonomy names must be between 1 and 32 characters in length.Taxonomy:TbilisiTegucigalpaTehranTel AvivTelephone InputTell CityTemplateTemplate "%s" is already registered.Template "%s" is not registered.Template EditingTemplate PartTemplate Part "%s" inserted.Template Part "%s" updated.Template Part AreaTemplate Part AreasTemplate PartsTemplate archivesTemplate for %sTemplate is missing. Standalone themes need to have a %1$s or %2$s template file. Child themes need to have a %4$s header in the %5$s stylesheet.Template nameAll ArchivesTemplate nameAuthor ArchivesTemplate nameBlog HomeTemplate nameCategory ArchivesTemplate nameDate ArchivesTemplate nameFront PageTemplate nameIndexTemplate namePage: 404Template namePagesTemplate nameSearch ResultsTemplate nameSingle EntriesTemplate nameSingle PostsTemplate nameTag ArchivesTemplate nameTaxonomyTemplate names must be strings.Template names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin//my-custom-templateTemplate names must not contain uppercase characters.Template optionsTemplate partTemplate part archivesTemplate part created.Template part has been deleted or is unavailable: %sTemplate part updated.Template partsTemplate parts listTemplate parts list navigationTemplate parts to include in your templates.Template reset.Template revert failed. Please reload.Template updated.TemplatesTemplates based on theme files can't be removed.Templates define the way content is displayed when viewing your site.Templates help define the layout of the site. You can customize all aspects of your posts and pages using blocks and patterns in this editor.Templates listTemplates list navigationTemplates to include in your theme.Temporarily unlock the parent block to edit, delete or make further changes to this block.TermTerm DescriptionTerm ID ListTerm ID Taxonomy QueryTerm ID is shared between multiple taxonomiesTerm IDs.Term does not exist.Term items not found.Term meta cannot be added to terms that are shared between taxonomies.TermsTerms ListTerms do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete.TextText ColorText InputText alignmentText colorText directionText for the title attribute of the link element for this menu item.Text formattingText labelling a interface as controlling a given layout property (eg: margin) for a given screen size.Controls the %1$s property for %2$s viewports.Text to displayText tracksTextarea InputThaiThank you for creating with WordPress.Thank you for using %s, your site has been deleted. Happy trails to you until we meet again.Thank you. Please check your email for a link to confirm your action. Your site will not be deleted until this link is clicked.Thanks for confirming your erasure request.Thanks for confirming your export request.That audio file cannot be found. Check your media library and make sure it was not deleted.That email address has already been used. Please check your inbox for an activation email. It will become available in a couple of days if you do nothing.That file cannot be found. Check your media library and make sure it was not deleted.That image cannot be found. Check your media library and make sure it was not deleted.That might be a simple arrangement like consecutive paragraphs in a blog post, or a more elaborate composition that includes image galleries, videos, tables, columns, and any other block types.That name is not allowed.That site is currently reserved but may be available in a couple days.That user could not be added to this site.That user does not exist.That user is already a member of this site.That username is already activated.That username is currently reserved but may be available in a couple of days.That video cannot be found. Check your media library and make sure it was not deleted.That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing.The "%1$s" taxonomy "%2$s" property (%3$s) conflicts with an existing property on the REST API Posts Controller. Specify a custom "rest_base" when registering the taxonomy to avoid this error.The "%1$s" value is smaller than "%2$s"The "%s" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.The "%s" must be a callable function.The "%s" options group has been removed. Use another settings group.The "%s" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered.The "%s" theme is not a valid parent theme.The "get_value_callback" parameter must be a valid callback.The "type" schema keyword for %1$s can only be one of the built-in types: %2$l.The "type" schema keyword for %1$s can only contain the built-in types: %2$l.The "type" schema keyword for %s is required.The "uses_context" parameter must be an array.The $source_properties array contains invalid properties.The $source_properties must contain a "get_value_callback".The $source_properties must contain a "label".The %1$s and %2$s directories exist but are not writable. These directories are used to improve the stability of plugin updates. Please make sure the server has write permissions to these directories.The %1$s argument must be a non-empty string for %2$s.The %1$s constant is defined as %2$sThe %1$s directive in %2$s determines if uploading files is allowed on your site.The %1$s directory does not exist, and the server does not have write permissions in %2$s to create it. This directory is used for plugin and theme updates. Please make sure the server has write permissions in %2$s.The %1$s filter must return an integer value greater than 0.The %1$s parameter must be an array. To pass arbitrary data to scripts, use the %2$s function instead.The %1$s plugin header is deprecated. Use %2$s instead.The %1$s setting is unregistered. Unregistered settings are deprecated. See documentation on the Settings API.The %1$s, %2$s, and %3$s values can be edited to set the video track language and kind.The %s argument must be a string or a string array.The %s argument must be an array.The %s constant is no longer supported.The %s directory cannot be located.The %s directory exists but is not writable. This directory is used for plugin and theme updates. Please make sure the server has write permissions to this directory.The %s directory exists but is not writable. This directory is used to improve the stability of plugin and theme updates. Please make sure the server has write permissions to this directory.The %s directory exists but is not writable. This directory is used to improve the stability of plugin updates. Please make sure the server has write permissions to this directory.The %s directory exists but is not writable. This directory is used to improve the stability of theme updates. Please make sure the server has write permissions to this directory.The %s directory used to improve the stability of plugin and theme updates is writable.The %s filter is enabled.The %s function has been disabled, some media settings are unavailable because of this.The %s importer is invalid or is not installed.The %s key must be a string without spaces.The %s post meta must be an array.The %s property has an invalid stored value, and cannot be updated to null.The %s stylesheet does not contain a valid theme header.The %s table is not installed. Please run the network database upgrade.The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.The
element should represent a self-contained, syndicatable portion of the document.The